Download - Alamo Guide: Jan-March 2002


their good works-must refrain hom cmal puNiis io md.-: net mortaliry But when a hmdsome stranger ente$ their )ires, all *re are unable to abstain, md supernatural sex chaos ensues. A full Chinese menu will be served at both shows.



1976, released

f-'JAN 4 & JAN 7-10 7:00 & 9:30SeenVanilla Sky? Nowthe originalLinklater, R, 99 min.) "2001 is Richard Linklater's renaissance Wnking lfe, is truly groundbreaking, m inuedible display of visual splendor held together with a delicate, subtle narative that vou really only begin to grasp about halfway through the film. The movie is as exhilarating in its style and visuals as in its ideas-indeed, the trvo are interlocked. Richud Lhklater and his collaborators have filmed a series of conversations, debates, rmts, monologues and speculations, and then animated their film using a new process which creaies a shimmering, pulsaiing life on the screenr This movie seems alive, seems vibrating rvith urgenry and excitement. I have seen Waktng Life tluee times now I lvmt to see it again-not to master it, or even to remember it better, but simply to experience all of these ideas, aii of this passio4 the very act of irying to figure things out." - Roger Exert, Chicago Srn Trne $1 ADMISSION ON MONDAY(2001, d. Richard

Abby, Grizzly,


in 1980, directed by the Amzhg William Girdler on a Merthoak) Leslie Neilson (playing it straight) as a kung


experi/double secret agent/drug smuggler who wants out o{ the

business. Unfortunately {or Leslie, there's only one way out - DEATHII! This

year. His first ol hvo new films,see

filnt he died in a helicopter crash in 1978 in the Phillipines while scouting locations for what would be his 10th filn1 Ihe Oaerlords. Something lVeird Wednesdavs is sponsored by KVRX Radio.was Girdler's 9th and final

oPEN YOUR EYES (ABRE tOS OJOS)JAN l -3 7:00 & 9:45(197, d. Alejandro Amenabar, & 117 min.) Wimer of seven Spanish Oscas, this feature by Amenabar (The Others) is a deeply complex psychological mind warp that begs to be viewed more than once. To label it a thriller hardly does it justice; Oper Yaur Eyes rs a brilliant puzzlebox caughi on celluloid. The story combines science fiction and horror in a timeless love story wrapped with Hitchcock twists. No wriiten description ol Open Your Eyes will do justice to this surreaf disturbing tale of dreams md nightmares, Eadt successive scene opens uP more questions than answers, deepening tlie mystery yei staying true to its om maddening logc. Open Your Eyes ts one of ihe most original fikns in the last 20 years, the ultimate post-modern examination of percePtion versus reality. A complex, dizzying blend of noirish mystery, moody romance, paranoid sci-fi and morality play inspired by The Phantom af the Opera and Beaufy and the Bust.DeftIy iuggiing flashbacks, dream sequences md insidious ploi twists, it's a tesiament to Amenabar's multiple talents. In addition to miting directing and producing, he contributes an evocativescore. The {ilm boasts a cast of the hottest talents in cuffent SPanish cinema,

including tle stuming Penelope Cruz. Tom Cruise stars in the remake called Vmilla Sky (playing now at Almo North). We say Viva L'originalel -


notes - Intredible Film FestitslNew Zealand


"Ar mbitiously complex, disturbing md terri{ic-looking thriller, ils strong saipt md hot cast and fierce direciorial intelligence comes from Spain'sbrightest young talent." - Vailety

FORGOITEN SITVERJAN 5,7:30 & 9130dryly fumw mockumentarv about the lost work of a pioneering New Zealand film genius is probably one of the best examples of the faux-docunentary genre. In fact, ii was so successful that when it originallv aired on Nerv Zealand televisio[ hundreds of vielers bought the premise hooh line, and sinker If vou difu't knors anr,beiter r.oursel{, its entirelv possible you night be duped into believhg the extremelr lall tale of one Colh MacKenzie, an ambitious iilmaker H,ho made the n,orld s first talking novie (years before T/re /n:; Si;rger), invented coior film, md created a huge biblical epic that would put Cecil B. DeMille md D.\\'. Griiiith to shame. lilmaker Peter Jackson (Lord af thc Rittgs, Hearctlu Creahrres) sluewdly inserts himself into the film via his documentation oi the 'discoven/ o{ McKeroie's lost epic, which for years lvas presen.ed in a gaden shed. This hidden gold mine, which Jaikson(1996, d. Peter Jackon, G, 70 min.) This

(1990, d. Tim Burton. PG-11, 10il min.) From E.T. to the Elephant Man to the

Lgh Duckling,be the oldest

the noble'hearled outsider gelting persecuted by society mav

and moit touching - storv in the book, In "Edward Tim Burton gives ihai peremial tale a gothic"goofy h{ist skewering Mary Shelley, MTV, the Brothers Grimm and Ozzie and


Scissorhands," director

Harriet in the process. This extended parable about a shy punk-being (Johnny Depp) u,ith blades for fingers, tire high school girl (Winona R1'der) he s sweet o4 and the gonzo-suburban world that fences ihem in is a sheer delight. Dreamv md sileei, \et sharp md satiric, Edu;ard Scissorhands is vintage Burton at his llnest, complete rrith fantastical and crazy set pieces and an unparalleled ca:t cri riotrrus characters. -Desson Holve, Wnslrirgion Posi

(1975, d, Don Sdrain, R, 85 min.) Cheri Caflaro (beiter krown as Ginger fiom the irredeemably sleazy Ginger franciise) siars as Samantha Fox, a bounty hmter hired to bust up a black market syndicate. Among manv other titillations, Caffaro dresses as a dominatrix to seduce and kill a mm and fantasizes during a cockfight. Eighties entertainment sensation

Sammtha "Take Me Now" Fox took her singing and pomo name {rom this feature, One lucky person this Wednesday will take home their very own Samantha Fox LPI Sonething Weird Wednesdays is sponsored by KVRXRadio.

likens to findhg Cili:n ilnr h m attic, will forever rervrite the historv of filn-a fact to rrhich boih critic Leonard Maltin and studio exec Harvev Weinstein eagerlv aitest. Jackson chronicles MacKenzie's fame through newspaper accounis, still photos, md keenly inventive footage showing both the behind-the-scenes shenanigans of MacKeuie's Salome as well as clips hom that crownhg film achievemeni. Jackson has the self-importance of {ilm documentaries dohn pat, irom the reoeations" of past events through photos md voice-overs (ihe film's narration is properly stentorian), and never tips his hand once. Even non-film historians and aficionados will be won over bl Jackon s subtle humor and inventiveness-vou'll remember the story of Colir MacKeroie for a long time to come -

JABBERWOCIfi (RESTORED 35mm PRINT!)JAN(1977, d. Terru success 0f


& 129:55, Jon 13 & l4 7:00 PMR, 100

PLANET OF THE APES (1968)JAN 3-5 MIDNIGHTIranklin J. Shaffner, G, 112 min.) "Dam, you, Tim Burton, Damn you to hell! There has been a disturbing trend these past years among(1968, d.


othemise talented directors to take on unremakeable classics (e,g., Gus Van Sant's Psyc,lro). Instead, travel back through time and view the get-youroriginal. Pierre Boulle s novel stinking-paws-off-me-you-damned-dirf-ape was adapted lor the screen by Rod Serling and explored the issue of racism in a namer that was shocking {or a sociaily heaving, rioftorn America The eamest Charlton Heston is perfect as astronaut George Ta,vlor, who finds


Alter the success of Tsui Hark's 1987 supernaturally-themed Hong Kong period iilm, Chinese Ghosi Storv lilmmakers on the island became infanrated with the idea of making similar period pieces culled frommcient Chinese folklore, but none were ever quite as bizarre as Eratic Ghost Sfory. Loosely based upon both a series of ghost stories written by Pu Songling during the Qing Dynasty and The Witches o{ Eastwick with Jack Nicholsory EGS chronicle's the temptations and transgressions of three buxom sisters-who are actually fairies given human forms as a reward for

himself in a madhouse of a world presided over by the powerful and knowing Dr Zaius." - Red Vic Mode House ptlgrafl nates

the runaway (and unaniicipated) Haly Grnil, Terrv Gilliam and fellow Python Michael Palin got together {or this hilarious look at life in the Middle Ages. Michael Palin's not-so-srvift country bumpkin does battie with the Jabbenvock, a monster who is ravaging the medieval Krngdom of King Bruno the Questionable, der,ouring and terrorizing the miserable peasants. King Bruno's not terriblv interested in the alfairs ol lhe staie, but when ii's pointed out that there rvill soon be no peasants left to pav taxes, dre King is persuaded to hold a Tournament to chose a Chanpion Kdght to go out and slay the monster. Palin's character Dennis Cooper is onl,v interested in wiming the hand of the fair (and {at) Griselda Fis}rfinger, but through a series of misadventures inside ihe ciiy with kdghis, armorers, nuns, fanatics, kings, princesses, nerchants, and bishops, he finds himself in the amazing situation of slaying the Jabbenvock and winning half the Kingdom md the hand of King Bruno's beautiful daughter Bul Dennis still has eyes only {or Grlseldal /abberuocky bears almosi no relation to Lewis Carroll but tums out to be instead an uncamily persuasive Breughelesque portrait of the Middle Ages with many slyly snide side glances at the modern day. For what distinguishes the Python approach from the Hellzapoppin/Max Brothers/Goodies style extravagarua is that it creates its comir-cartoon fantasy world with immense care {or realistic, tangible detail, mixing together genuine beauty and real horror in a way that is sometimes reminiscent of Bergman or Fellini. " -AIan Brierl The London Times.


nh.) After

Mortu Pvrhan nnd




verdicts rvere handed down to all, The tensions the trial inflamed soarked riots behveen servicemen and the Mexican American community thai led to "zoot-suiters" being beaten md stripped of their clothes.

(1978, d, Ross Hagery R" 90 min.) John Saxon stars as a hard-boiled bounty

JAN l(1985, d.


BRAZIt (the direclor's cul)& 12 7t00PlVl,

Jon l 3 & 14 9:30 PM

Terrv Cilliam, & 142 min) lf Frm Kalka had been an mimator and film director-ofu and a member of Monfy Pylhan's Flying Circus-ltis is the sort oi outrageously dystopian saiire one could easilv imagire him naking. However, Brnzll was made b,v Terry Gillim, who is all of the above except, of course, Frm Ka{ka. Be that as it nay, Grlliam sure captures the paranoidsubr,ersive spint o{ Kalka's The llrial n this bureaucratic nightmare-comedyabout a meek lii-e is destroyed

(D. Evm Lee, 1977) A cheap gore film about a comatose pro{essor of the occult conjuring up forces to wreak vengeance on the four tlugs who killed his {amil1' (an attack by deadly cacti is a highlight of the conjuring). lf you liked Christopher Lee as Sarumm nFellawship of the Ring, you will love hin as the narrator of MetLtclesaer Massacre.' kponsoredby 91.7 EM KVRX)

govermental clerk named Sam Lowry fonathan Pryce) whose by a simple bug. Not a softruare bug, a real bug (no doubt

hunter who we.ei on Lhe iob a feq tine,. roughing people up and them around...but then he gets a really big job. There s a big, black man out there (Rosie Grier, from Thing With Two Heads fame) who gears up in body armor, puts on these steel-plated leather gloves and beats the living crap out of some really unlucky white Iolks. The titular glove appears to give its wearer not oniy the power to deliver very painful punches, but also the super-strength necessary to punch through walls and rip doors o{f ol hinges. The theme song, cleverly entitled "The Glove" sounds like its sung by Pat Boone. It's gotta be heard to be believed. The closing theme song is called "The Gane Of Love", u.hich you might notice is just "The Glove" with a pesky "ame o{" shrck in there. Also krown as Lethal Terminatol, which might have fooled one or two people out there into thinking that this is an extremely rae Gibson/Schwarzemegger collaboration. - Caaalcnde ofScfrloct

Review (sponsored by 91.7 FM KVIIX)

related to Kafka's lam ous Metamorphosis nsect) that gets smooshed in a printer

md causes a typographical error unjustly identi{ying an imoceni citizery one Mr. Buttle, as suspected teffodst Harry Tuttle (Robert DeNiro). When Sm becomes enmeshed in unraveling this bueaucratic glitch, he hinself winds up labeled as a miscreant. Before each screening of Brazil, see the 30 minute behind the scenes "making of" doomentary $1 ADMISSION MONDAY!

i&, S$ffiSH$,ffiffiJAN






(1983, d, Terry Gillim, R, 107 nin) The Python swansong a nostalgic retum to the sketch format of the original TV shows, garnished with the explicit' sex md violence jokes that are deemed necessary to get bms on seats in cinemas in these depraved times. Legendary sequences from The Meaning ol Life include Mr Creosote, tle parody of Zulu, the live orgm donors, and the musical dance opener "Even Sperm is Sacred." Free with every ticket, the Almo's MEANING OI LIFE SONCBOOK lvdcs io every song in the film, feel {ree to sing alongl

ffiWWAin'l lt Cool News, Austin hronicle, Big Brothers Big Sisters


26, NOON .

(1959, d. Roberi Stevenson C, 93 min.) Though

FREE ADMISSION! it is one of the lesser known

Disney titles, this is a chaming film with warmth, ienderness, tragedy, love, drama, betrayal and nobility al1 rolled into one and seasoned with humor Darby O'Cill is a siory-teller who actually lives the kish folk tales that he tells when he falls down a well and caphrres the kng oi the leprechauns. Shot back when the Disney Studios maintained their own special e{fects studios, the seamless blending of fulI size actors with tiny leprechauns is amazingly well done, and the fine cast ol actors Jncludes a very young Sean Connery in his pre-James Bond years. Wonderful acting, lovely Irish singlng and a hosi of imaginative tall tales make this m enchanting and memorable movie.

F.W. MURNAU'S FAUST live music by GOLDEN ARM TRIO JANUARY 15 & 17, 7100 & 9145Mumau 115 min.) Fresh from the hiumphant releases of largh, F. W. Murnau was given carte blanche to direct this epic {able of the supernatural. Ireed from the burden of plausibility by the story's fantastic premise, Murnau summoned iorth a tempest of chematic brimstone so that every scene ripples with reckless ingenuity, Utilizing the full resources of the UIA Studios (including elaborate miniature models and experimental special effects), Iaasl captures the intensity of a medieval universe steeped in religious fanaticism and pagan alchemy. Biack-hooded pallbearers lead a torchlit procession through a plague-stricken village liierallv cloaked by the wings of Satan. Crowded landscapes maierialize and vanish in wisps of smoke, demonic creatures soar tluough the heavens and earthly beings are tormented by the vaporous spirits that permeate the dungeon-like homes and Caligari-esque rooftops of this shadow world.(1926,



Nosferatu andThe Lasl

A live musical score has been composed and will be per{ormed by lhe Galden Am ?l4 Austin silent score veterans who have scored numerous Alamo silent classics inciuding the lt/ind, Psndora's Bot, tlrc Lost Warld, and Battleship Pofemkin. 'Golden ArmTria's exquisilely furrowed performmces on both piano and percussion continue to be just as awe-inspiring as his compositions. Is there anything this man cm't do?" -Greg Beets, Austin Clronicle

SUPERBOWT PARTYSUNDAY JAN 27,4100 PMThe Alamo is the best place to watch football in Austin and this year we have



NEW 2002


the best Superbowl pady in town. Each ticket includes one drink coupons good {or any dralt or bottled beer and the all you can eai fajita buffet in the lobby. We will have #eat prize giveaways throughout the game, and all the high end commercials will come to vou in blazing surround stereo. Reserve your group iodayi this pariy fills up fastl (tickets $16)

;00, 9t45 & MIDNITE

No 7:00 show on Jan 27, discount nights Jan 28 & Feb 4 md Mike, the guys rvho {irsi brought you Beavis and Butthead, South Pak, Rugrats and Wallace & Cronit, are back and ready to unleash their 2001 feature length collection of bizarre, shocking and disturbingly grotesque animated short films. Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted lestival of Animation is not for those with an overly refined artistic palate, The Sick& Twisted Festival hosts animated short films which are too rude, crude and

ffi& ,-r#*

totally lewd Ior tleir prestigious and tasteful Classic Festival o{ Animation.

DOCUMENTARY TOURJOSEPH TOVARES PRESENTS ZOOT SUIT RIOTS JANUARY l6lh, 7:30 P[tl In August 1942, the murder of a young Mexican American igniteda

tirestorm in Los Argeles. The tensions that had been buiiding up for years between Mexican and white Los Angelenos boiled over The press claimed that Mexican youth -- known as "zoot-suite$" for the clothes they wore were terrorizhg the city with a wave of aime. Police Iamed out across the city arresting 600 Mexican Americans. Seventeen "zoot-suiters" headed to a trial in which proseruiors had liitle evidence to present. Nonetheless, guilty


As usual, Spike and Mike have {ound an impressive batch o{ filrns selected to make your hot buttered popcorn come back up. The brand new 2001 Sick and Twisted Festival of Admation will premiere 18 BRAND NEW short animated {ilms md two returning favorites. Among the not-to-miss titles are BEHIND THE MUSIC THAT SUCKS, a complete skewering of pop rulture at its worsf BAD PHONE SEX, featuring comedian Chris Rocl tlvo primers on children's literature - HARRY POTHEAD AND THE MAGICAL HERB and CHOKE, SPOT, CHOKE; the newest from rult animator Bill Plymptory entitled EAT; md a love song to the ladies from Tenacious D (Jack Black of Hrgfr fidelih| and Kyle Gass) titled I-@# HER GENTLY

(1979, d. Norman J. Warren R, 83 min.) "Norman J. Warren's homage to Argento's Sasplrin is a colorfuf gratuitous exploitation classic. A horror{ilm director sets out to make a semi-autobiographical film about a curse that has hung over his family (of which he is the obligatory 'lasi of the line ) srnce they bumed a witch at the stake 300 years earlier As one can expecf this reconstruction of events awakens ihe vengeful witch and puis in motion a string ol gruesome deaths for those rvorking on the lilm (including a woman impaled on a treel). As one o{ Britain's more prolific independent direciors of the 1970's, Waren's films share a mique territory with those of Peter Walker (Irightmare, The House of Whipcord) with their abundant nudiiy and voracious gore," Kier-la Janisse - Cinemuerfe Program Notes (sponsotedby 91.7 FM KVIIX)

cHRONtCtE ::,.. !';:?-; .. SATURDA' '''.::'r:: l







#7: I


(1977, d. Wes Craven, Il" 98.min.) A typical Cod-fearing middlc-class American family with an ex-cop dad leaves the lvilds of Cleveland and heads for Calilornia in a trailer and station wagon. When the car's axle breaks in the desert thev're faced n'ith another famihr The father, a mutant leit to die on an atomic test site, is called Jupiter. His rvife is a fat exprostitute that "nobody in torvn ever missed." The 'kids" are Pluto, Mars, Mercury and Ruby - they're all camibals who mmmunicate with stolen C.B. radiosl The Clevelanders are dying off quickly and the hill people have the baby, soon to be dinner. It's an exciting, sar,age movie u'ith touches of hrmor - Psychatronic. Movie Guide, sponsoted by 91,7 lM KVRX

FEBRUARY I 7 7:00PM Flicker is a bi-monthlv iilm {estii'al lhat ieatures short filns bv local filmmakcrs and all other enlhusiasts r.ho dare.rubmit via nail. Everything screened at Fljcker must originate orr fihn and be under 15 minutes inlength. Flicker guarantees an arral' of projects and intriguing juxtapositions at everv shol., with linear narratir,es butting up againsi radical experiments, polished productions lbllowed bv earnest tirst eflorts. Come for vour chance to win vour own free roll of Super 8 and see nhich local iilmmaker rvins the next flicker Grantl more information, please go lo http: / /nrurfl ickeraustin,com.

DAV '': :: KING \r: l,,i FRU:,:..'23


NOO| ',.:. '



d. Nomran Ft Simple but big-hearii portraved br Fess Paker, rras a hero for a generation. From \{restling bears during his vouth in Tennessee to his final a.i of courageous dei.otion at the Alamo, this filn is a light-hearted storv of the liie ol Davev Crocketi and his sidekick Georgie Russell (played by Buddy Ebson oi Beverlv Hillbillr' s fame). Serious hisiorians can dispute the film s adherence to the stilct facts, but for the children of nidjifties, these were nen tolering above other men. rvho rrere responsible for a generation of little bovs refusing to take off thejr coon-skin hats beiore going to bed athas a hero arisen that has caused so manv young people to loi e a couple of screen characters so deeplr; md irith such sponianeous jolr

nlght. Seldon


li,iDAVE FREIDMAN LIVE IN PERSON! MAU MAU SEX SEX WEEKEND! (1961, d. H.G. Lewis,87 njn) The sma1l town of Pleasmt \,iller; wiped out bv the Union during the Cir,il War, magicallv retums p,. er\ liundrecl vears for a celebration and revenge. Six vacationing Northerrers are lured lnto the tolvn lVile-E.-Covote-sty1e and subsequenllr loriured in rather inventive n,avs. The movie has a genuine r,ackr; ieel-good charm (despite its e\iremelv grue,\ome naiure) that keeps you smiling, an,i r ou il :urelv be singing its iheme song (n ritten bv HG Lelvis) afler lhe nl.r\ie . rrlcrlI

(2001, d. David Mamet, & 111 min.)Joe Morre has a beautifulyoung rvit'e, money owed to him and a job he loves. He s a thief. But his job goes sour md the money (and his wife) go u'est. Broke, betrayed and blackmailed, Moore is forced to commit his crert to do one last big job for the man responsible for most o{ his rvoes. The situatim is ripe for a storvteller of Mmet's status. No one trusts anvone and everv step is shaded u'ith the

THE CRUISE7:00 & 9:45 Q&A Wilh Speed Levitch lollowing lhe {ilmFEBRUARY 23 Live per{ormonce by THE ONGOING WOW before the filmd. Bennet lvliller, PC 13, /6 min.) From atop his perch on the upper deck oi Nerv York Citv's Gray Line tour buses, Timothv "Speed" Levitch .rees it all, and says it all. Lrke some omniscient chronicler of the city s iife, he daily weaves a mind-bending spiel for the tourists rvho end up on his bus, seeking to "rewdte their souls and to redo eierv dav that the,v lived thus far before ihcy came onto the double-decker bus." You get the t-eeling Levitch accornplishes that iornidable task nore oiten than he reallzes. tri,r rir.le:r-.i:r \\ilde niih a Combinins the nrr, outrageous(1998,

unexpected. $1






7:00 & 9:30



The Texas Documentary Tour has been established to iacilitate and nurture

Austinls incredible excitement about documentary filmrnaking by btitrging in the top docunentarians fiom around the country to screen their ivork, discuss their strategies, and offer advice and inspiration to Austjnls {ilmmaking conmunity. We present a new filnnaker each month. Ihe Doc. Tour is supported in part bv grants from the National Endorvment for theArts and the lexas Commission on the Arts,

hffiffi(1981, d.

l\i1liam Asher,

R, 96

min.) Jimmr' \{cNichol (contlnuing the role he

half-rrit) is harrassed bl basketball bulli'Bill Paxton (then a complete unknol'n) ancl seriouslv homophobic cop Boperfecied: talentless, effeninate Svenson (Wnlkrng Tall). On one front Jimmy must proi'e he is not gay to beai a bogus murder rap and on the other hand he must er,ade his aunt/legai lorbirldn Zone) as she spirals into a guardian Susan Tvrell (the Queen of

(2001, d. R. Linklater, R,86 min.) ftpL couldnt be nrore dilferent lrom llakmgL)fe, the director's other film currenth'in release, but both films are marked bv their intelligence and passion, and bv their rvil)ingness to take risks in a filmic landscape too oltcn marred bv n itless formulaics. Whereas the terrific IA'irkirg Lr/e is a spran ling intellectual macrocosm that urges vou to think outside the box (or even to dispense r,ith the box entirel,v), ftpL, adapted by Stephen Belber from his plal', is a confined microcosm: three characters, one room, and a lhole ht oi head-trippenr Hau,ke plavs Vince, an obsessive, druggy character rvho rerrnites with his olel high school chur iohnny (Leonard) in a dingl,Lansing, N'lichigan, molcl room rvhile the latter is in town to screen his new iilm at the local fesl. Thev re later joined bi' Thurman's Amy, \1nce's old high+chool girlliiend who, at the cnd oi the trio's senior yeal ended up sleeping with lohnnr under highlv questionable circumstances. Vince believes it was daie-rape, and before Amy arrives, he goads Johnny about the incident. In behveen the shaming, \iince shotguns Rolling Rocks, smokes pot, and does lines of bloir; hes an Oakland fiLefighter by, dali but a dealer by definitio4 and nhen Johnnr bugs him to clean rp his act, he parries u'ith increasing hostiiih. Hawke, Thurman, and Leonard are nole-pcrfect in their respective roles, Linklaters digital video camera is ever,vu'here at oncc, and the final 10 minutes contain some of the most poirerful fjlmmaking out there. Smart, plat,ful, disturbing, and most of ail aiii e - it's time sonebodv gar,c Linklater ii-s MVP designation {or good.- 4 stars, Marc

angsi al.l i \Eirtr::. Fh..i..grafhic memon concerning erenthing vou d eler lranl to kno$. ll.]n a iou guide. he ieels more like a fictional construct than a reai, i-1esh-md-'rirrod otizen. Levitch has NYC coursing through his veins like some magical drug, ancl his orgoing, lor e rfi ai" u ith the cih .'ar.late- directh ro -\e audrence. li rou re ner,er been there, The Cruise rvill send vou rushing t0 \.ou travel agent to book a flight into jFK, and if vou're a native, the {ilm rdll reafiirm that with which you ijrst fell ln love. Shot over the course oi three years, Ihe Cruise {nllcxvs its rvild-maned, adenoidal-voiced subject through the ups and dowrs o{ his dail1' grind at the tour company (his dismay ai eventuallv having to be made to wear a rurlforn js one of the filns comic highlights). ln betlveen nork and protracted bouts of couch-sur{ing, Levitch wanders the city and enthuses on evervthing trom architecture to history to all

healinr .i....e ot



manner of persons, famous and otherrvise (he seems to har,e a special place in his heart for Thomas Paine). This, according to Levitch, is "the cruise," the act oi living and mo\'ing through li{e with an explorator\i open mindset. Rarelv will I'ou find anvone with such a gaping maw of intelleci as Levitch, who alternateiv cornes across as a hippie-esque nail street scholar, md poet. It's a tour unlike any you have ever taken. -'1 stars, Arsllrr Chlnrrls

Sar'lor; Austin Chronicfu $1 ADMISSION ON MONDAYI


possesive freakout that makes Kathv Bates seem dou,nright charming. This

film, despite its inlerent qualih; nas shuft-led lrom one dving 80s ndie disiributor t0 the next and barelt' satr ani' theatrical release. A truc mhown ger readi to b. pn i-hed. - u- \uJ fpr ro \! Iu 'r Drrn ' b, ol. Also hown as N(/rl !ftnrirrg. Sponsored br 91.i F\l K\R\




(2000, d. Joe Mantegna, R, 98 min.) Renowted character actor Joe Mantegna makes his directorial debut rvith this film adaptation of one of Puliizer Prize

winning David Manet's first plays. Based on Manet's experiences ofworking on Great Lake freighters while a grad student, the film centers on Dale (Tony Mamet, David's brother), an h'v League college kid rvorking on the Seaway Queen on an internship one sumnef, Though his ronuntic vision o{ life on the sea is soon dashed, he befriends a half-dozen members of the world-weary crew and learns about the unexpectedlv rich-and occasionally tragic-1ives ihey lead. Robert Forster (Oscar-nominated for lnckit Broun) stafds out in a blazing, anard-caliber perfomance as Joe,


FEBRUARY 20 7100 & 9:30 (d, Shunva lto, 1973, Not rated, 93 mjnutcs, subtitled)Srcrpion: latlhouse 11 needs to be seen to be belleved. and Louise look like


lt s both an art tihn and


an exploitation fiJm. Most of a1l, it s a leminisi document that rnakes Thelma

FEB24,7:00 & 9:45On Januaw 18, Steve Oedekerk releases his pet project Kung Pow: Enter the Fist nherin the comedian has digitaliv inserted himself into a 1970's chop sockr, kung fu fl ick Tiger and CLane Fist l977 u'ith comedic results. \ot to\: i,.rr r.,r:,

seling'circle matrons. Made in Japan in 1973, but not released in ihe US until recentlri frlnlc Conarcf, Srorpio;r has saturated color, a sirideni soundtrack and a storv that sound-s like pure trash: A voung 'f,r.rij lnman namerl Sasr)'i rots in the iturrcorr of e rrjion. qcltlnc btricrr

hope iiat led to hjs ned-5nicicie is as pm and Jrteni as anrthing in the Mmet cmon. The rest oi the sterling cast includes: Peter Fall CharlesDuming, Denis Leary md Ceorge Wendi.

n- a rtr \ e alue,j :ien. Sa-.: ::., :. dmaeed Fom ihe honors heaped upon irer. Oii: we realize ihis, lre begin to glear the morie s *riousness of purpo*. Sastriu

,*page, .utiiui.g an.i irl,rri

appears to be phvsicallv

urlillable. Her compmions, however, are mere mortals, r'ulnerable rromen n'ho have been drilen to crime by men. The most badlv damaged is Shiraishi, who killed her children nhen she found out her husband was ieaving her. Despair has truisted her into an unnatural savage. An erploitation piot turns into a surrealistic poem in the hands of director Shunva Ito. Audiences have time to contemplate the consequences o{ violence, thanks to his use of still images and silent sequences. He also creates gorgeous conposilions that intentionally recall Jesus and the disciples: The rvomen u'alk with flolving capes across parched and desoiate iandscapes. "Female Convict, Scorpion" is in er,ery wav an ambitious, audacious piece o{ l'ork socially, thematicallv and cinematicallt - Mick LaSalle San lranclsco Clrroricfu. 5 of 5 stars.represenls the female principle. As such, she is

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