Download - 3. production experiments

Page 1: 3. production experiments


Kelly Rodgers

Page 2: 3. production experiments


When I created a new document I used a blank A4 page but I changed the resolution to 30 pixels per inch, this has turned out to be a reasonable size to use so I will use this for my final product as well. I am going to experiment with the layout, colours and character images. This will give me a clear idea of what I am going to create for my final product.

I used the text tool to find a font which was bold, traditional and yet simple. I then went over the text using the pencil tool, this makes the edges bolder, I will be using this tool in my final project to create the text and the character images so there's a continues pixelated theme. When I make my final piece I am going to use a more relevant and complicated font.

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I used the shape tool to make the background so I was able to add a gradient effect so there’s more detail. I chose the colour green because it’ll make everything else on the page stand out more. I think I might use the colour green on my final product but I will use a wider range of different shades of green and maybe a pattern within the background.

I have chose an image for my centre piece, I'm not going to draw over this image for my experiments because it’ll mean that I have less time to work on my production. Although I will be drawing over the main image when creating my final product. I like how the top of Spiderman is covering some of the title because this is a traditional aspect of magazines that is used often.

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I added another image so then I wouldn’t have to use as much text, adding more text might put people of if they aren’t interested in reading it all. I made this image overlap the main image which I think makes it look good because of the mix of colour. When I create my final piece I might make some image overlap and some go underneath the main image.

The next image that I used was an image of the Superman logo, I made this image bigger and changed the opacity so it would add more detail to the background. I might use this idea for my final product depending on the detail that is already on the background. When drawing over this image using the pencil tool I will have to use colours that are subtle so they blend into the background.

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I added some text to the sides, these are titles of films that are due to come out and/or have just come out. I think that it would look better if I had used different sizes and fonts for the text then there wouldn’t be any overlapping either. I like how all the logos I have used are black which makes them stand out and it also makes it look more mature.

The last thing I did was add another logo in the bottom corner so there would be more colour and more detail. I like this layout and design so I will be doing something similar to this for my final piece but I will be drawing over everything to make it pixelated.

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I made a new blank page so I could experiment with making a page spread. I made the page A4, doubled the width which gave me a double page spread. I then added rulers as guide lines for the edges and the columns so when I add the text it wont look un-equal. For my experiment I am going to make an article with a film review for the deadpool movie, this will give me a chance to look at layouts and see which fonts will work best.

I added a background and a title using the colour select and the text tool. I made the background red because it is a colour that signifies the film I am reviewing, I will be using colour schemes throughout my final product that relate to the film/game on that page. This will make every page different and unique, making it more interesting.

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I deleted the background from the main image so I could make the text go around it easier. I like this idea/layout and will be using it for my final product. I added a smaller picture in the bottom corner that I had to put into the column so the text will be able to go around it. I think the smaller image will be to difficult to use for my final product because it will be hard to draw over with the pencil tool.

I added text to the article which made it look loads better, I like the layout of the text so I will be doing this in my final product. The size of the text is to small which is making it harder to read, when making my final piece I will use a higher resolution so there is more pixels meaning that I can create text bigger, or I could create the text as a jpeg and use an online font.

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I experimented with the resolution of the page and the font. I set the page A4 and changed the resolution to 10 so there were less pixels, this made the font blurry and less detailed. This size page wouldn’t be very good for using jpegs. I then tried a jpeg font on a A4 page with the resolution of 30, this made the fonts pixelated but detailed so the shape was clearer. Both these fonts were made to an appropriate size for the title. From this I can see that the best resolutions size so far would be 20 pixels per inch. If I do decide to make the resolution 30 there will be more pixels for me to draw over using the pencil tool which would take up more time.

These two fonts are the right size for the text/articles. Both fonts are from the internet and I have made them into jpegs. I can see that the top font which has a resolution of 10 is to small, you cant make out what the writing is saying. The second font has a resolution of 30 and is still unclear but can be read. I think the best option would be to open my work onto a new Photoshop with a resolution of 75 so the text wont be to pixelated because of its size. Doing this would mean that I have to make my work in two different stages which will take longer but I’d get better quality work from it.

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I am now experimenting with the back page of my magazine, on this page there is going to be the adverts and competitions so they are there but aren’t distracting on the front cover or throughout the articles. I started of by making a background using the shape tool, I chose red because it would make the text and white speech bubbles stand out. I am going to write in the speech bubbles, so each bubble has an advert in it. I like this idea because it is a unique way of presenting less interesting aspects of the magazine.

I have now finished adding all the speech bubbles. I think they stand out well because of the background colour. I am now going to fill the speech bubbles with text by using the text tool. I think the background would look better if there was some more detail, whether it is shading or patterns. Maybe adding some comic characters would make the comic theme more obvious.

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I then saved this page as a jpeg so I would be able to copy and paste it onto another Photoshop page with the resolution of 75 so the text wouldn’t be blurred. The text I decide to use for my final product will be pixelated but for now I am just going to use the text tool so I can focus on the possible layouts.

This is my finished experiment, I like the layout and the comic design but I think when I make this for my final product I will add some more detail and different colours and maybe some more images. I also think it would be better if I had used a different font and made the text boxes fit around the shape of the speech bubble.

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• What elements of your experiments will you include in your final product?

Since doing my experiments I have liked most of the layouts/designs that I have created. The front cover is similar to my original idea so I will be using similar colours and images. However I will be adding loads more detail and patterns within the background, using a larger selection of different fonts and text sizes. The page spread I created has a good layout and the columns make it look like a traditional magazine layout but I will be using a different films and make articles that would provide me with a selection of different audiences. After experimenting with the page sizes and resolutions I have decided that the best size would be an A4 page with a resolution of 30 but I will have to add the text onto a jpeg page. I then experimented in with the back page which I did using a simple layout but when making my final product I might make it more complicated. I like the comic these I used on that page but I think I might use comic strips rather than speech bubbles.