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The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product

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© FAO 2012

Map of Asia and the Pacific is used courtesy of The General Libraries, The University of Texas

at Austin. The picture on the cover was taken by Farooq Naeem/FAO. Tables were prepared

by the FAO Statistics Division and the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, on the basis

of information available as of August 2012. Please note that growth rates take into

consideration data that are not printed. Inquiries about the technical contents and comments

about the profiles should be addressed to the Senior Statistician, FAO Regional office for Asia

and the Pacific.

For copies write to: Jairo Castaño

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The latest FAO food and agriculture statistics are available on the internet at:

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This document is the twenty-eighth issue of the publication Selected indicators of food and

agricultural development in the Asia-Pacific region. It presents data on selected items for the

years 2001-2010, except for some tables that also provide information for 2011. Most tables

show two types of information: annual figures for 2000, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 and the

average annual growth rate for the period 2000-2010. The indicators are grouped under the

following headings: Agricultural land and population, Agricultural inputs, Production indices,

Staple food crops, Edible oil crops, Horticultural crops, Fibre crops, Other crops, Livestock,

Agricultural trade, Fisheries, Forestry, Nutrition and Other indicators, including two tables

reporting the status of organic farming and the production and trade of biofuels in the region.

A section on country profiles precedes the tables.

Member countries in the region are shown under two main groups: “Developing countries/

transition economies” and “Developed countries”. Subregional totals are also shown under

the first group. Statistics obtained using data values from all of these member countries are

labeled as “Asia & Pacific*”. For comparison purposes, figures relating to “Rest of world” and

“World” are also presented. Country data for Timor-Leste were reported as provincial data

for Indonesia before 2000.

For almost all commodity tables, data are mainly retrieved from the FAO computerized data

bases, especially FAOSTAT, on the basis of information available as of August 2012. Data

given for 2011 was still incomplete and preliminary as of that date. These data are based on

information supplied by member countries. Other sources of data are cited.

Many members have substantially revised statistics for earlier years or have provided estimates

for 2010. Totals for these years may be under-estimates due to non-reporting or partial

reporting. Such instances are identified by the superscripts used in the tables. Caution should

therefore be used when interpreting these estimates.

To indicate the overall regional performance and also to highlight intercountry differences,

growth rates shown in the present publication have been calculated using the semi-log

regression (or exponential growth) covering all time points.

Various units of FAO, especially the Statistics Division and in particular the Production, Trade

and Food Balance Sheet, and the Statistical Systems and Data Dissemination Teams,

substantially contributed to the preparation of this publication. Their collaboration is gratefully


Hiroyuki Konuma

Assistant Director-General and

FAO Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific

Bangkok, October 2012

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* Unofficial figure

A May include official, semi-official or estimated data

F FAO estimate

Fc FAO Calculated

P Partner data

T Trend calculation

... Data not available

MT Metric tonne

Ha Hectare

Kg Kilogram

Kg/ha Kilogram per hectare

CUM Cubic meter

In most tables a blank space has the same meaning as the symbol (...) defined above.

Subregional totals refer only to countries in the table.

For crop yields and all subregional totals no (F) or (*) symbol is used as these are derived


To divide decimals from whole numbers, a full stop (.) is used.

Please note that Asia-Pacific* refers to countries in the table.

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Developing Countries/Transition Economies

Southeast Asia ............................................................................................ 3

South and Southwest Asia .......................................................................... 8

North and Central Asia ................................................................................ 13

East Asia ..................................................................................................... 15

Pacific Islands ............................................................................................. 17

Developed Countries ...................................................................................... 24



1 Land use in 2009 ......................................................................................... 29

2 Agricultural land ........................................................................................... 30

3 Agricultural population ................................................................................. 31

4 Agricultural land and population .................................................................. 32


5 Irrigation ...................................................................................................... 35

6 Area equipped for irrigation as proportion of agricultural land ..................... 36

7 Mineral fertilizers: consumption ................................................................... 37

8 Mineral fertilizers: consumption per ha of agricultural land ......................... 38

9 Agricultural tractors: number in use ............................................................. 39


10 Agricultural production indices .................................................................... 43

11 Food production indices .............................................................................. 44


A. Cereals

12 Rice paddy: production ................................................................................ 47

13 Rice paddy: yield ......................................................................................... 48

14 Rice paddy: area harvested ........................................................................ 49

15 Wheat: production ....................................................................................... 50

16 Wheat: yield ................................................................................................. 51

17 Wheat: area harvested ................................................................................ 52

18 Maize: production ........................................................................................ 53

19 Maize: yield ................................................................................................. 54

20 Maize: area harvested ................................................................................. 55

21 Millet: production ......................................................................................... 56

22 Millet: yield ................................................................................................... 57

23 Millet: area harvested .................................................................................. 58

24 Cereals: production ..................................................................................... 59

25 Cereals: yield ............................................................................................... 60

26 Cereals: area harvested .............................................................................. 61

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CONTENTS (continued)


B. Roots and Tubers

27 Cassava: production .................................................................................... 65

28 Cassava: yield ............................................................................................. 66

29 Cassava: area harvested ............................................................................ 67

30 Sweet potatoes: production ......................................................................... 68

31 Sweet potatoes: yield .................................................................................. 69

32 Sweet potatoes: area harvested .................................................................. 70

33 Potatoes: production ................................................................................... 71

34 Potatoes: yield ............................................................................................. 72

35 Potatoes: area harvested ............................................................................ 73

36 Taro (cocoyam): production ......................................................................... 74

37 Taro (cocoyam): yield .................................................................................. 75

38 Taro (cocoyam): area harvested .................................................................. 76

39 Roots and tubers: production ...................................................................... 77

40 Roots and tubers: yield ................................................................................ 78

41 Roots and tubers: area harvested ............................................................... 79

C. Pulses

42 Pulses: production ....................................................................................... 83

43 Pulses: yield ................................................................................................ 84

44 Pulses: area harvested ................................................................................ 85


45 Groundnuts in shell: production ................................................................... 89

46 Groundnuts in shell: yield ............................................................................ 90

47 Groundnuts in shell: area harvested ........................................................... 91

48 Soybeans: production .................................................................................. 92

49 Soybeans: yield ........................................................................................... 93

50 Soybeans: area harvested .......................................................................... 94

51 Coconut: production .................................................................................... 95

52 Palm oil: production ..................................................................................... 96

53 Oil crops (primary): production .................................................................... 97


54 Fruit total (excluding melons): production ................................................... 101

55 Bananas: production ................................................................................... 102

56 Citrus fruit total: production ......................................................................... 103

57 Mangoes, mangosteens, guavas: production .............................................. 104

58 Vegetables total (including melons): production .......................................... 105

59 Cabbages and other brassicas: production ................................................. 106

60 Cabbages and other brassicas: yield .......................................................... 107

61 Cabbages and other brassicas: area harvested .......................................... 108

62 Tomatoes: production .................................................................................. 109

63 Tomatoes: yield ........................................................................................... 110

64 Tomatoes: area harvested ........................................................................... 111

65 Onions (dry): production .............................................................................. 112

66 Onions (dry): yield ....................................................................................... 113

67 Onions (dry): area harvested ....................................................................... 114

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CONTENTS (continued)



68 Jute and jute-like fibres: production ............................................................. 117

69 Jute and jute-like fibres: yield ...................................................................... 118

70 Jute and jute-like fibres: area harvested ..................................................... 119

71 Seed cotton: production .............................................................................. 120

72 Seed cotton: yield ........................................................................................ 121

73 Seed cotton: area harvested ....................................................................... 122

74 Silk-worm cocoons, reelable: production ..................................................... 123


75 Rubber, gums, waxes: production ............................................................... 127

76 Sugar cane: production ............................................................................... 128

77 Sugar cane: yield ......................................................................................... 129

78 Sugar cane: area harvested ........................................................................ 130

79 Coffee (green): production........................................................................... 131

80 Coffee (green): yield .................................................................................... 132

81 Coffee (green): area harvested ................................................................... 133

82 Tea: production ............................................................................................ 134

83 Tea: yield ..................................................................................................... 135

84 Tea: area harvested ..................................................................................... 136

85 Cocoa beans: production ............................................................................ 137

86 Cocoa beans: yield ...................................................................................... 138

87 Cocoa beans: area harvested ..................................................................... 139

88 Chillies and peppers, green: production ...................................................... 140

89 Chillies and peppers, green: yield ............................................................... 141

90 Chillies and peppers, green: area harvested ............................................... 142


91 Livestock production indices: total ............................................................... 145

92 Livestock production indices: per caput ...................................................... 146

93 Cattle: population ........................................................................................ 147

94 Buffaloes: population ................................................................................... 148

95 Pigs: population ........................................................................................... 149

96 Sheep: population ....................................................................................... 150

97 Goats: population ........................................................................................ 151

98 Chickens: population ................................................................................... 152

99 Ducks: population ........................................................................................ 153

100 Meat total: production .................................................................................. 154

101 Cattle meat: production ............................................................................... 155

102 Buffalo meat: production.............................................................................. 156

103 Pig meat: production ................................................................................... 157

104 Sheep meat: production .............................................................................. 158

105 Goat meat: production ................................................................................. 159

106 Chicken meat: production ............................................................................ 160

107 Milk total: production ................................................................................... 161

108 Cow milk: production ................................................................................... 162

109 Buffalo milk: production ............................................................................... 163

110 Hen eggs: production .................................................................................. 164

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CONTENTS (continued)



111 Agricultural products: imports in value ........................................................ 167

112 Agricultural products: exports in value ........................................................ 168

113 Cereals: imports in volume .......................................................................... 169

114 Cereals: exports in volume .......................................................................... 170

115 Rice: imports in volume ............................................................................... 171

116 Rice: exports in volume ............................................................................... 172

117 Wheat + flour, wheat equivalent: imports in volume .................................... 173

118 Wheat + flour, wheat equivalent: exports in volume .................................... 174

119 Palm oil: imports in volume ......................................................................... 175

120 Palm oil: exports in volume ......................................................................... 176

121 Natural rubber: imports in volume ............................................................... 177

122 Natural rubber: exports in volume ............................................................... 178

123 Coffee (green + roast): imports in volume ................................................... 179

124 Coffee (green + roast): exports in volume ................................................... 180

125 Tea: imports in volume ................................................................................ 181

126 Tea: exports in volume ................................................................................ 182

127 Cotton lint: imports in volume ...................................................................... 183

128 Cotton lint: exports in volume ...................................................................... 184

129 Jute: imports in volume ............................................................................... 185

130 Jute: exports in volume ............................................................................... 186

131 Silk: imports in volume ................................................................................ 187

132 Silk: exports in volume ................................................................................ 188


133 Inland capture fisheries: production ............................................................ 191

134 Marine capture fisheries: production ........................................................... 192

135 Total capture fisheries: production ............................................................... 193

136 Aquaculture: production .............................................................................. 194

137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume ............................... 195

138 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in value .................................. 196


139 Roundwood: production .............................................................................. 199

140 Wood fuel (including wood for charcoal): production................................... 200

141 Industrial roundwood: production ................................................................ 201

142 Sawlogs and veneer logs: production ......................................................... 202

143 Sawnwood and sleepers: production .......................................................... 203

144 Wood-based panels: production .................................................................. 204

145 Wood pulp: production................................................................................. 205

146 Paper and paperboard: production .............................................................. 206

147 Forestry products: imports in value ............................................................. 207

148 Forestry products: exports in value ............................................................. 208

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CONTENTS (continued)



149 Per person dietary energy consumption (DEC), number and proportion ofundernourished population .......................................................................... 211

150 Daily per capita energy availability from major food groups:vegetal and animal products ....................................................................... 212

151 Daily per capita energy availability from major food groups:cereals, starchy roots and pulses ................................................................ 213

152 Daily per capita energy availability from major food groups:sugar and sweeteners, oilcrops, fruits and vegetables ............................... 214

153 Daily per capita energy availability from major food groups:vegetable oils, meat, milk – excluding butter and fish-seafood ................... 215

154 Availability from major food groups as percentage of total energy supply:vegetal and animal products ....................................................................... 216

155 Availability from major food groups as percentage of total energy supply:cereals, starchy roots and pulses ................................................................ 217

156 Availability from major food groups as percentage of total energy supply:sugar and sweeteners, oilcrops, fruits and vegetables ............................... 218

157 Availability from major food groups as percentage of total energy supply:vegetable oils, meat, milk – excluding butter and fish-seafood ................... 219

158 Desirable dietary pattern (DDP) .................................................................. 220

159 Percentage of protein and fats from animal sources in total dietaryenergy supply .............................................................................................. 221

160 Yearly per capita consumption in kilogrammes from major food groups,2009 ............................................................................................................ 222

161 Some population indicators affecting nutritional status ............................... 223


162 Number and area of agricultural holdings ................................................... 227

163 Organic farming in Asia and the Pacific 2010 .............................................. 228

164 Population and agricultural labour force ...................................................... 229

165 Growth of GDP and agricultural GDP .......................................................... 230

166 Agriculture’s share in GDP, growth rate of value added in agriculture andindustry ........................................................................................................ 231

167 GNI per caput, its growth, inflation and ODA receipts ................................. 232

168 Food consumption, food imports and food aid ............................................ 233

169 Bioenergy production, consumption and trade ............................................ 234

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Country Profiles







Cambodia Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Thailand

Timor-Leste Viet Nam

Pakistan Sri Lanka

Kazakhstan Russian UzbekistanFederation

Cook Islands Fiji Islands Kiribati Marshall Micronesia, Nauru NiueIslands Fed. States of

Palau Papua New Samoa Solomon Tonga Tuvalu VanuatuGuinea Islands

Australia Japan New Zealand

Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Iran Maldives Nepal

China DPR Korea Mongolia Republic ofKorea

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Cambodia is located on mainland Southeast Asia between Thailand, Viet Nam and Lao PDR. Cambodia hasa sea coast on the Gulf of Thailand. Natural resources are abundant in timber, gemstones, some iron ore,manganese and phosphate and hydroelectric potential from the Mekong River. Agriculture dominates theCambodian economy, contributing 36 percent GDP in 2010 and employing 65.4 percent of the workforce in2011. The majority of farming households are engaged in rice production. Main agricultural products are paddyrice, cassava, maize, cattle meat, pig meat, and vegetables. Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of20 percent from 2000 to 2010. The main agricultural imports include refined sugar, cigarettes, prepared food,non-alcoholic beverage, and food waste. Over the same period, agricultural exports have increased 17.3 percentannually. Soybeans is the major agricultural export followed by natural rubber, rice, maize, palm oil andcigarettes.

Land Use 2009Total area: 17 652 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 23%

Population 2011Total population: 14 305 thousand

Agricultural population: 65.5%

Total GDP: US$11 242 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$750

Agricultural GDP: 36% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$639.4 million

Exports: US$161.7 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 410 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 17%


Land Use 2009Total area: 181 157 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 23.5%

Population 2011Total population: 242 326 thousand

Agricultural population: 36.7%

Total GDP: US$708 027 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$2 500

Agricultural GDP: 15.3% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$12 474.9 million

Exports: US$30 722.4 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 700 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 9%

Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago, is located between the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. A large part ofits land area is coastal lowlands; larger islands have interior mountains. The country has extensive naturalresources, including abundant forest and oceanic resources, fertile land and rich deposits of petroleum, naturalgas, tin, nickel, timber, bauxite, copper, coal, gold and silver. Indonesia has a well-balanced economy in whichall major sectors play an important role. Agriculture (including animal husbandry, fishing and forestry) is bothan important source of export earnings and formal employment, and the means by which the majority of theIndonesian rural population subsists. About 40.8 percent of the workforce in 2011 engages in agriculture. Theagricultural sector contributed 15.3 percent of the total GDP in 2010. Main agricultural products are paddy rice,palm oil, rubber, cassava, chicken meat, coconuts, maize, and bananas. Agricultural imports have grown at anannual rate of 12.7 percent from 2000 to 2010. Main agricultural imports include wheat, cake of soybean, cottonlint, soybeans, and refined sugar. Over the same period, agricultural exports have grown at 22.4 percentannually. Palm oil is the major agricultural export followed by dry natural rubber, palm kernels, cocoa beans andgreen coffee.


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Lao People’s Democratic Republic is a mountainous, land-locked, small country heavily dependanteconomically on Thailand with an inadequate infrastructure and a largely unskilled workforce. The mostvaluable natural resources are forests and rivers which are useful for producing electricity; but some of theelectricity produced is exported to Thailand and little is available outside of urban areas. Agriculture (includingforestry and fishing) is the most important economic sector. Agriculture, mostly subsistence rice farming,employs an estimated 74.7 percent of the workforce in 2011 and produces about 32.7 percent of GDP in 2010.Rice production dominates agriculture, accounting for 40 percent of land under cultivation. Fresh vegetable isthe most important non-rice cash crop. Other crops include maize, pig meat, buffalo meat, green coffee, tabacco,and cattle meat. Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of 16.9 percent from 2000 to 2010. The mainagricultural imports include non-alcoholic beverages, bever, prepared food, coffee extracts, refined sugar, andfood wastes. Over the same period, agricultural exports have expanded 13.3 percent annually. Green coffee isthe major agricultural export followed by maize, sesame seed and prepared fruit.


Land Use 2009Total area: 23 080 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 6.4%

Population 2011Total population: 6 288 thousand

Agricultural population: 74.7%

Total GDP: US$7 181 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$1 010

Agricultural GDP: 32.7% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$289.4 million

Exports: US$77.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 310 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 28%


Land Use 2009Total area: 32 855 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 23.1%

Population 2011Total population: 28 859 thousand

Agricultural population: 11.5%

Total GDP: US$237 797 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$7 760

Agricultural GDP: 10.6% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$14 080.1 million

Exports: US$25 912.7 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 800 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: <5%

Malaysia consists of two separate parts divided by the South China Sea: Peninsular Malaysia on the MalayPeninsula; and East Malaysia, the northern part of the Island of Borneo. Both West and East Malaysia featurecoastal plains rising to often densely forested hills and mountains. Natural resources are petroleum, liquefiednatural gas (LNG), tin and minerals. The main agricultural products are palm oil, chicken meat, palm kernels,natural rubber, paddy rice, hen eggs and pig meat. Malaysia transformed itself from 1971 through the late 1990sfrom a producer of raw materials into an emerging multi-sector economy via the New Economic Plan (NEP).Manufacturing grew from 13.9 percent of GDP in 1970 to 25.5 percent in 2009, while agriculture and mining,which together had accounted for 42.7 percent of GDP in 1970, dropped to approximately 10.6 percent in 2010.Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of 14.7 percent from 2000 to 2010. Main agricultural importsinclude natural rubber, cocoa beans, palm oil, sugar raw centrifugal, maize, and rice. Over the same period,agricultural exports have increased 17.1 percent annually. Palm oil is the major agricultural export (world’slargest exporter) followed by hydrogenated oil, natural rubber, fatty acids, cocoa butter and palm kernel.

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Myanmar has borders on the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal and is located between Bangladesh andThailand. It has central lowlands ringed by steep, rugged highlands. Natural resources are petroleum, timber, tin,antimony, zinc, copper, tungsten, lead, coal, some marble, limestone, precious stones, natural gas andhydropower. Main agricultural products are paddy rice, dry beans, chicken meat, pig meat, vegetables, sesameseed, and fresh fruit. According to official data, agriculture (including forestry and fishing) remains by far thebiggest sector, accounting for 59.1 percent of current-price GDP in 2010, and employing close to 66.7 percent ofthe workforce in 2011. Agricultural imports have increased at an annual rate of 13.4 percent from 2000 to 2010.Main agricultural imports include palm oil, prepared food, non-alcoholic beverage, bever, and beer of barley.Over the same period, agricultural exports have increased 11.5 percent annually. Dry beans are the majoragricultural export followed by sesame seeds, maize, rice and chick peas.


Land Use 2009Total area: 65 352 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 18.6%

Population 2011Total population: 48 337 thousand

Agricultural population: 66.7%

Total GDP: n.a.

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: n.a.

Agricultural GDP %: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$1 227.8 million

Exports: US$645.5 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

The Philippines is one of the world’s largest archipelagos; with more than 7 100 islands, it extends 1 900 kmnorth to south and 1 100 km east to west. The land is mostly mountainous with coastal lowlands. The Philippineshas extensive fishing resources (both marine and inland) and large deposits of mineral and energy resources,such as petroleum, nickel, cobalt, silver and gold, and timber. Reflecting its varied resource endowments,physical and human, the economy is diversified. Rice production continues to dominate the agricultural sector.Other main agricultural products include pig meat, bananas, coconut, tropical fresh fruit, and chicken meat.About 33.1 percent of the workforce engages in agriculture. The share of agriculture in total GDP has declinedas the sector contributed only about 12.3 percent of the total GDP in 2010. Reflecting this trend, agriculturalexports currently account for less than 6 percent of the country’s foreign earnings. Agricultural imports havegrown at an annual rate of 10.3 percent from 2000 to 2010. Rice is the main agricultural import, followed bywheat, cake of soya beans, prepared food, tobacco, and skimmed milk. Over the same period, agriculturalexports have grown at 8.9 percent. Coconut oil are the country’s a major agricultural export. The country alsoexports bananas, desiccated coconut, pineapples and prepared fruits.


Land Use 2009Total area: 29 817 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 35%

Population 2011Total population: 94 852 thousand

Agricultural population: 32.9%

Total GDP: US$199 589 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$2 060

Agricultural GDP: 12.3% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$5 827.6 million

Exports: US$3 362.9 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 500 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 17%

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Thailand consists of a densely populated central plain; northeastern plateau; mountain range in the west; anda southern isthmus that connects to Malaysia. Natural resources are tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum,timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite and fluorite. The Thai economy is export-dependent, with exports accountingfor 60 percent of GDP. The agriculture sector accounted for 12.4 percent of GDP in 2010. Approximately47.7 percent of Thailand’s labour force is employed in agriculture. Rice, the dominant agricultural export crop,is irrigated in the Central Plains and in the basins of northern Thailand, but it is rain-fed elsewhere. Thailandremains the world’s largest exporter of rice, and in 2008 sold over 10.2 million tonnes of rice worth almostUS$6.1 billion. Other agricultural products are natural rubber, cassava, sugar cane, chicken meat, mangoes andpig meat. Other agricultural commodities produced in significant amounts include fish and fishery products.Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of 11 percent from 2000 to 2010. Soya beans (including cake)is the main agricultural import, followed by cotton lint, prepared food and wheat. Over the same period,agricultural exports have grown at an annual rate of 14.6 percent. Rice and natural rubber (world’s largestexporter) are the country’s two major agricultural export items. The country also exports canned chicken,prepared foods and sugar.


Land Use 2009Total area: 51 089 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 37.2%

Population 2011Total population: 69 519 thousand

Agricultural population: 40.3%

Total GDP: US$318 908 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$4 150

Agricultural GDP: 12.4% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$7 433.1 million

Exports: US$25 895.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 850 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 7%


Land Use 2009Total area: 1 487 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 15.1%

Population 2011Total population: 1 154 thousand

Agricultural population: 79.4%

Total GDP: US$875 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$2 730

Agricultural GDP%: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$67.8 million

Exports: US$16.4 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 1 880 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 38%

Timor-Leste is a small mountainous country that is classified among the poorest countries of the world and thepoorest in Southeast Asia. Approximately 42 percent of the population of 1.1 million is considered to be belowthe national poverty line of US$1.5 per day and 79.4 percent work in agriculture. GDP is expected to declinefurther, reflecting the continued effect of the reduced international presence and the adverse impact of theweather on agricultural output. The agricultural economy is dominated by low input/output subsistenceagriculture. Important products are rice, meat, maize, pig meat, and green coffee. Household food security ishighly heterogeneous across districts and the country, although food insecurity is generally a more pronouncedproblem in rural upland areas. Main agricultural imports include rice, prepared foods, plam oil, non-alcoholicbeverage, and chicken meat. Green coffee is the major agricultural export followed by cocoa beans, spices andcopra.

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The terrain of Viet Nam varies from mountainous to coastal delta. Natural resources are coal, crude oil, zinc,copper, silver, gold, manganese and iron. Main agricultural products are rice, sugar cane, cassava, vegetablesand maize. Measured by employment, Viet Nam is an agrarian society, with around 62.7 percent of the labourforce working in agriculture. Since 1986, when the Sixth Party Congress approved a broad economic reformpackage called “Doi Moi” (renovation), Viet Nam became one of the fastest growing economies in the world,averaging around 7.5 percent annual GDP growth from 2000 to 2010. Simultaneously, agricultural productiondoubled, transforming Viet Nam from a net food importer to one of the world’s largest producers of rice and ofcommodities such as pig meat, vegetables, green coffee, cashew nuts, fresh fruit, cassava and rubber. However,agriculture’s share of economic output declined, falling from 42 percent in 1989 to 20.6 percent in 2010(as production in other sectors of the economy increased). Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of23.4 percent from 2000 to 2010. The main agricultural imports include soya bean cake, bever, palm oil, cottonlint, cigarettes, wheat, and chicken meat. Over the same period, agricultural exports have increased 18.2 percentannually. Rice is the major agricultural export followed by green coffee (world’s second largest exporter),cashew nuts, natural rubber, and pepper.


Land Use 2009Total area: 31 007 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 31.1%

Population 2011Total population: 88 792 thousand

Agricultural population: 62.7%

Total GDP: US$106 427 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$1 160

Agricultural GDP: 20.6% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$9 072.7 million

Exports: US$10 411.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 760 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 9%

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Land Use 2009Total area: 65 223 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 12.1%

Population 2011Total population: 32 358 thousand

Agricultural population: 59.4%

Total GDP: US$17 243 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$410

Agricultural GDP: 29.9% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$1 045.0 million

Exports: US$271.7 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

Afghanistan is a country of rugged mountains and arid plains, which become deserts in the southwest. It hasa wealth of natural resources, including extensive deposits of natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromites aswell as (semi)precious stones. Agricultural production is constrained by an almost total dependence on erraticwinter snows and spring rains for water; irrigation is primitive. The main agriculture products are wheat, cowmilk, cattle meat, sheep meat, grapes, rice and vegetables. The economy has traditionally been dominated byagriculture, which accounted for 29.9 percent of the GDP at current prices in 2010 and employed around59.4 percent of the workforce in 2011. Relatively little use is made of machines, chemical feritlizers orpesticides. Years of flighting left former cultivated lands uncultivated and yields have dropped, leading topersistent food shortages and increasing food imports. Four consecutive recent years of drought brought a foodcrisis to Afghanistan. Official statistics have been non-existent since the fall of the government in 1992. One ofthe largest sectors of the economy is opium poppy cultivation and processing, which together with a growingopium trade may account for one-third of the country’s GDP. Main agricultural imports include wheat, palm oil,prepared food, cigarettes, and hydrogenated oil. Raisins, shelled almonds, and pistachios are the mainagricultural exports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 13 017 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 65.7%

Population 2011Total population: 150 494 thousand

Agricultural population: 44.4%

Total GDP: US$100 357 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$700

Agricultural GDP: 18.6% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$5 399.1 million

Exports: US$364.7 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 350 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 17%

The land of Bangladesh is mostly flat, although there are some hilly areas in the northeastern and southeasternregions. Much of the land is intersected by the numerous waterways of the Ganges Delta and the BrahmaputraRiver. The annual flooding of the land provides rich alluvial soils. Natural resources are natural gas, fertile soiland water. Around 75 percent of the planted crop area is devoted to rice crops which can be harvested threetimes a year in many areas thanks to fertile soil and ample water supply. Other agriculture products are potatoes,goat milk, mangoes, goat meat, and cattle meat. Bangladesh’s predominantly agricultural economy accountedfor 18.6 percent of the total GDP in 2010, depending heavily on an erratic monsoonal cycle with periodicflooding and drought. Most Bangladeshis, 44.4 percent of the total workforce, earn their living from agriculture.Population pressure continues to place a severe burden on productive capacity, creating a food deficit, especiallyof wheat. Foreign assistance and commercial imports fill the gap. Agricultural imports have grown at an annualrate of 14.2 percent from 2000 to 2010. Main agricultural imports include wheat, sugar, cotton lint, palm oil, dryonions, and soy bean oil. Over the same period, agricultural exports have increased 15.8 percent annually. Jute isthe country’s major agricultural export (world’s largest exporter), followed by tabacco, vegetables, tea andcotton waste.

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Bhutan, one of the world’s smallest and least developed countries, is mostly mountainous with some fertilevalleys and savanna; 84 percent of the total land is forest. Natural resources are timber, hydropower, gypsum andcalcium carbide. The economy is closely aligned with India through strong trade and monetary links anddependence on India’s financial assistance. Although poor in terms of income per head, poverty is less evidentthan in most countries of similar income levels. The economy of Bhutan is based on agriculture, mainlysubsistence farming, animal husbandry and forestry, providing the main livelihood to over 92.8 percent of theworkforce and contributing 18.7 percent of GDP in 2010. However, the main growth in the sector is a result offorestry and cash-crop production. Increasing self-sufficiency is a major target of the Government. Mainagricultural products are nutmeg, and cardamoms, paddy rice, cow milk, cattle meat, and dry chillies andpeppers. Agricultural imports have increased at an annual rate of 2.7 percent from 2000 to 2010. Mainagricultural imports include rice, barley beer, macaroni, non-alcoholic beverages, and natural rubber. Over thesame period, agricultural exports have decreased at 8.7 percent annually. Non-alcoholic beverages are thecountry’s major agricultural export followed by oil citronella and homogen cooked.


Land Use 2009Total area: 3 839 400 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 2.6%

Population 2011Total population: 738 thousand

Agricultural population: 92.8%

Total GDP: US$1 516 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$1 870

Agricultural GDP: 18.7% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$97.8 million

Exports: US$29.7 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

Land Use 2009Total area: 297 319 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 57.1%

Population 2011Total population: 1 241 492 thousand

Agricultural population: 47.9%

Total GDP: US$1 684 324 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$1 260

Agricultural GDP: 17.7% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$10 406.6 million

Exports: US$19 933.4 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 320 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 17%


The terrain of India varies from the Himalayas to flat river valleys. Natural resources are coal, iron ore,manganese, mica, bauxite, chromite, thorium, limestone, barite, titanium ore, diamonds and crude oil. About54 percent of India’s labour force works in agriculture which, with forestry and fishing, accounts for around17.7 percent of GDP. However, the majority of landholdings are farmed at subsistence level, and many farmingfamilies live below the poverty line. India has some of the lowest human development indicators in the world,particularly in rural areas. At the other end of the scale, India also has a large number of highly qualifiedprofessionals, as well as several internationally established industrial groups. Main agriculture products arepaddy rice, buffalo milk, cow milk, wheat, mangoes, bananas, sugar cane, and cotton lint. With the introductionof high-yield crop varieties and new fertilizing and irrigation techniques, the so-called Green Revolution,India has been self-sufficient in food since the mid-1970s. Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of14.6 percent from 2000 to 2010. Main agricultural imports include palm oil, sugar, dry beans, soy bean oil, andcashew nuts. Over the same period, agricultural exports have increased 16.9 percent annually. Rice is the majoragricultural export (world’s third largest exporter) followed by cotton lint (world’s third largest exporter), soyabean cake, buffalo meat and tobacco.

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The terrain of Iran mostly consists of desert and mountains. Natural resources are petroleum, natural gas andsome mineral deposits. Main agriculture products are chicken meat, cow milk, tomatoes, wheat, pistachios,grapes, and cattle meat. Historically an agricultural society, Iran achieved significant industrialization andeconomic modernization by the 1970s, but the economy slowed dramatically until after the end of the war withIraq. The oil sector’s share of GDP declined from 30-40 percent in the 1970s to 10-20 percent, mainly as a resultof war damage to production facilities; oil revenue still provides a substantial portion of export earnings. Stateinvestment, large-scale irrigation schemes and wider production of export-based agricultural items such as dates,flowers and pistachios made agriculture Iran’s fastest growing sector over much of the 1990s. Production wasreduced significantly by severe drought from 1999-2001, leading to heavy losses in livestock and cerealproduction. After a strong recovery Iran appears within reach of food self-sufficiency. Agriculture remains oneof the largest employers, accounting for about 21.2 percent of all jobs and 10.2 percent of GDP. Agriculturalimports have grown at an annual rate of 14.3 percent from 2000 to 2010. Wheat is the main agricultural import,followed by rice, maize, soybean, palm oil, and soya bean oil. Over the same period, agricultural exports haveincreased at 14.5 percent annually. Pistachios, spices, soya bean oil, raisins, and dates are the main agriculturalexports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 162 855 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 11.7%

Population 2011Total population: 74 799 thousand

Agricultural population: 21.1%

Total GDP: US$331 015 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: n.a.

Agricultural GDP: 10.2% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$9 137.3 million

Exports: US$5 402.3 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 3 080 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: <5%


Land Use 2009Total area: 30 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 23.3%

Population 2011Total population: 320 thousand

Agricultural population: 17.8%

Total GDP: US$2 076 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$6 150

Agricultural GDP: 3.1% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$235.6 million

Exports: US$0.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 720 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 6%

The 1 190 islands of the Maldives are scattered over a vast area of the Indian Ocean (90 000 square kilometres),complicating transport, especially in rough seas, and making service delivery to the unevenly distributed andwidely dispersed population living on 198 islands very expensive. Marine resources are the main naturalendowment, with economic activities concentrated on fishing and tourism. There are no inland fisheries and noaquaculture in the Maldives. Fishing operations take place in offshore, coastal and reef waters. A small internalmarket (many island communities depend on a single source of income (fishing), scarcity of jobs and verylimited agricultural opportunities add to the complexity of development challenges. Agricultural imports grew atan annual rate of 12.4 percent from 2000 to 2010. Main agricultural imports include rice, cigarettes, chickenmeat, milk, and wheat flour. Over the same period, agricultural exports have declined 32.6 percent annually andremain limited. Prepared food is the major agricultural export followed by hides.

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Nepal is located between China and India and has eight of the world’s ten highest peaks. The mountains, hillsand terai comprise 35 percent, 42 percent and 23 percent of the country’s land area, respectively. Around92.9 percent of the economically active population live in rural areas and depend on subsistence farming.Agriculture accounts for about 36.5 percent of the total GDP. Timber is one of Nepal’s main natural resources,but the area under forest has declined to under 25 percent over the past three decades due to overexploitation.The country’s other natural resources include quartz, water, hydropower, lignite, copper, cobalt and iron ore. Thecountry’s main agricultural production includes paddy rice, buffalo meat, vegetables, buffalo milk, potatoes,fresh fruit, and maize. Agricultural imports have increased at an annual rate of 11.3 percent from 2000 to 2010.Main imported agricultural commodities include soya bean oil, arecanuts, rapeseed, palm oil, and prepared food.Over the same period, agricultural exports have grown at 10.9 percent annually. Nepal’s main exports includelentils, nutmeg, tea, wheat and fruit juice.


Land Use 2009Total area: 14 335 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 17.6%

Population 2011Total population: 30 486 thousand

Agricultural population: 92.9%

Total GDP: US$16 014 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$490

Agricultural GDP: 36.5% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$666.9 million

Exports: US$188.1 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 400 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 18%


Pakistan is located in southern Asia and is bordered by India in the east, China in the northeast, Afghanistan inthe north and northwest, Iran in the southwest and the Arabian Sea to the south. The size of the annual cottoncrop, the bulk of it grown in Punjab province, is a crucial barometer of the health of the overall economy since itaccounts for a sizeable share of export earnings. Natural resources are arable land, natural gas, limitedpetroleum, substantial hydropower potential, coal and iron ore. Main agriculture products are buffalo milk,cow milk, wheat, cotton lint, buffalo meat, cattle meat, and paddy rice. In 2010, agriculture accounted for21.2 percent of GDP and provided employment to 38.6 percent of the labour force. It supplies most of thecountry’s food, but is also the source of raw materials for major domestic industries, especially for cottonproducts. Two fundamental problems that trouble the agricultural sector are: an excessive dependence ona cotton crop highly susceptible to adverse weather conditions and pest damage; and the food import bill, whichis rising rapidly despite a steady increase in crop, livestock, and fruit production. Agricultural imports grew at anannual rate of 14.6 percent from 2000 to 2010. Main imported agricultural commodities include palm oil, wheat,cotton lint, rapeseed and tea. Over the same period, agricultural exports have grown at 14.1 percent annually.Rice is the main agricultural export followed by hydrogenated oil, broken rice, molasses and cotton lint.

Land Use 2009Total area: 77 088 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 27.6%

Population 2011Total population: 176 745 thousand

Agricultural population: 42.3%

Total GDP: US$176 870 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$1 050

Agricultural GDP: 21.2% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$4 518.6 million

Exports: US$3 446.6 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 360 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 20%

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The terrain of Sri Lanka consists of coastal plains in the northern third of the country; with hills and mountainsin south-central Sri Lanka which rise as high as 2 133 metres. Natural resources are limestone, graphite, mineralsands, gems and phosphate. Sri Lanka’s economy is highly dependent on domestic trade. The main agricultureproducts are paddy rice, tea, coconut, rubber, chicken meat, and plantains. Sri Lanka is the world’s leading teaexporter, and second only to the Philippines in the export of desiccated coconut. Paddy rice dominates thenon-plantation agricultural sector and accounts for one-fifth of total agricultural output, rendering it an importantdeterminant of agricultural growth. Although yields have improved continuously, high production costs area drawback. Agriculture has lost its relative importance in the Sri Lankan economy in recent decades. It accountsfor 12.8 percent of GDP and provides employment to 42.2 percent of the working population. Agriculturalimports have grown at an annual rate of 10.6 percent from 2000 to 2010. Main imported agriculturalcommodities include wheat, refined sugar, milk, lentils, and dry onions. Over the same period, agriculturalexports have grown at 9.2 percent annually. Tea is the main export followed by natural rubber, fibre crops,cinnamon, desiccated coconuts and wheat flour.


Land Use 2009Total area: 6 271 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 34.6%

Population 2011Total population: 21 045 thousand

Agricultural population: 43%

Total GDP: US$49 568 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$2 260

Agricultural GDP: 12.8% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$1 822.7 million

Exports: US$2 361.2 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 420 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 24%

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Kazakhstan borders many countries and has coastlines on the Aral Sea and the Caspian Sea. Its terrain extendseast to west from the Caspian Sea to the Altay Mountains and north to south from the plains of Western Siberiato the oasis and desert of Central Asia. Oil, gas and mineral exports are key to its economic success and haveattracted billions of US$ in foreign investment since the early 1990s. Kazakhstan has significant deposits ofcoal, iron, copper, zinc, uranium and gold. Kazakhstan is the sixth-largest producer of grain in the world;livestock is another important agricultural commodity. Agricultural land occupies 23.5 million hectares whilepermanent pastures occupy more than 185 million hectares (68.5 percent of the total land area). Chief livestockproducts are dairy goods, leather, meat and wool. The country’s major agricultural products include cow milk,cattle meat, wheat, sheep meat, potatoes, and pig meat. Agriculture accounts for over 4.8 percent of the GDP andaccomodates 13.6 percent of the whole workforce. Agricultural imports have increased at an annual rate of22.9 percent from 2000 to 2010. Main imported agricultural commodities include prepared food, sugar,chocolate products, and pastry. Over the same period, agricultural exports have grown at 16.6 percent annually.Wheat exports are a major source of hard currency; other agricultural exports are wheat flour (world’s largestexporter), cotton lint and barley.



Land Use 2009Total area: 269 970 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 8.7%

Population 2011Total population: 16 207 thousand

Agricultural population: 15.3%

Total GDP: US$148 047 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$7 500

Agricultural GDP: 4.8% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$2 202.2 million

Exports: US$1 876.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 3 260 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: <5%

The Russian Federation is located on Northern Asia, bordering the Arctic Ocean, between Europe and the NorthPacific Ocean. At over 17 million square kilometres, Russia is the largest country in the world, covering morethan one eighth of the Earth’s inhabited land area. It extends across the whole of northern Asia and 40 percent ofEurope, spanning nine time zones and incorporating a wide range of environments and landforms. Russia has theworld’s largest reserves of mineral and energy resources. It has the world’s largest forest reserves and its lakescontain approximately one-quarter of the world’s fresh water. Natural resources are petroleum, natural gas,timber, furs, precious and nonferrous metals. The Russian Federation has a strong production of wood fuel andindustrial roundwood. Agricultural import shares in Russian Federation greatly outbalance shares of agriculturalexports. About 7.8 percent of Russian Federation’s labour force works in agriculture, contributing 4 percent ofGDP in 2010. Main agricultural products are cow milk, cattle meat, wheat, chicken meat, pig meat, and potatoes.Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of 17.3 percent from 2000 to 2010. Pig meat are the majoragricultural imports followed by beef and veal, tabacco, chicken meat, and cheese of cow milk. Over the sameperiod, agricultural exports have grown at 23.9 percent annually. Main agricultural exports include wheat,sunflower oil, barley, prepared food and cigarettes.


Land Use 2009Total area: 1 637 687 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 7.5%

Population 2011Total population: 142 836 thousand

Agricultural population: 7.8%

Total GDP: US$1 487 516 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$9 880

Agricultural GDP: 4% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$31 843.1 million

Exports: US$5 832.4 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 3 130 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: <5%

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The terrain of Uzbekistan consists of various regions: flat-to-rolling sandy desert with many dunes; broad, flat,intensely irrigated river valleys along Amu Darya and Syr Darya; a shrinking Aral Sea; and semiarid grasslandssurrounded by mountainous Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in the east. Uzbekistan was one of the poorest republicsof the former Soviet Union. The economy is based primarily on agriculture and agricultural processing; much ofits population is engaged in cotton farming in small rural communities. Uzbekistan is a major producer and theworld’s second largest exporter of cotton (roughly 70 percent of total agricultural exports). It is also a majorproducer of gold with the largest open-pit gold mine in the world and has substantial deposits of copper,strategic minerals, gas and oil. Annual real GDP growth in 2000-2010 was estimated at 7.1 percent. Agricultureand the agro-industrial sector contributed more than 19.5 percent to Uzbekistan’s GDP in 2010. Uzbekistan alsoproduces significant amounts of cattle meat, cotton lint, cow milk, tomatoes, and wheat.Agricultural productivityis low, with many farmers focusing on producing fruits and vegetables on small plots of land. Agriculturalimports have increased at an annual rate of 14.2 percent from 2000 to 2010. Main imported agriculturalcommodities include wheat flour, refined sugar, sunflower oil and tea. Over the same period, agricultural exportshave also increased at 1 percent annually. Cotton lint is the main export followed by grapes, fruits, raisins andvegetables.


Land Use 2009Total area: 42 540 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 10.9%

Population 2011Total population: 27 760 thousand

Agricultural population: 20.9%

Total GDP: US$39 333 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$1 300

Agricultural GDP: 19.5% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$885.1 million

Exports: US$1 293.2 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 620 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 6%

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China is the world’s fourth largest country; its terrain is mostly mountains, high plateaus and deserts in the west;and plains, deltas and hills in the east. China is endowed with various natural resources including coal (theworld’s largest production volume), iron ore, petroleum, natural gas, mercury, tin, tungsten, antimony,manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, magnetite, aluminum, lead, zinc and uranium. In late 1978 the Chineseleadership began moving the economy from a sluggish, centrally planned economy to a more market-orientedsystem. In 2010, with its 1.37 billion people but a GDP of 5 222 billion, China stood as the second-largesteconomy in the world after the United States. Agriculture is the most important economic activity, providinga livelihood for over 60.2 percent of the labour force for the country with the world’s largest population. Mainagricultural products are pig meat, rice, vegetables, hen eggs, chicken meat, cattle meat, wheat, and tomatoes.The country also produces pork and fish. Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of 19.1 percent from2000 to 2010. China is the world’s largest importer of soybeans and palm oil. China is also the world’s secondlargest importer of natural rubber and the largest importer of cotton lint and soybean oil. Over the same period,agricultural exports have grown by 11.4 percent annually. Prepared food, prepared fruit, garlic, paste oftomatoes, dry beans, and preserved vegetables are the main agricultural exports.



Land Use 2009Total area: 932 748 950 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 13.3%

Population 2011Total population: 1 378 506 thousand

Agricultural population: 60.2%

Total GDP: US$6 183 257 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$4 440

Agricultural GDP: 11% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$81 415.4 million

Exports: US$36 164.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 950 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 11%

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea occupies the northern half of the Korean peninsula; it borders Chinaand Russian Federation to the north and the Republic of Korea across the demilitarized zone. Mountains,uplands and forests cover 75-80 percent of the total area, leaving barely less than 25 percent to cultivable plainsand lowlands, mostly in the west, plus a strip along the eastern coast. DPR Korea is well endowed with a rangeof minerals: coal, lead, tungsten, zinc, graphite, magnesite, iron ore, copper, gold and pyrites. Agriculturecooperatives were created in the mid-1950s and with the use of modern technology doubled harvests between1966 and 1984. Yields have since fallen. Only a few areas are suited to agriculture and the drive for food self-sufficiency in hilly terrain led to terracing and soil exhaustion. Since 1995, natural disasters have affectedagriculture virtually every year with varying degrees of severity. Imports of much needed agricultural inputssuch as fertilizer, pesticides, plastic sheeting, spare parts for machinery, tires for tractors and trucks and fuelhave been limited. Most agricultural products are paddy rice, vegetables, apples, rabbit meat, potatoes, and freshfruit. Agricultural imports have decreased at an annual rate of 2 percent from 2000 to 2010 while exportsdeclined by 6.6 percent over the same period. Wheat flour is the main agricultural import, followed by rice,maize, soya bean oil, and tobacco. Nuts, raw silk, dry beans and cigarettes are the main agricultural exports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 12 041 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 23.7%

Population 2011Total population: 24 451 thousand

Agricultural population: 22.7%

Total GDP: n.a.

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: n.a.

Agricultural GDP%: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$381.0 million

Exports: US$12.2 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 130 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 32%

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Almost 93 percent of Mongolia’s area is pasture or desert wasteland of varying usefulness; and 6.5 percent isforested. Camels, horses, cattle, sheep and goats are raised in pasture lands. The severe continental climaterestricts other agricultural activities. Water is scarce and the growing season lasts no more than 100 days. Landquality is also adversely affected by desertification (which affects 30 percent of pasture) and by overgrazing(especially by goats). Mongolia is rich in minerals, with oil reserves and deposits of other ores such as coal,copper, molybdenum, iron, phosphates, tin, nickel, zinc, wolfram, fluorspar, gold and uranium. Rapid politicalchanges in 1990-1991 marked the beginning of efforts to develop a market economy, but these efforts werecomplicated and disrupted by the dissolution and continuing deterioration of the economy of the former SovietUnion. Mongolian agriculture, which traditionally relies on nomadic, livestock-based agriculture, accounts for16.2 percent of 2010 GDP and sustains livelihood for about 17.3 percent of the workforce. GDP growth fellfrom 3.2 percent in 1999 to 1.3 percent in 2000 as a result of the loss of millions of livestock in bad weather andnatural disasters. Main agricultural products are sheep meat, cattle meat, goat meat, cow milk, wheat, and wool.Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of 15.1 percent from 2000 to 2010. Wheat and wheat flour arethe main imported agricultural commodities, followed by cigarettes, chocolate products, and prepared food.Over the same period, agricultural exports decreased by 1 percent annually. Fine hair, horse meat, chocolateprsnes, combed hair, and degreased wool are the main agricultural exports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 155 356 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 0.6%

Population 2011Total population: 2 800 thousand

Agricultural population: 17.3%

Total GDP: US$6 200 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$1 870

Agricultural GDP: 16.2% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$348.2 million

Exports: US$106.1 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 330 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 24%

Approximately 70 percent of Korea’s land area is mountainous and hilly with wide coastal plains in the west andsouth. Natural resources are limited and include coal, tungsten, iron ore, limestone, kaolinite and graphite. Mainagricultural products are pig meat, paddy rice, cattle meat, chicken meat, cow milk, and vegetables. Until thelate 1980s the manufacturing industry accounted for a rising share of GDP, for example, nearly one-third in1988, compared with only one-quarter in 1973. There was a fall in the share of agriculture, forestry and fishing,from one-quarter to one-tenth, over the same 15-year period. Since 1988, the share of manufacturing in GDP hasrisen to 45 percent whereas that of agriculture has continued to fall to nearly 2.6 percent in 2010. Agricultureemploys 4.9 percent of the workforce and over half of Korean farmers are engaged in rice cultivation.Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of 9.3 percent from 2000 to 2010. Maize is the mainagricultural import, followed by wheat, soya beans (including cake), pork, prepared food, and sugar. Over thesame period, agricultural exports increased by 9.2 percent annually. Prepared food, cigarettes, refined sugar,coffee extracts and pastry are the main agricultural exports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 9 710 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 18.5%

Population 2011Total population: 48 391 thousand

Agricultural population: 4.3%

Total GDP: US$1 014 890 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$19 720

Agricultural GDP: 2.6% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$18 795.8 million

Exports: US$3 851.2 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 3 180 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: <5%

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The Cook Islands consists of two groups of islands (13 inhabited and two uninhabited) extending over 2 millionsquare kilometres, about half of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand. The North Cook Islands are atolls whilethe South Cook Islands are volcanic and comparatively fertile. The waters surrounding the Cook Islands arebelieved to contain substantial reserves of manganese, cobalt and other metals. The islands became a Britishprotectorate in 1888. By 1900, administrative control was transferred to New Zealand; in 1965 residents choseself-government in free association with New Zealand. Economic development is hindered by the isolation ofthe country from foreign markets, the limited size of domestic markets, lack of natural resources, periodicdevastation from natural disasters, and inadequate infrastructure. Key economic activities are tourism, pearlfarming and the newly emerging fishing sector. Agriculture provides the economic base with major exportsmade up of citrus fruit and copra. Manufacturing activities are limited to fruit processing, clothing andhandicrafts. The agriculture sector employed 25 percent of the workforce in 2010. Agricultural imports haveincreased at an annual rate of 11.3 percent from 2000 to 2010. Prepared food is the country’s main agriculturalimport, followed by chicken meat, barley beer, bever, beef preparations, and non-alcoholic beverages. Over thesame period, agricultural exports (mainly fruit juices) have increased 12.6 percent annually.



Land Use 2009Total area: 24 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 12.5%

Population 2011Total population: 20 thousand

Agricultural population: 25%

Total GDP: n.a.

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: n.a.

Agricultural GDP%: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$29.4 million

Exports: US$1.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.


The Fiji Island group, located about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand, is an archipelago of332 islands endowed with forest, mineral and fish resources. It is one of the most developed of the Pacific Islandeconomies, but Fiji still has a large subsistence sector. Natural resources are timber, fish, gold, copper, offshoreoil potential and hydropower. Sugar exports and a growing tourist industry (300 000 to 400 000 touristsannually) are the major sources of foreign exchange. Sugar processing makes up one-third of industrial activity.Agriculture (sugar cane, cattle meat, chicken meat, cow milk and coconuts) and fishing remain important,accounting for about 20 percent of GDP in the 1990s, but declining to 12.1 percent by 2010. Sugar cane is stillthe most important crop, although its proportion of agricultural GDP has fallen over the last years. Timber andfish (mainly tuna) have become increasingly important in recent years. Sugar and ice waters are also exported.Agricultural imports increased at an annual rate of 11.4 percent from 2000 to 2010 while agricultural exportsgrew 5.8 percent annually. Wheat is the main agricultural import, followed by macaroni, sheep meat, sugar, riceand milk.

Land Use 2009Total area: 1 827 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 13.3%

Population 2011Total population: 868 thousand

Agricultural population: 35.7%

Total GDP: US$3 173 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$3 610

Agricultural GDP: 12.1% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$276.4 million

Exports: US$211.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 920 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 4%

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Kiribati consists of three main island groups scattered over an expanse of ocean roughly halfway betweenHawaii and Australia. The three main groupings are the Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands and Line Islands.Kiribati has little or no soil, and rainfall is variable, giving only limited opportunities for agriculturaldevelopment. The greatest development potential lies in the exploitation of marine resources within the 200-mileexclusive economic zone. Covering about 3 million square kilometres, it is one of the world’s largest fishingzones. The per capita GDP of about US$830 makes it one of the poorest countries in the world. Phosphates hadbeen profitably exported from Banaban Island since the turn of the century, but the deposits were exhausted in1979. The economy now relies heavily on income from abroad, from the sale of fishing licenses, developmentassistance, worker remittances and tourism. Given its limited domestic resources, the country depends onimports for most of its basic food needs as well as manufactured goods. Most islanders engage in subsistenceactivities ranging from fishing to the growing of food crops like coconuts, bananas, roots and tubers, pig meatand vegetables. Kiribati’s principal trading partner is Australia. Agricultural imports grew at an annual rate of14.9 percent from 2000 to 2010. Rice is the main agricultural import, in addition to sugar, wheat flour andtabacco. In the same period, agricultural exports have increased 7 percent annually.


Land Use 2009Total area: 81 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 42%

Population 2011Total population: 101 thousand

Agricultural population: 22.8%

Total GDP: US$151 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$2 010

Agricultural GDP: 28.6% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$26.9 million

Exports: US$1.9 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 700 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 8%

The Marshall Islands are comprised of 29 atolls and five major islands, which form two parallel groups – the“Ratak” (sunrise) chain and the “Ralik”(sunset) chain, containing 29 coral atolls and a total of 1 152 islands andislets. Natural resources are marine resources, including mariculture and deep seabed minerals. The economy isheavily dependent on payments from the United States of America (more than 80 percent of governmentrevenue) and foreign aid from a variety of sources. Declining tourism and income from the sale of fishery rightshas held GDP growth to an average of 1 percent over the past decade. The main agriculture product is coconuts;taro and breadfruit are subsistence crops. Subsistence farming is the main economic activity. Soil quality isgenerally poor, but fruit and vegetables, coconuts, pandanus taro and breadfruit are produced for localconsumption. The country’s export base is narrow, with copra and coconut accounting for the bulk of exports.A wide variety of goods, including foodstuffs, machinery, petroleum products, beverages and tobacco areimported.


Land Use 2009Total area: 18 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 55.6%

Population 2011Total population: 55 thousand

Agricultural population: 21.8%

Total GDP: US$163 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$3 640

Agricultural GDP%: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: n.a.

Exports: n.a.

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

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The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) consists of 607 islands extending 1 800 miles across the archipelagoof the Caroline Islands east of the Philippines. The four constituent island groups are Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei andKosrae. The economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid with the United States of America, accounting formost of the total official development assistance from all sources which total about US$115 million a year. Thefishing industry is highly important. Foreign commercial fishing fleets pay over US$20 million annually for theright to operate in FSM territorial waters (nearly 30 percent of domestic budgetary revenue). The tourist industryis present but has been hampered by a lack of infrastructure. Farming is mainly subsistence, and its importanceis declining. The principal crops are coconuts, pig meat, cassava, bananas, cattle meat and vegetables.


Land Use 2009Total area: 70 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 27.1%

Population 2011Total population: 112 thousand

Agricultural population: 22.3%

Total GDP: US$297 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$2 730

Agricultural GDP%: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$19.1 million

Exports: US$0.2 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

Nauru is a small oval-shaped island in the western Pacific Ocean, located just 42 kilometres south of theEquator. It is one of three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific Ocean and its economy depends almostentirely on declining phosphate deposits. The island is surrounded by a coral reef, exposed at low tide and dottedwith pinnacles. The reef is bounded seaward by deep water, inside by a sandy beach. The only parts of the islandsuitable for agriculture are the narrow coastal strip and the area surrounding the inland Buada Lagoon. Coconutand pandanus palms grow around the lagoon. Nauru now lacks money to perform many of the basic functions ofgovernment. There is a small amount of agricultural production for domestic consumption but most food, like allother necessities, has to be imported. Owing to porous soil and uncertain rainfall, production is limited to smallquantities grown by individuals for home consumption. A few food crops are grown on the inland plateau.Fishing is popular and provides a limited amount of food although commercial fishing is underdeveloped. Themain agriculture imports are prepared food, fresh vegetables, pig meat and barley beer.


Land Use 2009Total area: 2 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 20%

Population 2011Total population: 10 thousand

Agricultural population: 20%

Total GDP: n.a.

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: n.a.

Agricultural GDP%: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$2.0 million

Exports: n.a.

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

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Niue is one of world’s largest coral islands and is located in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Tonga. Its terrain issteep limestone cliffs along the coast and central plateau. Main natural resources are fish and arable land. Niue isself-governing in free association with New Zealand since 1974. The economy suffers from the typical islandproblems of geographic isolation, few resources, and a small population. The agricultural sector consists mainlyof subsistence gardening (taro, coconuts, and fresh fruits), although some cash crops are grown for export.Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of 12.5 percent from 2000 to 2010. Non-alcoholic beverage,pastry, and prepared foods are the main agricultural imports, followed by chicken meat. Agricultural exports arevery limited and consists mainly of fruit juices and coconuts.


Land Use 2009Total area: 26 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 15.4%

Population 2011Total population: 1 thousand

Agricultural population: 0%

Total GDP: n.a.

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: n.a.

Agricultural GDP%: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$1.7 million

Exports: US$0.2 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.


Land Use 2009Total area: 46 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 6.5%

Population 2011Total population: 21 thousand

Agricultural population: 23.8%

Total GDP: US$171 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$6 560

Agricultural GDP: 3.5% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: n.a.

Exports: n.a.

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

The Republic of Palau consists of eight principal islands and more than 250 smaller ones lying roughly500 miles southeast of the Philippines. The islands of Palau constitute part of the Caroline Islands chain. About70 percent of the Palauan population lives in the capital city of Koror on Koror Island. Its terrain varies from themountainous main island to smaller, reef-rimmed coral islands. Palau has among the highest living standards inthe Pacific, with GDP per capita standing at around US$8 269 in 2010. However, rapid population growth anda stagnant economy have seen per capita incomes fall over the last five years and income disparities widen.Tourism and the service sectors are Palau’s main industries contributing almost 81 percent of GDP andemploying about three-quarters of the workforce. Agriculture is mainly on a subsistence level employing20 percent of the workforce and contributing only 3.5 percent to GDP in 2010.

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Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a group of islands including the eastern half of the island of New Guinea. Itsterrain is mostly mountainous, with coastal lowlands and rolling foothills; less than one-third of the total landarea is suitable for cultivation. Forests and woodland cover almost two-thirds of PNG’s land area. PNG has richnatural resources including gold, copper, silver, oil and natural gas. Mineral deposits, mostly copper and gold,account for nearly two-third of export earnings. The country is endowed with abundant forest and fisheryresources. Agriculture is the country’s important economic activity, providing a livelihood for 68.7 percent of thepopulation and accounting for about 35.8 percent of the total GDP in 2010. Main agricultural products includegame meat, bananas, fruits, berries nes, and palm oil. Agricultural imports have grown by 12.2 percent perannum from 2000 to 2010. The main agricultural imports include rice, sheep meat, wheat and prepared foods.Over the same period, agricultural exports have grown by 12.3 percent annually. Palm oil, cocoa beans, andcoffee green are the country’s three major agricultural exports, followed by palm kernel oil, and coconut oil.


Land Use 2009Total area: 45 286 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 2.1%

Population 2011Total population: 7 014 thousand

Agricultural population: 72.1%

Total GDP: US$9 480 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$1 300

Agricultural GDP: 35.8% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$527.4 million

Exports: US$861.3 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

Samoa consists of the two large islands of Upolu and Savai’i and seven small islets and is located about halfwaybetween Hawaii and New Zealand. Its terrain is mountainous with a narrow coastal plain. The economy is basedon agriculture, with subsistence farming being the primary economic activity. The primary sector – agriculture,forestry and fishing – employs nearly one-third of the labour force and produces approximately 9.8 percent ofGDP. A large percentage of the workforce engages in subsistence agriculture. The main food crops are coconuts,bananas, pig meat, taro (coco yam), fruits, cattle meat, and mangoes. Tourism is also significant. Thegovernment is seeking to improve productivity in agriculture through improved farming systems and by plantingspecies such as hybrid coconuts. There has been a substantial expansion of the fishing industry in recent yearsbut there has been a recent decline of fish stocks in the area. Fresh fish accounted for over half of total exportearnings. Agricultural imports have increased at an annual rate of 14 percent from 2000 to 2010. Rice is thecountry’s main imported agricultural commodity, followed by chicken meat, wheat flour, sheep meat, preparedfood, sugar, and wheat flour. Over the same period, agricultural exports have increased 1.6 percent annually.Coconut oil, fruit juice, and barley beer are the country’s main agricultural exports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 283 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 22.6%

Population 2011Total population: 184 thousand

Agricultural population: 26.6%

Total GDP: US$595 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$3 030

Agricultural GDP: 9.8% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$82.1 million

Exports: US$5.4 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 820 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 5%

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The Solomon Islands form an archipelago in the Southwest Pacific about 1 900 kilometres northeast ofAustralia. The terrain ranges from ruggedly mountainous islands to low-lying coral atolls. The Solomon Islandsstretch for over 1 450 kilometres southeast from Papua New Guinea across the Coral Sea to Vanuatu. Naturalresources are forests, fish, agricultural land, marine products and gold. Main agriculture products are coconuts,palm oil, fruits, taro (coco yam), yams, sweet potatoes. About 67.4 percent of the islands’ labour force isengaged in subsistence farming and fishing. Forests and woodland cover 75 percent of the total land area, whichexplains why the logging industry is the dominant sector within the economy. Coconut products are traditionallythe main agricultural output. Other important cash crops and exports include copra and palm oil. Tourism,particularly diving, is an important service industry for the Solomon Islands. Agricultural imports have increasedat an annual rate of 20.7 percent from 2000 to 2010. Rice is the main agricultural import, followed by preparedfood, wheat, tobacco products, and refined sugar. Over the same period, agricultural exports have increased at5 percent annually. Palm oil, copra, and cocoa beans are the main agricultural exports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 2 799 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 2.7%

Population 2011Total population: 552 thousand

Agricultural population: 67.4%

Total GDP: US$679 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$1 030

Agricultural GDP: 38.9% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$103.0 million

Exports: US$50.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 350 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 13%

Tonga is an oceanic archipelago about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand. It has a small, openeconomy with a narrow export base in agricultural goods. Coconuts, pumpkins, vanilla, pig meat, and vegetablesare the main crops, and agricultural exports make up the bulk of total exports. The country must import a highproportion of its food, mainly from New Zealand. Tourism is the second largest source of hard currency earningsfollowing remittances. The country remains dependent on external aid and remittances from Tongancommunities overseas to offset its trade deficit. Agriculture accounted for around 20.3 percent of real GDP in2010. Agricultural imports grew at an annual rate of 6.9 percent from 2000 to 2010. Chicken meat is the mainagricultural import, followed by sheep meat, prepared food, and wheat flour. Over the same period, agriculturalexports have declined at 10.4 percent annually. Pumpkins, coconuts and dry cassava are the main agriculturalexports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 72 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 37.5%

Population 2011Total population: 105 thousand

Agricultural population: 25.7%

Total GDP: US$357 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$3 340

Agricultural GDP: 20.3% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$44.8 million

Exports: US$2.2 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

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Tuvalu consists of a densely populated, scattered group of nine coral atolls with poor soil, located about one-halfof the way from Hawaii to Australia. The country has no known mineral resources and few exports. Subsistencefarming (coconuts, pig meat, and fruits) and fishing are the primary economic activities. Less than 1 000 tourists,on average, visit Tuvalu annually. The cash economy depends largely on remittances from citizens workingabroad (many as merchant seamen) and government spending. Government finances are supported by foreignaid and the Tuvalu Trust Fund, a publicly owned investment vehicle established in 1987, with capital mainlyprovided by Australia (about one-third), the United Kingdom and New Zealand, with contributions from Japanand the Republic of Korea. Chicken meat is the country’s main agricultural import followed by sugar, pastry andprepared beef.


Land Use 2009Total area: 3 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 60%

Population 2011Total population: 10 thousand

Agricultural population: 30%

Total GDP: US$31 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$4 600

Agricultural GDP%: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$4.4 million

Exports: US$0.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: n.a.

Proportion of undernourishment: n.a.

Vanuatu is a ‘Y’ shaped archipelago that comprises 80 islands northeast of Sydney, Australia and southwest ofHonolulu. The two largest islands, Espiritu Santo (or Santo) and Malakula, account for nearly one-half of thetotal land area. They are volcanic, with sharp mountain peaks, plateaus and narrow coastal plains. Naturalresources are forests, agricultural land and marine resources. The economy is dominated by subsistenceagriculture and services, mostly those associated with tourism and Vanuatu’s status as an offshore financialcentre. About 30 percent of the population is engaged in agricultural activities and most depends on subsistenceagriculture, with the agricultural sector as a whole accounting generally for around 19.7 percent of real GDP in2010. The services sector normally accounts for around two-thirds of GDP. Agricultural activities range fromsubsistence farming to smallholder farming of coconuts and other cash crops. Coconut is by far the mostimportant cash crop (making up more than 50 percent of the country’s exports), followed by root and tubers,cattle meat, bananas, pig meat and vegetables. Kava root extract exports also have become important.Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of 15.9 percent from 2000 to 2010. Rice is the mainagricultural import, followed by pastry, wheat flour, chicken meat and alcoholic beverages. Over the sameperiod, agricultural exports have increased at 10.5 percent annually. Vegetables, copra, beef and veal, cocoabeans and alcoholic beverages are the main agricultural exports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 1 219 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 11.9%

Population 2011Total population: 246 thousand

Agricultural population: 29.7%

Total GDP: US$689 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$2 630

Agricultural GDP: 19.7% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$56.4 million

Exports: US$24.0 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 660 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: 8%

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Australia has an abundance of mineral resources and of land suitable for agriculture. Its terrain is varied, butgenerally low-lying. Urban centres occupy a relatively small proportion of the continent, and the population isconcentrated in a narrow strip along the eastern seaboard. Around 6.2 percent of the land is arable or used foragricultural purposes, and 19.6 percent is occupied by forests. Australia has substantial reserves of economicallyimportant minerals: lead, iron ore, bauxite, zinc, ilmenite, rutite and zircon and uranium reserves. At thebeginning of the 1950s agriculture accounted for about 25 percent of Australia’s GDP, but in 2010 agriculture(including forestry and fishing) accounted for only 2.3 percent of GDP. The main agriculture products are cattlemeat, cow milk, wheat, sheep meat, chicken meat and sugar cane. Although mining and agriculture are small interms of Australia’s GDP, they account for a large share of exports. Agricultural imports have grown at an annualrate of 13.8 percent from 2000 to 2010. Prepared food is the main agricultural import, followed by barley beer,bever, wine, and chocolate products. Over the same period, agricultural exports have increased at 5.5 percentannually. Wheat, beef and veal, wine, greasy wool, sheep meat and barley are the main agricultural exports.



Land Use 2009Total area: 768 230 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 6.2%

Population 2011Total population: 22 606 thousand

Agricultural population: 3.8%

Total GDP: US$1 131 623 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$46 200

Agricultural GDP: 2.3% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$9 133.2 million

Exports: US$26 624.8 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 3 260 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: <5%

Land Use 2009Total area: 36 450 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 12.6%

Population 2011Total population: 126 497 thousand

Agricultural population: 2%

Total GDP: US$5 488 416 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$42 050

Agricultural GDP: 1.2% of total GDP

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$53 816.8 million

Exports: US$3 222.2 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 2 630 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: <5%

The Japanese archipelago, which includes some 7 000 islands, stretches for around 3 000 km from north to souththrough several climatic zones. Some 70 percent of Japan’s landmass is mountainous terrain that is essentiallyuninhabitable, so the residual areas are used intensively. Japan has few natural resources and a negligible amountof mineral resources and fish. The main agriculture products are paddy rice, cow milk, hen eggs, chicken meat,pig meat and cattle meat. Only 13 percent of Japan’s land is suitable for cultivation. With per hectare crop yieldsamong the highest in the world, Japan maintains an overall agricultural self-sufficiency rate of about 50 percenton fewer than 4.7 million cultivated hectares. Japan normally produces a slight surplus of rice but imports largequantities of maize, wheat and soybeans. Manufacturing has been the mainstay of Japan’s economy since the1960s and in 2008 accounted for 19.9 percent of GDP. Although in economic terms agriculture is becoming lessimportant (accounting for 1.2 percent of GDP in 2010 and employing 2.1 percent of the workforce), it remainsinfluential in politics due to the electoral system. Agricultural imports have grown at an annual rate of4.9 percent from 2000 to 2010. Japan is the world’s largest importer of pork, maize, and cigarettes. It alsoimports natural rubber, beef and veal, and soybeans. Over the same period, agricultural exports increased at5.9 percent annually. Prepared food, cigarettes, pastry, non-alcoholic beverage, and infant food are the mainagricultural exports.


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New Zealand is comprised of two main islands (the North and South Islands) and smaller outlying islands in thesouthwest Pacific Ocean. New Zealand has a mild and temperate climate which is well suited to pastoralagriculture and horticulture (about half of the total land area), with an additional 31.2 percent covered by forest.Terrain is highly varied, from snowcapped mountains to lowland plains. Natural resources are timber, naturalgas, iron, sand and coal. Agriculture products are cow milk, cattle meat, sheep meat, greasy wool and kiwi. NewZealand is heavily dependent on trade – particularly in agricultural products – to drive growth. The agriculture,forestry and fishing sectors employ nearly 7.8 percent of the workforce. Leading agricultural exports includemeat, dairy products, forest products, fruits and vegetables, fish and wool. Grasslands farming is the basis of itsagricultural system since around half of its total land area is used for pastoral farming. Wheat, barley and peasare the major arable crops and are grown mainly in the Canterbury region. Agricultural imports have grown at anannual rate of 12.2 percent from 2000 to 2010 and reached US$3.1 billion in 2010. Prepared food is the mainagricultural import, followed by chocolate products, pastry, wine, wheat, and alcoholic beverages. Over the sameperiod, agricultural exports have increased by 10.8 percent annually. Whole milk, sheep meat, beef and veal,butter, dry skimmed milk, cheese, kiwi and wine are the main agricultural exports.


Land Use 2009Total area: 26 331 000 ha

Arable & perm. crops: 2.1%

Population 2011Total population: 4 415 thousand

Agricultural population: 7.6%

Total GDP: US$142 477 million

GDP/GNI 2010 GNI per capita: US$29 350

Agricultural GDP%: n.a.

Agricultural Trade 2010Imports: US$3 184.0 million

Exports: US$16 608.7 million

Nutrition 2010-2012Per capita DEC: 3 000 kcal/day

Proportion of undernourishment: <5%

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Agricultural population as percentage of total population in 2011

Agricultural land as percentage of total land in 2009

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4 185 282 621 488 909 501 1 383 009 1 271 308 14.8 21.7 33.0 30.4

433 496 107 143 17 061 214 767 94 526 24.7 3.9 49.5 21.8

1 Cambodia 17 652 F 4 055 F 1 500 F 10 221 F 1 876 F 23.0 8.5 57.9 10.6

2 Indonesia 181 157 F 42 600 F 11 000 F 95 117 F 32 440 F 23.5 6.1 52.5 17.9

3 Lao PDR 23 080 F 1 468 F 878 F 15 829 F 4 905 F 6.4 3.8 68.6 21.3

4 Malaysia 32 855 F 7 585 F 285 F 20 543 F 4 442 F 23.1 0.9 62.5 13.5

5 Myanmar 65 352 F 12 135 F 306 32 083 F 20 829 F 18.6 0.5 49.1 31.9

6 Philippines 29 817 10 450 F 1 500 F 7 610 F 10 257 F 35.0 5.0 25.5 34.4

7 Thailand 51 089 F 18 995 F 800 F 18 957 F 12 337 F 37.2 1.6 37.1 24.1

8 Timor-Leste 1 487 F 225 F 150 F 753 F 359 F 15.1 10.1 50.7 24.1

9 Viet Nam 31 007 F 9 630 F 642 F 13 653 F 7 082 F 31.1 2.1 44.0 22.8

639 977 231 150 78 042 92 638 238 147 36.1 12.2 14.5 37.2

10 Afghanistan 65 223 F 7 910 30 000 1 350 F 25 963 F 12.1 46.0 2.1 39.8

11 Bangladesh 13 017 F 8 549 F 600 F 1 445 F 2 423 F 65.7 4.6 11.1 18.6

12 Bhutan 3 839 100 F 407 F 3 238 F 94 F 2.6 10.6 84.3 2.5

13 India 297 319 F 169 623 F 10 340 68 289 F 49 067 F 57.1 3.5 23.0 16.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 162 855 18 991 29 524 F 11 075 103 265 F 11.7 18.1 6.8 63.4

15 Maldives 30 7 F 1 F 1 F 21 F 23.3 3.3 3.0 70.3

16 Nepal 14 335 F 2 520 F 1 730 F 3 636 F 6 449 F 17.6 12.1 25.4 45.0

17 Pakistan 77 088 F 21 280 F 5 000 F 1 730 F 49 078 F 27.6 6.5 2.2 63.7

18 Sri Lanka 6 271 2 170 F 440 F 1 875 F 1 786 F 34.6 7.0 29.9 28.5

1 950 197 151 672 299 020 815 624 683 881 7.8 15.3 41.8 35.1

19 Kazakhstan 269 970 F 23 480 F 185 000 F 3 315 F 58 175 F 8.7 68.5 1.2 21.5

20 Russian Federation 1 637 687 F 123 541 F 92 020 F 809 030 F 613 096 F 7.5 5.6 49.4 37.4

21 Uzbekistan 42 540 F 4 651 F 22 000 F 3 279 F 12 610 F 10.9 51.7 7.7 29.6

1 109 856 129 933 514 947 227 098 237 877 F 11.7 46.4 20.5 21.4

22 China 932 749 F 124 320 F 400 001 204 097 F 204 331 F 13.3 42.9 21.9 21.9

23 DPR Korea 12 041 F 2 855 F 50 F 5 793 F 3 343 F 23.7 0.4 48.1 27.8

24 Mongolia 155 356 F 962 F 114 838 F 10 980 F 28 576 F 0.6 73.9 7.1 18.4

25 Rep. of Korea 9 710 F 1 796 F 58 6 229 F 1 627 F 18.5 0.6 64.1 16.8

51 756 1 590 431 32 882 16 877 3.1 0.8 63.5 32.6

26 Cook Islands 24 3 F 0 16 F 6 F 12.5 0.0 64.6 22.9

27 Fiji Islands 1 827 F 243 F 175 F 1 011 F 398 F 13.3 9.6 55.3 21.8

28 Kiribati 81 F 34 F 0 12 F 35 F 42.0 0.0 15.0 43.0

29 Marshall Islands 18 10 F 3 F 13 F 0 * 55.6 16.7 70.2 0.0

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 70 19 F 3 F 64 F 0 * 27.1 4.3 91.6 0.0

31 Nauru 2 0 0 0 F 2 F 20.0 0.0 0.0 80.0

32 Niue 26 4 F 1 F 19 F 2 F 15.4 3.8 71.9 8.8

33 Palau 46 F 3 F 2 F 40 F 1 F 6.5 4.3 87.6 1.5

34 Papua New Guinea 45 286 F 960 F 190 F 28 868 F 15 268 F 2.1 0.4 63.7 33.7

35 Samoa 283 F 64 F 3 F 171 F 45 F 22.6 1.1 60.4 15.9

36 Solomon Islands 2 799 F 76 F 8 F 2 219 F 496 F 2.7 0.3 79.3 17.7

37 Tonga 72 27 F 4 F 9 F 32 F 37.5 5.6 12.5 44.4

38 Tuvalu 3 2 0 1 F 0 F 60.0 0.0 33.3 6.7

39 Vanuatu 1 219 F 145 F 42 F 440 F 592 F 11.9 3.4 36.1 48.6

831 011 52 662 372 466 183 472 222 411 6.3 44.8 22.1 26.8

40 Australia 768 230 47 511 F 361 518 F 150 224 F 208 977 F 6.2 47.1 19.6 27.2

41 Japan 36 450 F 4 609 0 24 970 F 6 871 F 12.6 0.0 68.5 18.8

42 New Zealand 26 331 542 10 948 8 277 F 6 564 F 2.1 41.6 31.4 24.9

5 016 293 674 150 1 281 967 1 566 481 1 493 720 13.4 25.6 31.2 29.8

7 987 175 859 204 2 073 728 2 472 239 2 581 981 10.8 26.0 31.0 32.3

13 003 468 A 1 533 354 A 3 355 694 A 4 038 719 A 4 075 700 A 11.8 25.8 31.1 31.3WORLD



%1 000 ha

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

Rest of World

Table 1. Land use in 2009


Land use distribution

Arable andTotal Land Permanent Forests and




Other Land

Permanent Other Land

East Asia




Area Pasture WoodlandCrops Land

Arable and


Crops Land


* Due to the use of different data sources and overlaps in definitions and classifications, the sum of individual land use categories may exceed “total land area”. Examples of

such instances include forest and agriculture land with tree cover – such as rubber plantations, permanent tree crops, range land and agro-forestry and shifting cultivation


Page 42: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1999 2007 2008 2009

4 188 286 4 185 282 616 832 614 308 616 152 621 488 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.8

435 040 433 496 92 691 103 032 105 078 107 143 21.3 23.7 24.2 24.7

1 Cambodia 17 652 17 652 F 3 840 F 3 955 F 4 055 F 4 055 F 21.8 22.4 23.0 23.0

2 Indonesia 181 157 181 157 F 32 746 F 40 000 F 41 000 F 42 600 F 18.1 22.1 22.6 23.5

3 Lao PDR 23 080 23 080 F 955 F 1 168 F 1 399 F 1 468 F 4.1 5.1 6.1 6.4

4 Malaysia 32 855 32 855 F 7 605 F 7 585 F 7 585 F 7 585 F 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1

5 Myanmar 65 354 F 65 352 F 10 285 F 11 678 11 972 F 12 135 F 15.7 17.9 18.3 18.6

6 Philippines 29 817 29 817 10 085 F 10 150 F 10 300 F 10 450 F 33.8 34.0 34.5 35.0

7 Thailand 51 089 51 089 F 19 217 18 850 F 18 933 F 18 995 F 37.6 36.9 37.1 37.2

8 Timor-Leste 1 487 1 487 F 187 F 225 F 235 F 225 F 12.6 15.1 15.8 15.1

9 Viet Nam 32 549 31 007 F 7 771 F 9 421 9 599 9 630 F 23.9 28.9 29.5 31.1

640 111 639 977 230 846 230 878 230 444 231 150 36.1 36.1 36.0 36.1

10 Afghanistan 65 223 F 65 223 F 7 753 7 910 7 910 7 910 11.9 12.1 12.1 12.1

11 Bangladesh 13 017 13 017 F 8 886 F 8 668 F 8 382 F 8 549 F 68.3 66.6 64.4 65.7

12 Bhutan 4 008 3 839 159 F 155 F 95 F 100 F 4.0 3.9 2.4 2.6

13 India 297 319 297 319 F 170 152 F 169 284 F 169 320 F 169 623 F 57.2 56.9 56.9 57.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 162 855 162 855 17 687 F 18 549 18 770 18 991 10.9 11.4 11.5 11.7

15 Maldives 30 30 8 F 7 F 7 F 7 F 26.7 23.3 23.3 23.3

16 Nepal 14 300 14 335 F 2 416 F 2 475 2 475 2 520 F 16.9 17.3 17.3 17.6

17 Pakistan 77 088 77 088 F 21 880 21 880 F 21 280 F 21 280 F 28 4 28 4 27 6 27 6

Table 2. Agricultural land*

Total Land Area Agricultural Land*Total Land


Agricultural Land* as % of

1999 2009 1999

1 000 ha

2008 20092007




Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

17 Pakistan 77 088 77 088 F 21 880 21 880 F 21 280 F 21 280 F 28.4 28.4 27.6 27.6

18 Sri Lanka 6 271 6 271 1 905 F 1 950 F 2 205 F 2 170 F 30.4 31.1 35.2 34.6

1 951 361 1 950 197 153 706 150 808 150 862 151 672 7.9 7.7 7.7 7.8

19 Kazakhstan 269 970 269 970 F 22 053 22 800 F 22 800 F 23 480 F 8.2 8.4 8.4 8.7

20 Russian Federation 1 638 851 1 637 687 F 126 820 123 368 123 442 123 541 F 7.7 7.5 7.5 7.5

21 Uzbekistan 42 540 42 540 F 4 833 F 4 640 F 4 620 F 4 651 F 11.4 10.9 10.9 10.9

1 110 018 1 109 856 138 156 128 101 128 128 129 933 12.4 11.5 11.5 11.7

22 China 932 748 932 749 F 132 266 F 122 566 F 122 543 F 124 320 F 14.2 13.1 13.1 13.3

23 DPR Korea 12 041 12 041 F 2 800 F 2 900 F 2 900 F 2 855 F 23.3 24.1 24.1 23.7

24 Mongolia 155 356 F 155 356 F 1 191 F 853 938 F 962 F 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.6

25 Rep. of Korea 9 873 9 710 F 1 899 1 782 1 747 F 1 796 F 19.2 18.0 17.7 18.5

51 756 51 756 1 433 1 490 1 640 1 590 2.8 2.9 3.2 3.1

26 Cook Islands 24 24 7 F 3 F 3 F 3 F 29.2 12.5 12.5 12.5

27 Fiji Islands 1 827 1 827 F 253 F 253 F 253 F 243 F 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.3

28 Kiribati 81 81 F 34 F 34 F 34 F 34 F 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0

29 Marshall Islands 18 18 9 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 50.0 55.6 55.6 55.6

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 70 70 20 F 20 F 20 F 19 F 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.1

31 Nauru 2 2 0 0 0 0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0

32 Niue 26 26 4 F 4 F 4 F 4 F 14.6 15.4 15.4 15.4

33 Palau 46 46 F 3 F 3 F 3 F 3 F 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5

34 Papua New Guinea 45 286 45 286 F 813 F 850 F 1 000 F 960 F 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.1

35 Samoa 283 283 F 61 F 63 F 63 F 64 F 21.6 22.3 22.3 22.6

36 Solomon Islands 2 799 2 799 F 69 F 76 F 77 F 76 F 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.7

37 Tonga 72 72 27 F 27 F 26 F 27 F 37.5 37.5 36.1 37.5

38 Tuvalu 3 3 2 2 2 2 66.7 60.0 60.0 60.0

39 Vanuatu 1 219 1 219 F 131 F 145 F 145 F 145 F 10.7 11.9 11.9 11.9

831 011 831 011 52 269 49 680 49 524 52 662 6.3 6.0 6.0 6.3

40 Australia 768 230 768 230 45 800 F 44 530 F 44 374 F 47 511 F 6.0 5.8 5.8 6.2

41 Japan 36 450 F 36 450 F 4 866 4 650 4 628 4 609 13.3 12.8 12.7 12.6

42 New Zealand 26 331 26 331 1 603 F 500 522 542 6.1 1.9 2.0 2.1

5 019 297 5 016 293 669 101 663 988 665 676 674 150 13.3 13.2 13.3 13.4

7 988 983 7 987 175 847 597 856 472 860 096 859 204 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.8

13 008 279 A 13 003 468 A 1 516 698 A 1 520 460 A 1 525 771 A 1 533 354 A 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.8WORLD


Pacific Islands

Rest of World

North and Central Asia

East Asia


* Agricultural land as used in this publication refers to “Arable and permanent cropped land”, which excludes permanent medows and pastures, fallow land resulting from

shifting cultivation, and land under trees grown for food or timber. Double cropped areas are counted once.

Page 43: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2001 2009 2010 2011

3 585.2 3 973.2 1 930.4 1 927.2 53.8 49.6 49.0 48.5

526.9 594.4 257.7 254.5 48.9 44.0 43.4 42.8

1 Cambodia 12.654 14.305 8.804 9.363 69.6 66.3 65.9 65.5

2 Indonesia 216.203 242.326 93.666 88.911 43.3 38.0 37.3 36.7

3 Lao PDR 5.409 6.288 4.138 4.700 76.5 75.1 74.9 74.7

4 Malaysia 23.965 28.859 4.119 3.325 17.2 12.5 12.0 11.5

5 Myanmar 45.324 48.337 31.725 32.258 70.0 67.4 67.1 66.7

6 Philippines 78.964 94.852 30.490 31.251 38.6 34.1 33.5 32.9

7 Thailand 63.899 69.519 30.785 28.049 48.2 41.9 41.1 40.3

8 Timor-Leste 0.853 1.154 0.691 0.916 81.0 79.7 79.6 79.4

9 Viet Nam 79.630 88.792 53.315 55.701 67.0 63.6 63.2 62.7

1 485.636 1 728.477 768.600 809.184 51.7 47.8 47.3 46.8

10 Afghanistan 23.677 32.358 14.978 19.209 63.3 60.1 59.7 59.4

11 Bangladesh 131.945 150.494 71.102 66.836 53.9 46.3 45.4 44.4

12 Bhutan 0.588 0.738 0.544 0.685 92.5 92.9 92.8 92.8

13 India 1 071.374 1 241.492 563.639 594.571 52.6 48.8 48.4 47.9

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 66.314 74.799 17.249 15.783 26.0 22.0 21.5 21.1

15 Maldives 0.278 0.320 0.074 0.057 26.6 19.2 18.4 17.8

16 Nepal 24.980 30.486 23.275 28.323 93.2 93.0 93.0 92.9

17 Pakistan 147 558 176 745 69 036 74 678 46 8 43 2 42 7 42 3

Agricultural Populationto Total Population

Total Population




Agricultural Population

2001 2011

Table 3. Agricultural population



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia



17 Pakistan 147.558 176.745 69.036 74.678 46.8 43.2 42.7 42.3

18 Sri Lanka 18.922 21.045 8.703 9.042 46.0 43.6 43.3 43.0

186.103 186.803 24.566 19.478 13.2 10.9 10.7 10.4

19 Kazakhstan 14.898 16.207 2.831 2.476 19.0 15.9 15.6 15.3

20 Russian Federation 146.162 142.836 14.977 11.210 10.2 8.3 8.1 7.8

21 Uzbekistan 25.043 27.760 6.758 5.792 27.0 22.0 21.4 20.9

1 379.000 1 454.148 874.358 838.131 63.4 58.8 58.2 57.6

22 China 1 307.271 1 378.506 863.210 830.037 66.0 61.4 60.8 60.2

23 DPR Korea 23.083 24.451 6.776 5.543 29.4 23.9 23.3 22.7

24 Mongolia 2.435 2.800 0.573 0.485 23.5 18.4 17.9 17.3

25 Rep. of Korea 46.211 48.391 3.799 2.066 8.2 4.9 4.6 4.3

7.523 9.299 5.149 5.963 68.4 65.1 64.6 64.1

26 Cook Islands 0.018 0.020 0.006 0.005 33.3 30.0 25.0 25.0

27 Fiji Islands 0.815 0.868 0.319 0.310 39.1 36.3 35.9 35.7

28 Kiribati 0.086 0.101 0.022 0.023 25.6 23.5 23.0 22.8

29 Marshall Islands 0.052 0.055 0.014 0.012 26.9 22.6 22.2 21.8

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.107 0.112 0.028 0.025 26.2 23.4 23.4 22.3

31 Nauru 0.010 0.010 0.003 0.002 30.0 20.0 20.0 20.0

32 Niue 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.000 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

33 Palau 0.019 0.021 0.005 0.005 26.3 25.0 25.0 23.8

34 Papua New Guinea 5.519 7.014 4.286 5.057 77.7 73.3 72.7 72.1

35 Samoa 0.178 0.184 0.060 0.049 33.7 28.0 27.3 26.6

36 Solomon Islands 0.420 0.552 0.300 0.372 71.4 68.1 67.7 67.4

37 Tonga 0.098 0.105 0.033 0.027 33.7 27.9 26.9 25.7

38 Tuvalu 0.009 0.010 0.003 0.003 33.3 30.0 30.0 30.0

39 Vanuatu 0.190 0.246 0.069 0.073 36.3 31.2 30.4 29.7

149.183 153.518 5.802 3.732 3.9 2.7 2.5 2.4

40 Australia 19.382 22.606 0.872 0.869 4.5 4.0 3.9 3.8

41 Japan 125.894 126.497 4.591 2.527 3.6 2.3 2.1 2.0

42 New Zealand 3.907 4.415 0.339 0.336 8.7 7.8 7.7 7.6

3 734.346 4 126.677 1 936.208 1 930.962 51.8 47.8 47.3 46.8

2 465.657 2 847.364 653.886 689.279 26.5 24.6 24.4 24.2

6 200.003 A 6 974.041 A 2 590.094 A 2 620.241 A 41.8 38.4 38.0 37.6



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Page 44: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.08 0.05

0.36 0.40 0.41 0.42 1.46 -0.05

1 Cambodia 0.45 0.43 0.44 0.44 0.5 0.8

2 Indonesia 0.35 0.44 0.45 0.47 2.7 -0.4

3 Lao PDR 0.24 0.26 0.31 0.32 4.4 1.4

4 Malaysia 1.79 2.07 2.12 2.17 0.0 -2.0

5 Myanmar 0.33 0.37 0.37 0.38 1.7 0.2

6 Philippines 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.4 0.3

7 Thailand 0.62 0.64 0.65 0.66 -0.1 -0.8

8 Timor-Leste 0.28 0.26 0.27 0.26 1.9 2.7

9 Viet Nam 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.17 2.2 0.5

0.31 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.0 0.6

10 Afghanistan 0.54 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.2 2.6

11 Bangladesh 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.13 -0.4 -0.4

12 Bhutan 0.31 0.24 0.15 0.15 -4.5 2.6

13 India 0.31 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.0 0.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1.01 1.13 1.16 1.18 0.7 -0.8

15 Maldives 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12 -1.3 -2.5

16 Nepal 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.4 2.1

17 Pakistan 0 32 0 30 0 29 0 29 0 3 0 9

South and Southwest Asia


Ratio of Agricultural Land to Agricultural Population%

Average Annual change

1999 2007 2008

1999-2009 1999-2009

Table 4. Agricultural land and population

Agricultural Land Agricultural





Southeast Asia


17 Pakistan 0.32 0.30 0.29 0.29 -0.3 0.9

18 Sri Lanka 0.22 0.22 0.25 0.24 1.3 0.4

5.93 7.12 7.27 7.47 -0.1 -2.4

19 Kazakhstan 7.34 8.85 8.94 9.30 0.6 -1.7

20 Russian Federation 7.95 9.90 10.17 10.45 -0.3 -3.0

21 Uzbekistan 0.70 0.76 0.76 0.78 -0.4 -1.5

0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 -0.6 -0.3

22 China 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.15 -0.6 -0.3

23 DPR Korea 0.40 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.2 -1.9

24 Mongolia 1.99 1.66 1.85 1.92 -2.1 -1.8

25 Rep. of Korea 0.45 0.67 0.70 0.77 -0.6 -5.8

0.29 0.26 0.29 0.27 1.0 1.6

26 Cook Islands 1.17 0.50 0.50 0.50 -8.1 0.0

27 Fiji Islands 0.79 0.82 0.82 0.79 -0.4 -0.4

28 Kiribati 1.55 1.48 1.48 1.48 0.0 0.4

29 Marshall Islands 0.64 0.77 0.83 0.83 1.1 -1.5

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.67 0.75 0.75 0.73 -0.3 -1.1

31 Nauru 0.13 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.0 -4.0

32 Niue 3.80 ... ... ... 0.5 ...

33 Palau 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.0 0.0

34 Papua New Guinea 0.20 0.18 0.21 0.20 1.7 1.8

35 Samoa 0.98 1.19 1.21 1.25 0.5 -1.9

36 Solomon Islands 0.24 0.22 0.22 0.21 1.0 2.2

37 Tonga 0.79 0.90 0.90 0.93 0.0 -1.6

38 Tuvalu 0.67 0.60 0.60 0.60 -1.0 0.0

39 Vanuatu 1.93 2.01 2.01 1.99 1.0 0.7

8.19 11.24 11.70 12.98 0.1 -4.4

40 Australia 51.81 51.66 51.30 54.80 0.4 -0.2

41 Japan 0.94 1.44 1.53 1.62 -0.5 -5.7

42 New Zealand 4.71 1.47 1.54 1.61 -10.3 -0.1

0.35 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.1 0.0

1.31 1.27 1.27 1.26 0.1 0.5

0.59 0.58 0.58 0.59 0.1 0.2


Rest of World


North and Central Asia

East Asia

Pacific Islands


Page 45: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Mineral fertilizers

Area equipped for irrigation as percentage of agricultural land in 2009

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region with most input intensive agriculture in 2009






Viet Nam


Rep. of Korea


New Zealand


Rest of World


Kg plant nutrients/ha

0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200




Page 46: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 47: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


180 569 201 100 203 083 204 730 206 139 207 581 1.4

18 191 22 039 22 294 22 417 22 507 22 547 2.3

1 Cambodia 280 F 285 F 285 F 285 F 285 F 285 F 0.1

2 Indonesia 5 260 F 6 722 * 6 722 F 6 722 F 6 722 F 6 722 F 2.6

3 Lao PDR 250 F 310 * 310 F 310 F 310 F 310 F 1.3

4 Malaysia 365 F 365 F 365 F 365 F 365 F 365 F 0.0

5 Myanmar 1 692 2 136 2 244 2 250 2 255 F 2 275 2.8

6 Philippines 1 339 1 413 1 428 1 435 1 520 1 540 1.2

7 Thailand 5 475 F 6 187 F 6 305 F 6 415 * 6 415 F 6 415 F 1.7

8 Timor-Leste 30 F 35 F 35 F 35 F 35 F 35 F 1.2

9 Viet Nam 3 500 F 4 585 * 4 600 F 4 600 F 4 600 F 4 600 F 3.1

93 537 102 039 103 153 104 100 105 332 106 098 1.2

10 Afghanistan 3 199 F 3 199 F 3 199 F 3 199 F 3 199 F 3 199 F 0.0

11 Bangladesh 3 985 4 875 4 965 F 5 008 F 5 050 * 5 100 F 2.3

12 Bhutan 27 F 27 F 27 F 28 * 28 F 28 F 0.4

13 India 58 956 F 64 646 * 65 209 F 65 771 F 66 334 * 66 700 F 1.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 7 715 F 8 574 8 715 8 856 8 993 9 133 1.7

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 135 F 1 168 1 168 1 168 1 168 1 168 F 0.2

17 Pakistan 17 950 18 980 19 300 F 19 500 F 19 990 * 20 200 F 1.3

18 Sri Lanka 570 F 570 F 570 F 570 F 570 F 570 F 0.0

12 414 12 332 12 292 12 214 12 125 12 079 -0.2

19 Kazakhstan 3 556 F 3 556 F 3 556 F 3 556 F 3 556 F 3 556 F 0.0

20 Russian Federation 4 635 F 4 553 4 513 4 435 4 346 4 300 F -0.7

21 Uzbekistan 4 223 F 4 223 F 4 223 F 4 223 F 4 223 F 4 223 F 0.0

56 424 64 687 65 341 65 996 66 172 66 854 1.8

22 China 54 002 F 62 276 * 62 938 * 63 603 F 63 796 64 504 1.9

23 DPR Korea 1 460 F 1 460 F 1 460 F 1 460 F 1 460 F 1 460 F 0.0

24 Mongolia 84 F 84 F 84 F 84 F 84 F 84 F 0.0

25 Rep. of Korea 878 867 859 849 832 806 -0.7

3 3 3 3 3 3 0.0

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 3 F 3 F 3 F 3 F 3 F 3 F 0.0

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 195 5 634 5 526 5 699 5 685 5 675 0.7

40 Australia 2 251 2 545 F 2 550 F 2 550 F 2 550 F 2 550 F 0.9

41 Japan 2 659 2 556 2 543 2 530 2 516 2 506 -0.6

42 New Zealand 285 F 533 433 619 619 619 7.1

185 764 206 734 208 609 210 429 211 824 213 256 1.4

94 966 97 896 98 116 98 279 98 503 98 423 0.4

280 729 A 304 629 A 306 725 A 308 708 A 310 327 A 311 679 A 1.1

growth rate





Rest of World

Southeast Asia

2008 2009

Area equipped for irrigation*


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia

South and Southwest Asia



1 000 ha


1999 2005 2006 2007

Table 5. Irrigation



* Refers to net irrigated area

Page 48: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1999 2007 2008 2009

616 832 621 488 180 569 204 730 206 139 207 581 29.3 43.7 43.8 33.4

92 691 107 143 18 191 22 417 22 507 22 547 19.6 22.4 22.1 21.0

1 Cambodia 3 840 F 4 055 F 280 F 285 F 285 F 285 F 7.3 7.4 7.2 7.0

2 Indonesia 32 746 F 42 600 F 5 260 F 6 722 F 6 722 F 6 722 F 16.1 17.6 17.1 15.8

3 Lao PDR 955 F 1 468 F 250 F 310 F 310 F 310 F 26.2 27.4 26.2 21.1

4 Malaysia 7 605 F 7 585 F 365 F 365 F 365 F 365 F 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8

5 Myanmar 10 285 12 135 F 1 692 2 250 2 255 F 2 275 16.5 20.5 20.0 18.7

6 Philippines 10 085 F 10 450 F 1 339 1 435 1 520 1 540 13.3 14.6 15.2 14.7

7 Thailand 19 217 F 18 995 F 5 475 F 6 415 * 6 415 F 6 415 F 28.5 34.1 34.1 33.8

8 Timor-Leste 187 F 225 F 30 F 35 F 35 F 35 F 16.0 14.9 14.9 15.6

9 Viet Nam 7 771 F 9 630 F 3 500 F 4 600 F 4 600 F 4 600 F 45.0 48.9 48.7 47.8

230 846 231 150 93 537 104 100 105 332 106 098 40.5 45.1 45.5 45.9

10 Afghanistan 7 753 7 910 3 199 F 3 199 F 3 199 F 3 199 F 41.3 40.4 40.4 40.4

11 Bangladesh 8 886 F 8 549 F 3 985 5 008 F 5 050 * 5 100 F 44.8 57.5 58.2 59.7

12 Bhutan 159 F 100 F 27 F 28 * 28 F 28 F 17.0 18.1 18.1 28.0

13 India 170 152 169 623 58 956 F 65 771 F 66 334 * 66 700 F 34.6 38.8 39.1 39.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 17 687 F 18 991 F 7 715 F 8 856 8 993 9 133 43.6 48.9 49.1 48.1

15 Maldives 8 F 7 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 2 416 F 2 520 F 1 135 F 1 168 1 168 1 168 F 47.0 47.2 47.2 46.3

17 P ki t 21 880 F 21 280 F 17 950 19 500 F 19 990 * 20 200 F 82 0 88 4 89 7 94 9

Table 6. Area equipped for irrigation as proportion of agricultural land


Agricultural land Area equipped for irrigationAgricultural land



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia


%1 000 ha

Irrigated land as % of

1999 2009 1999 2007 2008

17 Pakistan 21 880 F 21 280 F 17 950 19 500 F 19 990 * 20 200 F 82.0 88.4 89.7 94.9

18 Sri Lanka 1 905 F 2 170 F 570 F 570 F 570 F 570 F 29.9 27.5 28.5 26.3

153 706 151 672 12 414 12 214 12 125 12 079 8.1 8.1 8.0 8.0

19 Kazakhstan 22 053 23 480 F 3 556 F 3 556 F 3 556 F 3 556 F 16.1 15.6 15.6 15.1

20 Russian Federation 126 820 F 123 541 F 4 635 F 4 435 4 346 4 300 F 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.5

21 Uzbekistan 4 833 F 4 651 F 4 223 F 4 223 F 4 223 F 4 223 F 87.4 89.1 90.0 90.8

138 156 129 933 56 424 65 996 66 172 66 854 40.8 48.3 48.5 51.5

22 China 132 266 F 124 320 F 54 002 F 63 603 F 63 796 64 504 40.8 48.6 48.7 51.9

23 DPR Korea 2 800 F 2 855 F 1 460 F 1 460 F 1 460 F 1 460 F 52.1 49.5 50.3 51.1

24 Mongolia 1 191 962 F 84 F 84 F 84 F 84 F 7.1 9.9 10.2 8.7

25 Rep. of Korea 1 899 1 796 F 878 849 832 806 46.2 46.5 46.2 44.9

1 433 1 590 3 3 3 3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

26 Cook Islands 7 F 3 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 253 F 243 F 3 F 3 F 3 F 3 F 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

28 Kiribati 34 F 34 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands 9 F 10 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 20 F 19 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru 0 F 0 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 4 F 4 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau 3 F 3 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 813 F 960 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa 61 F 64 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 69 F 76 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 27 F 27 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu 2 F 2 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 131 F 145 F ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

52 269 52 662 5 195 5 699 5 685 5 675 9.9 10.4 10.7 10.8

40 Australia 45 800 47 511 2 251 2 550 F 2 550 F 2 550 F 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.4

41 Japan 4 866 4 609 2 659 2 530 2 516 2 506 54.6 53.9 53.9 54.4

42 New Zealand 1 603 F 542 F 285 F 619 619 619 17.8 100.0 100.0 100.0

669 101 674 150 185 764 210 429 211 824 213 256 27.8 40.2 40.4 31.6

847 597 859 204 94 966 98 279 98 503 98 423 11.2 9.8 9.8 11.5

1 516 698 A 1 533 354 A 280 729 A 308 708 A 310 327 A 311 679 A 18.5 20.2 20.3 20.3

North and Central Asia


East Asia

Pacific Islands



Rest of World

Area equipped for

irrigation as % of

Agricultural land

Page 49: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....



50 863.3 17 760.0 9 317.0 65 731.7 29 074.0 12 523.9 4.6 4.8 6.2

5 680.8 1 944.1 1 997.1 7 117.0 1 813.4 2 744.6 3.2 -0.7 2.9

1 Cambodia 5.2 F 8.2 F 0.9 F 21.0 F 24.0 F 1.0 F 18.1 12.5 1.1

2 Indonesia 2 119.8 526.6 291.7 2 784.6 F 511.6 F 1 000.0 F 4.2 2.9 16.2

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 429.3 F 23.8 F 736.1 F 998.1 F 202.9 F 900.4 F 12.4 21.5 -2.6

5 Myanmar 68.8 F 23.7 F 9.0 F 49.9 F 9.1 F 8.6 F -5.9 -17.8 -10.4

6 Philippines 572.6 F 208.7 F 77.4 F 586.9 70.2 114.3 -2.9 -12.4 11.2

7 Thailand 1 253.6 F 562.0 F 452.0 F 1 584.9 F 491.5 F 427.9 F 3.9 -4.3 -4.8

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 1 231.5 F 591.3 F 430.0 F 1 091.6 F 504.2 F 292.4 F -1.0 -1.2 -3.0

15 512.6 5 398.6 1 948.9 21 343.2 9 616.5 3 936.2 4.8 7.2 10.2

10 Afghanistan 20.3 F 5.1 F ... 33.2 F ... ... 5.7 ... ...

11 Bangladesh 951.3 F 200.3 F 167.1 F 915.0 F 336.1 F 246.8 F 2.5 1.9 1.2

12 Bhutan 0.8 F 0.2 F 0.1 F 0.7 0.2 0.1 2.5 5.6 5.5

13 India 11 077.9 4 131.9 1 597.4 16 549.6 8 017.0 3 513.3 5.8 9.0 11.9

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 850.1 F 349.1 F 101.2 F 390.4 F 437.4 F 76.4 F -7.7 -1.2 -8.6

15 Maldives 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 0.0 ... 0.5 -22.4 ...

16 Nepal 5.5 5.2 1.0 17.7 F 17.4 F 2.9 F 16.8 -1.3 ...

17 Pakistan 2 456 0 669 3 23 9 3 270 5 756 7 37 5 4 2 0 0 0 1

Table 7. Mineral fertilizers: consumption


2003 2010 growth rate



1 000 MT




Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

Average annual


17 Pakistan 2 456.0 669.3 23.9 3 270.5 756.7 37.5 4.2 0.0 0.1

18 Sri Lanka 150.7 37.5 58.1 166.1 F 51.7 F 59.1 F 1.9 7.7 2.9

865.9 317.5 198.9 1 954.4 561.2 300.5 15.1 10.5 6.8

19 Kazakhstan 19.6 14.1 0.0 22.5 13.0 2.3 1.7 3.1 18.3

20 Russian Federation 846.3 303.4 198.8 1 192.7 437.0 263.2 6.8 5.1 4.6

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... 739.3 F 111.3 F 35.0 F ... ... ...

28 790.1 10 017.8 5 171.4 35 295.4 17 079.8 5 527.6 4.3 4.1 7.4

22 China 28 450.2 F 9 798.4 F 4 949.0 F 35 069.1 F 16 943.0 F 5 385.7 F 4.5 4.3 8.4

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia 4.0 F ... 0.0 F 11.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 12.9 ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 335.9 219.4 222.4 215.3 136.8 141.8 -7.0 -7.4 -7.0

13.8 82.0 0.6 21.6 3.1 14.9 4.5 -23.6 51.6

26 Cook Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -10.7 -13.6 -14.9

27 Fiji Islands 3.2 F 0.1 F 0.0 F 2.4 F 0.2 F 0.0 F -8.0 43.3 7.9

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 6.9 F 81.1 F 0.6 F 16.0 F 2.8 F 14.1 F 9.0 -22.9 53.1

35 Samoa 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -0.6 -7.3 0.8

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 3.8 F 0.7 F 0.0 F 3.2 F 0.0 F 0.9 F -1.4 -56.3 ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 823.5 2 126.4 720.8 1 943.8 1 749.5 459.9 -0.9 -4.9 -7.5

40 Australia 932.9 1 079.3 239.0 1 241.2 F 946.2 F 211.5 F 0.6 -5.1 -4.1

41 Japan 543.8 F 605.7 F 324.3 F 456.4 F 424.3 F 238.8 F -2.1 -5.4 -6.2

42 New Zealand 346.9 441.4 157.5 246.2 379.0 9.6 -4.6 -3.7 -31.4

52 686.8 19 886.4 10 037.9 67 675.5 30 823.6 12 983.7 4.4 4.0 5.4

36 817.5 15 957.1 15 143.5 38 214.8 14 618.3 14 128.1 0.3 -2.7 -3.0

89 504.2 A 35 843.4 A 25 181.3 A 105 890.3 A 45 441.8 A 27 111.8 A 2.8 1.4 0.5



Rest of World


East Asia

Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

Page 50: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....



83.0 29.0 15.2 110 40.5 18.5 5.2 3.3 7.9

58.1 19.9 20.4 70 15.3 17.6 1.8 -3.5 0.8

1 Cambodia 1.4 2.1 0.2 4.2 4.8 0.2 15.4 11.8 -0.8

2 Indonesia 55.2 13.7 7.6 68.8 11.9 19.8 3.4 -0.4 17.1

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 56.6 3.1 97.0 127.0 8.8 46.9 13.1 14.9 -6.3

5 Myanmar 6.5 2.2 0.8 4.2 0.4 0.4 -7.4 -20.3 -16.6

6 Philippines 59.2 21.6 8.0 41.5 6.8 16.8 -7.2 -12.1 13.0

7 Thailand 66.8 30.0 24.1 74.0 13.5 8.2 1.8 -9.5 -10.2

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 138.4 66.5 48.3 158.9 71.7 33.1 -1.6 -1.0 -2.5

67.2 23.4 8.4 92.9 38.9 17.7 5.4 6.6 11.3

10 Afghanistan 2.6 0.6 ... 4.5 0.0 ... 6.5 ... ...

11 Bangladesh 109.0 22.9 19.1 164.3 50.2 34.9 6.5 -0.7 -3.8

12 Bhutan 5.3 1.2 0.9 16.1 4.7 3.1 15.7 21.2 20.2

13 India 65.2 24.3 9.4 91.7 42.5 21.4 6.0 8.3 13.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 48.1 19.8 5.7 41.4 18.1 3.6 -1.8 -3.4 -8.6

15 Maldives 1.0 0.5 0.5 2.7 0.4 0.0 35.4 -8.3 ...

16 Nepal 2.2 2.1 0.4 11.2 4.8 0.8 9.1 -21.1 ...

17 Pakistan 110 5 30 1 1 1 163 2 44 5 0 8 5 1 0 9 2 5


South and Southwest Asia

Southeast Asia






Kg plant nutrient / ha


Average annual

Table 8. Mineral fertilizers: consumption per ha of agricultural land




growth rate


17 Pakistan 110.5 30.1 1.1 163.2 44.5 0.8 5.1 0.9 -2.5

18 Sri Lanka 78.1 19.4 30.1 83.7 24.2 34.7 1.2 7.7 4.7

5.7 2.1 1.3 12.4 4.0 2.0 17.0 13.3 8.7

19 Kazakhstan 0.9 0.6 0.0 1.3 1.1 0.0 3.2 7.4 7.0

20 Russian Federation 6.8 2.4 1.6 10.0 3.2 2.2 7.8 5.5 6.2

21 Uzbekistan 0.0 0.0 0.0 130.7 40.2 7.9 ... ... ...

219.4 76.4 39.4 292.4 108.3 40.2 6.2 3.1 12.2

22 China 221.4 76.3 38.5 296.8 109.4 39.7 6.4 3.3 13.4

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia 4.6 0.0 0.0 7.8 0.0 0.0 8.1 ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 181.9 118.9 120.5 136.8 89.7 95.1 -4.7 -4.4 -3.8

11.7 69.4 0.5 20.0 1.3 8.8 3.0 -32.5 46.2

26 Cook Islands 3.0 2.4 4.0 2.7 2.7 2.7 -3.9 -1.5 -2.8

27 Fiji Islands 12.6 0.2 0.2 11.3 2.4 1.4 -3.7 43.9 21.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 8.3 98.3 0.7 19.8 1.1 11.6 7.2 -33.5 47.0

35 Samoa 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 7.5 -1.0 9.7

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 144.6 28.8 0.5 162.0 0.9 1.7 -25.2 -49.3 ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34.7 40.4 13.7 31.3 27.6 7.1 -2.0 -4.6 -7.7

40 Australia 19.7 22.8 5.0 17.9 13.5 3.3 -2.1 -6.8 -5.0

41 Japan 114.8 127.9 68.5 120.1 106.0 45.0 -0.9 -4.3 -5.3

42 New Zealand 738.0 939.2 335.2 450.2 600.8 19.3 -7.2 -3.7 -36.9

79.1 29.9 15.1 103.8 39.5 17.6 5.0 2.6 7.1

43.0 18.7 17.7 41.2 14.8 12.5 -0.3 -3.8 -4.7

58.8 23.6 16.6 68.5 25.6 14.7 2.9 0.0 0.3



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia

Page 51: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


4 697 682 2 632 884 2 926 383 3 207 822 3 117 021 3 683 201 -11.3

475 714 14 172 14 831 15 454 15 950 16 162 -38.8

1 Cambodia 1 540 F 3 857 4 166 4 247 4 475 4 611 11.7

2 Indonesia 4 656 ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 9 803 10 315 10 665 11 207 11 475 11 551 1.5

6 Philippines 54 700 F ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 282 057 ... ... ... ... ... ...

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 122 958 ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 392 122 680 958 738 851 770 552 338 536 29 278 -29.2

10 Afghanistan 110 F 114 132 711 1 011 F 171 16.6

11 Bangladesh 1 200 F 450 1 555 3 000 ... ... ...

12 Bhutan 112 F 123 F 126 F 129 F 132 F 136 1.8

13 India 1 797 000 F ... ... ... ... ... ...

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 230 000 * 249 637 287 365 298 000 F 308 422 ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 21 700 F 28 971 28 971 28 971 28 971 28 971 2.3

17 Pakistan 342 000 F 401 663 420 702 439 741



growth rate



Table 9. Agricultural tractors: number in use


Agricultural Tractors

2006 2007 2008



1998 2004 2005

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

17 Pakistan 342 000 F 401 663 420 702 439 741 ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

920 957 577 764 524 449 483 315 445 889 364 356 -8.3

19 Kazakhstan 64 249 45 791 44 116 43 715 40 228 ... ...

20 Russian Federation 856 708 531 973 480 333 439 600 405 661 364 356 -8.2

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

902 214 1 354 102 1 642 516 1 932 685 2 310 752 3 267 421 2.9

22 China 738 526 1 130 338 1 410 643 1 692 078 2 063 524 3 010 658 1.6

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia 5 800 F 4 100 F 4 000 F 3 900 3 566 F 3 232 F -4.7

25 Rep. of Korea 157 888 219 664 227 873 236 707 243 662 253 531 4.3

6 675 5 888 5 736 5 816 5 894 5 984 ...

26 Cook Islands 165 ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 6 298 F 5 644 F 5 735 F 5 815 F 5 893 F 5 983 F ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa 76 ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 135 F 243 ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu 1 F 1 1 1 1 1 ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 120 000 1 934 114 1 910 724 ... ... ... ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 2 120 000 1 934 114 F 1 910 724 ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 817 682 4 566 998 4 837 107 3 207 822 3 117 021 3 683 201 -14.2

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...WORLD



Rest of World

Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia

* China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 52: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 53: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


















Viet Nam




Iran (Is

lamic Rep. o




Solomon Islands




Rest of W




Agricultural production growth

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region with the most rapid growth (%) of agricultural production for the period 2000-2010

Food production growth

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region with the most rapid growth (%) of food production for the period 2000-2010



















Viet Nam




Iran (Is

lamic Rep. o




Solomon Islands




Rest of W




Page 54: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 55: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


86 89 96 104 113 117 3.4

80 87 96 105 114 117 4.1

1 Cambodia 75 72 81 114 131 147 8.1

2 Indonesia 78 86 95 106 113 121 4.7

3 Lao PDR 86 95 96 104 123 130 4.5

4 Malaysia 78 84 95 105 110 112 3.8

5 Myanmar 68 76 90 111 125 127 7.3

6 Philippines 85 91 98 102 113 112 3.1

7 Thailand 92 96 100 102 111 108 2.0

8 Timor-Leste 90 101 99 103 110 125 2.9

9 Viet Nam 78 87 96 104 110 115 4.2

89 87 95 105 114 121 3.4

10 Afghanistan 85 95 96 97 99 119 3.6

11 Bangladesh 90 90 91 106 120 130 4.2

12 Bhutan 68 69 86 108 93 86 3.5

13 India 90 86 95 106 117 123 3.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 78 90 95 103 101 109 3.2

15 Maldives 89 78 113 98 82 80 -0.8

16 Nepal 86 91 98 102 108 114 2.8

17 Pakistan 88 87 97 102 110 111 3 1

2004-2006 = 100, gross production of agricultural products*


South and Southwest Asia

Table 10. Agricultural production indices





2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

growth rate





Southeast Asia

17 Pakistan 88 87 97 102 110 111 3.1

18 Sri Lanka 95 95 94 104 114 119 2.4

86 95 97 103 111 100 2.1

19 Kazakhstan 78 93 94 106 108 107 3.4

20 Russian Federation 89 97 99 102 110 94 1.3

21 Uzbekistan 77 82 93 107 116 124 5.2

86 91 97 103 112 117 3.4

22 China 85 90 97 103 112 118 3.5

23 DPR Korea 83 95 100 99 99 96 0.8

24 Mongolia 144 104 106 97 120 117 0.7

25 Rep. of Korea 104 100 99 101 106 102 0.3

92 93 97 103 111 111 2.5

26 Cook Islands 190 155 97 103 107 106 -5.9

27 Fiji Islands 101 97 97 104 94 84 -1.0

28 Kiribati 75 77 94 110 116 118 5.8

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 88 92 99 100 96 99 0.9

31 Nauru 100 93 99 100 101 111 0.9

32 Niue 95 97 99 99 103 104 0.6

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 92 94 97 103 112 114 2.7

35 Samoa 92 91 98 100 105 123 2.8

36 Solomon Islands 82 79 92 105 117 115 4.8

37 Tonga 97 99 98 103 109 109 1.3

38 Tuvalu 94 93 100 99 106 113 1.7

39 Vanuatu 84 78 93 104 109 107 3.5

102 97 100 96 101 99 -0.2

40 Australia 106 95 99 93 100 99 -0.7

41 Japan 104 103 100 99 101 97 -0.4

42 New Zealand 88 92 101 100 102 103 1.5

87 90 96 103 112 116 3.2

91 93 100 101 106 107 1.8

89 91 98 102 109 112 2.5

North and Central Asia

East Asia


Rest of World



Pacific Islands

* Including all crops and livestock products except fodder crops

Page 56: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


86 90 96 104 113 117 3.4

81 88 96 105 114 118 4.2

1 Cambodia 74 72 81 114 130 147 8.2

2 Indonesia 79 86 96 106 113 122 4.7

3 Lao PDR 83 94 95 104 123 130 4.7

4 Malaysia 78 85 95 105 113 117 4.2

5 Myanmar 68 76 90 111 126 127 7.4

6 Philippines 84 91 97 102 113 113 3.2

7 Thailand 94 97 100 102 112 109 1.9

8 Timor-Leste 89 101 99 103 112 130 3.4

9 Viet Nam 78 88 96 103 109 114 3.9

89 88 95 105 115 120 3.3

10 Afghanistan 84 95 96 97 99 119 3.7

11 Bangladesh 90 90 91 106 121 130 4.2

12 Bhutan 68 69 86 108 93 86 3.5

13 India 91 87 95 105 117 122 3.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 77 90 94 103 100 109 3.2

15 Maldives 89 78 113 98 82 80 -0.8

16 Nepal 86 91 98 102 108 114 2.8

17 Pakistan 88 88 96 103 113 113 3 2

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia



2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

Table 11. Food production indices





growth rate


%2004-2006 = 100, gross production of agricultural products*

17 Pakistan 88 88 96 103 113 113 3.2

18 Sri Lanka 95 94 93 105 116 123 2.7

86 95 97 103 111 100 2.1

19 Kazakhstan 79 95 93 107 109 108 3.5

20 Russian Federation 89 97 99 102 110 94 1.3

21 Uzbekistan 76 81 92 109 119 135 6.3

86 91 97 103 112 118 3.4

22 China 85 91 97 103 112 118 3.4

23 DPR Korea 83 95 100 99 99 95 0.8

24 Mongolia 144 104 106 97 120 116 0.7

25 Rep. of Korea 103 100 99 101 106 102 0.3

91 93 97 104 111 111 2.6

26 Cook Islands 190 155 97 103 107 106 -5.9

27 Fiji Islands 101 97 97 104 94 84 -1.0

28 Kiribati 75 77 94 110 116 118 5.8

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 88 92 99 100 96 99 0.9

31 Nauru 100 93 99 100 101 111 0.9

32 Niue 95 97 99 99 103 104 0.6

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 91 93 97 104 113 114 2.8

35 Samoa 92 91 98 100 105 123 2.8

36 Solomon Islands 82 79 92 105 117 115 4.8

37 Tonga 97 99 98 103 109 109 1.3

38 Tuvalu 94 93 100 99 106 113 1.7

39 Vanuatu 84 78 93 104 109 107 3.5

100 96 100 96 102 100 0.1

40 Australia 103 93 100 92 104 101 -0.2

41 Japan 104 103 100 99 101 97 -0.4

42 New Zealand 87 92 101 100 103 104 1.7

87 90 96 103 112 116 3.2

91 93 99 101 107 108 1.9

89 91 98 102 109 112 2.5

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

* Including all products that are considered edible and contains nutrients.

Page 57: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Cereals: area harvested

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region with largest area harvested in 2010

Rice paddy: per caput production

Per caput production of the agricultural population in 2010








Million ha




Other cereals


Russian F










Iran (I


Rep. of)

Rest of A



Page 58: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 59: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


533 726.8 569 582.9 587 481.9 613 770.8 608 136.0 621 052.1 2.0

152 404.3 177 367.2 184 763.2 192 598.6 197 776.0 201 008.6 3.1

1 Cambodia 4 026.1 6 264.1 6 727.0 7 175.5 7 585.9 8 245.3 8.6

2 Indonesia 51 898.0 54 454.9 57 157.4 60 251.1 64 398.9 66 469.4 2.6

3 Lao PDR 2 201.7 2 663.7 2 710.1 2 969.9 3 144.8 3 070.6 3.5

4 Malaysia 2 140.8 2 187.0 2 375.0 2 353.0 2 511.0 2 548.0 1.7

5 Myanmar 21 323.9 30 924.0 31 451.0 32 573.0 32 682.0 33 204.5 F 5.5

6 Philippines 12 389.4 15 326.7 16 240.2 16 815.5 16 266.4 15 771.7 3.0

7 Thailand 25 843.9 29 641.9 32 099.4 31 650.6 32 116.1 31 597.2 2.0

8 Timor-Leste 51.0 * 55.4 60.4 80.3 120.8 112.9 8.2

9 Viet Nam 32 529.5 35 849.5 35 942.7 38 729.8 38 950.2 39 988.9 2.0

181 648.5 198 843.6 206 198.6 216 987.6 202 889.0 212 615.4 2.0

10 Afghanistan 260.0 540.0 552.0 612.0 645.0 672.0 10.2

11 Bangladesh 37 627.5 40 773.0 43 181.0 46 742.0 47 724.0 50 061.2 3.3

12 Bhutan 44.3 72.5 74.4 77.4 66.4 71.6 7.5

13 India 127 465.0 139 137.0 144 570.0 148 770.0 133 700.0 143 963.0 1.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 971.5 2 612.2 2 664.2 2 184.0 2 253.4 2 288.2 0.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 4 216.5 4 209.3 3 680.8 4 299.3 4 523.7 4 023.8 -0.1

17 Pakistan 7 203 9 8 157 6 8 345 1 10 428 0 10 324 5 7 235 0 3 7

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2000 2006



1 000 MT

Table 12. Rice paddy: production





growth rate



2009 20102007 2008

17 Pakistan 7 203.9 8 157.6 8 345.1 10 428.0 10 324.5 7 235.0 3.7

18 Sri Lanka 2 859.9 3 342.0 3 131.0 3 875.0 3 652.0 4 300.6 4.1

954.9 1 189.7 1 196.6 1 103.4 1 414.4 1 641.2 6.0

19 Kazakhstan 214.3 288.8 294.4 254.7 307.0 373.2 5.1

20 Russian Federation 585.8 680.6 704.5 738.3 913.0 1 060.7 7.4

21 Uzbekistan 154.8 220.3 197.7 110.4 194.4 207.4 3.2

198 700.6 192 165.5 195 305.0 203 065.4 206 040.1 205 774.3 1.0

22 China 189 814.1 183 276.1 187 397.5 193 284.2 196 681.2 197 212.0 1.0

23 DPR Korea 1 690.0 2 478.5 1 869.5 2 862.0 * 2 336.0 2 426.0 2.6

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 7 196.6 6 411.0 6 038.0 6 919.3 7 023.0 6 136.3 -0.9

18.5 16.9 18.5 15.7 16.4 12.5 -2.0

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 13.2 12.7 14.8 11.6 11.6 7.7 -3.7

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 6.9

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.7 * 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.9 F 1.8

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 4.5 3.3 2.8 3.2 F 3.8 F 3.9 F 3.3

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 963.7 11 698.0 11 056.0 11 046.4 10 655.2 10 796.7 -1.7

40 Australia 1 100.7 1 003.0 163.0 17.6 65.2 196.7 -27.6

41 Japan 11 863.0 10 695.0 10 893.0 11 028.8 10 590.0 * 10 600.0 * -0.6

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

546 690.5 581 280.9 598 537.9 624 817.2 618 791.2 631 848.8 1.9

52 665.0 59 926.3 58 432.3 64 211.7 65 803.9 64 475.6 2.5

599 355.5 A 641 207.2 A 656 970.2 A 689 028.9 A 684 595.1 A 696 324.4 A 1.9

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Page 60: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


3 916 4 154 4 276 4 340 4 365 4 423 1.4

3 542 3 902 3 989 4 095 4 103 4 144 1.6

1 Cambodia 2 115 2 489 2 622 2 746 2 836 2 970 4.4

2 Indonesia 4 401 4 620 4 705 4 895 4 999 5 015 1.4

3 Lao PDR 3 061 3 586 3 723 3 777 3 842 3 591 2.3

4 Malaysia 3 064 3 391 3 528 3 584 3 720 3 782 2.0

5 Myanmar 3 383 3 830 3 926 4 032 4 085 4 124 2.2

6 Philippines 3 068 3 684 3 801 3 770 3 589 3 622 1.8

7 Thailand 2 613 2 916 3 009 2 963 2 883 2 875 0.7

8 Timor-Leste 3 000 1 231 1 511 1 759 3 097 3 090 2.9

9 Viet Nam 4 243 4 894 4 987 5 234 5 237 5 322 2.3

2 979 3 300 3 433 3 438 3 413 3 546 1.8

10 Afghanistan 2 000 3 375 3 247 3 221 3 225 3 231 4.8

11 Bangladesh 3 484 3 854 4 083 4 144 4 203 4 279 2.5

12 Bhutan 1 704 2 746 2 704 3 998 2 799 3 140 6.9

13 India 2 851 3 176 3 292 3 267 3 189 3 383 1.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 3 690 4 143 4 326 4 145 4 206 4 060 0.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 2 703 2 717 2 557 2 775 2 907 2 716 0.2

17 Pakistan 3 031 3 161 3 318 3 520 3 581 3 059 1.7

18 Sri Lanka 3 437 3 671 3 834 3 680 3 737 4 056 1.4

2 570 3 908 3 997 4 073 4 727 4 611 5.6

19 Kazakhstan 2 972 3 297 3 368 3 374 3 541 3 970 2.4

20 Russian Federation 3 495 4 357 4 488 4 603 5 143 5 280 4.7

21 Uzbekistan 1 175 3 632 3 595 3 154 5 554 3 400 10.8

6 227 6 180 6 359 6 551 6 567 6 516 0.7

22 China 6 264 6 201 6 422 6 553 6 582 6 548 0.7

23 DPR Korea 3 159 4 248 3 204 5 018 4 105 4 256 2.4

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 6 711 6 711 6 354 7 394 7 597 6 879 1.0

2 795 2 442 2 667 2 361 2 807 2 850 0.5

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 2 498 2 315 2 670 2 284 2 871 2 696 1.0

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 878 870 1 111 1 284 1 328 1 756 6.4

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 2 509 2 339 2 168 2 062 2 168 2 361 0.5

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 4 650 3 351 3 001 2 909 2 923 3 500 -4.2

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 811 6 546 6 530 6 780 6 529 6 556 -0.2

40 Australia 8 257 10 131 8 150 8 000 8 150 10 407 0.4

41 Japan 6 702 6 336 6 511 6 779 6 521 6 511 0.1

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 956 4 185 4 303 4 368 4 390 4 448 1.3

3 319 3 586 3 643 3 820 3 750 3 713 1.3

3 890 4 121 4 235 4 310 4 319 4 368 1.3



Rest of World


2008 2009

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





2000 2006 2007

Table 13. Rice paddy: yield





growth rate



Page 61: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


136 288.4 137 114.4 137 403.7 141 431.0 139 330.8 140 405.7 0.6

43 029.3 45 459.7 46 314.9 47 032.7 48 201.6 48 505.1 1.4

1 Cambodia 1 903.2 2 516.4 2 566.0 2 613.4 2 674.6 2 776.5 4.0

2 Indonesia 11 793.0 11 786.4 12 147.6 12 309.2 12 883.6 13 253.5 1.2

3 Lao PDR 719.4 742.9 727.9 786.3 818.6 855.1 1.2

4 Malaysia 698.7 645.0 * 673.2 656.6 674.9 673.7 -0.3

5 Myanmar 6 302.5 8 074.0 8 011.0 8 078.0 8 000.0 F 8 051.7 F 3.2

6 Philippines 4 038.1 4 159.9 4 272.9 4 460.0 4 532.3 4 354.2 1.1

7 Thailand 9 891.2 10 165.2 10 668.9 10 683.5 11 141.4 10 990.1 1.2

8 Timor-Leste 17.0 F 45.0 * 40.0 F 45.6 39.0 36.5 5.2

9 Viet Nam 7 666.3 7 324.8 7 207.4 7 400.2 7 437.2 7 513.7 -0.2

60 972.2 60 246.9 60 069.7 63 121.1 59 449.1 59 961.0 0.2

10 Afghanistan 130.0 160.0 170.0 190.0 200.0 208.0 5.1

11 Bangladesh 10 801.2 10 579.0 10 575.0 11 280.0 11 353.5 11 700.0 * 0.7

12 Bhutan 26.0 F 26.4 27.5 19.4 23.7 22.8 0.5

13 India 44 712.0 43 810.0 43 910.0 45 540.0 41 920.0 42 560.0 -0.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 534.3 630.6 615.9 526.9 535.8 563.5 0.0

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 560.0 1 549.5 1 439.5 1 549.3 1 555.9 1 481.3 -0.3

17 Pakistan 2 376.6 2 581.0 2 515.0 2 962.6 2 883.0 2 365.0 2.0

18 Sri Lanka 832.0 910.5 816.7 1 053.0 977.1 1 060.4 2.7

371.5 304.5 299.4 270.9 299.2 355.9 0.4

19 Kazakhstan 72.1 87.6 87.4 75.5 86.7 94.0 2.6

20 Russian Federation 167.6 156.2 157.0 160.4 177.5 200.9 2.6

21 Uzbekistan 131.8 60.7 55.0 * 35.0 * 35.0 * 61.0 F -6.9

31 908.9 31 096.5 30 712.8 30 999.5 31 375.1 31 579.3 0.3

22 China 30 301.5 29 557.9 29 179.1 29 493.4 29 881.6 30 117.3 0.3

23 DPR Korea 535.0 583.4 583.4 570.4 569.0 570.0 0.2

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1 072.4 955.2 950.3 935.8 924.5 892.1 -1.9

6.6 6.9 7.0 6.7 5.8 4.4 -2.5

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 5.3 5.5 F 5.6 5.1 4.1 2.9 F -4.6

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.5

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 1.2

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 1.0 1.0 F 0.9 1.1 F 1.3 F 1.1 F 7.9

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 903.3 1 787.0 1 693.0 1 629.2 1 632.0 1 646.9 -1.5

40 Australia 133.3 99.0 20.0 2.2 8.0 18.9 -27.9

41 Japan 1 770.0 1 688.0 1 673.0 1 627.0 1 624.0 1 628.0 -0.7

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

138 191.7 138 901.4 139 096.7 143 060.2 140 962.8 142 052.6 0.6

15 868.2 16 708.9 16 041.3 16 809.0 17 548.0 17 363.9 1.1

154 059.9 A 155 610.3 A 155 138.0 A 159 869.1 A 158 510.8 A 159 416.5 A 0.6



Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha

Pacific Islands

East Asia

20102006 2007 2008 2009

North and Central Asia




Table 14. Rice paddy: area harvested


Area harvested



growth rate



Page 62: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


257 014.1 284 222.8 303 531.6 308 010.9 326 759.7 299 919.8 2.4

93.8 141.0 156.1 171.1 180.1 183.0 7.3

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 93.0 140.0 155.0 170.0 179.0 181.9 F 7.3

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 0.8 * 1.0 F 1.1 F 1.1 F 1.1 F 1.1 F 4.0

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

110 032.1 110 796.2 121 733.0 112 530.5 125 458.9 126 134.5 1.7

10 Afghanistan 1 469.0 3 363.0 4 484.0 2 623.0 5 064.0 4 532.0 10.5

11 Bangladesh 1 840.0 735.0 737.0 844.0 849.0 901.5 -8.8

12 Bhutan 4.4 9.1 8.9 5.8 4.5 4.9 3.0

13 India 76 368.9 69 354.5 75 806.7 78 570.2 80 680.0 80 800.0 1.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 8 087.8 14 663.7 15 886.6 7 956.7 13 484.5 15 028.8 3.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 183.5 1 394.1 1 515.1 1 572.1 1 343.9 1 556.5 2.7

17 Pakistan 21 078.6 21 276.8 23 294.7 20 958.8 24 033.0 23 310.8 2.1

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

47 061.0 64 486.7 72 032.3 82 449.8 85 429.5 57 876.4 3.3

19 Kazakhstan 9 073.5 13 460.5 16 466.9 12 538.2 17 052.0 9 638.4 2.3

20 Russian Federation 34 455.5 44 926.9 49 368.0 63 765.1 61 739.8 41 507.6 3.2

21 Uzbekistan 3 532.0 6 099.3 6 197.4 6 146.5 6 637.7 6 730.4 6.2

99 827.2 108 798.8 109 610.2 112 859.5 115 691.3 115 725.9 2.6

22 China 99 636.1 108 466.3 109 298.3 112 464.3 115 115.4 115 181.3 2.6

23 DPR Korea 50.0 * 199.0 * 195.0 * 175.0 * 169.0 * 160.0 * 7.7

24 Mongolia 138.7 127.8 109.6 209.8 388.1 345.5 9.0

25 Rep. of Korea 2.3 5.8 7.4 10.4 18.8 39.1 22.1

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

23 122.2 11 920.6 14 823.9 22 644.8 22 733.7 23 154.2 -0.2

40 Australia 22 108.0 10 821.6 13 569.4 21 420.2 21 656.0 22 138.0 -0.2

41 Japan 688.2 837.2 910.1 881.2 674.2 571.3 -0.7

42 New Zealand 326.0 261.8 344.4 343.4 403.5 444.9 2.1

280 136.3 296 143.4 318 355.5 330 655.7 349 493.4 323 074.0 2.2

305 554.0 306 748.9 294 246.4 352 537.9 337 142.3 330 580.6 1.1

585 690.4 A 602 892.3 A 612 601.9 A 683 193.5 A 686 635.7 A 653 654.5 A 1.7

2000 2006 2009 2010

South and Southwest Asia

2007 2008

North and Central Asia

East Asia




Rest of World



1 000 MT

Table 15. Wheat: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate



Page 63: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 464 2 724 2 786 2 816 2 861 2 752 1.5

1 152 1 517 1 576 1 859 1 875 1 896 5.5

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 1 159 1 522 1 582 1 868 1 884 1 907 5.5

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 655 1 025 1 053 1 044 1 019 1 000 4.1

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 468 2 477 2 570 2 496 2 663 2 623 0.8

10 Afghanistan 724 1 376 1 818 1 226 1 967 1 925 7.4

11 Bangladesh 2 210 1 534 1 847 2 175 2 152 2 396 -0.1

12 Bhutan 946 1 348 1 292 1 766 1 437 2 164 6.3

13 India 2 778 2 619 2 708 2 802 2 907 2 839 0.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 586 2 365 2 200 1 515 2 029 2 136 1.4

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 793 2 074 2 156 2 225 1 934 2 129 1.6

17 Pakistan 2 491 2 519 2 716 2 451 2 657 2 553 1.1

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 437 1 774 1 917 2 043 2 016 1 599 1.6

19 Kazakhstan 903 1 135 1 298 971 1 190 734 -0.5

20 Russian Federation 1 614 1 949 2 101 2 446 2 318 1 918 2.1

21 Uzbekistan 2 605 4 211 4 482 4 464 4 668 4 740 5.3

3 712 4 697 4 582 4 733 4 699 4 706 2.9

22 China 3 738 4 724 4 608 4 762 4 739 4 749 2.9

23 DPR Korea 847 2 488 2 438 2 397 2 262 2 192 4.8

24 Mongolia 777 1 083 939 1 399 1 559 1 381 8.7

25 Rep. of Korea 2 545 3 343 3 813 4 064 3 707 3 117 2.6

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 868 989 1 156 1 643 1 618 1 682 -1.6

40 Australia 1 821 917 1 079 1 583 1 571 1 639 -1.7

41 Japan 3 761 3 835 4 340 4 220 3 237 2 761 -1.5

42 New Zealand 6 210 6 896 8 497 8 112 7 488 8 124 1.7

2 401 2 544 2 614 2 685 2 725 2 632 1.2

3 094 3 236 3 100 3 538 3 501 3 499 1.5

2 719 2 855 2 827 3 066 3 058 3 009 1.3


Table 16. Wheat: yield



2007 2008 2009

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia




growth rate







2000 2006

Page 64: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


104 301.0 104 346.3 108 954.3 109 363.9 114 211.2 108 976.4 0.9

81.4 93.0 99.0 92.0 96.1 96.5 1.7

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 80.2 92.0 98.0 91.0 95.0 F 95.4 F 1.7

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 1.2 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.1 F 1.1 F -0.1

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

44 575.8 44 733.3 47 369.3 45 075.4 47 111.1 48 090.3 1.0

10 Afghanistan 2 029.0 2 444.0 2 466.0 2 139.0 2 575.0 2 354.0 3.0

11 Bangladesh 832.4 479.0 399.0 388.0 394.6 376.3 -8.7

12 Bhutan 4.6 6.8 6.9 3.3 3.1 2.3 -3.1

13 India 27 486.0 26 483.6 27 994.5 28 038.6 27 750.0 28 460.0 0.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 5 100.7 6 200.0 7 222.3 5 250.2 6 647.4 7 035.0 1.8

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 660.0 672.0 702.7 706.5 695.0 731.1 1.0

17 Pakistan 8 463.0 8 447.9 8 578.0 8 549.8 9 046.0 9 131.6 1.0

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 751.9 36 358.8 37 566.3 40 353.6 42 384.3 36 197.8 1.6

19 Kazakhstan 10 050.1 11 861.2 12 683.0 12 906.3 14 329.4 13 138.0 2.8

20 Russian Federation 21 346.0 23 049.1 23 500.5 26 070.3 26 632.9 21 639.8 1.1

21 Uzbekistan 1 355.8 1 448.5 1 382.8 1 377.0 * 1 422.0 * 1 420.0 F 0.8

26 891.8 23 161.3 23 919.6 23 842.8 24 619.8 24 591.9 -0.3

22 China 26 653.3 22 961.6 23 721.1 23 617.3 24 291.1 24 256.1 -0.3

23 DPR Korea 59.0 * 80.0 * 80.0 * 73.0 * 74.7 * 73.0 * 2.8

24 Mongolia 178.6 118.0 116.7 150.0 248.9 250.2 0.2

25 Rep. of Korea 0.9 1.7 1.9 2.5 5.1 12.5 19.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 376.5 12 054.2 12 828.5 13 781.3 14 050.2 13 768.7 1.5

40 Australia 12 141.0 11 797.9 12 578.3 13 530.2 13 788.0 13 507.0 1.5

41 Japan 183.0 218.3 209.7 208.8 208.3 206.9 0.8

42 New Zealand 52.5 38.0 40.5 42.3 53.9 54.8 0.4

116 677.5 116 400.5 121 782.8 123 145.2 128 261.4 122 745.1 1.0

98 759.4 94 783.7 94 922.3 99 649.5 96 312.6 94 474.3 -0.3

215 436.9 A 211 184.2 A 216 705.2 A 222 794.6 A 224 574.0 A 217 219.4 A 0.4

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha


Table 17. Wheat: area harvested





Rest of World


North and Central Asia



Pacific Islands

East Asia


Area harvested



growth rate



20092006 2007

Page 65: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


147 082.1 208 273.3 217 329.0 238 801.2 232 421.6 242 847.7 5.5

21 453.3 27 506.3 30 660.7 35 112.3 37 106.4 36 994.2 6.5

1 Cambodia 157.0 376.9 523.0 611.9 924.0 773.3 20.0

2 Indonesia 9 677.0 11 609.5 13 287.5 16 323.9 17 629.7 18 327.6 7.3

3 Lao PDR 117.0 450.0 688.2 1 107.8 1 134.4 1 020.9 32.1

4 Malaysia 65.0 * 80.0 F 32.1 33.0 35.8 36.4 -8.0

5 Myanmar 359.0 1 016.0 1 128.0 1 185.0 1 226.0 1 249.1 F 12.5

6 Philippines 4 511.1 6 082.1 6 736.9 6 928.2 7 034.0 6 376.8 5.4

7 Thailand 4 472.9 3 918.3 3 890.2 4 249.4 4 616.1 4 454.5 -0.2

8 Timor-Leste 88.4 * 119.0 71.5 100.2 134.7 148.9 5.5

9 Viet Nam 2 005.9 3 854.5 4 303.2 4 573.1 4 371.7 4 606.8 9.0

16 425.6 23 093.8 28 145.0 28 810.9 24 748.6 22 766.0 5.0

10 Afghanistan 115.0 359.0 360.0 280.0 300.0 301.0 7.6

11 Bangladesh 10.0 521.5 902.2 1 346.5 729.6 887.4 49.6

12 Bhutan 48.5 80.1 84.7 69.3 61.2 57.7 3.2

13 India 12 043.2 15 097.0 18 955.4 19 730.0 16 680.0 14 060.0 3.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 119.7 2 166.1 2 361.3 1 777.5 1 642.7 1 735.9 5.0

15 Maldives 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 3.9

16 Nepal 1 414.9 1 734.4 1 819.9 1 878.7 1 930.7 1 855.2 3.2

17 Pakistan 1 643.2 3 088.0 3 605.0 3 593.0 3 261.5 3 707.0 9.8

18 Sri Lanka 31.1 47.5 56.4 135.9 142.9 161.7 21.2

1 910.5 4 118.2 4 424.7 7 330.2 4 665.4 3 778.0 12.7

19 Kazakhstan 248.8 413.6 421.2 420.2 471.2 462.0 4.0

20 Russian Federation 1 530.3 3 510.4 3 798.0 6 682.3 3 963.4 3 084.4 14.8

21 Uzbekistan 131.4 194.2 205.5 227.7 230.8 231.6 6.8

107 283.5 153 546.1 154 089.4 167 536.3 165 889.5 179 298.1 5.2

22 China 106 178.3 151 731.4 152 418.9 166 032.1 164 107.6 177 540.8 5.3

23 DPR Korea 1 041.0 1 750.0 * 1 587.0 * 1 411.4 1 705.0 1 683.0 2.1

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 64.2 64.6 83.5 92.8 77.0 74.3 2.6

9.2 9.0 9.2 11.5 11.6 11.4 2.5

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 1.0 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.1

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.5

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 7.2 F 7.2 F 8.0 F 10.0 F 10.2 F 9.7 F 3.3

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 0.9 F 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.7 F -1.5

587.2 607.2 425.7 592.7 613.7 517.0 -0.3

40 Australia 406.0 380.0 239.9 387.0 375.7 328.0 -1.6

41 Japan 0.2 F 0.1 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F -0.7

42 New Zealand 181.0 227.1 185.6 205.6 237.8 188.8 2.3

147 669.3 208 880.5 217 754.6 239 393.9 233 035.3 243 364.6 5.5

444 810.0 497 952.4 571 769.9 587 412.7 586 174.7 596 943.6 3.3

592 479.3 A 706 832.9 A 789 524.5 A 826 806.6 A 819 210.0 A 840 308.2 A 3.9

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

2000 2006





1 000 MT

Table 18. Maize: production





growth rate



2009 20102007 2008

Page 66: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


3 542 4 383 4 243 4 504 4 337 4 520 2.4

2 567 3 203 3 377 3 520 3 752 3 759 4.1

1 Cambodia 2 735 3 580 3 683 3 751 4 176 2 341 2.5

2 Indonesia 2 765 3 470 3 660 4 078 4 237 4 436 4.7

3 Lao PDR 2 388 3 953 4 364 4 833 5 464 4 799 8.9

4 Malaysia 2 407 3 200 4 855 5 219 4 984 5 700 8.5

5 Myanmar 1 706 3 107 3 270 3 386 3 554 3 636 7.5

6 Philippines 1 797 2 366 2 544 2 604 2 621 2 552 4.6

7 Thailand 3 671 3 936 3 930 4 075 4 178 3 971 1.1

8 Timor-Leste 1 608 1 676 1 128 1 261 1 888 2 119 1.6

9 Viet Nam 2 747 3 731 3 926 3 175 4 014 4 090 3.4

1 884 2 231 2 629 2 674 2 309 2 350 2.9

10 Afghanistan 1 198 2 620 2 628 2 044 2 143 1 645 3.2

11 Bangladesh 2 060 5 300 5 981 6 017 5 683 5 838 9.1

12 Bhutan 1 565 2 648 2 182 2 446 2 141 2 318 4.1

13 India 1 822 1 912 2 335 2 415 2 002 1 958 1.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 6 166 7 422 7 691 7 323 7 280 7 227 1.7

15 Maldives 3 048 3 200 3 154 3 333 3 357 4 500 2.4

16 Nepal 1 728 2 038 2 091 2 159 2 205 2 119 2.4

17 Pakistan 1 741 3 036 3 427 3 415 3 488 3 806 9.1

18 Sri Lanka 1 084 1 485 1 651 2 634 2 600 2 806 11.0

2 262 3 767 3 119 3 943 3 722 3 272 4.1

19 Kazakhstan 3 335 4 632 4 564 4 404 4 750 4 833 2.9

20 Russian Federation 2 123 3 615 2 930 3 859 3 532 3 009 4.7

21 Uzbekistan 2 671 5 916 6 850 7 116 7 213 6 812 9.9

4 546 5 587 5 135 5 510 5 229 5 427 1.8

22 China 4 599 5 622 5 167 5 556 5 259 5 460 1.7

23 DPR Korea 2 099 3 653 3 200 2 805 3 390 3 346 2.0

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 4 062 4 730 4 918 5 054 5 023 4 787 2.5

2 510 2 526 2 730 2 835 2 904 2 996 1.6

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 2 905 1 916 1 900 1 948 1 944 2 007 0.7

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 1 180 1 293 1 222 1 617 1 733 1 400 2.7

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 5 538 4 500 4 706 4 545 4 636 4 850 -1.6

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 471 536 552 547 565 554 1.6

5 870 6 341 6 455 6 863 7 119 6 747 1.4

40 Australia 4 936 5 000 4 910 5 691 5 817 5 559 0.9

41 Japan 2 575 2 194 2 627 2 759 2 538 2 286 0.0

42 New Zealand 10 226 11 534 10 900 11 233 11 033 10 760 0.7

3 548 4 387 4 246 4 508 4 342 4 523 2.4

4 663 5 013 5 346 5 436 5 575 5 529 1.9

4 325 4 810 4 990 5 130 5 158 5 195 2.0



Rest of World


2008 2009

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





2000 2006 2007

Table 19. Maize: yield





growth rate



Page 67: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


41 520.7 47 518.7 51 219.3 53 018.4 53 588.6 53 724.5 3.0

8 357.6 8 587.3 9 079.4 9 975.4 9 891.0 9 842.1 2.3

1 Cambodia 57.4 105.3 142.0 163.1 221.3 330.3 17.1

2 Indonesia 3 500.0 3 345.8 3 630.3 4 003.3 4 160.7 4 131.7 2.5

3 Lao PDR 49.0 113.8 157.7 229.2 207.6 212.7 21.3

4 Malaysia 27.0 * 25.0 F 6.6 6.3 7.2 6.4 -15.2

5 Myanmar 210.4 327.0 345.0 350.0 345.0 F 343.5 F 4.7

6 Philippines 2 510.3 2 570.7 2 648.3 2 661.0 2 683.9 2 499.0 0.7

7 Thailand 1 218.3 995.6 990.0 1 042.8 1 104.9 1 121.8 -1.2

8 Timor-Leste 55.0 F 71.0 * 63.4 * 79.4 71.3 70.3 3.8

9 Viet Nam 730.2 1 033.1 1 096.1 1 440.2 1 089.2 1 126.4 5.5

8 716.4 10 351.5 10 707.6 10 775.6 10 718.1 9 687.4 2.0

10 Afghanistan 96.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 140.0 183.0 4.3

11 Bangladesh 4.9 98.4 150.8 223.8 128.4 152.0 37.2

12 Bhutan 31.0 30.2 38.8 28.3 28.6 24.9 -0.8

13 India 6 611.3 7 894.0 8 117.3 8 170.0 8 330.0 7 180.0 2.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 181.6 291.8 307.0 242.7 225.6 240.2 3.3

15 Maldives 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 1.4

16 Nepal 819.0 850.9 870.4 870.2 875.4 875.7 0.8

17 Pakistan 944.0 1 017.0 1 052.0 1 052.0 935.1 974.0 0.7

18 Sri Lanka 28.6 32.0 34.2 51.6 55.0 57.6 9.2

844.7 1 093.1 1 418.6 1 859.1 1 253.4 1 154.8 8.3

19 Kazakhstan 74.6 89.3 92.3 95.4 99.2 95.6 1.1

20 Russian Federation 720.9 971.0 1 296.3 1 731.7 1 122.2 1 025.2 9.7

21 Uzbekistan 49.2 32.8 30.0 * 32.0 * 32.0 * 34.0 F -2.9

23 598.2 27 483.2 30 010.4 30 404.2 31 722.1 33 036.4 3.4

22 China 23 086.4 26 990.6 29 497.4 29 882.7 31 203.7 32 517.9 3.5

23 DPR Korea 496.0 479.0 * 496.0 * 503.2 503.0 503.0 0.1

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 15.8 13.7 17.0 18.4 15.3 15.5 0.1

3.7 3.5 3.4 4.1 4.0 3.8 0.9

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.3 F 0.5 F 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.5 F -0.6

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.1 F -2.1

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1.3 F 1.6 F 1.7 F 2.2 F 2.2 F 2.0 F 5.0

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 2.0 F 1.4 F 1.5 F 1.5 F 1.5 F 1.3 F -3.1

100.0 95.8 65.9 86.4 86.2 76.6 -1.7

40 Australia 82.3 76.0 48.9 68.0 64.6 59.0 -2.5

41 Japan 0.1 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F -0.7

42 New Zealand 17.7 19.7 17.0 18.3 21.6 17.5 1.7

41 620.7 47 614.4 51 285.3 53 104.8 53 674.8 53 801.1 3.0

95 384.1 99 326.1 106 943.7 108 056.0 105 143.9 107 964.2 1.4

137 004.8 A 146 940.6 A 158 228.9 A 161 160.8 A 158 818.7 A 161 765.4 A 1.9



Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha

Pacific Islands

East Asia

20102006 2007 2008 2009

North and Central Asia




Table 20. Maize: area harvested


Area harvested



growth rate



Page 68: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


14 134.2 13 660.4 15 544.0 14 305.1 11 198.0 15 676.7 0.2

170.7 209.9 192.6 195.6 186.7 189.8 1.7

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 168.9 208.3 * 191.0 * 193.9 185.0 F 188.0 F 1.8

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 1.9 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.7 F 1.7 F 1.8 F -0.7

10 606.0 10 926.2 13 326.8 12 014.2 9 417.3 13 995.6 1.6

10 Afghanistan 22.0 12.0 20.0 * 22.0 19.0 15.0 -2.0

11 Bangladesh 19.5 14.2 20.2 13.4 12.4 24.0 * -2.7

12 Bhutan 3.8 8.9 8.7 5.2 4.2 4.1 5.8

13 India 10 077.8 10 346.9 12 673.0 11 370.0 8 780.0 13 290.0 1.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 9.0 F 9.0 9.7 F 10.0 9.0 F 9.7 F 0.3

15 Maldives 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 F ...

16 Nepal 269.9 290.9 284.8 291.1 292.7 299.5 0.7

17 Pakistan 199.0 238.0 305.0 296.1 292.9 346.0 5.4

18 Sri Lanka 5.0 6.3 5.5 6.5 7.1 7.3 5.3

1 188.0 637.3 454.6 745.4 305.0 158.6 -10.9

19 Kazakhstan 62.3 33.4 31.0 27.4 31.3 16.5 -10.3

20 Russian Federation 1 123.1 598.8 417.4 711.0 264.7 133.6 -11.3

21 Uzbekistan 2.6 * 5.0 * 6.2 * 7.0 * 9.0 * 8.5 * 19.9

2 169.5 1 887.0 1 570.0 1 349.9 1 288.9 1 332.7 -5.5

22 China 2 125.7 1 820.7 1 507.6 1 286.6 1 225.6 1 260.4 * -5.8

23 DPR Korea 42.0 F 64.0 * 61.0 * 62.0 * 62.0 * 71.2 F 2.5

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1.8 2.3 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.1 F -4.9

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

57.1 35.3 36.3 37.3 38.3 37.2 -4.4

40 Australia 56.8 35.0 * 36.0 * 37.0 * 38.0 F 36.9 F -4.4

41 Japan 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F -0.6

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

14 191.3 13 695.7 15 580.3 14 342.4 11 236.3 15 713.9 0.2

13 477.5 18 153.6 17 999.7 20 646.5 15 288.3 15 868.9 2.4

27 668.8 A 31 849.3 A 33 580.0 A 34 988.9 A 26 524.6 A 31 582.9 A 1.3

2000 2006 2009 2010

South and Southwest Asia

2007 2008

North and Central Asia

East Asia




Rest of World



1 000 MT

Table 21. Millet: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate



Page 69: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


843 954 1 108 994 895 1 188 2.0

678 873 937 940 891 902 3.5

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 676 872 936 938 889 900 3.5

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 981 1 005 1 025 1 072 1 074 1 125 1.2

772 869 1 061 938 840 1 164 2.7

10 Afghanistan 815 1 000 1 667 1 833 1 900 1 875 11.0

11 Bangladesh 749 691 771 341 381 1 200 -1.2

12 Bhutan 613 1 089 1 013 1 427 1 031 1 188 8.3

13 India 774 880 1 084 948 844 1 192 2.9

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 818 818 804 769 818 561 -2.1

15 Maldives 1 000 ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 025 1 112 1 074 1 096 1 101 1 116 0.4

17 Pakistan 511 472 574 630 616 631 2.1

18 Sri Lanka 737 1 060 1 004 1 071 1 101 1 112 5.2

791 1 020 1 096 1 371 1 014 791 1.8

19 Kazakhstan 478 758 847 988 886 617 3.2

20 Russian Federation 820 1 034 1 109 1 384 1 005 782 1.4

21 Uzbekistan 2 889 2 500 3 444 3 500 4 500 2 833 10.3

1 717 2 163 1 842 1 630 1 609 1 735 -0.8

22 China 1 700 2 121 1 796 1 578 1 555 1 669 -1.0

23 DPR Korea 3 500 5 333 5 083 5 167 5 167 5 983 2.6

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1 232 1 202 1 179 1 188 1 235 1 000 -1.0

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 455 1 000 1 000 1 000 950 967 -4.4

40 Australia 1 457 1 000 1 000 1 000 950 966 -4.4

41 Japan 1 110 980 1 014 1 046 989 1 217 0.5

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

845 955 1 108 994 895 1 187 2.0

664 836 834 920 727 736 1.4

746 883 942 949 790 908 1.5


Table 22. Millet: yield



2007 2008 2009

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia




growth rate







2000 2006

Page 70: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


16 759.5 14 313.0 14 028.7 14 386.7 12 517.5 13 201.2 -1.8

251.9 240.4 205.6 208.2 209.6 210.5 -1.7

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 250.0 238.8 204.0 206.6 208.0 F 208.9 F -1.7

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 1.9 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.6 F -1.9

13 742.2 12 575.3 12 555.9 12 806.6 11 205.7 12 021.8 -1.0

10 Afghanistan 27.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 F -11.7

11 Bangladesh 26.0 20.5 26.1 39.1 32.6 20.0 * -1.5

12 Bhutan 6.2 8.2 8.6 3.6 4.1 3.4 -2.3

13 India 13 012.2 11 752.0 11 695.5 11 997.6 10 400.0 * 11 150.0 * -1.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 11.0 F 11.0 F 12.0 13.0 11.0 F 17.3 F 2.5

15 Maldives 0.0 F ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 263.5 261.7 265.2 265.5 265.9 268.5 0.3

17 Pakistan 389.6 504.0 531.0 469.7 475.7 548.0 3.2

18 Sri Lanka 6.7 6.0 5.5 6.1 6.4 6.6 0.1

1 501.7 625.0 414.7 543.6 300.8 200.6 -12.5

19 Kazakhstan 130.4 44.1 36.6 27.7 35.3 26.7 -13.1

20 Russian Federation 1 370.4 578.9 376.3 513.9 263.5 170.9 -12.6

21 Uzbekistan 0.9 * 2.0 * 1.8 * 2.0 * 2.0 * 3.0 F 8.7

1 263.7 872.3 852.5 828.2 801.3 768.3 -4.8

22 China 1 250.3 858.4 839.4 815.2 788.2 755.3 * -4.9

23 DPR Korea 12.0 * 12.0 * 12.0 * 12.0 F 12.0 F 11.9 F 0.0

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1.4 1.9 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 F -3.9

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39.2 35.3 36.3 37.3 40.3 38.4 0.0

40 Australia 39.0 35.0 * 36.0 * 37.0 * 40.0 38.2 F 0.0

41 Japan 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.2 F -1.0

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 798.8 14 348.3 14 065.0 14 424.0 12 557.7 13 239.6 -1.8

20 301.8 21 723.1 21 593.0 22 432.9 21 032.6 21 551.0 1.0

37 100.6 A 36 071.4 A 35 657.9 A 36 856.9 A 33 590.3 A 34 790.6 A -0.2

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha


Table 23. Millet : area harvested





Rest of World


North and Central Asia



Pacific Islands

East Asia


Area harvested



growth rate



20092006 2007

Page 71: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 002 073.3 1 125 552.4 1 173 141.1 1 231 057.4 1 230 599.1 1 214 533.2 2.5

174 515.0 205 647.9 216 265.2 228 571.0 235 777.5 238 916.7 3.5

1 Cambodia 4 183.1 A 6 641.1 A 7 250.0 A 7 787.3 A 8 509.9 A 9 018.6 A 9.3

2 Indonesia 61 575.0 A 66 064.4 A 70 444.9 A 76 575.0 A 82 028.6 A 84 797.0 A 3.5

3 Lao PDR 2 318.7 A 3 113.7 A 3 398.2 A 4 077.7 A 4 279.2 A 4 091.5 A 6.8

4 Malaysia 2 205.8 A 2 267.0 A 2 407.1 A 2 386.0 A 2 546.8 A 2 584.4 A 1.5

5 Myanmar 22 125.8 A 32 506.3 A 33 125.0 A 34 323.9 A 34 494.1 A 35 048.2 A 5.6

6 Philippines 16 900.7 A 21 409.0 A 22 977.3 A 23 744.0 A 23 300.7 A 22 148.8 A 3.7

7 Thailand 30 529.3 A 33 766.5 A 36 283.2 A 36 192.1 A 37 039.2 A 36 368.9 A 1.7

8 Timor-Leste 139.4 A 174.4 A 131.9 A 180.4 A 255.5 A 261.8 A 6.6

9 Viet Nam 34 537.3 A 39 705.6 A 40 247.5 A 43 304.6 A 43 323.6 A 44 597.5 A 2.6

329 826.4 356 140.7 381 665.0 381 639.1 375 653.0 387 455.2 2.0

10 Afghanistan 1 940.0 A 4 638.0 A 5 786.0 A 3 870.0 A 6 514.0 A 5 957.0 A 10.6

11 Bangladesh 39 503.0 A 42 044.7 A 44 841.3 A 48 946.8 A 49 315.9 A 51 874.9 A 3.1

12 Bhutan 105.7 A 184.8 A 191.0 A 166.0 A 143.4 A 144.4 A 5.3

13 India 234 931.3 A 242 785.6 A 260 485.9 A 267 566.1 A 248 780.0 A 260 163.0 A 1.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 12 874.0 A 22 407.0 A 24 025.8 A 13 475.5 A 20 835.8 A 22 272.2 A 3.0

15 Maldives 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 2.1

16 Nepal 7 115.6 A 7 656.6 A 7 329.0 A 8 069.2 A 8 114.1 A 7 762.7 A 1.2

17 Pakistan 30 460.7 A 33 027.9 A 35 812.8 A 35 527.8 A 38 147.5 A 34 811.2 A 3.1

18 Sri Lanka 2 896.0 A 3 396.0 A 3 193.1 A 4 017.6 A 3 802.1 A 4 469.7 A 4.4

79 779.6 99 588.1 107 046.7 128 654.1 123 738.4 79 156.3 1.6

19 Kazakhstan 11 539.5 A 16 461.1 A 20 090.0 A 15 530.3 A 20 764.0 A 12 115.9 A 2.0

20 Russian Federation 64 326.3 A 76 494.6 A 80 207.6 A 106 417.9 A 95 616.0 A 59 624.1 A 1.1

21 Uzbekistan 3 913.8 A 6 632.5 A 6 749.1 A 6 705.9 A 7 358.4 A 7 416.4 A 6.1

417 921.3 464 145.1 468 131.4 492 162.4 495 397.9 508 977.4 2.5

22 China 407 336.5 A 452 684.5 A 457 812.3 A 480 053.1 A 483 276.8 A 497 734.5 A 2.6

23 DPR Korea 2 942.0 A 4 675.5 A 3 892.5 A 4 693.1 A 4 451.0 A 4 542.7 A 2.6

24 Mongolia 142.1 A 138.6 A 114.8 A 212.9 A 391.7 A 355.0 A 9.0

25 Rep. of Korea 7 500.7 A 6 646.5 A 6 311.8 A 7 203.4 A 7 278.4 A 6 345.2 A -1.1

31.1 30.5 32.8 30.8 32.3 27.6 0.0

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 14.2 A 13.7 A 15.2 A 12.2 A 12.2 A 8.6 A -3.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 4.1

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 11.3 A 12.6 A 13.8 A 14.3 A 15.2 A 14.2 A 2.7

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 4.5 A 3.3 A 2.8 A 3.2 A 3.8 A 3.9 A 3.3

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 0.9 A 0.8 A 0.8 A 0.8 A 0.8 A 0.7 A -1.5

48 097.1 31 941.1 37 379.5 48 361.5 47 084.3 45 869.6 -0.5

40 Australia 34 446.9 A 19 399.2 A 24 427.8 A 35 211.1 A 34 500.6 A 33 505.7 A -0.4

41 Japan 12 796.0 A 11 741.8 A 12 024.9 A 12 151.2 A 11 459.4 A 11 362.6 A -0.6

42 New Zealand 854.2 A 800.1 A 926.9 A 999.3 A 1 124.3 A 1 001.3 A 1.5

1 050 170.4 1 157 493.4 1 210 520.7 1 279 418.9 1 277 683.3 1 260 402.7 2.4

1 010 418.2 1 079 055.9 1 144 225.0 1 245 340.2 1 216 489.5 1 197 259.3 2.1

2 060 588.6 A 2 236 549.3 A 2 354 745.7 A 2 524 759.0 A 2 494 172.8 A 2 457 662.0 A 2.2

2000 2006 2009 2010

South and Southwest Asia

2007 2008

North and Central Asia

East Asia




Rest of World



1 000 MT

Table 24. Cereals: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate



Page 72: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 985 3 347 3 413 3 517 3 523 3 561 1.9

3 348 3 752 3 853 3 958 4 006 4 041 2.0

1 Cambodia 2 134 2 533 2 677 2 805 2 939 2 903 4.4

2 Indonesia 4 026 4 366 4 465 4 694 4 813 4 878 2.0

3 Lao PDR 3 018 3 634 3 837 4 016 4 170 3 832 3.3

4 Malaysia 3 040 3 384 3 541 3 599 3 734 3 800 2.1

5 Myanmar 3 101 3 610 3 724 3 828 3 874 3 913 2.6

6 Philippines 2 581 3 181 3 320 3 334 3 229 3 232 2.6

7 Thailand 2 719 2 983 3 061 3 036 2 976 2 953 0.7

8 Timor-Leste 1 937 1 503 1 276 1 443 2 316 2 451 2.4

9 Viet Nam 4 112 4 750 4 846 4 898 5 080 5 161 2.2

2 349 2 554 2 686 2 691 2 701 2 761 1.8

10 Afghanistan 806 1 552 1 915 1 426 2 041 2 009 7.2

11 Bangladesh 3 384 3 761 4 021 4 102 4 141 4 235 2.7

12 Bhutan 1 451 2 202 2 001 2 742 2 159 2 478 5.5

13 India 2 294 2 447 2 583 2 620 2 572 2 661 1.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 833 2 575 2 452 1 897 2 291 2 359 1.4

15 Maldives 1 738 1 929 1 917 2 014 1 973 2 000 1.0

16 Nepal 2 136 2 279 2 218 2 361 2 374 2 295 0.9

17 Pakistan 2 408 2 554 2 744 2 654 2 790 2 611 2.0

18 Sri Lanka 3 338 3 580 3 728 3 617 3 661 3 974 1.4

1 451 1 771 1 879 2 092 2 059 1 615 1.7

19 Kazakhstan 943 1 170 1 327 1 009 1 249 804 -0.3

20 Russian Federation 1 563 1 887 1 990 2 389 2 282 1 844 2.1

21 Uzbekistan 2 436 4 112 4 399 4 350 4 638 4 600 5.9

4 739 5 406 5 290 5 533 5 432 5 495 1.7

22 China 4 756 5 426 5 320 5 548 5 450 5 522 1.7

23 DPR Korea 2 450 3 693 3 034 3 710 3 510 3 582 2.3

24 Mongolia 775 1 098 943 1 383 1 552 1 370 8.7

25 Rep. of Korea 6 436 6 401 6 109 7 073 7 265 6 539 1.0

2 716 2 610 2 817 2 622 2 944 2 989 1.2

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 2 521 2 283 2 649 2 266 2 816 2 598 0.8

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 1 061 1 071 1 193 1 406 1 450 1 600 4.3

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 4 117 3 997 4 096 3 986 4 143 4 211 0.4

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 4 650 3 351 3 001 2 909 2 923 3 500 -4.2

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 471 536 552 547 565 554 1.6

2 437 1 559 1 704 2 109 2 093 2 128 -1.7

40 Australia 1 962 1 056 1 231 1 688 1 691 1 720 -1.8

41 Japan 6 257 5 853 6 062 6 263 5 919 5 852 -0.2

42 New Zealand 6 278 7 130 7 916 7 380 6 909 7 387 1.6

2 954 3 244 3 310 3 430 3 437 3 476 1.7

3 182 3 350 3 456 3 664 3 714 3 678 1.7

3 062 3 294 3 379 3 542 3 566 3 571 1.7


Table 25. Cereals: yield



2007 2008 2009

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia




growth rate







2000 2006

Page 73: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


335 746.6 336 332.3 343 729.0 350 042.6 349 278.1 341 079.2 0.6

52 129.4 54 810.1 56 130.1 57 743.7 58 854.8 59 116.5 1.5

1 Cambodia 1 960.6 A 2 621.7 A 2 708.0 A 2 776.5 A 2 895.9 A 3 106.8 A 4.7

2 Indonesia 15 293.0 A 15 132.2 A 15 777.9 A 16 312.5 A 17 044.3 A 17 385.2 A 1.5

3 Lao PDR 768.4 A 856.7 A 885.6 A 1 015.5 A 1 026.2 A 1 067.9 A 3.4

4 Malaysia 725.7 A 670.0 A 679.8 A 662.9 A 682.1 A 680.1 A -0.6

5 Myanmar 7 134.6 A 9 003.5 A 8 894.9 A 8 965.4 A 8 904.8 A 8 957.4 A 2.9

6 Philippines 6 548.5 A 6 730.7 A 6 921.3 A 7 121.1 A 7 216.3 A 6 853.3 A 1.0

7 Thailand 11 228.2 A 11 319.8 A 11 854.1 A 11 922.7 A 12 447.0 A 12 317.4 A 1.0

8 Timor-Leste 72.0 A 116.0 A 103.4 A 125.1 A 110.3 A 106.8 A 4.1

9 Viet Nam 8 398.4 A 8 359.5 A 8 305.1 A 8 842.0 A 8 528.0 A 8 641.7 A 0.4

140 424.3 139 429.5 142 113.1 141 838.4 139 104.7 140 312.2 0.3

10 Afghanistan 2 406.0 A 2 989.0 A 3 021.0 A 2 714.0 A 3 192.0 A 2 965.0 A 3.2

11 Bangladesh 11 672.2 A 11 178.0 A 11 152.1 A 11 931.7 A 11 909.9 A 12 249.1 A 0.4

12 Bhutan 72.8 A 83.9 A 95.5 A 60.5 A 66.4 A 58.3 A -0.2

13 India 102 402.4 A 99 236.8 A 100 833.5 A 102 112.8 A 96 710.0 A 97 760.0 A -0.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 7 022.1 A 8 700.9 A 9 799.1 A 7 103.0 A 9 095.5 A 9 440.3 A 1.5

15 Maldives 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 1.1

16 Nepal 3 330.7 A 3 360.3 A 3 304.3 A 3 417.5 A 3 418.0 A 3 383.2 A 0.3

17 Pakistan 12 650 4 A 12 931 8 A 13 051 0 A 13 387 9 A 13 674 2 A 13 331 7 A 1 1

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha


Table 26. Cereals: area harvested

2000 2008




Area harvested



growth rate



20092006 2007

17 Pakistan 12 650.4 A 12 931.8 A 13 051.0 A 13 387.9 A 13 674.2 A 13 331.7 A 1.1

18 Sri Lanka 867.5 A 948.7 A 856.5 A 1 110.8 A 1 038.7 A 1 124.7 A 3.0

54 992.1 56 222.3 56 978.0 61 490.9 60 108.6 49 011.5 -0.1

19 Kazakhstan 12 240.2 A 14 068.6 A 15 134.7 A 15 399.3 A 16 619.4 A 15 068.4 A 2.3

20 Russian Federation 41 145.2 A 40 540.7 A 40 309.3 A 44 550.1 A 41 902.7 A 32 331.0 A -0.9

21 Uzbekistan 1 606.7 A 1 613.0 A 1 534.1 A 1 541.5 A 1 586.5 A 1 612.1 A 0.2

88 189.3 85 858.8 88 496.2 88 958.0 91 199.0 92 629.8 0.8

22 China 85 639.8 A 83 428.2 A 86 058.1 A 86 520.4 A 88 676.7 A 90 132.1 A 0.9

23 DPR Korea 1 200.7 A 1 266.1 A 1 283.1 A 1 265.1 A 1 268.0 A 1 268.2 A 0.3

24 Mongolia 183.4 A 126.2 A 121.8 A 154.0 A 252.4 A 259.1 A 0.3

25 Rep. of Korea 1 165.5 A 1 038.3 A 1 033.1 A 1 018.5 A 1 001.8 A 970.4 A -2.0

11.4 11.7 11.6 11.7 11.0 9.2 -1.2

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 5.6 A 6.0 A 5.7 A 5.4 A 4.3 A 3.3 A -4.2

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.2 A 0.2 A -0.1

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 2.7 A 3.2 A 3.4 A 3.6 A 3.7 A 3.4 A 2.3

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 1.0 A 1.0 A 0.9 A 1.1 A 1.3 A 1.1 A 7.9

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 2.0 A 1.4 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 1.3 A -3.1

19 735.5 20 486.6 21 938.8 22 932.2 22 496.5 21 553.6 1.2

40 Australia 17 554.3 A 18 368.1 A 19 838.2 A 20 856.5 A 20 397.7 A 19 476.3 A 1.4

41 Japan 2 045.1 A 2 006.3 A 1 983.6 A 1 940.3 A 1 936.1 A 1 941.8 A -0.5

42 New Zealand 136.1 A 112.2 A 117.1 A 135.4 A 162.7 A 135.5 A 0.0

355 482.1 356 818.9 365 667.8 372 974.9 371 774.6 362 632.8 0.6

317 505.7 322 108.4 331 108.3 339 906.5 327 573.6 325 514.8 0.4

672 987.8 A 678 927.3 A 696 776.1 A 712 881.4 A 699 348.2 A 688 147.7 A 0.5WORLD



Rest of World

North and Central Asia

Pacific Islands

East Asia

Page 74: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 75: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....

STAPLE FOOD CROPS: Roots and Tubers

1 000 ha

Roots and tubers: production

Roots and tubers: area harvested

Major Producers in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010

Comparison of area harvested for roots and tubers in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010





Russian Federation

Viet Nam



Iran (Islamic Rep. of)


1 000 MT

Rest ofAsia-Pacific


Rest of World



Other root crops

0 200 400 600 800

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180


1 000

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

6 000

7 000

8 000

9 000

10 000


Sweet potatoes



Other roots

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia


East Asia Southeast Asia

Page 76: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 77: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


49 916.2 67 754.4 73 233.5 76 760.7 81 824.8 75 341.5 5.3

39 653.8 55 147.2 60 187.2 62 829.0 67 209.9 62 119.1 5.7

1 Cambodia 147.8 2 182.0 2 215.0 3 676.2 3 497.3 4 247.4 51.1

2 Indonesia 16 089.1 19 986.6 19 988.1 21 593.1 22 039.1 23 918.1 3.6

3 Lao PDR 71.0 * 174.5 233.4 262.0 152.6 500.1 41.2

4 Malaysia 402.4 F 430.0 F 448.0 F 435.0 F 440.0 F 464.8 F 1.2

5 Myanmar 77.2 211.0 282.0 334.0 355.0 F 325.8 F 16.6

6 Philippines 1 765.7 1 756.9 1 871.1 1 941.6 2 043.7 2 101.3 2.4

7 Thailand 19 064.3 22 584.4 26 915.5 25 155.8 30 088.0 22 005.7 4.2

8 Timor-Leste 50.0 F 39.3 41.2 35.5 37.3 34.2 F -3.9

9 Viet Nam 1 986.3 7 782.5 8 192.8 9 395.8 8 556.9 8 521.7 13.8

6 263.2 8 081.0 8 452.2 9 296.7 9 900.9 8 342.6 4.5

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 6 014.1 7 854.9 8 232.3 9 056.0 9 623.0 8 059.8 4.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -33.4

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 249.1 226.1 219.9 240.7 277.9 282.8 1.3

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 822.2 4 313.3 4 361.6 4 409.0 4 506.4 4 684.0 2.1

22 China 3 822.2 F 4 313.3 F 4 361.6 F 4 409.0 F 4 506.4 F 4 684.0 F 2.1

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

177.0 212.9 232.5 225.9 207.6 195.9 1.8

26 Cook Islands 2.6 F 1.3 F 1.5 F 1.4 F 1.0 F 1.1 F -6.1

27 Fiji Islands 29.8 50.0 61.4 55.8 42.3 51.7 5.3

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 12.9 F 14.3 F 12.0 F 10.9 F 8.3 F 10.1 F -3.8

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.0 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -3.2

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 120.0 * 135.0 F 145.0 F 146.0 F 146.0 F 122.1 F 1.6

35 Samoa 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.4 F 0.3 F 0.4 F 0.5 F 2.5

36 Solomon Islands 2.3 F 2.4 F 2.5 2.7 F 2.9 F 2.2 F 0.8

37 Tonga 9.1 9.5 F 9.7 F 8.8 F 6.7 F 8.2 F -1.8

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

49 916.2 67 754.4 73 233.5 76 760.7 81 824.8 75 341.5 5.3

126 643.4 156 063.7 153 110.5 155 350.5 153 215.5 154 924.1 2.3

176 559.6 A 223 818.0 A 226 344.0 A 232 111.2 A 235 040.3 A 230 265.6 A 3.2


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia


East Asia



1 000 MT


2010 2000-2010


Table 27. Cassava: production





growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

Page 78: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


14 471 18 258 19 075 19 175 20 071 19 227 3.4

13 480 17 457 18 409 18 394 19 329 18 444 3.7

1 Cambodia 9 607 22 653 20 509 20 430 21 814 20 995 11.1

2 Indonesia 12 530 16 283 16 636 18 095 18 746 20 217 4.7

3 Lao PDR 9 726 10 337 21 191 17 470 14 707 25 080 15.2

4 Malaysia 10 590 10 488 11 947 10 482 10 476 10 588 0.0

5 Myanmar 10 073 13 188 13 429 13 360 13 396 12 727 2.5

6 Philippines 8 400 8 588 8 926 9 173 9 465 9 629 2.0

7 Thailand 16 857 21 091 22 922 21 255 22 678 18 833 2.4

8 Timor-Leste 4 762 3 644 3 688 3 551 3 468 3 288 -2.5

9 Viet Nam 8 360 16 377 16 534 16 908 16 818 17 179 5.7

24 751 30 133 30 397 31 628 32 561 32 672 3.5

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 26 909 32 113 32 220 33 541 34 343 34 755 3.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 2 071 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 3 000 -4.7

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 8 433 9 596 9 749 10 056 11 640 12 063 3.5

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 976 16 236 16 239 16 296 16 357 16 822 0.3

22 China 15 976 16 236 16 239 16 296 16 357 16 822 0.3

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 354 11 828 10 058 9 847 10 353 11 677 -0.6

26 Cook Islands 17 087 26 143 25 000 23 500 27 973 28 000 3.1

27 Fiji Islands 12 433 20 842 9 598 9 020 10 623 10 135 -2.9

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 10 947 12 763 10 000 9 400 11 064 12 625 -0.7

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 7 000 7 857 5 000 3 750 5 667 4 000 -6.2

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 10 909 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 12 089 0.2

35 Samoa 18 118 12 400 12 333 11 931 12 500 12 432 -3.4

36 Solomon Islands 16 429 16 552 16 667 16 875 17 059 14 667 -0.2

37 Tonga 12 957 12 667 12 597 11 847 13 938 15 185 1.0

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

14 471 18 258 19 075 19 175 20 071 19 227 3.4

9 346 10 456 10 445 10 750 10 378 10 575 1.4

10 386 12 009 12 237 12 578 12 476 12 401 2.1WORLD

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia






Rest of World

Table 28. Cassava: yield






growth rate

2000 2006 2008 2009 2010 2000-20102007

Page 79: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


3 449.5 3 710.9 3 839.3 4 003.1 4 076.7 3 918.5 1.9

2 941.6 3 159.0 3 269.5 3 415.7 3 477.1 3 367.9 1.9

1 Cambodia 15.4 96.3 108.0 179.9 160.3 202.3 36.0

2 Indonesia 1 284.0 1 227.5 1 201.5 1 193.3 1 175.7 1 183.1 -1.1

3 Lao PDR 7.3 F 16.9 11.0 15.0 10.4 19.9 22.6

4 Malaysia 38.0 F 41.0 F 37.5 F 41.5 F 42.0 F 43.9 F 1.2

5 Myanmar 7.7 16.0 21.0 25.0 26.5 F 25.6 F 13.7

6 Philippines 210.2 204.6 209.6 211.7 215.9 218.2 0.4

7 Thailand 1 130.9 1 070.8 1 174.2 1 183.5 1 326.7 1 168.5 1.8

8 Timor-Leste 10.5 F 10.8 F 11.2 F 10.0 10.8 10.4 F -1.4

9 Viet Nam 237.6 475.2 495.5 555.7 508.8 496.1 7.7

253.1 268.2 278.1 293.9 304.1 255.3 1.0

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 223.5 244.6 255.5 270.0 280.2 231.9 1.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -30.1

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 29.5 23.6 22.6 23.9 23.9 23.4 -2.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

239.2 265.7 268.6 270.6 275.5 278.5 1.8

22 China 239.2 F 265.7 F 268.6 F 270.6 F 275.5 F 278.5 F 1.8

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15.6 18.0 23.1 22.9 20.1 16.8 2.4

26 Cook Islands 0.2 F 0.0 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -8.9

27 Fiji Islands 2.4 F 2.4 F 6.4 6.2 4.0 5.1 F 8.4

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 1.2 F 1.1 F 1.2 F 1.2 F 0.7 F 0.8 F -3.2

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 3.2

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 11.0 * 13.5 F 14.5 F 14.6 F 14.6 F 10.1 F 1.4

35 Samoa 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 6.1

36 Solomon Islands 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.9

37 Tonga 0.7 F 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.7 F 0.5 F 0.5 F -2.8

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 449.5 3 710.9 3 839.3 4 003.1 4 076.7 3 918.5 1.9

13 550.1 14 926.2 14 658.1 14 451.1 14 762.9 14 650.3 0.8

16 999.6 A 18 637.0 A 18 497.4 A 18 454.2 A 18 839.7 A 18 568.8 A 1.1




Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia





Table 29. Cassava: area harvested

Area harvested



growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Page 80: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


125 159.6 88 149.7 82 800.9 85 348.0 83 870.0 88 352.6 -4.6

4 216.8 4 142.3 4 164.2 4 034.3 4 166.7 4 310.1 -0.2

1 Cambodia 28.2 45.3 38.0 39.6 78.9 79.3 10.2

2 Indonesia 1 827.7 1 854.2 1 886.9 1 876.9 2 057.9 2 051.1 1.2

3 Lao PDR 117.5 109.7 126.5 134.3 171.1 225.8 5.1

4 Malaysia 20.0 F 28.4 29.6 18.2 18.8 19.9 0.2

5 Myanmar 38.1 56.0 F 57.0 F 58.0 F 59.0 F 62.3 F 2.4

6 Philippines 554.0 566.8 573.7 572.7 560.5 541.5 0.2

7 Thailand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

8 Timor-Leste 20.0 F 20.9 F 14.9 F 9.0 12.8 13.1 F -8.1

9 Viet Nam 1 611.3 1 460.9 1 437.6 1 325.6 1 207.6 1 317.1 -2.9

1 549.6 1 425.9 1 431.1 1 463.7 1 484.1 1 459.8 -0.4

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 378.0 307.7 304.1 307.2 305.0 306.6 -2.0

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... 0.1 0.2 ...

13 India 1 110.6 1 066.5 1 067.2 1 094.0 1 119.7 1 094.7 0.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 -15.1

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 9.1 10.0 10.6 9.8 12.0 11.8 2.6

18 Sri Lanka 51.8 41.6 49.2 52.6 47.3 46.5 -0.1

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

118 817.8 81 920.1 76 522.4 79 152.3 77 513.3 81 901.6 -4.8

22 China 118 182.9 81 274.3 75 800.2 78 442.9 76 772.6 81 175.7 * -4.9

23 DPR Korea 290.0 * 360.0 F 370.0 F 380.1 390.0 427.0 2.9

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 344.9 285.8 352.3 329.4 350.7 298.9 0.7

575.4 661.5 683.3 697.8 706.0 681.1 2.2

26 Cook Islands 1.5 F 0.5 F 0.7 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 0.7 F -4.9

27 Fiji Islands 6.5 4.7 2.3 4.6 4.9 7.5 -2.6

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 3.2 F 3.2 F 3.2 F 2.7 F 2.9 F 3.2 F -1.0

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.3 F -1.0

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 480.0 * 560.0 F 580.0 F 590.0 F 595.0 F 576.0 F 2.4

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 76.0 F 86.0 F 90.0 F 94.0 F 96.0 F 86.7 F 1.7

37 Tonga 8.0 6.8 F 6.8 F 5.7 F 6.3 F 6.8 F -0.2

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 117.9 1 050.7 1 032.7 1 062.6 1 080.9 923.0 -1.0

40 Australia 27.0 F 45.0 F 49.1 38.4 42.5 46.0 F 4.8

41 Japan 1 073.4 988.9 968.4 1 011.0 1 026.0 863.6 -1.1

42 New Zealand 17.5 16.8 F 15.2 F 13.2 F 12.4 F 13.4 F -3.0

126 277.5 89 200.4 83 833.7 86 410.6 84 950.8 89 275.6 -4.5

12 863.2 17 754.9 17 328.4 17 738.0 18 331.1 18 363.9 3.3

139 140.7 A 106 955.3 A 101 162.1 A 104 148.6 A 103 281.9 A 107 639.5 A -3.5

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





Rest of World

Table 30. Sweet potatoes: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate

2000 2006 2000-2010




1 000 MT

2008 2009 2010

Page 81: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


18 534 19 528 18 376 18 572 19 102 19 568 0.1

6 843 8 093 8 198 8 356 8 584 8 833 2.4

1 Cambodia 3 790 4 844 3 918 4 805 8 498 6 935 6.3

2 Indonesia 9 421 10 527 10 664 10 774 11 192 11 327 1.7

3 Lao PDR 6 057 8 894 8 191 14 440 9 439 10 806 6.0

4 Malaysia 11 111 14 287 16 275 13 925 14 250 14 399 3.6

5 Myanmar 5 742 8 000 8 143 8 169 8 194 8 775 3.8

6 Philippines 4 339 4 770 4 879 4 917 4 900 4 916 1.4

7 Thailand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

8 Timor-Leste 4 000 4 180 3 725 2 510 2 661 2 729 -4.2

9 Viet Nam 6 336 8 062 8 191 8 153 8 249 8 716 2.9

9 448 8 670 8 737 9 035 9 109 9 294 0.2

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 9 248 9 025 9 048 9 729 9 623 9 869 0.7

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... 1 010 1 397 ...

13 India 9 742 8 685 8 698 8 894 9 008 9 207 -0.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 816 1 000 1 000 1 000 800 950 -0.1

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 10 977 11 851 11 445 11 148 11 425 10 942 0.8

18 Sri Lanka 6 272 6 259 7 528 8 125 8 207 7 915 3.4

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 264 22 035 20 626 20 714 21 468 21 935 0.4

22 China 20 291 22 124 20 702 20 787 21 561 22 037 0.4

23 DPR Korea 12 609 13 091 13 455 13 574 13 448 13 774 0.8

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 21 356 17 149 16 701 16 932 16 764 15 569 -3.3

5 266 5 520 5 501 5 380 5 363 4 994 -0.3

26 Cook Islands 29 059 25 500 28 000 18 903 26 875 23 333 -3.2

27 Fiji Islands 8 825 6 332 1 506 1 274 1 288 1 309 -21.0

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 6 134 6 523 5 818 3 931 5 571 5 424 -2.6

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 18 500 16 375 17 333 11 421 15 933 13 000 -3.9

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 4 706 5 000 5 043 5 000 4 958 4 668 0.2

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 14 340 14 333 13 846 14 242 14 328 14 450 -0.1

37 Tonga 12 346 12 273 11 333 7 655 10 851 10 625 -2.6

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 590 24 099 23 805 24 574 25 003 21 565 -0.7

40 Australia 31 765 32 143 34 624 26 653 25 080 24 211 -2.9

41 Japan 24 733 24 238 23 794 24 840 25 333 21 753 -0.6

42 New Zealand 14 451 12 000 12 025 12 000 11 969 11 167 -3.7

18 574 19 572 18 427 18 628 19 160 19 587 0.1

4 304 4 983 4 808 4 878 4 844 5 122 1.1

14 216 13 170 12 407 12 586 12 568 13 218 -1.4WORLD

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia


2007 2008


Rest of World




2009 2010 2000-2010


Table 31. Sweet potatoes: yield





growth rate

2000 2006

Page 82: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


6 753.1 4 513.9 4 506.0 4 595.6 4 390.6 4 515.2 -4.6

616.3 511.9 508.0 482.8 485.4 488.0 -2.5

1 Cambodia 7.4 9.3 9.7 8.2 9.3 11.4 3.7

2 Indonesia 194.0 176.1 176.9 174.2 183.9 181.1 -0.5

3 Lao PDR 19.4 12.3 15.4 9.3 18.1 20.9 -0.8

4 Malaysia 1.8 F 2.0 1.8 1.3 1.3 1.4 -3.3

5 Myanmar 6.6 7.0 F 7.0 F 7.1 F 7.2 F 7.1 F -1.4

6 Philippines 127.7 118.8 117.6 116.5 114.4 110.1 -1.2

7 Thailand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

8 Timor-Leste 5.0 F 5.0 F 4.0 F 3.6 4.8 4.8 F -4.1

9 Viet Nam 254.3 181.2 175.5 162.6 146.4 151.1 -5.6

164.0 164.5 163.8 162.0 162.9 157.1 -0.7

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 40.9 34.1 33.6 31.6 31.7 31.1 -2.7

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... 0.1 0.1 ...

13 India 114.0 122.8 122.7 123.0 124.3 118.9 0.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 0.0 0.1 F 0.0 F 0.1 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -15.0

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.8

18 Sri Lanka 8.3 6.7 6.5 6.5 5.8 5.9 -3.3

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 863.5 3 717.8 3 710.0 3 821.1 3 610.6 3 733.8 -5.2

22 China 5 824.4 3 673.6 3 661.4 3 773.7 3 560.7 3 683.6 * -5.3

23 DPR Korea 23.0 F 27.5 F 27.5 F 28.0 F 29.0 F 31.0 F 2.2

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 16.1 16.7 21.1 19.5 20.9 19.2 4.2

109.3 119.8 124.2 129.7 131.6 136.4 2.5

26 Cook Islands 0.1 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -1.7

27 Fiji Islands 0.7 0.8 F 1.5 3.6 3.8 F 5.7 F 23.3

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.6 F 0.7 F 0.5 F 0.6 F 1.6

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 3.0

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 102.0 * 112.0 F 115.0 F 118.0 F 120.0 F 123.4 F 2.2

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 5.3 F 6.0 F 6.5 F 6.6 F 6.7 F 6.0 F 1.8

37 Tonga 0.6 0.6 F 0.6 F 0.7 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 2.5

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

45.5 43.6 43.4 43.2 43.2 42.8 -0.2

40 Australia 0.9 F 1.4 F 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.9 F 8.0

41 Japan 43.4 40.8 40.7 40.7 40.5 39.7 -0.5

42 New Zealand 1.2 1.4 F 1.3 1.1 F 1.0 1.2 F 0.6

6 798.5 4 557.5 4 549.4 4 638.8 4 433.8 4 558.0 -4.6

2 988.9 3 563.4 3 604.1 3 636.2 3 784.4 3 585.3 2.1

9 787.4 A 8 120.9 A 8 153.5 A 8 275.0 A 8 218.2 A 8 143.3 A -2.1

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha


Table 32. Sweet potatoes: area harvested




Rest of World

2008 2009

North and Central Asia



Pacific Islands

East Asia


Area harvested



growth rate

2000 2000-2010


2006 2007

Page 83: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


142 044.8 143 595.1 152 740.9 158 937.7 162 945.7 159 495.0 1.3

1 741.6 2 077.5 2 166.9 2 221.9 2 401.9 2 314.3 3.5

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 977.3 1 011.9 1 003.7 1 044.5 1 176.3 1 060.8 2.0

3 Lao PDR 33.0 * 35.5 F 37.0 F 38.0 F 42.1 F 40.0 F 1.9

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 251.0 471.0 508.0 521.0 548.0 508.0 F 7.7

6 Philippines 63.5 69.5 118.5 121.3 119.2 124.7 8.1

7 Thailand 100.1 118.6 125.7 114.5 126.4 132.8 3.8

8 Timor-Leste 0.7 F 1.0 * 2.0 F 2.6 1.9 1.8 F 11.6

9 Viet Nam 316.0 370.0 F 372.0 F 380.0 F 388.0 F 446.2 F 2.4

34 947.5 42 745.7 42 759.7 51 016.0 49 544.5 54 562.9 5.2

10 Afghanistan 235.0 300.0 300.8 280.0 302.4 246.0 1.4

11 Bangladesh 2 933.0 5 368.4 5 167.0 6 648.0 5 268.0 7 930.0 10.0

12 Bhutan 22.0 63.0 63.7 54.6 48.5 44.0 8.2

13 India 25 000.1 29 174.6 28 599.6 34 658.0 34 390.9 36 577.3 4.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 3 658.0 4 218.5 4 026.4 4 706.7 4 107.6 4 054.5 1.6

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 182.5 1 974.8 1 943.3 2 054.8 2 424.1 2 517.7 7.4

17 Pakistan 1 868.4 1 568.0 2 581.5 2 539.0 2 941.3 3 141.5 6.0

18 Sri Lanka 48.4 78.5 77.4 74.8 61.7 51.9 0.2

36 403.2 41 955.2 40 387.0 32 599.5 35 414.1 25 325.0 -2.1

19 Kazakhstan 1 692.6 2 361.6 2 414.8 2 354.4 2 755.6 2 554.6 3.0

20 Russian Federation 33 979.5 38 572.6 36 784.2 28 846.4 31 134.0 21 140.5 -2.8

21 Uzbekistan 731.1 1 021.0 1 188.0 1 398.7 1 524.5 1 629.9 9.0

68 951.7 56 815.7 67 426.3 73 099.3 75 584.2 77 291.7 0.6

22 China 66 318.2 54 075.6 64 837.4 70 839.7 73 281.9 74 799.1 * 0.7

23 DPR Korea 1 870.0 2 000.0 F 1 900.0 F 1 520.3 1 560.0 1 708.0 -2.5

24 Mongolia 58.9 109.1 114.5 134.8 151.2 168.0 12.5

25 Rep. of Korea 704.6 631.1 574.4 604.6 591.1 616.7 -0.7

0.8 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 2.8

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F -3.7

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.7 F 0.9 F 0.9 * 1.0 F 1.0 F 0.9 F 3.5

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 597.6 4 385.6 4 565.0 4 648.2 4 182.5 4 259.2 -1.1

40 Australia 1 199.6 1 249.6 1 212.0 1 400.2 1 178.5 1 278.1 0.0

41 Japan 2 898.0 2 635.0 2 873.0 2 743.0 2 459.0 2 450.0 F -1.9

42 New Zealand 500.0 501.0 480.0 F 505.0 F 545.0 F 531.1 F 0.5

146 642.4 147 980.7 157 305.9 163 585.9 167 128.2 163 754.2 1.3

180 957.9 157 731.9 165 267.3 163 987.2 165 015.4 160 666.6 -0.7

327 600.3 A 305 712.6 A 322 573.2 A 327 573.1 A 332 143.6 A 324 420.8 A 0.2

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





Rest of World

Table 33. Potatoes: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate

2000 2006 2000-2010




1 000 MT

2008 2009 2010

Page 84: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


13 473 14 160 14 670 15 772 15 412 15 127 1.4

11 991 13 854 13 800 13 859 14 010 13 602 1.5

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 13 376 16 936 16 092 16 672 16 512 15 945 1.5

3 Lao PDR 6 226 5 225 5 188 5 326 5 324 5 128 -1.4

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 9 758 13 534 14 598 13 812 14 112 12 605 3.7

6 Philippines 12 282 12 745 14 926 15 175 15 076 15 337 2.6

7 Thailand 13 078 15 281 15 750 15 046 16 595 14 173 2.6

8 Timor-Leste 2 333 2 500 2 500 2 139 2 045 1 978 -1.1

9 Viet Nam 11 275 10 571 10 333 10 556 10 486 12 027 -0.1

17 414 17 763 16 733 18 774 18 116 19 708 0.8

10 Afghanistan 16 786 15 000 15 040 14 000 14 000 12 000 -2.9

11 Bangladesh 12 059 14 385 14 977 16 537 13 337 18 230 2.9

12 Bhutan 7 097 9 573 10 121 9 501 9 864 11 737 3.6

13 India 18 644 18 592 16 410 19 297 18 810 19 930 0.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 21 663 25 747 27 014 26 519 26 674 27 712 2.9

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 9 644 13 090 12 657 13 110 13 326 13 584 3.5

17 Pakistan 16 908 13 345 19 352 16 455 20 285 22 682 2.1

18 Sri Lanka 13 292 14 809 14 520 14 528 14 903 13 523 1.1

10 581 13 241 13 187 14 053 14 661 10 750 2.2

19 Kazakhstan 10 639 15 385 15 579 14 435 16 181 14 295 2.5

20 Russian Federation 10 523 13 021 12 899 13 756 14 266 10 023 1.9

21 Uzbekistan 14 006 19 414 21 211 23 429 24 275 23 969 6.0

13 928 12 867 14 542 14 981 14 394 14 724 0.2

22 China 14 035 12 824 14 628 15 182 14 417 14 731 0.2

23 DPR Korea 9 947 12 162 11 019 8 414 11 729 12 842 0.9

24 Mongolia 7 473 10 172 9 989 10 965 11 180 12 158 6.7

25 Rep. of Korea 23 955 26 342 28 128 29 435 27 624 24 754 1.1

4 963 4 711 4 670 4 617 4 672 4 409 -1.1

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 9 400 8 000 8 444 8 200 7 778 7 000 -2.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 4 667 4 541 4 500 4 455 4 545 4 286 -0.7

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 944 32 830 35 485 34 665 32 913 32 593 0.2

40 Australia 28 453 35 432 35 546 36 664 36 175 35 133 1.5

41 Japan 30 634 30 427 34 000 32 309 29 591 30 025 -0.5

42 New Zealand 42 316 42 758 47 761 45 909 47 815 41 819 0.2

13 715 14 403 14 924 16 020 15 619 15 341 1.3

19 259 19 375 20 339 20 628 20 733 20 138 0.9

16 308 16 601 17 281 18 037 17 801 17 392 1.0WORLD

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia


2007 2008


Rest of World




2009 2010 2000-2010


Table 34. Potatoes: yield





growth rate

2000 2006

Page 85: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


10 543.3 10 140.9 10 412.0 10 077.3 10 573.0 10 543.9 0.0

145.2 150.0 157.0 160.3 171.4 170.1 2.0

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 73.1 59.7 62.4 62.7 71.2 66.5 0.5

3 Lao PDR 5.3 F 6.8 F 7.1 F 7.1 F 7.9 F 7.8 F 3.3

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 25.7 34.8 34.8 37.7 38.8 F 40.3 F 3.9

6 Philippines 5.2 5.5 7.9 8.0 7.9 8.1 5.4

7 Thailand 7.7 7.8 8.0 7.6 7.6 9.4 1.2

8 Timor-Leste 0.3 F 0.4 * 0.8 F 1.2 0.9 0.9 F 12.9

9 Viet Nam 28.0 35.0 F 36.0 F 36.0 F 37.0 F 37.1 F 2.5

2 006.8 2 406.5 2 555.4 2 717.4 2 734.9 2 768.5 4.3

10 Afghanistan 14.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 21.6 20.5 4.4

11 Bangladesh 243.2 373.2 345.0 402.0 395.0 435.0 6.9

12 Bhutan 3.1 6.6 6.3 5.7 4.9 3.7 4.4

13 India 1 340.9 1 569.2 1 742.8 1 796.0 1 828.3 1 835.3 4.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 168.9 163.8 149.0 177.5 154.0 146.3 -1.3

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 122.6 150.9 153.5 156.7 181.9 185.3 3.8

17 Pakistan 110.5 117.5 133.4 154.3 145.0 138.5 3.8

18 Sri Lanka 3.6 5.3 5.3 5.2 4.1 3.8 -0.9

3 440.4 3 168.5 3 062.7 2 319.8 2 415.5 2 355.8 -4.2

19 Kazakhstan 159.1 153.5 155.0 163.1 170.3 178.7 0.5

20 Russian Federation 3 229.1 2 962.4 2 851.7 2 097.0 2 182.4 2 109.1 -4.6

21 Uzbekistan 52.2 52.6 56.0 59.7 62.8 68.0 F 2.8

4 950.7 4 415.7 4 636.6 4 879.5 5 251.0 5 249.2 0.4

22 China 4 725.4 4 216.6 4 432.3 4 666.0 5 083.0 5 077.5 * 0.5

23 DPR Korea 188.0 164.4 F 172.4 F 180.7 133.0 133.0 -3.3

24 Mongolia 7.9 10.7 11.5 12.3 13.5 13.8 5.4

25 Rep. of Korea 29.4 24.0 20.4 20.5 21.4 24.9 -1.8

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 3.9

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -1.2

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 * 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 4.2

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

148.6 133.6 128.6 134.1 127.1 130.7 -1.3

40 Australia 42.2 35.3 34.1 38.2 32.6 36.4 -1.5

41 Japan 94.6 86.6 84.5 84.9 83.1 81.6 F -1.4

42 New Zealand 11.8 11.7 10.1 11.0 F 11.4 12.7 F 0.4

10 691.9 10 274.5 10 540.6 10 211.4 10 700.1 10 674.6 -0.1

9 396.1 8 141.0 8 125.6 7 949.7 7 958.9 7 978.4 -1.6

20 088.0 A 18 415.4 A 18 666.2 A 18 161.1 A 18 659.0 A 18 653.0 A -0.8

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha


Table 35. Potatoes: area harvested




Rest of World

2008 2009

North and Central Asia



Pacific Islands

East Asia


Area harvested



growth rate

2000 2000-2010


2006 2007

Page 86: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 006.3 1 781.6 2 270.1 2 290.9 2 360.5 2 376.3 1.6

160.5 190.4 207.5 203.3 219.7 200.8 3.4

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 95.9 111.9 114.0 116.0 115.2 110.8 2.0

7 Thailand 64.6 F 78.5 F 93.5 F 87.4 F 104.5 F 90.0 F 5.4

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.2 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 -15.8

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 -15.8

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 540.7 1 210.9 1 642.5 1 638.6 1 692.6 1 768.5 0.9

22 China 1 540.7 F 1 210.9 F 1 642.5 F 1 638.6 F 1 692.6 F 1 768.5 F 0.9

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

304.9 379.5 420.1 448.9 448.1 407.0 3.5

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 35.8 76.2 61.7 74.0 69.9 60.3 8.6

28 Kiribati 1.5 F 2.2 F 2.2 F 2.3 F 2.2 F 1.9 F 2.9

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 3.5 F 3.7 F 3.3 F 3.7 F 3.6 F 3.1 F -0.8

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 211.3 F 236.3 F 285.0 F 300.0 F 300.0 F 271.1 F 2.8

35 Samoa 15.0 17.5 F 20.2 18.6 20.2 21.0 F 3.0

36 Solomon Islands 34.0 F 40.0 F 44.0 F 46.0 F 48.0 F 46.0 F 3.1

37 Tonga 3.7 3.8 F 3.8 F 4.3 F 4.2 F 3.6 F -0.4

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

230.5 174.7 173.2 179.7 182.4 183.0 -2.5

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 230.5 174.7 173.2 179.7 182.4 183.0 F -2.5

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 236.8 1 956.3 2 443.3 2 470.6 2 542.9 2 559.3 1.2

7 446.8 9 529.5 9 157.7 9 646.1 7 003.7 6 553.3 -0.1

9 683.6 A 11 485.8 A 11 601.1 A 12 116.8 A 9 546.6 A 9 112.6 A 0.2


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia


East Asia



1 000 MT


2010 2000-2010


Table 36. Taro (cocoyam): production





growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

Page 87: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


13 009 11 676 13 063 12 601 13 007 13 159 -0.1

6 889 7 394 7 815 7 655 8 052 7 878 2.0

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 5 330 6 166 6 256 6 382 6 443 6 446 2.4

7 Thailand 12 178 10 329 11 224 10 411 11 112 10 843 -0.7

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 354 6 267 5 778 6 133 5 700 5 667 4.4

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 2 354 6 267 5 778 6 133 5 700 5 667 4.4

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 799 16 569 18 332 18 119 18 259 18 795 0.3

22 China 17 799 16 569 18 332 18 119 18 259 18 795 0.3

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 886 7 077 7 291 6 928 7 290 6 672 -0.2

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 11 224 9 520 9 657 7 230 10 042 9 882 -1.3

28 Kiribati 3 666 4 886 4 889 4 891 4 759 5 429 3.1

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 7 553 8 314 7 500 6 855 8 591 6 596 -1.0

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 6 036 6 094 6 477 6 383 6 383 5 744 -0.4

35 Samoa 5 000 4 930 5 453 5 036 5 328 5 250 0.5

36 Solomon Islands 20 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 19 167 -0.2

37 Tonga 7 440 8 929 8 444 7 724 9 685 7 500 -0.8

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 261 12 132 12 284 12 836 12 936 12 797 0.5

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 12 261 12 132 12 284 12 836 12 936 12 797 0.5

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 928 11 715 13 005 12 618 13 002 13 132 0.0

6 085 6 720 6 401 7 010 6 411 6 099 0.7

6 933 7 246 7 167 7 709 7 412 7 179 0.8WORLD

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia






Rest of World

Table 37. Taro (cocoyam): yield






growth rate

2000 2006 2008 2009 2010 2000-20102007

Page 88: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


154.2 152.6 173.8 181.8 181.5 180.6 1.7

23.3 25.8 26.5 26.6 27.3 25.5 1.4

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 18.0 18.2 18.2 18.2 17.9 17.2 -0.4

7 Thailand 5.3 F 7.6 F 8.3 F 8.4 F 9.4 F 8.3 F 6.2

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -19.4

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 0.1 0.1 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -19.4

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

86.6 73.1 89.6 90.4 92.7 94.1 0.5

22 China 86.6 F 73.1 F 89.6 F 90.4 F 92.7 F 94.1 F 0.5

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

44.3 53.6 57.6 64.8 61.5 61.0 3.7

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 3.2 8.0 F 6.4 10.2 7.0 6.1 F 10.1

28 Kiribati 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.4 F -0.2

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.5 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.5 F 0.4 F 0.5 F 0.2

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 35.0 F 38.8 F 44.0 F 47.0 F 47.0 F 47.2 F 3.2

35 Samoa 3.0 3.6 F 3.7 F 3.7 F 3.8 F 4.0 F 2.6

36 Solomon Islands 1.7 F 2.0 F 2.2 F 2.3 F 2.4 F 2.4 F 3.3

37 Tonga 0.5 F 0.4 F 0.5 F 0.6 F 0.4 F 0.5 F 0.5

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18.8 14.4 14.1 14.0 14.1 14.3 -3.0

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 18.8 14.4 14.1 14.0 14.1 14.3 F -3.0

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

173.0 167.0 187.9 195.8 195.6 194.9 1.3

1 223.8 1 418.1 1 430.8 1 376.0 1 092.4 1 074.4 -0.8

1 396.8 A 1 585.1 A 1 618.7 A 1 571.8 A 1 288.0 A 1 269.3 A -0.6




Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia





Table 38. Taro (cocoyam): area harvested

Area harvested



growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Page 89: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


321 012.2 303 416.3 313 253.5 325 549.1 333 262.3 327 869.4 0.2

46 439.6 62 348.4 67 566.4 70 143.1 74 865.3 69 846.0 5.2

1 Cambodia 201.9 A 2 260.3 A 2 288.8 A 3 753.1 A 3 615.9 A 4 370.0 A 45.7

2 Indonesia 19 269.3 A 23 292.8 A 23 328.7 A 24 974.5 A 25 751.3 A 27 510.0 A 3.3

3 Lao PDR 221.5 A 319.7 A 396.9 A 434.2 A 365.9 A 765.9 A 14.2

4 Malaysia 467.4 A 503.4 A 524.5 A 499.2 A 506.3 A 534.9 A 1.2

5 Myanmar 366.4 A 738.0 A 847.0 A 913.0 A 962.0 A 896.1 A 9.7

6 Philippines 2 520.9 A 2 551.5 A 2 722.8 A 2 792.3 A 2 877.9 A 2 933.7 A 2.1

7 Thailand 19 370.0 A 22 965.0 A 27 352.1 A 25 589.5 A 30 540.8 A 22 454.8 A 4.2

8 Timor-Leste 108.7 A 104.2 A 103.1 A 85.9 A 92.7 A 95.8 A -2.4

9 Viet Nam 3 913.6 A 9 613.4 A 10 002.4 A 11 101.4 A 10 152.5 A 10 284.9 A 9.3

43 338.0 52 882.2 53 273.9 62 368.8 61 541.1 64 948.9 4.9

10 Afghanistan 235.0 A 300.0 A 300.8 A 280.0 A 302.4 A 246.0 A 1.4

11 Bangladesh 3 311.0 A 5 676.1 A 5 471.1 A 6 955.2 A 5 573.0 A 8 236.6 A 9.1

12 Bhutan 45.2 A 89.4 A 90.5 A 77.5 A 73.6 A 69.2 A 4.9

13 India 32 124.8 A 38 096.0 A 37 899.1 A 44 808.0 A 45 133.6 A 45 731.8 A 4.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 3 658.0 A 4 218.5 A 4 026.4 A 4 706.7 A 4 107.6 A 4 054.5 A 1.6

15 Maldives 4.3 A 3.1 A 2.4 A 2.3 A 2.2 A 2.1 A -8.3

16 Nepal 1 309.0 A 2 104.8 A 2 077.3 A 2 189.8 A 2 579.1 A 2 657.9 A 7.1

17 Pakistan 2 301 3 A 2 048 2 A 3 059 9 A 2 981 1 A 3 382 8 A 3 569 7 A 5 0

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia




1 000 MT

2010 2000-2010


Table 39. Roots and tubers: production





growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

17 Pakistan 2 301.3 A 2 048.2 A 3 059.9 A 2 981.1 A 3 382.8 A 3 569.7 A 5.0

18 Sri Lanka 349.3 A 346.2 A 346.5 A 368.1 A 386.8 A 381.2 A 0.9

36 403.2 41 955.2 40 387.0 32 599.5 35 414.1 25 325.0 -2.1

19 Kazakhstan 1 692.6 A 2 361.6 A 2 414.8 A 2 354.4 A 2 755.6 A 2 554.6 A 3.0

20 Russian Federation 33 979.5 A 38 572.6 A 36 784.2 A 28 846.4 A 31 134.0 A 21 140.5 A -2.8

21 Uzbekistan 731.1 A 1 021.0 A 1 188.0 A 1 398.7 A 1 524.5 A 1 629.9 A 9.0

193 146.6 144 275.1 149 969.3 158 316.2 159 314.3 165 664.5 -2.4

22 China 189 878.2 A 140 889.1 A 146 658.1 A 155 347.1 A 156 271.4 A 162 446.0 A -2.4

23 DPR Korea 2 160.0 A 2 360.0 A 2 270.0 A 1 900.4 A 1 950.0 A 2 135.0 A -1.6

24 Mongolia 58.9 A 109.1 A 114.5 A 134.8 A 151.2 A 168.0 A 12.5

25 Rep. of Korea 1 049.5 A 916.9 A 926.7 A 933.9 A 941.7 A 915.6 A -0.2

1 684.9 1 955.4 2 057.0 2 121.5 2 127.4 2 084.9 2.4

26 Cook Islands 5.7 A 3.5 A 3.9 A 3.8 A 3.3 A 3.5 A -3.4

27 Fiji Islands 80.2 A 137.3 A 131.2 A 142.3 A 121.7 A 124.6 A 5.9

28 Kiribati 8.5 A 10.1 A 10.4 A 11.4 A 11.5 A 10.4 A 2.8

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 16.1 A 17.5 A 15.2 A 13.6 A 11.2 A 13.3 A -3.2

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 4.0 A 4.1 A 3.7 A 4.2 A 4.0 A 3.6 A -0.8

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1 344.0 A 1 529.2 A 1 626.9 A 1 671.0 A 1 698.0 A 1 653.3 A 2.3

35 Samoa 21.1 A 23.5 A 26.2 A 25.1 A 26.5 A 27.6 A 2.5

36 Solomon Islands 138.3 A 158.4 A 168.5 A 176.7 A 181.9 A 172.5 A 2.4

37 Tonga 27.8 A 26.6 A 27.2 A 27.8 A 23.2 A 26.4 A -0.6

38 Tuvalu 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.2 A 1.9

39 Vanuatu 39.0 A 45.0 A 43.6 A 45.5 A 46.0 A 49.6 A 1.9

6 222.7 5 861.6 6 019.5 6 135.0 5 675.1 5 568.9 -1.1

40 Australia 1 226.6 A 1 294.6 A 1 261.1 A 1 438.6 A 1 221.0 A 1 324.1 A 0.1

41 Japan 4 478.6 A 4 049.2 A 4 263.2 A 4 178.2 A 3 896.7 A 3 700.3 A -1.7

42 New Zealand 517.5 A 517.8 A 495.2 A 518.2 A 557.4 A 544.5 A 0.4

327 234.9 309 277.9 319 273.0 331 684.1 338 937.4 333 438.3 0.2

372 887.1 401 031.8 399 290.6 406 576.1 399 279.1 396 545.4 1.0

700 122.0 A 710 309.8 A 718 563.6 A 738 260.2 A 738 216.5 A 729 983.7 A 0.6


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia


Page 90: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


15 216 16 184 16 348 17 051 17 123 16 893 1.1

12 136 15 729 16 569 16 683 17 478 16 706 3.8

1 Cambodia 8 138 20 907 19 039 19 671 20 993 20 134 12.7

2 Indonesia 11 934 15 141 15 380 16 565 17 045 18 194 4.1

3 Lao PDR 6 922 8 878 11 816 13 818 10 046 15 747 8.8

4 Malaysia 9 738 9 873 11 247 9 787 9 771 9 872 0.2

5 Myanmar 9 152 12 768 13 487 13 076 13 263 12 275 3.7

6 Philippines 6 824 7 157 7 507 7 692 7 895 8 022 2.2

7 Thailand 16 809 20 905 22 715 21 090 22 488 18 695 2.4

8 Timor-Leste 4 296 3 980 4 301 3 726 3 727 3 846 -0.6

9 Viet Nam 7 527 13 904 14 148 14 717 14 667 15 031 6.2

17 511 18 248 17 431 19 314 18 869 20 032 1.2

10 Afghanistan 16 786 15 000 15 040 14 000 14 000 12 000 -2.9

11 Bangladesh 11 655 13 936 14 451 16 041 13 061 17 672 3.1

12 Bhutan 7 644 9 187 9 713 9 118 9 177 10 081 2.0

13 India 19 140 19 672 17 869 20 470 20 214 20 919 0.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 21 663 25 747 27 014 26 519 26 674 27 712 2.9

15 Maldives 4 078 4 286 4 508 4 375 4 774 4 261 1.3

16 Nepal 9 038 11 900 11 519 11 918 12 114 12 207 3.2

17 Pakistan 16 883 13 894 18 773 16 486 19 753 21 626 1.9

18 Sri Lanka 8 429 9 749 10 066 10 352 11 455 11 498 3.2

10 581 13 241 13 187 14 053 14 661 10 750 2.2

19 Kazakhstan 10 639 15 385 15 579 14 435 16 181 14 295 2.5

20 Russian Federation 10 523 13 021 12 899 13 756 14 266 10 023 1.9

21 Uzbekistan 14 006 19 414 21 211 23 429 24 275 23 969 6.0

17 336 17 027 17 226 17 468 17 258 17 705 -0.2

22 China 17 457 17 119 17 349 17 649 17 338 17 783 -0.2

23 DPR Korea 10 237 12 295 11 354 9 106 12 037 13 018 1.0

24 Mongolia 7 473 10 172 9 989 10 965 11 180 12 158 6.7

25 Rep. of Korea 23 034 22 571 22 322 23 354 22 255 20 757 -0.9

7 845 7 998 7 938 7 676 7 861 7 641 -0.4

26 Cook Islands 19 778 23 305 23 914 20 891 24 407 23 467 0.8

27 Fiji Islands 10 222 10 261 7 845 5 688 7 191 6 354 -5.0

28 Kiribati 7 767 7 951 7 704 7 211 7 365 7 704 -0.5

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 9 470 10 851 8 686 7 377 8 789 9 568 -1.8

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 6 345 6 931 6 182 5 577 6 950 5 462 -1.3

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 7 399 7 516 7 631 7 567 7 570 7 404 -0.1

35 Samoa 5 520 5 179 5 597 5 236 5 477 5 407 0.1

36 Solomon Islands 13 247 13 602 13 216 13 530 13 605 13 529 0.1

37 Tonga 11 644 11 432 11 057 9 787 11 042 11 234 -1.0

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 7 959 8 182 7 998 8 273 8 288 8 000 -0.1

27 488 28 698 30 334 30 164 28 914 27 917 0.1

40 Australia 28 518 35 306 35 510 36 300 35 626 34 591 1.3

41 Japan 26 292 26 214 28 120 27 550 26 053 25 121 -0.4

42 New Zealand 39 725 39 475 43 769 42 826 44 829 39 173 0.0

15 346 16 319 16 491 17 189 17 241 17 005 1.1

11 660 11 883 11 845 12 238 11 927 12 046 0.6

13 134 13 478 13 540 14 057 13 893 13 897 0.7WORLD

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia






Rest of World

Table 40. Roots and tubers: yield






growth rate

2000 2006 2008 2009 2010 2000-20102007

Page 91: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


21 097.7 18 748.3 19 162.1 19 092.8 19 462.3 19 408.8 -0.9

3 826.5 3 963.9 4 077.9 4 204.4 4 283.5 4 180.9 1.3

1 Cambodia 24.8 A 108.1 A 120.2 A 190.8 A 172.2 A 217.0 A 29.3

2 Indonesia 1 614.7 A 1 538.4 A 1 516.8 A 1 507.7 A 1 510.8 A 1 512.1 A -0.8

3 Lao PDR 32.0 A 36.0 A 33.6 A 31.4 A 36.4 A 48.6 A 5.0

4 Malaysia 48.0 A 51.0 A 46.6 A 51.0 A 51.8 A 54.2 A 1.0

5 Myanmar 40.0 A 57.8 A 62.8 A 69.8 A 72.5 A 73.0 A 5.7

6 Philippines 369.4 A 356.5 A 362.7 A 363.0 A 364.5 A 365.7 A -0.1

7 Thailand 1 152.4 A 1 098.5 A 1 204.2 A 1 213.3 A 1 358.1 A 1 201.1 A 1.9

8 Timor-Leste 25.3 A 26.2 A 24.0 A 23.1 A 24.9 A 24.9 A -1.9

9 Viet Nam 519.9 A 691.4 A 707.0 A 754.3 A 692.2 A 684.3 A 2.9

2 474.9 2 898.0 3 056.2 3 229.2 3 261.5 3 242.3 3.6

10 Afghanistan 14.0 A 20.0 A 20.0 A 20.0 A 21.6 A 20.5 A 4.4

11 Bangladesh 284.1 A 407.3 A 378.6 A 433.6 A 426.7 A 466.1 A 5.9

12 Bhutan 5.9 A 9.7 A 9.3 A 8.5 A 8.0 A 6.9 A 2.8

13 India 1 678.4 A 1 936.6 A 2 121.0 A 2 189.0 A 2 232.8 A 2 186.1 A 3.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 168.9 A 163.8 A 149.0 A 177.5 A 154.0 A 146.3 A -1.3

15 Maldives 1.0 A 0.7 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A -9.4

16 Nepal 144.8 A 176.9 A 180.3 A 183.7 A 212.9 A 217.7 A 3.8

17 Pakistan 136 3 A 147 4 A 163 0 A 180 8 A 171 3 A 165 1 A 3 1




Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha %


Table 41. Roots and tubers: area harvested

Area harvested



growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

17 Pakistan 136.3 A 147.4 A 163.0 A 180.8 A 171.3 A 165.1 A 3.1

18 Sri Lanka 41.4 A 35.5 A 34.4 A 35.6 A 33.8 A 33.2 A -2.2

3 440.4 3 168.5 3 062.7 2 319.8 2 415.5 2 355.8 -4.2

19 Kazakhstan 159.1 A 153.5 A 155.0 A 163.1 A 170.3 A 178.7 A 0.5

20 Russian Federation 3 229.1 A 2 962.4 A 2 851.7 A 2 097.0 A 2 182.4 A 2 109.1 A -4.6

21 Uzbekistan 52.2 A 52.6 A 56.0 A 59.7 A 62.8 A 68.0 A 2.8

11 141.1 8 473.4 8 706.1 9 063.0 9 231.2 9 357.0 -2.2

22 China 10 876.7 A 8 230.2 A 8 453.2 A 8 802.0 A 9 013.3 A 9 135.0 A -2.2

23 DPR Korea 211.0 A 191.9 A 199.9 A 208.7 A 162.0 A 164.0 A -2.5

24 Mongolia 7.9 A 10.7 A 11.5 A 12.3 A 13.5 A 13.8 A 5.4

25 Rep. of Korea 45.6 A 40.6 A 41.5 A 40.0 A 42.3 A 44.1 A 0.7

214.8 244.5 259.1 276.4 270.6 272.9 2.8

26 Cook Islands 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.2 A -4.1

27 Fiji Islands 7.8 A 13.4 A 16.7 A 25.0 A 16.9 A 19.6 A 11.4

28 Kiribati 1.1 A 1.3 A 1.4 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.4 A 3.3

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 1.7 A 1.6 A 1.8 A 1.8 A 1.3 A 1.4 A -1.5

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.6 A 0.6 A 0.6 A 0.7 A 0.6 A 0.7 A 0.5

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 181.7 A 203.5 A 213.2 A 220.8 A 224.3 A 223.3 A 2.4

35 Samoa 3.8 A 4.5 A 4.7 A 4.8 A 4.8 A 5.1 A 2.5

36 Solomon Islands 10.4 A 11.6 A 12.8 A 13.1 A 13.4 A 12.8 A 2.3

37 Tonga 2.4 A 2.3 A 2.5 A 2.8 A 2.1 A 2.4 A 0.3

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 4.9 A 5.5 A 5.5 A 5.5 A 5.6 A 6.2 A 2.0

226.4 204.3 198.4 203.4 196.3 199.5 -1.2

40 Australia 43.0 A 36.7 A 35.5 A 39.6 A 34.3 A 38.3 A -1.2

41 Japan 170.3 A 154.5 A 151.6 A 151.7 A 149.6 A 147.3 A -1.3

42 New Zealand 13.0 A 13.1 A 11.3 A 12.1 A 12.4 A 13.9 A 0.4

21 324.0 18 952.6 19 360.5 19 296.2 19 658.6 19 608.3 -0.9

31 980.7 33 747.9 33 710.2 33 222.7 33 477.5 32 918.3 0.4

53 304.7 A 52 700.5 A 53 070.7 A 52 518.9 A 53 136.0 A 52 526.6 A -0.1

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia



Page 92: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 93: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 000 MT

Pulses: production

Pulses: area harvested

Major Producers in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010

Comparison of area harvested for pulses in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010


2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000

10 000

12 000

14 000

16 000

18 000





Russian F




Iran (I


Rep. of)

Viet Nam


Rest of A





North and Central Asia

Developed Countries in RAP

East Asia

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

Rest of Asia-Pacific

1 000 ha

0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000 35 000



Page 94: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 95: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


24 721.2 27 291.2 28 690.5 28 374.8 28 328.1 30 050.9 1.8

2 565.9 4 477.2 4 932.1 5 434.9 5 728.9 5 340.3 8.2

1 Cambodia 15.1 A 59.9 A 54.5 A 38.6 A 44.6 A 71.2 A 14.0

2 Indonesia 291.0 A 317.4 A 323.9 A 299.6 A 315.9 A 292.8 A 0.2

3 Lao PDR 14.6 A 17.8 A 16.9 A 18.1 A 19.3 A 19.5 A 2.0

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 1 658.4 A 3 557.5 A 3 997.2 A 4 522.1 A 4 785.0 A 4 389.7 A 10.9

6 Philippines 56.8 A 55.6 A 59.4 A 61.6 A 60.6 A 60.6 A 1.1

7 Thailand 281.9 A 192.5 A 193.3 A 205.0 A 208.0 A 168.2 A -4.9

8 Timor-Leste 3.5 A 6.3 A 7.0 A 8.0 A 7.5 A 8.2 A 8.9

9 Viet Nam 244.6 A 270.3 A 280.0 A 282.0 A 288.0 A 330.1 A 2.6

15 890.1 16 098.9 17 575.0 15 797.1 16 228.4 19 070.6 1.8

10 Afghanistan 45.3 A 42.1 A 40.0 A 42.5 A 43.1 A 45.6 A -0.3

11 Bangladesh 383.0 A 282.3 A 261.8 A 202.1 A 204.9 A 225.5 A -6.4

12 Bhutan 2.5 A 9.0 A 7.2 A 6.1 A 4.3 A 4.1 A 9.6

13 India 13 712.8 A 13 998.8 A 15 037.8 A 14 064.5 A 14 160.0 A 17 110.0 A 2.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 561.5 A 677.9 A 710.6 A 388.1 A 507.7 A 565.8 A -1.7

15 Maldives 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.3

16 Nepal 225.8 A 245.8 A 252.3 A 246.5 A 230.1 A 236.4 A 0.1

17 Pakistan 935 2 A 824 9 A 1 245 8 A 826 4 A 1 055 5 A 859 9 A 1 3

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2000 2006



1 000 MT

Table 42. Pulses: production





growth rate



2009 20102007 2008

17 Pakistan 935.2 A 824.9 A 1 245.8 A 826.4 A 1 055.5 A 859.9 A 1.3

18 Sri Lanka 23.8 A 18.1 A 19.4 A 20.8 A 22.7 A 23.3 A 0.2

1 219.1 1 822.7 1 377.6 1 895.7 1 679.5 1 500.5 0.2

19 Kazakhstan 26.0 A 36.0 A 52.8 A 45.9 A 67.3 A 69.1 A 9.4

20 Russian Federation 1 177.5 A 1 768.6 A 1 302.1 A 1 825.1 A 1 579.0 A 1 400.6 A -0.2

21 Uzbekistan 15.6 A 18.1 A 22.7 A 24.7 A 33.2 A 30.7 A 8.9

5 038.8 4 885.2 4 798.6 5 239.7 4 683.3 4 130.2 -2.5

22 China 4 696.5 A 4 545.5 A 4 483.2 A 4 898.9 A 4 331.1 A 3 890.7 A -2.5

23 DPR Korea 320.0 A 325.0 A 300.0 A 325.0 A 335.0 A 224.3 A -1.3

24 Mongolia 1.3 A 1.2 A 1.4 A 1.6 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 1.5

25 Rep. of Korea 21.0 A 13.5 A 14.0 A 14.2 A 15.9 A 13.9 A -4.3

7.3 7.2 7.2 7.4 8.1 9.3 1.9

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.8 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.7 A 1.8 A -5.2

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 2.5 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 1.7

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 4.0 A 4.3 A 4.4 A 4.6 A 4.7 A 4.7 A 2.2

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 340.3 1 145.2 1 660.3 1 841.1 1 900.3 2 023.3 -2.6

40 Australia 2 171.0 A 1 026.0 A 1 545.4 A 1 720.9 A 1 804.5 A 1 900.9 A -2.5

41 Japan 104.3 A 84.1 A 88.7 A 95.1 A 69.9 A 78.3 A -2.8

42 New Zealand 65.0 A 35.1 A 26.2 A 25.1 A 25.9 A 44.1 A -4.1

27 061.5 28 436.4 30 350.8 30 215.9 30 228.4 32 074.2 1.5

28 539.2 32 102.5 30 644.9 32 211.0 33 218.4 35 091.9 1.7

55 600.7 A 60 538.9 A 60 995.7 A 62 426.9 A 63 446.8 A 67 166.1 A 1.6

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Page 96: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


799 783 772 810 857 789 0.4

737 1 016 1 064 1 125 1 173 1 116 4.7

1 Cambodia 660 794 838 846 899 1 114 4.2

2 Indonesia 852 1 020 1 050 1 068 1 088 1 127 2.4

3 Lao PDR 1 254 1 042 995 972 1 058 1 109 -0.2

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 708 1 063 1 119 1 188 1 246 1 161 5.6

6 Philippines 729 763 747 757 768 761 0.2

7 Thailand 841 859 871 916 921 915 1.1

8 Timor-Leste 778 951 1 012 1 078 1 051 1 139 4.3

9 Viet Nam 710 771 773 773 772 837 1.2

694 618 625 612 677 655 0.1

10 Afghanistan 1 887 1 071 1 079 1 076 1 009 1 032 -6.6

11 Bangladesh 772 832 840 902 871 934 2.1

12 Bhutan 1 125 2 232 1 858 1 832 1 299 1 084 2.3

13 India 704 612 605 615 677 654 -0.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 553 721 743 557 584 716 1.8

15 Maldives 798 778 750 805 759 700 -0.8

16 Nepal 768 840 846 825 791 797 0.4

17 Pakistan 598 526 754 502 662 549 0.8

18 Sri Lanka 919 935 998 968 1 136 1 102 2.1

1 471 1 579 1 405 1 825 1 657 1 356 -0.9

19 Kazakhstan 1 238 1 214 1 480 1 089 1 049 743 -3.1

20 Russian Federation 1 471 1 587 1 392 1 853 1 683 1 402 -0.7

21 Uzbekistan 2 132 1 828 2 467 2 129 2 887 2 132 4.4

1 346 1 512 1 406 1 551 1 486 1 358 0.4

22 China 1 398 1 595 1 469 1 636 1 567 1 396 0.5

23 DPR Korea 889 878 857 878 893 924 0.2

24 Mongolia 784 1 107 964 1 119 1 010 1 000 2.5

25 Rep. of Korea 1 003 1 240 1 185 1 234 1 295 1 191 2.0

861 731 787 845 767 713 -0.9

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 973 187 176 204 342 417 -14.2

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 500 491 519 573 550 509 1.4

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 1 493 1 303 1 294 1 300 1 306 1 469 -0.1

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 016 634 957 1 167 1 266 1 121 0.7

40 Australia 976 586 918 1 129 1 247 1 089 0.8

41 Japan 1 831 1 972 2 036 2 182 1 607 1 825 1.0

42 New Zealand 3 171 2 877 3 085 2 830 2 514 2 685 -1.1

814 775 780 825 875 804 0.3

903 895 863 893 960 956 0.7

857 835 820 859 918 877 0.5



Rest of World


2008 2009

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia




1 000 MT

2000 2006 2007

Table 43. Pulses: yield





growth rate



Page 97: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


30 954.7 34 867.4 37 153.5 35 046.6 33 046.2 38 078.5 1.4

3 481.0 4 405.8 4 633.9 4 829.3 4 883.8 4 786.3 3.4

1 Cambodia 22.9 A 75.5 A 65.0 A 45.6 A 49.6 A 63.9 A 9.4

2 Indonesia 341.5 A 311.2 A 308.4 A 280.5 A 290.5 A 259.9 A -2.2

3 Lao PDR 11.6 A 17.1 A 17.0 A 18.6 A 18.3 A 17.5 A 2.2

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 2 343.1 A 3 347.8 A 3 573.2 A 3 807.0 A 3 840.8 A 3 780.0 A 5.0

6 Philippines 78.0 A 72.9 A 79.5 A 81.3 A 78.8 A 79.6 A 0.8

7 Thailand 335.0 A 224.1 A 221.9 A 223.9 A 225.8 A 183.9 A -6.0

8 Timor-Leste 4.5 A 6.6 A 7.0 A 7.4 A 7.1 A 7.2 A 4.4

9 Viet Nam 344.4 A 350.6 A 362.0 A 365.0 A 373.0 A 394.3 A 1.4

22 894.2 26 065.6 28 115.7 25 791.7 23 986.1 29 130.5 1.7

10 Afghanistan 24.0 A 39.3 A 37.0 A 39.5 A 42.7 A 44.2 A 6.8

11 Bangladesh 495.8 A 339.1 A 311.6 A 224.1 A 235.2 A 241.4 A -8.3

12 Bhutan 2.2 A 4.0 A 3.9 A 3.3 A 3.3 A 3.8 A 7.2

13 India 19 471.6 A 22 862.3 A 24 835.5 A 22 862.2 A 20 930.0 A 26 165.7 A 2.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 015.5 A 940.8 A 956.6 A 697.3 A 868.8 A 790.4 A -3.4

15 Maldives 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 1.1

16 Nepal 294.0 A 292.8 A 298.4 A 298.8 A 290.7 A 296.5 A -0.3

17 Pakistan 1 565 0 A 1 567 8 A 1 653 3 A 1 645 0 A 1 595 2 A 1 567 3 A 0 5

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 MT

20102006 2007 2008 2009




Table 44. Pulses: area harvested


Area harvested



growth rate



17 Pakistan 1 565.0 A 1 567.8 A 1 653.3 A 1 645.0 A 1 595.2 A 1 567.3 A 0.5

18 Sri Lanka 25.9 A 19.4 A 19.4 A 21.5 A 20.0 A 21.2 A -1.9

828.8 1 154.4 980.5 1 038.7 1 013.6 1 106.6 1.1

19 Kazakhstan 21.0 A 29.7 A 35.7 A 42.1 A 64.1 A 93.0 A 12.9

20 Russian Federation 800.5 A 1 114.8 A 935.6 A 985.0 A 938.0 A 999.2 A 0.6

21 Uzbekistan 7.3 A 9.9 A 9.2 A 11.6 A 11.5 A 14.4 A 4.4

3 742.2 3 231.7 3 414.1 3 378.1 3 152.1 3 041.9 -2.9

22 China 3 359.5 A 2 849.8 A 3 050.9 A 2 995.2 A 2 763.6 A 2 786.1 A -3.0

23 DPR Korea 360.0 A 370.0 A 350.0 A 370.0 A 375.0 A 242.8 A -1.6

24 Mongolia 1.7 A 1.1 A 1.4 A 1.4 A 1.3 A 1.3 A -1.0

25 Rep. of Korea 21.0 A 10.9 A 11.9 A 11.5 A 12.2 A 11.7 A -6.2

8.5 9.9 9.2 8.8 10.6 13.1 2.8

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.8 A 1.0 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 2.0 A 4.4 A 10.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 5.0 A 5.6 A 5.3 A 4.8 A 5.0 A 5.5 A 0.3

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 2.7 A 3.3 A 3.4 A 3.5 A 3.6 A 3.2 A 2.3

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 302.5 1 806.8 1 735.5 1 577.3 1 500.8 1 805.1 -3.3

40 Australia 2 225.0 A 1 752.0 A 1 683.4 A 1 524.9 A 1 447.0 A 1 745.8 A -3.3

41 Japan 57.0 A 42.6 A 43.5 A 43.6 A 43.5 A 42.9 A -3.8

42 New Zealand 20.5 A 12.2 A 8.5 A 8.9 A 10.3 A 16.4 A -3.1

33 257.1 36 674.2 38 889.0 36 623.9 34 547.0 39 883.6 1.1

31 616.0 35 852.2 35 517.4 36 050.8 34 599.2 36 713.1 1.0

64 873.1 A 72 526.4 A 74 406.3 A 72 674.6 A 69 146.2 A 76 596.7 A 1.1



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia

1 000 ha

Page 98: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 99: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Million MT

Oilcrops (primary): production

Major Producers in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010

Coconut: production

Production Subregions in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010



Russian Federation





Rest of Asia-Pacific

0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000

1 000 MT












Southeast Asia South and Southwest Asia

Pacific Islands Rest of Asia-Pacific Rest of World



Page 100: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 101: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


23 619.3 21 007.7 25 695.7 24 427.7 23 218.8 24 274.0 0.2

2 466.5 3 189.1 3 271.8 2 755.3 2 803.3 2 758.7 1.4

1 Cambodia 7.5 23.8 30.0 25.5 21.8 22.0 12.5

2 Indonesia 1 292.0 1 470.0 1 384.4 773.8 777.9 779.2 -5.2

3 Lao PDR 13.2 27.6 35.1 32.7 35.2 50.9 13.7

4 Malaysia 1.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 -12.0

5 Myanmar 633.8 1 105.4 1 221.5 1 304.8 1 362.1 1 341.0 8.2

6 Philippines 26.8 29.2 31.2 30.2 31.0 29.6 1.9

7 Thailand 131.9 64.6 53.6 53.0 45.7 45.3 -10.1

8 Timor-Leste 4.0 F 5.1 F 5.2 F 4.4 F 3.9 F 4.3 F 0.6

9 Viet Nam 355.3 462.5 510.0 530.2 525.1 485.8 4.0

6 613.9 4 988.8 9 325.6 7 312.0 5 627.2 5 779.0 -0.1

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 32.0 38.0 45.9 44.3 47.2 53.5 5.9

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 6 480.3 4 863.5 9 182.5 7 168.0 5 510.0 5 640.0 -0.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 3.1 F 3.6 F 3.9 F 4.0 F 3.7 F 3.4 F 2.9

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 91 4 73 9 83 4 85 5 53 2 67 8 4 4

2000 2006 2009 2010

South and Southwest Asia

2007 2008



1 000 MT

Table 45. Groundnuts in shell: production





Southeast Asia

growth rate



17 Pakistan 91.4 73.9 83.4 85.5 53.2 67.8 -4.4

18 Sri Lanka 7.1 9.8 9.8 10.3 13.1 14.4 8.6

10.3 9.5 7.1 7.2 8.1 7.1 -2.7

19 Kazakhstan 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 -10.3

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 10.0 * 9.4 7.0 * 7.0 * 8.0 * 7.0 * -2.5

14 524.6 12 815.9 13 086.3 14 348.6 14 775.0 15 723.0 0.2

22 China 14 515.7 12 809.6 13 079.4 14 341.2 14 764.8 15 709.0 0.2

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 8.9 6.4 7.0 7.5 10.2 14.0 0.9

3.9 4.5 4.9 4.6 5.2 6.1 3.3

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 4.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1.0 * 1.2 F 1.3 F 1.3 F 1.3 F 1.7 F 4.5

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 0.7 F 0.5 F 0.9 F 0.9 F 1.1 F 1.2 F 5.6

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 2.0 F 2.5 F 2.6 F 2.2 F 2.6 F 2.9 F 1.9

61.8 44.5 36.4 39.4 39.6 38.2 -5.5

40 Australia 35.1 24.5 17.6 20.0 19.3 22.0 F -7.0

41 Japan 26.7 20.0 18.8 19.4 20.3 16.2 -3.6

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

23 681.1 21 052.3 25 732.1 24 467.1 23 258.5 24 312.2 0.2

11 046.5 12 301.9 11 468.7 13 543.1 13 311.2 13 641.8 2.0

34 727.6 A 33 354.2 A 37 200.8 A 38 010.3 A 36 569.7 A 37 953.9 A 0.8

North and Central Asia

East Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

Page 102: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 788 1 822 2 108 1 972 1 963 2 121 1.5

1 517 1 786 1 845 1 523 1 546 1 514 0.0

1 Cambodia 729 1 751 1 398 1 401 1 324 1 100 5.8

2 Indonesia 1 890 2 080 2 096 1 216 1 249 1 256 -4.5

3 Lao PDR 1 031 1 501 2 197 1 687 1 796 2 161 7.3

4 Malaysia 5 111 3 374 3 674 4 011 3 242 2 765 -5.4

5 Myanmar 1 132 1 514 1 617 1 601 1 622 1 548 3.3

6 Philippines 999 1 055 1 102 1 091 1 097 1 092 1.4

7 Thailand 1 593 1 687 1 647 1 623 1 401 1 596 -0.5

8 Timor-Leste 1 000 1 148 1 168 966 947 1 000 -0.5

9 Viet Nam 1 451 1 875 2 004 2 077 2 107 2 100 4.1

990 867 1 450 1 161 1 005 1 143 1.6

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 1 098 1 292 1 364 1 424 1 449 1 592 3.3

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 988 866 1 459 1 164 1 007 1 144 1.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 2 858 2 571 2 727 2 651 2 625 2 429 -1.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 1 121 790 879 921 609 818 -3.9

18 Sri Lanka 671 842 944 998 1 451 1 514 9.1

1 112 2 325 1 405 1 410 1 611 1 398 1.0

19 Kazakhstan 1 133 1 909 2 000 1 925 3 000 1 300 5.1

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 1 111 2 330 1 400 1 400 1 600 1 400 0.9

2 971 3 217 3 295 3 359 3 356 3 453 2.0

22 China 2 972 3 218 3 296 3 360 3 357 3 454 2.0

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1 913 2 139 2 098 2 216 2 481 2 600 2.6

913 960 883 861 923 1 003 -1.2

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 931 1 000 698 612 879 800 -4.7

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1 206 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 308 -2.8

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 580 609 548 463 666 600 -1.2

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 1 000 1 065 1 063 1 222 1 063 1 208 0.6

2 191 2 172 1 774 2 180 2 224 2 144 -1.7

40 Australia 2 017 2 060 1 442 2 000 1 944 2 178 -2.9

41 Japan 2 472 2 326 2 262 2 404 2 579 2 098 -0.3

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 789 1 823 2 108 1 972 1 964 2 121 1.5

1 104 1 237 1 113 1 159 1 103 1 087 -0.1

1 494 1 552 1 653 1 578 1 529 1 581 0.5


Table 46. Groundnuts in shell: yield



2007 2008 2009

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia




growth rate







2000 2006

Page 103: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


13 209.5 11 529.2 12 187.7 12 387.0 11 826.7 11 443.7 -1.3

1 625.5 1 786.1 1 773.4 1 809.2 1 813.1 1 821.8 1.4

1 Cambodia 10.3 13.6 21.5 18.2 16.5 20.0 6.3

2 Indonesia 683.6 706.8 660.5 636.2 622.6 620.6 -0.7

3 Lao PDR 12.8 18.4 16.0 19.4 19.6 23.6 6.0

4 Malaysia 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 -7.0

5 Myanmar 559.9 730.0 755.5 815.0 840.0 F 866.5 4.8

6 Philippines 26.9 27.6 28.3 27.7 28.2 27.1 0.4

7 Thailand 82.8 38.3 32.5 32.7 32.6 28.4 -9.7

8 Timor-Leste 4.0 F 4.5 F 4.4 F 4.5 F 4.1 F 4.3 F 1.0

9 Viet Nam 244.9 246.7 254.5 255.3 249.2 231.3 -0.1

6 680.9 5 751.1 6 432.4 6 295.7 5 600.4 5 057.4 -1.7

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 29.2 29.4 33.7 31.1 32.5 33.6 2.5

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 6 558.6 5 615.1 6 292.0 6 160.0 5 470.0 4 930.0 -1.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1.1 F 1.4 F 1.4 F 1.5 F 1.4 F 1.4 F 4.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 81.5 93.5 94.9 92.8 87.4 82.9 -0.4

18 Sri Lanka 10.5 11.7 10.4 10.3 9.0 9.5 -0.4

9.3 4.1 5.0 5.1 5.0 5.1 -3.7

19 Kazakhstan 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 -14.7

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 9.0 * 4.0 5.0 * 5.0 * 5.0 * 5.0 * -3.4

4 889.6 3 983.3 3 971.3 4 271.7 4 402.5 4 553.3 -1.8

22 China 4 884.9 3 980.3 3 968.0 4 268.3 4 398.4 4 547.9 -1.8

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 4.7 3.0 3.3 3.4 4.1 5.4 -1.7

4.3 4.7 5.5 5.3 5.6 6.1 4.6

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.4 F 0.3 F 0.4 F 9.6

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.8 F 1.2 F 1.3 F 1.3 F 1.3 F 1.3 F 7.5

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 1.3 F 0.9 F 1.6 F 1.9 F 1.6 F 2.0 F 6.9

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 2.0 F 2.3 F 2.4 F 1.8 2.4 F 2.4 F 1.4

28.2 20.5 20.5 18.1 17.8 17.8 -3.9

40 Australia 17.4 11.9 12.2 10.0 F 10.0 10.1 F -4.2

41 Japan 10.8 8.6 8.3 8.1 7.9 7.7 -3.3

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 237.7 11 549.7 12 208.2 12 405.0 11 844.5 11 461.5 -1.3

10 008.1 9 945.0 10 300.3 11 685.8 12 068.7 12 550.0 2.0

23 245.8 A 21 494.7 A 22 508.4 A 24 090.8 A 23 913.2 A 24 011.5 A 0.3

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha


Table 47. Groundnuts in shell: area harvested





Rest of World


North and Central Asia



Pacific Islands

East Asia


Area harvested



growth rate



20092006 2007

Page 104: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


23 278.0 27 532.6 26 548.8 28 611.3 28 530.9 31 624.7 2.7

1 611.6 1 518.5 1 399.2 1 565.5 1 765.2 1 751.6 1.9

1 Cambodia 28.1 98.3 117.0 108.4 137.3 156.6 19.6

2 Indonesia 1 017.6 747.6 592.6 776.5 974.5 907.0 0.3

3 Lao PDR 5.4 12.0 10.5 10.6 19.4 11.4 16.2

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 97.0 186.0 201.0 214.0 240.0 200.0 * 9.3

6 Philippines 1.0 1.1 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 -0.9

7 Thailand 312.4 214.8 201.3 186.6 176.2 177.1 -5.0

8 Timor-Leste 0.8 F 0.7 F 0.7 F 0.8 1.8 1.8 F 8.4

9 Viet Nam 149.3 258.1 275.5 267.6 215.2 296.9 5.2

5 445.8 9 131.1 11 231.7 10 186.3 10 257.2 12 998.2 9.1

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... 61.5 57.7 59.2 58.9 69.5 ...

12 Bhutan 0.6 1.4 1.4 0.8 0.5 0.4 6.3

13 India 5 275.8 8 857.0 10 968.0 9 905.0 9 965.0 12 736.0 9.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 142.0 * 185.0 178.8 197.2 207.5 162.7 2.3

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 16.8 20.6 21.0 21.0 21.5 22.0 2.7

17 Pakistan 10 0 * 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 8

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2000 2006



1 000 MT

Table 48. Soybeans: production





growth rate



2009 20102007 2008

17 Pakistan 10.0 * 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 -40.8

18 Sri Lanka 0.6 5.2 4.8 3.0 3.8 7.5 24.9

345.9 881.5 733.5 834.7 1 038.0 1 336.3 13.9

19 Kazakhstan 4.0 76.9 83.3 88.7 94.3 113.9 35.0

20 Russian Federation 341.9 804.5 650.2 746.0 943.7 1 222.4 13.0

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 874.7 16 001.6 13 184.4 16 024.8 15 470.5 15 538.5 -0.8

22 China 15 411.5 15 500.2 12 725.1 15 542.1 14 981.2 15 083.2 -0.8

23 DPR Korea 350.0 * 345.0 * 345.0 * 350.0 * 350.0 * 350.0 * 0.0

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 113.2 156.4 114.2 132.7 139.3 105.3 0.9

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

339.8 284.2 258.7 296.4 310.0 282.1 -1.1

40 Australia 104.8 55.0 32.0 34.7 80.1 59.6 -0.2

41 Japan 235.0 229.2 226.7 261.7 229.9 222.5 -0.9

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

23 617.8 27 816.8 26 807.5 28 907.7 28 840.9 31 906.8 2.7

137 672.1 194 102.2 192 869.3 202 304.3 194 448.4 233 084.8 4.4

161 289.9 A 221 919.0 A 219 676.9 A 231 212.1 A 223 289.2 A 264 991.6 A 4.1

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Page 105: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 301 1 365 1 332 1 357 1 325 1 512 0.4

1 227 1 345 1 381 1 359 1 410 1 411 1.5

1 Cambodia 845 1 527 1 539 1 457 1 424 1 538 5.5

2 Indonesia 1 233 1 288 1 291 1 312 1 348 1 373 1.1

3 Lao PDR 844 1 340 1 300 1 249 1 537 1 581 7.2

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 899 1 240 1 297 1 285 1 463 1 212 4.1

6 Philippines 1 231 1 332 1 374 1 375 1 347 1 435 2.0

7 Thailand 1 453 1 560 1 593 1 599 1 650 1 666 1.3

8 Timor-Leste 800 838 862 897 1 187 1 200 3.8

9 Viet Nam 1 203 1 391 1 470 1 393 1 464 1 501 2.1

833 1 076 1 245 1 055 1 038 1 341 3.6

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... 1 514 1 472 1 503 1 466 1 709 ...

12 Bhutan 641 1 097 761 681 810 734 1.4

13 India 822 1 063 1 235 1 042 1 024 1 334 3.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 578 2 262 2 384 2 335 2 467 2 139 3.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 849 891 903 905 914 921 0.9

17 Pakistan 1 250 1 129 582 592 608 573 -8.5

18 Sri Lanka 928 1 687 1 678 2 405 2 283 1 671 9.7

1 015 1 029 966 1 093 1 226 1 217 1.5

19 Kazakhstan 1 134 1 658 1 686 1 733 1 800 1 849 5.0

20 Russian Federation 1 014 993 916 1 047 1 188 1 180 1.1

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 636 1 651 1 444 1 686 1 618 1 748 -0.3

22 China 1 656 1 666 1 454 1 703 1 630 1 771 -0.3

23 DPR Korea 1 129 1 150 1 150 1 167 1 167 1 167 0.3

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1 314 1 733 1 498 1 763 1 982 1 475 2.5

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 904 1 712 1 708 1 830 1 651 1 669 -0.7

40 Australia 1 871 2 302 2 437 2 329 1 892 1 904 2.4

41 Japan 1 918 1 613 1 639 1 779 1 581 1 616 -1.3

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 307 1 368 1 335 1 361 1 327 1 513 0.4

2 446 2 590 2 753 2 690 2 508 2 861 0.9

2 169 2 329 2 437 2 398 2 249 2 584 1.0



Rest of World


2008 2009

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





2000 2006 2007

Table 49. Soybeans: yield





growth rate



Page 106: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


17 893.2 20 164.2 19 924.9 21 077.3 21 538.8 20 922.3 2.3

1 313.4 1 128.7 1 013.2 1 151.7 1 251.7 1 241.0 0.4

1 Cambodia 33.3 64.4 76.0 74.4 96.4 101.8 13.3

2 Indonesia 825.0 580.5 459.1 591.9 722.8 660.8 -0.8

3 Lao PDR 6.4 8.9 8.0 8.5 12.6 7.2 8.4

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 107.8 150.0 F 155.0 F 166.5 164.0 F 165.0 * 5.0

6 Philippines 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 -2.8

7 Thailand 215.0 137.6 126.4 116.7 106.8 106.3 -6.3

8 Timor-Leste 1.0 F 0.9 F 0.8 F 0.9 1.5 1.5 F 4.5

9 Viet Nam 124.1 185.6 187.4 192.1 147.0 197.8 3.1

6 535.9 8 484.2 9 022.2 9 659.6 9 880.1 9 695.8 5.3

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... 40.6 39.2 39.4 40.2 40.7 ...

12 Bhutan 0.9 F 1.3 1.9 1.2 F 0.7 0.5 4.9

13 India 6 416.6 8 334.0 8 880.0 9 510.0 9 730.0 9 550.0 5.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 90.0 * 81.8 75.0 84.5 84.1 76.1 -0.9

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 19.8 23.1 23.2 23.2 23.5 23.9 1.8

17 Pakistan 8.0 * 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 -35.2

18 Sri Lanka 0.7 3.1 2.9 1.3 1.7 4.5 13.9

340.8 856.5 759.3 763.7 846.6 1 097.9 12.2

19 Kazakhstan 3.5 46.4 49.4 51.2 52.4 61.6 28.6

20 Russian Federation 337.3 810.1 709.9 712.5 794.2 1 036.3 11.7

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 703.1 9 694.7 9 130.1 9 502.4 9 560.4 8 887.5 -0.5

22 China 9 306.9 9 304.5 8 753.9 9 127.2 9 190.1 8 516.1 -0.5

23 DPR Korea 310.0 * 300.0 * 300.0 * 300.0 * 300.0 * 300.0 * -0.2

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 86.2 90.2 76.3 75.2 70.3 71.4 -1.5

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

178.5 166.0 151.4 162.0 187.7 169.0 -0.4

40 Australia 56.0 23.9 13.1 14.9 42.3 31.3 -2.6

41 Japan 122.5 142.1 138.3 147.1 145.4 137.7 0.4

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 071.7 20 330.2 20 076.3 21 239.3 21 726.6 21 091.3 2.3

56 292.2 74 944.5 70 051.2 75 197.3 77 539.2 81 465.0 3.4

74 363.9 A 95 274.7 A 90 127.5 A 96 436.6 A 99 265.8 A 102 556.3 A 3.2



Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha

Pacific Islands

East Asia

20102006 2007 2008 2009

North and Central Asia




Table 50. Soybeans: area harvested


Area harvested



growth rate



Page 107: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


45 045.6 50 670.4 54 026.6 52 415.7 54 203.0 52 685.5 2.0

31 941.5 35 945.9 38 330.2 36 975.3 38 127.2 36 970.2 1.7

1 Cambodia 58.0 F 70.0 * 71.0 * 70.9 * 61.4 * 65.5 * 1.0

2 Indonesia 15 240.0 * 17 125.0 * 19 625.0 * 17 937.0 * 19 000.0 * 18 000.0 * 2.2

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 734.4 * 512.7 530.0 555.1 459.6 527.6 -4.0

5 Myanmar 225.3 455.2 485.7 505.0 420.4 350.3 F 5.4

6 Philippines 12 994.7 14 957.9 14 852.9 15 319.5 15 667.6 15 540.0 1.8

7 Thailand 1 795.3 1 815.4 1 721.6 1 483.9 1 381.0 1 298.2 -4.0

8 Timor-Leste 9.0 F 9.0 F 9.0 F 8.8 8.7 8.7 F -0.8

9 Viet Nam 884.8 1 000.7 1 034.9 1 095.1 1 128.5 1 179.9 3.0

10 816.1 12 405.1 13 176.7 12 461.1 13 084.6 12 694.4 2.3

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 89.0 87.9 * 88.0 * 87.9 * 76.5 * 81.4 * -0.9

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 8 350.0 10 190.0 10 894.0 10 148.3 10 824.3 10 840.0 3.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 15.7 * 2.6 2.1 * 2.1 * 5.2 * 0.3 -31.2

16 Nepal 0.5 F 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 -1.5

17 Pakistan 7 9 8 4 11 8 11 6 10 0 10 6 * 3 6

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2000 2006



1 000 MT

Table 51. Coconut: production





growth rate



2009 20102007 2008

17 Pakistan 7.9 8.4 11.8 11.6 10.0 10.6 * 3.6

18 Sri Lanka 2 353.0 2 115.8 2 180.4 2 210.8 2 168.3 1 761.7 -0.4

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

241.8 260.2 270.6 596.2 310.3 301.3 3.5

22 China 241.8 260.2 270.6 596.2 310.3 F 301.3 F 3.5

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 046.2 2 059.2 2 249.1 2 383.1 2 680.9 2 719.7 5.4

26 Cook Islands 4.8 F 2.7 * 2.0 * 2.0 * 1.7 * 1.9 F -10.0

27 Fiji Islands 170.6 * 187.5 187.5 187.5 235.0 206.3 3.2

28 Kiribati 96.0 * 158.0 F 163.8 * 163.8 * 163.8 * 163.8 * 7.2

29 Marshall Islands 4.6 * 29.0 * 37.9 * 49.0 * 44.8 * 42.5 * 25.5

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 40.0 * 50.0 * 50.0 * 50.0 * 50.0 * 50.0 * 2.9

31 Nauru 2.1 F 2.0 F 2.2 F 2.4 F 2.2 F 3.0 F 4.8

32 Niue 2.5 * 2.4 F 2.6 F 2.8 F 2.6 F 3.6 F 4.6

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1 032.0 * 651.0 * 783.0 * 880.0 * 1 196.0 * 1 196.0 * 4.7

35 Samoa 140.0 * 153.0 * 155.0 F 167.6 F 155.1 F 214.2 F 5.4

36 Solomon Islands 246.0 * 384.0 * 420.0 * 432.0 * 384.0 * 384.0 * 8.4

37 Tonga 57.7 * 63.0 * 58.5 * 59.2 * 59.2 * 67.2 F 0.9

38 Tuvalu 1.9 F 1.7 F 1.7 F 1.8 F 1.7 F 2.3 F 2.4

39 Vanuatu 248.0 * 375.0 * 385.0 * 385.0 * 385.0 * 385.0 * 5.9

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

45 045.6 50 670.4 54 026.6 52 415.7 54 203.0 52 685.5 2.0

6 148.8 7 289.3 7 291.1 7 870.3 7 213.5 6 735.7 1.1

51 194.4 A 57 959.6 A 61 317.7 A 60 286.0 A 61 416.5 A 59 421.3 A 1.9

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Page 108: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


19 059.6 35 084.6 35 254.9 37 629.0 39 114.8 38 919.9 7.9

18 475.6 34 466.6 34 614.5 36 900.0 38 366.8 38 132.5 8.0

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 7 000.5 17 350.8 17 664.7 17 539.8 19 324.3 19 760.0 11.4

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 10 842.1 15 880.7 15 823.7 17 734.4 17 564.9 16 993.0 * 5.1

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 54.0 * 68.0 * 75.0 * 82.0 * 90.0 * 92.0 * 6.0

7 Thailand 579.0 1 167.1 1 051.1 1 543.8 1 387.6 1 287.5 9.2

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2000 2006 2009 2010

South and Southwest Asia

2007 2008



1 000 MT

Table 52. Palm oil: production





Southeast Asia

growth rate



17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

213.0 217.0 221.0 225.0 230.0 245.4 0.9

22 China 213.0 F 217.0 F 221.0 F 225.0 F 230.0 F 245.4 F 0.9

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

371.0 401.0 419.4 504.0 518.0 542.0 4.4

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 336.0 * 365.0 * 382.0 * 465.0 * 478.0 * 500.0 * 4.7

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 35.0 * 36.0 * 37.4 * 39.0 * 40.0 * 42.0 * 1.9

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

19 059.6 35 084.6 35 254.9 37 629.0 39 114.8 38 919.9 7.9

3 168.2 4 337.2 4 506.0 4 675.2 4 890.2 4 653.6 5.0

22 227.8 A 39 421.9 A 39 760.9 A 42 304.1 A 44 005.0 A 43 573.5 A 7.6

North and Central Asia

East Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

Page 109: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


53 760.7 76 436.3 77 994.5 81 464.4 83 339.1 83 271.3 5.1

26 395.1 44 917.2 45 561.2 48 135.8 50 013.0 49 642.3 7.0

1 Cambodia 20.0 A 49.6 A 53.7 A 48.9 A 55.0 A 57.0 A 11.7

2 Indonesia 10 401.7 A 21 986.7 A 22 728.6 A 22 459.9 A 24 617.7 A 25 043.4 A 9.7

3 Lao PDR 8.3 A 14.4 A 16.5 A 15.7 A 18.0 A 21.7 A 11.6

4 Malaysia 12 437.1 A 17 891.1 A 17 823.1 A 19 962.1 A 19 745.9 A 19 087.1 A 4.9

5 Myanmar 454.7 A 985.2 A 1 044.7 A 1 191.0 A 1 240.0 A 1 219.9 A 10.7

6 Philippines 1 763.5 A 2 034.9 A 2 029.6 A 2 098.0 A 2 152.4 A 2 137.2 A 2.0

7 Thailand 1 047.5 A 1 622.6 A 1 511.7 A 1 995.0 A 1 824.4 A 1 706.2 A 5.7

8 Timor-Leste 2.5 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.6 A 2.6 A 2.7 A 0.5

9 Viet Nam 259.8 A 329.8 A 350.3 A 362.7 A 357.0 A 367.1 A 3.6

9 268.4 11 790.7 13 766.5 11 993.9 11 942.2 12 717.7 4.4

10 Afghanistan 25.7 A 23.6 A 22.2 A 19.8 A 19.9 A 21.3 A -2.9

11 Bangladesh 130.9 A 123.1 A 125.0 A 141.4 A 132.1 A 150.4 A 1.2

12 Bhutan 0.7 A 1.6 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 0.7 A 0.6 A -0.9

13 India 7 761.3 A 9 969.0 A 11 924.0 A 10 089.5 A 10 073.3 A 11 004.7 A 4.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 109.0 A 223.9 A 247.2 A 250.9 A 251.6 A 228.9 A 10.7

15 Maldives 2.0 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.7 A 0.0 A -31.2

16 Nepal 85.8 A 97.9 A 95.5 A 94.6 A 95.5 A 107.1 A 1.3

17 Pakistan 842 6 A 1 069 8 A 1 060 8 A 1 102 0 A 1 078 2 A 962 6 A 2 6

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2000 2006



1 000 MT





growth rate



2009 20102007 2008

17 Pakistan 842.6 A 1 069.8 A 1 060.8 A 1 102.0 A 1 078.2 A 962.6 A 2.6

18 Sri Lanka 310.2 A 281.6 A 290.1 A 293.9 A 290.3 A 242.1 A -0.1

2 162.3 3 747.2 3 295.8 4 063.8 3 703.1 3 364.1 7.5

19 Kazakhstan 91.1 A 212.5 A 206.5 A 174.7 A 283.1 A 299.4 A 9.6

20 Russian Federation 1 759.4 A 3 161.7 A 2 714.2 A 3 479.3 A 3 115.1 A 2 744.6 A 8.4

21 Uzbekistan 311.8 A 372.9 A 375.1 A 409.8 A 304.9 A 320.1 A 0.9

15 253.8 15 262.7 14 607.5 16 402.8 16 757.9 16 588.5 0.8

22 China 15 142.5 A 15 152.6 A 14 502.2 A 16 293.4 A 16 648.6 A 16 482.8 A 0.8

23 DPR Korea 66.7 A 65.9 A 66.4 A 67.2 A 66.6 A 66.3 A 0.0

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 44.6 A 44.3 A 38.9 A 42.2 A 42.8 A 39.4 A -0.3

681.0 718.4 763.4 868.0 922.9 958.6 4.7

26 Cook Islands 0.6 A 0.4 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.2 A -10.0

27 Fiji Islands 22.2 A 24.5 A 24.4 A 24.4 A 30.6 A 26.9 A 3.2

28 Kiribati 12.5 A 20.5 A 21.3 A 21.3 A 21.3 A 21.3 A 7.2

29 Marshall Islands 0.6 A 3.8 A 4.9 A 6.4 A 5.8 A 5.5 A 25.5

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 5.2 A 6.5 A 6.5 A 6.5 A 6.5 A 6.5 A 2.9

31 Nauru 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.4 A 4.8

32 Niue 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.4 A 0.3 A 0.5 A 4.6

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 509.6 A 494.2 A 530.2 A 628.5 A 684.0 A 712.1 A 4.5

35 Samoa 18.3 A 19.9 A 20.2 A 21.8 A 20.2 A 27.9 A 5.4

36 Solomon Islands 70.7 A 90.1 A 96.1 A 99.3 A 94.5 A 97.0 A 5.0

37 Tonga 7.7 A 8.3 A 7.9 A 8.0 A 8.0 A 9.1 A 1.1

38 Tuvalu 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.3 A 2.4

39 Vanuatu 32.8 A 49.5 A 50.8 A 50.7 A 50.8 A 50.9 A 5.8

1 000.1 476.7 607.0 846.4 915.4 1 018.0 -0.2

40 Australia 947.7 A 427.2 A 558.8 A 791.6 A 865.7 A 970.6 A -0.2

41 Japan 50.6 A 47.6 A 46.8 A 53.3 A 47.9 A 45.3 A -1.3

42 New Zealand 1.9 A 1.8 A 1.3 A 1.5 A 1.8 A 2.1 A -1.2

54 760.8 76 913.0 78 601.4 82 310.8 84 254.5 84 289.2 5.0

55 486.9 72 344.0 71 196.3 79 041.4 77 493.7 83 758.0 4.3

110 247.7 A 149 257.0 A 149 797.8 A 161 352.2 A 161 748.2 A 168 047.2 A 4.7

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Table 53. Oil crops (primary): production

Page 110: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 111: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Fruit total (excluding melons): production

Major Producers in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010

Vegetables total (including melons): production

Largest producers of vegetables (including melons) in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010



Viet Nam



Iran (Islamic Rep. of)





Rest of Asia-Pacific



Other fruits

0 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 120 000 140 000

1 000 MT



Viet Nam

Rep. of Korea



Russian Federation

Iran (Islamic Rep. of)



Rest of Asia-Pacific

Rest of World




Other Vegetables

1 000 MT

0 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000

Page 112: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 113: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


176 771.5 240 910.9 253 728.4 267 587.7 276 828.3 284 617.8 5.3

37 162.2 49 228.5 51 623.8 53 006.4 53 680.3 49 547.5 3.6

1 Cambodia 321.7 A 340.4 A 343.4 A 369.0 A 378.3 A 355.9 A 1.4

2 Indonesia 8 412.9 A 15 855.1 A 15 807.1 A 17 054.3 A 17 577.4 A 14 902.8 A 6.5

3 Lao PDR 193.0 A 246.3 A 257.6 A 257.3 A 273.5 A 239.6 A 2.9

4 Malaysia 1 184.6 A 1 070.1 A 913.3 A 989.1 A 957.2 A 1 144.9 A -2.5

5 Myanmar 1 416.0 A 1 878.0 A 2 045.2 A 2 239.0 A 2 219.9 A 2 135.1 A 4.5

6 Philippines 10 795.9 A 13 171.9 A 14 474.1 A 15 690.8 A 15 980.2 A 16 181.7 A 4.4

7 Thailand 10 469.2 A 10 850.9 A 11 912.4 A 10 338.2 A 10 145.2 A 8 559.1 A -0.2

8 Timor-Leste 6.1 A 12.5 A 13.4 A 15.2 A 15.1 A 14.9 A 9.4

9 Viet Nam 4 362.7 A 5 803.4 A 5 857.2 A 6 053.5 A 6 133.5 A 6 013.5 A 3.6

64 281.0 83 206.0 87 963.9 95 209.6 94 705.1 100 761.5 5.1

10 Afghanistan 706.2 A 742.2 A 755.7 A 764.7 A 1 331.7 A 997.6 A 3.9

11 Bangladesh 1 361.0 A 3 209.9 A 3 574.5 A 3 557.5 A 3 674.3 A 3 955.0 A 13.6

12 Bhutan 64.7 A 87.4 A 92.8 A 52.8 A 70.9 A 91.8 A 1.4

13 India 43 000.9 A 57 639.9 A 62 691.3 A 68 591.0 A 68 997.3 A 75 174.5 A 6.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 12 287.7 A 13 430.8 A 13 399.6 A 13 833.5 A 12 538.3 A 12 126.0 A 0.2

15 Maldives 9.6 A 14.6 A 12.0 A 11.7 A 8.0 A 10.1 A 4.6

16 Nepal 844.6 A 1 026.5 A 1 068.9 A 1 178.9 A 1 283.6 A 1 327.5 A 4.3

17 Pakistan 5 186 4 A 6 340 9 A 5 644 0 A 6 490 7 A 6 090 8 A 6 293 3 A 2 6

South and Southwest Asia


Table 54. Fruit total (excluding melons): production





Southeast Asia

growth rate

2000 2006 2000-2010




1 000 MT

2008 2009 2010

17 Pakistan 5 186.4 A 6 340.9 A 5 644.0 A 6 490.7 A 6 090.8 A 6 293.3 A 2.6

18 Sri Lanka 819.9 A 713.8 A 725.1 A 728.7 A 710.2 A 785.8 A -1.7

5 080.0 5 494.8 6 712.7 5 027.6 5 732.2 5 377.4 1.5

19 Kazakhstan 263.5 A 228.6 A 205.4 A 175.9 A 234.3 A 222.1 A -1.0

20 Russian Federation 3 401.5 A 3 191.6 A 4 357.9 A 2 657.9 A 3 055.4 A 2 457.7 A -2.0

21 Uzbekistan 1 415.1 A 2 074.5 A 2 149.4 A 2 193.8 A 2 442.5 A 2 697.6 A 8.1

68 462.1 100 904.1 105 275.0 112 145.4 120 488.5 126 629.4 6.4

22 China 64 503.1 A 96 755.8 A 100 917.4 A 107 802.9 A 115 863.7 A 122 336.0 A 6.7

23 DPR Korea 1 333.2 A 1 426.0 A 1 390.4 A 1 438.6 A 1 527.0 A 1 559.2 A 1.0

24 Mongolia 0.3 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.5 A 0.3 A 0.6 A 7.7

25 Rep. of Korea 2 625.6 A 2 721.9 A 2 966.8 A 2 903.5 A 3 097.5 A 2 733.6 A 1.2

1 786.2 2 077.5 2 153.1 2 198.6 2 222.2 2 302.1 2.6

26 Cook Islands 3.7 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.5 A 1.3 A 1.5 A -9.9

27 Fiji Islands 18.0 A 19.4 A 24.0 A 29.9 A 19.6 A 18.6 A 3.7

28 Kiribati 5.6 A 6.8 A 7.0 A 7.1 A 7.3 A 9.4 A 4.2

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 3.1 A 2.5 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 3.3 A 3.8 A -0.7

31 Nauru 0.3 A 0.4 A 0.3 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.3 A 0.0

32 Niue 0.8 A 0.9 A 0.8 A 1.0 A 0.9 A 1.2 A 1.5

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1 666.3 A 1 942.4 A 2 009.4 A 2 045.7 A 2 076.0 A 2 149.0 A 2.6

35 Samoa 41.8 A 45.2 A 45.5 A 46.5 A 47.8 A 53.9 A 1.9

36 Solomon Islands 16.9 A 25.7 A 28.6 A 29.3 A 30.5 A 29.5 A 6.6

37 Tonga 9.9 A 11.3 A 11.1 A 11.6 A 11.2 A 11.0 A 1.8

38 Tuvalu 0.7 A 0.7 A 0.7 A 0.7 A 0.8 A 0.8 A 1.5

39 Vanuatu 19.1 A 20.7 A 21.3 A 22.1 A 23.1 A 23.0 A 2.0

8 012.7 7 903.6 7 856.9 8 269.7 8 022.7 7 279.2 -0.8

40 Australia 3 084.3 A 3 696.3 A 3 270.7 A 3 591.5 A 3 413.1 A 3 312.8 A 0.3

41 Japan 3 820.9 A 3 209.4 A 3 438.9 A 3 416.1 A 3 391.0 A 2 898.6 A -2.4

42 New Zealand 1 107.5 A 997.9 A 1 147.3 A 1 262.0 A 1 218.6 A 1 067.9 A 1.4

184 784.2 248 814.5 261 585.3 275 857.4 284 851.0 291 897.0 5.0

289 845.1 308 059.4 302 894.4 309 994.5 314 783.1 310 987.5 1.0

474 629.4 A 556 873.9 A 564 479.7 A 585 851.9 A 599 634.1 A 602 884.5 A 2.7

North and Central Asia

East Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

Page 114: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


33 487.5 45 715.4 50 845.3 54 630.8 56 520.0 60 348.7 6.9

12 555.0 15 419.0 16 664.5 18 111.8 18 806.5 18 437.5 4.7

1 Cambodia 146.0 130.0 F 130.0 F 151.0 F 155.0 F 159.0 F 0.5

2 Indonesia 3 747.0 5 037.5 5 454.2 6 004.6 6 373.5 5 755.1 4.9

3 Lao PDR 37.0 F 49.5 F 50.0 F 55.0 F 56.2 F 60.5 F 3.0

4 Malaysia 540.0 F 380.0 F 260.9 272.3 279.8 294.5 -8.0

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 4 929.6 6 794.6 7 484.1 8 687.6 9 013.2 9 101.3 7.3

7 Thailand 2 029.7 1 676.5 1 929.3 1 540.5 1 528.1 1 584.9 -0.7

8 Timor-Leste 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 0.7 0.7 0.7 -3.7

9 Viet Nam 1 124.8 1 350.0 F 1 355.0 F 1 400.0 F 1 400.0 F 1 481.4 F 2.9

14 938.1 22 211.7 25 152.6 27 451.5 27 672.3 30 947.5 8.9

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 572.0 909.1 1 004.5 877.1 836.2 818.3 4.7

12 Bhutan ... 3.4 4.0 1.6 2.2 2.2 ...

13 India 14 137.3 20 997.8 23 823.0 26 217.0 26 469.5 29 780.0 9.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 38.3 88.0 F 101.0 113.4 116.5 F 108.3 F 13.7

15 Maldives 6.3 * 10.3 8.9 F 8.2 * 4.3 * 6.5 * 6.9

16 Nepal 44.8 F 52.6 53.3 76.8 88.8 91.0 7.0

17 Pakistan 139.4 150.5 158.0 157.3 154.8 141.2 0.5

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 139.9 7 115.3 8 038.4 8 042.4 9 006.5 9 848.9 6.5

22 China 5 139.9 7 115.3 8 038.4 8 042.4 9 006.5 9 848.9 6.5

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

854.5 969.4 989.8 1 025.2 1 034.8 1 114.8 2.4

26 Cook Islands 0.3 F 0.0 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F -14.4

27 Fiji Islands 3.0 F 4.5 F 2.9 8.4 3.4 3.1 F 4.4

28 Kiribati 4.5 5.5 F 5.8 F 5.8 F 6.0 F 8.2 F 5.1

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 2.4 F 1.7 F 2.1 F 2.1 F 2.7 F 3.0 F -1.0

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F -1.4

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 810.0 F 920.0 F 940.0 F 970.0 F 980.0 F 1 050.0 F 2.3

35 Samoa 20.0 22.0 F 23.0 F 22.9 F 25.0 F 32.4 F 3.9

36 Solomon Islands 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.8

37 Tonga 0.7 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.8 F 1.1 F 1.2 F 6.2

38 Tuvalu 0.3 F 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 3.6

39 Vanuatu 13.0 14.4 F 14.5 F 14.4 F 15.8 F 16.0 F 1.9

257.4 187.6 213.4 207.3 270.6 302.3 -2.1

40 Australia 256.9 187.4 213.2 207.1 270.4 302.2 -2.1

41 Japan 0.5 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F -8.8

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 744.8 45 903.0 51 058.7 54 838.1 56 790.6 60 651.0 6.8

31 694.8 38 820.1 38 530.5 38 791.7 40 477.1 41 377.2 2.7

65 439.6 A 84 723.1 A 89 589.2 A 93 629.8 A 97 267.7 A 102 028.2 A 4.9

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





Rest of World

Table 55. Bananas: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate

2000 2006 2000-2010




1 000 MT

2008 2009 2010

Page 115: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


22 975.0 37 382.4 37 469.1 40 965.0 42 906.4 43 839.6 6.9

2 930.8 5 503.9 5 522.6 5 217.2 4 707.3 4 344.5 5.8

1 Cambodia 68.2 A 70.4 A 68.4 A 69.0 A 70.3 A 58.2 A -0.5

2 Indonesia 644.1 A 2 565.5 A 2 625.9 A 2 467.6 A 2 131.8 A 2 028.9 A 14.1

3 Lao PDR 70.5 A 89.8 A 95.2 A 99.5 A 100.7 A 78.1 A 3.7

4 Malaysia 30.9 A 63.3 A 67.6 A 60.8 A 58.1 A 55.1 A 6.9

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 257.8 A 267.1 A 272.1 A 266.1 A 253.4 A 246.3 A 0.0

7 Thailand 1 409.8 A 1 800.5 A 1 714.1 A 1 550.0 A 1 373.9 A 1 124.2 A -0.3

8 Timor-Leste 0.3 A 1.4 A 1.4 A 1.7 A 1.7 A 1.7 A 18.6

9 Viet Nam 449.2 A 646.0 A 677.9 A 702.6 A 717.5 A 752.0 A 6.1

10 235.4 12 788.6 12 911.1 14 441.6 14 345.8 14 891.3 4.9

10 Afghanistan 22.2 A 10.3 A 8.7 A 9.7 A 9.8 A 9.9 A -10.5

11 Bangladesh 41.0 A 119.9 A 110.2 A 120.8 A 129.5 A 135.7 A 15.8

12 Bhutan 58.0 A 67.6 A 72.3 A 38.8 A 56.4 A 66.9 A -0.7

13 India 4 416.2 A 6 139.0 A 7 145.0 A 8 015.0 A 8 623.1 A 9 638.0 A 9.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 3 655.0 A 3 818.3 A 3 919.0 A 3 726.5 A 3 135.1 A 2 619.3 A -1.8

15 Maldives 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

16 Nepal 119.7 A 164.1 A 171.9 A 226.4 A 248.8 A 259.2 A 7.8

17 Pakistan 1 897.0 A 2 458.4 A 1 472.5 A 2 293.6 A 2 132.0 A 2 150.0 A 1.8

18 Sri Lanka 26.3 A 11.0 A 11.4 A 10.8 A 11.1 A 12.3 A -8.7

3.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.6 6.2 5.7

19 Kazakhstan 0.2 A 0.4 A 0.5 A 0.4 A 0.6 A 0.6 A 21.8

20 Russian Federation 0.0 A 0.4 A 0.3 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A ...

21 Uzbekistan 3.6 A 4.0 A 4.1 A 4.4 A 4.9 A 5.5 A 4.4

9 800.5 19 080.1 19 025.3 21 295.7 23 842.7 24 593.2 8.8

22 China 9 235.8 A 18 458.7 A 18 246.5 A 20 658.1 A 23 088.5 A 23 977.2 A 9.1

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 564.7 A 621.4 A 778.7 A 637.6 A 754.2 A 616.0 A 1.4

4.5 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.1 4.3 0.5

26 Cook Islands 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A -4.0

27 Fiji Islands 0.8 A 0.6 A 0.6 A 0.5 A 0.4 A 0.6 A -3.6

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 1.5

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa 0.4 A 0.5 A 0.7 A 0.8 A 0.7 A 0.7 A 5.8

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 3.0 A 3.7 A 3.8 A 4.0 A 3.7 A 2.9 A 0.4

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 169.4 1 722.6 1 907.8 1 674.0 1 688.2 1 490.2 -3.7

40 Australia 642.2 A 649.7 A 623.0 A 552.3 A 480.1 A 523.2 A -2.5

41 Japan 1 503.0 A 1 047.8 A 1 253.5 A 1 090.1 A 1 176.3 A 934.1 A -4.4

42 New Zealand 24.1 A 25.2 A 31.3 A 31.6 A 31.9 A 32.9 A 1.8

25 144.3 39 105.0 39 376.9 42 639.0 44 594.6 45 329.8 6.3

80 529.8 78 961.3 76 625.1 79 716.9 78 817.7 77 242.1 -0.1

105 674.1 A 118 066.4 A 116 002.0 A 122 355.9 A 123 412.3 A 122 571.9 A 1.8


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia


East Asia



1 000 MT


2010 2000-2010


Table 56. Citrus fruit total: production





growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

Page 116: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


18 646.9 24 482.4 25 878.2 26 729.7 25 793.2 27 834.6 4.4

3 585.2 5 086.5 5 703.6 5 991.4 6 124.9 5 328.6 4.9

1 Cambodia 35.0 48.0 F 51.0 F 53.0 F 55.0 F 56.0 F 4.6

2 Indonesia 876.0 1 622.0 1 818.6 2 105.1 2 243.4 1 287.3 6.7

3 Lao PDR 2.7 F 3.1 F 3.5 F 3.6 F 3.6 F 3.4 F 2.3

4 Malaysia 19.6 26.2 27.3 23.6 21.3 25.5 2.9

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 848.3 919.0 1 023.9 884.0 771.4 825.7 -0.8

7 Thailand 1 623.1 2 093.2 2 302.7 2 374.2 2 469.8 2 550.6 4.8

8 Timor-Leste 3.2 F 4.9 F 5.5 F 6.4 6.4 6.1 7.0

9 Viet Nam 177.3 370.0 F 471.1 541.6 554.0 574.0 13.8

11 845.8 15 300.0 16 455.3 16 757.1 15 523.9 18 150.7 4.6

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 187.0 639.9 766.9 802.8 828.2 1 047.9 22.3

12 Bhutan ... 1.5 F 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.4 ...

13 India 10 503.5 12 663.1 13 734.0 13 997.0 12 750.0 15 026.7 3.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 12.3 12.4 F 13.2 F 13.4 F 13.3 F 16.3 F 1.4

15 Maldives ... 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 ...

16 Nepal 119.0 F 143.4 136.3 110.7 121.8 127.3 -0.3

17 Pakistan 937.7 1 753.9 1 719.2 1 753.7 1 727.9 1 845.5 8.2

18 Sri Lanka 86.2 85.4 84.9 78.9 82.4 86.6 -1.3

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 210.7 4 091.3 3 715.3 3 976.7 4 140.3 4 351.3 2.7

22 China 3 210.7 * 4 091.3 * 3 715.3 * 3 976.7 F 4 140.3 F 4 351.3 F 2.7

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5.2 4.5 4.1 4.5 4.1 4.0 -2.2

26 Cook Islands 2.1 F 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.2 F 0.2 F -21.7

27 Fiji Islands 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 F 11.9

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa 3.1 F 4.0 F 3.5 F 4.0 F 3.8 F 3.7 F 2.2

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38.1 38.5 60.2 51.2 43.4 46.6 2.8

40 Australia 38.1 36.3 57.9 48.9 40.7 44.3 2.2

41 Japan ... 2.2 F 2.3 F 2.3 F 2.7 2.3 F ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 685.0 24 520.9 25 938.4 26 781.0 25 836.6 27 881.3 4.4

6 167.5 9 350.0 8 971.8 8 818.9 8 784.5 9 243.5 4.1

24 852.5 A 33 870.9 A 34 910.2 A 35 599.9 A 34 621.0 A 37 124.7 A 4.3

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





Rest of World

Table 57. Mangoes, mangosteen, guavas: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate

2000 2006 2000-2010




1 000 MT

2008 2009 2010

Page 117: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


511 219.8 645 612.2 675 254.1 705 753.6 719 942.0 746 211.5 3.8

27 575.3 31 670.9 32 925.9 33 321.7 34 156.4 35 726.4 2.4

1 Cambodia 508.4 A 481.0 A 487.0 A 460.5 A 468.7 A 480.3 A -0.4

2 Indonesia 6 985.3 A 8 573.1 A 8 475.8 A 8 888.9 A 9 620.2 A 9 756.9 A 4.0

3 Lao PDR 697.8 A 780.2 A 875.9 A 903.7 A 931.7 A 1 057.1 A 3.0

4 Malaysia 523.3 A 661.7 A 668.8 A 717.7 A 752.0 A 858.8 A 5.4

5 Myanmar 3 343.0 A 4 294.8 A 4 279.0 A 4 799.3 A 4 854.6 A 5 043.1 A 4.1

6 Philippines 4 977.0 A 5 207.3 A 5 966.8 A 5 903.4 A 5 812.9 A 6 301.7 A 2.1

7 Thailand 4 027.7 A 3 828.4 A 4 110.6 A 3 901.7 A 3 816.4 A 3 878.7 A -0.6

8 Timor-Leste 18.7 A 21.0 A 21.7 A 22.0 A 23.4 A 23.6 A 2.4

9 Viet Nam 6 494.1 A 7 823.6 A 8 040.4 A 7 724.5 A 7 876.5 A 8 326.2 A 1.7

93 408.5 111 621.1 119 366.2 120 783.9 122 130.5 132 613.8 3.6

10 Afghanistan 707.7 A 847.6 A 909.5 A 875.1 A 964.0 A 968.3 A 3.0

11 Bangladesh 1 802.0 A 2 904.9 A 3 197.0 A 3 472.5 A 3 420.8 A 3 661.1 A 9.0

12 Bhutan 5.8 A 33.2 A 24.4 A 21.3 A 24.9 A 20.6 A 19.5

13 India 72 283.1 A 81 882.2 A 87 979.2 A 91 727.5 A 90 789.1 A 100 347.4 A 3.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 11 661.2 A 17 605.8 A 18 988.4 A 15 872.6 A 18 120.9 A 18 678.5 A 4.9

15 Maldives 3.0 A 2.8 A 2.4 A 2.9 A 2.5 A 2.5 A -0.9

16 Nepal 1 505.2 A 2 236.6 A 2 379.8 A 2 607.7 A 2 818.5 A 3 076.0 A 7.1

17 Pakistan 4 861 0 A 5 433 7 A 5 164 9 A 5 481 0 A 5 257 6 A 5 126 0 A 1 6

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia




1 000 MT

2010 2000-2010


Table 58. Vegetables total (including melons): production





growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

17 Pakistan 4 861.0 A 5 433.7 A 5 164.9 A 5 481.0 A 5 257.6 A 5 126.0 A 1.6

18 Sri Lanka 579.4 A 674.2 A 720.6 A 723.3 A 732.2 A 733.4 A 3.9

17 512.8 24 410.2 20 736.5 23 698.6 24 913.6 24 508.5 3.3

19 Kazakhstan 1 965.6 A 2 757.1 A 2 858.1 A 3 150.3 A 3 310.2 A 3 695.7 A 5.2

20 Russian Federation 12 451.8 A 16 629.2 A 12 367.9 A 14 349.1 A 14 827.1 A 13 283.5 A 0.7

21 Uzbekistan 3 095.4 A 5 023.9 A 5 510.4 A 6 199.2 A 6 776.3 A 7 529.4 A 9.7

372 171.5 477 322.1 501 643.4 527 343.9 538 125.5 552 771.9 3.9

22 China 356 078.4 A 462 067.4 A 487 078.8 A 512 029.4 A 522 724.5 A 539 586.0 A 4.1

23 DPR Korea 3 812.9 A 3 876.0 A 3 770.5 A 3 969.0 A 4 053.5 A 3 381.1 A -0.4

24 Mongolia 44.0 A 70.4 A 76.4 A 77.6 A 78.0 A 82.9 A 7.8

25 Rep. of Korea 12 236.2 A 11 308.3 A 10 717.6 A 11 267.9 A 11 269.5 A 9 721.9 A -1.4

551.8 587.9 582.1 605.4 615.9 590.9 0.9

26 Cook Islands 1.5 A 1.1 A 1.8 A 1.8 A 1.8 A 1.9 A 3.7

27 Fiji Islands 20.6 A 25.2 A 23.2 A 23.0 A 22.2 A 22.5 A 0.9

28 Kiribati 5.7 A 6.0 A 6.2 A 6.3 A 6.3 A 6.4 A 1.1

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 3.3 A 4.4 A 3.3 A 3.3 A 3.3 A 3.4 A -1.1

31 Nauru 0.7 A 0.7 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A -5.1

32 Niue 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A -4.0

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 473.6 A 500.8 A 497.8 A 518.8 A 531.8 A 505.7 A 0.9

35 Samoa 0.9 A 1.2 A 1.2 A 1.2 A 1.2 A 1.2 A 2.4

36 Solomon Islands 6.9 A 8.3 A 8.0 A 8.2 A 8.4 A 8.2 A 1.5

37 Tonga 27.5 A 30.2 A 27.9 A 30.3 A 28.1 A 28.6 A 0.6

38 Tuvalu 0.4 A 0.6 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.6 A 2.6

39 Vanuatu 10.4 A 9.2 A 11.5 A 11.4 A 11.6 A 11.8 A 1.2

15 668.1 14 697.2 14 780.0 14 741.9 14 598.2 13 942.4 -0.8

40 Australia 1 927.1 A 1 912.2 A 1 882.0 A 1 880.8 A 1 924.4 A 1 943.2 A -0.2

41 Japan 12 741.5 A 11 767.5 A 11 887.8 A 11 905.2 A 11 724.8 A 11 034.2 A -1.0

42 New Zealand 999.4 A 1 017.6 A 1 010.1 A 956.0 A 948.9 A 965.0 A 0.0

526 887.9 660 309.5 690 034.1 720 495.5 734 540.2 760 153.9 3.6

250 246.2 269 429.1 270 715.3 273 038.5 281 345.1 276 161.7 1.2

777 134.1 A 929 738.6 A 960 749.3 A 993 533.9 A 1 015 885.2 A 1 036 315.6 A 2.9


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia


Page 118: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


57 746.7 49 032.6 46 169.3 47 946.6 48 381.7 49 831.2 -1.5

2 708.3 2 572.0 2 682.4 2 768.1 2 794.8 2 925.0 0.7

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 1 551.7 1 267.8 1 288.7 1 323.7 1 358.1 1 385.0 -0.6

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 26.3 46.0 65.8 73.1 60.9 81.1 F 18.3

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 87.6 91.2 123.4 128.9 124.7 129.0 4.5

7 Thailand 641.3 478.5 480.0 495.6 496.4 549.9 -3.0

8 Timor-Leste 1.4 F 1.3 F 1.3 F 2.5 3.1 2.0 7.1

9 Viet Nam 400.0 F 687.3 F 723.1 F 744.3 F 751.6 F 778.0 F 6.5

6 357.0 6 306.2 6 298.8 6 593.8 7 578.4 8 012.5 2.2

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 112.0 176.0 182.7 211.1 205.6 220.0 8.1

12 Bhutan ... 4.3 4.5 2.0 1.8 1.3 ...

13 India 5 909.4 5 637.3 5 584.0 5 910.0 6 869.6 7 281.4 2.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 220.0 F 350.6 F 378.1 F 316.0 F 360.6 F 371.9 F 4.4

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 0.6 F 4.0 F 5.0 F 6.0 F 6.0 F 6.0 F 26.4

17 Pakistan 61.7 74.6 75.7 71.7 72.0 69.1 1.5

18 Sri Lanka 53.4 59.4 68.8 76.9 62.8 62.8 3.0

3 962.5 4 761.9 3 399.5 3 978.1 4 174.4 3 684.5 -1.3

19 Kazakhstan 262.7 319.4 337.7 361.1 376.3 412.0 3.2

20 Russian Federation 3 491.8 4 073.2 2 661.7 3 169.9 3 312.1 2 732.5 -2.9

21 Uzbekistan 208.0 * 369.2 400.0 * 447.0 * 486.0 * 540.0 * 11.0

44 718.1 35 391.7 33 787.9 34 606.0 33 833.4 35 208.5 -2.4

22 China 40 648.9 F 31 625.1 F 30 529.8 F 30 917.6 30 215.3 32 538.9 F -2.4

23 DPR Korea 630.0 F 680.0 F 700.0 F 768.4 F 751.0 F 616.1 F 0.7

24 Mongolia 15.8 18.5 20.6 18.1 19.0 17.9 4.0

25 Rep. of Korea 3 423.4 3 068.2 2 537.6 2 901.9 2 848.0 2 035.7 -2.9

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.0

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.8 F 0.7 F 0.7 F 0.8 F 0.0

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 590.0 2 435.8 2 402.1 2 420.5 2 429.3 2 369.0 -0.7

40 Australia 69.0 78.5 81.6 71.5 78.1 78.8 F 0.6

41 Japan 2 485.0 2 314.3 2 276.5 2 310.4 2 309.1 2 247.7 -0.8

42 New Zealand 36.0 43.0 F 44.0 F 38.6 F 42.1 F 42.5 F 3.3

60 336.7 51 468.4 48 571.4 50 367.2 50 811.0 52 200.2 -1.5

15 503.0 14 189.4 13 665.5 14 514.9 14 625.3 14 197.4 -0.9

75 839.7 A 65 657.8 A 62 236.9 A 64 882.1 A 65 436.2 A 66 397.6 A -1.4

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





Rest of World

Table 59. Cabbages and other brassicas: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate

2000 2006 2000-2010




1 000 MT

2008 2009 2010

Page 119: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


29 254 30 945 29 572 30 089 29 828 30 660 0.4

15 116 17 944 17 606 18 066 17 433 17 821 1.2

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 15 627 21 959 21 227 21 764 20 033 20 510 2.4

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 19 231 27 769 38 706 41 771 43 310 38 619 12.1

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 11 415 12 460 14 519 14 991 14 701 15 065 3.2

7 Thailand 13 381 13 140 12 403 12 666 12 610 13 436 -1.1

8 Timor-Leste 3 500 4 354 4 314 7 962 8 085 9 244 9.8

9 Viet Nam 17 778 17 218 17 039 17 468 17 527 17 366 -0.7

22 252 21 726 21 901 21 800 21 712 23 685 0.3

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 9 884 11 754 11 955 13 011 12 457 13 198 3.4

12 Bhutan ... 5 241 5 048 2 475 2 325 3 719 ...

13 India 22 878 22 238 22 426 22 218 22 146 24 231 0.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 26 839 29 473 29 043 30 482 28 954 30 736 1.7

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 22 000 21 978 22 026 21 978 21 978 21 978 0.0

17 Pakistan 15 380 15 536 15 780 16 509 14 923 14 629 -0.1

18 Sri Lanka 13 984 14 556 15 679 17 249 15 614 17 076 2.2

20 224 36 323 26 642 28 634 30 096 25 604 3.5

19 Kazakhstan 17 869 24 016 23 783 23 603 29 168 23 812 3.4

20 Russian Federation 20 053 37 866 25 842 27 678 28 577 23 638 2.9

21 Uzbekistan 29 296 36 094 38 462 49 121 49 091 49 091 6.3

34 054 34 706 34 005 34 647 34 740 35 968 0.4

22 China 33 312 33 646 33 243 33 655 33 654 35 508 0.3

23 DPR Korea 19 091 22 181 20 588 21 548 21 552 21 542 1.5

24 Mongolia 7 900 13 761 17 353 13 538 16 409 16 382 11.3

25 Rep. of Korea 59 148 64 167 63 360 67 262 71 033 62 075 1.4

10 176 10 000 10 819 10 194 10 205 9 375 -1.0

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 10 176 10 000 10 819 10 194 10 205 9 375 -1.0

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 544 67 916 67 687 67 981 67 434 64 010 6.4

40 Australia 38 355 37 124 40 378 37 892 37 900 35 818 -1.1

41 Japan 41 695 70 130 69 618 70 012 69 551 66 109 6.8

42 New Zealand 38 136 57 333 57 292 53 751 55 056 52 469 4.8

29 630 31 763 30 419 30 917 30 645 31 403 0.5

20 814 23 531 22 732 23 931 24 170 23 809 1.4

27 269 29 530 28 316 29 022 28 914 29 398 0.7

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010





Table 60. Cabbages and other brassicas: yield





growth rate

2000 2000-2010



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Page 120: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 974.0 1 584.5 1 561.3 1 593.5 1 622.0 1 625.3 -1.9

179.2 143.3 152.4 153.2 160.3 164.1 -0.4

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 99.3 57.7 60.7 60.8 67.8 67.5 -2.9

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.4 2.1 F 5.5

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 7.7 7.3 8.5 8.6 8.5 8.6 1.2

7 Thailand 47.9 36.4 38.7 39.1 39.4 40.9 -1.9

8 Timor-Leste 0.4 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 0.4 0.2 -2.5

9 Viet Nam 22.5 F 39.9 F 42.4 F 42.6 F 42.9 F 44.8 F 7.3

285.7 290.3 287.6 302.5 349.0 338.3 1.9

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 11.3 15.0 15.3 16.2 16.5 16.7 4.6

12 Bhutan ... 0.8 0.9 0.8 F 0.8 0.3 ...

13 India 258.3 253.5 249.0 266.0 310.2 300.5 1.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 8.2 F 11.9 F 13.0 F 10.4 F 12.5 F 12.1 F 2.7

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 0.0 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 26.4

17 Pakistan 4.0 4.8 4.8 4.3 4.8 4.7 1.6

18 Sri Lanka 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.5 4.0 3.7 0.8

195.9 131.1 127.6 138.9 138.7 143.9 -4.6

19 Kazakhstan 14.7 13.3 14.2 15.3 12.9 17.3 -0.1

20 Russian Federation 174.1 107.6 103.0 114.5 115.9 115.6 -5.7

21 Uzbekistan 7.1 * 10.2 10.4 * 9.1 * 9.9 * 11.0 F 4.4

1 313.1 1 019.8 993.6 998.8 973.9 978.9 -2.7

22 China 1 220.3 F 939.9 F 918.4 F 918.7 897.8 916.4 F -2.7

23 DPR Korea 33.0 F 30.7 F 34.0 F 35.7 F 34.8 F 28.6 F -0.8

24 Mongolia 2.0 * 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 -6.6

25 Rep. of Korea 57.9 47.8 40.1 43.1 40.1 32.8 -4.3

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 1.0

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

62.3 35.9 35.5 35.6 36.0 37.0 -6.7

40 Australia 1.8 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.1 2.2 F 1.7

41 Japan 59.6 33.0 32.7 33.0 33.2 34.0 F -7.1

42 New Zealand 0.9 0.8 F 0.8 0.7 F 0.8 0.8 F -1.4

2 036.3 1 620.4 1 596.7 1 629.1 1 658.1 1 662.3 -2.0

744.8 603.0 601.2 606.5 605.1 596.3 -2.2

2 781.2 A 2 223.4 A 2 197.9 A 2 235.6 A 2 263.2 A 2 258.6 A -2.1

Pacific Islands

East Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2008 2009 2010


growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2000-2010

1 000 ha




Rest of World

Table 61. Cabbages and other brassicas: area harvested


Area harvested



North and Central Asia

Page 121: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


37 755.7 54 072.2 57 909.5 61 814.4 69 736.7 72 287.6 6.7

996.1 991.9 982.6 1 089.5 1 228.4 1 355.5 3.1

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 593.4 629.7 635.5 726.0 853.1 891.6 4.6

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 18.0 F 63.3 35.6 26.8 29.9 83.3 F 11.4

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 148.1 175.6 188.8 195.8 198.9 204.3 3.8

7 Thailand 236.4 122.8 122.3 140.4 146.0 175.7 -4.2

8 Timor-Leste 0.2 F 0.4 F 0.5 F 0.5 0.5 0.6 10.4

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 048.2 15 546.6 16 294.6 15 893.9 17 823.7 18 432.1 5.8

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 100.0 131.3 136.9 143.1 150.7 190.2 6.1

12 Bhutan ... 1.1 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.2 ...

13 India 7 430.0 9 820.4 10 055.0 10 303.0 11 148.8 12 433.2 5.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 3 191.0 5 064.6 5 534.3 4 826.4 5 887.7 5 256.1 5.9

15 Maldives ... 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 0.1 0.2 ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 283.2 468.1 502.3 536.2 561.9 476.8 8.0

18 Sri Lanka 43.9 61.0 65.2 84.7 73.9 75.3 7.7

3 042.1 4 509.2 3 986.2 4 418.0 4 861.3 4 990.1 4.5

19 Kazakhstan 387.0 510.8 515.2 549.3 580.9 593.4 3.8

20 Russian Federation 1 685.1 2 414.9 1 791.0 1 938.7 2 170.4 2 049.6 1.2

21 Uzbekistan 970.0 * 1 583.6 1 680.0 * 1 930.0 * 2 110.0 * 2 347.0 * 9.2

22 665.5 33 020.5 36 641.7 40 408.2 45 818.8 47 504.9 7.5

22 China 22 324.8 F 32 519.3 F 36 096.9 F 39 938.7 45 365.5 47 116.1 F 7.5

23 DPR Korea 64.1 F 68.0 F 65.0 F 61.3 F 69.5 F 64.0 F -0.8

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 276.7 433.2 479.9 408.2 383.8 324.8 5.9

3.8 4.0 4.3 4.9 4.6 5.1 2.7

26 Cook Islands 0.6 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F -6.3

27 Fiji Islands 2.4 F 2.8 F 3.0 3.6 3.3 3.5 F 3.7

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.4 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 3.6

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 0.5 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.8 F 2.6

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 306.9 1 270.8 1 156.3 1 204.6 1 249.0 1 261.2 -1.0

40 Australia 413.6 450.5 296.0 381.8 440.1 471.9 -1.0

41 Japan 806.3 728.3 750.3 732.8 716.9 690.7 -1.3

42 New Zealand 87.0 92.0 110.0 F 90.0 F 92.0 F 98.6 F 1.0

39 062.7 55 342.9 59 065.8 63 019.1 70 985.7 73 548.8 6.5

70 963.8 74 668.5 77 990.4 77 922.7 82 990.9 78 150.6 1.6

110 026.4 A 130 011.5 A 137 056.1 A 140 941.8 A 153 976.6 A 151 699.4 A 3.6



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia



1 000 MT

growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Table 62. Tomatoes: production






Page 122: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


20 983 21 631 28 821 32 301 33 935 34 418 5.6

13 678 12 605 12 851 13 999 15 192 14 388 1.2

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 13 124 11 773 12 334 13 665 15 266 14 580 1.9

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 18 927 33 289 32 106 25 748 26 842 32 038 3.2

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 8 873 10 252 10 759 11 097 11 268 11 565 3.1

7 Thailand 23 955 20 282 19 771 23 734 23 955 13 844 -2.0

8 Timor-Leste 2 071 3 773 4 500 5 084 4 743 5 650 10.0

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 580 20 308 19 769 20 408 21 125 21 369 2.0

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 6 864 6 995 7 056 7 283 7 380 7 986 1.5

12 Bhutan ... 3 288 2 605 2 570 3 944 2 599 ...

13 India 16 152 17 983 16 871 18 203 18 609 19 598 2.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 26 891 34 345 35 756 36 544 36 002 35 759 2.9

15 Maldives ... 17 500 16 000 16 667 19 333 18 875 ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 9 629 10 124 10 676 10 089 10 524 9 538 0.4

18 Sri Lanka 7 589 9 193 9 768 10 943 10 353 10 376 4.1

14 156 19 149 21 158 23 081 25 032 24 366 6.3

19 Kazakhstan 17 201 22 017 22 497 21 798 26 166 23 090 3.6

20 Russian Federation 11 432 15 907 17 188 17 278 18 550 17 792 5.1

21 Uzbekistan 21 556 26 188 27 406 35 741 38 364 36 729 6.5

25 674 23 259 39 839 46 701 48 961 50 628 7.9

22 China 25 680 23 152 39 933 46 935 49 267 50 951 7.9

23 DPR Korea 7 487 8 000 7 685 7 502 7 865 7 711 -0.5

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 56 278 65 501 65 259 66 434 62 018 61 633 0.5

9 870 10 540 11 300 11 671 11 475 12 143 2.1

26 Cook Islands 62 222 25 000 25 000 25 000 25 000 29 000 -6.6

27 Fiji Islands 8 889 11 667 13 043 13 333 13 200 12 069 3.8

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 4 750 4 545 4 435 4 500 4 500 5 100 0.2

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 18 000 21 174 22 727 26 316 25 000 40 000 5.7

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

57 721 59 395 55 486 60 273 62 656 60 390 0.4

40 Australia 49 702 58 124 40 592 56 184 64 824 61 014 1.3

41 Japan 59 287 56 457 59 079 58 624 57 815 56 154 -0.3

42 New Zealand 120 833 123 490 129 870 130 435 123 490 116 000 -0.6

21 439 21 951 29 095 32 590 34 211 34 674 5.4

32 149 35 360 36 281 33 871 35 394 34 103 0.8

27 306 28 063 32 791 33 286 34 838 34 377 2.7



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia




growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Table 63. Tomatoes: yield






Page 123: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 799.4 2 499.8 2 009.3 1 913.7 2 055.0 2 100.3 1.0

72.8 78.7 76.5 77.8 80.9 94.2 1.8

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 45.2 53.5 51.5 53.1 55.9 61.2 2.7

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 1.0 1.9 1.1 1.0 1.1 2.6 F 8.0

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 16.7 17.1 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.7 0.7

7 Thailand 9.9 6.1 6.2 5.9 6.1 12.7 -2.2

8 Timor-Leste 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

628.4 765.5 824.3 778.8 843.7 862.5 3.7

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 14.6 18.8 19.4 19.6 20.4 23.8 4.6

12 Bhutan ... 0.3 0.4 0.2 F 0.1 0.1 ...

13 India 460.0 546.1 596.0 566.0 599.1 634.4 3.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 118.7 147.5 154.8 132.1 163.5 147.0 3.0

15 Maldives ... 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 29.4 46.2 47.0 53.2 53.4 50.0 7.6

18 Sri Lanka 5.8 6.6 6.7 7.7 7.1 7.3 3.4

214.9 235.5 188.4 191.4 194.2 204.8 -1.7

19 Kazakhstan 22.5 23.2 22.9 25.2 22.2 25.7 0.2

20 Russian Federation 147.4 151.8 104.2 112.2 117.0 115.2 -3.8

21 Uzbekistan 45.0 * 60.5 61.3 * 54.0 * 55.0 * 63.9 F 2.5

882.8 1 419.7 919.7 865.2 935.8 938.3 -0.4

22 China 869.4 F 1 404.6 F 903.9 F 850.9 920.8 924.7 F -0.4

23 DPR Korea 8.6 F 8.5 F 8.5 F 8.2 F 8.8 F 8.3 F -0.3

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 4.9 6.6 7.4 6.1 6.2 5.3 5.4

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6

26 Cook Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.3

27 Fiji Islands 0.3 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F -0.1

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 3.4

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -2.9

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

22.6 21.4 20.8 20.0 19.9 20.9 -1.4

40 Australia 8.3 7.8 7.3 6.8 6.8 7.7 -2.2

41 Japan 13.6 12.9 12.7 12.5 12.4 12.3 -1.0

42 New Zealand 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 F 0.7 0.9 F 1.6

1 822.0 2 521.2 2 030.1 1 933.7 2 075.0 2 121.2 1.0

2 207.3 2 111.7 2 149.6 2 300.6 2 344.8 2 291.6 0.8

4 029.4 A 4 632.9 A 4 179.7 A 4 234.3 A 4 419.7 A 4 412.8 A 0.9



Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha

2009 2010

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia




growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

Table 64. Tomatoes: area harvested


Area harvested




Page 124: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


26 910.6 41 283.0 45 099.1 45 520.5 44 011.2 48 877.8 6.5

1 858.7 2 184.3 2 195.6 2 336.8 2 484.5 2 724.0 4.0

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 772.9 794.9 802.8 853.6 965.2 1 048.9 2.3

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 476.0 998.6 918.0 1 012.9 1 023.2 1 137.9 F 8.2

6 Philippines 84.2 76.0 146.1 128.9 127.1 135.4 5.3

7 Thailand 315.6 38.4 52.7 46.4 45.0 46.5 -11.3

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 210.0 F 276.3 F 275.9 F 294.9 F 324.1 F 355.3 F 5.1

7 925.8 15 844.7 18 774.1 18 426.0 16 248.4 19 735.2 11.2

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 134.0 768.7 894.3 889.3 735.1 872.1 27.0

12 Bhutan ... 0.6 0.7 F 0.6 F 0.2 0.2 ...

13 India 4 721.1 10 847.0 13 900.0 13 565.0 12 158.8 15 118.0 14.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 343.6 2 038.4 2 013.6 1 849.3 1 522.2 1 923.0 3.1

15 Maldives 0.1 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -12.6

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 1 648.0 2 055.7 1 816.4 2 015.2 1 704.1 1 701.1 2.3

18 Sri Lanka 79.1 134.4 149.2 106.7 127.9 120.7 7.7

2 061.2 2 677.6 2 261.4 2 817.3 2 784.8 2 860.8 3.1

19 Kazakhstan 290.3 * 297.8 341.4 376.8 388.2 440.5 2.9

20 Russian Federation 1 338.7 1 788.8 1 318.0 1 712.5 1 601.6 1 536.3 1.5

21 Uzbekistan 432.2 * 591.1 602.0 * 728.0 * 795.0 * 884.0 * 7.0

15 065.0 20 576.3 21 868.0 21 940.4 22 493.6 23 557.8 4.3

22 China 14 104.7 F 19 598.1 F 20 567.3 F 20 822.7 F 21 047.0 F 22 058.1 F 4.3

23 DPR Korea 81.7 F 86.0 F 84.0 F 78.5 F 70.2 F 82.7 F -0.8

24 Mongolia 1.1 2.7 3.4 4.0 4.1 5.4 17.2

25 Rep. of Korea 877.5 889.6 1 213.4 1 035.1 1 372.3 1 411.7 4.3

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 494.1 1 382.9 1 511.5 1 525.4 1 437.8 1 306.9 -0.6

40 Australia 247.1 221.9 246.5 254.4 283.8 259.9 0.9

41 Japan 1 247.0 1 161.0 1 265.0 1 271.0 1 154.0 1 047.0 -0.9

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 404.7 42 665.9 46 610.6 47 045.8 45 449.0 50 184.7 6.2

21 548.8 25 047.2 25 852.9 26 636.7 27 333.4 28 350.2 2.8

49 953.5 A 67 713.1 A 72 463.5 A 73 682.5 A 72 782.5 A 78 534.9 A 4.9



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia



1 000 MT

growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Table 65. Onions (dry): production






Page 125: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


15 564 16 526 17 507 18 033 18 136 17 394 1.5

7 665 8 573 8 317 8 800 9 028 8 869 1.7

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 9 197 8 913 8 568 9 301 9 280 9 568 -0.3

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 8 080 13 793 13 825 14 306 14 872 14 422 5.0

6 Philippines 8 792 9 000 9 201 8 843 8 747 8 925 -0.1

7 Thailand 15 822 27 061 29 650 29 478 29 668 26 657 4.0

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 3 000 3 316 3 200 3 397 3 753 3 494 2.6

12 257 14 338 16 285 15 726 15 463 14 338 2.9

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 3 942 6 641 6 947 7 104 6 823 7 418 8.1

12 Bhutan ... 1 940 1 857 1 548 1 202 1 272 ...

13 India 10 491 14 124 16 931 16 265 16 079 14 209 5.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 30 540 34 404 34 273 36 935 32 079 34 498 1.0

15 Maldives 5 133 5 333 6 000 5 000 5 000 4 000 -0.6

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 15 014 13 824 13 823 13 163 13 149 13 642 -0.8

18 Sri Lanka 8 891 10 304 11 841 11 891 13 355 8 491 2.8

13 714 16 286 17 016 21 188 22 084 20 552 5.1

19 Kazakhstan 17 076 18 269 19 510 20 370 23 673 21 593 2.9

20 Russian Federation 12 137 14 652 14 809 18 722 18 688 17 458 4.7

21 Uzbekistan 18 791 22 709 22 803 31 652 33 125 28 701 5.8

21 845 21 129 21 307 22 996 23 079 23 862 0.6

22 China 21 187 20 608 20 543 22 349 22 176 23 068 0.6

23 DPR Korea 11 797 12 003 12 000 11 901 10 711 9 845 -1.4

24 Mongolia 5 500 7 869 8 343 9 220 8 880 9 941 5.8

25 Rep. of Korea 52 317 58 088 68 356 67 248 74 122 63 838 2.4

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

46 421 49 150 50 870 52 395 48 801 46 135 0.3

40 Australia 46 749 48 914 45 538 50 740 51 953 48 780 1.0

41 Japan 46 357 49 195 52 058 52 739 48 083 45 522 0.1

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 128 16 889 17 888 18 425 18 504 17 681 1.3

19 926 21 986 22 523 22 978 23 814 23 713 1.8

17 573 18 473 19 305 19 846 20 195 19 469 1.3



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia




growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Table 66. Onions (dry): yield






Page 126: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 729.0 2 498.1 2 576.0 2 524.3 2 426.7 2 810.0 4.9

242.5 254.8 264.0 265.5 275.2 307.1 2.4

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 84.0 89.2 93.7 91.8 104.0 109.6 2.6

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 58.9 72.4 66.4 70.8 68.8 78.9 F 3.0

6 Philippines 9.6 8.4 15.9 14.6 14.5 15.2 5.4

7 Thailand 19.9 1.4 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.7 -14.7

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 70.0 F 83.3 F 86.2 F 86.8 F 86.3 F 101.7 F 2.5

646.7 1 105.1 1 152.8 1 171.7 1 050.8 1 376.4 8.0

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 34.0 115.7 128.7 125.2 107.7 117.6 17.5

12 Bhutan ... 0.3 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.2 0.2 ...

13 India 450.0 768.0 821.0 834.0 756.2 1 064.0 8.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 44.0 59.2 58.8 50.1 47.5 55.7 2.0

15 Maldives 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -12.0

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 109.8 148.7 131.4 153.1 129.6 124.7 3.1

18 Sri Lanka 8.9 13.0 12.6 9.0 9.6 14.2 4.7

150.3 164.4 132.9 133.0 126.1 139.2 -1.9

19 Kazakhstan 17.0 * 16.3 17.5 18.5 16.4 20.4 0.0

20 Russian Federation 110.3 122.1 89.0 91.5 85.7 88.0 -3.0

21 Uzbekistan 23.0 * 26.0 26.4 * 23.0 * 24.0 * 30.8 F 1.2

689.6 973.8 1 026.3 954.1 974.6 987.3 3.7

22 China 665.7 F 951.0 F 1 001.2 F 931.7 F 949.1 F 956.2 F 3.7

23 DPR Korea 6.9 F 7.2 F 7.0 F 6.6 F 6.6 F 8.4 F 0.6

24 Mongolia 0.2 * 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 10.8

25 Rep. of Korea 16.8 15.3 17.8 15.4 18.5 22.1 1.8

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32.2 28.1 29.7 29.1 29.5 28.3 -0.9

40 Australia 5.3 4.5 5.4 5.0 5.5 5.3 0.0

41 Japan 26.9 23.6 24.3 24.1 24.0 23.0 F -1.1

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 761.2 2 526.2 2 605.8 2 553.4 2 456.2 2 838.4 4.8

1 081.4 1 139.3 1 147.8 1 159.2 1 147.8 1 195.6 1.0

2 842.7 A 3 665.5 A 3 753.6 A 3 712.6 A 3 603.9 A 4 033.9 A 3.5



Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha

2009 2010

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia




growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

Table 67. Onions (dry): area harvested


Area harvested




Page 127: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Million MT

1 000 MT

Seed cotton: production

Largest Producers in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010

World silk-worm cocoons production in selected years: 2000, 2005-2010

Silk-worm cocoons, reelable: production












China India Pakistan Uzbekistan Australia Kazakhstan Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

Rest of Asia-Pacific









600China India Uzbekistan Thailand Rest of Asia-Pacific Rest of World

2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Page 128: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 129: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


3 007.0 3 124.6 3 108.8 2 976.4 3 184.5 3 251.1 0.1

93.9 54.0 67.0 35.7 31.1 37.4 -12.1

1 Cambodia 0.2 A 0.6 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.5 A 0.3 A 0.7

2 Indonesia 7.3 A 4.3 A 4.7 A 4.1 A 3.9 A 3.7 A -6.8

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 34.2 A 29.1 A 30.6 A 18.5 A 15.6 A 16.3 A -10.3

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 41.0 A 9.4 A 5.7 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 4.7 A -22.3

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 11.3 A 10.6 A 25.7 A 7.8 A 6.1 A 12.4 A -4.2

2 722.2 2 921.5 2 874.0 2 784.4 3 005.8 3 079.6 0.6

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 824.0 A 889.3 A 843.7 A 853.8 A 929.0 A 1 207.8 A 2.5

12 Bhutan 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.6

13 India 1 880.4 A 2 013.6 A 2 012.1 A 1 912.2 A 2 057.6 A 1 849.4 A -0.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 15.2 A 17.1 A 16.8 A 17.0 A 17.7 A 21.0 A 1.7

17 Pakistan 2.2 A 1.1 A 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.1 A 1.0 A -7.9

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

65.0 62.4 68.8 72.0 72.6 65.1 0.4

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 45.0 A 42.4 A 48.8 A 52.0 A 52.6 A 43.4 A 0.5

21 Uzbekistan 20.0 A 20.0 A 20.0 A 20.0 A 20.0 A 21.7 A 0.2

125.9 86.8 99.0 84.3 75.0 69.0 -5.6

22 China 125.9 A 86.8 A 99.0 A 84.3 A 75.0 A 69.0 A -5.6

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 007.0 3 124.6 3 108.8 2 976.4 3 184.5 3 251.1 0.1

45.4 73.1 70.0 58.6 57.9 52.7 3.0

3 052.4 A 3 197.7 A 3 178.8 A 3 035.0 A 3 242.4 A 3 303.8 A 0.2

2000 2006 2000-20102007 2008 2009 2010

Table 68. Jute and jute-like fibres: production





growth rate





1 000 MT



Rest of World

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Page 130: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 841 2 138 2 040 2 109 2 242 2 281 1.9

1 260 1 149 1 263 1 276 1 251 1 385 0.6

1 Cambodia 865 1 267 701 746 1 378 439 -6.2

2 Indonesia 2 553 1 536 1 567 1 519 1 500 1 423 -5.7

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 908 945 900 995 969 959 0.5

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 1 445 1 420 1 456 1 745 1 435 1 541 0.9

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 2 055 1 683 2 197 2 294 2 647 3 303 2.9

1 833 2 140 2 028 2 083 2 223 2 256 1.8

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 1 829 2 107 1 901 2 016 2 217 2 568 2.5

12 Bhutan 3 832 3 889 4 160 4 236 4 571 4 100 1.0

13 India 1 850 2 168 2 096 2 125 2 237 2 102 1.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 044 1 428 1 434 1 466 1 512 1 600 2.1

17 Pakistan 696 625 552 596 717 590 -1.5

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 826 3 419 3 447 3 526 3 748 4 717 4.0

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 2 143 2 609 2 717 2 823 3 028 3 678 4.5

21 Uzbekistan 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 850 0.2

2 488 2 790 2 964 3 218 3 125 3 632 4.0

22 China 2 488 2 790 2 964 3 218 3 125 3 632 4.0

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 841 2 138 2 040 2 109 2 242 2 281 1.9

953 1 196 1 123 1 058 1 053 899 1.4

1 816 2 101 2 004 2 069 2 197 2 227 1.8


growth rate

2008 2009 2010 2000-2010


Table 69. Jute and jute-like fibres: yield







2000 2006 2007


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia


Page 131: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 633.0 1 461.2 1 523.9 1 411.6 1 420.6 1 425.1 -1.8

74.6 47.0 53.1 27.9 24.8 27.0 -12.6

1 Cambodia 0.2 A 0.4 A 0.5 A 0.4 A 0.3 A 0.6 A 7.3

2 Indonesia 2.9 A 2.8 A 3.0 A 2.7 A 2.6 A 2.6 A -1.1

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 37.7 A 30.8 A 34.0 A 18.6 A 16.1 A 17.0 A -10.8

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 28.3 A 6.6 A 3.9 A 2.8 A 3.5 A 3.1 A -23.0

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 5.5 A 6.3 A 11.7 A 3.4 A 2.3 A 3.8 A -6.9

1 484.9 1 364.9 1 417.4 1 337.0 1 352.4 1 365.2 -1.1

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 450.5 A 422.1 A 443.8 A 423.6 A 419.1 A 470.3 A 0.0

12 Bhutan 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A -0.4

13 India 1 016.6 A 928.9 A 960.0 A 900.0 A 920.0 A 880.0 A -1.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 14.5 A 12.0 A 11.7 A 11.6 A 11.7 A 13.1 A -0.4

17 Pakistan 3.1 A 1.8 A 1.8 A 1.7 A 1.5 A 1.7 A -6.5

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

23.0 18.2 20.0 20.4 19.4 13.8 -3.4

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 21.0 A 16.2 A 18.0 A 18.4 A 17.4 A 11.8 A -3.8

21 Uzbekistan 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 0.0

50.6 31.1 33.4 26.2 24.0 19.0 -9.2

22 China 50.6 A 31.1 A 33.4 A 26.2 A 24.0 A 19.0 A -9.2

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 633.0 1 461.2 1 523.9 1 411.6 1 420.6 1 425.1 -1.8

47.6 61.2 62.3 55.4 55.0 58.6 1.6

1 680.7 A 1 522.4 A 1 586.2 A 1 466.9 A 1 475.7 A 1 483.6 A -1.7


Table 70. Jute and jute-like fibres: area harvested


Area harvested



growth rate

2000 2000-2010


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha





Rest of World


North and Central Asia



Pacific Islands

East Asia


Page 132: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


28 024.1 43 174.3 47 103.1 44 750.0 42 469.7 45 685.1 5.5

249.8 242.3 231.3 227.1 229.3 230.6 -0.7

1 Cambodia 0.3 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.2 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.6

2 Indonesia 3.8 1.6 4.0 F 3.9 3.1 3.4 F -5.0

3 Lao PDR 13.8 * 7.1 * 8.1 * 6.8 * 6.1 * 5.0 * -6.2

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 175.6 192.0 * 192.0 * 198.0 * 198.0 * 200.0 F 2.8

6 Philippines 1.1 2.6 1.4 0.7 0.1 0.0 -28.0

7 Thailand 36.5 10.2 9.5 9.5 F 9.5 F 8.6 F -14.2

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 18.8 28.6 16.1 8.0 12.1 13.3 -10.4

11 199.4 18 622.7 19 802.0 17 974.1 19 386.0 23 830.4 8.2

10 Afghanistan 57.0 * 32.0 35.1 35.0 42.9 53.6 * -2.4

11 Bangladesh 40.5 * 32.0 25.5 * 39.0 * 36.0 * 47.3 * -1.0

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 5 128.0 12 023.0 13 751.0 11 834.0 12 715.5 17 797.0 13.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 497.0 283.7 313.0 295.7 253.6 232.4 -6.0

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 -16.1

17 Pakistan 5 476 2 6 252 0 5 677 4 5 770 4 6 338 0 5 700 0 * 1 1



growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia



1 000 MT

2009 2010




Table 71. Seed cotton: production


17 Pakistan 5 476.2 6 252.0 5 677.4 5 770.4 6 338.0 5 700.0 * 1.1

18 Sri Lanka 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F ...

3 288.9 4 035.7 4 157.7 4 033.3 3 689.8 3 682.7 1.4

19 Kazakhstan 287.1 435.4 441.7 317.5 270.0 239.9 -2.6

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 3 001.8 3 600.3 3 716.0 3 715.8 3 419.8 3 442.8 1.8

13 286.0 20 273.5 22 912.1 22 515.5 19 164.5 17 941.4 4.1

22 China 13 251.0 20 238.0 22 872.0 22 476.0 19 131.0 17 910.0 4.1

23 DPR Korea 35.0 F 35.5 F 40.1 F 39.5 F 33.5 F 31.4 F -0.5

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 786.7 1 441.4 689.2 320.6 795.0 939.0 -10.3

40 Australia 1 786.7 1 441.4 689.2 320.6 795.0 939.0 -10.3

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 810.8 44 615.7 47 792.3 45 070.6 43 264.7 46 624.1 5.0

23 271.8 26 529.3 25 567.1 21 110.6 18 232.1 21 679.2 -2.0

53 082.6 A 71 144.9 A 73 359.4 A 66 181.2 A 61 496.8 A 68 303.3 A 2.3



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Page 133: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 569 2 138 2 290 2 223 2 089 2 228 3.9

648 709 683 691 688 693 0.4

1 Cambodia 1 368 1 095 1 294 1 238 1 558 1 500 0.5

2 Indonesia 328 260 291 329 249 243 -8.1

3 Lao PDR 2 936 2 773 2 527 2 615 2 416 2 315 -1.9

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 545 640 640 660 660 667 2.7

6 Philippines 439 908 954 1 372 410 673 -0.5

7 Thailand 1 424 1 161 1 190 1 188 1 188 1 194 -3.1

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 1 011 1 368 1 331 1 379 1 260 1 458 2.7

948 1 505 1 567 1 449 1 429 1 721 6.3

10 Afghanistan 1 140 1 002 1 001 1 000 1 299 1 072 -0.4

11 Bangladesh 2 502 3 137 2 125 3 000 2 769 3 379 2.2

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 598 1 315 1 461 1 258 1 233 1 618 10.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 2 020 2 434 2 514 2 376 2 407 2 554 1.7

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 605 966 900 920 590 901 3.1

17 Pakistan 1 871 2 033 1 859 2 046 2 041 2 120 1.5

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 060 2 454 2 522 2 480 2 537 2 515 2.1

19 Kazakhstan 1 892 2 217 2 210 1 819 1 964 1 790 -1.0

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 2 078 2 486 2 565 2 560 2 597 2 589 2.4

3 272 3 475 3 854 3 900 3 855 3 686 2.0

22 China 3 279 3 480 3 860 3 906 3 863 3 694 2.0

23 DPR Korea 1 842 1 868 2 111 2 076 1 765 1 653 -0.5

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 848 4 296 4 799 5 113 4 848 4 508 2.5

40 Australia 3 848 4 296 4 799 5 113 4 848 4 508 2.5

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 627 2 173 2 307 2 232 2 111 2 251 3.6

1 725 1 921 2 013 1 966 1 913 1 920 1.2

1 668 2 072 2 196 2 140 2 049 2 134 1.6


2000 2006 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





Table 72. Seed cotton: yield





growth rate

Page 134: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


17 859.0 20 196.6 20 568.2 20 130.6 20 326.0 20 508.9 1.6

385.3 341.6 338.7 328.9 333.2 332.7 -1.1

1 Cambodia 0.2 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2

2 Indonesia 11.6 6.3 13.7 11.7 12.6 14.0 F 3.3

3 Lao PDR 4.7 2.6 3.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 -4.4

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 322.1 300.0 * 300.0 * 300.0 * 300.0 * 300.0 * 0.1

6 Philippines 2.5 2.9 1.4 0.5 0.3 0.1 -27.7

7 Thailand 25.6 8.7 8.0 F 8.0 F 8.0 F 7.2 F -11.5

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 18.6 20.9 12.1 5.8 9.6 9.1 -12.8

11 817.4 12 375.7 12 635.9 12 402.4 13 567.5 13 844.1 1.7

10 Afghanistan 50.0 * 32.0 35.0 35.0 33.0 50.0 * -2.0

11 Bangladesh 16.2 10.2 12.0 * 13.0 * 13.0 * 14.0 * -3.1

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 8 576.5 9 142.0 9 410.0 9 410.0 10 310.0 11 000.0 2.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 246.0 116.6 124.5 124.4 105.4 91.0 -7.6

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 -18.6

17 Pakistan 2 927.5 3 074.9 3 054.3 2 819.9 3 106.0 2 689.0 -0.4

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 596.3 1 644.6 1 648.6 1 626.2 1 454.5 1 464.0 -0.7

19 Kazakhstan 151.8 196.4 199.9 174.6 137.5 134.0 -1.6

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 1 444.5 1 448.2 1 448.7 1 451.6 1 317.0 * 1 330.0 * -0.6

4 060.0 5 834.7 5 945.1 5 773.1 4 970.8 4 868.0 2.1

22 China 4 041.0 5 815.7 5 926.1 5 754.1 4 951.8 4 849.0 2.1

23 DPR Korea 19.0 * 19.0 * 19.0 * 19.0 * 19.0 * 19.0 * 0.0

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

464.3 335.5 143.6 62.7 164.0 208.3 -12.5

40 Australia 464.3 335.5 143.6 62.7 164.0 208.3 -12.5

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 323.3 20 532.1 20 711.8 20 193.3 20 490.0 20 717.2 1.4

13 492.8 13 808.0 12 698.7 10 736.0 9 529.7 11 291.9 -3.2

31 816.2 A 34 340.1 A 33 410.5 A 30 929.3 A 30 019.8 A 32 009.0 A -0.4


growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010



Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha

Pacific Islands



Table 73. Seed cotton: area harvested


Area harvested



East Asia

North and Central Asia



Page 135: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


325.0 516.5 530.8 522.3 478.1 480.1 4.2

7.0 8.4 9.5 7.9 7.3 7.3 1.0

1 Cambodia 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.2 F -1.2

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 Myanmar 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F ...

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 3.9 F 5.3 F 5.8 F 5.1 F 4.7 F 4.6 F 2.8

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 2.8 F 2.8 F 3.4 F 2.6 F 2.2 F 2.5 F -1.6

76.9 123.1 134.2 119.6 128.5 155.0 7.1

10 Afghanistan 0.5 F 0.7 F 0.7 F 0.7 F 0.7 F 0.7 F 4.5

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 71.0 F 117.4 F 128.3 F 114.1 F 122.7 F 151.0 F 7.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 5.5 5.0 F 5.2 F 4.8 F 5.2 F 3.3 F -3.1

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 0.0 ...

17 Pakistan


growth rate

2009 2010 2000-2010


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2000 2006






1 000 MT

2007 2008

Table 74. Silk-worm cocoons, reelable: production

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16.5 20.2 18.0 23.5 24.0 25.5 3.9

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 16.5 20.2 18.0 F 23.5 24.0 25.5 F 3.9

224.7 364.8 369.0 371.2 318.2 292.3 3.3

22 China 223.5 * 363.0 * 367.6 F 370.0 F 317.2 F 291.4 F 3.3

23 DPR Korea 1.2 F 1.8 F 1.4 F 1.2 F 1.1 F 0.9 F -1.7

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1.2 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 -13.7

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 -13.7

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

326.2 517.0 531.2 522.7 478.4 480.3 4.2

9.9 9.4 9.7 7.8 6.5 5.6 -6.1

336.1 A 526.4 A 540.9 A 530.5 A 484.9 A 485.9 A 4.0

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Page 136: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 137: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 000 MT

Sugar cane: production

Major Producers in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010. Total production 657.6 million MT

Rubber, gums, waxes: production

World production in 2010






Viet Nam2%

Rest of Asia-Pacific2%

Iran (Islamic Rep. of)1%





2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000

10 000

12 000Thailand

Viet Nam




Rest of Asia-Pacific


Rest of World

2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Page 138: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 139: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


6 345.1 9 258.2 9 351.7 9 459.6 8 955.8 9 163.7 4.2

5 139.2 7 747.4 7 808.0 7 905.1 7 357.1 7 469.3 4.3

1 Cambodia 42.4 A 21.4 A 17.9 A 31.7 A 37.4 A 37.5 A -2.0

2 Indonesia 1 501.4 A 2 637.2 A 2 755.2 A 2 751.3 A 2 440.4 A 2 591.9 A 6.6

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 928.0 A 1 283.6 A 1 199.6 A 1 072.4 A 857.0 A 858.9 A 0.5

5 Myanmar 26.6 A 63.2 A 72.0 A 87.2 A 91.8 A 44.3 A 10.1

6 Philippines 71.4 A 116.0 A 133.3 A 135.6 A 129.0 A 130.4 A 6.3

7 Thailand 2 278.7 A 3 070.5 A 3 024.2 A 3 166.9 A 3 090.3 A 3 051.8 A 2.7

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 290.8 A 555.4 A 605.8 A 660.0 A 711.3 A 754.5 A 11.3

719.9 967.3 948.1 998.7 972.3 996.1 3.8

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 2.3 A 5.3 A 5.2 A 5.5 A 5.7 A 5.8 A 4.5

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 630.0 A 852.9 A 825.3 A 864.0 A 830.6 A 851.0 A 3.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan



growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2000-20102008 2009 2010

Table 75. Rubber, gums, waxes: production




Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia



1 000 MT

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 87.6 A 109.1 A 117.6 A 129.2 A 136.0 A 139.3 A 5.5

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

481.6 538.0 588.4 547.9 618.9 690.8 2.7

22 China 481.6 A 538.0 A 588.4 A 547.9 A 618.9 A 690.8 A 2.7

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4.4 5.5 7.2 7.9 7.5 7.5 7.8

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 4.4 A 5.5 A 7.2 A 7.9 A 7.5 A 7.5 A 7.8

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 345.1 9 258.2 9 351.7 9 459.6 8 955.8 9 163.7 4.2

638.9 771.1 834.8 808.9 843.0 889.8 3.5

6 984.1 A 10 029.3 A 10 186.6 A 10 268.5 A 9 798.8 A 10 053.6 A 4.1


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia


Page 140: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


556 782.1 571 334.9 691 581.1 711 918.5 617 884.6 624 704.2 1.7

125 349.0 134 526.6 150 200.2 160 799.7 152 673.8 154 888.8 2.0

1 Cambodia 164.2 141.7 286.8 385.2 350.2 365.6 9.4

2 Indonesia 23 900.0 * 29 200.0 * 25 200.0 * 25 600.0 * 26 400.0 * 24 450.0 * 0.4

3 Lao PDR 297.0 218.4 323.9 416.7 433.5 818.7 9.5

4 Malaysia 1 600.0 F 1 000.0 F 950.0 F 850.0 F 850.0 F 800.0 F -7.0

5 Myanmar 5 800.5 8 038.9 9 677.3 9 900.6 9 715.4 9 700.0 F 5.6

6 Philippines 24 491.0 31 550.0 F 32 000.0 F 34 000.0 F 32 500.0 F 34 000.0 F 2.8

7 Thailand 54 052.1 47 658.1 64 365.5 73 501.6 66 816.4 68 807.8 2.2

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 15 044.3 16 719.5 17 396.7 16 145.5 15 608.3 15 946.8 0.5

358 153.4 339 990.0 424 816.0 423 550.3 346 540.5 356 275.0 0.8

10 Afghanistan 38.0 F 70.0 74.0 F 63.0 123.2 92.4 10.8

11 Bangladesh 6 910.0 5 510.9 5 770.0 4 983.7 5 232.7 5 304.0 -3.3

12 Bhutan 12.8 F 13.0 F 13.3 F 13.3 F 13.3 F 13.3 F 0.5

13 India 299 324.0 281 172.0 355 520.0 348 188.0 285 029.0 292 300.0 0.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 2 367.0 4 959.4 5 314.8 3 097.5 2 823.1 5 685.1 3.0

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 2 103.4 2 462.6 2 599.8 2 485.4 2 354.4 2 592.5 1.7

17 Pakistan 46 332 6 44 665 5 54 741 6 63 920 0 50 045 4 49 372 9 1 5

2000 2006 2000-20102007 2008 2009 2010

Table 76. Sugar cane: production





growth rate




1 000 MT

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

17 Pakistan 46 332.6 44 665.5 54 741.6 63 920.0 50 045.4 49 372.9 1.5

18 Sri Lanka 1 065.5 1 136.6 782.5 799.5 919.5 914.9 -1.9

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

69 298.7 93 306.3 113 731.9 124 917.5 116 251.3 111 454.4 5.0

22 China 69 298.7 93 306.3 113 731.9 124 917.5 116 251.3 111 454.4 5.0

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 981.0 3 512.0 2 833.0 2 651.0 2 419.0 2 086.0 -5.3

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 3 598.0 3 192.0 2 513.0 2 321.0 2 089.0 1 751.0 -5.6

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 383.0 * 320.0 F 320.0 F 330.0 F 330.0 F 335.0 F -3.3

35 Samoa 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 559.7 38 438.0 37 897.0 34 219.1 31 799.0 32 925.0 -0.5

40 Australia 38 164.7 37 128.0 36 397.0 32 621.1 30 284.0 31 457.0 -0.5

41 Japan 1 395.0 1 310.0 1 500.0 1 598.0 1 515.0 1 468.0 1.0

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

596 341.8 609 772.9 729 478.1 746 137.6 649 683.6 657 629.3 1.6

661 156.9 812 516.0 887 010.6 988 352.5 1 037 207.2 1 053 457.9 5.1

1 257 498.8 A 1 422 288.9 A 1 616 488.7 A 1 734 490.1 A 1 686 890.8 A 1 711 087.2 A 3.6WORLD



Rest of World

Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Page 141: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


62 637 63 076 66 357 66 434 63 542 67 347 0.7

58 943 61 425 65 578 68 843 67 919 72 192 1.6

1 Cambodia 21 949 17 081 27 425 28 972 25 874 21 413 1.7

2 Indonesia 65 307 73 655 58 906 58 648 59 804 72 768 -0.8

3 Lao PDR 35 352 35 985 38 306 35 093 31 345 53 317 2.3

4 Malaysia 74 836 83 333 62 488 59 275 56 667 61 538 -2.9

5 Myanmar 43 681 55 633 58 332 61 196 59 972 61 783 4.1

6 Philippines 62 013 80 427 83 561 85 429 80 446 93 707 2.9

7 Thailand 60 505 50 571 65 265 71 412 71 656 70 359 1.6

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 49 766 58 034 59 293 59 644 58 766 59 883 1.9

65 073 62 818 65 634 64 498 60 678 66 203 0.2

10 Afghanistan 19 000 18 919 20 000 20 987 40 000 29 806 5.3

11 Bangladesh 40 558 36 162 38 451 38 492 41 443 43 835 0.2

12 Bhutan 31 220 31 707 31 667 31 667 31 667 31 667 0.2

13 India 70 935 66 928 69 033 68 877 64 486 70 096 0.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 92 697 74 490 86 875 50 317 46 937 83 174 -4.5

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 36 187 39 682 40 610 39 475 40 523 42 500 1.3

17 Pakistan 45 883 49 229 53 199 51 494 48 616 52 364 1.2

18 Sri Lanka 59 427 60 522 55 301 61 925 66 972 61 606 1.0

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

58 303 67 176 71 232 71 218 68 079 65 746 1.4

22 China 58 303 67 176 71 232 71 218 68 079 65 746 1.4

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

56 871 52 811 45 327 44 554 42 069 38 917 -2.5

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 57 111 55 034 46 537 45 510 42 633 38 911 -2.1

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 54 714 37 647 37 647 38 824 38 824 38 953 -5.0

35 Samoa 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000 0.0

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

89 481 88 019 87 984 84 965 76 755 76 887 0.3

40 Australia 91 085 89 465 89 072 85 723 77 395 77 672 0.3

41 Japan 60 390 60 369 67 873 71 982 65 870 63 199 1.4

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

63 909 64 223 67 216 67 106 64 082 67 768 0.7

65 691 72 301 74 186 75 515 75 786 74 327 1.5

64 834 68 602 70 870 71 653 70 805 71 661 1.2


Table 77. Sugar cane: yield








growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia


Page 142: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


8 889.1 9 057.9 10 422.1 10 716.1 9 724.1 9 275.9 1.0

2 126.6 2 190.1 2 290.4 2 335.8 2 247.9 2 145.5 0.4

1 Cambodia 7.5 8.3 10.5 13.3 13.5 17.1 7.6

2 Indonesia 366.0 396.4 427.8 436.5 441.4 336.0 * 1.3

3 Lao PDR 8.4 6.1 8.5 11.9 13.8 15.4 7.0

4 Malaysia 21.4 12.0 * 15.2 14.3 15.0 F 13.0 F -4.2

5 Myanmar 132.8 144.5 165.9 161.8 162.0 F 157.0 F 1.5

6 Philippines 394.9 392.3 383.0 398.0 404.0 362.8 -0.1

7 Thailand 893.4 942.4 986.2 1 029.3 932.5 978.0 0.6

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 302.3 288.1 293.4 270.7 265.6 266.3 -1.5

5 503.9 5 412.3 6 472.5 6 566.8 5 711.1 5 381.6 0.6

10 Afghanistan 2.0 F 3.7 3.7 3.0 F 3.1 3.1 5.2

11 Bangladesh 170.4 152.4 150.1 129.5 126.3 121.0 -3.4

12 Bhutan 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.3

13 India 4 219.7 4 201.1 5 150.0 5 055.2 4 420.0 4 170.0 0.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 25.5 66.6 61.2 61.6 60.1 68.4 7.8

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 58.1 62.1 64.0 63.0 58.1 61.0 0.4

17 Pakistan 1 009.8 907.3 1 029.0 1 241.3 1 029.4 942.9 0.3

18 Sri Lanka 17.9 18.8 14.2 12.9 13.7 14.9 -2.9

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 188.6 1 389.0 1 596.6 1 754.0 1 707.6 1 695.2 3.5

22 China 1 188.6 1 389.0 1 596.6 1 754.0 1 707.6 1 695.2 3.5

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

70.0 66.5 62.5 59.5 57.5 53.6 -2.8

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 63.0 58.0 54.0 51.0 49.0 45.0 -3.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 7.0 * 8.5 F 8.5 * 8.5 F 8.5 F 8.6 * 1.8

35 Samoa 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

442.1 436.7 430.7 402.7 414.3 428.2 -0.8

40 Australia 419.0 415.0 408.6 380.5 391.3 405.0 -0.8

41 Japan 23.1 21.7 22.1 22.2 23.0 23.2 -0.3

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 331.2 9 494.6 10 852.8 11 118.8 10 138.4 9 704.2 0.9

10 064.6 11 237.9 11 956.5 13 088.1 13 686.1 14 173.2 3.6

19 395.8 A 20 732.5 A 22 809.3 A 24 207.0 A 23 824.4 A 23 877.4 A 2.4

2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010


Pacific Islands

East Asia

Table 78. Sugar cane: area harvested


Area harvested



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha



growth rate





Rest of World


North and Central Asia

Page 143: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 020.6 2 249.6 2 533.2 2 340.7 2 328.1 2 412.8 2.0

1 624.1 1 894.8 2 154.5 1 984.5 1 972.9 2 021.4 2.6

1 Cambodia 0.3 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 2.0

2 Indonesia 554.6 682.2 676.5 698.0 682.6 684.1 1.8

3 Lao PDR 23.5 25.3 33.2 39.0 46.0 47.2 F 6.4

4 Malaysia 39.8 * 32.8 21.2 23.1 16.3 20.6 -8.5

5 Myanmar 1.8 4.0 4.8 6.4 7.1 7.3 F 15.8

6 Philippines 107.6 104.1 97.9 97.4 96.4 94.6 -1.5

7 Thailand 81.1 46.9 55.7 50.4 56.3 49.0 -4.1

8 Timor-Leste 13.0 F 14.0 * 14.0 * 14.0 10.1 12.7 -1.1

9 Viet Nam 802.5 985.3 1 251.0 * 1 055.8 1 057.5 1 105.7 4.4

301.9 280.8 294.5 268.0 268.0 295.1 -1.0

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 292.0 274.0 288.0 262.0 262.3 289.6 -0.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 17.4

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 9.8 6.5 6.1 5.5 5.4 5.2 -7.4

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11.6 25.7 26.0 26.5 27.0 29.0 7.3

22 China 11.6 25.7 26.0 F 26.5 F 27.0 F 29.0 F 7.3

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

83.1 48.5 58.1 61.7 60.3 67.3 -1.8

26 Cook Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 2.0

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 83.0 * 48.4 58.1 61.7 60.2 67.2 F -1.8

35 Samoa 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.8

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 4.7

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -1.8

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 020.6 2 249.6 2 533.2 2 340.7 2 328.1 2 412.8 2.0

5 543.8 5 712.8 5 665.8 5 970.2 5 876.0 5 815.2 0.9

7 564.4 A 7 962.5 A 8 199.0 A 8 310.8 A 8 204.1 A 8 228.0 A 1.2

growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Table 79. Coffee (green): production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





1 000 MT



Rest of World

Page 144: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


811 876 994 919 920 940 2.1

778 883 1 015 936 940 948 2.8

1 Cambodia 822 750 780 805 833 1 088 1.4

2 Indonesia 440 521 522 539 539 539 2.2

3 Lao PDR 799 585 738 803 878 897 0.6

4 Malaysia 751 757 758 824 583 391 -3.6

5 Myanmar 446 548 565 657 680 695 4.3

6 Philippines 786 826 789 790 786 770 -0.3

7 Thailand 1 201 681 819 811 963 851 -2.4

8 Timor-Leste 217 215 215 268 188 235 0.5

9 Viet Nam 1 683 2 039 2 559 2 111 2 085 2 149 3.7

931 795 831 755 743 818 -2.1

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 947 803 840 761 748 826 -2.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 229 233 330 334 175 186 -0.1

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 628 609 595 620 620 614 -1.1

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 205 1 782 1 721 1 628 1 688 1 686 3.9

22 China 1 205 1 782 1 721 1 628 1 688 1 686 3.9

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 194 880 1 055 1 120 1 094 1 199 0.7

26 Cook Islands 400 ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 500 364 467 433 500 667 1.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1 195 880 1 056 1 121 1 095 1 200 0.7

35 Samoa 229 114 229 229 229 286 0.4

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 2 500 1 800 2 200 2 300 2 200 3 000 1.6

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 750 440 520 600 600 800 0.2

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

811 876 994 919 920 940 2.1

673 715 701 751 744 758 1.1

705 754 772 792 787 804 1.4


Table 80. Coffee (green): yield








growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia


Page 145: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 492.4 2 568.7 2 548.4 2 545.8 2 531.6 2 567.1 -0.1

2 088.8 2 145.9 2 123.6 2 119.6 2 099.7 2 133.1 -0.2

1 Cambodia 0.4 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.3 F 0.6

2 Indonesia 1 260.7 1 308.7 1 295.9 1 295.1 1 266.2 1 268.5 -0.4

3 Lao PDR 29.4 43.1 45.0 48.6 52.4 52.6 F 5.8

4 Malaysia 53.0 F 43.3 F 28.0 F 28.0 F 28.0 F 52.7 F -5.1

5 Myanmar 4.1 7.3 8.5 9.7 10.5 F 10.5 F 11.0

6 Philippines 136.9 126.1 124.0 123.3 122.6 122.7 -1.2

7 Thailand 67.5 68.8 67.9 62.2 58.5 57.5 -1.8

8 Timor-Leste 60.0 F 65.0 * 65.0 * 52.2 53.8 53.8 -1.5

9 Viet Nam 476.9 483.2 488.9 500.2 507.2 514.4 0.7

324.3 353.2 354.6 354.8 360.8 360.7 1.1

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 308.4 341.4 343.0 344.5 350.5 350.5 1.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 0.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.7 17.5

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 15.6 10.6 10.2 8.8 8.7 8.5 -6.3

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9.6 14.4 15.1 16.3 16.0 17.2 3.2

22 China 9.6 14.4 15.1 16.3 16.0 F 17.2 F 3.2

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

69.6 55.1 55.1 55.1 55.1 56.1 -2.5

26 Cook Islands 0.0 F ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 69.5 F 55.0 F 55.0 F 55.0 F 55.0 F 56.0 F -2.5

35 Samoa 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.5

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 3.1

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -2.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 492.4 2 568.7 2 548.4 2 545.8 2 531.6 2 567.1 -0.1

8 232.9 7 991.6 8 078.0 7 950.9 7 895.7 7 667.3 -0.2

10 725.2 A 10 560.3 A 10 626.5 A 10 496.7 A 10 427.2 A 10 234.4 A -0.2

2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010


Pacific Islands

East Asia

Table 81. Coffee (green): area harvested


Area harvested



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha



growth rate





Rest of World


North and Central Asia

Page 146: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 235.4 2 817.8 2 999.4 3 260.2 3 334.6 3 450.8 4.8

289.8 384.0 405.5 428.1 444.1 458.6 4.7

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 162.6 146.9 150.6 154.0 156.9 150.3 -1.1

3 Lao PDR 0.3 0.2 * 0.3 * 0.6 * 0.5 * 1.1 * 13.1

4 Malaysia 5.6 * 6.2 5.5 9.5 7.2 9.1 6.1

5 Myanmar 19.0 * 26.0 * 27.7 * 29.0 * 30.1 * 32.4 F 4.9

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 32.3 53.8 57.4 61.6 63.7 67.2 7.9

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 69.9 151.0 164.0 173.5 185.7 198.5 11.3

1 232.8 1 377.3 1 401.6 1 546.6 1 504.1 1 515.8 2.3

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 46.0 58.0 58.5 59.0 59.5 60.0 1.8

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 826.0 949.0 973.0 987.0 972.7 991.2 2.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 49.9 46.5 49.7 165.7 165.7 165.7 12.8

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 5.1 13.0 15.2 16.2 16.2 16.6 12.7

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 305.8 310.8 305.2 318.7 290.0 282.3 F -0.3

1.5 1.2 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 -10.2

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 1.5 1.2 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 -10.2

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

705.1 1 048.7 1 184.3 1 277.2 1 378.2 1 468.8 8.3

22 China 703.7 1 047.3 1 183.0 1 275.0 1 375.8 1 467.5 8.3

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1.4 1.4 F 1.3 F 2.2 F 2.4 F 1.3 F 2.4

6.2 6.6 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.2 2.3

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 6.2 * 6.6 F 7.4 F 7.5 F 7.6 F 7.2 F 2.3

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

85.0 91.8 94.1 96.5 86.0 85.0 0.4

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 85.0 91.8 94.1 96.5 86.0 85.0 0.4

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 320.4 2 909.6 3 093.5 3 356.7 3 420.6 3 535.8 4.7

666.8 793.2 885.7 850.2 826.2 948.2 2.8

2 987.2 A 3 702.8 A 3 979.1 A 4 206.9 A 4 246.9 A 4 484.0 A 4.3



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia



1 000 MT



Table 82. Tea: production





growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Page 147: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 152 1 225 1 207 1 285 1 306 1 296 1.3

1 081 1 251 1 201 1 279 1 324 1 355 1.9

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 1 341 1 322 1 126 1 206 1 270 1 207 -1.9

3 Lao PDR 548 312 351 448 219 435 -3.7

4 Malaysia 1 879 1 871 1 993 4 798 4 755 4 800 13.8

5 Myanmar 284 351 364 377 385 422 3.1

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 5 336 3 356 3 383 3 394 3 419 3 456 -4.3

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 994 1 479 1 527 1 595 1 667 1 753 5.8

1 604 1 585 1 588 1 727 1 692 1 689 0.7

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 947 1 102 1 016 1 017 1 008 1 008 -0.4

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 1 686 1 708 1 716 1 706 1 701 1 700 0.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 553 1 453 1 713 8 510 8 510 8 510 19.1

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 584 815 924 923 969 970 6.4

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 1 618 1 461 1 435 1 436 1 306 1 293 -1.7

1 013 821 450 586 485 264 -9.2

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 1 013 821 450 586 485 264 -9.2

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

784 938 941 982 1 042 1 034 3.0

22 China 784 938 941 982 1 042 1 034 3.0

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1 216 1 077 1 083 1 100 1 143 1 083 1.2

1 550 1 650 1 682 1 667 1 689 1 600 0.2

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1 550 1 650 1 682 1 667 1 689 1 600 0.2

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 687 1 893 1 952 2 010 1 818 1 816 0.8

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 1 687 1 893 1 952 2 010 1 818 1 816 0.8

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 165 1 239 1 221 1 299 1 315 1 305 1.2

1 768 2 031 2 237 2 091 2 027 2 250 1.9

1 261 1 352 1 358 1 406 1 412 1 432 1.2





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Rest of World

Table 83. Tea: yield





growth rate

2010 2000-2010


2000 2006 2007 2008 2009

Page 148: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 941.1 2 299.7 2 485.2 2 536.5 2 553.2 2 662.4 3.5

268.0 307.0 337.7 334.8 335.3 338.3 2.8

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 121.2 F 111.1 133.7 127.7 123.5 124.6 0.9

3 Lao PDR 0.6 0.5 0.7 1.3 2.1 2.4 17.4

4 Malaysia 3.0 3.3 2.8 2.0 1.5 1.9 -6.8

5 Myanmar 66.9 74.0 76.1 76.9 78.1 76.8 F 1.7

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 6.1 16.0 17.0 18.1 18.6 19.5 12.8

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 70.3 102.1 107.4 108.8 111.4 113.2 5.2

768.4 869.0 882.7 895.4 889.2 897.4 1.6

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 48.6 52.6 57.6 58.0 59.0 59.5 F 2.2

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 490.0 555.6 567.0 578.5 572.0 F 583.0 F 1.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 32.1 32.0 29.0 F 19.5 19.5 19.5 -5.3

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 8.7 F 16.0 16.4 17.5 16.7 17.1 5.9

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 189.0 212.7 212.7 222.0 222.0 218.3 F 1.4

1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.4 -1.1

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.4 -1.1

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

899.2 1 118.3 1 258.9 1 300.4 1 323.0 1 420.7 5.2

22 China 898.0 1 117.0 1 257.7 * 1 298.4 1 320.9 * 1 419.5 * 5.2

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1.2 1.3 F 1.2 F 2.0 F 2.1 F 1.2 F 1.2

4.0 4.0 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.5 2.1

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 4.0 * 4.0 F 4.4 F 4.5 F 4.5 F 4.5 F 2.1

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

50.4 48.5 48.2 48.0 47.3 46.8 -0.4

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 50.4 48.5 48.2 48.0 47.3 46.8 -0.4

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 991.5 2 348.2 2 533.4 2 584.5 2 600.5 2 709.2 3.4

377.1 390.5 396.0 406.6 407.7 421.4 0.9

2 368.6 A 2 738.7 A 2 929.4 A 2 991.1 A 3 008.2 A 3 130.6 A 3.0

North and Central Asia



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

East Asia

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha


Area harvested





growth rate

2000 2006 2000-2010


2007 2008 2009 2010

Table 84. Tea: area harvested

Page 149: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


560.6 876.8 848.3 907.1 912.1 928.8 4.4

499.1 808.0 781.5 837.7 833.8 868.8 4.6

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 421.1 769.4 740.0 803.6 809.6 844.6 5.7

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 70.2 31.9 35.2 28.0 18.2 18.3 F -11.2

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 6.6 5.4 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.0 -2.6

7 Thailand 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 -4.8

8 Timor-Leste 0.1 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 1.6

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

10.1 11.7 11.6 12.3 13.6 14.6 3.8

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 6.4 10.2 10.2 10.6 11.8 12.9 7.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 3.7 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.7 -7.8

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

22 China ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

51.4 57.0 55.2 57.1 64.8 45.4 2.0

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -2.4

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 46.8 * 51.1 * 49.3 * 51.5 * 59.4 * 39.4 * 1.8

35 Samoa 0.7 F 0.7 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.6 F -0.6

36 Solomon Islands 2.3 3.8 4.3 4.3 4.7 5.2 7.9

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 1.6 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.1 0.1 F -18.8

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

560.6 876.8 848.3 907.1 912.1 928.8 4.4

2 813.2 3 430.2 3 050.2 3 358.5 3 288.4 3 258.8 2.4

3 373.7 A 4 307.0 A 3 898.5 A 4 265.6 A 4 200.5 A 4 187.6 A 2.8

growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Table 85. Cocoa beans: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





1 000 MT



Rest of World

Page 150: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


577 786 750 554 503 495 -2.3

594 851 811 575 515 516 -2.3

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 562 849 801 564 510 511 -2.1

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 927 1 020 1 247 1 356 883 855 1.1

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 549 523 524 528 538 530 -0.1

7 Thailand 1 042 2 359 2 390 2 249 2 448 2 453 9.1

8 Timor-Leste 100 156 145 149 102 91 1.0

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

465 368 355 355 369 298 -4.0

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 393 345 336 331 347 279 -3.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 681 645 613 639 639 634 -0.6

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

22 China ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

468 423 408 389 408 313 -2.3

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 23 39 56 54 71 80 10.6

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 649 714 438 463 450 500 -2.9

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 478 426 411 390 410 303 -2.6

35 Samoa 283 314 226 233 230 255 -0.9

36 Solomon Islands 386 426 434 444 441 441 1.2

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 519 404 374 295 204 240 -8.6

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

577 786 750 554 503 495 -2.3

424 464 406 424 427 425 -0.1

443 506 451 446 441 439 -0.4


Table 86. Cocoa beans: yield








growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010


Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia


Page 151: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


971.1 1 115.8 1 131.7 1 638.5 1 814.2 1 877.6 6.8

839.8 949.0 963.7 1 457.2 1 618.8 1 683.8 7.0

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 749.9 905.7 924.0 1 425.2 1 587.1 1 651.5 8.0

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 75.8 31.3 28.2 20.6 20.6 21.4 F -12.1

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 12.1 10.4 10.0 9.8 9.5 9.5 -2.6

7 Thailand 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 -12.7

8 Timor-Leste 1.1 F 1.1 F 1.2 F 1.2 F 1.3 F 1.1 F 0.6

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21.6 31.9 32.7 34.6 36.8 49.0 8.1

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 16.2 29.5 30.3 31.9 34.0 46.3 10.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 5.4 2.4 2.4 2.7 2.7 2.7 -7.3

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

22 China ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

109.7 134.9 135.3 146.8 158.6 144.8 4.4

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.2 F 0.1 F 0.1 F -9.4

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.5

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 98.0 F 120.0 * 120.0 * 132.0 F 145.0 F 130.0 F 4.6

35 Samoa 2.3 F 2.3 F 2.4 F 2.4 F 2.4 F 2.4 F 0.3

36 Solomon Islands 6.0 F 9.0 F 10.0 F 9.6 F 10.6 F 11.8 F 6.6

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 3.0 F 3.3 F 2.6 F 2.5 * 0.5 F 0.5 F -11.1

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

971.1 1 115.8 1 131.7 1 638.5 1 814.2 1 877.6 6.8

6 637.0 7 398.8 7 505.9 7 917.7 7 706.0 7 664.0 2.5

7 608.2 A 8 514.6 A 8 637.6 A 9 556.2 A 9 520.2 A 9 541.7 A 3.2

2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010


Pacific Islands

East Asia

Table 87. Cocoa beans: area harvested


Area harvested



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha



growth rate





Rest of World


North and Central Asia

Page 152: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


10 870.8 15 002.5 16 022.1 16 216.9 16 745.2 17 165.8 4.9

783.1 1 257.1 1 205.3 1 174.0 1 468.8 1 421.1 7.4

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 727.7 1 185.1 1 128.8 1 092.1 1 378.7 1 332.4 7.8

3 Lao PDR 6.5 F 12.1 F 13.4 F 14.7 F 16.9 F 16.4 F 3.1

4 Malaysia 25.0 F 29.0 F 29.0 F 30.8 34.8 34.8 F 3.3

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 9.9 18.0 19.1 20.3 20.3 20.9 7.1

7 Thailand 14.0 F 13.0 F 15.0 F 16.0 F 18.0 F 16.7 F 1.1

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

151.5 199.6 203.3 166.2 172.5 181.3 2.7

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan 3.0 11.6 8.4 7.6 9.0 6.7 13.8

13 India 50.0 F 51.0 F 54.8 F 57.1 F 57.7 F 62.1 F 2.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 37.3 F 56.2 75.8 34.0 35.5 36.6 F 1.5

15 Maldives 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 4.1

16 Nepal 5.0 F 13.8 15.6 16.4 23.8 26.7 16.6

17 Pakistan

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia



1 000 MT



Table 88. Chillies and peppers, green: production





growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 55.9 66.6 48.7 51.0 46.4 49.0 -0.7

56.5 103.5 112.0 158.8 179.2 181.2 11.9

19 Kazakhstan 40.0 * 73.5 * 79.0 * 121.8 139.2 136.7 12.6

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 16.5 * 30.0 * 33.0 * 37.0 * 40.0 * 44.5 * 10.2

9 879.0 13 441.2 14 500.4 14 716.9 14 924.0 15 381.4 4.7

22 China 9 436.5 F 13 030.2 F 14 026.3 F 14 274.2 F 14 520.3 F 15 023.5 F 4.9

23 DPR Korea 51.3 F 58.0 F 60.0 F 57.0 F 53.2 F 47.4 F -0.6

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 391.3 353.0 414.1 385.8 350.4 310.5 -1.4

0.7 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 2.7

26 Cook Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -1.2

27 Fiji Islands 0.7 F 1.1 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 0.8 F 0.8 F 2.7

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

219.9 215.8 213.5 215.2 197.5 192.8 -0.5

40 Australia 43.5 63.7 58.3 59.2 49.3 49.8 F 2.9

41 Japan 171.4 146.8 149.6 150.3 142.7 137.3 -1.6

42 New Zealand 5.0 5.3 F 5.6 F 5.7 F 5.5 F 5.7 F 1.5

11 090.8 15 218.3 16 235.5 16 432.0 16 942.7 17 358.6 4.8

9 687.1 11 412.4 11 245.2 11 702.1 11 566.8 12 062.7 2.1

20 777.8 A 26 630.7 A 27 480.7 A 28 134.2 A 28 509.6 A 29 421.3 A 3.6



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Page 153: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


13 161 15 333 16 019 17 121 16 284 16 475 2.5

4 223 5 701 5 473 5 309 5 819 5 549 2.8

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 4 166 5 788 5 532 5 388 5 894 5 609 3.3

3 Lao PDR 2 268 1 562 1 704 1 555 1 767 1 691 -9.8

4 Malaysia 11 364 11 600 11 600 11 355 13 424 13 424 1.5

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 2 207 3 966 4 047 4 041 4 029 4 079 5.9

7 Thailand 11 667 13 000 13 636 13 333 13 846 13 917 1.6

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 542 5 181 5 889 5 133 5 380 5 521 2.7

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan 3 202 4 804 3 910 3 906 3 900 2 369 1.1

13 India 9 091 7 946 8 247 8 294 8 241 8 507 0.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 8 293 7 673 11 060 8 518 11 728 12 200 5.1

15 Maldives 3 671 2 761 3 500 3 471 3 478 3 567 0.6

16 Nepal 2 000 3 211 3 257 3 466 3 871 4 178 7.0

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 2 816 3 718 3 456 3 447 3 423 3 695 2.8

17 121 21 122 22 626 22 684 26 739 22 645 3.1

19 Kazakhstan 13 333 18 375 19 750 19 332 23 192 19 806 4.4

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 55 000 33 333 34 737 52 857 57 143 40 455 -3.3

16 363 18 817 19 586 21 436 20 249 20 652 2.8

22 China 18 752 20 597 21 496 23 509 21 924 22 345 2.3

23 DPR Korea 2 512 2 524 2 222 2 326 2 199 2 107 -1.1

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 4 883 6 013 6 807 7 029 6 936 6 212 3.4

4 874 6 763 7 028 7 193 6 124 5 347 3.5

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 4 861 6 756 7 014 7 179 6 109 5 333 3.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 684 34 296 35 709 36 310 34 019 32 187 0.9

40 Australia 17 702 24 271 25 128 25 682 21 918 20 750 3.7

41 Japan 41 703 41 469 42 743 43 439 41 971 40 029 0.2

42 New Zealand 31 250 41 367 35 220 35 313 35 256 35 625 1.8

13 319 15 454 16 136 17 240 16 383 16 565 2.4

11 671 14 390 14 501 13 907 14 010 14 517 1.9

12 496 14 979 15 424 15 677 15 330 15 659 2.3





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Rest of World

Table 89. Chillies and peppers, green: yield





growth rate

2010 2000-2010


2000 2006 2007 2008 2009

Page 154: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


826.0 978.4 1 000.2 947.2 1 028.3 1 041.9 2.3

185.4 220.5 220.2 221.1 252.4 256.1 4.5

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 174.7 204.7 204.0 202.7 233.9 237.5 4.4

3 Lao PDR 2.9 F 7.7 F 7.9 F 9.5 F 9.6 F 9.7 F 14.2

4 Malaysia 2.2 F 2.5 F 2.5 F 2.7 2.6 2.6 F 1.8

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 4.5 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.0 5.1 1.1

7 Thailand 1.2 F 1.0 F 1.1 F 1.2 F 1.3 F 1.2 F -0.4

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33.4 38.5 34.5 32.4 32.1 32.8 0.1

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan 0.9 2.4 2.1 2.0 F 2.3 2.8 12.5

13 India 5.5 F 6.4 F 6.6 F 6.9 F 7.0 F 7.3 F 2.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 4.5 F 7.3 6.9 4.0 3.0 3.0 F -3.5

15 Maldives 0.1 F 0.2 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.1 F 3.5

16 Nepal 2.5 F 4.3 4.8 4.7 6.2 6.4 9.0

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 19.8 17.9 14.1 14.8 13.6 13.3 -3.4

3.3 4.9 5.0 7.0 6.7 8.0 8.6

19 Kazakhstan 3.0 * 4.0 * 4.0 * 6.3 6.0 6.9 7.9

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 0.3 * 0.9 * 1.0 * 0.7 * 0.7 * 1.1 F 14.0

603.8 714.3 740.4 686.6 737.0 744.8 1.8

22 China 503.2 F 632.6 F 652.5 F 607.2 F 662.3 F 672.3 F 2.6

23 DPR Korea 20.4 F 23.0 F 27.0 F 24.5 F 24.2 F 22.5 F 0.5

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 80.1 58.7 60.8 54.9 50.5 50.0 -4.7

0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 -0.8

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.2 F -0.8

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6.7 6.3 6.0 5.9 5.8 6.0 -1.4

40 Australia 2.5 2.6 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 F -0.8

41 Japan 4.1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4 -1.8

42 New Zealand 0.2 0.1 F 0.2 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F -0.3

832.7 984.7 1 006.2 953.1 1 034.1 1 047.9 2.3

830.0 793.1 775.5 841.5 825.6 830.9 0.1

1 662.8 A 1 777.8 A 1 781.7 A 1 794.6 A 1 859.8 A 1 878.8 A 1.3

North and Central Asia



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

East Asia

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 ha


Area harvested





growth rate

2000 2006 2000-2010


2007 2008 2009 2010

Table 90. Chillies and peppers, green: area harvested

Page 155: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 000 MT

1 000 MT

Meat total: production

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region major producers of meat in 2010

Milk total: production

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region with highest production of total milk in 2010




1 000

10 000

100 000

Pig meat Chicken meat All other meat


Russian F




Viet Nam





Iran (I


Rep. of)

Rest of A




20 000

40 000

60 000

80 000

100 000

120 000

140 000

Cow milk

Buffalo milk

Other milk



Russian F



New Zealand



Iran (I


Rep. of)





Rest of A



Page 156: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 157: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


85 90 96 104 110 118 3.4

77 88 94 107 116 127 5.0

1 Cambodia 91 89 95 104 93 94 0.4

2 Indonesia 74 90 99 105 106 124 4.2

3 Lao PDR 83 88 99 102 108 107 2.7

4 Malaysia 78 88 95 105 106 135 4.7

5 Myanmar 51 63 86 114 137 142 11.9

6 Philippines 84 93 96 105 114 114 3.2

7 Thailand 96 102 93 106 117 125 2.7

8 Timor-Leste 91 107 110 98 106 110 1.2

9 Viet Nam 68 79 90 109 124 136 7.7

85 90 96 104 114 122 3.9

10 Afghanistan 105 104 105 92 98 104 0.3

11 Bangladesh 82 88 95 104 111 118 3.7

12 Bhutan 99 96 101 100 102 95 -0.1

13 India 85 90 96 104 115 125 4.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 80 84 96 104 110 115 4.2

15 Maldives 116 109 114 96 101 108 -1.3

16 Nepal 89 93 98 102 108 116 2.6

17 Pakistan 86 90 96 106 113 122 3.7

18 Sri Lanka 88 97 102 94 104 110 1.6

93 95 99 102 111 119 2.6

19 Kazakhstan 81 87 96 105 112 119 4.1

20 Russian Federation 96 98 100 101 110 119 2.2

21 Uzbekistan 84 87 95 105 109 119 3.7

86 89 96 103 108 115 3.1

22 China 85 89 96 103 108 115 3.2

23 DPR Korea 76 97 99 99 97 100 1.6

24 Mongolia 149 107 106 96 118 109 -0.1

25 Rep. of Korea 101 103 97 104 111 115 1.4

85 92 96 105 110 105 2.6

26 Cook Islands 134 122 100 100 103 104 -2.3

27 Fiji Islands 92 97 98 102 107 108 1.4

28 Kiribati 77 93 95 105 116 118 4.2

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 99 100 99 101 102 102 0.3

31 Nauru 100 100 100 100 104 104 0.5

32 Niue 86 90 100 101 91 89 -0.3

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 84 91 96 105 111 105 2.8

35 Samoa 94 104 98 101 104 115 1.3

36 Solomon Islands 90 96 99 102 104 106 1.6

37 Tonga 99 100 99 102 103 102 0.5

38 Tuvalu 91 96 99 102 108 105 1.6

39 Vanuatu 110 88 97 102 117 104 1.1

98 100 99 101 101 100 0.3

40 Australia 104 105 97 101 101 98 -0.4

41 Japan 101 101 100 100 101 101 0.2

42 New Zealand 86 92 101 100 101 102 1.5

87 91 96 103 110 116 3.1

93 95 98 102 106 108 1.7

90 93 97 103 108 112 2.3




Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

Table 91. Livestock production indices: total






East Asia

2004-2006 = 100, net livestock products*

2000 2002



growth rate

2000-20102006 2008 2010

* Production-feed-seed

Page 158: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


90 93 97 103 107 113 2.3

83 91 95 106 112 120 3.7

1 Cambodia 98 93 97 103 90 89 -0.9

2 Indonesia 79 93 101 104 102 117 3.0

3 Lao PDR 90 93 101 101 103 99 1.1

4 Malaysia 87 94 97 103 101 124 2.7

5 Myanmar 52 64 86 113 134 137 11.2

6 Philippines 93 98 98 103 108 104 1.3

7 Thailand 101 105 94 105 114 121 1.8

8 Timor-Leste 110 121 114 95 99 98 -2.0

9 Viet Nam 72 82 91 108 120 129 6.5

92 94 98 103 109 114 2.3

10 Afghanistan 126 116 108 89 91 91 -2.8

11 Bangladesh 89 93 97 103 108 111 2.3

12 Bhutan 114 104 103 97 96 86 -2.5

13 India 92 94 97 103 110 116 2.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 86 88 97 103 106 109 2.9

15 Maldives 125 114 116 94 97 101 -2.7

16 Nepal 100 100 100 100 102 106 0.5

17 Pakistan 94 95 97 104 107 111 1.9

18 Sri Lanka 93 100 103 93 101 105 0.5

92 95 99 102 110 118 2.6

19 Kazakhstan 82 88 96 104 109 113 3.3

20 Russian Federation 95 97 100 101 111 119 2.5

21 Uzbekistan 88 90 96 104 106 113 2.7

88 91 97 103 107 112 2.5

22 China 88 90 97 103 107 112 2.6

23 DPR Korea 79 99 100 99 95 98 1.0

24 Mongolia 157 111 107 94 113 101 -1.5

25 Rep. of Korea 104 104 97 104 109 112 0.9

95 98 99 103 103 95 0.5

26 Cook Islands 144 131 102 97 100 100 -3.6

27 Fiji Islands 94 98 98 102 104 103 0.8

28 Kiribati 85 99 97 103 110 108 2.5

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 102 101 100 100 101 100 -0.1

31 Nauru 100 100 100 100 104 104 0.5

32 Niue 86 90 100 101 91 179 2.9

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 95 98 99 103 103 94 0.4

35 Samoa 95 105 99 100 103 113 1.0

36 Solomon Islands 104 104 101 99 96 93 -1.1

37 Tonga 102 102 100 101 101 99 -0.2

38 Tuvalu 101 96 99 102 108 105 0.7

39 Vanuatu 125 95 99 99 108 92 -1.5

99 101 99 100 100 99 0.0

40 Australia 110 109 99 100 96 90 -1.9

41 Japan 101 101 100 100 101 101 0.1

42 New Zealand 93 96 102 99 98 97 0.2

91 94 97 102 106 111 2.1

99 99 99 101 102 100 0.3

96 97 98 101 104 105 1.1

Table 92. Livestock production indices: per caput




2006 2008 2010



2004-2006 = 100, net livestock products*

East Asia



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia



growth rate

2000 2002 2004 2000-2010

* Production-feed-seed

Page 159: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


443 154.5 439 747.9 441 948.3 449 846.9 455 864.4 463 857.4 0.6

38 202.0 43 933.4 45 657.5 46 672.8 47 148.4 47 639.3 2.6

1 Cambodia 2 992.6 3 344.6 3 368.5 3 457.8 3 579.9 3 484.5 2.3

2 Indonesia 11 008.0 10 875.1 11 514.9 12 256.6 12 760.0 13 633.0 1.9

3 Lao PDR 1 157.0 1 321.0 1 353.0 1 397.0 1 430.0 1 474.0 2.3

4 Malaysia 733.9 816.4 873.3 882.7 893.5 909.8 2.4

5 Myanmar 10 982.0 12 364.3 12 633.9 12 929.2 13 000.0 F 13 000.0 F 1.8

6 Philippines 2 478.9 2 519.7 2 565.9 2 566.5 2 586.0 2 570.9 0.3

7 Thailand 4 601.7 6 042.0 6 480.9 6 700.0 6 647.3 6 498.0 4.4

8 Timor-Leste 120.0 F 139.4 142.4 145.3 148.4 152.9 0.4

9 Viet Nam 4 127.9 6 510.8 6 724.7 6 337.7 6 103.3 5 916.3 5.7

255 934.3 268 448.4 273 697.2 278 907.3 284 146.2 290 402.2 1.5

10 Afghanistan 2 900.0 F 4 110.0 4 357.0 4 745.0 4 721.0 5 673.0 7.0

11 Bangladesh 22 310.0 22 800.0 22 870.0 22 900.0 22 976.0 23 051.0 0.3

12 Bhutan 355.4 365.0 371.4 326.0 307.2 309.3 -0.6

13 India 191 924.0 195 535.0 199 075.0 202 700.0 F 206 400.0 F 210 200.0 F 1.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 8 270.1 7 892.0 8 100.0 8 120.0 F 8 400.0 F 8 500.0 F 0.5

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 7 023.2 7 002.9 7 044.3 7 090.7 7 175.2 7 199.3 0.3

17 Pakistan 22 004 0 29 558 8 30 673 0 31 830 0 33 030 0 34 300 0 5 2

South and Southwest Asia




Southeast Asia

2007 2008 2009

Table 93. Cattle: population


Cattle population



growth rate


%1 000 heads


17 Pakistan 22 004.0 29 558.8 30 673.0 31 830.0 33 030.0 34 300.0 5.2

18 Sri Lanka 1 147.6 1 184.7 1 206.5 1 195.6 1 136.9 1 169.7 0.4

37 298.8 33 975.9 34 217.8 34 844.9 35 054.4 35 277.3 -0.8

19 Kazakhstan 3 998.2 5 457.4 5 660.4 5 840.9 5 991.6 6 095.2 4.7

20 Russian Federation 28 032.3 21 473.9 21 514.9 21 546.0 21 038.0 20 671.3 -3.4

21 Uzbekistan 5 268.3 7 044.6 7 042.5 7 458.0 8 024.8 8 510.8 5.1

111 091.0 92 774.9 87 722.6 88 770.8 88 879.3 89 902.5 -2.2

22 China 104 553.6 87 548.4 82 066.9 82 815.3 * 82 624.7 * 83 798.2 * -2.4

23 DPR Korea 579.0 575.0 F 576.0 F 576.0 576.0 577.0 0.0

24 Mongolia 3 824.7 2 167.9 2 425.8 2 503.4 2 599.3 2 176.0 -2.2

25 Rep. of Korea 2 133.7 2 483.6 2 654.0 2 876.1 3 079.4 3 351.4 5.6

628.4 615.3 653.2 651.0 636.0 636.0 0.5

26 Cook Islands 0.2 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F -2.8

27 Fiji Islands 335.0 F 310.0 F 315.0 F 312.0 F 312.0 F 312.0 F -0.7

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 13.9 F 13.9 F 14.0 F 14.0 F 14.0 F 14.0 F 0.1

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.3

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 87.0 * 93.0 F 94.0 F 94.0 F 94.0 F 94.0 F 0.8

35 Samoa 28.0 * 30.0 F 30.0 F 30.0 F 30.0 F 30.0 F 0.8

36 Solomon Islands 13.0 F 14.0 F 14.5 F 14.5 F 14.5 F 14.5 F 1.4

37 Tonga 11.3 F 11.3 F 11.3 F 11.3 F 11.3 F 11.3 F 0.1

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 140.0 F 142.9 174.1 175.0 F 160.0 F 160.0 F 2.7

41 191.0 42 393.1 42 089.1 41 459.3 42 291.3 40 973.0 0.1

40 Australia 27 588.0 28 393.4 28 036.6 27 321.0 27 906.8 26 733.0 -0.1

41 Japan 4 588.0 4 391.0 4 398.0 4 423.0 4 423.0 4 376.0 -0.5

42 New Zealand 9 015.0 9 608.7 9 654.5 9 715.3 9 961.5 9 864.0 0.7

484 345.5 482 141.0 484 037.3 491 306.2 498 155.7 504 830.4 0.5

828 859.5 901 918.6 905 808.7 918 974.4 920 917.0 925 271.2 1.1

1 313 205.0 A 1 384 059.6 A 1 389 846.1 A 1 410 280.6 A 1 419 072.7 A 1 430 101.6 A 0.9

North and Central Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

Page 160: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


158 777.3 174 605.9 177 928.8 181 228.6 184 424.0 187 918.6 1.7

14 443.4 15 041.9 15 178.5 14 923.7 14 959.4 14 936.2 0.5

1 Cambodia 693.6 724.4 772.8 746.2 739.6 702.1 1.5

2 Indonesia 2 405.3 2 166.6 2 085.8 1 930.7 1 933.0 2 005.0 -2.5

3 Lao PDR 1 028.0 1 108.0 1 123.0 1 154.0 1 178.0 1 186.0 1.2

4 Malaysia 142.0 128.9 130.8 131.2 127.2 130.1 -0.8

5 Myanmar 2 441.2 2 769.7 2 841.7 2 923.6 3 000.0 F 3 000.0 F 2.2

6 Philippines 3 024.4 3 360.7 3 383.6 3 338.6 3 321.0 3 270.4 1.0

7 Thailand 1 711.6 1 763.4 1 743.6 1 699.5 1 670.5 1 622.7 0.3

8 Timor-Leste 100.0 F 99.2 100.9 102.2 103.5 106.6 0.3

9 Viet Nam 2 897.2 2 921.0 2 996.4 2 897.7 2 886.6 2 913.4 0.3

121 713.3 137 040.7 140 003.7 143 008.5 146 170.2 149 359.6 2.1

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 890.0 * 1 160.0 1 210.0 1 260.0 1 304.0 1 349.0 4.4

12 Bhutan 2.2 F 1.7 1.6 1.5 F 1.0 0.9 -7.3

13 India 93 831.0 103 427.0 105 340.0 107 300.0 F 109 300.0 F 111 300.0 F 1.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 490.6 600.0 F 620.0 F 630.0 F 630.0 F 650.0 F 2.9

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 3 526.0 4 202.9 4 366.8 4 496.5 4 680.5 4 837.0 3.2

17 Pakistan 22 669.0 27 335.0 28 147.0 29 002.0 29 883.0 30 800.0 3.1

18 Sri Lanka 304.5 314.1 318.3 318.5 371.8 422.7 3.0

25.5 24.4 25.7 24.4 22.8 20.5 -1.4

19 Kazakhstan 9.0 F 10.0 F 10.0 F 10.0 F 10.0 F 10.0 F 1.4

20 Russian Federation 16.5 F 14.4 15.7 14.4 12.8 10.5 -3.3

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

22 595.0 22 498.8 22 720.8 23 271.9 23 271.4 23 602.1 0.4

22 China 22 595.0 22 498.8 22 720.8 23 271.9 * 23 271.4 * 23 602.1 * 0.4

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.9

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

158 777.3 174 605.9 177 928.8 181 228.6 184 424.0 187 918.6 1.7

5 337.2 6 178.8 6 325.3 6 227.6 5 991.2 6 233.9 1.6

164 114.4 A 180 784.7 A 184 254.1 A 187 456.2 A 190 415.2 A 194 152.6 A 1.7




Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 heads

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia





Table 94. Buffaloes: population

Buffaloes population



growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Page 161: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


538 414.2 550 175.8 539 020.7 558 311.1 583 078.2 590 779.2 1.0

52 273.2 67 263.3 69 087.6 68 323.0 70 394.5 70 442.3 3.0

1 Cambodia 1 933.9 2 740.8 2 389.4 2 215.6 2 126.3 2 057.4 0.6

2 Indonesia 5 356.8 6 218.2 6 710.8 6 338.0 6 975.0 7 212.0 2.7

3 Lao PDR 1 446.0 2 033.0 2 186.0 2 359.0 2 554.0 2 752.0 7.0

4 Malaysia 1 807.6 2 029.1 2 020.1 1 728.3 1 831.3 1 711.0 -1.1

5 Myanmar 3 974.0 6 293.1 7 006.8 7 676.7 7 800.0 F 7 900.0 F 7.9

6 Philippines 10 712.9 13 046.7 13 459.3 13 070.1 13 596.4 13 397.8 2.3

7 Thailand 6 558.2 7 688.1 8 381.1 7 845.4 7 480.5 7 623.7 1.8

8 Timor-Leste 290.0 F 359.0 373.3 388.3 403.2 415.3 2.9

9 Viet Nam 20 193.8 26 855.3 26 560.7 26 701.6 27 627.7 27 373.1 2.8

14 392.9 12 764.8 12 244.6 11 734.3 11 252.0 10 798.4 -3.1

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan 41.4 25.7 27.0 25.5 22.2 19.7 -7.5

13 India 13 403.0 11 686.0 11 134.0 10 606.0 F 10 104.0 F 9 630.0 F -3.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 877.7 960.8 989.4 1 013.4 1 044.5 1 064.9 1.7

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 70.8 92.2 94.2 89.4 81.3 83.8 2.4

19 335.6 14 829.6 17 316.3 17 784.7 17 601.2 18 649.3 -0.2

19 Kazakhstan 984.2 1 281.9 1 304.9 1 352.7 1 347.3 1 326.3 2.8

20 Russian Federation 18 271.4 13 454.6 15 919.1 16 340.0 16 161.9 17 231.0 -0.4

21 Uzbekistan 80.0 93.1 92.3 92.0 F 92.0 F 92.0 F 1.4

450 259.2 452 864.3 437 854.4 457 950.5 481 261.3 488 420.5 0.9

22 China 438 910.2 440 549.5 425 712.6 446 655.8 469 500.6 476 267.0 0.9

23 DPR Korea 3 120.0 2 900.0 F 2 500.0 F 2 178.0 2 150.0 2 248.0 -4.3

24 Mongolia 14.7 32.8 36.0 29.3 25.8 24.8 7.1

25 Rep. of Korea 8 214.4 9 382.0 9 605.8 9 087.4 9 584.9 9 880.6 1.3

2 153.3 2 453.7 2 517.8 2 518.7 2 569.2 2 468.7 1.1

26 Cook Islands 40.0 F 32.0 F 32.2 F 32.2 F 32.2 F 32.2 F -2.2

27 Fiji Islands 135.0 140.0 F 145.0 F 145.0 F 145.0 F 145.0 F 0.8

28 Kiribati 10.5 F 12.5 F 12.6 F 12.6 F 12.6 F 12.6 F 1.6

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 32.0 F 32.0 F 33.0 F 33.0 F 33.0 F 33.0 F 0.4

31 Nauru 2.8 F 2.8 F 2.9 F 3.0 F 3.0 F 3.0 F 0.8

32 Niue 1.8 F 2.0 F 2.1 F 2.1 F 2.1 F 2.1 F 1.6

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1 550.0 * 1 800.0 F 1 850.0 F 1 850.0 F 1 900.0 F 1 800.0 F 1.2

35 Samoa 170.0 F 201.0 F 202.0 F 202.0 F 202.0 F 202.0 F 0.8

36 Solomon Islands 51.0 F 54.5 F 54.5 F 55.0 F 55.5 F 54.0 F 0.6

37 Tonga 81.0 F 81.0 F 81.2 F 81.2 F 81.2 F 81.2 F 0.0

38 Tuvalu 13.2 F 13.5 F 13.6 F 13.6 F 13.6 F 13.6 F 0.3

39 Vanuatu 66.0 F 82.4 88.7 89.0 F 89.0 F 90.0 F 3.4

12 685.8 12 708.5 12 730.4 12 481.0 12 523.5 12 424.4 -0.3

40 Australia 2 511.0 2 733.0 2 604.7 2 411.5 2 301.7 2 289.3 -1.6

41 Japan 9 806.0 9 620.0 9 759.0 9 745.0 9 899.0 9 800.0 F 0.1

42 New Zealand 368.8 355.5 366.7 324.6 322.8 335.1 -1.0

551 100.0 562 884.3 551 751.0 570 792.2 595 601.7 603 203.6 1.0

347 686.7 362 080.2 366 038.3 364 415.2 359 013.2 361 738.8 0.5

898 786.7 A 924 964.5 A 917 789.3 A 935 207.4 A 954 614.8 A 964 942.3 A 0.8




Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 heads

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia





Table 95. Pigs: population

Pigs population



growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Page 162: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


338 329.6 374 985.8 377 161.8 375 201.4 373 373.8 378 781.7 1.5

8 066.7 9 784.0 10 604.4 10 376.3 10 983.0 11 711.4 4.0

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 7 427.0 8 979.9 9 859.7 9 605.3 10 199.5 10 932.0 4.2

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 157.1 116.4 126.0 131.3 136.3 128.1 -0.4

5 Myanmar 389.8 566.6 497.1 524.7 535.0 F 535.0 F 3.4

6 Philippines 30.0 F 30.0 F 30.0 F 30.0 F 30.0 F 30.0 F 0.0

7 Thailand 37.3 51.2 51.0 43.7 40.3 43.1 1.1

8 Timor-Leste 25.5 F 40.1 40.7 41.3 41.9 43.2 5.9

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

154 449.0 160 752.8 162 661.5 166 458.0 169 244.3 171 719.0 1.4

10 Afghanistan 15 000.0 F 9 259.0 8 105.0 10 710.0 12 287.0 13 286.0 -0.8

11 Bangladesh 1 132.0 F 1 480.0 F 1 560.0 F 1 644.0 F 1 730.0 F 1 820.0 F 5.2

12 Bhutan 22.9 15.1 12.4 13.1 12.3 12.7 -7.2

13 India 59 447.0 68 885.0 71 560.0 72 360.0 F 73 172.0 F 73 991.0 F 2.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 53 900.0 53 800.0 F 53 800.0 * 53 800.0 F 53 800.0 F 54 000.0 F 0.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 851.9 812.1 813.6 809.5 803.0 801.4 -0.6

17 Pakistan 24 084.0 26 488.0 26 794.0 27 111.0 27 432.0 27 800.0 1.6

18 Sri Lanka 11.2 13.6 16.5 10.5 8.0 7.9 -1.3

29 328.4 38 113.9 40 704.8 43 385.5 45 133.4 46 667.5 5.3

19 Kazakhstan 8 725.4 12 005.5 12 813.7 13 470.1 14 126.1 14 660.8 5.8

20 Russian Federation 12 603.0 16 074.4 17 508.1 19 290.4 19 602.3 19 849.7 5.4

21 Uzbekistan 8 000.0 * 10 034.0 10 383.0 * 10 625.0 * 11 405.0 * 12 157.0 * 4.4

146 472.2 166 322.6 163 178.1 154 968.5 148 000.1 148 670.6 0.7

22 China 131 095.1 151 337.2 146 018.2 136 436.2 128 557.2 134 021.2 0.4

23 DPR Korea 185.0 169.0 F 168.0 F 167.0 165.0 166.0 -1.1

24 Mongolia 15 191.3 14 815.1 16 990.1 18 362.3 19 274.7 14 480.4 3.2

25 Rep. of Korea 0.8 1.3 1.8 3.0 3.2 3.0 F 17.1

13.3 12.5 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.2 -0.1

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 7.0 F 5.5 F 6.0 F 6.0 F 6.0 F 6.2 F -1.0

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 6.3 * 7.0 F 7.0 F 7.0 F 7.0 F 7.0 F 0.9

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

160 822.0 131 135.6 124 182.2 114 035.5 105 135.3 100 660.1 -4.3

40 Australia 118 552.0 91 028.4 85 711.2 79 937.6 72 739.7 68 085.5 -5.1

41 Japan 10.0 F 9.0 F 10.5 F 10.0 12.0 12.0 F 1.0

42 New Zealand 42 260.0 40 098.2 38 460.5 34 087.9 32 383.6 32 562.6 -2.4

499 151.6 506 121.4 501 344.0 489 236.9 478 509.1 479 441.8 0.0

560 585.2 600 410.8 607 780.9 605 891.5 601 408.5 598 320.7 1.0

1 059 736.8 A 1 106 532.2 A 1 109 125.0 A 1 095 128.4 A 1 079 917.5 A 1 077 762.5 A 0.5




Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 heads

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia





Table 96. Sheep: population

Sheep population



growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Page 163: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


432 765.2 469 227.7 471 254.6 488 551.9 505 545.4 507 927.9 1.7

21 325.5 22 555.1 23 945.9 24 687.3 25 539.3 26 466.3 2.2

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 12 565.6 13 790.0 14 470.2 15 147.4 15 815.0 16 821.0 3.1

3 Lao PDR 121.7 210.0 268.0 269.0 339.0 367.0 12.9

4 Malaysia 237.6 349.4 428.3 477.5 514.2 537.7 10.0

5 Myanmar 1 392.5 2 024.0 2 376.3 2 624.5 2 750.0 F 2 750.0 F 8.1

6 Philippines 6 245.0 F 4 200.0 F 4 046.0 4 174.0 4 222.0 4 177.7 -5.3

7 Thailand 144.2 324.2 444.8 374.0 383.8 380.3 11.2

8 Timor-Leste 75.0 F 132.2 134.7 137.4 140.1 144.3 6.7

9 Viet Nam 543.9 1 525.3 1 777.6 1 483.5 1 375.1 1 288.4 12.0

244 967.7 274 079.4 280 367.5 289 479.8 296 778.2 305 649.8 2.3

10 Afghanistan 7 300.0 F 6 746.0 5 387.0 6 386.0 5 810.0 6 789.0 -0.8

11 Bangladesh 34 100.0 F 43 600.0 F 45 400.0 F 47 300.0 F 49 300.0 F 50 000.0 F 4.2

12 Bhutan 31.3 22.2 28.3 39.1 38.6 43.1 5.1

13 India 123 533.0 F 136 286.0 140 540.0 145 000.0 F 149 000.0 F 154 000.0 F 2.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 25 757.0 25 833.0 25 531.0 * 25 500.0 F 25 500.0 F 25 700.0 F -0.1

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 6 325.1 7 421.6 7 847.6 8 135.9 8 473.1 8 844.2 3.4

17 Pakistan 47 426.0 53 789.0 55 245.0 56 742.0 58 279.0 59 900.0 2.1

18 Sri Lanka 495.2 381.6 388.6 376.8 377.5 373.5 -2.2

3 964.8 6 440.3 6 743.1 6 822.8 6 966.6 7 126.8 6.4

19 Kazakhstan 931.3 2 329.0 2 536.6 2 609.9 2 644.3 2 708.9 12.1

20 Russian Federation 2 147.5 2 138.2 2 166.5 2 212.9 2 167.9 2 136.6 -0.4

21 Uzbekistan 886.0 * 1 973.1 2 040.0 * 2 000.0 * 2 154.4 * 2 281.3 * 10.7

162 233.0 165 866.9 159 910.3 167 271.9 175 970.5 168 389.3 0.6

22 China 148 478.2 146 858.0 137 930.1 143 595.2 152 499.1 150 706.6 -0.1

23 DPR Korea 2 276.0 3 090.0 F 3 260.0 F 3 441.0 3 570.0 3 556.0 4.4

24 Mongolia 11 033.9 15 451.7 18 347.8 19 969.4 19 651.5 13 883.2 7.3

25 Rep. of Korea 444.8 467.2 372.4 266.2 249.9 243.5 -6.6

274.2 286.0 287.7 290.2 290.8 295.7 0.7

26 Cook Islands 2.5 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F -7.8

27 Fiji Islands 240.9 247.0 F 248.0 F 250.0 F 250.0 F 255.0 F 0.4

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 4.0 F 4.0 F 4.1 F 4.1 F 4.1 F 4.1 F 0.3

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 2.3 * 3.0 F 3.0 F 3.0 F 3.1 F 3.0 F 2.8

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 12.5 F 12.5 F 12.6 F 12.6 F 12.6 F 12.6 F 0.1

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 12.0 F 18.5 19.0 F 19.5 F 20.0 F 20.0 F 6.1

2 122.8 3 920.5 3 126.5 3 310.7 4 596.2 4 610.3 7.1

40 Australia 1 905.0 F 3 750.0 F 3 000.0 F 3 200.0 F 4 500.0 F 4 500.0 F 7.9

41 Japan 35.0 F 15.5 F 14.5 F 15.0 14.0 15.0 F -9.1

42 New Zealand 182.8 155.0 F 112.0 95.7 82.2 95.3 -7.1

434 888.0 473 148.2 474 381.0 491 862.7 510 141.6 512 538.2 1.8

316 516.5 369 378.8 378 558.2 385 945.6 387 926.6 397 152.9 2.3

751 404.5 A 842 526.9 A 852 939.2 A 877 808.3 A 898 068.2 A 909 691.1 A 2.0




Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 heads

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia





Table 97. Goats: population

Goats population



growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Page 164: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


6 599.8 8 452.3 8 456.4 8 741.4 9 174.4 9 944.4 3.5

1 534.5 1 994.0 2 113.1 2 153.6 2 305.5 2 626.0 3.9

1 Cambodia 15.2 15.1 15.8 16.9 20.2 17.4 1.6

2 Indonesia 859.5 1 188.8 1 275.4 1 253.4 1 341.8 1 622.8 4.4

3 Lao PDR 13.1 20.8 20.5 21.2 22.5 25.1 5.4

4 Malaysia 123.7 187.0 F 190.0 F 192.7 208.3 225.8 4.8

5 Myanmar 44.8 93.7 107.8 122.0 125.0 F 125.0 F 11.3

6 Philippines 115.2 134.3 135.6 154.3 158.7 159.0 3.4

7 Thailand 224.7 203.2 209.1 219.2 228.2 231.9 -0.6

8 Timor-Leste 1.0 F 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 F -1.5

9 Viet Nam 137.3 * 150.2 158.2 173.1 200.0 218.2 3.1

943.0 1 467.5 1 575.6 1 681.3 1 777.8 1 882.9 7.3

10 Afghanistan 6.9 10.9 9.0 10.7 10.2 12.9 3.3

11 Bangladesh 132.7 194.8 206.9 212.5 221.4 228.0 5.7

12 Bhutan 0.2 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.8

13 India 374.0 573.0 617.7 665.9 * 717.9 * 773.9 * 7.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 250.0 F 420.0 F 453.0 F 481.0 F 495.0 F 507.0 F 7.6

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 18.6 23.2 23.9 24.7 24.5 25.8 2.8

17 Pakistan 150.0 F 232.0 F 251.0 F 272.0 F 295.0 F 321.0 F 8.1

18 Sri Lanka 10.6 13.3 13.8 14.3 13.6 14.0 3.6

371.3 393.2 410.6 405.6 425.4 457.9 2.0

19 Kazakhstan 17.9 * 26.1 * 28.1 * 29.4 * 30.0 * 32.5 * 5.7

20 Russian Federation 339.0 342.9 358.3 351.1 366.3 390.5 1.3

21 Uzbekistan 14.4 24.2 24.2 25.1 * 29.1 * 34.8 * 9.1

3 741.4 4 587.3 4 346.2 4 489.6 4 655.2 4 967.3 2.3

22 China 3 623.0 F 4 451.9 * 4 211.6 * 4 355.4 * 4 502.2 F 4 802.7 F 2.3

23 DPR Korea 15.7 16.0 F 15.0 F 14.1 13.9 14.9 -2.3

24 Mongolia 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 24.3

25 Rep. of Korea 102.5 119.2 119.4 119.8 138.8 149.2 3.8

9.6 10.4 10.9 11.3 10.5 10.3 1.3

26 Cook Islands 0.1 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -6.5

27 Fiji Islands 4.0 F 4.2 F 4.3 F 4.3 F 3.5 F 3.5 F -0.5

28 Kiribati 0.4 * 0.5 F 0.5 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 4.2

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.3

31 Nauru 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0

32 Niue 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 1.0

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 3.7 * 4.0 F 4.0 * 4.2 F 4.2 F 4.0 F 1.2

35 Samoa 0.4 0.6 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 3.4

36 Solomon Islands 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 1.8

37 Tonga 0.3 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 1.2

38 Tuvalu 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 1.0

39 Vanuatu 0.3 F 0.4 0.6 F 0.8 0.8 F 0.8 F 11.0

393.7 392.6 405.7 393.0 393.9 382.5 0.0

40 Australia 84.9 94.4 97.4 88.6 95.4 83.0 0.6

41 Japan 295.8 280.6 288.5 284.7 285.3 286.0 F -0.2

42 New Zealand 13.0 17.6 19.8 19.7 13.1 13.5 0.6

6 993.5 8 844.9 8 862.2 9 134.4 9 568.4 10 326.9 3.3

7 369.3 8 455.5 8 729.6 8 818.5 9 050.7 9 243.7 2.3

14 362.8 A 17 300.4 A 17 591.8 A 17 952.9 A 18 619.0 A 19 570.6 A 2.8




Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

Million heads

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia





Table 98. Chickens: population

Chickens population



growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Page 165: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


858.9 1 036.8 1 005.8 1 060.8 1 095.7 1 133.1 2.4

170.5 195.1 207.1 211.4 212.2 224.4 2.2

1 Cambodia 5.5 F 7.0 F 7.0 F 7.0 F 7.0 F 7.0 F 2.0

2 Indonesia 29.0 32.5 35.9 39.8 42.4 45.3 2.8

3 Lao PDR 1.7 F 3.2 F 3.2 F 3.2 F 3.3 F 3.2 F 7.7

4 Malaysia 31.0 F 46.0 F 47.0 F 47.5 F 47.5 F 48.2 F 5.5

5 Myanmar 6.6 10.1 11.1 12.2 12.5 F 12.6 F 7.5

6 Philippines 10.0 F 11.1 10.2 10.5 10.6 10.3 0.6

7 Thailand 27.9 20.8 25.0 15.9 16.3 29.2 -2.7

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 58.8 * 64.4 67.8 75.2 72.6 68.6 1.1

68.9 71.8 72.2 72.4 73.3 74.2 0.6

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 33.0 38.1 39.1 39.8 41.2 42.7 2.5

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 30.4 28.2 27.6 27.1 F 26.6 F 26.0 F -1.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 0.0

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 -1.0

17 Pakistan 3.5 F 3.5 F 3.5 F 3.5 F 3.5 F 3.5 F 0.0

18 Sri Lanka 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.2

0.4 13.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.5 54.9

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 0.4 * 13.0 F 18.0 F 20.0 F 22.0 F 24.5 54.9

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

619.0 756.8 708.4 756.8 788.1 809.9 2.3

22 China 611.8 F 742.0 * 692.2 * 741.3 * 769.4 F 789.6 F 2.2

23 DPR Korea 2.1 5.4 F 5.7 F 5.9 5.9 5.9 8.8

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 5.1 9.4 10.5 9.7 12.7 14.4 8.3

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.6

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 1.7

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 1.7

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.7 8.2

40 Australia 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.2 F 1.5 1.5 F 9.9

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.1

859.6 1 037.8 1 006.9 1 062.2 1 097.3 1 134.7 2.4

105.8 104.0 106.6 106.6 104.6 107.0 0.2

965.4 A 1 141.7 A 1 113.5 A 1 168.8 A 1 201.9 A 1 241.7 A 2.2




Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

Million heads

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia





Table 99. Ducks: population

Ducks population



growth rate

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

Page 166: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


88 526.3 106 496.2 106 248.8 111 857.2 116 919.4 121 264.3 3.2

9 468.3 13 388.5 14 087.3 14 526.8 14 915.9 15 724.5 5.2

1 Cambodia 199.8 A 234.3 A 217.7 A 212.6 A 216.3 A 200.6 A 0.7

2 Indonesia 1 695.3 A 2 455.4 A 2 440.4 A 2 563.7 A 2 653.1 A 2 992.9 A 4.9

3 Lao PDR 73.0 A 105.6 A 109.6 A 118.5 A 130.4 A 130.1 A 5.9

4 Malaysia 892.8 A 1 273.4 A 1 268.4 A 1 263.1 A 1 359.1 A 1 677.2 A 5.2

5 Myanmar 475.2 A 1 260.6 A 1 400.1 A 1 543.6 A 1 537.8 A 1 584.1 A 14.0

6 Philippines 2 077.8 A 2 560.5 A 2 748.2 A 2 802.5 A 2 699.9 A 2 752.1 A 3.0

7 Thailand 2 044.5 A 2 254.6 A 2 418.8 A 2 345.3 A 2 253.0 A 2 387.7 A 1.3

8 Timor-Leste 26.9 A 28.7 A 29.8 A 30.9 A 32.4 A 32.4 A 1.0

9 Viet Nam 1 983.1 A 3 215.5 A 3 454.4 A 3 646.7 A 4 033.9 A 3 967.5 A 7.8

8 802.0 10 937.5 11 506.6 11 936.0 12 420.5 12 793.9 4.0

10 Afghanistan 319.3 A 272.4 A 267.2 A 294.1 A 304.3 A 319.0 A -0.1

11 Bangladesh 449.5 A 547.5 A 566.6 A 576.8 A 593.9 A 608.7 A 3.2

12 Bhutan 6.8 A 6.6 A 6.6 A 6.6 A 6.6 A 6.0 A -0.6

13 India 4 443.9 A 5 276.4 A 5 564.6 A 5 749.9 A 6 015.6 A 6 189.9 A 3.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 544.7 A 2 217.3 A 2 363.5 A 2 464.5 A 2 541.0 A 2 584.9 A 5.6

15 Maldives 0.9 A 0.7 A 0.8 A 0.8 A 0.8 A 0.8 A -1.3

16 Nepal 237.2 A 268.1 A 276.4 A 283.4 A 291.8 A 298.7 A 2.4

17 Pakistan 1 700.6 A 2 235.8 A 2 329.7 A 2 428.6 A 2 536.9 A 2 655.3 A 4.9

18 Sri Lanka 99.1 A 112.7 A 131.1 A 131.4 A 129.5 A 130.5 A 1.8

5 565.2 6 724.7 7 270.3 7 904.0 8 425.6 8 966.4 4.9

19 Kazakhstan 622.6 A 806.9 A 836.0 A 871.4 A 893.2 A 934.2 A 4.2

20 Russian Federation 4 440.3 A 5 236.5 A 5 755.6 A 6 311.1 A 6 766.5 A 7 213.8 A 5.0

21 Uzbekistan 502.3 A 681.4 A 678.6 A 721.6 A 765.9 A 818.4 A 5.2

64 302.3 74 964.9 72 890.0 76 985.0 80 649.0 83 295.9 2.6

22 China 62 109.7 A 72 688.1 A 70 538.0 A 74 576.8 A 78 088.7 A 80 748.2 A 2.6

23 DPR Korea 255.6 A 332.8 A 322.0 A 313.0 A 324.0 A 324.0 A 1.1

24 Mongolia 288.0 A 171.9 A 189.6 A 220.8 A 270.7 A 206.1 A -0.2

25 Rep. of Korea 1 648.9 A 1 772.1 A 1 840.3 A 1 874.4 A 1 965.6 A 2 017.7 A 2.2

388.5 480.6 494.7 505.4 508.5 483.6 2.7

26 Cook Islands 0.7 A 0.6 A 0.6 A 0.6 A 0.6 A 0.6 A -1.2

27 Fiji Islands 21.8 A 27.2 A 28.1 A 28.1 A 24.8 A 27.9 A 2.1

28 Kiribati 1.1 A 1.5 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 4.4

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 1.3 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 0.2

31 Nauru 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.5

32 Niue 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.5

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 346.2 A 432.1 A 444.2 A 454.3 A 461.3 A 432.6 A 2.8

35 Samoa 4.9 A 5.4 A 5.7 A 5.7 A 5.7 A 6.4 A 1.3

36 Solomon Islands 3.0 A 3.3 A 3.3 A 3.4 A 3.4 A 3.4 A 1.4

37 Tonga 2.2 A 2.2 A 2.3 A 2.3 A 2.3 A 2.3 A 0.5

38 Tuvalu 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.9

39 Vanuatu 7.1 A 6.8 A 7.4 A 7.9 A 7.2 A 7.1 A 1.6

7 982.2 8 494.9 8 768.9 8 653.1 8 567.2 8 514.4 0.8

40 Australia 3 707.4 A 3 940.7 A 4 192.8 A 4 033.5 A 4 003.1 A 3 973.5 A 0.8

41 Japan 2 991.0 A 3 121.9 A 3 130.8 A 3 149.2 A 3 231.2 A 3 215.1 A 0.9

42 New Zealand 1 283.7 A 1 432.4 A 1 445.2 A 1 470.4 A 1 332.8 A 1 325.8 A 0.4

96 508.5 114 991.2 115 017.7 120 510.3 125 486.5 129 778.7 3.0

137 548.5 152 649.1 159 016.1 162 609.0 162 947.2 165 683.7 2.0

234 057.1 A 267 640.3 A 274 033.8 A 283 119.4 A 288 433.7 A 295 462.3 A 2.4

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia





Rest of World

Table 100. Meat total: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate

2000 2006 2000-2010




1 000 MT

2008 2009 2010

Page 167: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


10 806.9 11 842.3 12 329.2 12 651.5 13 048.3 13 378.2 2.4

914.2 1 067.5 1 105.5 1 230.3 1 299.0 1 395.5 4.4

1 Cambodia 56.7 C 60.2 C 60.7 C 62.4 C 64.7 C 62.9 C 1.6

2 Indonesia 339.9 395.8 339.5 392.5 409.3 493.0 F 2.6

3 Lao PDR 16.4 23.0 F 23.8 F 26.3 F 25.7 F 25.8 F 4.5

4 Malaysia 14.5 C 22.7 C 24.3 C 24.5 C 24.8 C 24.9 C 5.4

5 Myanmar 72.0 119.8 130.2 139.6 143.3 F 144.0 F 8.0

6 Philippines 190.2 167.5 178.0 184.4 189.5 * 188.3 * 0.0

7 Thailand 130.9 118.1 142.0 173.0 177.4 176.8 4.3

8 Timor-Leste 1.3 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 1.0 C 1.0 C 1.0 C -3.6

9 Viet Nam 92.3 159.5 206.1 226.7 263.4 278.9 13.0

2 050.4 2 369.5 2 447.0 2 486.5 2 549.9 2 606.8 2.8

10 Afghanistan 126.0 * 117.3 137.0 133.0 135.0 131.0 0.4

11 Bangladesh 172.5 * 184.0 F 186.0 F 187.0 F 188.0 F 189.0 F 0.9

12 Bhutan 4.9 C 5.1 C 5.1 C 5.1 C 5.1 C 5.1 C 0.6

13 India 981.4 C 1 000.0 C 1 018.1 C 1 036.6 C 1 055.8 C 1 086.5 C 1.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 268.8 356.0 * 372.0 * 373.0 * 387.0 * 391.5 F 4.1

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 48.0 C 48.9 C 49.3 C 49.5 C 50.2 C 50.2 C 0.6

17 Pakistan 420 0 632 0 656 0 680 0 706 0 730 0 6 8

Table 101. Cattle meat: production




South and Southwest Asia

20102006 2007 2008 2009

1 000 MT

Cattle meat production



growth rate




Southeast Asia

17 Pakistan 420.0 632.0 656.0 680.0 706.0 730.0 6.8

18 Sri Lanka 28.7 26.3 23.5 22.3 22.9 23.5 F -2.6

2 590.6 2 623.0 2 626.5 2 754.8 2 759.4 2 799.4 0.6

19 Kazakhstan 306.3 366.5 385.9 400.1 396.1 406.8 3.8

20 Russian Federation 1 894.3 1 704.9 1 689.6 1 768.7 1 740.6 1 727.3 -1.4

21 Uzbekistan 390.0 * 551.6 551.0 * 586.0 * 622.7 * 665.3 * 5.5

5 234.2 5 765.2 6 133.0 6 162.6 6 423.4 6 560.0 2.7

22 China 4 794.9 * 5 499.4 * 5 845.6 * 5 840.7 * 6 060.1 * 6 243.7 * 2.9

23 DPR Korea 20.0 C 21.6 C 21.8 C 21.8 C 21.8 C 21.8 C 0.5

24 Mongolia 113.4 44.2 46.6 54.2 58.6 47.5 -4.7

25 Rep. of Korea 305.9 200.0 219.0 246.0 283.0 247.0 0.5

17.4 17.0 17.2 17.3 16.6 16.5 -0.2

26 Cook Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -3.6

27 Fiji Islands 8.8 C 8.4 C 8.4 C 8.4 C 8.4 C 8.4 C -0.5

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.2 C 0.2 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.7

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 1.5

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 2.7 C 3.2 F 3.2 F 3.2 F 3.2 C 3.2 C 1.4

35 Samoa 1.0 F 1.1 F 1.1 F 1.1 F 1.1 F 1.1 F 0.2

36 Solomon Islands 0.6 C 0.7 C 0.7 C 0.7 C 0.7 C 0.7 C 2.4

37 Tonga 0.4 0.4 C 0.4 C 0.4 C 0.4 C 0.4 F 0.6

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 3.8 3.1 3.1 3.3 2.6 2.5 F -1.7

3 090.1 3 217.0 3 362.6 3 286.3 3 278.0 3 256.9 0.6

40 Australia 1 987.9 2 077.1 2 226.3 2 131.9 2 124.0 2 108.3 0.6

41 Japan 530.4 497.0 503.9 519.9 517.0 513.3 0.2

42 New Zealand 571.8 642.9 632.4 634.6 637.0 635.3 0.9

13 897.0 15 059.2 15 691.7 15 937.9 16 326.3 16 635.2 2.0

42 327.9 46 735.6 47 568.5 47 558.2 47 875.1 47 454.3 1.6

56 224.9 A 61 794.8 A 63 260.3 A 63 496.0 A 64 201.4 A 64 089.5 A 1.7WORLD



Rest of World

North and Central Asia

Pacific Islands

East Asia

Page 168: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 557.4 2 846.5 2 946.7 2 938.0 3 000.6 3 100.6 2.1

333.6 336.9 365.6 307.4 312.6 348.6 1.0

1 Cambodia 12.0 C 10.1 C 10.7 C 10.4 C 10.3 C 9.8 C 0.4

2 Indonesia 45.9 43.9 41.8 39.0 34.8 40.2 F -1.5

3 Lao PDR 16.6 18.3 C 18.5 C 19.0 C 19.3 C 19.5 C 1.4

4 Malaysia 3.2 C 4.5 C 4.2 C 4.1 C 4.0 C 4.0 C 1.8

5 Myanmar 20.4 C 26.8 29.3 31.6 32.0 F 38.6 C 6.8

6 Philippines 71.6 84.3 110.2 99.2 98.9 F 105.7 F 4.4

7 Thailand 71.0 45.2 40.9 32.1 33.7 46.1 0.1

8 Timor-Leste 0.5 C 0.5 C 0.5 C 0.5 C 0.5 C 0.6 C 0.6

9 Viet Nam 92.5 C 103.2 C 109.7 C 71.5 79.1 84.2 -1.8

1 863.1 2 221.1 2 273.6 2 324.1 2 378.6 2 441.6 2.9

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 4.0 F 5.2 F 5.4 F 5.6 F 5.8 F 6.0 F 4.2

12 Bhutan 0.0 C 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C -0.2

13 India 1 255.8 C 1 384.1 C 1 410.4 C 1 436.0 C 1 462.7 C 1 489.4 C 1.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 11.8 C 18.0 C 19.0 C 19.0 C 19.0 C 19.0 C 5.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 121.8 142.0 147.0 151.7 156.6 162.2 2.9

17 Pakistan 466.0 668.0 688.0 708.0 730.0 760.0 5.7

18 Sri Lanka 3.6 C 3.7 C 3.7 C 3.7 C 4.4 C 5.0 C 3.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

360.8 288.4 307.4 306.4 309.4 310.4 -2.1

22 China 360.8 * 288.4 * 307.4 * 306.4 * 309.4 * 310.4 * -2.1

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 557.4 2 846.5 2 946.7 2 938.0 3 000.6 3 100.6 2.1

296.0 306.9 345.9 383.8 423.5 412.7 7.1

2 853.4 A 3 153.3 A 3 292.5 A 3 321.8 A 3 424.1 A 3 513.3 A 2.6

South and Southwest Asia


North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009

Table 102. Buffalo meat: production


Buffalo meat production



growth rate


%1 000 MT


Page 169: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


48 231.6 57 473.7 54 385.9 57 858.1 60 837.4 62 921.0 2.5

4 148.9 6 370.5 6 702.9 6 759.9 6 926.7 7 022.7 5.8

1 Cambodia 105.0 C 138.5 C 120.0 C 112.5 C 110.0 C 100.0 C 0.1

2 Indonesia 412.5 C 588.5 C 596.8 C 636.8 C 649.0 C 649.0 C 5.1

3 Lao PDR 27.7 43.0 F 46.0 F 51.3 F 62.0 F 59.4 F 8.2

4 Malaysia 159.8 216.8 200.1 195.1 206.0 234.0 2.3

5 Myanmar 123.0 369.9 410.7 463.1 450.0 F 458.7 F 15.3

6 Philippines 1 212.5 1 565.0 1 616.7 1 606.0 1 595.7 * 1 613.5 * 3.1

7 Thailand 693.0 935.4 1 041.2 903.3 808.7 862.0 2.3

8 Timor-Leste 6.4 C 8.4 C 8.8 C 9.1 C 9.5 C 9.8 C 3.3

9 Viet Nam 1 409.0 2 505.1 2 662.7 2 782.7 3 035.9 3 036.4 8.7

483.5 423.9 404.3 386.4 369.6 351.7 -3.4

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan 1.3 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 1.0 C 1.0 C 0.4 -7.1

13 India 465.9 C 404.9 C 385.0 C 367.5 C 350.0 C 332.5 C -3.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 14.6 15.8 16.0 16.4 17.0 17.1 1.3

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 Sri Lanka 1.8 2.3 2.3 1.6 1.6 1.7 F -1.2

1 716.6 1 852.9 2 084.6 2 267.3 2 398.4 2 557.8 4.0

19 Kazakhstan 133.4 193.4 193.9 206.2 208.9 206.0 2.9

20 Russian Federation 1 568.7 1 641.5 1 872.7 2 042.1 2 169.5 2 330.8 4.1

21 Uzbekistan 14.5 * 18.1 18.0 * 19.0 * 20.0 * 21.0 * 9.6

41 808.4 48 741.2 45 106.3 48 356.7 51 052.8 52 901.8 2.1

22 China 40 751.6 47 591.0 43 933.0 47 190.4 49 880.4 51 681.5 2.1

23 DPR Korea 140.0 C 150.0 C 130.0 C 110.0 C 110.0 C 110.0 C -3.6

24 Mongolia 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 -2.8

25 Rep. of Korea 915.9 1 000.0 * 1 043.0 * 1 056.0 * 1 062.0 * 1 110.0 * 1.4

74.2 85.1 87.8 87.8 89.9 87.1 1.3

26 Cook Islands 0.6 C 0.5 C 0.6 C 0.6 C 0.6 C 0.6 C -0.7

27 Fiji Islands 3.8 C 4.0 C 4.0 C 4.0 C 4.0 C 4.0 C 0.4

28 Kiribati 0.7 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 1.6

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.9 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 0.9 C 0.0

31 Nauru 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.5

32 Niue 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.2

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 58.0 C 68.0 C 70.0 C 70.0 C 72.0 C 68.4 C 1.3

35 Samoa 3.5 F 3.8 F 4.0 F 4.0 F 4.0 F 4.7 F 1.3

36 Solomon Islands 2.1 C 2.3 C 2.3 C 2.4 C 2.4 C 2.4 C 1.2

37 Tonga 1.5 C 1.5 F 1.6 F 1.5 F 1.6 1.6 F 0.6

38 Tuvalu 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.6

39 Vanuatu 2.8 C 3.0 C 3.4 C 3.4 C 3.4 C 3.4 C 2.6

1 667.0 1 683.2 1 683.0 1 660.4 1 677.7 1 674.0 0.0

40 Australia 364.4 386.1 381.9 360.3 321.2 335.8 -1.4

41 Japan 1 255.8 1 246.5 1 250.5 1 248.8 1 309.8 1 291.1 0.3

42 New Zealand 46.8 50.6 50.6 51.4 46.7 47.1 0.4

49 898.6 59 156.9 56 068.9 59 518.6 62 515.1 64 595.0 2.4

39 985.7 41 818.7 43 808.2 44 618.8 44 049.6 44 572.3 1.2

89 884.3 A 100 975.6 A 99 877.1 A 104 137.4 A 106 564.8 A 109 167.3 A 1.9





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 MT

Table 103. Pig meat: production


Pig meat production



growth rate



2000 2010

Page 170: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 726.8 3 213.1 3 371.8 3 325.2 3 475.5 3 521.0 2.7

36.6 81.4 62.4 52.6 60.0 61.5 1.9

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 33.4 75.2 56.9 47.0 54.2 55.4 F 1.5

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 0.3 C 0.6 C 0.6 C 0.4 C 0.5 C 0.5 C 5.5

5 Myanmar 2.6 5.3 4.6 4.7 5.0 F 5.1 F 7.9

6 Philippines 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.0

7 Thailand 0.2 C 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 C 0.5

8 Timor-Leste 0.0 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 6.8

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

831.3 815.9 833.1 866.6 905.2 921.8 1.1

10 Afghanistan 121.6 C 75.2 C 65.8 C 86.9 C 99.7 C 107.8 C -0.8

11 Bangladesh 2.6 * 3.2 F 3.3 F 3.5 F 3.7 F 3.9 F 4.2

12 Bhutan 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 -2.2

13 India 220.8 C 255.5 C 265.0 C 275.3 C 285.9 C 289.2 C 3.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 326.2 330.0 * 345.0 * 346.0 * 359.0 * 360.0 F 1.0

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 -0.6

17 Pakistan 157.0 149.0 151.0 152.0 154.0 158.0 -0.4

18 Sri Lanka 0.2 C 0.2 C 0.2 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C -2.1

289.8 321.4 336.9 354.6 374.0 389.3 3.6

19 Kazakhstan 91.2 98.5 104.3 110.4 116.2 122.6 3.1

20 Russian Federation 119.2 139.3 149.6 156.2 164.5 166.7 4.4

21 Uzbekistan 79.4 * 83.6 83.0 * 88.0 * 93.4 * 100.0 * 2.8

1 569.1 1 994.4 2 139.4 2 051.3 2 136.2 2 148.4 3.4

22 China 1 478.0 * 1 938.0 * 2 070.0 * 1 978.0 * 2 044.0 * 2 070.0 * 3.5

23 DPR Korea 1.1 C 1.0 C 1.0 C 1.0 C 1.0 C 1.0 C -0.6

24 Mongolia 90.0 55.4 68.4 72.3 91.2 77.4 -0.1

25 Rep. of Korea 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 17.7

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 -0.4

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -0.6

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 213.1 1 167.9 1 256.8 1 257.7 1 113.6 1 026.7 -0.8

40 Australia 680.0 625.6 683.6 659.5 635.1 555.6 -0.9

41 Japan 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 F 2.0

42 New Zealand 533.0 542.2 573.2 598.1 478.4 470.9 -0.6

3 940.0 4 381.0 4 628.7 4 582.9 4 589.2 4 547.7 1.8

3 849.4 3 905.0 3 971.8 3 988.3 4 018.9 3 991.9 0.8

7 789.3 A 8 286.0 A 8 600.5 A 8 571.2 A 8 608.0 A 8 539.5 A 1.3





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 MT

Table 104. Sheep meat: production


Sheep meat production



growth rate



2000 2010

Page 171: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 478.66 3 074.71 3 173.51 3 297.64 3 395.33 3 432.44 3.8

94.39 142.83 151.04 156.71 165.73 169.73 6.4

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 44.89 65.01 63.62 66.03 73.82 75.70 F 4.4

3 Lao PDR 0.43 C 0.81 C 1.04 C 1.04 C 1.40 C 1.41 C 13.6

4 Malaysia 0.60 C 1.27 C 1.46 C 1.55 C 1.46 C 1.50 C 11.1

5 Myanmar 9.07 18.83 22.03 23.70 24.00 F 25.26 C 12.4

6 Philippines 33.72 44.79 49.53 53.15 54.45 F 55.24 F 6.5

7 Thailand 0.65 C 1.20 C 1.65 C 1.40 C 1.43 C 1.43 C 8.7

8 Timor-Leste 0.23 C 0.40 C 0.41 C 0.42 C 0.43 C 0.44 C 6.8

9 Viet Nam 4.80 C 10.52 C 11.31 C 9.44 C 8.75 C 8.75 C 8.1

1 104.37 1 143.84 1 169.96 1 209.79 1 245.47 1 286.04 1.3

10 Afghanistan 48.10 C 44.20 C 35.10 C 41.60 C 37.70 C 44.20 C -0.8

11 Bangladesh 129.00 * 162.40 F 168.70 F 175.70 F 183.40 F 191.10 F 4.2

12 Bhutan 0.15 C 0.14 C 0.14 C 0.14 C 0.15 C 0.15 C -0.4

13 India 469.00 C 517.80 C 533.80 C 550.00 C 567.50 C 586.50 C 2.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 109.50 125.00 * 130.00 * 132.00 * 137.00 * 138.00 F 2.8

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 36.93 42.82 44.93 46.19 48.47 49.85 3.1

17 Pakistan 310.00 250.00 256.00 263.00 270.00 275.00 -2.6

18 Sri Lanka 1.69 1.48 1.28 1.16 1.25 1.24 F -3.2

24.22 34.52 37.60 38.55 36.94 38.29 5.2

19 Kazakhstan 3.90 * 16.51 19.34 20.63 18.75 20.34 18.5

20 Russian Federation 20.32 18.01 18.26 17.92 18.19 17.94 -1.4

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 254.66 1 752.48 1 813.87 1 891.50 1 946.86 1 938.06 5.6

22 China 1 211.69 * 1 704.06 * 1 759.71 * 1 828.32 * 1 853.15 * 1 872.86 * 5.5

23 DPR Korea 10.20 C 12.66 C 13.35 C 14.10 C 14.63 C 14.63 C 4.0

24 Mongolia 30.00 33.00 38.60 47.51 77.58 49.08 10.1

25 Rep. of Korea 2.78 C 2.76 C 2.21 C 1.58 C 1.50 C 1.50 C -6.7

1.02 1.04 1.05 1.08 0.34 0.32 -8.8

26 Cook Islands 0.01 C 0.00 C 0.00 C 0.00 C 0.00 C 0.00 C -13.4

27 Fiji Islands 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.98 0.24 0.23 -10.9

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.01 C 0.01 C 0.01 C 0.01 C 0.01 C 0.01 C 1.0

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.01 C 0.01 C 0.01 C 0.01 C 0.01 C 0.01 C 2.9

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 0.02 C 0.03 C 0.03 C 0.03 C 0.03 C 0.03 C 0.8

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 0.03 C 0.04 C 0.04 C 0.04 C 0.04 C 0.04 C 6.0

12.07 23.38 17.89 18.71 26.25 26.28 7.5

40 Australia 10.63 C 22.00 C 16.25 C 17.50 C 25.00 C 25.00 C 8.4

41 Japan 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 F -12.1

42 New Zealand 1.29 1.33 1.59 1.15 1.21 1.24 -1.6

2 490.72 3 098.09 3 191.40 3 316.35 3 421.58 3 458.72 3.9

1 289.76 1 525.49 1 588.53 1 685.64 1 708.53 1 715.79 3.1

3 780.48 A 4 623.58 A 4 779.93 A 5 001.99 A 5 130.11 A 5 174.52 A 3.6

South and Southwest Asia


North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009

Table 105. Goat meat: production


Goat meat production



growth rate


%1 000 MT


Page 172: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


16 037.3 20 984.0 22 506.9 23 826.3 24 756.0 26 253.0 5.2

3 575.5 4 937.1 5 198.9 5 531.8 5 656.8 6 232.5 5.0

1 Cambodia 19.5 C 17.2 C 18.0 C 19.0 C 22.9 C 19.5 C 0.4

2 Indonesia 804.0 1 260.2 1 295.8 1 349.5 1 404.4 1 650.0 F 6.0

3 Lao PDR 9.7 16.2 C 16.0 C 16.6 C 17.6 C 19.6 C 6.4

4 Malaysia 650.0 922.0 * 931.0 * 930.0 F 1 014.0 F 1 295.6 5.7

5 Myanmar 216.9 649.6 726.5 797.5 800.0 F 826.1 F 15.4

6 Philippines 533.1 658.0 745.4 812.3 715.0 * 744.0 * 3.3

7 Thailand 1 045.6 1 068.8 1 106.7 1 157.9 1 153.6 1 220.3 0.7

8 Timor-Leste 1.0 C 0.7 C 0.7 C 0.8 C 0.8 C 0.8 C -1.8

9 Viet Nam 295.7 344.4 358.8 448.2 528.5 456.6 4.8

2 177.3 3 647.2 4 057.5 4 340.5 4 640.4 4 849.5 8.6

10 Afghanistan 13.2 C 24.4 C 17.6 C 20.8 C 20.0 C 24.0 C 2.8

11 Bangladesh 94.0 F 138.0 F 147.0 F 150.5 F 156.8 F 161.7 F 5.7

12 Bhutan 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.0

13 India 864.0 * 1 518.0 * 1 755.0 1 884.0 2 087.0 2 193.0 10.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 803.0 1 360.0 1 468.0 1 566.0 1 610.0 1 650.0 7.8

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 12.7 15.6 16.1 16.6 16.7 16.5 2.7

17 Pakistan 327.0 512.2 553.5 599.8 650.4 705.0 8.6

18 Sri Lanka 63.2 78.8 100.1 102.5 99.3 99.0 F 3.3

804.3 1 668.1 1 955.6 2 090.0 2 417.9 2 693.4 13.3

19 Kazakhstan 33.3 64.5 64.3 65.3 79.5 103.0 11.9

20 Russian Federation 755.0 1 580.2 1 868.9 2 000.7 2 313.4 2 563.5 13.4

21 Uzbekistan 16.0 * 23.4 22.4 * 24.0 * 25.0 * 27.0 * 7.8

9 464.7 10 709.6 11 271.7 11 840.4 12 019.8 12 454.0 3.1

22 China 9 064.2 * 10 164.8 * 10 725.0 * 11 299.4 * 11 436.8 * 11 833.8 * 3.1

23 DPR Korea 26.8 C 34.7 C 33.6 C 31.9 C 31.9 C 31.9 C 0.6

24 Mongolia 0.0 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.3 F 18.6

25 Rep. of Korea 373.6 510.0 * 513.0 * 509.0 * 551.0 * 588.0 * 5.1

15.5 22.0 23.2 23.7 21.1 23.6 4.0

26 Cook Islands 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C -7.0

27 Fiji Islands 8.1 13.6 14.4 14.4 11.9 14.4 5.3

28 Kiribati 0.3 0.6 C 0.7 C 0.7 C 0.7 C 0.7 C 9.0

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.1 C 0.4

31 Nauru 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0

32 Niue 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 1.0

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 5.4 C 5.9 C 5.9 C 5.9 C 5.9 C 5.9 C 1.0

35 Samoa 0.4 F 0.5 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 0.6 F 3.8

36 Solomon Islands 0.2 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 1.2

37 Tonga 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C -0.2

38 Tuvalu 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 1.8

39 Vanuatu 0.5 C 0.6 C 0.9 C 1.1 C 1.2 C 1.2 C 10.6

1 909.4 2 288.3 2 324.9 2 314.9 2 360.8 2 424.6 2.4

40 Australia 610.0 772.6 811.6 800.2 831.4 881.0 3.7

41 Japan 1 194.5 1 366.7 1 366.1 1 369.3 1 394.5 1 400.5 * 1.8

42 New Zealand 104.9 149.0 147.3 145.4 135.0 143.1 2.1

17 946.7 23 272.3 24 831.9 26 141.3 27 116.8 28 677.6 4.9

40 751.6 49 035.6 51 990.0 54 582.9 55 325.0 57 867.2 3.5

58 698.3 A 72 307.8 A 76 821.9 A 80 724.2 A 82 441.8 A 86 544.8 A 3.9

South and Southwest Asia


North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009

Table 106. Chicken meat: production


Chicken meat production



growth rate


%1 000 MT


Page 173: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


173 217.7 227 676.3 242 249.9 248 452.3 256 178.1 263 022.2 4.5

2 095.9 3 194.0 3 239.6 3 524.5 3 904.8 3 956.5 6.9

1 Cambodia 20.4 A 22.7 A 23.1 A 23.8 A 24.5 A 26.8 A 2.7

2 Indonesia 787.0 A 944.2 A 923.9 A 1 023.5 A 1 277.8 A 1 243.6 A 5.0

3 Lao PDR 6.0 A 6.6 A 6.8 A 7.5 A 7.2 A 7.0 A 2.1

4 Malaysia 37.2 A 54.6 A 60.2 A 65.5 A 73.0 A 74.2 A 7.9

5 Myanmar 618.7 A 1 093.9 A 1 214.8 A 1 309.1 A 1 355.2 A 1 402.3 A 9.7

6 Philippines 10.2 A 12.8 A 13.4 A 13.8 A 14.3 A 9.7 A 1.8

7 Thailand 520.1 A 803.3 A 729.1 A 786.2 A 840.7 A 850.8 A 4.0

8 Timor-Leste 0.6 A 0.8 A 0.9 A 0.9 A 0.9 A 0.9 A 5.5

9 Viet Nam 95.6 A 255.0 A 267.4 A 294.2 A 311.2 A 341.3 A 14.5

116 287.0 144 043.4 154 071.4 158 968.1 165 407.1 171 977.0 4.2

10 Afghanistan 1 663.5 A 1 627.9 A 1 673.9 A 1 671.3 A 1 717.8 A 1 719.7 A 1.3

11 Bangladesh 2 136.6 A 2 752.5 A 2 897.2 A 3 059.8 A 3 224.5 A 3 398.0 A 5.0

12 Bhutan 41.5 A 42.7 A 43.9 A 45.3 A 38.9 A 38.9 A -0.4

13 India 79 661.0 A 99 348.0 A 107 933.0 A 112 183.0 A 116 425.0 A 121 847.0 A 4.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 5 889.2 A 7 493.5 A 7 696.0 A 7 100.1 A 7 905.4 A 7 683.3 A 3.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 170.7 A 1 393.6 A 1 432.8 A 1 471.8 A 1 531.3 A 1 584.3 A 3.1

17 Pakistan 25 566 0 A 31 214 0 A 32 219 0 A 33 256 0 A 34 362 0 A 35 491 0 A 3 4

2007 2008 2009

1 000 MT




South and Southwest Asia

Southeast Asia


Table 107. Milk total: production


Milk total production



growth rate




17 Pakistan 25 566.0 A 31 214.0 A 32 219.0 A 33 256.0 A 34 362.0 A 35 491.0 A 3.4

18 Sri Lanka 158.5 A 171.2 A 175.6 A 180.8 A 202.2 A 214.8 A 2.8

39 616.3 41 219.0 42 346.3 42 982.5 43 648.2 43 391.6 0.8

19 Kazakhstan 3 730.2 A 4 926.9 A 5 073.2 A 5 198.7 A 5 303.9 A 5 381.2 A 3.8

20 Russian Federation 32 276.1 A 31 436.3 A 32 175.5 A 32 357.5 A 32 565.3 A 31 841.3 A -0.3

21 Uzbekistan 3 610.0 A 4 855.8 A 5 097.7 A 5 426.3 A 5 779.0 A 6 169.0 A 5.9

15 155.7 39 155.7 42 528.0 42 911.8 43 152.2 43 628.9 12.1

22 China 12 373.7 A 36 471.9 A 39 823.7 A 40 199.9 A 40 385.4 A 41 150.4 A 13.7

23 DPR Korea 90.0 A 96.0 A 97.0 A 96.0 A 97.0 A 95.4 A 0.1

24 Mongolia 434.6 A 398.6 A 414.1 A 411.7 A 443.7 A 306.4 A 0.2

25 Rep. of Korea 2 257.4 A 2 189.2 A 2 193.2 A 2 204.2 A 2 226.1 A 2 076.8 A -1.1

62.9 64.2 64.6 65.3 66.0 68.2 0.7

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 56.0 A 57.5 A 58.0 A 58.5 A 59.0 A 61.3 A 0.8

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A -4.8

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 2.3

35 Samoa 1.5 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.5 A 0.1

36 Solomon Islands 1.4 A 1.4 A 1.4 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 0.1

37 Tonga 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.2

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 3.3 A 3.0 A 2.9 A 3.1 A 3.2 A 3.3 A 0.3

31 579.4 33 399.5 33 208.7 32 421.8 33 780.5 33 754.0 0.4

40 Australia 10 847.0 A 10 089.0 A 9 583.0 A 9 223.0 A 9 388.0 A 9 023.0 A -1.9

41 Japan 8 497.0 A 8 138.0 A 8 007.4 A 7 982.0 A 7 909.5 A 7 720.5 A -0.9

42 New Zealand 12 235.4 A 15 172.5 A 15 618.3 A 15 216.8 A 16 483.0 A 17 010.5 A 2.8

204 797.1 261 075.8 275 458.7 280 874.2 289 958.6 296 776.2 4.0

374 170.2 406 453.1 410 375.2 418 369.3 418 333.2 426 367.1 1.4

578 967.3 A 667 528.8 A 685 833.8 A 699 243.5 A 708 291.8 A 723 143.3 A 2.4

Pacific Islands

East Asia




Rest of World

North and Central Asia

Page 174: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


100 626.7 139 325.4 150 136.1 154 184.8 158 409.9 161 402.6 5.3

1 637.9 2 608.5 2 606.7 2 852.7 3 209.0 3 242.5 7.3

1 Cambodia 20.4 C 22.7 C 23.1 C 23.8 C 24.5 C 26.8 C 2.7

2 Indonesia 497.9 616.5 567.7 647.0 881.8 840.0 F 5.6

3 Lao PDR 6.0 C 6.6 C 6.8 C 7.5 C 7.2 C 7.0 C 2.1

4 Malaysia 30.5 47.1 F 51.8 F 56.5 62.3 63.0 F 8.6

5 Myanmar 498.4 883.5 980.3 1 055.8 1 100.0 F 1 138.6 F 9.7

6 Philippines 10.2 12.8 13.4 13.8 14.3 9.7 1.8

7 Thailand 520.1 803.3 729.1 786.2 840.7 850.8 4.0

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 54.5 216.0 234.4 262.2 278.2 306.7 19.6

48 370.3 60 922.3 67 283.7 70 133.0 73 653.4 76 591.9 5.1

10 Afghanistan 1 320.0 F 1 374.8 1 434.0 1 390.8 1 413.0 1 401.0 1.8

11 Bangladesh 778.0 F 812.0 F 818.0 F 825.0 F 827.0 F 829.6 F 0.7

12 Bhutan 41.1 C 42.4 C 43.6 C 44.9 C 38.8 C 38.8 C -0.3

13 India 32 967.0 41 148.0 46 822.0 49 810.0 52 200.0 54 903.0 5.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 4 760.0 6 294.5 6 500.0 F 5 965.7 6 620.2 F 6 391.4 F 3.7

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 337.5 385.3 392.8 401.0 413.9 429.0 2.4

17 Pakistan 8 039.0 10 726.0 11 130.0 11 550.0 11 985.0 12 437.0 5.1

18 Sri Lanka 127.7 139.3 143.4 145.6 155.5 162.1 2.3

39 204.9 40 899.5 42 014.0 42 660.4 43 327.2 43 052.7 0.9

19 Kazakhstan 3 685.7 * 4 891.9 5 038.1 5 162.7 5 269.0 5 347.5 3.9

20 Russian Federation 31 959.2 31 186.2 31 914.9 32 110.7 32 325.8 31 585.2 -0.3

21 Uzbekistan 3 560.0 * 4 821.4 5 061.0 * 5 387.0 * 5 732.4 * 6 120.0 * 5.9

11 350.7 34 831.0 38 167.1 38 473.3 38 154.3 38 447.3 14.0

22 China 8 632.3 32 257.3 35 574.3 35 873.8 35 509.8 36 036.0 16.4

23 DPR Korea 90.0 F 96.0 F 97.0 F 96.0 F 97.0 F 95.4 F 0.1

24 Mongolia 375.6 293.7 307.8 303.5 325.5 242.8 -1.3

25 Rep. of Korea 2 252.8 2 184.0 2 188.0 2 200.0 2 222.0 2 073.0 -1.1

62.8 64.2 64.6 65.3 65.9 68.2 0.7

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 56.0 F 57.5 F 58.0 F 58.5 59.0 61.3 F 0.8

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F 0.1 F -4.8

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 2.1

35 Samoa 1.5 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.6 F 1.5 F 0.1

36 Solomon Islands 1.4 C 1.4 C 1.4 C 1.5 C 1.5 C 1.5 C 0.1

37 Tonga 0.4 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.2

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 3.3 F 3.0 F 2.9 F 3.1 3.2 3.3 F 0.3

31 579.4 33 399.5 33 208.7 32 421.8 33 780.5 33 754.0 0.4

40 Australia 10 847.0 10 089.0 9 583.0 9 223.0 9 388.0 9 023.0 -1.9

41 Japan 8 497.0 8 138.0 8 007.4 7 982.0 7 909.5 7 720.5 -0.9

42 New Zealand 12 235.4 15 172.5 15 618.3 15 216.8 16 483.0 17 010.5 2.8

132 206.1 172 724.9 183 344.8 186 606.6 192 190.4 195 156.6 4.3

357 936.9 387 668.5 391 112.6 399 157.6 399 164.4 405 682.4 1.3

490 143.0 A 560 393.4 A 574 457.5 A 585 764.2 A 591 354.7 A 600 839.0 A 2.2

South and Southwest Asia


North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009

Table 108. Cow milk: production


Cow milk production



growth rate


%1 000 MT


Page 175: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


64 172.6 78 485.4 81 434.0 83 418.4 86 050.9 89 452.9 3.3

158.9 244.5 261.8 279.7 283.7 294.2 7.4

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 6.8 C 7.5 F 8.4 F 9.0 F 10.7 F 11.2 C 4.6

5 Myanmar 111.0 198.0 220.5 238.7 240.0 F 248.4 F 9.7

6 Philippines ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 41.2 C 39.0 C 33.0 C 32.0 C 33.0 C 34.6 C -1.6

61 363.7 75 390.9 78 272.2 80 188.7 82 767.2 86 058.7 3.4

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 24.0 F 31.0 F 32.0 F 34.0 F 35.0 F 36.0 F 4.3

12 Bhutan 0.4 C 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.4 C 0.1 C 0.1 C -11.3

13 India 43 428.0 54 382.0 56 630.0 57 895.0 59 758.0 62 350.0 3.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 216.2 245.0 F 252.0 F 270.4 F 279.1 F 279.8 F 3.0

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 759.6 926.9 958.6 987.8 1 031.5 1 066.9 3.5

17 Pakistan 16 910.0 19 779.0 20 372.0 20 971.0 21 622.0 22 279.0 2.7

18 Sri Lanka 25.5 26.7 27.3 30.1 41.6 47.0 5.3

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 650.0 2 850.0 2 900.0 2 950.0 3 000.0 3 100.0 1.3

22 China 2 650.0 F 2 850.0 F 2 900.0 F 2 950.0 F 3 000.0 F 3 100.0 F 1.3

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

40 Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 Japan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

64 172.6 78 485.4 81 434.0 83 418.4 86 050.9 89 452.9 3.3

2 339.0 2 614.3 2 915.4 2 930.6 2 945.6 3 020.5 2.3

66 511.6 A 81 099.8 A 84 349.4 A 86 349.0 A 88 996.5 A 92 473.4 A 3.3





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 MT

Table 109. Buffalo milk: production


Buffalo milk production



growth rate



2000 2010

Page 176: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


26 851.9 30 947.3 32 343.6 33 988.6 34 830.1 35 447.0 2.9

2 110.8 2 745.2 3 011.0 3 060.7 3 097.0 3 265.5 4.6

1 Cambodia 11.7 14.8 F 17.1 F 16.8 F 15.9 F 17.6 F 4.3

2 Indonesia 642.0 1 010.8 1 174.6 1 122.6 1 071.5 1 117.8 F 6.1

3 Lao PDR 10.0 13.7 F 13.4 F 14.5 F 14.8 F 15.0 F 3.3

4 Malaysia 390.6 453.0 F 476.0 F 479.0 510.0 540.4 3.1

5 Myanmar 112.0 209.9 231.5 263.4 265.0 F 279.6 F 11.6

6 Philippines 243.4 330.3 335.1 350.8 368.5 387.3 5.0

7 Thailand 514.6 513.2 * 539.4 * 565.6 * 577.0 * 585.5 F 1.5

8 Timor-Leste 1.2 C 1.0 C 1.0 C 1.0 C 1.1 C 1.1 C -0.3

9 Viet Nam 185.4 198.5 F 223.0 F 247.0 F 273.3 F 321.1 F 3.8

3 173.0 4 220.9 4 405.4 4 492.6 4 844.2 4 976.3 4.8

10 Afghanistan 15.0 14.7 16.9 16.7 16.8 16.3 1.2

11 Bangladesh 125.0 F 178.0 F 177.0 F 186.0 F 154.0 F 188.0 F 3.4

12 Bhutan 0.4 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.2

13 India 2 035.0 2 814.0 2 947.0 2 969.3 3 323.0 3 378.1 5.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 579.0 677.0 703.0 727.0 725.4 741.0 F 3.0

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 22.2 29.4 * 30.0 * 30.9 * 30.8 * 31.5 * 3.0

17 Pakistan 344.1 * 456.5 * 479.3 * 503.4 * 529.1 * 556.4 * 5.3

18 Sri Lanka 52.3 51.1 51.9 59.0 64.8 64.6 2.2

2 057.3 2 355.5 2 391.3 2 417.8 2 527.2 2 638.8 2.2

19 Kazakhstan 93.8 * 139.0 * 148.3 * 166.4 * 184.0 * 207.3 * 7.3

20 Russian Federation 1 894.6 2 100.0 2 121.8 * 2 118.5 * 2 194.5 * 2 260.6 * 1.5

21 Uzbekistan 68.9 * 116.5 * 121.2 * 132.9 * 148.7 * 170.9 * 9.5

19 501.1 21 615.0 22 525.2 24 006.7 24 350.8 24 553.3 2.4

22 China 18 911.9 20 935.2 21 833.2 23 292.2 23 633.7 23 827.4 * 2.5

23 DPR Korea 110.0 F 142.0 F 147.9 F 148.0 F 150.8 F 155.0 F 3.0

24 Mongolia 0.4 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.5

25 Rep. of Korea 478.8 537.4 543.8 566.1 566.0 F 570.4 F 1.3

9.7 10.6 10.7 10.9 11.0 13.1 2.8

26 Cook Islands 0.2 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F -16.7

27 Fiji Islands 3.2 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.5 5.7 5.1

28 Kiribati 0.2 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.3 F 4.3

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.2 C 0.2 C 0.2 C 0.2 C 0.2 C 0.2 C 0.4

31 Nauru 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C 0.0 C ...

32 Niue 0.0 C 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 C 3.1

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 4.5 C 4.8 C 4.8 C 4.8 C 4.8 C 4.5 C 0.2

35 Samoa 0.3 F 0.3 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 0.4 F 3.0

36 Solomon Islands 0.4 C 0.6 C 0.6 C 0.6 C 0.6 C 0.7 C 4.3

37 Tonga 0.3 C 0.4 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C 0.3 C -0.6

38 Tuvalu 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 3.8

39 Vanuatu 0.3 C 0.4 C 0.6 C 0.8 C 0.8 C 1.0 C 13.7

2 721.4 2 710.0 2 791.6 2 766.8 2 718.7 2 741.3 0.2

40 Australia 143.0 * 171.3 * 161.7 * 160.0 F 159.3 174.0 2.4

41 Japan 2 535.4 2 487.7 2 583.3 2 553.6 2 507.5 2 515.0 0.0

42 New Zealand 43.0 51.0 F 46.6 53.2 F 51.8 F 52.3 F 2.0

29 573.3 33 657.3 35 135.2 36 755.4 37 548.8 38 188.3 2.7

21 439.1 24 278.3 24 454.1 25 019.4 25 283.3 25 594.0 1.8

51 012.5 A 57 935.6 A 59 589.3 A 61 774.8 A 62 832.1 A 63 782.3 A 2.3





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 MT

Table 110. Hen eggs: production


Hen eggs production



growth rate



2000 2010

Page 177: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Agricultural products: trade

Largest exporters and importers of agricultural products in Asia-Pacific region in 2010

Cereals: trade

Largest exporters and importers of cereals in Asia-Pacific region in 2010

Million US$

1 000 MT


5 000

10 000

15 000

20 000

25 000

30 000



Other cereals

Largest importers Largest exporters


Rep. of K



Iran (I


Rep. of)





Viet Nam


Rest of A



Russian F






Viet Nam




Iran (I


Rep. of)

Sri Lanka

Rest of A





10 000

20 000

30 000

40 000

50 000

60 000

70 000

80 000

90 000

Largest importers Largest exporters





Russian F



Rep. of K



Indonesia India

Iran (I


Rep. of)


Viet Nam

Rest of A









New Zealand

Viet Nam

Russian F



Iran (I


Rep. of)

Rest of A



Page 178: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 179: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


58 539.1 118 890.0 149 455.3 196 789.1 177 287.8 221 487.0 15.5

15 146.1 25 505.7 33 089.2 43 823.9 40 151.2 51 112.9 14.0

1 Cambodia 158.2 A 542.3 A 573.4 A 788.5 A 911.3 A 639.4 A 20.0

2 Indonesia 4 054.5 A 5 949.4 A 8 633.3 A 10 549.8 A 9 310.2 A 12 474.9 A 12.7

3 Lao PDR 76.4 A 187.6 A 200.1 A 234.2 A 280.6 A 289.4 A 16.9

4 Malaysia 3 792.0 A 7 005.5 A 8 932.3 A 11 701.4 A 10 792.8 A 14 080.1 A 14.7

5 Myanmar 338.4 A 549.5 A 575.7 A 690.3 A 719.7 A 1 227.8 A 13.4

6 Philippines 2 574.4 A 3 665.0 A 4 261.3 A 6 548.3 A 5 230.7 A 5 827.6 A 10.3

7 Thailand 2 690.1 A 4 331.1 A 5 161.5 A 7 232.3 A 5 974.0 A 7 433.1 A 11.0

8 Timor-Leste 39.9 A 34.3 A 39.0 A 45.5 A 59.7 A 67.8 A 3.0

9 Viet Nam 1 422.3 A 3 241.0 A 4 712.6 A 6 033.7 A 6 872.1 A 9 072.7 A 23.4

10 679.4 20 493.5 24 326.3 30 045.2 32 433.0 33 329.7 14.2

10 Afghanistan 289.0 A 920.3 A 1 005.4 A 1 529.5 A 1 077.5 A 1 045.0 A 18.1

11 Bangladesh 1 684.4 A 2 742.0 A 3 755.3 A 3 443.8 A 4 253.4 A 5 399.1 A 14.2

12 Bhutan 24.5 A 11.8 A 11.9 A 12.0 A 12.5 A 97.8 A 2.7

13 India 2 877.4 A 7 066.9 A 8 092.6 A 9 140.7 A 12 819.7 A 10 406.6 A 14.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 2 918.2 A 4 353.6 A 5 425.9 A 8 141.5 A 7 072.8 A 9 137.3 A 14.3

15 Maldives 77.3 A 143.8 A 175.0 A 214.1 A 190.9 A 235.6 A 12.4

16 Nepal 246.9 A 337.8 A 533.1 A 505.9 A 603.0 A 666.9 A 11.3

17 Pakistan 1 794 8 A 3 475 4 A 3 723 0 A 5 280 7 A 5 010 6 A 4 518 6 A 14 6

Table 111. Agricultural products: imports in value


Agricultural imports



growth rate

2006 2008 2000-2010


20072000 2010

Southeast Asia




Million US$

South and Southwest Asia

17 Pakistan 1 794.8 A 3 475.4 A 3 723.0 A 5 280.7 A 5 010.6 A 4 518.6 A 14.6

18 Sri Lanka 767.0 A 1 441.9 A 1 604.1 A 1 776.9 A 1 392.6 A 1 822.7 A 10.6

8 066.2 21 373.7 27 367.8 35 201.2 29 902.6 34 930.4 17.6

19 Kazakhstan 445.1 A 1 675.3 A 2 266.7 A 2 910.2 A 2 390.6 A 2 202.2 A 22.9

20 Russian Federation 7 233.8 A 19 304.7 A 24 535.2 A 31 390.9 A 26 683.0 A 31 843.1 A 17.3

21 Uzbekistan 387.3 A 393.7 A 565.9 A 900.1 A 829.0 A 885.1 A 14.2

24 242.8 50 781.9 63 747.8 86 585.2 73 760.1 100 940.4 16.2

22 China 15 358.8 A 37 913.3 A 47 964.8 A 66 888.3 A 58 001.9 A 81 415.4 A 19.1

23 DPR Korea 483.0 A 301.0 A 638.1 A 343.2 A 369.8 A 381.0 A -2.0

24 Mongolia 103.6 A 184.8 A 250.2 A 421.5 A 317.9 A 348.2 A 15.1

25 Rep. of Korea 8 297.5 A 12 382.8 A 14 894.8 A 18 932.2 A 15 070.5 A 18 795.8 A 9.3

404.6 735.2 924.1 1 133.5 1 040.9 1 173.6 12.4

26 Cook Islands 11.2 A 21.0 A 25.6 A 25.6 A 25.3 A 29.4 A 11.3

27 Fiji Islands 109.6 A 213.8 A 269.5 A 328.9 A 258.0 A 276.4 A 11.4

28 Kiribati 13.4 A 35.3 A 69.9 A 54.6 A 28.7 A 26.9 A 14.9

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 10.7 A 18.0 A 20.1 A 41.2 A 19.1 A 19.1 A 6.4

31 Nauru 2.0 A 1.7 A 2.2 A 2.2 A 2.1 A 2.0 A -0.7

32 Niue 0.6 A 1.4 A 1.5 A 1.7 A 1.5 A 1.7 A 12.5

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 179.5 A 274.3 A 333.6 A 463.0 A 465.2 A 527.4 A 12.2

35 Samoa 20.4 A 46.4 A 49.9 A 56.2 A 70.0 A 82.1 A 14.0

36 Solomon Islands 16.4 A 53.2 A 54.8 A 73.2 A 77.6 A 103.0 A 20.7

37 Tonga 23.1 A 33.1 A 51.8 A 37.6 A 36.1 A 44.8 A 6.9

38 Tuvalu 1.5 A 3.6 A 3.4 A 3.7 A 4.3 A 4.4 A 10.4

39 Vanuatu 16.3 A 33.3 A 41.8 A 45.5 A 53.1 A 56.4 A 15.9

40 238.7 50 146.5 56 399.7 68 187.8 58 627.7 66 134.0 6.1

40 Australia 2 989.2 A 5 692.1 A 7 759.5 A 8 356.3 A 8 339.5 A 9 133.2 A 13.8

41 Japan 36 153.8 A 42 325.4 A 46 042.3 A 56 663.7 A 47 591.4 A 53 816.8 A 4.9

42 New Zealand 1 095.6 A 2 129.0 A 2 598.0 A 3 167.8 A 2 696.8 A 3 184.0 A 12.2

98 777.8 169 036.4 205 855.0 264 976.9 235 915.4 287 621.0 12.5

334 404.2 585 098.4 707 328.7 851 138.9 750 718.0 815 884.7 10.8

433 182.1 A 754 134.8 A 913 183.7 A 1 116 115.8 A 986 633.4 A 1 103 505.8 A 11.2WORLD



Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 180: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


48 644.3 100 346.5 129 338.7 161 188.3 138 032.5 179 494.5 15.3

22 320.6 49 787.2 62 609.5 89 079.7 71 482.6 97 204.6 17.3

1 Cambodia 19.7 A 58.9 A 66.7 A 70.4 A 94.1 A 161.7 A 17.3

2 Indonesia 4 946.4 A 14 270.3 A 17 522.5 A 27 772.6 A 21 233.9 A 30 722.4 A 22.4

3 Lao PDR 32.9 A 24.3 A 39.7 A 54.6 A 64.0 A 77.0 A 13.3

4 Malaysia 5 821.0 A 12 867.5 A 17 672.7 A 25 004.8 A 18 433.8 A 25 912.7 A 17.1

5 Myanmar 377.5 A 785.2 A 1 002.2 A 1 409.1 A 1 367.8 A 645.5 A 11.5

6 Philippines 1 539.8 A 2 407.8 A 2 749.4 A 3 289.7 A 2 556.6 A 3 362.9 A 8.9

7 Thailand 7 275.3 A 15 071.8 A 17 913.3 A 23 769.5 A 20 464.4 A 25 895.0 A 14.6

8 Timor-Leste 9.5 A 8.6 A 3.0 A 13.0 A 8.7 A 16.4 A 0.1

9 Viet Nam 2 298.5 A 4 293.0 A 5 640.0 A 7 696.1 A 7 259.2 A 10 411.0 A 18.2

8 257.4 17 584.3 23 977.3 25 896.4 22 944.7 31 997.7 15.6

10 Afghanistan 49.3 A 81.3 A 168.7 A 190.4 A 308.0 A 271.7 A 23.7

11 Bangladesh 99.4 A 258.9 A 334.0 A 227.4 A 256.3 A 364.7 A 15.8

12 Bhutan 12.8 A 3.3 A 3.5 A 2.4 A 2.2 A 29.7 A -8.7

13 India 4 949.6 A 11 259.0 A 16 708.2 A 17 307.3 A 15 661.6 A 19 933.4 A 16.9

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 032.3 A 2 729.1 A 3 354.2 A 3 248.7 A 1 581.5 A 5 402.3 A 14.5

15 Maldives 0.1 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A -32.6

16 Nepal 42.5 A 141.7 A 192.0 A 166.0 A 282.2 A 188.1 A 10.9

17 Pakistan 1 069.3 A 2 025.6 A 2 025.2 A 2 628.4 A 2 945.3 A 3 446.6 A 14.1

18 Sri Lanka 1 002.1 A 1 085.5 A 1 191.5 A 2 125.8 A 1 907.6 A 2 361.2 A 9.2

2 713.7 7 251.7 11 286.5 11 727.6 9 814.6 9 001.7 17.5

19 Kazakhstan 703.7 A 1 204.7 A 2 147.6 A 3 029.1 A 1 639.7 A 1 876.0 A 16.6

20 Russian Federation 1 076.5 A 4 367.4 A 7 734.8 A 7 900.8 A 7 530.7 A 5 832.4 A 23.9

21 Uzbekistan 933.4 A 1 679.5 A 1 404.1 A 797.8 A 644.2 A 1 293.2 A 1.0

14 802.5 25 016.8 30 551.9 33 254.8 32 791.0 40 133.4 11.1

22 China 13 081.3 A 22 441.1 A 27 718.1 A 30 202.5 A 29 569.5 A 36 164.0 A 11.4

23 DPR Korea 33.9 A 22.5 A 7.7 A 11.1 A 21.0 A 12.2 A -6.6

24 Mongolia 153.9 A 192.4 A 232.0 A 68.2 A 80.9 A 106.1 A -1.0

25 Rep. of Korea 1 533.3 A 2 360.9 A 2 594.1 A 2 973.0 A 3 119.5 A 3 851.2 A 9.2

550.0 706.5 913.4 1 229.8 999.6 1 157.1 9.9

26 Cook Islands 0.3 A 1.3 A 1.2 A 1.0 A 0.9 A 1.0 A 12.6

27 Fiji Islands 157.7 A 262.5 A 290.6 A 342.6 A 233.3 A 211.0 A 5.8

28 Kiribati 1.5 A 2.8 A 2.1 A 2.2 A 1.8 A 1.9 A 7.0

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A -5.8

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.0 A 0.1 A 0.5 A 0.1 A 0.0 A 0.2 A 15.7

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 325.4 A 398.0 A 558.3 A 806.4 A 685.7 A 861.3 A 12.3

35 Samoa 4.0 A 6.4 A 6.2 A 5.5 A 4.9 A 5.4 A 1.6

36 Solomon Islands 40.9 A 12.7 A 31.4 A 44.5 A 42.0 A 50.0 A 5.0

37 Tonga 5.3 A 5.0 A 4.5 A 4.1 A 2.6 A 2.2 A -10.4

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 14.6 A 17.4 A 18.5 A 23.3 A 28.1 A 24.0 A 10.5

22 973.3 34 202.1 36 790.9 40 956.0 37 499.8 46 455.7 7.1

40 Australia 15 455.2 A 21 174.9 A 21 035.6 A 24 048.3 A 21 639.6 A 26 624.8 A 5.5

41 Japan 1 560.4 A 2 036.3 A 2 273.4 A 2 740.0 A 2 770.4 A 3 222.2 A 5.9

42 New Zealand 5 957.7 A 10 990.8 A 13 481.9 A 14 167.7 A 13 089.9 A 16 608.7 A 10.8

71 617.5 134 548.5 166 129.6 202 144.3 175 532.3 225 950.2 13.1

339 367.0 586 714.0 706 731.8 861 589.9 774 553.5 851 932.1 11.1

410 984.5 A 721 262.5 A 872 861.4 A 1 063 734.2 A 950 085.8 A 1 077 882.3 A 11.5

Table 112. Agricultural products: exports in value


Agricultural exports



growth rate



2000 2010

Million US$


North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia


China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 181: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


64 152.0 67 248.5 59 290.3 59 077.5 66 053.9 69 487.4 1.0

17 018.3 21 931.6 20 622.0 17 588.1 21 179.6 24 760.9 3.2

1 Cambodia 117.2 A 65.2 A 79.8 A 42.4 A 35.3 A 95.8 A -5.2

2 Indonesia 6 863.1 A 7 572.0 A 7 576.4 A 5 829.1 A 6 152.2 A 8 116.2 A 1.2

3 Lao PDR 16.2 A 23.1 A 32.6 A 28.8 A 53.1 A 51.8 A 6.9

4 Malaysia 4 098.9 A 6 325.1 A 5 702.8 A 4 403.0 A 4 956.3 A 5 425.6 A 2.1

5 Myanmar 120.7 A 105.6 A 125.7 A 126.3 A 87.3 A 212.0 A 1.7

6 Philippines 3 798.8 A 4 696.7 A 3 941.6 A 4 270.0 A 5 310.9 A 4 571.7 A 2.2

7 Thailand 1 100.0 A 1 357.3 A 1 222.4 A 1 366.5 A 1 629.4 A 2 390.3 A 7.4

8 Timor-Leste 44.7 A 36.4 A 37.1 A 19.7 A 15.0 A 12.5 A -11.3

9 Viet Nam 858.7 A 1 750.2 A 1 903.6 A 1 502.3 A 2 939.9 A 3 885.0 A 14.2

16 035.0 18 043.7 14 331.0 18 574.2 20 449.0 16 221.4 3.1

10 Afghanistan 1 177.9 A 1 345.2 A 1 300.2 A 2 045.9 A 1 456.8 A 802.7 A 0.0

11 Bangladesh 2 496.1 A 2 953.7 A 4 270.1 A 4 236.1 A 3 026.9 A 4 568.5 A 4.1

12 Bhutan 56.8 A 15.7 A 9.5 A 8.2 A 5.0 A 68.3 A -11.1

13 India 54.6 A 6 095.6 A 2 689.5 A 22.0 A 199.8 A 205.0 A 30.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 9 928.3 A 5 198.1 A 4 372.0 A 8 960.2 A 11 195.5 A 8 877.7 A 0.7

15 Maldives 35.3 A 42.7 A 44.2 A 51.9 A 48.9 A 47.5 A 3.5

16 Nepal 202.5 A 197.0 A 293.5 A 134.3 A 150.5 A 253.9 A 13.0

17 Pakistan 1 054 5 A 901 8 A 158 4 A 1 971 5 A 3 173 6 A 260 9 A 12 2


Southeast Asia


%1 000 MT





South and Southwest Asia

20072000 2010

growth rate

Table 113. Cereals: imports in volume


Imports of cereals


17 Pakistan 1 054.5 A 901.8 A 158.4 A 1 971.5 A 3 173.6 A 260.9 A 12.2

18 Sri Lanka 1 029.1 A 1 293.8 A 1 193.6 A 1 144.2 A 1 192.0 A 1 136.9 A 1.0

5 740.4 3 210.8 2 395.5 2 422.9 2 114.9 1 990.1 -4.6

19 Kazakhstan 17.5 A 74.4 A 86.7 A 124.4 A 182.2 A 53.9 A 19.4

20 Russian Federation 4 851.0 A 2 355.0 A 1 103.7 A 978.7 A 431.4 A 450.1 A -16.7

21 Uzbekistan 871.9 A 781.4 A 1 205.1 A 1 319.9 A 1 501.4 A 1 486.0 A 12.8

24 814.1 23 417.1 21 278.2 19 804.9 21 684.1 25 833.1 -1.3

22 China 9 476.6 A 9 973.3 A 7 691.3 A 6 946.9 A 9 223.4 A 11 787.7 A -0.8

23 DPR Korea 2 283.2 A 595.0 A 1 095.1 A 356.2 A 589.2 A 440.5 A -16.7

24 Mongolia 253.3 A 281.3 A 267.7 A 324.3 A 298.6 A 160.4 A -0.3

25 Rep. of Korea 12 801.0 A 12 567.4 A 12 224.0 A 12 177.4 A 11 572.9 A 13 444.5 A -0.3

544.2 645.3 663.6 687.4 626.3 682.0 1.2

26 Cook Islands 0.9 A 1.3 A 1.6 A 1.1 A 1.5 A 1.3 A 4.9

27 Fiji Islands 137.7 A 170.0 A 168.9 A 184.3 A 126.8 A 135.0 A -0.4

28 Kiribati 10.6 A 11.6 A 8.9 A 10.0 A 14.1 A 14.1 A 1.4

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 3.2 A 6.4 A 6.4 A 6.6 A 7.3 A 8.1 A 7.0

31 Nauru ... 0.2 A 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.4 A 0.4 A ...

32 Niue ... 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 321.1 A 379.6 A 387.8 A 406.4 A 370.4 A 393.9 A 1.1

35 Samoa 15.3 A 10.3 A 13.9 A 10.8 A 32.7 A 36.0 A 5.3

36 Solomon Islands 30.5 A 39.0 A 50.3 A 44.0 A 47.9 A 66.0 A 7.8

37 Tonga 7.4 A 7.5 A 7.2 A 7.0 A 6.3 A 7.7 A -1.1

38 Tuvalu 1.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.4 A 0.5 A 0.4 A -15.2

39 Vanuatu 16.1 A 19.0 A 17.6 A 16.6 A 18.3 A 18.8 A 0.5

27 319.3 26 545.1 26 128.8 26 197.5 25 587.2 26 229.3 -0.5

40 Australia 54.8 A 106.6 A 136.9 A 201.9 A 226.2 A 208.0 A 12.7

41 Japan 27 012.0 A 25 990.1 A 25 545.8 A 25 457.8 A 24 999.8 A 25 604.5 A -0.6

42 New Zealand 252.5 A 448.4 A 446.1 A 537.8 A 361.1 A 416.8 A 2.9

91 471.3 93 793.6 85 419.1 85 275.0 91 641.1 95 716.7 0.5

179 533.3 208 365.5 228 827.8 234 208.6 236 235.0 239 640.8 3.4

271 004.6 A 302 159.1 A 314 246.9 A 319 483.6 A 327 876.1 A 335 357.5 A 2.5

East Asia

North and Central Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 182: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


36 583.6 46 848.6 65 922.2 50 982.9 55 798.4 51 333.2 2.7

10 276.3 12 932.3 15 102.3 16 767.0 16 895.6 17 028.4 4.2

1 Cambodia 6.6 A 38.0 A 83.6 A 317.2 A 367.5 A 82.5 A 54.3

2 Indonesia 31.6 A 111.4 A 201.3 A 188.0 A 105.8 A 125.9 A 11.9

3 Lao PDR 0.9 A 127.0 A 22.9 A 126.7 A 232.4 A 225.5 A 77.4

4 Malaysia 140.4 A 84.0 A 77.5 A 61.3 A 52.8 A 64.7 A -10.3

5 Myanmar 399.3 A 135.9 A 518.3 A 367.7 A 400.3 A 155.9 A -10.7

6 Philippines 4.3 A 20.3 A 16.0 A 19.8 A 16.0 A 22.1 A 18.2

7 Thailand 6 207.3 A 7 772.3 A 9 624.5 A 10 938.8 A 9 751.7 A 9 465.4 A 3.5

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 3 485.8 A 4 643.4 A 4 558.2 A 4 747.5 A 5 969.2 A 6 886.3 A 6.4

4 928.5 10 177.8 14 784.5 10 028.6 8 350.1 10 372.3 2.9

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... 0.1 A 0.0 A ...

11 Bangladesh 0.7 A 17.1 A 18.8 A 8.8 A 5.2 A 3.9 A 35.4

12 Bhutan 9.3 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 1.1 A -24.4

13 India 2 822.1 A 5 572.6 A 9 722.8 A 6 498.7 A 5 089.8 A 4 888.5 A 1.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 7.2 A 17.6 A 541.1 A 161.7 A 88.4 A 652.6 A 65.8

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... 1.9 A 3.5 A 5.0 A 53.6 A 6.0 A ...

17 Pakistan 2 087.2 A 4 345.0 A 4 310.0 A 3 204.8 A 2 978.3 A 4 422.4 A 4.1

18 Sri Lanka 2.0 A 223.5 A 188.1 A 149.4 A 134.5 A 397.8 A 69.6

7 360.4 17 533.8 25 853.6 22 280.6 29 089.0 22 564.5 12.8

19 Kazakhstan 6 091.3 A 6 171.6 A 8 901.4 A 8 146.7 A 6 699.6 A 8 490.1 A 6.6

20 Russian Federation 1 262.6 A 11 349.2 A 16 938.3 A 14 121.2 A 22 315.2 A 14 000.6 A 21.1

21 Uzbekistan 6.5 A 12.9 A 13.9 A 12.8 A 74.2 A 73.8 A ...

14 006.3 6 178.2 10 153.3 1 880.7 1 438.6 1 335.3 -21.5

22 China 13 952.8 A 6 162.5 A 10 139.0 A 1 867.2 A 1 419.4 A 1 313.7 A -21.6

23 DPR Korea 0.0 A ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia 0.0 A 0.2 A ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 53.5 A 15.5 A 14.3 A 13.5 A 19.3 A 21.6 A -7.4

12.1 26.6 28.5 26.0 25.1 32.6 10.0

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 11.0 A 26.6 A 28.5 A 26.0 A 25.1 A 32.6 A 11.1

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1.1 A ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

22 322.2 21 106.5 9 514.4 12 702.7 18 968.1 20 646.4 -2.4

40 Australia 21 825.5 A 20 675.9 A 9 138.0 A 12 376.8 A 18 678.1 A 20 321.2 A -2.3

41 Japan 472.2 A 426.2 A 373.4 A 300.5 A 274.6 A 310.8 A -8.0

42 New Zealand 24.4 A 4.5 A 2.9 A 25.4 A 15.4 A 14.5 A 6.3

58 905.8 67 955.2 75 436.6 63 685.6 74 766.5 71 979.7 1.2

214 182.2 232 845.4 244 224.2 254 646.4 255 435.0 267 866.4 2.9

273 088.0 A 300 800.5 A 319 660.8 A 318 332.1 A 330 201.4 A 339 846.1 A 2.5

Table 114. Cereals: exports in volume


Exports of cereals



growth rate


%1 000 MT





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009 20102006

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 183: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


6 715.3 7 255.2 9 163.5 7 671.3 5 967.3 7 728.0 1.3

2 709.9 3 105.7 4 118.8 3 995.4 3 222.0 4 114.8 4.7

1 Cambodia 63.6 A 32.9 A 48.9 A 27.6 A 19.8 A 67.2 A -6.3

2 Indonesia 1 355.0 A 456.1 A 1 406.3 A 288.4 A 248.5 A 686.1 A -11.0

3 Lao PDR 13.7 A 17.3 A 24.6 A 23.7 A 43.0 A 42.8 A 7.1

4 Malaysia 595.6 A 843.3 A 798.5 A 1 119.6 A 1 087.0 A 931.4 A 9.1

5 Myanmar 10.1 A 10.5 A 3.1 A 81.0 A 23.0 A 1.6 A -4.2

6 Philippines 642.3 A 1 716.3 A 1 805.6 A 2 432.0 A 1 775.3 A 2 378.0 A 13.3

7 Thailand 0.5 A 1.6 A 3.2 A 13.6 A 20.8 A 5.3 A 38.4

8 Timor-Leste 29.0 A 27.0 A 26.5 A 8.7 A 3.8 A 1.3 A -22.5

9 Viet Nam ... 0.6 A 2.1 A 0.7 A 0.8 A 1.0 A ...

2 076.5 2 259.6 2 851.2 2 325.7 1 339.9 2 112.5 0.4

10 Afghanistan 220.0 A 223.8 A 126.0 A 124.6 A 313.8 A ... ...

11 Bangladesh 452.1 A 577.1 A 1 328.3 A 789.5 A 16.8 A 656.8 A -6.9

12 Bhutan 33.7 A 13.3 A 7.4 A 6.2 A 3.1 A 52.0 A -7.7

13 India 13.2 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A ...

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 129.5 A 1 249.6 A 1 009.5 A 1 199.2 A 803.0 A 1 132.2 A 1.3

15 Maldives 17.5 A 19.8 A 20.4 A 26.1 A 26.4 A 22.5 A 4.5

16 Nepal 195.0 A 157.0 A 226.6 A 92.6 A 103.0 A 98.2 A 8.8

17 Pakistan 0.7 A 1.9 A 3.3 A 3.6 A 4.2 A 1.9 A ...

18 Sri Lanka 14.9 A 17.1 A 129.7 A 83.8 A 69.6 A 148.7 A 11.9

496.2 374.3 247.3 300.0 307.2 248.7 -7.9

19 Kazakhstan 2.6 A 9.0 A 13.7 A 20.7 A 34.5 A 20.0 A 24.6

20 Russian Federation 351.4 A 356.7 A 232.4 A 271.1 A 257.1 A 225.2 A -5.9

21 Uzbekistan 142.2 A 8.5 A 1.2 A 8.2 A 15.7 A 3.5 A -31.0

1 209.6 1 254.7 1 676.7 740.3 814.0 946.9 -3.6

22 China 244.7 A 827.3 A 598.7 A 361.9 A 419.7 A 486.1 A 5.6

23 DPR Korea 778.9 A 153.8 A 784.9 A 66.9 A 114.3 A 96.0 A -21.6

24 Mongolia 13.6 A 18.5 A 28.4 A 2.8 A 12.7 A 19.9 A -1.5

25 Rep. of Korea 172.3 A 255.0 A 264.7 A 308.7 A 267.3 A 345.0 A 10.8

223.2 260.9 269.5 309.9 284.2 305.1 2.1

26 Cook Islands 0.2 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.1 A 0.3 A -2.7

27 Fiji Islands 24.7 A 25.7 A 32.8 A 49.8 A 30.6 A 50.4 A 5.4

28 Kiribati 5.0 A 6.9 A 4.3 A 5.2 A 8.2 A 6.1 A 3.6

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.5 A 4.7 A 4.4 A 5.4 A 5.8 A 5.8 A 19.1

31 Nauru ... 0.0 A ... ... 0.1 A 0.1 A ...

32 Niue ... 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.1 A ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 151.1 A 183.3 A 178.2 A 202.5 A 170.1 A 154.8 A 0.0

35 Samoa 6.0 A 0.7 A 2.7 A 1.1 A 22.4 A 25.0 A 4.2

36 Solomon Islands 23.0 A 27.2 A 35.7 A 34.6 A 35.0 A 50.2 A 7.3

37 Tonga 0.3 A 0.4 A 0.4 A ... ... 0.3 A ...

38 Tuvalu 1.1 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.0 A 0.1 A 0.1 A -32.7

39 Vanuatu 11.2 A 11.7 A 10.9 A 11.3 A 11.8 A 12.0 A -0.8

738.5 745.1 807.0 832.3 917.0 901.7 2.0

40 Australia 52.3 A 101.2 A 124.5 A 194.7 A 204.0 A 192.7 A 15.7

41 Japan 655.8 A 606.6 A 643.4 A 596.6 A 671.0 A 664.4 A -0.3

42 New Zealand 30.4 A 37.4 A 39.2 A 41.0 A 42.0 A 44.6 A 3.7

7 453.8 8 000.3 9 970.6 8 503.6 6 884.3 8 629.6 1.4

15 386.8 21 759.5 22 488.4 22 404.9 22 663.0 22 559.1 3.6

22 840.6 A 29 759.8 A 32 459.0 A 30 908.5 A 29 547.3 A 31 188.7 A 3.0

Table 115. Rice: imports in volume


Imports of rice



growth rate

2006 2008 2000-2010




Rest of World

Pacific Islands


20072000 2010

Southeast Asia




1 000 MT

East Asia

North and Central Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 184: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


16 529.7 21 879.8 25 111.2 21 510.7 20 646.4 23 208.4 2.4

9 877.7 12 157.8 14 117.5 15 182.3 14 859.5 15 999.8 3.8

1 Cambodia 6.4 A 5.4 A 3.1 A 5.6 A 17.5 A 51.2 A 15.5

2 Indonesia 1.2 A 0.9 A 1.2 A 1.9 A 2.4 A 0.3 A -8.3

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 0.1 A 4.5 A 0.2 A 0.9 A 0.6 A 0.4 A 0.7

5 Myanmar 251.4 A 71.3 A 358.7 A 221.9 A 250.3 A 121.9 A -11.8

6 Philippines 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.6 A 0.8 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 30.5

7 Thailand 6 141.4 A 7 433.6 A 9 195.6 A 10 216.0 A 8 619.9 A 8 939.6 A 3.0

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 3 477.0 A 4 642.0 A 4 558.0 A 4 735.2 A 5 968.8 A 6 886.2 A 6.5

3 552.1 8 448.5 9 614.4 5 308.5 4 911.9 6 420.7 3.7

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 0.7 A 16.3 A 18.8 A 8.8 A 5.2 A 3.9 A 35.8

12 Bhutan 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.4 A 7.0

13 India 1 532.6 A 4 739.9 A 6 450.1 A 2 484.3 A 2 148.0 A 2 225.4 A 0.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 0.4 A 0.8 A 10.6 A 2.0 A 0.5 A 0.2 A 14.6

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... 2.0 A 0.4 A ...

17 Pakistan 2 016.3 A 3 688.7 A 3 129.3 A 2 809.5 A 2 751.5 A 4 179.8 A 7.0

18 Sri Lanka 2.0 A 2.7 A 5.6 A 3.9 A 4.6 A 10.7 A 15.4

28.1 41.4 53.8 47.5 87.3 167.4 21.8

19 Kazakhstan 6.2 A 24.1 A 41.9 A 26.3 A 6.4 A 19.6 A 13.5

20 Russian Federation 21.9 A 17.3 A 11.9 A 21.2 A 80.8 A 147.8 A 23.5

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 070.7 1 231.9 1 325.3 971.6 786.9 619.6 -12.8

22 China 3 070.6 A 1 231.9 A 1 324.8 A 971.2 A 782.7 A 615.9 A -12.8

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 0.1 A 0.0 A 0.5 A 0.4 A 4.2 A 3.8 A 58.5

1.2 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.8 0.8 8.5

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 0.1 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.9 A 0.8 A 0.8 A 24.2

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1.1 A ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

664.0 343.3 211.0 89.1 34.4 94.9 -21.3

40 Australia 621.7 A 320.2 A 192.3 A 48.3 A 17.3 A 55.9 A -23.8

41 Japan 42.1 A 22.6 A 18.6 A 40.5 A 16.9 A 38.2 A -12.0

42 New Zealand 0.2 A 0.5 A 0.1 A 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.7 A 12.9

17 193.7 22 223.1 25 322.3 21 599.8 20 680.8 23 303.3 2.0

6 353.6 8 327.0 8 387.3 8 134.6 9 053.0 9 465.0 4.0

23 547.3 A 30 550.1 A 33 709.6 A 29 734.4 A 29 733.8 A 32 768.3 A 2.5

Table 116. Rice: exports in volume


Exports of rice



growth rate



2000 2010

1 000 MT


North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia


China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 185: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


31 284.1 33 814.4 27 479.6 27 792.2 34 755.1 29 634.9 0.9

9 713.4 12 944.2 12 238.3 9 940.9 12 746.0 13 643.2 2.7

1 Cambodia 32.4 A 28.3 A 28.0 A 11.7 A 13.2 A 27.8 A 7.5

2 Indonesia 4 226.5 A 5 330.5 A 5 456.9 A 5 237.0 A 5 553.8 A 5 889.0 A 4.6

3 Lao PDR 2.1 A 4.2 A 4.3 A 3.5 A 4.6 A 5.1 A 6.1

4 Malaysia 1 244.3 A 2 184.2 A 2 231.3 A 1 167.2 A 1 223.1 A 1 399.9 A -0.3

5 Myanmar 108.4 A 94.2 A 122.3 A 44.8 A 61.7 A 210.2 A -0.9

6 Philippines 2 685.9 A 2 847.7 A 1 956.9 A 1 776.8 A 3 199.1 A 2 018.7 A -2.9

7 Thailand 746.7 A 1 173.6 A 1 105.4 A 894.7 A 1 267.3 A 1 946.1 A 6.3

8 Timor-Leste 5.8 A 4.7 A 5.6 A 7.0 A 8.4 A 10.4 A 4.6

9 Viet Nam 661.3 A 1 276.8 A 1 327.6 A 798.0 A 1 414.9 A 2 136.0 A 8.5

11 286.9 12 565.8 7 961.6 11 784.4 13 369.2 6 816.0 0.9

10 Afghanistan 952.5 A 1 115.9 A 1 170.0 A 1 897.6 A 1 135.4 A 802.7 A 1.2

11 Bangladesh 1 773.6 A 2 148.6 A 2 718.6 A 3 334.8 A 2 413.0 A 3 210.3 A 4.8

12 Bhutan 12.5 A 1.6 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 9.2 A -11.6

13 India 11.0 A 6 087.5 A 2 678.9 A 1.3 A 166.0 A 187.7 A 33.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 6 577.9 A 1 100.0 A 250.4 A 3 733.0 A 5 460.2 A 1 406.2 A -8.8

15 Maldives 17.8 A 22.9 A 23.7 A 25.7 A 22.4 A 24.8 A 2.5

16 Nepal 4.0 A 21.2 A 1.6 A 0.4 A 1.2 A 1.6 A -19.5

17 Pakistan 1 048.2 A 878.8 A 136.0 A 1 833.2 A 3 102.7 A 202.6 A 11.1

18 Sri Lanka 889.4 A 1 189.4 A 980.9 A 957.2 A 1 067.0 A 970.8 A 1.6

3 537.2 2 215.5 1 694.8 1 517.5 1 659.1 1 558.4 0.3

19 Kazakhstan 4.7 A 20.8 A 5.0 A 33.5 A 89.4 A 3.6 A 13.3

20 Russian Federation 2 810.3 A 1 443.1 A 503.3 A 199.7 A 102.7 A 84.2 A -23.1

21 Uzbekistan 722.2 A 751.5 A 1 186.6 A 1 284.4 A 1 467.0 A 1 470.7 A 16.2

6 457.5 5 757.9 5 240.9 4 247.2 6 696.8 7 291.1 -1.5

22 China 2 115.2 A 1 641.1 A 1 493.5 A 1 099.7 A 2 174.3 A 2 441.4 A -1.7

23 DPR Korea 781.3 A 290.1 A 236.3 A 67.8 A 338.4 A 232.3 A -15.8

24 Mongolia 230.8 A 254.3 A 231.9 A 313.4 A 277.9 A 131.3 A -0.7

25 Rep. of Korea 3 330.2 A 3 572.4 A 3 279.1 A 2 766.3 A 3 906.2 A 4 486.2 A 0.5

289.1 330.9 344.0 302.1 284.0 326.1 0.6

26 Cook Islands 0.7 A 1.3 A 1.6 A 1.0 A 1.5 A 1.0 A 5.5

27 Fiji Islands 112.2 A 144.2 A 136.1 A 121.8 A 92.8 A 81.7 A -2.5

28 Kiribati 5.6 A 4.7 A 4.6 A 4.8 A 5.9 A 8.0 A -0.6

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 2.6 A 1.7 A 2.0 A 1.2 A 1.5 A 2.4 A -2.9

31 Nauru ... 0.2 A 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.3 A 0.3 A ...

32 Niue ... 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.0 A 0.1 A 0.1 A ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 138.9 A 143.0 A 159.8 A 141.3 A 145.7 A 191.4 A 2.7

35 Samoa 9.3 A 9.5 A 11.2 A 9.7 A 10.3 A 11.0 A 1.2

36 Solomon Islands 7.5 A 11.7 A 14.6 A 9.4 A 12.8 A 15.8 A 9.6

37 Tonga 7.0 A 7.0 A 6.7 A 6.9 A 6.2 A 7.4 A -0.9

38 Tuvalu 0.4 A 0.3 A 0.5 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.3 A 5.0

39 Vanuatu 4.9 A 7.3 A 6.7 A 5.3 A 6.6 A 6.8 A 3.5

6 063.5 5 713.3 5 645.9 6 110.5 5 002.5 5 801.6 -0.9

40 Australia 1.8 A 3.8 A 7.0 A 5.5 A 19.5 A 12.8 A 20.0

41 Japan 5 855.1 A 5 339.7 A 5 278.0 A 5 783.3 A 4 705.3 A 5 478.2 A -0.9

42 New Zealand 206.6 A 369.8 A 360.9 A 321.6 A 277.7 A 310.5 A 2.0

37 347.6 39 527.7 33 125.4 33 902.7 39 757.6 35 436.5 0.6

91 392.6 101 168.5 106 216.4 111 592.7 121 775.0 123 796.4 3.3

128 740.2 A 140 696.2 A 139 341.8 A 145 495.4 A 161 532.6 A 159 232.9 A 2.6

2009 2010 2000-2010


Table 117. Wheat + flour, wheat equivalent: imports in volume


Imports of wheat + flour, wheat equivalent



growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 MT




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 186: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


7 854.5 18 629.1 28 584.1 21 106.9 24 753.8 22 126.2 2.4

148.7 182.2 205.4 169.2 120.3 187.9 3.8

1 Cambodia 0.1 A ... ... ... ... ... 15.5

2 Indonesia 2.4 A 82.4 A 98.4 A 79.1 A 40.7 A 83.6 A -8.3

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 121.3 A 67.9 A 75.3 A 59.1 A 50.6 A 61.4 A 0.7

5 Myanmar 0.0 A ... ... ... ... 3.0 A -11.8

6 Philippines 3.7 A 19.6 A 15.0 A 17.4 A 15.2 A 21.9 A 30.5

7 Thailand 21.1 A 12.3 A 16.7 A 13.6 A 13.8 A 18.1 A 3.0

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... 6.5

1 321.3 995.9 1 925.4 698.0 456.3 1 105.7 3.7

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... 0.7 A ... ... ... ... 35.8

12 Bhutan 9.0 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.7 A 7.0

13 India 1 244.4 A 102.4 A 44.7 A 14.8 A 49.4 A 49.3 A 0.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 4.6 A 15.5 A 519.9 A 150.7 A 84.8 A 652.3 A 14.6

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... 0.3 A 0.1 A 1.6 A 49.5 A 4.4 A ...

17 Pakistan 63.3 A 656.0 A 1 178.1 A 385.4 A 142.5 A 12.1 A 7.0

18 Sri Lanka 0.0 A 220.8 A 182.6 A 145.4 A 129.9 A 386.9 A 15.4

6 057.4 15 737.3 23 042.2 19 814.6 23 792.1 20 383.9 21.8

19 Kazakhstan 5 399.9 A 5 753.9 A 8 198.6 A 7 451.8 A 6 351.5 A 8 256.7 A 13.5

20 Russian Federation 651.0 A 9 970.5 A 14 829.7 A 12 350.0 A 17 366.4 A 12 053.4 A 23.5

21 Uzbekistan 6.5 A 12.9 A 13.9 A 12.8 A 74.2 A 73.8 A ...

316.1 1 687.3 3 382.8 400.0 360.8 416.9 -12.8

22 China 262.9 A 1 672.1 A 3 369.2 A 387.0 A 346.0 A 399.2 A -12.8

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia 0.0 A ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 53.2 A 15.2 A 13.6 A 13.0 A 14.9 A 17.6 A 58.5

11.0 26.4 28.3 25.2 24.2 31.8 8.5

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 11.0 A 26.4 A 28.3 A 25.2 A 24.2 A 31.8 A 24.2

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

18 448.8 15 716.7 7 407.4 8 823.8 15 408.0 16 319.8 -21.3

40 Australia 18 016.4 A 15 311.9 A 7 051.2 A 8 562.9 A 15 143.3 A 16 039.0 A -23.8

41 Japan 430.0 A 402.9 A 354.7 A 259.9 A 257.5 A 272.5 A -12.0

42 New Zealand 2.4 A 1.9 A 1.5 A 1.0 A 7.2 A 8.3 A 12.9

26 303.3 34 345.8 35 991.5 29 930.7 40 161.8 38 446.0 2.0

103 461.1 105 264.5 103 715.3 116 375.4 122 656.6 122 603.3 4.0

129 764.4 A 139 610.3 A 139 706.8 A 146 306.1 A 162 818.4 A 161 049.4 A 2.5

Table 118. Wheat + flour, wheat equivalent: exports in volume


Exports of wheat + flour, wheat equivalent



growth rate


%1 000 MT





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009 20102006

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 187: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


6 736 051.0 14 301 364.0 14 206 139.0 16 957 386.0 18 849 585.0 16 736 377.0 10.6

511 376.0 1 721 989.0 1 303 876.0 1 583 276.0 1 966 635.0 2 285 783.0 14.7

1 Cambodia 10 199.0 6 596.0 P 7 185.0 P 6 196.0 P 8 797.0 P 4 416.0 -9.0

2 Indonesia 3 767.0 11 416.0 1 154.0 * 8 822.0 21 138.0 46 720.0 32.4

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 59 905.0 * 779 037.0 435 845.0 721 890.0 * 1 090 284.0 1 289 260.0 25.0

5 Myanmar 202 000.0 * 321 400.0 * 362 000.0 * 359 900.0 * 337 800.0 * 372 235.0 P 8.4

6 Philippines 64 199.0 206 994.0 34 669.0 7 696.0 9 340.0 10 049.0 -15.7

7 Thailand 1 106.0 1 314.0 1 407.0 * 29 685.0 1 292.0 1 098.0 8.5

8 Timor-Leste ... 4 000.0 * 4 000.0 F 1 746.0 P 5 059.0 P 6 385.0 P ...

9 Viet Nam 170 200.0 * 391 232.0 P 457 616.0 P 447 341.0 P 492 925.0 P 555 620.0 P 14.6

4 387 458.0 6 558 937.0 6 861 065.0 9 037 548.0 9 475 302.0 7 632 413.0 7.5

10 Afghanistan 3 200.0 * 156 200.0 * 151 300.0 * 102 800.0 * 82 900.0 * 108 500.0 * 46.6

11 Bangladesh 275 000.0 F 887 200.0 * 708 500.0 * 901 000.0 * 867 000.0 * 1 065 100.0 * 12.7

12 Bhutan 192.0 F ... ... ... ... 313.0 ...

13 India 3 054 923.0 2 766 382.0 3 514 900.0 5 549 427.0 6 102 341.0 3 984 751.0 5.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 2 500.0 345 913.0 318 073.0 544 577.0 550 677.0 P 621 543.0 56.0

15 Maldives ... 11.0 ... 25.0 25.0 F 86.0 ...

16 Nepal 44 000.0 F 144 400.0 F 125 000.0 F 49 000.0 F 49 124.0 75 482.0 -3.8

17 Pakistan 929 974.0 1 663 231.0 1 710 437.0 1 763 944.0 1 773 580.0 1 702 196.0 6.8

18 Sri Lanka 77 669.0 595 600.0 * 332 855.0 P 126 775.0 49 655.0 74 442.0 * 5.0

165 043.0 564 906.0 596 406.0 719 972.0 545 410.0 682 514.0 12.6

19 Kazakhstan 6 034.0 11 075.0 11 001.0 17 450.0 9 575.0 9 575.0 F -1.6

20 Russian Federation 157 956.0 543 031.0 575 605.0 692 222.0 525 492.0 655 931.0 12.8

21 Uzbekistan 1 053.0 10 800.0 * 9 800.0 * 10 300.0 * 10 343.0 P 17 008.0 P 48.7

1 664 460.0 5 447 210.0 5 420 301.0 5 601 575.0 6 850 038.0 6 125 482.0 14.8

22 China 1 460 776.0 5 220 161.0 5 223 369.0 5 392 563.0 6 586 756.0 5 833 220.0 15.9

23 DPR Korea 4 000.0 * 700.0 * 6 000.0 * 8 400.0 * 8 700.0 * 9 400.0 * -1.7

24 Mongolia 132.0 2 703.0 3 368.0 620.0 P 1 585.0 P 2 068.0 P 32.6

25 Rep. of Korea 199 552.0 223 646.0 187 564.0 199 992.0 252 997.0 280 794.0 1.6

7 714.0 8 322.0 24 491.0 15 015.0 12 200.0 10 185.0 3.5

26 Cook Islands 6.0 F 17.0 P 53.0 P 14.0 P 14.0 P 17.0 P ...

27 Fiji Islands 908.0 3 230.0 3 098.0 4 010.0 5 238.0 4 986.0 17.6

28 Kiribati ... 234.0 P 13 413.0 P 4 592.0 P ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 6 600.0 * 3 723.0 P 6 956.0 P 4 349.0 P 5 042.0 P 2 649.0 P -8.8

35 Samoa 160.0 * 864.0 P 870.0 P 1 045.0 P 877.0 P 1 172.0 P 16.6

36 Solomon Islands ... 186.0 34.0 * 416.0 P 818.0 P 711.0 P ...

37 Tonga ... 2.0 10.0 104.0 P 104.0 F 8.0 ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 40.0 * 66.0 57.0 485.0 P 107.0 642.0 P 19.0

498 443.0 662 744.0 682 502.0 707 944.0 706 739.0 707 824.0 3.9

40 Australia 110 504.0 136 528.0 128 335.0 133 976.0 135 145.0 123 348.0 2.0

41 Japan 373 352.0 498 925.0 532 209.0 546 444.0 551 416.0 569 444.0 4.4

42 New Zealand 14 587.0 27 291.0 * 21 958.0 27 524.0 * 20 178.0 15 032.0 1.6

7 234 494.0 14 964 108.0 14 888 641.0 17 665 330.0 19 556 324.0 17 444 201.0 10.3

6 123 286.0 13 892 436.0 12 229 476.0 15 135 660.0 15 347 451.0 16 964 973.0 10.1

13 357 780.0 A 28 856 544.0 A 27 118 117.0 A 32 800 990.0 A 34 903 775.0 A 34 409 174.0 A 10.2

Table 119. Palm oil: imports in volume


Imports of palm oil



growth rate

2006 2008 2000-2010




Rest of World

Pacific Islands


20072000 2010

Southeast Asia





East Asia

North and Central Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 188: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


12 701 578.0 26 912 510.0 22 616 691.0 29 281 825.0 31 399 549.0 31 734 682.0 9.1

12 332 397.0 26 514 257.0 22 186 536.0 28 813 626.0 30 878 312.0 31 163 208.0 9.2

1 Cambodia ... 4 872.0 P 2 546.0 P 8 011.0 P 9 600.0 P 12 756.0 ...

2 Indonesia 4 110 027.0 12 100 922.0 8 875 419.0 14 290 686.0 16 829 207.0 16 291 857.0 14.9

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 8 140 720.0 14 202 672.0 13 011 131.0 * 14 142 447.0 * 13 924 410.0 14 732 721.0 5.2

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines ... 33.0 8 188.0 P 859.0 P 859.0 F 3 634.0 ...

7 Thailand 37 150.0 205 080.0 283 065.0 360 342.0 113 842.0 121 328.0 10.0

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 44 500.0 * 678.0 P 6 187.0 P 11 281.0 P 394.0 P 912.0 P -30.4

306.0 29 419.0 40 651.0 33 519.0 8 009.0 24 927.0 33.5

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... 19.0 744.0 588.0 P ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 220.0 1 802.0 805.0 19.0 15.0 262.0 -20.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... 23 023.0 28 285.0 25 140.0 542.0 P 20 252.0 ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... 375.0 P 1 753.0 P ... ... 3.0 ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... ... 155.0 203.0 ...

18 Sri Lanka 86.0 4 200.0 * 9 064.0 P 7 772.0 7 297.0 4 207.0 79.7

116.0 901.0 751.0 1 122.0 186.0 49.0 -7.7

19 Kazakhstan ... ... 1.0 ... 2.0 2.0 F ...

20 Russian Federation 116.0 901.0 750.0 1 122.0 184.0 47.0 -7.7

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

454.0 948.0 707.0 1 641.0 2 365.0 2 559.0 16.1

22 China 440.0 873.0 668.0 1 617.0 2 363.0 2 548.0 17.3

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... 40.0 ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 14.0 35.0 * 39.0 24.0 2.0 11.0 -8.9

368 305.0 366 985.0 388 046.0 431 917.0 510 677.0 543 939.0 3.7

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 5.0 1.0 ... 22.0 3.0 5.0 ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 336 300.0 362 300.0 368 300.0 410 258.0 P 487 433.0 P 520 476.0 P 4.4

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 32 000.0 * 4 643.0 19 745.0 21 637.0 P 23 241.0 P 23 458.0 P -6.4

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... 41.0 * 1.0 ... ... ... ...

317.0 153.0 532.0 7 985.0 490.0 516.0 7.1

40 Australia 62.0 3.0 87.0 7 404.0 46.0 41.0 3.1

41 Japan 249.0 140.0 437.0 570.0 436.0 357.0 1.0

42 New Zealand 6.0 10.0 8.0 11.0 8.0 118.0 25.1

12 701 895.0 26 912 663.0 22 617 223.0 29 289 810.0 31 400 039.0 31 735 198.0 9.1

1 460 041.0 3 043 527.0 3 593 336.0 4 053 700.0 3 792 571.0 3 583 621.0 11.7

14 161 936.0 A 29 956 190.0 A 26 210 559.0 A 33 343 510.0 A 35 192 610.0 A 35 318 819.0 A 9.4

Table 120. Palm oil: exports in volume


Exports of palm oil



growth rate



2000 2010



North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia


China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 189: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 194 389.0 2 979 745.0 3 032 840.0 2 966 707.0 3 288 721.0 3 406 150.0 5.2

819 915.0 635 954.0 675 517.0 641 592.0 845 842.0 752 782.0 2.2

1 Cambodia 161.0 A 416.0 A 417.0 A 338.0 A 452.0 A 7.0 A -1.2

2 Indonesia 32 561.0 A 6 875.0 A 9 830.0 A 13 059.0 A 13 024.0 A 17 188.0 A -3.0

3 Lao PDR ... 419.0 A 278.0 A 1 196.0 A 1 854.0 A 2 522.0 A ...

4 Malaysia 781 884.0 A 520 680.0 A 607 376.0 A 561 350.0 A 739 412.0 A 678 883.0 A 1.1

5 Myanmar 20.0 A 302.0 A 20.0 A 455.0 A 1.0 A 207.0 A -13.5

6 Philippines 657.0 A 8 918.0 A 9 400.0 A 11 776.0 A 4 248.0 A 124.0 A 9.6

7 Thailand 1 332.0 A 1 274.0 A 2 218.0 A 4 458.0 A 3 166.0 A 6 542.0 A 14.8

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 3 300.0 A 97 070.0 A 45 978.0 A 48 960.0 A 83 685.0 A 47 309.0 A 52.5

79 453.0 202 359.0 193 165.0 174 793.0 275 294.0 269 958.0 10.4

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 3 300.0 A 2 205.0 A 2 930.0 A 1 536.0 A 1 250.0 A 1 400.0 A -11.2

12 Bhutan ... 302.0 A 302.0 A 302.0 A 302.0 A 102.0 A ...

13 India 7 113.0 A 89 571.0 A 86 310.0 A 77 466.0 A 175 645.0 A 167 217.0 A 26.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 31 300.0 A 51 680.0 A 52 392.0 A 50 503.0 A 60 071.0 A 53 376.0 A 4.8

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 880.0 A 686.0 A 607.0 A 476.0 A 662.0 A 1 180.0 A -8.4

17 Pakistan 32 972.0 A 50 228.0 A 44 592.0 A 40 874.0 A 32 173.0 A 34 241.0 A -0.3

18 Sri Lanka 2 888.0 A 7 687.0 A 6 032.0 A 3 636.0 A 5 191.0 A 12 442.0 A 12.8

41 047.0 40 651.0 41 894.0 38 657.0 27 185.0 50 058.0 1.0

19 Kazakhstan ... 32.0 A 25.0 A 34.0 A 20.0 A ... ...

20 Russian Federation 41 047.0 A 40 619.0 A 41 869.0 A 38 623.0 A 27 165.0 A 50 058.0 A 1.0

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 253 887.0 2 100 766.0 2 122 239.0 2 111 648.0 2 140 367.0 2 333 281.0 6.2

22 China 918 209.0 A 1 717 583.0 A 1 728 748.0 A 1 750 024.0 A 1 803 774.0 A 1 942 830.0 A 7.6

23 DPR Korea 3 500.0 A 18 195.0 A 15 338.0 A 2 272.0 A 4 280.0 A 2 661.0 A -1.5

24 Mongolia 3.0 A ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 332 175.0 A 364 988.0 A 378 153.0 A 359 352.0 A 332 313.0 A 387 790.0 A 1.2

87.0 15.0 25.0 17.0 33.0 71.0 -8.3

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 83.0 A 4.0 A 11.0 A 8.0 A 5.0 A 15.0 A ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 4.0 A 10.0 A 12.0 A 8.0 A 27.0 A 56.0 A 17.0

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... 1.0 A ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... 1.0 A ... ... ... ... ...

852 121.0 925 093.0 885 411.0 888 903.0 625 873.0 770 418.0 -0.7

40 Australia 39 304.0 A 24 667.0 A 24 521.0 A 24 992.0 A 16 515.0 A 10 365.0 A -8.5

41 Japan 804 855.0 A 891 675.0 A 855 790.0 A 857 682.0 A 605 415.0 A 758 095.0 A -0.4

42 New Zealand 7 962.0 A 8 751.0 A 5 100.0 A 6 229.0 A 3 943.0 A 1 958.0 A -10.2

3 046 510.0 3 904 838.0 3 918 251.0 3 855 610.0 3 914 594.0 4 176 568.0 3.8

3 489 888.0 3 441 078.0 3 657 324.0 3 483 148.0 2 510 852.0 3 333 786.0 -0.7

6 536 398.0 A 7 345 916.0 A 7 575 575.0 A 7 338 758.0 A 6 425 446.0 A 7 510 354.0 A 1.6


East Asia

North and Central Asia

Southeast Asia






Rest of World


Pacific Islands





South and Southwest Asia

20072000 2010

growth rate

Table 121. Natural rubber: imports in volume


Imports of natural rubber


China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 190: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


5 063 142.0 6 877 197.0 6 802 203.0 6 409 248.0 5 803 065.0 6 943 291.0 2.7

5 021 468.0 6 767 154.0 6 685 115.0 6 303 168.0 5 711 396.0 6 834 671.0 2.6

1 Cambodia 12 616.0 A 11 270.0 A 14 999.0 A 8 283.0 A 10 338.0 A 26 871.0 A -8.0

2 Indonesia 1 379 986.0 A 2 287 054.0 A 2 407 849.0 A 2 296 476.0 A 1 992 001.0 A 2 352 776.0 A 5.8

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 977 958.0 A 1 131 455.0 A 1 016 959.0 A 915 651.0 A 703 080.0 A 900 922.0 A -0.9

5 Myanmar 20 100.0 A 407.0 A 947.0 A 1 388.0 A 1 170.0 A 1 886.0 A -32.8

6 Philippines 30 686.0 A 33 915.0 A 30 902.0 A 36 449.0 A 25 138.0 A 36 395.0 A -2.6

7 Thailand 2 326 722.0 A 3 056 972.0 A 2 966 128.0 A 2 832 071.0 A 2 740 089.0 A 2 733 608.0 A 1.9

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 273 400.0 A 246 081.0 A 247 331.0 A 212 850.0 A 239 580.0 A 782 213.0 A 1.2

36 506.0 98 831.0 103 568.0 87 839.0 76 604.0 67 562.0 6.6

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... 12.0 A 16.0 A 16.0 A ... 17.0 A ...

12 Bhutan 1.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A ... ...

13 India 4 005.0 A 47 777.0 A 52 372.0 A 39 192.0 A 20 485.0 A 16 030.0 A 11.9

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 2.0 A 24.0 A 24.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A ... ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan ... ... ... 4.0 A 98.0 A 28.0 A ...

18 Sri Lanka 32 498.0 A 51 013.0 A 51 151.0 A 48 617.0 A 56 011.0 A 51 487.0 A 6.1

175.0 7.0 64.0 616.0 15.0 249.0 -10.0

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... 587.0 A ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 175.0 A 7.0 A 64.0 A 29.0 A 15.0 A 249.0 A -17.2

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 293.0 6 642.0 9 308.0 9 761.0 6 791.0 31 856.0 26.9

22 China 338.0 A 5 464.0 A 8 701.0 A 8 826.0 A 4 743.0 A 28 194.0 A 37.2

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 955.0 A 1 178.0 A 607.0 A 935.0 A 2 048.0 A 3 662.0 A 8.1

3 700.0 4 563.0 4 148.0 7 864.0 8 259.0 8 953.0 9.0

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... 1.0 A ... ... ... 16.0 A ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 3 700.0 A 4 562.0 A 4 148.0 A 7 864.0 A 8 259.0 A 8 937.0 A 9.0

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 483.0 1 016.0 1 247.0 1 007.0 1 330.0 1 736.0 -9.4

40 Australia 1 105.0 A 182.0 A 140.0 A 317.0 A 287.0 A 1 265.0 A -16.6

41 Japan 357.0 A 749.0 A 887.0 A 683.0 A 822.0 A 463.0 A -1.4

42 New Zealand 21.0 A 85.0 A 220.0 A 7.0 A 221.0 A 8.0 A 14.9

5 064 625.0 6 878 213.0 6 803 450.0 6 410 255.0 5 804 395.0 6 945 027.0 2.7

509 083.0 596 507.0 743 388.0 701 014.0 724 947.0 939 051.0 5.8

5 573 708.0 A 7 474 720.0 A 7 546 838.0 A 7 111 269.0 A 6 529 342.0 A 7 884 078.0 A 3.0

Table 122. Natural rubber: exports in volume


Exports of natural rubber



growth rate







Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009 20102006

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 191: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


166 971.0 257 491.0 349 295.0 338 792.0 374 534.0 429 069.0 11.6

51 695.0 53 200.0 118 236.0 85 211.0 97 208.0 126 351.0 11.4

1 Cambodia 21.0 A 11.0 A 9.0 A 3.0 A 17.0 A 44.0 A -3.4

2 Indonesia 13 718.0 A 6 600.0 A 49 993.0 A 7 581.0 A 14 400.0 A 19 762.0 A 7.9

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 22 989.0 A 36 038.0 A 44 428.0 A 43 524.0 A 41 264.0 A 61 405.0 A 10.1

5 Myanmar 85.0 A 176.0 A 151.0 A 46.0 A 71.0 A 81.0 A -4.7

6 Philippines 14 011.0 A 9 733.0 A 22 568.0 A 18 691.0 A 31 384.0 A 26 247.0 A 10.9

7 Thailand 71.0 A 245.0 A 514.0 A 14 823.0 A 6 505.0 A 14 622.0 A 77.2

8 Timor-Leste 800.0 A 101.0 A 100.0 A 35.0 A 79.0 A 79.0 A -24.4

9 Viet Nam ... 296.0 A 473.0 A 508.0 A 3 488.0 A 4 111.0 A ...

4 721.0 20 344.0 28 228.0 30 092.0 44 352.0 36 630.0 29.3

10 Afghanistan 20.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 186.0 A 7.0 A 13.0 A 46.0 A 7.0 A 6.0 A -28.8

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... 10.0 A ...

13 India 4 112.0 A 19 542.0 A 26 540.0 A 28 898.0 A 40 751.0 A 30 660.0 A 30.9

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 138.0 A 652.0 A 1 277.0 A 808.0 A 3 411.0 A 5 697.0 A 40.1

15 Maldives 46.0 A 73.0 A 106.0 A 72.0 A 82.0 A 93.0 A 11.5

16 Nepal 180.0 A 25.0 A 171.0 A 163.0 A 44.0 A 45.0 A -14.4

17 Pakistan 16.0 A 10.0 A 48.0 A 34.0 A 40.0 A 26.0 A ...

18 Sri Lanka 23.0 A 34.0 A 72.0 A 70.0 A 17.0 A 93.0 A 12.7

20 644.0 55 862.0 64 856.0 75 730.0 89 541.0 102 647.0 18.8

19 Kazakhstan 324.0 A 176.0 A 316.0 A 221.0 A 253.0 A 267.0 A 7.0

20 Russian Federation 20 277.0 A 55 604.0 A 64 525.0 A 75 484.0 A 89 257.0 A 102 358.0 A 18.9

21 Uzbekistan 43.0 A 82.0 A 15.0 A 25.0 A 31.0 A 22.0 A -7.3

89 652.0 122 867.0 124 807.0 137 547.0 142 592.0 162 571.0 6.9

22 China 11 794.0 A 29 402.0 A 31 241.0 A 30 341.0 A 35 198.0 A 44 517.0 A 11.3

23 DPR Korea 1 700.0 A 6 703.0 A 6 442.0 A 6 269.0 A 6 916.0 A 6 400.0 A 16.9

24 Mongolia 45.0 A 214.0 A 48.0 A 18.0 A 10.0 A 29.0 A -8.3

25 Rep. of Korea 76 113.0 A 86 548.0 A 87 076.0 A 100 919.0 A 100 468.0 A 111 625.0 A 5.3

259.0 5 218.0 13 168.0 10 212.0 841.0 870.0 32.8

26 Cook Islands 3.0 A 8.0 A 8.0 A 9.0 A 10.0 A 25.0 A 16.4

27 Fiji Islands 52.0 A 91.0 A 111.0 A 141.0 A 93.0 A 110.0 A 2.0

28 Kiribati 42.0 A 4 639.0 A 12 317.0 A 9 238.0 A 6.0 A 6.0 A 33.3

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1.0 A 25.0 A 7.0 A 90.0 A 13.0 A 75.0 A ...

35 Samoa 2.0 A 10.0 A 5.0 A 9.0 A 8.0 A 13.0 A 9.4

36 Solomon Islands 126.0 A 391.0 A 568.0 A 582.0 A 587.0 A 587.0 A 29.5

37 Tonga 28.0 A 12.0 A 85.0 A 85.0 A 85.0 A 8.0 A 6.2

38 Tuvalu 5.0 A 10.0 A ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... 32.0 A 67.0 A 58.0 A 39.0 A 46.0 A ...

426 347.0 492 660.0 466 213.0 464 612.0 472 432.0 497 665.0 1.5

40 Australia 35 809.0 A 55 664.0 A 59 916.0 A 61 203.0 A 65 153.0 A 70 079.0 A 9.4

41 Japan 385 052.0 A 428 302.0 A 397 196.0 A 394 206.0 A 396 970.0 A 416 849.0 A 0.5

42 New Zealand 5 486.0 A 8 694.0 A 9 101.0 A 9 203.0 A 10 309.0 A 10 737.0 A 6.8

593 318.0 750 151.0 815 508.0 803 404.0 846 966.0 926 734.0 5.0

4 959 889.0 5 634 517.0 5 784 518.0 5 966 994.0 5 916 395.0 6 123 994.0 2.4

5 553 207.0 A 6 384 668.0 A 6 600 026.0 A 6 770 398.0 A 6 763 361.0 A 7 050 728.0 A 2.7

Table 123. Coffee (green + roast): imports in volume


Imports of coffee (green + roast)



growth rate

2006 2008 2000-2010




Rest of World

Pacific Islands


20072000 2010

Southeast Asia





East Asia

North and Central Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 192: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 398 122.0 1 701 533.0 1 816 445.0 1 804 848.0 1 933 759.0 1 980 128.0 4.1

1 162 152.0 1 439 628.0 1 584 505.0 1 569 650.0 1 710 541.0 1 698 957.0 4.7

1 Cambodia ... 6.0 A 18.0 A 18.0 A 4.0 A ... ...

2 Indonesia 339 201.0 A 414 106.0 A 321 405.0 A 468 750.0 A 510 898.0 A 433 595.0 A 5.0

3 Lao PDR 16 990.0 A 7 266.0 A 16 886.0 A 14 316.0 A 16 507.0 A 17 088.0 A -1.1

4 Malaysia 1 109.0 A 1 990.0 A 1 464.0 A 2 109.0 A 3 524.0 A 3 574.0 A 10.0

5 Myanmar ... 65.0 A 59.0 A 43.0 A 14.0 A 57.0 A ...

6 Philippines 295.0 A 206.0 A 18.0 A 134.0 A 1.0 A 239.0 A -18.3

7 Thailand 58 657.0 A 26 112.0 A 11 621.0 A 2 352.0 A 1 651.0 A 865.0 A -29.3

8 Timor-Leste 12 000.0 A 8 877.0 A 934.0 A 21 044.0 A 9 942.0 A 25 671.0 A -0.4

9 Viet Nam 733 900.0 A 981 000.0 A 1 232 100.0 A 1 060 884.0 A 1 168 000.0 A 1 217 868.0 A 5.3

165 536.0 189 082.0 153 812.0 150 579.0 128 080.0 180 064.0 -0.5

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... 1.0 A ... ... ... ... ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 165 492.0 A 188 615.0 A 153 691.0 A 150 338.0 A 127 390.0 A 178 457.0 A -0.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... 68.0 A ... 95.0 A 95.0 A 1 380.0 A ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 4.0 A 82.0 A 78.0 A 59.0 A 510.0 A 69.0 A 44.5

17 Pakistan ... ... ... 1.0 A 25.0 A 1.0 A ...

18 Sri Lanka 40.0 A 316.0 A 43.0 A 86.0 A 60.0 A 157.0 A 17.1

191.0 2 567.0 3 265.0 3 736.0 4 148.0 4 904.0 42.5

19 Kazakhstan 22.0 A 4.0 A 2.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A ...

20 Russian Federation 163.0 A 2 563.0 A 3 263.0 A 3 735.0 A 4 147.0 A 4 903.0 A 43.6

21 Uzbekistan 6.0 A ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 633.0 17 805.0 20 119.0 22 811.0 33 904.0 37 335.0 17.9

22 China 3 517.0 A 17 549.0 A 19 901.0 A 22 686.0 A 33 103.0 A 33 340.0 A 17.5

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... 5.0 A 4.0 A ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 116.0 A 256.0 A 213.0 A 121.0 A 801.0 A 3 995.0 A 20.4

66 610.0 52 451.0 54 744.0 58 072.0 57 086.0 58 868.0 -1.0

26 Cook Islands ... 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A ...

27 Fiji Islands 10.0 A 4.0 A 4.0 A 4.0 A 22.0 A 13.0 A -6.2

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 66 600.0 A 52 446.0 A 54 739.0 A 58 067.0 A 57 060.0 A 58 853.0 A -1.0

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... 3.0 A 1.0 A ...

5 022.0 3 312.0 3 192.0 3 050.0 3 675.0 4 113.0 0.9

40 Australia 4 954.0 A 2 764.0 A 2 663.0 A 2 382.0 A 2 152.0 A 2 248.0 A -3.5

41 Japan 37.0 A 461.0 A 428.0 A 506.0 A 661.0 A 700.0 A 21.5

42 New Zealand 31.0 A 87.0 A 101.0 A 162.0 A 862.0 A 1 165.0 A 29.4

1 403 144.0 1 704 845.0 1 819 637.0 1 807 898.0 1 937 434.0 1 984 241.0 4.1

4 523 707.0 4 834 747.0 5 001 637.0 5 274 567.0 5 120 227.0 5 423 713.0 2.2

5 926 851.0 A 6 539 592.0 A 6 821 274.0 A 7 082 465.0 A 7 057 661.0 A 7 407 954.0 A 2.6

Table 124. Coffee (green + roast): exports in volume


Exports of coffee (green + roast)



growth rate



2000 2010



North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia


China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 193: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


389 863.0 491 570.0 515 642.0 509 267.0 498 943.0 518 002.0 3.4

13 669.0 30 544.0 35 093.0 26 657.0 30 199.0 36 187.0 9.7

1 Cambodia 37.0 7 127.0 P 6 672.0 P 1 203.0 P 1 107.0 P 78.0 * 50.5

2 Indonesia 2 632.0 5 294.0 8 695.0 6 625.0 7 169.0 10 870.0 14.1

3 Lao PDR 3.0 * 70.0 P 103.0 P 132.0 P 73.0 P 103.0 P ...

4 Malaysia 9 417.0 14 790.0 15 659.0 13 639.0 16 446.0 18 445.0 5.6

5 Myanmar 600.0 * 768.0 P 1 114.0 P 1 609.0 P 2 392.0 P 2 701.0 P 14.1

6 Philippines 382.0 1 087.0 1 203.0 1 476.0 1 310.0 1 739.0 12.7

7 Thailand 448.0 1 393.0 1 647.0 * 1 935.0 1 665.0 2 206.0 15.1

8 Timor-Leste 150.0 F 15.0 * ... 38.0 P 37.0 P 45.0 P ...

9 Viet Nam ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

161 700.0 208 516.0 219 533.0 232 630.0 202 576.0 216 085.0 4.0

10 Afghanistan 19 400.0 * 18 316.0 P 27 879.0 P 39 600.0 9 789.0 30 868.0 0.2

11 Bangladesh 200.0 F 25.0 45.0 52.0 P 23.0 P 2 863.0 P 1.5

12 Bhutan 237.0 ... 21.0 P 47.0 P 47.0 F 218.0 ...

13 India 7 158.0 23 234.0 19 586.0 24 882.0 34 335.0 17 297.0 9.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 18 899.0 29 666.0 45 820.0 52 412.0 51 733.0 P 58 769.0 57.3

15 Maldives 260.0 * 252.0 382.0 225.0 251.0 P 236.0 0.0

16 Nepal 500.0 F 149.0 P 143.0 P 269.0 P 229.0 * 242.0 -9.6

17 Pakistan 111 426.0 127 071.0 112 136.0 100 391.0 96 932.0 94 463.0 -0.9

18 Sri Lanka 3 620.0 9 803.0 P 13 521.0 P 14 752.0 9 237.0 11 129.0 14.9

196 954.0 220 764.0 228 564.0 236 729.0 231 606.0 233 330.0 2.0

19 Kazakhstan 18 281.0 26 984.0 26 474.0 29 209.0 25 819.0 30 193.0 P 4.7

20 Russian Federation 158 393.0 172 860.0 181 627.0 181 859.0 182 149.0 181 619.0 1.6

21 Uzbekistan 20 280.0 20 920.0 P 20 463.0 P 25 661.0 P 23 638.0 P 21 518.0 P 4.4

16 813.0 30 822.0 31 540.0 12 456.0 33 685.0 31 521.0 4.1

22 China 14 685.0 27 561.0 28 304.0 9 453.0 30 618.0 28 665.0 4.1

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia 1 718.0 2 370.0 2 500.0 2 553.0 P 2 619.0 P 2 271.0 P 2.4

25 Rep. of Korea 410.0 891.0 736.0 450.0 448.0 585.0 3.3

727.0 924.0 912.0 795.0 877.0 879.0 1.5

26 Cook Islands 7.0 F 8.0 P 8.0 P 6.0 P 4.0 P 24.0 P 4.4

27 Fiji Islands 629.0 647.0 642.0 668.0 678.0 652.0 0.8

28 Kiribati 45.0 * 25.0 P 71.0 P 22.0 P 29.0 17.0 P -4.8

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... 3.0 P 2.0 P 2.0 F 1.0 P 1.0 F ...

32 Niue ... ... 1.0 P ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 13.0 * 50.0 P 4.0 P 25.0 P 42.0 P 61.0 P 5.0

35 Samoa 10.0 * 22.0 P 50.0 P 53.0 P 55.0 P 64.0 P 15.7

36 Solomon Islands 1.0 * 100.0 60.0 * 5.0 P 14.0 P 11.0 P 10.1

37 Tonga 15.0 31.0 25.0 8.0 P 8.0 P 20.0 -4.9

38 Tuvalu 2.0 * 15.0 * 1.0 P 1.0 P 9.0 P 15.0 P 8.1

39 Vanuatu 5.0 * 23.0 * 48.0 * 5.0 P 37.0 14.0 P 15.6

78 581.0 63 785.0 63 197.0 59 648.0 56 374.0 60 254.0 -2.9

40 Australia 16 490.0 13 386.0 13 875.0 14 448.0 13 296.0 14 023.0 -1.4

41 Japan 57 966.0 48 123.0 47 341.0 43 116.0 40 133.0 43 301.0 -3.4

42 New Zealand 4 125.0 2 276.0 1 981.0 2 084.0 2 945.0 2 930.0 -1.7

468 444.0 555 355.0 578 839.0 568 915.0 555 317.0 578 256.0 2.5

874 707.0 918 989.0 1 006 057.0 1 144 273.0 1 040 227.0 1 124 006.0 2.2

1 343 151.0 A 1 474 344.0 A 1 584 896.0 A 1 713 188.0 A 1 595 544.0 A 1 702 262.0 A 2.3


East Asia

North and Central Asia

Southeast Asia






Rest of World


Pacific Islands





South and Southwest Asia

20072000 2010

growth rate

Table 125. Tea: imports in volume


Imports of tea


China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 194: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


924 487.0 940 059.0 988 460.0 1 088 280.0 1 073 483.0 1 133 701.0 2.0

162 416.0 203 410.0 202 542.0 205 459.0 231 861.0 229 227.0 3.6

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 105 581.0 95 339.0 83 659.0 96 210.0 92 304.0 87 101.0 -1.4

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 648.0 1 091.0 1 143.0 1 609.0 2 856.0 2 286.0 7.7

5 Myanmar ... 508.0 P 688.0 P 412.0 P 729.0 P 579.0 P ...

6 Philippines ... ... 332.0 P 163.0 P 14.0 365.0 * ...

7 Thailand 587.0 1 472.0 2 720.0 2 365.0 2 958.0 2 381.0 13.5

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 55 600.0 105 000.0 114 000.0 104 700.0 133 000.0 136 515.0 9.0

520 209.0 431 078.0 475 912.0 564 218.0 518 640.0 583 802.0 1.0

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 11 000.0 * 7 842.0 5 269.0 8 259.0 P 5 339.0 P 1 981.0 P -7.1

12 Bhutan 2.0 F 9.0 P 9.0 F 9.0 F 9.0 F ... ...

13 India 200 868.0 181 326.0 193 459.0 203 207.0 203 863.0 234 560.0 1.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 21 237.0 33 548.0 77 028.0 24 084.0 10 772.0 P 24 611.0 9.7

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 82.0 3 881.0 P 9 697.0 P 9 762.0 P 9 196.0 8 498.0 72.8

17 Pakistan 15.0 232.0 247.0 568.0 933.0 1 244.0 65.1

18 Sri Lanka 287 005.0 204 240.0 P 190 203.0 P 318 329.0 288 528.0 312 908.0 * -0.6

2 280.0 8 795.0 10 556.0 12 197.0 10 139.0 9 439.0 25.1

19 Kazakhstan 150.0 270.0 258.0 733.0 426.0 269.0 P 15.2

20 Russian Federation 2 113.0 8 525.0 10 298.0 11 464.0 9 713.0 9 170.0 25.9

21 Uzbekistan 17.0 ... ... ... ... ... ...

231 067.0 290 167.0 293 014.0 300 426.0 306 556.0 306 568.0 2.7

22 China 230 696.0 288 625.0 292 199.0 299 789.0 305 352.0 305 857.0 2.7

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... 1.0 1.0 ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 371.0 1 541.0 814.0 637.0 1 204.0 711.0 0.5

8 515.0 6 609.0 6 436.0 5 980.0 6 287.0 4 665.0 -3.8

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 15.0 9.0 36.0 43.0 37.0 84.0 14.3

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 8 500.0 6 600.0 6 400.0 5 937.0 P 6 250.0 P 4 581.0 P -3.9

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 584.0 2 216.0 2 519.0 3 310.0 3 688.0 3 918.0 8.5

40 Australia 1 777.0 443.0 649.0 1 447.0 1 618.0 1 299.0 2.1

41 Japan 704.0 1 681.0 1 769.0 1 767.0 1 984.0 2 287.0 14.6

42 New Zealand 103.0 92.0 101.0 * 96.0 86.0 332.0 10.5

927 071.0 942 275.0 990 979.0 1 091 590.0 1 077 171.0 1 137 619.0 2.0

537 263.0 687 032.0 795 755.0 816 974.0 745 081.0 885 509.0 4.8

1 464 334.0 A 1 629 307.0 A 1 786 734.0 A 1 908 564.0 A 1 822 252.0 A 2 023 128.0 A 3.1

Table 126. Tea: exports in volume


Exports of tea



growth rate







Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009 20102006

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 195: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2 563 687.0 6 588 680.0 5 872 828.0 5 525 882.0 4 223 591.0 5 576 163.0 8.5

1 162 967.0 1 124 260.0 1 240 676.0 1 515 064.0 1 289 937.0 1 365 781.0 1.3

1 Cambodia 918.0 1 454.0 P 669.0 P 276.0 P 196.0 P 1 081.0 -15.8

2 Indonesia 560 658.0 463 205.0 583 459.0 720 814.0 570 902.0 613 036.0 0.0

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 87 581.0 31 470.0 38 140.0 45 173.0 55 738.0 46 886.0 -4.8

5 Myanmar 650.0 * 428.0 P 220.0 P 2 467.0 P ... 147.0 P ...

6 Philippines 49 516.0 21 661.0 15 063.0 11 289.0 15 400.0 15 673.0 -13.4

7 Thailand 379 744.0 422 042.0 393 125.0 435 889.0 349 701.0 383 746.0 -0.3

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 83 900.0 184 000.0 210 000.0 299 156.0 298 000.0 305 212.0 P 15.3

465 997.0 988 471.0 1 447 015.0 1 300 919.0 837 915.0 828 620.0 8.5

10 Afghanistan ... ... 4.0 P ... 849.0 902.0 ...

11 Bangladesh 185 068.0 * 553 958.0 * 789 288.0 155 972.0 P 286 018.0 P 401 258.0 P 13.7

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... 3.0 ...

13 India 210 589.0 61 299.0 112 398.0 194 735.0 152 366.0 32 554.0 -13.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... 25 351.0 69 760.0 62 924.0 464.0 P 46 868.0 ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 7 000.0 F 263.0 P 11 861.0 P 213.0 P 576.0 * 2 322.0 -6.5

17 Pakistan 55 223.0 346 391.0 461 106.0 886 832.0 397 184.0 342 814.0 19.9

18 Sri Lanka 8 117.0 1 209.0 P 2 598.0 P 243.0 458.0 1 899.0 -23.8

297 672.0 347 107.0 298 930.0 225 462.0 143 310.0 105 471.0 7.4

19 Kazakhstan 46.0 50 141.0 46 794.0 3 198.0 240.0 240.0 F ...

20 Russian Federation 296 526.0 295 966.0 252 136.0 222 190.0 143 000.0 105 183.0 ...

21 Uzbekistan 1 100.0 * 1 000.0 * ... 74.0 P 70.0 F 48.0 P ...

637 051.0 4 128 840.0 2 886 203.0 2 484 433.0 1 952 426.0 3 276 288.0 17.5

22 China 318 429.0 3 903 213.0 2 638 361.0 2 249 341.0 1 718 366.0 3 052 246.0 25.4

23 DPR Korea 3 100.0 * 9 349.0 P 21 333.0 P 26 714.0 P 16 639.0 P 4 465.0 P 21.0

24 Mongolia 67.0 10.0 100.0 60.0 F 70.0 F 50.0 F -3.1

25 Rep. of Korea 315 455.0 216 268.0 226 409.0 208 318.0 217 351.0 219 527.0 -5.2

0.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... 1.0 ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... 3.0 * 3.0 F 3.0 F 3.0 F ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

275 185.0 135 574.0 135 105.0 123 390.0 67 259.0 74 078.0 -12.3

40 Australia 115.0 ... ... 7.0 2.0 ... ...

41 Japan 275 050.0 135 574.0 135 099.0 123 380.0 67 257.0 74 078.0 -12.3

42 New Zealand 20.0 ... 6.0 3.0 ... ... ...

2 838 872.0 6 724 254.0 6 007 933.0 5 649 272.0 4 290 850.0 5 650 241.0 7.5

3 098 864.0 2 346 207.0 2 442 179.0 1 928 556.0 1 791 077.0 2 064 794.0 -4.3

5 937 736.0 A 9 070 461.0 A 8 450 112.0 A 7 577 828.0 A 6 081 927.0 A 7 715 035.0 A 2.9


East Asia

North and Central Asia

Southeast Asia






Rest of World


Pacific Islands





South and Southwest Asia

20072000 2010

growth rate

Table 127. Cotton lint: imports in volume


Imports of cotton lint


China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 196: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 308 791.0 2 393 239.0 2 723 610.0 983 596.0 1 738 573.0 2 280 872.0 7.2

5 295.0 5 006.0 5 409.0 2 629.0 9 280.0 9 892.0 4.8

1 Cambodia ... 52.0 F 52.0 F 52.0 F 52.0 F 240.0 ...

2 Indonesia 4 239.0 3 832.0 1 636.0 300.0 273.0 868.0 -21.1

3 Lao PDR 49.0 * 111.0 P 102.0 P 233.0 P 116.0 P 116.0 F 7.9

4 Malaysia 176.0 218.0 281.0 1 856.0 5 805.0 5 131.0 35.5

5 Myanmar 830.0 * 50.0 P 39.0 P ... ... 2 319.0 P ...

6 Philippines ... 224.0 2 563.0 ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 1.0 364.0 728.0 188.0 3 034.0 12.0 * 25.6

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam ... 155.0 P 8.0 P ... ... 1 206.0 P ...

182 622.0 1 209 991.0 1 587 576.0 504 886.0 1 423 767.0 1 738 747.0 39.9

10 Afghanistan 12 000.0 * 3 276.0 P 9 632.0 P 8 828.0 P 15 986.0 3 732.0 1.9

11 Bangladesh 100.0 F 102.0 160.0 * 198.0 P 648.0 P 7 975.0 P ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 12 710.0 1 143 863.0 1 531 980.0 439 612.0 1 328 222.0 1 565 501.0 79.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... 90.0 234.0 316.0 590.0 P 358.0 ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... 20.0 4.0 ...

17 Pakistan 157 650.0 62 658.0 45 568.0 55 932.0 78 241.0 160 859.0 2.9

18 Sri Lanka 162.0 2.0 F 2.0 F ... 60.0 318.0 ...

825 762.0 1 164 095.0 1 108 541.0 458 669.0 296 315.0 524 333.0 -6.2

19 Kazakhstan 85 329.0 183 796.0 170 509.0 93 229.0 69 049.0 58 027.0 P ...

20 Russian Federation 163.0 299.0 7.0 * ... 148.0 ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 740 270.0 * 980 000.0 * 938 025.0 P 365 440.0 P 227 118.0 P 466 306.0 P -7.4

295 112.0 14 147.0 22 084.0 17 412.0 9 211.0 7 900.0 -27.4

22 China 291 887.0 14 050.0 21 258.0 16 882.0 8 878.0 7 494.0 -27.5

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 3 225.0 97.0 826.0 530.0 333.0 406.0 -19.7

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

711 403.0 578 141.0 327 612.0 225 585.0 317 261.0 474 126.0 -8.3

40 Australia 711 395.0 578 110.0 327 599.0 225 566.0 317 239.0 474 122.0 -8.3

41 Japan 8.0 29.0 3.0 19.0 22.0 4.0 -7.7

42 New Zealand ... 2.0 10.0 ... ... ... ...

2 020 194.0 2 971 380.0 3 051 222.0 1 209 181.0 2 055 834.0 2 754 998.0 2.9

3 676 164.0 6 123 585.0 5 669 754.0 5 131 578.0 4 623 477.0 4 993 375.0 2.4

5 696 358.0 A 9 094 965.0 A 8 720 976.0 A 6 340 759.0 A 6 679 311.0 A 7 748 373.0 A 2.6

Table 128. Cotton lint: exports in volume


Exports of cotton lint



growth rate







Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009 20102006

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 197: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


217 832.0 325 210.0 472 471.0 370 516.0 373 841.0 328 172.0 5.2

45 810.0 21 313.0 31 110.0 18 378.0 22 322.0 8 578.0 -5.6

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 2 142.0 2 239.0 2 645.0 5 474.0 2 150.0 455.0 -6.2

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 183.0 3 430.0 5 066.0 4 456.0 4 341.0 7 018.0 40.1

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines 74.0 56.0 77.0 257.0 23.0 7.0 -9.5

7 Thailand 42 611.0 15 588.0 23 322.0 * 8 191.0 15 808.0 ... ...

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 800.0 * ... ... ... ... 1 098.0 P ...

156 652.0 205 017.0 302 051.0 221 866.0 249 530.0 210 638.0 3.0

10 Afghanistan ... 1 704.0 1 329.0 2 263.0 3 018.0 4 245.0 ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... 36.0 364.0 P 6 368.0 P 2 163.0 P ...

12 Bhutan 8.0 F 8.0 F 8.0 F 8.0 F 8.0 F 1.0 -9.0

13 India 67 396.0 83 173.0 136 389.0 52 677.0 63 986.0 54 859.0 -2.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 3 609.0 55.0 255.0 550.0 550.0 F 223.0 -27.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... 1.0 1.0 P ... ...

16 Nepal 3 000.0 F 8 252.0 P 37 482.0 P 37 160.0 P 46 956.0 50 690.0 23.4

17 Pakistan 82 544.0 111 824.0 126 480.0 128 796.0 128 628.0 98 452.0 4.2

18 Sri Lanka 95.0 1.0 P 72.0 P 47.0 15.0 5.0 * -16.7

6 531.0 3 099.0 8 822.0 11 360.0 2 358.0 2 736.0 20.6

19 Kazakhstan 40.0 35.0 6.0 1.0 ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 6 491.0 3 064.0 8 816.0 11 359.0 2 358.0 2 736.0 ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

8 790.0 95 613.0 130 362.0 118 758.0 99 613.0 106 202.0 28.0

22 China 5 712.0 89 416.0 125 816.0 114 215.0 95 721.0 104 143.0 32.3

23 DPR Korea 50.0 * 26.0 F 26.0 F 26.0 F 26.0 F 26.0 F -7.9

24 Mongolia 10.0 ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 3 018.0 6 171.0 4 520.0 4 517.0 3 866.0 2 033.0 0.2

49.0 168.0 126.0 154.0 18.0 18.0 19.4

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... 38.0 15.0 43.0 14.0 14.0 ...

28 Kiribati ... 108.0 F 108.0 F 108.0 F ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 41.0 ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... 22.0 F 3.0 3.0 F 3.0 F 3.0 F ...

37 Tonga 8.0 ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... 1.0 1.0 F ...

7 622.0 2 418.0 2 156.0 2 628.0 2 145.0 1 268.0 -12.9

40 Australia 4 593.0 1 523.0 1 471.0 1 397.0 1 510.0 863.0 * -11.3

41 Japan 2 997.0 890.0 671.0 1 225.0 629.0 405.0 -15.6

42 New Zealand 32.0 5.0 14.0 6.0 6.0 ... ...

225 454.0 327 628.0 474 627.0 373 144.0 375 986.0 329 440.0 5.0

66 155.0 36 317.0 42 174.0 67 051.0 36 873.0 52 792.0 -2.7

291 609.0 A 363 945.0 A 516 801.0 A 440 195.0 A 412 859.0 A 382 232.0 A 3.8

Table 129. Jute: imports in volume


Imports of jute



growth rate

2006 2008 2000-2010




Rest of World

Pacific Islands


20072000 2010

Southeast Asia





East Asia

North and Central Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 198: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


345 685.0 451 951.0 699 983.0 417 517.0 362 612.0 336 891.0 3.4

495.0 7 965.0 6 013.0 8 558.0 5 238.0 2 074.0 0.0

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 462.0 292.0 267.0 2 282.0 * 122.0 70.0 -4.2

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 8.0 72.0 221.0 41.0 * 507.0 * 39.0 ...

5 Myanmar ... 6 004.0 P 4 644.0 P 2 448.0 P 3 687.0 P 697.0 P ...

6 Philippines ... 11.0 P 4.0 9.0 9.0 F 5.0 ...

7 Thailand ... 301.0 168.0 69.0 2.0 ... ...

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 25.0 * 1 285.0 P 709.0 P 3 709.0 P 911.0 P 1 263.0 P 23.8

342 950.0 443 821.0 693 804.0 408 288.0 357 179.0 334 706.0 3.8

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 335 000.0 F 432 389.0 652 560.0 369 372.0 P 320 159.0 P 290 973.0 P 2.9

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 7 637.0 9 043.0 38 664.0 37 895.0 36 575.0 43 628.0 21.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 13.0 202.0 166.0 60.0 60.0 F 37.0 ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 300.0 * 6.0 F 6.0 F 6.0 F 10.0 * ... ...

17 Pakistan ... 2 181.0 2 402.0 955.0 75.0 6.0 * ...

18 Sri Lanka ... ... 6.0 P ... 300.0 62.0 * ...

30.0 7.0 6.0 4.0 15.0 8.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 30.0 7.0 6.0 4.0 15.0 * 8.0 ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 210.0 158.0 160.0 667.0 180.0 102.0 -24.9

22 China 2 206.0 115.0 160.0 667.0 180.0 102.0 * -25.1

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 4.0 43.0 ... ... ... ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... 1.0 ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41.0 28.0 8.0 9.0 17.0 84.0 8.4

40 Australia 1.0 14.0 8.0 3.0 * ... 74.0 ...

41 Japan 40.0 14.0 * ... 6.0 17.0 10.0 ...

42 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

345 726.0 451 979.0 699 991.0 417 526.0 362 629.0 336 975.0 3.4

12 992.0 11 759.0 24 002.0 32 167.0 38 084.0 38 683.0 13.1

358 718.0 A 463 738.0 A 723 993.0 A 449 693.0 A 400 713.0 A 375 658.0 A 4.0

Table 130. Jute: exports in volume


Exports of jute



growth rate



2000 2010



North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia





Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia


China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 199: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


14 765.0 16 786.0 15 655.0 15 227.0 13 503.0 12 054.0 -1.9

2 619.0 4 269.0 2 015.0 3 127.0 1 705.0 1 527.0 0.4

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... 1.0 A ...

2 Indonesia 173.0 A 1 576.0 A 34.0 A 923.0 A 843.0 A 18.0 A 7.9

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 458.0 A 84.0 A 76.0 A 97.0 A 146.0 A 514.0 A 13.4

5 Myanmar 54.0 A 62.0 A 59.0 A 56.0 A 66.0 A 79.0 A 0.9

6 Philippines 8.0 A 2.0 A 36.0 A 21.0 A 25.0 A ... ...

7 Thailand 1 841.0 A 2 210.0 A 1 315.0 A 1 352.0 A 214.0 A 192.0 A -13.9

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 85.0 A 335.0 A 495.0 A 678.0 A 411.0 A 723.0 A 14.5

6 133.0 6 789.0 9 545.0 10 139.0 8 731.0 5 430.0 -0.2

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 800.0 A 198.0 A 210.0 A 260.0 A 494.0 A 273.0 A 3.2

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 4 732.0 A 5 716.0 A 8 106.0 A 8 536.0 A 7 484.0 A 4 588.0 A -0.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) ... 478.0 A 745.0 A 706.0 A 160.0 A 277.0 A ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 600.0 A 29.0 A 25.0 A 9.0 A 9.0 A 2.0 A -41.0

17 Pakistan ... 362.0 A 453.0 A 628.0 A 584.0 A 282.0 A ...

18 Sri Lanka 1.0 A 6.0 A 6.0 A ... ... 8.0 A ...

13.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 8.0 0.0 ...

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 13.0 A ... ... 6.0 A 8.0 A ... ...

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5 996.0 5 728.0 4 095.0 1 955.0 3 059.0 5 097.0 -6.6

22 China 4 153.0 A 4 539.0 A 2 949.0 A 782.0 A 2 072.0 A 4 365.0 A -6.8

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia ... ... 1.0 A ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1 843.0 A 1 189.0 A 1 145.0 A 1 173.0 A 987.0 A 732.0 A -8.1

4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 4.0 A ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 531.0 1 877.0 1 345.0 1 391.0 973.0 977.0 -13.9

40 Australia 2.0 A 13.0 A ... 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A ...

41 Japan 4 527.0 A 1 860.0 A 1 338.0 A 1 387.0 A 968.0 A 971.0 A -13.9

42 New Zealand 2.0 A 4.0 A 7.0 A 3.0 A 4.0 A 5.0 A 5.8

19 296.0 18 663.0 17 000.0 16 618.0 14 476.0 13 031.0 -3.5

12 089.0 9 214.0 7 391.0 7 082.0 4 345.0 5 048.0 -6.7

31 385.0 A 27 877.0 A 24 391.0 A 23 700.0 A 18 821.0 A 18 079.0 A -4.5

growth rate

Table 131. Silk: imports in volume


Imports of silk



South and Southwest Asia

20072000 2010




Rest of World


Pacific Islands





East Asia

North and Central Asia

Southeast Asia




China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 200: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


22 968.0 13 684.0 19 577.0 17 252.0 13 304.0 13 452.0 -4.4

1 195.0 1 232.0 773.0 240.0 145.0 284.0 -16.8

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 10.0 A 65.0 A 8.0 A 4.0 A 7.0 A 10.0 A -15.1

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 145.0 A 16.0 A 39.0 A ... 1.0 A 14.0 A ...

5 Myanmar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6 Philippines ... 7.0 A ... ... ... ... ...

7 Thailand 700.0 A 175.0 A 97.0 A 146.0 A 112.0 A 25.0 A -16.9

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 340.0 A 969.0 A 629.0 A 90.0 A 25.0 A 235.0 A -18.5

2 885.0 1 730.0 1 223.0 541.0 1 932.0 2 045.0 -0.9

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh ... ... 78.0 A ... ... 5.0 A ...

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 1 927.0 A 1 542.0 A 898.0 A 359.0 A 1 818.0 A 1 887.0 A 1.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 17.0 A 188.0 A 127.0 A 45.0 A 74.0 A 121.0 A 12.3

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... 5.0 A 8.0 A ...

17 Pakistan 940.0 A ... 120.0 A 137.0 A 35.0 A 24.0 A ...

18 Sri Lanka 1.0 A ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 180.0 1 169.0 796.0 628.0 497.0 1 033.0 -2.6

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 1 180.0 A 1 169.0 A 796.0 A 628.0 A 497.0 A 1 033.0 A -2.6

17 708.0 9 553.0 16 785.0 15 843.0 10 730.0 10 090.0 -4.4

22 China 17 520.0 A 9 284.0 A 16 487.0 A 15 698.0 A 10 592.0 A 10 033.0 A -4.4

23 DPR Korea 120.0 A 223.0 A 277.0 A 137.0 A 137.0 A 57.0 A -2.5

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 68.0 A 46.0 A 21.0 A 8.0 A 1.0 A ... ...

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 937.0 143.0 379.0 90.0 36.0 962.0 -19.6

40 Australia 2 630.0 A 40.0 A 224.0 A ... ... 894.0 A ...

41 Japan 307.0 A 102.0 A 154.0 A 90.0 A 36.0 A 68.0 A -14.7

42 New Zealand ... 1.0 A 1.0 A ... ... ... ...

25 905.0 13 827.0 19 956.0 17 342.0 13 340.0 14 414.0 -4.9

4 784.0 8 112.0 3 074.0 2 845.0 2 379.0 2 826.0 -3.4

30 689.0 A 21 939.0 A 23 030.0 A 20 187.0 A 15 719.0 A 17 240.0 A -4.5

Table 132. Silk: exports in volume


Exports of silk



growth rate







Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

2007 2008 2009 20102006

North and Central Asia



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

China includes China Mainland and Taiwan

Page 201: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Fisheries: production

Inland and marine capture fisheries major producers in 2010

Largest importers and exporters of fish and fish products in Asia-Pacific in 2010

* China values include the intra-trade.

Fisheries: trade

Million US$

Viet Nam




Russian Federation




Rest of Asia-Pacific

Rest of World

Inland capture fisheries

Marine capture fisheries

0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000 35 000 40 000

1 000 MT


2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000

10 000

12 000

14 000

16 000

Largest importers Largest exporters



Rep. of K


Russian F





Rest of A





Viet Nam

Russian F




Rest of A



Page 202: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 203: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


5 603.1 6 549.5 6 697.3 6 919.5 7 101.4 7 860.6 3.7

1 356.0 1 954.9 2 056.5 2 115.5 2 201.7 2 377.3 5.7

1 Cambodia 245.6 422.0 395.0 365.0 390.0 405.0 3.3

2 Indonesia 318.3 293.9 320.9 304.4 295.7 345.0 0.1

3 Lao PDR 29.3 26.9 28.4 29.2 30.0 30.9 -0.4

4 Malaysia 3.5 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.5 3.0

5 Myanmar 196.1 631.1 717.6 814.7 899.4 1 002.4 19.0

6 Philippines 151.8 159.9 166.5 179.5 186.4 185.4 3.5

7 Thailand 201.4 214.0 225.6 228.6 206.9 209.8 0.9

8 Timor-Leste 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

9 Viet Nam 210.0 F 202.9 198.2 189.7 188.8 194.2 F -1.9

1 926.4 2 117.2 2 063.9 2 248.6 2 396.3 2 853.4 4.2

10 Afghanistan 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.3

11 Bangladesh 670.5 956.7 1 006.8 1 060.2 1 218.9 1 119.1 6.7

12 Bhutan 0.3 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F -4.6

13 India 905.7 892.6 823.4 947.4 924.0 1 468.8 3.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 123.5 71.4 74.1 65.9 71.8 75.1 -1.6

15 Maldives 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

16 Nepal 16.7 20.0 20.1 21.5 21.5 21.5 2.7

17 Pakistan 176.5 140.0 100.0 108.0 112.4 115.3 -1.9

18 Sri Lanka 32.3 35.3 38.4 44.5 46.6 52.4 6.8

332.3 245.5 293.6 275.3 287.2 310.0 1.6

19 Kazakhstan 36.6 34.7 41.4 55.7 35.0 43.0 5.6

20 Russian Federation 292.4 209.4 250.2 216.8 246.1 263.0 0.9

21 Uzbekistan 3.3 1.4 2.0 2.7 6.1 4.1 7.0

1 969.2 2 215.2 2 267.6 2 264.6 2 200.8 2 304.8 1.8

22 China 1 953.7 F 2 203.5 F 2 256.6 2 248.4 2 184.0 2 289.4 1.8

23 DPR Korea 8.0 F 5.0 F 5.0 F 5.0 F 5.0 F 5.0 F -2.1

24 Mongolia 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 F -14.4

25 Rep. of Korea 7.1 6.4 5.8 11.1 11.7 10.3 5.1

19.2 16.6 15.7 15.6 15.4 15.2 -2.1

26 Cook Islands 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - ...

27 Fiji Islands 5.7 3.1 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.7 -9.9

28 Kiribati 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

29 Marshall Islands 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0

31 Nauru 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

32 Niue 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

33 Palau 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

34 Papua New Guinea 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 0.0

35 Samoa 0.0 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0

36 Solomon Islands 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

37 Tonga 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

38 Tuvalu 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

39 Vanuatu 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

72.6 42.9 41.1 34.7 44.0 41.6 -6.3

40 Australia 0.4 0.3 1.2 1.3 1.6 0.8 22.1

41 Japan 71.1 41.7 39.0 32.6 41.7 39.9 -6.7

42 New Zealand 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.9 -2.8

5 675.7 6 592.4 6 738.4 6 954.2 7 145.4 7 902.3 3.6

2 901.1 3 204.2 3 217.0 3 240.4 3 237.5 3 308.9 1.5

8 576.7 9 796.5 9 955.4 10 194.6 10 382.9 11 211.2 2.9


Table 133. Inland capture fisheries: production



Pacific Islands

East Asia




Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia



North and Central Asia


1 000 MT %



growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

Symbols: “0” = more than zero but less than half the unit.

Note: Fishery statistical data presented in the above table exclude the production for crocodiles and aquatic plants.

Page 204: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


36 088.4 37 504.4 38 276.8 38 151.0 39 030.7 40 338.9 1.1

11 937.9 13 696.6 13 984.2 13 808.7 14 318.4 14 883.5 2.1

1 Cambodia 38.8 F 60.5 F 63.5 F 66.0 75.0 85.1 F 7.1

2 Indonesia 3 762.5 4 506.7 4 729.4 4 692.8 4 807.9 5 035.3 2.7

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 1 285.7 1 282.3 1 381.4 1 394.5 1 393.2 1 428.9 1.3

5 Myanmar 897.1 1 375.7 1 517.9 1 679.0 1 867.5 2 060.8 8.8

6 Philippines 1 744.4 2 159.3 2 333.2 2 381.8 2 416.1 2 426.3 3.5

7 Thailand 2 795.7 2 484.8 2 079.4 1 644.8 1 663.8 1 617.4 -5.8

8 Timor-Leste 0.4 2.6 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.1 26.3

9 Viet Nam 1 413.3 1 824.8 1 876.4 1 946.6 2 091.7 2 226.6 4.3

4 195.6 4 579.9 4 606.4 4 751.1 4 853.8 5 019.0 1.5

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 333.8 479.8 487.4 497.6 602.6 607.5 5.3

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 2 760.7 2 952.2 3 035.9 3 151.9 3 142.8 3 226.2 1.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 260.5 374.5 329.6 342.0 348.1 368.5 3.7

15 Maldives 119.4 185.3 144.5 133.3 117.1 95.0 -1.9

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 437.6 349.4 340.1 343.4 334.0 337.9 -2.9

18 Sri Lanka 283.6 238.7 268.9 282.9 309.1 383.9 1.6

3 681.2 3 074.9 3 225.6 3 166.9 3 580.0 3 806.6 0.6

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 3 681.2 3 074.9 3 225.6 3 166.9 3 580.0 3 806.6 0.6

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 970.0 15 502.2 15 796.5 15 864.3 15 712.8 16 073.1 0.2

22 China 13 947.3 13 551.2 13 732.4 13 718.8 13 666.0 14 150.4 0.2

23 DPR Korea 204.9 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 -0.1

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 1 817.9 1 751.1 1 864.1 1 945.5 1 846.9 1 722.7 0.2

303.6 650.7 664.0 560.0 565.7 556.7 7.0

26 Cook Islands 1.0 3.9 4.3 3.8 2.7 10.0 19.8

27 Fiji Islands 35.0 44.3 43.8 41.3 37.3 39.7 1.4

28 Kiribati 35.4 25.7 34.2 28.0 40.6 44.6 0.9

29 Marshall Islands 8.3 44.0 61.2 35.1 46.2 59.7 10.8

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 23.3 15.3 20.7 25.3 27.7 30.9 1.3

31 Nauru 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 -6.0

32 Niue 0.2 F 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 -3.0

33 Palau 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0

34 Papua New Guinea 96.4 239.5 234.0 208.9 216.1 211.0 8.3

35 Samoa 8.6 12.4 14.1 13.9 13.3 13.0 5.2

36 Solomon Islands 19.2 39.5 31.3 27.4 27.9 35.2 3.5

37 Tonga 3.8 2.8 3.1 2.6 2.0 2.2 -7.3

38 Tuvalu 0.5 F 2.6 F 2.6 F 2.6 F 5.1 11.3 F 31.8

39 Vanuatu 70.5 219.1 213.2 169.8 145.3 97.8 12.0

5 744.0 4 958.9 4 919.2 4 901.5 4 683.3 4 610.2 -1.8

40 Australia 190.0 196.8 186.8 180.2 170.1 170.6 -1.5

41 Japan 5 001.6 4 286.4 4 238.7 4 269.6 4 074.6 4 004.3 -1.7

42 New Zealand 552.4 475.7 493.7 451.6 438.6 435.3 -3.0

41 832.3 42 463.3 43 195.9 43 052.4 43 714.0 44 949.1 0.8

43 137.6 37 763.6 37 153.8 36 452.0 35 533.4 32 443.5 -2.3

84 969.9 80 227.0 80 349.7 79 504.4 79 247.3 77 392.6 -0.7



Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 MT

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia



2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010


Table 134. Marine capture fisheries: production





growth rate

Symbols: “0” = more than zero but less than half the unit.

Note: Fishery statistical data presented in the above table exclude the production for marine mammals, crocodiles and aquatic plants.

Page 205: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


41 691.5 44 053.9 44 974.1 45 070.5 46 132.1 48 199.6 1.5

13 293.9 15 651.5 16 040.7 15 924.2 16 520.1 17 260.7 2.5

1 Cambodia 284.4 482.5 458.5 431.0 465.0 490.1 3.8

2 Indonesia 4 080.8 4 800.6 5 050.3 4 997.2 5 103.6 5 380.3 2.6

3 Lao PDR 29.3 26.9 28.4 29.2 30.0 30.9 -0.4

4 Malaysia 1 289.2 1 286.5 1 385.7 1 398.9 1 397.7 1 433.4 1.3

5 Myanmar 1 093.2 2 006.8 2 235.6 2 493.8 2 766.9 3 063.2 11.3

6 Philippines 1 896.1 2 319.1 2 499.7 2 561.3 2 602.5 2 611.7 3.5

7 Thailand 2 997.1 2 698.8 2 305.0 1 873.4 1 870.7 1 827.2 -5.2

8 Timor-Leste 0.4 2.6 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.1 26.3

9 Viet Nam 1 623.3 2 027.7 2 074.6 2 136.3 2 280.5 2 420.8 3.6

6 122.0 6 697.2 6 670.3 6 999.7 7 250.0 7 872.4 2.3

10 Afghanistan 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.0 F 1.3

11 Bangladesh 1 004.3 1 436.5 1 494.2 1 557.8 1 821.6 1 726.6 6.2

12 Bhutan 0.3 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F -4.6

13 India 3 666.4 3 844.8 3 859.3 4 099.2 4 066.8 4 695.0 1.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 384.0 445.9 403.7 407.8 419.9 443.7 2.4

15 Maldives 119.4 185.3 144.5 133.3 117.1 95.0 -1.9

16 Nepal 16.7 20.0 20.1 21.5 21.5 21.5 2.7

17 Pakistan 614 1 489 4 440 1 451 4 446 4 453 3 2 7


Table 135. Total capture fisheries: production




Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia




1 000 MT %



growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008

17 Pakistan 614.1 489.4 440.1 451.4 446.4 453.3 -2.7

18 Sri Lanka 316.0 274.0 307.3 327.4 355.7 436.4 2.2

4 013.5 3 320.5 3 519.2 3 442.2 3 867.2 4 116.7 0.7

19 Kazakhstan 36.6 34.7 41.4 55.7 35.0 43.0 5.6

20 Russian Federation 3 973.5 3 284.3 3 475.9 3 383.7 3 826.1 4 069.6 0.6

21 Uzbekistan 3.3 1.4 2.0 2.7 6.1 4.1 7.0

17 939.3 17 717.5 18 064.1 18 128.8 17 913.6 18 377.9 0.4

22 China 15 901.0 15 754.6 15 989.1 15 967.2 15 850.0 16 439.9 0.4

23 DPR Korea 212.9 205.0 205.0 205.0 205.0 205.0 -0.2

24 Mongolia 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 -14.4

25 Rep. of Korea 1 825.0 1 757.5 1 869.9 1 956.6 1 858.6 1 732.9 0.2

322.9 667.3 679.7 575.6 581.1 571.9 6.6

26 Cook Islands 1.0 3.9 4.3 3.8 2.7 10.0 19.8

27 Fiji Islands 40.7 47.4 46.0 43.4 39.2 41.4 0.4

28 Kiribati 35.4 25.7 34.2 28.0 40.6 44.6 0.9

29 Marshall Islands 8.3 44.0 61.2 35.1 46.2 59.7 10.8

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 23.3 15.3 20.7 25.3 27.7 30.9 1.3

31 Nauru 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 -6.0

32 Niue 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 -3.0

33 Palau 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0

34 Papua New Guinea 109.9 253.0 247.5 222.4 229.6 224.5 7.6

35 Samoa 8.6 12.4 14.1 13.9 13.3 13.0 5.2

36 Solomon Islands 19.2 39.5 31.3 27.4 27.9 35.2 3.5

37 Tonga 3.8 2.8 3.1 2.6 2.0 2.2 -7.3

38 Tuvalu 0.5 F 2.6 F 2.6 F 2.6 F 5.1 11.3 F 31.8

39 Vanuatu 70.5 219.1 213.2 169.8 145.3 97.8 12.0

5 816.5 5 001.8 4 960.3 4 936.1 4 727.3 4 651.8 -1.8

40 Australia 190.4 197.1 188.1 181.5 171.6 171.4 -1.5

41 Japan 5 072.7 4 328.1 4 277.7 4 302.3 4 116.3 4 044.2 -1.7

42 New Zealand 553.4 476.6 494.5 452.3 439.4 436.2 -3.0

47 508.0 49 055.7 49 934.3 50 006.6 50 859.3 52 851.4 1.1

46 038.6 40 967.8 40 370.8 39 692.4 38 770.9 35 752.4 -2.0

93 546.6 90 023.5 90 305.2 89 699.0 89 630.2 88 603.8 -0.3

Pacific Islands

East Asia



Rest of World


North and Central Asia

Symbols: “0” = more than zero but less than half the unit.

Note: Fishery statistical data exclude the production for marine mammals, crocodiles and aquatic plants.

Page 206: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


27 612.1 40 980.5 43 337.6 46 147.1 48 620.4 52 445.0 6.6

2 726.2 5 765.8 6 439.9 7 246.9 7 680.2 8 373.4 12.3

1 Cambodia 14.4 34.2 35.3 40.0 50.0 60.0 16.7

2 Indonesia 788.5 1 292.9 1 392.9 1 690.2 1 733.4 2 304.8 10.4

3 Lao PDR 42.1 60.0 63.3 64.3 75.0 82.1 4.7

4 Malaysia 151.8 168.3 178.2 243.1 333.4 373.2 8.3

5 Myanmar 98.9 575.0 604.7 674.8 778.1 850.7 24.5

6 Philippines 393.9 623.4 709.7 741.1 737.4 744.7 7.5

7 Thailand 738.2 1 354.3 1 370.5 1 330.9 1 416.7 1 286.1 6.2

8 Timor-Leste 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 ...

9 Viet Nam 498.5 1 657.7 2 085.4 2 462.5 2 556.1 2 671.8 19.9

2 672.2 4 355.3 4 381.7 5 181.2 5 208.2 6 353.8 8.2

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 657.1 892.0 945.8 1 005.5 1 064.3 1 308.5 5.6

12 Bhutan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.3

13 India 1 942.5 3 180.9 3 112.2 3 851.1 3 791.9 4 648.9 8.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 40.6 129.5 158.6 154.7 179.6 220.0 15.7

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 15.0 25.4 26.7 27.3 26.7 28.2 7.1

17 Pakistan 12.5 121.8 130.1 135.1 138.1 140.1 19.2

18 Sri Lanka 4.4 5.7 8.2 7.5 7.5 8.1 10.7

80.6 109.6 109.7 119.7 122.0 127.3 3.3

19 Kazakhstan 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 -11.4

20 Russian Federation 74.1 105.5 105.5 115.4 116.6 120.4 3.5

21 Uzbekistan 5.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 5.2 6.7 2.5

22 131.1 30 748.5 32 405.2 33 597.9 35 608.3 37 588.5 5.4

22 China 21 770.9 30 171.2 31 735.3 33 060.1 35 071.2 37 048.9 5.4

23 DPR Korea 66.7 63.8 63.9 64.0 64.1 64.1 -0.1

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 293.4 513.6 606.1 473.8 473.1 475.6 6.4

2.0 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.9 3.3

26 Cook Islands 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

27 Fiji Islands 1.8 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 -15.5

28 Kiribati 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4.4

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.3

34 Papua New Guinea 0.2 0.7 0.8 1.1 F 1.4 F 1.6 24.8

35 Samoa 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

36 Solomon Islands 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 F ...

37 Tonga 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 - ...

38 Tuvalu 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

39 Vanuatu 0.0 - 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 ...

880.2 891.0 938.1 901.6 956.4 898.5 0.1

40 Australia 31.7 49.4 55.8 58.9 64.5 69.6 8.0

41 Japan 762.8 734.1 770.4 730.4 786.9 718.3 -0.8

42 New Zealand 85.6 107.5 111.9 112.4 105.0 110.6 3.8

28 492.3 41 871.5 44 275.7 47 048.7 49 576.8 53 343.4 6.4

3 925.4 5 418.7 5 661.7 5 897.7 6 137.6 6 529.2 5.1

32 417.7 47 290.2 49 937.4 52 946.4 55 714.4 59 872.6 6.3


Table 136. Aquaculture: production





growth rate

2000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000-2010

North and Central Asia





Rest of World


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 MT

Pacific Islands

East Asia

Symbols: “0” = more than zero but less than half the unit.

Note: Fishery statistical data presented in the above table exclude the production for crocodiles and aquatic plants.

Page 207: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


5 127.2 9 606.1 6 782.1 11 364.9 1 654.9 1 758.7

1 446.2 2 673.5 2 418.2 4 209.8 972.1 1 536.4

1 Cambodia 2.8 3.9 42.8 18.9 40.0 15.1

2 Indonesia 109.4 245.9 554.8 781.7 445.4 535.7

3 Lao PDR 2.0 4.3 0.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.3

4 Malaysia 289.3 404.2 138.5 284.8 -150.8 -119.4

5 Myanmar 0.8 2.7 105.9 350.5 105.1 347.8

6 Philippines 222.4 210.6 155.4 174.9 -67.0 -35.6

7 Thailand 811.8 1 554.3 1 174.1 1 745.3 362.3 191.0

8 Timor-Leste ... 0.4 ... 0.0 ... -0.4

9 Viet Nam 7.7 247.1 246.8 853.7 239.1 606.6

173.4 175.8 571.5 943.3 398.1 767.4

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 1.9 17.4 32.6 89.5 30.8 72.1

12 Bhutan ... 1.9 ... 0.0 ... -1.9

13 India 20.8 20.6 400.8 629.0 380.1 608.4

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 66.4 39.6 7.3 33.1 -59.1 -6.5

15 Maldives 0.0 1.1 33.3 46.9 33.3 45.8

16 Nepal 0.1 3.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 -3.7

17 P ki t 0 2 2 0 84 3 125 3 84 1 123 3



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 MT


Annual ave. Annual ave. Annual ave. Annual ave.

Table 137. Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume

ending in 2000 ending in 2010 ending in 2000 ending in 2010 ending in 2000 ending in 2010

Exports NET (Exports-Imports)

CountryAnnual ave. Annual ave.

Triennium Triennium Triennium Triennium Triennium Triennium

17 Pakistan 0.2 2.0 84.3 125.3 84.1 123.3

18 Sri Lanka 84.0 89.5 13.2 19.5 -70.9 -70.0

579.8 1 153.8 1 049.5 1 546.7 469.7 392.8

19 Kazakhstan 24.2 62.6 16.8 32.9 -7.4 -29.8

20 Russian Federation 554.5 1 088.2 1 032.6 1 513.3 478.1 425.0

21 Uzbekistan 1.1 3.0 0.0 0.6 -1.0 -2.4

2 894.4 5 544.1 2 599.7 4 438.7 -294.7 -1 105.5

22 China* 2 277.4 4 417.7 2 039.6 3 765.7 -237.8 -652.0

23 DPR Korea 4.4 21.3 56.5 51.1 52.1 29.7

24 Mongolia 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.3 -0.5

25 Rep. of Korea 612.4 1 104.4 503.2 621.7 -109.3 -482.7

33.4 58.8 143.2 226.4 109.8 167.5

26 Cook Islands 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.9 -0.1 1.8

27 Fiji Islands 12.7 29.6 12.6 44.8 -0.1 15.3

28 Kiribati 0.3 0.4 4.6 9.5 4.3 9.0

29 Marshall Islands 0.1 0.6 1.4 43.6 1.3 43.0

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 1.0 1.0 12.1 16.6 11.1 15.5

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0

34 Papua New Guinea 12.6 18.4 18.6 47.0 6.0 28.6

35 Samoa 4.9 4.2 3.2 3.7 -1.7 -0.5

36 Solomon Islands 0.1 1.8 28.8 11.4 28.7 9.6

37 Tonga 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.0 -0.5

38 Tuvalu 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2

39 Vanuatu 0.8 1.3 61.0 46.8 60.2 45.5

3 434.1 2 862.9 613.3 860.6 -2 820.8 -2 002.2

40 Australia 166.0 255.4 77.4 45.9 -88.5 -209.5

41 Japan 3 243.2 2 576.8 226.5 519.2 -3 016.7 -2 057.6

42 New Zealand 25.0 30.6 309.4 295.6 284.4 264.9

8 561.3 12 469.0 7 395.5 12 225.5 -1 165.9 -243.5

14 472.7 20 043.7 16 196.0 19 382.6 1 723.2 -661.1

23 034.1 32 512.7 23 591.4 31 608.2 557.3 -904.6

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia



Rest of World


* China total includes intra-trade.

Page 208: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


6 303 797.0 18 406 257.0 17 756 833.0 36 511 576.7 11 407 529.3 18 107 962.3

1 276 380.7 3 728 326.7 7 779 243.7 15 615 906.7 6 502 863.0 11 887 580.0

1 Cambodia 2 648.3 3 604.3 36 308.7 19 306.7 33 660.3 15 702.3

2 Indonesia 67 795.0 247 173.7 1 580 013.3 2 427 567.3 1 512 218.3 2 180 393.7

3 Lao PDR 1 403.3 4 220.7 34.3 23.3 -1 369.0 -4 197.3

4 Malaysia 260 667.7 677 240.3 319 607.7 758 324.7 58 940.0 81 084.3

5 Myanmar 1 097.3 5 695.3 184 041.7 507 722.7 182 944.3 502 027.3

6 Philippines 108 028.3 157 668.7 408 924.0 617 472.3 300 895.7 459 803.7

7 Thailand 818 270.7 2 173 059.7 4 169 490.3 6 631 974.7 3 351 219.7 4 458 915.0

8 Timor-Leste ... 980.0 ... 185.7 ... -794.3

9 Viet Nam 16 470.0 458 684.0 1 080 823.7 4 653 329.3 1 064 353.7 4 194 645.3

148 622.0 266 909.3 1 848 412.7 3 124 055.7 1 654 284.0 2 859 789.0

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 2 991.3 14 738.0 288 694.0 521 149.3 285 702.7 506 411.3

12 Bhutan ... 2 642.7 ... ... ... ...

13 India 22 540.0 56 707.3 1 220 706.0 2 023 919.7 1 198 166.0 1 967 212.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 56 149.0 46 335.0 48 069.3 96 310.7 -8 079.7 49 975.7

15 Maldives ... 9 243.7 45 506.7 90 182.7 ... 80 939.0

16 Nepal 229.0 2 424.7 87.3 4.0 -141.7 -2 420.7

17 P ki t 442 7 2 017 7 142 385 3 216 610 7 141 942 7 214 593 0

Table 138. Fish and fish products: imports and exports in value

ending in 2000 ending in 2010 ending in 2000 ending in 2010 ending in 2000

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 USD

Imports Exports



ending in 2010

CountryAnnual ave. Annual ave. Annual ave. Annual ave. Annual ave.

NET (Exports-Imports)

Annual ave.

Triennium Triennium Triennium Triennium Triennium Triennium

17 Pakistan 442.7 2 017.7 142 385.3 216 610.7 141 942.7 214 593.0

18 Sri Lanka 66 270.0 132 800.3 102 964.0 175 878.7 36 694.0 43 078.3

233 483.0 2 331 035.3 1 308 466.3 2 683 421.7 1 074 983.3 352 386.3

19 Kazakhstan 13 251.3 66 389.3 13 196.3 87 452.7 -55.0 21 063.3

20 Russian Federation 218 240.7 2 261 898.3 1 295 227.0 2 594 578.3 1 076 986.3 332 680.0

21 Uzbekistan 1 991.0 2 747.7 43.0 1 390.7 -1 948.0 -1 357.0

4 606 345.3 11 985 374.3 6 618 468.3 14 649 484.3 2 012 123.0 2 664 110.0

22 China* 3 565 983.3 8 955 748.7 5 205 969.3 13 181 944.3 1 639 986.0 4 226 195.7

23 DPR Korea 5 566.0 90 700.0 69 554.3 56 316.7 63 988.3 -34 383.3

24 Mongolia 146.3 1 194.7 239.0 273.7 92.7 -921.0

25 Rep. of Korea 1 034 649.7 2 937 731.0 1 342 705.7 1 410 949.7 308 056.0 -1 526 781.3

38 966.0 94 611.3 202 242.0 438 708.3 163 276.0 344 097.0

26 Cook Islands 458.3 791.7 101.7 5 320.7 -356.7 4 529.0

27 Fiji Islands 15 299.0 46 071.0 27 163.7 98 795.3 11 864.7 52 724.3

28 Kiribati 384.3 502.7 4 714.3 13 454.3 4 330.0 12 951.7

29 Marshall Islands 181.0 1 584.7 1 010.0 59 067.3 829.0 57 482.7

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 2 694.3 3 699.0 22 197.7 25 165.7 19 503.3 21 466.7

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau 251.0 657.7 261.0 283.7 10.0 -374.0

34 Papua New Guinea 11 513.0 27 882.7 46 634.3 152 155.0 35 121.3 124 272.3

35 Samoa 6 130.3 5 883.7 10 199.0 8 784.0 4 068.7 2 900.3

36 Solomon Islands 163.7 2 884.0 21 381.0 19 038.0 21 217.3 16 154.0

37 Tonga 939.0 2 039.0 2 651.7 5 534.0 1 712.7 3 495.0

38 Tuvalu 28.7 47.7 312.7 421.0 284.0 373.3

39 Vanuatu 923.3 2 567.7 65 615.0 50 689.3 64 691.7 48 121.7

14 914 210.7 15 617 696.3 2 311 234.7 3 603 163.0 -12 602 976.0 -12 014 533.3

40 Australia 498 531.3 1 136 820.0 884 169.0 904 812.7 385 637.7 -232 007.3

41 Japan 14 362 771.3 14 365 750.0 746 527.3 1 742 281.3 -13 616 244.0 -12 623 468.7

42 New Zealand 52 908.0 115 126.3 680 538.3 956 069.0 627 630.3 840 942.7

21 218 007.7 34 023 953.3 20 068 067.7 40 114 739.7 -1 195 446.7 6 093 429.0

36 387 078 72 351 843 33 338 437 62 289 686 -3 003 134 -10 064 800

57 605 085 106 375 796 53 406 505 102 404 425 -4 198 580 -3 971 371



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia

* China total includes intra-trade.

Page 209: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Roundwood: production

Major Producers of roundwood in the Asia-Pacific region in 2011

Largest exports and importers in Asia-Pacific region in 2011

Forestry products: trade

Million US$


Viet Nam






Russian Federation



Rest of Asia-Pacific

1 000 CUM

0 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 300 000 350 000

Industrial Roundwood

Wood fuel


5 000

10 000

15 000

20 000

25 000

30 000

35 000

40 000

45 000

Largest exporters Largest importers


Russian F






New Zealand


Rep. of K



Viet Nam

Rest of A





Rep. of K



Russian F







Viet Nam

Rest of A



Page 210: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 211: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 175 618.4 1 214 452.6 1 198 377.1 1 152 744.1 1 179 969.4 1 202 058.6 -0.1

284 305.0 272 692.8 275 135.4 262 887.9 265 560.6 265 649.7 -0.9

1 Cambodia 10 047.3 A 9 009.0 A 8 853.4 A 8 704.0 A 8 525.2 A 8 614.3 A -1.7

2 Indonesia 130 160.7 A 115 275.9 A 119 337.7 A 110 146.9 A 113 848.7 A 113 848.7 A -1.9

3 Lao PDR 6 455.0 A 6 137.2 A 6 167.6 A 6 163.7 A 6 165.7 A 6 165.7 A -0.4

4 Malaysia 23 545.5 A 27 953.2 A 25 652.7 A 22 985.2 A 22 512.5 A 22 512.5 A -0.8

5 Myanmar 39 365.0 A 42 548.0 A 42 548.0 A 42 548.0 A 42 548.0 A 42 548.0 A 0.7

6 Philippines 16 263.7 A 15 868.0 A 16 392.7 A 16 266.7 A 15 988.9 A 15 988.9 A 0.0

7 Thailand 27 497.3 A 28 315.2 A 28 202.6 A 28 098.1 A 28 001.4 A 28 001.4 A 0.0

8 Timor-Leste 172.3 A 136.3 A 130.7 A 125.3 A 120.1 A 120.1 A -3.8

9 Viet Nam 30 798.2 A 27 450.0 A 27 850.0 A 27 850.0 A 27 850.0 A 27 850.0 A -0.5

388 417.2 419 621.4 420 358.5 420 930.6 421 544.7 421 544.7 0.6

10 Afghanistan 3 074.2 A 3 290.5 A 3 323.6 A 3 357.5 A 3 401.3 A 3 401.3 A 1.1

11 Bangladesh 28 386.7 A 27 790.0 A 27 715.0 A 27 641.3 A 27 568.8 A 27 568.8 A -0.2

12 Bhutan 4 417.7 A 4 963.9 A 4 980.0 A 4 967.0 A 5 052.0 A 5 052.0 A 1.5

13 India 296 679.0 A 330 210.2 A 330 974.5 A 331 737.4 A 332 498.9 A 332 498.9 A 0.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 114.0 A 867.0 A 886.0 A 853.0 A 750.0 A 750.0 A -1.5

15 Maldives 13.4 A 14.8 A 15.0 A 15.2 A 15.4 A 15.4 A 1.5

16 Nepal 14 004.2 A 13 879.0 A 13 845.8 A 13 814.7 A 13 785.7 A 13 785.7 A -0.2

17 Pakistan 34 194 0 A 32 481 0 A 32 650 0 A 32 650 0 A 32 650 0 A 32 650 0 A 0 2


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2008 2009 2010



1 000 CUM

Table 139. Roundwood: production





growth rate




17 Pakistan 34 194.0 A 32 481.0 A 32 650.0 A 32 650.0 A 32 650.0 A 32 650.0 A -0.2

18 Sri Lanka 6 533.9 A 6 125.0 A 5 968.6 A 5 894.5 A 5 822.6 A 5 822.6 A -1.3

165 478.9 207 279.5 181 677.5 151 747.0 175 375.0 197 375.0 0.8

19 Kazakhstan 745.9 A 247.5 A 247.5 A 317.0 A 345.0 A 345.0 A -6.7

20 Russian Federation 164 700.0 A 207 000.0 A 181 400.0 A 151 400.0 A 175 000.0 A 197 000.0 A 0.8

21 Uzbekistan 33.0 A 32.0 A 30.0 A 30.0 A 30.0 A 30.0 A -0.2

328 646.2 303 990.6 310 262.8 306 848.2 305 202.2 305 202.2 -0.8

22 China 316 881.4 A 290 665.5 A 296 871.2 A 292 938.5 A 291 250.6 A 291 250.6 A -0.9

23 DPR Korea 7 061.0 A 7 373.0 A 7 410.9 A 7 448.9 A 7 486.7 A 7 486.7 A 0.6

24 Mongolia 717.0 A 800.0 A 804.1 A 808.2 A 812.4 A 812.4 A 1.2

25 Rep. of Korea 3 986.8 A 5 152.1 A 5 176.6 A 5 652.6 A 5 652.6 A 5 652.6 A 4.0

8 771.0 10 868.3 10 943.0 10 330.5 12 286.9 12 286.9 3.1

26 Cook Islands 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 0.0

27 Fiji Islands 516.0 A 485.9 A 482.2 A 482.2 A 482.2 A 482.2 A 0.7

28 Kiribati 2.4 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.9 A 2.9 A 2.9 A 2.0

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 2.1 A 2.3 A 2.4 A 2.4 A 2.4 A 2.4 A 1.5

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.4

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 7 340.0 A 8 573.0 A 8 573.0 A 8 437.0 A 10 009.0 A 10 009.0 A 2.7

35 Samoa 90.7 A 75.7 A 75.7 A 75.7 A 75.7 A 75.7 A -2.1

36 Solomon Islands 692.0 A 1 600.4 A 1 678.7 A 1 202.1 A 1 586.5 A 1 586.5 A 8.6

37 Tonga 3.7 A 4.2 A 4.2 A 4.1 A 4.1 A 4.1 A 1.6

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 119.0 A 119.0 A 119.0 A 119.0 A 119.0 A 119.0 A 0.0

67 662.5 69 928.5 71 384.1 67 236.8 69 024.7 69 024.7 0.3

40 Australia 31 087.0 A 32 264.0 A 33 269.0 A 30 316.0 A 29 788.0 A 29 788.0 A -0.2

41 Japan 15 902.5 A 17 750.5 A 17 805.1 A 16 710.8 A 17 280.7 A 17 280.7 A 1.4

42 New Zealand 20 673.0 A 19 914.0 A 20 310.0 A 20 210.0 A 21 956.0 A 21 956.0 A 0.2

1 243 280.9 1 284 381.1 1 269 761.2 1 219 980.9 1 248 994.1 1 271 083.3 -0.1

2 093 064.7 2 268 120.4 2 165 786.7 2 068 677.8 2 152 294.7 2 164 361.3 0.0

3 336 345.6 A 3 552 501.5 A 3 435 547.9 A 3 288 658.8 A 3 401 288.8 A 3 435 444.6 A 0.0

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Rest of World




Pacific Islands

Page 212: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


847 259.1 826 492.4 820 112.4 808 073.6 802 693.6 807 586.9 1.3

200 861.4 178 354.8 175 121.8 172 009.7 169 013.5 169 013.5 0.7

1 Cambodia 9 924.3 A 8 891.0 A 8 735.4 A 8 586.0 A 8 442.3 A 8 442.3 A -0.2

2 Indonesia 85 712.1 A 67 825.4 A 65 034.2 A 62 341.4 A 59 743.2 A 59 743.2 A 0.8

3 Lao PDR 5 885.0 A 5 943.7 A 5 944.5 A 5 945.9 A 5 948.0 A 5 948.0 A -8.3

4 Malaysia 3 285.5 A 2 959.2 A 2 907.7 A 2 858.2 A 2 810.5 A 2 810.5 A -0.7

5 Myanmar 35 403.0 A 38 286.0 A 38 286.0 A 38 286.0 A 38 286.0 A 38 286.0 A 0.7

6 Philippines 13 467.7 A 12 698.0 A 12 580.7 A 12 468.7 A 12 361.9 A 12 361.9 A 3.6

7 Thailand 20 396.3 A 19 615.2 A 19 502.6 A 19 398.1 A 19 301.4 A 19 301.4 A 1.3

8 Timor-Leste 172.3 A 136.3 A 130.7 A 125.3 A 120.1 A 120.1 A ...

9 Viet Nam 26 615.2 A 22 000.0 A 22 000.0 A 22 000.0 A 22 000.0 A 22 000.0 A 3.6

360 943.2 388 371.2 389 186.3 389 858.4 390 545.5 390 545.5 1.7

10 Afghanistan 1 314.2 A 1 530.5 A 1 563.6 A 1 597.5 A 1 641.3 A 1 641.3 A 0.0

11 Bangladesh 27 798.7 A 27 508.0 A 27 433.0 A 27 359.3 A 27 286.8 A 27 286.8 A -2.9

12 Bhutan 4 283.7 A 4 662.9 A 4 723.0 A 4 783.0 A 4 845.0 A 4 845.0 A 6.6

13 India 277 380.0 A 307 018.0 A 307 782.3 A 308 545.2 A 309 306.7 A 309 306.7 A 2.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 54.0 A 67.0 A 67.0 A 60.0 A 53.0 A 53.0 A -1.2

15 Maldives 13.4 A 14.8 A 15.0 A 15.2 A 15.4 A 15.4 A ...

16 Nepal 12 744.2 A 12 619.0 A 12 585.8 A 12 554.7 A 12 525.7 A 12 525.7 A 0.0

17 Pakistan 31 515.0 A 29 520.0 A 29 660.0 A 29 660.0 A 29 660.0 A 29 660.0 A 1.5

18 Sri Lanka 5 839.9 A 5 431.0 A 5 356.6 A 5 283.5 A 5 211.6 A 5 211.6 A -1.6

47 514.8 45 072.6 44 771.6 38 765.0 39 217.9 44 111.2 1.6

19 Kazakhstan 590.8 A 49.6 A 49.6 A 243.0 A 272.0 A 272.0 A -8.7

20 Russian Federation 46 900.0 A 45 000.0 A 44 700.0 A 38 500.0 A 38 923.9 A 43 817.2 A 1.6

21 Uzbekistan 24.0 A 23.0 A 22.0 A 22.0 A 22.0 A 22.0 A -1.1

232 063.8 208 831.1 205 168.7 201 575.0 198 049.7 198 049.7 1.2

22 China 223 417.0 A 199 735.0 A 196 028.1 A 192 390.3 A 188 823.1 A 188 823.1 A 1.0

23 DPR Korea 5 561.0 A 5 873.0 A 5 910.9 A 5 948.9 A 5 986.7 A 5 986.7 A 0.0

24 Mongolia 632.0 A 751.0 A 755.1 A 759.2 A 763.4 A 763.4 A -2.6

25 Rep. of Korea 2 453.8 A 2 472.1 A 2 474.6 A 2 476.6 A 2 476.6 A 2 476.6 A 8.3

5 875.8 5 862.7 5 864.1 5 865.6 5 867.0 5 867.0 7.5

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.0

27 Fiji Islands 37.0 A 37.0 A 37.0 A 37.0 A 37.0 A 37.0 A 0.8

28 Kiribati 2.4 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.9 A 2.9 A 2.9 A ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 2.1 A 2.3 A 2.4 A 2.4 A 2.4 A 2.4 A ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 5 533.0 A 5 533.0 A 5 533.0 A 5 533.0 A 5 533.0 A 5 533.0 A 8.0

35 Samoa 70.0 A 70.0 A 70.0 A 70.0 A 70.0 A 70.0 A -14.5

36 Solomon Islands 138.0 A 124.4 A 125.7 A 127.1 A 128.5 A 128.5 A 10.1

37 Tonga 2.2 A 2.2 A 2.2 A 2.1 A 2.1 A 2.1 A 4.2

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 91.0 A 91.0 A 91.0 A 91.0 A 91.0 A 91.0 A 0.0

6 823.5 5 281.5 5 155.1 4 919.8 4 742.7 4 742.7 0.6

40 Australia 6 695.0 A 5 181.0 A 5 059.0 A 4 828.0 A 4 655.0 A 4 655.0 A 0.4

41 Japan 128.5 A 100.5 A 96.1 A 91.8 A 87.7 A 87.7 A 1.4

42 New Zealand 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.2

854 082.6 831 773.9 825 267.5 812 993.4 807 436.4 812 329.7 1.2

941 587.3 1 026 984.1 1 036 764.1 1 045 184.2 1 060 033.3 1 065 873.2 -1.2

1 795 670.0 A 1 858 758.0 A 1 862 031.6 A 1 858 177.6 A 1 867 469.6 A 1 878 202.9 A -0.5

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

2001 2007





1 000 CUM

Table 140. Wood fuel (including wood for charcoal): production





growth rate



2010 20112008 2009

Page 213: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


328 359.3 387 960.2 378 264.7 344 670.6 377 275.8 394 471.6 1.3

83 443.6 94 338.0 100 013.6 90 878.2 96 547.1 96 636.2 0.7

1 Cambodia 123.0 A 118.0 A 118.0 A 118.0 A 82.8 A 172.0 A -0.2

2 Indonesia 44 448.6 A 47 450.5 A 54 303.5 A 47 805.5 A 54 105.5 A 54 105.5 A 0.8

3 Lao PDR 570.0 A 193.5 A 223.1 A 217.7 A 217.7 A 217.7 A -8.3

4 Malaysia 20 260.0 A 24 994.0 A 22 745.0 A 20 127.0 A 19 702.0 A 19 702.0 A -0.7

5 Myanmar 3 962.0 A 4 262.0 A 4 262.0 A 4 262.0 A 4 262.0 A 4 262.0 A 0.7

6 Philippines 2 796.0 A 3 170.0 A 3 812.0 A 3 798.0 A 3 627.0 A 3 627.0 A 3.6

7 Thailand 7 101.0 A 8 700.0 A 8 700.0 A 8 700.0 A 8 700.0 A 8 700.0 A 1.3

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 4 183.0 A 5 450.0 A 5 850.0 A 5 850.0 A 5 850.0 A 5 850.0 A 3.6

27 474.0 31 250.2 31 172.2 31 072.2 30 999.2 30 999.2 1.7

10 Afghanistan 1 760.0 A 1 760.0 A 1 760.0 A 1 760.0 A 1 760.0 A 1 760.0 A 0.0

11 Bangladesh 588.0 A 282.0 A 282.0 A 282.0 A 282.0 A 282.0 A -2.9

12 Bhutan 134.0 A 301.0 A 257.0 A 184.0 A 207.0 A 207.0 A 6.6

13 India 19 299.0 A 23 192.2 A 23 192.2 A 23 192.2 A 23 192.2 A 23 192.2 A 2.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1 060.0 A 800.0 A 819.0 A 793.0 A 697.0 A 697.0 A -1.2

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 0.0

17 Pakistan 2 679.0 A 2 961.0 A 2 990.0 A 2 990.0 A 2 990.0 A 2 990.0 A 1.5

18 Sri Lanka 694.0 A 694.0 A 612.0 A 611.0 A 611.0 A 611.0 A -1.6

117 964.1 162 206.9 136 905.9 112 982.0 136 157.1 153 263.8 1.6

19 Kazakhstan 155.1 A 197.9 A 197.9 A 74.0 A 73.0 A 73.0 A -8.7

20 Russian Federation 117 800.0 A 162 000.0 A 136 700.0 A 112 900.0 A 136 076.1 A 153 182.8 A 1.6

21 Uzbekistan 9.0 A 9.0 A 8.0 A 8.0 A 8.0 A 8.0 A -1.1

96 582.4 95 159.5 105 094.1 105 273.2 107 152.5 107 152.5 1.2

22 China 93 464.4 A 90 930.5 A 100 843.1 A 100 548.2 A 102 427.5 A 102 427.5 A 1.0

23 DPR Korea 1 500.0 A 1 500.0 A 1 500.0 A 1 500.0 A 1 500.0 A 1 500.0 A ...

24 Mongolia 85.0 A 49.0 A 49.0 A 49.0 A 49.0 A 49.0 A -2.6

25 Rep. of Korea 1 533.0 A 2 680.0 A 2 702.0 A 3 176.0 A 3 176.0 A 3 176.0 A 8.3

2 895.2 5 005.6 5 078.9 4 464.9 6 419.9 6 419.9 7.5

26 Cook Islands 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 0.0

27 Fiji Islands 479.0 A 448.9 A 445.2 A 445.2 A 445.2 A 445.2 A 0.8

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1 807.0 A 3 040.0 A 3 040.0 A 2 904.0 A 4 476.0 A 4 476.0 A 8.0

35 Samoa 20.7 A 5.7 A 5.7 A 5.7 A 5.7 A 5.7 A -14.5

36 Solomon Islands 554.0 A 1 476.0 A 1 553.0 A 1 075.0 A 1 458.0 A 1 458.0 A 10.1

37 Tonga 1.5 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 4.2

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 28.0 A 28.0 A 28.0 A 28.0 A 28.0 A 28.0 A 0.0

60 839.0 64 647.0 66 229.0 62 317.0 64 282.0 64 282.0 0.6

40 Australia 24 392.0 A 27 083.0 A 28 210.0 A 25 488.0 A 25 133.0 A 25 133.0 A 0.4

41 Japan 15 774.0 A 17 650.0 A 17 709.0 A 16 619.0 A 17 193.0 A 17 193.0 A 1.4

42 New Zealand 20 673.0 A 19 914.0 A 20 310.0 A 20 210.0 A 21 956.0 A 21 956.0 A 0.2

389 198.3 452 607.2 444 493.7 406 987.6 441 557.8 458 753.6 1.2

1 151 477.4 1 241 136.3 1 129 022.6 1 023 493.6 1 092 261.4 1 098 488.1 -1.2

1 540 675.7 A 1 693 743.5 A 1 573 516.3 A 1 430 481.2 A 1 533 819.2 A 1 557 241.7 A -0.5

East Asia


Rest of World




Table 141. Industrial roundwood: production






Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

Pacific Islands

growth rate

2007 2010 2011 2001-2011


2008 2009

1 000 CUM


Page 214: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


181 618.8 219 793.7 223 475.5 200 842.0 221 327.4 231 218.3 2.1

44 951.1 51 237.5 54 368.1 47 992.7 49 674.6 49 763.7 -0.1

1 Cambodia 100.0 A 105.0 A 105.0 A 105.0 A 69.8 A 159.0 A 1.1

2 Indonesia 20 000.1 A 21 602.0 A 26 855.0 A 22 800.0 A 25 200.0 A 25 200.0 A 0.5

3 Lao PDR 438.0 A 61.5 A 91.1 A 85.7 A 85.7 A 85.7 A -14.4

4 Malaysia 18 710.0 A 23 522.0 A 21 244.0 A 18 714.0 A 18 202.0 A 18 202.0 A -0.7

5 Myanmar 2 662.0 A 2 849.0 A 2 849.0 A 2 849.0 A 2 849.0 A 2 849.0 A 0.6

6 Philippines 260.0 A 648.0 A 474.0 A 689.0 A 518.0 A 518.0 A 8.3

7 Thailand 210.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 1.6

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 2 571.0 A 2 150.0 A 2 450.0 A 2 450.0 A 2 450.0 A 2 450.0 A -1.1

23 032.0 27 314.0 27 227.0 27 105.0 27 115.0 27 115.0 1.9

10 Afghanistan 856.0 A 856.0 A 856.0 A 856.0 A 856.0 A 856.0 A 0.0

11 Bangladesh 174.0 A 174.0 A 174.0 A 174.0 A 174.0 A 174.0 A 0.0

12 Bhutan 64.0 A 188.0 A 168.0 A 93.0 A 115.0 A 115.0 A 9.1

13 India 18 350.0 A 22 390.0 A 22 390.0 A 22 390.0 A 22 390.0 A 22 390.0 A 2.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 319.0 A 321.0 A 321.0 A 275.0 A 263.0 A 263.0 A 4.6

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 1 260.0 A 0.0

17 Pakistan 1 892.0 A 2 008.0 A 2 023.0 A 2 023.0 A 2 023.0 A 2 023.0 A 0.9

18 Sri Lanka 117.0 A 117.0 A 35.0 A 34.0 A 34.0 A 34.0 A -14.5

57 933.1 82 858.3 78 358.3 62 800.0 77 968.3 87 770.0 3.9

19 Kazakhstan 124.1 A 158.3 A 158.3 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

20 Russian Federation 57 800.0 A 82 700.0 A 78 200.0 A 62 800.0 A 77 968.3 A 87 770.0 A 3.9

21 Uzbekistan 9.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

53 186.4 53 701.5 58 740.1 58 735.2 60 405.5 60 405.5 1.5

22 China 51 526.4 A 52 226.5 A 57 249.1 A 57 249.2 A 58 919.5 A 58 919.5 A 1.5

23 DPR Korea 1 000.0 A 1 000.0 A 1 000.0 A 1 000.0 A 1 000.0 A 1 000.0 A 0.0

24 Mongolia 85.0 A 35.0 A 35.0 A 35.0 A 35.0 A 35.0 A -5.5

25 Rep. of Korea 575.0 A 440.0 A 456.0 A 451.0 A 451.0 A 451.0 A 3.2

2 516.2 4 682.4 4 782.0 4 209.0 6 164.0 6 164.0 8.3

26 Cook Islands 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 5.0 A 0.0

27 Fiji Islands 200.0 A 210.7 A 233.3 A 233.3 A 233.3 A 233.3 A 1.4

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 1 710.0 A 2 958.0 A 2 958.0 A 2 863.0 A 4 435.0 A 4 435.0 A 8.5

35 Samoa 17.7 A 2.7 A 2.7 A 2.7 A 2.7 A 2.7 A -20.8

36 Solomon Islands 554.0 A 1 476.0 A 1 553.0 A 1 075.0 A 1 458.0 A 1 458.0 A 10.1

37 Tonga 1.5 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 4.2

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 28.0 A 28.0 A 28.0 A 28.0 A 28.0 A 28.0 A 0.0

31 057.0 35 109.0 34 867.0 32 548.0 32 703.0 32 703.0 0.3

40 Australia 11 123.0 A 12 530.0 A 12 654.0 A 11 360.0 A 12 157.0 A 12 157.0 A 0.3

41 Japan 11 948.0 A 13 613.0 A 13 247.0 A 12 222.0 A 13 072.0 A 13 072.0 A 1.3

42 New Zealand 7 986.0 A 8 966.0 A 8 966.0 A 8 966.0 A 7 474.0 A 7 474.0 A -1.0

212 675.8 254 902.7 258 342.5 233 390.0 254 030.4 263 921.3 1.8

689 425.7 735 721.7 636 485.4 546 878.6 599 042.1 597 242.0 -2.4

902 101.5 A 990 624.4 A 894 827.9 A 780 268.6 A 853 072.5 A 861 163.3 A -1.3

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

2001 2007





1 000 CUM

Table 142. Sawlogs and veneer logs: production





growth rate



2010 20112008 2009

Page 215: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


59 660.3 99 578.4 97 136.3 100 453.2 107 464.9 109 841.3 6.6

14 775.0 19 044.0 18 731.0 18 028.4 18 547.4 18 101.4 2.2

1 Cambodia 5.0 A 160.0 A 110.0 A 72.0 A 72.0 A 72.0 A 13.6

2 Indonesia 6 750.0 A 4 330.0 A 4 169.0 A 4 169.0 A 4 169.0 A 4 169.0 A -5.2

3 Lao PDR 185.0 A 130.0 A 130.0 A 130.0 A 130.0 A 130.0 A -2.8

4 Malaysia 4 696.0 A 5 084.0 A 4 486.0 A 3 875.0 A 4 321.0 A 3 875.0 A -1.9

5 Myanmar 671.0 A 1 610.0 A 1 610.0 A 1 610.4 A 1 610.4 A 1 610.4 A 7.9

6 Philippines 199.0 A 362.0 A 358.0 A 304.0 A 377.0 A 377.0 A 7.1

7 Thailand 233.0 A 2 868.0 A 2 868.0 A 2 868.0 A 2 868.0 A 2 868.0 A 29.8

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 2 036.0 A 4 500.0 A 5 000.0 A 5 000.0 A 5 000.0 A 5 000.0 A 10.1

10 378.0 17 704.0 17 726.0 17 709.0 17 702.0 17 702.0 4.1

10 Afghanistan 400.0 A 400.0 A 400.0 A 400.0 A 400.0 A 400.0 A 0.0

11 Bangladesh 70.0 A 388.0 A 388.0 A 388.0 A 388.0 A 388.0 A 9.8

12 Bhutan 31.0 A 21.0 A 27.0 A 20.0 A 21.0 A 21.0 A -4.9

13 India 7 900.0 A 14 789.0 A 14 789.0 A 14 789.0 A 14 789.0 A 14 789.0 A 4.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 106.0 A 52.0 A 50.0 A 40.0 A 32.0 A 32.0 A -13.1

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 630.0 A 630.0 A 630.0 A 630.0 A 630.0 A 630.0 A 0.0

17 Pakistan 1 180.0 A 1 363.0 A 1 381.0 A 1 381.0 A 1 381.0 A 1 381.0 A 2.0

18 Sri Lanka 61.0 A 61.0 A 61.0 A 61.0 A 61.0 A 61.0 A 0.0

21 139.1 29 537.4 27 271.3 27 389.8 28 987.4 31 809.9 4.8

19 Kazakhstan 224.1 A 111.0 A 98.6 A 87.1 A 107.8 A 107.8 A -9.4

20 Russian Federation 20 915.0 A 29 420.0 A 27 163.0 A 27 293.0 A 28 869.9 A 31 692.4 A 4.9

21 Uzbekistan ... 6.4 A 9.7 A 9.7 A 9.7 A 9.7 A ...

13 208.0 33 105.0 33 213.0 37 111.0 42 013.0 42 013.0 13.4

22 China 8 208.0 A 28 727.0 A 28 835.0 A 32 733.0 A 37 635.0 A 37 635.0 A 17.8

23 DPR Korea 280.0 A 280.0 A 280.0 A 280.0 A 280.0 A 280.0 A 0.0

24 Mongolia 300.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 0.0

25 Rep. of Korea 4 420.0 A 3 798.0 A 3 798.0 A 3 798.0 A 3 798.0 A 3 798.0 A -2.0

160.2 188.0 195.0 215.0 215.0 215.0 2.2

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 72.0 A 90.0 A 90.0 A 90.0 A 90.0 A 90.0 A 0.8

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 40.0 A 61.0 A 61.0 A 81.0 A 81.0 A 81.0 A 4.7

35 Samoa 6.2 A 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A -20.2

36 Solomon Islands 12.0 A 20.0 A 27.0 A 27.0 A 27.0 A 27.0 A 11.4

37 Tonga 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 0.0

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 28.0 A 14.0 A 14.0 A 14.0 A 14.0 A 14.0 A -3.1

23 227.0 20 997.0 20 597.0 17 631.0 18 204.0 18 204.0 -2.8

40 Australia 3 921.0 A 5 064.0 A 5 372.0 A 4 730.0 A 5 094.0 A 5 094.0 A 2.4

41 Japan 15 485.0 A 11 632.0 A 10 884.0 A 9 291.0 A 9 415.0 A 9 415.0 A -5.3

42 New Zealand 3 821.0 A 4 301.0 A 4 341.0 A 3 610.0 A 3 695.0 A 3 695.0 A -1.2

82 887.3 120 575.4 117 733.3 118 084.2 125 668.9 128 045.3 4.6

297 276.2 322 298.8 281 576.6 245 883.3 264 472.2 272 419.2 -1.9

380 163.5 A 442 874.2 A 399 309.9 A 363 967.5 A 390 141.1 A 400 464.5 A -0.2

2001 2007 2010 2011

South and Southwest Asia

2008 2009

North and Central Asia

East Asia




Rest of World



1 000 CUM

Table 143. Sawnwood and sleepers: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate



Page 216: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


46 557.2 112 114.8 116 424.7 131 289.3 140 487.4 142 198.4 11.7

16 776.8 18 242.6 17 785.6 16 848.8 18 185.8 18 185.8 0.5

1 Cambodia 37.0 A 14.9 A 14.9 A 14.9 A 14.9 A 14.9 A 5.2

2 Indonesia 8 118.0 A 4 305.0 A 4 332.0 A 4 253.0 A 4 634.0 A 4 634.0 A -6.5

3 Lao PDR 26.4 A 24.0 A 24.0 A 24.0 A 24.0 A 24.0 A 0.6

4 Malaysia 6 725.0 A 8 126.0 A 7 721.0 A 6 595.0 A 6 930.0 A 6 930.0 A -0.3

5 Myanmar 54.0 A 147.8 A 147.8 A 149.0 A 149.0 A 149.0 A 8.1

6 Philippines 492.0 A 471.0 A 392.0 A 399.0 A 470.0 A 470.0 A -2.8

7 Thailand 1 275.0 A 4 599.9 A 4 589.9 A 4 849.9 A 5 399.9 A 5 399.9 A 16.8

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 49.4 A 554.0 A 564.0 A 564.0 A 564.0 A 564.0 A 31.1

1 609.8 4 099.4 4 219.9 4 569.9 4 734.9 4 734.9 8.3

10 Afghanistan 1.4 A 1.4 A 1.4 A 1.4 A 1.4 A 1.4 A 0.0

11 Bangladesh 9.3 A 9.3 A 9.3 A 9.3 A 9.3 A 9.3 A 0.0

12 Bhutan 31.7 A 70.0 A 43.0 A 43.0 A 43.0 A 43.0 A 4.7

13 India 645.0 A 2 592.2 A 2 592.2 A 2 964.2 A 2 964.2 A 2 964.2 A 10.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 550.9 A 795.0 A 797.0 A 775.0 A 940.0 A 940.0 A 5.7

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 5.0 A 69.0 A 69.0 A 69.0 A 69.0 A 69.0 A 17.9

17 Pakistan 354.0 A 521.0 A 547.0 A 547.0 A 547.0 A 547.0 A 5.5

18 Sri Lanka 12.5 A 41.5 A 161.0 A 161.0 A 161.0 A 161.0 A 33.2

5 150.0 10 495.2 10 689.6 8 642.0 10 267.1 11 976.1 8.1

19 Kazakhstan 0.0 A 3.9 A 21.3 A 25.7 A 115.8 A 115.8 A ...

20 Russian Federation 5 150.0 A 10 488.0 A 10 665.0 A 8 613.0 A 10 148.0 A 11 857.0 A 8.0

21 Uzbekistan ... 3.4 A 3.3 A 3.3 A 3.3 A 3.3 A ...

22 931.6 79 158.6 83 615.6 101 113.6 107 187.6 107 187.6 16.5

22 China 19 736.0 A 75 234.0 A 79 925.0 A 97 737.0 A 103 645.0 A 103 645.0 A 17.8

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 1.6 A 0.0

25 Rep. of Korea 3 194.0 A 3 923.0 A 3 689.0 A 3 375.0 A 3 541.0 A 3 541.0 A 0.2

89.0 119.0 114.0 115.0 112.0 114.0 4.3

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 12.0 A 25.0 A 20.0 A 20.0 A 20.0 A 20.0 A 6.0

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 77.0 A 94.0 A 94.0 A 95.0 A 92.0 A 94.0 A 4.1

35 Samoa 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

36 Solomon Islands 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

8 546.0 9 304.0 8 474.0 7 562.0 7 719.0 7 719.0 -1.7

40 Australia 1 778.0 A 1 788.0 A 1 926.0 A 1 823.0 A 1 767.0 A 1 767.0 A -0.8

41 Japan 5 052.0 A 5 313.0 A 4 609.0 A 4 001.0 A 4 410.0 A 4 410.0 A -1.9

42 New Zealand 1 716.0 A 2 203.0 A 1 939.0 A 1 738.0 A 1 542.0 A 1 542.0 A -2.0

55 103.2 121 418.8 124 898.7 138 851.3 148 206.4 149 917.4 10.4

127 425.9 156 332.0 140 187.0 126 782.2 130 776.4 131 206.4 -0.2

182 529.1 A 277 750.8 A 265 085.7 A 265 633.5 A 278 982.8 A 281 123.8 A 4.2

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

2001 2007





1 000 CUM

Table 144. Wood-based panels: production





growth rate



2010 20112008 2009

Page 217: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


18 238.5 23 659.6 24 844.6 22 492.6 25 419.6 26 718.6 3.8

5 805.0 6 849.2 7 097.2 6 672.2 7 360.2 7 347.2 2.8

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 4 326.0 A 5 177.0 A 5 648.0 A 4 964.0 A 5 715.0 A 5 715.0 A 3.4

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 145.0 A 145.0 A 145.0 A 145.0 A 145.0 A 145.0 A -0.0

5 Myanmar ... 1.2 A 1.2 A 1.2 A 1.2 A 1.2 A ...

6 Philippines 175.0 A 185.0 A 185.0 A 185.0 A 185.0 A 185.0 A 0.5

7 Thailand 919.0 A 1 025.0 A 818.0 A 1 077.0 A 1 014.0 A 1 001.0 A 1.1

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 240.0 A 316.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 300.0 A 2.8

1 591.6 2 868.2 2 873.2 2 652.2 2 651.2 2 651.2 4.3

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 19.0 A 47.0 A 47.0 A 47.0 A 47.0 A 47.0 A 7.3

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 1 487.0 A 2 307.6 A 2 307.6 A 2 307.6 A 2 307.6 A 2 307.6 A 4.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 0.0 A 445.0 A 434.0 A 213.0 A 212.0 A 212.0 A ...

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

17 Pakistan 83.0 A 66.0 A 82.0 A 82.0 A 82.0 A 82.0 A 0.1

18 Sri Lanka 2.6 A 2.6 A 2.6 A 2.6 A 2.6 A 2.6 A -0.0

6 151.7 7 031.0 7 179.0 6 750.0 7 376.0 7 362.0 1.3

19 Kazakhstan 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

20 Russian Federation 6 151.7 A 7 031.0 A 7 179.0 A 6 750.0 A 7 376.0 A 7 362.0 A 1.3

21 Uzbekistan ... 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

4 690.2 6 911.2 7 695.2 6 418.2 8 032.2 9 358.2 7.5

22 China 4 080.2 A 6 437.2 A 7 103.2 A 5 895.2 A 7 465.2 A 8 717.2 A 8.4

23 DPR Korea 56.0 A 56.0 A 56.0 A 56.0 A 56.0 A 56.0 A -0.0

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 554.0 A 418.0 A 536.0 A 467.0 A 511.0 A 585.0 A -0.4

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 367.0 13 561.0 13 724.0 11 271.0 12 341.0 12 106.0 -1.1

40 Australia 1 074.0 A 1 182.0 A 1 445.0 A 1 226.0 A 1 304.0 A 1 417.0 A 2.0

41 Japan 10 792.0 A 10 850.0 A 10 733.0 A 8 567.0 A 9 472.0 A 9 098.0 A -1.8

42 New Zealand 1 501.0 A 1 529.0 A 1 546.0 A 1 478.0 A 1 565.0 A 1 591.0 A 0.3

31 605.5 37 220.6 38 568.6 33 763.6 37 760.6 38 824.6 2.0

132 525.9 143 773.1 138 901.2 126 793.4 132 840.0 133 543.1 -0.2

164 131.4 A 180 993.7 A 177 469.8 A 160 557.0 A 170 600.6 A 172 367.7 A 0.2

2001 2007 2010 2011

South and Southwest Asia

2008 2009

North and Central Asia

East Asia




Rest of World



1 000 CUM

Table 145. Wood pulp: production





Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

growth rate



Page 218: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


68 895.1 118 556.9 130 873.0 137 412.6 147 834.2 155 095.2 8.7

12 203.9 15 594.1 19 045.1 19 750.1 19 970.1 20 184.1 6.1

1 Cambodia 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A ...

2 Indonesia 6 995.0 A 7 727.0 A 11 349.0 A 11 527.0 A 11 527.0 A 11 527.0 A 6.5

3 Lao PDR ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4 Malaysia 910.0 A 1 092.0 A 1 122.0 A 1 577.0 A 1 615.0 A 1 795.0 A 7.0

5 Myanmar 41.6 A 45.1 A 45.1 A 45.1 A 45.1 A 45.1 A 0.1

6 Philippines 1 056.0 A 1 097.0 A 1 097.0 A 1 097.0 A 1 097.0 A 1 097.0 A 0.3

7 Thailand 2 445.0 A 4 324.0 A 4 108.0 A 4 180.0 A 4 362.0 A 4 396.0 A 6.3

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 756.3 A 1 309.0 A 1 324.0 A 1 324.0 A 1 324.0 A 1 324.0 A 7.1

5 068.5 6 202.2 9 546.7 9 402.0 12 412.7 12 412.7 9.8

10 Afghanistan ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11 Bangladesh 46.0 A 58.0 A 58.0 A 58.0 A 58.0 A 58.0 A 0.9

12 Bhutan ... 8.0 A 10.0 A 10.0 A 10.0 A 10.0 A ...

13 India 4 284.0 A 4 780.7 A 7 941.2 A 7 788.5 A 10 809.2 A 10 809.2 A 10.8

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 46.0 A 427.0 A 421.0 A 429.0 A 419.0 A 419.0 A 10.7

15 Maldives ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 13.0 A 13.0 A 13.0 A 13.0 A 13.0 A 13.0 A 0.0

17 Pakistan 655.0 A 891.0 A 1 079.0 A 1 079.0 A 1 079.0 A 1 079.0 A 5.5

18 Sri Lanka 24.5 A 24.5 A 24.5 A 24.5 A 24.5 A 24.5 A 0.0

5 679.7 7 783.6 7 874.3 7 582.5 7 764.4 7 837.4 3.2

19 Kazakhstan 46.9 A 201.6 A 172.3 A 207.5 A 211.4 A 211.4 A 18.7

20 Russian Federation 5 624.8 A 7 581.0 A 7 700.0 A 7 373.0 A 7 551.0 A 7 624.0 A 2.9

21 Uzbekistan 8.0 A 1.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A 2.0 A -19.3

45 943.0 88 977.0 94 407.0 100 678.0 107 687.0 114 661.0 9.7

22 China 36 531.0 A 77 965.0 A 83 685.0 A 90 117.0 A 96 501.0 A 103 101.0 A 11.1

23 DPR Korea 80.0 A 80.0 A 80.0 A 80.0 A 80.0 A 80.0 A 0.0

24 Mongolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 9 332.0 A 10 932.0 A 10 642.0 A 10 481.0 A 11 106.0 A 11 480.0 A 1.6

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 228.0 35 332.0 34 780.0 30 416.0 31 436.0 30 662.9 -1.1

40 Australia 2 672.0 A 3 192.0 A 3 281.0 A 3 278.0 A 3 175.0 A 3 154.9 A 1.7

41 Japan 30 717.0 A 31 268.0 A 30 628.0 A 26 268.0 A 27 364.0 A 26 578.0 A -1.5

42 New Zealand 839.0 A 872.0 A 871.0 A 870.0 A 897.0 A 930.0 A 0.6

103 123.1 153 888.9 165 653.0 167 828.6 179 270.2 185 758.1 6.3

215 781.6 234 252.1 228 580.1 207 166.4 222 398.2 220 852.5 0.0

318 904.7 A 388 141.0 A 394 233.2 A 374 995.0 A 401 668.4 A 406 610.6 A 2.4

Rest of World


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

2001 2007





1 000 CUM

Table 146. Paper and paperboard: production





growth rate



2010 20112008 2009

Page 219: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


23 465 846 45 002 597 48 837 549 41 821 655 55 486 659 64 840 317 10.2

4 060 054 7 113 212 8 169 828 6 685 526 8 862 205 8 968 206 9.4

1 Cambodia 14 192 A 30 033 A 38 190 A 37 924 A 54 810 A 54 820 A 15.4

2 Indonesia 1 028 224 A 1 658 148 A 2 269 616 A 1 573 889 A 2 398 577 A 2 462 955 A 10.3

3 Lao PDR 1 748 A 1 748 A 16 243 A 16 120 A 17 047 A 17 047 A 33.3

4 Malaysia 1 092 818 A 1 792 509 A 1 979 129 A 1 851 493 A 1 951 453 A 1 959 690 A 7.7

5 Myanmar 29 255 A 23 959 A 24 281 A 24 576 A 46 200 A 46 200 A 4.0

6 Philippines 570 985 A 581 222 A 473 552 A 395 942 A 492 462 A 525 838 A -2.5

7 Thailand 1 110 919 A 1 935 219 A 2 265 698 A 1 677 833 A 2 384 277 A 2 384 277 A 9.1

8 Timor-Leste 154 A 395 A 494 A 565 A 941 A 941 A 17.5

9 Viet Nam 211 759 A 1 089 979 A 1 102 625 A 1 107 184 A 1 516 438 A 1 516 438 A 24.1

1 827 204 4 795 391 5 912 782 5 509 914 6 367 503 6 367 503 14.1

10 Afghanistan 1 128 A 61 460 A 59 801 A 80 574 A 95 791 A 95 791 A 42.2

11 Bangladesh 115 902 A 220 309 A 222 243 A 309 652 A 347 428 A 347 428 A 11.1

12 Bhutan 425 A 6 208 A 12 034 A 12 034 A 21 346 A 21 346 A 55.2

13 India 986 472 A 2 961 448 A 3 941 078 A 3 306 314 A 3 866 210 A 3 866 210 A 15.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 417 077 A 848 087 A 813 088 A 945 046 A 1 050 700 A 1 050 700 A 9.6

15 Maldives 4 220 A 4 220 A 4 220 A 4 220 A 4 220 A 4 220 A 0.0

16 Nepal 3 960 A 15 149 A 20 064 A 49 787 A 54 883 A 54 883 A 31.2

17 Pakistan 140 923 A 460 627 A 520 946 A 540 671 A 578 339 A 578 339 A 17.2

18 Sri Lanka 157 097 A 217 883 A 319 308 A 261 616 A 348 586 A 348 586 A 10.7

657 460 3 216 066 3 677 757 2 949 952 3 373 797 3 819 885 19.3

19 Kazakhstan 87 994 A 601 712 A 501 859 A 449 184 A 528 076 A 528 076 A 20.7

20 Russian Federation 521 279 A 2 245 502 A 2 656 903 A 2 094 974 A 2 437 640 A 2 883 728 A 17.7

21 Uzbekistan 48 187 A 368 852 A 518 995 A 405 794 A 408 081 A 408 081 A 33.1

16 879 609 29 807 440 31 016 927 26 615 644 36 815 400 45 616 969 9.2

22 China 13 685 391 A 24 670 556 A 25 514 754 A 22 541 729 A 31 514 613 A 40 316 182 A 10.0

23 DPR Korea 32 144 A 24 700 A 54 142 A 30 577 A 30 247 A 30 247 A 0.1

24 Mongolia 2 968 A 2 968 A 12 728 A 14 210 A 20 577 A 20 577 A 25.6

25 Rep. of Korea 3 159 106 A 5 109 216 A 5 435 303 A 4 029 128 A 5 249 963 A 5 249 963 A 5.0

41 519 70 488 60 255 60 619 67 754 67 754 4.2

26 Cook Islands 1 893 A 2 357 A 2 357 A 2 357 A 2 357 A 2 357 A 3.0

27 Fiji Islands 14 374 A 34 583 A 21 664 A 23 949 A 16 815 A 16 815 A 0.7

28 Kiribati 769 A 769 A 769 A 769 A 769 A 769 A 0.0

29 Marshall Islands 1 923 A 1 923 A 1 923 A 1 923 A 1 923 A 1 923 A 0.0

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 2 110 A 2 110 A 2 110 A 2 110 A 2 110 A 2 110 A 0.0

31 Nauru 205 A 205 A 205 A 205 A 205 A 205 A 0.0

32 Niue 325 A 325 A 325 A 325 A 325 A 325 A 0.0

33 Palau 1 123 A 1 123 A 1 123 A 1 123 A 1 123 A 1 123 A 0.0

34 Papua New Guinea 8 875 A 10 363 A 14 462 A 14 142 A 20 464 A 20 464 A 9.3

35 Samoa 5 346 A 9 479 A 7 897 A 6 012 A 8 584 A 8 584 A 3.3

36 Solomon Islands 264 A 444 A 1 164 A 1 646 A 2 441 A 2 441 A 26.7

37 Tonga 1 813 A 3 120 A 3 069 A 2 523 A 6 198 A 6 198 A 8.7

38 Tuvalu 323 A 323 A 323 A 323 A 323 A 323 A 0.0

39 Vanuatu 2 176 A 3 364 A 2 864 A 3 212 A 4 117 A 4 117 A 5.5

12 793 340 15 044 069 15 279 414 12 106 523 14 775 064 15 384 535 1.4

40 Australia 1 246 052 A 2 151 095 A 2 367 363 A 1 797 304 A 2 414 253 A 2 414 253 A 6.1

41 Japan 11 284 322 A 12 335 283 A 12 360 218 A 9 918 650 A 11 869 212 A 12 478 683 A 0.6

42 New Zealand 262 966 A 557 691 A 551 833 A 390 569 A 491 599 A 491 599 A 5.4

36 259 186 60 046 666 64 116 963 53 928 178 70 261 723 80 224 852 7.8

105 280 453 177 863 296 178 975 653 136 498 669 157 366 894 164 876 276 4.6

141 539 639 A 237 909 962 A 243 092 616 A 190 426 847 A 227 628 617 A 245 101 128 A 5.5

Pacific Islands

20092008 2011

Southeast Asia




Rest of World



South and Southwest Asia

East Asia

North and Central Asia

2001 2007

1 000 $


Table 147. Forestry products: imports in value


Imports of forestry products



growth rate



Page 220: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


17 616 156 37 855 235 38 875 893 31 839 533 38 543 816 41 433 201 9.4

8 816 570 13 771 134 14 956 449 12 377 066 15 916 306 16 325 042 6.8

1 Cambodia 14 155 A 108 447 A 71 414 A 56 832 A 34 331 A 27 081 A 15.6

2 Indonesia 4 993 482 A 6 396 694 A 7 097 623 A 5 747 015 A 7 592 881 A 7 698 386 A 5.5

3 Lao PDR 62 697 A 137 477 A 168 333 A 123 737 A 192 092 A 192 092 A 14.5

4 Malaysia 2 584 544 A 4 230 714 A 4 249 322 A 3 472 285 A 4 008 026 A 4 000 473 A 4.1

5 Myanmar 292 667 A 783 854 A 934 301 A 672 093 A 788 797 A 788 797 A 11.5

6 Philippines 93 250 A 190 693 A 232 024 A 221 302 A 244 291 A 215 104 A 11.8

7 Thailand 720 444 A 1 666 157 A 1 810 119 A 1 739 820 A 2 306 962 A 2 381 760 A 12.5

8 Timor-Leste 0 379 A 372 A 429 A 3 025 A 3 025 A ...

9 Viet Nam 55 331 A 256 719 A 392 941 A 343 553 A 745 901 A 1 018 324 A 33.9

87 181 384 915 512 839 444 643 687 107 687 107 22.2

10 Afghanistan 300 A 8 874 A 5 187 A 6 239 A 7 272 A 7 272 A 21.9

11 Bangladesh 0 1 067 A 1 861 A 2 990 A 3 251 A 3 251 A ...

12 Bhutan 97 A 7 336 A 7 511 A 7 511 A 8 819 A 8 819 A 50.2

13 India 75 796 A 307 776 A 423 063 A 377 848 A 564 880 A 564 880 A 22.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 0 4 093 A 8 282 A 8 282 A 8 282 A 8 282 A ...

15 Maldives 14 A 14 A 14 A 14 A 14 A 14 A 0.0

16 Nepal 1 528 A 15 540 A 7 073 A 5 199 A 5 772 A 5 772 A 12.2

17 Pakistan 0 5 747 A 5 208 A 5 208 A 38 775 A 38 775 A

South and Southwest Asia

1 000 $



Exports of forestry products

2009 2010

Southeast Asia


Table 148. Forestry products: exports in value



growth rate



2001 2011



17 Pakistan 0 5 747 A 5 208 A 5 208 A 38 775 A 38 775 A ...

18 Sri Lanka 9 446 A 34 468 A 54 640 A 31 352 A 50 042 A 50 042 A 18.5

3 917 881 11 240 705 10 631 633 7 709 427 8 606 827 9 739 487 9.5

19 Kazakhstan 40 840 A 3 266 A 6 557 A 6 803 A 13 909 A 13 909 A -2.1

20 Russian Federation 3 875 516 A 11 231 172 A 10 618 807 A 7 696 355 A 8 586 649 A 9 719 309 A 9.6

21 Uzbekistan 1 525 A 6 267 A 6 269 A 6 269 A 6 269 A 6 269 A 14.9

4 594 379 11 942 504 11 921 736 10 717 817 12 451 320 13 628 513 12.2

22 China 3 207 165 A 9 924 690 A 9 738 115 A 8 805 564 A 10 126 647 A 11 303 840 A 14.4

23 DPR Korea 6 119 A 20 379 A 10 750 A 14 371 A 8 838 A 8 838 A 5.4

24 Mongolia 617 A 617 A 668 A 392 A 451 A 451 A -3.6

25 Rep. of Korea 1 380 478 A 1 996 818 A 2 172 203 A 1 897 490 A 2 315 384 A 2 315 384 A 5.2

200 145 515 977 853 236 590 580 882 256 1 053 052 17.2

26 Cook Islands 130 A 130 A 130 A 130 A 130 A 130 A 0.0

27 Fiji Islands 18 900 A 37 721 A 34 054 A 24 544 A 51 734 A 51 734 A 8.2

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru 23 A 23 A 23 A 23 A 23 A 23 A 0.0

32 Niue 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

33 Palau 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

34 Papua New Guinea 113 499 A 239 857 A 550 308 A 353 606 A 512 235 A 683 273 A 17.8

35 Samoa 995 A 96 A 99 A 86 A 85 A 85 A -24.2

36 Solomon Islands 64 206 A 236 371 A 267 301 A 211 181 A 316 879 A 316 879 A 19.3

37 Tonga 13 A 249 A 85 A 25 A 46 A 46 A 2.1

38 Tuvalu 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

39 Vanuatu 2 379 A 1 530 A 1 236 A 985 A 1 124 A 882 A -11.7

3 742 459 6 085 335 7 078 373 5 882 535 8 245 474 8 664 934 8.6

40 Australia 779 705 A 1 723 445 A 1 928 391 A 1 475 710 A 2 026 980 A 1 982 498 A 9.0

41 Japan 1 585 760 A 2 286 295 A 2 978 819 A 2 423 407 A 3 437 774 A 3 573 783 A 10.1

42 New Zealand 1 376 994 A 2 075 595 A 2 171 163 A 1 983 418 A 2 780 720 A 3 108 653 A 7.0

21 358 615 43 940 570 45 954 266 37 722 068 46 789 290 50 098 135 9.2

109 140 396 190 039 906 192 286 380 148 941 473 176 806 777 191 271 856 5.4

130 499 011 A 233 980 476 A 238 240 646 A 186 663 541 A 223 596 067 A 241 369 991 A 6.1

North and Central Asia




Rest of World

Pacific Islands

East Asia

Page 221: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Prevalence of undernourishment2010-2012

Prevalence of children under-five suffering from moderate to severe underweight2006-2010

Page 222: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 223: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 Cambodia

2 Indonesia

3 Lao PDR

4 Malaysia

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines

7 Thailand

8 Timor-Leste

9 Vietnam

10 Afghanistan

11 Bangladesh

12 Bhutan

13 India

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

15 Maldives

16 Nepal

17 Pakistan

18 Sri Lanka

19 Kazakhstan

20 Russian Federation

21 Uzbekistan

22 China

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia

25 Rep. of Korea

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands

28 Kiribati

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau

34 Papua New Guinea

35 Samoa

36 Solomon Islands

37 Tonga

38 Tuvalu

39 Vanuatu

40 Australia

41 Japan

42 New Zealand

2010-2004- 2007- 2010- 1999- 2004- 2007-

undernourished population


(DEC) undernourished in total population

1999- 2004- 2007- 2010- 1999-



Rest of World


2 980 3 180 3 260

2 848 2 710



2012** 2006 2009 2012**2001



... ... ...

2 630

2 770 2 850

... ... ...

2 270

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia


2 060 2 270 2 310

1 840

21.42 030 2 310 2 410 4 342 200 17.0

2 350 2 530 2 700 38 28 23 14.9 11.8


1 980 1 880

2 320 2 520 2 500

2 510

2 010

2 320 2 350

2 220 2 570 2 760

2 780 2 800 2 800

2 2


2 280 2 380 2 350

ns ns


... ...

... ... ...

2 220 2 270 2 320


2 210

3 050 3 030 3 080

2 420 2 560 2 720

3 000

2 430

2 210 2 340 2 400

2 300 2 340 2 360

2 280

2 270

2 310 2 360 2 420

2 350 3 240 3 260

2 310

3 110

2 320 2 520 2 620

2 860 3 200 3 1303 120

2 430

2 720 2 870 2 950

2 060 2 020 2 130

2 780

2 100

2 070 2 280 2 330

3 020 3 110 3 1803 040

2 160

... ... ...

2 790 2 990 2 920

2 680 2 770 2 700

... ... ......

2 720

... ... ...

... ... ...



... ... ...

... ... ...



... ... ...

2 680 2 860 2 820


2 800

2 250 2 330 2 350

... ... ...

2 330


... ... ...

2 600 2 730 2 660


2 670

3 090 3 100 3 000

2 632 2 727 2 744

2 850 2 910 2 8702 900


16 14 1515

12 6 6

0 0 0



17 11 913

... ... ...

311 311309


24 23 25

... ... ...



224 227 224

ns 4 ns



0 0 0

6 6 6



35 35 35

5 5 5



ns ns ns

4 2 2

ns ns ns


187 158 157

8 10 89

1 1 1

ns ns ns



... ... ...

0 0 0

0 0 0

... ... ......

... ... ...

... ... ...



... ... ...

... ... ...



... ... ...

0 0 0



0 0 0

... ... ...



... ... ...

0 0 0



ns ns ns

ns ns ns

ns ns ns

918 866 868

292 297 307
















































29.0 27.6

<5 <5

... ...

15.6 16.8

9.4 7.3

29.5 37.7

12.4 9.0

... ...

18.8 18.0

16.0 16.7

... ...

18.8 17.4

5.2 <5

7.3 5.6

19.7 17.9

20.4 19.7

25.5 23.9

<5 <5


7.8 6.1

<5 <5

11.6 11.4

11.8 11.4

39.5 31.9

27.1 24.0

<5 <5

... ...

3.2 3.7

6.4 8.1

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

3.4 4.6

12.4 12.6

... ...

... ...

6.6 8.4

12.7 12.4

10.9 10.8

<5 <5

2 470

2 330 2 560 2 670 103 76

2 520

2 460 69 15.7

2 590 2 650 622 563 553 16.1604

5 2.7 2.72 750 3 110 3 070 11 53 020 5

2 860 2 9402 710 197 169 1662 780

2 330 2 460 2 450 1 1 1 13.4 11.7 11.9

2 860 2 790 2 730 42 820



<5 <5

<5 <5

6 8 <5 <5 <5<5

2 490 2 600 2 650 626 569 561 14.2 13.6

Table 149. Per person Dietary Energy consumption (DEC*), number and proportion of


Number of people

2001 2009

Dietary energy consumption

2012** 2006


























































Proportion of undernourished









2 180

2 750

2 260


2 370


2 390

2 730




2 684








3 080

2 770

3 060

2 540

2 410


2 980

2 440

2 420

Source: FAO / SOFI: The State of Food insecurity in the World 2012

Although not listed separately, provisional estimates for Afghanistan, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea have been included in the regional aggregates.

Notes: * DEC: Average food availability at the household level – net of retail distribution loss ** Provisional estimate ns: not statistically significant

Page 224: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 Cambodia

2 Indonesia

3 Lao PDR

4 Malaysia

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines

7 Thailand

8 Timor-Leste

9 Viet Nam

10 Afghanistan

11 Bangladesh

12 Bhutan

13 India

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

15 Maldives

16 Nepal

17 Pakistan

18 S i L k



vegetal and animal products

average average average

1999-2001 2004-2006 2007-2009 1999-2001 2004-2006 2007-2009

Table 150. Daily per capita energy availability* from major food groups:

2 322 2 320 2 379 2 120

1 938

2 261


2 619 2 682 2 205 2 221 2 259 361 398


4242 566

2 401 2 531 2 634 2 178 2 260 2 332 223


148 154

550 621

155 162



333 377

87 94

... ...


416 508

202 185

215 231

332 330

205 196

261 352

369 393


183 207

518 495


















1 864 1 906

2 220 2 223 2 270

1 962 1 983 2 049

2 111 2 186

1 447 1 670

2 240

2 096 2 077 2 125

2 848 2 769 2 757

1 874 1 847

2 338 2 344

... ... ...

1 996 2 104 2 149

2 041 2 096 2 214

1 800

2 106 2 147

2 285 2 485 2 523

1 663

2 369 2 333 2 404

2 369 2 371 2 424

2 532 2 533 2 670

2 263 2 341 2 402

2 277 2 267 2 330

3 145 3 103 3 134

2 337 2 424 2 438

... ... ...

2 278 2 520 2 656

2 869 2 830 2 877 2 382

1 965

2 048

2 607

2 588 2 817 2 853

1 692 1 872 1 984

2 062 2 124

2 361 2 312

1 917 2 079 2 044

2 395 2 465

121 143

2 050

2 395 2 477

2 120 2 245 2 330

2 134 2 125

2 415 2 495 2 600 2 294 2 352 2 442

2172 084 2 268 2 376 1 887 231


Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2 182

2 145 196

Total animal products



2004-2006 2007-2009

Total availability** Total vegetal products

18 Sri Lanka

19 Kazakhstan

20 Russian Federation

21 Uzbekistan

22 China

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia

25 Rep. of Korea

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands

28 Kiribati

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau

34 Papua New Guinea

35 Samoa

36 Solomon Islands

37 Tonga

38 Tuvalu

39 Vanuatu

40 Australia

41 Japan

42 New Zealand

2 200 661 651

2 477 2 531 2 019

2 144 2 209



2 402

2 257


999 1 037


2 580 2 629 2 689 2 208 2 221

3 161 3 131 3 169 2 201

2 922 2 881 2 849 2 261




730 824

474 510



631 668



2 366 2 429

2 089 2 143 382




2 857 2 310 2 311 2 335 547 6182 929 2 989

2 805 3 088 3 175 2 192


587 591

... ...

393 446




186 197

... ...

372 375

764 766

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

373 387

... ...

... ...

542 508

153 136

815 886

437 458

704 770

148 154

























2 264 2 370 2 376

2 229

2 062

2 442

2 141 2 171

2 293 2 246 2 199

2 243 2 227

... ... ...

2 275 2 308 2 332

2 376 2 436

... ... ...

1 950 2 004 2 071

1 971 2 124 2 189

2 165

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

2 396 2 421 2 458

... ... ...

... ... ...

2 316 2 509 2 544

1 249 1 518 1 549

2 638 2 632 2 664

2 306 2 306 2 332

1 990 2 012 1 945

1 969 2 042 2 124

2 273 2 483 2 501

1 770

2 220 2 223 2 270

2 412 2 440

2 732 2 788 2 828

2 963 3 024 3 032

3 043 3 143 3 246

2 896 2 830 2 771

... ... ...

2 693 2 763 2 822

2 343 2 429 2 424

... ... ...

2 310 2 376 2 446

2 766 2 890 2 955

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

2 747 2 794 2 844

... ... ...

... ... ...

2 854 3 051 3 052

2 163 2 249 2 373

3 085 3 107 3 174

2 863 2 937 3 000

2 122 2 165 2 081

2 404 3 181 3 315

2 366 2 479 2 582

2 920 3 188 3 271

2 369 2 371 2 424


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia


Rest of World


* Food for human consumption

** Total availability from agricultural products, including fisheries products

Page 225: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 Cambodia

2 Indonesia

3 Lao PDR

4 Malaysia

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines

7 Thailand

8 Timor-Leste

9 Viet Nam

10 Afghanistan

11 Bangladesh

12 Bhutan

13 India

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

15 Maldives

16 Nepal

17 Pakistan

18 Sri Lanka

19 Kazakhstan

20 Russian Federation

21 Uzbekistan

22 China

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia

25 Rep. of Korea

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands

28 Kiribati

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau

34 Papua New Guinea

35 Samoa

36 Solomon Islands

37 Tonga

38 Tuvalu

39 Vanuatu

40 Australia

41 Japan

42 New Zealand

2004- 1999- 1999-


2004- 2007-


2007-2007- 2004-

cereals, starchy roots and pulses


average average average


PulsesCereals - excluding beer Starchy roots




Rest of World


670 743

1 117 1 063



2009 2001 2006 2009


2001 20062001

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia


1 468 1 352 1 305

1 570

11 211 612 1 649 1 694 39 26

1 603 1 600 1 646 148 145 153 12 12


1 589 1 607

1 103 1 270 1 252

1 278 1 385 1 465

1 185 1 320 1 386

1 278 1 431 1 565

1 565 1 589 1 599

1 263 1 316 1 321

1 914 1 925 1 923

... ... ...

1 424 1 409

1 370 1 364 1 342

1 831 1 688 1 624

1 035 969 1 000

1 618 1 624 1 621

1 205 1 124 1 120

1 273 1 282 1 290

1 046 1 366 1 352

1 322 1 443 1 450

1 167 1 177 1 174

1 544 1 466 1 446

1 315 1 347 1 283

948 1 041 1 042

1 488 1 374 1 375

... ... ...

1 186 1 250 1 246

865 863 858

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

581 700 748

603 541 521

805 788 794

... ... ...

... ... ...

752 881 864

833 753 768

1 084

1 310 1 299 1 293

1 107 1 126 1 128

81 86

55 61 63


17 28 38

83 74 80

55 60 63

322 270 203

30 38 41

20 21 17

51 56

43 59 68

... ... ...

45 50 55

93 108 103

60 51 47

78 105 117

26 25 30

63 52 58

126 201 207

53 61 62

220 242 222

180 173 149

142 146 124

45 79 90

37 38 34

... ... ...

197 221 210

247 266 276

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

575 557 578

254 294 308

837 855 850

... ... ...

... ... ...

527 516 495

94 93 95

71 67 64

119 111 102

140 141 136

187 188 187














































27 27

27 25

149 177

15 17

23 20

62 78

25 27

10 18

90 101

41 47

... ...

105 117

69 61

27 28

77 72

57 67

94 112

6 3


0 0

17 16

11 12

13 14

115 112

4 4

14 12

... ...

79 66

0 0

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

3 3

0 0

76 76

... ...

... ...

0 0

57 61

73 75




541 460

1 470 1 498 1 536 90 92 98 25 28

1 431 1 422 111 110 103 49 48

1 391 46

197 7 131 178 1 230 1 229 190 213

1 460 1 4401 537 175 168 145

672 766 800 533 529 546 16 15 14

1 052 1 021 1 009 75 72 70 15

46 32

12 26

14 15


1 444 1 415 1 406 109 109 102 47 47

Table 151. Daily per capita energy availability* from major food groups:

* Food for human consumption

Page 226: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 Cambodia

2 Indonesia

3 Lao PDR

4 Malaysia

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines

7 Thailand

8 Timor-Leste

9 Viet Nam

10 Afghanistan

11 Bangladesh

12 Bhutan

13 India

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

15 Maldives

16 Nepal

17 Pakistan

18 Sri Lanka

19 Kazakhstan

20 Russian Federation

21 Uzbekistan

22 China

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia

25 Rep. of Korea

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands

28 Kiribati

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau

34 Papua New Guinea

35 Samoa

36 Solomon Islands

37 Tonga

38 Tuvalu

39 Vanuatu

40 Australia

41 Japan

42 New Zealand

2004- 2007-2004- 2007- 1999- 2004- 2007- 1999-

sugar and sweeteners, oilcrops, fruits and vegetables


average average average average

1999- 2004- 2007- 1999-

Table 152. Daily per capita energy availability* from major food groups:


161 160 164 57 67 75 82 94

65 79 77

106 101

70 73



302 300 300 63107 107 102


116 111 108 300 302 308 64 60 58


74 8272 51 65 75 147 180

67 78343 348 341 449 13 14


154 159 56 67 75 82 9458 56



186 189 175 85 98 104 38

81 87

63 63


... ...

29 32


11 10

... ...

69 67

8 10

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

40 37

... ...

... ...

38 38

21 27

172 174

182 200

96 94

97 105

90 126

73 80

25 27

34 41

96 110

48 56

40 47

120 127

14 22

... ...

55 56

16 14

39 46

41 38

18 15

64 71

44 50


75 83

39 43











































151 139 151

114 120 121

78 85 91

110 113 114

53 54 53

... ... ...

145 140 139


46 58 70

... ... ...

372 368 372

209 214 238

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

95 99 103

... ... ...

... ... ...

26 36 40

9 15 19

74 79 86

50 65 75

61 64 62

48 62 88

46 72 79

79 61 60

16 28 37


40 44 46

49 47 49

224 235 226

96 128 136

... ... ...

46 51 61

35 30 27

56 64

14 23 30


22 20 22

61 74 75

123 133 157

245 229 218

65 53


43 54 58

229 231 230

331 336 326

408 413 405

279 273 274

... ... ...

147 146 162

71 106 80

... ... ...

87 73 70

236 267 259

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

373 402 395

... ... ...

... ... ...

270 321 347

114 135 132

317 341 324

64 65 74

28 30 50

240 312 315

136 69 79

389 403 392

265 283 275

300 286 282

317 354 362

46 45 45

208 192 205

259 260 262

68 87 84

... ... ...

119 124 111

420 326 380

55 51


279 333 305

28 57 73

199 191 200

42 46 51

48 59 102

269 252 241


152 152 136 49 74 82 29 31

32 37 21 2066 89 94 3222 76 84

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Sugar and sweeteners



124 140 94

Fruits - excluding wine

2001 2006 2009 2009 2001 2006 2009


2001 2006



94 95

136 132 135


Rest of World



2001 2006 2009




40 53

85 55 58

56 92 113

26 26 24

136 129 98

58 55 50

34 57 64

8 9 9

33 35 38

6 15 16

... ... ...

38 40 44

4 8 6

55 43 26

1 1 2

9 6 10

266 279 279

3 6 9

8 11 10

9 15 15

78 70 71

78 70 71

62 42 42

0 1 1

88 85 89

162 159 158

... ... ...

197 216 190

565 570 585

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

123 117 118

477 527 548

230 227 234

... ... ...

... ... ...

503 500 503

31 28 32

121 122 116

46 48 50

60 58 59

548 562 568

42 47 49

53 54 55

* Food for human consumption

Page 227: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 Cambodia

2 Indonesia

3 Lao PDR

4 Malaysia

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines

7 Thailand

8 Timor-Leste

9 Viet Nam

10 Afghanistan

11 Bangladesh

12 Bhutan

13 India

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

15 Maldives

16 Nepal

17 Pakistan

18 Sri Lanka

19 Kazakhstan

20 Russian Federation

21 Uzbekistan

22 China

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia

25 Rep. of Korea

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands

28 Kiribati

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau

34 Papua New Guinea

35 Samoa

36 Solomon Islands

37 Tonga

38 Tuvalu

39 Vanuatu

40 Australia

41 Japan

42 New Zealand

2007- 1999- 2004- 2007-Country

average average average average

1999- 2004- 2007- 1999-

245 245 250

210 220 226

439 459 472

186 203 211

462 463 473

168 176 177

... ... ...

251 226 248

64 71 76

... ... ...

301 301 303

487 472 500

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

152 190 187

... ... ...

... ... ...

252 243 225

555 386 439

208 216 245

389 426 440

81 97 81

228 289 323

130 156 170

210 237 270

21 24 24

201 230 260

37 36 36

53 57 64

114 136 155

50 76 84

... ... ...

17 17 17

85 65 59

16 17 17

189 178 172

198 301 376

204 215 232

160 188 188

217 242 240

60 135 181

46 56 60

93 113 136


117 151 170


2001 2006 2009

Fish - seafood



Rest of World




2009 2001 2006 2009


2001 2006

Vegetable oils Milk - excluding butter

2004- 2007- 1999- 2004-

2001 2006 2009

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

181 223 226

11 51 5953 50 60 6114 121 121 72

151 184 221 11 13 15 41 44


32 35 43 8 6 27



103 99

127 96 111

138 164


70 70 86

362 355 106 98



143 146 124

... ... ...


44 88

191 194 207

229 236 261

171 170 152

142 152 183

239 251 277

74 71 75

210 239 259

300 266 263

225 276 293

159 184 203

112 119 123

66 140 122

300 368 402

... ... ...

276 284 341

169 137 148

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

93 86 83

121 183 217

70 88 75

... ... ...

... ... ...

134 135 150

485 529 512

369 375 368

213 230 245

245 261 272

340 354 359



24 36 44

23 17 15

27 35 32

46 12 6

14 17 18

108 95 87

108 119

26 29 32

... ... ...

102 98 108

92 90 106

114 172 181

78 82 86

261 276 297

55 58 62

341 414 434

230 236 234

239 256 279

19 43 52

6 9 8

253 235 251

40 37 36

... ... ...

66 72 62

34 20 24

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

5 5 6

47 41 43


13 13 12

... ... ...

126 121 118

312 308

... ... ...

41 37

145 137 124

121 127 133

195 194 197














































35 34

97 104

55 80

62 69

60 52

1 1

45 52

0 0

10 12

27 30

... ...

9 10

13 15

244 289

3 3

4 4

44 49

7 12


1 1

42 54

39 44

40 46

12 16

1 1

98 98

... ...

78 76

133 138

... ...

39 38

... ...

... ...

... ...


74 79

... ...

... ...

31 33

27 28

34 37

180 20 23 22

72 75

101 100

... ...

46 52

190 206 69 79 87 26 29185 202

188 193 204 11026 27 29

142 157

286 31 33234 272 285 246 266

189 208163 20 43 51378 413 428

115 111 114 15 14 14283 282 283 34 48 48

380 392 385 150213 222 227 147 146 159 144

50 54






182 198 213 72 81 90

* Food for human consumption

Table 153. Daily per capita energy availability from major food groups:

vegetable oils, meat, milk – excluding butter and fish-seafood

Page 228: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 Cambodia

2 Indonesia

3 Lao PDR

4 Malaysia

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines

7 Thailand

8 Timor-Leste

9 Viet Nam

10 Afghanistan

11 Bangladesh

12 Bhutan

13 India

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

15 Maldives

16 Nepal

17 Pakistan

18 Sri Lanka

19 Kazakhstan

20 Russian Federation

21 Uzbekistan

22 China

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia

25 Rep. of Korea

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands

28 Kiribati

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau

34 Papua New Guinea

35 Samoa

36 Solomon Islands

37 Tonga

38 Tuvalu

39 Vanuatu

40 Australia

41 Japan

42 New Zealand


vegetal and animal products


average average average

1999- 2004- 2004- 1999-



Rest of World


3 043

2 830 2 771

3 161


3 143 3 246

2 896

Total animal productsTotal availability** Total vegetal products




2009 2001 2006 20092001 20062001 2006 2009


Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

2 084

2 120

1 917

1 692

2 268 2 376 90.6

5.0 5.7

90.4 90.3 9.4 9.6

2 245 2 330


2 415 2 495 2 600 95.0 94.3 93.9


2 182 2 395 2 477

2 869 2 830 2 877

2 079 2 044

2 395 2 465 2 607

2 588 2 817 2 853

1 872 1 984

2 278 2 520 2 656

2 322 2 320 2 379

2 424 2 438

... ... ...

2 277 2 267 2 330

2 337

3 145 3 103 3 134

2 532 2 533 2 670

2 263 2 341 2 402

2 369 2 333 2 404

2 369 2 371 2 424

2 404 3 181 3 315

2 366 2 479 2 582

2 920 3 188 3 271

2 863 2 937 3 000

2 122 2 165 2 081

2 163 2 249 2 373

3 085 3 107 3 174

... ... ...

2 854 3 051 3 052

2 747 2 794 2 844

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

2 310 2 376 2 446

2 766 2 890 2 955

2 343 2 429 2 424

... ... ...

... ... ...

2 693 2 763 2 822

3 131 3 169

2 732 2 788 2 828

2 963 3 024 3 032

91.8 91.1

82.3 81.7 82.8


93.9 89.1 85.8

85.2 85.0 84.9

88.3 88.2 88.4

86.8 90.1 90.4

87.6 83.5 80.9

85.5 89.2 90.7

90.8 90.391.3

96.8 96.4 96.2

... ... ...

92.0 91.6 91.2

90.6 89.2 88.0

77.5 78.3 76.7

93.3 93.4 93.3

81.8 79.9 79.3

93.7 93.8 93.6

73.6 74.4 73.3

83.2 82.4 82.3

77.8 77.9 76.5

80.5 78.5 77.7

93.8 92.9 93.5

57.8 67.5 65.3

85.5 84.7 84.0

... ... ...

81.1 82.2 83.4

87.2 86.6 86.4

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

84.4 84.4 84.7

71.2 73.5 74.1

92.4 92.3 91.9

... ... ...

... ... ...

84.1 85.8 84.2

67.8 68.2 68.1

79.2 79.4 79.4

69.6 68.4 68.5

83.2 82.8 82.5

80.2 80.6 80.5














































8.2 8.9

18.3 17.2

10.9 14.2

15.0 15.1

11.8 11.6

9.9 9.6

16.5 19.1

10.8 9.3

9.2 9.7

3.6 3.9

... ...

8.4 8.8

10.7 12.0

21.7 23.3

6.6 6.7

20.1 20.7

6.2 6.3

25.6 26.7


17.6 17.7

22.1 23.5

21.5 22.3


7.1 6.6

32.5 34.7

15.3 16.1

... ...

17.8 16.6

13.4 13.6

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

15.6 15.3

26.5 25.9

7.7 8.1

... ...

... ...

14.2 15.8

17.2 17.6

19.4 19.5



15.82 566

2 401 2 531 2 634 90.7 89.3 88.5 9.3 10.7

2 619 2 682 85.9 84.8 84.2 14.1 15.2

76.9 21.8 21.92 805 3 088 3 175 78.2 78.1

2 929 2 9892 857 80.8 78.9 78.1

84.7 15.9 15.7 15.32 477 2 531 84.1 84.3

77.4 77.2 22.6 22.6

31.6 31.5

31.8 31.9

20.6 20.6

83.9 14.4 15.52 580 2 629 2 689 85.6

Kilocalories %

Table 154. Availability* from major food groups as percentage of total energy supply:

22.82 922 2 881 2 849 77.4


2 402

* Food for human consumption

** Total availability from agricultural products, including fishery products

Page 229: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 Cambodia

2 Indonesia

3 Lao PDR

4 Malaysia

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines

7 Thailand

8 Timor-Leste

9 Viet Nam

10 Afghanistan

11 Bangladesh

12 Bhutan

13 India

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

15 Maldives

16 Nepal

17 Pakistan

18 Sri Lanka

19 Kazakhstan

20 Russian Federation

21 Uzbekistan

22 China

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia

25 Rep. of Korea

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands

28 Kiribati

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau

34 Papua New Guinea

35 Samoa

36 Solomon Islands

37 Tonga

38 Tuvalu

39 Vanuatu

40 Australia

41 Japan

42 New Zealand


cereals, starchy roots and pulses


average average average

1999- 2004- 2004- 1999-



0.5 0.5

0.4 0.42.922.0


Table 155. Availability* from major food groups as percentage of total energy supply:

53.8 52.3 4.2 4.1 1.9


1.3 1.0

35.4 35.4 2.6

3.1 3.022.9




28.0 30.9 31.6 22.2 21.4 21.6

53.8 6.1 5.7


49.9 48.2

6.9 6.2 0.3 0.4




4.8 0.5 0.4

42.0 39.8 38.7 6.8

6.3 6.2



54.6 53.0 4.3 4.2 3.9 1.9 1.8



61.2 59.2 58.3 3.8 3.6 3.7 1.0

2.0 2.2

2.4 2.5

... ...

0.0 0.0



3.1 3.1

... ...


0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

0.0 0.0

... ...

... ...

2.6 2.2

0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4

0.6 0.5

0.4 0.4

5.3 5.4

0.2 0.1

0.0 0.0

0.5 0.5

2.4 2.8

4.0 4.6

1.1 1.0

3.3 3.0

4.6 5.0

2.2 1.9

1.7 1.9

... ...

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.9

3.9 4.2

0.8 0.7

3.0 3.8

6.2 7.1

0.6 0.7


1.2 1.1

1.0 0.9










































3.8 3.5 3.2


35.7 35.2

5.1 5.0 4.8

6.3 6.2 6.2


2.5 2.4 2.3

... ... ...

19.6 18.7 17.6


... ... ...

24.9 23.5 23.6

9.2 10.2 10.4

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

9.0 9.5 9.7

... ... ...

... ... ...

6.9 7.2 6.9

2.1 3.5 3.8

1.2 1.2 1.1

6.3 5.9 5.0

6.7 6.7 5.9

2.4 2.4

7.5 7.6 6.8

1.1 1.1 1.2

2.7 2.2 2.4

2.4 2.0 1.8

3.5 4.5 4.9

2.0 2.2 2.4

3.0 3.5 3.3

1.8 2.4 2.8

... ... ...

1.3 1.5 1.6

1.2 1.1 0.9

2.2 2.42.0

2.1 2.1 2.2

16.8 13.0 9.9

0.8 1.2 1.5

3.5 3.0 3.1

3.6 3.7

1.9 2.2 2.2


26.3 24.0 24.2

47.9 46.6 45.7

37.3 37.2 37.2


38.6 38.3 38.4

... ... ...

27.9 31.9 30.6


34.3 32.4 32.7

... ... ...

25.1 29.5 30.6

21.8 18.7 17.6

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

31.5 30.9 30.2

... ... ...

... ... ...

41.5 41.0 40.8

43.8 46.3 43.9

48.2 44.2 43.3

53.9 49.9 48.2

62.0 62.2 61.6

43.5 42.9 40.8

55.9 58.2 56.2

40.0 36.9 35.9

50.9 48.2 46.6

53.7 54.1 53.2

40.9 38.3 37.4

71.5 69.4 67.5

60.2 60.2 57.6

58.2 54.4 51.8

81.9 79.4 78.9

... ... ...


75.5 76.4 78.9

68.7 63.1 60.2

61.3 60.7 58.5

46.5 45.9

57.5 61.1 61.2

53.4 56.2 56.2

45.8 46.9

0.5 0.5


67.3 56.5 52.7

74.0 70.8 69.0


66.4 64.1 63.3 6.1 5.8 5.9

0.977.4 72.7 71.3 1.9 1.1

2001 2006 2009 2001 2006

Cereals - excluding beer Starchy roots

2007-2007- 1999-

Rest of World





2009 2001 2006 2009

Kilocalories %



Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

3.6 0.5

* Food for human consumption

Page 230: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 Cambodia

2 Indonesia

3 Lao PDR

4 Malaysia

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines

7 Thailand

8 Timor-Leste

9 Viet Nam

10 Afghanistan

11 Bangladesh

12 Bhutan

13 India

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

15 Maldives

16 Nepal

17 Pakistan

18 Sri Lanka

19 Kazakhstan

20 Russian Federation

21 Uzbekistan

22 China

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia

25 Rep. of Korea

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands

28 Kiribati

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau

34 Papua New Guinea

35 Samoa

36 Solomon Islands

37 Tonga

38 Tuvalu

39 Vanuatu

40 Australia

41 Japan

42 New Zealand

1999- 2004- 2007- 1999- 2004- 2007-

sugar and sweeteners, oilcrops, fruits and vegetables


average average average average

1999- 2004- 2007- 1999-

2.2 2.5

8.4 8.3 8.1

11.2 11.1 10.7




3.2 3.8


2.1 2.1

Table 156. Availability* from major food groups as percentage of total energy supply:


6.3 6.1 6.1






2.7 2.7

2.3 2.7 3.7 3.6


4.8 4.5 4.3 12.5 12.2 12.2 2.7 2.4 2.3


2.5 2.7

2.2 2.2 2.5

1.8 2.2 2.5 5.1 6.12.7 2.4 2.4

12.2 11.3 10.7 1.6

1.4 1.5 1.6


12.7 12.0


2.1 2.0 2.0

3.3 2.6 2.5


5.9 5.9 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.62.2 2.1



7.8 7.5 6.6 3.6 3.9 3.9 1.6

... ...

1.0 1.1


2.2 2.2

0.5 0.4

... ...

2.9 2.7

0.3 0.3

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

1.4 1.3

... ...

... ...

1.3 1.3

0.9 1.1

5.5 5.5

6.2 6.7

4.4 4.5

3.0 3.2

3.6 4.9

2.3 2.4

1.1 1.1

1.4 1.7

3.8 4.1

2.1 2.3

1.7 2.0

3.9 4.1

0.6 0.9

... ...

2.2 2.1

0.9 0.7

1.7 1.9

1.4 1.3

0.9 0.7

2.7 2.9

1.8 1.9


3.3 3.5

1.4 1.5







































4.8 4.4 4.8

2.8 3.1 3.2

3.7 3.7 3.8


3.8 3.8 3.7

1.8 1.9 1.9

... ... ...

5.4 5.1 4.9

2.0 2.4 2.9

... ... ...

16.1 15.5 15.2

7.5 7.4 8.0

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

3.5 3.5 3.6

... ... ...

... ... ...

0.9 1.2 1.3

0.4 0.7 0.8

2.4 2.6 2.7

1.7 2.2 2.5

2.9 3.0 3.0

0.7 0.9 1.1

2.0 2.5 3.4

1.6 2.2 2.4

5.1 5.1

1.8 1.9 1.9

2.0 2.2 2.6

7.1 7.6 7.2

0.6 1.0 1.2

... ... ...

2.7 2.9 2.8

2.1 1.6 1.4

2.4 2.72.2

9.5 8.1 7.6

1.1 0.9 1.1

2.0 2.2 2.3

5.2 5.4 6.0

2.4 2.2

2.5 2.3 1.9


9.6 9.7 9.9

17.3 17.9 17.9

5.4 5.3 5.7

13.4 13.2 12.5

10.3 10.4 10.5

... ... ...

... ... ...

8.5 9.2 8.8

3.0 4.4 3.3

... ... ...

3.8 3.1 2.8

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

9.5 10.5 11.4

13.6 14.4 13.9

10.3 11.0 10.2

... ... ...

1.3 1.4 2.4

5.3 6.0 5.6

5.7 2.8 3.1

2.2 2.2 2.5



10.0 9.8 9.5

2.0 1.9 1.9

11.2 12.1 11.4

8.2 8.4 8.4

12.5 14.0 13.6

... ... ...

9.1 8.5 8.8


2.9 3.6 3.4

8.6 8.2 8.4


1.6 3.0 3.7

5.2 4.9 4.2

2.5 2.8 5.0

11.2 10.2 9.2

10.8 11.8


6.3 6.1 5.2 2.0 3.0 3.1 1.2 1.3

1.4 0.93.2 3.9 3.9 1.61.0 3.3 3.5

5.7 5.8 3.8


1.5 1.0

2.0 2.2

14.6 11.5




2009 2001 2006 2009




Rest of World


Sugar and sweeteners Fruits - excluding wine

2001 2006



Pacific Islands


3.8 3.7 3.6



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia

2004- 2007-

5.6 5.3 5.2

1.3 1.8 2.3

2006 2009

3.0 1.9 2.0

2.6 3.9 4.6

1.1 1.1 0.9

5.3 4.6 3.4

3.0 2.6 2.4

1.5 2.2 2.4

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.3 0.6 0.6

... ... ...

1.7 1.8 1.9

0.1 0.3 0.2

2.2 1.7 1.0

0.0 0.0 0.1

0.4 0.2 0.4

11.2 11.8 11.5

0.3 0.4 0.4

0.1 0.2 0.3

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.5 0.5

2.7 2.4 2.4

2.9 2.0 2.0

0.0 0.1 0.1

2.9 2.7 2.8

6.8 6.4 6.2

... ... ...

6.9 7.1 6.2

20.6 20.4 20.6

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

5.3 4.9 4.8

17.3 18.2 18.6

9.8 9.4 9.7

... ... ...

... ... ...

18.7 18.1 17.8

1.0 0.9 1.0

1.4 1.6 1.6

4.2 4.3 4.2

1.4 1.5 1.6

1.9 1.9 2.0

13.3 12.6 12.0 0.3

2.3 2.2 2.2

* Food for human consumption

Page 231: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


1 Cambodia

2 Indonesia

3 Lao PDR

4 Malaysia

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines

7 Thailand

8 Timor-Leste

9 Viet Nam

10 Afghanistan

11 Bangladesh

12 Bhutan

13 India

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of)

15 Maldives

16 Nepal

17 Pakistan

18 Sri Lanka

19 Kazakhstan

20 Russian Federation

21 Uzbekistan

22 China

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia

25 Rep. of Korea

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands

28 Kiribati

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau

34 Papua New Guinea

35 Samoa

36 Solomon Islands

37 Tonga

38 Tuvalu

39 Vanuatu

40 Australia

41 Japan

42 New Zealand

2004- 2007- 1999- 2004- 2007-Country

average average average average

1999- 2004- 2007- 1999-

8.3 8.1 8.2

7.7 7.9 8.0

13.9 14.7 14.9

7.2 7.7 7.8

15.2 14.7 14.6

5.8 6.2 6.4

... ... ...

9.3 8.2 8.8

2.7 2.9 3.1

... ... ...

13.0 12.7 12.4

17.6 16.3 16.9

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

5.5 6.8 6.6

... ... ...

... ... ...

8.8 8.0 7.4

6.7 7.0 7.7

11.8 11.4 11.2

3.8 4.5 3.9

25.6 17.2 18.5

13.2 14.1 14.3

13.6 14.5 14.7

9.5 9.1 9.7

5.5 6.3 6.6

7.2 7.4 8.2

0.9 1.0 1.0

7.2 7.4 8.2

1.6 1.5 1.5

2.2 2.4 2.7

3.6 4.4 4.9

2.0 3.0 3.1

... ... ...

0.7 0.7 0.7

5.0 3.5 3.0

0.7 0.7 0.7

9.9 8.5 8.4

8.7 11.9 14.2

8.5 8.7 8.9

6.2 6.7 6.6

7.6 8.6 8.3

2.8 5.7 7.3

1.9 2.2 2.3

4.4 5.0 5.8

4.9 6.0 6.5 2.2


0.9 0.9 0.8




Rest of World




2009 2001 2006 2009


2001 2006

Vegetable oils Milk - excluding butter Fish - seafood

2004- 2007- 1999-

2001 2006 2009


2001 2006 2009

Pacific Islands

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

North and Central Asia

East Asia






2.2 2.5 0.35.5 5.3 5.1

1.7 1.8

0.4 0.4 2.4 2.6

1.6 1.9


6.2 7.4 8.5 0.4 0.5 0.6


8.3 9.3 9.1

12.6 12.5 12.8


5.3 3.9 4.3

5.3 5.8 6.4

4.7 3.2

3.1 2.8 3.2

6.1 6.0 5.1

8.1 8.3

... ...

8.4 8.6 8.9

7.3 7.6 8.3

6.8 6.7 5.7

6.3 6.5 7.6

10.1 10.8 11.5

3.1 3.0 3.1

8.7 7.5 7.8

12.7 10.7 10.2

7.7 8.7 8.9

5.6 6.3 6.8

5.3 5.5 5.9

3.0 6.2 5.1

9.7 11.8 12.7

... ... ...

9.7 9.3 11.2

6.2 4.9 5.2

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

4.0 3.6 3.4

4.4 6.3 7.3

3.0 3.6 3.1

... ... ...

... ... ...

5.0 4.9 5.3

15.9 16.8 15.8

12.7 13.3 13.3

6.7 7.3 7.7

9.0 9.4 9.6

11.5 11.7 11.8


3.7 3.5 2.6


1.1 1.5 1.8

1.0 0.7 0.6

1.1 1.2 1.1

2.4 0.6 0.3

0.6 0.7 0.7

6.4 5.1 4.4

4.7 5.04.7

1.1 1.2 1.3

... ... ...

4.5 4.3 4.6

2.9 2.9 3.4

4.5 6.8 6.8

3.4 3.5 3.6

11.0 11.8 12.3

2.3 2.5 2.5

14.2 13.0 13.1

9.7 9.5 9.1

8.2 8.0 8.5

0.7 1.5 1.7

0.3 0.4 0.4

11.7 10.5 10.6

1.3 1.2 1.1

... ... ...

2.3 2.3 2.0

1.2 0.7 0.9

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

0.2 0.2 0.2

1.7 1.4 1.5

0.5 0.5 0.5

... ... ...

... ... ...

1.5 1.3 1.8

10.2 9.8 9.7

4.4 4.3 4.3

4.6 4.4 3.9

4.4 4.5 4.7

6.6 6.4 6.5







































1.5 1.5

3.4 3.6

2.3 3.2

2.5 2.6

2.1 1.8

0.0 0.0

1.8 1.9

0.0 0.0

0.4 0.5


0.4 0.5

1.1 1.2

... ...


1.8 2.0

9.6 10.8

0.1 0.1

0.2 0.4

0.0 0.0

1.3 1.7

1.3 1.5

0.6 0.8

0.0 0.0

3.2 3.1

... ...

2.6 2.5

4.8 4.8

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

1.6 1.6

3.5 3.4

3.0 3.3



... ...

2.6 2.7

1.1 1.2

0.9 0.9

1.9 2.1





3.0 3.3 7.7

8.6 1.1 1.2


5.9 6.2 6.9

7.3 7.7



9.0 1.1 1.1







8.3 8.8 9.0 8.8 1.3

6.5 7.05.7 0.7 1.5 1.7 1.2 1.4



4.8 4.5 4.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.4 2.0 1.9

13.0 13.6 13.5 5.17.3 7.7 8.0


5.1 5.1 5.4 5.0

1.6 1.7

1.2 1.1


7.1 7.5 7.9 2.8 3.1 3.3 1.2 1.3

* Food for human consumption

Table 157. Availability from major food groups as percentage of total energy supply:

vegetable oils, meat, milk – excluding butter and fish-seafood

Page 232: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


CerealsRoots and tubers 45 0.5 22.5 30

Bananas & Plantains

Animal products 20 2.0 40.0 40

Added fats and oils 10 1.0 10.0 10

Nuts and oilseeds 3 0.5 1.5 5

Pulses, beans and 5 2.0 10.0 10


Sweeteners 8 0.5 4.0 5

Fruit and vegetables 5 2.0 10.0 10

Beverages and seasonings 4 0.5 2.0 5

Total 100.0 100.0

Table 158. Desirable dietary pattern (DDP)

Kilocalories (%) Rating ScoreFood Groups

Maximum* score

permissible from each

food group

* Maximum scores allowed are, for instance, 60% kilocalories from Cereal group (score = 60% * 0.5 = 30), 20% kilocalories from animal products (score = 20% * 2.0 = 40)

etc. Over and above the maximum score limit, there will be no additional score to the diet from that food group. For example, 85% kilocalories from the cereal group will score

30 and not (85%*0.5 = 42.5), similarly 45% kilocalories from animal products will score 40 and not (45% * 2.0 = 90).

Page 233: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


% of Total % from % of Total % from % of Total % from % of Total % from

Kcal Animal Kcal Animal Kcal Animal Kcal Animal

10.4 3.3 21.3 10.1 10.5 3.5 22.1 10.4

9.5 3.1 0.0 6.9 9.7 3.4 19.8 7.5

1 Cambodia 10.2 2.8 14.0 6.4 10.5 3.0 14.1 6.2

2 Indonesia 8.8 2.2 17.6 3.2 8.9 2.4 18.8 3.3

3 Lao PDR 10.9 2.3 12.5 5.5 11.0 2.3 13.9 6.2

4 Malaysia 11.0 5.8 26.7 10.0 10.9 5.7 26.3 9.5

5 Myanmar 11.6 3.4 22.7 6.9 12.8 4.5 25.2 8.9

6 Philippines 9.3 3.8 17.3 10.5 9.4 4.0 17.6 10.5

7 Thailand 8.9 3.7 17.9 7.3 8.7 3.5 17.9 7.3

8 Timor-Leste 10.4 2.8 17.2 6.4 10.7 2.8 17.6 6.4

9 Viet Nam 10.5 3.5 19.8 12.4 10.9 4.0 22.4 14.4

9.8 2.0 18.4 5.6 9.9 2.2 19.1 5.9

10 Afghanistan 11.0 2.4 15.4 6.9 11.1 2.1 13.0 6.0

11 Bangladesh 8.8 1.3 10.6 1.8 9.1 1.5 10.0 1.9

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 9.7 1.8 18.4 5.1 9.7 1.9 19.0 5.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 11.2 3.0 19.3 6.9 11.4 3.3 21.7 7.7

15 Maldives 14.2 8.7 21.7 9.2 14.9 9.4 21.6 10.0

16 Nepal 10 3 1 5 15 1 4 1 10 2 1 5 16 5 4 2


Southeast Asia

Table 159. Percentage of protein and fats from animal sources


Protein ProteinFats



in total dietary energy supply

South and Southwest Asia

16 Nepal 10.3 1.5 15.1 4.1 10.2 1.5 16.5 4.2

17 Pakistan 10.1 4.0 26.6 12.6 10.3 4.2 27.7 12.9

18 Sri Lanka 9.3 2.2 17.3 3.1 9.6 2.3 17.2 3.1

11.9 5.7 25.0 13.6 12.2 6.1 25.9 14.2

19 Kazakhstan 12.4 6.1 25.9 15.3 12.5 6.4 27.5 16.2

20 Russian Federation 11.8 5.8 25.0 13.8 12.2 6.4 26.0 14.5

21 Uzbekistan 12.0 4.1 24.2 10.5 12.0 4.1 23.9 10.8

12.0 4.5 26.4 15.6 12.2 4.8 27.4 16.0

22 China 12.1 4.5 26.6 16.0 12.3 4.8 27.6 16.4

23 DPR Korea 10.9 1.9 14.7 4.9 10.9 2.0 14.5 4.3

24 Mongolia 13.0 7.7 30.8 21.1 13.2 8.0 32.1 23.2

25 Rep. of Korea 11.4 5.0 24.9 9.2 11.4 5.2 26.3 9.7

11.6 6.1 21.0 9.0 11.7 6.0 20.6 8.7

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 10.4 4.3 29.3 12.3 9.9 4.1 29.8 11.6

28 Kiribati 10.3 5.3 31.6 7.3 10.3 5.3 32.4 7.5

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 12.2 6.7 18.5 8.4 12.3 6.7 18.0 8.1

35 Samoa 10.5 6.1 42.4 19.5 10.6 6.3 42.9 18.7

36 Solomon Islands 8.9 2.7 17.8 4.6 9.0 2.8 17.9 4.9

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 9.4 3.7 30.5 9.8 9.6 4.0 32.3 10.8

13.0 7.6 30.7 12.9 13.0 7.5 30.8 13.2

40 Australia 13.1 8.7 40.6 20.5 13.1 8.5 40.3 20.9

41 Japan 13.1 7.4 28.8 11.2 13.0 7.3 28.8 11.3

42 New Zealand 11.9 7.2 33.6 23.0 11.8 7.3 34.1 22.9

10.5 3.5 21.6 10.2 10.6 3.7 22.4 10.5

11.9 5.4 30.3 13.2 12.0 5.4 30.4 13.1

11.1 4.3 25.2 11.4 11.2 4.4 25.7 11.6

Rest of World




Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Page 234: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


153.9 47.0 5.8 15.9 7.9 62.5 160.4 8.8 31.1 54.8 20.0

170.2 37.5 3.4 17.6 16.9 75.3 56.0 7.5 26.4 15.3 31.6

1 Cambodia 178.7 33.3 3.1 10.2 7.7 28.7 30.3 2.4 16.6 4.3 33.8

2 Indonesia 186.7 57.9 1.3 14.2 28.4 68.1 39.5 9.1 11.6 11.4 25.4

3 Lao PDR 184.1 34.8 2.9 5.9 4.3 45.6 145.9 1.8 21.3 2.1 17.8

4 Malaysia 157.9 26.1 3.1 40.2 8.1 43.9 49.1 15.5 52.3 36.4 53.2

5 Myanmar 152.5 17.7 20.4 8.0 14.2 38.9 92.5 9.6 32.1 28.5 50.8

6 Philippines 153.9 30.8 1.8 23.0 5.0 121.8 62.2 4.8 33.6 13.2 36.4

7 Thailand 153.6 20.8 2.1 28.9 15.5 106.8 47.2 7.5 25.8 21.8 24.6

8 Timor-Leste 168.2 78.2 7.3 7.3 4.5 13.6 20.9 4.5 33.6 10.9 0.0

9 Viet Nam 166.3 16.6 2.9 12.1 6.3 61.7 82.2 3.6 49.9 11.4 32.6

150.6 29.3 10.9 20.8 6.2 49.2 67.0 8.7 7.1 77.0 6.4

10 Afghanistan 174.7 8.1 2.5 7.7 0.5 17.0 27.2 2.6 10.8 52.2 0.0

11 Bangladesh 197.5 31.4 6.8 8.8 1.9 24.2 26.8 5.3 4.0 20.2 18.9

12 Bhutan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

13 India 143.7 29.6 12.5 21.6 7.1 49.5 68.5 8.7 4.4 72.2 5.5

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 183.0 47.3 5.6 27.1 0.9 150.9 219.2 12.0 36.3 84.1 7.1

15 Maldives 128.2 25.6 3.2 38.5 9.6 128.2 147.4 6.4 22.4 83.3 137.8

16 Nepal 172.7 69.1 8.1 4.7 0.5 39.6 88.7 8.0 9.9 43.0 1.6

17 Pakistan 137.0 16.2 6.8 27.6 1.3 34.1 32.4 12.3 14.7 171.9 2.0

18 Sri Lanka 150.3 17.5 12.3 25.4 62.9 32.0 38.6 2.4 6.3 35.9 20.9

excluding Meatsweeteners




South and Southwest Asia

Southeast Asia

Table 160. Yearly per capita consumption* in kilogrammes from major food groups, 2009


Cereals - Fruits - Milk,Starchy


Sugar and



oils seafoodbeer wine butter

Pulses Oilcrops Vegetables excludingFish,

157.5 102.3 1.4 31.4 1.5 61.4 140.6 12.0 57.8 178.0 17.6

19 Kazakhstan 178.5 114.8 0.4 30.7 1.3 40.3 174.0 10.5 62.6 267.2 4.6

20 Russian Federation 149.4 114.0 1.8 35.9 1.7 62.5 124.2 12.4 62.9 175.6 22.3

21 Uzbekistan 187.7 33.2 0.0 8.1 0.6 68.0 207.6 10.5 28.4 138.3 0.3

151.0 63.4 1.5 7.5 6.8 72.0 314.6 9.1 57.3 29.3 31.5

22 China 151.4 65.2 1.3 6.6 6.7 72.3 321.5 8.9 58.2 29.8 31.0

23 DPR Korea 144.7 55.7 12.5 5.0 4.1 57.0 148.6 5.0 13.4 4.5 10.6

24 Mongolia 135.0 46.8 0.4 13.3 0.0 24.7 39.1 4.8 82.2 149.3 0.4

25 Rep. of Korea 146.0 16.7 1.3 34.5 10.7 73.8 218.7 17.7 54.1 21.9 56.1

91.5 217.7 1.4 11.1 49.2 212.6 63.9 5.0 66.1 7.9 21.3

26 Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 146.7 88.0 7.0 34.0 57.5 41.1 42.3 15.3 38.7 36.4 34.0

28 Kiribati 102.0 112.2 0.0 40.8 112.2 71.4 61.2 10.2 40.8 20.4 71.4

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

32 Niue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

33 Palau ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 85.2 228.7 0.3 6.9 38.0 252.7 72.2 3.4 74.7 3.3 17.0

35 Samoa 65.9 142.9 0.0 38.5 181.3 197.8 16.5 11.0 87.9 22.0 44.0

36 Solomon Islands 85.9 339.7 7.6 9.5 78.2 61.1 15.3 3.8 11.5 5.7 32.4

37 Tonga ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 98.3 205.1 0.0 17.1 145.3 98.3 51.3 8.5 34.2 25.6 34.2

111.6 36.0 2.1 31.2 8.4 61.8 102.1 16.2 57.0 93.9 51.2

40 Australia 96.9 55.3 3.7 45.8 5.1 104.2 97.6 23.3 111.5 207.7 24.8

41 Japan 114.7 31.9 1.7 27.8 9.1 52.7 101.6 15.2 45.9 73.9 56.6

42 New Zealand 95.5 57.6 3.9 58.1 6.0 112.4 139.0 9.7 106.4 102.9 26.1

152.3 46.6 5.7 16.5 7.9 62.4 158.2 9.1 32.1 56.3 21.2

130.0 78.8 7.6 32.4 5.8 84.0 85.5 14.4 53.8 127.4 13.4

143.3 59.7 6.5 22.9 7.1 71.2 128.7 11.3 40.9 85.2 18.0

Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia

Rest of World




* Food for human consumption

Page 235: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


3 973 159 0.9 41

594 432 1.0 42

1 Cambodia 14 305 1.2 20 64.1 67.4 43 28 7 11 40

2 Indonesia 242 326 1.0 45 69.8 73.6 27 18 5 14 37

3 Lao PDR 6 288 1.3 34 68.0 71.3 42 31 9 7 48

4 Malaysia 28 859 1.5 73 73.4 77.8 5 13 ... ... 17

5 Myanmar 48 337 0.8 34 65.9 69.9 50 23 6 8 35

6 Philippines 94 852 1.7 49 67.2 73.6 23 22 ... 7 32

7 Thailand 69 519 0.5 34 72.0 78.5 11 7 1 5 16

8 Timor-Leste 1 154 3.0 29 64.2 66.6 46 45 15 19 58

9 Viet Nam 88 792 1.0 31 74.3 78.4 19 20 ... 10 31

1 728 477 1.4 32

10 Afghanistan 32 358 3.1 23 51.0 51.4 103 33 12 9 59

11 Bangladesh 150 494 1.2 29 69.8 72.0 38 41 12 17 43

12 Bhutan 738 1.5 36 67.5 71.7 44 13 3 6 34

13 India 1 241 492 1.3 30 65.8 69.2 48 43 16 20 48

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 74 799 1.0 71 72.5 76.4 22 ... ... ... ...

15 Maldives 320 1.3 41 77.1 80.4 14 17 3 11 19

16 N l 30 486 1 6 19 69 5 71 8 41 39 11 13 49

Table 161. Some population indicators affecting nutritional status



South and Southwest Asia



2011 2011-2016 2011 2010

population population at birth rate


Southeast Asia

growth rate (%) % of Total (years)(under 1)

Estimated Average Urban Life expectancy mortality


Male FemaleModerate

Severe Moderate & severe& severe



% of under fives suffering from

Underweight Wasting

16 Nepal 30 486 1.6 19 69.5 71.8 41 39 11 13 49

17 Pakistan 176 745 1.7 36 65.8 68.1 70 31 13 14 42

18 Sri Lanka 21 045 0.8 14 73.0 79.2 14 21 4 15 17

186 803 0.2 67

19 Kazakhstan 16 207 1.0 59 63.8 73.9 29 4 1 5 17

20 Russian Federation 142 836 -0.1 73 63.3 75.8 9 ... ... ... ...

21 Uzbekistan 27 760 1.2 36 67.0 73.0 44 4 1 4 19

1 454 148 0.4 49

22 China 1 378 506 0.4 48 73.0 76.7 16 4 ... ... 10

23 DPR Korea 24 451 0.4 60 66.8 72.1 26 19 4 5 32

24 Mongolia 2 800 1.5 63 66.4 74.2 26 5 1 3 27

25 Rep. of Korea 48 391 0.4 83 77.9 84.5 4 ... ... ... ...

9 299 2.0 19

26 Cook Islands 20 1.0 80 ... ... 8 ... ... ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 868 0.8 52 67.7 73.1 15 ... ... ... ...

28 Kiribati 101 1.5 45 ... ... 39 ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands 55 1.4 73 ... ... 22 ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 112 0.5 22 69.1 71.2 34 ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru 10 1.9 100 ... ... 32 5 1 1 24

32 Niue 1 0.0 100 ... ... 19 ... ... ... ...

33 Palau 21 0.9 81 ... ... 15 ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 7 014 2.1 13 62.9 67.3 47 18 5 5 43

35 Samoa 184 0.4 20 71.0 77.0 17 ... ... ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 552 2.5 19 68.4 71.8 23 12 2 4 33

37 Tonga 105 0.4 24 70.4 76.0 13 ... ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu 10 0.0 50 ... ... 27 2 0 3 10

39 Vanuatu 246 2.4 26 70.7 74.9 12 ... ... ... ...

153 518 0.1 71

40 Australia 22 606 1.3 89 80.7 84.9 4 ... ... ... ...

41 Japan 126 497 -0.1 67 80.8 87.9 2 ... ... ...

42 New Zealand 4 415 1.0 86 79.7 83.4 5 ... ... ... ...

6 974 041 1.1 51 68.2 72.8 40 16 9 10 27

Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia



Sources: “The State of the World’s Children, 2012", United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 2012

World Bank World Development Indicators 2011

Page 236: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 237: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Labour force in agriculture

Share of agriculture in total GDP

Percentage of agricultural labour force of total labour force in Asia-Pacific region in 2011

Countries in Asia-Pacific region with largest share of agriculture in GDP in 2010















Solomon Islands



Papua New G






Viet Nam




Rest of W



Page 238: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 239: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


442 882 935 851 864 331 1.9

49 994 843 68 108 308 1.4

1 Cambodia ... ... ... ...

2 Indonesia 2003 24 868 675 19 673 412 0.8

3 Lao PDR (1) 2010-2011 782 800 1 870 000 2.4

4 Malaysia 2005 526 265 533 914 1.0

5 Myanmar 2003 3 464 769 8 721 115 2.5

6 Philippines 2002 4 822 739 9 559 958 2.0

7 Thailand 2003 5 795 519 18 313 749 3.2

8 Timor-Leste ... ... ... ...

9 Viet Nam 2006 9 734 076 9 436 160 1.0

165 933 218 211 062 364 1.3

10 Afghanistan 2002 3 044 670 ... ...

11 Bangladesh (2) 2008 25 351 506 9 285 211 0.4

12 Bhutan (3) 2009 61 578 94 903 1.5

13 India 2001 119 894 000 159 394 000 1.3

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 2003 4 332 423 17 665 198 4.1

15 Maldives ... ... ... ...

16 Nepal 2002 3 364 139 2 654 037 0.8

17 Pakistan 2000 6 620 224 20 437 554 3.1

18 Sri Lanka 2002 3 264 678 1 531 461 0.5

23 143 749 450 599 500 19.5

19 Kazakhstan ... ... ... ...

20 Russian Federation 2 006 23 143 749 450 599 500 19.5

21 Uzbekistan ... ... ... ...

203 678 642 121 775 900 0.6

22 China 2006 200 159 115 121 775 900 0.6

23 DPR Korea ... ... ... ...

24 Mongolia 2000 250 000 ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 2000 3 269 527 ... ...

132 483 318 259 2.4

26 Cook Islands 2000 1 721 1 029 0.6

27 Fiji Islands 2009 65 033 251 857 3.9

28 Kiribati ... ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of ... ... ... ...

31 Nauru ... ... ... ...

32 Niue (4) 2009 429 762 1.8

33 Palau 1989 300 158 0.5

34 Papua New Guinea ... ... ... ...

35 Samoa 2009 15 793 37 357 2.4

36 Solomon Islands ... ... ... ...

37 Tonga 2001 10 328 27 096 2.6

38 Tuvalu ... ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu (5) 2007 38 879 ... ...

2 726 783 428 032 897 157.0

40 Australia 2011 135 447 409 700 000 3 024.8

41 Japan (6) 2010 2 528 000 3 632 000 1.4

42 New Zealand (7) 2007 63 336 14 700 897 232.1

445 609 718 1 279 897 228 2.9

North and Central Asia

Agricultural holdingsAgricultural census

yearNumber Total area (ha) Average size (ha)

Table 162. Number and area of agricultural holdings



Pacific Islands




East Asia

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

Source: FAO – Information based on country agricultural censuses, generally conducted every ten years and FAO-WCA site

(1)Concepts used for number and total area of holdings are number of farms household and total area of farm household

(2) Area refers to operated area

(3) Concepts used for number and total area of holdings are number of household and total area of household

(4) Area refers to used agricultural area

(5) Data on total area is not available in the national report

(6) Area refers to cultivated land

(7) Concept used for number of holdings is number of farms

Page 240: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


4 185 282 621 488 457 314 2 707 863 0.3

433 496 107 143 34 379 243 912 0.2

1 Cambodia 17 652 F 4 055 F 7 498 8 084 0.2

2 Indonesia 181 157 F 42 600 F 9 805 71 208 0.1

3 Lao PDR 23 080 F 1 468 F 2 178 ** 4 885 ** 0.2

4 Malaysia 32 855 F 7 585 F 24 ** 1 582 ** 0.0

5 Myanmar 65 352 F 12 135 F 6 60 0.0

6 Philippines 29 817 10 450 F 3 006 79 992 0.5

7 Thailand 51 089 F 18 995 F 7 405 34 079 0.2

8 Timor-Leste 1 487 F 225 F 72 ** 24 750 6.7

9 Viet Nam 31 007 F 9 630 F 4 385 19 272 0.1

639 977 231 150 406 744 863 672 0.5

10 Afghanistan 65 223 F 7 910 264 *** 61 0.0

11 Bangladesh 13 017 F 8 549 F 2 799 0.0

12 Bhutan 3 839 100 F ... ... 0.0

13 India 297 319 F 169 623 400 551 780 000 0.7

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 162 855 18 991 F 3 014 7 256 0.0

15 Maldives 30 7 F ... ... ...

16 Nepal 14 335 F 2 520 F 1 470 ** 9 789 0.2

17 Pakistan 77 088 F 21 280 F 1 045 ** 22 103 0.1

18 Sri Lanka 6 271 2 170 F 398 43 664 0.8

1 950 197 151 672 64 177 644 0 1

N %Ha

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

Table 163. Organic farming in Asia and the Pacific 2010*

2009 2010

Arable and



Number of


N th d C t l A i

permanent crops organic farms




1 000 ha


Total land area Agricultural area under organic management

1 950 197 151 672 64 177 644 0.1

19 Kazakhstan 269 970 F 23 480 F 8 ** 133 562 ** 0.1

20 Russian Federation 1 637 687 F 123 541 F 50 44 017 0.0

21 Uzbekistan 42 540 F 4 651 F 6 65 0.0

1 109 856 129 933 10 790 1 405 518 0.3

22 China 932 749 F 124 320 F ... 1 390 000 0.3

23 DPR Korea 12 041 F 2 855 F ... ... ...

24 Mongolia 155 356 F 962 F ... ... ...

25 Rep. of Korea 9 710 F 1 796 F 10 790 15 518 0.7

51 756 1 590 5 337 17 117 1.0

26 Cook Islands 24 3 F 12 ** 18 0.1

27 Fiji Islands 1 827 F 243 F ... 100 ***** 0.0

28 Kiribati 81 F 34 F ... ... ...

29 Marshall Islands 18 10 F ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 70 19 F ... ... ...

31 Nauru 2 0 F ... ... ...

32 Niue 26 4 F 61 **** 159 **** 3.2

33 Palau 46 F 3 F ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 45 286 F 960 F 4 559 **** 3 156 0.3

35 Samoa 283 F 64 F 353 9 714 7.9

36 Solomon Islands 2 799 F 76 F 352 1 306 4.3

37 Tonga 72 27 F ... ... ...

38 Tuvalu 3 2 F ... ... ...

39 Vanuatu 1 219 F 145 F ... 2 664 4.8

831 011 52 662 5 266 12 135 004 2.8

40 Australia 768 230 47 511 2 129 ** 12 001 724 ** 2.9

41 Japan 36 450 F 4 609 2 137 ** 8 817 0.2

42 New Zealand 26 331 542 F 1 000 124 463 1.1

5 016 293 674 150 462 580 14 842 867 1.0

7 987 175 859 204 1 346 541 22 389 260 0.8

13 003 468 A 1 533 354 A 1 809 121 37 232 127 0.9

East Asia



Rest of World


North and Central Asia

Pacific Islands

* Data on organic farms from publication of International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM);The World of Organic Agriculture 2012: Helga Willer and Lukas

Kilcher (Eds.);

Agricultural land as used in this publication refers to “Arable and permanent cropped land”, which excludes permanent medows and pastures, fallow land resulting from shifting

cultivation, and land under trees grown for food or timber. Double cropped areas are counted once.

** indicates figures for 2009; *** indicates figures for 2008; **** indicates figures for 2006; ***** indicates figures for 2005

Page 241: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


3 973.2 2.0 1.0 0.8 1 015 368 51.3

594.4 1.6 1.2 1.0 140 357 46.4

1 Cambodia 14.3 2.5 1.2 1.2 5 031 65.4

2 Indonesia 242.3 1.4 1.1 0.9 49 489 40.8

3 Lao PDR 6.3 2.3 1.5 1.2 2 424 74.7

4 Malaysia 28.9 2.5 1.9 1.5 1 585 12.2

5 Myanmar 48.3 1.3 0.6 0.7 18 965 66.7

6 Philippines 94.9 2.2 1.8 1.6 13 472 33.1

7 Thailand 69.5 1.0 0.8 0.4 19 096 47.7

8 Timor-Leste 1.2 1.1 3.0 3.0 362 79.4

9 Viet Nam 88.8 1.5 1.1 0.9 29 933 62.7

1 728.5 1.9 1.5 1.3 359 276 50.8

10 Afghanistan 32.4 5.2 3.1 2.9 6 218 59.4

11 Bangladesh 150.5 2.0 1.3 1.2 31 976 44.4

12 Bhutan 0.7 0.6 2.3 1.3 320 92.8

13 India 1 241.5 1.8 1.5 1.2 272 706 54.0

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 74.8 1.7 1.2 0.9 6 562 21.2

15 Maldives 0.3 2.1 1.4 1.2 22 14.1

16 Nepal 30.5 2.4 2.0 1.6 12 411 92.9

17 P ki t 176 7 2 5 1 8 1 7 25 022 38 6

Percent of totalAgricultural

labour force


labour force




Million (Projections)

Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

Table 164. Population and agricultural labour force


Total population Average annual growth rate

2011 1991-2001 2001- 2011 2011-2021 2011 2011

17 Pakistan 176.7 2.5 1.8 1.7 25 022 38.6

18 Sri Lanka 21.0 0.8 1.1 0.6 4 039 42.2

186.8 ... 0.0 0.1 9 977 10.0

19 Kazakhstan 16.2 ... 0.8 1.0 1 181 13.6

20 Russian Federation 142.8 ... -0.2 -0.2 6 101 7.8

21 Uzbekistan 27.8 ... 1.0 1.1 2 695 20.9

1 454.1 1.0 0.5 0.3 503 218 58.0

22 China 1 378.5 1.0 0.5 0.3 498 770 60.2

23 DPR Korea 24.5 1.2 0.6 0.4 3 029 22.7

24 Mongolia 2.8 0.9 1.4 1.4 218 17.3

25 Rep. of Korea 48.4 0.6 0.5 0.3 1 201 4.9

9.3 2.3 2.1 1.9 2 540 61.7

26 Cook Islands 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.5 2 25.0

27 Fiji Islands 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.7 127 35.7

28 Kiribati 0.1 1.6 1.6 1.6 11 22.4

29 Marshall Islands 0.1 0.8 0.6 1.4 6 22.2

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 0.1 0.8 0.5 0.7 12 21.8

31 Nauru 0.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 1 20.0

32 Niue 0.0 0.0 -6.9 0.0 0 0.0

33 Palau 0.0 2.4 1.0 0.9 2 20.0

34 Papua New Guinea 7.0 2.6 2.4 2.1 2 155 68.7

35 Samoa 0.2 0.9 0.3 0.4 18 26.9

36 Solomon Islands 0.6 2.8 2.7 2.4 155 67.4

37 Tonga 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.6 11 26.2

38 Tuvalu 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 1 25.0

39 Vanuatu 0.2 2.3 2.6 2.3 39 30.0

153.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 1 970 2.5

40 Australia 22.6 1.1 1.5 1.2 458 3.8

41 Japan 126.5 0.3 0.0 -0.2 1 325 2.1

42 New Zealand 4.4 1.3 1.2 1.0 187 7.8

4 126.7 1.9 1.0 0.8 1 017 338 49.4

2 847.4 0.7 1.4 1.3 294 736 23.3

6 974.0 1.4 1.2 1.0 1 312 074 39.5



Rest of World


Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia

East Asia

* Labour force: This term covers all economically active persons in the age from 15 to 64 plus those persons at the age of 10 to 15 and over 64 for whom an economic activity

was reported. It includes the armed forces and the unemployed but excludes groups seemed economically inactive such as students, housewives, care-givers and others who

are constitutionally excluded from economic activities. (For further definitions see ILO, Economically Active Population Estimates and Projections 1980-2020).

Page 242: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


3 426 242 12 864 059 ** 5.3 7.7 440 632 1 295 168 ** 2.8 3.7

499 436 1 590 047 4.7 5.2 66 020 225 657 1.9 3.3

1 Cambodia 3 654 11 242 7.0 * 8.7 1 312 3 809 3.7 * 5.6

2 Indonesia 165 021 708 027 4.2 5.3 25 747 108 371 2.0 3.5

3 Lao PDR 1 731 7 181 6.4 7.2 776 2 219 4.8 3.6

4 Malaysia 93 790 237 797 7.0 5.0 8 065 25 271 0.3 3.3

5 Myanmar

6 Philippines 81 026 199 589 3.3 4.9 11 317 24 578 1.9 3.2

7 Thailand 122 725 318 908 4.2 4.5 11 074 39 507 1.0 2.2

8 Timor-Leste 316 875 4.9 82

9 Viet Nam 31 173 106 427 7.9 7.5 7 648 21 901 4.3 3.7

719 933 2 378 981 ** 5.2 6.9 149 262 377 547 ** 3.3 3.3

10 Afghanistan 17 243 4 463

11 Bangladesh 47 125 100 357 4.8 5.9 11 601 18 040 2.9 3.5

12 Bhutan 428 1 516 5.0 8.7 118 2313

1.6 1.5 *

13 India 474 692 1 684 324 6.0 7.7 100 821 278 715 3.2 3.1

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 101 287 331 0153

3.1 5.4 * 13 806 28 8761

3.2 5.9 *

15 Maldives 624 2 076 8.5 * 7.6 55 60 1.8 0.5

16 Nepal 5 494 16 014 4.9 3.9 2 101 5 309 2.5 3.2

17 Pakistan 73 952 176 870 3.8 5.1 17 852 35 513 4.4 3.4

Average annual

Total GDP Agricultural GDP

Country In million $ at current prices In million $ at current pricesgrowth rate

Average annual

1990- 2000-

2000 2010 2000 2010

growth rate



Southeast Asia

South and Southwest Asia

2000** 2010**1990- 2000-

2000** 2010**

18 Sri Lanka 16 331 49 568 5.3 5.6 2 908 6 341 1.9 3.1

291 761 1 674 896 -4.4 5.7 20 557 64 994 -4.3 2.8

19 Kazakhstan 18 292 148 047 -4.1 8.3 1 484 6 780 -8.0 3.8

20 Russian Federation 259 708 1 487 516 -4.7 5.4 14 938 51 491 -4.9 1.5

21 Uzbekistan 13 760 39 333 -0.2 7.1 4 136 6 724 0.5 6.4

1 908 219 7 204 347 8.3 8.8 203 039 623 070 ** 3.8 4.2

22 China 1 373 698 6 183 257 9.4 10.2 180 676 598 813 ** 4.1 4.4

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia 1 137 6 200 1.0 7.2 312 886 0.3 4.6

25 Rep. of Korea 533 384 1 014 890 5.8 4.1 22 051 23 371 1.6 2.0

6 893 15 787 3.2 3.0 1 754 3 900 ** 3.3 2.4

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands 1 684 3 173 2.7 1.4 252 330 0.5 -0.4

28 Kiribati 68 151 3.9 1.2 14 343

-3.2 2.2 *

29 Marshall Islands 111 163 0.4 1.4

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 234 297 1.8 -0.2

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau 120 171 2.4 * 1.0 5 61

34 Papua New Guinea 3 521 9 480 3.8 3.8 1 196 3 019 4.5 2.4

35 Samoa 246 595 2.7 3.0 41 58 -0.4 * -2.0

36 Solomon Islands 435 679 3.4 4.7 144 2683

3.1 8.3 *

37 Tonga 189 357 2.6 0.9 38 63 1.3 0.0

38 Tuvalu 14 31 3.2 1.4 3 62

0.4 1.0 *

39 Vanuatu 272 689 3.4 4.0 62 1163

2.7 2.2 *

5 199 686 6 762 517 1.2 1.0 88 291 87 396 0.2 -0.9

40 Australia 416 888 1 131 623 3.7 3.2 13 074 24 097 3.4 1.7

41 Japan 4 731 199 5 488 416 1.0 0.8 71 002 63 299 -0.4 -1.7

42 New Zealand 51 600 142 477 3.3 2.3 4 214 2.9 2.0 *

8 625 928 19 626 575 ** 2.6 4.1 528 923 1 382 564 ** 2.3 3.0

23 343 946 42 960 441 ** 3.0 2.1 548 726 1 046 376 ** 1.9 2.0

31 969 873 62 587 016 ** 2.9 2.7 1 077 650 2 428 940 ** 2.1 2.5

Rest of World

North and Central Asia

East Asia




Pacific Islands

Sources: World Bank World Development Indicators

* Some growth rates may refer to a different period than the one specified.

** Figures refer to the year indicated, whenever different from header. Totals include figures from other years.

1 indicates figures for 2007; 2 for 2008; 3 for 2009

Table 165. Growth of GDP and agricultural GDP

Page 243: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2000 2009 2010 2000 2009 2010

13.9 11.2 ** 2.6 3.0 3.4 9.1 5.6 10.9

13.5 14.5 3.8 2.1 1.5 7.7 -1.3 8.6

1 Cambodia 37.8 36.0 -0.4 5.4 4.0 31.2 -9.5 13.6

2 Indonesia 15.6 15.3 1.9 4.0 2.9 5.9 3.5 4.7

3 Lao PDR 45.2 32.7 4.9 2.8 2.8 8.5 14.7 19.4

4 Malaysia 8.6 10.6 6.1 0.6 2.1 13.6 -7.0 8.6

5 Myanmar 57.2

6 Philippines 14.0 12.3 3.4 -0.7 -0.2 6.5 -1.9 11.6

7 Thailand 9.0 12.4 7.2 1.3 -2.3 5.3 -5.0 12.8

8 Timor-Leste 25.8

9 Viet Nam 24.5 20.6 4.6 1.8 2.8 10.1 5.5 7.7

22.2 17.2 ** 1.7 1.8 5.9 6.2 7.2 7.2

10 Afghanistan 29.9

11 Bangladesh 25.5 18.6 7.4 4.1 5.2 6.2 6.5 6.5

12 Bhutan 28.4 18.73

3.1 2.7 11.0 3.6

13 India 23.1 17.7 0.0 1.0 7.0 6.0 8.4 7.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 13.7 10.21

3.5 9.0

15 Maldives 8.8 3.1 -0.2 -6.6 -8.3 1.2 -25.1 8.4

16 Nepal 40.8 36.5 5.0 3.0 2.0 8.2 -0.6 4.0

South and Southwest Asia



Southeast Asia

Table 166. Agriculture's share in GDP, growth rate of value added in


Share of agriculture in GDP (%)


Annual growth rate of value added (%)


agriculture and industry



17 Pakistan 25.9 21.2 6.1 4.0 0.6 1.3 -0.1 8.3

18 Sri Lanka 19.9 12.8 1.8 3.2 7.0 7.5 4.2 8.4

7.9 4.5 9.4 3.3 -6.6 12.0 -8.2 7.5

19 Kazakhstan 8.7 4.8 -3.2 13.2 -11.6 15.3 0.4 8.3

20 Russian Federation 6.4 4.0 12.7 1.3 -10.7 12.1 -9.6 7.4

21 Uzbekistan 34.4 19.5 3.2 5.7 6.1 1.8 4.1 8.3

11.7 9.8 ** 2.2 4.1 3.5 10.0 7.9 12.2

22 China 14.3 11.0 ** 2.4 4.2 4.3 9.4 9.7 12.4

23 DPR Korea

24 Mongolia 30.9 16.2 -16.3 3.6 -16.6 1.5 -0.4 4.3

25 Rep. of Korea 4.6 2.6 1.2 3.2 -4.3 11.7 -0.6 11.3

28.7 28.4 ** 0.1 -0.5 1.8 -2.7 3.7 5.6

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands 17.1 12.1 -1.3 -12.9 -5.0 -5.4 -0.4 10.8

28 Kiribati 22.5 28.63

-6.1 1.4 8.4 -1.6

29 Marshall Islands

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau 3.9 3.51

34 Papua New Guinea 35.8 35.8 2.1 3.5 3.4 -0.9 5.2 4.6

35 Samoa 16.8 9.8 0.1 0.7 -11.2 13.6 -8.1 8.1

36 Solomon Islands 34.7 38.93

-14.0 -8.4 -41.5 0.7

37 Tonga 22.8 20.3 7.1 -1.7 -3.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2

38 Tuvalu -2.0 13.3

39 Vanuatu 23.0 19.73

4.7 1.7 37.1 9.3

1.7 1.3 2.7 -4.7 -5.4 2.6 -13.9 12.6

40 Australia 3.5 2.3 6.3 17.6 2.6 3.4 -0.1 2.5

41 Japan 1.5 1.2 2.1 -9.4 -7.4 2.5 -15.1 13.6

42 New Zealand 8.8 2.7 0.1 0.6 -5.1

6.4 7.6 ** 2.6 2.0 2.4 5.3 -2.6 11.6

2.6 2.7 ** 3.2 2.8 1.2 3.7 -8.3 5.8

3.7 4.3 ** 2.9 2.4 1.8 4.2 -6.1 8.3

North and Central Asia

East Asia

Rest of World



Pacific Islands


Sources: World Bank World Development Indicators

* Some growth rates may refer to refers to a different period than the one specified.

** Figures refer to the year indicated, whenever different from header. Totals include figures from other years.

1 indicates figures for 2007; 2 for 2008; 3 for 2009

Page 244: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2010 2010

3 149 6 017 25 085 6.7 0.0

2 635 4 927 6 649 11.3 0.0

1 Cambodia 750 2 070 4.4 * 4.9 734 51.9 6.9

2 Indonesia 2 500 4 190 15.8 11.1 1 393 5.8 0.2

3 Lao PDR 1 010 2 400 27.1 8.5 414 66.7 6.2

4 Malaysia 7 760 14 160 4.0 3.8 2 0.1 0.0

5 Myanmar 25.3 355 7.4

6 Philippines 2 060 3 960 9.4 4.7 531 5.7 0.3

7 Thailand 4 150 8 150 4.2 3.2 -11 -0.2 0.0

8 Timor-Leste 2 730 5 210 7.6 292 255.1 9.2

9 Viet Nam 1 160 3 060 15.2 8.7 2 940 33.8 2.9

1 167 3 072 15 422 9.0 0.0

10 Afghanistan 410 910 7.8 * 6 426 186.9 42.4

11 Bangladesh 700 1 810 4.0 5.4 1 415 9.5 1.3

12 Bhutan 1 870 4 970 9.5 4.8 131 180.5 9.2

13 India 1 260 3 340 8.0 5.6 2 806 2.3 0.2

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 27.7 16.4 * 121 1.6

15 Maldives 6 150 7 840 0.7 * 5.5 111 350.6 5.6

16 Nepal 490 1 210 8.0 7.0 818 27.3 5.1

17 Pakistan 1 050 2 780 11.1 9.2 3 013 17.4 1.6

18 Sri Lanka 2 260 5 040 9.1 10.6 580 28.1 1.2

8 357 16 006 455 10.1 0.0

19 Kazakhstan 7 500 10 620 204.7 15.0 224 13.7 0.2

20 Russian Federation 9 880 19 210 161.5 15.1

21 Uzbekistan 1 300 3 150 245.8 24.1 231 8.1 0.6

4 975 8 563 1 027 0.7 0.0

22 China 4 440 7 829 7.9 4.4 646 0.5 0.0

23 DPR Korea 79 3.2

24 Mongolia 1 870 3 660 56.3 14.7 302 109.6 5.4

25 Rep. of Korea 19 720 28 830 5.9 2.3

1 653 2 747 1 533 168.8 0.1

26 Cook Islands

27 Fiji Islands 3 610 4 460 3.8 4.1 76 88.8 2.5

28 Kiribati 2 010 3 520 5.6 1.9 23 229.2 10.5

29 Marshall Islands 3 640 2.8 2.3 91 1 677.2 45.9

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 2 730 3 470 2.1 2.2 125 1 127.4 40.2

31 Nauru

32 Niue

33 Palau 6 560 10 950 3.0 * 3.3 26 1 285.2 19.5

34 Papua New Guinea 1 300 2 400 7.6 6.2 511 74.6 5.5

35 Samoa 3 030 4 250 9.8 4.3 147 805.5 25.5

36 Solomon Islands 1 030 2 200 8.5 6.1 340 632.7 61.4

37 Tonga 3 340 4 560 5.3 7.1 70 677.0 19.5

38 Tuvalu 4 600 4.0 2.0 13 1 356.5 26.2

39 Vanuatu 2 630 4 300 3.4 2.7 108 451.9 16.2

42 290 34 927

40 Australia 46 200 36 910 1.4 3.9

41 Japan 42 050 34 780 0.0 -1.3

42 New Zealand 29 350 29 140 1.7 3.0

4 688 7 153 25 085 6.7 0.0

15 429 16 441 65 312 23.4 0.0

9 157 11 018 90 397 13.9 0.0

Table 167. GNI per caput, its growth, inflation and ODA receipts

South and Southwest Asia

Gross national income



Southeast Asia


Inflation** ODA receipts in 2010

Per capita ($)

1990-2000 2000-2010

East Asia

Rest of World




Pacific Islands

North and Central Asia


$ millions Per capita ($) As % of GNI

Atlas method Average annualpower parity

Per capita ($) growth rate

Sources: World Bank World Development Indicators

* Some growth rates may refer to a different period than the one specified.

** Figures refer to the year indicated, whenever different from header.Totals include figures from other years.

China inflation data refer to China Mainland and Taiwan.

Page 245: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2000 2010 2000 2010 2000 2010

54.0 44.8 ** 4.2 4.4 64 152.0 68 955.9 3 894.0 1 242.0

59.3 57.5 4.0 5.3 17 018.3 24 760.9 726.0 129.3

1 Cambodia 89.2 81.7 4.7 5.9 117.2 95.8 56.9 16.4

2 Indonesia 60.7 56.9 7.7 6.4 6 863.1 8 116.2 392.2 0.4

3 Lao PDR 93.5 68.6 6.0 7.9 16.2 51.8 4.7 20.5

4 Malaysia 43.8 48.0 3.3 6.1 4 098.9 5 425.6 ... ...

5 Myanmar 12.5 17.2 120.7 212.0 9.6 31.3

6 Philippines 72.2 71.6 5.4 8.0 3 798.8 4 571.7 164.4 60.0

7 Thailand 57.2 53.7 1.9 2.3 1 100.0 2 390.3 0.8 ...

8 Timor-Leste 111.7 27.6 15.7 44.7 12.5 28.4 0.8

9 Viet Nam 66.4 64.9 4.0 5.8 858.7 3 885.0 69.1 ...

64.4 56.9 ** 8.5 5.2 16 035.0 16 221.4 833.5 1 035.4

10 Afghanistan 111.1 13.4 15.3 1 177.9 802.7 201.2 99.3

11 Bangladesh 77.7 76.8 16.4 15.0 2 496.1 4 568.5 263.7 178.7

12 Bhutan 52.6 44.73

11.3 9.7 56.8 68.3 3.0 3.4

13 India 64.8 56.5 4.0 2.4 54.6 205.0 250.7 12.6

14 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 47.9 45.01

16.5 11.4 9 928.3 8 877.7 ... ...

15 Maldives 32.9 15.9 18.1 35.3 47.5 2.7 9.0

16 Nepal 75.9 78.5 10.5 8.9 202.5 253.9 46.4 52.9

17 Pakistan 75.4 81.9 11.1 8.1 1 054.5 260.9 13.1 625.7

18 S i L k 72 1 65 8 8 8 11 6 1 029 1 1 136 9 52 6 53 8

expenditure as percentage of

Southeast Asia


Table 168. Food consumption, food imports and food aid


as percentage of total Cereal imports Food aid in cereals



South and Southwest Asia


Household final consumption Commercial food imports

1 000 MT

merchandise imports



18 Sri Lanka 72.1 65.8 8.8 11.6 1 029.1 1 136.9 52.6 53.8

47.9 51.0 10.7 9.3 5 740.4 1 990.1 1 037.0 0.0

19 Kazakhstan 61.9 49.3 6.9 5.7 17.5 53.9 ... ...

20 Russian Federation 46.2 49.6 11.0 9.8 4 851.0 450.1 1 002.0 ...

21 Uzbekistan 61.9 55.8 12.3 9.2 871.9 1 486.0 35.0 ...

49.7 36.6 2.8 3.2 24 814.1 25 833.1 1 297.4 77.3

22 China 47.8 34.2 2.6 3.3 9 476.6 11 787.7 90.5 0.1

23 DPR Korea 25.4 7.5 2 283.2 440.5 1 161.1 77.2

24 Mongolia 69.6 53.1 12.4 8.2 253.3 160.4 45.8 0.0

25 Rep. of Korea 54.6 52.7 3.1 2.9 12 801.0 13 444.5 ... ...

54.9 69.3 ** 14.0 13.2 544.2 150.4 0.0 0.0

26 Cook Islands 16.6 7.5 0.9 1.3 ... ...

27 Fiji Islands 70.6 81.82

11.2 13.3 137.7 135.0 ... ...

28 Kiribati 22.4 30.7 10.6 14.1 ... ...

29 Marshall Islands ... 0.0 ... ... ... ...

30 Micronesia, Fed. States of 6.9 9.1 3.2 8.1 ... ...

31 Nauru 4.6 6.0 ... 0.4 ... ...

32 Niue 21.6 25.9 ... 0.1 ... ...

33 Palau ... 0.0 ... ... ... ...

34 Papua New Guinea 44.6 70.0 15.7 11.9 321.1 393.9 ... ...

35 Samoa 17.8 23.5 15.3 36.0 ... ...

36 Solomon Islands 89.3 13.8 23.3 30.5 66.0 ... ...

37 Tonga 91.6 98.1 22.2 22.8 7.4 7.7 ... ...

38 Tuvalu 8.6 22.1 1.5 0.4 ... ...

39 Vanuatu 68.1 63.31

14.9 15.1 16.1 18.8 ... ...

55.7 57.6 6.0 4.9 27 319.3 26 229.3 0.0 0.0

40 Australia 58.4 54.1 3.1 3.1 54.8 208.0 ... ...

41 Japan 56.5 59.2 6.5 5.3 27 012.0 25 604.5 ... ...

42 New Zealand 59.7 58.6 5.8 7.1 252.5 416.8 ... ...

55.1 49.2 ** 4.8 4.5 91 471.3 95 185.2 3 894.0 1 242.0

63.5 62.5 ** 4.4 5.4 179 533.3 240 172.3 592.8 55.6

61.2 58.3 ** 4.5 5.1 271 004.6 335 357.5 4 486.8 1 297.6


Pacific Islands

East Asia

North and Central Asia



Rest of World

Sources: World Bank World Development Indicators Online for the first two columns, FAO statistical database for trade data, WFP for Food Aid data.

* Trade data for China refer to China Mainland and Taiwan.

** Figures refer to the year indicated, whenever different from header. Totals include figures from other years.

1 indicates figures for 2007; 2 for 2008; 3 for 2009

Page 246: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


2008 2010 2008 2010 2008 2010 2008 2010

1 Philippines 57 107 57 214 0 0 0 78

2 Thailand 502 670 479 654 33 24 0 0

3 India 148 182 148 182 0 0 0 0

4 China 1 175 1 211 1 175 1 211 0 0 0 0

5 Rep. of Korea 150 300 150 300 0 0 0 0

6 Australia 161 278 161 278 0 0 0 0

1 Philippines 4 6 4 98 0 0 0 78

2 Thailand 164 216 173 227 33 24 0 0

3 India 148 182 148 182 0 0 0 0

4 China 1 056 1 035 1 056 1 035 0 0 0 0

5 Australia 121 223 121 223 0 0 0 0

1 Philippines 53 101 53 116 0 0 0 0

2 Thailand 338 454 306 427 0 0 0 0

3 China 119 176 119 176 0 0 0 0

4 Rep. of Korea 150 300 150 300 0 0 0 0

5 Australia 40 55 40 55 0 0 0 0







1 China 8 094 10 058 7 994 10 242 100 -184

2 India 1 976 4 194 2 254 4 384 -278 -190

3 Indonesia 199 295 153 239 46 56

4 Malaysia 59 67 75 85 -16 -18

5 Philippines 120 345 361 518 -241 -173

6 Thailand 777 2 102 723 1 714 54 388

7 Viet Nam 209 493 166 419 43 74

Ethanol **

Unit: million litres


Production Domestic use Net trade

Production Supply Exports Imports

Table 169. Bioenergy production, consumption and trade

Unit: Kilotonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe)


Biodiesel *


Biofuel / Biomass

Note: Biofuels is equal to Biogasoline+ Biodiesel + Other liquid Biofuels

* Source: IEA Online statistics: World Energy Balances, OECD/IEA, 2012

** Source: OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021, OECD/FAO, 2012

Page 247: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....


Page 248: sdsda · 2012. 10. 26. · for Indonesia before 2000. For almost all commodity tables, ... 62 Tomatoes: production ... 137 Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume .....