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  • 8/8/2019 21787931 Consumer Behavior of Kurkure


    2010Mr.Kunal kore

    Mr. Arshad


    [ CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ]On Kurkure snacks

  • 8/8/2019 21787931 Consumer Behavior of Kurkure









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    Kurkure is one of the most preferable brands for snacks. It is popular for itsdifferent flavors according

    to customers taste and demographic. It introduced at 1990 andmanufactured by PepsiCo India major competition products arelays, bingo, halidrams and etc.

    Kurkure is different from chips and other snaks. The shape is very attractiveand very crispy. It is very tasty and soft unlike lays& etc. There different typepackages are available according to the consumers. Pockets are availablefrom Rs.5 to Rs.75.The following are various flavors of Kurkure,

    Naughty Tomato,

    Masala munch,

    Chili chatka,

    Rajastani style,Hyderabad special and

    Desi bytes.


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    There are several factors affecting consumer behavior. Consumer behavior ismajor challenge for every product. Lets see some factors which affect theconsumer behavior on Kurkure.

    Consumers& Buyers :

    Basically the Kurkure is launched for children but because of its taste andvariety, every one is fan for Kurkure. It is less fat, soft and crisp. The olderpeople like those cant eat hard snacks, are prefer to Kurkure. The consumerof Kurkure is not only for children and also everyone. The buyers are alwaysparents. They prefer the Kurkure rather than chips because chips are bad tohealth. Parents believe that Kurkure is not bad for health, that is not meanthat, it is good for health.

    The following survey shows details about Kurkure consumers.

    Question YES NO NO IdeaIs it only forchildren

    48% 40% 12%

    Is it bad tohealth?

    34% 38% 28%

    Influencer& factors :

    Even though Kurkure is suitable to every one, the children are major

    influencer. The children mainly influenced by social factors that are friends,family.

    Perception is also one of the influencing factor. In this, the people perceivedas, its made up of corn, rice meal and others. So that it is not bad for health.

    Brand is one of the factor. It is come from PepsiCo. So that, people haveconfident about quality. The following data shows the influencer.

    INFUNCER YES NO NO IDEAChildren 80% 13% 7%Parents 55% 40% 5%

    From the above table we can understand the influence of children ratherthan parents. It implies that the children have pester power. We can under

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    stand that, according to Food commission and Advertisement Board, theKurkure doesnt full the children by its advertisement.

    Its advertisement is major part of its success. It believe that, parents are themain factor and buyer. It is come with different advertisement for each


    Depends on Availability of product to customers :

    It is food products. So the product should be very hygienic and available toeverywhere. It is major task for every product. In these case, Kurkureavailable every where in market. That is the major success factor. Kurkureavailable from small petty shop, small bakery to big malls and multiplexes.

    When I met the people for survey, I can realize that it is available everywhere. I met the people who purchase the product from reliance fresh andsmall bakery shop.

    There is no specific season or time for to purchase the Kurkure. Most of thepeople purchase as the daily evening snakes. But, during any specialprogram like watching cricket matches, then the sale may increase. Otherwise it is available product to everyone.

    Perception about the product:

    The perception is different for every one. Perception means that how the

    person receive the data and how he use in different situations. In these case,the perception varied according to people, culture, demographic.

    Some people believe that, it is made up of corn, rice meal. So that, it ishealthy snacks rather than other products. Its already mentioned about thesurvey in above.

    Social factors on product:

    The social factors are mainly family and friends. According to me, the initialadvertisement and promotions were attract the parents and all age peoples.But, the product is more dependent on the children. From that we canunderstand the influence of the family on product.

    Similarly, friends are also major social influence factors. They are the realpromoters of the product.

    Life style influence the product:

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    According to me the life style must influence the product. When I went tostore, the older generation people go for low cost snacks, more quantityproducts. But, younger generation does not worry about the price orquantity. They always prefer taste. Even though old generation like Kurkurethan other packed snacks, they give first preference to local or other productwhich satisfy the needs.

    Satisfaction on product:

    The point is customer satisfaction on their needs. For example, whatchildren except? They normally want taste, fun and attractive packages. Butwhen we go for parents point of view, there is huge difference. Kurkure canbalance their needs for both children and uncle.

    Demographic factors:

    We already mentioned that different flavors like chili, tomato, Hyderabadand etc. why they give different things. Because of demographic factors.Normally the people in Hyderabad prefer very spicy and hard. For them,plain Masala or tomato are suitable. Similarly, the Rajastani people preferdiffer from others. Kurkure is mostly fulfill the needs according todemographic this not only for those state people, its also uses all otherpeople. I can realize this when I asked to one house wife. She prefersKurkure for its verity. She can eat different on every day.


    Do you likebecause of different flavors?

    68% 28% 4%

    Is it fulfill yourexpectations?

    43% 40% 17%

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    Kurkure has big market. I can compare with kotler point, that is if marketfor the product is huge, no need to plan for expansion. Kurkure capture themass market by various factors like different verities and etc.

    In big stores like big bazaar, they put the snacks pocket nearer to the billcounter. It may be the success factor for that shop. When the person pick upKurkure, it become success of Kurkure. Now days, it gives some special offerof special pack. The recent offer is Rs.10 coffee powder is free with twocombo pack packs. I conduct survey to nearly 25 peoples. Some people dontlike Kurkure. They also participated in that.

    Finally, the consumer behavior about the Kurkure is given with severalinfluence factors and tables. From that, most of the people like Kurkure,some of the people wants to change to Kurkure.


    The food market can enjoy with this generation those really do not knowabout the product. But, Kurkure come different approach to consumers of this generation from the older generation. From that we can prove for every

    product, understanding the consumer behavior and develop the product aremajor reasons for its success. It maintain the balance between children andparents. Because of no of flavors it can with stand as leading food productthan the other competitors.

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