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CONTACT INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................... 5

FOUNDATIONS OF THE INTER-COLLEGE COMPETITION ..................................................................................... 6

WHĀKAWHĀNAUKATAKA ............................................................................................................................... 6

MISSION ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

CORE VALUES ................................................................................................................................................... 6

INTER-COLLEGE COMPETITION ADVISORS AND COLLEGE COLLABORATION .................................................. 8

DISCLAIMER ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

INTER-COLLEGE COMPETITION GENERAL GUIDELINES ....................................................................................... 9

REGISTRATION PROCESS ................................................................................................................................. 9

TEAM OR GROUP NAMES ................................................................................................................................ 9

RESPONSIBILITIES & EXPECTATIONS OF THE COLLEGE CONTACT ................................................................... 9

COLLEGE CONTACT ........................................................................................................................................ 10

TEAM CAPTAIN .............................................................................................................................................. 10

GENERAL DEFAULTS AND WITHDRAWAL PROCESS ...................................................................................... 11

FAILURE TO COMPLY ..................................................................................................................................... 11

ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND SMOKING POLICY .................................................................................................... 11

UNIPOL STAFF ................................................................................................................................................ 12

REFEREES AND JUDGES ................................................................................................................................. 12

CODE OF CONDUCT ....................................................................................................................................... 12

HEALTH AND SAFETY ..................................................................................................................................... 13

INJURY PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................................... 14

COVID-19 PROCESSES .................................................................................................................................... 14

SUSTAINABILITY ............................................................................................................................................. 16

APPEALS & DISPUTES AND JUDICIARY ........................................................................................................... 16

APPEALS & DISPUTES AND JUDICIARY PROCESS ........................................................................................... 17

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES .................................................................................................................... 19

INTER-COLLEGE SPORT / HĀKINAKINA .............................................................................................................. 21

SPORT CALENDAR .......................................................................................................................................... 21

University Collegiate Sports Week ........................................................................................................... 21

Badminton ................................................................................................................................................. 21

Futsal ......................................................................................................................................................... 21

Netball ....................................................................................................................................................... 21

Football Festival ........................................................................................................................................ 22

Cricket Festival .......................................................................................................................................... 22

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Rowing Festival ......................................................................................................................................... 22

Volleyball ................................................................................................................................................... 23

Basketball .................................................................................................................................................. 23

Rugby 7’s ................................................................................................................................................... 23

Wild Card Series ........................................................................................................................................ 23

Touch Rugby Festival ................................................................................................................................ 24

Inter-College Sport Points Grabs .............................................................................................................. 24

LEAGUES AND DIVISIONS .............................................................................................................................. 26

RULES, REGULATIONS & POLICIES ................................................................................................................. 27

SPORTS OFFICIALS ......................................................................................................................................... 32

POINTS SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................................................... 32

RESULTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 38

OVERALL SPORT COMPETITION POINTS TABLE ............................................................................................. 39

INTER-COLLEGE CULTURAL / Ā-AHUREA ........................................................................................................... 41

CULTURAL CALENDAR.................................................................................................................................... 41

CULTURAL EVENTS INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 41

COLLEGES GOT TALENT ............................................................................................................................. 41

BATTLE OF THE BANDS .............................................................................................................................. 42

CULTURAL PERFORMANCE EVENING ........................................................................................................ 43

DEBATING .................................................................................................................................................. 43

48 HOUR FILM FESTIVAL ............................................................................................................................ 45

ARTS COMPETITION ................................................................................................................................... 46

DANCE COMPETITION ............................................................................................................................... 47

BIG SING .................................................................................................................................................... 48

INTER-COLLEGE GAMES / TĀKARO .................................................................................................................... 51

GAMES CALENDAR......................................................................................................................................... 51

GAMES EVENTS INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 51

QUIZ NIGHT ............................................................................................................................................... 51

GAMING COMPETITION ............................................................................................................................ 52

FOOSBALL COMPETITION .......................................................................................................................... 52

CHESS COMPETITION ................................................................................................................................. 53

BOARD GAMES EVENING ........................................................................................................................... 53

TABLE TENNIS COMPETITION .................................................................................................................... 54

THE AMAZING RACE .................................................................................................................................. 55

POOL COMPETITION .................................................................................................................................. 55

LASER TAG ................................................................................................................................................. 56

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ADDITIONAL INITIATIVES ................................................................................................................................... 57

POSITIVE IMPACT POINTS .............................................................................................................................. 57

GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS .................................................................................................................................. 58

INTER-COLLEGE COMPETITION APPEALS/DISPUTES FORM .............................................................................. 59

INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................... 59

CONTACT ........................................................................................................................................................... 59

APPEAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................... 59

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Caleb Roberts (Inter-College Competition Lead Coordinator)

Office: Unipol Recreation Centre, University of Otago

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 022 436 4247

Mica Goldsmith-Lonie (Inter-College Competition Coordinator)

Office: Unipol Recreation Centre, University of Otago

Email: [email protected]

Mikayla Gray (Inter-College Competition Coordinator)

Office: Unipol Recreation Centre, University of Otago

Email: [email protected]

Daniel Wards (Assistant Manager - Recreation and Development)

Office: Unipol Recreation Centre, University of Otago

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 027 346 4234

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The Inter-College Competition/Tauwhāinga Kāreti provides a wealth of fun and meaningful opportunities for

students to interact with their college and the wider University community. It allows students to create

social connections in an aim to enhance relationships beyond the four walls of their college. This

competition fosters each student’s personal growth by helping them to create a balanced first-year

experience, all the while instilling tūrangawaewae (a sense of belonging) to the collegiate community and



The purpose of The Inter-College Competition is to provide the College of Residences at Otago University

with an extensive urunga/participation based competition, in which to continue to develop a student’s

tūrangawaewae (sense of belonging) to their college and the wider collegiate community. We provide

competitive and recreational opportunities that instil healthy competition and college pride. Through

participation in Hākinakina/Sport, ā-Ahurea/Cultural and Tākaro/Games events, students get the chance to

have a balanced first-year university experience.

The Inter-College Competition is designed to enhance the University experience whilst providing the

opportunity for students to gain greater rangatiratanga/leadership, mahi ngātahi/teamwork, and matatika te

tākaro/fair play qualities.

The competition’s key point of difference is its grounding in providing an urunga/participation based

recreational competition. We want the students who partake in our competition to develop relationships

and a sense of family that can extended beyond their college.

The Inter-College Competition helps develop hapori/community within and between the colleges. The

Competition prides itself in its ability to help foster relationships and whanau/family connections through

the shared experience of competing in college activities.

Please note: for this document, “College of Residence” also includes the Locals Programme and University



The following values all sit underneath the overarching term “pakipaki” which means applause, or to clap.

We believe this word fits the Inter-College Competition’s core values. We see pakipaki to not only mean

applause but also encouragement of your college and all others. This creates the unique Inter-College

Competition environment which is one of urunga/participation, pārekareka/enjoyment and


Recreation/ Ngā mahi ā Te Rēhia: At the very core of the Inter-College Competition is its recreational

nature. It is designed to provide an inclusive and enjoyable way to maintain a well-balanced University life.

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Participation/Urunga: Although the competition does have a competitive nature across all three of the

categories, a win-at-all-cost attitude is neither encouraged nor tolerated. It is expected that every student

receives encouragement and feels able to partake in any event they desire without being restricted due to

skill level, ability or past experience.

Inclusivity/tae rā anō ki: All students associated either as a current or past student of a college are able to

participate in the Inter-College Competition. No student should be turned away from participating due to

skill, ability or past experience. There is a zero-tolerance stance on the exclusion of students.

Goodwill/Ngākaunui: The goodwill value is key to the running of the Inter-College Competition. We expect

colleges to ensure that first year students are a priority when entering competitions or events. A first-year

student must take priority over alumni or college staff members. We expect colleges to uphold and advocate

all Inter-College Competition rules, policies, and values.

Respect/Kauanuanu: Treating officials, staff, other players, and participants with respect and kindness is a

necessity within the Inter-College Competition. This allows all members of the Inter-College Competition to

function efficiently and to maintain the level of organisation that is expected. Respect is also a big part of the

safe management of games, events and activities run by the Inter-College team.

Sustainability: The Inter-College Competition values social and environmental sustainability. Through

participation in the competition, students become immersed in an enjoyable recreational environment

whereby they are able to develop a sense of belonging within the collegiate community. The Inter-College

Competition also implements sustainable strategies to ensure that the impact of our events on the

environment is reduced.

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In addition to the Inter-College Competition staff, Manager, and Assistant Managers of Unipol Recreation

Services, there are a several advisors who will be the primary point of contact for the competition staff

regarding key decisions. These advisors will also act as the representatives of the college community and as

such will provide feedback and input from that perspective.

We will collaborate with the college community when making particular decisions such as calendar proposals

and may contact individual members of staff to seek their advice and input in specific areas.

The success of the Inter-College Competition is attributed in part to the feedback, input and collaboration

with the colleges and wider University community. We seek and encourage feedback from the participants

in the programme as well as the college staff and will take on board all suggestions and considerations.

Through this we aim to deliver a programme which is world class, while continuing to reflect on the feedback

and contributions received from all those who are invested in it.

Feedback can be submitted through our online form at, by emailing

the Lead Coordinator at [email protected], or by chatting with the team at events.


The Inter-College Competition is constantly changing to best fit and work with the colleges’ requirements.

Therefore, the information set in this document at the beginning of each year may change. The Inter-College

team reserve the right to make changes to an event or competition if it is in the best interest of the students

and their experience. Decisions that involve changing significant details of an event or competition are ran

past the Inter-College Competition Advisors and are not made lightly. The Inter-College Competition team

will ensure that any changes being made are communicated to all colleges.

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Please note that throughout this document the term Inter-College Competition Coordinator refers

specifically to the staff member who is the main coordinator of the specific event. If you are unsure of who

to contact - email or phone the Inter-College Competition Lead Coordinator (Caleb Roberts)


The only way in which a College of Residence may sign up for a sport, event or activity is by completing the

online registration form at This form will state which Sport, Cultural

or Games event or competition a college wishes to enter. This form will have areas in which to fill in contact

details, team names and other necessary information. Please fill in each area. The College Contact and Team

Captain will be emailed information about the upcoming event.

Colleges who miss the registration date/time can still participate in Inter-College Sport, Cultural or Games

competitions or events, space permitting. They need to contact the Inter-College Competition Coordinator

directly to make a request for late entries.

Registrations are open from the beginning of each University year for all Sporting, Cultural and Games

events and competitions. Registration closing dates will be set in advance of the competition start and

advertised to the colleges when event or competition information is sent out. If you are uncertain of a

specific competition’s registration closing date, refer to the information for each event in this handbook in

the first instance and if you have further queries, contact the Inter-College Competition Coordinator.


The Inter-College staff reserve the right to change any team/group name that promotes intolerance,

degrades racial, ethnic, gender or religious groups, infers an explicit sexual reference or promotes

destructive behaviours or is considered disrespectful to University members or the University community at

large. The Inter-College staff will;

- Ensure you are notified that your name has been considered inappropriate.

- Ask you to provide an alternative.

- If you choose not to do so, the Inter-College staff will allocate your team an alternative name and

ensure you are notified of its change.

Please use proper judgement when selecting team names. The goal of the Inter-College Competition is to be

welcoming and fun for everyone participating. If you are unsure whether your team or group name is

appropriate, please contact the Inter-College Competition Coordinator to check.


For every competition, event or game, it is essential that we have both a College Contact and a Team

Captain. The contact details of these people will be required upon registration of the team. The appointment

of these positions will be at the discretion of each college.

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The College Contact may be a Warden, Deputy Warden, Assistant Warden, Sub-Warden or Sport, Cultural or

Games coordinator within the college. They should be responsible for checking all relevant information

related to the event or competition, ensure that the Team Captain has all relevant information and reports

any appeals or disputes through their Head of College.

They will also be responsible for reporting any discrepancies between the scores and results reported on

the day and those reported on the website to the Inter-College Competition Coordinator within 24 hours.

It is also the expectation that the College Contact (or trusted substitute) will be able to be contacted on the

day of the event; in case of injury, no-show or any incidents that may occur.

The College Contact will be the primary source of contact for all matters and issues relating to participants

and as such, all information fed back to the Inter-College Competition Coordinator should be through them

solely. This also ensures that the college is aware of all communication happening rather than dealing with

individual students on certain matters.

If we are contacted by a student or unknown person regarding an event we will inform them to get in

touch with the college contact before providing information.


The Team Captain will be used as a secondary contact on the day of the Inter-College event and will also be

responsible for arriving on time. They should be a participant within the group or team or a Sub-Warden

who will be present at each game and someone trustworthy and responsible. The Team Captain will also be

the primary contact person for the umpire or event coordinator before, after and during the event or


The Team Captain is in place to ensure that contact can be made on the day and therefore we are not relying

solely on the designated College Contact to always be available.

It is expected that the College Contact or Team Captain will be responsible for checking the results and

reporting these to the respective team members.

The expectations of both the College Contact and the Team Captain will fall directly in line with those

outlined in the Code of Conduct. They are expected to be role models for participants and to encourage the

college to depict all the values that the Inter-College Competition stands for.

It is important that colleges encourage trusted staff to attend important/high tension games or events to

monitor the behaviour of students and supporters.

Note: Ideally, the College Contact and Team Captain should be different people. As explained above the

responsibilities vary slightly and therefore should be administered by different people.

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Please see each section for exact rules on defaulting or withdrawing from competitions or events. The

general guidelines however are if a team wishes to default or pull out from a particular competition or event

they should:

1. Contact the Inter-College Competition Lead Coordinator at least 24 hours before the competition.

2. Let the Coordinator for the event know the reason for the default or withdrawal from the event or

competition and identify if a reschedule can be made.

3. If the Coordinator for the event is not informed at least 24 hours before the time of the competition

or event, the team will receive -1 point in the case of Sport and will not be eligible for any points in

the case of Cultural and Games.

If the College of Residence knows of an upcoming event which will inhibit them from partaking in an

Inter-College competition or event, it is important to let the Inter-College Competition Lead Coordinator

know by Tuesday 5pm the week of, so that any necessary changes can be made to the run sheet or

draw if your college still intends to partake in the competition.


Failure to adhere to any of the rules stated in this document may result in a meeting of the appeals panel,

and the following steps may be taken:

1. On the first offence the participant, team or group concerned may receive a verbal and/or written

warning. A written warning will also be sent to the College Warden.

2. The offending participant, team or group will also receive no Participation, Podium, or Success Points

if applicable for that particular event, competition or game.

3. The participant, team or group affected directly or indirectly will then gain the Podium Points or

Success Points associated with winning the game or event instead of the offending participant, team

or group.

4. For a second offence, the participant, team or group concerned will be removed from the

competition and will receive no points from that competition towards their overall college score.

Note: these steps or consequences may change at the discretion of the appeals panel and their ruling of

the situation. Unipol Recreation reserves the right to penalise participants, teams or groups if issues

persist after a verbal or written warning.


Alcohol consumption and drug use before or during any Inter-College Sport, Cultural or Games event is not

only unsafe but in violation of the Inter-College Competition rules. Use of tobacco products or e-cigarettes is

also prohibited at any Inter-College Sport, Cultural or Games event as per the University of Otago’s smoking

policy. The Inter-College staff strictly enforce a zero-tolerance policy regarding drugs and alcohol during all

Inter-College Competition events. This extends to audience members and spectators.

Consequences for the violation of these rules include but are not limited to; being removed from the

competition or event that the participant, group or team is currently involved in, contact with participant,

team or groups Head of College and judicial referral.

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All venues and facilities where and when Inter-College Competition events are being run are strictly

alcohol, drug and smoke free (this includes vaping). Anyone in breach of these rules, or suspected of being

under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be required to leave the venue immediately.


Issues or appeals which involve a staff member of Unipol Recreation will be handled by Unipol Recreation,

and a final decision on the matter will be made by the Manager of Unipol Recreation and in conjunction with

the Assistant Managers of Unipol Recreation. It will not warrant a meeting of the judiciary panel.


Please see individual Inter-College categories for specific information regarding Cultural event staff or Sport

and Games officials. We do our best to find officials who are neutral and not directly affiliated to the colleges

competing. However, due to the number of events, sports and competitions run as part of the Inter-College

Competition this is not always possible. In this case, we will assign an official based on who the Inter-College

team believes to be the best equipped.

Please note: a referee’s or judge’s decision may not be appealed and their decision will always be final.


The Code of Conduct is designed to promote and protect the physical, social, mental and spiritual wellbeing

of the students and staff involved in the Inter-College Competition.

By engaging in the Inter-College Competition, you are agreeing to follow this Code of Conduct and the

responsibilities that come with it. It is designed to ensure respect, safety and recreation are the focus at all


The Code of Conduct will act as a guide as to what we expect from participants, helpers, volunteers,

spectators and staff involved in the Inter-College Competition. It will form the basis for any decisions made

by the judiciary panel and promotes the kind of actions we expect from those involved.

The Code of Conduct is also based around the expectations of the University of Otago in general, and

therefore should be taken seriously by all involved. It is also expected that all supporters/coaches/University

staff will follow this Code of Conduct as well. The participants and the colleges are responsible for the

behaviour of spectators and will bear any repercussions that may occur.

Requirements of student and staff conduct:

The basic rules of the Code of Conduct state that no student or staff shall:

a. Wilfully disrupt any game, events or administrative duties of any other student, staff member or

employee of the University.

b. Wilfully damage, take or misplace any property belonging to either the University or any other

facility being used in conjunction with the Inter-College Competition. Vandalism of any kind is

considered within these bounds.

c. Deliberately deceive staff as to a person’s identity or college of residence.

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d. Engage in actions which in any way are aimed to deliberately hurt someone or actions which could

reasonably be foreseen to injure in any way. Any form of physical or verbal assault will not be

tolerated and will be taken very seriously.

e. Students and staff should also not engage in behaviour which is threatening, intimidating,

unreasonably disruptive, unlawful, misrepresentative, or disrespectful.

f. All participants must comply with the requests, directions or comments of all staff or University

officials at all times.

g. All participants are expected to be respectful of officials, referees, college staff, team mates and

other competitors.

h. All participants in the Inter-College Competition must adhere to the smoke-free and drug-free

policies adopted by the University. We also expect that no alcohol will be consumed before, during,

or at the facilities where the Inter-College Competition takes place.

i. All areas or facilities in which the Inter-College Competition takes place are subject to the same Code

of Conduct outlined above, even if they are not University-owned. Discipline and treatment of

participants, groups or teams will remain the same across all facilities and Inter-College events,

competitions or games.

j. Umpires and other event officials including judges are responsible for ensuring that the Code of

Conduct is followed on the day of the competition or event, and if they feel concerned, they have

the power to remove or suspend a person from participating in that competition or event and may

ask them to leave the premises. Inter-College officials are authorised to intervene in cases of:

- Verbal or physical abuse of any person or persons.

- Any form of discrimination of any person or persons.

- Dangerous or unfair play.

- Tampering with any equipment.

- Any action considered to be generally unfair or unsafe.

- Participants failing to follow Unipol Recreation Health & Safety protocols during any


- Hazard identification.

Failure to comply with any of these rules will be dealt with by the judiciary panel, and if applicable will be

passed on to the University Proctor for further discipline. Officials and Unipol Recreation employees will help

to maintain this Code of Conduct and to ensure that everyone involved in the Inter-College Competition

adheres to this guide. Participants and spectators must treat officials with respect and understanding, while

they ensure the positive wellbeing of all involved.

Anyone who does not adhere to the Code of Conduct and faces the judiciary panel may be suspended or

removed from the competition. This may result in a loss of Inter-College Competition Podium Points, Success

Points, and/or Participation Points depending on severity.


Maintaining the health and safety of students at all times is a key objective of the Inter-College Competition.

Unipol Recreation has an overarching document which encompasses all Inter-College Competition events

and thus specifies the procedures that will be in place.

Although the Inter-College Competition is proactive in reducing the risk of injury, a College of Residence

must acknowledge the fact that given the nature of some environments, there is a risk involved in

participation most specifically referring to sport. This risk can range from minor to serious injury especially in

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the case of contact sports. Even with protective equipment, safety procedures and first aid; participants still

face the risk of injury.

It is expected that all participants of the Inter-College Competition and spectators/audiences will be

cooperative and will assist in ensuring that any matter relevant to health and safety is followed. This includes

following instructions from any staff member and the reporting of all serious injuries.

The health and safety of participants is the priority. If at any stage of a Sports, Cultural or Games event the

health and safety of participants and/or attendees is compromised, then events may be cancelled or



- In the case of an injury to any participant, Inter-College staff will, if necessary, attempt to contact the

College Contact (or trusted substitute) and the College Warden (if necessary).

- Unipol Recreation staff will be responsible for any immediate first aid. (For example, ice applied to a

swollen ankle. Further medical attention/treatment will be the responsibility of the College of


- It is the sole responsibility of the college staff to accompany the student to Accident and Emergency

/ Urgent Doctors / College of Residence, and notify the Head of College.

- Any accident which takes place within the Inter-College Competition will be recorded in Damstra by

a Unipol Recreation staff member. In the case of an alumni team, the College contact will still be

notified, along with another designated contact person specified by the injured person.

- Any significant injuries will be followed up with by a Unipol Recreation staff member in the following

days to ensure there are processes in place to protect the wellbeing of the participant and ensure

the injury is not hindering their academic study.


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic means that the structure of the Inter-College Competition may at any point

deviate from the information outlined in this document based on situational changes with traffic light levels

and guidelines from Government and the University. Based on the up to date guidelines at the beginning of

2022, the following processes will be implemented for events in relation to the different traffic light levels

and will be modified as required. Please note that regardless of venue, Inter-College Competition events are

run in accordance with Unipol Recreation policies and procedures. The following processes are in place for

all Inter-College events:

- All students, staff members, parents and members of the public are able to participate in Inter-

College events as long as they can prove they are fully vaccinated by presenting a valid ‘My Vaccine

Pass’ alongside a valid form of photo ID.

- All people present are to scan in using the NZ COVID Tracer app. This is to be done as well as being

connected to the Otago University Wi-Fi for events held on campus. If these steps are not carried

out a manual contact tracing form must be filled out.

- Hand sanitiser is available at all events and it is recommended this is applied on arrival.

- People feeling unwell are not to attend Inter-College events.

- There are no requirements for physical distancing while playing/participating/spectating.

- Attendees may be asked to enter/exit through specific points, particularly for outdoor events.

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New Zealand COVID-19 Protection Framework

- Green:

- All events to go ahead with no restriction on numbers.

- Mask wearing is encouraged before and after games.

- Orange:

- All events to go ahead with no restriction on numbers.

- Mask wearing is encouraged before and after games.

- Depending on the event, food and drink may not be served.

- Red:

- All events can go ahead with a maximum of 100 people in attendance – limits will be decided

based on the size of the venue.

- Mask wearing is mandatory before and after games.

- Attendees including spectators must stay 2 metres away from other gatherings at all times.

- No food or drink will be served.

- Regional/National Lockdown:

- No Inter-College Competition events will be run in the manner outlined throughout this

document. Instead a predominantly online alternative will be introduced (Let’s Stay


Let’s Stay Connected

In the event that the Inter-College Competition is unable to be safely run, a predominantly online alternative

will be offered. This competition labelled ‘Let’s Stay Connected’ will be separate to the Inter-College

Competition. Two types of events will be run in the ‘Let’s Stay Connected’ Competition. Those that are

completely online based. Examples of online events may include:

- Quizzes

- Battleships Competitions

- Photography Competitions

- FIFA Competitions

The second type will be small scale events that can be run safely in public. These may include:

- Running Competitions

- Challenge Courses

- Scavenger Hunts

- Orienteering

Please note a decision will be made around whether the ‘Let’s Stay Connected’ Programme will be

competitive or not. This decision will be influenced by:

- Length of lockdown

- Timing of lockdown e.g. if this occurs towards the end of the year it is unlikely to be for points.

Note: It is an expectation of college staff members that they have knowledge of vaccination status of all

their residents and alumni that attend Inter-College events.

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Sustainability within the Inter-College Competition encompasses environmental, economic, and

social/cultural sustainability. In 2022, our overarching vision is to foster sustainable development in

everything that we do.

To help achieve this, prior to each event a sustainability report will be carried out along with an evaluation

following each event.

This report aims to;

- Acknowledge that economic, environmental and social issues are interrelated and that these issues

should be addressed holistically.

- Consider the full environment, economic and social impacts/costs of Inter-College Competition


- Recognise the sustainability goals of the University of Otago, and align our practices with these.

- Understand and begin to shift away from polluting and wasteful practices.

- Understand the natural, cultural, historical and human assets and resources utilised, and act to

protect and enhance them.

- Promote resource conservation and pollution prevention.

- Consider the local economy, and support this where possible.

Social sustainability occurs when the formal and informal processes, systems, structures, and relationships

actively support the capacity of current and future generations to create healthy and liveable communities.

Socially sustainable communities are equitable, diverse, inclusive, connected and democratic and provide a

good quality of life.

In regards to social/cultural sustainability, the Inter-College Competition seeks to;

- Focus on improving community health, wellbeing and quality of life.

- Foster multi-stakeholder collaboration and citizen participation.

These objectives strongly align with the core values of the Inter-College Competition as outlined on pages 6

and 7.

We ask that Residential Colleges support these objectives by encouraging students and staff alike to;

- Bring their own drink bottles to Inter-College Competition events.

- Walk, cycle, or bus to Inter-College Competition events where possible.

- Be mindful of their waste, and use our recycling/compost bins when available.

- Be mindful of bringing single use plastics to Inter-College Competition events.


Appeals & Disputes:

- Appeals and disputes will be handled by the appeals panel.

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- Appeals and disputes can be related to ruling issues, points concern, gender combinations, eligibility


- For example; during the Basketball Competition, an individual plays for the college’s mixed

competitive team early in the day and their men’s competitive team later in the day. This

was not picked up by the referee or coordinator.

- An appeal or dispute will be managed based on the rules of the Inter-College Handbook. The

handbook guides decisions made by the appeals/disputes panel however, the panel have the ability

to make another decision with sound reasoning.


- The judiciary panel is intended for appeals/disputes that result from serious events, conflict with the

Code of Conduct or situations which cause serious incidents/injury.

- For example; a fight on the rugby field resulting in the injury of players

- The judiciary panel will meet in this case and decide on the appropriate action to be taken. The

action will not necessarily reflect the rules outlined in the handbook.

- It is understood in the case of serious incidents that the judiciary may take longer than a week to

decide as the incident is investigated (this may include personal appearances) before making an

informed decision.

The Appeals & Disputes panel consists of:

- Manager Unipol Recreation

- Assistant Manager Fitness and Facility

- Assistant Manager Recreation Development

The Judiciary panel consists of:

- Manager Unipol Recreation

- Assistant Manager Fitness and Facility

- Assistant Manager Recreation Development

- Senior Warden


A copy of the Appeals & Disputes form can be found at the back of this handbook. To submit the form please

fill it out, scan and send to [email protected].

There is also a link to the form available on the Inter-College Competition website.

The process of the Appeals & Disputes process can be found below.

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Do you have an appeal/ dispute you wish to raise?

If it is a serious incident

Call the Inter-College Competition Lead Coordinator

directly as soon as possible

You will be advised as to the next step

If it is not a serious incident

Has it been less than 24 hours since the issue occured?


Fill out the Appeals & Disputes form

College Warden to send completed form to Inter-

College Competition Coordinator

Reviewed by the Appeals & Disputes Panel

You will be contacted once a decision has been made


Email the Inter-College Competition Coordinator

You will be advised by the Inter-College Competition

Coordinator as to the next step

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Inter-College Sport is an excellent opportunity for students to gain experience while earning money. Inter-

College Sport would not be possible without student employees to fill gaps and keep the program running

smoothly. We will be looking for student referees/umpires across most sports offered in the programme.

This is a good way for those who do not wish to play a particular sport to get involved and also take a break

from study.

Inter-College and Social Sport are both excellent ways to get involved in umpiring. They offer a great

opportunity to bolster the CV, and only require a time commitment of 4-5 hours per week. Come into Unipol

to discuss the options or apply online at;


A number of Inter-College Sporting Competitions require medics to provide first aid for players. Anyone who

is interested and has experience working as a sports medic and/or is studying towards a qualification in this

area can apply online at;

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The Inter-College Sporting competition consists of two types of formats;

- Ongoing Sports, which are our 6-week leagues that run during semester time only. Teams play one

game each week with the top four in each division advancing to the finals stage in week five and six.

During finals, the remainder of teams continue to play to determine overall final placings. Games

will usually be scheduled between 9:00am-6:00pm for Saturday sport and 10:00am-6:00pm for

Sunday sport.

- Festival Sports, which are our single day competitions. Teams will play a minimum of three games

with the top placed teams advancing to the finals stage. Festival days usually begin mid-morning and

run through the afternoon.



University Collegiate Sports Week

- Tuesday 22nd February – Friday 25th February

- Unipol Blue Gym, Teachers College Gymnasium, Smithell’s Gymnasium, Unipol Front Lawn

- A variety of activities including volleyball, netball, futsal, dodgeball, online quiz, tug of war, relay and

a Challenge Course

- 7-a-side, mixed teams (minimum 3 females on the field at all times)

- Registrations close on Monday 21st of February at 1pm and can be completed via the availability

document here.

- Limit of 1 team per college per sport. Colleges may apply for an additional team per sport.


- Six week competition beginning Saturday 5th March

- Smithells Gymnasium & Unipol MPA

- Men’s Competitive, Mixed Competitive and Recreational divisions

- Doubles teams

- Games are played best of 3 sets

- Registrations close on Wednesday 2nd March at 12:00pm

- No limit on entries


- Six week competition beginning Saturday 5th March

- Teachers College Gymnasium, & Logan Park High School Gymnasium

- Men’s/Women’s Competitive and Mixed Recreational

- 5-a-side

- 30 minute games

- Registrations close on Wednesday 2nd March at 12:00pm

- No limit on entries

- Recommended minimum squad size is 8 players


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- Six week competition beginning Sunday 6th March

- Unipol, Teachers College Gymnasium, & Smithells Gymnasium

- Women’s/Mixed Competitive and Women’s/Mixed Recreational divisions

- 7-a-side (minimum four females on the court at all times in mixed divisions)

- 30 minute games

- Registrations close on Wednesday 2nd March at 12:00pm

- No limit on entries

- Recommended minimum squad size is 10 players

Football Festival

- Sunday 1st May

- Forrester Park

- Men’s/Women’s Competitive and Recreational divisions

- 11-a-side Competitive/ 9-a-side Recreational

- 30 minute games

- Registrations close on Wednesday 27th April at 12:00pm

- Limit of 3 teams per college. Colleges cannot enter more than 1 team in each competition

- Recommended minimum squad size is 15 players for competitive and 13 for recreational

Cricket Festival

- Sunday 8th May

- Kensington Oval

- Men’s Competitive, Mixed Competitive and Recreational Divisions

- 6-a-side, full gender or mixed teams (minimum 3 females on the field at all times)

- 6 overs per innings, three 2 over batting partnerships

- Modified boundaries and equipment

- Registrations close on Wednesday 4th May at 12:00pm

- No limit on team entries

Rowing Festival

- Sunday 15th May

- OUSA Aquatic Centre

- 8 people per boat, made up of four males and four females

- On and off water trainings offered by the Otago University Rowing Club.

- Teams must attend a certain number of trainings prior to the event, the number of which is

dependent on the level of experience within the crew

- Registrations, including confirmed team members, close on Friday 6th May at 12:00pm

- Limit of 1 entry per college

Off-Water Dash

- This is an extension of the Rowing Festival and is considered the Recreational section of the


- 4 people per team, made up of two males and two females

- Relay structure, stationary row (0.5km), run (1km), stationary row (0.5km), run (1km)

- Registrations close on Wednesday 11th May at 12:00pm

- Limit of 1 entry per college

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- Six week competition beginning Saturday 16th July

- Unipol & Smithells Gymnasium

- Mixed Competitive and Recreational divisions

- 6-a-side (minimum three females on the court at all times)

- Games are played best of 3 sets

- Registrations close on Wednesday 13th July at 12:00pm

- No limit on entries

- Recommended minimum squad size is 9 players


- Six week competition beginning Sunday 17th July

- Unipol, Logan Park High School Gymnasium & Smithells Gymnasium

- Men’s/Women’s Competitive and Mixed Recreational divisions.

- 5-a-side (minimum two females on the court at all times in mixed divisions)

- 30 minute games

- Registrations close on Wednesday 13th July at 12:00pm

- No limit on entries

- Recommended minimum squad size is 8 players

Rugby 7’s

- Sunday 11th September

- Opoho Park

- Men’s & Women’s Competitive

- 7-a-side

- 15 minute games

- A Women’s Rugby Development Day run by Otago Rugby will be held on Friday 19th August.

Attendance is required for all Women’s players intending on playing in the competition.

- All players must be officially registered via Sporty prior to the competition

- Registrations, including team sheets, close on Tuesday 6th September at 12:00pm

- Limit of 3 entries per college. No more than two in a division.

- Recommended squad size is 10 players

Wild Card Series

- Saturday 17th September

- Logan Park & Teachers College Gymnasium

- Competition consists of four sports which have a single mixed division each;

o Renegade Hockey

- 7-a-side (minimum three females on the field at all times)

- 30 minute games

o Ultimate Frisbee

- 7-a-side (minimum three females on the field at all times)

- 30 minute games

o Dodgeball

- 8-a-side (minimum four females)

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- Matches are played best of 5 games

o Kī o Rahi

- 8-a-side (minimum four females on the field at all times)

- 30 minute games

- Participants may be involved in more than one sport however draws will not be amended to account

for this

- Registrations close on Wednesday 14th September at 12:00pm

- Limit of 1 entry per sport per college

Touch Rugby Festival

- Saturday 24th September

- Logan Park

- Men’s/Women’s Competitive and Mixed Recreational divisions.

- 6-a-side (minimum two females on the field at all times in mixed divisions)

- 30 minute games

- Registrations close on Wednesday 21st September

- Limit of 4 entries per college. Colleges cannot enter more than 1 team in each division within a


- Recommended minimum squad size is 9 players

All information outlined above is subject to change based on venue availability, COVID-19 and other

factors. Any changes to individual competitions will be communicated to college staff.

Inter-College Sport Points Grabs

Points Grabs are activities/events run outside of the Inter-College Competition where students can

earn Podium Points for their college. This is an opportunity for those involved in disciplines beyond

what is run within the competition to contribute to their colleges points total or provide an incentive

for students to try something new. There will be three events/activities on offer in 2022;

Three Peaks Mountain Race

- Sunday 27th March

- Officially enter the event and register your involvement in the event with us via

- Participants will receive points based on their individual results in the event. How points will be

awarded is outlined below;

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Dunedin Marathon

- Sunday September 11th 2021

- Officially enter the event and register your involvement in the event with us via

- Participants will receive points based on their individual results in the event. How points will be

awarded is outlined below;

42km Full Marathon - Men

42km Full Marathon - Women

21km Half Marathon - Men

21km Half Marathon - Women

10km - Open

Result Podium Points

Result Podium Points

Result Podium Points

Result Podium Points

Result Podium Points

< 3hrs 15mins 7 < 3hrs 35mins 7 < 1hr 25mins 4 < 1hr 35mins 4 < 45mins 2

3hrs 15mins – 3hrs 30mins

6 3hrs 35mins – 3hrs 50mins

6 1hr 25mins – 1hr 55mins

3 1hr 35mins – 2hrs 5mins

3 45mins > 1

3hrs 30mins – 4hrs

5 3hrs 50mins – 4hrs 20mins

5 1hr 55mins – 2hrs 35mins

2 2hrs 5mins – 2hrs 45mins


4hrs – 4hrs 30mins

4 4hrs 20mins – 4hrs – 50mins

4 2hrs 35mins > 1 2hrs 45mins > 1

4hrs 30mins – 5hrs

3 4hrs 50mins – 5hrs 20mins


5hrs > 2 5hrs 20mins > 2

Silver Peaks Walk

- Entries accepted March 1st - September 25th 2022

- Before doing the walk, you must register your interest via you will then receive an equipment list and health &

safety information from us.

55km Three Peaks Plus One - Open

26km The Three Peaks Men 26km The Three Peaks -

Women 11km Race/Walk The

Summit - Men 11km Race/Walk The

Summit - Women

Result Podium Points

Result Podium Points

Result Podium Points

Result Podium Points

Result Podium Points

< 6 hrs 10 < 2 hrs 30mins 7 < 2hrs 45mins 7 < 1hr 30mins 2 < 1hr 45mins 2

6-7 hrs 8 2hrs 30mins – 3hrs

6 2hrs 45mins – 3hrs 15mins

6 1hr 30mins > 1 1hr 45mins > 1

7-8 hrs 6 3hrs – 3hrs 15mins

5 3hrs 15mins – 3hrs 30mins


8 hrs > 4 3hrs 15mins – 3hrs 30mins

4 3hrs 30mins – 3hrs 45mins


3hrs 30mins – 4hrs

3 3hrs 45mins – 4hrs 15mins


4hrs > 2 4hrs 15mins > 2

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- There will be five checkpoints which groups must take photos of and send them in to

[email protected] once they have completed the walk. Each checkpoint will be

worth a point.

- Groups must consist of a minimum of 3 people for the entry to count for points.

- Maximum of five entries per college – each entry must have a minimum of 3 new walkers.



In the Inter-College Competition, a league is a term used to differentiate between the gender specific

competitions. Typically, the leagues are Men’s, Women’s or Mixed. Unless otherwise stated, Women only

teams may be entered in a Mixed league.


There are currently two different divisions within our competitions; Recreational and Competitive. Where

there is not both divisions offered, the default level of competition will be Competitive.

There must be at least 5 teams entered in a division to make it viable. If there are not enough teams entered

then particular divisions will be merged where possible.

Players cannot compete in multiple teams within the same sport under any circumstances

Teams can elect to move down from the Competitive division to the Recreational division up to two weeks

into the competition. If your teams wish to move divisions within this time frame, adequate reasoning is

required before being approved.

Teams can only move from the Competitive division to the Recreational division – not the other way

If you move divisions you will carry your success points and point’s differential with you.

Teams cannot move divisions in Festival Sport competitions due to the draws being pre-made

Recreational Division

The Inter-College Recreational division is meant for teams seeking a less competitive level of play. Teams

with first-time players are encouraged to choose this division for their team. This division is umpired in a way

that aligns with the level of play on the court or field. Referees or umpires may provide demonstrations or

explanations of the rules when players do not understand. In this league player ability is not as important as

having fun and socialising with your college.

Competitive Division

The Inter-College Competitive division is meant for teams seeking a competitive level of play. This is the

most competitive level of play offered. Teams are comprised of skilled, competitive individuals, typically with

prior playing experience and understanding of the rules. This division, is umpired on the understanding that

players know the rules and therefore rules such as “advantage” in netball will be applied.

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To be eligible to compete in the University of Otago Inter-College Sports programme, the individual must be:

- A current University of Otago student

- A current student of a college affiliated to the University of Otago.

- A current student that is part of the University Flats programme.

- A current student that is part of the Locals Programme.

- A current student (alumni) wanting to represent their college that is affiliated to the University of


- A staff member currently working in a college affiliated to the University of Otago.

- Fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and able to show proof of this with a vaccine pass alongside a

valid form of photo ID.

Players must either be enrolled students who are currently residing or have previously resided in the

College of Residence they wish to represent.

Within this, we do expect a certain amount of goodwill from staff members, being that they keep to the

rules involved, and play at a level fair to the competition. It is also expected that staff or alumni do not take

the place of a first year student at a college.

Combined College Team

The creation of a combined College team would be an exception to these rules. When creating a combined

college team please read the following:

Combined college teams are used when;

- A certain college did not want to enter a team into a particular sport, but players from that

residence wanted to play. In this exceptional case, these players would be permitted to play with

another college and so could enter a combined team consisting of players from two colleges.

Teams need to get approval to create this team from both colleges involved.

Teams need to notify the Inter-College Competition Coordinator of this decision prior to the competition to

ensure fair points are awarded and management of the team. How points are awarded for combined teams

is outlined in the Points System section.

Players should not play for another College of Residence without the knowledge and consent of the Inter-

College Competition Coordinator. Failure to do so will result in removal from the competition.

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Good Will Clause

The “good will” clause applies to students who have played professionally or at representative level in their

chosen sport. These particular players will not be excluded from the competition, as we aim to create an

inclusive environment. However, students taking part are expected to participate fairly and appropriately in

which they play to the spirit of the Inter-College Competition values (playing at an approximate level as

being played by other players).

Selected team captains and college contacts are to ensure that representative level players are not included

in teams just for the premise of getting into or winning a semi-final or final game.

It is expected that these representative level players will have played at least twice in that particular

league prior to semi- finals or finals. This expectation extends to all other players involved in the Inter-

College Sporting Competition.

It is also expected that other players in the team are;

- Not removed from the team to fit the representative player

- Excluded from a game at the inclusion of a representative player

Actions like this do not sit within the spirit of the Inter-College Competition.

As stated above the purpose of the Inter-College Competition is for recreational participation and

inclusiveness. Focusing on fair play qualities and teamwork.

Please keep these values in mind when making decisions about playing representative level players.

This clause also extends to all other individuals who take part in the Inter College Competition. College

contacts and team captains are expected to ensure that their teams are playing with the “good will” clause

in mind.

The “Good Will Clause” also extends to the rules outlined in the Leagues and Divisions section. If players are

found to be playing in multiple teams as outlined, the team will be awarded zero points for the games in

which the transgression occurred.

In the instance of an “ineligible” player playing in a game of Inter-College Sport without the knowledge and

approval of the Inter-College Competition Coordinators, then a decision will be made in conjunction with the

Appeals & Disputes panel, if necessary about the handling of points and/or penalties.

Gender Inclusivity

Inter-College Sport wishes to promote gender inclusion by allowing people to self-identify and to choose to

participate in a manner that is consistent with the gender with which they best identify. The participants

chosen gender identity and expression will also be considered when there are gender-specific rules or player

ratio requirements.

We recognise the importance of maintaining participants’ privacy rights, and that some wish to keep their

journey more private than others.

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We appreciate that everyone’s journey is different and that all situations will be unique, but we strive to

create an inclusive environment for all within the competition.

For anyone seeking more information about how they can participate in Inter-College Sport, we recommend

that you speak to your college Warden or trusted college contact to help you find the league that you are

most comfortable with. You can also contact the Inter-College Competition Coordinator for additional

information on how to participate, or to raise any concerns that you have.

Alternatively, you can speak to the OUSA Queer Support Coordinator – Kelli Anne ([email protected]/

[email protected]), who would be happy to provide confidential support in finding a league where you

are most comfortable.

*Please note: this policy also includes those students who identify as non-binary and also allows them to

choose to participate in whichever team they feel most comfortable.

Player Numbers

Teams can drop one player from their team, and still compete officially, without being considered a


For example, a Men’s Football team may play with 10 instead of 11 players, and the game is still official. The

other team does not need to drop numbers to match. This applies across all sports.


If any team is unable to play in a scheduled game then they should contact the Inter-College Competition

Coordinator with a valid reason at least 24 hours before the day of the scheduled game

The following instances will result in a default and mean the team will receive 0 Game Points for the game(s)

in question;

- Notifying the Inter-College Competition Coordinator, with a valid reason, at least 24 hours prior to

the day of the game that a team is not able to play at the scheduled time(s).

- The default will only be applied in this instance if a suitable rescheduled time cannot

be found. If a suitable rescheduled time is found then the team will continue to play

with no penalty.

- Arriving 5 or more minutes late for the start of a scheduled game.

- Playing with incorrect gender combinations in relation to the competition rules.

- Having an insufficient number of players in relation to the competition rules.

- Fielding an ineligible player – this includes a player who has breached the rules as outlined in the

Leagues and Divisions section.

Teams may still go ahead and play the scheduled game, it is important however that your teams are aware

that this game will not be considered an official game and 0 Game Points will be awarded to the team who

has defaulted. The Inter-College Coordinator will make you aware if this game is to be considered an official

game or not. Referees are not at liberty to make this call.

Unless informed otherwise, two occurrences of a default will result in the team being removed from the


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If you are unsure if the game should be considered an official game or not, please get in touch with the

Sports Coordinator or Inter-College Staff to clarify before playing.

If you believe a team should have been defaulted based on the above criteria, please submit a dispute

form as outlined earlier in the handbook.


The following instances will result in a no-show and mean the team will receive -1 Game Points for the

game(s) in question;

- Notifying the Inter-College Competition Coordinator less than 24 hours prior to day of game that a

team is not able to play at the scheduled time(s).

- A team not showing up for their scheduled game(s) not having notified the Inter-College

Competition Coordinator.

Always inform the Inter-College Competition Coordinator that a team will not be able to make their

scheduled game so that the opposition team can be informed.

In the event of a no-show, where the Inter-College Competition Coordinator was not informed, the college

will receive a written warning – which will be sent to the College Contact, Team Captain and Warden.

If the same team fails to show for a second time, having notified the Inter-College Competition Coordinator

or not, they will be removed from the competition.

Two occurrences of defaults and/or no shows will result in the team being removed from the competition.

An exception to this may occur in sport such as Rugby 7s where the health and safety of teams must be

considered. All decisions based on points will be decided at the discretion of the Inter-College Competition

Lead Coordinator in conjunction with the handbook and values of the competition.

If a College of Residence knows of an upcoming event which will inhibit them from competing in the

upcoming matches or requires them to have a specific game time, then they should inform the Inter-College

Competition Coordinator before the draw is made, before 5pm on Tuesday the week of the game. It is

expected any default requests are a last resort as this has an impact on the opposing team.

Catch up games

In regard to Ongoing Sport, if multiple teams are defaulted against on one weekend they will be eligible to

play a catch up game the following weekend. This means that the teams that were defaulted against (and

did not play a game) would play two games the following week. The Inter-College Coordinator would be in

charge of organising the catch up game and would contact the college contacts of each team to try and

organise this.

This would be optional and would rely on there being an even number of teams defaulted against that were

keen to play an additional catch up game. If teams did not wish to play a catch up game they would receive

default points as outlined in the point’s system section.


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Postponements due to weather/field conditions will be decided by the Inter-College Competition

Coordinator who will inform all teams of this decision. Information on weather-related postponements will

be available by calling the Inter-College Competition Coordinator on 022 436 4247. When possible,

postponed games will be rescheduled. Rescheduling contests for other reasons is only possible in special

circumstances and at the discretion of the Inter-College Competition Coordinator with the approval of all

affected colleges/teams.

Scheduling Considerations

To avoid a high number of scheduling issues through the semester we have highlighted below three main

areas we consider when scheduling games and events:

Game Time Requests

We understand that there are times when certain game times suit teams better. We do take requests for

game times, and we will try our best to accommodate these requests.

Any specific game time requests need to be emailed to the Inter-College Competition Coordinator no later

than 5pm on Tuesday the week of the scheduled game(s).

Health Science Tests

These are the 2022 Health Science tests which affect Inter-College Sport and we will try to avoid major game

clashes during these times. Please work with us the best you can to let us know of any other significant test

or events well in advance. As we appreciate the importance of these tests and do our best to avoid clashes,

this may force the normal game times to change on these particular days.

Semester 1 Semester 2

HUBS191 – Saturday 2nd April, 10:30am

CELS191 – Saturday 9th April, 10:30am

PHSI191 – Wednesday 27th April, 7pm

CHEM191 – Saturday 30th April, 10:30am

HUBS191 – Saturday 21st May, 10:30am

Please note: if you still fail to show up for your game on these days (without defaulting appropriately

before the game) you will be considered a “no-show” as above.

College Competitions

If you wish to play a particular team due to another College Competition, which you are playing alongside

the Inter-College Competition, please make these requests at the time of registering your teams. If you make

this request after this point then it may not be granted.

College Events

We understand there are a large number of college events that may create clashes with the Inter-College

Sport competition. We will try our hardest to accommodate your college if there is an event the day before

or on the day of the competition. However, this is extremely hard to do once the draw has been distributed.

Any request to move games due to college events needs to be in by 5pm on Tuesday the week of the

scheduled clash. If the requests come after the draw has been distributed it may not be possible to

accommodate your team.

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If this is the case you will need to appropriately default as explained above. If you fail to show up to your

game you will be considered a no-show as outlined above.


Inter-College Sport Assistants

Except for the permanent Inter-College staff members, the Inter-College Sport Assistants are University of

Otago students. Inter-College Sport Assistants are on-site to assist participants with questions, supervise

games and the conduct of players and spectators as well as overseeing a safe and enjoyable atmosphere.

The Inter-College Sport Assistants can answer questions such as;

- “Is this an official game if one team has arrived after the 5 minute default period?”

- “Can we play with 6 players instead of 7 for netball and still have it recorded as an official game?”

Please direct referee feedback, opponent feedback or any potential disputes to the Inter-College Sport

Coordinators, as they have an understanding of the Inter-College Competition handbook and will be able to

answers any questions or rule disputes you have.

Inter-College Sport Referees

Have full responsibility for the enforcement of rules specific to each game including pre and post-game

matters. The referee’s main responsibilities on the day are;

- Ensuring the correct teams are ready to play

- Ensuring the rules are adhered to

- Timekeeping

- Score recording

When a game is considered to be relatively high stakes (i.e. a final or other college competition), we will do

our best to use referees who do not currently/have not previously attended a college directly involved in the

game they are refereeing. However, due to the difficulties faced when finding referees, including referee

shortages and varying experience levels, this will not always be possible. We will assign a referee based on

who the Inter-College Competition team considers to be the best equipped for such games. Having a referee

who previously attended either college involved, is not a reason for appeal.

Inter-College referees are only able to make decisions based on the rules of the game. They are unable to

solely make decisions about the validity of games without consulting the Inter-College Sport Coordinator

or Inter-College permanent staff.

Please remember that the Inter-College Sports Referees only know the rules directly related to their sport

and the running of the game. They are unable to answer questions that are directly related to Inter-College

Competition handbook rules.


Please note: the information below applies to all sports except Collegiate Sports & Activities Week and

Rowing Festival. Collegiate Sports Day is a non-competitive event and due to the nature of the Rowing

Festival, it has a separate points system which is outlined further down.

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Game Points

Game points will be awarded on a per-game basis. These individual points contribute to the ranking of teams

within each sport, and to determine who plays in the semi-finals of said sport.

These points do not directly contribute to the overall Inter-College Sports Champion.

You will be awarded 5 points for;

- Winning an individual game

- Winning by default or due to a no-show

- Being scheduled with a BYE (In the event of an uneven draw, a team may have a BYE, for which they

will receive 5 points. Teams cannot request a BYE. BYE’s will be randomly allocated.)

You will be awarded 3 points for;

- Drawing an individual game. In this case, both teams are allocated 3 game points.

You will be awarded 1 point for;

- Losing an individual game

You will be awarded 0 points if;

- Your team defaults more than 24 hours before game day

- Your team arrives 5 or more minutes late

- Your team has incorrect gender combinations

- Your team has insufficient players

- Your team fields ineligible players

You will be awarded -1 points if;

- Your team defaults less than 24 hours before game day

- Your team does not show up for a game

Game Points Overview

Win/Bye +5 Default +0

Draw +3 No-Show -1

Loss +1

Bonus Points

In addition to Game points gained by the result of a single game, Bonus points are also available based on

specific outcomes within individual games. There are three types of Bonus points;

- Winning Bonus point – available to the winning team based on a specific points margin

- Losing Bonus point – available to the losing team based on a specific points margin

- Extra Bonus point – available to teams based on outcomes that differ per sport

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These points do not directly contribute to the overall Inter-College Sports Champion.

The Winning Bonus Point is available to the winning team and the Losing Bonus Point is available to the

losing team, however it is not possible for a Winning Bonus Point and a Losing Bonus Point to be awarded in

the same game. The Extra Bonus Point however can be awarded to both teams regardless of the outcome of

the game.

The specific bonus points, margins and numbers available differ per sport and are shown in the table below.

Sport Winning Bonus Point Losing Bonus Point Extra Bonus Point

Cricket Win by ≥30 runs Lose by ≤10 runs Score ≥70 runs

Badminton Win all three sets Lose, but win one set Concede ≤27 points across all sets

Football Win by ≥2 goals Lose by 1 goal Score ≥4 goals

Futsal Win by ≥3 goals Lose by ≤2 goals Score ≥6 goals

Netball Win by ≥10 points Lose by ≤5 points Score ≥20 points

Volleyball Win all three sets Lose, but win one set Concede ≤27 points across all sets

Men’s Basketball Win by ≥20 points Lose by ≤10 points Score ≥50 points

Women’s Basketball Win by ≥15 points Lose by ≤10 points Score ≥40 points

Rugby 7’s Win by ≥10 points Lose by ≤5 points Score ≥25 points

Renegade Hockey Win by ≥2 goals Lose by 1 goal Score ≥4 goals

Kī o Rahi Win by ≥10 points Lose by ≤5 points Score ≥20 points

Ultimate Frisbee Win by ≥4 points Lose by ≤2 points Score ≥7 points

Dodgeball Win all three sets Lose, but win one set Have ≥15 players remaining across all sets

Touch Rugby Win by ≥4 points Lose ≤2 points Score ≥7 points

Bonus Points are only applied in Competitive divisions and are not used in Recreational divisions.

Success Points

Success Points are the Game Points and Bonus Points combined. In points tables this is included to

consolidate the points which teams have achieved and is the principal number that determines teams’

positions on the table in each sporting competition.

Points Differential

The Points Differential (points scored minus points conceded) within games is calculated for all teams in

sporting competitions.

This number is used only in the instances where the Success Points are equal for two or more teams at the

conclusion of the round robin and contributes to determining the final positions on the competition table.

The team with the greater Points Differential in these instances will sit higher in the table than the others.

In sports involving sets, Points Differential is applied and phrased differently. In these sports;

- Sets Differential will be calculated which is the number of sets won minus the number of sets lost.

The team with the greater Sets Differential will sit higher in the table. The sports this applies to are

Badminton, Volleyball and Dodgeball.

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A further factor will be applied when the Sets Differential still doesn’t separate teams which in Badminton

and Volleyball will be known as;

- Set Points Ratio. This is calculated by dividing the total number of points won by the total number of

points lost. For Dodgeball this will be known as Total Players Remaining which is the combined

number of active players a team had at the conclusion of all their sets.

Please note that due to the potential importance of the Sets Differential and Set Points Ratio/Total Players

Remaining, all sets will be played and recorded regardless of whether a team has already officially won.

Points for winning by default

Teams will receive 5 points for winning by default or for getting the bye. In terms of points differential and

bonus points, teams will receive one bonus point and a point’s differential that correlates to the minimum

amount of points required to receive the winning bonus point. For example, in Football to receive a winning

bonus point, teams will need to win by 2 goals or more. Therefore, if a team is defaulted against in Football

they will receive 5 game points, 1 bonus point and a points difference for a 2-0 win.

Podium Points

These are awarded based on a college’s final position in a particular competition. These points contribute to

the teams’ college total within the overall Inter-College Sport Competition.

Teams that finish a sport competition in positions 1-4 receive a specific number of Podium Points.

Teams outside the top four gain Podium Points through a tier system based on their Success Points in

relation to the maximum number available for the given competition. This number differs based on whether

it is a single day festival or an ongoing six week competition.

The tiered Podium Points does not apply to Recreational divisions. Podium Points in Recreational divisions

are awarded solely on the final placings on the table.

The maximum number of Success Points available in each sport, and a diagram outlining the tier system is

shown below.

Sport Maximum Available Success Points

Cricket, Football, Rugby 7s, Renegade Hockey, Ultimate Frisbee, Kī o Rahi, Dodgeball and Touch Rugby


Futsal, Badminton, Netball, Volleyball and Basketball 42

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Rowing Festival Points

Podium and other points systems outlined above do not apply to the Rowing Festival. As this event is

structured significantly differently to our other sports, it contains a separate points system which does not

include Game points, Bonus points or Success points.

Teams, in both the Competitive on-water division and the Recreational off-water division, will be awarded

points solely on their final placing at the conclusion of the competition. This will be structured in the

following way;

Final Placing Competitive

Podium Points Recreational

Podium Points

1st 25 10

2nd 15 7

3rd 10 5

4th 7 3

5th 6 1

6th 5 1

7th 4 1

8th 3 1

9th 2 1

10th 1 1

˂10th 1 1

Podium Points for Combined College Teams

If a team is combined with more than one college, then Podium Points will be divided evenly among the


For example, if a Men’s 7’s team consisted of 4 players from Studholme College, 3 players from Toroa

College and 2 players from Arana College then each college would be given 33.33% of the team’s podium


If the colleges do not agree to this splitting of the points, there is an alternative to split the points based on

the number of players from each college.

Regarding the original example with this system, Studholme College would receive 44.44% of the total

podium points, Toroa College would receive 33.33% of the total podium points and Arana College would

receive 22.22% of the total podium points.

Please ensure that all Colleges are aware, and accept, the splitting of points before the team is created. It

is also essential that the Inter-College Competition Coordinator is made aware of the arrangement

including how many players from each college are in the team.


In the event that two teams are tied at the conclusion of a semi-final or finals game there will be a tiebreaker

played to determine a winner. Tie breakers for each sport are;

- Cricket – Super Over.

- Rowing – Photo finish.

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- Football – Five minutes extra time with Golden Point, and if they are still tied then a penalty


- Futsal – Five minutes extra time with Golden Point, and if they are still tied then a penalty shootout.

- Netball – Five minutes extra time.

- Basketball – Five minutes overtime.

- Rugby 7’s – Five minutes extra time.

- Touch Rugby – Five minutes extra time with Golden Point.

- Renegade Hockey – Five minutes extra time with Golden Point.

- Kī o Rahi – Two-minute halves of extra time.

- Ultimate Frisbee – Five minutes extra time with Golden Point.

The formats for tie breakers outlined above will be repeated until a winner is decided.


Results of the games and competitions will be updated on each sport’s online google sheet. Results will be

updated live for Festivals so that teams are able to track their results during the day. Results for Ongoing

sport will be updated by the end of the day’s games. All results will be checked and confirmed by Monday

evening following the weekend’s competitions.

Each online google sheet will be available via the Unipol website and will be emailed and posted on our

social media pages at the relevant times of the year. There will also be a master document distributed which

will contain all the links to the different sports results sheets.

It is the expectation that the College Contact or Team Captain will check these results promptly and report

any discrepancies. Any discrepancies must be reported before the next weeks draw is released.

Fixtures, results and standings for each sport will be presented in the online google sheets in a similar format

to the example shown below;

The fixtures and results of each individual game will be displayed on the left-hand table while the standings

for the competition will be displayed in the right-hand table.

The most common terms and their definitions are listed below.

GP = Game Points BP = Bonus Points SP = Success Points PF = Points For PA = Points Against PD = Points Differential

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All the Podium Points that colleges have been awarded throughout the year are combined to determine

their overall Inter-College Sport Competition points and placing. The table showing the points and placings

can be found on the Inter-College website and will also be posted on our social media pages. The table will

be updated at the conclusion of semester one and again at the end of semester two.

The Podium Points awarded from each individual competition are also displayed on the website under each

corresponding sport.

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The Inter-College Cultural Competition comprises of mostly one-off events with the only exception being

Debating which is run over a 5 week period.

Within the competition there are competitive as well as participation only events. Competitive events

involve placings, participation points and Podium Points whereas participation only events contain no

placings and participation points only for those involved.



Colleges Got Talent

Battle of the Bands

Cultural Performance Evening



Arts Competition (Visual Arts & Literary Competition)

48 Hour Film Festival

Dance Competition

Big Sing




Colleges Got Talent is a variety talent competition, and a new addition to the Cultural Competition Calendar.

Participants compete either as soloists or in groups. Examples of talents that can be showcased include, but

are not limited to; dance, singing, musical performance, comedy, circus, magic.

- Date: Friday 8th April

- Time: 6:30pm – 9:30pm (technical rehearsal 4:00pm – 6:00pm)

- Location: Castle One Lecture Theatre

- Registrations: Close on Tuesday 5th April

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 2 entries per college. Contact [email protected] with

requests for additional entries.

- Entries can be either group or solo performances.

- Maximum length per performance is 4 minutes.

- Types of entries include but are not limited to; dance, singing, musical performance, comedy

circus and magic

- Google Doc with available time slots for technical rehearsals will be sent out once registrations


- Attendance at technical rehearsals is compulsory to ensure participants are adequately

prepared for their performance and run through all equipment, timings and other technical


- The programme for the event will be sent out on Thursday 7th April.

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- Performers will be marked on poise, stage presence, talent and overall impression.

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- Special Mentions = 5 points

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry


Battle of the Bands is a music performance competition. Participating bands can perform originals, or covers,

of any musical style. Bands will be marked on performance quality, musical technique, band cohesion, and


- Date: Friday 6th May

- Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm (technical rehearsal 4:00pm – 6:30pm)

- Location: Teachers College Auditorium

- Registrations: Close on Tuesday 3rd May

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 2 entries per college. Contact [email protected] with

requests for additional entries.

- Each musical piece may be 4 minutes in length. This does not include set up and pack down.

- An amplifier, microphones, drum kit and, electric keyboard will be available for use. All other

instruments will need to be organised by participants.

- Technical requirements and instruments being used must be provided upon registration.

- Google Doc with available time slots for technical rehearsals will be sent out once registrations


- Attendance at technical rehearsals is compulsory to ensure participants are adequately

prepared for their performance and run through all equipment, timings and other technical


- The programme for the event will be sent out on Thursday 5th May.

- Bands will be marked on performance quality, musical technique, band cohesion, and


- Original songs as well as covers are permitted.

- The winning band will be awarded with a spot at Pint Night in U Bar

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- Special Mentions = 5 points

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry

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Cultural Performance Evening is an amalgamation of the formerly known Maori and Pasifika, and

International Performance nights. This is always a highlight in the cultural calendar and is a fantastic

opportunity for students to showcase their heritage in a fun and supportive environment.

- Date: Sunday 15th May

- Time: 7:00pm – 10:00pm (Technical rehearsal 3:00pm – 6:00pm)

- Location: St David Lecture Theatre

- Registrations: Close on Tuesday 10th May

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 2 entries per college. Contact [email protected] with

requests for additional entries.

- Each performance piece may be 5 minutes in length.

- Microphones will be available for use. Any other instruments or equipment will need to be

organised by participants.

- Technical requirements and instruments being used must be provided upon registration.

Please also include a short description of the performance for the MC introductions.

- Google Doc with available time slots for technical rehearsals will be sent out once registrations


- Attendance at technical rehearsals is compulsory to ensure participants are adequately

prepared for their performance and run through all equipment, timings and other technical


- The programme for the event will be sent out on Wednesday 11th May.

- Podium Points:

- No Podium Points on offer for this event

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry



The Inter-College Debating Competition is a series of four lead up debates, and one final. Debates are

adjudicated by the Otago University Debating Society, and the topics are entertaining, relevant, and


- Date: Begins Thursday 21st July and runs for 5 consecutive weeks

- Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm

- Location: Held at participating colleges. Final held at the Moot Court in the Richardson Building

- Registrations: Close on Thursday 14th July

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 1 entry per college. Teams can consist of up to 5 members, three of which

compete each week.

- Staff are not permitted to compete in this competition. Maximum of 1 alumnus per team.

- Motions will be announced at 7:00pm after which teams will have 30 minutes to prepare their


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- The competition will be run in association with the Otago Debating Society. They will

adjudicate the debates as well as select the topics which will likely be current and topical.

- Colleges entering should be willing and able to host a debate and have a dedicated space and

college contact available at the time of the debates. The space should be set up as shown


- Rules:

- Each team has three speakers.

- The hosting team will be Affirmative and the other team is Negative.

- Order of speakers will be as follows;

o First Affirmative

o First Negative

o Second Affirmative

o Second Negative

o Third Affirmative

o Third Negative

o Negative Sum Up

o Affirmative Sum Up

- Points of information are allowed. However, there is to be no interjections or heckling by

audience members.

- The most persuasive team wins the debate. In determining which team was the most

persuasive the adjudicator will consider:

o Relevance of arguments – do they help prove your side of the motion?

o Soundness of arguments – note that arguments must be more than assertions; they

must be backed up by reasonable analysis and evidence.

o Clarity – speeches must be well organised and structured.

o Engagement with other team’s arguments – all speakers (except the first

affirmative) must address the arguments made by the opposing team and respond

to them (known as the ‘rebuttal’). Arguments made in rebuttal must be

substantiated with well-reasoned analysis/evidence.

o The topics may be controversial. Debaters are remaindered that offensive

statements and arguments are extremely unlikely to be considered persuasive. This

includes personal attacks (criticising the argument/person making it).

- Podium Points: (due to the format and nature of the Debating competition, it’s points system will

mirror that of the sports competition)

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- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- 4th place = 7 points

- Finish with ≥75% of the maximum Success Points available = 5 points

- Finish with between 50% - 74.99% of the maximum Success Points available = 3 points

- Finish with <50% of the maximum Success Points available = 1 point

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry


This is our annual film competition in which teams of filmmakers are assigned a theme, a prop, and a line of

dialogue, and have 48 hours to create a short film containing those elements. At the end of that 48 Hours,

the films are presented at a Sunday night screening; a fantastic opportunity for students to get dressed up

and celebrate their work.

- Competition Dates & Times: Begins Friday 29th July at 3:00pm and concludes Sunday 31st July at


- Film Screening Date & Time: Friday 5th August from 7:00pm – 9:30pm

- Film Screening Location: Castle One Lecture Theatre

- Registrations: Close on Wednesday 27th July

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 1 entry per college. There is no limit to the number of participants within each


- A compulsory competition briefing is held at Unipol on Friday 29th July at 3:00pm. The details

of the competition will be explained during this briefing.

- A team introductory clip on a USB is required to be handed in at the start of this briefing. This

gives teams the opportunity to trial their equipment and technology. This clip should involve

introductions of members in the team and what their roles will be.

- The theme, prop and quote will be announced to teams during the briefing.

- Judging will occur prior to the screening of the films.

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- Best actor/actress = 5 points

- Best costume = 5 points

- Best story = 5 points

- Best cinematography = 5 points

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry

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An opportunity for students to present their artistic and literary talents to the college community. Each year

a theme is set and multiple categories are available for entry. Students can enter as many artistic or written

pieces as they desire. All work is displayed in the Link for the week before judging. Both the Visual Arts and

Literary Competition will be run at the same time with a joint display and prize giving.

- Competition Dates & Times: The theme(s) and entry requirements will be sent out on Monday 23rd

May. All pieces must be delivered/emailed to Unipol by 12:00pm on Tuesday 26th July.

- Arts Display Dates & Location: All entries will be on display in The Link from Thursday 28th July until

Friday 5th August.

- Prize Giving Date & Time: Friday 5th August from 6:00pm (this will take place prior to the 48 Hour

Film Festival screening).

- Prize Giving Location: Castle One Lecture Theatre.

- Registrations: There is no formal registration process for this competition, however certain

information is required with each entry in order for it to be considered for judging. This is outlined

further below. All entries must be delivered/emailed to Unipol by 12:00pm on Tuesday 26th July.

- Additional Information:

- There is no limit to the number of entries a single student can submit.

- All literary and digital visual art entries must be emailed to

[email protected] and all physical entries must be dropped in to Unipol


- All entries must be clearly labelled with a title, entrant’s full name, contact number and the

name of the college they reside in.

- Each piece of submitted work will be placed into its relevant category. Each category will then

be judged. Changes to categories and the format of the competition may occur based on the

number of entries in each category.

- Placings within individual categories contribute to each college’s overall points tally in the

Visual Arts and Literary Competitions. Combined points tallies across all categories determine

overall college placings in each competition.

- Visual Arts Categories:

- Visual Arts Theme: TBC

- Photography

o Photos must be printed 6 x 8”.

o Each entry should come with a short blurb or description of the photo.

- Painting

o Can be done with a wide variety of mediums including oil, acrylics, watercolour, etc.

o Each entry should come with a short blurb or description of the painting.

- Drawing

o Can be done with a wide variety of mediums including chalk, pastel, crayon, pencil,


o Each entry should come with a short blurb or description of the drawing.

- Other

o Can be anything that does not fit within any of the other categories.

o Could include but not limited to: graphic art, calligraphic art, poster design, textiles

(crocheting, embroidery, knitting, quilting, etc.), weaving etc.

o Each entry should come with a short blurb or description of the piece.

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- Literary Categories:

- Literary Theme: TBC

- Poem (haiku)

o Must adhere to the 5-7-5 syllable haiku structure.

o Entries should be emailed through in a word document with the entrant’s name

under each individual haiku.

- Caption

o Caption entries will relate to a photo which represents the set theme. The photo will

be released at the same time as the theme.

o Caption must be 20 words or less.

o Entries should be emailed through in a word document with the entrant’s name

under each individual caption.

- Open Letter

o The scope for the open letter is broad and may relate to past or future generations

or any other interpretation relating to the theme.

o Limit of 1 A4 page, font size 12.

o Entries should be emailed through in a word document with the entrant’s name

under each individual open letter.

- Children’s Book Category:

o Entries for the Children’s Book Section will open 2 weeks earlier than the rest of the

competition entries on Monday 9th of May.

o There is no theme for the books. However, the target audience should be 7 – 10 year olds.

o These should be short stories, no longer than 300 words. Please note that any type and size

of font can be used, however the book should not exceed 10 pages.

o Stories must be submitted in booklet form either via email or by handing in at Unipol (A5


o The winning books will be collated and published in a book and given to children at reThink.

o It is recommended that the story comes alongside illustrations for each page. This can be

done by the author or by an artist within the college. Short stories with illustrations are

more likely to be published.

- Podium Points:

- Overall 1st place = 25 points

- Overall 2nd place = 15 points

- Overall 3rd place = 10 points

- Category 1st place = 3 points

- Category 2nd place = 2 points

- Category 3rd place = 1 point

- Participation Points:

- 1 point per category entered per college.


The Inter-College Dance Competition is an opportunity for participants to show us their style, stage

presence, and moves, either as soloists or in groups. Categories will be determined based on dance styles

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entered. Dance styles are included but not limited to Jazz (musical theatre), Contemporary (lyrical), Hip Hop,

Open (ballet, tap, partner dance).

- Date: Sunday 18th September

- Time: 6:30pm – 9:30pm (technical rehearsal 4:00pm – 6:00pm)

- Location: Castle One Lecture Theatre

- Registrations: Close on Wednesday 14th September

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 2 entries per college. Contact [email protected] with

requests for additional entries.

- Categories will be determined based on dance styles entered. Categories include but are not

limited to Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Open (ballet, tap, partner dance).

- Maximum time length for solo performances is 2 minutes and for groups it is 3 minutes.

- Overall college placings will be determined by the accumulative judge’s points for entries.

- Google doc with available time slots for technical rehearsals will be sent out once registrations


- Attendance at technical rehearsals is compulsory to ensure participants are adequately

prepared for their performance and run through all equipment, timings and other technical


- The programme for the event will be sent out on Thursday 15th September.

- Podium Points:

- Overall 1st place = 25 points

- Overall 2nd place = 15 points

- Overall 3rd place = 10 points

- Category 1st place = 3 points

- Category 2nd place = 2 points

- Category 3rd place = 1 point

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry.


Big Sing is a singing performance evening. Groups come together to showcase harmony, riffing, and belt it

out. Performances are composed to feature the singer’s vocal abilities, however guitar, piano and backing

track accompaniment is allowed.

- Date: Sunday 25th September

- Time: 7:00pm – 10:00pm (technical rehearsal 4:00pm – 6:30pm)

- Location: Castle One Lecture Theatre

- Registrations: Close on Wednesday 21st September

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 1 entry per college.

- Please provide a short blurb upon registration about the performance so the MC can

introduce the group.

- Google Doc with available time slots for technical rehearsals will be sent out once registrations


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- Attendance at technical rehearsals is compulsory to ensure participants are adequately

prepared for their performance and run through all equipment, timings and other technical


- The programme for the event will be sent out on Thursday 22nd September.

- There will be no amplification of instruments, however use of acoustic instruments such as

piano or guitar is permitted. A backing track can also be used.

- Please note this is a singing event and musical instruments or backing tracks are to be used

only to accompany the vocal performance.

- Podium Points:

- No Podium Points on offer for this event

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry

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The Inter-College Games competition involves a range of activities, all of which are single day events. All

activities award placings and contain both Podium and Participation points.



Quiz Night

Gaming Competition

Foosball Competition

Chess Competition

Board Games Evening


Table Tennis

The Amazing Race

Pool Competition

Laser Tag




Inter-College Quiz Night is a fun filled night that tests the general knowledge and teamwork of the colleges

most knowledgeable brains. The quiz involves ten testing rounds of general knowledge questions which

teams answer against the clock to earn points for their college.

- Date: Sunday 13th March

- Time: 7:00pm – 10:00pm

- Location: Quiz will be run online

- Registrations: Close on Wednesday 9th March

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 3 entries per college. There is no team size limits.

- The team name the college registers with must correspond to the team name they use on the


- There will be 10 rounds, each consisting of 8 questions. Teams will receive 1 point per correct


- No mobile phones/tablets are to be used during the rounds.

- Each team must select one Wild Card round when registering. They will receive double points

for this round on the night.

- Colleges are encouraged to dress up. The dress up theme will be released the week of the

event. Colleges should send pictures of their team's dress ups to

[email protected] . These will be judged and posted to Facebook.

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

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- 3rd place = 10 points

- Participation Points

- 5 points per entry


The Inter-College Gaming Competition is where the long hours spent procrastinating study will pay off.

Colleges do battle against each other in Brawlhalla, FIFA 21 & Mario Kart to earn points for their college.

- Date: Saturday 14th May

- Time: 1:00pm – 6:00pm

- Location: OUSA/Union Common Room/Toroa College

- Registrations: Close on Wednesday 11th May

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 1 entry for each game. The same person may be entered in more than one of the


- Games on offer are Brawlhalla, FIFA 21 and Mario Kart.

- There will be a round robin style format followed by semi-finals and finals for the top four in

FIFA while the top eight will progress in Mario Kart & Brawlhalla.

- Participants will play a minimum of 3 games in the round robin.

- The overall college placings, and subsequent Podium Points, are determined by the combined

ranking of their participants within their games. Champions from each different game

(Brawlhalla, FIFA, Mario Kart) will earn a small number of Podium Points for their college as


- Podium Points

- Overall 1st place = 25 points

- Overall 2nd place = 15 points

- Overall 3rd place = 10 points

- Brawlhalla champion = 2 points

- FIFA 21 champion = 2 points

- Mario Kart champion = 2 points

- Participation Points

- 5 points per entry


The Inter-College Foosball Competition enters its second year in the competition and is looking for a brand

new champion. Teams of two face off against each other in a game that involves skill, strategy and

teamwork to earn points for their college.

- Date: Thursday 24th March

- Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm

- Location: Unipol Recreation Centre, Plaza Cafe

- Registrations: Close on Tuesday 22nd March

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 3 entries per college.

- Teams are doubles. Participants cannot compete for more than one team.

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- The competition will follow a round robin structure followed by semi-finals and finals.

- Each match will be the best of three games.

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry


The Inter-College Chess Competition promotes a classic game testing wit and strategy. Each college’s finest

strategic brains will face off in five 20 minute rounds to earn points for their college.

- Date: Sunday 7th May

- Time: 12:30pm – 3:30pm

- Location: Otago University Business School Atrium

- Registrations: Close on Wednesday 4th May

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of two entries per college. Each team consists of two players.

- There will be five rounds with the draw and order of play decided through the Swiss System.

- Games will last 20 minutes.

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- The player that completes their game the quickest will receive 2 additional podium points for

their college.

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry


The Inter-College Board Games Evening takes a spin on board games nights with the family. Teams of

proficient puzzlers or skilled scrabblers work together to earn points for their college.

- Date: Friday 29th April

- Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm

- Location: Unipol Recreation Centre, Plaza Café

- Registrations: Close on Tuesday 26th April

- General Additional Information:

- The Board Games Evening involves two separate competitions; Puzzle Mania and Scrabble.

- Individuals cannot take part in both competitions.

- Puzzle Mania Additional Information:

- Maximum of one entry per college. Teams can consist of a maximum of six people.

- Each team will receive the same 500-piece puzzle.

- There are no devices or outside assistance permitted while working on the puzzle.

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- Teams are not allowed to interfere with other teams during the competition.

- The collegiate record for a 500-piece puzzle is 54 minutes 26 seconds, held by Abbey College.

The record for the current puzzle is 1:06:09 set by Carrington College in 2021.

- Staff are not permitted to take part in this competition.

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- Teams that finish within 10 minutes of the 3rd placed team will receive 2 additional podium


- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry

- Scrabble Additional Information:

- Maximum of two entries per college. Teams consist of two people each.

- Each team will play three rounds.

- Points from each game will be tallied to give an overall points table.

- The top three placed teams at the end of the round robin will play in the final.

- 40 minutes allocated per game with a 10 minute break between rounds.

- Staff are not permitted to take part in this competition.

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- Teams that record an 8 letter word will receive 2 additional podium points for their college.

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry



The Table Tennis Competition is a brand new addition to the Games Competition in 2022. Individuals from

colleges will compete against each other to become the inaugural Table Tennis Champion!

- Date: Sunday 24th July

- Time: 11:00am – 5:00pm

- Location: Teacher’s College Gymnasium

- Registrations: Close on Wednesday 20th July

- Additional Information:

- Men’s & Women’s Divisions

- Maximum of 4 entries per college. Maximum of 3 entries in one division.

- Games will be best of 3 sets, first to 11 in each set.

- Each individual will play 3 round robin games, the top 4 will be decided from this. Semi –

Finals and then a final will take place.

⁻ Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

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- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points


The Inter-College Amazing Race is a version of the game show that requires a combination of physical &

mental skills as well as an overarching element of teamwork. Teams of six race around local Dunedin

landmarks completing challenges on the way to earn points for their college.

- Date: Saturday 10th September

- Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm

- Location: Starting point at Logan Park – various locations around University campus.

- Registrations: Close on Wednesday 7th September

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 1 entry per college. Teams must consist of six people each with at least 2


- The race will be run in a time trial format. Start times will be staggered.

- The structure of the competition is similar to that of the Amazing Race television show.

- Teams will participate in a range of challenges that test physical and mental skill sets.

- No vehicles or other forms of transport will be required or permitted during the competition.

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- Teams that finish within five minutes of the 3rd placed team will receive an additional 2

podium points for their college.

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry


The Inter-College Pool Competition integrates standard 8 ball pool structure and rules. Individuals from

colleges attempt to sink, swerve and score in order to beat their opponents and earn points for their college.

- Date: Sunday 18th September

- Time: 1:00pm – 5:00pm

- Location: The Pool House (12 Filleul Street)

- Registrations: Close on Wednesday 14th September

- Additional Information:

- Open Singles and Mixed Doubles Divisions.

- Any player can enter the open singles division, the mixed doubles must be a team of 2

players, one male and one female.

- Maximum of four entries per college – maximum of two entries in the doubles competition.

- Alternative shot will be played in the doubles competition.

- The competition structure will be a randomised round robin followed by knockout stages.

Exact format will be finalised once final participant numbers are confirmed.

- Each team/player’s success points will be accumulated together to determine the top

placings for knockout stages.

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- Games will be played until there is a winner, or for 20 minutes – whichever occurs first. In

the event 20 minutes elapses and there is no winner, the game will be declared a draw.


- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry


The Inter-College Laser Tag Competition is an energetic, fun game of tag that requires agility and accuracy.

Teams of six sprint, sidestep and shoot opposing teams in order to gain points for their college.

- Date: Friday 23rd September

- Time: 6:30pm – 9:30pm

- Location: Megazone Entertainment Centre (170 Frederick Street)

- Registrations: Close on Tuesday 20th September

- Additional Information:

- Maximum of 1 entry per college. Teams consist of six people each.

- The competition structure will be a randomised round robin followed by finals. Multiple teams

will play at once within each game.

- Teams will be ranked based on their total accumulative score at the conclusion of the round

robin games to determine finals.

- Laser Tag is a non-contact activity. Any contact with an opponent is grounds for removal from

the game.

- Podium Points:

- 1st place = 25 points

- 2nd place = 15 points

- 3rd place = 10 points

- Participation Points:

- 5 points per entry

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In addition to the Points Grabs, outlined in the Sport section, there is one other initiative within the Inter-

College Programme in 2022. Outlined below is the details for the Positive Impact Points which contributes to

a broader scope within the overall programme.


Positive Impact Points was introduced into the programme as a way to recognise and celebrate the acts of

good will, charity and volunteerism within the Colleges of Residence at the University of Otago.

Colleges will be able to earn small amounts of Podium Points by submitting the form located on the Inter-

College website with evidence of what the students have been engaged in that meets the criteria. The form

can be found via this link

The purpose of Positive Impact Points is not to incentivise colleges and students to do good deeds, because

they already do, but instead to reward sharing the stories of those deeds with us!

Colleges are able to select any initiatives that their students are engaged in that fall within the scope of:

- Charity

- Volunteering

- Community support

- Sustainability

- Health and wellbeing

Following the completion of the chosen initiative a person who was involved will complete the form

available on the Inter-College Competition website, have it signed by a senior staff member and email it to

[email protected]

Colleges will be awarded 3 Podium Points in each section of the competition for an accepted submission.

Each college is limited to a maximum of three accepted submissions per year however we encourage

colleges to make as many submissions as they like so we can share the positive things that are happening

with the wider community.

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Game Points Points received for each game played in the Sport competition. Teams receive 5 for a win, 3 for a draw, and 1 for a loss.

Bonus Points Additional points received in the Sport competition from specific outcomes in individual games. These are specific to each Sport and are termed; Winning Bonus Points, Losing Bonus Points, and Extra Bonus Points.

Success Points The combined Game Points and Bonus Points, determining each teams placing in the individual Sport Competition’s.

Points differential Used as a separator in the Sport Competition for teams that finish on the same number of Success Points. It is calculated by taking the amount of points a team has scored and subtracting the number of points they have conceded in their games.

Podium Points Points earned towards each colleges total in each section of the Inter-College Competition. These are awarded based on teams/groups placing at the end of each competition.

Participation Points

Points earned towards each colleges total in each section of the Inter-College Competition. These are awarded to colleges based on the number of teams/groups/entries they have in each competition and is awarded differently depending on the competition. (These do not apply to the Sport Competition)

League(s) Term used to differentiate between gender specific competitions within Sport. These are termed Men’s League’s, Women’s League’s, and Mixed League’s.


Term used to differentiate between the different competitive levels within Sport. These are termed Recreational (lower level competition) and Competitive (higher level competition). The term Division is also used when referring to the complete name of the competition being played (e.g. Men’s Competitive Football Division)

Tier A percentage based calculation comparing each team’s Success Points to the maximum number available in each Sport competition. All teams outside the top four fall within a specific tier which will determine their Podium Points allocation.

Ongoing Sport Six week Sport Competitions made up of four round robin weeks for all teams and semi-finals and finals in the last two weeks. For teams outside the top four, the round robin continues in the last two weeks,

Festival Sport Single day Sport Competitions consisting of three round robin games for all teams and semi-finals and finals for the top placed teams.

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College of Residence


Name of Person Applying

Contact Details


Appeal Against

Event Involved


Reason for appeal (please include who was involved, specifics of the incident, the main reason for concern and your preferred outcome:


Name of College Deputy Warden or Warden

Signature of College Deputy Warden or Warden


Warden or Deputy Warden
