3. production experiments

Experiments Your Name

Transcript of 3. production experiments


Your Name

Process• The tools that I have used throughout the this type of product are copy via layer, brightness and contrast, curves, exposure, sharpen, blur, quick selection and spot healing brush. The tool which I used for a specific reason was the quick selection tool to make the exact edition to the specific parts of the car, so instead of having multiply effects going over the whole of the image. So this is why I used this type of tool because to get the most difference to parts of the areas around the car to stand out of the rest of car. In these specific area of car such as the bumper and with the tyres I had made these two areas by using tools of brightness and contrast, exposure. I had made these two changes to these specific areas because with the bumper I had made much darker than any other parts on to the car. I had done this because to show the audience how magnificent the front of car looks in this angle. Also with this expresses of defines the other edges towards the front of car and makes the car see much bigger if it looks much darker along the top. With the tyres I had made the inner lines of the tyres look darker than from outside does. I had done this because to make them look more natural looking tyres of how you would see in an advertisement. Also the other changes I have made by using this tool firstly too the like the background, front windscreen and the grid in the middle of the car that’s slivery, grey. I had to use this type of tool first for background because to make it blurry so then it wouldn’t be the main factor in the image, however not to blurry so the background image doesn’t go to out of place of blurriness. The front windscreen I just used the same tool to start of with to get my particular part of windscreen I changed the brightness and contrast as I made it brighter a little bit and then with the contrast I had made this part much darker. But I didn’t make it to darker so you can see through it. Lastly with this quick selection used first by going around the sliver and grey in the middle of between the headlights of each slide. For this grid I had made the effects of by using the curves tool by to make it seem much darker in some areas but most of them to seem much brighter with the hints of grey and sliver.

For the last parts to edit is to erase to get rid of the number plate to do this by using the tool called spot healing brush. By using this special tool will get rid of the numbers and letters that was there but now has gone. But also with in this editing the image and changing the effects, was making the most of the car looking quite sharper than any other thing in my image.

ProcessIn my process for this type of photo I used for the following starts of my production. First I had got the image from my memory stick and then copied it across as this processed to become a landscape. As I had made the photograph to an angle at landscape way. Firstly on the photoshopping my image of a range rover sport the newest version, is by making two duplicate versions of the same background by making one duplicate for a black & white to start off with. By hiding this version of the black & white. So then I can make editing changes by using a tool called quick selection to choose the front part of the body until the second door. I made the first selection to make the editions to the tools are just the bright & contrast, as this effect seems more effective towards the front of the car because how the light has hit on to the car side make it seem like the sun light has hit on to the side of car as it looks like its shinning through out the side. Also with the back of the car I wanted to make it seem more much darker because of how the light has not effected it. Also with this process I have made a quiet darker blue by only using tools called curves and brightness & contrast.

Also with behind of the car I have I made it much a darker blue because it has been to set in to the darkness of the shadows. By also doing these effects with a duplicated section. However with this as well I have done is chosen the brake lights, fog lights, and number plate. What I have done to these three by changing the brightness and contrast and using curves. To make these main colours stand out from the rest of the car instead of blue.

The lastly by changing the lighting around the car to be come across darker than the actual car. I think I have chosen this because to come across to the audience that how amazing the car looks against the kind of darker but not darker to take anything away so it doesn’t look unreal. When I had came to finish with the different colours, I made the black & white come to cover some of the car.


• What elements of your experiments will you include in your final product?

The elements in my experiment that I will use with in my final product is firstly with the effects that I have used such as the colour schemes and then a hint of black and white going through some parts of the photo. As I have done this on one of my experiments, (black and white part of photograph) as this defines the more darker areas as makes the photograph dull and basic in that area so this makes this part of the photo not the main focus of the photograph as the lighter colours or arrange different parts of the photo springs out of the photo that which will appeal the attentions of my audience. This would make the main bit of the photograph, of instead of look boring will add a few effects to it that will be basic so a change of atmosphere. The colour effects which I have done is to make some of the brighter colours stand out like main colours such as red, yellow and more, as these colours are much vibrant colours so then you will see them first than any other colours that are applied into the photograph. As well with the other elements that I have done in my experiment with in the background I have used the tools to blur the background and the tool of exposure to make the difference to light of brightness. As this makes the background much duller, so this makes the main object of the photograph much more appealing so they that they will know which part of the photograph is the main focus of it all.