Download - 2015 tips for trendwatchers

  1. 1. tips for trendwatchers who want to be good excellent
  2. 2. observe your environment passionately relentlessly intensively
  3. 3. but always ask yourself what are the consequences?
  4. 4. and always ask yourself which pattern does it hide?
  5. 5. and always ask yourself whats the bigger picture?
  6. 6. and always ask yourself what does it mean?
  7. 7. always have a notebook at hand even when you dont know what to write in it
  8. 8. always have a notebook at hand everywhere
  9. 9. always have a notebook at hand anytime
  10. 10. especially at night thats when the best ideas emerge
  11. 11. exchange ideas especially with people who dont agree with you
  12. 12. or even better partner with them
  13. 13. read a(n awful) lot especially things youre not interested in
  14. 14. make up your mind and turn it into something controversial
  15. 15. make up your mind and turn it into sellable services
  16. 16. be unique but remain credible ..and remain yourself
  17. 17. if you want revenue out of your efforts be patient
  18. 18. if you want glory out of your efforts dont
  19. 19. but never give up! never
  20. 20. after all youre having the best job on earth
  21. 21. twitter: @fdemeyer facebook: instituteforfutureinsights pinterest: fdemeyer