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Little Athletics


2008/2009 SEASON

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2007/08 AGM Minutes Page 3

2008/09 Bayswater Bullets Athletes Page 5

Presidents Report Page 8

Team Managers Report Page 10

Special Guests Page 11 Athlete PB Awards Page 12

Age Group Award Winners Page 14 Major Award Winners Page 16 Best Club Supporter Page 16

Overall Best – Top 5 Page 17 Knox Centre and Five Year Awards Page 18 New Club Records Page 19 Relay Championship Results Page 20

State Multi-Event Championship Results Page 23

Track & Field Championship Results Page 24

Track & Field Open Day Results Page 29 40th Anniversary Local History Project Page 33 Club Records as at 1st April 2009 Page 34 2008 Cross Country Results and Awards Page 38

2009 Cross Country Calender Page 42

Bayswater Bullets LAC Season 2005/06 Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09 Annual Report

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2007/2008 Annual General Meeting Minutes

Saturday 3rd May 2008

at Bayswater South Primary School

Present: Barton-Smith, Bole-Brown, Bryant, Dewar, Egan, Elliott, Griffiths, Holdway, Norton, McCourt, Richardson, Thomas, Thomson, Papst, Guerra, Gill

Apologies: Semfel, Lacy, Nolan, Goodger, Maggs, Stephens Meeting Opened: 3:10pm 2006/07 AGM Minutes: Copies from previous AGM dated 21st April 2007 on table to pick up when signing in. Passed: Libby Egan Seconded : John Griffiths Business arising out of previous minutes. – None

Presidents Address: Read by Stephen Egan Passed : Tracey Bryant Seconded: John Griffiths 2008 -2009 Report Presentations: Team Manager's Report – Read by Alex Thomson Passed : Rob Holdway Seconded: Kath Elliott Treasurer's Report – Read by Emma Shearer Open Balance as at April 2007 $ 2274.50 Balance as at April 2008 $ 2475.47 Passed : Fran Barton-Smith Seconded: Tracey Bryant Appointment of Auditor for 2008-2009: Auditor Dhanesh Amarisi – Cabot Square Accountants – accepted

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2007/2008 Annual General Meeting Minutes (Cont) Election of 2007-2008 Committee: Chaired by Stephen Egan

Position Elected Nominated by Seconded by

President Stephen Egan Fran Barton-Smith Alex Thomson

Treasurer Emma Shearer Jenny Thomas Fran Barton Smith

Secretary None

Team Managers Tracey & Alex Thomson

Fran Barton Smith Jenny Thomas

General Committee

Fran Barton-Smith Jenny Thomas Stephen Egan

Robert Holdway Sharon Holdway Stephen Egan

Melissa Norton Stephen Egan Jenny Thomas

KLAC Executive Representative

Stephen Egan Brad Nugent Dawn Vanderhorst

KLAC Competition Committee

Rob Holdway N/A N/A

Club Delegates None N/A N/A

None N/A N/A

Chief Official - Discus

Rob Holdway N/A N/A

Stephen Egan N/A N/A

Twilight BBQ None N/A N/A

Newsletter None N/A N/A

General Business: Knox LAC Annual General Meeting was held last Monday 16th April. Draw of Sports Bag: Donated by Stephen Egan and drawn by John Guerra – won by U/10 Erin Holdway Announcement that Cross Country Season started early last month Meeting Closed: At 3:40pm followed by the Trophy Presentations and a speech by special guest presenter Cr Adam Gill. Club Life Member Ron Papst was our other special guest Presenter

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2008/09 Athletic Team

U/7 Kyha Stapp U/7 Joshua Dewar U/7 Liam Goodger

U/7 Bailey Eastwood U/7 Dylan Heuvel U/7 Lasaro Tuimateo

U/7 Lachlan Bright U/8 Sarah Cobb U/9 Bethany Ammann

U/9 Jade Huevel U/9 Ashlee Dean U/9 Emily Roe

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2008/09 Athletic Team (Cont)

U/9 Tom Richardson U/10 Stephanie White U/10 Nathan Goodger

U/10 Daniel Cobb U/10 Thomas Elliott U/10 Cody Norton

U/10 Jack Bole-Brown U/10 Riley Moriss U/11 Erin Holdway

U/11 Emily Dewar U/11 Annie Egan U/11 Nicholas Elliott

Season 2006/07

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2008/09 Athletic Team (Cont)

U/11 Alan Damen U/11 Chris Heckenberg U/12 Emma Thomson

U/12 Emma Heckenberg U/12 Tayla White U/13 Claire Elliott

U/13 Alexandra Hellard U/13 David Thomson U/14 Victoria Heckenberg

Photos with thanks to Knox LAC Photographers:

Grant Bertram Nathan Dewar Andrea Dunn Stephen Egan Phil Matthews

U/15 Debra Elliott

Season 2006/07

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Annual ReportSeason 2008/09 Bayswater Bullets LAC

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Presidents Report 2008-09

I would like to welcome our special guests, Club Life Members David Blackwood and Greg Waugh. Both of our guests will be helping present the awards a little later. Thankyou to everyone who have helped in your various ways throughout the season. Firstly, to all the parents and grandparents in conducting your parent officials duty – without your help, there would no Little Athletics. The great thing is, you are part of your children’s fun. To our Club Team Managers Alex & Tracey Thomson who do a fantastic job in all the work they have put in at the track plus the many hours spent weekly at home in keeping the results and PB’s up to date. Tracey also creates the PB results for the website and just recently, Tracey has stepped in as Interim Treasurer until today’s AGM. Emma Shearer in looking after the books as club Treasurer but due to time commitments with a new job promotion at the start of the year, she could not continue with the role. Rob Holdway, our General Committee member as well our club representative on the Knox Centre Competition Committee. This season Rob was also the Knox Centre Assistant Team Manager for Region and State Relays, Multi-Event and Track & Field events. Rob is also one of our Chief Officials and just completed his sixth season in this role. To Melissa Norton, also on our General Committee who helped co-ordinate the Raffle and Cake stall and is always ready to lend a hand. To Karen Van Able as our twilight BBQ cook for the season. To everyone that made cakes or cookies or donated money in lieu and for donating items for our annual Christmas Raffle and Cake Stall. Special thanks also to those that helped on the stall and sold tickets around the ground - all contributors were greatly appreciated - with the funds going towards the end of season awards and trophies! To Joyce Norton, Cody’s Grandmother, who generously made numerous cakes and cookies for us once again. To the parents who helped out on our two Canteen Duty dates. Our Bunnings BBQ fundraiser in January was another success.. Thankyou to Stacey Goodger in obtaining the permits and liaising with Maroondah City Council. Thanks also to those who helped on the day; Tracey Eastwood, Barbara Morris (who took off for the Peninsula straight after her shift for a two week holiday), Emma Shearer, Andrew Bright, Nathan Dewar (despite having a dirt bike accident in the morning) and in particular to Alex, David and Emma Thomson who along with myself did a double shift. Thankyou to Karen Van Able and Jodie Huevel who helped on the BBQ fundraiser for the Knox Centre at the Red Cross Twilight Bushfire Appeal. That was an amazing night with the generosity of everyone involved. With just 4 days of planning and $9,500 worth of items donated by families and businesses within our community, a total of $12,500 was raised for the cause. To Hans Damen who helped assist myself and Rob Holdway in the Knox Championship Day setup.

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Presidents Report 2008-09 (Cont)

I was the Chairperson and History Co-Ordinator of the Knox Centre’s 40

th Anniversary Sub-

Committee where we had a number of functions at the Centre level throughout the first half of the season including the Mayoral Reception, Opening Day March Past, Grandstand Photographic Day, the “Come Back To Knox” family fun day and the 40

th Anniversary Knox

Open Twilight. Every athlete also received a commemorative medallion. A DVD was produced titled “Moments in Time” of the Knox Centre’s 40 year history as a project with two students at Swinburne Multi-Media Department Co-Ordinated by Phil Matthews. The “Bayswater Bullets LAC 40

th Anniversary Local History Project” computer DVD, was finally

completed in February. It is on sale today for $10 each and covers the period 1968 to 2008. More information about this project is in the annual report. The Cross Country season is well underway and there are no fees for those competing in the track & field season. So if you have not tried it before and not doing any other activities over winter, come down one day to try it out. Last season Bayswater Bullets won the Max J. White Shield as Best Cross Country Club. Even if you are doing another sport or activity, if you have a bye or a free Saturday morning, come down for a run as it contributes points for our club. We need help on the Committee as this season we were short of a Secretary, General Committee Members and a newsletter editor so if you are coming back for Season 2009/10, please consider joining. We meet around 6 times a season and this season, the meetings were conducted in less than an hour. To those who leave us this season, thankyou for your time with us, hope you have had fun and wish you and your children all the best for their future activities, Stephen Egan President

Bayswater Bullets LAC

Bayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09 Annual Report

Bayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09 Annual Report

March Past on our season 2008/09 Opening Day

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Team Managers Report 2008/09 I realize I say this every year, but as usual it is unbelievable that another year has gone. But what a fantastic year it has been. I’ve come to realize that all kids are different and they all enjoy little athletics in different ways. For most it is all about being with friends and having fun, others challenge themselves every week and breaking PB’s is what it is all about, for these kids just getting a new PB is all the reward they need, the best part of being the Team Manager is watching your children’s faces when they get a new PB. The worst part about being team manager is watching their faces when they don’t get a PB. Apart from the obvious athletic ability that our children learn from little athletics each week they also learn a lot about sportsmanship, determination, dedication, patience and goal setting, these are the qualities that will stick with them for life, and hopefully mould them into better people. This year three of our athletes have used that determination to achieve outstanding results at a State level. Annie Egan U/11 won gold medals at State for the 800m and 1500m, she also won medals at state relay. Erin Holdway U/11 took home a bronze medal for her Shot Put throw at state track and field. David Thomson for the third year in a row placed in the top three at the State Multi Event, this year he brought home a bronze medal. Congratulation to all of our athletes who do their best every week. Also thank you to all the parents, grandparents and friends for not just bringing your kids to little Athletics every week but also for your dedication to the club, without your help with duty every week and your fundraising efforts our children wouldn’t have a little athletic club. This club wouldn’t run without a committee so thank you to all parents who currently help out with the committee, we always welcome new members and would deeply appreciate any help any of you could offer in the future. Also a very special thank-you to our President Steve Egan who puts in more time than anyone realizes, not just with our club but also with the Knox centre, he puts in more than 100% and we are very lucky to have him. Our Cross Country season has now begun and I’m happy to see a large number of our athletes giving it a go this year. Keep your eyes on the Knox web page as some training has already started with more to come in the coming months, for those of you who don’t realize all athletes can attend training at Knox even during the winter months, it’s a great way to keep in shape and prepare for the next summer season which will be here before we realize it. I hope we see many of you back next season.

Tracey & Alex Thomson Team Managers Bayswater Bullets LAC

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One of our special guests today is Club Life Member David Blackwood who is still active with Little Athletics, and now in his 26th season. Associated with Bayswater Bullets from 1982, after just migrating from Scotland, until season 1991/92 when his children Wendy and Mark finished Little Athletics. David was our Club President in seasons 1985/86 and 1986/87 and was honoured Club Life Membership on 10

th April 1994.

The Knox Centre honoured David with Life Membership in 1996.

At the Eastern Metropolitan Region level, David was the Eastern Region Walks Coordinator from season 2001/02 to 2005/06.

At the VLAA level, David has been a member of the Victorian Little Athletics Walk Panel since 1990 and has held the position of State Co-ordinator Walks since 1991 including being the Key Walk Judge at the VLAA State Championships last month.

David was awarded the prestigious VLAA "Distinguished Service Award" in 2006. He still coaches Little and Senior athletes in the walks at the Knox track.

David's wife Gill was our Assistant Team Manager in season 1983/84 and the club Secretary in seasons 1984/85 to 1986/87.

Greg was associated with Bayswater Bullets from 1988 to 1993 with two children representing our club - Megan and Kirsty. Greg's wife Vicky was Club Delegate in 1990/91, 1991/92 and 1992/93. Greg was honoured with Club Life Membership on 10

th April 1994.

At Knox Little Athletics Centre level, Greg was Vice President in 1992/93. Assistant Controller of Officials & on the Program Committee in 1989/90, Setting up of Equipment in 1990/91, Region

Delegate, Referee, Equipment Manager & on Wet Weather Committee in 1991/92, Referee and Setting up of Equipment 1992/93. Knox LAC honoured Greg with Life Membership in 1993.

Greg and his wife, Vicki currently own and run a Bed and Breakfast at Moorview House which is situated in Metung, on the Gippsland Lakes.

Special Guests

David Blackwood

Greg Waugh

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Gold Medal Winners

40 Plus Personal Best Medal Case

Annie Egan


Gold Medal Winners

30 to 39 Personal Best

Bethany Ammann David Thomson Erin Holdway

35 31 30

Silver Medal Winners

22 to 29 Personal Best

Alan Damen

Chris Heckenberg Liam Goodger

Emma Thomson Claire Elliott

28 23 22 22 22

Bronze Medal Winners

15 to 21 Personal Best

Kyha Stapp Emily Dewar

Nathan Goodger Thomas Elliott Nicholas Elliott Daniel Cobb

Joshua Dewar

21 21 20 19 19 18 15


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10 PB Certificate Winners

Bailey Eastwood Deborah Elliott

Emma Heckenberg Sarah Cobb

Stephanie White Cody Norton

Jack Bole-Brown Tayla White

14 14 13 11 11 11 11 10

Lachlan Bright Riley Moriss

Victoria Heckenberg Ashlee Dean

Alexandra Hellard Jade Huevel

Lasero Tuemateo Dylan Huevel

Tom Richardson Emily Roe

9 9 8 6 6 6 5 5 3 2

2008/2009 CLUB AWARD WINNERS (Cont)

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UNDER 7 GIRLS Winner Kyha Stapp

UNDER 7 BOYS Winner Liam Goodger

Runner Up Joshua Dewar

Third Bailey Eastwood

Achievers Lasaro Tuimateo

Dylan Heuvel

UNDER 8 GIRLS Winner Sarah Cobb

UNDER 9 GIRLS Winner Bethany Ammann

Runners Up Jade Heuvel

Achievers Emily Row

UNDER 10 GIRLS Winner Stephanie White

UNDER 10 BOYS Winner Nathan Goodger

Runners Up Thomas Elliott

Third Cody Norton

Achievers Jack Bole-Brown

Daniel Cobb

Riley Moriss

UNDER 11 GIRLS Winner Annie Egan

Runner Up Erin Holdway

Third Emily Dewar

UNDER 11 BOYS Winner Alan Damen

Runners Up Chris Heckenberg

Third Nicholas Elliott

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Also to compete this season was U/7 Lachlan Bright, U/9 Ashlee Dean,

U/9 Tom Richardson and U/13 Alexandra Hellard

Thomas and Nathan chatting between events

UNDER 12 GIRLS Winner Emma Thomson

Runners Up Emma Heckenberg

Third Tayla White

UNDER 13 GIRLS Winner Claire Elliott

UNDER 13 BOYS Winner David Thomson

UNDER 14 GIRLS Achiever Victoria Heckenberg

UNDER 15 GIRLS Winner Deborah Elliott

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

2008/2009 CLUB AWARD WINNERS (Cont)

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This award recognises parent contribution outside of the Committee for the person who most helps out the club throughout the season. A task/duty tally is kept for those that help out in areas such as Canteen duty, contribute to Cake Stall and Raffle Day – as well as selling tickets and working on the stall, help out by doing “extra parent” duty when called out for help over the PA, help setup on Knox Open Twilight and Championship Day, Twilight BBQ, Bunnings BBQ, representing the club at Knox LAC Executive or Competition Committee as well as being a Chief Official. We would like to extend our thanks all our parents who helped out in the many and varied ways. The Best Club Person for Season 2008/09 is:


BEST OVERALL BOY U/13 David Thomson


Last Year’s Special Guests Club Life Member Ron Papst

Knox Cr Adam Gill

2007/08 Best Overall Girl U/10 Annie Egan

2007/08 Best Overall Boy

U/12 David Thomson

2007/08 RACV Achievers Award Winner

U/10 Emily Dewar

Karen Van Abel

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A traditional Club formula passed on from previous Committees is used based on each athlete’s results for the season. This is to work out who are the Best Overall Boy and the Best Overall Girl in our Club. It is a combination of PB's, the "point system", age group rating and the number of athletes in the age group.

Points are scored throughout the season with a loading for PB's with allowances to both points scored and events. This is to even out the larger and smaller age groups. It is also to even out those in the older age groups with more event opportunities to compete against the younger groups with less events. The official club formula used is:

1 U/11 Annie Egan 4790

2 U/9 Bethany Ammann 2933

3 U/11 Erin Holdway 2475

4 U/12 Emma Thomson 1543

5 U/7 Kyha Stapp 1418

1 U/13 David Thomson 3023

2 U/11 Alan Damen 2437

3 U/7 Liam Goodger 1777

4 U/11 Chris Heckenberg 1712

5 U/10 Nathan Goodger 1552

Number of Points in Age Group Award Group with most events

--------------------------------------------------- X Number of PB's X ---------------------------------------------

Number of children in age group Number of events in age group

2008/2009 CLUB AWARD WINNERS (Cont)

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Bayswater 5 year award includes Cross Country season only and those repeating U/7’s






Annie with her Best Overall U/11 Girls

Knox Centre Award

Throws specialist U/11 Erin in action during her fifth season. (her dad Rob in background)

U/13 David in his fifth season after starting as an U/9 in the

Cross Country season.

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Girls U/12 Long Jump (board)

3.08m 18 Oct 2008 Emma Heckenberg

Girls U/15 Hammer Throw 13.16m 24 Oct 2008 Deborah Elliott

Boys U/13 Triple Jump 10.20m 06 Dec 2008 David Thomson

Boys U/13 Javelin 30.77m 06 Dec 2008 David Thomson

Girls U/8 Multi-Event 1572 points 20 Dec 2008 Sarah Cobb

Girls U/11 Multi-Event 954 points 20 Dec 2008 Annie Egan

Boys U/13 1100m Steeple 4 min 13.33 sec 10 Jan 2009 David Thomson

Boys U/13 Long Jump 5.10m 24 Jan 2009 David Thomson

Boys U/13 Multi-Event 1611 points 01 Feb 2009 David Thomson

Girls U/11 Discus 19.15m 07 Feb 2009 Erin Holdway

Girls U/11 Javelin 16.63m 07 Feb 2009 Erin Holdway

Girls U/12 Long Jump (board)

3.30m 07 Feb 2009 Emma Thomson

Boys U/13 70m 9.43 sec 13 Feb 2009 David Thomson

Girls U/11 80m Hurdles 14.42 sec 14 Feb 2009 Annie Egan

Girls U/11 60m Hurdles 10.97 sec 21 Feb 2009 Annie Egan

Boys U/13 Shot Put 9.94m 07 Mar 2009 David Thomson

Girls U/11 200m Hurdles 33.90 sec 14 Mar 2009 Annie Egan

Girls U/12 Long Jump (board)

3.34m 14 Mar 2009 Emma Heckenberg

Girls U/12 Triple Jump (board)

7.26m 14 Mar 2009 Emma Thomson

Boys U/13 Discus 30.58m 14 Mar 2009 David Thomson

Girls U/11 Shot Put 8.22m 21 Mar 2009 Erin Holdway

Girls U/11 400m 1 min 07.29 sec 22 Mar 2009 Annie Egan

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VLAA State Relay Championship Results 14th December 2008 at Olympic Park

Age Athlete Event Team Place Time Girls U/11 Annie Egan 4 x 200m - Heat Knox A 1st 2.06.50

4 x 200m - Final Knox A 2nd 2.04.10

Boys U/13 David Thomson U13-U15 Medley Knox A 8th 1.52.27

Eastern Metropolitan Regional Relay Championship Results

22nd November 2008 at Proclamation Park, Ringwood

U/10 Boys Riley Moriss 4 x 100m (Knox A) - Heat

Medley (Knox A) - Heat

MS 4 x 100m (Knox C) - Heat

6th 1 min 09.93 sec

8th 2 min 50.06 sec

7th 1 min 28.53 sec

U/11 Annie U/13 David

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Eastern Metropolitan Regional Relay

Championship Results (Cont)

U/10 Boys Nathan Goodger 4 x 100m (Knox A) - Heat

Medley (Knox A) - Heat

Boys 9-12 Medley - Final

6th 1 min 09.93 sec

8th 2 min 50.06 sec

5th 2 min 25.81 sec

U/11 Girls Annie Egan 4 x 100m (Knox B) - Heat

4 x 100m (Knox B) - Final

Medley - Heat (Knox B)

Medley - Final (Knox B)

4 x 200m Heat (Knox A)

4 x 200m - Final (Knox A)

4th 1 min 05.16 sec

7th 1 min 05.29 sec

2nd 2 min 21.52 sec

2nd 2 min 15.28 sec

2nd 2 min 14.94 sec

1st 2 min 08.15 sec

U/11 Girls Erin Holdway MS 4 x 100m (Knox D) - Heat

4 x 100m (Knox C) - Heat

Medley - Heat (Knox A)

Medley - Final (Knox A)

6th 1 min 09.61 sec


4th 2 min 35.68 sec

7th 2 min 41.93 sec

U/11 Girls Emily Dewar MS 4 x 100m (Knox D) - Heat

4 x 100m (Knox C) - Heat

MS 4 x200m - Final

6th 1 min 09.61 sec


3rd 2 min 17.66 sec

U/13 Boys David Thomson Boys 13-15 Medley - Final 2nd 1 min 51.93 sec

U/10 Riley U/10 Nathan U/11 Annie U/11 Erin & Emily

U/13 David David called in as emergency

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

David, who was recovering from an injury of his thigh muscle coming off his hip pre-season only entered the 12-15 Medley event.

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Box Hill Invitational Relay Results

26th October 2008 at Hagenaurer Reserve, Box Hill North

Age Name Team/Event Result

U/10 Nathan Goodger Knox A - 4x100m Heat

Knox B - 4x200m Heat

Knox B - MS 4x100m Heat

Knox B - Medley Heat

6th 1.10.98

6th 2.53.23

5th 1.09.29

5th 2.43.89

U/10 Riley Morris Knox A - 4x100m Heat

Knox B - 4x200m Heat

Knox B - MS 4x100m Heat

Knox B - Medley Heat

6th 1.10.98

6th 2.53.23

6th 1.10.79

5th 2.43.89

U/11 Erin Holdway Knox C - 4x100m Heat

Knox B - MS 4x100m Heat

Knox D - Medley - Heat

Knox D - Medley - Final

Knox D - 4 x 200 - Heat

4th 1.07.42

5th 1.05.11

4th 2.20.82

5th 2.24.65

7th 2.31.12

U/11 Annie Egan Knox A - 4x100m Heat

Knox A - 4x100m Final

Knox B - MS 4x100m Heat

Knox A - Medley - Heat

Knox A - Medley - Final

Knox A - 4x200m - Heat

Knox A - 4x200m - Final

1st 1.00.07

2nd 1.00.21

5th 1.05.11

1st 2.22.96

2nd 2.15.09

1st 2.12.14

1st 2.09.11

U/10 Nathan U/10 Riley U/11 Erin

U/11 Annie

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VLAA State Multi-Event Championship Results

31st Jan/1st Feb 2009 at Alexandra Park, Warrnambool

Age Group Athlete Events Results Points

Under 11 Girls Annie Egan

7th Position

Points: 926


80m Hurdles


Long Jump


17.58 sec

15.31 sec

2 min 44.91 sec








Under 11 Girls Erin Holdway

39th Position

Points: 408


80m Hurdles


Long Jump


19.85 sec

20.93 sec

3 min 47.15 sec








Under 13 Boys David Thomson

3rd Position

Points: 1611


80m Hurdles


Long Jump


13.35 sec

13.60 sec

2 min 34.93 sec








Erin – Discus David – State Medallist Annie 80m Hurdles

for third year in a row

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VLAA State Track & Field Championship Results

21st/22nd March 2009 at Olympic Park

Under 11 Girls Annie Egan 400m - Heat

400m - Final

800m - Heat

800m - Final


2nd 1.07.29 *

5th 1.08.63

3rd 2.42.00

1st 2.36.68

1st 5.22.08

Under 11 Girls Erin Holdway Shot Put



3rd 8.22m *

12th 17.53m

14th 14.31m

Under 13 Boys David Thomson Discus 5th 29.26m

* Club Record

Annie & Erin – State T&F Medallists David at State – 5

th in Discus

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

Annie Egan also progressed to State in the 80m Hurdles but dropped the event prior to State as the final was programmed only 6 minutes before the 800m Final. This allowed the next athlete in line to take her place. David Thomson was confined to the Discus event only, after re-injuring his thigh muscle on the Regional Championships weekend. His 80m Hurdles time in the heat at Region would have got him into State.

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Eastern Metropolitan Regional Track & Field Championship Results

14th/15th February 2009 at Bill Sewart Reserve, Nunawading Track

Under 10 Boys

Cody Norton

70m - Heat


80m Hurdles - Heat

Long Jump

7th 12.31 sec

21st 3 min 02.97 sec

7th 19.04 sec

28th 2.29m

Nathan Goodger

70m - Heat

1100m Walk

Shot Put

Triple Jump

7th 12.10 sec

5th 8 min 51.07 sec

7th 6.27m

17th 6.71m

Under 11 Girls

Annie Egan

80m Hurdles - Heat

80m Hurdles - Final

400m - Heat

400m - Final



3rd 14.91 sec

4th 14.42 sec *

2nd 1 min 09.31 sec *

3rd 1 min 09.87 sec

1st 2 min 39.91 sec

2nd 5 min 39.27 sec

Erin Holdway


Shot Put


Triple Jump

6th 14.90mm

2nd 7.89m

3rd 17.06m

18th 6.39m

Emily Dewar

400m - Heat

60m Hurdles - Heat



4th 1 min 26.00 sec

7th 14.40 sec

11th 8.72m

14th 10.37m

Under 13 Boys David Thomson

80m Hurdles – Heat

80m Hurdles - Final


Long Jump

2nd 14.13 sec

DNC (Injured)

3rd 29.83m

DNF (Injured)

* Club Record

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

David re-injured his thigh muscle the night before in the 70m at the Knox twilight. Was able to compete in the Discus and 80m Hurdles heat, but re-injured muscle on his first long jump attempt. David’s 80m Hurdles time was the second fastest for the day but he could not compete in the final.

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Knox Championship Day Results

14th March 2009 at Knox Park

(60m Hurdles was conducted on 28th March 2009 due to wet weather)

Under 7 Girls Kyha Stapp

Shot Put




3rd 4.16m




Under 7 Boys

Josh Dewar



Shot Put

5th 1 min 44.09 sec

7th 2.68m

9th 2.93m

Dylan Huevel




Shot Put




10th eq 2.90m

Liam Goodger

400m Walk

High Jump

Triple Jump

Shot Put

2nd 3 min 54.36 sec

2nd 85cm

6th 5.00m

1st 5.20m

Under 9 Girls

Bethany Ammann

200m - Heat

200m - Final

400m - Heat

60m Hurdles

Triple Jump

3rd 38.43 sec

7th 44.43 sec

4th 1 min 39.64 sec

5th 13.42 sec

6th 5.49m

Jade Heuvel

400m - Heat


60m Hurdles

80m Hurdles

4th 1 min 42.28 sec


6th 14.99 sec

6th 18.64 sec

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Knox Championship Day Results (Cont)

14th March 2009 at Knox Park

Under 10 Boys

Nathan Goodger

60m Hurdles

1100m Walk

Triple Jump

Shot Put

2nd 13.75 sec

3rd 9 min 07.68

4th 6.55m

2nd 5.85m

Riley Moriss









Under 11 Girls

Annie Egan



200m Hurdles

Triple Jump

1st 1 min 11.69 sec

1st 2 min 43.44 sec

1st 33.90 sec *

1st 7.97m

Erin Holdway

60m Hurdles

Shot Put




1st Shot Put

1st 16.75m

2nd 12.03m

Emily Dewar



200m Hurdles

Shot Put

5th 1 min 35.83 sec

3rd 7 min 13.72 sec

4th 45.38 sec

5th 5.12m

Under 11 Boys

Alan Damen





3rd 34.12 sec


2nd 2 min 54.55 sec

3rd 5 min 50.92 sec

Chris Heckenberg


60m Hurdles

Triple Jump

Shot :Put


1st 12.07 sec

2nd 7.26m

2nd 7.75m

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Knox Championship Day Results (Cont)

14th March 2009 at Knox Park Under 12 Girls

Emma Thomson

60m Hurdles

80m Hurdles

200m Hurdles

Triple Jump


5th 12.26 sec

5th 16.89 sec

3rd 41.85 sec

2nd 7.26m

5th 8.63m

Emma Heckenberg




Long Jump

High Jump

4th 11.61 sec

3rd 16.68 sec


6th 3.34m

5th 1.05m

Under 13 Boys David Thomson


Shot Put

1st 30.58m *

1st 9.53m

Under 14 Girls Victoria Heckenberg



1100m Steeple

3rd 2 min 51.24 sec

3rd 6 min 28.63 sec

3rd 4 min 54.25 sec

* Club Record

Thomas, Chris and Alan having

their results recorded by Club Team Manager Alex

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

Due the thigh injury from the Regional Championship weekend, David Thomson could only compete in the standing throws events

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2008/09 Open Day Results

Open Days are a special day that some Centres conduct with an open invitation for athletes from other Centres to compete against their own athletes. It is like a mini Championships where medals are awarded to the first 3 placegetters and ribbons for 4th to 8th place. There are around 15 Open Days around the State including Relays and Multi-Events. These events are useful leading into the end of season Championships by having additional practice in your favourite events.

Caulfield LAC Cup Open Day Results

2nd November 2008 at Duncan MacKinnon Reserve

U/12 Girls Emma Thomson

1500m Walk

80m Hurdles - Heat


Triple Jump


3rd 11 min 29.07 sec

4th 17.68 sec

12th 3 min 25.23 sec

9th 7.05m

7th 9.50m

U/13 Boys David Thomson


Long Jump

High Jump



2nd 1 min 06.19 sec

2nd 4.56m

2nd 1.50m

1st 30.51m

1st 28.49m

Photos from the 40th Anniversary Knox Open Twilight

U/9 Bethany – 400m Alex – Discus Chief Official U/7 Liam – Long Jump

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Doncaster Open Twilight Results

6th December 2008 at Rieschiecks Reserve, Doncaster

Southern Peninsula Open Day Results

11th January 2009 at Tootgarook Reserve, Rye

U/7 Boys Liam Goodger

Shot Put


Long Jump


1st 4.82m

3rd 11.80m

6th 2.31m

4th 14.90 sec

U/10 Boys Nathan Goodger


Triple Jump

80m Hurdles - Heat

80m Hurdles - Final

100m - Heat


6th 6.88m

4th 17.78 sec

7th 18.60 sec

19.18 sec

U/11 Girls

Annie Egan With Olympian Scott Martin

80m Hurdles - Heat

80m Hurdles - Final



High Jump

Shot Put

2nd 16.22 sec

2nd 16.15 sec

2nd 1 min 14.39 sec

2nd 5 min 52.02 sec

2nd 1.22m

6th 5.65m

U/13 Boys David Thomson

100m - Heat

100m - Final

200m - Heat

200m - Final

400m - Heat

400m - Final

Long Jump

High Jump

4th 13.76 sec

- DNC - Injured

3rd 28.41 sec

- DNC - Injured

2nd 1 min 06.94 sec

- DNC - Injured

3rd 4.98 sec

2nd 1.50m

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Southern Peninsula Open Day Results (Cont)

11th January 2009 at Tootgarook Reserve, Rye

U/11 Girls Erin Holdway

Shot Put


Discus (U/12 Girls)

1st 7.91m

1st 14.32m

2nd 17.88m

Knox Open Twilight Results

24th January 2009 at Knox Park

U/7 Boys Liam Goodger

70m – Heat

70m - Final

Long Jump


Shot Put

2nd 14.34 sec

7th 14.90 sec

6th 2.28m

6th 8.81m

1st 4.90m

U/9 Girls Bethany Ammann

200m - Heat

400m - Final


Long Jump

3rd 43.75 sec

7th 1.40.31

8th 4.06.20

14th 2.60m

U/10 Boys Nathan Goodger

60m H – Heat

60m H – Final

1100m Walk

Triple Jump


2nd 12.05 sec

5th 13.74 sec


8th 6.18m

8th 14.84m

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Knox Open Twilight Results (Cont)

24th January 2009 at Knox Park

U/11 Girls

Annie Egan

60m Hurdles - Heat

60m Hurdles - Final

400m – Heat

400m – Final



1st 11.00 sec *

3rd 11.14 sec

1st 1 min 13.97

3rd 1 min 12.76 *

2nd 5 min 50.53

3rd 14.86m

Erin Holdway

Discus (U/12)

Shot Put


9th 17.32m

2nd 8.13m

1st 16.18m

U/11 Boys Alan Damen 200m - Heat 5th 32.90 sec

U/13 Boys David Thomson


80m Hurdles

Long Jump

High Jump (U14)

5th 9.69 sec

2nd 13.51 sec

1st 5.10m *

3rd 1.50m

* Club Record

Special guest Olympian medal presenters, former Bayswater Bullets Club President Dean Barton-Smith

and Discus & Shot Putter Scott Martin

Special Guest Paralympian former Bayswater Bullets athlete Brydee Moore presenting medals

to the U/11 Girls Shot Put including Erin Holdway

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

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2009 ar


Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

Bayswater Bullets LAC 40th Anniversary Local History Project Computer DVD – 1968 to 2008

Back in September 2006, in conjunction with the Knox Historical Society, a joint application was made for a "Local History Grant" from the Public Records Office Victoria for the "Bayswater Bullets Little Athletics Club 40th Anniversary History Project" to be produced on a computer DVD. This project, two years in the making, shows a unique insight into our sport with a season by season club history, photos plus many other club historical documents. Undoubtedly, this is the most documented history of any Little Athletics club in Australia. For the broader audience, the final version of the “Little Athletics Early History” is a must for all involved in Little Athletics to see how the origins of our sport began and the problems that had to be overcome. The information gathered was from some of those who were there right at the very beginning - Little Athletics pioneers Christine Billingham (wife of founder, the late Trevor Billingham) and Alan Triscott who were both extremely helpful and generous in their time, advice and the many historical documents they had provided. All documents on this DVD has been professionally menu authored on a easy to use interface, then printed and duplicated by and is available for $10 each or $12.45 with postage. The Knox Journal article below on the History DVD was in the 25th March 2009 edition. Article Correction: Stephen was actually with Fairpark when first formed in 1968, not Bayswater.

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Girls Under 7

70m 12.28 Jade Minahan 25 Jan 1996

100m 17.45 Jade Minahan 03 Jan 1996

200m 35.80 Hayley Malt 26 Nov 1993

400m 1.31.80 Kristy Campbell 12 Mar 1988

400m Walk 2.39.10 Tina Hibbert 30 Jan 1988

High Jump 0.91m Rebecca Volpe 27 Jan 1990

Long Jump 2.74m Kristy Campbell 02 Oct 1989

Triple Jump 6.46m Kristy Campbell 25 Feb 1989

Shot Put 4.51m Jenny Zaher 14 Mar 2003

Discus 10.78m Rachel Gilder 27 Mar 1993

Multi-Event 1421 Jessica Thomson 17 Dec 2005

Under 7 Boys

70m 12.30 Jarrod Kimberley 03 Aug 1991

100m 17.09 Alex Barton-Smith 25 Feb 2006

200m 37.98 Alex Barton-Smith 18 Feb 2006

400m 1.31.10 Lee Earsman 03 Apr 1989

400m Walk 2.33.53 Scott Wilcox 11 Dec 1994

High Jump 0.95m Hayden Lacy 07 Feb 1987

Long Jump 2.65m Hayden Lacy 14 Mar 1987

Triple Jump 5.45m Shaun Kane 22 Mar 1997

Shot Put 5.83m Michael Aiello 25 Mar 1995

Discus 13.80m Alex Barton-Smith 25 Feb 2006

Multi-Event 1918 Alex Barton-Smith 17 Dec 2005

Girls Under 8

70m 11.09 Hayley Malt 25 Feb 1995

100m 15.85 Hayley Malt 12 Sep 1994

200m 33.89 Hayley Malt 25 Feb 1995

400m 1.17.11 Hayley Malt 03 Apr 1995

600m 2.11.82 Hayley Malt 03 Apr 1995

60m Hurdles 11.65 Hayley Malt 02 Nov 1995

800m Walk 5:05.74 Lindel Hodgkinson 21 Mar 1992

High Jump 1.04m Lindel Hodgkinson 21 Mar 1992

Long Jump 3.30m Hayley Malt 03 Apr 1995

Triple Jump 6.57m Deanne Marsh 03 Apr 1989

Shot Put 4.00m Karly Peel 11 Jan 2003

Discus 11.55m Rachel Gilder 23 Oct 1993

Multi-Event 1572 Sarah Cobb 20 Dec 2008

Boys Under 8

70m 11.30 Dean Campbell 03 Jan 1986

100m 16.49 Alex Barton-Smith 28 Oct 2006

200m 34.97 Taylor Leggate 19 Feb 2000

400m 1.22.90 Lee Earsman 02 Sep 1990

600m 2.20.60 Taylor Leggate 02 May 2000

60m Hurdles 11.87 Michael Aiello 23 Mar 1996

800m Walk 5:06.36 Dale Gibbs 20 Feb 1988

High Jump 1.06m Jarred Kimberley 15 Feb 1992

Long Jump 3.58m Lee Earsman 16 Dec 1989

Triple Jump 7.18m Dean Campbell 03 Aug 1986

Shot Put 5.44m Jurion Kauker 23 Mar 1996

Discus 16.43m Taylor Leggate 26 Feb 2000

Multi-Event 1996 Zac Thomas 17 Dec 2005

Girls Under 9

70m 10.47 Hayley Malt 17 Feb 1996

100m 15.19 Hayley Malt 17 Nov 1995

200m 32.42 Hayley Malt 25 Jan 1996

400m 1.11.53 Hayley Malt 16 Mar 1996

800m 2.51.06 Hayley Malt 23 Mar 1996

60m Hurdles 11.43 Hayley Malt 12 Aug 1995

80m Hurdles 15.16 Hayley Malt 24 Mar 1996

1100m Walk 6:32.36 Narelle Bos 16 Dec 1989

High Jump 1.15m Lindel Hodgkinson 14 Feb 1993

Long Jump 3.85m Hayley Malt 03 Jan 1996

Triple Jump 8.04m Narelle Bos 24 Mar 1990

Shot Put 5.05m Erin Holdway 02 Mar 2007

Discus 16.49m Erin Holdway 31 Mar 2007

Multi-Event 633 Annie Egan 03 Mar 2007

Boys Under 9

70m 10.90 Dean Campbell 02 Jul 1987

100m 15.10 Dean Campbell 18 Oct 1986

200m 32.20 Dean Campbell 14 Mar 1987

400m 1.18.00 David Ferroni 20 Feb 1988

800m 2.25.22 Robert Guillaume 28 Mar 1998

60m hurdles 11.35 Robert Walker 27 Mar 1999

80m Hurdles 15.08 Michael Aiello 22 Mar 1997

1100m Walk 6:10.24 Mark Blackwood 12 Jul 1986

High Jump 1.23m Glenn Candy 24 Feb 1991

Long Jump 3.80m Dean Campbell 29 Nov 1986

Triple Jump 8.03 Dean Campbell 15 Nov 1986

Shot Put 6.88m Jurion Kauker 11 Feb 1997

Discus 18.48m Travis Lacy 02 Mar 1986

Multi-Event 476 Zac Thomas 16 Dec 2006

Club Records as at 1st April 2009

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Girls Under 10

70m 10.36 Haley Eadon 14 Feb 1997

100m 15.60 Katrina Haley 15 Feb 1992

200m 32.80 Narelle Bos 03 Aug 1991

400m 1.11.10 Narelle Bos 02 Aug 1991

800m 2.43.91 Narelle Bos 12 Jan 1990

60m Hurdles 11.31 Annie Egan 17 Feb 2008

80m Hurdles 15.49 Annie Egan 29 Mar 2008

1100m Walk 6:09.86 Lindel Hodgkinson 20 Mar 1994

High Jump 1.20m Lindel Hodgkinson Daragh Moore

20 Mar 1994 13 Feb 2003

Long Jump 3.98m Daisy Candy 02 Sep 1990

Triple Jump 8.27m Narelle Bos 23 Feb 1991

Shot Put 6.75m Erin Holdway 26 Jan 2008

Discus 20.64m Jasmine Jekot 01 Mar 2003

Multi-Event 932 Annie Egan 16 Dec 2006

Boys Under 10

70m 10.30 Travis Bateman 25 Jan 1986

100m 14.30 Travis Bateman 02 Jan 1986

200m 30.00 Travis Bateman 11 Feb 1986

400m 1.07.03 Travis Bateman 30 Nov 1985

800m 2.32.00 Travis Bateman 23 Nov 1985

60m Hurdles 11.03 Jamie Devenish 19 Feb 1995

80m Hurdles 15.18 Jamie Devenish 18 Feb 1995

1100m Walk 5:48.00 Mark Blackwood 21 Mar 1987

High Jump 1.40m Hayden Lacy 30 Mar 1990

Long Jump 4.21m David Ferroni 25 Feb 1989

Triple Jump 8.81 David Ferroni 17 Dec 1988

Shot Put 8.65m Travis Bateman 10 Dec 1985

Discus 30.56m Travis Bateman 16 Nov 1985

Multi-Event 746 Matija Pecek 18 Dec 2004

Girls Under 11

70m 10.50 Narelle Bos 02 Jul 1992

100m 13.98 Kellie Davis 27 Mar 1999

200m 30.90 Narelle Bos 03 Jul 1992

400m 1.07.29 Annie Egan 22 Mar 2009

800m 2.3232 Renae Paton 14 Mar 1992

1500m 5.17.78 Lee Yianni 21 Mar 1993

60m Hurdles 10.97 Annie Egan 21 Feb 2009

80m Hurdles 14.42 Annie Egan 07 Feb 2009

200m Hurdles 33.90 Annie Egan 14 Mar 2009

1500m Walk 8:22.61 Lindel Hodgkinson 19 Mar 1995

High Jump 1.31m Lindel Hodgkinson 29 Oct 1994

Long Jump 4.03m Kellie Davis 20 Mar 1999

Triple Jump 8.91m Narelle Bos 02 Jul 1992

Shot Put 8.22m Erin Holdway 21 Mar 2009

Discus 19.15m Erin Holdway 07 Feb 2009

Javelin 16.63m Erin Holdway 07 Feb 2009

Multi-Event 954 Annie Egan 20 Dec 2008

Boys Under 11

70m 9.6 Stuart Daniel 02 Aug 1986

100m 14.00 Stuart Daniel 11 Feb 1985

200m 29.40 David Ferroni 24 Mar 1990

400m 1.06.09 David Ferroni 25 Feb 1990

800m 2.35.00 Ashley Vandelaak __ Mar 2001

1500m 5.12.98 Ashley Vandelaak 17 Mar 2001

60m Hurdles 10.01 David Thomson 10 Mar 2007

80m Hurdles 12.99 David Thomson 03 Mar 2007

200m Hurdles 33.46 David Thomson 10 Mar 2007

1500m Walk 7:57.97 Mark Blackwood 10 Mar 1987

High Jump 1.50m Hayden Lacy 21 Feb 1991

Long Jump 4.44m David Ferroni 24 Mar 1990

Triple Jump 9.67m Stuart Daniel 15 Feb 1986

Shot Put 9.47m Jurion Kauker 14 Feb 1999

Discus 24.98m Mark Freeman 23 Feb 1992

Javelin 23.36m David Thomson 03 Oct 2006

Multi-Event 1398 David Thomson 03 Mar 2007

Club Records as at 1st April 2009

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

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Girls Under 12

70m 10.60 Nadine Barratt 26 Oct 1985

100m 14.30 Nadine Barratt 22 Feb 1986

200m 30.20 Deanne Marsh 22 Jan 1993

400m 1.06.60 Deanne Marsh 03 Jun 1993

800m 2.29.26 Narelle Bos 20 Mar 1993

1500m 5.17.16 Narelle Bos 21 Mar 1993

60m Hurdles 11.36 Daragh Moore 12 Mar 2005

80m Hurdles 15.38 Lindel Hodgkinson 23 Mar 1996

200m Hurdles 37.89 Daragh Moore 12 Mar 2005

1500m Walk 7:59.61 Peta Hodgkinson 19 Mar 1995

High Jump 1.42m Lindel Hodgkinson 12 Feb 1995

Long Jump 4.04m Lauren Fletcher Deanne Marsh

25 Mar 1995 02 Jun 1993

Long Jump (Board)

3.34m Emma Heckenberg 14 Mar 2009

Triple Jump 9.46m Narelle Bos 27 Mar 1993

Triple Jump (Board)

7.26m Emma Thomson 14 Mar 2009

Shot Put 9.11m Lauren Fletcher 17 Feb 1995

Discus 21.69m Lauren Fletcher 25 Mar 1995

Javelin 16.19m Johanna Pekala 13 Dec 1997

Multi-Event 670 Daragh Moore 18 Dec 2004

Boys Under 12

70m 9.02 Ben Sword 23 Mar 1993

100m 12.78 Ben Sword 28 Feb 1993

200m 28.20 Stuart Daniel 15 Nov 1986

400m 1.04.40 Tim Pierce 16 Mar 1990

800m 2.31.23 David Ferroni 03 Aug 1991

1500m 5.13.62 David Ferroni 23 Feb 1991

60m Hurdles 9.90 David Thomson 10 Nov 2007

80m Hurdles 13.13 Daniel Sword 19 Mar 1994

200m Hurdles 32.93 David Thomson 10 Nov 2007

1500m Walk 7:41.84 Mark Blackwood 15 Oct 1988

High Jump 1.61m Hayden Lacy 23 Feb 1992

Long Jump 5.01m David Ferroni 16 Feb 1991

Long Jump (Board)

4.82m David Thomson 16 Nov 2007

Triple Jump 9.87m Stuart Daniel 02 Jul 1987

Triple Jump (Board)

9.59m David Thomson 24 Nov 2007

Shot Put 8.75m Jarrod Lacy 17 Feb 1990

Discus 29.31m Jarrod Lacy 24 Feb 1990

Javelin 29.07m David Thomson 20 Oct 2007

Multi-Event 1430 David Thomson 01 Mar 2008

Girls Under 13

70m 9.98 Daragh Moore 25 Feb 2006

100m 13.76 Lindel Hodgkinson 20 Dec 1996

200m 28.70 Nadine Barratt 10 Nov 1986

400m 1.10.00 Kirsty Waugh 24 Nov 1990

800m 2.41.89 Kirsty Waugh 15 Dec 1990

1500m 5.33.73 Peta Hodgkinson 19 Mar 1995

80m Hurdles 15.31 Lindel Hodgkinson 02 Jan 1997

300m Hurdles 52.53 Daragh Moore 18 Feb 2006

1500m Walk 7:21.67 Peta Hodgkinson 18 Mar 1995

1100m Steeple 5.19.87 Lauren Fletcher 24 Feb 1996

High Jump 1.60m Lindel Hodgkinson 26 Apr 1997

Long Jump 4.64m Lindel Hodgkinson 22 Mar 1997

Triple Jump 10.04m Lindel Hodgkinson

22 Mar 1997

Shot Put 8.05m Lauren Fletcher 16 Feb 1996

Discus 27.37m Lauren Fletcher 16 Feb 1996

Javelin 24.54m Lauren Fletcher 23 Mar 1996

Multi-Event 844 Daragh Moore 17 Dec 2005

Boys Under 13

70m 9.43 David Thomson 13 Feb 2009

100m 11.70 Ben Sword 24 Apr 1994

200m 25.01 Ben Sword 19 Mar 1994

400m 1.00.07 Tim Pierce 15 Dec 1990

800m 2.25.54 David Ferroni 12 Jun 1991

1500m 5.05.70 David Ferroni 14 Dec 1991

80m Hurdles 12.95 Daniel Sword 18 Mar 1995

300m Hurdles 47.30 Lee Earsman 19 Mar 1995

1500m Walk 6:50.12 Mark Blackwood 03 Oct 1990

1100m Steeple 4.10.35 David Thomson 10 Jan 2009

High Jump 1.72 Hayden Lacy 24 Mar 1992

Long Jump 5.10m David Thomson 24 Jan 2009

Triple Jump 10.20m David Thomson

05 Dec 2008

Shot Put 9.94m David Thomson 07 Mar 2009

Discus 30.58m David Thomson 14 Mar 2009

Javelin 30.77m David Thomson 06 Dec 2008

Multi-Event 1611 David Thomson 01 Feb 2009

Club Records as at 1st April 2009

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Boys Under 14

100m 11.30 Ben Sword 12 Sep 1994

200m 23.91 Ben Sword 18 Nov 1994

400m 1.00.20 Ben Sword 10 Jan 1994

800m 2.30.67 Darren Davidson 11 Dec 1988

1500m 4.54.30 Mark Blackwood 15 Dec 1990

90m Hurdles 13.27 Daniel Sword __ Mar 1996

100m Hurdles 21.75 Darren Campbell 08 Dec 2001

300m Hurdles 45.81 Daniel Coughlan 25 Mar 1995

1500m Walk 6:28.90 Mark Blackwood 15 Dec 1990

1100m Steeple 4.15.11 Hayden Lacy 27 Nov 1993

High Jump 1.83m Hayden Lacy 20 Mar 1994

Long Jump 5.00m Hayden Lacy 19 Nov 1993

Triple Jump 10.62m Daniel Sword 22 Dec 1995

Shot Put 8.65m Josh Holdway 25 Feb 2006 Discus 36.49m Jarrod Lacy 03 Jul 1992

Javelin 25.40m Lee Earsman 12 Feb 1995

Multi-Event 801 Josh Holdway 17 Dec 2005

Girls Under 14

70m 9.62 Sharnee Griffiths 09 Dec 2005

100m 13.03 Sharnee Griffiths 17 Dec 2005

200m 28.52 Sharnee Griffiths 03 Dec 2005

400m 1.06.83 Sharnee Griffiths 26 Nov 2005

800m 2.40.92 Wendy Blackwood 27 Feb 1988

1500m 5.25.05 Peta Hodgkinson __ Mar 1996

80m Hurdles 13.67 Sharnee Griffiths 04 Mar 2006

90m Hurdles 16.06 Sharnee Griffiths 26 Nov 2005

300m Hurdles 51.96 Sharnee Griffiths 21 Jan 2006

1500m Walk 7:17.88 Peta Hodgkinson 17 Mar 1996

1100m Steeple 5.32.80 Sharnee Griffiths 15 Oct 2005

High Jump 1.63m Lindel Hodgkinson 22 Mar 1998

Long Jump 4.68m Lindel Hodgkinson 15 Feb 1998

Triple Jump 10.00m Sharnee Griffiths 05 Nov 2005

Shot Put 7.72m Lindel Hodgkinson 14 Nov 1997

Discus 24.32m Sharnee Griffiths 15 Oct 2005

Javelin 19.58m Sharnee Griffiths 02 Feb 2006

Multi-Event 1397 Sharnee Griffiths 17 Dec 2005

Girls Under 15

70m 9.73 Sharnee Griffiths 15 Feb 2007

100m 14.00 Rebecca Riddle 12 May 1992

200m 29.59 Sharnee Griffiths 17 Feb 2007

400m 1.09.39 Sharnee Griffiths 10 Mar 2007

800m 2.46.67 Wendy Blackwood 10 Aug 1988

1500m 5.33.89 Peta Hodgkinson 15 Feb 1997

90m Hurdles 16.23 Sharnee Griffiths 10 Mar 2007

100m Hurdles 17.53 Sharnee Griffiths 10 Feb 2007

300m Hurdles 53.96 Sharnee Griffiths 03 Feb 2007

1500m Walk 7:13.82 Wendy Blackwood 18 Nov 1988

1100m Steeple 5.09.35 Sharnee Griffiths 10 Feb 2007

High Jump 1.56m Lindel Hodgkinson 20 Mar 1999

Long Jump 4.59m Lindel Hodgkinson 27 Mar 1999

Triple Jump 9.25m Lindel Hodgkinson

19 Dec 1998

Shot Put 7.62m Lindel Hodgkinson 02 Jun 1999

Discus 24.84m Sharnee Griffiths 31 Mar 2007

Javelin 16.08m Sharnee Griffiths 31 Mar 2007

Hammer Throw 13.16m Deborah Elliott 24 Oct 2008

Multi-Event --- --- ---

Boys Under 15

70m 9.36 James Hynes 24 Oct 2003

100m 11.27 Ben Sword __Jul 1995

200m 23.31 Ben Sword __Jan 1996

400m 57.17 Daniel Coughlan 02 Mar 1996

800m 2.28.39 Mark Blackwood 11 Sep 1991

1500m 4.47.53 Mark Blackwood 21 Mar 1996

100m Hurdles 14.72 Daniel Sword 30 Nov 1996

110m Hurdles 21.45 Josh Holdway 11 Nov 2006

300m Hurdles 42.58 Daniel Coughlan __ Mar 1996

1500m Walk 6:12.00 Mark Blackwood 03 Jul 1992

1100m Steeple 4.10.96 Gavin Haley 15 Oct 1994

High Jump 1.95 Hayden Lacy 18 Feb 1995

Long Jump 5.87 Hayden Lacy 25 Mar 1995

Triple Jump 11.59m Daniel Sword 26 Oct 1996

Shot Put 11.00m Ben Sword 12 Aug 1995

Discus 34.76m Ben Sword 25 Jan 1996

Javelin 32.63m Josh Holdway 10 Feb 2007

Hammer Throw 23.65m James Hynes 12 Mar 2004

Multi-Event 1221 Josh Holdway 04 Mar 2007

Club Records as at 1st April 2009

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

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Girls Youth Athletics

70m 9.87 Sharnee Griffiths 06 Oct 2007

100m 13.92 Sharnee Griffiths 08 Dec 2007

200m 30.75 Sharnee Griffiths 13 Oct 2007

400m 1.13.42 Sharnee Griffiths 27 Oct 2007

800m 3.01.88 Sharnee Griffiths 19 Oct 2007

1500m 6.54.70 Sharnee Griffiths 13 Oct 2007

90m Hurdles 15.81 Sharnee Griffiths 08 Dec 2007

300m Hurdles 55.34 Sharnee Griffiths 13 Oct 2007

1500m Walk 15:40.19 Sharnee Griffiths 27 Oct 2007

1100m Steeple -- -- --

High Jump 1.25m Sharnee Griffiths 27 Oct 2007

Long Jump 4.17m Sharnee Griffiths 16 Nov 2007

Triple Jump 7.63m Sharnee Griffiths 13 Oct 2007

Shot Put 7.62m Sharnee Griffiths 03 Nov 2007

Discus 23.61m Sharnee Griffiths 16 Nov 2007

Javelin 17.22m Sharnee Griffiths 27 Oct 2007

Hammer Throw 13.68m Sharnee Griffiths 16 Nov 2007

Multi-Event --- --- ---

Boys Youth Athletics

70m 9.37 Josh Holdway 13 Feb 2008

100m 13.22 Josh Holdway 09 Feb 2008

200m 27.10 Josh Holdway 08 Mar 2008

400m 1.02.20 Josh Holdway 23 Feb 2008

800m 2.40.00 Josh Holdway 14 Mar 2008

1500m 5.49.79 Josh Holdway 24 Nov 2008

100m Hurdles 18.23 Josh Holdway 09 Feb 2008

300m Hurdles 49.15 Josh Holdway 08 Dec 2007

1500m Walk 11.48.30 Josh Holdway 19 Jan 2008

1100m Steeple 4.33.32 Josh Holdway 01 Dec 2007

High Jump 1.40m Josh Holdway 27 Oct 2007

Long Jump 5.02 Josh Holdway 13 Feb 2008

Triple Jump 10.25m Josh Holdway 29 Mar 2008

Shot Put 12.65m Josh Holdway 26 Jan 2008

Discus 44.81m Josh Holdway 08 Mar 2008

Javelin 34.58m Josh Holdway 26 Jan 2008

Hammer Throw 40.81m Josh Holdway 29 Feb 2008

Multi-Event --- --- ---

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

Club Records as at 1st April 2009

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

2008 Eastern Metropolitan Regional Cross Country Championships 22nd June 2008 Ruffey Lake Park, Doncaster

Boys U/6 500m JJosh Dewar 9th 2 min 19.67 sec

Boys U/8 1000m

Jake Holdway 14th 5 min 00.95 sec

Girls U/10 1500m Annie Egan 1st 6 min 04.69 sec Emily Dewar 25th 7 min 22.23 sec Erin Holdway 31st 7 min 38.11sec A Gold Team Medal for Knox was won by U/10 Annie Egan.

2008 Cross Country State & Region Championship Results

2008 VLAA State Cross Country Championships – 3rd Aug 2008 Lardner Park, Warragul

Boys U/8 1000m Jake Holdway 24th 5 min 49.49 sec

Girls U/10 1500m Annie Egan 2nd 5 min 39.90 sec Emily Dewar 64th 7 min 05.80 sec Erin Holdway 76th 7 min 40.26sec A Bronze Team Medal for Knox was won by U/10 Annie Egan.

U/10 Annie Egan

State Silver Medallist

U/8 Jake Holdway State Cross Country

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Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

Knox Open Day – 5th July 2008

Boys U/6 500m Josh Dewar 9th 2 min 23.20 sec Troy Maggs 15th 2 min 38.79 sec

Boys U/8 1000m

Jake Holdway 19th 5 min 34.94 sec

Girls U/10 1500m Annie Egan 2nd 5 min 57.59 sec Emily Dewar 34th 7 min 25.02 sec Erin Holdway 40th 8 min 00.83 sec

Open Age 3000m Noel Maggs 32nd 14 min 07.69 sec A Gold Team Medal for Knox was won by U/10 Annie Egan.

Essendon Open Day – 26th July 2008

Girls U/10 1500m Annie Egan 1st 6 min 11.94 sec Ringwood Open Day – 27th July 2008

Boys U/8 1000m

Jake Holdway 9th 5 min 33.10 sec

Girls U/10 1500m Annie Egan 1st 6 min 11.94 sec Erin Holdway 13th 8 min 18.61 sec A Gold Team Medal for Knox was won by U/8 Jake Holdway.

2008 Cross Country Championship and Open Day Results

Knox Cross Country Championship Day Nortons Park – 9th Aug 2008

Boys U/6 500m

Josh Dewar 3rd 2 min 12.64 sec Troy Maggs 4th 2 min 18.23 sec James Greenwood 9th 3 min 32.52 sec

Boys U/8 1000m Josh Dewar 3rd 5 min 06.45 sec

Girls U/9 1500m Stephanie White 4th 8 min 31.69 sec

Girls U/10 1500m Annie Egan 1st 6 min 36.67 sec Emily Dewar 9th 8 min 23.67 sec Erin Holdway 10th 8 min 29.19 sec

Girls U/11 2000m

Tayla White 10th 13 min 31.51 sec

Bacchus Marsh Open Day – 18th May 2008

Girls U/10 1500m Annie Egan 1st 6 min 02.91 sec Geelong Open Day – 1st June 2008

Girls U/10 1500m Annie Egan 1st

Benalla Open Day – 8th June 2008

Boys U/6 500m Josh Dewar 5th 2 min 28.00 sec

Girls U/10 1500m Annie Egan 1st 5 min 58.00 sec Emily Dewar 5th 6 min 58.00 sec

U/6 Josh Dewar Knox Bronze Medallist

U/10’s Emily & Erin Knox Championship Day

U/9 Stephanie – 4th Knox Championship Day

U/8 Jake – Bronze Team Medal winners with his Knox Centre team mates

Ringwood Open Day

U/6 Troy – 4th Knox Championship Day

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Age Group Award Winners Boys Under 6 Winner Josh Dewar Runners Up Troy Maggs Third James Greenwood Boys Under 8 Winner Jake Holdway Girls Under 9 Winner Stephanie White Boys Under 9 Winner Thomas Elliott Girls Under 10 Winner Annie Egan Runner Up Emily Dewar Third Erin Holdway Boys Under 10 Winner Nicholas Elliott Girls Under 11 Winner Tayla White Girls Under 12 Winner Claire Elliott Girls Under 14 Winner Deborah Elliott

2008 Bayswater Bullets Best Overall Cross Country Girl Annie Egan

2008 Bayswater Bullets Best Overall Cross Country Boy Josh Dewar

2008 Bayswater Bullets Cross Country Season Awards

9th August 2008, Nortons Park

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

2008 Bayswater Bullets Cross Country Presentation Day

Back Row: Annie, Erin, Emily, Stephanie and Tayla Front Row: Jake, Troy & Josh

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2008 Knox Centre Cross Country Presentation Award Winners

9th August 2008 - St Josephs Hall, Boronia

"Best in Age - Boys U/6" Josh Dewar

"Best in Age - Girls U/10” Annie Egan

"Handicap Day 1500m" - 2nd - Stephanie White

Bayswater Bullets won the Max J.White Shield

Annie, Tayla, Emily and Erin with the 2008 Best Knox Cross Country Club

Max J White Shield

Annual ReportBayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09

Article correction: The 400m medal won at State T&F was Bronze, not Gold.

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April 2009

Sat 4 Koomba Park - Registration Day Map 63 C8

Sat 11 Jells Park - Ferntree Gully Road entry Map 72 B9

Sat 18 Nortons Park Map 72 A2

Sat 25 Tirhatuan Park - Bring a Friend Day Map 81 F8

May 2009

Sat 2 Wicks Reserve - Run Up Day Map 65 H8

Sat 9 Jells Park - Waverley Road entry Map 71 K6

Sat 9 Seaford Open Day Map 97 F11

Sat 16 Koomba Park Map 63 C8

Sun 17 Bacchus Marsh Open Day Map 609 F11

Sat 23 Bellbird Dell Map 62 J6

Sun 23 Bayside Open Day TBA

Sat 30 Nortons Park Map 72 A2

Sun 31 Box Hill Open Day Wattle Park

June 2009

Sat 6 NMR Division 1 Cross Country Open Day TBA

Sat 6 Wicks Reserve Map 65 H8

Sun 7 Benalla Open Day Map 662 B8

Sat 13 Crystal Brook Cardinia Dam Map 210 E3

Sat 20 Knox Park - Footy Colours Day Map 73 D7

Sun 21 Eastern Metropolitan Region Cross Country Championships - Doncaster

Ruffey Lake Park

Sat 27 Jells Park - Waverley Road entry - Handicap Day Map 71 K6

July 2009

Sat 4 Knox Open Day - Nortons Park Map 72 A2

Sat 11 Tirhatuan Park Map 81 F8

Sat 18 Bellbird Dell Map 62 J6

Sat 18 Essendon Open Day TBA

Fri 24 Knox Park - Friday Twilight Relay - 6:00pm Map 73 D7

Sun 26 VLAA State Cross Country Championships Bundoora Park

August 2009

Sat 1 Knox Centre Cross Country Championships - Nortons Park Map 72 A2

Sat 8 Knox Centre Presentation Night - St Josephs Hall Map 64 H9

Bayswater Bullets LAC Season 2008/09 Annual Report