Download - 150625 Reacfin White Paper - Free Boundaries SABR - … · 2019-01-12 · In their article 10, A. Antonov, M. Konikov and M. Spector present a generalization of the SABR model, based


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Confronted with the current low-rates environment, many fixed income

derivatives market professionals (investment banks, market makers, hedge funds,

etc.) are reviewing possible solutions to adapt their derivatives pricers

It is particularly the case of those models assuming stochastic volatilities under

SABR processes.

A recent article published by the quant teams of Numerix1 proposes innovative

solutions to go beyond the usual trivial approaches or “rates shifting” solutions.

In this white paper we summarize our understanding of the article and propose an

initial review of the main points of attention one should consider in the context of

model assessment and its validation.

1 See “The Free Boundary SABR: Natural Extension to Negative Rates” by Alexandre Antonov, Michael Konikov

and Michael Spector at Numerix published on January 28, 2015 and available on

A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

by Dr. Sebastien de Valeriola, Wim Konings and François Ducuroir

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015


We consider that from a theoretical point of view the content

of the article by Alexandre Antonov, Michael Konikov and

Michael Spector is sound and achieves its goal. It is thus

indeed an innovative method worth consideration in a field of

key importance where only limited alternatives are available to


For the purpose of assessing, implementing or validating such

model, we suggest the following key points of attention:

• The calibration of the Beta parameter which might

prove more impactful than in traditional SABR


• The assessment of impact of the spike in distributions

resulting from the summing of two probability

densities (corresponding to solutions to the Fokker-

Planck equation with “opposite” signs).

• The assessment of impact of the numerical

approximation methods used

• Other tests and modeling recommendations to

evaluate the stability of the model results.

Practically we would suggest in the context of a model

assessment or of a validation process to start by:

• Replicating the Monte Carlo Scheme used in the

paper to highlight the effectiveness of the proposed


• Performing a comparison with distributions resulting

from the more simple shifted SABR model

• Performing a stability assessment of the derivatives

Greeks obtained using the proposed model


Dr. Sébastien de Valeriola

Senior Consultant

Master’s degrees in Mathematics

(ULB), Master’s degree in

Actuarial Sciences and PhD in

Sciences (UCL).

Member of Reacfin’s Center of

Excellence for Quantitative


Lecturer at the University of

Brussels and postdoctoral

research fellow in actuarial

science at the University of


Wim Konings

Senior Consultant

Master’s degrees in Finance from

the Antwerp Management

School (AMS)

Member of Reacfin’s Center of

Excellence for Quantitative


Specialist of Economic Scenario

generator and stochastic


François Ducuroir

Managing Partner

Master’s degrees in Applied

Mathematics and Applied


Over 20 years’ experience in

Financial Markets.

Teaching “Management of Banks

and Financial institutions at the

University of Louvain.

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015


INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1

KEY TAKE-AWAYS OF THIS WHITE PAPER .................................................. 3

CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ 4

1. THE PROBLEM OF LOW/NEGATIVE RATES ......................................... 5

2. THE TRIVIAL SOLUTION ............................................................................. 6

3. THE SHIFTED SABR MODEL ..................................................................... 6


5. THE FBSABR MODEL .................................................................................. 7

a. Model ............................................................................................................ 7

b. Option pricing with FBSABR .......................................................................... 9

c. The simulation scheme of the FBSABR ......................................................... 9

d. Attention point: A new role of the beta parameter ................................... 10


ASSESSMENT, CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION ...................................... 11

7. OTHER EXTENSIONS OF THE SABR MODEL ..................................... 13

8. REACFIN’S SUPPORT ............................................................................... 13

9. SUGGESTED ADDITIONAL RELEVANT READINGS .......................... 18

CONTACT DETAILS ........................................................................................... 19


This White Paper is not intended to be a detailed scientific review of a modeling approach

in quantitative finance. It must thus be considered only for what it is: “food for thoughts”

on the article written by Alexandre Antonov, Michael Konikov and Michael Spector, which

would further deserve additional more detailed assessment.

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015


In the recent period, financial markets operated in low or even negative rates for

short maturities. This situation has shown to be problematic in the context of

option valuations.

Specifically one could recently observe significant investor demand for optional

strategies with zero- or negative strikes.

As suggested by the research teams of Royal Bank of Scotland2, an interesting hint

hereof is to look at exchange-traded options on the German Bund on EUREX.

These options provide some insight in the investors positioning if we assume that

the price of each contract provide indication about market sentiment in terms of

where rates could go.

Exhibit 1 below3 plots the open interest for June 2015 contracts by strike4 as of

early February.

Exhibit 1 Open Interest in Jun15 options on Bund futures as of 06 February 2015

Source: Royal Bank of Scotland

One will observe the material open interest around or below zero-rates strikes.

The SABR, a stochastic volatility model widely used by practitioners to price

interest rates derivatives, imposes positive rates assumption.

The dynamics of the SABR model is given by5

2 See “Rates Volatility Weekly Europe – Don’t get caught short gamma”, 6-Feb-2015, pp 5-6, Clement Mary-

Dauphin, European Rates Research at Royal Bank of Scoland 3 Id.

4 Strikes are actually converted in yield format rather than bund prices

5 See also Brigo-Mercurio “Interest Rate Models -Theory and Practice”, ISBN-13: 978-3540221494, Springer,

August 2006, p. 508

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

Compared to other stochastic volatility models, volatility does not “mean revert”

so it is only good for short expirations6. Nevertheless the model has the virtue of

having an exact expression for the implied volatility smile in the short-expiration

limit T → 0.

What alternative solutions exist for this problem?


A straightforward solution is to take Beta=0 in the definition of the SABR model.

The resulting model is the stochastic volatility normal (or Bachelier) model.

However, one expects that the results obtained with this model to be rather bad,

not calibrating properly the smile.


The easiest7 way to deal with low / negative rates in the SABR framework is to

apply the SABR methodology to a shifted version of the forward rate:

The implied volatility is in this case easily obtained from the original SABR implied


The drawback9 of this idea is that the shift S (which appears here as a floor for the

rate values) has to be somehow chosen or calibrated. In other words, one has to

“guess how low the rates will go”. If S is not chosen sufficiently large, a

reassessment is necessary, meaning that all the computations have to be re-

performed and valuations of option books can as a result be materially affected.

6 Jim Gatheral “The Volatility Surface, A Practitioner’s Guide”, ISBN: 978-0-471-79251-2, Wiley Finance, p. 91.

(See also Brigo-Mercurio, table p. 514). 7 As presented in the FB SABR paper (Antonov et al ”The free boundary SABR: Natural Extension to Negative

Rates”), p. 1 8 See for example Øyvind Grande Hansen “Multifactor Interest Rate Models in Low rate environments” (June

2013 - Norwegian University of Science and Technology) on p. 23, available on http://www.diva- 9 This argument is given in the FB SABR paper p. 1

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015


On a no name basis we have contacted several interest rates derivatives traders

from major European investment banks (mainly in London, Paris, Amsterdam and

Brussels) to understand how they cope with the issue.

While most indicated no fully convincing solutions had been found at this stage

(and some mentioned the Numerix article as an interesting way to explore to

improve the solution) several of the traders mentioned that the “Shifted” solution

should not be overlooked.

According to those traders the advantage hereof is that it enables to keep intact

the dynamics of the SABR itself (which is sometimes seen as a non-straight-

forward model to actively trade on). Of course the minimum rate has to be

intuitively guessed but it probably one of the easier parameter to provide a

conservative expert judgement on compared to other underlying assumptions

(less controllable) used in alternative models variations.


a. Model

In their article10, A. Antonov, M. Konikov and M. Spector present a generalization

of the SABR model, based on a generalization of the CEV11 model ��� � �����

(extending the corresponding density function support beside 0, so that the

probability of obtaining negative values is > 0). The proposed approach roughly

consists in summing two probability densities corresponding to solutions to the

Fokker-Planck (“FP”) equation12 with “opposite” signs.

As one of those two densities is quasi singular in 0 (the corresponding CEV density

is shaped like, say for instance �,�), so is the FBSABR density. One can therefore

observe some spike around 0 in the density:


“The Free Boundary SABR: Natural Extension to Negative Rates” by Alexandre Antonov, Michael Konikov and

Michael Spector at Numerix published on January 28, 2015 and available on 11

CEV = Constant elasticity of variance model 12

More precisely, the authors look at the two FP equation’s solutions, which behave differently around 0: an

absorbing solution ( �~����) which is nice around 0 (for beta between 0 and 0.5), while a reflecting solution

( �~��) explodes around 0. As the FP equation is linear, a linear combination of the two solutions is a solution,

so that

is a solution. This is the Free Boundary CEV (“FBCEV”) density.

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

Some traders we discussed with considered such spike in distribution as rather

counter-intuitive. Our experience in also suggests that this could impact the

stability of the model results in some cases. Especially when small differences in

the assessment of an instrument’s value can materially affect the result

considered (e.g. when assessing sensitivities such as a derivatives Greek and

specifically for second order Greeks such Gamma13, Vanna14 or Vol-Gamma15)

We thus believe a first point of attention to consider when assessing or validation

such modeling approach is to elaborate further on the impact such spikes in the

distribution could have with regard to derivatives pricing and the computation

of Greeks, specifically in the context of the recent low rates (& strikes – see

above) environment.


Sensitivity of Delta to underlying rates changes 14

Sensitivity of Vega to underlying rates changes 15

Sensitivity of Vega to implied volatilities changes (also sometimes referred to as “Volga”)



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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

b. Option pricing with FBSABR

Antonov, Konikov and Spector show in their article that computing the price of a

European call option with FBSABR model is equivalent to computing it with FBCEV

model in the case where the correlation between the Brownian motion governing

the forward rate process and the Brownian motion governing its volatility is equal

to zero.

This simple case is used to build an approximation of the option price when the

correlation is not zero. Monte Carlo projections are used by the authors (with the

scheme described in next section) to show that this approximation is rather


c. The simulation scheme of the FBSABR

The Euler scheme does not work to simulate a FRSABR process.

For this reason, the authors present another simulation scheme. The idea is to

transform the FBSABR process F into a free (i.e. taking positive and negative

values) Bessel squared process X (using a change of variable which is invertible

and takes into account the sign). The CDF16 of such a process is known, and based

on non-central chi-squared distribution.

It is thus possible to use the following scheme:

1. Simulate uniform

2. Invert the X-CDF

3. Invert the variable change to obtain F.

However, the inversion of the X-CDF is time-consuming.

As a result Antonov, Konikov and Spector further suggest a scheme inspired by

the Quadratic-Exponential scheme developed by Andersen17. The main idea is to

approximate X by a squared Gaussian r.v. when s²/m² (where m and s are first and

second moments of X) is not too large, and to use the X-CDF inversion when s²/m²

is large.


CDF = Cumulative Distribution Function 17

Andersen ”Efficient Simulation of the Heston Stochastic Volatility Model”, p. 13 (see “Suggested additional

relevant readings” section for full details)

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

d. Attention point: A new role of the beta parameter

In the standard SABR model, the beta parameter may have a less important role.

For instance, as Brigo-Mercurio18 write, in some elementary cases, “market

implied volatilities can be fitted equally well by different choices of β ∈ (0,1].

Hagan, Kumar, Lesniewski and Woodward, therefore, suggest to determine β

either by historical calibration or by a-priori choice based on personal taste.”

Another similar opinion is that of Fabrice Douglas Rouah19 “The β parameter is

estimated first, and is not very important in the model because the choice of β

does not greatly affect the shape of the volatility curve.”

However, in the FBSABR model adaptation considered here it seems to us that the

beta parameter could now have a materially more important role, as it governs

in some sense the severity of the probability density singularity.

One could thus face the need of a more sophisticated calibration for β.

We thus believe another key point of attention in the case of the proposed

model (for model assessment, calibration and for validation purpose) will be to

ensure the adequate interpretation of β and the adequacy of its calibration.


p. 510 19

In, “The SABR Model”, chapter 3 “Estimating Parameters”, July 2011, Fabrice Douglas Rouah available on

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015



We believe that from a theoretical point of view the content of the article by

Antonov, Konikov and Spector is sound and achieves its goal. It is furthermore a

robust innovative approach in a field where only few convincing solutions already


It is thus indeed a method worth consideration for market professionals active in

interest rates derivatives. However some aspects of its practical implementation

may not prove as straight-forward as one could initially expect it.

As elaborated above, we believe that both the presence of spikes in the obtained

distribution and the role the Beta parameter deserve further investigation.

Further, with regard to the model validation aspects we would recommend to

also consider the following points of attention:

• Overall the original FBSABR article suggests several numerical

approximation methods which deserve specific assumption:

o The accuracy of the analytical approximation for the non-zero

correlation case is assessed by comparing its solution to a Monte

Carlo scheme. We believe that the Monte-Carlo scheme

comparison presented is sound and adequate, as it seems

commonly used to evaluate SABR models and other stochastic

volatility models (e.g. commonly used to assess the accuracy of

mean-reverting models such as the Heston model). However, this

Monte Carlos scheme in itself is by definition not exact. Before

considering putting such model in production, we advise to more

precisely investigate how the numerical errors of the simulation

scheme impact the quality of the results. This is particularly

important if derivatives Greeks (and especially second order

Greeks such as Gamma20, Vanna21 or VolGamma22) have to be


o Antonov, Konikov and Spector present some numerical results for

a set of ‘typical’ values. We believe it is somewhat too light to

support the real-life use of the model for actual trading purposes.

We advise to investigate to what extend the model produces

stable result under less typical and extreme configurations.


Sensitivity of Delta to underlying rates changes 21

Sensitivity of Vega to underlying rates changes 22

Sensitivity of Vega to implied volatilities changes (also sometimes referred to as “Volga”)

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

• The article does not present any evidence that the model can be

calibrated to the observable market quotes in a fast and reliable manner.

It should be investigated what is the quality of the fit and how stable the

calibrated parameters are over time. This is specifically important for the

purpose of dynamic hedging;

• More generally, the article does not present any result on the behavior of

the Greeks. It should be investigated how values sensitivities behave

under the revised model dynamics and whether they are reliable.

Specific attention should be given to the behavior when approaching the

zero singularity point.

Overall, the calibration of the beta parameter would remain our main initial

concern. The calibration methodology generally typically used (as far as we know)

to calibrate classical SABR parameters (i.e. an optimization over 3 [or 2] variable

of the squared difference between observed and modelled volatilities) can prove

materially more complex once and additional variable is added. If, as we suspect,

the importance of beta’s proves more significant than in classical SABR (but this as

to be rigorously assessed, of course), we are not sure to see the real advantage of

the FBSABR model over the shifted SABR (whose major problem was the

calibration and eventual reassessment of the shift). In this case indeed one would

introduce again a less intuitive parameter to calibrate. Hence, the risk could be

that migrating from shifted SABR to FBSABR would only mean going from a

calibration problem to another calibration problem (less prone to comprehensive

expert judgement). On this point we need however to stress out the fact that this

is just an intuition which deserves to be checked out in details.

We also believe an important (and possibly initial) step in a validation process will

be to implement the Monte Carlo scheme proposed in the paper (and maybe the

second one that the authors present as slow [possibly to be ran on somewhat

more limited number of scenarios], as a check) in order to have a better

understanding of the resulting distribution.

Furthermore we believe it could prove interesting to perform a comparison with

the distribution resulting from the shifted SABR model (as this approach also

seems to have been used so far by some peers in the market).

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015


Other extensions of the SABR model have been developed, such as the DD SABR23

and ZABR24 models. However, none of them both solves the problem of

low/negative rates.


Reacfin is a consulting firm specialized in Risk Management, Actuarial Science,

Portfolio Modeling and Quantitative Finance. We regularly support financial

institutions in the development, the implementation and the validation of their

new models.

With this White Paper we aim at illustrating our structured approach to

quantitative model assessments.

We deeply believe that risk taking & innovation are inherent to the business

models of financial institutions yet only scrupulous & systematic approaches can

ensure the adequacy and robust implementation of new models.

To that extend we offer unrivalled modeling and validation support which

combine the academic excellence of our consultants with high-end benchmarking

services. As we illustrate it in this white paper, we indeed have an efficient access

to a large network of professionals and practitioners of the financial industry

which enable us to clearly define standard- and best practices. Access to such

comparable otherwise proves quite challenging to most banks, asset managers

and insurance companies.

Reacfin has recently worked for several large banks and trading houses in the

development of their latest pricing models for derivatives, collateral management

and portfolio management. We also performed a set of validation missions in

similar fields of expertise.

Specifically issues related to the modeling of financial instruments in low/negative

rates environment are topics on which through different recent assignments with

could acquire a distinctive expertise.

We look forward having the opportunity to also serve your company soon.

In the following exhibits, we illustrate our focus and provide a few additional

examples of our recent assignments.


Kienitz-Wittke_Option Valuation in Multivariate SMM-SABR Models (with an Application to the CMS Spread) 24

Andersen_ZABR - Expansions for the Masses

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

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Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

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Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015


On top of the article’s bibliography, we could suggest the following additional

relevant reading (in chronological order of publication) on related topics:

• Graeme West (Dec. 2005), “Calibration of the SABR Model in Illiquid Markets”,

Journal of Applied Mathematical Finance, Vol. 12, No. 4, 371–385

• Leif Andersen (Dec. 2006), “Efficient Simulation of the Heston Stochastic

Volatility Model” (Banc of America Securities) available on



• Louis Zhuang (March 2010), “Using LMM-SABR Model to Manage Smile Risk of

Fixed Income Portfolio” (London School of Economics) available on

• Jörg Kienitz and Manuel Wittkey (June 2010), “Option Valuation in

Multivariate SMM/SABR Models - with an Application to the CMS Spread”

(University of Bonn and Deutsche Postbank AG) available on

• Jesper Andreasen and Brian Huge (Dec. 2011), “ZABR -- Expansions for the

Masses” (Danske Markets, Copenhagen) available on

• Bin Chen and Cornelis W. Oosterlee (January 2011), “Efficient unbiased

simulation scheme for the SABR stochastic volatility model” (TU Delft) available


• Richard Jordan and Charles Tier (May 2011), “Asymptotic approximations to

CEV and SABR models” (Illinois Institute of Technology), available on

• Jason Vinar (January 2012), “Using the SABR Model” (Presentation by

Ameriprise) available on


• Alexander Antonov and Michael Spector (March 2012), “Advanced analytics

for the SABR model” (Numerix Quantitative Research) available on

• Paul Doust (March 2012), “No-arbitrage SABR” (Royal Bank of Scotland), The

Journal of Computational Finance (3–31) Volume 15 / Number 3

• Tran H. Nguyen and Anton Weigardh (March 2014), “The SABR Model -

Calibrated for Swaption’s Volatility Smile” (Mälardalens Högskola) available on

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015


François Ducuroir

Managing Partner

T +32 472 72 32 05

M [email protected]

Reacfin s.a./n.v.

Place de l'Université 25

B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

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A Reacfin White Paper in Quantitative Finance:

Modeling negative interest rates with Free Boundaries SABR Approaches for model assessment and validation

© Reacfin s.a. – 25 June 2015

Reacfin s.a. is a Belgian-based

actuary, risk & portfolio

management consulting firm.

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and robust tools for Risk- and

Portfolio management.

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