Download - 2014 IT Salary Survey: Networking Research Findings © 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved.


The 353 staff- and 296 managerial-level insurance IT pros in our survey saw modest bumps in compensation. While over three-quarters of both staffers and managers got raises within the past 12 months, just 23% of staff and 31% of management report increases of 5% or more. Other data points:

>> 90% of managers and 78% of staffers expect to receive bonuses in 2014.

>> 62% of staff attended company-paid training in the past 12 months; 61% of managers say the same.

>> 32% of managers hold an MBA or other master’s degree (31%) or PhD (1%).

>> 21% of managers seeking new jobs say they want less stress.

>> 9% of both staffers and managers feel insecure in their jobs.

Respondent breakdown: 41% work for insurance firms with 5,000 or more employees; 25% have over 20,000.

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Executive Summary


Networking base salaries

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Data center vs. networking salaries

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Data center salaries are rising

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Networking salaries are rising

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Base salary trends: Data center

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Base salary trends: Networking

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Staff total compensation rises

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Data center, networking compensated about the same

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Data center management compensation flattening

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Networking compensation rising

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Men make more money

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Female managers’ compensation has fallen

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Staff, management salaries closer at small companies

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Ages 46-55 earn the most

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Most expect bonuses in 2014

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Personal performance usually bonus reason

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Staff: more non-IT experience than mangement

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Past non-IT jobs vary widely

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Most job duties are IT focused

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Staff non-IT activity: mostly spent with peers

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Management non-IT work: spent with peers, non-IT managers

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Managing network infrastructure most critical skill

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Staff base pay highest in Pacific

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Staff base pay stagnated in Mountain region

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Manager base pay the highest in South Atlantic

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Manager base pay changes most in Midwest

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Health insurance, 401(K) match top rewards expectations

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Technology-specific training is most desired

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Most training is company paid

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Median out-of-pocket training expenses is $1,000

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Staffers: Job stability matters most

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Managers also want job stability

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Benefits less important to managers than staffers

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Staff, management: Long-time IT professionals

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Median time at company: 7-9 years

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About a quarter of employees job hop

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Most are ‘satisfied’ with compensation

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Compensation satisfaction has grown slightly

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Management compensation satisfaction levels stay the same

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Management more satisfied overall than staff with total compensation

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Staff happy overall with job

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Management also happy overall with job

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

More management than staff finds job stimulating

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Management feels more job security

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Staff job security feelings improving

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Management feelings of job security edges up 6%

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Management more optimistic about career path than staff

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Staff career path optimism growing

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Career path optimism also growing among management

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Most believe IT career is just as secure as other jobs

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Staff: IT is more secure career than 2 years ago

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Management: IT is more secure career than 2 years ago

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Most raises less than 5%

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Half of companies don’t outsource IT

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Outsourcing hurts staff more than management

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Most careers not affected by outsourcing

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Most are not looking for a new job

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Job seekers’ biggest reason: more money

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Increased job satisfaction best reason to take a lower position

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Network staff: Troubleshooting most time-consuming task

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Network management spends most time monitoring

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Data center staff: most time spent on systems management

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Data center managers’ jobs are mostly managing personnel

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Data center consolidation increases workload the most

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Data center managers collaborate most with contractors

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Networking pros are working more with contractors, too

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Most have bachelor’s degree

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Sexes represented equally in staff, management

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Managers are older than staffers

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Respondent company revenue ranges from $1M to $10B

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Most have at least 1,000 employees

© 2014 Property of UBM Tech; All Rights Reserved

Most companies in healthcare, government

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Research SynopsisSurvey Name InformationWeek 2014 US IT Salary Survey: Networking and Datacenter Management

Survey Date February 2014

Region United States

Number of Respondents 953 networking and datacenter management professionals composed of 491 staff and 462 managers

Purpose To track IT salary and compensation trends from the perspective of those on the front lines, InformationWeek conducts an annual US IT Salary Survey. Now in its 17th year, it’s the largest employee-based IT salary survey in the country. This year 11,662 full-time IT professionals completed the web-based survey. The goal of this trendable study is to measure various aspects of compensation, benefits, and job satisfaction. This report focuses on the 953 networking and datacenter management professionals who participated in the survey.

Methodology The survey was designed by InformationWeek and fielded online. The survey was promoted in InformationWeek’s daily and weekly newsletters. In addition, email invitations with an embedded link to the survey were sent to qualified IT professionals from UBM Tech databases. The survey was fielded from November 2013 to February 2014. The information within this report is based on responses from 953 networking and datacenter management professionals. Unemployed and part-time workers were excluded from these results, as were respondents from outside the United States. This report uses median rather than mean or average figures for salary and percentage salary changes to eliminate distortions caused by extremes at the high and low ends of the response scale.

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