Download - 2014 winter small groups

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Please join us for one (or more) of these small groups begin offered at Trinity Church

this winter! The newest ones are listed first, with the ongoing ones you are welcome to

join at any time following. Notice also the Spirituality Type logos (Head, Heart, Soul,

Hands and Feet) which appear next to each one. See The Trinity Discipleship Path book-

let for more information about spirituality type and how to become more intentional

about your discipleship path through our ministries at Trinity.

You may sign up for any of these small groups by emailing or calling Kari in the church

office ([email protected] or 908-852-3020), using the Just Say Yes form in the

worship bulletins, or you may sign up online by clicking this text.

If you have any questions or have ideas for future groups, please contact Pastor Jenny

([email protected] or 908-852-3020)

NEW Winter Small Groups

The Jesus I Never Knew

Led by: Deb De Vos ([email protected], 973-479-0384)

Meets: 6 Tuesdays, starting January 7, from 7:00-9:00p.m.

Location: Deb’s home (208 High Street, Hackettstown, NJ 07840)

Group size limited to 7

Do you like movies? Then you'll love this study. This is a very different study than you're used to. The Jesus You

Never Knew uses film depictions of Jesus to take you on a journey that will challenge you and change you. A jour-

ney that will expand-and very likely redefine-your understanding of the person, teachings, and life of Jesus

Christ. One that will lead you beyond familiar images of Christ to discover Jesus as you've never known

him: radical, compelling, compassionate, bold, incisive, and ultimately satisfying. Come join us in meeting the Jesus

you never knew.

Christian Caregiving: A Way of Life

Led by: Tom and Kathy Trezise ([email protected], [email protected],


Meets: 10 Tuesdays, starting January 28, from 7:00-9:00p.m.

Location: Trinity House 401

Part of our call as Christian disciples is to love one another, and very often this comes in the form of just caring for

our brothers and sisters around us. This group will explore what it means to care for someone in a distinctively

Christian way. Together we will grow in our ability to reach out to others with Christ-like compassion, listen careful-

ly to another person, pray with another person, share from the Bible naturally and comfortably during a caring con-

versation, and speak words of comfort, encouragement, forgiveness, and hope. Because we will explore how we

live out our faith in the day-to-day interactions with those around us, everyone in the congregation could benefit

from this course.

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The Way of the Child: Helping Children

Experience God— A Small Group for Children, Ages 6-9

Led by: Kim Koch & Jacque Koch ([email protected], 908-813-8882)

Meets: 4 Sundays, starting January 19, from 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Location: Room 113 (Kindergarten Church School Room)

Group size limited to 12

Children have a natural connection to God through their vulnerability and their openness, their acceptance of mys-

tery and propensity for awe. This small group will:

· Help children learn and practice spiritual disciplines (prayer, journaling, art, being still, sensory prayer stations,

etc.), which nurture a deeper relationship with God and encourage responses to God in a spirit of awe, grati-

tude, and praise.

· Lead children to talk regularly about their relationship with God and about God’s presence in their daily lives.

· offer children the opportunity to be heard by adults and peers who listen with heart, mind, and soul

· Lead children to develop an inner self connected to God that is understood in relationship to their daily lives and

the wider world.

· Help children make decisions and commitments that help them feel harmonious with God, their inner selves, and

the world around them.

· Help children to discover ways they can be instruments of God’s love in the world and share their gifts.

Facing the Unknown

Led by: Bill Anzel ([email protected], 908-684-0379)

Meets: 4 Wednesdays, starting February 5, from 7:30-8:45p.m.

Location: Room 108

What unknowns are you facing in life?

Many people feel like their life leads them from one path to the next with no certainty. Is this the right job? Is he or

she “the one?” Is now the time to have kids? What do I do now? Am I even on the right path?

In this four part video series, you’ll experience short cinematic videos set in the 21st century that tell the story of

Abraham. What did Abraham think and feel when God asked him to take those incredible steps of faith? These vid-

eos, along with Mark Batterson’s teachings will guide us in exploring God’s Call, God’s Covenant, God’s Timing, and

God’s Provision.

In the Footsteps of Paul

Led by: Pastor Jenny Smith Walz ([email protected], 908-684-0379)

Meets: 4 Sundays, starting January 29 (skipping February 16), from 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Location: Room 104

Journey with the Apostle Paul, remembering where he went on his missionary journeys, the churches to whom he

wrote, and how the early Christian church moved, grew, and took root because of his life, work and writings. We’ll

also explore a bit beyond Paul to see what came of the church and communities he influenced in early Christian his-

tory. This group might be particularly interesting to those who are traveling to Turkey and Greece later in the

spring, though it is open to anyone!

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Guiding Ourselves to Wellness

Led by: Fran Blaskopf, M.S., Clinical Exercise Specialist ([email protected], 908-684-0379)

Meets: 6 Tuesdays, starting February 25 , 11:00 a.m.—noon

Location: Room 104

This is an invitation to make positive steps to help lead a healthier life, fulfilling Christ's intent for us. Discussions may include

how our body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and fitness abilities can contribute to a healthy lifestyle and how

small changes can positively effect our ability to carry out our activities of daily living (ADLs). This is the second six-week ses-

sion of several, though you do not need to have participated in the first session to join this one. The third six-week session will

begin on May 13. Further six-week sessions and their topics will be determined by the needs and interests of the group. This

group is especially geared toward the seniors in our community, regardless of current health needs. Fran is a certified Clinical

Exercise Specialist, ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine).

NEW Online Small Groups

UM101: An Online Course

Meets: January 22 - March 5 OR February 26 - April 9

Offered by: UMCommunications (

Cost: $9.99

Register: at this website.

(A limited number of virtual seats are available for this course and are first come, first serve.)

This online course is designed for new United Methodists and anyone wanting to know more about the denomina-

tion. Are you a lifelong or long-term Methodist? You may be surprised at what you can learn about our denomina-

tion. The course includes 4 modules that contain many interactive features. Each module takes about 1 hour to

complete. You can move through the modules at your own pace. You’ll explore the following areas of interest:

United Methodist History, Theology and Beliefs of the United Methodist Church, Organization and Governance,

Present and Future Challenges. This course is interactive. You can move at your own pace. We use discussion fo-

rums, quizzes and other activities for a class that’s engaging and hands-on.

Biblical Storytelling I—Online Group

Meets: February 3-17

Offered by:

Cost: $55

To Register: go to this website.

Learning the sacred stories of Scripture by heart and sharing them with others is both an an-

cient-future art and a powerful spiritual practice. This workshop’s methods, developed by the Network of Biblical

Storytellers International, are for everyone who wishes to learn, to tell and to connect with God and other people

through sacred story – yes, you can do it too! By the end of the two-week workshop you will be able to share at

least one text with others by heart, and you will understand how this completely non-technological art fits into a

digital-communications world. Whether you work with children in Sunday School or dream of bringing Scripture to

life in worship or elsewhere, your ministry and your spirit will be enriched by this art. The workshop is taught by

NBS member and United Methodist deacon Beth Galbreath. There is a daily assignment (except Sundays), usually

involving a short document to read and online discussion. There is also online exploration and creative work.

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Facing Financial Struggle: 28 Days of Prayer—Online Group

Meets: This is a self-paced eCourse, which means you can sign up any time and work through the

materials at your own pace.

Offered by:

Cost: $25

To Register: go to this website.

Do you worry about money? Are you experiencing a time of particular financial stress? Join author Wessel Bentley

on a 28-day prayer journey that will improve your perspective and help you tackle your financial problems.

This self-paced eCourse includes:

daily reading, prayers, and practical advice

video messages from Wessel Bentley

audio recordings of scripture

all content from Wessel's book Facing Financial Struggle

All of this content is designed to offer insights into these themes: (1) you are not alone, (2) effective planning, (3)

living with discipline, and (4) living as a steward.

Meditation on Both Sides of the Camera—Online Group

Meets: February 10-21

Offered by:

Cost: $100

To Register: go to this website.

This class, taught by Val Isenhower, explores the idea of photography as a spiritual practice. Photography is a path

to stilling the heart and soul to hear God and to sense the presence of God in the beauty of God’s creation. Medita-

tion behind the camera focuses on how our spiritual lives can inform our photography as we learn to pay attention,

to be patient, to center and to focus our eyes in a new ways. Meditation in front of the camera is the act of focus-

ing on the pictures we take to see how they speak to your souls. This course is experiential. We will read Val's

book, Meditation on Both Sides of the Camera, and discuss ideas on-line. You will also be asked to spend time tak-

ing photographs, sharing them with the class and reflecting on the experience. The book is an ebook and may be

purchased from Upper Room Books. This course is for anyone interested in learning how to include photography in

their spiritual journey. Any type of camera will work, although digital cameras will make uploading pictures easier.

Christian Meditation Practices, Part 1—Online Group

Meets: February 10-14

Offered by:

Cost: $40

To Register: go to this website.

This is a five-day workshop on Christian mediation practices offered by Rev. Beth Perry that begins with introduc-

tions, explores three different types of meditation, and ends with a day of discussion and sharing. Participants can

expect to gain a brief understanding of the definition and history of Christian meditation, an experience of mind,

body, and heart meditations, and an opportunity to reflect on their experiences with the leader and the full group.

Participants should also expect to spend an hour a day online in reading and responding.

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Christian Meditation Practices, Part 2—Online Group

Meets: February 17-21

Offered by:

Cost: $40

To Register: go to this website.

This is a five-day workshop on Christian mediation practices offered by Rev. Beth Perry that focuses on either Lectio

Divina, a body meditation, or the Examen of Grace. Participants will chose one meditation and practice it daily, as

well as discuss and share with all participants. Participants should also expect to spend one-two hours a day in med-

itation and responding. It is recommended that participants take Christian Meditation Practices, Part 1 but it if you

are familiar with meditation already, that is not required.

Come to the Table—Online Group

Meets: February 3-17

Offered by:

Cost: $55

To Register: go to this website.

Deepen your own and your congregation's understanding and practice of Holy Communion, or begin a Eucharistic

ministry, through this wide-ranging study of This Holy Mystery, Scripture, Church history and United Methodist the-

ology and practice of the sacrament. This course will reference, but go beyond, the official U.M. documents to in-

clude art, music, film and video resources to enrich our understanding and participation in the sacrament. Recent

conversation in the UMC about the Table in the digital age will be included.

Participants will need a Bible and U.M. Hymnal and, if possible, a Book of Worship; other materials will be down-

loaded. Class members should be prepared for daily reading, reflection and online discussion. This study is guaran-

teed to deepen your experience of Holy Communion, providing resources and ideas for all, both laypeople and cler-

gy, who plan and lead worship and provide pastoral care.

Come to the Waters—Online Group

Meets: February 3-17

Offered by:

Cost: $55

To Register: go to this website.

Deepen your congregation's experience of baptism, confirmation and reaffirmation of baptism through this wide-

ranging study of By Water and the Spirit, Scripture, Church history and United Methodist theology and practice of

the sacrament. This course will reference, but go beyond, the official United Methodist teaching document on bap-

tism. The class considers preparation of adults for baptism and the unique challenges of the digital age.

Participants will need a Bible and a U.M. Hymnal; other materials will be downloaded. Class members should be

prepared for daily reading, reflection and online discussion. This study is guaranteed to deepen your experience of

baptism, providing resources and ideas for all, both laypeople and clergy, who plan and lead worship or teach con-

firmation or new member classes.

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ONGOING Small Groups

Adult Bible Study

Meets: Each Sunday from 9:15-10:30 a.m.

Leader: Anne Caamano

Room: 102

Not sure how to juggle your children’s Sunday’s school with family worship? Attend bible study the same time

they’re in class and then worship together at the 10:45 service. This bible study is open to all interested in learning

more about God’s Word. This group explores the meaning and application of the message of God's Good News for

us today in various topics, based on the Adult Bible Study curriculum from Cokesbury. Genesis, Exodus, and Psalm

104 will be the focus this fall. You are welcome to join any time.

Wednesday Bible Study

Meets: Each Wednesday from noon-1:00 p.m.

Leader: Pastor Jenny Smith Walz

Room: 104

This mid-day Bible Study explores various topics in short courses of 4-6 weeks at a time. Lively discussion, a sup-

portive group around the table, and a safe place to ask questions and share ideas make this group a great place for

you to come explore, whether you are new to bible study or have been involved in many before. At times our stud-

ies are topical (prayer, women in the bible), other times we study a book of scripture. You are welcome to join any


Men’s Bible Study

Meets: Each Saturday from 7:00-8:00 a.m.,

Leaders: Darrell Haytaian, Claude Buchman, Pastor Frank Fowler, Frank Campagna

Room: Blue Room

We dive into scripture and ask what it means. What does it mean for our world? What does it mean in our lives?

There’s always great fellowship and you need not register. Just show up when you can, and we’ll be there. We’ll be

exploring books of the bible of interest to the group. You are welcome to join any time.

Heath Village Bible Study

Meets: 2nd Monday of each month from 2-3 p.m.

Leaders: Trinity Clergy

Location: Heath Village Activity Room

The clergy of Trinity Church (Frank Fowler, Don Gebhard, Debbie Kauffman, Jenny Smith Walz, and Paul Wells) will

be sharing leadership of this study for residents of Heath Village. We come together in faith through scripture, faith

sharing, and fellowship. We’ll explore scripture together and see how God speaks to us through it. You are wel-

come to join any time.

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Wiseman’s Journey

Meets: 1st Wednesday of each month from 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Leaders: Claude Buchman and Fred Bormann

Room: TH 401

This small group is designed for the Christian male age 50 and above. We will explore topics such as coping with

retirement, the male grandparent, preventive medicine, social relationships and other topics of interest for the ma-

ture Christian male. You are welcome to join any time.

High School Bible Study

Meets: Each Monday from 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Leaders: Anthony and Cheryl Pami

Location: Pami Residence (506 West Valley View; Hackettstown 07840)

Calling all High Schoolers! You are invited to join us every Monday for community, fellowship, a snack or two, and

an exploration of God’s story. To date, we’ve explored the Gospel of Mark as well as the books of Ruth and Jonah,

and letters to the Romans and Colossians. Join us for our continued exploration of God’s story. Come as you are

whenever you can.

English as a Second Language

Meets: Saturdays from 9:30-11:00 a.m.,

Leaders: Lourdes Garcia, Tammy Bormann

Room: TH 401

See description under Spanish as a Second Language

Spanish as a Second Language

Meets: Saturdays from 8:00-9:30 a.m.

Leaders: Lourdes Garcia, Tammy Bormann

Room: TH 401

This marks the seventh year of FREE English and Spanish language classes at Trinity. Church and community volun-

teers provide free childcare for children of all ages. Instructors are certified and highly experienced English and

Spanish language teachers. ALL ARE WELCOME! Please share this information with friends, neighbors and col-

leagues. Join us as we build community and make friends across bridges of language and culture.

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Sacred Parenting: The Five Love Languages of Children

Meets: 1st Thursday of each month from 9:45-11:00 a.m.

Leader: Donna Torkos

Room: 108

Each of us has one or two primary ways that we communicate love to others and receive the love of others. Chap-

man’s Five Love Languages are: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical

touch. Primary love languages begin to take shape at an early age in children—but the need to feel loved begins

and grows right away. With Dr. Ross Campbell's expertise in child development, Dr. Gary Chapman will guide this

group (through DVD, group discussion and optional book reading) to better understand how to make sure the chil-

dren in your life know they are loved. Learn to strengthen the bond you and your children share by speaking their

language. Gather as parents to encourage and support one another in this sacred calling of parenthood.

Go to this website to find out more about The Five Love Languages.

Sister Share

Meets: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Leaders: Betsy Hart and Jackie Gebhard

Room: TH 403

For our study in Sister Share this Fall, we will start a 4 week study of prayer. We will be using the book A Bead and

a Prayer, which will encourage our group to make a prayer bead tool to help us pray. We will then continue studying

different religious topics: Contentment, Encouragement and Hope. This Bible Study is open to all women.

Prayer Shawl

Leaders: Carren Thomas, Pat Bristow, Lorry Fulton

Daytime Group

Meets: 1st Friday of each month from 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Room: Blue Room

Evening Group

Meets: 3rd Monday of each month from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Room: 108

Heath Village Group

Meets: 2nd Friday of each month from 2:00-3:30 p.m.

Location: Heath Village

No experience necessary. The purpose of the Prayer Shawl Ministry is to provide a "comfort gift" of care and con-

cern in the form of a hand-crafted shawl for those in need. The group members minister to each other as they knit

or crochet these beautiful shawls with love, prayers and blessings. Come and learn!! You are welcome to join any-


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Junior Prayer Shawl

Meets: 2nd Wednesday of each month from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Leaders: Ginny Thorp, Pattie Huff, Debbie Tuxhorn

Room: 104

This ministry is intended for young people, age 8 and older, who wish to knit or crochet. Instruction and patterns

will be provided. Although personal items will be made, the ultimate goal will be the creation of a prayer shawl.

Stamping Angels

Meets: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 6:30-9:00 p.m. (Not meeting in February)

Leader: Wahneta Bears

Room: TH 400

Cost: $12 per month for supplies

Each participant will make 3-5 cards, one of which will be donated to the military, church or other organization. You

will learn different techniques and make cards for all occasions, and fellowship with one another as you create.

Sabbath Basketball

Meets: Each Sunday from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Leader: Mike Kratzel

Room: Starr Hall

Consider yourself a “baller” or maybe you just need a good “run”? Come out and join us! We gather, fellowship,

play some good, hard and clean “ball,” and then share a prayer. Invite a friend! You are welcome to join at any



Meets: Thursdays, at 6:30 p.m. (check with Ginny for exact schedule)

Leader: Ginny Thorp

Room: TH 400/401

This small group is designed especially for 4th and 5th grade students to support them in their daily lives and to

help prepare them for Student Ministry activities that begin in 6th grade.

6th & 7th Graders

Room: Trinity House

Leader: Anthony Pami ([email protected])

Meets: the homes of 6th & 7th grade families. Check with Anthony for exact schedule and location)

Join friends, old and new, as we discover God’s story together. We aim to engage students through deepening relationships

with them as they deepen relationships with one another and God – all the while exploring the MYSTERY and MAJESTY of the

GOD-STORY they are living in. Join anytime!

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Boys Small Group

Meets: Every other Tuesday from 7:00-9:00 p.m. (check with John & Mark for exact schedule)

Leaders: John Forestiere & Mark Whittle

Location: TH 401

All boys in grades 9-12 are cordially invited to join in on the conversation and community. This group is intended for

us to grow together, and we will make this small group what you feel you need to get through your week! Join any-



Meets: Each Tuesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Leaders: Laura Iacampo & Cheryl Pami

Location: Iacampo Residence (176 Fairview Avenue; Long Valley 07853)

All girls in grades 9-12 are cordially invited to join in on the conversation, community and perhaps calamity that is all

about being a GIRL! G.I.RL.S. (God in Real-Life Situations) Night is intended for us to grow together, and we will make

this small group what you feel you need to get through your week! Join anytime!

United Methodist Women

Leaders: Vicki Hoffman & Edna Barrier

This organization brings women of the church together to study, to fellowship, to serve, and to

raise funds for global missions, such as Imagine No Malaria. Watch for various opportunities throughout the year to

connect with this group. To find out more about UMW, see this website.

UMW Martha Friendship Circle

Meets: The second Monday of each month at 2:00 p.m.

Leader: Sue Bernard (908-852-6694)

Location: Heath Village Banquet Room

Trinity women and friends: You’re invited to attend this monthly UMW gathering of fun and fellowship. Each

month we sing, pray, snack, and enjoy a special guest. Our special guest in September is Dr. Frank Fowler. You are

welcome to join anytime.

United Methodist Men

Meets: 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00-9:30 a.m.

Leaders: Fred Bormann, Claude Buchman, Norm Barrier, Joe Bristow

Location: Starr Hall

All Men (and Women) are welcome to fellowship together over a delicious breakfast! Each month, different speak-

ers will come and share something they are passionate about, helping you to know more about the speaker or a

topic of interest. Throughout the year, the UMM also sponsor a Scout Troup, raise money for one of Trinity’s schol-

arships, and generally support one another, strengthening the men and fostering community.

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Soul of Creativity

Meets: One Wednesday a month, exact schedule to be determined by the group,

from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Leader: Carol Droppa

Room: TH 401

Our God is a god of creation. As created beings, we all have inherited the ability to create and express ourselves in

unique ways. Creative expression can be a means for us to feed our souls, to learn about ourselves, and connect

with God in ways that enrich our faith journey. In this group, we’ll create places of personal expression and use our

creativity experiments to open ourselves to God’s transforming work. Areas of exploration may include writing,

spiritual autobiography, creativity-enhancing practices, photography, praying in color, illustrated journaling, sketch-

ing, creative mapping and other areas participants may want to discuss and investigate. Although we hope partici-

pants will wish to experiment, explore and share, no one attending need be afraid he or she will be pressured to

“produce” something each month. At our first meeting, we can talk about how often we should meet and best


Centering Prayer

Monday Evening Session

Meets: Each Monday from 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Leaders: Pat Riegler and Pastor Jenny Smith Walz

Room: TH 403


Tuesday Morning Session

Meets: Each Tuesday from 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Leader: Pastor Jenny Smith Walz

Room: Rotunda

Want to grow more deeply in your prayer life? Want to create a habit of praying and dwelling in God’s presence?

We’ll gather every week to practice the art of Centering Prayer. This is a type of silent prayer through which we

learn to experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than conscious-

ness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. Center-

ing Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and facili-

tates the movement from more active modes of prayer into a receptive prayer of resting in God. You’re welcome

to join at any time. Each week, we’ll review the “how” of this type of prayer, engage in it for about 20 minutes, and

then reflect as people feel led about their experience. Join anytime and come as often as you can, but don’t worry

if you need to miss. You are welcome to shift between evening and morning sessions or you could even come to


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A Time for Prayer

Meets: Monthly, dates vary, from 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Offered by: Trinity Worship Ministry Team, contact Leslie Felix-Mule

Room: Sanctuary

This three hour window for prayer time is held in the sanctuary each month. You are welcome to come and spend

as much or as little time as you would like. You might stop by on the way home from work, in between drop-off and

pick-up times, or after dinner. By providing scripture, prayer requests, candle light and quiet music, we hope to cre-

ate an environment that is spirit-filled, and one that welcomes people to spend time in communion with God. All

are welcome!

Prayer 101

Meets: Each Friday from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Leader: Marilyn Lingard

Location: Various Homes Offsite

Studying the history of revivals in America, we pray for our country, and our political leaders. We pray for Christians

all over to be revived and restored. We pray for our personal revival, our Trinity church, its members and current

events. Come as often as you can! You are welcome to join anytime.

She-Mail—Email Devotionals for Women

Leader: Lois Spender ([email protected])

This is a daily email reflection. We share a spiritual “Pick me upper” each workday. From various

authors we glean great material for meditation in the middle of our busy days. You are welcome

to join anytime.

E-Male—Email Devotionals for Men

Leader: Bill Anzel ([email protected])

Does the workday ever get you down? Feeling a bit beat-up or broken. Do you need a pick- me-

up or a glimpse of Christ’s presence in the midst of your day? “E-Male” is a daily reflection for

men aimed at helping them transform in, with and through Christ. You are welcome to join anytime.

God in Many Faces / God through Many Lenses

Meets: One Sunday a month, exact schedule to be determined by group, from 9:00-10:30 a.m.

Leader: Tammy Bormann

Room: Blue Room

This small group will use Scripture, music, the writings of contemporary theologians, and documentary film, to ex-

plore how we see, experience and understand God through our differing cultural, ethnic and racial lenses. There

will be time for prayer, worship and dialogue. You are welcome to join anytime!

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Trinity Garden

Meets: You are welcome to help when you can. This group will begin preparing and planning for

the planting season soon. Occasional group meetings will be scheduled for reflection and planning.

Sign up for the group to be included in informational emails.

Leader: Mary Brigode ([email protected] or 304-552-2021)

Join the gardening effort any time! Have you noticed the garden in the back of the church property, near the

brook? Through the summer and into the fall, plants will continue to ripen and ready for harvesting and donating to

the Lord’s Pantry to share with those in need in our community. Whether you are a master gardener or aren’t sure

whether you’ve got a green or a black thumb, come join, learn, grow together as you help bountiful food and flow-

ers grow as well. We need water-ers, weed-ers, compost-ers, harvest-ers, and more! We are constantly increasing

our accessibility in the garden. There is now a ramp and there will be a few beds raised high enough that no bend-

ing over will be necessary. Contact Mary for more information and to find out how you can help!

“One is nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.” (Dorothy Frances Gurney )

Make plans now to participate in our upcoming Lenten Study!

Groups will be available each day of the week, at various locations.