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    FRONT END /GUI TOOLS : VISUAL BASIC 6.0(Professional)




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    Business Value: The Windows XP goes through beyond providing the

    essential, such as File, Print and communication. It is engineered specifically

    to let companies reliably and economically use emerging technologies to

    improve business profitability and increase their agility in an ever-changing

    market place.

    Flexible Integration: You can deploy new servers into your existing network

    one at a time, upgrade individual NT4.0 servers, upgrade top down through

    out your organization or any where in between. You can add Windows NT 4.0

    Servers to your existing Windows XP, Novell Netware or UNIX Based

    Environments as see immediate improvements in performance, reliability and


    A faster operating system: Windows XP includes tools that help your

    computer run faster than Windows 95 and Windows 98 without adding new

    hardware. Windows XP includes a suite of programs designed to optimize your

    computers efficiency, especially when used together.

    Maintenance wizard: Maintenance wizard helps us get the best performance

    from our system. We can run Maintenance wizard to make our programs run

    faster, check our hard disk for problems, and free hard disk space. By

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    scheduling these utilities to run on a regular basis, we can make sure that our

    computer is performing at its best. For example, by leaving our computer on

    overnight, we can schedule them to run at a specified time each night, once a

    week, or another interval of our choice. For more information about

    Maintenance wizard.

    Disk Defragmenter: Disk Defragmenter optimizes the speed with which our

    programs load and run. With quick startup and shutdown, we can work, play

    games, and explorer the Internet faster and more efficiently.

    Entertainment with XP: Windows XP makes our computer more entertaining

    by introducing new features such as enhanced television, video playback, and

    support for new hardware such as digital cameras, CD writers etc. These

    enhancements provide us with hours of fun.

    New hardware and graphics: Windows XP supports a variety of new

    hardware devices, such as DVD, force-feedback joysticks, digital audio

    speakers, digital cameras, scanners, CD writers and recording devices.

    Improved plug and play capabilities make installing new hardware even easier.

    We can also enjoy improved graphics, especially 3-D graphics, and video


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    Windows XP supports the following hardware standards

    Using USB devices: USB defines a class of hardware that makes it easy to

    add serial devices to our computer. USB support is built to the WDM

    specification so that future updates of Windows will support current drivers.

    Using IEEE 1394 devices: IEEE 1394 defines a class of hardware that

    makes it easy to add serial devices to our computer

    Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP): A new interface specification that is

    designed especially for the throughput demands of 3-D animation

    Using DVD Player to play DVD discs: With DVD Player, we can play DVD

    discs from a DVD drive connected to our computer.

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    ABOUTORACLE8iOracle 8i

    Oracle is structured query language (SQL), is the set of commands that

    all program and users must use to access data within the Oracle Database.

    Application program and Oracle tools often allow users to access the data base

    without directly using SQL, but, these application in turn must use SQL when

    Executing the users request.

    History of SQL

    The paper, A relational model of data for large shared data

    banks by Dr. E F Codd, was published in June 1970 in the association of

    Computer Machinery (ACM) journal, communication of the ACM. Codds Model

    is now accepted as the Definitive Model for relational Data base management

    System (RDBMS). The Language, Structured English Query Language

    (SEQUEL) was developed by IBM corp., to use Codds Model. SEQUEL later

    became SQL. In 1979, Relational Software Inc. (now ORACLE Corp.)

    introduced the first commercially available implementation of SQL. Today SQL

    is accepted as the standard RDBMS language.

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    Oracle 8i Features

    Oracle 8i can handle ten times more data and ten times more users than

    Oracle 8i by providing unprecedented scalability using network technology to

    support tens of thousands of users. Oracle 8i can deliver speed and

    performance for any user population while lowering the cost of the computing

    infrastructure. Oracle 8i, the worlds most powerful object-relational database

    is the heart of the open, standards-based Network Computing Architecture.

    Network Computing Architecture allows IT organizations to spend less time

    struggling with interoperability issues and more time focusing on deploying

    solutions. Standards-based network architectures make it possible to

    introduce objects into mainstream enterprise environments. Oracle 8is

    development environment allows users to ease into object-relational

    functionality while providing the industrial strength properties required by

    network-based applications. Furthermore, because existing applications are

    upward-compatible to Oracle 8i, investment protection in your legacy

    applications is assured. Oracle 8i also provides Object Views, a unique object-

    relational functionality within Oracle 8i, allowing object-oriented applications

    to integrate with relational data, eliminating the need to rewrite existing

    relational applications.

    Platform Independent

    Network based architectures involve multiple hardware and software

    platforms and Oracle 8i delivers on all the major platforms, including UNIX

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    and NT. Enterprises that explorer the competitive advantages of network

    computing will soon discover that Oracle 8is data management, security,

    reliability, and ease of use, is uniquely designed to meet the new demands of

    the network era. For mainframe systems, parallel servers environments, or

    desktops, Oracle 8i is the database of choice.

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    ABOUTVISUALBASICHistory of Visual Basic

    Visual Basic evolved from BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic

    Code). Prof. - John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz of Dartmouth College as a

    language for writing simply programs developed BASIC in the mid-1960s.

    BASICs primary purpose was to held people how to program. The wide spread

    use of BASIC with various types of computer and led to many enhancement to

    the language. With the development of the Microsoft Windows Graphical User

    Interface (GUI) in the late 1980s and the early 1990s, the natural evolution of

    BASIC was Visual Basic. Microsoft Corporation creates Visual Basic in 1991.

    Visual Basic greatly simplifies Windows Application development. Since 1991

    six versions have been released. In year 1990s Visual Basic 1.0 version was

    released. Visual Basic 2.0 version was faster, more powerful and even easy to

    use than Visual Basic 1.0 version. Visual Basic 3.0 added simply way to control

    the most powerful database. Visual Basic 4.0 version being to turn Visual Basic

    into a fully object oriented language. Visual Basic 5.0 version added the ability

    to male our own controls. Visual Basic 6.0 version has added some long

    desired language features even more Internet power. Visual Basic is worlds

    most widely used Rapid Application Development Language.

    Features of Visual Basic

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    The Visual Basic language facilitates a structured and disciplined

    approach to computer program design. Visual Basic is a GUI, therefore the

    programmer creates the GUI and writes code to describe what happens when

    the user interact with the GUI. A programmer can create application in Visual

    Basic with impressive representation. The important features of Visual Basic

    are summarized below:

    Visual Basic is an event driven programming language.

    Visual Basic is a Graphical User Interface.

    Visual Basic provides a strong set of Data types. It provides powerful

    graphical facility.

    There is different type of control structure available in Visual Basic

    and efficient looping commands.

    Visual Basic has a debugging and error handling facility.

    Visual Basic enables us to end the program of drop into the debugger

    for isolation and repair.

    Visual Basic as a Front end

    Visual Basic is a powerful programming system for developing

    sophisticated, graphical applications for Microsoft Windows environment. Its

    productivity has been enhanced by addition of a complete set of tools to

    simplify rapid application development and Internet tackling.

    What exactly is Visual Basic? Visual refers to the method used to

    create the graphical user interface (GUI), which uses illustration, rather than

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    writing numerous lines of code to describe the appearance, function and

    location of interface elements. Basic refers to the BASIC programming

    language, a widely preferred language by many programmers for its

    simplicity. Visual Basic has evolved from the original BASIC language and now

    contains several hundred statements, functions, and keywords, many of which

    relate directly to the Windows GUI.

    With the release of Visual Basic 6, it is possible to work with ADO

    (ActiveX Data Objects) which features a simpler object model than DAO or

    RDO. Data Environment is a new ActiveX designer that enables the user to

    visually manage database connection and commands.

    A Visual Basic Project

    A project isn't the same as an application .A project is the thing we use

    to create an application, such as a "traditional" program, a Dynamic Link

    Library, or an ActiveX control. When we think of creating a Visual Basic

    program like baking a cake: we mix ingredients together, bake them, and pull

    a cake out of the oven. Similarly, we put forms, modules, and controls

    together, compile them, and get a Visual Basic application. In Visual Basic, a

    project is the group of all the files that make up our program. These might

    include forms, modules (blocks of code not attached to a form), graphics, and

    ActiveX controls. Other types of files may also be part of a project. The first

    thing to keep in mind about a project is that as we create our program, each

    form, module, graphic, and ActiveX control is saved as an individual file .

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    TABLE: Common file types in a Visual Basic 6 project

    File Type Description

    FRM FormBAS Module

    FRX Automatically generated file for every graphic in your project

    OCX ActiveX control

    CLS Class module

    VBP Visual Basic project

    Detailed information about all the program's files is stored in the project

    file. The project file lists all the files our program uses, as well as details such

    as the project name and how the IDE should be configured while we work on

    this particular project. Project files have the extension VBP.

    Using the Project Explorer

    We can keep track of all the files in our project with the Project Explorer, a

    window found on the right side of the Visual Basic IDE. The Project Explorer

    provides a method to organize our project's files and allows us to access them

    individually in form or code view. We can use the Project Explorer to keep

    track of files in your project. Note that OCX and FRX files aren't listed in the

    Project Explorer. Most of your interaction with the Project Explorer will be with

    its context menu. When you right-click one of your project's files, you'll see a

    menu similar to that shown in Figure 5.2. Most of the interaction with project

    will be through the Project Explorer's context menu. The context menu allows

    us to:

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    View the file in a form window or code window

    View the properties of the file

    Add a form or module to the project

    Save the current file

    Delete the file from the project

    Print the file

    Make the Project Explorer float or dock it to the IDE

    Hide the Project Explorer

    Using Project Groups

    Visual Basic 6 allows us to work with more than one project at a time. As we

    might imagine, working with multiple forms and modules that are used in

    different projects can get pretty confusing. To keep track of everything, we

    can use the Project Explorer and aproject group, which is a collection of

    projects. Project Groups can be saved as a file, just like a form, module, or

    project. They have the extension .vbp

    Some important terms of Visual Basic

    Project: The project holds together the various forms and the module that

    make up a program. Its prime purpose is that, I can open the one project file

    marked with VBP (Visual Basic Project) rather than a whole set of forms and


    Forms: The form is the central unit or main focus point of the Visual Basic. In

    another way, I say that it take a part of the center of the screen. It is a

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    window initially it appears blank on which we can place of paste control to

    create our Visual Basic Application. The form can be any size or color.

    Control: There are the objects which can be pasted or placed on to a form to

    create our Visual Basic application. These may be TEXT BOX, COMMAND

    BUTTON, CHECK BOX, LABLE etc. Properties and events can be handled vary

    to suit there nature. The Visual Basic tool box contains the tool used to draw

    application on our form. Each control can have code attached to it, though not

    all we have. Visual Basic has by default 20 different types of control in the tool

    box. In tool box the control pointer is also available but, it is not a VB control.

    It works only to move to, resize other controls. The different types of controls

    are as follows:

    1. Text Box: The text box control provides an area to enter or

    display text. Sometimes it is called edit field also. Most of the code we write

    for textboxes ID to process information, user enter into them. Text can word

    wrap automatically or can display a multiple line of text. The usual limit of a

    text box in Visual Basic is 32,000 characters.

    2. Command Button: The command button can carries out a

    command or action when a user push any button or click the mouse. The idea

    behind these controls is that when the user moves the mouse to the command

    button and click them some assigned function executed. Whatever the task we

    required to perform, we just write down the code to the command button.

    These will happens when we write the event procedures that tells visual basic

    how to respond to the mouse click.

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    3. Label: The label control displays text, a user cannot interact with

    or modify

    4. Frame: The frame control provides a Visual and functional

    container for control.

    5. Picture Box: The Picture Box control displays bitmaps, icons or

    windows metafiles. It displays text or acts as a Visual Container for other


    6. Check Box: The check Box control displays a True/False or

    Yes/No option. We can check any number of check boxes on a form at run


    7. Option Button: The Option Button control are as a part of an

    option group with other option buttons displays multiple choices, from which

    user can choose only one.

    8. Combo Box: The Combo Box control combined a text box with

    a list box. Allows a user to type in a selection or select any item from a drop

    down list.

    9. List Box: The list box displays a list of items that a user can

    choose from.

    10. Horizontal & Vertical Scroll Bars: The Horizontal & Vertical

    Scroll Bars allows a user to select a value within a range of values.

    11. Timer: The Timer control executes timer events at the specified

    time intervals.

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    12. Drive List Box: The Drive List box control displays and allows a

    user to select valid disk drive from the available one.

    13. Directory List Box: The directory list box control displays and

    allows a user to select directories and their sub directories.

    14. File List Box: The file list box control displays and allows a user

    to select from a list of files of current directory.

    15. Shape: The Shape control adds a rectangle, square, oval or circle

    to a form.

    16. Line: The line control adds a straight line segments to a form.

    17. Image Box: The Image box control displays bitmaps, icons and

    metafiles etc.

    18i. Data: The Data control enables us to an existing database

    and displays information from it on forms.

    19. OLE: The OLE container embeds data into a Visual Basic


    20. Pointer: The Pointer provides a way to move and resize forms and


    Variables in Visual Basic

    Variables are defined as the space where we store the values

    temporarily when performing calculation with Visual Basic. Variables are

    pieces of memory in which the computer store values that are used in

    calculation. A Variable in VB can be defined by DIM:

    DIM [as ]

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    Where is an identifier with the following rules:

    1. A variable must begin with an Alphabet.

    2. Variable must not exceed 255 Characters.

    3. It should be unique within the same scope which is the range from

    which the variable can be referenced a procedure, a form and so on.

    4. A variable name cannot contain an embedded period or embedded

    type declaration character.

    [As ] Clause is optional in DIM statement and may be of



    Storage Size (InBytes)


    Integer 2 -32767 to+32767

    Long 4 -21474836748 to +21474836747

    Single 4 -3.02823E398 to -1.401298E-45

    (Negative Values)

    1.401298E-45 to 3.028i23E38 (Positive


    Double 8 -1.79769313486231E308 to


    4.94065645841247E-324 to


    Currency 8 -922337203685477.5808 to


    String 1 byte per


    0 to 2 billion characters

    Byte 1 0 to 255

    Boolean 2 True or False

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    Date 8i 1 Jan 100 to 31 Dec 9999

    Object 4 Any Object Reference

    Constant: A constant is a meaningful name that not changed during the

    execution. It is either system defined or user defined constants.

    Operators: The symbols used within the data/object are called operators.

    1. Arithmetic Operator 2. Relational Operator 3. Logical Operator

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    Symbols Purpose

    + Addition

    - Subtraction



    / Division

    % Modulus

    ^ E2000onent

    MOD Modulus

    Symbols Purpose

    = Equal To

    < Less than

    > Greater Than= Greater Than

    Equal to

    Not Equal to

    Symbols Purpose

    AND Logical AND

    OR Logical OR

    NOT Logical NOT

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    1. MSGBOX: This method displays a message in a dialog box and waits for

    the user to click a button and return a value indicating the button which is

    clicked by user. Syntax is as follows:

    MsgBox (Prompt [, Button [, Title [, Help file, Context]]])

    Where: Prompt is a string expression displayed as message in the dialog box.

    Button is the numeric expression displays the type of button on the

    dialog box.

    Title is the string expression displayed in the title bar of dialog box.

    Help File denotes the help file to be used to provide context sensitive.

    2. INPUTBOX: This method displays a dialog box with a message and a text

    box control, and, waits for the user to enter the data and click on the

    command buttons given there. The Syntax:

    InputBox(Prompt [, Title [, Default [, xpos [, Ypos [, Help File,


    Where Prompt: The message appear in the dialog box.

    Title: The Title of the dialog box

    Default: The Default Input (if any)

    Ypos: The coordinates of the upper left corner of the Dialog Box.

    Help File: the Name of the help file.

    Context: The page number within the help file.

    Control Structure: Control Structure allows us to control the execution of the

    program. Sometimes we face such situation where we may have to change the

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    order of execution or repeat groups of statement until any specified condition

    not meet. This keeps the decision structure to check whether any condition

    occurred or not then direct computer to contain condition accordingly.

    Branching Condition Control Statements:

    1.1. IFTHENEND IF Statement

    2.2. IFTHENELSEENDIF Statement


    Looping Conditional Control Statement:

    1.1. FORNEXT Looping statement

    2.2. DO WHILELOOP Statement

    3.3. DOLOOP WHILE Statement

    4.4. DO UNTILLOOP statement

    5.5. DOLOOP UNTIL statement


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    Most of the simple application of one form and several controls on can

    enhance VB application by adding menus. If you want your application provide

    a set of commands to users menus offer a convenient and consistent way to

    group commands and an easy way to go users access them. MDI (Multiple

    Document Interface) applications are used to launch their documents from a

    main document as in case of WORD, EXCEL Etc.

    Menu Editor of VB can be accessed from Tools menu in the Forms Design

    Screen. This utility is used for creating menus. It allows us to create menus for

    our application and to define their properties.


    The multiple-document interface (MDI) allows us to create an application

    that maintains multiple forms within a single container form known as Parent

    From. Application such as Microsoft Excel and Word for Windows have

    multiple document Interfaces.

    An MDI application allows the user to displays multiple documents at

    the same time with each document displays in its own window. Document

    windows are contained in a parent window, which provides a workspace for all

    the document windows in the application. Our application can have only one

    MDI form, which contains all the applications child forms. At runtime, child

    forms are displayed within the internal area of the MDI form. When a child

    form is minimize it icon appeared on the MDI form.

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