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Name : Praful ,B GhareniyaClass: M.A part oneSemester: 1Roll no :22Paper:3Submitted : Department of EnglishGuided by: Dr Dilip BaradYear:5/10/2014MK Bhavnagar university

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Expressive to Deus machina

What is deus ex machina ?

=>Deus ex machina from a Latin meaning

Deus means a god

Ex means a from


Machina means a device, a scaffolding , an

Artifice in short meaning is ‘god from the machine ’

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2)Such a device was referred to by Horace in his

Ars poetica. He instruct poets they that never

Resort to ‘god from the machine’ to resolve

Their plots ‘unless a difficult worthy of god’s

Unraveling should happen’

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He was referring to to the convention of Greek tragedy , where a machine is used to

bring actors playing gods onto the stage,

the machine could be either a crane(machine) used to lower actor from above or a riser that brought actors up through a trapdoor.

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Objective criticism


=>Deals with a work of literature as something which stand free from is often called an extrinsic relationship to the poet , or to the audience , or to the environing world

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It describes the literary product as a self sufficient and autonomous object or else as a world in itself , which is to be contemplated as it own end


The conception of the self sufficiency of an aesthetic object was proposed in Kant’s critique Aesthetic judgment (1790)

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We have historical criticism , biographical criticism, sociological criticism

Psychological criticism or myth criticism

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For the many types of critical theory and practice, see anxiety of influence archetypal criticism ‘art for art sake’ chicago school contextual criticism literary studies dialogic criticism ecocriticism , feminist criticsim gender criticism new historical phenomenology and criticism postcolonial studies psychological and psychoanalytic criticism reader response criticism reception theory sociological criticism speech act theory structuralist criticism stylistice