Download - A Day in the Life of Planit4Cast Story

Page 1: A Day in the Life of Planit4Cast Story

Let learning ripple through your organisation

Speaker: Mary Dees

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Let learning ripple through your organisation

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Nationally Recognised

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“It is a very enjoyable method and way of understanding policy problems ”

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The Main Menu

“The most advanced computer led training course I have attended”

Main Menu

Shows a virtual community with problems such as air and water Pollution, congestion, poor housing, unemployment, poor health and rising waste.

The buildings represent the teams which work together as a local authority and their partners to improve the community and respond to the threat of climate change.

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“An excellent way of exploring issues particularly the

cross – cutting elements & how they impact across blocks”

Looking at the issues

Report Screen

Teams are Town Hall; Education, Training and Skills; Third Sector; Housing; Utilities; Transport ;Enterprise and Regulatory Agency; Health and Emergency Services. Each team is given a mission statement outlining their objectives.

They are presented with updated reports to help them make decisions.

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Decisions, decisions, decisions


Having looked at their reports and developed a strategy the teams can invest their budgets.

Can they balance their budget? Negotiate with other teams to implement both mitigation and adaptation strategies as well as address their everyday public service requirements.

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Advance the Round, see the Changes

Update Round

After all the budget decisions have been made the round is updated.

Improvements made to the community are shown such as renewable energy, less pollution, recycling facilities, increase in wildlife and more sustainable housing.

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3 rounds remain to deal with problems

The Score

The score shows how the teams have performed on the national indicators, Politics and Organisational Performance.

Red = 0 – 3Amber = 3 – 7Green = 7 – 10

Public Opinion is also scored.

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3 rounds remain to deal with problems

The News

After each round incidents can occur, if the right investments are not being made, such as flooding, coastal erosion and extreme weather events.

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“The course gave an excellent overview on the scale of the challenge ahead and the difficult

decisions that need to be take”

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What learning message delegates said they would take away:

“Climate change is an issue that everyone can have an

affect on and no one organisation can tackle this

issue alone

Climate change adaptation and

mitigation is complex, there are many different

inter-related factors

Climate change can be adapted to by all

departments across businesses, not just

environmental departments

Communication between groups is essential to ensure options are covered

/ not repeated


“Good to look at outcome of choices and how objectives

can be met from a number of initiatives”

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