January 12-13 2015 LEReC Review 12 – 13 January 2015 Low Energy RHIC electron Cooling Kerry...

January 12-13 2015 LEReC Review 12 – 13 January 2015 Low Energy RHIC electron Cooling Kerry Mirabella Cost, Schedule, Personnel

Transcript of January 12-13 2015 LEReC Review 12 – 13 January 2015 Low Energy RHIC electron Cooling Kerry...

January 12-13 2015

LEReC Review 12 – 13 January 2015

Low Energy RHIC electron Cooling

Kerry Mirabella

Cost, Schedule, Personnel

January 12-13 2015


• Since the July 2014 review

• Cost by WBS

• Contingency by WBS

• Major Procurements

• High Priority Items

• How LEReC will be controlled

– Monthly status

– Milestones

• Risk

• Summary


January 12-13 2015

Since the July 2014 Review

• July - DOE review

• August – subsystem leads estimate contingency by task

• September

– Resource loaded schedule completed

– Contractor and Deputy Project Manager are assigned to charge the project (or % of time increased?)

– List of High Priority Items* submitted

– New AIP – RHIC Accelerator Design Infrastructure Upgrade (RADTIU) proposed

• November - High Priority Items & RADTIU approved

• December - New Project Controls personnel (Khianne Williams) begins work


* Equipment to be installed during the FY15 RHIC shutdown.

January 12-13 2015

Costs by WBS


AY $KWBS Name Cost

1.0 Low Energy RHIC electron Cooling (LEReC)1.1 Project Management 4961.2 Physics Support* 01.3 Gun and Cavities 13271.4 RF Amplifiers and LLRF 14081.5 Magnets 8561.6 Power Supplies 2091.7 Beam Instrumentation 8751.8 Beam Dump 1041.9 Beam Line Vacuum 677

1.10 Controls 2581.11 Cryogenic Systems 961.12 Installation 2761.13 Commissioning* 0

Total Estimated Cost 6582Bottom up Contingency 1305Risk Register 410Total Project Cost 8297

total risk and contingency 1715as a % of planned costs 26.1%

* funded by RHIC Operations

January 12-13 2015

Contingency estimates by WBS


WBS Name Cost Contingency $ Contingency %

1.0 Low Energy RHIC electron Cooling (LEReC)1.1 Project Management 496 0 01.2 Physics Support* 0 0 01.3 Gun and Cavities 1327 457 34%1.4 RF Amplifiers and LLRF 1408 85 6%1.5 Magnets 856 130 15%1.6 Power Supplies 209 55 26%1.7 Beam Instrumentation 875 399 46%1.8 Beam Dump 104 7 6%1.9 Beam Line Vacuum 677 40 6%

1.10 Controls 258 9 4%1.11 Cryogenic Systems 96 41 43%1.12 Installation 276 82 30%1.13 Commissioning* 0 0 0

Total Estimated Cost 6582Bottom up Contingency 1305 1305Risk Register 410Total Project Cost 8297

* funded by RHIC Operations


Cost estimates were developed from a bottom-up analysis of each contribution to the scope of the LEReC project with contingency funds as an allowance for uncertainties, omissions and risks.

January 12-13 2015



Total hours = 85747C-AD hours = 81300

95% of the labor is within the C-A department.

Resource Name WorkBuilding Trades-Carpenters 30Building Trades-Electricians 668Building Trades-Riggers 976Central Shops 2773Deputy Project Manager 1278Designer: Elec-Instrument 667Designer: Mech-Facilities 8076Engineer: 364Engineer: Civil/Facilities 48Engineer: Controls hardware 3525Engineer: Controls Software 4808Engineer: Cryogenics 688Engineer: Electrical 9449Engineer: Mechanical 11875Engineer: Power Distribution 8Engineer: RF 3808Engineer: Survey 176Engineer: Vacuum 3048Project Manager 1251Scientist 10883Technician: Access Ctrl. Safety 240Technician: Cable pulling 448Technician: Controls 2349Technician: Cryogenics 1576Technician: HP Radiation 1Technician: Instrumentation 2959Technician: Power Supplies 1112Technician: RF 1840Technician: SCRF Mech 3277Technician: Survey 784Technician: Vacuum 6578Technician: Water 184

January 12-13 2015

Major Procurements


400,000 2.1 GHz 3rd Harmonic System 350,000 Power Amplifier for 5 Cell Super Conducting Cavity (1 req'd)320,000 Laser Master Oscillators & Amplifier225,000 Procure Compensating Solenoids, .2K Gauss222,720 Procure Beam Position Monitor System Hardware for RHIC (See Note)220,414 Procure Beam Profile Monitor & Emittance and Energy Slits System Hardware for RHIC (See Note)150,000 704 MHz Warm Cavity Purchase144,000 Procure Transport Solenoids, .2K Gauss135,000 2.1 GHz Cavity Purchase (Note)125,000 Circulators and Dummy Load 110,000 RF Window (QTY 2) Purchase

96,000 Series 46 RF Shielded Gate Valves, 5",6.76 Fl, 2 ea

January 12-13 2015

High Priority Items


January 12-13 2015

Assumptions for cost and schedule

• The following assumptions were made within the schedule.

– LEReC is fully approved by Feb 15 2015.

– RHIC does not run at all in FY17, in the other FYs RHIC shuts down 7/31 each year and restarts 12/1 each year.

• The cost and the funding plan shown in the Execution plan is based on the above. Changes to the assumptions or funding plan may change the cost, schedule and milestones.


January 12-13 2015

Project Schedule


There are currently over 1400 lines in the schedule, and 9 months of float from the planned early finish date to the Project Complete reporting milestone in 3QFY18.

January 12-13 2015

Critical path


The compensating solenoids are the current critical path. Funds were committed on Dec 23rd when Purchasing received our requisition, specs and statement of work. It went out for bid on Dec 29th.

January 12-13 2015

Critical Tasks


January 12-13 2015

Project Status


status requests in excel put the schedule in everyone’s hands each month.

Highlighted cells point out the info needed now.

January 12-13 2015

Communication and Reporting Plan

• Alexei Fedotov, CPM, leads weekly meetings with the LEReC team to discuss progress, risks and concerns.

• Cost/schedule/status will be reviewed monthly and reported to ONP via email and discussed in detail during monthly telecons. The standard BNL accounting system will be the basis for collecting cost data.

• The CPM will lead quarterly overall cost, schedule and technical performance reviews and report the results to the ONP.

• ONP may, at their discretion, conduct progress reviews with a committee of experts.

• Technical performance will be monitored throughout the project to insure conformance to approved functional requirements. Design reviews and performance testing of the completed systems will be used to ensure that the equipment meets the functional requirements.

• Schedule performance will be monitored via milestones.


January 12-13 2015

Milestones for reporting progress


High PriorityPurchases date

LEReC Project Start

X Procure Compensating Solenoids, 0.2 kGauss Q1FY15 (A)X Procure matching solenoids, 1.5 kGauss Q2FY15X Procure 180° Dipole Magnet Q2FY15X Procure 20° Dipole Q2FY15X Laser Master Oscillators & Amplifier order Q2FY15X Procure Beam Profile Monitor & Emittance and Energy Slits System Hardware for RHIC Q2FY15

2.1 GHz 3rd Harmonic System PA Q2FY152.1 GHz Cavity Purchase Q3FY15Power Amplifier for Super Conducting Cavity Q3FY15RHIC Shutdown 1 Start 2015 Q4FY15704 MHz Warm Cavity Purchase Q1FY16Laser fabrication complete Q1FY16Compensating Solenoids Received & Available for Installation Q1FY16180° Dipole Magnet Received & Available for Installation Q1FY1620° Dipole Magnet Received & Available for Installation Q1FY16RHIC Shutdown 1 End 2015 Q2FY16ERL Shutdown Complete, Equipment Extraction May Begin Q3FY162.1 GHz Cavity Available for Installation Q4FY16704 MHz warm cavity available for intsllation Q1FY17Extract SRF CW Gun Q1FY17Five Cell cavity Installed & Support Systems Connected Q2FY17Install Valvebox Mod for SRF Cryostats, Gun and 5-cell Installation Complete Q3FY17Commissioning start Q4FY17Project Complete Q3FY18

January 12-13 2015

Milestones for us


There are 9 months of float from the early finish date to the Project Complete date.

High PriorityPurchases date RSL date

LEReC Project Start 2/3/2015

X Procure Compensating Solenoids, 0.2 kGauss Q1FY15 (A) 12/26/2014X Procure matching solenoids, 1.5 kGauss Q2FY15 1/30/2015X Procure 180° Dipole Magnet Q2FY15 1/30/2015X Procure 20° Dipole Q2FY15 1/30/2015X Laser Master Oscillators & Amplifier order Q2FY15 2/15/2015X Procure Beam Profile Monitor & Emittance and Energy Slits System Hardware for RHIC Q2FY15 2/10/2015

2.1 GHz 3rd Harmonic System PA Q2FY15 3/20/20152.1 GHz Cavity Purchase Q3FY15 4/22/2015Power Amplifier for Super Conducting Cavity Q3FY15 5/6/2015RHIC Shutdown 1 Start 2015 Q4FY15 7/1/2015704 MHz Warm Cavity Purchase Q1FY16 9/21/2015Laser fabrication complete Q1FY16 9/1/2015Compensating Solenoids Received & Available for Installation Q1FY16 8/31/2015180° Dipole Magnet Received & Available for Installation Q1FY16 11/23/201520° Dipole Magnet Received & Available for Installation Q1FY16 11/9/2015RHIC Shutdown 1 End 2015 Q2FY16 1/1/2016ERL Shutdown Complete, Equipment Extraction May Begin Q3FY16 5/27/20162.1 GHz Cavity Available for Installation Q4FY16 6/20/2016704 MHz warm cavity available for intsllation Q1FY17 7/11/2016Extract SRF CW Gun Q1FY17 6/27/2016Five Cell cavity Installed & Support Systems Connected Q2FY17 11/30/2016Install Valvebox Mod for SRF Cryostats, Gun and 5-cell Installation Complete Q3FY17 4/1/2017Commissioning start Q4FY17 6/1/2017Project Complete Q3FY18 9/30/2017

January 12-13 2015



WBS Risk Description Type of Risk


Cost Impact

(burdened $k)

Risk Expiration

Mitigation Plan

1.5Transport line lattice is modified as a result of design optimizations towards compatibility both for the SRF and DC Schedule, Cost Level 3 L 100 2QFY15

Magnets, power supplies, and other components will be purchased with adequate margin to cover modifications. Vacuum beam line components will be fabricated after lattice and magnet designs are finalized.

1.7Absolute energy measurement of electron beam requires building dedicated spectrometer beam line Cost Level 3 L 200 3QFY15

Energy slits were added the design to allow alternative measurements which will produce measurements with limited resolution. Other methods are being evaluated.

1.3 SRF Gun Cathode lifetime, as determined by ERL testing, is lower than design specification. Technical Level 2 U --- 4QFY15

Redesign of the cathode insertion system has been added to the ERL R&D program to allow the loading and remote changing of multiple cathodes for efficient egun operations. The cathode production system is also being upgraded to increase production rate.

1.2If a decision is made to use the DC gun, BNL will need to build a stand and install the items at IP2. Cost Level 3 L 110 2QFY16

1.0 RHIC operating schedule/priorities cause installation delay Schedule Level 2 U --- 3QFY16Careful installation planning, install early, work 2 shifts, coordinate with C-AD Ops.

1.0The LEReC return beam lines adjacent to the triplet in the 01:00 section of RHIC will make access to the LEReC equipment difficult. Technical Level 3 L --- 3QFY16

The cable tray, water lines, air lines, magnet, instrumentation, and vacuum stands need to be carefully designed to provide access to the equipment and to meet safety rules for egress.

1.0Incoming inspection and testing delays for new components for magnets, power supplies, RF equipment, cryogenic, instrumentation, etc. Schedule Level 2 U --- 2QFY17

Maintain staffing levels and funding to support operations, testing of new equipment, and installation. Use of overtime where necessary.

1.6 Power supply tolerances (stability) out of specifications Technical Level 3 U --- 3QFY17Frequent communication with manufacturer, testing and verification upon delivery

1.5Failure of upstream magnet(s) designed for over-focusing/spreading of the beam will impact the dump and could possibly burn a hole in the dump itself Technical Level 2 U 0 4QFY17

Testing of existing ERL will provide experience in beam control and insight into energy dissipation into the beam dump. Interlocks should be in place to monitor x-ray production/distribution from dump, over-focusing magnet current and temperature, dump level vacuum.

Low Risk

January 12-13 2015


• KPPs/UPPs are defined and understood.

• Risks have been identified and are being addressed. The major risk to the project is the performance of the SRF gun, and as mitigation, a parallel effort (off project) with Cornell for a DC gun is in progress.

• Contingency is at 26.1%.

• The schedule will continuously evolve and be statused.

• A dedicated team of people has been assigned to the project.