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Reinforcement ? Unit ?


Reinforcement 1 Unit 11 Read and match.

2 Complete.

What’s Monica doing?

She’s eating popcorn.

What’s Paul doing?


What’s Anna doing?


What’s Richard doing?


What’s Laura doing?

She’s .

What’s James doing?


What’s Ruth doing?


What’s Alex doing?




c f

gd h


1 e He’s drawing.

2 She’s reading a magazine.

3 He’s writing a note.

4 She’s laughing.

5 He’s shouting.

6 She’s sleeping.

7 He’s listening to an MP3 player.

8 She’s eating popcorn.

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

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Is she eating popcorn?

Yes, she is.

Reinforcement 2 Unit 11 Circle.

1 Circle four adjectives in black. 3 Circle four clothes in blue.

2 Circle four verbs in red. 4 Circle four people in green.


2 Read the answers. Then complete the questions. man woman boy girl

1 Is the boy laughing? Yes, he is.

2 Is the wearing a scarf? No, he isn’t.

3 Is the wearing a skirt? Yes, she is.

4 Is the walking? No, she isn’t.

5 Is the wearing a jacket? No, he isn’t.

6 Is the taking a photo? Yes, he is.

7 Is the wearing trousers? Yes, she is.

8 Is the eating popcorn? No, she isn’t.

3 Look and write.

Is he writing a note?¥e∫, he i∫.

Is she drawing?





Yes, he is.


Is he listening to an MP3 player?


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Reinforcement ? Unit ?


2 Answer the questions.

a Are they thirsty? ˙o, they aren’t. †hey’re excited.b Is he tired? c Is she hungry? d Is he hungry? e Are they tired? f Are they scared? g Is she scared? h Is she thirsty? i Is she excited?

3 Answer for you.

1 Are you wearing a blue jumper? 2 Are you happy? 3 Are you hungry? 4 Are you wearing trousers?

Reinforcement 3 Unit 11 Circle the correct word.

He’s thirsty / tired . I’m scared / thirsty . She’s hungry / tired . They’re excited / scared .


f i






1 2 3 4

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Reinforcement 1 Unit 21 Read and match.

1 I do karate.

2 I go skateboarding.

3 I play table tennis.

4 I play volleyball.

5 I go riding.

6 I do gymnastics.

7 I play badminton.

8 I go swimming.

2 Write the questions. Then look and answer.

go Do riding? you

∂o you go riding? ¥e∫, fl do.

volleyball? play you Do

do Do gymnastics? you

go you skateboarding? Do

3 Answer for you.

1 Do you go swimming? 2 Do you play badminton? 3 Do you do karate? 4 Do you play table tennis? 5 Do you go skateboarding?






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Reinforcement ? Unit ?


Reinforcement 2 Unit 2

1 Write the words in three groups.

badminton rollerblading basketball gymnastics karate skateboarding tennis swimming

do go play


2 Write the names.



1 ¯oe plays table tennis.

2 doesn’t play badminton.

3 rides a bike.

4 does karate.

5 doesn’t go rollerblading.

6 doesn’t play tennis.

7 goes riding.

8 doesn’t go swimming.

3 Complete.

Lottie likes sport. She 1 play∫ badminton,

she 2 rollerblading and she 3 gymnastics. But Lottie 4 tennis and she 5 swimming.

Dennis doesn’t like sport much.

He 6 volleyball and he 7 skateboarding. But Dennis 8 karate and he 9 basketball.

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Reinforcement 3 Unit 21 Match and write.

lose team train trainer win


2 Read, look and choose ✓.

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Peter Brown is a champion swimmer. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays he gets up at half past five and goes to the sports centre. He trains with his trainer. Peter goes home at half past seven.

Then he has breakfast and he goes to school. In the evening, Peter is tired. He goes to bed at eight o’clock. Peter doesn’t train every day. On Saturdays he swims with the team. He likes winning!

1 Does Peter get up at half past five on Wednesdays? Yes, he does. ✓ No, he doesn’t.

2 Does Peter train with his dad? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

3 Does Peter have breakfast at home? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

4 Does Peter go to bed at seven o’clock? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

5 Does Peter like losing? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

3 Complete the questions. Then look and answer.

1 Does she get up at quarter to seven? 2 Does she badminton? 3 Does she a skirt? 4 Does she winning?

1 2 3 4

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Reinforcement ? Unit ?


Reinforcement 1 Unit 31 Circle the correct word.

He collects magnets / stickers .

He collects badges / figures .

She collects postcards / posters .

She collects cards / keyrings .

2 Complete.

Helen collects sticker∫. Robert collects

Meg collects Jason collects









3 Write the answer.

Yes, No,

he she

does. doesn’t.

1 Does Meg collect keyrings? ²o, she doesn’t.2 Does Jason collect figures? 3 Does Helen collect stickers? 4 Does Robert collect postcards?

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Reinforcement 2 Unit 31 Look and write the words in two groups.

bus bike house lake motorbike mountain plane river town train

There’s a … There isn’t a …


2 Choose ✓ the correct sentence.

1 There’s a motorbike on this postcard.

There are some motorbikes on this postcard. ✓

There aren’t any motorbikes on this postcard.

2 There’s a house on this postcard.

There are some houses on this postcard.

There aren’t any houses on this postcard.

3 There’s a tree on this postcard.

There are some trees on this postcard.

There aren’t any trees on this postcard.

4 There’s a boat on this postcard.

There are some boats on this postcard.

There aren’t any boats on this postcard.

3 Look and complete.

1 There aren’t any badges.

2 There some figures.

3 There some magnets.

4 There any keyrings.

5 There any postcards.

6 There any posters.

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Reinforcement ? Unit ?


Reinforcement 3 Unit 31 Look and write.

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

1 Is there a table in the living room? ¥e∫, there i∫.2 Is there a bookcase in the kitchen? 3 Is there a sofa in the kitchen? 4 Are there any posters in the kitchen? 5 Are there any plates in the kitchen? 6 Are there any cushions in the living room?

2 Choose ✓ the correct question. Then answer for you.

1 Is there any carpet in your bedroom? ¥e∫, there i∫.

Is there a carpet in your bedroom? ✓

2 Is there any poster in your classroom?

Is there a poster in your classroom?

3 Are there any pens on your desk?

Are there a pens on your desk?

4 Are there any shelves in your kitchen?

Are there a shelves in your kitchen?

5 Are there any dictionaries in your classroom?

Are there a dictionaries in your classroom?

6 Are there a mugs in your kitchen?

Are there any mugs in your kitchen?

kitchen living room

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Reinforcement 1 Unit 41 Look and write.

tortoise iguana snail canary spider guinea pig stick insect hamster


2 Write the names.

Henry David Rob Tom


What’s ™enry got?

He’s got a canary and a spider, but he hasn’t got a guinea pig.


What’s got?

He’s got a stick insect and a snail, but he hasn’t got a hamster.


What’s got?

He’s got an iguana and a canary, but he hasn’t got a tortoise.


What’s got?

He’s got a tortoise and a snail, but he hasn’t got a spider.

3 Read and complete.

has got has got hasn’t got ’ve got haven’t got

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 My name is Julia and I’ve got two pets. I ’ve got a hamster and a canary. I really like dogs, but I a dog.

2 My cousin Greg three pets. He a hamster, a tortoise and a rabbit, but he

a canary like me.

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Reinforcement ? Unit ?



Reinforcement 2 Unit 41 Find the words (➜, ) and write.

c a n a r y t t

h f d e s z o a

e s y k n t r i

a p l s a a t l

d i u n k s o m

w d r a e h i o

a e w i n g s i

p r g l h u e d

2 Look and write True or False.

1 Snake B is older than snake C. †rue2 Snake C is longer than snake B. 3 Snake A is shorter than snake B.

4 Tortoise A is bigger than tortoise C. 5 Tortoise C is younger than tortoise A. 6 Tortoise B is smaller than tortoise A.

1 snail2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

A 10

B 8

C 6A 4

3 Look and write.


big †he guinea pig i∫ bigger than the hamster.









B 11

C 9

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Reinforcement 3 Unit 41 Look and write.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

irfeec fierce fiercer fiercestlmasl








2 Read, look and answer.

1 Which rabbit is bigger, A or B? å i∫ bigger.

2 Which snake is longer, C or D?

3 Which giraffe is taller, E or F?

4 Which guinea pig is smaller, G or H?


3 Look. Then write questions and answers.

1 (tall) Æhich i∫ the tallest giraffe? C i∫ the tallest.2 (short) 3 (young) 4 (old)





A 10 B 12 C 8 D 6





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Reinforcement ? Unit ?


Reinforcement 1 Unit 51 Write.

library shopping centre café church hotel supermarket theatre cinema


2 Read and write True or False.

1 The cinema is on River Road. †rue2 The hotels are on Bridge Road. 3 The supermarket is on Bridge Road. 4 The church is on River Road. 5 The cafés are on Bridge Road. 6 The theatre is on River Road. 7 The library is on Bridge Road. 8 The shopping centre is on River Road.

3 Look and answer the questions.

1 Where’s the theatre? †he theatre i∫ on ®iver ®oad.2 Where’s the shopping centre? 3 Where are the cafés? 4 Where’s the library? 5 Where are the hotels? 6 Where’s the cinema?

1 432

5 876

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Reinforcement 2 Unit 51 Circle the odd one out.

1 church hospital mum shopping centre

2 behind between next to shop

3 bank hotel opposite school

4 granny in front of parents sister

5 brother library café supermarket

6 cinema grandad restaurant theatre

2 Look and match.

1 Where were you at four o’clock? I was at the hospital.

2 Where were you at one o’clock? I was at the cinema.

3 Where were you at quarter past six? I was at the library.

4 Where were you at quarter to five? I was at the shop.

5 Where were you at half past two? I was at the café.

3 Look and complete.

Where was Kelly yesterday?

1 She wa∫ at the theatre with her brother.

2 She granny.

3 She sister.

4 She parents.

5 She grandad.

1 2 3 4 5

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Reinforcement ? Unit ?


Reinforcement 3 Unit 51 Look and match.

1 My grandad was a scientist. 3 My other grandad was a farmer.

2 My granny was a cook. 4 My other granny was a waitress.

2 Read and complete.

Scotland family father opposite rich waitress

My name is Jessica. This is my 1 familyhistory.

My grandad was born in 1940. He was from 2 . He was my mother’s 3 . His name was James.

My granny was born in 1944. She was born in Ireland. Her name was Bridget.

In the summer of 1968, my granny was a 4 in a hotel in Scotland. The hotel was 5 the hospital where my grandad was a cook. They were married in 1969. My mum was born in 1970.

My grandparents weren’t 6 , but they were happy.

3 Write was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.

1 Jessica’s grandad wa∫ from Scotland.

2 Her granny from Ireland.

3 Her grandparents in Scotland in the summer of 1968.

4 Jessica’s granny a waitress.

5 Jessica’s grandad a cook in a hotel.

6 Their wedding in 1968.

7 Her grandparents rich.

8 Her grandparents happy.


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1 Circle the correct place.

2 Read and match.

3 Look and complete the questions.

1 432

5 876


football match

amusement park

music festival


water park

safari park

science centre

music festival

football match

science centre


water park

amusement park


safari park

1 What time does the football match start? At three o’clock.

2 What time does the open? At nine o’clock.

3 What time does the finish? At ten o’clock.

4 What time does the close? At six o’clock.

5 What time does the close? At five o’clock.

6 What time does the start? At one o’clock.

7 What time does the open? At ten o’clock.

8 What time does the finish? At four o’clock.

1 What time does the music festival start? At five o’clock.

2 What time does the football match finish? At one o’clock.

3 What time does the science centre close? At ten o’clock.

4 What time does the museum open? At four o’clock.

Cranbury Music Festival

Listen to your favourite bands

Saturday 1.00pm to 10.00pm

Support your local football club

Riverside Rovers FC vs Park Green FC

Saturday 3.00pm to 4.00pm

London Museum

History for everyone

Open from 10.00am to 6.00pm

Closed Monday

Science CentreScience for everyoneExperiments!


Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm


Reinforcement 1 Unit 6

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Reinforcement ? Unit ?


Reinforcement 2 Unit 61 Find eight verbs (➜, , ) and write.

p w i b o t r

f a g m u n d

h t s g l y a

x c r e i j n

p h o n e v c

s b a r i d e

v i s i t v q

2 Look and choose ✓ the correct answer.

What did Jack do in the summer?

3 Look and answer the questions.

1 53

2 64


1 Did he go to the zoo?

Yes, he did. ✓ No, he didn’t.

2 Did he go to the museum?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

3 Did he go to the aquarium?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

4 Did he go to the science centre?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

5 Did he go to the football match?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

6 Did he go to the cinema?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

1 Did he ride his bike at the water park?

²o, he didn’t.2 Did he see fish at the aquarium?

3 Did he have a drink at the zoo?

4 Did he buy an ice cream at the cinema?

5 Did he dance at the circus?

6 Did he have lunch at the café?



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Reinforcement 3 Unit 6

1 Complete.

acrobats clowns fire eater high wire trampoline

I had a great day yesterday. I went to the circus with my parents. Look at my photos. We saw some 1 acrobat∫ . They danced on the 2 . They were amazing! We saw three 3 too. They jumped on the 4 . They were fantastic. We laughed a lot. We also saw a 5 !

2 Write.

k e l t a d

l d e y p a

a d h

c e d a h t w

w s a

h a e g l u d

e t w n

k d e i l

l e b c d i m

p m d j u e

i s i v t d e

h u d s e t o

go went play shout

see like visit

have jump laugh

watch climb talk

3 Look and write. She He

had visited watched saw shouted went

a football match the science centre a clown some popcorn for her team to a film

™e visited the science centre.

1 32

4 65

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terrified embarrassed unhappy worried bored

scream cry frown yawn blush

1 Use a dictionary to find the words.

embarrassed unhappy bored worried terrified

2 3 4 5

I’m unhappy.






2 Use a dictionary and match.

1 2 3 4 5

3 Use a dictionary to find two more emotions. Draw and write.

Extension 1 Unit 1

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1 Find twelve words (➜, ). Write them in four groups.

t t j s c a r f

r s w o m a n h

o c t i r e d u

u a l r r r u n

s r j u m p m g

e e g i r l a r

r d w e a r n y

s j a c k e t y

2 Look and write the questions and the answers.

1 TV? Is girl watching the fl∫ the girl watching †◊? ˙o, she isn’t. 2 thirsty? the Is man 3 Is boy the laughing? 4 the tired? woman Is 5 girl Is the hungry? 6 the boy Is scared?

3 Look and read the answers. Then write questions.

1 ý∫ he wearing short∫? Yes, he is.

2 Yes, he is.

3 No, he isn’t.

4 No, he isn’t.

5 Yes, she is.

6 No, she isn’t.

7 Yes, she is.

8 No, she isn’t.

Feelings: scared

People: woman

Verbs: wear

Clothes: jacket

Extension 2 Unit 1

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1 Write the e-mail.

snowman drink in the mountains magazine sister cold it’s snowing gloves restaurant dad boots

Dear Jane,

We’re . It’s

and .

My and my are playing

outside. They’re wearing and

. They’re making a . I’m

sitting in a with my mum.

We’re thirsty and we’re having a .

My mum is reading a too.

Love from Jake

∂ear ¯ane, ∑e’re in the mountain∫.

2 Write an e-mail from a different place.

1 Think of a different place. You can use the ideas in the box.

2 Write your e-mail. You can use pictures and words.

Dear We’re

Extension 3 Unit 1

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1 Use a dictionary to find the words. Match.

1 court c 2 goal 3 net 4 stick 5 bat 6 racket

2 Use a dictionary to find the words. Write.

kick hit catch throw bounce head

catch a ball

a ball

a ball

a ball

a ball

a ball

1 2

3 4

5 6

3 Read. Then use a dictionary to draw and write about two more sports.

a c

b d




†here’∫ a ball anda net. ¥ou kick and headthe ball.

Extension 1 Unit 2

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1 Circle the sports.

2 Look at the table. Write the questions and answers.

Liam Anna Mark

✗ ✓ ✓

✓ ✗ ✓

✓ ✗ ✗

✗ ✓ ✗

✓ ✓ ✗

✗ ✗ ✓

1 Liam / swimming? Ðoe∫ ¼iam go swimming? ²o, he doesn’t.2 Mark / gymnastics? 3 Anna / basketball? 4 Mark / badminton? 5 Liam / karate? 6 Anna / riding?

3 Look at the table. Write sentences.

1 Anna / gymnastics ånna doesn’t do gymnastic∫.2 Liam / swimming 3 Mark / riding 4 Liam / basketball 5 Mark / karate 6 Anna / badminton


intonbask etballgy mna




Extension 2 Unit 2

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1 Look and read. Then match.

1 Can you touch your toes? Can you stand on your hands or your head? Come to gymnastics!

2 Do you want to learn to ice skate? Come to the ice skating rink and have a lesson with a trainer. It’s fun!

3 Do you like team sports? Can you run fast? Come and join our team and play hockey with us.

4 Are you good at swimming? Play with your friends and have fun! Or have a lesson with the trainer and learn to dive.

5 Table tennis is easy! Come and have a go. Wear your shorts and T-shirt. We’ve got bats and balls for everyone.

2 Look and write.

dive bat hockey stand on your hands ice skate

1 2 3 4 5

stand on your hand∫

3 Answer.

1 Which sport can you do at an ice rink? ice skating 2 Which sport is a team sport?

3 What can you learn in a swimming class? 4 Which sport uses bats and balls? 5 Which sports can you learn with a trainer?

4 Choose a sport you like. Think about the questions and write about it.



Extension 3 Unit 2

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1 Use a dictionary to find the words. Circle and write.


1 2 3 4 5


2 Use a dictionary to find the words. Write.

case tin album folder box

1 2 3 4 5


3 Look and complete.

1 I collect coins. They’re in a

2 I collect They’re in a

3 I collect They’re in a

4 I collect They’re in an

5 I collect They’re in a






Extension 1 Unit 3

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1 Look and write.

Down Across1


3 4













2 Complete the sentences.

1 †here are some postcards on the wall.

2 magnets on the table.

3 cards in the book.

4 badges on the table.

5 posters on the wall.

6 stickers in the book.

3 Look and write the questions and answers.

1 åre there any houses? ¥e∫, there are.2 cars? 3 bikes? 4 mountains? 5 mugs? 6 towns?

What is there in the room?


Extension 2 Unit 3

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1 Look and write B for Ben or J for Justin.

1 I’m your new e-pal. I have two cats. ¯2 I’m your new e-pal and I love sport. Š3 I go to karate classes. 4 I love animals. 5 I collect badges. There are thirty badges in my collection. 6 I also collect posters. I like posters with football players. 7 I collect postcards. I really like postcards of animals. 8 My favourite postcard is a monkey. It’s climbing a tree.

2 Complete the e-mail for Ben or Justin. Use the sentences in Activity 1 and invent three more sentences.

Send Contacts Print Delete

To: Subject: Hello!

What do you collect?Write soon!



Extension 3 Unit 3

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1 Use a dictionary to find the animals ( , ➜). Circle and write.

1 kangaroo 2

3 4


2 Use a dictionary to find the underlined words. Then write the animal. 1 An eagle has got a beak.

2 An has got a trunk.

3 A has got a hump.

4 A has got a pouch.

5 A has got a horn.

3 Use a dictionary to find two more animals. Draw and write.

A has got a

A has got a

f h j r a k a g

b e c a c a m e

g a a r e n o y

d g m k l g a f

e l e p h a n t

z e l v n r m l

s d f h j o k l

i r h i n o y r

Extension 1 Unit 4

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1 Read and match.

2 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 How long is an adult anaconda? ýt’∫ between eight and ten metre∫ long.2 When do anacondas eat? 3 What colour are black mambas? 4 Where do black mambas live? 5 What do king cobras eat? 6 Can king cobras swim?

3 Complete the sentences.

faster faster fastest longer longer longest

1 The anaconda is the longest snake in the world.

2 The king cobra is than the black mamba.

3 The black mamba is the snake in the world.

4 The black mamba is than the anaconda.

5 The anaconda is than the king cobra.

6 The black mamba is than the king cobra.

1 Anacondas live in South America. Adult anacondas are between eight and ten metres long. They live in water and they eat at night. They eat other animals – big animals!

2 Black mambas are between two and a half and three and a half metres long. They live in Africa. Black mambas aren’t black – they’re grey or brown. They are the fastest snakes – they can travel at 20 kilometres per hour. Black mambas eat birds and small animals.

3 King cobras live in Asia. They’re between three and five metres long. King cobras live near water and they’re good swimmers. They’re very good hunters too. King cobras eat animals and other snakes.

Extension 2 Unit 4

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1 Read the webpage. Choose a heading for each part of the text.

Tortoises in summer Are tortoises good pets? Tortoises in winter Feeding your tortoise

1 åre tortoises good pet∫? Some tortoises are friendly animals, and

they aren’t dangerous. It’s easy to look after them and they’re good pets. Remember! They live a long time, more than 60 years!

2 Tortoises haven’t got teeth. Pet tortoises

like salad, tomatoes and vegetables. They like fruit too, especially bananas! They need clean, fresh water every day.

3 Tortoises like summer when the weather

is hot. In summer they can live in a garden. Give your tortoise a box, it can sleep in it at night. In the day tortoises like walking in the garden. They like climbing too. Be careful, because they love eating flowers!


Tortoises hibernate, which means that they sleep for about five months of the year. In October, put your tortoise into a box in a cupboard. The cupboard is warmer than the garden. The tortoise can sleep there in the winter.

2 Read the webpage again. Write True or False.1 Tortoises are dangerous. ƒalse 6 They can live in a garden all year. 2 They have short lives. 7 They need a box to sleep in. 3 They’ve got big teeth. 8 They don’t like hot weather. 4 They like bananas. 9 They sleep for five months. 5 They like clean water. 10 They need a warm place to sleep in.

3 Find out about another pet. Draw a picture. Write an information sheet.

Extension 3 Unit 4

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1 Use a dictionary to find the shops. Write.

bakery post office pharmacy bookshop florist’s clothes shop

1 2 3


4 5 6

2 Use a dictionary to find the words. Match and write the shop.








3 Use a dictionary to find two more shops. Draw and write.

This is a This is a

a plant b medicine c stamps d coat e bun f textbook bookshop


Extension 1 Unit 5

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1 Circle the places in black. Then circle the other words in blue.


2 Look and answer the questions.


Dan ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗

Rosie ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓

1 Was Dan at the library? ²o, he wasn’t.2 Was he at the cinema? ¥e∫, he wa∫.3 Was he at the museum? 4 Was Rosie at the restaurant? 5 Was she at the bank? 6 Was she at the hospital? 7 Were Dan and Rosie at the cinema? 8 Were Dan and Rosie at the restaurant?

3 Look and write sentences.

1 Rosie / museum ®osie wasn’t at the museum.2 Dan / hospital 3 Rosie and Dan / cinema 4 Dan / restaurant 5 Rosie / library 6 Rosie and Dan / restaurant

Extension 2 Unit 5

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1 Read Tim’s diary for the school holidays. Write the days.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

SaturdayFriday Sunday

On ‡aturday I was at the shopping centre with my mum and dad. I don’t like shopping. It’s boring. The music shop was fun, but the supermarket was terrible.

On I was at the park with my friends. This is the best place in our town. We often go here after school and play football. It was raining and we got very wet.

I was at the cinema with my mum and sister on . The film was about ghosts. It was scary!

On I was at the café with my friends. There were lots of cakes. It was great!

On I was at the restaurant with my mum and dad. We often eat there. I was hungry and I was thirsty too.

2 Write Tim’s diary for the other two days. Use these words.

swimming pool friends water cold


library sister like reading interesting


Extension 3 Unit 5

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1 Use a dictionary to find the water sports. Write.

surfing snorkelling sailing windsurfing kayaking waterskiing

At a water sports centre, you can go:

1 snorkelling2 3 4 5 6

2 Use a dictionary to find the adventure sports. Match. At an adventure park, you can go:

fishing 2climbing





3 Imagine you went to a water sports centre or an adventure park yesterday. Draw and write what you did.

I went

I saw

I had













Extension 1 Unit 6

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1 Read and match.

1 I want to see it again. 2 And now I’ve got their autographs.

3 We were the winners. 4 I had a pizza and a drink.

I went to the shopping centre with my friend yesterday. I bought my mum a birthday present. My friend and I had lunch in a restaurant. 4Rachel

I played football yesterday afternoon. My mum and dad watched the match. My team played a great game.


I went to the cinema with my brother yesterday. We saw a film about dinosaurs. The film was fantastic.


I went to a music festival yesterday with my sister. We listened to music and we danced too. I saw my favourite band. Leila

2 Answer the questions.

1 Did Rachel go to the shopping centre with her mum? ²o, she didn’t. 2 Did she go to a restaurant? 3 Did Tom’s grandparents go to the football match? 4 Did Tom watch the match? 5 Did Ben like the film? 6 Did Ben’s brother see the film too? 7 Did Leila and her sister go to a party? 8 Did they dance to the music?

3 Write the past tense.

Every day I … Yesterday I … Every day I … Yesterday I …

like liked listendance playgo seehave watch





Extension 2 Unit 6

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1 Did the museum close at half past five? Yes, it did. ✓ No, it didn’t.

2 Did Rachel have a pizza with her brother? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.

3 Was it wet in Brighton? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.

4 Did Billy go to Brighton on the bus? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

5 Was the basketball match in the afternoon? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.

6 Did Kylie play basketball? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.

7 Were the animals in cages? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

1 Read and match.

2 Choose ✓ the correct answer.

3 What did you do at the weekend? Write a web post.

I went to the sports centre on Saturday afternoon and watched a basketball match. My brother is in a basketball team. He’s very tall and he’s good at sport. His team were the winners! Kylie, 9, Brighton

I went to a museum with my brother on Saturday afternoon. It closed at half past five. Then we went to our favourite restaurant and had a pizza. Rachel, 10, Oxford

I went to Brighton on the train with my mum and dad. We went to the amusement park. It’s on the pier. We went on the rides and we had an ice cream. The weather was hot and sunny! We had a fantastic day. Billy, 11, London

I like animals and on Saturday we went to a safari park. We saw lions, giraffes and zebras. We were in our car and the animals were next to our car. It was scary! Elephants are my favourite animals, but we didn’t see any elephants. Joel, 10, Manchester





What did you do at the weekend?






Extension 3 Unit 6

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1 Choose ✓ the correct sentence.

2 Read and circle.

1 Is the boy wearing a scarf? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

2 Is the girl walking? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

3 Is the man talking? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

4 Is the woman taking a photo? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

5 Is the boy climbing? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

6 Is the girl wearing trousers? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

7 Is the man wearing a jacket? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

3 Complete.

sleeping drawing laughing shouting

She’s drawing. He’s She’s He’s

1 2 3 4

1 He’s reading a magazine. ✓

He isn’t reading a magazine.

2 She’s writing a note.

She isn’t writing a note.

3 He’s eating pizza.

He isn’t eating pizza.

4 She’s listening to an MP3 player.

She isn’t listening to an MP3 player.

Support Unit 1

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1 Look and write True or False.

1 She goes skateboarding. †rue2 She goes swimming. 3 He goes riding. 4 He plays table tennis.

5 He plays volleyball. 6 She plays badminton. 7 He does gymnastics. 8 She does karate.

2 Read and match.

1 I don’t go c riding. I don’t play volleyball. I don’t do gymnastics.

2 I don’t do gymnastics. I don’t play badminton. I don’t go riding.

3 I don’t play badminton. I don’t go riding. I don’t play volleyball.

4 I don’t play badminton. I don’t play volleyball. I don’t do gymnastics.

3 Complete.

a b c d

plays doesn’t play

1 She play∫ basketball.

2 He basketball.

3 She volleyball.

4 He volleyball.

5 She table tennis.

6 He table tennis.

Support Unit 2

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1 Write.


badge card figure keyring magnet postcard poster sticker

2 Look and choose ✓ the correct sentence.

1 There are some badges. ✓

There aren’t any badges.

2 There are some figures.

There aren’t any figures.

3 There are some stickers.

There aren’t any stickers.

4 There are some cards.

There aren’t any cards.

3 Write are or aren’t.

1 There aren’t any magnets.

2 There some postcards.

3 There some keyrings.

4 There any posters.


5 876

Support Unit 3

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1 Circle the correct word.

He’s / She’s got a snail.

He’s / She’s got a stick insect.

He’s / She’s got a tortoise.

He’s / She’s got a guinea pig.

He’s / She’s got a spider.

He’s / She’s got an iguana.

He’s / She’s got a canary.

He’s / She’s got a hamster.

2 Write True or False.

1 The canary is bigger than the snail. †rue

2 The tortoise is bigger than the hamster.

3 The iguana is bigger than the stick insect.

4 The spider is bigger than the guinea pig.

3 Complete.

1 The hamster is smaller than the iguana.

2 The is smaller than the

3 The is smaller than the

4 The is smaller than the





Support Unit 4

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1 Circle the correct word.

1 The theatre is on Green / Long Street.

2 The cinema is on Green / Long Street.

3 The library is on Green / Long Street.

4 The supermarket is on Green / Long Street.

5 The shopping centre is on Green / Long Street.

6 The church is on Green / Long Street.

7 The café is on Green / Long Street.

8 The hotel is on Green / Long Street.

2 Match.

1 Carl was at the shopping centre a at one o’clock.

2 He was at the cinema b at three o’clock.

3 He was at the café c at four o’clock.

4 He was at the library d at five o’clock.

3 Complete.

1 Amy, where were you at two o’clock? I was at the hotel. 2 Amy, where were you at six o’clock? I was at 3 Amy, where were you at four o’clock? I was 4 Amy, where were you at three o’clock? I

Support Unit 5

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1 Choose ✓ the correct sentence.

1 I’m at the circus.

I’m at the football match.

2 I’m at the music festival.

I’m at the amusement park.

3 I’m at the museum.

I’m at the water park.

2 Choose ✓ the correct answer.

1 Did James go to the amusement park?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. ✓

2 Did Anna go to the circus?

Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.

3 Did James go to the safari park?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

4 Did James go to the museum?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

3 Write.

1 Did he go to the science centre yesterday?

Yes, he did.

2 Did she go to the yesterday?


3 Did he go to the yesterday?


4 Did she go to the yesterday?



What did James and Anna do yesterday?


Support Unit 6

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Catch-up 1 ✓

1 Match.

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

3 1 4 2 7 5 8 6 11 9 12 10

2 Read. Write the numbers.

3 Count and write the numbers.

1 eleven tennis balls

2 tennis balls and footballs

3 volleyballs and footballs

4 volleyballs and tennis balls

5 balls

thirteen 13fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen

nineteen twenty twenty-two thirty-three forty-four fifty-five

sixty-six seventy-seven eighty-eight ninety-nine one hundred

tennis ball



Finished?   How many children are there in your class? Count them in English. Then count other things in your classroom.

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Catch-up 2 ✓

1 Circle the correct word.

2 Tick ✓ the correct questions and answers.

Finished?   Make a wordsearch of words for classroom objects. Draw picture clues.

a bag / bags

a chair / chairs

a desk / desks

a pen / pens

a pencil / pencils

a rubber / rubbers a ruler / rulers

an apple / apples

a book / books

an insect / insects

an orange / oranges

a board / boards

1 32

1 What ?

2 What ?

3 What ?

What’s this? ✓

What are these?

It’s a bag.

It’s an bag.

What’s this?

What are these? ✓

They’re a chairs.

They’re chairs.

What’s this?

What are these?

It’s an orange.

It’s a orange.

3 Write.

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Catch-up 3 ✓

1 Look and read.

2 Look at Activity 1 and write True or False.

1 Mum is angry. †rue 3 Dad isn’t tired. 2 My sister isn’t sad. 4 My brother is happy.

3 Look at Activity 1 again and choose ✓ the correct answer.

1 Is Dad happy? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. ✓

2 Is he tired? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

3 Is Mum bored? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

4 Is she angry? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

4 Choose ✓ the correct answer for you.

Are you tired? Are you happy?

Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

My name is Jodie. This is my family. This is my mum. She’s angry. This is my dad. He’s tired. This is my brother. He’s sad. This is my sister. She’s happy. This is me. I’m bored.

Finished? Draw a picture of your family or friends. Write about your picture.

happy sad angry tired bored

This is He/She is He/She isn’t

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Catch-up 4 ✓

1 Read.

2 Write. Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

1 Has the cat got a long tail? ¥e∫, it ha∫.2 Has the dog got a long tail? 3 Has the rabbit got small ears? 4 Has the mouse got small ears?

3 Write questions and answers about the animals in Activity 1.

1 The cat has got a long tail.

2 The dog has got a short tail.

3 The rabbit has got long ears.

4 The mouse has got small ears.

4 Complete the sentences about the animals’ ears and tails.

1 Mice have got small ear∫. †hey haven’t got short tail∫.2 Cats 3 Rabbits

1 = mouse 2+ = mice


1 dog / long ears?

™a∫ the dog got long ear∫?

¥e∫, it ha∫.2 mouse / short tail?

3 cat / long ears?

4 rabbit / short tail?

Finished? Think of a new animal. Describe your animal.

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Catch-up 5 ✓

1 Look and complete.

table bookcase cupboard bed sofa TV chair desk

kitchen bathroom bedroom living room

2 Look at Activity 1. Then read and match.


Where’s the bookcase?

It’s in the bedroom.


Where’s the sofa?


Where’s the table?

It’s in the kitchen.


Where’s the desk?


Where’s the bed?

It’s in the living room.


Where’s the cooker?

3 Complete the questions. Then look at Activity 1 and write the answers.

1 cupboard? 2 sofa? 3 TV? 4 chair? 5 desk?

c upboard












Finished? Draw your house. Write questions and answers about it.

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Catch-up 6 ✓

1 Read.

eighto’clock quarterpasteight halfpasteight quartertonine

2 Write the time.

1 I get up at quarter to nine.

2 I have breakfast at

3 I brush my teeth at

4 I go to school at

5 I have lunch at

6 I have dinner at

3 Answer the questions for you.

1 What time do you get up? fl get up at2 What time do you have breakfast? 3 What time do you brush your teeth? 4 What time do you go to school? 5 What time do you have lunch? 6 What time do you have dinner?

Finished? Draw clocks and write about what time you do things on Saturdays.

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Catch-up 7 ✓

1 Look and write.

ride a bike play football climb run swim jump

s wim r c j

r b p f

2 Look and write.

‡he can play football. ™e can’t ride a bike.

3 Answer the questions for you.

✓ Yes, I can. ✗ No, I can’t.

1 Can you ride a bike? 3 Can you swim? 2 Can you climb trees? 4 Can you play football?

1 43










Finished? Draw a robot. What can it do? Write.

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✗ ✓

Catch-up 8

1 Look and complete.

2 Look and complete.

1 I’m reading.2 I’m 3 I’m 4 I’m 5 I’m 6 I’m 7 I’m 8 I’m

1 She isn’t listening to music. ‡he’∫ singing.

2 She

3 He

4 He

3 Look at Activity 1. Write questions and answers.

drawing reading dancing watching TV cooking singing playing computer games listening to music

1 ý∫ she drawing? Yes, she i∫.

2 No,

3 Yes,

4 No,

1 2 34

5 6 7 8

Finished? Draw more pictures. Write questions and answers.

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Catch-up 9 ✓

1 Write.

bank shop hospital station restaurant park

2 Look and complete.

1 †here’∫ a hospital. 3 a house.

2 a station. 4 a park.

3 Look and write. ✓ Yes, there is. ✗ No, there isn’t.

1 Is there a restaurant? ¥e∫, there i∫.

2 Is there a church?

3 Is there a school? 4 Is there a bank? 5 Is there a shop?

4 Read and write.

opposite next to

1 Where’s the park? It’s next to the hospital.

2 Where’s the restaurant? It’s opposite the hospital.

3 Where’s the park? It’s the station.

4 Where’s the restaurant? It’s the shop.

5 Where’s the hospital? It’s the bank.

6 Where’s the bank? It’s the shop.

1 2

3 4

5 6

✓ There’s ✗ There isn’t

1 park






Finished? Draw a street you know. Write about it.

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Catch-up 10 ✓

1 Write.


2 Read.

I like sandwiches. I don’t like salad.

I like bananas. I don’t like cakes.

3 Write.

✓ likes ✗ doesn’t like

1 He like∫ pasta. 3 She eggs.

2 He apples. 4 She tomatoes.

4 Answer the questions for you.

✓ Yes, I do. ✗ No, I don’t.

1 Do you like pasta? 2 Do you like bananas? 3 Do you like cakes? 4 Do you like salad?

bananas cakes apples salad pasta eggs tomatoes sandwiches









Finished? What do your family and friends like? Write.

My likes My doesn’t like