Fallbrook Squadron - Jun 2013

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Transcript of Fallbrook Squadron - Jun 2013

  • 8/13/2019 Fallbrook Squadron - Jun 2013


    Skyhawks Composite Squadron 47Civil Air Patrol

    June 2013

    The Fell SwoopNational commander calls for continuing campaign for

    Congressional Gold Medal


    NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Maj. Gen.Chuck Carr, national commander, is callingon Civil Air Patrol wings to secure co-sponsorships by the end of June from at least70 percent of their states congressional dele-gations for legislation to award a Congres-sional Gold Medalto CAP for its pioneeringmembers volunteer service during World

    War II.

    With only four weeks to go, I urge everywing to renew its efforts to meet this criticalgoal, Carr said in a memorandum Friday toCAPs Command Council.

    The Senatepassed S. 309under unanimous consent May 20, with 82 senators --15 more than the minimumneeded --signed on as co-sponsors.

    In the House, H.R. 755 has 171 co-sponsors, compared to a minimum of 290 needed.

    Fourteen wings have already met the 70 percent mark, with six helping secure co-sponsorships from 100

    percent of their states delegations Minnesota, with 10 legislators; Maine and New Hampshire, with foureach; and Delaware, North Dakota and Wyoming, each with three.

    Of the eight other wings exceeding the 70 percent mark. Idaho, Iowa, Nebraska and New Mexico are eachone representative away from achieving 100 percent co-sponsorship. Colorado, Maryland and Oregon needtwo more representatives each, while Illinois lacks four.

    Even though the Senate also passed similar legislation in May 2012, we were 85 co-sponsors short of ourgoal in the House, Carr noted. As a result both bills died with the end of the 112th Congress.

    We cant let that happen again. Please do all you can to remember and honor our CAP veterans.

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    June 2013

    2128 California Wing EncampmentCamp San Luis Obispo22 Unit Safety Officer Course Los Alamitos23 G1000 SAR Ground School & Aerial Photography

    Review Group 224 WADS MissionSalton Sea Area26 Color Guard @ San Diego Padres GamePetco Park29 American Heroes Helicopter Air Show Hansen Dam

    Recreation Center, San Fernando Valley

    July 2013



    Nevada Wing Encampment

    13-14 Group 2 SAREXOakland Airport North Field19-21 NCOS Central20-21 SoCal Mission A Fresnoircrew School Ground School21 Aug 3 National Emergency Services Academy

    Camp Atterbury, Indiana26-28 Group 7 SAREX

    August 20133 Group 7 Annual Awards BanquetCamp Pendleton9-11 Mission Aircrew SchoolFlight School


    Sept 14

    Mission Aircrew School Funded F91s

    15-18 2013 Annual ConferenceDenver CO

    Page 2

    The Fell Swoop

    Upcoming Senior and Cadet Activities

    Mark your calendar: California WingConference Dates:

    Oct 46, 2013

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    June 2013

    Promotions, Awards and Accomplishments

    New Members:

    Cadet Austin Greene Cadet Logan Williams

    Senior Member Jessica Sheridan

    Cadet Tyler Jablonski

    Promotions:Seniors: Cadets:

    Lt. Col Tony Diaz C/2nd Lt Zach Beecher2nd Lt. Garret Laux C/TSgt Josiah Bierle

    2nd Lt Yvonne Hamnquist C/1st Lt Molly BoopC/Amn Min ChoC/Capt Russell ConsoleC/Amn Gerardo DiazC/1st Lt Cameron HamnquistC/MSgt Connor Hamnquist

    C/Amn Tyler Jablonski

    C/MSgt David Marshall

    Awards and Accomplishments:

    DDR Excellence Certificates:Jean-Pierre Chopra Nicholas Chun

    Spencer French Ryan MacDonald

    Sean Moran Alex Puffenbarger

    Bryen WoodCommunity Service Ribbon 2nd Clasp:

    C/CMSgt Spencer French

    Recruiter Ribbon:C/A1C Ryan MacDonald

    This is a reprint of a letter that Cadet Jean Pendergrass got from the PJOC National Special Activity that she will be attending.It is a great message for everyone, but especially for our cadets:

    I found this article written by Bill Crowder and thought it might inspire Civil Air Patrol cadets who are planning to attend


    During summer training camp, the coaches on one football team wore T-shirts intended to urge their players to exertmaximum effort. The shirts bore the motto, Each day you must choose: The pain of discipline or the pain of re-gret. Discipline is tough and something we may try to avoid. But in some sports and in life, short-term pain is often theonly path to long-term gain. In the heat of battle it is too late to prepare. Either you are ready for the challenges of life or youwill be haunted by the what ifs, if onlys, and the I shouldves that accompany the failure to be prepared. Thats the pain

    of regret.

    One source definesregretas an intelligent and emotional dislike for personal past acts and behaviors. Its painful tolook back at our choices through the lens of regret and feel the weight of our failures. May our choices today not result in re-gret, but rather be wise.

    May we all be well prepared for the heat of battle present in our everyday lives and in anticipated challenges. . . to mini mize


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    The Fell Swoop

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    June 2013


    What:2013 Annual Conference & Command Council Meeting

    Where:Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, Colorado

    When:August 15-18, 2013

    Registration will open in April on www.capmembers.com.Be sure to watch for special early birdrates!


    Command Council and Opening Reception --Thursday, August 15 General Assembly and Learning Labs --Friday, August 16 CAP Annual Awards Program, Learning Labs, Cadet Day, and CAP Banquet Satur-day, August 17

    PLUS, two days (August 13-14) are set aside for additional professional development opportuni-ties at the Preconference Workshops. Workshops will include the Public Affairs Officer Academy,Cessna G-1000 Ground School, GIEEP course and more.

    Bring your family and plan on coming early or staying later...Denver is an exciting vacation desti-nation that features attractions designed especially for families, including museums, amusementparks, the Denver Zoo and the MLB Colorado Rockies games. For details about these eventsand more, visit http://www.denver.org/.

    Come prepared to visit Vanguard, which will be on-site and ready to fulfill all your uniform andaccessory needs.

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    The Fell Swoop

    News About the Road Construction at the front gate

    Now on Tuesdays when you enter Camp Pend-leton for the meeting, you'll be turning left about200 feet further, and doubling back slightly togo over the bridges to Camp Del Mar.

    This will be Phase II of the construction you'veseen going on for the past 6 months.

    The current intersection of Wire MountainRoad/A Street at Vandergrift will become abridge and ultimately a cloverleaf-like configu-ration, where you'll be entering from the right,looping back and going over

    three bridges instead of two.

    But for the next 6 months it will still be a leftturn after entering the main gate.

    American Heroes Helicopter Air ShowSaturday, 29 June 2013

    Hansen Dam Recreation Centerin the San Fernando Valley11770 Foothill Boulevard, Lakeview Terrace 91342

    This years American Heroes Helicopter Air Show will take place on Saturday, 29 June 2013at the HansenDam Recreation Center in the San Fernando Valley . It is located at 11770 Foothill Boulevard, Lakeview Ter-race 91342. We are in need of all cadets and seniors to work this one-day air show.

    Duties will include, crowd control, communications, minor flight line duties, and recruiting. CAWGF 150sare required by the start of the activity for all who will be participating . The uniform of the day is eitherBDUs or an appropriate corporate uniform.

    Event starts at 0530L. Please arrive promptly as we need to be signed in and ready for the event safety meet-ing by 0545. You will be dismissed by 1700L. There is no cost and lunch is provided. Billeting is also availa-ble for those who wish to RON camping style. Please contact MAJ John Savage at (818) 339-5255 or send e-mail to [email protected] for more information or to reply as to availability. ALL ARE WELCOMEAND NEEDED. .

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    June 2013

    The 2014 Arthur M. Godfrey Aviation Foundation

    General Aviation Scholarship

    The mission of The Arthur M. Godfrey Aviation Foundation, Inc., is to take inspiration from its namesake and imbue the same pas-sion for general aviation within aspiring young aviators everywhere. The Foundation accomplishes the aforementioned goal byproviding flight school scholarships to the applicants who produce the best audio or video recordings during the Arthur M. Godfreycontest. http://arthurgodfreyaviation.org/arthur-m-godfrey-aviation-foundation-scholarship-contest/

    Scholarship Contest Rules and Application Procedures

    The 2014 Arthur M. Godfrey Aviation Foundation General Aviation Scholarship CompetitionContest Rules and Application Procedures

    NOTE:Hearing impaired and disabled individuals may still qualify for a scholarship to obtain a light sport aviation category ratingor Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) Mechanic certification. Furthermore, the competition is open to anyone regardless or race,creed, or gender. All applicants must meet all other Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) qualifications and requirements.

    There are two categories of scholarships being offered to the winners of this competition.

    The private pilot, light sport, or A&P certification category is open to ages 16-20 years. This scholarship limit is $10,000.

    The advanced certification category is open to ages 18-25 years holding a current private pilot license. This scholarship limit is$5,000.

    Entrants may only apply to one category per year.Entrants under the age of 18 years at the time of entry must have parents written approval. Entry submission requirements are thesame for both categories of the competition. All entries become the exclusive property of the Arthur M. Godfrey Aviation Founda-tion, Inc. Each entry will be judged by the same criteria in the first two stages of competition.

    Stage One:The entry deadline is September 1 of each year. Scholarships will be awarded the following year.Contestants must submit a completed application form to The Arthur M. Godfrey Aviation Foundation, Inc., by mail. Contestants must develop an audio or video production not to exceed 15 minutes in total length. The content of the audio or videoproduction must promote general aviation to individuals ages 16-20 who are not currently involved in aviation. Contestants who usemusic as a part of their production must have the artists written permission and provide a copy of the release to The Arthur M.Godfrey Aviation Foundation, Inc. Contestants must post their audio or video on the Internet, post a link to the location, and mail 5DVD or CD copies of their production to The Arthur M. Godfrey Aviation Foundation, Inc. At this stage the winners are the entries

    that record the most Like and Share posts. Stage One closes on September 1. Likes and Shares tally until November 1Stage Two:Following the close of Stage One, the Selection Committee will judge the top entries. The Selection Committee consists of promi-nent members of the media and/or communications industry as well as the Board of Directors of The Arthur M. Godfrey AviationFoundation, Inc. The Selection Committee will review the CD/DVD submissions made at the start of Stage One and judge them.The Selection Committee will determine the finalists for Stage Three. The judging criteria and scoring are as follows:The productions age appropriate message content is worth a maximum of 30 points. The visual and/or audio composition is worth a maximum of 20 points.The productions enunciation in narrative delivery is worth a maximum of 20 points. The productions creativity is worth a maximum of 30 points.

    Stage Three:

    Finalists will receive notification prior to November 1 of each year. The First Place winner must travel at his or her own expenseto Lakeland, Florida, or such other location as agreed upon by the Arthur M. Godfrey Foundation, Inc., to receive their scholarshipat a banquet held in their honor. This 2014 award will be made during the week of the SUN n FUN International Fly-In & Expo.Failure to appear will result in the forfeiture of the winners scholarship and the funds will divert to the Second Place winner.Scholarships will be awarded with certain restrictions on use including the following:

    1. The winner must undergo training with an FAA certified instructor within the United States. 2. The scholarship will expire within 36 months if not fully utilized within that time period. 3. Recipients must demonstrate a normal rate of progression to receive continued funding.*Other restrictions may apply. See further details as the deadline for submission approaches.

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    The Fell Swoop

    Unit Commander,

    I have been assigned as the Civil Air Patrol National Home School Development Officer(NHSDO). I am putting together information for recruiter literature on homeschooling andCAP. To do so, I would like to get feedback from past and present homeschooling familiesthrough an on-line survey using Survey Monkey.

    Please solicit your members and parents to see who is or has homeschooled their cadetsand would like to participate in this on-line survey. The link to the survey ishtps://

    www.surveymonkey.com/s/SB2MFSP Please ask that only parents of home schooled cadetstake this survey.Please contact your members and parents ASAP as this invitation is only open throughJune 21, 2013. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your support in ad-vance.

    Michael Fultz, Lt Col, CAPNational Home School Development OfficerCivil Air Patrol Auxiliary of the Air Force

    [email protected]



    National Staff Positions Open:

    Maintaining the history of this organization is of vital importance---it tells the story of who we are, where weve been, oursuccesses, and issues that are important to our future. In order to ensure we maintain the integrity of our Historical program, theNational Commander, in conjunction with the Chief Historian, has decided to expand the National Historical Staff. At this time weare looking for qualified members to fill the following positions: Assistant Chief Historian; National Archivist; Director, MuseumDisplays and Design; Director, Office of Outreach; Director, Oral History Program; Director Office of Preservation; Director, Officeof Civil Air Patrol Heraldry; and National History Editor. Job descriptions outlining the major duties and responsibilities of eachposition are available for download to the right.

    Senior members interested in serving in any of these positions should complete the attached National Staff Application

    Form and return it to Ms. Susan Parker at National Headquarters, [email protected] fax 334-953

    -4262. Applications for these

    positions must be received by 5 June 2013.If you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact me.

    SUSAN P.PARKERCAP National Headquarters105 S. Hansell StreetMaxwell AFB AL 36116-6332Phone: 877-227-9142 ext 212Fax: 334-953-4262

    http://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=263A0A9&e=2E8887&c=2B380&t=0&l=4DDB777&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=263A0A9&e=2E8887&c=2B380&t=0&l=4DDB777&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=263A0A9&e=2E8887&c=2B380&t=0&l=4DDB777&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPemailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=263A0A9&e=2E8887&c=2B380&t=0&l=4DDB777&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=263A0A9&e=2E8887&c=2B380&t=0&l=4DDB777&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPe
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    June 2013

    Attention Cadets in Grades 68

    Contest: Essay on What Patriotism Means To Me:

    A great opportunity for cadets to earn money and get creative andshow your Patriotism, From the National Headquarters Facebook:

    The VFW is offering $5000 to students in grades 6-8 (Nov. 1 deadline)for writing an essay on What Patriotism Means to Me

    See http://www.vfw.org/Community/Patriot-s-Pen/for more information.


    The Patriot's Pen program is open to students in grades 6-8 (on the Nov. 1 deadline), who are enrolled in apublic, private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States and its territories.


    The deadline for submissions for the 2013-2014 program is November 1, 2013. Download the entry

    form for 2013-2014

    The theme for 2013-2014 is: What Patriotism Means to Me

    Students can ask a teacher or youth group leader to supervise their progress in the competition. Then students

    can contact a local participating VFW Post and established a contact person who is a member of that Post orits Ladies Auxiliary.

    Next, it is time to start drafting considering the 2013-2014 theme, "What Patriotism Means to Me." Essaysmust be no less than 300 words and cannot exceed 400 words and should be submitted to the Post, along withthe completed Patriot's Pen entry form no later than the November 1 deadline.


    Knowledge of the theme is worth 30 points: You must show a thorough knowledge of the theme in yourwork. Demonstrate you have researched the issue extensively.

    Theme development is worth 35 points: Answer all relevant facts about the theme such as the who, what,where, when and why. Relate the theme to your own experiences.

    Clarity of ideas is worth 35 points: Write your essay in an easy-to-understand format. Leave your reader witha clear understanding of your explanation of the theme.

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    The Fell Swoop

    Encampments Across the Nation:

    Here is a list of the Encampments listed on the National Website.

    If you cant make the California Wing Encampment thes aregood options. Before you can attend and activity out of the stateof California you need to get approval from the Wing Command-er. If you will be needing the approval please see Maj. D and shewill work on getting you the approval from the Wing Command-er.

    Hawaii Wing Encampment1-June 8-JuneContact: Maj Tony Diaz [email protected] Corps Base HawaiiOahu

    Arizona Wing Encampment06 June 13-JuneContact:Maj Jeremy Cochran [email protected] Maintenance FacilityMarana, AZhttp://encampment.azwg.org/

    Tennessee Wing Encampment

    08-June 15-June

    Contact:Capt Kevin Divers [email protected]

    Camp Hinsch, TN

    Wisconsin Wing Encampment

    29-June 06


    Contact: Lt Col Tim Slater [email protected]

    Volk Field, ANGB,Camp Douglas, Wis.Note: 2013 Wisconsin Wing Encampment. For further infor-mation, please see the WIWG activities page.

    Nevada Wing Encampment

    6-July 13 JulyContact: http://2013nvwgencampment.eventbrite.com

    Fees: 210 registration prior to 31 May

    225 registration prior to 3 JulyNote: Need From 31Camp Stead,Nevada National Army Guard Training CenterReno, NV

    South Dakota/North Dakota Joint Encampment12-July 21-July

    Contact: LTC Randy Borton [email protected]

    Camp Rapid, Rapid City, SD

    Missouri Wing Summer Encampment14-July 20-July

    Contact:Major John burrows [email protected]

    Camp Crowder, Missouri

    New York Wing Encampment

    20-July 28-July

    Contact:Lt Col Charles Miller [email protected]

    Stratton ANGB,

    Scotia, NY

    Michigan Wing Encampment


    July 03 August

    Contact:Encampment Commander miwgencamp-

    [email protected]


    Massachusetts Encampment

    21-July 28 July

    Contact:Capt Brian Silva [email protected]


    Wyoming Encampment

    03-Aug 11-Aug

    Contact:Col Stanley Skrabut [email protected]

    Camp Guernsey Wyoming

    New Jersey Wing Encampment

    03-Aug 11-Aug

    Contact: Maj David Isom [email protected]

    Joint Base McGuire-Dix-


    CT Wing Encampment

    10-Aug 17 Aug

    Contact:Maj James Ridley, Sr. ctwgencamp-

    [email protected]

    Camp Niantic, Niantic, CT

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://encampment.azwg.org/http://encampment.azwg.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://2013nvwgencampment.eventbrite.com/http://2013nvwgencampment.eventbrite.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://2013nvwgencampment.eventbrite.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://encampment.azwg.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    The Fell Swoop

    Group Seven is conducting a SAREX hosted by Squadron 57 on the weekend of26-28 July 2013.Friday (26th) is primarily UDF training. The SAREX focus isinitial and recurrent qualification training of base staff, aircrews, ground teams andUDF teams. Mission base is Gillespie Field (KSEE). Initial participants will beselected from Group Seven until 15 Jun and then opened to all CAWG thereafter.All participants must have at least SQTR training status when applying.

    Participation cost is $20. CAP uniform and standards shall be adhered.

    Please reply to the Major David Wallace, Project [email protected].

    If interested, please respond with the following:

    Name, CAP ID, Squadron, phone numberTraining needed (MO, MS, AOBD, UDF, etc.)Number of sorties needed to complete your SQTR

    For aircrew, weight including baggageAny specific training needed

    Days able to participate (Fri, Sat, Sun)

    Search and Rescue Exercise


    For Group 7

    An Excellent Training Opportunity!Cadets Welcomed.

    A Great

    Opportunity ifyou are inter-

    ested in:

    Mission Basetasks,

    MRO trainee,


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    The Fell Swoop

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    June 2013





    Training!Cadets 18 and

    older can

    participate in


    CAWG Mission Aircrew School

    CAWG will be holding our fourth Annual Mission Aircrew School this summer. The school isan excellent venue for Mission Scanners to obtain their Mission Observer or Mission Pilot ES


    InformationHow does it work? If you meet the requirements below and are selected for the school, you willhave to attend two mandatory weekends that include Ground School (one in Oakland, one inSoCal) and PASS a written exam. Those that pass the Ground School, proceed to the FlightSchool. The Flight School is a three day weekend of funded flying, with 4 sorties per studentthat takes you through all the tasks required for a MP or MO rating. The dates will be as fol-lows:


    Mission Aircrew School Ground School Oakland and SoCal Jul 20/21Mission Aircrew School Flight School TBD Aug 9/10/11 (You MUST attend all days)

    Mission Aircrew School Funded F91s Aug 14 to Sep 13

    LocationsWe need a Ground School location in SoCal and Central California so if you would like to hosta weekend classroom please let me know.


    There will be a $200 fee for the school for the MPs, which is refunded on successful comple-tion of your F91. There will also be a $30.00 fee for food at the Flight School.

    We are sending this now so that you will have plenty of time to get your pre-requisites out of theway. The opportunity is here, all you have to do is meet these requirements and be approved byyour Group and Squadron commanders.


    What do you need (by July 1th)?Mission Observer Be safety current, member in good standing, GES qualified (both)

    Mission Scanner standard

    Squadron/Group approval

    Bring $30.00 to the Flight School for food.Mission Pilot (Additional) Have a valid CAPF 5 in a CAP aircraft

    190 hours PIC

    FAA current and medical

    Bring a check for $200.00 to the Ground School. We will return this when you

    pass the F91.

    Bring $30.00 to the Flight School for food.

    Base Staff

    If you wish to work as base staff, please go to the MAS website and fill in a registra-

    tion form for base staff.


    For more information see the MAS website at http://mas.missions.cawg.cap.gov,


    The Student applications will open within two weeks.

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    The Fell Swoop

    Building CAPs Future, One Brick at a Time

    Civil Air Patrols Office of Development is pleased to announce the Civil Air Patrol Memorial Brick Park,to be built at the base of the L-19 Bird Dog aircraft on the pedestal in front of CAP National Headquarters,Maxwell AFB, Ala. The park will provide a permanent home for recognition of CAP members, units and non

    -CAP members who have made significant contributions to CAPs missions and goals.

    Memorials are available in two sizes:

    4 x 8 red brick with a maximum of three lines of text for $100 or

    8 x 8 red paver with a maximum of six lines of text for $200.

    All proceeds will benefit Cadet Programs and CAPs Activities Endowment.Civil Air Patrol is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization and is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.

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    June 2013

    Attention High School Cadets:

    VFW with the Voice of Democracy Program

    You can win $30,000 from the VFW with the Voice of Democracy ProgramOpen to students in grades 9-12 (on the Nov. 1 deadline). Give a speech on Why I'm Optimistic About our

    Nations Future

    See http://www.vfw.org/Community/Voice-of-Democracy/for more information.


    The Voice of Democracy Program is open to students in grades 9 -12 (on the Nov. 1 deadline), who are en-rolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States and its territo-



    The deadline for submissions for the 2013-2014 program is November 1, 2013. Download the entry

    form for 2013-2014 here.

    The theme for 2013-2014 is: Why I'm Optimistic About our Nations FutureStudents should record their reading of the draft to a CD. The recording can be no shorter than 3 minutes andno longer than 5 minutes (plus or minus 5 seconds).

    Entries begin at the Post level. Once the student creates their essay and completes burning the audio version to

    a CD, they can submit their typed version, CD and the Voice of Democracy entry form to their local partici-pating VFW Post by the November 1 deadline.

    JUDGING CRITERIA:Originality is worth 30 points: Treatment of the theme should show imagination and human interest

    Content is worth 35 points: Clearly express your ideas in an organized manner. Fully develop your theme anduse transitions to move smoothly from one idea to the other.Delivery is worth 35 points: Speak in a clear and credible manner.

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    The Fell Swoop

    2013 National Emergency Services Academy (NESA)Camp Atterbury, Indiana21 July to 3 August 2013


    Maybe you are a new member, and are looking to get involved in operations and emergency services. Or maybe you are a lontime member looking to gain additional experience or earn higher qualification. Consider attending the National Emergency ServicesAcademy. The 2013 NESA is less than two months away, but its not too late if you are interested in attending as there are still slots tofill in many courses. Applications will be accepted through the 9th of June. NESA courses are being held during our two session weekCamp Atterbury in Edinburgh, Indiana (approximately 35 miles south of Indianapolis) from the 21st of July through the 3rd of August2013. There are courses for all members interested in operational missions, and this is a great opportunity for new members as well aslong time members to come train with hundreds of other personnel from across the country that have already signed up to attend. Slotare filling up fast though.

    Below is a summary of the courses that currently have slots:

    The basic and advanced Ground Search And Rescue (GSAR) School programs always have a lot of cadet participation, and there still slots in each of these courses. There is a basic and advanced course run during each session week, so personnel can come to taone course or can take the basic program and roll right into the advanced program on site in order to become ground team qualifieor earn a higher qualification. There are also openings in the GSAR wilderness advanced first aid course during the first session, ain the ground team leader course during the second session.

    There are still slots in each of the Incident Command System School (ICSS) courses. During the first session week both basic andadvanced mission communications courses have openings. There are also openings during the first week in intermediate incidentstaff training for those working towards becoming air or ground branch directors or are new mission safety officers or public information officers. Between the two session weeks personnel can also sign up to take ICS 300 or 400 training. The second session w

    is focused on advanced training for incident commanders, section chiefs, and experiences public information officers and missionsafety officers. For the first time in ICSS we are also running an intermediate mission communications course for radio operators communications unit leaders to get additional hands on experience in a large mission operation with the latest equipment.

    The Mission Aircrew School (MAS) has openings in short courses for mission scanners, airborne photographers, and GIIEP operators during both session weeks. There are also openings in our week-long intermediate and advanced MAS courses to provide training for new or experienced mission pilots and mission observers.

    Most critical staff positions have been filled, but there still some support staff positions available. Generally those selected to servon the NESA staff are prior graduates, but some exceptions may be made by the NESA Director to ensure the best qualified personel are selected.

    Register for NESA online in e-services. Slots will be filled on a first come first served basis through June. Personnel are encoaged to apply soon to get into the course or courses they desire. Some courses only have a few slots left. Do not assume you are acceptor make non-refundable travel arrangements until acceptance is noted online or you are notified by the NESA Admin Staff; personnelwill not be accepted until we receive approval from your wing for you to attend. When you apply online, if a course you meet the pre-

    requisite requirements for is not listed, that is because all slots for that course have been filled and it is now closed.Participants can register to take multiple courses back to back, but not at the same time. Please note though that both short

    courses and traditional session week courses have been set up for personnel to have the flexibility to take training in several differentschools over the two weeks of NESA.

    The current fee to attend NESA is $100 for short courses or $200 for full courses. This includes, meals, lodging on site, printetraining materials and aircraft and ground vehicle sortie costs for training on site. Participants are responsible for their own transportatto and from NESA, though many personnel are able to travel in corporate vehicles and aircraft as they are needed on site for training.

    Additional information about NESA and the courses available this year can be found at:www.nesa.cap.gov

    If you have any additional questions please direct them to the NESA staff at:[email protected].

    We look forward to seeing you at the 2013 NESA!

    http://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=25D09CB&e=2E0845&c=2B380&t=0&l=4C4E552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=25D09CB&e=2E0845&c=2B380&t=0&l=4C4E552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=25D09CB&e=2E0845&c=2B380&t=0&l=4C4E552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=25D09CB&e=2E0845&c=2B380&t=0&l=4C4E552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPemailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=25D09CB&e=2E0845&c=2B380&t=0&l=4C4E552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=25D09CB&e=2E0845&c=2B380&t=0&l=4C4E552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPe
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    June 2013

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    The Fell Swoop

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    June 2013

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    June 2013

    14 June 2013MEMORANDUM FOR ALL UNIT COMMANDERSFROM: CCSUBJECT: Packet for New Senior Members

    1. During the recent Federal Budget crisis CAP was forced to take a hard look at all of our pro-

    grams and processes. One area closely reviewed was the use of printed material. We foundthat the use of, and need for, printed information has decreased as the use of electronic me-dia has grown. In keeping with this trend you will find more and more information availableonline to meet our members changing and continuing needs.

    2. One cost saving initiative in this area involves the packet for new senior members. Our newadult members currently pay $10 to offset the cost of this packet. We believe it is to every-ones advantage to discontinue the printed packet and provide this information to new mem-bers electronically. Beginning 15 July 2013, new senior members will see a reduction of $10in the amount of dues submitted to National Headquarters. In return, they will receive a wel-come email containing vital information such as how to begin their Level I training; how to

    wear the uniform; how to access eServices and how to upload their photo for their newmembership card.Attached to this letter is a revised FY 2013 dues chart reflecting thischange.Please ensure that this information receives the widest dissemination possible with-in your squadron. Also, although the shipping of the new member packets has been delayeddue to the budget challenges, any member who joins prior to 15 July and pays the $10 feewill receive their packet.

    3. Continuing to recruit qualified senior members is vital to the success of Civil Air Patrol. Get-ting these new members the information required to begin their journey as a quali-fied,successful volunteer professional as quickly as possible is our ultimate goal. If youhave any questions concerning senior member packets you may contact Ms Susan Parker

    at National Headquarters by email at [email protected] or by calling 1-877


    -9142,extension 212.

    CHARLES L. CARR, JR.Major General, CAPNational Commander

    http://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=26C8CE1&e=2F45C1&c=2B380&t=0&l=4F73552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=26C8CE1&e=2F45C1&c=2B380&t=0&l=4F73552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=26C8CE1&e=2F45C1&c=2B380&t=0&l=4F73552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPemailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=26C8CE1&e=2F45C1&c=2B380&t=0&l=4F73552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPehttp://www.benchmarkemail.com/c/l?u=26C8CE1&e=2F45C1&c=2B380&t=0&l=4F73552&email=mKUFktnQM1jSaRW6gHkHsHnlkRjLUbPe
  • 8/13/2019 Fallbrook Squadron - Jun 2013


    Skyhawk Composite

    Squadron 47


    2164 Kirkcaldy Rd

    Fallbrook, CA 92028

    (562) 652-3881


    Where Imagination Takes light Skyhawks Composite Squadron 47

    Unit CA324

    Sklyhawks Composite Squadron 47

    National CAP Headquarters


    California Wing Headquarters


    California Cadet Activities


    Squadron 47 Homepage


    Vanguard Industries

    (online store)


    Squadron Commander

    Major Audrey DiGiantomasso

    Deputy Commander for Seniors

    Capt David MacGregor

    Deputy Commander for Cadets

    Lt. Col. John DiGiantomasso

    Cadet Commander

    C/Capt Nicholas Chun

    Cadet Deputy Commander

    C/Capt. Noah Chun

    Cadet Executive Ocer

    C/2nd Lt. Sean Wollaston

    Cadet Advisory Council Squad-

    ron Representative:

    C/Capt. Nicholas Chun

    Civil Air Patrol Leadership:

    SQ47 com

    Citizens Serving Communities:

    Above and Beyond

    Squadron 47 e-

    mail list

    An e-mail list exists for receiving squadron information.

    Members, parents and friends of Squadron 47 can sub-

    scribe by sending an e-mail to Major Tony Diaz at:

    [email protected]


    National Quality

    Cadet Unit Award


    Home of the 2013California Wing

    Color Guard Champion

    Home of the 2013Pacific Region

    Color Guard Champio

  • 8/13/2019 Fallbrook Squadron - Jun 2013


    Everyone is Invited to March in the Lake Forest4th of July ParadeThursday, July 4thMeet at 9 amParade Steps off at 10 amThe Color Guard will be marching and we need ca-

    dets to march with the drill team from Squadron 68.

    Come out and celebrate the 4th of July be partici-

    pating in a good old fashioned 4th of July. Its great

    fun and a wonderful community outreach. We will

    meet in front of the El Toro High School in Lake Forest California at 9 am. Look for all theCAP Uniforms. Bring a Form 150. The Parade steps off at 10 am. Think about how proud your

    Family and friends will be as they watch you march by as part of this very Patriotic parade!

    Attention Female Members:

    How to Videos onHair Styles for your Uniform

    I was recently told by the Pacific Region Director of Cadet Pro-grams, Lt. Col Christine Leee about videos' on YouTube thatdemonstrate how to put your heari up that are regulation. Here isone link and if you look along the side youll see other optionsfor videos


