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In a plot to kill Deadpool, Doctor Doom accidentally caused Spider-Man to be teleported through time and space until eventually he wound up in the DC Universe.

Spider-Man is confused and alone in the strange new world, on a planet within the same sector of space as Oa.

Larfleeze aka Agent Orange battled the Green Lantern, John Stuart for control of the Lanterns ring, and won.

Ever since, Hal Jordan has been searching for his friends Power ring unaware a sinister villain is also searching for the ring.

Today, Larfleeze is searching the galaxy awaiting the Lanterns to try and reclaim “his” ring.

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Give me the ring, Agent Orange!



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Suddenly the fight is interrupted as something appears from out of the vacuum!

Our heroes do out best to interpret what is happening.

Was that man Larfleeze took down from the

Sinestro corps? Is Sinestro after

the ring too!?

Wait…Is that a

Boom Tube?

No…Its not Familiar

to my ring.

This is… new!

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Stupid Lantern!I almost had a

Yellow ring!

He Will Pay for taking what’s


BOOM?Who dares

BOOM Larfleeze?

MINE!Whatever it

was, its Mine!

Hear that, Lantern? MINE!


I wonder if it’s shiny.

I wonder if it’s dangerous.

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Two Teleports inside later…


At long last, Deadpool is no more. Though it is

true that even I, Doom, could not kill him, I have sent him to a place from

which he will never return. And it was easy…

I may even have been paranoid if I

were a lesser being.

A Lesser Being?

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Say something witty!

Something witty.

That joke sucks!

I’ve never seen a lesser being than you Doom!

And I’ve peeked across the fourth wall!

That sucked more.

It did. And what about Joe Quesada?

I cant take it back now! Not in front of Doom! DEADPOOL!

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How is this possible? My

armour has the footage of you

being teleported to another dimension!

Yeah… about that…It might have been

Spider-Man, y’know the annoying guy with a red costume and the webs that makes lame jokes?

Well then, this was not a complete waste of time. Spider-Man has been as much a burden to me as you!

Deadpool, you do realise that Mrs.

Spider-Man is going to totally blame you

for this?

Isn't she like 12?

Spider-WOMAN then?

You’re just jealous!

So how do you plan to make him bring Spider-

Man back?

Well as long as you’re prepared, y’know, for the

pissed off Avengers to come down here looking for their


You mean Spider-Girl, right?

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You should have mentioned the

Fantastic Four, then he’d really be

pissed off.

Damn straight.

Hah, like he’s man enough to say that to Doctor Doom’s face.

…?Who says …?

It means he’s thinking.


Mmm… Spider-Woman…

Wow… it actually worked.Now maybe Spider-

Woman wont castrate you!

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Whatever it was landed on this

planet. I cant help but wonder where

Larfleeze went.Maybe I can contact him through John’s


Damn, that cant be good.

I hope he doesn’t do something


Never wanted to come back to this planet again, you never can be too


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Okay… this is gross.

This is officially the last time I

team with Deadpool!

I really haven't got a clue

where I am.

Last thing I remember, I

tackled Deadpool out

of the way of a beam and…

Oh god, did it hit me?

Am I dead?Is this

Mephisto’s realm? It smells like

Mephisto’s realm.

No wait, that’s crazy, I’ve never had

anything to do with Mephisto!

Wait… what’s that yellow light in the distance?Is that…

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…Nova?I must be in space!

Nova always mentioned how many species were in the

Nova Corps!

How curious, you appear human but my ring says otherwise. You are not a

Lantern as you wear no ring.You are likely an ally of Hal

Jordan and I wish not to attract his attention as there

are no greater annoyances in this universe than humans

and lanterns.

The one day I don’t wear my wedding


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Oh no.

What the…

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Oh great, it’s a cosmic fiasco.

Just one more reason not to stop Logan

tearing Deadpool in two!

Sorry to up and leave you guys but this is far from my comfort zone so I’m going to skedaddle and find me a way back to… Earth.

That’s odd.

My spider sense is going mad, and now the rocks and flames are turning into New

York City, its like Mysterio on MGH!

My spider sense must be warning me about

a toxin in the air, I need to get off this

planet. FAST!

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As the hallucinations take over, Spider-Man

finds himself drifting back to the last moment he can remember before

tackling Deadpool to the ground.

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Crap, the more I hallucinate

the less chance of

survival I have.

I just hope there's some way I can

get home. Before that thing catches

up to me.

As soon as Spider-Man’s thoughts drift back to the present he continues to


Unaware that Larfleeze’s sneak attack on Sinestro has yielded him an early



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I thought I was finally free of the accursed Deadpool, but if I can

trick him into thinking I’m travelling dimensions to save

Spider-Man maybe this dimension will reveal tools I can

wield to his destruction.

And if all else fails, I can strand him here to be somebody else’s


Luckily for Spider-Man, help is on the way… or is it?

Are you sure?



Y’know, where Batman lives.


Good point, maybe we should focus on Doom?

Is the one that ripped of Moon Knight?

Other way around.

Does it matter?


I think I lost him, but now what…

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Where it go?Larfleeze want


Maybe Lanterns found

it first.




Wait… I think I see the red


I found Sinestro on the

planet unconscious, I think he must have seriously

ticked off Larfleeze.

I guess I’ll have to find

whatever that was on my own and before

Larfleeze does!

Luckily for Spider-Man, help is on the way… or is it?

Wait, my ring’s detected

something else on the planet…

two new life forms.

Something is going on here!

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Did Doctor Doom seriously just ditch us?


That stopped being funny 10 minutes


Pft. Spoilsport.

I don’t mean to stop you guys bickering

or anything…But can you hear


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Um Deadpool, I think maybe now would be a good time to


Or soil yourself.

To be continued.

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