Download - APPROVED - Network of Care · Wellness . 1) Continue education for staff about importance of balanced life and attention to improving health and wellbeing Sukrachan, Thai Schmeding,

Page 1: APPROVED - Network of Care · Wellness . 1) Continue education for staff about importance of balanced life and attention to improving health and wellbeing Sukrachan, Thai Schmeding,

Area Plan 2016-2020 Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego


A. AIS Strategic Plan FY 16/17

B. AIS Disaster Plan – COOP ANNEX



Page 2: APPROVED - Network of Care · Wellness . 1) Continue education for staff about importance of balanced life and attention to improving health and wellbeing Sukrachan, Thai Schmeding,

Priority areas for external communication are displayed in lavender font. 1

AIS Strategic Plan FY 16/17 (draft)

Last updated 3/25/16



Enhance Strengths-based Initiative

1) Hold regular leadership and all-staff meetings

Sukrachan, Thai Schmeding, Ellen

Ongoing Improving The Culture From Within

2) Ensure all new employees receive orientation and Strengths Based book

All Managers Tripp, Justin

Improving The Culture From Within

Focus on 5 Dimensions of Wellness

1) Continue education for staff about importance of balanced life and attention to improving health and wellbeing

Sukrachan, Thai Schmeding, Ellen

Ongoing Improving The Culture From Within

2) Seek feedback from staff on how AIS can support the 5 dimensions of wellness and establish a support plan

Sukrachan, Thai Schmeding, Ellen

Ongoing Improving The Culture From Within

3) Highlight LW for ourselves in Lunch & Learns

Schmeding, Ellen

Improving The Culture From Within

Increase employee engagement

1) Development Plans for all staff and ongoing discussion around 12 Qs and employee strengths

All Ongoing Improving The Culture From Within

2) Manager/Team Dialogues Schmeding, Ellen Ongoing Improving The Culture From Within

3) Employee webinars (Ellen and team) Schmeding, Ellen Ongoing Improving The Culture From Within

4) Continue to recognize outstanding performance

Ongoing Improving The Culture From Within

Pursue Leadership Development

1) Implement 12 Qs in Action Leadership Academy

Sukrachan, Thai

In Progress Improving The Culture From Within

2) Continue to implement Leadership Development Plan

In Progress Improving The Culture From Within APPROVED

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Priority areas for external communication are displayed in lavender font. 2



Continue Community Based Care Transitions UPDATE THESE GOALS

1) Reduce re-hospitalizations by 20% within two years

Smith, Kristen In Progress CCTP Program Agreement through June 30, 2016

Building a Better Service Delivery System

2) Identify method to ensure CCTP sustainability

Smith, Kristen By 6/30/16 Building a Better Service Delivery System

Continue Legacy Corp 1) Fill all respite and client slots in FY 16-17

Garcia, Nancy Dare, Martin Rollins, Brian

Building a Better Service Delivery System

Continue and enhance the Coordinated Care Initiative

1) Revamp the services provided by IHSS & MSSP to be more responsive to managed health care plans

Ramirez, Lourdes Castillon, Carol Sellers, Mark

In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System

2) Identify other AIS services to deliver

on behalf of health plans and other entities (care transitions, case management, MSSP-like services, increased IHSS hours, ADRC brokerage) and review Universal Assessment pilot opportunity

Smith, Kristen In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System

3) Form partnerships with new entities to improve care-coordination and person-centered services for older adults and persons with disabilities

Smith, Kristen In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System

4) Using results from the LTSS Brokerage Design Group, examine internal AIS ability to offer these services

Smith, Kristen Sherrill, Renée Lim, Jenel

In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System


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Maintain Veteran’s Directed Home and Community Based Service (VISA) program

1) Continue to provide services to a minimum of 30 clients

Castillon, Carol Completed-

Building a Better Service Delivery System

Implement the Thriving Initiative

1) AIS is the lead for one of the Housing components for thriving.

Ellen Schmeding Floyd Willis

Ongoing Thriving/Building a Better Service Delivery System.


Address isolation and stability of older adults/persons with disabilities

1) Utilize technology solutions to link older adults to society

Jackson, Sally Ongoing Building a Better Service Delivery System

Ensure congregate and home delivered meals focus on those most vulnerable

1) Enhance contracting process to focus funding on areas where need is greatest

Sukrachan, Thai Ongoing Building a Better Service Delivery System

2) Complete Customer Satisfaction for Nutrition Contracts

Sukrachan, Thai In Progress 2nd QTR Building a Better Service Delivery System

Implement the RCFE Rating System

1) Initiate a contracted pilot program with volunteer facilities during FY 15-16 & 16-17and expand for all facilities

Schmeding, Ellen Sellers, Mark Willis, Floyd

In progress.

Spring 2017. Building a Better Service Delivery System, Pursing Policy & Environmental Change

Implement recommendations from Alzheimer’s Project

1) Identify recommendations that can be implemented now by AIS and initiate action

Schmeding, Ellen Sellers, Mark

In progress.

Ongoing Building a Better Service Delivery System

2) Initiate planning to become a Dementia-Friendly community

Schmeding, Ellen Sellers, Mark

Increase awareness about reporting abuse

1) Educate mandated reporters on elder abuse and ability to report on-line and by phone (4,000/year)

Alire, Chris Garcia, Nancy Kuykendall, Anabel Goldstein, Loren

In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System


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2) Pursue media campaign to educate public on elder/dependent adult abuse

Jackson, Sally In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System

Integrate older adult safety net programs to enhance service delivery for vulnerable older adults and people with disabilities

1) Expand and revitalize Project CARE Garcia, Nancy

In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System

2) Educate AIS staff about Project Care services

Garcia, Nancy

Building a Better Service Delivery System

3) Utilize Legacy Corps volunteers to make RUOK calls

Garcia, Nancy Dare, Martin

Building a Better Service Delivery System

4) Work with BHS to improve service delivery for older adults via multidisciplinary teams

Schmeding, Ellen Underway Ongoing Building a Better Service Delivery System

5) Continue to work with health plans on interdisciplinary care teams for older adults

Sellers, Mark Carol Castillon

Building a Better Service Delivery System

Protect from abuse/neglect through stronger coordination

1) Host Elder/Dependent Adult Death Review Team to examine ways to improve coordination – complete updated report of results

Alire, Chris In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System

2) Continue implementing Vulnerable Adult Protocol in conjunction with key partners (Regional Center, CWS)

Alire, Chris

In Progress

Building a Better Service Delivery System

3) Develop and implement a High Risk Dementia Protocol in conjunction with key partners

Alire, Chris In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System

Use Medical Examiner data / Elder Death Review

1) Continue daily review of elder deaths to cross-reference with APS records to identify suspicious deaths

Alire, Chris In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System

Increase number of older adult clients served with Pro-Active Case

1) Continue Implementation and promotion of the “Promoting Independence and Choice” (PIC)

Cordice, Sharon In Progress On Going Building a Better Service Delivery System


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Priority areas for external communication are displayed in lavender font. 5


Management Services from 55 to 70 by June 2017

Program (also addresses transportation and housing)

Meet the Ombudsman program performance measures

1) 100% of SNFs and 90% of RCFE to receive quarterly visit. Increase in volunteers to 120

Ramirez, Lourdes In Progress Building a Better Service Delivery System

Strengthen financial status of older adults

1) Leverage existing materials and distribute these to the community (e.g. SDIC Consumer Protection materials)

Jackson, Sally Building a Better Service Delivery System

2) Encourage OASIS and the community college district to offer more classes addressing financial planning

Jackson, Sally

Building a Better Service Delivery System

Strengthen life planning for older adults

1) Add an advance directive form to Vial of Life sleeves by working with a team to develop a form that meets the needs of most older adults

Garcia, Nancy Building a Better Service Delivery System

2) Increase knowledge and availability of resources and workshops pertaining to advance care planning by increasing publicity through County and community networks including libraries

Garcia, Nancy Building a Better Service Delivery System

3) Conduct outreach to promote AIS resources

Garcia, Nancy Ongoing Building a Better Service Delivery System

Continue to support electronic client record (ECR) case sharing

1) Continue ALEX participation in ConnectWellSD implementation

Sellers, Mark Alire, Chris Ramirez, Lourdes Castillon, Carol

Ongoing Building A Better Service Delivery System


Develop county-wide intergenerational strategy

1) Implement Safe Routes to School in regions

Garcia, Nancy Plimpton, Pam

In Progress Building A Better Service Delivery System, Pursuing Policy &


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Priority areas for external communication are displayed in lavender font. 6


Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

2) Continue Five & Fit Program and evaluate effectiveness

Garcia, Nancy Plimpton, Pam

Completed Building A Better Service Delivery System, Pursuing Policy & Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

3) Utilize program experts as trainers for team

Garcia, Nancy Plimpton, Pam

In Progress Building A Better Service Delivery System, Supporting Positive Choices

4) Continue expanding reach of MOM letter writing campaign

Garcia, Nancy Plimpton, Pam

Started 2014/15

Building A Better Service Delivery System, Supporting Positive Choices

Strengthen our role as a regional leader by engaging community to develop solutions

1) Identify Live Well SD Partners and joint initiatives to support

Garcia, Nancy Dare, Martin Smith, Kristen

In Progress Building A Better Service Delivery System, Pursuing Policy & Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

2) Serve as Regional Coalition for San Diego to engage community in transformation of Long Term Care Services & Supports

Smith, Kristen Building A Better Service Delivery System, Pursuing Policy & Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

3) Pursue Age-Friendly Community designation

Schmeding, Ellen Pursuing Policy & Environmental Changes

4) Pursue Dementia-Friendly Community designation

Schmeding, Ellen Pursuing Policy & Environmental Changes

Use data to improve services and drive innovation

1) Conduct Senior Nutrition Analysis with the Office of Business Intelligence

Sukrachan, Thai Building A Better Service Delivery System


Continue safety in the home/fall prevention

1) Expand Feeling Fit and Tai Chi and additional Fall Prevention efforts

Garcia, Nancy Smith, Kristen Carmody, Kari

In Progress Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices


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Priority areas for external communication are displayed in lavender font. 7


Expand Veterans Services throughout the county

1) Utilize libraries as one venue for outreach – develop plan for Vet Connect

Military & Veterans Affairs Officer, Wil Quintong

In Progress Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

2) Identify additional locations and establish other partnerships to serve Veterans population

Military & Veterans Affairs Officer, Wil Quintong

In Progress Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

Established the

Promote volunteer opportunities

1) Expand number served via RSVP and Intergenerational programs by 5%.

Garcia, Nancy Plimpton, Pam Hopkins, Linda

In Process Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

Utilize grant opportunities to enhance healthy aging

1) Initiate SNAP-Ed grant and other opportunities to educate older adults and persons with disabilities about nutrition and physical activity, and improve policy, systems, and environment (PSE) in communities to support healthy behaviors.

Brase, Donna Garcia, Nancy Smith, Kristen

In progress Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

2) Initiate diabetes component of Prevention grant in conjunction with Public Health

Nancy Garcia Kristen Smith

Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

Utilize contracting opportunities to enhance healthy aging

1) Conduct research project with SDSU to show the effect of the Feeling Fit program on reducing fall risk, improving physical and mental health, and improving ability to do ADL’s

Smith, Kristen Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

Expand evidence-based self-management and prevention programs

1) Conduct the Stanford Chronic Disease and Diabetes Self-Management programs and the CDC Diabetes Prevention Program, reaching at least 300 community members and identify way to bill for services

Smith, Kristen Supporting Positive Choices APPROVED

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Enhance person-centered and family-centered service

1) Perform client needs assessment and prepare recommendations for areas to integrate service delivery

Sherrill, Renée In Progress 6/30/15 Improving The Culture From Within

Implement the Trauma Informed Plan

1) Make use of ad hoc, patient-centered team decision--making

Make the Case for AIS Services (examine and prepare for AIS role in changing environment (where we fit, what we’ll be doing/not doing, and how we will be funded)

1) Analyze and make recommendations regarding program changes, service delivery and funding using change management regimen

Sherrill, Renée Not Started

6/30/15 Improving The Culture From Within

2) Continue seeking to document ROI

Promote employee knowledge and use of technology

1) Constant review of new and appropriate technology

Macedo, Vicki

In Progress Ongoing Building A Better Service Delivery System, Improving The Culture From Within

2) Provide training on new technology Macedo, Vicki In Progress Ongoing Building A Better Service Delivery System, Improving The Culture From Within

Promote nimble organizational practices

1) Budget, staffing and space plan to meet future needs

Schmeding, Ellen Sellers, Mark

Improving The Culture From Within

Ensure AIS’ work is outcome driven

1) Review current outcomes for AIS and determine those that need to be revisited/ replaced as well as needed new outcomes

Schmeding, Ellen Sherrill, Renée Smith, Kristen

In Progress Improving The Culture From Within

Carry message to the community about AIS

1) Identify partners, including media outreach, to tell our story (Clearchannel, Channel 1)

Jackson, Sally Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices


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2) Continue Director’s Updates to tell the story internally

Jackson, Sally Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices

3) Identify audiences and tailor messages Jackson, Sally Pursuing Policy and Environmental Changes, Supporting Positive Choices


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

AIS Disaster Plan - COOP Annex

Mission The County of San Diego’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) mission is to coordinate the

County’s planning for, response to, and recovery from disasters to ensure safe and livable

communities. OES is the lead agency in the Operational Area’s emergency response efforts, as

directed by California’s Emergency Plan 2009. OES promotes collaborative, community-based

planning and preparedness, where stakeholders from all sectors of society and emergency

management disciplines work together to ensure an effective response to an emergency. All

phases of emergency management are considered a shared responsibility of all stakeholders.

OES recognizes that effective emergency management in San Diego requires individuals,

community based organizations and businesses to offer services and support in time of


The mission of the County of San Diego’s Aging & Independence Services (AIS) is to be the

leader in advocacy, information & safety to foster dignity and enhance the quality of life for

seniors and persons with disabilities. As the federally designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA)

for San Diego, AIS must prepare for disasters and participate in disaster-assistance activities on

behalf of older adults and people with disabilities within our span of control.

Background and Purpose In 2006, AIS established a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and identified essential

functions which would be operational within 12 hours of an emergency or disaster and remain

operational for up to 30 days. The purpose of this annex is to delineate AIS’s mandated

responsibilities as an AAA. The Older Americans Act, California Code of Regulations, and

California Department of Aging (CDA) Standard Agreement require all AAAs to:

• Include in their Area Plans information on how they will coordinate activities and develop

long-range emergency preparedness plans with local and state emergency response

agencies, relief organizations, local and state governments, and any other institutions

that have responsibility for disaster relief service delivery.

• Identify and make contact with their local Office of Emergency Services (OES) to define

their respective roles and responsibilities. This contact shall include a discussion of the


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

types of clients served by the AAA and how their needs will be addressed by OES in the


• Annually or whenever a change occurs, provide the name of its Disaster Coordinator to

the CDA Disaster Coordinator.

• Assure that its Information and Assistance (I&A) providers have written disaster

procedures in place, and are trained at least annually on how to handle emergencies.

• Ensure that contracts for critical services for seniors include the requirement that they

must have a disaster plan.

AIS is required to support the emergency management community to ensure that the essential

disaster-related needs of older adults and people with disabilities are included in overall

community disaster planning. Further, AIS must document and report information to the

California Department of Aging (CDA) and OES about the impact of the disaster on clients, and

if possible, other older individuals, their family caregivers, and people with disabilities in San

Diego County.

As an AAA, the role of AIS is to: monitor, assess and identify disaster needs among older

adults; ensure the provision of services to meet needs; advocate that older adults receive the

disaster assistance they need for an effective recovery; assist in coordinating response among

agencies providing services to older adults to avoid duplication; and work with CDA, OES, and

FEMA to ensure disaster aid is easily accessible.

AIS Emergency/Disaster Preparedness Activities In 2006, AIS forged a partnership with the County’s Public Health Services (PHS) and OES to

address how the County will assure that the special needs of older adults and people with

disabilities are adequately met, during and following disaster events. To further address the

needs of the population served by AIS, a representative from AIS sits on the Care and Shelter

Subcommittee of the Unified Disaster Council. Since 2006, AIS, in collaboration with PHS and

OES, has provided input on the revision of Annex G, Care and Shelter Operations, of the

Operational Area Emergency Plan; hosted numerous community forums to gather input from

individuals, community based organizations and businesses about the needs of people with

access and functional needs, particularly related to transportation and sheltering; created and


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

distributed preparedness tools; provided numerous presentations about the partnership’s

emergency preparedness activities at local and statewide meetings and conferences; and

participated on many planning and community workgroups.

In 2008, AIS was instrumental in establishing the Strategic National Stockpile Alternative

Dispensing Plan: Special Needs, Vulnerable, and At-Risk Populations. The plan defines and

enumerates the special needs, vulnerable, and at-risk populations in the County of San Diego

for the purposes of emergency medication dispensing and addresses the overall strategy for

emergency distribution of medications to these populations following a large-scale public health


Additionally, AIS, PHS and OES worked closely with the California Department of Social

Services (CDSS) on the Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly Project to better meet the

needs of older adults and people with disabilities in a shelter. San Diego was one of ten

counties working on this pilot project. At the conclusion of the pilot, a tabletop exercise focused

on people with access and functional needs was held. AIS established the Vulnerable Adult

Shelter Assessment Teams (VASAT) as an outcome of this pilot project.

AIS will continue working in partnership with stakeholders on planning, preparedness, response

and recovery activities for older adults and people with disabilities. Activities will include but are

not limited to planning for personal assistance and support for people with access and functional

needs in a general population shelter; establishing protocols for deployment of specialized

assessment teams; and establishing roles, responsibilities, and resources for Special Needs

Population Coordinator Position in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

AIS Emergency/Disaster Response Activities AIS Vulnerable Adult Shelter Assessment Team (VASAT) During the 2007 Firestorm, many older adults and people with disabilities required sheltering in

emergency shelters that were established across the county. It was recognized during the

disaster that these emergency shelters lacked expertise in evaluating the specialized needs of

these populations. In response to the identified need, AIS established teams comprised of AIS


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

staff to assess the needs of older adults and people with disabilities in shelters and provide

these individuals with needed support and resources.

During a disaster, the County of San Diego Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Departmental

Operations Center (DOC) will deploy Disaster Response Assessment Teams (DRATs) to

emergency shelters. The DRATs will conduct quick assessments at all emergency shelters and

will identify shelters that house individuals from specialized populations that have unmet needs.

If DRAT identifies a need for specialized assistance for older adults and/or people with

disabilities in a shelter, VASAT will be deployed. Please reference the attached VASAT Disaster

Response Policy and Procedure Manual for program protocols and tools (Attachment A).

Confidentiality Requirements in an Emergency/Disaster During a disaster, protecting personal, sensitive, and confidential information from inappropriate

or unauthorized access, use or disclosure is essential. All AAAs are mandated to comply with

the privacy and security requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

(HIPAA), the California Public Records Act and CDA PM 07-18(P) Protection of Information


During disasters, AAAs and their providers may need to share client information with first

responders. HIPAA rules were never intended to prevent the delivery of healthcare services

during an emergency. Thus, the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will

not impose HIPAA compliance fines on providers during a disaster.

AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide Accessing information and resources timely is essential to support older adults and people with

disabilities during a disaster. To obtain information about using the Language Line to assist

Non-English speakers in need and phone numbers for critical services and resources, please

reference the attached AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide (Attachment B).

AIS Staff Roles during an Emergency/Disaster in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the HHSA Departmental Operations Center (DOC) AIS staff are assigned to both the County’s EOC and the HHSA DOC to support older adults

and people with disabilities during a disaster. The DOC responders ensure that AIS’ essential


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

functions are maintained for clients served by the Agency, while the focus of AIS staff in the

EOC is to ensure that County shelters are operational and meeting the needs of people with

access and functional needs.

Role of the Ombudsman The Ombudsman Program plays an important role in encouraging Long Term Care (LTC)

facilities to develop disaster plans and contingencies specific to the type of disaster and the

facility’s location, size, resident population, and special needs. They are the catalysts

assisting others to fulfill their responsibilities and ensure continuity of care to LTC residents.

During any emergency or disaster, the Ombudsman Program performs an essential function

for AIS. Ombudsman staff and volunteers will contact LTC facilities in affected areas to

ensure that residents are safe, and as able, conduct on-site visits to facilities in the affected

area to check on the well-being of the LTC residents. As resources are available, the

Ombudsman will establish a tracking database for those LTC residents who are relocated

from the affected area.

Role of AIS Contractors AIS cannot meet the needs of clients and other older individuals and their caregivers during a

disaster without support from contracted providers. AIS will work with contractors to assure that

they have a disaster plan and are prepared to assist those they serve. To obtain the operational

status and unmet needs of clients served by critical contracted service providers, the AIS

Contracts Unit will maintain information about those contractors including emergency contact

information for each service provider.

Procedures for Communication with CDA during an Emergency/Disaster AIS is required to advise the CDA AAA Disaster Preparedness Coordinator as soon as possible

via email, voicemail, or any other method that is available about the impact of an emergency or

disaster on clients, and if feasible, other affected older individuals and their caregivers within

San Diego County. To determine the unmet needs resulting from the disaster, the AIS Special

Populations Coordinator will:

• contact program managers daily to gather information about identified impacts on AIS

clients and LTC residents


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

• request that either the Contracts or Call Center staff contact nutrition and other essential

service contractors daily to obtain operational status

• obtain information throughout each day about the emergency or disaster including

disaster statistics through either WebEOC, the AIS Communications Manager or the

San Diego County Emergency Homepage at

Upon gathering information from sources identified above, the AIS Special Populations

Coordinator will submit the following information to CDA each day:

• An assessment of the scope of the disaster’s impact on older adults

• An overview of the impact the disaster has had on AIS programs and facilities, AIS

contractors, AIS clients (number impacted if known or best estimate,) and if possible,

other older adults in the affected area

• Disaster statistics, if available, including number of injuries, deaths, and number of

shelters in operation

• Identification of service gaps, unmet needs of AIS clients and if possible, other older

adults in the affected area

• Identification of critical issues that need to be addressed so that disrupted services can

be resumed

• An estimate of the amount and adequacy of assistance that will be necessary to

maintain older disaster victims over both the short and long term including unmet

equipment or supply needs

• Identification of additional services needed for affected service populations’ safety

The information that is provided by the AIS Special Populations Coordinator will be forwarded

by CDA to the following:

• California Health and Human Services Agency

• California Emergency Management Agency

• AoA Regional Office (for potentially federally-declared disasters only)

AIS Emergency/Disaster Recovery Activities


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

Following an emergency or disaster, additional services may be necessary to help older disaster

victims until they have recovered or no longer need assistance. To support recovery efforts, AIS


• Identify services that are needed

• Submit requests for funds from local and state resources

• Assist older victims as resources allow

• Advocate for disaster service continuity

Additionally, AIS will staff Local Assistance Centers (LAC) as requested by HHSA and provide

information about AIS and community programs and services to older adults, people with

disabilities, their families, caregivers and others. Each staff member assigned to the LAC will

complete the attached AIS Disaster Log (Attachment C) and submit it to the AIS Special

Populations Coordinator. The AIS Disaster Log documents the needs of those seeking

assistance in the following areas: food, housing, counseling, medical, legal, transportation and


Additional Resources

• CDA Disaster Assistance Handbook saved in the S:\AIS\Safety and Disaster

Response\COOP folder

• AIS COOP saved in the S:\AIS\Safety and Disaster Response\COOP folder

• List of critical contractors saved in the S:\AIS\Restricted Emergency Response folder

• Essential function staff and Ombudsman volunteer rosters saved in the

S:\AIS\Restricted Emergency Response folder


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09




Attachment B


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09



“How to” for conference calling………….….…...... Pg 3 “How to” for the language line………………...……Pg 4 First responders………………………………....…. Pg 5 - 7 Police - Fire - Ambulance Emergency Agencies………………….………..…. Pg 8 San Diego Water District Authority……………..… Pg 9-11 Emergency Food Resources………………..…….. Pg 12 - 17 Disability Resources……………………………..… Pg 18 - 21 Homeless Resources…………………….……….... Pg 22 - 23 Mental Health Resources…………………............. Pg 24 - 27 Miscellaneous Resources………………………..... Pg 28 - 31 Animal Assistance…………………………............. Pg 32 - 38 Emergency Preparedness Information Sites……. Pg 39 Resource Web Sites……………………………….. Pg 40 - 45 Index……………………………………………...….. Pg 46 - 49


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


How to Make a Conference Call

The Call Center Specialist should try to obtain the client’s name, address and phone number before making a conference call. The conference call should only be made if it would not result in upsetting the caller. The caller should be informed that a conference call will be attempted. Press the CONFERENCE BUTTON “CONF” on the phone pad, located under the red “HOLD” button. Dial “9” to get an outside phone line. When you hear a dial tone, DIAL THE PHONE NUMBER. Briefly explain the situation to the conference caller and inform them that you will connect the client to the call. To connect the client to the call, Press the CONFERENCE BUTTON “CONF”. When the call is completed, hang up as usual.


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


How to Use the Language Line

When receiving a call:

1. Press Conference to place the non-English speaker on hold. 2. Dial 9 + 1 (800) 874-9426 3. Press Zero and when the operator answers the call provide

Client ID: 501211 Personal Code: Your first and last name Request the language for translation

4. Press Conference again to connect the calls for three way 5. Estimate the minutes/units used from the time the translation begins to the

end of the call For APS calls only, document in the Notes page of the referral that the Language Line was used and that the call was entered in the POS Language Line Log. When done with the call: Log the call in the one of the two logs:

1. APS Language Line Log • Client name • Client # • Date • POS Description – APS referral • Service Provided - document the Language • Units - approximate minutes used

2. General Language Line Log • Client name • Client # • Date • POS Description – IHSS, I&A, CM • Service Provided - document the Language • Units - approximate minutes used


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


First Responders


ALPINE SHERIFF 858-565-5200 BORREGO SHERIFF 858-565-5200 BOULEVARD SHERIFF 858-565-5200 CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL 858-637-7158 CAMPO SHERIFF 858-565-5200 CARLSBAD POLICE 760-931-2197 CHULA VISTA POLICE 619-691-5151 CORONADO POLICE 619-522-7350 EL CAJON POLICE 619-579-3311 ENCINITAS SHERIFF 858-565-5200 ESCONDIDO POLICE 760-839-4722 FALL BROOK SHERIFF 858-565-5200 IMPERIAL BEACH SHERIFF 858-565-5200 JACUMBA SHERIFF 858-565-5200 JULIAN SHERIFF 858-565-5200 LA MESA POLICE 619-469-6111 LEMON GROVE SHERIFF 858-565-5200 NATIONAL CITY POLICE 619-336-4411 OCEANSIDE POLICE 760-435-4911 PINE VALLEY SHERIFF 858-565-5200 POWAY SHERIFF 858-565-5200 RAMONA SHERIFF 858-565-5200 RANCHITA SHERIFF 858-565-5200 SAN MARCOS SHERIFF 858-565-5200 SANTEE SHERIFF 858-565-5200 SOLANA BEACH SHERIFF 858-565-5200 TECATE SHERIFF 858-565-5200 VALLEY CENTER SHERIFF 858-565-5200 VISTA SHERIFF 858-565-5200 WARNER SPRINGS SHERIFF 858-565-5200


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09



Alpine Fire Protection district


Carlsbad 1-858-756-3006 Chula Vista 1-619-476-2322 Coronado 1-619-522-7374 Del Mar 1-858-755-1522 El Cajon 1-619-441-1600 Encinitas 1-760-633-2800 Escondido 1-760-839-4422 Imperial Beach 1-619-423-8223 La Mesa 1-619-667-1355 Lemon Grove 1-619-825-3835 National City 1-619-336-4550 Oceanside 1-760-435-4100 Pine Valley 1-619-473-8445 Poway 1-858-668-4468 San Diego 1-619-533-4300 San Marcos 1-760-744-1050 Santee 1-619-258-4100 Solana Beach 1-858-720-2410 Vista 1-760-643-2801 North County Inland Fire Departments 1-760-751-4393


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


San Diego County Ambulance Services American Medical Response SD 1-888-492-4900

1-858-492-8111 AmeriCare Ambulance 1-619-233-9723

1-858-627-9723 Balboa Ambulance 1-858-637-9128

1-619-295-1919 1-760-724-8181

Balboa Ambulance Services 1-858-672-2000 1-858-455-5251

Hartson Medical Services 1-858-492-8200 Medfleet Ambulance Service, Inc. 1-619-222-2244 Rural Metro Corp 1-619-280-6060 San Diego Medical Services SD 1-858-502-9945 Santa Fe Medical Transport 1-858-549-1045 Schaefer Ambulance SD 1-619-583-7714 Secure Transportation SD 1-858-623-9950

1-858-505-8600 Star Ambulance, Inc 1-858-455-7827


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Emergency Agencies

2 – 1 – 1 from cell phone 858-300-1211 SUICIDE INTERVENTION ACCESS LINE 619-557-0500 800-479-3339 Red Cross 858-309-1300 FEMA 858-309-1300 Poison Control 800-876-4766 Traffic Control 800-427-7623 Bomb Team 619-956-4980 Domestic Violence Hotline 888-385-4657 IHSS Public Authority 866-351-7722 SDG&E 800-411-7343 (gas leaks, downed wires, and service outages) Vector Surveillance and Control 858-694-2888 Environmental Health 858-694-2888 Household Hazardous Waste Hotline 877-713-2784 Center for Disease Control Hotline (CDC) English: 888-246-2657 Spanish: 888-246-2857 Structural Damage to buildings Call your insurance company to arrange for an inspection


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


San Diego Water District Authority Member Agency Address, Phone Number and Web Page Address

San Diego County Water Authority (858) 522-6600

Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92008, (760) 438-2722

Del Mar, City of 1050 Camino Del Mar Del Mar CA 92014 (858) 755-9313

Escondido, City of Utilities Division 201 N. Broadway, Escondido CA 92025 (760) 839-4880

Fallbrook Public Utility District P.O. Box 2290 Fallbrook CA 92088-2290 (760) 728-1125

Helix Water District 7811 University Avenue La Mesa CA 91941-4927 (619) 466-0585

Lakeside Water District 10375 Vine Street Lakeside, CA 92040 (619) 443-3805

National City (member of Sweetwater Authority)

City of Oceanside 300 N Coast Hwy Oceanside CA 92054 (760) 435-5800


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


San Diego Water District Authority, cont. Olivenhain Municipal Water District 1966 Olivenhain Road Encinitas CA 92024 (760) 753-6466

Otay Water District 2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd. Spring Valley CA 91977 (619) 670-2222

Padre Dam Municipal Water District P.O. Box 719003 Santee CA 92072 (619) 448-3111

Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base Water Resources, AC/S Facilities Marine Base Camp Pendleton, CA 92055 (760) 725-1061

City of Poway Public Services Department P.O. Box 789 Poway CA 92074-0789 (858) 748-6600

Rainbow Municipal Water District 3707 Old Highway 395 Fallbrook, CA 92028-2500 (760) 728-1178

Ramona Municipal Water District 105 Earlham Street Ramona CA 92065-1599 (760) 789-1330

Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District 1920 N. Iris Lane Escondido CA 92027 (760) 745-5522


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


San Diego Water District Authority cont. City of San Diego Water Department 600 B Street, Suite 1100 San Diego CA 92101 (619) 515-3500

San Dieguito Water District 505 S. Vulcan Avenue Encinitas CA 92024 (760) 633-2650

Santa Fe Irrigation District P.O. Box 409 Rancho Santa Fe CA 92067 (858) 756-2424

Sweetwater Authority (Also represents City of National City & South Bay Irrigation District) PO Box 2328 Chula Vista CA 91912-2328 (619) 420-1413

Vallecitos Water District 201 Vallecitos de Oro San Marcos, CA 92069-1453 (760) 744-0460

Valley Center Municipal Water District P.O. Box 67 Valley Center CA 92082 (760) 749-1600

Vista Irrigation District 1391 Engineer St. Vista CA 92081 (760) 597-3100

Yuima Municipal Water District P.O. Box 177 Pauma Valley CA 92061 (760) 742-3704


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Emergency Food Resources

2-1-1: The best general resource for food Catholic Charities (SD County) 619.231.2828 Salvation Army Family Services Dept

SD 619.231.6000, Oceanside 760.631.4712, Chula Vista 619.422.7027 Pine Valley 619.473.0165 El Cajon 619.440.4683

Western Service Workers Assoc. - SD - 619.238.9763 Food & Clothes Closet - Ramona - 760.789.4458 Community Food Bank of National City 619.477.6571 Community Resource Center 760.753.8300. (Anyone can receive services but they are located in Encinitas)

Crisis House 619.444.9926 (Anyone can receive services but they are located in El Cajon)

Good Neighbor Center 619.264.0368. (Anyone can receive services but they are located in Southeast SD)

Home Start 619.229.3660 emergency food and clothing. (Anyone can receive services but they are located in Mid-City SD)

Interfaith Community Services 760.489.6300. (Anyone can receive services but they are located in Escondido)

Jewish Family Services – SD - 858.637.3000

Lemon Grove Food Bank 619.466.0503 (Lemon Grove residents only) Spring Valley Food Pantry - 619.463.6629 (Spring Valley residents only)


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Emergency Food Resources, cont.

COMMODITIES GOLDENSHARE FOOD PROGRAM - 619.590.1692 Fax: 619.590.1695 Low cost food packages picked up locally by cl at drop off site. SAN DIEGO FOOD BANK - 858.527.1419, 866.350.3663 Emergency Food Assistance Program, Commodities Supplemental Program. ANGEL’S DEPOT - This nonprofit organization sponsored by the County provides Senior Food-for-a-Week Meal Boxes. These nutritious, nonperishable easily prepared foods are free to seniors living on $900 or less per month. The emergency food boxes are distributed through pre-qualified senior centers, churches, nonprofits assisting seniors and government agencies with social service or healthcare programs. The program is designed to provide food security for seniors who are awaiting their next Social Security or SSI check, coming when their food pantries might be at their lowest point. Since its creation in June 2006, the Angel’s Depot has provided more than 240,000 pounds of food. For more information, call (760) 599-7093 or email THE SENIOR GLEANERS, 619-582-2299, Anne Evans, will come to pick fruit for food banks. They don’t provide food directly to people. National Clearinghouse for food bank network HOME DELIVERED MEALS MAMA’S KITCHEN - delivers meals to homebound seriously ill individuals. 619.233.6262 (AGE LIMIT IS UNDER 60 UNLESS HIV +) MEALS ON WHEELS: Fee-for-service, Delivers to under 60 disabled, variety of diets and services available to clients: ALL INTAKES: 619-278-4018 OR 619-295-9501 Greater SD 619.260.6110 Metro San Diego (619) 295-9501East County (619) 447-8782 North County (760) 736-9900 South County (619) 420-2782


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Emergency Food Resources, cont. AIS CONTRACTED SENIOR NUTRITION CENTERS Underlining indicates home delivery available San Diego City Broadway Senior Community Center (9th & Broadway 92101) 619.235.6538 Beech St. Senior Center (3rd & Beech 92101) 619.235.6538 Horton House (3rd & G 92101) 619.235.6538 Our Lady of Angels Senior Nutrition (92102) 619.246.4771 Samahan Senior Center (29TH & Market, 92102) 619.234.1360 North Park Adult Center (92104) 619.284.1116 Mid-City Nutrition Center (92102, 92104, 92105, 92115, 92116) 858.505.3943 Live Well (Clairemont Friendship Senior Center) 5 sites 858.483.5100

Main site is in Clairemont (92117) Ocean Beach Recreation Center (92107) 858.483.5100 Pacific Beach Recreation Center (92109) 858.483.5100 Bayside Settlement House (92111) 858.483.5100 Mission Village Christian Church, Sera Mesa (92123)

Neighborhood House Senior Center (S/E SD, 92113) 619.263.2108 Paradise Senior Center (S/E SD, 92113) 619.235.1148 Martin Luther King Rec Center (S/E SD, 92113) 619.527.3416 College Avenue Senior Center (92115, 92119 & 92130) 619.583.3300 Jewish Family Services (Normal Heights, 92116) 619.563.5232 College Ave Senior Center 619.583.3300 Food Mobile delivers to disabled and has kosher diet (call for details) 619.229.2390 Samahan Mira Mesa Senior Center (92126) 858.578.7520 North County Inland Joslyn Senior Center (92025 Escondido) 760.839.4803 Fallbrook Senior Center (92028) 760.723.9282 Weingart Center (Poway, 92064) 858.748.6094 Vista Senior Nutrition Center (92083) 760.639.6160 San Marcos Senior Center (92069) 760.744.5535 North County Coastal Carlsbad Senior Center (92008) 760.602.4650 Encinitas Senior Center (92024) 760.943.2250 Oceanside Senior Center (92054) 760.435.5285


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Emergency Food Resources, cont.

South Bay Chula Vista Nutrition Center (91910, 91911, 91913, 91914, 91915) 619.498.0298 Otay Senior Nutrition (Chula Vista, 91911) 619.585.8617 Granger Ave. Senior Dining (91950) 619.336.6752 National City Nutrition Program (91950) 619.336.6752 St Charles Nutrition Center (Otay, 92154) 619.423.2877 San Ysidro Nutrition Program (92173) 619.428.5199

For home delivery 619.423.2877

East County Alpine Community Center (91910) 619.445.7330 La Mesa Senior Adult Center (91941) 619.464.0505 For home delivery 619.337.1425 Lemon Grove Senior Center (91945) 619.337.1425 Spring Valley Senior Center (91977) 619.479.1832 For home delivery 619.337.1425 Salvation Army El Cajon Nutrition Center (92021,92020,92019) 619.440.2457 x3 Lakeside Community Center (Lindo Lakes, 92040) 619.443.9176 Edgemoor Senior Center (Santee, 92071) temporarily serving from Lindo Lakes Lakeside Gardens (Salvation Army) (92040) 619.443.2150 Campo Kitchen (91906) 619.478.5109 Also serves Descanso, Dulzura, Pine Valley, Potrero Highlands Senior Center (Jacumba 91934) 619.766.4279 Borrego Springs Senior Center (92004) 760.767.3116 Julian Town Hall (92036) 760.765.3925 Ramona Senior Center (92065) 760.789.0440 Daily Dish, 619-231-1398 Optimal Nutrition, Inc., 858-202-0445 877-678-7897 Meals With Love 760.726.1225 home delivered in north county coastal areas. Special diets available. Susan’s Healthy Gourmet 858.456.1366 888.396.3257 Pala Band of Indians 760-591-0926. Donation, serves north inland Native American Reservations (Pala, Pauma, Rincon, La Jolla) and parts of Valley Center.


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Emergency Food Resources, cont.

FOOD STAMPS Information 858.514.6885, 866.262.9881 Message desks: 619.579.4355, 858.565.5598, and 760.741.4391 Important Links to Food Stamp Program Information California Department of Social Services – Food Stamp Home Page The page provides information on the application process for Food Stamps benefits, and eligibility and issuance requirements. Food Stamp Benefits Application Pre-Screen Eligibility Tool The tool is an estimate of eligibility for food stamp benefits. Even if the tool states that a family is not eligible for food stamp benefits, they should contact County of San Diego HHSA 1-866-262-9881 (the local welfare department) because they still may be eligible for food stamp benefits in California.


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Emergency Food Resources, cont.

WIC-Approved Certified Farmers’ Market (CFM) Locations

South County Chula Vista CFM Third Avenue & Center Street Thursdays/Jueves 3:00pm-6:00pm (7pm in summer) Bus Route/ruta del autobus 29

Horton Square CFM 225 Broadway & 2nd Street (on Broadway Circle) Thursdays/Jueves 11:00am-3:00pm (March – Oct 11) Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 7, 2, 992, 29

Coronado CFM First and B Streets (Old Ferry Landing) Tuesdays/Martes 2:30pm-6:00pm Bus Route/rutas del autobus 901 from Downtown San Diego exit at Orange and 3rd

La Mesa CFM 8300 Block of Allison Avenue & Palm Avenue Fridays/Viernes 3:00pm-6:00pm Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 7, 15, 855 or Orange Line Trolley – La Mesa Station

Downtown CFM 400 Block of Third Ave and J Street (Asian Bazaar) Sundays/Domingo 9:00am-1:00pm Bus Route/ruta del autobus 4 or Orange Line Trolley

Ocean Beach CFM 4900 Block of Newport Ave, west of Sunset Cliffs Blvd Wednesdays/Miércoles 4:00pm-8:00pm Bus Routes/rutas de autobus 35, 923

Hillcrest CFM Corner of Normal Street & Lincoln Ave/DMV Parking Lot Sundays/Domingo 9:00am-1:00pm Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 1, 15, 115, 11, 908

Pacific Beach CFM 4150 Mission Blvd (Promenade Mall) between Reed and Pacific Beach Drive Saturdays/Sábado 8:00am-12:00 noon Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 27, 34, 34A

North County Carlsbad Village CFM Roosevelt St between Carlsbad Village Dr & Grand Ave Wednesdays/Miércoles 2:00pm-5:00pm and Saturdays/Sábado 9:00am-1:00pm Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 321, 322

Rancho Bernardo 13330 Paseo Del Verano Norte (Bernardo Winery) Fridays/Viernes 9:00am-12:00noon Bus Route/ruta del autobus 20

Escondido CFM Grand Avenue between Broadway & Kalmia Street Tuesdays/Martes 2:30pm-6:00pm Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 351, 352 exit at Valley Pkwy & Broadway (other bus options: 381, 385, 307)

Solana Beach CFM 410 to 444 South Cedros Avenue at Rosa Street Sundays/Domingo 2:00pm-5:00pm Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 101, 308 or Coaster

Oceanside CFM Corner of Pier View Way & Coast Hwy 101 Thursdays/Jueves 9:00am-1:00pm Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 312, 316 exit at Civic Center and Coast Hwy or Mission and Coast Hwy

Temecula CFM Promenade Mall (across from Edwards Theatres) Winchester Road & Inez Road Wednesdays/Miércoles 9:00am-1:00pm Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 23, 24

Poway CFM Old Poway Park, Corner of Midland Rd & Temple Street Saturdays/Sábado 8:00am-12:00noon Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 844, 845

Temecula CFM 6th and Front Streets (Old Town Temecula) Saturdays/Sábado 8:00am-12:30pm Bus Routes/rutas del autobus 23, 24


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Disability Resources

Access 2 Independence (serves people with disabilities, has a number of programs and an extensive data base of resources) Hillcrest: 800.300.4326, 619.293.3500, No Co 760.643.0447

San Diego Regional Center (services for individuals with mental retardation or developmental delay) 858.576.2938

Rehabilitation Department, State of California: 619.767.2100 Services Include counseling and guidance, referrals, vocational testing, training services, job search and job placement assistance, diagnostic services, and transportation assistance. The agency serves any Californian with a disability. San Diego Community College District provides many services for people with disabilities such as the ABI (acquired brain injury) program at Mesa (see below). Therapeutic Recreation San Diego Park and Rec. Therapeutic Services 619.525.8247 A wide range of recreational services are available to persons with disabilities in San Diego County. San Diego Brain Injury Foundation 619.294.6541 Blind Community Center (recreation activities) 619.298.5021 Braille Institute of San Diego 858.452.1111 San Diego Center for the Blind 619.583.1542. San Diego Vista Center for the Blind 760.758.5956. San Diego Adaptive Sports Foundation Chula Vista Park and Rec Disabled Services: 619.409.5979.


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Disability Resources, cont.

YESS STROKE CLUB (Young Enthusiastic Stroke Survivors): 858.939.6762. This group meets bi-monthly as a support group for stroke survivors and their care givers. Many issues are discussed. County Veteran’s Service Office: 619.531.4545. A good referral if Eligibility for veteran’s benefits is in question. Deaf Community Services 619.398.2441. Has a variety of services including

interpreters. KPBS Radio Reading Service 619.594.8170 Volunteer readers Challenge Center 619.667.8644 Fitness center for the disabled Blue Curb Parking 619.533.3126 Handicapped parking spaces created on public streets) Traffic and Engineering Division. California Telephone Access Program: 800.806.1191 Spanish: 800.949.5650 Free phones and home evaluations for phones adapted to several different types of disabilities. State Disability Insurance 866.658.8846. Disabled Student Services on Campus CUYAMACA COLLEGE DSPS Phone: 660-4239 TTY: 660-4386 High Tech Center: 660-4299 GROSSMONT COLLEGE DSPS Phone: (619) 644-7112 TTY: (619) 644-7119 FAX: (619) 644-7980 PALOMAR COLLEGE DSPS Voice (760)744-1150 Extension 2375 TTY (760)471-8506 SAN DIEGO CITY COLLEGE DSPS Ph 619.388.3513. TTY 619.388.3313. Fx 619.388.3801 DSPS Office Location: A – 115 MESA COLLEGE DSPS 619.388.6983 Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Program 619-388-2780 619-388-2974 tty


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Disability Resources, cont.

SAN DIEGO MIRAMAR COLLEGE DSPS Phone: (619) 388-7312 SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE DSPS Voice (619) 482-6512 TTY (619) 482-6470 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY DSPS (760) 750-4905 or (760) 750-4909 (TTY) SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY DSPS (619) 594-6473 (619) 594-2929 (TDD/TTY) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO DSPS Phone: (858) 534-4382 TDD: (858) 534-9709 ACCESSIBILITY Americans with Disabilities Act (information # 800.514.0301) Pacific ADA & IT Center provide ADA Q&A (800.949.4232)

California Relay acts as go-between for communication with persons with communication impairments. Phone to TTY: 866.735.2922. TTY to phone: 866.735.2929. Speech to speech: 866.854.778 The S.O.A.R.(ing) Foundation 619.944.7484 Low cost assistance with installation of access ramps. Wheelchair Foundation 877.378.3839 Donates wheel chairs to low income individuals and children.


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Disability Resources, cont.

ACES (Adaptive Computer Empowerment Services) 858.244.1226 or 619.448.5253 makes computers, adaptive equipment and training available to people with disabilities. Accessibility Grant for renters and home owners 619.578.7521. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT

Affordable Medical Equipment: 888.787.6554 buy, sell, trade, repair, provides quotes.. Professional Medical Supply: 800.874.5192 sell, repair, rent, 24/7 emergency service - located in El Cajon Disabled American Veterans 619.232.0141 Loan, rent and sell Medical equipment. (Serve all populations not just veterans). Academy Medical 800.466.1892 Full service, training on equipment. Apria Medical Supply 858.653.6800 Parkinson’s Association 858.273.6763, 877.737.7576 Respite, transportation, education, support groups, “recycled” equipment. NOD National Organization on Disability - accept donations of medical equipment and wound care supply


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Homeless Resources Note: Most shelters/ housing programs require an intake process and there is no immediate deposit. Any anti-social behavior of clients at ANY shelter may result in their being banned from ALL homeless shelters for 30 days.

Transitional Housing Program - Senior Community Services for homeless seniors - 619.235.6572 2-1-1 referrals for shelters, meals, basic services, will assess caller and refer to appropriate program : login=callcent, password=callcent. Lists shelters in the county, bed availability for some, populations served and intake procedures for all. SDPD HOT Team (Homeless Outreach Team) San Diego central region, will meet clients at specific locations 858-490-3850 SDPD PERT Team (Psychiatric Emergency Response Team) San Diego central region, 619-531-2000 Salvation Army - placement assistance, hygiene kits, they will travel. Loren England 619.446.0242

Senior Community Centers 619.235.6538. Have some shelter beds at Sara Francis Hometel. Operate a transitional housing program. Rachel’s (women) 619.696.1440 for information only. 759 8th Ave, San Diego, Ca. 92101. Operated by Catholic Charities. Clients need to show up at 0700 to attempt to get into night shelter. Access dependant on bed availability and on a lottery system. Once admitted, they are assigned a case manager to work with them.

VA Homeless team: 619-400-5157 HHSA Homeless Case Management – for families, intake and case management, Mike Priest 619.338.2440. San Diego Rescue Mission, 650 Elm St., drop in at 1730, leave by 0700 daily. Often the 1st shelter that people can get into. (Access dependent on bed availability and behavior of client)


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Homeless Resources, cont.

St. Vincent De Paul Villages (no criteria for admission) 1501 Imperial Ave 92101 619.233.8500 (extensive social services on site) North County Solutions for Change: 722 West California, Vista, Ca. (760) 941-6545. One (1) year transitional housing. No children over 11. Local CMH Offices (out-patient medication management, non-emergency, no 5150, will refer to shelter)

NORTH COASTAL (O’side): 760.967.4475 NORTH INLAND (Escondido): 760.747.3424

SOUTHEAST (Oceanview blvd., SD): 619.595.4400 EAST COUNTY (El Cajon): 619.401.5500 NORTH CENTRAL (Morena Blvd): 619.692.8750


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Mental Health Resources Access and Crisis Line UNITED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (24/7): 800.479.3339 Immediate crisis intervention and referral to appropriate services regarding mental health and substance abuse issues. NATIONAL SUICIDE HOTLINE 800.273.8255 MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS 858.573.2600 Services available to families with a substance abusing member. COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH CMH Emergency Psychiatric Unit Admissions 619.692.8377 CMH Hospital Admissions (Rosecrans) 619.692.8200 Central Region Douglas Young Clinic (92126 Mira Mesa) 858.695.2211 Downtown Mental Health Clinic (92101 Downtown) 619.235.2600

Central Region Outpatient Clinic (92110) 619.692.8750 UCSD Psychiatric Services (Gifford Clinic, 92103 Hillcrest) 619.299.3510 Areta Crowell Clinic (92101 Downtown) 619.233.3432

East Region El Cajon County Clinic 619.401.5500

South Region Project Enable (92114 Encanto) 619.263.6155 Southeast Mental Health (92113 Logan) 619.595.4400 San Ysidro Health Center (92173 SY) 619.428.5561 South Bay Guidance Center (92010 CV) 619.427.4661 Maria Sardinas Center (92154 South SD) 619.428.1000 North Coastal Region

Mental Health Services (92054 Oceanside) 760.967.4475 North Inland Region Mental Health Services (92025 Escondido) 760.747.3424 BPSR Vista Clinic (92083 Vista) 760.758.1092 Kinesis North (Medication Clinic, 92025, Escondido) 760.480.2255


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Mental Health Resources, cont. CASE MANAGEMENT Case Management - CMH (on Morena) 619.692.8715 Case management for non-senior mentally ill is accessed through regional outpatient mental health clinics listed above.

Heritage Clinic: Anna Ennis, Intake coordinator, 619.282.2232x204 Case management for low income seniors 55 & older.

Project Payee - through NAMI (Nat’l Assoc for Mental Illness) Psychiatrist referral required - 619.563.0738 COUNSELING The Friendship Line for the Elderly Chat & phone counseling - 800.971.0016 Mental Health Association of San Diego Resource for self-help groups - 619.543.0412 First Avenue Counseling Center Individual, family, relationships, sliding scale - 619.685.0041 Alpha of San Diego Counseling, classes, North Park area, sliding scale - 619.285.9999 H.E.L.P. In-home counseling services - 858.481.8827 Jewish Family Service Counseling - 619.291.0473 Bereavement Counseling San Diego Hospice - 619.278.6480 Survivors of Violent Loss - 619.685.0005 Peer-to-Peer Counseling for Seniors – uses volunteers, make home visits Contact Viviana Criado 619.584.5029 The Meeting Place - drop-in counseling, employment information and support for people with mental disabilities 619.294.9582


SD County Alcohol & Drug Hotline: 800.479.3339, 619-584-5007

NAMI - National Alliance for the Mentally Ill - I&R, support grps, classes, local # 800.523.5933 Alzheimer’s Chapter Headquarters San Diego/Imperial - 4950 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92123 Phone 858.492.4400


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Mental Health Resources, cont.

Disease Research Center (outpatient assessments of people With memory problems): 858.622.5800 Parkinson's Disease Assn. of San Diego 8555 Aero Drive, Ste 308, San Diego, CA 92123 Ph (858) 273-6763 Fx (858) 273-6764 UCSD SOCARE outpatient neuropsychiatric geriatric assessment - 619.294.3777 Network of Care for Mental Health\

CHIP (Community Health Improvement Partners) offers good local mental health information The “Encourage Connection” Information for self-help.

Medical information about depression

Mental Health Sanctuary information about mental illness and treatment. National Institute of Mental Health

Psychology information

Housing: Licensed and unlicensed facilities for mentally Ill adults Case Managers are Paradise Valley Hospital Psych Unit 619-470-4321, Ned X4622, Jessica X4548, David X4556 SDPD PERT Team (Psychiatric Emergency Response Team) San Diego central region, 619-531-2000 PERT (Psychiatric Emergency Response Team): goes through local LE 12 Step Programs – call 2.1.1 ETOH Rx. McAllister Institute - 619.440.4801 UCSD Outpatient Psychiatric Services: 619.299.3510

Downtown Mental Health Center: 619.235.2600 Areta Crowell Center – Central area - 619.233.3432


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Mental Health Resources, cont.

Heartland Mental Health - El Cajon area - 619.440.5133 Mental Health Systems Case Management - Escondido - 760.743.3312 Kaiser Behavioral Health Member Help Line: 800.900.3277 San Diego Psychiatric Society referrals to Psychiatrists - 858.279.4586 San Diego Psychological Association referrals to Psychologists - 619.291.3451 Alanon serves people who’s family members are abusing drugs and alcohol

Autism Society of America – the San Diego County Chapter builds a network of support and outreach programs providing education, advocacy, and active public awareness. 858.715.0678 4699 Murphy Canyon Rd San Diego, CA 92123 Exceptional Family Resource Center - EFRC provides advocacy, education, resources and support for families with individuals with disabilities. Family Support: (619) 594-7416. 9245 Sky Park Court, Ste 130 San Diego, CA 92123 Toll Free: (800)281-8252 email: [email protected] web: Resources for Students with Autism (RSA): RSA will assist with student-specific materials and instructional delivery options, with adaptations and modifications, positive behavior support plan development and communication strategies. Students must attend a school within the San Diego City Schools. Please contact Julie Sandubrae, LCSW @ 858.490.8509

Socialization Training and Reinforcement program (STAR): Play groups for ages 5 to 8 and age 9 and older meet after school. STAR program sites are in central San Diego, Mira Mesa, Santee, Del Mar and National City. STAR staffers also help children make transitions to programs at the Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCA or after-school enrichment classes. For more information, call Linda Collins at (858) 450-4790.

Toy Library - Librarians travel throughout the county, using libraries, churches, recreation centers and Boys and Girls Clubs as play sites. It's for children who have disabilities such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, autism, or hearing or sight impairment. The mobile library is operated by the United Cerebral Palsy Center in Mission Valley. There is a $20-per-year charge to checkout toys. Phone: (858) 571-7803 Fax: (858) 571-0919 E-Mail: [email protected] 8525 Gibbs Drive, #100, San Diego, CA 92123


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Miscellaneous Resources

211 (will assess and refer to appropriate program) PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INFORMATION # FOR GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS (Medi-cal, Calworks, General Relief, Food Stamps, etc) 866.262.9881 HHSA Directory Assistance 619.515.6770 County HHSA Website City of San Diego Information 619.236.5555 City of San Diego Website General Assistance Social Services Agencies Elderhelp 619.284.9281 Care Management, Grocery Shopping, Friendly Visiting, Project CARE (greater SD, give main #, they will sort it out) Jewish Family Service offers a variety of services county wide. Intake and information 858.637.3040 Redwood Elderlink Many services. Based in Escondido. 760.480.1030 Catholic Charities Based downtown. Offers a variety of services, 619.231.2828 (not for public: Jim Zeverly is a good contact) Salvation Army offers a variety of services, 619.231.6000 Lutheran Social Services Many services 619-644-8920. Interfaith Community Services (Escondido: 760.489.6380, O’side


Rancho Bernardo Senior Services offers a variety of services including Including RUOK, financial advice and BP checks 858/487-2640 Scripps Ranch Senior Services offers a wide range of Including home care, assisted living and transportation 858.271.4507

AARP (local) Information Center and Mature Driving Course 619.641.7020, National #: 888.687.2277 “Events line” 1.877.926.8300


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Miscellaneous Resources, cont. Project Care (Marty Dare coordinates 858.505.6300) Please see separate cheat sheet for project care sites by zip code. MISC SERVICES Indigent Burial (Public Administrator) 858.694.3500 Yard work and household chores for the elderly. Occasional Saturdays. Church: University Lutheran Church, La Jolla Contact: Eric Martin: 858-610-2031 AGING AS OURSELVES case mgmt for Senior LGBT community (an ElderHelp program) 619.284.9281x15 San Diego Traveler’s Aid Society 619.295.8393 HOUSE CALLS IN HOME FACIALS - PRIVATE PAY

Maggie at 619.252.4092, "A Day Spa Aromatherapy" at 619.293.3093 IN HOME MANICURE PRIVATE PAY

"Princess Nails" 858.272.7015, "Polished Nails" at 858.273.6245 HEADWAY HAIR STUDIO & BARBERSHOP - IRV WOLFF.


PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE - Fallbrook area - Take job orders for a wide range of services including yard work, in home care, temporary office help, etc, 760.728.0175.

PRIVATE PAY HOME CARE: “New Lifestyles” 800.869.9549 “California Registry” 800.777.7575

HCAOA - Home Caregivers Accreditation of America 877.947.3472 Accreditation of home care agencies (certain standards met). HOME INSTEAD (tuck in & wake up service) N Co 760.639.6472,

SD 858.277.3722, E 619.460.6222

CAREGIVERS UNLIMITED 858.278.2320 or 1-800-593-3031


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Miscellaneous Resources, cont. SENIORS HELPING SENIORS (small company, very personal service Low to moderate fees) 619.582.7300 CONSTANT COMPANIONS 858.722.9352 City of San Diego Job Bank 619.266.4200 TAX ASSISTANCE IRS Franchise Tax Board (Calif.): 800.852.5711 Renter/Homeowner Tax Rebate: for forms 800.868.4171 For assistance with forms 800.868.4171 VITA Tax Assistance Sites In NOC see Tax Organizations and Services AARP tax assistance: 888.227.7669

MISC TANGIBLES ACES/GAMMA (Adaptive Computer Empowerment Services) 619.448.5253 OR Rod at Interfaith 760.489.6380 makes computers, adaptive equipment and training available to “older Americans.” SOC341 FORM CAPI (Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants) benefit in lieu of SSI – Apply at your nearest family resource center or call 866.262.9881 to locate your nearest center. AIS Health Promotions Karen Singer 760.754.5945 (feeling fit club info, healthy eating literature, presentations) VIAL OF LIFE see PROJECT CARE IN EACH ZIP CODE AIS representative Krystal Kumpula 858.694.3252 SMOKE DETECTORS: BURN INSTITUTE, 858.541.2277


Vector Surveillance and Control 858.694.2888

Environmental Health 858/694-2888 (RODENT CONTROL)

County Public Assistance/Medical Line 858.514.6885/866.262.9881


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Miscellaneous Resources, cont. Household Hazardous Waste Referral Hotline (877) 713-2784 CDC Hotline 888.246.2675, Spanish: 888.246.2857

IRS 800.829.1040

Bomb Team 619.956.4980

DMV Driver Safety - San Diego - 858.627.3901 Doctor sends a letter on letterhead paper explaining patient's diagnosis, treatment dates and basis for request to revoke license. Include California registration number for MD's & doctor's signature

Department of Motor Vehicles Driver Safety Office 9174 Skypark Ct., Ste. 200 San Diego, CA 92123

American Society on Aging: (415) 974-9600 Generations United - an international organization promoting intergenerational interaction and mutual support. Credit Reports:

• Experian 800.397.3742 • Trans Union 800.680.7289 • Equifax 800.525.6285 877.438.4338 866.785.9663

Eldercare Locator locates AAA in any zip. Voter Registration 858.565.5800 SENIOR LIFE: 323-782-6005 SAN DIEGO SENIORS : 619/426-6346


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Animal Assistance Domestic Animal Services

HUMANE SOCIETIES, SHELTERS, and COUNTY SHELTERS (Senior adoptions are fee free. Call shelter for “Senior to Senior” program)

CENTRAL COUNTY SHELTER - (619) 236-4250 5480 Gaines Street • San Diego, CA 92110

NORTH COUNTY SHELTER - (760) 438-2312 2481 Palomar Airport Road • Carlsbad, CA 92008

SOUTH COUNTY SHELTER - (619) 263-7741 5821 Sweetwater Road - Bonita, CA 91902


CENTRAL & SOUTH COUNTIES - (619) 236-2341 NORTH COUNTY - (619) 438-1460 LICENSING CLINIC INFO - (619) 236-1188


CAMP PENDLETON ANIMAL SHELTER (760) 725-8120 Area 25 Vado Del Rio, Bldg. 25132 - Camp Pendleton, CA 92055 Open to public

CITY OF CHULA VISTA - (619) 691-5123 (Serving Chula Vista, Imperial Beach, and National City) [Spring 2001:130 Byer Blvd.]690 Otay Road - Chula Vista CA

CITY OF CORONADO ANIMAL CONTROL - (619) 522-7371 1015 6th St. - Coronado CA 92118

CITY OF EL CAJON SHELTER - (619) 441-1580 (Serving El Cajon and La Mesa) 1275 N. Marshall Avenue - El Cajon, CA 92020

NORTH COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY & SPCA (Serving Oceanside & Vista) (760) 757-4357 2905 San Luis Rey Road - Oceanside CA 92054


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09



FRIENDS OF CATS - (619) 561-0361 15587 Old Highway 80, El Cajon, CA 92021 HELEN WOODWARD ANIMAL CARE & EDUCATION CENTER – (858) 756-4117; 6461 El Apajo Road - Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 NATIONAL CAT PROTECTION SOCIETY - (619) 469-8771 9031 Birch Street - Spring Valley, CA 91977 RANCHO COASTAL HUMANE SOCIETY - (760) 753-6413 389 Requeza Street - Encinitas, CA 92024 SAN DIEGO HUMANE SOCIETY AND SPCA - (619) 299-7012 887 Sherman Street - San Diego CA 92110 ANIMAL ASSISTANCE

Cruelty Complaints

San Diego Humane Society Abuse Hotline - (800) 982-2873

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Hotline - (888) 305 7233 Call to inquire about Domestic Violence Sheltering for you, and the Animal Safe House Program for your companion animals.

Animal Attorney Referral

Robyn Ranke, Attorney at Law - (858) 509-0600 137 N. Acacia - Solana Beach, CA 92075

Animals in Service

Canine Companions for Independence - (760) 754-3300 P.O. Box 4568 - Oceanside, CA 92052

Cape-Able Canines, Aleita Downer - (619) 697-7383 Therapy Dog Team training workshops: 6 weeks including 2 field trips and a 150-


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Animal Assistance, cont. page workbook and program directory. Topics include special commands, insurance, risks, and rewards. April 19th, 2001

Service Dogs for Victims of Assault (S.D.V.A.) - (619) 280-2833 2316 32nd Street - San Diego, CA 92104

Foundation for Pet Provided Therapy - (760) 630-4824 P.O. Box 6308 - Oceanside, CA 92058

Therapy Dog evaluations & certifications (mail SASE for info). Members visit Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Schools, Day Care and more.

Animal Volunteers/Helpers

Canine Companions for Independence - (760) 754-3300 Volunteer to become a Puppy Raiser. Kennel & Grooming Volunteers Needed!

Mercy Crusade of San Diego, Inc. - (858) 278-1745 Volunteers needed to arrange financial help for sick/injured pets. For information call (858) 693-1933

Friends of Cats - (619) 561-0361 At shelters and fund raising events!

House Rabbit Society San Diego - (619) 718-7777 A variety of volunteer opportunities.

National Cat Protection Society - (619) 469-8771 Need Cat Loving Volunteers! Please call for information.

Rancho Coastal Humane Society - (760) 753-6413 Homeless animals need your help! Animal lovers are needed to socialize with animals by walking dogs & grooming cats. Call for orientation dates.

San Diego County Department of Animal Control - (619) 595-4585 Help lost and abandoned pets find loving homes! Volunteers make a big difference at our shelters; join us today!

San Diego Humane Society (619) 299-7012 Many volunteer opportunities. Call for volunteer orientation info.

Wildlife Assist Volunteers - (619) 522-9999 Help us rescue wildlife. Call for volunteer orientation info.


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Animal Assistance, cont. Pet Sitter Referral

Pet Sitters Association of San Diego - (888) 473-8748

Spay/Neuter Programs

S.N.A.P. (Spay Neuter Action Project) - (619) 525-3047 14781 Pomerado Rd. PMB 193 - Poway, CA 92064

The Pet Assistance Foundation of S.D.

The Pet Assistance Foundation of San Diego refers pet owners to veterinarians offering low-cost spay and neuter services for cats, dogs, and rabbits. Special programs for Seniors are offered by calling (619) 544-1222 between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Our organization, made up entirely of dedicated volunteers, has been helping residents of San Diego County with low-cost spay/neuter referrals and education for over 25 years. We also help to subsidize some spay or neuter surgeries for those who qualify. updated 2/3/06

Veterinary Referral

San Diego County Veterinary Medical Association - (619) 640-9583 [email protected]

Damage Control/Animal Removal (Dead/Alive) on Private Property

A-All Pest Control & Wildlife Removal (619) 440-5253 [email protected]

DAR Contractors (Dead Animal Pick-up) - (619) 390-8204

L-7 (619) 448-7707(Dead animals from chimneys and ductwork)

San Diego Snake Catchers (Damage Control) (619) 894-0708 (619) 813-7341


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Animal Assistance, cont. Dead Animal Removal Public Highways

Carlsbad - (760) 438-2722 Ext. 7134 Chula Vista - (619) 691-5123 Coronado - (619) 522-7371 Del Mar - (858) 755-3294 El Cajon - (619) 448-7383 Encinitas - (888) 299-9905 Escondido - (877) 742-5787 Imperial Beach - (619) 390-8204 La Mesa - (619) 469-6111 Ext. 243 Lemon Grove - (619) 390-8204 National City - (619) 336-4411 Oceanside - (760) 757-4357 Poway - (858) 279-8242 San Diego (After Hours) - (858) 573-1276 Santee - (619) 390-8204 San Marcos - (760) 752-7550 Solana Beach - (760) 390-0333 Vista - (760) 757-4357 Private Property/ Unincorporated Areas (619) 390-8204 Freeways State Inland (619) 688-6785 State Beaches Coastal - (619) 390-8204


San Diego Humane Society Animal Rescue Reserve - (619) 299-0871

Animal Welfare and Rescue Organizations

American Rat, Mouse & Hamster Society - (619) 444-9073 Club and domestic rodent rescue.

Animals - [Ext. 232] - (619) 756-4117 (food for pets of homebound individuals)

Feral Cat Coalition - (619) 497-1599 Free spays & neuter for homeless cats.

Ferrets Anonymous - (619) 584-8427

FOCAS (Friends of county animal Shelters) - (619) 685-3536 Adoption of county shelter pets.


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Animal Assistance, cont. Foundation for the Care of Indigent Animals - (619) 466-9137

House Rabbit Society - San Diego (619) 718-7777

Last Chance for Animals (Animal Rights) - (619) 583-9LCA

Mercy Crusade of San Diego, Inc. (858) 278-1745 assists seniors/low income/handicapped to pay vet bills. Call for more info or to make donations. (858) 693-1933

Mostly Monkeys - Monkey Sanctuary (760) 788-6940

Parrot Education & Adoption Center (619) 287-8200 Monthly seminars.

Paws North County (760) 743-8233 (disconnected 2-26-08) (Pets are Wonderful Support!) Free pet information & rescue referral.

San Diego Animal Advocates (Animal Rights) (760) 943-0330

Watachie Reptiles, Rescue & Adoption (760) 630-4824 Box turtles, tortoises & other reptiles. No aquatic turtles.

Wildlife Organizations and Rescue

Fund for Animals - (760) 789-2324 (Wildlife Rehab Center)

Hummingbird Rescue Center - (619) 420-5156

Sky Hunters Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education - (619) 445-6565

Wildlife Assist Volunteers - (619) 522-9999 24-hr. Emergency Pager (858) 653-7300. Helping wildlife in trouble.


Boxer Rescue/Referral - (760) 747-5712 [email protected]

California Breed Rescues See our website @


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Animal Assistance, cont. Dachshund Rescue - (858) 560-4022 E-mail to: [email protected]

Del Dios Sheltie Rescue - (800) 574-3584

German Shepherd Rescue (858) 576-1016

Pug Rescue of San Diego County (619) 685-3580 P.O. Box 151449 - San Diego, CA 92175-1449


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Emergency Preparedness Information Sites

What’s your Readiness Quotient? – tool to evaluate person’s readiness for emergencies Citizen Corp site with information on preparedness, training, volunteer opportunities during disasters CA Homeland Security website Department of Health & Human Services – information on emergency preparedness Health Resources & Services Administration – include scenarios from natural disasters to terrorist attacks US Food & Drug Administration – Protecting & Promoting Your Health US Food & Drug Administration – role of FDA in counter-terrorism Emergency preparedness by Administration on Aging (AoA) on the special needs of older disaster Victims Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry information on emergencies involving hazardous substances in the environment FEMA’s Disaster information page Center for Disease Control & Prevention information on public health emergencies Government food safety information Institute for Business & Home Safety – tips & information for preparing home & businesses for disasters US Department of Education site on emergency planning for schools including information on various natural disasters & terrorism


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Resource Websites GENERAL

Health Insurance Links Call Center NOC Network Of Care 211 San Diego Eldercare Directory Redwood Elderlink: many programs, north county Catholic Charities: several services county wide Specialized Transportation Access Center: services for people with disabilities AARP Positive Aging Resource Website Index of consumer complaints http://[email protected]/consumer_info/fraud_squad/Gripe_fin.htm Get vital records


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Resource Websites, cont. SENIOR HEALTH ISSUES

Free Yoga classes for seniors: Silver Age Yoga Lions Club assistance with visual problems SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES Lutheran Social Services Interfaith Community Services Jewish Family Services Elderhelp of San Diego GOVERNMENT

Government Benefits US Administration on Aging Social Security Medicare USPS US government senior resources survey site California Department of Aging


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Resource Websites, cont. San Diego County Public Website San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency City of San Diego California Department of Aging Programs and Services Directory California Dept of Corporations (Fraud and Investment, comprehensive links) National Aging and Disability Resource Center Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Federal Administration on Aging LEGAL ISSUES

Find local legal services throughout the country Adult Day Care ELDER ABUSE SOC-341


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Resource Websites, cont. National Association of Area Agencies on Aging National Eldercare Locator, 800.677.1116 (Nationwide local resources) National Center on Elder Abuse Elder Financial Protection Network CAREGIVER SUPPORT AIS online training for care givers Online resources for care givers Southern Caregiver Resource Center Online resources for care givers National Center for Caregivers San Diego Alzheimer’s Association HEALTH ADVOCACY AND MEDICARE PART D Health Consumer Alliance National Senior Citizens Law Center California Health Advocates


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Resource Websites, cont. Center for Medicare Advocacy Families USA Medicare Rights Center California Healthcare Foundation Health Assistance Partnership Kaiser Family Foundation San Diego Medical Society The Cancer Navigator American Foundation for the Blind Senior Site CONSUMER ISSUES National Association of Consumer Advocates National Consumer Protection Resource Center Collections harassment


San Diego Eldercare Directory


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Resource Websites, cont. California Registry New Lifestyles California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, California Long Term Care facility search State of California “Care Network”


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09



A AARP, 28, 30, 40 Adult Day Care, 42 Aging as Ourselves, 29 AIS Health Promotions, 30 Alanon, 27 Alpine Sheriff, 5 Alzheimer’s Chapter Headquarters, 25, 43 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 20 American Society on Aging, 31 Animal Assistance, 32 - 38 Animal Shelters, 33, 36 Animal Rescue/Transport, 36 APS Language Line log, 4 Autism Society of America, 27 B Bomb Team, 8, 31 Borrego Sheriff 5 Boulevard Sheriff, 5 Burn Institute, 30 C Cancer Navigator, 44 CA Homeland Security, 39 California Highway Patrol, 5 California Relay, 20 California Telephone Access Program, 19 Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, 10 Carlsbad Municipal Water District, 9 Carlsbad Police, 5 Campo Sheriff, 5 Caregiver Support, 43 Center for Disease Control (CDC), 8, 31, 39 Certified Farmers Markets, 17 Chula Vista Police, 5 Commodities, 13 Conference Calling, 3 Coronado Police, 5 Counseling, 25 County Mental Health (CMH), 23, 24 D Dead Animal Removal, 36 Del Mar Water Authority, 9 Disabled Students Services, 19 - 20 Disability Resources, 18 - 21 DMV Driver Safety, 31 Domestic Violence Hotline, 8, 33


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Index cont. E El Cajon Police, 5 Elder Abuse, 42 - 43 Eldercare Locator, 31, 43 Elderhelp, 228, 29, 41 Emergency Agencies, 8 Emergency Food Resources, 12 - 17 Emergency Preparedness, 39 Encinitas Sheriff, 5 Environmental Health, 8, 30 Escondido City Water Authority, 9 Escondido Sheriff, 5 F Fallbrook Public Utility District, 9 FEMA, 8, 39 Fallbrook Sheriff, 5 First Responders, 5 Food Stamps, 16 G General Language Line log, 4 H HHSA Directory Assistance, 28 Home Caregivers Accreditation of America (HCAOA), 29 Home Instead, 29 Homeless Resources, 22 - 23 Homeless Outreach Team (HOT), 22 House calls, 29 Household Hazardous Waste Line, 8 Humane Societies, 32 I In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority, 8 Imperial Beach Sheriff, 5 Index, 46 - 49 J Jacumba Sheriff, 5 Julian Sheriff, 5 K L Lakeside Water District, 9 La Mesa Police, 5 Language Line, 4 Lemon Grove Sheriff, 5 Long Term Care, 44 - 45


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Index cont. M Mama’s Kitchen, 13 Meals on Wheels, 13 Mental Health Resources, 24 - 27 Miscellaneous Resources, 28 - 31 Medi-Cal Help Line, 30 Medicare, 41 - 44 N National Association for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), 25 National City Police, 5 National City Water Authority, 9 Network of Care (NOC), 40 O Oceanside City Water Authority, 9 Oceanside Police, 5 Olivenhain Municipal Water District, 10 Otay Water District, 10 P Padre Dam Municipal Water District, 10 Parkinson’s disease Association, 21, 26 Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT), 22, 26 Pine Valley Police, 5 Poison Control, 8 Poway City Water Authority, 10 Project Care, 28, 29, 28, 30 Public Assistance Help Line, 28, 30 Q R Rainbow Municipal Water District, 10 Ramona Municipal Water District, 10 Red Cross, 8 Resource Websites, 40 - 45 Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District, 10 S San Diego City Police, 5 San Diego City Water Authority, 11 San Diego County Sheriff, 5 San Diego Food Bank, 13 San Diego Water Authority, 11 San Diego Regional Center, 18 San Dieguito Water District, 11 Santa Fe Irrigation District, 11 SDGE, 6


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AIS Call Center Disaster Resource Guide – Update 2/6/09


Index cont. S SOC341, 30 Spay/Neuter Programs, 35 State Disability Insurance, 19 Structural Damage to buildings, 8 Suicide Access Hotline (National), 24 Suicide Intervention Access Line, 5 Sweetwater Water Authority, 11 T Tax Assistance, 30 Traffic Control, 8 211, 8, 12, 22, 28, 40 Toy Library, 27 U US Administration on Aging, 41 US Department of Education, 39 US Food and Drug Administration, 39 V Vallecitos Water District, 11 Valley Center Municipal Water District, 11 Vector Surveillance and Control, 8, 30 Vials of Life, 30 Vista Irrigation District, 11 Voter Registration, 31 W Water, San Diego County Water Authority, 9 X Y Yuima Municipal Water District, 11 YESS Stroke Club, 19 Z APPROVED

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VASAT Disaster Response Policy and Procedure



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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego VASAT DISASTER RESPONSE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES


PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................... 3

BACKGROUND......................................................................................................................................... 3

VASAT TEAM COMPOSITION .......................................................................................................... 3

VASAT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................. 4

DISPATCHING VASAT ............................................................................................................... 4

SHELTER RESPONSE ............................................................................................................... 5

COUNTY CAR POLICY ......................................................................................................................... 7

VASAT EMERGENCY KIT ................................................................................................................... 7

DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 7









VASAT Disaster Response Policies and Procedures 7/2014


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JulyJuly 2006

VASAT Disaster Response Policies and Procedures

PURPOSE The Vulnerable Adult Shelter Assessment Team (VASAT) Disaster Response Policies and Procedures will provide guidelines regarding the operation of the VASAT.

BACKGROUND To ensure the provision of essential services in the event of a disaster, the County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), Departmental Operations Center (DOC) can activate the Aging & Independence Services (AIS) Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). During the 2007 Firestorm, some older adults and adults with disabilities sought refuge at emergency shelters. The emergency shelters lacked expertise in evaluating the specialized needs of these populations. Aging & Independence Services (AIS) has a high level of knowledge and skill in this area; as such, AIS will assess the needs of these populations through the establishment and deployment of VASAT.

VASAT TEAM COMPOSITION Each VASAT is comprised of three team members. Each team includes one team leader and two team members. The AIS Program Manager will compile teams from a list of VASAT volunteers. Volunteers who are listed on the VASAT Team Roster (Attachment A) must be County of San Diego employees from the following employment classifications within AIS:

• Adult Protective Services Specialist • Adult Protective Services Supervisor • Aging Program Specialist III • Aging Program Specialist II • Senior Adult Protective Services Specialist • Social Worker II • Social Worker III

The AIS Program Manager will maintain a list of volunteers that will be updated quarterly and maintained at: S:\AIS\Safety and Disaster Response\COOP\VASAT. The VASAT Team Roster will contain the following information:

• Name of volunteer • Program Currently Assigned • Region Currently Assigned • Work Phone Number • Home Phone Number • Work Cell Number • Personal Cell Number • Home Zip Code • Would be receptive to night/weekend calls? (volunteer may still be called but first called would


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JulyJuly 2006

be those that indicate a willingness for night/weekend calls)



During a disaster, the County of San Diego Medical Operations Center (MOC) will deploy Disaster Response Assessment Teams (DRAT) to designated emergency shelters. DRAT will conduct assessments at the shelters and identify any individuals from specialized populations. If DRAT identifies a need for VASAT to be dispatched, then the MOC will be notified. The MOC will notify the designated AIS Program Manager/Alternate of the need to dispatch VASAT.

Note: It is recommended that either the Adult Protective Services Program Manager or the Home and Community Based Care/Ombudsman/Call Center Program Manager act as the designated AIS Program Manager, whenever possible.


• Notify the VASAT members and AIS Program Manager/Alternate via email that the COOP has been activated so members can prepare for possible VASAT activation.

• Request VASAT emergency kits be updated (phone roster and other materials) by IHSS clerical staff.

• Identify the number of teams needed. • Identify team leads for each team. • Call the team leaders on their County-issued cell phones. • Provide each team leader with the names and contact information for his/her two team

members. TEAM LEADER

• Call his/her two team members on their County-issued cell phones. • Leave a message on the team member’s County-issued cell phone. • Contact the team member on his/her home telephone number or personal cell phone if the

team leader does not receive a response within ten minutes. • Contact the AIS Program Manager immediately if the team leader is unable to reach a

team member. • Pick up VASAT emergency kit at one of the AIS offices or make arrangement for another

team member to pick it up.

TEAM MEMBERS • Be prepared for VASAT deployment once notified of COOP activation. This includes

preparing taking care of family and personal needs. • Have county cell phone and laptop/tablet (if available) charged and ready. • Respond to Team Leader contact as soon as possible.


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• Once activated, notify supervisor/manager of VASAT activation (if during business hours). • Respond to all contacts made by the team leader in a timely manner. • Provide the team leader with accurate contact information.


• Arrive at the shelter at time determined by VASAT Team Leader. • Check in with VASAT Team Leader and receive VASAT vest and other supplies. • Respond to all contacts made by the team leader in a timely manner • Utilize the VASAT Resident Assessment Tool (Attachment C) as a guide to assess the

needs of vulnerable adults at designated emergency shelters. • On VASAT Resident Needs Log:

o Record your name, date shelter name and time of arrival at the top of the log. o Record the name of each resident, identified need(s) and actions taken or needed to

resolve the identified need • Coordinate with VASAT Team Leader and shelter staff regarding needs identified and record

actions taken or planned to be taken by shelter staff (include name of staff person for reference) before leaving shelter.

• Email a copy of the VASAT Resident Needs Log to the AIS Program Manager/Alternate coordinating the VASAT deployment.

o If no residents are seen at the shelter, send the VASAT Resident Needs Log with only the information on the top of the tool complete.

o If email or electronic version of the VASAT Resident Needs Log is not able to be used, provide form to VASAT Team Leader.

• Inform the team leader of his/her daily deployment arrival time. • Inform the team leader before leaving his/her shift.

Note: A team member must speak with his/her team leader to obtain approval prior to leaving a shelter site.


• Perform the duties of the VASAT Team Member. • Confirm and maintain accurate contact information for all team members. • Remain at the assigned emergency shelter until your team members have left. • Inform the designated AIS Program Manager immediately upon completion of services at the

designated shelter site. • If VASAT Team is unable to send the VASAT Resident Needs Log to the AIS Program

Manager electronically, the VASAT Team member will call in the report for his/her team directly to the AIS Program Manager during the daily debriefing call or immediately if more urgent needs identified.

• Attend the daily debriefing conference call with the AIS Program Manager at 2:00 p.m.



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• Lead the daily debriefing conference call with the Team Leaders at 2:00 p.m. • Provide a summary to the DOC and EOC each day at 3:00 p.m.


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COUNTY CAR POLICY Team leaders and team members may use County cars to drive to and from designated shelter sites. Team leaders and team members returning from a deployment after 6:00 p.m. may be unable to return County cars to the appropriate parking lot. HHSA’s Financial and Support Services Division policy (FSSD-S-04, Attachment C), states that home storage for short term use of 30 days or less can be approved by the “Region/Program Director with the concurrence of the Executive Finance Director” and can be submitted via email. This policy will be pre-approved for utilization if the COOP is activated, allowing team leaders and team members to house a County car at their home when appropriate. If a team member and/or team leader is unable to return the County car to the appropriate parking lot, then he/she must notify the designated AIS Program Manager of his/her intent to store the County car at home overnight. The County car must then be returned to the appropriate parking lot as soon as possible.

VASAT EMERGENCY KIT The VASAT Emergency Kit will include but is not limited to the following items:

• VASAT Resident Assessment Tool (several) • VASAT Resident Needs Log (only to be used if electronic form is not available) (several) • AIS Resource List (several) • VASAT Vests (3) • Clip Boards (3) • Gloves (several) • Hand Sanitizer • Masks (9) • Pens/Pencils

DEFINITIONS The following are definitions of terminology that will be used in the context of this policy. Vulnerable Adult An older adult and/or an adult with a disability who is residing in a temporary emergency shelter in the County of San Diego as a result of a disaster. Older Adult A person 60 years of age or older who is residing in a temporary emergency shelter in the County of San Diego as a result of a disaster. Adult with Disabilities A person between the ages of 18 and 64 with a cognitive, developmental, or physical disability that


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restricts his/her ability to carry out normal activities or to protect his/her own rights. Disability must have occurred prior to the disaster for which VASAT has been engaged.


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ATTACHMENT A: VASAT TEAM ROSTER Lead Team Currently Deployed Name Program Availability Language City Zip Code Home Phone Alt Phone 1L 1 1 1 2L 2 2 2 3L 3 3 3 4L 4 4 4 5L 5 5 5 6L 6 6 6 7L 7 7 7 8L 8 8 8 9L 9 9 9 10L 10 10 10


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Lead Team Currently Deployed Name Program Availability Language City Zip Code Home Phone Alt Phone 11L 1 1 1 12L 2 2 2 13L 3 3 3 14L 4 4 4 15L 5 5 5 16L 6 6 6 17L 7 7 7 18L 8 8 8 19L 9 9 9 20L 10 10 10


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Name Deployment Date

Start Time End Time Location Signature


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ROLE - Your primary role is to advocate for the residents and forward their needs to the Shelter Manager, or if necessary to the Key Contacts below, so they can meet the needs. INSTRUCTIONS Deploy

Step 1. Ensure your family is safe. Step 2. Log your mileage. Step 3. Check in with Shelter Manager upon arrival. Step 4. Check in with VASAT Team Lead. Step 5. Put on vest.

Interview Residents

Step 6. Ask the resident the questions below.** Step 7. Record any needs in the electronic Resident Needs Log (if electronic log is unavailable, use paper).

Advocate for Needs

Step 8. Upon completion of your interviews, ask the Shelter Manager which needs the shelter can meet. Step 9. For each need the shelter can meet, in the Resolution Column in the Resident Needs Log record:

“Referred to Shelter Manager, [insert name], who confirmed shelter will meet this need.” Step 10. Email the electronic log (or call and report the unmet needs) to the first AIS Program

Manager/Alternate or designated manager cover this role.

** Contact Shelter Manager immediately for urgent, immediate needs. If the shelter cannot meet the need, contact one of the key contacts below immediately, in the order listed.


• AIS Program Manager: [email protected] (insert phone #s) • AIS Program Manager Alternate: [email protected] (insert phone #s) • AIS Operations ADD: [email protected] (insert phone #s) • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) County Shelter Team Unit Leader: 858-715-2253 • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) County Care & Shelter Branch Coordinator: 858-715-2254


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1) Do you take medication? (If no, proceed to Treatment Needs) 2) Do you have it with you? 3) If no, what medications do you need? (add to Resident Needs Log) 4) When is your next dose? (add to Resident Needs Log)

B) TREATMENT NEEDS 5) Are you currently receiving care for any chronic health conditions (i.e., dialysis, chemotherapy)? (If no,

proceed to Mental Health Needs) 6) Are there health condition needs that are not being met because of the disaster situation? (If yes, add to

Resident Needs Log) (If no, proceed to Mental Health Needs) 7) If “yes” what kind of treatment are you receiving? (add to Resident Needs Log) 8) When is your next treatment due? (add to Resident Needs Log)

C) MENTAL HEALTH NEED 9) Are you currently being treated for a mental health need? (If no, proceed to question 13) 10) Are you taking any medication? (If no, proceed to #13) 11) Do you have it with you? 12) If no, what medications do you need? (add to Resident Needs Log) 13) When is your next dose? (add to Resident Needs Log) 14) Would you like to speak with a counselor? (If yes, add Resident Needs Log)

D) PHYSICAL NEEDS 15) Do you need assistance with the following activities? (If yes, add to Resident Needs Log)

16) If yes, how are these needs being met or not met at the shelter? (add to Resident Needs Log) 17) Do you need any durable medical equipment? (If yes, add to Resident Needs Log)

18) Do you have a pet or service animal? If yes, how is this animal being taken care of during this disaster? (If the animal does not have care, identify location and record need in Resident Needs Log)

E) SOCIAL SUPPORT (If needs for resident have been identified, ask the following questions) 19) Do you have family and friends with you in the shelter? Are they providing any assistance to you at the

shelter? (record name/contact information on Resident Needs Log) 20) When you are at home, is anyone providing you assistance? A caregiver or family member? Any case

management services, agency, IHSS, etc.? (record in name/contact information on Resident Needs Log)

F) POST-EVENT NEEDS 21) What type of housing do you live in? After the disaster event, are you able to return home? Why not? (if

not able to return home, record in Resident Needs Log) 22) When the shelter closes, if you can’t return home do you have a plan for alternate housing? 23) If no, is there someone who can help you to make plans for alternate housing? (If no, record this need in

Resident Needs Log) 24) If yes, do you have their contact information? (Add need to make plans and the contact information in

Resident Needs Log) 25) Do you need transportation? 26) If yes, what type (wheelchair accessible, etc.)? (add to Resident Needs Log)

Walking Eating Dressing Toileting Bathing Medication

Cane Walker Wheel Chair Bath Bench Other


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ATTACHMENT D: RESIDENT NEEDS LOG (Use Electronic Excel Version if possible)

VASAT Team Info

Page 1 of ___

Date: Shelter: VASAT Team Member Name: Date/Time log sent to OES Care & Shelter Branch:

Shelter Resident Needs

Last Name First Name Need Time Identified

Time Resolved Resolution












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County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA)

Financial and Support Services Division (FSSD)

Chapter: Finance Key Words: Vehicle, usage policies, guidelines, procedures

SUBJECT: HHSA Vehicle Assignment, Usage, NO: FSSD-S-04 Policies, Procedures and Responsibilities PAGE: 1 of 7 DATE: July 10, 2009 REFERENCES: County of San Diego Vehicle User's Guide County Charter Section 501.5. San Diego County Code of Administrative Ordinances, ART XXIIb Sec 398.10 County Administrative Manual Articles 50-02-3 and 50-02-6. Department of Human Resources Policy 1103 Board of Supervisors Policy H-10. DHR Risk Management Requirements for Travel in Mexico HHSA Policy: M-1.2, HHSA Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) County of San Diego General Management System SUPERSEDES: FSSD-S-01 PURPOSE: To provide policy for the use of County-owned automotive equipment assigned to or owned by the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA). To provide a ready reference to County policies and procedures which govern usage of County vehicles. BACKGROUND: There have been numerous policies, updates and other reference information developed to effectively govern the County of San Diego's vehicle usage. This document is intended to summarize and reference these documents and procedures to meet the County's objectives. POLICY: All HHSA employees will adhere to all County of San Diego vehicle usage policies. This policy contains a summary of applicable policies, procedures and guidelines for lawful usage of vehicles. Employees should refer to the actual policies for detailed information. The list is not to be considered all inclusive and it remains the responsibility of County employees to be familiar with applicable policies. General guidance for daily use of County vehicles is included in the Vehicle User's Packet found in the glove box of County vehicles. All drivers of HHSA vehicles will familiarize themselves with the contents of this packet before driving.


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County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Financial and Support Services Division


Chapter: Finance Key Words: Vehicle, usage policies, guidelines, procedures

SUBJECT: HHSA Vehicle Assignment, Usage, Policies, Procedures and Responsibilities

NO: FSSD-S-04 PAGE: 2 of 7 DATE: July 10, 2009

County Charter Section 501.5 authorizes the Board of Supervisors to provide for the regulation of the marking and operation of County Vehicles. The use of County-owned automotive equipment for other than official County business is prohibited under the San Diego County Code of Administrative Ordinances Article XXIIb, Section 398. The use of County-owned automotive equipment contrary to the provisions of this section may subject the person using the equipment to disciplinary action or to an action to recover the value of such use, or both. Vehicle usage is also subject to the HHSA Code of Conduct and Statement of Incompatible activities HHSA-M-12. SUMMARY OF APPLICABLE POLICES AND HHSA PROCEDURES: Department of Human Resources (DHR) Policy 1103: It is County policy that all employees and volunteers who operate a motor vehicle while in the course and scope of their duties be authorized to do so by their appointing authority, and maintain a valid California driver's license of the proper class for the vehicle(s) being operated. DHR requirements include:

• Every employee/volunteer who operates a County vehicle and/or private mileage vehicle must: o Be at least 18 years old o Maintain a valid California driver's license o Complete an "Authorization to Drive a Vehicle on County Business" form (Attachment 1) and comply with the provisions of the form. • The authorization form will be approved by the appointing authority, or their designee, and forwarded to the Department of Human Resources, Risk Management Division at MS 0-76. • The County will use the State of California, Department of Motor Vehicle's Pull Notice Program to enroll and obtain automatic update information about the driving records of all authorized drivers. (DHR monitors violations and will notify HHSA if driving privileges are revoked.) • Drivers are responsible for any violations of law including fines and court appearances. Region/Program Directors shall ensure HHSA personnel who are authorized to drive sign Attachment 1 when appointed. Copies of completed forms shall be forwarded to HHSA Personnel, MS W 406 for inclusion in the personnel record. County Counsel provides training for employees who drive County Vehicles with emphasis on vehicle accidents. Every HHSA employee who drives shall attend training within six


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County of San Diego

Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Financial and Support Services Division (FSSD)

Chapter: Finance Key Words: Vehicle, usage policies, guidelines, procedures

SUBJECT: HHSA Vehicle Assignment, Usage, NO: FSSD-S-04 Policies, Procedures and Responsibilities PAGE: 3 of 7

DATE: July 10, 2009

months of receiving authorization to drive and should attend a refresher session every two years. COUNTY CODE OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDINANCES ARTICLE XXIIB Sec. 398.10.1 - Marking Of County Automotive Equipment: All County automotive equipment shall be conspicuously marked with County approved insignia, the words "For Official Use Only" and a County vehicle number. The Director (of General Services) may exempt automotive equipment from such marking if necessary for law enforcement, investigatory or other special purposes. Requests to exempt HHSA vehicles from marking must be approved by the Regional General Manager or Deputy Director, the Executive Finance Director, and the Director of General Services. Do not remove any markings without permission. Sec. 398.10.2- Records Required for the Use Of County Equipment: The Director (Department of General Services) shall prescribe the form of records which must be maintained by users of County automotive equipment to keep accurate account of mileage, use, location, fuel consumption, loads carried and vehicle condition. Copies of records or reports shall be submitted to the Director upon request. Records required by the Department of General Services are collected through the Fleet Management Information System (FMIS) when vehicles are refueled and serviced. Programs are responsible for maintaining records of day to day usage. This can be done either by assigning vehicles to individuals or by keeping a list of individuals checking out pool vehicles. Board Of Supervisors Policy H-10 - Fleet Service Internal Service Fund - Vehicle Maintenance and Operation: County department heads who have been allocated vehicles for their use and control will be responsible for vehicle fueling, daily servicing, cleanliness of interior and exterior, parking security and safe operation in compliance with the California Vehicle Code. Procedures for fueling and daily service are contained in the Vehicle Users Guide found in the glove box of County Vehicles. A list of vehicle fueling stations (Attachment 2) is on the back cover of the Vehicle User's Guide. The FMIS collects mileage records when vehicles are refueled and serviced. The FMIS sends service notices to the department assigned the vehicle based on mileage reported at fueling. Department contacts are responsible for ensuring that vehicles are brought to DGS service facilities when required. County vehicles


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County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Financial and Support Services Division


Chapter: Finance Key Words: Vehicle, usage policies, guidelines, procedures

SUBJECT: HHSA Vehicle Assignment, Usage, Policies, Procedures and Responsibilities

NO: FSSD-S-04 PAGE: 4 of 7 DATE: July 10, 2009

may be cleaned at car washes listed in Attachment 3. Only basic car wash services may be charged under the County's car wash contracts. Replacement Vehicle User's Packets may be obtained by contacting Support Services at (619) 692-5713 Transporting Clients and Others in County or Employee Vehicles: In performing service functions for clients, employees may find it appropriate and necessary to occasionally offer transportation when other conveyance means such as Red Cross, Volunteer drivers, public transportation, etc., are not available. The employee shall ensure that the specific use of the car, whether County or privately owned, comes within the reasonable and legitimate scope of authorized services, and is appropriate in the performance of Agency functions. Supervisors should be notified in advance of situations requiring use of an employee's private vehicle to transport clients. County Council Form C-2 -Vehicle Accident Report: All accidents are to be reported (Attachment 4). Evidence Code § 1040 makes certain records privileged from public disclosure. This form is intended to provide information necessary for the use of the office of county counsel in potential litigation defense. Your answers will be held strictly confidential. When completed forward to public liability-claims division at MS A-12. ALL ACCIDENTS MUST BE INVESTIGATED BY POLICE AND/OR CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL. Vehicle accident reporting forms and insurance cards are included in the Vehicle Users Packet found in the glove box of County Vehicles. Forms are also available at the County Counsel web site: http://cww/cc/claims-investigation.html DHR Risk Management- Requirements for Travel in Mexico: The Department of Human Resources Risk Management Division provides documentation of insurance for vehicles traveling in Mexico on County business. A Tourist Vehicle Identification Card (Attachment 5) must be completed by the program's vehicle coordinator, submitted to Insurance Coordinator, DHR Risk Management Division, M/S 076, , and accepted by the insurance company, for each County or personal vehicle prior to traveling into Mexico. County employees driving in Mexico should keep a copy of the County's Insurance Policy on their person while in Mexico. If a vehicle being used for County business is involved in an accident and/or crash in Mexico, it is important to immediately call (01800) 017-8300. All accidents must be reported in Mexico before returning to the USA. In addition, notify the Insurance Coordinator, of such accident as soon as possible at (858) 694-2789. Normal Accident Reporting Requirements also apply. See the DHR Risk Management Web Page (link below) for current forms and instructions.


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Financial and Support Services Division


Chapter: Finance Key Words: Vehicle, usage policies, guidelines, procedures

SUBJECT: HHSA Vehicle Assignment, Usage, Policies, Procedures and Responsibilities

NO: FSSD-S-04 PAGE: 5 of 7 DATE: July 10, 2009 Management/lnsurance/index.htmi#Requirements%20for%20Travel%20in%20Mexico County Administrative Manual Section 0050-02-3- Security Incident Reporting Policy, To establish and maintain a program to consistently mitigate and report all security incidents, completed or attempted, against County property, County employees, and/or other persons at County owned or operated facilities intentional damage or loss to County property or the property of a County employee or any person conducting business at a County facility. Every employee, upon discovery or recognition of a security related incident, shall report the incident to his/her supervisor. The supervisor, or employee as directed, will promptly report the incident to the County Security Coordinator (copy to HHSA Security Coordinator MS P502L) with a completed, on-line Security Incident Report (Form FS779) (Attachment 6). This section covers incidents of intentional loss or damage involving vehicles. Collisions would not normally be considered intentional. HHSA-M-1.2 - Code of Conduct and Statement of Incompatible Activities: The County of San Diego Board of Supervisors has established a zero tolerance policy toward internal and external fraud (Board Policy A-120). Consistent with this policy, and in order to encourage its employees to demonstrate the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct in the workplace, the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency implements this Code of Conduct and Statement of Incompatible Activities. It is the policy of HHSA that all employees, officers and agents shall perform their duties in accordance with the principles of this policy. One of the principles is Commitment to Protecting County Assets; be responsible and accountable for the proper expenditure of County funds and for the proper use of County assets and property. Administrative Manual Section 0050-02-6 - Personal assignment and home storage of County vehicles: To clearly establish the procedures to be followed in requesting authorization for the personal assignment and/or the home storage of a County-owned vehicle. Such authorization shall be the responsibility of the Department Head to which the vehicle is allocated. Personal assignment and/or home storage of County vehicles must be reauthorized annually. Requests submitted prior to September 1 shall expire on December 31 of the same calendar year; requests submitted after September 1 shall expire on December 31 of the following calendar year. Authorizations found to be out of compliance shall be rescinded by the Elected Official or Department Head. All requests for personal assignment or home storage of a County-owned vehicle that have been approved by the respective Elected Official or Department Head will be reported to the Director, Department of General Services on an annual basis.


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County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Financial and Support Services Division


Chapter: Finance Key Words: Vehicle, usage policies, guidelines, procedures

SUBJECT: HHSA Vehicle Assignment, Usage, Policies, Procedures and Responsibilities

NO: FSSD-S-04 PAGE: 6 of 7 DATE: July 10, 2009

Personnel authorized to home store vehicles are liable for income taxes on the value of miles driven in commuting from home to work. They are personally responsible for submission of Report Form for Employees using County/State Vehicles for Commuting (Attachment 7). For HHSA, personal assignment and home storage will be limited to those very rare cases where a viable alternative does not exist. Requests for personal assignment and/or home storage must be submitted on an HHSA Request for Personal Assignment and/or Home Garaging of County Vehicle (Attachment 8) and approved by the applicable Regional General Manager or Deputy Director, and the Executive Finance Director. As authorized under Section 0050-02-6, requests for short term personal assignment and/or home storage, less than 30 days, may be approved by the Region/Program Director with the concurrence of the Executive Finance Director. Short term requests may be submitted by e-mail. HHSA Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) requirements: All HHSA vehicles will maintain one half (1/2) of a tank of fuel at all times for emergency responses. This will ensure the readiness of all HHSA staff to perform their essential functions and manage the consequences of natural disasters or other declared emergencies. In cases of Declared Emergencies, HHSA employees will perform Disaster Service Worker and/or duties as described in the COOP Plans for their respective programs. The primary requirements needed in order for staff to conduct their functions are: • Always leave at least one half (1/2) of tank of fuel in County-owned vehicles. (For use during Declared Emergencies). Failure to maintain fuel levels will lead to revoking of driving privileges. • Mandatory maintenance and resupply of First Aid Kits and Personal Survival Bags;

located in all County-owned vehicles. County of San Diego General Management System, CSC - 042 Customer Service Center, Vehicle Etiquette standards: Establishes etiquette and driving standards for County vehicles. Citizens and visitors to San Diego County form an impression of County employees during every interaction, even when those interactions are indirect. Many employees operate County vehicles, generally identified by the presence of the County logo. The way those vehicles interact with others on the road leaves an impression of the courtesy and professionalism of the organization. Etiquette Highlights: Do not use your cellular telephone or blackberry while driving. Bring your vehicle to a complete stop before using your phone. Do not eat meals while driving. Do not put signs or other objects on or in the vehicle that are not County approved. Do not leave personal items or County property in vehicles that may viewed as an opportunity for a crime.


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Financial and Support Services Division


Chapter: Finance Key Words: Vehicle, usage policies, guidelines, procedures

SUBJECT: HHSA Vehicle Assignment, Usage, Policies, Procedures and Responsibilities

NO: FSSD-S-04 PAGE: 7 of 7 DATE: July 10, 2009

Be aware of your surroundings and where you park your County vehicle. Citizens may draw conclusions about non-work related activities an employee is engaging in on County time, from where a County vehicle is parked.


Vehicle Coordinator HHSA, Financial Support Services Division 3851 Rosecrans St, B-14 Mail Stop: P502L San Diego, CA 92110 Phone: 619-692-8071 FAX: 619-692-8002 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Authorization to Drive Form DHR 126 2. List of County Fuel Locations 3. List of Car Wash Locations 4. Vehicle Accident Report CD-2 5. Tourist Vehicle Identification Card (Sample only, this form is updated annually) 6. Security Incident Report (Form FS779) 7. Report Form for Employees using County/State Vehicles for Commuting (Sample only, form updated annually) 8. HHSA Request for Personal Assignment and/or Home Garaging of County Vehicle SUNSET DATE: This policy will be reviewed for continuance on July 10, 2011


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Name: Home Phone # Date of Request:

Home Street Address: City: Zip:

Vehicle Make: Model: Color:

Vehicle Identification Number County Vehicle Number: License#: Mileage:

Justification for home garaging: (see Administrative Manual #0050-02-06)

Requested Approval: (check appropriate boxes) [ ] Home Garaging [ ] Personal Assignment Employee Signature/Date Supervisors Signature/Date Department Head Signature/Date HHSA Customer Support Manager/Date

Title: Printed Name and Title: Printed Name and Title: Printed Name and Title:

Retain copy in requesting Division / Region and send Original to FSSD, Vehicle Coordinator MS P-502-L. Vehicle Coordinator will inform General Services of approved requests.



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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego

VASAT Volunteers

NAME PROGRAM REGION HOME # CELL # 1. Carlos Morales APS Overland 619.929-1134 619.756-4491 Marianne Hommel APS La Mesa 619.263-6193 619.733-7238 4. Elizabeth Robles APS La Mesa 619.254-9974 858.527-5763 5. Patti Torrez

(Supervisor) APS La Mesa ? ?

6. Christine Sarasua (Alt/Sup) Kim Pearce (Alt/Senior)

APS Central 619.300-9253 858.357-6455

619.318-1109 619.341-1953

7. ? APS Central ? ? 8. Kathy Murphy APS Central 619.222-6460 619.743-4211 9. Kelly Moore APS East 619.241-4872 619.871-5487 10. LaShaunda Gaines APS East 619.825-5264 619.985-9161 11. Amy Waszak APS North Coastal 760.707-8427 760.445-1705 12. Gina Llamas APS So Bay 619.585-1684 619.481-1158 13. Vickie Molzen

(Manager) IHSS Overland 619.390-2980 619.495-7295

14. Blanca Velazquez IHSS So Bay 619.942-1371 619.884-1050 15. Lisa Johnson IHSS El Cajon 619.583-4740 619.873-7821 16. Kathryn Gargano IHSS So Bay 619.670-8320 619.944-9640 17. Barbara Wilson ret. IHSS Central 18. Elsa Ojeda IHSS So Bay 619.405-9978 619.623-5510 19. Angela Vilella IHSS So Bay 619.296-0454 619.840-2348 20. Libby Urie MSSP Central 858.483-8445 619.405-8711 21. Thavone Manivone IHSS Escondido 760.443-0891 619.851-8972 22. Chou Ratsachak IHSS El Cajon 619.964-3661 619.964-3661 23. Nep Tra IHSS Central 619.281-1303 619.876-2143 24. Diane Ainsworth MSSP Overland 619.421-4601 619.823-8836 25. MSSP Staff Case

Management North Inland ? ?

26. Armida Santalo Case Management

Central 619.651-4220 619.972-9195

27. Gisella Stonier (alt/supervisor)/ MSSP Supervisor (alt/supervisor)

Case Management

Central 619.445-8816 ?

858.699-0507 ?

28. Stacy Bjerke (supervisor)

Case Management

Central 858.689-9663 858.204-2298

29. Call Center Supervisor # 1 (alt/supervisor)/ Call Center Supervisor # 2 (alt/supervisor)

Call Center Central


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Area Plan 2016-2020, Appendix --COOP Annex Aging & Independence Services: PSA #23 County of San Diego


ROLE - Your primary role is to advocate for the residents and forward their needs to the Shelter Manager, or if necessary to the Key Contacts below, so they can meet the needs. INSTRUCTIONS Deploy

Step 1. Ensure your family is safe. Step 2. Log your mileage. Step 3. Check in with Shelter Manager upon arrival. Step 4. Check in with VASAT Team Lead. Step 5. Put on vest.

Interview Residents

Step 6. Ask the resident the questions below.** Step 7. Record any needs in the electronic Resident Needs Log (if electronic log is unavailable, use paper).

Advocate for Needs

Step 8. Upon completion of your interviews, ask the Shelter Manager which needs the shelter can meet. Step 9. For each need the shelter can meet, in the Resolution Column in the Resident Needs Log record:

“Referred to Shelter Manager, [insert name], who confirmed shelter will meet this need.” Step 10. Email the electronic log (or call and report the unmet needs) to the first AIS Program

Manager/Alternate or designated manager cover this role.

** Contact Shelter Manager immediately for urgent, immediate needs. If the shelter cannot meet the need, contact one of the key contacts below immediately, in the order listed.


• AIS Program Manager: [email protected] (insert phone #s) • AIS Program Manager Alternate: [email protected] (insert phone #s) • AIS Operations ADD: [email protected] (insert phone #s) • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) County Shelter Team Unit Leader: 858-715-2253 • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) County Care & Shelter Branch Coordinator: 858-715-2254


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1) Do you take medication? (If no, proceed to Treatment Needs) 2) Do you have it with you? 3) If no, what medications do you need? (add to Resident Needs Log) 4) When is your next dose? (add to Resident Needs Log)

B) TREATMENT NEEDS 5) Are you currently receiving care for any chronic health conditions (i.e., dialysis, chemotherapy)? (If no,

proceed to Mental Health Needs) 6) Are there health condition needs that are not being met because of the disaster situation? (If yes, add to

Resident Needs Log) (If no, proceed to Mental Health Needs) 7) If “yes” what kind of treatment are you receiving? (add to Resident Needs Log) 8) When is your next treatment due? (add to Resident Needs Log)

C) MENTAL HEALTH NEED 9) Are you currently being treated for a mental health need? (If no, proceed to question 13) 10) Are you taking any medication? (If no, proceed to #13) 11) Do you have it with you? 12) If no, what medications do you need? (add to Resident Needs Log) 13) When is your next dose? (add to Resident Needs Log) 14) Would you like to speak with a counselor? (If yes, add Resident Needs Log)

D) PHYSICAL NEEDS 15) Do you need assistance with the following activities? (If yes, add to Resident Needs Log)

16) If yes, how are these needs being met or not met at the shelter? (add to Resident Needs Log) 17) Do you need any durable medical equipment? (If yes, add to Resident Needs Log)

18) Do you have a pet or service animal? If yes, how is this animal being taken care of during this disaster? (If the animal does not have care, identify location and record need in Resident Needs Log)

E) SOCIAL SUPPORT (If needs for resident have been identified, ask the following questions) 19) Do you have family and friends with you in the shelter? Are they providing any assistance to you at the

shelter? (record name/contact information on Resident Needs Log) 20) When you are at home, is anyone providing you assistance? A caregiver or family member? Any case

management services, agency, IHSS, etc.? (record in name/contact information on Resident Needs Log)

F) POST-EVENT NEEDS 21) What type of housing do you live in? After the disaster event, are you able to return home? Why not? (if

not able to return home, record in Resident Needs Log) 22) When the shelter closes, if you can’t return home do you have a plan for alternate housing? 23) If no, is there someone who can help you to make plans for alternate housing? (If no, record this need in

Resident Needs Log) 24) If yes, do you have their contact information? (Add need to make plans and the contact information in

Resident Needs Log) 25) Do you need transportation? 26) If yes, what type (wheelchair accessible, etc.)? (add to Resident Needs Log)

Walking Eating Dressing Toileting Bathing Medication

Cane Walker Wheel Chair Bath Bench Other


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ATTACHMENT D: RESIDENT NEEDS LOG (Use Electronic Excel Version if possible)

VASAT Team Info

Page 1 of ___

Date: Shelter:

VASAT Team Member Name: Date/Time log sent to OES Care & Shelter Branch:

Shelter Resident Needs

Last Name First Name Need Time

Identified Time

Resolved Resolution










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