Download - 12 January 2015

Page 1: 12 January 2015

NEW DELHI, JAN 11Indian economy is like-

ly to grow at 6.4 per centin 2015 and acceleratefurther in the next year onthe back of steps beingtaken by the NarendraModi-led NDA govern-ment, World BankPresident Jim Yong Kimsaid on Sunday.

Speaking at the VibrantGujarat summit here, hesaid the World Bank wascommitted to catalysing avibrant India and there ismuch reason for opti-mism.

“We project that Indiawill be a bright spot in anotherwise medium globaleconomic outlook. (The)

economy according to ourprojections is expected togrow 6.4 per cent this year

and even faster in 2016,”he said.

After slowing to sub-

five per cent growth in theprevious two financialyears, the economy has

started showing signs ofpick-up as it expanded by


MUMBAITemperature: 310CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 32%Wind: 16 Km/hr

HAQSAADDAFIGHT FOR RIGHTMonday, January 12, 2015

BJP govt doing 'frightening'things: Sheila Dikshit

CES 2015 Wearables Roundup Hrithik Roshan@ 41: Life, career,marriage and divorce

GANDHINAGAR, JAN 11Prime Minister Narendra Modi

on Sunday invited globalinvestors to participate in hisgovernment's 'Make in India' ini-tiative, adding that the nation willoffer potential stakeholders the'three Ds: democracy, demogra-phy and demand'.

"We launched 'Make in India'to encourage growth of manufac-turing in country, we are workinghard to make India a global man-ufacturing hub. Wherever I wentI found a curiosity, an attractionand feeling of pride towardsIndia. Countries are coming for-ward to work with us," PrimeMinister Modi said while speak-ing at the Vibrant Gujarat GlobalInvestors Summit here.

"India offers you three Ds:democracy, demography anddemand. This is what you arelooking for. You will not find allof them together at any other des-

tination of the world," he added.Asserting that he was commit-

ted to reviving the Indian econo-my, the Prime Minister pledgedto create a fair and transparentpolicy environment.

"My government is committed

for changing and improving theeconomic and social conditionsof India including the quality oflife. In a short span of sevenmonths, we have been able tochange the atmosphere of despairand uncertainty," he said.

"Since the first day, my govern-ment is actively working torevive the economy. My govern-ment is committed to create apolicy environment that is pre-dictable, transparent and fair. Weare not merely making commit-ments and announcements; weare also backing them up withconcrete action at the level ofpolicy and practice," he added.

Prime Minister Modi furtherinvited other states to also startinitiatives similar to the GujaratSummit.

"It is only because of persist-ence with positivity that thisevent of Gujarat government hasbecome an event for the entirecountry. This platform has beenenlarged so that other states toocan take advantage. Today manyother states have adopted thisapproach. The government ofIndia is committed to support


India offers you 'three Ds': PMModi tells global investors


BATALA (PB), JAN 11A 17-year-old girl was

allegedly raped by a youth atBurj Araiyan village underQilla Lal Singh police stationin the district, police said onSunday.

According to a complaintlodged by the victim's father,


17-yr-old girl rapedin Punjab

ALIGARH, JAN 11A BSP candidate from

Atrauli DharmendraChaudhary was allegedly shotdead by unidentified personsin Bannadevi area, a policeofficer said here on Sunday.

Chaudhary was shot deadnear old nagar nigam office


BSP candidate DharmendraChaudhary shot dead in UP

LUCKNOW, JAN 11People from all walks of

life, social organizations andsmall political parties cametogether at a common plat-form at Sidhauli in Sitapur onSunday to oppose HinduMahasabha's proposal to


Gandhians opposeGodse temple, ask Modito make stand clear

Vol. 1 Issue: 116 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: Email: [email protected]

LONDON, JAN 11Some of London's prominent

landmarks will tonight light up inblue, white and red — the coloursof the French national flag — topay tribute to the 17 people killedin the Paris terror attacks.

The famous Tower Bridge,Trafalgar Square and NationalGallery in central London are to belit up with blue, white and red


London to light up in Frenchcolours to mark terror deaths

KOLKATA, JAN 11BJP on Sunday slammed West

Bengal chief minister MamataBanerjee and termed as "absolute-ly wrong" her claim that the statehas received total investment pro-posals worth around Rs 2.43 lakhcrore during the recent BengalGlobal Business Summit.

"The chief minister's claim isabsolutely wrong and there is a


BJP slams Mamata, says herclaim 'absolutely wrong'

GANDHI NAGAR, JAN 11Prime Minister Narendra Modi's

"Make in India" programme is awin-win opportunity for the world,US Secretary of State John Kerrysaid Sunday.

As it happened: Vibrant GujaratSummit kicks off Kerry told the7th Vibrant Gujarat Summit that


Make in India is a win-winopportunity: Kerry

GANDHINAGAR, JAN 11UN Secretary General Ban

Ki-moon Sunday said Gujaratcould also be a crossroad for anew era of sustainable devel-opment while it has long beena cultural crossover to theworld.

"This dynamic state haslong been a cultural crossover


Gujarat a cultural crossover tothe world: Ban Ki-moon

GUWAHATI, JAN 11Within days of the year's

first killing of a rhino at theKaziranga National Park inAssam, carcasses of two morerhinos have been found, theirhorns sawed off, authoritiessaid on Sunday.

On January 9, the poacherskilled a one-horned rhino in


Two rhinos poached inAssam, toll rises to three

JAMMU, JAN 11The northern command of

the Indian Army has dedicatedthis year's celebration of thearmy day on January 15 to thepeople of the state both in warand peacetime.

"The Army Day is beingcelebrated across the northerncommand with a theme,


Northern command dedicatesArmy Day to people


World Bank projects 6.4%economic growth in India in 2015

More than a million gather for historicParis march of defiance against terror

PARIS, JAN 11Crowds poured into

Paris on Sunday for amarch expected to unitemore than a million peopleand dozens of world lead-ers in a historic display ofdefiance against terrorism.

In an unprecedentedshow of unity, the leadersof Israel and thePalestinian Authority willboth be among thoseattending the rally to hon-our 17 victims of threedays of bloodshed thatincluded Jews and aMuslim police officeramong the dead.

Under clear blue skies,emotions were already run-ning high in the shell-

shocked City of Light,with many people from allwalks of life already intears as they began to cometogether under the bannerof freedom of speech andliberty.

Lassina Traore, a 34-year-old French-bornMuslim from the IvoryCoast, gently placed 17candles at the foot of theiconic monument of the


Weather ReportDELHITemperature: 170CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity:48%Wind: 8 Km/hr

KOLKATATemperature: 230CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 25% Wind: 10 Km/hr

CHENNAITemperature: 280CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity:54%Wind: 21 Km/hr

BJP working onHurriyat agendain JK: CongressAKHNOOR(J&K), JAN 11

By not forming thegovernment in spite ofgetting a mandate, BJPwas "hijacking" theagenda of Kashmir-based separatists aimedat creating political insta-bility in Jammu &Kashmir, Congress onSunday alleged.

"BJP is least interestedin formation of govern-ment in the state, theyjust want to hijack theagenda of the HurriyatConference to createpolitical uncertaintiesand instability in Jammu


SRINAGAR, JAN 11When President Pranab

Mukherjee accepted theCentre's recommendationfor Governor's Rule inJammu and Kashmir onFriday, it was for the sixthtime that the state hadgone under direct centralrule.

The Governor's Rulewas imposed in the stateafter the assembly elec-tion results on December23 threw up a hungassembly with no party orcombination of partiesable to stake claim forgovernment formationand caretaker Chief

Minister Omar Abdullahasking to be relieved fromthe duties with immediateeffect on January 7.

The PDP emerged asthe single largest party

with 28 seats in the 87-member house in the stag-gered elections held overfive of the last six weeksof 2014. BJP was close


It's the sixth time Governor'srule has been imposed in J&K

Imposition of Governor'srule raises hope of flood

victims in J&KSRINAGAR, JAN 11

Imposition of Centre'srule in Jammu andKashmir has raised hopesamong the victims of lastyear's devastating floodsthat the process of rehabil-itation will be expeditednow even as the politicalparties continue to blameeach other for enforcement ofGovernor's rule in the state."We are hopeful that the


Govt unblocksall 32 websitesNEW DELHI, JAN 11

The government hasordered ISPs to unblockthe 32 websites that hadbeen blocked lastmonth for hosting "jiha-di propaganda", sourcesin the Department ofElectronics andI n f o r m a t i o nTechnology (DeitY)said. The Deity func-tions under the unionministry of communica-tions and informationtechnology. The block,which had websites, vimeo.comand atthe receiving end, wasput on the request of theAnti-Terrorism Squad,Mumbai. On December31 itself, senior govt.


Page 2: 12 January 2015


NEW DELHI, JAN 11What BJP government has

been doing in last sevenmonths is "frightening", saysformer Delhi Chief MinisterSheila Dikshit referring to theway it was adopting the ordi-nance route and the "commu-nal atmosphere" in the coun-try.

She also admitted that herparty had during the lastassembly election "underesti-mated" AAP, which had deci-mated Congress after a 15-year rule in the national capi-tal.

Holding BJP responsible forthe "communal atmosphere"in the country, the 76-year-oldsenior Congress leader saidprogrammes such as "GharWapsi' and other activities ofcertain right-wing outfits havesparked tension amongminorities which was"extremely worrying".

"It may not be fair to saywhether they have done goodor bad. But some of the thingsthey have done are frighteninglike taking the ordinanceroute. Then what is the needfor Parliament. Have 'acchedin' really come? Look at the

communal atmosphere thathas been created. It is fright-ening," Dikshit said in aninterview.

Dikshit, who was ChiefMinister of Delhi from 1998to 2013, said the communalharmony in Delhi has alsobeen affected after NDA cameto power at the Centre. "Delhiwitnessed riots after 16-17years and we had a churchbeing burnt."

Admitting that Congresshad underestimated AAP inthe 2013 assembly polls, shesaid a "feeling of fatigue"could have also played a part

in Congress' electoral drub-bing. The Congress had man-aged to win only eight seats inthe 70-member Assembly.

"We underestimatedKejriwal and Aam AadmiParty in the last elections,"she said claiming thatCongress was better preparedthis time to face the election.

The AAP had made a dreamdebut winning 28 seats in thepolls over an year ago.

Dikshit, herself, had facedan ignominious defeat in NewDelhi constituency by a hugemargin of over 25,000 votes atthe hands of Aam Aadmi

Party leader Arvind Kejriwal.Asked about the controver-

sy following her reportedcomments on possibility ofCongress supporting AAP incase of a hung verdict, Dikshitsaid her party will never eversupport "communal BJP" andshe only stated a matter of factwhat the party did after thelast assembly elections.

"I never said Congress willsupport AAP. I only said partywill not support a communalparty which is BJP," she said.

Questioning BJP's move toproject Modi as its face for theDelhi elections, Dikshit saidhe will not be the ChiefMinister of the capital.

"BJP is projecting Modimuch more than anythingelse. Modi is not going to bethe Chief Minister of Delhi.People of Delhi know it," shesaid.

On whether BJP would be ina better position to fight thepolls compared to last assem-bly election with Modi at thehelm of affairs at the Centre,Dikshit replied in the negativesaying issues being faced byDelhi are totally different.

"I do not think so. Modi has

made his mark. He hasbecome Prime Minister. Andthat's it. Delhi's issues arevery different," she said.

Asked whether not having aChief Ministerial candidatewill affect Congress adverse-ly, Dikshit said it will notimpact the party's prospects."When we won the polls inDelhi 1998, we did not have aChief Ministerial candidate,"she said.

Queried about her politicalfuture, Dikshit said she willfollow directive of the partyleadership and if she is askedto campaign for the party, shewill do so.

"Whatever work I am given,I will do. After I came backfrom Kerala, I had told theleadership that I will not con-test election. I had alsorequested not to include me inany committees," Dikshitsaid, adding "If they ask me tocampaign, definitely I willcampaign."

She did not give a specificreply when asked whetherBJP or AAP was in a betterposition to win the majority inthe assembly polls. "It is verydifficult to say."

BJP govt doing 'frightening' things: Sheila Dikshit NEW DELHI, JAN 11

Installation of platform screengates in six of the busiest under-ground stations of Delhi Metro'syellow line is all set to begin nextmonth and are expected to be oper-ational by the latter half of the year.

After a prolonged period ofdeliberation, the long awaited tech-nology is being implemented in aneffort to obliterate the possibility ofpotential harm to passengers, acci-dental or deliberate, officials said.

"Although prototype work thatentails constructing sample gateswill commence in a few days, actu-al work at stations will start only inFebruary. We don't have a deadlineas such but the work will be overby the latter half of the year," aDMRC spokesperson said.

The 1.7 metre high gates, whichare already in place in DMRC'sAirport Express Line, will come upat Central Secretariat, RajivChowk, New Delhi station, ChawriBazar, Chandni Chowk, KashmereGate of yellow line, or Line 2, inthe first phase of work.

The gates will lead towards bettercrowd management and optimumutilisation of platform space aspeople will not stand scattered all

over the platform in a bid to rushinto the coaches as they do now, anofficial said.

"In addition, this will give a feel-ing of safety to passengers, particu-larly at crowded stations, againstaccidental falling onto the tracks ordeliberate attempt at self harm," theofficial added.

Only days ago, a DRDO employ-ee lost one of his legs after heallegedly attempted suicide byjumping before a moving train atthe Udyog Bhawan station.

A DMRC team is assisting a con-sortium of Korean and Indian firmsto whom the contracts have beenawarded in working out the logis-tics and the designing aspects forsmooth integration of the projectwith the existing components.

"These screens can be installedonly during non-revenue hours onthe availability of blocks. Lot ofintegration is required with variouscomponents of metro operationsfor smooth operation of the gates,"a DMRC spokesperson said.

Apart from being a security fea-ture, the gates will also have theadded aspect of attracting revenueas there will also be provisions forputting up advertising panels.

Work to install screen gates at6 DMRC stations to start soon

NEW DELHI, JAN 11Intelligent traffic lighting system

which responds to volume of vehicu-lar and pedestrian traffic is likely tobe soon introduced in the nationalcapital as the Delhi government iscontemplating upgrading its existingtraffic infrastructure in line with theneeds of a smart city.

Onnyx, the city-based technologyfirm, which is operating and manag-ing the traffic system in the city forDelhi government said a "livedemonstration system" has alreadybeen set up at a prominent intersec-tion in Lutyen's Delhi.

"We have already set up a livedemonstration system at the junctionof K G Marg and Ferozshah Roadhere. It's been three months now andthe Delhi Traffic Police Departmenthas responded positively to the idea,and a pilot project based on the newsystem may be started soon," CEO,

Onnyx, Jitendra Kaushik said.The system he said, replicates the

human intelligence, but instead of atraffic policeman, "we want the sys-tem to do the job".

"As per this intelligent traffic sys-tem, at any given junction, a systemof CCTV cameras will gatherfootage of traffic inflow and thechange in the colour of the trafficlight would be based on actual vol-ume of traffic and volume of pedes-trian traffic, and not timer-based,"Kaushik said.

"It is what manually a trafficpoliceman does. It will allow vehi-cles to pass in the street as long asthere is traffic on it, and then afterclearing it, he switches to the otherstreet at the junction," he said.

Kaushik said, the system does notnecessitate that only vehicles havepriority over pedestrians. "In fact,the system gauges the nature of traf-

fic pattern, both vehicular and pedes-trian and if it sees a big collection ofpeople near the zebra crossing, it willgive precedence to pedestrians."

The company, which won the con-tract about two-and-a-half years agofor the city, said, "Delhi has 1,278traffic signal points and the idea is toupgrade the existing systems byinstalling a unit of cameras at eachjunction."

"We don't have to replace the exist-ing system, just add the cameras to it,which are linked to the central con-trol room, where an automation soft-ware guides the traffic lighting sys-tem. Plus, the cameras add to securi-ty cover too," Kaushik said.

Onnyx and Delhi Traffic PoliceDepartment both participated in therecently held 4th Traffic Infra TechExpo 2015, and Secretary of UrbanDevelopment Shankar Aggarwal alsointeracted with the company's senior

officials on the lines of requirementsand cost-effectiveness of setting upintelligent traffic lighting as neededfor a smart city.

"While the traditional traffic light-ing system costs Rs 8-10 lakh, withthe additional four camera at a four-point intersection, the system wouldcost about Rs 10-12 lakh," Kaushiksaid.

Explaining the system further, hesaid, "System at each traffic junctionwould be automated and linked tothe main control room sitting at theDelhi Police Department office. So,while each of the junctions wouldtalk to the control room, they wouldnot talk to each other, making it acentralised system."

"The cameras would send footageto the control room which would beanalysed by the software to get asense of the traffic pattern.Intelligence signals from the control

room will then be sent to succeedingjunctions to maintain a smoothflow," he added.

In case of heavy traffic jams, oursoftware, integrated with the variablemessaging system (VMS), will dis-play on VMS boards, colour-basedsignals to alert people about thenature of traffic volume ahead.

"So, let's say if one is travellingacross the Yamuna river, and thereare three roads ahead, so a VMSboard will indicate, say with a deepred colour on the route map, as towhich of the three path is cloggedand a light colour will signify thinnertraffic," he said.

Delhi, incidentally is the first citythat will have a smart city, among the100 such cities planned by theCentre.

Besides, the national capitalOnnyx manages traffic system inCalcutta, Jammu, Srinagar, Indore

among others.Mumbai-based IT firm CMS

Computers, which was earlier man-aging the traffic system in Delhi,said, the company has already madeoperational a vehicle-actuated trafficlighting system in the financial capi-tal of India.

"We already have a sensor-basedand vehicle-actuated system in placein Mumbai, where a magnetic loopcounts the number of vehicles pass-ing and makes a smart decision fortraffic flow accordingly," TechnicalSupport Engineer at CMS, VishnuVishwanath here said.

He said that though the govern-ment has been talking about smartcities but it hasn't defined such citiesas yet.

"Plus, what do they mean by newsmart cities, does that mean the oldcities cannot be made smart," hesaid.

Delhi may soon get smart traffic lights

NEW DELHI, JAN 11Congress MP Shashi

Tharoor arrived in Delhion Sunday from Keralawhere he was undergoingAyurvedic rejuvenationtreatment at a centre.

Tharoor arrived in thenational capital a day afterDellhi police said that theywill not question the for-mer union minister in con-nection with the murder ofhis wife Sunanda Pushkar.

People related to the caseand the available evidencewill be examined first, asenior police officialreportedly said.

Pushkar was found deadin a 5-star hotel in South

Delhi on the night ofJanuary 17 last, a day afterher Twitter spat with

Pakistani journalist MehrTarar over an alleged affairwith Tharoor.

Initially, the SpecialInvestigative Team formedin the case wanted to ques-tion Tharoor straight awayand a notice asking him tojoin the probe was alsoprepared but it was not dis-patched at the last momentas the police top brassdecided to question every-body else before examin-ing him.

Delhi Police had onTuesday registered a mur-der case in connection withSunanda's death under sec-tion 302 of IPC on thebasis of an AIIMS medicalreport that concluded thather death was unnaturaland due to poisoning.

Sunanda Pushkar case: Shashi Tharoorarrives in Delhi, not to be quizzed for now

NEW DELHI, JAN 11The Central Administrative

Tribunal has directed ICCR toextend the date of joining of a trans-ferred employee till the completionof his daughter's board examination,saying his absence at home mighthave "deep psychological impact"on her and may even spoil hercareer.

The tribunal, presided by PKBasu, asked Indian Council forCultural Relation's director generalto extend the date of joining ofAnand Kumar, who has been trans-ferred to ICCR's regional office inPune from New Delhi, till March 31,2015.

It, however, said that repeatedefforts by government officials toget transfer orders postponed or can-celled should not be encouraged

while noting that the applicant'srequest to extend his joining datehad already been accepted by ICCRtwice last year.

"To come before this tribunal toseek further extension, smacks ofmischief by the applicant (Kumar)just to frustrate the transfer order,"the tribunal said as it noted that theextended joining date had alreadycrossed and Kumar had not joinedhis new place of posting.

"Such defiance of orders by gov-ernment servants should not beencouraged at all," it added.

"However, in view of the fact thatthe academic career of a girl child isinvolved and absence of her fatherfrom home at time of her boardexamination may have a deep psy-chological impact on the child withthe risk of spoiling her examination

thus affecting her career, the respon-dents (ICCR officials) are directedto extend his joining time till March31, 2015, on the applicant giving anundertaking that he shall join at hisnew place of posting i.E. Pune onApril 1, 2015, and make no furtherclaim for extension of joining time,"it said. Kumar had approached CATseeking setting aside the transferorder passed in August, 2014.

While seeking his transfer to bestayed and he be allowed to contin-ue in Delhi, Kumar submitted beforethe tribunal that he was sufferingfrom heart disease since last fiveyears while his wife was at a highrisk of cervical cancer. He had alsomentioned that his daughter is toappear in class XII board examina-tion, which is scheduled in March2015.

Extend employee's joining datetill ward's exams: CAT to ICCR

NEW DELHI, JAN 11Voluntary castration is

not an offence, a Delhicourt has said whileacquitting two persons ofthe charges of forciblycastrating a man as thevictim had himself optedfor emasculation forsecuring 'badhai' rightswhich are available onlywith transgenders.

The court also termed it"ironical and hypocritical"that in India while a malegets himself castrated withthe sole purpose ofachieving monetary gainsby acquiring the 'badhai'rights, suggestion of giv-ing castration as punish-ment to serial rapistsevokes strong sentiments.

"... The mere mentionof castration (chemical orsurgical) as a form of pun-

ishment for serial rapistand paedophiles, evokesstrong sentiments andkicks up an intellectualstorm by terming it asTalibanic and barbaric,despite its legalisation inthe so-called civil world,"Additional Sessions JudgeKamini Lau said.

"The law as it stands, ofnow, is that emasculation/castration of a male by hisown volition and consentis not an offence and it isonly a forcible emascula-tion/ castration which isan offence," the courtsaid.

In the custom of 'bad-hai', transgenders oreunuchs sing, dance andconfer blessings and thepower to confer blessingson people on auspiciousoccasions.

Voluntary castration not an offence: Delhi court

NEW DELHI, JAN 11To counter AAP's claim of

representing the commonman, BJP has decided to ropein for campaigning in Delhithe newly-elected chief minis-ters of Haryana, Jharkhandand Maharashtra who haverisen from the grassroots toproject them as the "real aamaadmi".

During the party's rally atRamlila Grounds here yester-day, Prime Minister NarendraModi and BJP President AmitShah were flanked by HaryanaCM Manohar Lal Khattar,

Maharashtra CM DevendraFadnavis and Jharkhand CMRaghubar Das, seeking a clearmandate for the party toensure all round developmentand help create a "new" Delhi.

According to a senior Delhi-BJP leader, the party unit willsoon send the three names tocentral leadership, seekingpermission to field the chiefministers for campaigning forthe Assembly elections here.

"We have planned to rope inchief ministers of Haryana,Jharkhand and Maharashtra tocampaign for the party in theupcoming Assembly elec-tions," the BJP leadersaid.

He said that during pollcampaign, the party will proj-ect them as the "real aamaadmi" to garner support ofthe grassroots, and puncturethe claims of AAP chiefArvind Kejriwal that he repre-sents the common man.

During yesterday's rally, the

Prime Minister had praisedthe "real aam aadmi" chiefministers of these three stateswhere BJP received a thump-ing majority in the recently-concluded Assembly elec-tions.

Taking on the AAP andKejriwal, the BJP president,too, had said that those whocall themselves "aam aadmi"should look to these threechief ministers to know thereal common man.

"As BJP has not announcedits chief ministerial candidateso far, we have to make a fool-proof plan to deal with AamAadmi Party, which has astronghold among grassroots,be it those living in unautho-rized colonies or e-rickshawsdrivers.

"Keeping in mind all thesethings, we will ask the newlyelected CMs to campaigningand we will tell voters abouttheir common background,"the BJP leader said.

He noted that if the threechief ministers, who comefrom humble backgrounds,campaign for the party in theupcoming election, a messagewill reach the people of Delhithat BJP gives opportunity andresponsibilities to the com-mon man.

"Only in BJP, the partyworkers are given importantresponsibilities and I, who isthe son a laborer, am now thechief minister of Jharkhand,"Raghubar Das had said whileaddressing the rally here yes-terday.

Delhi poll: BJP to rope in Haryana,Maharashtra, Jharkhand CMs for campaign

Fog delays over 50trains in DelhiNEW DELHI, JAN 11

It was a cold Sunday morning here, withfog delaying 51 trains and forcing resched-ule of a few others.

According to the Northern Railway, 51trains coming to the city were running late,while four trains departing from Delhiwere rescheduled. One train was cancelled.

"There was moderate to dense fog in themorning with the visibility dropping to 700metres at 8.30 a.m. The day will be partlycloudy," an India MeteorologicalDepartment official said.

The day's minimum temperature settledone notch below the season's average 6.6degree Celsius, and the day's maximumtemperature is likely to hover around 18degrees Celsius.

Humidity was recorded 89 percent at8.30 a.m..

Saturday's maximum temperature hadsettled two notches below the season'saverage at 18.3 degrees Celsius, while theminimum temperature settled at 7.2degrees - average for the season.

Page 3: 12 January 2015

Continuation 3

India offers...such initiatives by any state government,"

he said.Around 50,000 delegates from India and

1,800 others from 105 countries are partici-pating in theVibrant Gujarat Global InvestorsSummit which is being held at MahatmaMandir in Gandhinagar.

Among the prominent dignitaries attendingthe event are United Nations SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon, Bhutanese PrimeMinister Tshering Tobgay and US Secretaryof State John Kerry.

Several ministers from Europe, Japan,Australia and Canada and over 50 CEOs oftop Indian as well as international companiesare also participating in the summit.

Govt unblocks ...officials had said that the unblocking

process had started for websites that havecomplied with the Indian government'srequest. The block had been lifted for fourwebsites at the time.

On Saturday, TOI could access all the 32links listed in the original, confidentialDepartment of Telecom (DoT) order datedDecember 17.

The batch of 32 websites, blocked follow-ing a November order from the additionalchief metropolitan magistrate in Mumbai,included several popular websites for collab-orative projects like,, etc. They are typicallyfavoured by software developers. Popularvideo-sharing services Vimeo andDailymotion were also blocked.

"I would say better sense has prevailed.You can block a particular organisation'swebsite in national interest. But with web-sites like pastebin, which are used by a limit-ed audience, blocking doesn't serve any pur-pose. There are always other websites forwrongdoers to go to," says cyber securityanalyst Jiten Jain.

There has been concern over the lack oftransparency of the block as well. The web-sites were blocked under section 69 A of theIT Act, 2000 and the IT (Procedure and safe-guards for Blocking of Access of Informationby Public) Rules, 2009. The rules mandatethat "strict confidentiality shall be main-tained regarding all the requests and com-plaints received and actions taken, thereof."

"It's good that the websites have beenunblocked now. But the larger issue stillremains that the whole procedure of blockingis confidential under the sec 69 A rules," saysPrasanth Sugathan, counsel at the SoftwareFreedom and Law Center.

World Bank ...5.7 per cent and 5.3 per cent in the second

and third quarter of 2015.The World Bank President said Mr. Modi

and his government have been quickly put-ting in place the building blocks for evenmore rapid growth, streamlining nationalregulatory structure and promoting socialinclusion.

Mr. Jim said, he was “very encouraged” bythe recent proposal of a Constitution amend-ment bill for Goods and Services Tax.

The proposed new indirect tax regime, hesaid, offers an opportunity to make it sub-stantially easier to do business in India.

“GST will create one common market andsubstantial saving for companies on logistics,especially if the structure of the GST is uni-form,” he added.

He was also encouraged to see that thePrime Minister has focused on programmesto promote the broad sharing of the benefitsof growths.

The World Bank had a “deep interest” inpromoting policies and supporting projectsthat maximise sustainable and inclusive eco-nomic growth, he added.

More than...Place de la Republique, heaped with trib-

utes to the dead.The march is "a real sign of how strong

France is. It shows that France is strong whenshe is united against these people," said theconsultant.

"I want to show that we're not scared of theextremists. I want to defend freedom ofexpression," said 70-year-old JacquelineSaad-Rouana.

The families of those who died in the threeblood-soaked days that shook France to itscore will rub shoulders with royalty andheads of state within an iron ring of security.

Defences were beefed up in a jittery Parisstill reeling from the Islamist attacks on theCharlie Hebdo satirical magazine and aJewish supermarket, with thousands of extratroops and police deployed to guard themarch and snipers positioned along the route.

In a foretaste of the demonstration, morethan 700,000 people poured onto the streetsof cities across France on Saturday, manycarrying banners reading "Je suis Charlie" (Iam Charlie), the tribute to Charlie Hebdo thathas been the global rallying point in the wakeof the slaughter.

Many brandished pens to symbolize free-dom of expression after the magazine wastargeted for its cartoons lampooning theProphet Muhammad.

Along with Israel's Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu and PalestinianPresident Mahmud Abbas, the king andqueen of Jordan will be present and a host oftop European leaders, including GermanChancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime

Minister David Cameron.US President Barack Obama will be repre-

sented by Attorney General Eric Holder, whowill also take part in an emergency meetingof interior ministers to discuss the threatsposed by Islamic extremism.

Speaking on a visit to India, US secretaryof state John Kerry said: "We stand togetherthis morning with the people of France. Westand together not just in anger and outragebut in solidarity and commitment in con-fronting extremists."

President Francois Hollande, who will leadthe tributes to the victims, has warned hisgrieving country not to drop its guard in theface of possible new attacks.

Hollande met representatives from theJewish community ahead of the march and itshead said authorities had agreed to protectJewish schools and synagogues with thearmy "if necessary".

The rampage by three gunmen, whoclaimed to be members of the al-Qaida andIslamic State extremist groups, was followedby a chilling new threat from the Yemen-based al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.

AQAP top sharia official Harith al-Nadhariwarned France to "stop your aggressionagainst the Muslims" or face further attacks,in comments released by the SITE monitor-ing group. German newspaper Bild said thebloodshed in France could signal the start ofa wave of attacks in Europe, citing communi-cations by Islamic State leaders interceptedby US intelligence.

France's three days of terror startedWednesday when two brothers, Cherif andSaid Kouachi, burst into the Charlie Hebdooffices and sprayed bullets into the editorialmeeting, killing some of France's best-known cartoonists. They then slaughtered aMuslim policeman in cold blood as he layhelpless on the ground before fleeing, spark-ing a manhunt that lasted more than 48 hours.

A day later, a third gunman, AmedyCoulibaly, shot dead a policewoman in asouthern suburb of Paris.

In a video posted online Sunday, a manresembling Coulibaly said the gunmen coor-dinated their efforts and said he was a mem-ber of Islamic State, avenging attacks by theinternational community on the extremistgroup.

The massive manhunt for the attackers cul-minated in twin hostage dramas that grippedthe world as Coulibaly stormed into a Jewishsupermarket in eastern Paris and seized terri-fied shoppers.

The two brothers took one person hostagein a printing firm northeast of Paris. After atense stand-off they charged out of the build-ing all guns blazing before being cut down byelite commandos.

Moments later, security forces stormed thekosher supermarket, killing Coulibaly butmaking the grisly discovery that four inno-cent people had died during the hostage-tak-ing. Investigators have been trying to huntdown Coulibaly's partner, 26-year-old HayatBoumeddiene, but a security source inTurkey told AFP she arrived there on January2 and has since probably travelled to Syria.

The attacks were France's bloodiest formore than half a century, with questionsmounting about how the gunmen could haveslipped through the net of intelligence servic-es.Coulibaly's mother and sisters on Saturdaycondemned his actions. "We absolutely donot share these extreme ideas. We hope therewill not be any confusion between these odi-ous acts and the Muslim religion," they wrotein a statement. Valls admitted there had been"clear failings" in intelligence as it emergedthat the brothers had been on a US terrorwatch list "for years".

It's the...second with 25 seats followed by National

Conference (15 seats), Congress (12 seats)and others (seven seats).

If the political parties are able to cobble upan alliance within the next six months, it willbe for the fourth consecutive time that a dem-ocratically elected government in the statewas preceded by a spell of Governor's Rule.

The Governor's Rule was imposed for thefirst time during the tenure of Governor L KJha in March 1977 when Congress withdrewsupport to the then government headed byNational Conference founder SheikhMohammad Abdullah.

Abdullah was installed as the ChiefMinister of the state following the Indira-Sheikh Delhi Accord in 1975. The tallestleader of the state returned to power with athumping majority in the subsequent elec-tions held in July 1977.

Direct central rule was imposed in the statefor the second time in March 1986 whenCongress withdrawn support to the minoritygovernment headed by Abdullah's son-in-lawGhulam Mohammad Shah.

Shah had engineered a split in NationalConference in 1984 to form his own govern-ment with Congress support.

Imposition of ...central government will now act faster on

its promise of complete rehabilitation of theflood victims .... Elections are out of the wayand there can be no politicking over rehabil-itation in Governor's Rule," Abdul Rashid,who lost all his worldly possessions in theSeptember floods last year, said.

Rashid said that the Centre should expeditethe rehabilitation process and no excuse cannow be made.

"During the election campaign, the BJPleaders who are ruling at the central levelpromised complete rehabilitation of the vic-tims. This is their opportunity to walk the

talk," he added.Ishtiyaq Ahmad, another flood victim from

the city, said Governor's rule might be ananti-thesis of a democratically-elected gov-ernment but experience of Kashmiri peopleindicate that it would be better for the floodvictims. "There was a brief spell ofGovernor's rule in the state in 1986 but thoseeight months are still remembered as thegolden period in the state on developmentfront," Ishtiyaq said. Governor's rule wasimposed in the state in March 1986 afterGhulam Mohammad Shah led minority gov-ernment fell following withdrawal of supportby the Congress. Jagmohan, who was theGovernor of the state at that time, initiatedseveral development projects in the statewhich are still hailed as futuristic in terms ofplanning. Haleema, a flood victim fromJawahar Nagar area of the city, said it wassurprising that the political parties weresquabbling for power instead of focusing onrehabilitation and reconstruction process.

"All the politicians sought votes on theplank of rehabilitation and reconstruction offlood affected areas but now it seems to havetaken a back seat," she said.

Haleema said the flood victims have beenthrough the worst and it was immaterial whatthe state or the central government does forthem. "The Chillai Kalan is now on its wayout. God has been kind to us. So far there hasbeen no snow. He did not leave us at themercy of these self-serving politicians.

"It might take time but we will rebuilt ourhomes and hearths. Compassion would havebeen to extend support before the winter chillset in but that did not happen," she added.

Some of the state government officials feelcomfortable in discharging their duties underthe Governor's rule saying there is less inter-ference by politicians.

"Besides accommodating the whims andfancies of ministers and legislators, we some-times are even forced to listen to their work-ers. It is not easy to work in that kind ofatmosphere," a senior official of the stategovernment said on condition of anonymity.

He pointed out the demolition drive againstencroachments and illegal constructions ini-tiated by the Divisional Administration inKashmir over the past two weeks.

Governor's rule was imposed in Jammuand Kashmir a day after caretaker ChiefMinister Omar Abdullah asked to be relievedof his duties on January 7.

The results of state elections on December23 threw up a hung Assembly with no politi-cal party or combination of parties stakingclaim for government formation.

BJP working...& Kashmir," senior Congress leader Sham

Lal Sharma said.He was addressing youth workers of the

party here. "People voted for a change, letthem now judge how their mandate is beinghumiliated. Despite having the requisitenumbers they failed to form a governmentwhich resulted in the imposition of theGovernor rule in the state," Sharma said.

Sharma said that BJP has compromisedwith the sentiments and aspirations of thepeople of the Jammu region.

While alleging that Jammu has been deniedits due right by the Kashmir-centric politi-cians, he said,"Jammu will no more play sec-ond fiddle to Kashmir and our party is deter-mined to bring a separate regional develop-ment council for Jammu and we must strug-gle for it together," he said.

Sharma said that the youth of the county,especially of the Jammu region, had no otheroption but to leave their house to search forbetter employment opportunities outside thestate.

"This is a serious concern as the youth isforced to leave their house and old parents toseek for job opportunities outside the state,the youth needs to have better employmentopportunities in the Jammu region," he said.

Sharma urged the Union government tolaunch a special army recruitment drive inthe border areas of Jammu region so that theyouth from those areas get an opportunity toserve the country.

London to...colours. The show of solidarity will coin-

cide with British Prime Minister DavidCameron's visit to Paris to join other worldleaders for a mega unity march.

UK Home Secretary Theresa May has alsojoined EU interior ministers at a meeting todiscuss the response to the attacks.

Eleven people were killed by al-Qaeda ter-rorists at the offices of the satirical magazine'Charlie Hebdo' on Wednesday, besides twopolicemen. Four hostages died at a Jewishsupermarket on Friday. Cameron earliertweeted to say he was on his way to Paris to"march with the French people".

"The Charlie Hebdo murders will not crushour spirit or our values," he said.

Labour leader Ed Miliband, who is alsogoing to Paris, said: "All of us have beenshocked and appalled by the events inFrance, by the murderous terrorism that thisrepresents. "We've been inspired by theresponse of the French people, and indeed bythe response of people across faiths, acrosscommunities, in this country."

French ambassador to the UK SylvieBermann said she was grateful for Britain'sshow of solidarity.

"A lot of people also came to the embassyand signed our condolence book and alsosent flowers — like the mayor of London —and I understand that (deputy prime minister)Nick Clegg will participate in our rally inTrafalgar Square," she said.

Make in...began here that he considered it a privilege

be at the summit as Gujarat was the "homestate of your visionary prime minster.

"The prime minster has brought a particu-lar energy... and made Gujarat synonymouswith possibilities, change and energy," hesaid in the presence of Modi, Gujarat chiefminister Ananadiben Patel, UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-Moon and dignitaries fromover 100 countries.

BJP slams...gulf of difference between the reality and

what she has claimed," BJP state presidentRahul Sinha told reporters here.

"The statistics of the proposed investmentthat the CM has claimed revealed that out ofinvestment proposals worth Rs 2.43 lakhcrore, proposals worth Rs 1.14 lakh crorealone would come from the Centre throughits various departments."

There was, he said, a proposal for invest-ment of Rs 77,000 crore for over 1,600 acresfor housing and an investment worth Rs7,000 crore for industrial park, which couldnever be described as industry.

Only some proposals for investment worthRs 36,000 crore had been mentioned but nodetails were announced during the summit,which the BJP leader alleged described as"nothing but a bluff at the cost of publicmoney."

"Such a summit has no comparison withVibrant Gujarat as it totally failed to drawmajor investors from the country and abroad.

"Let the West Bengal government firsttouch the investment records achieved byChhattisgarh before comparing it withGujarat, where a large number of businesstycoons from the country and abroad haveattended with a positive mood for invest-ment," he said.

Sinha also criticised the chief minister fordistributing cash assistance of Rs 105 croreamong 7,000 clubs at a function on Saturdayahead of the civic polls in the state.

TMC, he claimed, was fast losing its massbase and facing an erosion in the partybecause of involvement of many of its lead-ers in Saradha scam.

"TMC is now trying to make blackmoneywhite by transferring fund from fakeaccounts to party account describing them asdonations," he alleged.

17-yr-old...his daughter had yesterday gone to the

fields to attend the call of nature whenGurkirtan Singh, a resident of Rikhia village,allegedly raped her, police said.

Sub-Inspector Sita Rani said police haveregistered a rape case against the accusedwho is said to be absconding.

The victim's medical examination was con-ducted at the Civil hospital here today andher statement was also recorded before aMagistrate here today, police said.

BSP candidate...late last night while he was on his way to

meet some acquaintance in his car, seniorsuperintendent of police J Ravindra Gaudsaid. He said that Chaudhary was rushed to ahospital where doctors declared him broughtdead. "The BSP leader's driver has stated thatthe assailants were two in number. Theystopped his vehicle and shot him. We haverecovered 11 empty cartridges from the spotwhich indicate that he received similar num-ber of bullet injuries," the SSP said.

He, however, said that it would be moreclear after postmortem, which was beingconducted. Chaudhary was declared candi-date from Atrauli seat by BSP for 2017 UttarPradesh assembly elections.

He was also a builder and a partner in aconstruction company.

Gaud said that though immediate motivewas not clear there were several angles whichwere being looked into.

"The manner in which the killing was exe-cuted it seems to be a handiwork of hiredprofessionals," he said.

Gandhians oppose ...construct temple of Nathuram Godse who

assassinated the Father of the nation.Addressing a public meeting on 'Bapu

Hum Sharminda Hain, Apke Qatil JindaHain' (Bapu we are ashamed for your assas-sins are still alive), the speakers also askedNarendra Modi to tell the nation his point ofview on Gandhi's assassination, on Godse'sideology, who were involved in killing Bapuand to which ideology they were associated?

They also said that at a time when the NDAgovernment is installing tallest statue ofSardar Patel and has declared his birthanniversary as national unity day, it shouldalso tell the people what how Sardar opposedHindu fundamentalists who were behindGandhi's assassination.

Magsaysay awardee social activist and vicepresident of Socialist Party of India SandeepPandey said that divisive forces have becomestrong in the past few months but they won'tbe able to last long as the country will standby Gandhian ideology. "I am sure after listen-ing to people here that Godse temple willnever be a reality," he added.

Magsaysay awardee social activist and vicepresident of Socialist Party of India SandeepPandey said that divisive forces have becomestrong in the past few months but they won'tbe able to last long as the country will standby Gandhian ideology.

Ashok, Jan Mukti Sangharsh Vahini, saidaccording to Sardar Patel assassination ofGandhi was an outcome of systematic and

planned hatred campaign by communalforces including Sangh Parivar. The sameforces are now poisoning society with com-munal hatred.

Educationist Baburam Pandey said Gandhibelongs to entire world and not just India andhe will continue to live in our hearts forever.He said that Gandhi was against majoritari-anism. Litterateur Rizwan Ansari said that allfaiths have flourished in India.

Gujarat a the world. Today, it can also be a cross-

road for a new era of sustainable develop-ment," Ban Ki-moon said at the three-dayVibrant Gujarat Summit that began hereSunday.

Invoking the importance of land ofMahatma Gandhi's birth, Ban Ki-moon said:"I hope all world leaders and businesses willbe inspired by Gandhi's vision and teach-ings."

"Gujarat is a state where technology meetsclimate action, where entrepreneur meetclear energy, where young people meet jobopportunities...," he added.

Earlier, welcoming Prime MinsterNarendra Modi, US Secretary of State JohnKerry and other dignitaries, Gujarat chiefminister Anandiben Patel said: "All of us willmutually benefit by the interactions in thecoming two days. We want to become aneducation and healthcare hub. Agriculture,food processing and dairy are very importantfor us."

Delegates and members from over 100countries are attending the 7th VibrantGujarat Summit.

Two rhinos...Dhing in Nagaon district and escaped with

its horn. The recovery of the two more car-casses on Sunday has pushed the killings ofrhinos to three this year, and raised the hack-les of animal rights groups.

Of the two latest carcasses found onSunday morning, one was detected after agun battle between the poachers and forestguards at Burhapahar range of the park onSaturday night.

The other carcass was recovered from asandbar in the Brahmaputra river insideAgaratoli range of the park, officials said.The animal was possibly killed a week back,and its horn was missing, they added.

"The gun battle continued till the earlyhours today. Today morning the forest guardsrecovered the carcass of a female rhino fromthe area. The horn was missing," saidDivisional Forest Officer of the park SK SealSarma on Sunday.

"Later, during the patrolling, another car-cass of a male rhino was spotted on a sandbarof Brahmaputra river inside Agaratoli rangeof the park. The horn of the male rhino wasmissing too, indicating it to be a poachingcase," he said. This rhino was, however,killed about a week back.

Several groups, including the All AssamStudents Union (AASU), on Sunday held aprotest in the Kaziranga park against theunabated killing of one-horned rhinos.

AASU adviser Samujjal Bhattacharyademanded the deployment of the army toprotect the endangered animal from poach-ers.

Assam's Governor PB Acharya earlier thisweek expressed serious concern over rhinopoaching and suggested an overhaul of thesecurity set-up inside the park. He even cas-tigated the forest minister and his staff, butwithout naming the minister.

The Assam government has over yearsincreased the number of park security stafffrom 49 in 1967 to 562 in 2001. More than430 Assam Forest protection Force (AFPF)personnel have also been deployed in thepark since 2013.

Similarly, penalties have been enhancedunder the amended Wildlife (Protection) Act,1972.

Northern command ...Indian Army: Friend of the Awam - In War

and Peace," Udhampur-based spokesman ofthe Northern Command, Col S D Goswamisaid.

He said that even as the Army defends theborders and combats terrorism, it has shownan exceptional spirit of service when calledupon to support internal security or inresponse to natural disasters.

"Reiterating its commitment towards theAwam, a large number of medical and veteri-nary camps are being organised at variouslocations. For the school children and theyouth, awareness lectures are specially beingheld at many places," Goswami said.

He said that the army units across theNorthern Command are celebrating army daythat is being observed on January 15 everyyear.

"The event is of great significance and isobserved to commemorate the assumption ofthe appointment of Lt Gen (later FieldMarshal) K M Cariappa as the first IndianCommander-in-Chief of the Indian Army, in1949," he said.

He said the Army has always played a piv-otal role in nation building while displayingexemplary professionalism, commitment andbravery not only in defending the nation butalso in all tasks entrusted to it.

"This day inspires the troops to continue toenrich the glorious traditions of the IndianArmy with their dedication and sacrifice. It isalso a solemn occasion to salute the martyrswho made the supreme sacrifice in the line ofduty and also an opportunity to remember theimmense contribution of veterans in makingour Army, what it is today," he said.


Page 4: 12 January 2015

Editorial4 NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JAN 12, 2015SAADDA HAQ


The tigress strode boldly across openfarmlands, and crossed railwaytracks and highways at night. She

avoided venturing close to villages in herhunt for wild pigs. During the day, she hun-kered down in forest patches, reed beds, orplantations, out of sight of people.

A few villagers walked within 100 metresof her hideout, but she didn’t move. In anarea where the average human density is200 per square kilometre, no one knew ofher existence except a few researchers andforest officials. She wore a GPS collar thattransmitted the coordinates of her locationby text message several times a day for fourmonths.

Contrary to popular belief that tigers needto live in vast forests, this tigress was 45kilometres away from the nearest one,Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve. The collarstopped functioning after four months, buta camera trap took her photograph in thesame area a year later. She wasn’t a lonetiger struggling to survive in a less thanideal habitat; two other tigers lived nearby.Despite living so close to humans, sheposed no threat to them.

Impediment to survivalWhen wild carnivores are found far out-

side forests, managers and conservationistsoften grasp for excuses. Wild animals pre-fer wild habitats, we are told. If they arefound anywhere else, there must be some-thing wrong. Lack of habitat, disturbancewithin forests, and lack of prey are oft-citedreasons. After visiting the farmlands ofAkole, Maharashtra, where leopards liveamong people without causing alarm, oneforester exclaimed to the biologist studyingthem, “These leopards are not normal.”

Animals disregard not only our bound-aries but also our assumptions. They gowhere there is prey, whether domestic, feralor wild, and they live in what little cover isavailable. The only possible impediment totheir survival in landscapes where humanslive is the level of tolerance of people. Ourreligious and cultural traditions are empa-thetic of almost all animals including ven-omous snakes.

Regional folk deities like Waghoba inwestern India and Dakshin Ray in Bengalor a pan-Indian goddess such as Durgabestow sanctity on large wild cats. Even inan extreme situation like in the Sunderbans,where more people are killed by tigers thananywhere else, no one demands that alltigers be killed. It’s because of this toler-

ance that India still has the largest popula-tion of wild tigers in the world despite ourhigh human population.

In comparison, European folk tales tradi-tionally demonise predators, and fear ofthem runs deep. Even though human densi-ties are relatively low, Europeans almosteradicated their carnivores. Brown bearsused to be found throughout Europe exceptin Iceland and the Mediterranean Islands.By the mid-20th century, they were holdingout in the east, north, and west of Europe.

Similarly, much of the continent waswiped clean of its wolves after the SecondWorld War, but they managed to survive inthe three Mediterranean peninsulas,Eastern Europe, and the Balkans. The num-ber of Eurasian lynx also diminished, andthey survived only along the margins ofinternational borders. This dismal situationhas changed.

A new assessment, ‘Recovery of largecarnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes,’ by 76 authors from26 countries, was published in Science inDecember 2014. It shows that like thetigress outside Tadoba, carnivores arerecolonising Europe, ranging far outsideprotected forests and staking territoriesamong human-owned farms and planta-tions.

From the margins of Europe, wolveshave recolonised more than 15 per cent ofthe land. They’ve returned to countriesfrom where they had been declared extinctsuch as Norway, Poland, Latvia, Germany,and Bulgaria. Even though brown bears arehuge, weighing an average 200 kilo-grammes, they are now the continent’smost abundant carnivore. About 17,000bears roam over 4,85,400, about 10per cent of Europe.

This turnaround was achieved afterdecades of coordinated legislation, goodlaw enforcement, and public support forconservation. Instead of antagonising localpeople by outlawing their hunting tradi-tions, management plans incorporated suchpractices and promoted recovery of animalpopulations. And therein lies a lesson forIndia.

The separation modelIndia’s primary conservation model, bor-

rowed from the U.S., is to create exclusivezones, separating people from predators.Carnivores need plenty of space, andAmerican parks, free of settlements, arelarge enough to accommodate them. Theyremove any predators found outside desig-

nated wildlife areas that take livestock.Few parks in India are devoid of settle-

ments and not many are large enough tomaintain good breeding populations. Weapply the separation model as it suits us.People living in forests have to relocate tomake space for predators. But if the stateremoves carnivores living outside forests,there won’t be many of them left.

Our laws and policies guide managementof animals inside forests, but there’s nostate policy to deal with predators livingamongst people.

People living around forests have a longhistory of living with predators. Generally,they tolerate some level of loss before com-plaining to the Forest Department. Butthese complaints may not always bestraightforward. Often, people are at log-gerheads with the forest department. Theymay express their unhappiness by askingthe department to remove “the govern-ment’s animals” from their property.Wildlife symbolises the state and its callouspolicies.

After decades of treating their carnivoresas vermin, many European countriesworked hard to get them back. We haven’tyet hit a low like Europe did, but we areheaded that way if we don’t turn the shiparound. For instance, tigers, once foundacross the subcontinent, now range over amere 2.5 per cent of our country. If thespecies has to regain at least some lostground, we need to do more than focus onprotected areas.

Biologists advocate lifting our heads andlooking at the landscape. This is also wherenumerous people live and they decide ifthey want to live with predators.Antagonising them isn’t going to achieveconservation ends.

By following a coexistence model, theEuropeans not only managed to bring backcarnivores, they have proved it works.Europe now has twice as many wolves asthe U.S., excluding Alaska. More than12,000 wolves range across a continentthat’s half the size of the U.S. and has morethan twice the density of people, 97 peopleper sq. km. compared to the U.S.’s 40.While protected forests are great for con-servation, they cannot be the only strategy.It’s time India learned from the Europeanexperience.

(Janaki Lenin is the author of MyHusband and Other Animals. She writes ofthe intermingled destinies of humans andwild creatures.)


Popular debate around socialbiases in India is structuredaround two competing narra-

tives. One view holds that as anurbanising country with rapid eco-nomic growth over the past fewdecades, the importance of ascriptiveidentities such as caste and religion isgradually eroding. An opposing viewholds that these biases have remainedresilient in India, even in the face ofsubstantial economic developmentand increasingly heterogeneouscities.

Yet, such a simple dichotomyunderstates the complexity in charac-terising social biases in India. Newforms of bias may emerge whileother forms fade away. While socialbiases often result from prejudice orchauvinism, they may also resultfrom legitimate apprehensions about,or threats from, another social group.In order to develop a deeper under-standing of the profile of social bias-es in India, we analyse new data fromthe Lok Surveys, taking advantage ofboth the scale and the geographicspread of the sample. Before describ-ing our results, we note that any sur-vey-based analysis of social bias isnecessarily fraught with difficulties— questions about bias are sensitiveand respondents are often unwillingto admit to their biases. Furthermore,there is no universally accepted toolused to measure bias.

Identity of neighbours

Rather than relying on complextypologies that can be impacted bypreconceived notions, we focus ouranalysis on a simple topic, which webelieve represents a core form ofsocial bias: differences in preferencesfor the identity of one’s neighbours.These preferences capture importantdimensions of social structure. Theyinvolve beliefs about how differentsocial groups affect social solidarityin a neighbourhood, as well as appre-hensions about interacting with dif-ferent social groups. To uncoversocial biases in preferences for neigh-bours, each of our respondents wasasked the following question: Wouldyou be against having a family of

(another identity group) as a neigh-bour?

The part of the question in bracketswas replaced by a randomly generat-ed prompt. First, we randomisedwhether the respondent wouldreceive a prompt for religious or

caste bias. Then, based on this firststage, we asked about a social groupdifferent from that of the respondent.For instance, a Hindu respondentslotted to receive a religious biasprompt might be asked about aMuslim neighbour, and a Muslimrespondent might be asked about aHindu neighbour. Similarly, an uppercaste individual slotted to receive acaste bias prompt could be askedabout Other Backward Classes(OBCs), Scheduled Castes (SCs), orScheduled Tribes (STs). In this man-ner, we generated data on a complexset of social interactions in Indiansociety. It should be noted, however,that the results are based on correla-tions, not multivariate analyses.

Overall, 27 per cent of the samplepopulation directly admitted that theywere against having a neighbourfrom a different religious or castecommunity. While this numberseems high, we cannot ascertainwhether this is part of an increasingor decreasing trend in social biases

over time because, to our knowledge,this question has never been askedbefore in a large nationally represen-tative survey in India.

There is, as to be expected, signifi-cant variation in levels of social biasacross States. Punjab displays the

highest level of social bias, with 36per cent of respondents displaying anaversion to living near those ofanother caste or religion, while thepost-split Andhra Pradesh(Seemandhra) displays the lowestlevels of social bias, with 12 per centof respondents displaying aversion.Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Chhattisgarhand Rajasthan also had relativelyhigh rates of social bias (each withover 30 per cent of respondents indi-cating an aversion).

Social bias permeates all segmentsof Indian society. The education levelor wealth of respondents had littleimpact on whether they would reportsocial bias. Furthermore, there waslittle difference between how villagedwellers and city dwellers respondedto the question; 28 per cent and 27per cent of rural and urban respon-dents, respectively, indicated socialbias. These findings suggest thaturbanisation and improved access toeducation may not reduce social bias.

The majority of the variation insocial biases is seen between specificidentity groups. SC and ST popula-tions demonstrated a greater aversionto living near upper castes than to liv-ing near other marginalised commu-nities, including Muslims. In total, 29per cent of SCs indicated a social bias

against upper castes, as compared to24 per cent towards STs, and 38 percent of STs indicated a social biasagainst upper castes, as compared to24 per cent against SCs. Given thereality of caste hierarchies, perhapsmarginalised communities are appre-hensive that traditionally dominantcommunities will discriminateagainst them or hurt social solidarityin their neighbourhoods. A similarstory may explain why Muslims dis-play somewhat greater aversiontowards Hindu neighbours (31 percent) than Hindus do towardsMuslim neighbours (27 per cent),especially considering that much ofthat gap is due to the relatively highrate of “lower caste” Muslims whowere against living near a Hindu fam-ily (8 per cent higher than “uppercaste” Muslims).

Not all social biases are driven bymarginalisation. Though our surveycannot gauge the intensity of thesepreferences, upper caste respondentswere more likely to say they did not

want to live near OBCs than anyother group. Overall, 34 per cent ofupper caste Hindus admitted prefer-ences against OBC neighbours, ascompared to 26 per cent against SCsand 23 per cent against STs. A politi-cally ascendant OBC population hasbegun to challenge high caste domi-

nance in many social spheres, creat-ing greater competition for resources.Based on this data, we conjecture thatsocial bias may also be generatedfrom threats to power and intensify-ing economic and social competition.

In order to understand the role ofsocial and economic ascendance onpreferences for neighbours, we alsoinvestigated the relationship betweenmiddle class identification and socialbias. In the previous piece in thisseries (“Being middle class in India,”December 9, 2014), our colleaguesDevesh Kapur and Milan Vaishnavdemonstrated that 49 per cent of allIndians, including people from allsegments of Indian society, self-iden-tified as “middle class.” They weremore optimistic about the economicconditions of their family and thenation as a whole as compared tothose who did not identify as middleclass. The self-identified middle classwas also more likely to report thattheir family had experienced socialmobility within the last generation.

However, it is precisely this social-ly mobile group that accounts formuch of the social bias we observe inour sample. Among those who do notidentify as middle class, only 17 percent of respondents said they did notwant a neighbour from a differentcommunity. However, among thosewho perceive themselves as middleclass, 39 per cent indicated socialbias against a religious or caste com-munity. The reasons for these largedifferences are not immediately clear.It is likely, however, that there issomething fundamental about theconstruction of middle class identitythat lends itself to social bias, asdescribed in the earlier piece.

Causes for bias

Based on our data, we suggest twovery different causes for bias in one’spreferences for neighbours.Marginalised communities displayhigher levels of social bias againsttraditionally dominant communities,perhaps as a reaction to historicalstigmatisation and concerns forsocial solidarity. But traditionalsocial marginalisation is not thewhole story. Upper caste Hindus nowreport the most social bias againstOBCs, instead of groups lower on thecaste hierarchy. Those identifying asthe Indian middle class display muchhigher levels of social bias than thosewho do not identify as such. We sur-mise that the very process of devel-opment and change in India may begenerating new forms of social andeconomic competition that manifestthemselves in terms of social bias. Amodernising India may trigger theerosion of certain traditional hierar-chies while, at the same time, open-ing the way for new cleavages basedaround social and economic contesta-tion.

(Neelanjan Sircar is a postdoctor-al research fellow at the Center for

the Advanced Study of India andMegan Reed is the research coordi-

nator at CASI.)

Choosing thy neighbour

Our team will publish yourthoughts send us your articles at

[email protected]

Carnivores in the neighbourhood

Rather than relying on complex typologies that can be impacted bypreconceived notions, we focus our analysis on a simple topic, whichwe believe represents a core form of social bias: differences in prefer-ences for the identity of one’s neighbours. These preferences captureimportant dimensions of social structure. They involve beliefs abouthow different social groups affect social solidarity in a neighbour-

hood, as well as apprehensions about interacting with different socialgroups. To uncover social biases in preferences for neighbours, eachof our respondents was asked the following question: Would you beagainst having a family of (another identity group) as a neighbour?

When Mahinda Rajapaksa called a freshpresidential election two years ahead of thescheduled January 2016 end to his second

term in office, he did so because he was confidentof being voted back for another six years. Therewas no real challenger on the horizon at that time,and Mr. Rajapaksa, who had made the 2009 mili-tary victory over the LTTE the main theme of hisgovernment, believed that Sinhalese voters wouldonce again repose their faith in him. Indeed, soentrenched had he become that few imagined hewould lose, and that too to a relative unknown likeMaithripala Sirisena, who was the Health Minister inthe Rajapaksa Cabinet. Mr. Sirisena's suddenemergence as a candidate of an opposition alliancetook Mr. Rajapaksa by surprise. He had beenunable to see, surrounded as he was by a cabal,that his one-family authoritarian rule had angeredsenior members of his Sri Lanka Freedom Party,and taken the shine off his image among the major-ity Sinhalese as the President who ended a 30-yearwar. The Tamil voters in the North and East, alien-ated as they were by the Rajapaksa government'sabject failure to face up to the challenges of post-war ethnic reconciliation, were always going to voteagainst him. The foot-dragging on investigationsinto alleged war crimes, the militarisation of theTamil-dominated North, the hardships that thisposed for the people, and the huge political failureon devolution of powers all ensured that the Tamilvote would go against him. Another significantminority, the Muslims, also shifted their allegianceaway from Mr. Rajapaksa as a thuggish group ofSinhalese hardliners, the Bodu Bala Sena, went onthe rampage against the community every now andthen, with no apparent attempt by the governmentto crack down on communal violence even after about of deadly rioting in 2013. The departure of theSri Lanka Muslim Congress from the ruling coalitionto the Sirisena camp just days ahead of the elec-tion, was the final blow against the Rajapaksaregime.

Mr. Sirisena rode to victory on an out-and-outanti-Rajapaksa vote that rendered irrelevant hisown perceived handicaps: the absence of personalcharisma; a late start; doubts about whether a can-didate of a diverse opposition group could provide astable leadership; and the lack of resources in com-parison to what the incumbent had at his disposal.He had to his advantage a rural base in the north-central districts of Sri Lanka, and aside from thebacking of a ginger group of the ruling SLFP thatdefected along with him, the backing of the mainopposition United National Party, and the JathikaHela Urumaya, a party of Buddhist monks. With thishe managed to poll nearly half of all Sinhalese votescast, sweeping up in addition the Tamil and Muslimvotes to win 51.28 per cent of the vote share com-pared to his opponent's 47.58. The outcome is anunequivocal victory for democracy and a lesson tothe whole region in peaceful regime change.

The new President of Sri Lanka has his work cutout. To begin with, the focus is bound to be on Mr.Sirisena's campaign promise to abolish the power-ful Executive Presidency, which will require a consti-tutional amendment supported by two-thirds ofParliament, a difficult proposition. One option beforehim is to dissolve Parliament and call a fresh elec-tion a year ahead of schedule. The coalition itself ismade up of disparate and mutually antagonistic par-ties that must learn to work together. UNP leaderRanil Wickramasinghe has already been named thenew Prime Minister. Former President ChandrikaKumaratunga, who, after retiring from politics in2005 re-emerged on the scene to mentor the SLFPdefectors, may well emerge as a third power centre.Quickly, Mr. Sirisena will need to repair the much-eroded confidence in Sri Lanka as a country thatrespects the rule of law, independence of the judici-ary and media freedom.

Most importantly, the new dispensation mustwaste no time in addressing the Tamil demand for ajust peace, because on this hinges the future of thecountry itself. With his vast powers, Mr. Sirisena canimmediately redress some long-standing demandsincluding returning to Tamils the land owned bythem that the Army took over in the 1990s and hasstubbornly refused to vacate.

Devolution of powers to the Northern Provinceshould also be high on his list of priorities, and if anew Constitution is being planned with aWestminster-style government, just power-sharingwith the Tamil minority should find a place. The newdispensation will also need to move speedily onaddressing alleged war crimes, starting with ascer-taining how many Tamil civilians actually died in thelast phases of the war. But Tamil stridency on thesedemands will hinder rather than help matters. As themain and most credible political representative ofthe Tamils, the Tamil National Alliance must play aresponsible role.

Tamil Nadu's political parties must desist fromfanning any extremist demands, for which there isno place on either side of the Palk Strait. For NewDelhi, the change in Sri Lanka presents the oppor-tunity to build a bilateral relationship that is basedon mutual trust and honesty rather than on mutualsuspicion. In recent months, the growing militaryrelationship between Colombo and Beijing was oneof the big concerns in New Delhi. As a sovereigncountry, Sri Lanka must be free to choose its friendsand allies.

But the least New Delhi can expect is that itsdefence concerns will not be compromised by afriendly neighbour. India's relations with Sri Lankaare civilisational, not contractual, and despite all theups and downs, the ties between the people of bothcountries, based on culture, religion and trade, havecontinued to flourish. Both countries have a com-mon strategic interest in a peaceful Indian Ocean. Itis from this large base that both must now work tostrengthen mutually beneficial ties.

Democracy wins in Sri Lanka

Page 5: 12 January 2015

State Watch 5NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JAN 12, 2015SAADDA HAQ

THIRU, JAN 11The second luggage

room (SLR) coach of the12516 Guwahati -T h i r u v a n a n t h a p u r a mExpress, which arrived atthe Central railway stationhere on Friday night, waspartially gutted in a firewhile the rake was parkedin the yard for mainte-nance on Saturday noon.

No one was injured inthe incident that gave anx-ious moments for the rail-way and security person-nel and commuters alike.The fire was spotted in thecoach by the mechanicalstaff around 1.45 p.m.when the rake was on“Road 13” on the PowerHouse side, the secondentry to the station. Bythat time, the blaze hadengulfed the passenger

side of the coach.Personnel of Railways andthe Kerala Fire andRescue Services dousedthe fire by around 2.15p.m. and prevented it fromspreading to the other 22coaches of the rake.

Additional Divisional

Manager P. Mahesh, RPFDivisional SecurityCommissioner RajnishKumar Tripathi, and sen-ior officials supervised thefire-fighting operations.The passenger side of thedisabled- friendly SLR, onthe rear of the rake, was

fully gutted. However, theguard side was not affect-ed.

Railway sources toldThe Hindu that the firehad spread from the top ofthe SLR coach and theKerala Fire and RescueServices personnel suspectshort circuit led to theinci-dent. The fire reportedlyspread from near the ceil-ing fan in the coach.Railways were also look-ing into the sabotageangle, the sources said.

Forensic experts fromthe police inspected thecoach that was sealed andmoved to a secluded areafor investigation.

Railways ordered aninquiry by a three-memberteam of officials from thesecurity, electrical, andmechanical wings.

Train coach catches fire at Central

VIJAYAWADA, JAN 11Andhra Pradesh

Information Commissioner PVijaya Babu has sought actionby the state governmentagainst those officers whohave failed to provide infor-mation to public sought underthe RTI Act.

Though Chief MinisterChandrababu Naidu has beenmaking persistent efforts tobring e-governance to createtransparency and accountabil-ity in administration and itsworking, unfortunately, offi-cials are not supporting hisinitiatives, Babu told reportershere today.

The officer was in city toattend a RTI awareness pro-

gramme.He said out of 13 districts in

Andhra Pradesh, three do nothave a website of districtadministration, six do nothave any link (online links)for RTI or related query, whilein the remaining four districtsthough RTI links are provid-ed, no public information isput up on the website.

Babu said it is mandatoryfor officials to give informa-tion under RTI Act and if any-one fails in doing so, actionshould be taken against them.

He also urged to the govern-ment to take action againstsuch officials who do not fur-nish information to the publicunder the RTI Act.

Andhra RTI commissioner seeksaction from govt on erring officials

RAIPUR, JAN 11Women are not safe in the BJP

government's rule inChhattisgarh, main Oppositionin the state, Congress hasalleged.

"It is unfortunate that the BJP,which succeeded in forming thegovernment in the state bypromising safety and securityfor women, has failed to do so,"state Congress unit presidentBhupesh Baghel said here today.

To further substantiate hispoint, Baghel cited various inci-dents in the state, like the lastyear's sterilisation botch-upleading to death of nearly 13women, alleged removal ofuterus of some women in thestate by doctors for money, the

Jhaliyamari incident (in whichtribal girls of a residentialschool in Jhaliyamari village ofKanker district were allegedlyraped in 2013), and over thou-sand women reportedly beingmissing in Jashpur.

He also cited another incidentof Durg district, which recentlycame to light, in which aninjured college student was inJune last year allegedly rapedduring admission in a govern-ment hospital after being admin-istered an injection which ren-dered her unconscious.

Later, she was harassed bytwo police constables with anobscene video of her which theyhad shot.

Baghel said that the incident

of the patient being adminis-tered a sedative, instead of beingprovided proper treatment, andthen raped and later blackmailedby police personnel proves thatthere is no rule of law in thestate.

There cannot be anythingmore scary than a girl beingforced to bear the harassmentfor six months after being intim-idated, the Congress leadersaid.

Even after the incident cameto light, the police and the healthdepartment tried to shield theculprits instead of taking imme-diate action, he alleged.

This makes it clear thatwomen are not safe inChhattisgarh, he added. s

CHENNAI, JAN 11In a bid to enhance security at

suburban railway stations fromBeach to Tambaram, theGovernment Railway police(GRP) has posted two constablesat each station manning them tillmidnight every day.

This comes in the wake of lastmonth’s incident of a womansoftware engineer being pushedout of the ladies’ compartment ofa moving train by an as yetunidentified man. The incidentoccurred on the night of

December 29 near Fort railwaystation. The victim,Muneeshwari Nagaraj (28) ofArumbakkam, fell beside thetracks and miraculously survivedwith a broken left arm. A com-puter-generated image of the sus-pect is now being circulated anda hunt has been launched for him.

Speaking on the case and thestate of security at suburban rail-way stations, Seema Agarwal,inspector general of police, GRP,said that additional police per-sonnel have been posted at all

railway stations from 4 a.m. to 12a.m. “We have ensured that apoliceman can be reached at thenearest station in case of emer-gencies in train compartments.Our helpline also remainsactive,” she added. The Railwaypolice had earlier posted policepersonnel in ladies’ compart-ments, especially during night-time, for the security of femalepassengers; but, the arrangementwas soon withdrawn. “We havenow posted police teams in plainclothes who comb the compart-

ments in a bid to zero in on thesuspect who attacked the soft-ware engineer, and also to pre-vent further incidents of thisnature,” said deputy superinten-dant of police, GRP, V. Ponramu.Five special teams are workingon the case and nearly 120 sus-pects have been questioned tillnow. CCTV footage obtainedfrom railway stations on the sub-urban lines are been examined.However, investigators have notbeen able to get any crucial leadsin the case, sources said.

Security not on track in Chennai

Women unsafe in BJP rule inChhattisgarh: Congress

SRINAGAR, JAN 11There was some respite from

intense cold wave conditions inKashmir division, includingLadakh region as the minimumtemperature rose by two to sixdegrees at various places.

Kargil, in Ladakh region, wasthe coldest recorded place in thestate with a low of minus 13.0degree Celsius, up by threedegrees from minus 16.0 degreeCelsius the previous night, a MeTdepartment spokeswoman said.

Srinagar, the summer capital ofJammu and Kashmir, recorded alow of minus 2.2 degree Celsius,up by 2.6 degrees from the previ-ous night's low of minus 4.8degrees, she said. Qazigund, thegateway town to Kashmir Valleyin south, recorded a low of minus4.4 degree Celsius, more than adegree up from minus 5.8 degreesCelsius the previous night.

The mercury in Pahalgam resort

in south Kashmir, which serves asa base camp for the annualAmarnath yatra, registered a lowof minus 5.0 degrees, up from theprevious night's minus 6.6 degreeCelsius, she said.

The minimum temperature inthe famous ski-resort of Gulmargsettled at minus 1.6 degrees, up by1.4 degrees from previous night's3.0 degree Celsius, the spokes-woman said.

The night temperatures inKupwara, in north Kashmir, set-tled at a low of minus 3.6 degreeCelsius while Kokernag, in south,recorded the minimum of minus2.1 degree Celsius?- one degreeup from the previous night'sminus 3.1 degree Celsius, shesaid.

Leh, in the frontier Ladakhregion, recorded a minimum tem-perature of minus of 10.2 degreeCelsius, six degrees higher thanthe previous night's minus 16.2

degree Celsius, the spokeswomansaid.

According to the MeT office,fresh western disturbance is likelyto affect Jammu and Kashmirfrom January 12, which couldresult in isolated to scattered rainor snow.

Kashmir Valley is currentlyunder the grip of "Chillai- Kalan"-- the 40-day harshest winter peri-od, which began on December 21.

The chances of snowfall aremaximum and most frequent dur-ing this period and the weatherremains cold during as the daytemperature also dips drastically,freezing most of the water bodiesincluding the famous Dal Lake.

Though "Chillai-Kalan" wouldend on January 31, winter contin-ues after that. The 40-day periodwould be followed by a 20-daylong "Chillai Khurd" (small cold)and a 10-day long "ChillaiBachha" (baby cold).

BENGALURU, JAN 11Aam Aadmi Party chief

Arvind Kejriwal on Sundayexuded confidence that hisparty would come back topower in Delhi again.

Speaking at the party’sfund-raising event in thecity today, Mr. Kejriwaltermed BJP as a partywhich follows politics thatis all about investing andincurring profits.Launching a tirade againstNarendra Modi, Mr.Kejriwal referred to him asa capitalist. “BJP mighthave won every where inthe country but they cannotwin in Delhi”, he said. Mr.Kejriwal said that “protest-ing is our right and a part ofdemocracy. BJP has noright to oppose out right”.

Replying to queries onhow the party would ensure

safety of women in Delhi,Mr. Kejriwal said that theparty has plans of hosting aHome-Guard in every pub-

lic transport bus. 12,000Home-Guard are right nowworking in the homes ofinfluential politicians. “We

plan to use the services ofthese Home-Guards effec-tively”.

AAP believes that trans-parent funding of politicalparties is the stepping stoneto clean and honest politics.The people of India areeager to fund honest politicsand AAP is the only partythat provides this platform,he said.

The party had organised afund-raising “Lunch withKejriwal” on Sunday. Over200 donors were invited toparticipate in the event bycontributing a minimum ofRs. 20,000.

The party had also fixed afee of Rs. 500 for each ofthe invitees to click a selfiewith him. The party isexpecting an over-all col-lection of Rs. Three crorefrom this event.

AAP will come back to power in Delhi: Kejriwal

Slight respite from biting coldin Kashmir, Kargil coldest

CHENNAI, JAN 11Two years after the Chennai

Corporation decided to keepparks open from 5 a.m. to 9p.m., personnel manning someof the parks have startedrestricting visitors during theday. On Saturday, family mem-bers of candidates appearingfor the Teachers’ RecruitmentBoard (TRB) examination in T.Nagar schools were waiting inthe nearby Panagal Park. But,they were asked to leave thepremises. Visitors were forcedto leave even after a few ofthem protested the closure ofthe park. Perambur residentEdwin Prakash said, “My wifewas writing the TRB exam at anearby school. I took my kidsto Panagal Park to keep them

occupied. At 11 a.m., we wereforced to leave the park.”

When contacted, ChennaiCorporation officials said theirinstructions were clear: parkswould have to remain openduring the day. “Some contrac-tors who carry out maintenanceof parks reportedly try toreduce the number of visitorsto avoid damage to the facility.But that is not acceptable.Contractors cannot prevent vis-itors from entering the parksduring the mandated hours,”said an official of theCorporation.

The civic body has allowedits 443 parks to remain openthrough the day to enable resi-dents to walk, play and picnicat the leisure spots.

Visitors to parkturned away by staff

Maoists torch equipmentsand vehicles of constructioncompany in BiharMUZAFFARPUR, JAN 11

Armed Maoists torched equipmentsand vehicles of a road constructioncompany in a village in Bihar'sMuzaffarpur district, a police officersaid on Sunday.

About 18-20 armed Maoists raidedthe site of a road construction companyat Majholia village late last night andtorched two JCB machines, besidestractors, jeeps and other vehicles,apparently after the contractor failed topay levy to them, the SeniorSuperintendent of Police (SSP) RanjitKumar Mishra said.

The ultras also snatched three mobilephones from the construction companyemployees when they were trying toescape from the spot, he said.

A case has been registered in thisconnection and raids were being car-ried out to the nab the Maoists respon-sible for torching equipments and vehi-cles of the road construction company,the SSP said.

SRINAGAR, JAN 11National Conference on Saturday

said the recommendations of the JointParliamentary Committee for the per-manent settlement of west Pakistanrefugees in Jammu and Kashmir is a"conspiracy" to change the demogra-phy of the state and its special status.

"The Joint ParliamentaryCommittee's recommendations for thepermanent settlement of westPakistan refugees in the state is awicked conspiracy to change thedemography of the state and to alterthe special status enjoyed by Jammuand Kashmir," NC general secretaryAli Mohammad Sagar said.

He was addressing meetings of dis-trict committees from Baramulla andKupwara.

Sagar described the recommenda-tions of the JPC as "anti-state", sayinganti-Jammu and Kashmir elementshave been implying different tacticsto change the demography of the

state."Different parliamentary commit-

tees have recommended many differ-ent things for the state like the returnof the power projects to J&K, restora-tion of autonomy, and revoking theblack laws like AFSPA from the state,but all the governments at the Centrebinned these recommendations,"Sagar said.

"Now that another JPC has maderecommendations for settling westPakistan refugees, and giving themthe citizenship and voting rights, cen-tral government seems like in a hurryto make this happen as soon as possi-ble. We can smell a rat in these rec-ommendations," he added.

He said conspiracies like these wereeven hatched in 2008, when therewere attempts to transfer land to ShriAmarnath Shrine Board, which was adangerous attempt to fiddle with spe-cial status of Jammu andKashmir.

Settlement of west Pak refugees inJammu and Kashmir is conspiracy: NC

Another suspected IMoperative held atMangaluru airportMANGALURU, JAN 11

Another suspected IndianMujahideen (IM) operative hasbeen arrested at the Mangaluruinternational airport here before hewas to board a Dubai-bound flight.

Riyaz (32), who was residing atBhatkal in Uttara Kannada district,was picked up last night byBengaluru Police with the help oftheir counterpart here, police saidon Sunday.

He was held based on informa-tion provided by three suspectedIM operatives who were arrestedon January 8 at Bhatkal andBengaluru.

Riyaz had been taken toBengaluru for interrogation, policesaid.

Bengaluru Police had claimed tohave unearthed a suspected terrormodule of banned IM with thearrest of its three alleged operativesand seizure of a huge cache ofexplosives during their raids atBhatkal and Bengaluru.

The police had also said that thepossible role of the trio in the recentBengaluru blast that killed awoman and injured three otherswas being probed.

HYDERABAD, JAN 11Towards checking burgla-

ries and ensure more secureenvirons in parts of the oldcity, the south zone police hasdecided to introduce safecolony concept in few areas.

As part of the concept, thepolice has initially selectedfive colonies and plan toblock all entry and exit pointsin these areas by placing bar-ricades between 10 p.m and 6a.m every day.

“Only two exit and entrypoints will be kept open andthey will be manned by secu-rity guards. It will help inchecking the movement ofcriminals and at the sametime prevent outsiders fromentering the colony duringnight and creating nuisance,”DCP (South) V.Satyanarayana said. '

The concept is being intro-duced at Chandulal Baradaricolony in Kamatipura, Sri

Ramnagar in Chatrinaka,Chandulal Bela and MekalaBanda in Shahalibanda andChandriah huts inMadannapet.

“The role of police is mini-mal and the colony welfareassociations will take theresponsibility of security.Closed circuit cameras willalso be installed at the entryand exit points,” the officialsaid.

All the residents will be

issued identity cards and theyhave to produce it whileentering the colony duringrestricted hours. The securityguards will note down thedetails of the person and alsohis vehicle number in a regis-ter. The police will also con-duct regular patrolling andmonitor the movement oflocal anti-social elementstoo.

Taking security aspects intoconsideration the police will

assist the local colony wel-fare associations in choosingthe routes that are to be keptopen in the night.

“Burglars look for a riskfree escape route . If there areonly one or two manned entrypoints then it is difficult forthem to sneak out,” the policeexplain.

Decline in number of theftcases

Already the west zonepolice central zone police

have started the concept onan experimental basis in afew colonies and plans areafoot to expand it across thecity.

“There is a decline in num-bers of burglaries and otherproperty offences. Cases ofsexual harassment of womenhave also comedown in areaswhere the concept is alreadyin practice,” Mr.Satyanarayana pointedout.

Police to launch safe colony concept in old city

VISAKHAPATNAM, JAN 11Failure of the successive

Congress governments toadequately address thepolarising and divisiveforces has led to the resur-gence of fundamentalists,CPI (M) Politburo memberSitaram Yechury has said.

The faulty policies fol-lowed by the Congress hadled to the fundamentalistand polarising forces tak-ing root in the Indian poli-ty, he said on Sunday. Hespoke to The Hindu while

on a walk on the BeachRoad here to canvas sup-port for the CPI (M) AllIndia conclave scheduledto be conducted in the cityin April.

“The Left parties aloneoffer a credible politicalalternative to the people.Owing to many factors, theLeft parties are in a dismalsituation as far as electoraldemocracy is concerned.There is a need to do a lotof soul searching to find ananswer.”

Congress failure results in riseof fundamentalists: Yechury

Page 6: 12 January 2015

NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JAN 12, 2015SAADDA HAQScience & Tech6

The wearables segment saw a huge jump in 2014 withthe launch of Google's Android Wear, the Gear VRInnovator Edition by Samsung, and the Apple Watch

joining the leagues as well by end of the year. We entered2015 with hopes that the segment will see more newcom-ers, new advancements, andnew products.

At CES 2015, wewere not disappoint-ed and saw somehuge announce-ments coming fromthe wearables seg-ment and somemajor companiesshowcasing theirproducts. Here wehave summarisedall announcementsmade in the wear-ables segment inLas Vegas.

SonySony might have

not announced anysmartphones at CES;though the companyshowcased a number of devicesincluding the new stainless steel edition of the SmartWatch3.

Sony, one of first movers in the wearables segment, didnot announce any pricing of the new stainless steel editionSmartWatch 3; though it announced that further pricing andavailability details will be shared in February. Sony'sSmartWatch 3, the first Android Wear device from the com-pany, was unveiled at IFA last year.

LenovoLenovo announced its first wearable, the Vibe Band

VB10, at CES this year. Priced at $89 (approximately Rs.5,500), the Lenovo Vibe Band VB10 will be availablebeginning April.

The Lenovo Vibe Band VB10 features a curved 1.43-inch E-ink display with resolution of 296x128 pixels. Thesmartband is compatible with any device running Android4.4 and higher, and even with iOS devices. Apart frombeing a fitness tracker (with accelerometer to help tracksteps, calories, distance, sleep) the Vibe Band VB10 canalso display instant notifications - for calls, SMS,Facebook, Twitter, and more - with the display space for upto 150 characters.

GarminA brand that is usually associated with navigation sys-

tems, Garmin launched a total of three smartwatches and afitness tracker at CES 2015. The smartwatches include

Garmin Vivoactive, Fenix 3 and Epix, while the fitnesstracking band is named Vivofit 2.

The Garmin Vivoactive is a $250 (roughly Rs. 15,900)wearable (or $300 (roughly Rs. 19,000) with the heart ratemonitor bundle) that will hit shelves starting Q1 this year.

The Garmin Fenix 3 is morerugged, and is meant foractive users. It will also

reach the marketsin Q1 this yearat $500

(roughlyR s .

3 1 , 6 0 0 )for the stan-dard model,$550 (roughly

Rs. 34,800) with theheart rate monitor, and$600 (roughly Rs.38,000) for the sapphirescreen model. Arriving in thisquarter, the Epix smartwatch is

priced at $550 (roughly Rs. 34,800).

Garmin's new fitness tracker Vivofit 2 is an update overthe previous version. The wearable will start shipping inthis quarter at a suggested retail price of $140 (roughly Rs.8,900).

AlcatelAlcatel announced a slew of handsets and tablets at CES,

while it also showcased its new Alcatel One Touch Watchat the event.

Wes got a chance to spend some time with the new Watchand it looked and felt pretty good, supported Android aswell as iOS for notifications, and came with the usualgamut of sensors one would expect.

The best part, unlike the smartwatches from big namemanufacturers, this one eliminated the need of a dock byincluding a USB port in the strap. It is expected to launchin March at $150 with a battery life of up to 2-5 days on atwo-hour charge.

RazerRazer, best known as a gaming company, launched an

entry-level version of the Nabu wristband it had unveiledlast year - the Razer Nabu X. The Razer Nabu X will bepriced at $49.99 (approximately Rs. 3,100) and will start

shipping in spring.

The new Razer Nabu X fitness tracker doesn't include anOLED display like the Razer Nabu, and instead featuresthree differently-coloured LED lights which glow in differ-

ent combinations based on the type of notificationalert such as calls or alarm. The smartband is

IP67-rated water resistant, and can surviveimmersion up to 1 metre for 30 minutes. Itpacks an accelerometer and a vibration motor.

WithingsW i t h i n g s

launched theActivite Pop health-tracking watch atCES. It has beenlaunched at a priceof $150 (roughlyRs. 9,500). TheWithings ActivitePop features awaterproof silicone

band and includes anadditional daily fitness

goal needle on the dialthat moves from 0 to100 as the user meets

the 10,000-steps goal.

It supports Bluetooth connectivityand uses it to pair with the WithingsHealthMate app, which is available foriOS only right now - an Android companion app is comingsoon. The device also monitors the user's sleep.

The wearable can last for up to 8 months after which thebattery needs to be changed. It is also water resistant to 30metres and can vibrate to wake up the user if an alarm is setin the app.

LGAmidst a number of television, smartphone, and other

product launches, an LG-made smartwatch was also teasedat Audi's CES 2015 event. The unnamed smartwatch fromLG was spotted running Open webOS and not AndroidWear.

The new LG smartwatch was seen flaunting a three-but-ton design, a round dial similar to the G Watch R and theMoto 360 that were launched last year.

Misfit and SwarovskiMisfit Wearables in partnership with Swarovski launched

a luxury version of the Misfit Shine activity tracker, calledSwarovski Shine at CES.

The new Swarovski Shine Collection will be available inthree sets ranging from $169.99 to $249.99 (between Rs.10,800 and Rs. 15,900 approximately). The collection is

now available to pre-order in the United States fromMisfit's online store.

The company even claimed that the new SwarovskiShine Collection is "the world's first wireless activity andsleep monitor" that does not require charging or replacingof batteries. "Simply expose the violet Swarovski Shine tolight to keep it charged," added the company.

Other announcementsMediaTek, the mobile chip-

maker, at the CES 2015 intro-duced a range of new SoCs(system on chip) for audio,smart TVs, and wireless con-

nectivity alongside wearabledevices.

The company introducedthe MediaTek MT2601 SoCfor wearable devices running

on Google's Android Wear software. The SoC is already inmass production, and is ready for inclusion by AndroidWear device manufactures.

Intel also revealed some new products including a com-puter built into a jacket button and a wristband that couldtransform into a selfie-snapping flying camera.

Curie, the new button-sized computer for smart clothes,is expected later in 2015 and includes Bluetooth radio aswell as the latest from Intel's Quark line of low-powerchips.

Intel Chief Executive Brian Krzanich also revealed thatthe company will work with Oakley to launch a smartgadget for athletes later this year.

At CES 2015, BlackBerryshowed off its first step to sup-port cross-platform wearable messaging technology withthe introduction of BBM for Android Wear. The companyhowever didn't launch any wearable device.

1. 'Bar' is the unit ofA. temperature B. heatC. atmospheric pressure D. current

2. One Joule is equal toA. 105 ergs B. 103 ergsC. 107 ergs D. 1011 ergs

3. Kilowatt is a unit to measureA. work B. powerC. electricity D. current

4. Electric current is measure byA. commutator B. anemometerC. ammeter D. voltmeter

5. A chronometer measuresA. colour contrast B. sound wavesC. time D. water waves


Answer: 1(C), 2 (C), 3(B), 4(C), 5(C)

12.00 am SaathNibhaana Saathiya 12.30 am Diya aur Baati

Hum 01.00 am Ye Hai

Mohabbatein 01.30 am Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir 02.00 am Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata

Hai 02.30 am Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 03.00 am Tu Mera Hero 03.30 am Suhani Si Ek Ladki 04.00 am Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 04.30 am Everest 05.00 am Diya aur Baati Hum 05.30 am Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 06.00 am Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir 06.30 am Ye Hai Mohabbatein 07.00 am Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 07.30 am Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 08.00 am Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata

Hai 08.30 am Suhani Si Ek Ladki 09.00 am Diya aur Baati Hum 09.30 am Ye Hai Mohabbatein 10.00 am Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 10.30 am Tu Mera Hero 11.00 am Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 11.30 am Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir 12.00 pm Diya aur Baati Hum 12.30 pm Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata

Hai 01.00 pm Ye Hai Mohabbatein 01.30 pm Tu Mera Hero 02.00 pm Everest 02.30 pm Diya aur Baati Hum 03.00 pm Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata

Hai 03.30 pm Suhani Si Ek Ladki 04.00 pm Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 04.30 pm Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 05.00 pm Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 05.30 pm Ye Hai Mohabbatein 06.00 pm Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir 06.30 pm Suhani Si Ek Ladki 07.00 pm Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 07.30 pm Ye Hai Mohabbatein 08.00 pm Tu Mera Hero 08.30 pm Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 09.00 pm Diya aur Baati Hum 09.30 pm Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata

Hai 10.00 pm Everest 10.30 pm Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 11.00 pm Ye Hai Mohabbatein

11.30 pm Tu Mera Hero ___________________________

12.00 am Teleshopping 02.00 am Jodha Akbar 02.30 am Kumkum Bhagya 03.00 am Aur…Pyaar Ho Gaya 03.30 am Doli Armaano Ki 04.00 am Baba Ramdev Ka Yog

05.00 am Narayan Seva 05.30 am Teleshopping 06.00 am Sant Nirankari Mandal 06.30 am The Faith Show 07.00 am Enjoying Every Day Life 07.30 am Creflo Dollar and TaffiDollar 08.00 am Teleshopping

09.00 am Kumkum Bhagya 09.30 am Bandhan....Sari Umar

Hume Sang Rehna Hai 10.00 am Qubool Hai 10.30 am Jodha Akbar 11.00 am Doli Armaano Ki 11.30 am Satrangi Sasural 12.00 pm Jamai Raja 12.30 pm Kumkum Bhagya 01.00 pm Jodha Akbar 01.30 pm Bandhan....Sari Umar

Hume Sang Rehna Hai 02.00 pm Satrangi Sasural 02.30 pm Doli Armaano Ki 03.00 pm Kumkum Bhagya 03.30 pm Qubool Hai 04.00 pm SaReGaMaPa L'il Champs 04.30 pm Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai 05.00 pm Doli Armaano Ki 05.30 pm Jamai Raja 06.00 pm Kumkum Bhagya 06.30 pm Satrangi Sasural 07.00 pm Bandhan....Sari Umar

Hume Sang Rehna Hai 07.30 pm Sapne Suhane Ladakpan

Ke 08.00 pm Jodha Akbar 08.30 pm Jamai Raja 09.00 pm Kumkum Bhagya 09.30 pm Qubool Hai 10.00 pm Satrangi Sasural 10.30 pm Doli Armaano Ki 11.00 pm Jodha Akbar 11.30 pm Jamai Raja


12.30 am Udaan 01.00 am Telebrands

02.00 am Home Shop 18 05.00 am Iskcon Aarti 05.30 am Jesus Calls Ministry 06.00 am Telebrands 07.00 am Narayan Sewa SansthanTrust 07.30 am Home Shop 18 08.00 am Udann 08.30 am Shastri Sisters 09.00 am Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 09.30 am Balika Vadhu - Kacchi

Umar Ke Pakke Rishte 10.00 am Bigg Boss : Halla Bol

11.00 am Sasural Simar Ka 11.30 am Udann 12.00 pm Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 12.30 pm Shastri Sisters 01.00 pm Balika Vadhu - Kacchi

Umar Ke Pakke Rishte 01.30 pm Sasural Simar Ka 02.00 pm Udann 02.30 pm Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 03.00 pm Comedy Nights with Kapil

06.00 pm Udann 06.30 pm Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 07.00 pm Shastri Sisters 07.30 pm Sasural Simar Ka 08.00 pm Balika Vadhu - Kacchi

Umar Ke Pakke Rishte 08.30 pm Udann 09.00 pm Bigg Boss : Halla Bol

10.00 pm Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 10.30 pm Uttaran 11.00 pm Shastri Sisters 11.30 pm Udann


12.00 am ComedyClasses

12.00 am SavdhaanIndia : Mumbai Fights

Back 12.30 am Comedy Classes

01.00 am Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath

02.00 am Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back 03.00 am Pukaar

04.00 am Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath

05.00 am Savdhaan India : MumbaiFights Back

06.00 am Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

07.00 am Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back 07.30 am Mere Rang Mein Rangne Wali

08.00 am Mahakumbh - EkRahasaya Ek Kahani ! 08.30 am Comedy Classes 09.00 am Ajeeb Daastaan Hai Ye 09.00 am Mere Rang Mein Rangne

Wali 09.30 am Pukaar 09.30 am Ajeeb Daastaan Hai Ye

10.00 am Mahakumbh - EkRahasaya Ek Kahani ! : 10.30 am Mere Rang Mein RangneWali 11.00 am Ajeeb Daastaan Hai Ye

11.30 am Mahakumbh - EkRahasaya Ek Kahani !

12.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back (2)

12.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

01.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back (2)

01.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

02.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

02.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back (2)

03.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

03.00 pm Savdhaan India: DelhiFights Back

04.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back (2)

04.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

05.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back (2)

05.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

06.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

06.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

06.30 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back

07.00 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back : 1 Kissa , 5 Hisse 07.30 pm Mere Rang Mein Rangne

Wali 08.00 pm Mahakumbh - Ek

Rahasaya Ek Kahani ! 08.30 pm Pukaar 09.30 pm Ajeeb Daastaan Hai Ye 10.00 pm Comedy Classes 10.30 pm Savdhaan India: India

Fights Back (2) 10.30 pm Savdhaan India: India

Fights Back 11.30 pm Mahakumbh

TV Channels Schedule TODAY’S STARARIES You're a logical person, Aries. When insights come to you through

ESP, you tend to doubt their validity. Don't do this. If a feeling is par-ticularly strong, go with it. Don't write it off because it seems illogi-cal. Life isn't always predictable. If you give yourself permission, youcan trust your intuition about nearly anything.

TAURUS Doubts about a friend's motives could plague you today, Taurus. This personseems to be acting strangely and isn't communicating. This probably has lit-tle if anything to do with you. This person has issues that he or she is havingtrouble with. There are others who are in a better space whose company youwill enjoy at this time. Get together and enjoy the amiable atmosphere.

GEMINI A friend or family member might act strangely and seem distracted. Youmay wonder if he or she is upset with you. This probably isn't the case.This person has issues that need attention. Allow them some space. Aromantic partner might have to break a date tonight. Spend the eveningalone with a novel and look forward to the next get-together.

CANCER Too much reading might have you experiencing eyestrain and pos-sibly headaches, Cancer. It might help to have your eyes checked,but it's probably just too much stress. You might have some troublefocusing on whatever work you do today, but this is only a temporarycondition. You should be back to your normal self tomorrow. Stayhome tonight, listen to music, and take it easy.

LEO Doubts about business and financial matters might weigh onyour mind now, Leo, so much so that they invade your dreams.The dreams are only a reflection of your worries - they aren'tprophetic. Your situation is probably better than it seems on thesurface. Lack of information clouds the issue. Check the factsand judge them for yourself before making yourself crazy.

VIRGO A scheduling conflict may come up today, Virgo. A business engagementcould interfere with a social event. You might doubt whether you can attendboth, but if you plan carefully, it should be OK. Someone at home might notbe communicative, which could cause a little worry. This person has issuesthey need to work out for themselves. Just be there if needed.

LIBRA Confusing communications could be the pattern for today, Libra. Somepaperwork you need to do for a task might be delayed - hung up in themail or filed in the wrong place. It might take a while to locate it, but itshould turn up eventually. There might be some strange messages foryou, and you may not be sure whether or not you should return the calls.

SCORPIO Today you could doubt the amount of money you might get from a busi-ness transaction. If you can, verify this before starting anything. Youaren't being told something. Personal relationships, particularly love andromance, should be stable and rewarding now, although today you maynot have much time to spend with those you care about. Hang in there.

SAGITTARIUSBusiness transactions that could take place in your home orperhaps involve the home might seem a bit unclear today,Sagittarius. Before agreeing to anything, read the fine printand verify all the facts about what you're signing. Use yourintuition. It's very high at this time. Family members might beconfused about events in their lives, but they'll get over it.

CAPRICORN You might get a lot of mixed messages from friends, relatives, and col-leagues, Capricorn. They may say one thing while you sense that they meansomething else. Insist on hearing how they really feel. This can prevent a lotof resentment later. New businesses could open in your neighborhood thatyou might want to check out. Take a look - especially if it's a new bookstore.

AQUARIUS Today you might not feel secure about your financial situation, Aquarius, andget a little nervous. Disconcerting information in the news about the generalstate of the world economy might have planted some unsettling seeds inyour mind. On the whole, you should be pretty financially stable now, and thistrend is likely to continue. Check out the facts before giving in to panic.

PISCES Some unsettling news about your work situation might reach you today and makeyou worried, Pisces. You might question your future in this field and possibly con-sider a change. Consider it, by all means, but this isn't the day to make a finaldecision of any kind. Wait until you're in a more secure frame of mind. In themeantime, list your different options. This will get you back to reality.

CES 2015 Wearables Roundup

In Denver, Uber has saidthat its drivers will seeguaranteed minimum

fares of $12 to $24 perhour, depending ondemand. Uber, the popularride-hailing start-up, hasenticed millions of newcustomers with a simplepromise: The experiencewill be better and cheaperthan taking a taxi.

The cheaper part may beespecially true after Uber'sannouncement lateThursday, when the com-pany said it would cut riderfares across 48 cities in theUnited States. Uber saidthe fare cuts would helpdrivers "beat the winterslump" by generating busi-ness in the months after thebusy holiday season. Thecuts will largely affectmarkets in which the com-pany has a relatively smallpresence, like in Nashvilleor Milwaukee. Uber,which allows users to sum-mon a private car with afew taps of a smartphoneapp, has reduced driverfares in the past. It oftencites the same argument:

The lower the cost of itsservice, the more peoplewill use it. And the morepeople use it, the moremoney drivers will make.

To reassure drivers wor-ried about lower fares,Uber said it would guaran-tee a minimum fare perhour for drivers in thesecities. "We expect thatthese seasonal price cutswill help bring newer Ubermarkets in line with ourlarger ones with lowercosts for riders, higherearnings for drivers, short-er wait times for both and abetter experience for all,"the company said in a blogpost. Fares vary on a city-by-city basis. But on apopular message boardamong Uber drivers, com-menters expressed doubtsthat Uber's guaranteeswould offset the heavyprice cuts. In a post on thesite,, oneperson, for example, point-ed out that demand for theservice could only increaseto a certain point to com-pensate for Uber's dis-counts.

Uber Cuts Fares in 48 Cities, RaisingSome Concern Among Drivers

Page 7: 12 January 2015


Federer notches 1,000th matchwin, claims Brisbane title

BRISBANE, JAN 11Roger Federer notched his

1,000th career victory andcollected his 83rd title with aseesawing 6-4, 6-7 (2), 6-4win over third-seeded MilosRaonic of Canada in theBrisbane International finalon Sunday.

The 17-time major winnerbroke Raonic’s serve in thethird game and again in theopening game of the secondset before Raonic broke backfor 2-2 and then dominatedthe tiebreaker.

Raonic was playing a cool,composed game until heserved his first double-faultof the third set, givingFederer championship point.He netted a forehand on thenext point to end the 2 hour,13-minute match.

Only retired greats JimmyConnors (1,253) and IvanLendl (1,071) have wonmore than 1,000 matches onthe men’s tour.

NEW DELHI, JAN 11Legendary athlete

Milkha Singh on Sundaysaid hockey wizard DhyanChand should have beenthe first sportspersons to beconferred with the coun-try’s highest civilianaward, Bharat Ratna.

“Dhyan Chand shouldhave got Bharat Ratnafirst. Dhyan Chand was themost deserving candidate,”Milkha told reporters.

The ‘Flying Sikh’ thoughfelt that bestowing the hon-our on cricket icon SachinTendulkar has opened thedoor for the other Indiansportspersons.

“It was good that it wasgiven to Sachin. It hasopened the door forsportspersons. But the firstto get it should have beenDhyan Chand,” he added.

The 80-year-old Milkha,best remembered for his

fourth-place finish in the400 metres final at the1960 Olympic Games, alsospoke about the controver-sy surrounding shuttlerSaina Nehwal’s reporteddemand for the PadmaBhushan award. “Her asso-ciation should have saidthat she is deserving andthat she should get theaward. But if you ask forawards yourself, it iswrong,” Milkha said.

Dhyan Chand should have gotBharat Ratna first: Milkha

SYDNEY, JAN 11The comparisons will be

inevitable but former Indian skip-per Sourav Ganguly on Sundaysaid it is unfair to equate the lead-ership skills of Mahendra SinghDhoni and newly-appointed Testcaptain Virat Kohli, who will onlybecome better with experience.

“There will be a strong urgecompare Kohli and Dhoni. I don’tthink the two can be compared andit would be unfair to do so aswell,” Ganguly said.

“Kohli has got the job now and itis his for the near foreseeable

future. He has got has got all theattributes for leadership and Ithink he will do well because he isaggressive and wants to win all thetime. He will lead with passionand it will show on the field. Andhe will get better with experienceand grow into this role.”

Kohli took over the Test captain-cy after Dhoni retired midwaythrough the series againstAustralia which India eventuallylost 0-2.

Ganguly said Kohli was impres-sive in his short captaincy stint.Kohli led India in the first Test inAdelaide as Dhoni was out injuredand then again in the fourth Test inSydney after the latter took ashock retirement after the thirdTest in Melbourne.

India lost the series but theycompeted aggressively in three outof the four Tests and could haveregistered wins in at least two ofthem if they had latched on to piv-otal moments.

Kohli himself shrugged off hisfailure in England and scored fourhundreds during this series, accu-mulating 692 runs, a record for anIndian batsman against Australiain any one encounter.

The problem for India through-out the series was the simple factthat their bowling was too incon-

sistent. “Length and line bowlingis a basic at this international leveland is very important. Look atwhat Josh Hazlewood did on thefifth day. He bowled 8 overs forjust 3 runs. He kept bowling oneline and length and that’s just basicbowling,” said Ganguly.

“Indian bowlers simply have tofind a way to do it. The talent isthere. They are consistently bowl-ing at 140-plus and you cannot beordinary bowlers if you keepbowling at that speed. But disci-pline in Test cricket is alwaysimportant and a key factor.Hopefully someone will be aroundto tell them that and they will learnit from this tour,” he added.

When asked if the Indian team islacking in proper coaching staff,Ganguly replied, “It is importantto have the right people around interms of helping out these youngboys because they are young andraw. They will have to work withthem and it will not happenovernight. But it is not rocket sci-ence either so they will have tokeep working on getting the con-sistency part right.”

Perhaps R Ashwin was the onlystand-out bowler during the lasttwo Tests, bowling with controland discipline in both Melbourneand Sydney.

He picked up 12 wickets in threeTests played this series — 10 ofthose in the last two Tests — butmissed support from the other end.Even so, Ganguly seemed unim-pressed by the spinner’s showing.

“Ashwin has got to bowl a lotbetter especially when it matterslater in the Tests. He has beenaround for a while and now he isan experienced bowler. His lineshave to get a lot better especiallyin overseas conditions. He has tokeep bowling a lot outside the offstump and reduce variations evenmore,” said the cricketer-turned-commentator.

With the Test series done, focusnow turns towards the ODI leg ofthe tour with the Indian team play-ing a tri-series against Australiaand England starting in Melbourneon January 16. Thereafter Indiawill be defending their champions’crown in the World Cup startingFebruary 14.

“It has been a long tour already.The players need to keep them-selves fresh. The selectors havedone a good job with the WorldCup squad and it is quite balanced.Not to mention, Dhoni will beback and he is a terrific one-dayplayer. I am sure he will prove tobe a huge force in the comingmonths,” Ganguly signed off.

Kohli will grow into captaincy role: Sourav Ganguly

SYDNEY, JAN 11 Injured captain Michael

Clarke has been named inAustralia's 15-man squadfor the World Cup inFebruary and March, butwill be omitted if he cannotprove his fitness by thesecond match againstBangladesh.

Clarke is in a race to befit for the global showpieceto be held in Australia andNew Zealand after a ham-string surgery.

Australia's first match isagainst England onFebruary 14 at theMelbourne CricketGround.

"He is one of the world'sbest batsmen and we wantto give him every chanceto prove his fitness for atournament as important asthis one," chairman ofselectors Rod Marsh saidin a statement on Sunday.

"We have said that ifMichael has not recoveredby our second match of thetournament againstBangladesh on Feb. 21, wewill replace him in thesquad. He understands thatand is working tirelesslywith medical staff to getback to fitness."

George Bailey has beennamed vice-captain and islikely to deputise inClarke's absence, thoughin-form batsman StevenSmith has made a com-pelling case to lead the

side.Smith torched South

Africa's world class paceattack in a recent one-dayseries, and after replacingClarke as captain of thetest side for the final threematches against India,guided Australia to a 2-0series victory.

Australia test spinnerNathan Lyon's hopes of arecall after nearly threeyears out of ODI crickethave been dashed withselectors sticking withestablished left-arm spin-ner Xavier Doherty, seenas a more economicalchoice if not a big wicket-taker. Doherty is the lonespecialist slow bowler inthe squad, with Australiaand New Zealand's pitchesnot expected to offer muchturn. All-rounder GlennMaxwell has been includedand can provide part-time

offspin. He is likely to viewith fast bowling all-rounder Mitchell Marsh forthe number six spot in thebatting order, dependingon the wicket.

Australia's selectors haveincluded 21-year-old fastbowler Pat Cummins in apace battery that includesMitchell Johnson, MitchellStarc and Josh Hazlewood,dashing speculation thataccomplished test bowlerRyan Harris might win aberth.Squad:

Michael Clarke (cap-tain), George Bailey, PatCummins, Xavier Doherty,James Faulkner, AaronFinch, Brad Haddin, JoshHazlewood, MitchellJohnson, Mitchell Marsh,Glenn Maxwell, StevenSmith, Mitchell Starc,David Warner, ShaneWatson

Clarke included in Australiasquad for World Cup

KARACHI, JAN11The Pakistan Cricket

Board will adopt a six-month assessment processto decide whether left-armpacer Mohammad Amircan be included again inthe national team after thecompletion of his five-yearban period for spot-fixing.

PCB chairman ShaharyarKhan said on Sunday thatcontrary to the generalimpression no decision hadbeen taken as yet on allow-ing Amir back into thenational side once his banends in September thisyear.

"We will monitor himclosely in every aspect andalso take the feedback ofother players in the nation-al team and domesticcricket before decidingwhether he can play forPakistan again," Khan said.

"Obviously he has com-mitted a crime and let thecountry down and we haveto ensure other players arecomfortable playingagainst him and with himbefore we take any deci-sion. Plus we also want tobe completely satisfied hewill not repeat his mistakesagain if he gets a chance toplay for Pakistan. So untilnow it is not an open orshut case for Amir," the

PCB chief elaborated.He disclosed that

although no member of thePakistan team had yetraised any concerns withthe Board over allowingAmir to make a comeback,the PCB had got somewaves from the Pakistandressing room.

"Personally you ask me Iget a feeling he has learntfrom his mistakes and isrepentant and will not do itagain but we have to be100 percent sure he doesnot bring Pakistan cricketinto disrepute again," hesaid.

"Plus we also have tofirst see whether wheneverhe plays domestic cricketis he still good enough as acricketer to warrant a recallto the national side because

we are seeing lot of prom-ising new players comingup," Khan said.

"We are hopeful that theInternational CricketCouncil (ICC) will givehim some relief and allowhim to at least start usingfacilities at the nationalcricket academy before hisban officially ends. But atthis stage we don't see himplaying domestic cricketbefore early next season,"Khan said.

Khan also said that thePCB had sent a letter to theICC on behalf of Amirseeking relief, adding thatit would take weeks beforethe anti-corruption unitdecide on its recommenda-tions.

Asked about the fate ofthe two other players

Mohammed Amir to UndergoSix-Month Assessment Process

Before Pakistan Comeback

KARACHI, JAN 11Pakistan's Test and ODI

captain Misbah-ul-Haq hasformally informed thePCB that he will stop play-ing the 50-over formatafter the 2015 World Cupin Australia and NewZealand.

A top official of thePakistan Cricket Board(PCB) said without want-ing to be named thatMisbah had conveyed tothe Board chairman that hewould like to announce hisretirement from ODIsthrough the board and notindividually.

"Unlike Shahid Afridiwho went ahead andannounced he would retirefrom one-day internation-als after the World Cup,Misbah has said he wouldlike to do it through theboard," the official said.

He said Misbah had said

he wanted to continueplaying Tests but not 50overs cricket.

"He is keen to leadPakistan in the Test seriesagainst Sri Lanka, Englandand India this year," theofficial disclosed.

Misbah has beenPakistan's Test captainsince late 2010 and theODI captain since mid-2011.

He stated that due toMisbah's decision theboard had already askedthe national team headcoach Waqar Younis andchief selector Moin Khanto submit a comprehensivepost World Cup cricketplan under which appoint-ment of new captains willtake place.

"We are now basicallylooking at appointing ayounger captain fromamongst the current lot of

Misbah-ul-Haq to RetireFrom ODIs After World Cup

SYDNEY, JAN 11Chaos broke out at a

darts match featuring theworld number one playerin Melbourne, with peoplein fancy dress throwingchairs, spectators slammedinto furniture and somepeople urinating on thefloor, witnesses said onSunday.

Fans dressed as Batman,Santa Claus, medievalknights and OompaLoompas were picturedtussling in local media onSunday, some brandishingchairs while others lay onthe ground, and still morecheering and yelling.

The incident erupted asDutch world number oneMichael van Gerwen wasplaying Australia's SimonWhitlock before 4,500people at the EtihadStadium in Melbourne lateSaturday, forcing them tohalt their match.

"It was a total disgrace!!I want my $400 back andanswers!!!" fan RosemaryGrant said on Facebook,according to the Australian

Broadcasting Corporation,adding that alcohol wasflowing freely withoutrestriction.

"You could buy as muchas you wanted!!Embarrassed forMelbourne andAustralia!!! The securitywas a shambles from thebeginning and needs anoverhauling!! Still shaking13 hours later!" she said.

Audience members atthe Darts InvitationalChallenge told media theviolence started when

some people in the crowdtried to build a pyramid outof chairs.

Video footage posted onsocial media showed plas-tic chairs and some tablesbeing thrown towards agrowing pile of furniture inthe middle of the audience,as security guards lookedon.

One unidentified witnesstold Melbourne's The Age:"It was an absolute mess,drunken idiots that weregetting bored and lookingfor a bit of excitement."

Chairs Thrown in Fancy-DressBrawl at Australia Darts Contest

Page 8: 12 January 2015

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Your hair tends to suffer as well duringthe winter as much as your skin does.Here's how you can take care of it...

Apart from your skin, your hair also goesthrough its own set of problems during thecolder months. If you are looking at keepingyour mane healthy and strong, there are cou-ple of hair packs that you must use during thisseason.

Aloe vera hair pack

Evenly apply aloe vera all over your hair atleast once in a week. Keep this pack on for atleast half an hour or so before you wash it offwith lukewarm water. Aloe makes your hairsoft and also makes it shiny.

Reetha hair pack

Reetha is not only known for reducing hairloss, but also protects your hair from losingits texture during the winter. Make a thickpaste of reetha and apply this all over yourhair. You can apply this pack at least twice aweek depending on how damaged your hair

gets during winter. Do notuse shampoo while wash-ing off reetha.

Henna hair pack

Mix henna alongwith curd and cof-fee or tea strainand keep itovernight in acopper bowl.Apply it beforeyou wash yourhair in themorning andkeep this fora p p r o x i -mately anhour or so.Once itdries off,wash offthe pasteoff yourhair.


On the 8th of JanuaryFarah Khan,Bollywood’s beloved

choreographer and directorof super hit films celebratedher 50th birthday. Shereceived many warm wishesas a majority of the tinseltown was seen attending thegrand bash.

However, the ones thatclearly stood out and gar-nered much praise and atten-tion were Bollywood’s cele-brated couple Aishwarya Raiand Abhishek Bachchan.

The two posed for the shut-terbugs and can be seen hold-ing each other in a lovingembrace. The couple’s pho-tograph makes their love for

one another evident as theylooked ever so dazzlingtogether. Ash wore a blackdress with full sleeves andheels that went perfectly withher ensemble.

Red lips added muchcharm to her beauty, and herstyle remained as classy asalways.

Abhi was spotted in a longblack jacket and jeans. Hiswas a rather laidback andcool look. In 2014 FarahKhan directed ‘Happy NewYear’, which was a block-buster and Abhishek playedan integral part in themovie’s success.

His role as ‘tapori’ NanduBhide was critically

acclaimed and fans could notget enough.

Ash and Abhi got marriedin the year 2007 after a yearof dating. The couple fell inlove on the sets of ‘Guru’,which was a Mani Ratnamblockbuster.

The actors showcased asweet chemistry both on andoff screen. Aaradhya is thecouple’s beautiful littledaughter who was born in theyear 2011.

Since then Aishwarya hadtaken a break from moviesbut is all set to return to thesilver screen through‘Jazbaa’, a Sanjay Guptafilm.

The Greek god of BollywoodHrithik Roshan celebratedhis birthday on Jan 10.

Hrithik has been all timefavourite for cine-goers, espe-cially for girls. His charisma hasfloored one and all. Hails from afilmy family, Hrithik Roshan wasborn to actor turned filmmakerRakesh Roshan and PinkyRoshan. On his 41st birthday, webring to you his successful career,

his link-ups and marriage toSuzanne Khan and divorce.

He made a scintillat-ing Bollywood debutwith ‘Kaho Na PyarHai’, directed andproduced by hisfather RakeshRoshan. He deliv-ered blockbusterslike ‘MissionKashmir’, ‘Dhoom2’, ‘Krrish’, ‘KoiMil Gaya’,‘ A g n e e p a t h ’ ,

‘Jodhaa Akbar’,‘Zindagi Na Milegi

Dobara’, ‘KabhiKhushi Kabhi Gham’

and many more. Healso bagged awards for

best actor couple oftimes in his career.

Hrithik Roshan’s wax fig-ure was also installed atMadamme Tussauds. On 20December 2000, Hrithikwas married to SanjayKhan’s daughter SuzanneKhan. He had knownSuzanne since the age of 12.Before marriage, the coupledated for four years. Thecouple has two sons, Hrehaan(born in 2006) and Hridhaan

(born in 2008).

On 13 December 2013, Hrithik announced his separation from his wifeSussanne. He issued a statement where he wrote that it was Suzanne’s deci-sion to part ways from him. The couple was married for 17-year long years.Hrithik and Suzanne’s beautiful love story ended at Bandra family court inMumbai on 1 November 2014.

Hrithik Roshan@ 41: Life,career, marriage and divorce

Abhishek, Aishwarya showlove at Farah’s birthday bash

Well, according to the latest developments, DeepikaPadukone and Ranveer Singh will soon enter into mat-rimony. Ranveer Singh who is head over heels in love

with the long legged beauty has finally got the go ahead signalfor the Pakunone’s and now their love life if completely on trackand wedding is expected to take place soon.

Ranveer has not only wooed Deepika with his jovial nature buthe has impressed Deepika’s parents too. The actor bonds wellwith the actress’s parents and they have also developed liking forhim. According to Deepika’s parents, Ranveer is the perfectmatch for their daughter and they are elated that Ranveer is veryprotective about their darling daughter and always tries to keepher happy. Ranveer Singh was recently spotted with Deepika’sfamily in Maldives and flown to Bangalore to ring in hisladylove’s birthday with the actress’s family. He was also spottedshooting around with Dippy’s mom and sister in a mall inBangalore. Ranveer’s visit to Deepika Padukone’s hometowngave rise to the speculation that he asked Deepika’s hand fromher parents. The couple paired opposite each other in SanjayLeela Bhansali’s ‘Ram Leela’ and since then they are goingstrong. Deepika has always maintained a strong silence onRanveer’s matter and always avoids questions related to theirrelationship.Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh will be seentogether in ‘Bajirao Mastani’ and the chemistry is sure to setablaze the silver screen.

Deepika Padukone to marry Ranveer Singh soon

The choreographer-filmmaker FarahKhan turned 50 recently. She cele-brated the grand occasion at her home

in Andheri. January 8 saw a star studdedparty at her residence. Though it was a fab-ulous birthday bash with the presence ofprominent personalities of B-town, theexcitement was somewhat reduced with thearrival of the cops. The roof top party wastoo noisy and after receiving complaintsabout the loud music police visited the partyat 12.45 am. The police then penalized thesecretary of the society for allowing a wildparty at such late hours at night. The seniorinspector of Oshiwara police station,Subhash Bele, told the media, “The controlroom received a call from the society aboutloud music post midnight. On reaching thespot, we found out it was coming fromFarah Khan’s house. We have penalised thesociety secretary for allowing such a noisyparty to continue late into the night.”

Cops arrive atFarah Khan’s noisybirthday party