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Final project report MIS 620 (fall 2015)


Table of Contents


Project Description......................................................................................................................................................3

Project formula of success..........................................................................................................................................4

Functional Diagrams...................................................................................................................................................5

Structural Model.......................................................................................................................................................10

Behavioral Models....................................................................................................................................................13


ER Diagram of WordPress Database........................................................................................................................20

ER Diagram Continued.............................................................................................................................................21

User Interface (UI) & Design Strategy.....................................................................................................................22

Future Scope.............................................................................................................................................................23




ThisSimpleUML is a website created by us with the objective to make learning concepts of UML, an

easy and simple task. It is a platform where students can register and learn UML language.

The website provides the following functionalities to the student.

They have the option to either go through all the chapters sequential or just select the chapter they are

interested in. Our website provides students with detailed knowledge about what UML language is and

how to go about creating the different diagrams which are a part of UML language like the functional

and structural diagram. Along with learning we will also provide our students with an option to take quiz

based on each chapter to help them test their learning.

Also the website has a feedback page for the users to help us assess how we can improve the website

and serve better.


Project Description

A software project of any size whether from small to large is rarely built by a single person. Most often

many different people, with various skills work together to build a solution. It is very uncommon to have

the technology not being the most challenging part of the project, but rather it often lacks clear

communication between the project team members. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) helps the

team members to communicate clearly and precisely. The UML includes several diagrams and models

that support design of different aspects of the solution. If each member of the team is able to understand

those models that are useful to them they are more likely to overcome challenges and risks associated

with different aspects. During the course we understood the need for this clear communication. We

discussed several of the commonly used diagrams. UML is very large and there is much to be learnt and

done which is way beyond the scope of the course. But having the basic understanding provided in

ThisSimpleUML can reduce many of the challenges.

ThisSimpleUML is an online training platform for technical professionals and students alike who seek to

gain knowledge quickly. The course is provided 24x7. Traditional classroom courses have a retention

rate as low as 20% 30 days following the training. Online learning reverses the scale and increases

retention rates as much as 40 to 60% in the same time period leaving the student with a retention rate of

60 to 80%. This mini-course introduces the data-modeling component of UML, and describes different

UML diagrams, helps in learning them at a fast pace. ThisSimpleUML differentiates itself from other

online learning providers by offering content which is understandable by laymen with a simple example

throughout the course to avoid confusion. We have created 8 chapters that are arranged in a logical

manner to learn different aspects of UML diagrams and at the end of each chapter, a quiz consisting of

10 to 15 questions. The course duration is self-paced and there is no course price.

By the end of the course, the student will be able to learn the below mentioned points

How to identify and design objects, classes, and their relationships to each other

Use links, associations, and inheritance

Use diagram notation for use cases, class and object representation, links and associations, and

object messages

Gain a working knowledge UML 2.0


Apply knowledge of OOAD to design an object-oriented system which can be implemented in an

object-oriented language

Project formula of success

ThisSimpleUML is an excellent resource for everyone at the click of a mouse. The course platform

offers knowledge to anyone with an internet connection, the opportunity to learn. Knowledge provides

the foundation to create the future. And, when you spark the creative process you light the idea that

might change the world.


Functional Diagrams

The functional or the external view describes the behavior of the system from the perspective of the

user. It is a means to understand and document the requirements of the systems


A Use case is a formal way of representing the way a business system interacts with its environment. Hence, it

represents in a very simple way the main functions of the system and the different kinds of users that will interact

with it.

Pre Use Case Diagram


Post Use Case Diagram

The Main functionalities in the Use case diagram:

1) Registration and Login/Logout

In the Registration System, there are two main use cases one is to register and the other is to

Login. There is an association relationship between the new student and register and an

association relationship between the Admin and Update profile in case the existing user wishes

to update his/her profile.

2) There is a generalization relationship between the actor Student split as old student and new

students. Once the new student signs up him/her becomes old student.

3) In this diagram there are 7 main use cases, Select Chapter, Study Tutorial, Obtain help, Take test,

Obtain results, feedback, retake test.


The Student can select the chapter he/she wants to study, take help from the admin in case of any

doubts, Take the test, obtain results and provide the website with feedback. If the student is not

satisfied with the score they can even retake the test.

4) The diagram has a few Extend and Include relationship as well.

Extend relationship:

The Login use case has a extend relationship with the Update profile use case, which

states if the students wants he/she can update its profile info and the Admin will help in

doing so.

Extend relationship between retake test and obtain results. It is the students wish to take

the test again after obtaining their results.

Include Relationship:

One is between take test and obtain results, To get a score the student first needs to the

take the quiz.

The other between Select chapter and retake test, this means if the student wants to retake

the test they need to go back and select the chapter for which they want to retake the test.

The Difference between our PRE Use case diagram and POST Use diagram is

Earlier when the use case diagram was created if the student wanted to retake the test they were

just required to go back to the take test option in the website. But once the website was actually

setup the functionality changed and now the user needs to first select the chapter and then only

they can retake the test.


ACTIVITY DIAGRAMActivity diagrams are developed from the use cases. They are used to model the business processes or

how a business operates. It models behavior independent of objects.

Pre Activity Diagram Post Activity Diagram

The Main functionalities in the Activity diagram:

1) The activity diagram begins with a decision node, depending on the student whether he/she is a new

student or old student. New students decide to register and old students decide to login, Post which the

nodes merge.

2) The main use case in the diagram being Select chapter, study tutorial, take test, obtain results and


3) Once the students have given the test they have the option to retake the test. Here the decision node

comes into the picture again. Depending on the score the student can decide whether to retake the test or


If the score is good and student is satisfied the process moves to the next use case Feedback.


In case the student is not satisfied the student chooses to retake the test, where in he/she gives the test

again post which the process comes to an end.

The Difference between our Pre and Post Activity Diagram is

Earlier it was decided the Student wants to retake the test, then they only have to go back to the

take test use case. But when the website was built the process got changed and now if the student

wants to retake the test they have to first select the chapter and then only they can take the test



Structural Model

Structural models describe the underlying data structure of an object-oriented system. Whereas use-case

models provide an external functional view of the evolving system (i.e., what the system does),

structural models provide an internal static view of the evolving system (i.e., how the objects are

organized in the system). At this point in the development of the system, the structural model represents

only a logical model of the underlying problem domain. One of the primary purposes of the structural

model is to create a vocabulary that allows the users and developers to communicate effectively about

the problem under investigation. Structural models comprise classes, attributes, operations, and

relationships. There are three basic types of relationships that normally are depicted on structural

models: aggregation, generalization, and association.

CRC Cards

CRC cards model the classes, their responsibilities, and their collaborations. There are two different

types of responsibilities: knowing and doing. Knowing responsibilities are associated mostly with

attributes of instances of the class, whereas doing responsibilities is associated mostly with operations of

instances of the class.

Collaborations support the concepts of clients, servers, and contracts between objects. CRC cards

capture all the essential elements of the instances of a class. The front of the card allows the recording of

the class’s name, ID, type, description, list of associated use cases, responsibilities, and collaborators,

whereas the back of the card contains the attributes and relationships.


CRC Card

Class diagrams

A class diagram is a graphical description of the information contained on the CRC cards. It shows the

classes and the relationships between the classes. The class diagram portrays additional information, not

included on the CRC cards: the visibility of the attributes and operations and the multiplicity of the

relationships. Also, there are times that a relationship itself contains information. In this case, an

associated class is created. There are special arcs for each of the relationships (aggregation,

generalization, and association) contained in the diagram.

In real-world systems that can have over 100 classes, the class diagram can become overly complicated.

To allow for the simplification of the diagram, a view mechanism can be used. A view restricts the

amount of information portrayed on the diagram. Some useful views are: hiding all information about

the class except for its name and relationships; showing only the classes that are associated with a


particular use case; and limiting the relationships included to only one specific type (aggregation,

generalization, and association).

Class Diagram

The Enter class has two attributes: user id, password and two operations: login, register.

The Admin class and the Student class are the subclass of the Participant class. The participant class has

several attributes such as last name, first name, address, phone and birthdate. The Admin class has an

attribute admin and three operations: update profile, evaluate test and feedback. The Student class has

three attributes: student id, chapter studied, test taken and two operations: select chapter, take test.

The Study Material class has one attribute: chapter name and one operation: assign chapter. The Test

class has two attributes: student id, test id and one operation: take test. The Evaluation class has two

attributes: score, test id and one operation: give result.

When a visitor comes to the UML study website, he can choose login in if he is an old user or register if

he is a new user. The admin will update the profile if someone registers a new account. Then the user

can select chapter and take test in the website. There are several chapters for users to choose such as

activity diagram, use case diagram and class diagram. To study the UML, the user has to read the study

materials at first then he can take the test. The tests are combined with multiple choice questions. When

the user finishes the test, the website will give him the score and the right answers of each question. The

user can choose give feedback or retake test according to his score.


Behavioral Models

Behavior models describe the internal dynamic aspects of an information system that supports the business

processes in the organization. There are two types of behavioral models. First, there are behavioral models used

to represent the underlying details of a business process portrayed by a use-case model. In UML, interaction

diagrams, both sequence and communication diagrams are used for this type of behavioral model. In this way, we

can easily see how actors and objects collaborate to provide the functionality defined in the use-case. Second,

Behavioral State Machines represent the changes that occur in the underlying data.

Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are one of two types of interaction diagrams. They illustrate the objects that participate in a

use case and the messages that pass between them over time for one use case. A sequence diagram is a dynamic

model that shows the explicit sequence of messages that are passed between objects in a defined interaction.

Figure: Sequence Diagram to ‘register for a course’.

The above figure shows a sequence diagram that depicts the objects and messages for the Register for a Course

use case, which describes the process by which a student registers for ThisSimpleUML and selects a chapter or

course from the site. The student requests a new student registration from the sites main UI. Once the proper

credentials hit the student enroller security login, the student will exist in ThisSimpleUML’s database. The

student at that point is registered and has the ability to select a desired chapter.


Communication Diagram

Communication diagrams, like sequence diagrams essentially provide a view of the dynamic aspects of an object-

oriented system. They show how the members of a set of objects collaborate to implement a use-case or use-case

scenario. They can also be used to model all the interactions among a set of collaborating objects and emphasize

the flow of messages through a set of objects.

Communication Diagram to ‘register for a course’.

The above figure shows a communication diagram that depicts the objects and messages for the Register For a

Course use case. Notice that just like the prior sequence diagram, this communication diagram has the same actor

and objects. The process in the communication diagram above shows a student register for ThisSimpleUML

through the main UI, once enrolled properly the student is redirected and given the ability to select a chapter or

course from the site.


Behavior State Machines

Some of the classes in the class diagrams represent a set of objects that are quite dynamic in that they pass

through a variety of states over the course of their existence. A Behavioral State Machine is a dynamic model that

shows the different states through which a single object passes during its life in response to events and actions.

Typically, Behavioral State Machines are not used for all objects but just to further define complex objects to help

simplify the design.

(Pre) Behavioral State Machine for ‘student study process’


(Post) Behavioral State Machine for ‘student study process’

The above two figures show behavioral state machine diagrams that depicts the different states during a student’s

study process. The student begins by physically opening the website and thus entering the first state of opening.

Next is the state of selection, where a student can either log in or register. If a student attempts to log-in they

move to the state of entering, where they will need to answer and or create a new password, meeting the

requirements for the entering state. From entering a student can physically enter the site and move to the state of

choosing. From the state of selection, if a student is new and needs to register, they enter the state of registering.

Once a student has registered or logged-in they can move to the state of choosing and choose what to study and

ultimately if they will take a test. After choosing a student moves to the state of taking, where they can physically

take the latest course and exam. From the state of taking the student moves to obtaining where results are obtained

about the course exam they took. The next state is providing, where a student provides feedback about the

material and the website. The potential final state is deciding, where a student physically decides if the results

obtained are good or bad, if good the states have ended and if bad the student moves to the state of taking again,

where they may retake the exam. During ThisSimpleUMLs lifecycle one major aspect had changed in the

behavioral state machine, this can be observed in the Post diagram versus the Pre diagram. The major change is

that from the deciding state, if a student’s result is bad they may enter the state of choosing, not taking. In the Post


diagram, moving to the state of choosing allows the student to choose to review the course material again, instead

of just retaking the exam. This change should help students improve their knowledge of the course and earn a

better result on the exam when retaking it.



Database in computing terms is software used to manage information in an organized fashion. We have used the

MySQL relational database management system (RDMS) for storing and retrieving the content of the site.

No integrity is enforced between the tables and everything is generated dynamically. This is why database

backups on a regular basis can be a lifesaver if something happens to your site

The diagram below provides a visual overview of the database and the relations between the tables created. The

Table Overview below includes additional details on the tables and columns.


(, n.d.)

The following are the specific fields in each of the tables created during the standard WordPress installation.


Table Name Descriptionwp_commentmeta Each comment features information called

the meta data and it is stored in thewp_commentmeta.

wp_comments The comments within WordPress are storedin the wp_comments table.

wp_links The wp_links holds information related tothe links entered into the Links feature of

wp_postmeta Each post features information called themeta data and it is stored in thewp_postmeta.

wp_posts The core of the WordPress data is theposts. It is stored in the wp_posts table.Also Pages and navigation menu items arestored in this table.

wp_terms The categories for both posts and links andthe tags for posts are found within thewp_terms table.

wp_term_relationships Posts are associated with categories and

tags from the wp_terms table and thisassociation is maintained in thewp_term_relationships table. Theassociation of links to their respectivecategories are also kept in this table.

wp_term_taxonomy This table describes the taxonomy(category, link, or tag) for the entries in thewp_terms table.

wp_usermeta Each user features information called themeta data and it is stored in wp_usermeta.

wp_users The list of users is maintained in tablewp_users


ER Diagram of WordPress Database

(, n.d.)


ER Diagram Continued

1. $wpdb->posts - basic posts, pages and other post types info;

2. $wpdb->postmeta - extra posts, pages and other post types info;

3. $wpdb->comments - basic comments info;

4. $wpdb->commentmeta - extra comments info;

5. $wpdb->links - links info;

6. $wpdb->users - basic user info;

7. $wpdb->usermeta - extra user info;

8. $wpdb->terms - categories and tags

9. $wpdb->term_relationships - relationship between posts and categories or tags;

10. $wpdb->term_taxonomy - relationship for categories or tags;


User Interface (UI) & Design Strategy

Our User Interface (UI) Design focuses on anticipating what users might need to do and ensuring that the

interface has elements that are easy to access, understand, and use to facilitate those actions.

We have ensured to consider the following when designing our interface:

Keep the Interface simple (Garrett’s)

We have avoided unnecessary elements and are clear in the language used on labels and in messaging.

Create consistency and use common UI elements (Garrett’s)

Ensure users feel more comfortable and are able to get things done more quickly. Once the user learns

how to perform something, they should be able to put use that skill to other parts of the site. 

Be purposeful in page layout (Garrett’s)

Careful placement of items aid in effective scanning and readability.

Minimalistic use of color and texture (Garrett’s)

Direct attention to your advantage using minimal color, light, contrast, and texture.

Create hierarchy and clarity (Garrett’s)

Arrangement of labels to help increase scalability, legibility and readability.


Future Scope1. Instructional videos

2. A personalized learning dashboard

3. Provision of  compiler/editor/IDE

4. Going beyond UML and add other programming and design courses.



Garrett’s, J. J. (n.d.). The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond (2nd Edition). (n.d.). (n.d.). Retrieved from