2.0 DISCLAIMER · 4.0 Why Choose ACM 4.1 The ACM Coin (ACM) We aim to enable the use of ACM in the...


Transcript of 2.0 DISCLAIMER · 4.0 Why Choose ACM 4.1 The ACM Coin (ACM) We aim to enable the use of ACM in the...

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1.0 Abstract While Asia has made remarkable progress in the crypto sector, typically in Korea, China, Japan, India, etc., there are certain barriers in the Europe with respect to the official formation and development of Crypto, legal framework is a concern and challenge directly affecting the thinking and vision of the world of crypto currency. In order to reach the balance in the crypto currency structure and multidimensional in-tegrated application ecosystems, the European Union and governments of some Euro-pean large countries have had more objective and active recognition of the crypto cur-rency sector and application of blockchain technology in the global commercialization United Kingdom - the pioneer in this sector has actively recognized Bit-coin as a payment method towards the high application of crypto currency in the ecosystem, Blockchain technology and development of a reliable, strong trading exchange serving the European Community and the whole world. Under the Government’s policy and strategic vision, individuals and organizations have promoted start-ups, creative startup business projects which have drawn spe-cial attention from the British Business Group and large economic corporations in the United Kingdom. Typically, it is a must to mention about the startup project of a group specializing in crypto currency study which has been associated to make up the Acom-max project receiving the attention and support from the Business Group and large economic corporations in the United Kingdom.

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To avoid such crisis in the future, and out of danger towards the bank-ing system for the collapse, unfairness, inefficiency and disappointment, a new eco system is required where all these problems are addressed pro-foundly and the user don’t have to rely on central authorities whose action may result the system to collapse. Acommax is a financial ecosystem in-tended to solve these problems associated with the traditional banking. It allows users to get rid of all the problems within traditional financial sys-tem by providing them with a decentralized exchange of digital data between its peers featuring an incorruptible ledger recording all transactions. Based on ethereum blockchain, the process is fully transparent at all times. Acom-max financial ecosystem consists of a complete package of financial solutions such as: AcomX, AcomPay, AcomCenter, AcomMall, AcomMining, AcomLab. All these products are based on decentralized technology and ensures that there is no single point of failure and independent of any immediately for transactional purposes. This whitepaper comprehensively covers the idea of Acommax Financial ecosystem.

2.0 DisclaimerPLEASE READ THIS DISCLAIMER SECTION CAREFULLY. IF YOU ARE IN ANY DOUBT OF THE ACTION YOU SHOULD TAKE, YOU SHOULD CONSULT YOUR LEGAL, FINANCIAL, TAX, OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVISOR Acommax Network or any of its product will not be intended to constitute securities in any jurisdiction. This white paper does not represent a prospectus or offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation for investment in securities in any jurisdiction. Acommax does not provide any opinion on any ad-vice to purchase, sell, or otherwise transact with Acommax and the fact of pre-sentation of this white paper shall not form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract or investment decision. No person is bound to enter into any contract or binding legal commitment concerning the sale and purchase of Acommax, and no cryp-tocurrency or another form of payment is to be accepted on the basis of this Whitepaper. This document is a technical whitepaper setting out the current and future develop-ments of the Acommax Coin Ecosystem by Acommax. This paper is for information purposes only and is not a statement of future intent. The information set forth be-low may not be exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relation-ship. While we make every effort to ensure that any material in this white paper is accurate and up to date, such content in no way constitutes the provision of profes-sional advice. Acommax does not guarantee and accepts no legal liability whatsoev-er arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency, or completeness of any material contained in this whitepaper. Investors and potential Acommax holders should seek appropriate independent professional advice before relying on or entering into any commitment or transaction based on, material published in this white paper, which material is purely published for reference purposes alone. No person is entitled to rely on the contents of this paper or any inferences drawn from it, including in relation to any interactions with Acommax. Acommax disclaims all liability for any loss or damage of whatsoever kind {whether foreseeable or not) which may arise from any person acting on any information and opinions relating

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to Acommax containedtained n this paper or any information which is made avail-able in connection with any further enquiries, notwithstanding any negligence, de-fault or lack of care. The information contained in this publication is derived from data obtained from sources believed by Acommax to be reliable and is given in good faith, but no warranties or guarantees, representations are made by Acommax with regard to the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information presented. It should not be relied upon, and shall not confer rights or remedies upon, you or any of your employees, creditors, holders of securities or other equity holders or any other person. Any opinions expressed reflect the current judgment of the authors of this paper and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Acommax. The opin-ions reflected herein may change without notice and the opinions do not necessar-ily correspond to the opinions of Acommax. Acommax does not have an obligation to amend, modify or update this paper or to otherwise notify a reader or recipient thereof in the event that any matter stated herein, or any opinion, projection, fore-cast or estimate set forth herein, changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate. Acommax, its directors, employees, contractors and representatives do not have any responsibility or liability to any person or recipient {whether by reason of neg-ligence, negligent misstatement or otherwise) arising from any statement, opinion or information, expressed or implied, arising out of, contained in or derived from or omission from this paper. Neither Acommax nor its advisors have independent-ly verified any of the information, including the forecasts, prospects and projec-tions contained in this paper. Each recipient is to rely solely on its own knowledge, investigation, judgment and assessment of the matters which are the subject of this report and any information which is made available in connection with any further enquiries and to satisfy itself as to the accuracy and completeness of such matters. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that statements of facts made in this paper are accurate, all estimates, projections, forecasts, prospects, expressions of opinion and other subjective judgments contained in this paper are based on assumptions con-sidered to be reasonable as of the date of the document in which they are contained and must not be construed as a representation that the matters referred to therein will occur. Any plans, projections or forecasts mentioned in this paper may not be achieved due to multiple risk factors including without limitation defects in technol-ogy developments, legal or regulatory exposure, market volatility, sector volatility, corporate actions, or the unavailability of complete and accurate information. Acom-max may provide hyperlinks to websites of entities mentioned in this paper, how-ever the inclusion of a link does not imply that Acommax endorses, recommends or approves any material on the linked page or accessible from it. Such linked websites are accessed entirely at your own risk. Acommax does not accept responsibility what-soever for any such material, nor for con-sequences of its use. This paper is not di-rected to, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a cit-izen or resident of or located in any state, country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation. This paper is only available on www.Acommax.com and may not be redistributed, re-produced or passed on to any other person or published, in part or in whole, for any purpose, without the prior, written consent of Acommax. The manner of distributing this paper may be restricted by law or regulation in certain countries. Persons into whose possession this paper may come are required to inform themselves about and to observe such restrictions. By accessing this paper, a recipient here of agrees to be bound by the fore-going limitations.

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3.0 Introduction To Acommax Ecosystem| The Solution 3.1 WHAT IS ACOMMAX?Acommax is an ecosystem intended to solve problem associated with traditional fi-nancial system. It allows users to get rid of all the problems associated with traditional financial system by providing them with a decentralized exchange of digital data be-tween its peers featuring an incorruptible ledger recording all transactions.

Based on x11 algorithm and are mining now, the process is fully transparent at all times. All of the transactions are fully traceable, irreversible and incorruptible. The network guarantees the validity and authenticity of each transaction and fraudulent activity is discarded promptly. There is no single point of failure as the control of the entire network or transactions isn’t down to a single central entity but rather by the en-tire network. ‘Fixing’, ‘hiding’, ‘manipulating’ or ‘profiteering’ are impossible within a blockchain network. All transactions are fully traceable back to their origins at all times and all network peers have access to that incorruptible ledger

3.2 PURPOSES OF THE PROJECT: Raise Acommax.com to become a strong and reliable trading exchange in Europe in particular and the world in general.Operate and develop Acommax crypto currency to become a valuable currency and apply liquidity in the globally multidimensional integrated ecosystem.ACM to become a currency of Acommax.com exchange playing the role as an intermediary coin for trading services of other coins in Acommax.com exchange, in ad-dition, Acommax will be present on large and reliable trading exchanges in the global crypto market.

Build the ecosystem and associate with partners to integrate multidimensional appli-cations such as AcomX,AcomPay, AcomCenter, AcomMall , AcomLab and develop-ment of a new generation of mining technology, etc.

Objectives of AcommaxBecome a reliable coin highly applicable in the global commercialization. Be ranked top 20 in the coinmaketcap by the year 2019Serve the global community of commercial enterprises and citizens in the inte-gration trend.

Mission of AcommaxDevelop the application of blockchain technology in production management, trading and globalization service.

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4.0 Why Choose ACM

4.1 The ACM Coin (ACM)We aim to enable the use of ACM in the ACom platform by spending it on merchants that support ACM or private buyer/seller transactions. You can also sell the in sup-ported exchanges, privately or hold it for future use. The key difference in our plat-form is the business model behind it. Once all the regulatory questions have been clarified with the Swiss Regulator (FINMA), the ACM platform will be a payment sys-tem that will enable you to use the and spend it independently alongside a system that grows in synergy with the . Moreover, using the ACM on the ACM platform will have additional benefits to further stimulate its growth. 4.2 Value and StrategyHow will this strategic value coupling work? Each time a buyer pays with any crypto-currency via the ACM payment platform a percentage of the transactional fee will be used to buyback ACM and to remove them from the market. The removed s will be burned. This will reduce the amount of ACM supply further driving demand, the adop-tion of the platform and the value for contributors. The higher the volume of transac-tions in the ACM platform, the higher the potential market value of the. A percentage of the transaction fee will be removed from the pool in each market transaction, and the more the ACM 19 platform is used (with any supported crypto-currency), the further the supply of ACM will decrease, a built-in adjustment that acts as our self-stabilization mechanism. A contributor that decides to hold ACM for the long run, though it may be subjected to exchange market fluctuations, will enjoy a protective layer that links the ACM to a sustainable platform. This so called intrinsic deflationary mechanism makes ACM not only the safest payment platform, but a valuable utility.

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It should be stated however, that the expected increase (or decrease) of the value of the ACM will be dictated by the market’s supply and demand rules and will not be de-rived directly from ACM’s activities. Please note that holding ACM does not trigger the right (or likelihood) of redemption or the payment of a fixed or determinable income by ACM. Holders must not reasonably expect to generate profits through the sale of to other persons. The ACM will grant access to the platform. Any other forms of financial incentives holders may or may not receive by holding a , which are not expect, are out-side of ACM’s control and activities and will only be derived through their own efforts. Thus, holding a ACM should not be construed as a passive investment. The ACM will not be compatible with full passivity of the participant.

5.0 AcomX - Acommax Exchange The AcomX exchange is designed to untangle the means and manage the performance-based challenges in the modern exchanges. The exchange is made to give better investment gains via its ICO to the traders too. Currently, cryptocurrencies and ICOs are playing a significant part in the monetary system of each economy. The prog-ress of any ICO relies on two things: Their performance as well as their persistence in the unpredictable market. That is why we are normally made to meet ICOs which lost their presence and goes offline even prior to their launching time. Creating an honest and trustworthy platform meant for our users and investors, where there exists liberty from despair, a certainty of exchanges and investment is our mission. We combine blockchain technology and AI in our cryptocurrency platform for trading and conven-tional token exchange system giving the excellent user experience, the durability of the system and making the trade simpler. A platform for building a decentralized open blockchain system for crypto fund controlled by AcomX expert traders and assign-ing a suitable stock token with computerized placement on all AcomX as well as top cen-tralized cryptocurrency exchanges; The cryptocurrency debit cards connected to the user’s wallet on AcomX and synthesis into fiat gateways, enabling to transform cryp-tocurrency into fiat as it is paid using the card in outlets; An API for the combination of third-party services and applications with this AcomX platform; Making of the in-dividual agent network the crypto ATMs for the buying and selling of cryptocurrency for fiat cash with the capacity to operate with bank cards. This AcomX exchange will satisfy the heightened needs of the expert market players and be favorable to beginers. We require to create a contentious and productive trading platform, a feature for the evolution of crypto funds for an automatic platform for ICO and assets management. The current decentralized crypto-exchange shifts are not for non-expert traders or in-vestors. The interfaces for that kind of exchanges are untimely, unusual and inappro-priate for traders who familiar with trading on centralized platforms. Additionally, the decentralized quite low liquidity, which results in slow performance of trade orders. Consequently, the major pros of AcomX will be:

o Suitable Graphic User Interface, that works with most current browsers; o Desktop Apps meant for trading;o Mobile applications meant IOs and Android; o comprehensive and regularly updated documentation;o Full-time technical support;o A huge number of trading pairs;o The capacity to retrieve lost passwords;o A two-factor verification;o Inexpensive commission fees;

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o A referral program high rate;o A broad range of trade pointers;o Merchant; o debit crypto cards;o Trading robots;o A system of crypto ATMs; o Great liquidity

6.0 AcomPayAcomPay is a kind of P2P online payment service given by ACMlink that will enlist crypto and other funds having ACM POS peculiarities offering a per annum commis-sion to users that will vary from 5 to 50 per cent per year. Collaterals in the ACM wallet would there in both Cryptocurrencies and fiat. Users will too be given ACM Automated Teller machines those will simplify the process of withdrawing cash. Payment industry matters and obstacles now: a) Sluggish adoption of new and upcoming technologies in the commercial industry and payments. b) Scanty tools for banking clients and borrowers.c) Lack of efficient and fast lending and funding facilities.d) The rise of non-backed-up ICOs lacking a poor business design that is affecting cryptocurrencies’ prevalence.e) Unavailability of stability in the cost of the tokens/coins or digital currencies.f) Some of the big Institutions and huge net worth investors are still very doubtful of the value of cryptocurrencies because of the changing costs as well as the delay in adopting or absence of the extensive experience of the high-level blockchain technology

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g) Old banking is dropping the market share as ICOs and crowdfunding are gathering ample funds. The market for the cryptocurrency grew at a very high speed and is still expected to continue growing because of a lot of possible use case of the technology behind it. AcomX plans to solve such issues through its joined and pleasing blockchain based service for investors. Acommax will offer quick payment transactions and profitable opportunities for making cash and passive earnings. AcomPay will give cash wallets in twenty-two fiat coins originally including all the main currencies like EUR, USD and GBP. Furthermore, AcomPay will promote upcoming digital currencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin, NEM, DASH and others making sure that AcomPay will be the frontline of the upcoming cryptocurrency ecosystem.

ACOMCARD: This can be bought straight from your ACOM Wallet. It comes with a daily spending limit of $200,000 and an ATM withdrawal limit of $2,000 For any-thing exceeding this; you will receive an ACM bonus of 0.2% for every individual buy-ing made using your card.

Payment processing AcomPay recognizes two significant challenges faced by trad-ers allowing payments online: Trickery risks and resource immobilization because of ex-tended settlement times or rolling reserves. AcomPay will aid its business custom-ers to resolves these problems by giving exclusive know-your-client and scam detecting solutions and giving incoming payments financing.

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7.0 AcomCenterWe will establish Acomcenter in around the globe. Here, we will enable Acommax owners to start using ACM tokens to make payments for daily services and items from AcomCenter around the world. Authorized merchants or firms are those that are a part of the Acom group platform and will allow ACom as a payment alternative for POS. In order to make payment with Acom, those who will be using need to scan the Acom’s QR code found at the dealer place, enter the pay and transaction amount. Since it is on the blockchain, the entire parties concerned will be in a position to verify the features of the transaction. The objective of Acommax is to create a clear payment gateway for cryptocurrency by using our initially established network of accredited merchants on this Acommax platform. This major benefit will ensure actual POS crypto events pos-sible, secure, easy and broadly accessible. As we become productive, Acommax will increase our list of accredited merchants more and more. The greater the number of merchants that use adopt ACM, the larger our crypto market will the Acommax field. ACM also has real-world applications like offline casino comprising nearly all gam-bling. The platform can just be reached by ACM coins. This is another win for ACOM coin owners. They are earning from coin worth appreciation and they are obtaining prizes the coins at an offline casino portal.

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8.0 AcomMall 8.1 Introduction of AcomMallEstablishing an e-commerce business system is not easy. The firm has to use a lot of finance in coming up with a team and means of distribution. Additionally, one has to understand how to sell a product as per the trend and the specificity of a certain mar-ket. Our services give amazing chances for self-employed business people, small-scale companies, makers and family businesses E-commerce expenses of a staff developer group, expensive development of the channels of distribution, autonomous advertising management, the issue of worldwide daily client support Marketplace, a joined avail-able 24/7 client support and Marketing cost minimization, aid in product exhibition and localization of five handmade crafts, like bookkeeping, promotion and advertis-ing, sales analysis as well as a suitable, user-friendly interface. The builder of online store permits the building of many platform online deals channel and the capability to spur the promotion is an excellent solution for businesses. These types of builders give an interface that is ready-to-use. The goal of such platforms is build-ing the situation where any user can handle to generate an individual online shop and gain the technical assistance and safe time. Nevertheless, the market lacks a solution which would con-solidate modern technology and a superior system of e-commerce. Our intention is to give such a solution to the industry!

8.2 AcomMall Services AcomMall is a platform made to enable anyone to develop an online store that will utilize the superior technologies in the e-commerce sector. Our plan is to link proce-dures around the globe and provide business with the appropriate devices for starting a special commodity to the world market with little transaction charges and with no in-termediaries, financial limits or irritating bureaucratic method. We will join producers from the entire world for the purpose of establishing our private economic ecosystem that will propel e-commerce to a further level.

The e-commerce sector is advancing swiftly but starting trading your goods and ser-vic-es online is not an easy job. One has to use their resources inadequately: taking time on the management of the online shop and conducting promotional campaigns without support. More so, as a small-scale producer entering a world market needs significant investments when beginning and extra monthly costs for the continuance of the oper-ations of the online shop. Furthermore, the manufacturer stands bureaucratic challenges as well as transaction charges when carrying out international payments. Some small-scale productions can satisfy that sort of financial need and be set to handle the dangers associated with international sales and getting to the brand-new markets.i). Target audience Ideal small-scale producers normally turn out approximately 50 product work and items in the regional or local market. The staff belonging to that kind of a firm comprise from 2 to 10 individuals. Each of them merges many duties and responsibilities in the firm. Marketing and client support are usually the owners of the business or some em-ployees. ii). Small-scale producer concerns The major concerns dealt with by owners of busi-ness when entering into the international fair are as follows: iii). Unavailability of 24-hour multilingual client assistance. Trading your goods inter-nationally implies being in a position always to keep open the buyer-seller feedback line to help clients is various times zones and absence of live client assistance renders communication less efficient;

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iv). Absence of localization Producers of small-scale level may not give the interpreta-tion of goods features and descriptions considering the specificity of different nations which makes the launch to the international fair impracticable;v). Raised fees at the present platforms and several fees of payment systems. The cur-rent platforms reserve a substantial portion of the cost, leave alone conversion and payment system fees, taxes and transaction fees; vi). The absence of client trust in an anonymous trader. The client prefers known trad-ers who give goods of verified quality, while the anonymous without reputation have to battle with them; vii). Lack of suitable online trades pitch for items. Each buying, particularly they one carried out online, is based on several metrics. The absence of the commodity parameters, description, nice-quality images, client reviews and video overviews impacts sales negatively; viii). The unlikelihood of automation. Apart from all the above-mentioned concerns, the small-scale level manufacture owner is not equipped technologically to get the on-line store fully automatic;ix). Competition with the global organizations. The international corporations have the ability to market top-grade goods around the world but small-scale don’t and that makes it difficult for them to operate globally;x). Cash insufficiency. Businesses get funds from purchases just after a particular delay and growing sales without considering this will later prove to be an unworkable task;

The online shop consumer matters Also, the there are matters regarding consumers experience with the small-scale pro-ducers: i). Goods search. A huge number of novel goods produced by the small-scale producers lack sufficient photos or descriptions, which affects the search for the required com-modity. Moreover, quite a number of small-scale and good-quality stuff cannot be se-cured online; ii). The absence of decent online sales pitch. Due to the absence of accomplished dis-play materials, the consumer cannot obtain a complete summary of a product thus rejects the buying; iii). Shortage of solid reviews. If there is no means to ascertain the genuineness of re-views written on custom-designed sites of online stores, consumers are not able to get a real impression regarding the product; iv). Lack of guarantees. Quite a number of online stores provide goods on the basis of an upfront fee; however, not all consumers are willing to risk entrusting money to an unknown online shop whose existence is unpredictable.

9.0 AcomMining: The advanced sophistication and complexity of X11 Algorithm offer improved levels of security and minimal doubt for a digital currency matched with single hash PoW alternatives that unprotected against security dangers such as Single Point Of Failure. Considering the insecure essence of digital coins and the natural unpredictability as a fresh domain, the X11 algorithm can give boosted trust for its users and possible inves-tors that could be possible with the single hash procedures.

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10.0 AcomLabIn AcomLab we intent to begin from building the greatest community of world tech ex-pert as well as software sourcing marketplace to enhance the economy and open block-chain technology in conjunction with ACM token, we can build thousands of viable approaches to advance and involve the community, not just be hiring and matching. We will develop self-sufficient for transfer service: The industry of independent deliv-ery robots systems is advancing quickly, in various cities around the world, firms like Marble, Airlift, Dispatch, Starship and several others are turning it into actuality. At the moment, the foremost operational locus is on footways, which renders droids nar-rowed to the operational constraints of the footway, preserving their speed boundary to the walking speed of foot-travelers. Generally, the autonomous transmission market has experienced great changes in the last four years, and adaptive improvements have been rising in the United States and Europe, it is only an issue of time for droids to be expanding around the entire urban routes and makes use of the existing parking res-ervation in certain public and reachable areas to place the Smart Hubs with different sizes. The twofold-purpose hub functions are made to automatically handle and keep up to 40 regular size units with the option of touchdown pads for a drone to load and discharge units. Each is created on the principle of reusing old shipping packages with-in a usual car parking stall. The usual parallel stall scope for on-street parking will be a least 6 meters long by 2.5 meters wide. Alongside self-sufficient for delivery, we will develop some technology services in the future.

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11.0 Investment Plan Project participation method: after registering member under instructions in the link and successfully verify account via email, take the following steps: Step 1: Deposit ETH or BTC to the CompanyStep 2: select Buy PRESALE item or Invest to receive interest item. In accordance with the Company’s policy (the table below)If you select invest, you will receive interest in accordance with the company’s policy, and a certain number of coins corresponding to the invested amount.Note: The given coin and coin to buy PRESALE to a wallet on ID for storage until the global ICO selling announcement will be sold at the rate of different blocks.

A) If you select invest after deposit, the amount of USD under ETH or BTC price at the time of deposit will be immediately converted into the number of coin ACM on START ACM WALLET and the system will automatically switch to trade ecosystem in order to be funded with 10-15% of the total investment to trade and receive daily interest in USD (receiving given coin under policy).

B) USD amounts received during the course of project participation include (% direct brokerage commission + profit (static interest), the winning TRADE will be liquidated by outputs: (1) withdraw ETH or BTC or buy ACM for storage or use ACM for trade, car-ry out internal liquidity of trade2 wallet, apply in games ecosystem, shop online or be put on internal floor for sales, withdrawal of ETH, BTC.

C) USD amounts received from trade2 wallet include (deposit into the account, win-ning trade from the trade2 wallet, trade2 trade commission, transfer from winning trade1 wallet, buy USD from trade2 winner, a transfer from commission wallet and static inter-est via trade2 wallet for trade) which are liquidated as follows:(2) Use to buy ACM for storage, trade at the trade2 wallet, or sell to the trader of trade2 wallet, withdraw BTC, ETH, apply in the ecosystem (types of games in the ecosystem, shop online, buy ACM for storage)

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THE POLICY IS APPLIED AT Acommax.com (data is automatically arranged in the or-der of entitlement of bonus policy in trade)5% of the transaction fee for each 60-second session will be used to make up the project reserve fund to perform technology development programs and gratitude to the mem-bers who contributed to the development of the project.Every day, 04 transaction sessions are open: 08:30 -9:30; 11:00 -12:00; 15:00 -16:00;20:00 - 21:00 (UTC+0 UK Timezone )a) 5% of fee per trade session with a proportion of 50:25:25 (50% of the Company’s activities, 25% of contribution to the reserves to share profit to investors, 25% of capital redemption fund by cycle.b) business profit in traditional business lines such as real estate, finance, application technology and mining coin fields with superchip technology, systematic investment, systematic trade coin, game application, etc. 15-35% of the total profit will be extracted to share added profit to the community in the period of presale and ICO.c) The payback by cycle program will be automatically updated after 180 days of inter-est receipt of each investment package.

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d/ The number of coins given by each input package will have ISO sold under regulations of each block similar to presale purchase.

e/ 5% of transaction fee after each trade session and the difference between the winner and loser will be transferred to two different wallets on ID for easy control.

Entitlement to bonus trade from trade1 wallet (funding) 3 generations

You are entitled to 0,6% of trade F1 revenue

You are entitled to 0,5% of trade F2 revenue

You are entitled to 0,4% of trade F3 revenue

Conditions to receive a commission in a trade session: you must trade at least 01 order in the sessions opened by the Company within the day.

Entitlement to bonus trade from trade2 wallet (direct deposit, static interest, systemat-ic commission, winning trade profit from trade1 wallet) 3 generations

You are entitled to 1,5% of trade F1 revenue

You are entitled to 1,0% of trade F2 revenue

You are entitled to 0,5% of trade F3 revenue



Minimum amount withdrawn for each time is USD10/withdrawal time, time to trans-fer to the wallet is within 48 hours.

The members participating in the project in the period of Presale and ICO will be en-titled to a deduction of 50% of the transaction fee in one year in Acommax.com inter-national trading floor.

Be entitled to profit sharing under the policy for VIP customer, who is an active mem-ber in the development of construction and project, extracted from ACOMFUN fund.

Customer who deposits in acommac.com is deemed to have invested (however, there are 2 basic investment choices in the Presale period is:

1/ Investment in buying presale with price of $0,5 per ACM for storage, selling ICO or listing in the floor (no static interest received in this case.

2/ Investment by invest package will help receive static interest and fund to trade from 10-15% depending on the level of involvement.

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12.0 Initial Coin Offering(ICO) Contribution Round

Funds Allocation We intend to allocate 35% of the total funds for platform development such as website security, R&D, consultation, licenses etc. A further 35% will be allocated for the mar-keting of the platform in order to increase our user base, educating the public about our platform through live events, seminars and conferences around the globe. 15% will be allocated for administrative costs which includes salaries of all the employees, utilities, furniture and equipment, rent, office supplies and miscellaneous expenses. 10% of the funds will be kept as reserved fund for future partnerships or for any unforeseen costs. Lastly, 5% funds will be allocated for the legal costs that will be incurred over the period of time. For a detailed year after year financial plan and funds allocation, we would like to recommend you to go through our in-depth business plan and financial analysis.

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o Funds received from the early investors will be used for endorsements, online media publications, company formation, PR firm hiring, digital marketing experts hiring and advertising for the second round of funding.o Funding received in the presale round would be utilized in the site restructuring, additional team members hired and marketing campaign for the public crowd sale funding to attract mass investor interest.o In the final funding stage, total proceeds collected from the public would be utilized for marketing, platform development, administrative costs, legal costs, road show to potential countries and reserve funds for future use.o After final funding stage, formal work will begin on the project in order to develop a final working marketplace that would be used by both the clients and freelancers.

Page 20: 2.0 DISCLAIMER · 4.0 Why Choose ACM 4.1 The ACM Coin (ACM) We aim to enable the use of ACM in the ACom platform by spending it on merchants that support ACM or private buyer/seller


13.0 Roadmap

Page 21: 2.0 DISCLAIMER · 4.0 Why Choose ACM 4.1 The ACM Coin (ACM) We aim to enable the use of ACM in the ACom platform by spending it on merchants that support ACM or private buyer/seller


14.0 Meet Our Team

David DanelCEO

John NameCTO

15.0 Connect with usFor any queries and questions you can write us at:[email protected]

Our official website:http://www.acommax.com/

Join the discussion at:https://t.me/acommaxOfficial