Download - 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

Page 1: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

Confident Horsemanship with Anne Gagepresents

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

Page 2: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

Page 3: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

Why listen to me?

Over 25 years experience working with horses, coaching, training, showing, etc.

Certified horse trainer, professional coach and Ride Right mentor

Focus on the mental & physical aspects of both you & your horse

I’ve been where you are

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

Page 4: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

In this webinar, we’ll focus on

3 quick techniques you can start

using right away to improve your


Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Who is this webinar for?You’re just getting started

But feel nervous around horses or when ridingYou’ve been riding for a while

But you’re not making the progress you want because of fear, self doubt or lack of confidence

You’re a pleasure rider

But you’ve started making excuses for not riding, only ride when conditions are ‘just right’ or just aren’t enjoying riding any more

You compete at horse shows (or want to)

But you’re not getting the results you know you deserve because stress, anxiety or lack of confidence affects your performance

You’ve dreamt of having a true partnership with your horse

But it’s become a night mare!

Then it's time to BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE!

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Brought to you by:

The Confident Horsemanship – Home Study Course

Build Your Confidence with Horses & Riding ~ Winning the Mental Game

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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“Fear is excitement without the breath.” ~ Fritz Perls, MD, psychiatrist and

founder of Gestalt Therapy.Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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•Hold breath

•Rapid, shallow breath

•Breathe through mouth

•Adrenaline /Heart Rate


•Muscles tense


•Diaphragmatic breathing

•Rhythmic, deep breath

•Breathe through nose/mouth

•Adrenaline/Heart Rate


•Release tension

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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“Change your posture for two minutes … It could significantly change the way your life unfolds.” ~ Amy Cuddy

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

Page 10: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

Practice a Power Pose•Sit or stand tall

•Weight even on seat bones and feet

•Chest lifted and open

•Shoulder blades down & back

•Chin lifted

•Core engaged


Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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EXPECTATIONS•Unstated/unwritten personal demands you set for your performance•Success/failure set up – •I should be…•I must …•I shouldn’t be …•Negatively impact your confidence and performance

GOALS•Objectives you set for yourself•Stepping stones •Achieve one then set a new one•Focus on problem solving and learning•Feel good when you achieve a goal•Positively impacts your confidence and performance

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

Page 13: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

What I’ve revealed to you in this webinar is just a

small slice of the steps you need to take to build your


Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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“I am advancing in huge steps with my boy, Henry, and my confidence that was almost totally lost after a bad fall last winter.  I used everything Anne taught me and I am almost 100%.” ~ Pia Wiesen

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

Page 15: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

IntroducingThe Confident Horsemanship – Home Study Course

A 5 week online course to help you

Build Your Confidence with Horses &

Riding by Winning the Mental Game

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

Page 16: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

This program will work for you even if you can relate to one of these:

•Believe you can’t improve your skills

•Have always been afraid of horses

•Have suffered a trauma on the ground or while riding

•Have a history of ‘Analysis Paralysis’

•Are a perfectionist

•Are naturally anxious or a ‘worrier’

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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This program is definitely not promising to wave a “magic wand” or provide a quick fix.

I have practiced these techniques myself AND I’ve been teaching them to my clients for almost 10 years.

They always work – as long as you do the work.

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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“Anne has not only facilitated a relationship of mutual trust and respect between me and my horse but taught me to be a better rider and a critically thinking horsewoman.  She brings a wealth of knowledge of horse behaviour and psychology, biomechanics and correct riding techniques to every session. “ ~ Alison Graham

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This is what you get when you enrol in the

The Confident Horsemanship – Home Study Course

Build Your Confidence with Horses & Riding – Winning the Mental Game

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

•Weekly lessons covering 5 modules where I teach you immediately useable tips and techniques for building your confidence

•Each module includes:

a video seminar,

A downloadable audio version of the seminar (so you can listen to the lesson anywhere and anytime – in your car, at the barn, at home, etc.

Worksheets and other support files in PDF format

•BONUS – the first 10 people to register will receive a FREE strategy session (by phone or Skype) with me (value of $55)

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Module 1 – Know Your Fear

How to understand your fear and develop courage

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Module 2 – Developing Awareness

How to stop being reactive and become pro-active

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Module 3 – Comfort Zone

How to Expand Your Comfort Zone without Freaking Out!

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Module 4 – Setting Goals Letting Go of Expectations

Understand how you learn so you can set and achieve SMART goals

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Module 5 – Trust Builds Confidence

What Your Horse needs from you to trust you.

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Page 27: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

The price of the Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding home study course by itself is valued at $297.

You’re going to get a much better DEAL for being on this webinar today.

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Your total investment TODAY including all the bonuses Is NOW just one payment of $127

OR if you need me to finance this for you – just 2 payments of $67

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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“You have made me a better friend to my horse. I look forward to riding and no longer look for reasons to cancel my lessons. I appreciate your sense of humour, your patience and that you work with our fear to help us overcome it.” ~ Jackie Timmings

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“I really like the way you've made us think about what we have to focus on to get fear under control. I also like the emphasis on the two sides horse-rider relationship.” ~ Kristeen U.

“I believe that as confidence grows, fear dissipates ... you can't be both fearful and confident. Your workshops help people grow in their confidence with horses leaving no room for fear; Thank you Anne!” ~ Alana K.

“Thank you! You have provided us with great tools to work with, and for me, the timing couldn't be better!” ~ Peggy M.

What others have said about the course

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Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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3 (+1) Quick and Simple Tips for Improving Your Confidence Today

Tip #1 – Change your breathing

Tip #2 – Change your posture

Tip #3 – Change your expectations

BONUS TIP – Change your mind

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

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Page 36: 3 Actions You Can Take Now to Build Your Confidence with Horses and Riding

The Confident Horsemanship – Home Study Course

Build Your Confidence with Horses & Riding

Are you ready to Build Your Confidence and enjoy your partnership with your horse?

Your total investment TODAY Is just one payment of $127

OR just 2 payments of $67