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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion

Fast Three Level DNA Cryptographic Techniqueto Provide Better Security

Praveen Kumar DResearch Scholar

Under the guidance ofDr. C. Naga Raju

Associate Professor & Head

Department of Computer Science & EngineeringYSREC of Yogi Vemana University, Proddatur

Kadapa Dt., A. P, India

August 8, 2016

International Conference on Advances in Information CommunicationTechnology & Computing

Fast Three Level DNA Cryptographic Technique to Provide Better Security

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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion

1 Abstract

2 Introduction

3 Existing System

4 Limitations

5 Proposed Method

6 Example

7 Results

8 Conclusion

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Fast Three Level DNA Cryptographic Technique to Provide Better Security

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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion


The DNA Cryptography is more efficient technique to providesecurity

The DNA sequence consisting of four alphabets A, C, G andT , related to a nucleotide.

DNA can be used to store, transmit the data and used forcomputation of the security

The main objective of this paper is to provide more security tothe data with low time complexity.

Proposed three levels to archive my objective like, shift keyand complement in level one, LBP operation on level one inlevel two and finally two levels converts to DNA sequence.

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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion


Cryptography is the art and science of secret writing thatchanges the message from structure format to unstructureddata

The structure data is easily understand by the every one, sowe can convert this format into unstructured data.

Cryptography provide the security to our data.

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Now a days we have so many methods for providing the security.

In Symmetric key the single key will be used at the bothencryption and decryption of the cryptography

Asymmetric key algorithm used different keys for encryptionand decryption of the data.

Several DNA-based cryptographic techniques have beenproposed with DNA Cryptography, like Polymerase ChainReaction (PCR), DNA chip technology etc.,

DNA-based signature scheme, a protocol for playing mentalpoker on the wetware, and an RNA-based zero-knowledgeproof system based on solving the Sudoku problem.

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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion

Existing System

In this existing paper implemented a 3-Levels of security.

In the first level the key of any desired length.

In the second level select four different rules for A, C, G, T.

In the third level replace the rule sequence values with lookuptable values of fixed length 12.

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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion

Encryption Algorithm - Existing

Step 1: First convert the plain text into cipher text by usingshift key technique. The shift key formula has givenbelow.Z=(Y+X) %255Here Y = original dataX = length of the shift keyZ = chirper Text

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Encryption Algorithm - Existing

Step 2: consider the output of step1 and convert it intoASCII format apply rule sequence table on it andthen convert it into DNA sequence by the DNAconversion table.

Table: Rule Sequence Table

Rules/Base pairs A C G Ti=j(x=00,22) 01 01 01 00

i<j(x=01,02,12) 100 100 100 100

i>j(x=10,20,12) 000 001 011 110

i+j=3(12,21) 00 01 01 00

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Encryption Algorithm - Existing

Step 3: Implemented LBP for nucleotides A, C, G, T by using the giveequation

x =n∑


(x − e)2i (1)

Developed the rule sequence table by using the 3*3 matrix

indexes of the LBP format of nucleotides, A, C, G and T.

Table: DNA Conversion Table

Alphabets Binary RepresentationA 00

C 01

G 10

T 11International Conference on Advances in Information Communication

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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion

Decryption Algorithm- Existing system

From the conventional text we have to inverse map to the lookuptable and then to rule sequence and lastly to DNA sequence.

Step 1: Received the cypher text

Step 2: Performed the reverse map on reversed text to thelookup table and then to rule sequence and finally toDNA sequence.

Step 3: Convert the DNA sequence into binary format byusing sequance lookup table. Reverse shift theobtained text by the shift key.

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Limitations in Existing System

This DNA cryptography offer the security more than the othercryptography, but it takes huge time complexity for generating theencryption and decryption. So in this paper we implement the fastthree level DNA cryptography. It takes the less time for encryptionand decryption of the data.

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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion


This paper proposing fast three levels DNA security.

Level 1 Shift the text by using the shift key and perform itscomplement.

Level 2 Perform the LBP after the LBP take the binaryformat of the value.

Level 3 Convert this LBP result into DNA sequence

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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion

Encryption Algorithm - Proposed

/* first level of security*/

1 Consider the plain text and shift the plain text by using thekey of length.

2 Find out the ASCII value of the shifted text.

3 Convert the ASCII value to binary value

4 Find out the 1’s complement of the binary value/*second level*/

5 Perform the LBP operation on the first level output.

6 Get the new binary format./*third level*/

7 Convert this value to DNA sequence format by using the DNAconversion table.

8 Then obtained values send as encrypt text.International Conference on Advances in Information Communication

Technology & Computing

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Decryption Algorithm - Proposed

1 Replace the DNA sequence to binary format by applying thesame rule sequence.

2 Perform the LBP operation on the data.

3 Get the output of the LBP convert it into its complement.

4 Covert the binary values into segment of 8 and replace withcorrespondent ASCII value.

5 Shift the obtained value by key of length.

6 The obtained value is plain text.

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Example to Encryption of proposed system

1 Consider the plain text as FUN.

2 Let the length of the shift key as 5.

3 The shifted text is: KZQ

4 The ASCII values ofK (75) ⇒ 01001011Z (90) ⇒ 01011010Q (81) ⇒ 01010001

5 Complement of the binary values01001011 ⇒ 1011010001011010 ⇒ 1010010101010001 ⇒ 10101110

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Example to Encryption of proposed system - Cont..

6 LBP for the complement data of the shifted text: The orderin which the binary values are arranged is:

Table: Values for K

1 0 1

1 K 0

1 0 0

Table: Values for Z

1 0 1

0 Z 0

1 0 1

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Example to Encryption of proposed system - Cont..

Table: Values for Q

1 0 1

0 Q 1

1 1 0

Here the data will be arranged by the row wise and get the outputby the column wise

7 LBP values forK 11100100Z 10100101Q 10101111

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Example to Encryption of proposed system - Cont..

8 DNA sequence for the LBP values by using DNA conversiontableConversion from LBP output to DNA sequence is: 1110010Here take the MSB and LSB values 10 it is equal to G

1 Reaming data is 110010 here MSB &LSB are 10 equal to G2 Perform the above step until we complete the all the bits

Finally we get the sequence11100100 ⇒ 10101100 ⇒ GGTA10100101 ⇒ 11001100 ⇒ TATA10101111 ⇒ 01101110 ⇒ CGTG

9 Cipher text is GGTATATACGTG.

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Example to Decryption of proposed system

1 The received text is GGTATATACGTG

2 From the received text we have to reverse map to the rulesequence table. And perform the reverse LBP operation.11100100 ⇐ 10101100 ⇐ GGTA10100101 ⇐ 11001100 ⇐ TATA10101111 ⇐ 01101110 ⇐ CGTG

3 Get the complement of the LBP output.010010110101101001010001

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Example to Decryption of proposed system - Cont..

4 Convert binary format to ASCII value.K (75) ⇐ 01001011Z (90) ⇐ 01011010Q (81) ⇐ 01010001

5 Perform the reverse shift obtained by key of size 5.K-5 = FZ-5 = UQ-5 = N

6 The plain text is FUN

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Time complexity of the existing and proposed encryption

Table: Time for Encryption

File Size Proposed Existing1kb 39 19942kb 172 47423kb 332 43674kb 336 78025kb 904 104526kb 1055 145187kb 1328 150658kb 1634 231679kb 1844 1618210kb 1452 1861711kb 1454 1893012kb 2006 2794513kb 2174 3191014kb 3217 4387615kb 4379 62949

Figure: Time complexity of theexisting and proposed encryptionmethod

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Time complexity of the existing and proposed decryption

Table: Time for Encryption

File Size Proposed Existing1kb 175 74412kb 608 37903kb 1332 50224kb 1136 66475kb 7458 99786kb 9585 109247kb 15490 163648kb 18310 206409kb 18585 1960310kb 27895 2952411kb 39039 4087912kb 50814 7531213kb 74958 9483614kb 84836 9996715kb 92673 114267

Figure: Time complexity of theexisting and proposed decryptionmethod

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Outline Abstract Introduction Existing System Limitations Proposed Method Example Results Conclusion


In this paper a fast DNA security technique is proposed toprovide security by using the three level.

In the first level is data converted into shift text and find the1’s complement.

In the second level perform LBP operation and finallyconverted it into DNA sequence.

In the decryption the levels are applied in reverse order.

Here we tested encryption and decryption on the different sizeof data and got good performance than existing methods.

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thank You

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