Download - 450 S. Stagecoach Lane Phone: 760.689.6200 Fallbrook, CA ...




450 S. Stagecoach Lane

Fallbrook, CA 92028

Phone: 760.689.6200




Horas de Oficina

Monday/Lunes ........... 8:00am-5:00pm

Tuesday/Martes ......... 8:00am-5:00pm


Thursday/Jueves ........ 8:00am-5:00pm

Friday/Viernes ............ 8:00am-5:00pm

The office is closed for lunch from



Horarios de misa


Monday/Lunes (Liturgy) .......... 8:30am

Tuesday/Martes ....................... 6:30pm

Wednesday/Miércoles ............. 8:30am

Thursday/Jueves ...................... 8:30am

Friday/Viernes .......................... 8:30am


Saturday/Sábado…… English 4:00pm

.................................... Spanish 6:00pm

Sunday/Domingo ........ English 9:00am

................................ Spanish 11:00am



Phone ........................... 760.689.6250

Fax ................................ 760.689.6240

Shawna Taitano—Principal

[email protected]



Saturday/Sábado .................. 10:30am

Or by appointment/ O por cita


Adoración del Santísimo

Friday/Viernes .......... 9:00am—9:00pm


2 | January 19, 2020


Isaiah 49:3, 5-6

1 Corinthians 1:1-13

John 1:29-34

As I’m writing this reflection, I am taking pause from writing a

talk for an upcoming Diocesan Youth Conference. I’m preparing

a brief overview of Christian history, hitting only major highlights

for this 45-minute presentation. In coming into the 21st century,

one cannot pass by Pope Leo XIII chanting the Veni Creator Spiri-

tus on January 1, 1901. I cannot help but think of how that pray-

er, recited in Rome, has taken root and blossomed in various

ways throughout the world in the 1900s.

While I’m not familiar with all the fruit born from that prayer, I

am familiar with a few things that happened in the 1900s in

America: the Los Angeles Street Blessing of 1906 and the Toron-

to Blessing of 1994, the Second Vatican Council in Rome (1962-

1965), the 1967 Charismatic Movement in the Catholic Church

at Duquesne University, the work of Catholic figures presently in

Catholic circles (like Fr. Mike Scanlan and Fr. Dave Pivonka and

Ralph Martin and Peter Herbeck of Renewal Ministries), the rise

of vocations to priesthood and religious life consequent of their

involvement with programs like NET Ministries, St. Paul’s Out-

reach, FOCUS, and LifeTeen. Many other people and movements

can be mentioned here, but it is all to say that Pope Leo XIII’s

prayer in 1901 seems to be coming to fruition in the Catholic

Church in America.

One hundred and nineteen years have passed since Pope Leo

uttered that prayer, and flourishing still seems to be happening

all around. And yet, there are still so many who have not yet

tapped into the power of the Holy Spirit given to them at Bap-

tism and Confirmation. The potential has been sacramentally

distributed, yet remains dormant in most of the Catholic popula-


I heard it said one time that the Holy Spirit is the most powerful

force in the world. So what would it look like if we could learn to

harness or access this power in our daily lives? The late Cardinal

Suenens gives us a thought-provoking reflection in his book, “A

New Pentecost?”.

“I like to compare our approach to God in faith to that of a trav-

eler who, as he makes his way on a winter night, arrives by some

detour at a lonely cottage, ablaze with lights shining through the

windows. As he looks through the windows, he sees a fire with

logs burning and crackling and sparks flying. He can imagine the

warmth by the fireplace, but he cannot feel it as long as he stays

outside, an onlooker, in the cold and wind. This is an image of

the Christian, who, in the darkness of faith, sees the light and

the warmth that is God…

Still, though he may catch sight of the firelight and imagine its

warmth, it has not yet penetrated to the very marrow of his

bones. He has yet to go inside, not because he is worthy, but

because God invites him: a God who gently presses the invita-

tion, and longs to be one with him. For that to happen, the trav-

eler must knock at the door — that is what he has to do. Jesus

told us to knock. He did not say how many times. We have to be

sure to knock and knock again. But above all, each one of us

must realize that he is expected at the fireside, that he is a son,

that this is his home, that he can give no greater joy to God than

by accepting this invitation.

To stay on the threshold on the plea of humility would be to mis-

judge God’s heart. He invites all of us to experience, even here

below, the warmth of His love. He has made us just for that.

Once inside, everything is different for the traveler. The bright

flames on the hearth leap up to greet him, the heat begins to

envelop, to penetrate him, his face lights up in the glow, he

reaches out his two hands, and his numb limbs begin to lose

their numbness. A sort of osmosis begins: the brightness of the

flames penetrate his very being. This is an image of the experi-

ence of God, as felt by one who lets himself be invaded by God,

who opens his whole being, conscious and subconscious, to the

radiance of his presence. A new life takes over. Saint Paul’s cry

becomes, once more, a reality: “It is no longer I who live, it is

Christ who lives in me.” (Gal 2:20)

We are not alone anymore, we know we are guided by the Holy

Spirit; our life unfolds in response to him. As we dispossess our-

selves, our being is possessed by God. The void is filled.

God himself, who is all welcome, light and warmth, transforms

our existence, bestowing on us something of his radiance. Those

who allow themselves to be possessed by God, resemble the log

that little by little becomes white-hot. Their life, nourished by the

fire of the Holy Spirit, becomes fire in its turn. Is not this the fire

of which Jesus spoke when he said, “I have come to bring fire to

the earth …” (Lk 12:49)? This is what it means to experience the

Holy Spirit who alone can renew the face of the earth!”

How desperately we need a fire like this that burns not only with-

in churches, but more importantly, within individual believers’

hearts, young and old, cleric, lay and religious.

Br. John-Marmion Villa, BSC


Renew Your wonders in our time,

as though for a new Pentecost,

and grant that the holy Church,

preserving unanimous and continuous prayer,

together with Mary, the mother of Jesus,

and also under the guidance of St. Peter,

may increase the reign of the Divine Savior,

the reign of truth and justice,

the reign of love and peace.


— Prayer of St. John XIII, Pope, Humanae Salutis, 1961


St Peter the Apostle | 3


Cuando Isaías declamaba sus poesías sobre el Mesías, el mun-

do físico como también su geografía política eran misterios. No

hubo satélites para revelar el mo­vimiento de persas y kurdos.

Nadie sabía que mis antepasados sajones en el siglo sexto se

pintaban de un color azul y que bailaban alrededor de unas

fogatas. La CNN no reportaba de los toltecas poniendo las ba-

ses del arte mesoamericano ni de los imperios extendiéndose

de las pirámides en Egipto y Teotihuacán o ideandose de­trás de

las máscaras de oro en el altiplano peruano.

Isaías no podía imaginar estas cosas, pero sus palabras revela-

ban su sospecha de otras posibilidades ajenas que a él le cues-

tionaran y a las cuales él tuviera que retar también. Hablaba de

luz y revelación, de gentes que todavía no habían encontrado

una esperanza. El dio su mensaje, no sólo para los judíos, sino

para todos.

Isaías creía que el liderazgo israelita llegara a su madurez sólo

al dar voz a todos los que, en el mundo, no tenían voz. A él le

importaron los que vivían marginados y pobres en la oscuridad

histórica. El conocía a políticos que habían absorbidos en sus

agendas de poder todas las aspiraciones de sus pueblos;

también supo que esas agendas no eran de Dios y que de-

saparecerían con el paso del tiempo y los caprichos de la histo-


Para Isaías, el liderazgo mesiánico no surgiría de la acción indi-

vidualista, sino de la conciencia creadora y liberadora de un

pueblo consciente. Ella iluminaría, no sólo la senda particular de

una persona, secta o grupo étnico, sino los caminos de todos

los hijos de la Tierra. Se abandonarían las guerras y conquistas

para establecer el respeto a toda cultura y origen de pueblo,

provocando la oportunidad de ser co­munidad y celebrar la vida.

Isaías ofrece a todos la luz de la teología judía diferente que

alaba a un Dios que no nos controla por medio de ciclos de ferti-

lidad, sino que nos invita a caminar como sus compañeros por

un desierto de experiencias hasta crear un mundo justo y amo-


Mateo ha recogido la preocupación de Isaías en sus historias

evangélicas. El traslada a los magos extranjeros a Israel como

unos de los primeros para reconocer la esperanza mesiánica en

un recién nacido. Pone en lista a cuatro mujeres de mala fama

como las abuelas de Jesús. El aparta también, como con una

cuchilla de cirujano, a los que habían hecho de la esperanza de

liberación una cosa exclu­siva para judíos.

Nosotros los católicos a menudo vemos la evangelización como

algo que la Iglesia debe ha­cer para los demás que no tienen “la

fe”. Mateo intenta cambiar esta actitud por otra más inclusiva.

Jesús comienza su misión enviando a los discípulos a tocar la

puerta sólo a “las ovejas perdidas de la casa de Isra-

el”(cap.10). En la segunda parte de lo que parece ser un tríptico

de eventos, una mujer cananea lo confronta con el caso de su

hija enferma y Jesús le dice que nadie da a “los perros” la

comida de los “hijos” (cap.15). La mujer le responde que ”hasta

los cachorros comen de las migajas que caen de la me-

sa”. Jesús entonces alaba su fe como mayor que la de todo Isra-

el. Se arma la última pieza en el argumento cuando el Señor

resucitado manda a los apóstoles a dar la Buena Nueva a todas

las naciones e incluir a todos en la nueva esperanza regalada

por Dios.

Mateo sabe bien las distinciones políticas y los conflictos cul-

turales de su época. Había, por lo menos, cuatro divisiones bien

amargas en su comunidad. Era necesario cambiar las actitudes

de la religiosidad cerrada en una fe abierta. De veras, no existe

hoy ningún escándalo peor que el de las guerras religiosas lleva-

das entre los pueblos, sean de Bosnia, el Sudán o la India.

Cuando Jesús salió del río Jordán para proclamar el Reino de

Dios, también comenzó un movimiento que no podía pertenecer

sólo a un grupo, tiempo o lugar. Como los judíos son pueblo de

Dios, también deben serlo sus vecinos palestinos. Ser de una

raza u otra es un suceso genético, no una proclamación política

ni un motivo de opresión. Las culturas representan la manera

en que los pueblos particulares res­ponden a las exigencias del

ambiente y de la sociedad. Nuestro grupo humano no es exclu-

sivo por su necesidad de sobrevivir, trabajar y celebrar la vida,

sino por la manera en que lo hace históricamente.

La Buena Nueva de la resurrección, la que nos dice que todo es

posible para nosotros, pertenece a todos los pueblos de la Tier-

ra. Existen pueblos que conocen a Dios sin haber pasado por la

historia judía o cristiana. Esto no quita el valor de su fe, sino lo

aumenta en nosotros como también en ellos para que cele-

bremos siem­pre con Isaías el liderazgo e integridad del único

espíritu humano.

Donaldo Headley

Donaldo Headley se ordenó al sacerdocio en 1958. Se graduó

con MA en filosofía y STL en teología de la Facultad Pontificia

del Seminario de Santa María del Lago en Mundelein, Illinois.

Derechos de Autor © 2018, Donaldo Headley. Todos los derech-

os reservados. Se concede permiso para la reproducción para

uso personal o uso parroquial.


4 | January 19, 2020


Equipo Pastoral


Fr. José Arturo Uribe



Daniel Rosas



Don Jensen


School Principal

Shawna Taitano


Pastoral Associate

Kristine Almada


Children’s Faith Formation

Denell Robles


Formación de Fé para Niños

Petra Díaz


Coordinator of Youth Ministry

Allison Vieira


Coordinator of Liturgy

and Sacred Music

John Koss


Coordinador de Música

Juan Domingo



Announcements must be submitted

at least two weeks prior to the

requested publication date.

[email protected]


First Reading:

I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. (Is



Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will. (Ps 40)

Second Reading:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:3)


John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes

away the sin of the world. (Jn 1:29)


Sunday: Is 49:3, 5-6/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a, 9a]/1 Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34

Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 [23b]/Mk 2:18-22

Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13/Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28 [21a]/Mk 2:23-28

Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10 [1]/Mk 3:1-6

Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Ps 56:2-3, 9-10a, 10b-11, 12-13 [5b]/Mk 3:7-12

Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21/Ps 57:2, 3-4, 6 and 11 [2a]/Mk 3:13-19

Saturday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/Mk 16:15-18

Next Sunday: Is 8:23—9:3/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [1a]/1 Cor 1:10-13, 17/Mt 4:12-23 or



Sunday: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Monday: St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr; St. Sebastian, Martyr;

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday: St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

Wednesday: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

Thursday: St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr; St. Marianne Cope, Virgin

Friday: St. Francis de Sales, Bishop & Doctor of the Church

Saturday: The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle


Los Enfermos

Mateo Yanez, Fernando Avila, Amada Ramos, Judy Fletcher, Michael Habing, Martie Habing,

Brandon Mendez, Olivo Tapia Moreno, Doug Fortney


Los Difuntos

Dick Dooley, Edwaard Coffey, Betty Coffey, Robert Duckworth, Rosemary Duckworth, Francisco

Munoz, Maria Munoz, Ziggy Williams, Allan Tiso, Carmen Maribel Rodas, Vanessa Lopez, Ignacio

Rivera, James Potwora, Lorenzo Duran, James Hady, Roger Thompson, William Perez, ephine

Houghtailing, Joseph Bator, Bob Flaxbeard, Joe Marrufo, Juan de Jesus Benavides, Melisa Vil-

lareal, Eliseo Perez, Richard Burke, Ana Reyes, Lila Reyes, Flora Camacho, Ignacio Ayala, Reme-

dios Romero, Judy Demers, Adela Valenzuela, John Tattan, Earvin Luis Galindo, Joy Xavier, So-

tera Carreno, Jim Koupal, Vernon Kahle, Ed Smith, Lupe Padilla, John Baratono, Virginia Forster,

Judy Bolt, Eugene Rose, Lazaro Jimenez, Scott Rysewyk, Maria Guadalupe Salas, Renee Snod-

grass, Arelis Reyes, Yolanda Leonelli, Celia Mares, Gilberto Mares, Pilar Martinez, Michael Pet-

ro, James McCormick


Intenciones Para las Misas

January 18, 2020

4:00pm ...................... †Yvonne Brenan

6:00pm ... †Francisco Andres Gonzalez

January 19, 2020

9:00am ........................ All Parishioners

11:00am ..................... †Pilar Martinez

January 20 2020

8:30am ........................ All Parishioners

January 21, 2020

6:30pm ....................... † Miguel Ortega

January 22, 2020

8:30am ........................... †Arelis Reyes

January 23, 2020

8:30am ............................ †Mike Bailey

January 24, 2020

8:30am ...................... Phyllis Southwell


Enfoque Semanal

January 22, 2020

Women of the Bible

9:15—10:30, Upper Room

January 23, 2020

Catholic Bible Study

9:30am—11:30am or 6:00pm—8:00pm,

St. Andrews Center

Grupo de Oracion

7:00pm—9:00pm, Salon San Pedro

January 24, 2020

Eucharistic Adoration

9:00am—9:00pm, Adoration Chapel



Primera lectura:

Te voy a convertir en luz de las naciones, para que mi salvación llegue hasta los últimos rincon-

es de la tierra (Is 49, 6)


Aquí estoy, Señor, para hacer tu voluntad. (Sal 40)

Segunda lectura:

La gracia y la paz de parte de Dios, nuestro Padre, y de Cristo Jesús, el Señor (1 Cor 1, 3)


Vio Juan el Bautista a Jesús, que venía hacia él, y exclamó: “Éste es el Cordero de Dios, el que

quita el pecado del mundo (Jn 1, 29)


Domingo: Is 49, 3. 5-6/Sal 40, 2. 4. 7-8. 8-9. 10 [8. 9]/1 Cor 1, 1-3/Jn 1, 29-34

Lunes: 1 Sm 15, 16-23/Sal 50, 8-9. 16-17. 21 y 23 [23]/Mc 2, 18-22

Martes: 1 Sm 16, 1-13/Sal 89, 20. 21-22. 27-28 [21]/Mc 2, 23-28

Miércoles: 1 Sm 17, 32-33. 37. 40-51/Sal 144, 1. 2. 9-10 [1]/Mc 3, 1-6

Jueves: 1 Sm 18, 6-9; 19, 1-7/Sal 56, 2-3. 9-10. 10-11. 12-13 [5]/Mc 3, 7-12

Viernes: 1 Sm 24, 3-21/Sal 57, 2. 3-4. 6 y 11 [2]/Mc 3, 13-19

Sábado: Hch 22, 3-16 o Hch 9, 1-22/Sal 117, 1. 2 [Mc 16, 15]/Mc 16, 15-18

Domingo siguiente: Is 8, 23—9, 3/Sal 27, 1. 4. 13-14 [1]/1 Cor 1, 10-13. 17/Mt 4, 12-23 o 4,



Domingo: 2º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Lunes: San Fabián, papa y mártir; San Sebastián, mártir; Día de Martin Luther King

Martes: Santa Inés, virgen y mártir

Miércoles: Día de Oración por la Protección Legal de los Niños por Nacer

Jueves: San Vicente, diácono y mártir; Santa Mariana Cope, virgen

Viernes: San Francisco de Sales, obispo y doctor de la Iglesia

Sábado: La conversión de San Pablo, el apóstol

Domingo siguiente: 3er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Semana de las Escuelas


GENERAL FUND: $12,845.00


Thank you for your faithful stewardship of treasure

Gracias por su más fiel tesoro de Administrador

St Peter the Apostle | 5


6 | January 19, 2020



The sacrament of baptism for infants is

celebrated during Mass. If you are inter-

ested in having your child

baptized, please make contact

Kristine Almada at 760.689.6208 or

[email protected]


Se celebran una vez por mes a las

12PM. Si están interesados en bautizar

a su hijo/a, favor de pasar a la oficina

parroquial para obtener una forma de





If you are interested in finding out more

about the Catholic faith, or are missing

some of your sacraments please contact

Kristine Almada at 760.689.6208 or

[email protected]


Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacra-

ment of Confirmation together make up

the “Sacraments of Christian Initia-

tion”. The reception of the Sacrament of

Confirmation is necessary for the com-

pletion of baptismal grace. The mini-

mum age for the reception of the Sacra-

ment of Confirmation is 15 for those

already baptized. The policy of the par-

ish is to accept candidates for Confirma-

tion who are in the 9th grade and up to

11th grade. Those who are 18 years of

age or above are to be enrolled in the

adult Confirmation program.

The two-year preparation process aims

to lead the candidate to a more intimate

union with Jesus Christ and more lively

familiarity with the Holy Spirit – his ac-

tions, his gifts and his biddings – in or-

der to be more capable of assuming the

apostolic responsibilities of Christian


Candidates are expected to attend

scheduled faith formation sessions, re-

treats, service outreach and attend

Mass regularly as they prepare their

hearts to become fully initiated into the

Catholic Church.

For information contact the parish



Are you tired of forgetting your envelope every week?

We have a solution for you! Our Parish offers Online Giving—it’s quick and

easy to sign up!

Go to

to get started.



St Peter the Apostle | 7


El ministerio de Formación de Fe apoya a las

familias con oración y preparación sacra-

mental para los niños y adultos. Las clases

son martes y miércoles para padres y niños

de 6:30—8:30pm. Estamos para servirle

760.689.6211 o [email protected]


We offer this program to help parents as

their child’s “first and most important teach-

ers", in their child's Christian education.

Children grades K-6th meet on Sunday morn-

ings from 10:30am -11:45am during the

school year to learn the Catholic faith.

Sacramental Preparation is offered at the

appropriate time in the child’s development.

Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconcili-

ation and Eucharist is generally a two year

process beginning in first grade.

For more information and registration, con-

tact Denell Robles at 760-689-6212.


Before setting any dates please

contact the parish office at 760.689.6200 at

the time of your engagement or at least 9

months in advance of selecting a possible

wedding date.


Antes de escoger la fecha o hacer cualquier

reservación favor de llamar a la oficina par-

roquial mínimo 9 meses antes de la fecha



If you were not married in a Catholic Church

and wish to discuss the sacrament of mar-

riage please contact the parish office at

760.689.6200 to arrange an appointment

with Fr. Arturo or Deacon Don.


Si no están casados por la Iglesia, y desean

platicar sobre como recibir el sacramento de

matrimonio, favor de contactar a la oficina

parroquial para hacer una cita con el Padre

Arturo o con el Diácono.


Are you divorced, separated or remarried

outside of the church? Our annulment minis-

try team is here to help and support you. We

are a group of trained ministers that assist

Catholics (who have been away from the

sacraments or the Church due to a former

marriage) to return to full communion with

the Church. We also assist those seeking to

come into the Church who have been

married more than once, or whose spouse

has been married more than once. If you

would like more information, please contact

the parish office at 760.689.6200.


Catholic Schools Week (Jan 26 – Jan 31)

Please join us for fun activities to Celebrate our School! All are Welcome . . .

Everyone! All interested families, friends, parishioners, and of course our Cur-

rent school families.

Ask for the New Family Discounts this week when you register a new student

for next school year!


We Celebrate our Parish

“SOUPER” Bowl Service Project – Food Collection for Food Pantry

Best of All Festival in St. Peter Hall from 9:00-1:00

Pre-school to Grade 8 displays

FREE Donuts, pastries, coffee and water

Mon. 1/27

We Celebrate our Community

K-8 Community Field Trips

Catholic BINGO @ 10:15 at lunch tables

Tues. 1/28

We Celebrate our School

K- 8 Community Field Trips

Minute to Win It @ 8:00 am on the blacktop


We Celebrate our Students

K-8 Community Field Trips

Trivia - Teachers VS Students at 2:30 on the blacktop

Fun Lunch with Father Arturo – Games and Food from 12:00 – 1:00


We Celebrate our Leaders

K- 8 Community Field Trips

All School Mass to honor Knights of Columbus & St. Peter’s Thrift Store

Fri. 1/31

We Celebrate our Family

Grandparents & VIP Day

Talent Show at 10:45 in St. Peter Hall


BINGO and Chili Cook-off on February 8, 2020

from 5:30 -7:30 in St. Peter Hall. Do you think

you have the best chili recipe? Sign up for the

competition by January 31st. We will have food and beverages for purchase

for $1.00 as well as beer and wine for $2.00. BINGO cards are 3 for $10 or 1

for $5. Come for a fun evening for the whole family!


8 | January 19, 2020



'Beloved' Pro-Life Ministry, respecting life

from womb to tomb. We desire to engage in

conversations that edify, encourage and

strengthen the people of God. Join us on the

third Sunday of each month immediately

following the 9 am Mass on the Parish Hall

patio as we pray and plan upcoming parish

and community events. Contact Karen

Downey at 760.805.0896 or

[email protected]

for additional information.

Bereavement Ministry

Coping with the loss of a loved one becomes

a struggle. Please consider joining our group

to share and lift each other in our grief.

For more information, call Jan at 760-728-

8445 or Nancy at 760-731-2757

Catholic Bible Study

We are currently studying the Gospel of Saint

Luke. In his Gospel he emphasizes the ne-

cessity for prayer, and he is one of the synop-

tic authors to give the Holy Spirit the promi-

nence found in Paul. Join us on Thursdays at

either our morning session (9:30 am—

11:30am) or our evening session (6:00pm—

8:00pm) in the lower Saint Andrews Center.

For information call Maurice Bernier—

760.723.1192 or 760.468.3310 (cell)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

shares the Gospel with children (Pre-K-4th

grade) in words they can understand and

reflects upon how to apply these lessons to

their lives. Children are dismissed from the

9am Mass with a blessing for the Liturgy of

the Word aided by catechists using stories,

songs and age appropriate activities. They

return to Mass during the preparation of the

gifts, to join their families and to celebrate

the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Children’s Liturgy

of the Word plants the seeds of faith that will

grow with the nurturing of the Christian fami-

ly and the help of the Holy Spirit.

Do You Love Me? Tend My Sheep

We have a wonderful time with the children!

We teach in teams of two leaders, Septem-

ber through mid-summer. Each team is

scheduled to lead a liturgy once a month.

You can participate with friends and create

your own team or you can join an experi-

enced team. Lesson plans are provided for

you, yet each lesson allows for flexibility and


To learn more, please contact Denell Robles,

Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator.


Ladies, Are you ready for a little breath of spring?

On Friday, February 7th we will take a tour of Ethereal Gardens.

We’ll meet at 10:00 a.m. in the parking lot behind St. Andrew’s Center,

Then carpool to Ethereal Gardens at

8571 West Lilac Road, Escondido

(DON’T let the address fool you, it’s right across the Lilac bridge)

We will have a tour of the grounds (very easy walking)--and afterward,

continue with the garden theme, enjoying lunch at GARDEN CENTER CAFE

1625 S. Mission in Fallbrook

Please RSVP to [email protected]

whether you’ll attend both or either of these events.

Hope to see you there!

His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring, with plants

springing up everywhere.

Isaiah 61:11



�� Today’s reading is the opening greeting of Paul’s First Letter to the

Corinthians. Here and in other letters, Paul speaks of believers as

being “called to be holy.” Who are some people you consider “holy”

in your life?

�� La lectura de hoy es el saludo de apertura de la primera carta de

Pablo a los corintios. Aquí y en otras cartas, Pablo habla de los

creyentes como "llamados a ser santos." ¿Quiénes son algunas per-

sonas que consideras "santas" en tu vida?


Begin your 2020 year with service to our church community by volunteering

at our SAINT PETER THRIFT STORE. Our store donates 100% back into our

community from your fantastic donations but we need your helping hands to

make this ministry possible!

Our volunteers work a few hours a week at the store to fit into your schedule.

You would be helping collect and marking items, greeting and servicing cus-

tomers, and building friendships. Please consider joining our team of awe-

some volunteers!

Call 760-728-7012 OR stop by our store.

We are open Monday-Friday 10AM-3pm and Saturday 10AM-2PM. We hope

to see you soon!


St Peter the Apostle | 9


Crochet and Knitting Ministry

Ministerio de Ganchillo y Tejido de


St. Peter’s women’s ministry of crocheting

and knitting for others meets on the third

Tuesday of every month from 1PM—3PM in

the lower room of the St. Andrew’s Center.

You can learn to crochet or knit (the yarn and

supplies will be provided), you can do your

own thing, or you can sit and chat. There is

no fee.

El ministerio de mujeres que tejerán para los

necesitados el tercer martes de cada mes de

1pm-3pm. Nos reuniremos en el Centro de

San Andrés en el primer piso. Pueden apren-

der a tejer (todos los materiales serán

proveídos), pueden tejer a su gusto, o sim-

plemente acompañarnos y charlar con no-

sotras. No hay ningún costo.

For more information, contact:

Para más información, contacten a:

Gena Smith: 760.685.3889

[email protected]

Carmen Willard: 314.803.0986

[email protected]

Funeral Reception Ministry

Losing a loved one is devastating and we are

called to be "God's loving embrace" during

this difficult time. Following the Corporal

Works of Mercy, to bury the dead, all parish-

ioners are cordially asked to join us, as they

are available, in providing desserts, setting-

up the hall, serving food and drinks, and

cleaning up after parish funeral receptions.

Please send an e-mail to

[email protected] or call Joye Socha at

760.445. 9916 to get notified of funerals,

help requests, or for more information.

Liturgical Ministries

All liturgical ministers are required to go

through a training and are usually

assigned to the mass they frequently attend.

Opportunities to serve include

Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Music Minis-

ters, Altar Servers, Hospitality

Ministers, Environment Ministers and


For more information, contact

John Koss at 760.689.6207

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

The Men’s Prayer Breakfast provides an op-

portunity for the men of the parish to gather

once each month on the first Saturday. We

attend Mass, have breakfast, hear a speaker

and enjoy fellowship. Call Tim Willard at

314.952.0987 or [email protected]



Parish Leaders are asked to stop by the Parish Office to pick up a Calendar

Request Form and return it to the office no later than Monday, February 3.

Se les pide a todos los líderes de los ministerios que pasen a la oficina de la

parroquia a recoger una forma del Calendario de eventos y regresarla a no

más tardar del 3 de febrero.


10 January 19, 2020

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic


An integral ministry of our Parish.

Catholic values are interwoven into a

comprehensive curriculum relevant to

the Gospel. Recognizing and encourag-

ing parents as the primary educators

and teachers as facilitators, students

are empowered to take responsibility for

their learning and challenged to reach

their individual potential.

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic

Small Faith Communities

Small Faith Communities are groups of 8—12

people who meet weekly or bi-weekly for

shared prayer, study and ministry for the

purpose of growth, edification and service,

all for the glory of God. For more information,

contact Teresa Schutt at

[email protected].

Women’s Bible Study-

Women come join us for song, praise, fellow-

ship, knowledge of the Scriptures, and per-

sonal growth as we currently are studying the

52 women of the Bible. Meetings are

Wednesdays at 9:15-10:30am in the Upper

Room of St. Andrew’s Center.

For more information contact:

Debbie Shedd 760-717-9189

Women’s Ministry

All women of the parish are invited to attend

the St. Peter’s Women’s Ministry meetings.

Meetings are held on the first Friday of every

month (except religious holidays and July and

August) at 10:00am—11:30am in the Upper

Room of the St. Andrew’s Center. Refresh-

ments provided.

Youth Ministry

Our mission is to lead the youth into a pas-

sionate and authentic relationship with Jesus

Christ fueled by the Holy Spirit to build the

Kingdom of God to the glory of God the


For information contact the parish office.

If you would like your ministry listed in

the bulletin, please e-mail a short

description of your ministry to:

[email protected]

Si le gustaría anunciar a su ministerio,

favor de mandar un correo electrónico

con la descripción de su ministerio a:

[email protected]


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Llame a Jon Becker hoy para su anuncio! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2536

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