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360 Wisdom Programme with Claire Chidley.360 Wisdom is an in-depth three day personal development programme aimed at helping you find three things about yourself: Understanding Who you are and why. Here, you will discover your strengths and

areas for improvement. Balance Learning when you get out of balance and why, and ways of

stabilising yourself. How to keep calm and balanced whatever life throws at you.Growth Finding out your ‘talent’ and how you can develop this in your life for

the good of everyone around you.

The course commences with Taste 360 where you will be introduced to the 360 model and will learn what your personal strengths are. You will learn about the advantages you can create in your work and personal life as well as strengthening other aspects you are less comfortable with.

The second session Think/Create looks at why you think in the way that you do. You will understand how some of your thinking patterns are helpful whilst others leave you stuck. You will learn ways of unblocking this thinking to move forward with a fresh perspective. We will explore what creativity means to you and de-bunk some of the myths that you have to be a virtuoso musician or painter to be creative! You will put all you have learned into considering your future in a fresh way.

The final session Feel/Believe looks at how you feel about yourself and people close to you at work and home. You will be able to explore why you feel like you do and connect with your feelings in the final part of 360, where you express them positively in a vision you create for the rest of your life.

Course Dates*360 Programme Friday 18th March, Saturday 19th March 2011 Sunday 20th March 2011 10am-4pm and Taste 360 16th April Think/Create 21st May, Feel/Believe 26th June** The course needs to be taken in order in its entirety, so you can’t mix and match! Please note places are limited to a maximum of 10 participants.

Course VenueThe Gatehouse. 1 Pigeons Farm Road, Newbury, RG198XG.

Course Fees.£175 per person includes lunch, morning and afternoon drinks and all course materials if booked before 1st March 2011. After 1st March fee is £225Contact Claire Chidley on [email protected] or phone 01635 522180.