Download - 11, 2016 · 11/09/2016  · 7:00 am +Anniv. of Frank Pongratz, Jr.: Mary Ann Pongratz +Jorge Dussan: Maria & David Kvamme ... giảng. Thấy vậy, những người biệt phái

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“InstituteoftheIncarnateWord”IVEPastor: Fr. Mariano Varela, IVE AssociatePastor: Fr. Richard Yevchak, IVE Fr. Andrew Whiting, IVE Administrator: Mark Frederick, ext 108 Secretary: Shirley Pestka, ext. 101 FaithFormation: Beth Shank, ext. 109 YouthMinistry: Beverly Miller ext. 110 DirectorofMusic:Lisa Knutson ext.102 Choirmaster/Organist:Grace Erie Ext. 102 ParishTrustee:Frank Cesario Daniel Scott PriestResidence: 512 E. Mulberry St. LoyolaCatholicSchool:388-2997 IVEHighSchoolSeminary: 387-2565


Daily: 7:00 am Mondaythru Friday 8:00 am Saturday Saturday: 5:15 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am 1:00 pm (Espanol) HolyDay: See bulletin

SSPeter&PaulParishOf ice:105 North Fifth St., Mankato, MN 56001 Phone: 507-388-2995 Fax: 507-388-7661 E-mail: [email protected]



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READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 7:1-10 Tuesday: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Ps 100:1-5; Lk 7:11-17 Wednesday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Thursday: 1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 2 Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 7:36-50 Friday: 1 Cor 15:12-20; Ps 17:1bcd, 6-8b, 15; Lk 8:1-3 Saturday: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56:10c-14; Lk 8:4-15 Sunday: Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 [10-13]


Saturday: 11 am-noon & 4-5 pm Daily: After the 7:00 am Mass Othertimesbyappointment.

SacramentofBaptism Contact the Parish Of ice at least one month in advance of the desired date. The usual time for Baptism is at 4:15 pm the last Saturday of the month.

SacramentofMatrimonyFor registered, participating members of the Parish, arrangements for preparation and the date are made by contacting one of the pastors, at least six months before the wedding. BulletinNoticesAll articles for the bulletin are due by 2 pm on Tuesday. Bulletin articles should always be turned in to the parish of ice with a contact person’s name and phone number.

NewMembersWelcomePlease register at the Parish Of ice.

Mass Intentions

Monday, Sept. 12 7:00 am +Anniv. of Frank Pongratz, Jr.: Mary Ann Pongratz +Jorge Dussan: Maria & David Kvamme Intentions of the Kolstad Family: Mrs. Don Ray

Tuesday, Sept. 13 7:00 am +Don Ray Family, living and deceased: Mrs. Don Ray + Walter H. Hagen: Family 3:30 pm Oaklawn Health Care: No Mass this week Wednesday, Sept. 14 7:00 am +Anniv. David Wittrock: Family +George DeFoe: Mallory Hoffman +Souls in Purgatory: Mallory Hpffman Thursday, Sept. 15 7:00 am +Vi Otto: Family +Kevin Gimmer: Dale & Diane Phillips

Friday, Sept. 16 7:00 am +Joan Besser: Cliff & Madonna Larsen +Anna Tram Tran: Hoang Family Intentions of Jenny Hoffman: Mom Saturday, Sept 17 8:00 am +John & Rosella Huettl: Family +A. G. Shamp: Earl & Audrey Shamp +Intentions of Ted Loftness: Burroughs Family

Weekly Schedule Monday, Sept. 12 7:00 pm Catholic Order of Foresters Meeting in DeSmet Tuesday, Sept. 13 7:30 am to 12 noon Adoration in Xavier Chapel 9:00 am Rosary for Vocations Xavier Chapel

Wednesday, Sept. 14 8:00 am Building Committee Meeting in Room 302 Xavier Hall 9 am to 12 noon Mission Quilting in Upper Room 3:30 pm Xavier Chapel, Pray for vocations to the priesthood Thursday, Sept. 15 7:00 pm Rosary for Priests Xavier Chapel Friday, Sept. 16 7:30 am to 6 pm Adoration in Xavier Chapel Saturday, Sept. 17 9:00 Legion of Mary in Room 203 of Xavier Hall

Adult Study Group Our Adult Study Group will begin on Wednesday, September 21st at 6:00 pm in Room 302 of Xavier Hall. All are welcome to join. Please see Shirley in the church office for the book we will be using.

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With these three parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son, Our Lord Jesus shows the face of our heavenly Father. At the same time Jesus affirmed that there is joy in heaven for the sinner who converts: “I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.” or “… there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents”. The affirmation of Jesus brings joy also to us, since at the sacrament of confession, we not only confess our sins to receive back the sanctify-ing grace to our soul, but also we send joy to heaven in humbling ourselves, confessing our sins and making our resolution to do better each day. There is another part of the parable which is one of the most im-portant part, the attitude of the forgiven Father, what did He do? The gospel says: “But while He was still a long way off, his father saw him and took pity on him; running up, he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him.” St. Josemaria Escriva comments: “That’s what the sacred text says: he covered him with kisses. Can you put it more hu-manly than that? Can you describe more graphically the paternal love of God for men? When God runs toward us, we cannot keep silent, but with Saint Paul we exclaim: Abba, Pater: Father, my Father!, for, though He is the creator of the universe, He doesn’t mind our not using high-sounding titles, nor worry about our not acknowledging his great-ness. He wants us to call him Father; he wants us to savor that word, our souls filling with joy. Human life is in some way a constant returning to our Father’s house. We return through contrition, through the conversion of heart which means a desire to change, a firm decision to improve our life and which, therefore, is expressed in sacrifice and self-giving. We return to our Father’s house by means of that sacrament of pardon in which, by confessing our sins, we put on Jesus Christ again and become his brothers, members of God’s family. God is waiting for us, like the father in the parable, with open arms, even though we don’t deserve it. It doesn’t matter how great our debt is. Just like the prodigal son, all we have to do is open our hearts, to be homesick for our Father’s house, to wonder at and rejoice in the gift which God makes us of being able to call ourselves his children, of really being His children, even though our re-sponse to Him has been so poor.” (Christ is Passing By 64) The father’s welcome is the core of this parable, but we cannot simply pass over the son’s conversion experience, an experience that happens so often to each of us before we seek reconciliation. It is, after all, hard to seek forgiveness, to return home when we have been away, to seek the mercy of another—especially the mercy of God, who is rich in mer-cy. To come back home is often full of difficulties. One of the greatest challenges of the spiritual life is to seek to be forgiven. God is always there for us. Pope Francis comments that: Jesus wishes to teach us that we are children of God not because of any merits of our own but because of the infinite love of our heavenly Father. How often do we need to be reminded of God’s unchanging love and ready forgiveness, lest we lose heart when we ourselves or our dear ones go astray! The parable speaks not only of the prodigal son, but also of his older brother, who must also learn to accept the father’s mercy, which transcends both reward and punishment. By calling for a feast of thanksgiving, the father is really asking each son to share his joy by recognizing the other as a brother.

Fr. Mariano Varela, IVE


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September 11, 2016 4

Minister Schedule for September 17-18, 2016

Saturday 5:15 pm

Sunday 7:30 am Sunday 9:30 am Sunday 11:30 am

Extra-Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Jerry/Mary Huettl Mike/Ruth Woitas Mark/Mary Frederick Shirley Pestka

JoAnn Vetter, Charlene Ubl, Karen/Dennis Gruis Doreen Slater, Vicky Goettl, Creighton Wersal

Paul Willaert, Liz Tabor Dan Silver, Steve Howe Cate Johnson, Joanne Lamm, Rich Schneller

Marlene Houg Shellie Altenhofen

Altar Servers Matthew Krueger Israel Hernandez, Chris Herrera

Sarah Leonard

Ellie and Molly Hodapp

Joe, Derik & Brandon Miller

Lector Mary Krueger Karen Gruis Louise Dickmeyer Brian Zins

Greeters Cindy Willaert Paul Scheurer Jeanette Marka

Barbara Swanson Tom/Cheri Miller Rita Masberg

Don/Joann Kvasnicka Carol McCoy Paul/Ger Kragh

Tim/Shellie Altenhofen Marlene Houg Magdalen Spriggs

Ushers Les Schneider, Mallory Hoffman, Les Bruns, Jim Schweiss, Rich Keltgen

Phil Chester, Duane Mettler, Earle Peters Dave Schwamberger

Ervin Stueber, Stan Huettl, Bob Kreuzer Dave Mrotz

Tom Mocol Mark Brosnan Tom Ngo

Rosary Dave Schwamberger Denis/Maxine McCabe Chuck/Rosie Bernard

PHÚC ÂM: Lc 15, 1-10 {hoặc 1-32} Tin Mừng Chúa Giêsu Kitô theo Thánh Luca. Khi ấy, những người thâu thuế và những người tội lỗi đến gần Chúa Giêsu để nghe Người

giảng. Thấy vậy, những người biệt phái và luật sĩ lẩm bẩm rằng: "Ông này đón tiếp những kẻ tội lỗi, cùng ngồi ăn uống với chúng". Bấy giờ

Người phán bảo họ dụ ngôn này: "Ai trong các ông có một trăm con chiên, và nếu mất một con, lại không để chín mươi chín con khác trong

hoang địa mà đi tìm con chiên lạc, cho đến khi tìm được sao? Và khi đã tìm thấy, người đó vui mừng vác chiên trên vai, trở về nhà, kêu bạn hữu

và những người lân cận mà nói rằng: "Anh em hãy chia vui với tôi, vì tôi đã tìm thấy con chiên lạc!" Cũng vậy, Tôi bảo các ông: "Trên trời sẽ

vui mừng vì một người tội lỗi hối cải hơn là vì chín mươi chín người công chính không cần hối cải.

"Hay là người đàn bà nào có mười đồng bạc, nếu mất một đồng, mà lại không đốt đèn, quét nhà và tìm kỹ lưỡng cho đến khi tìm thấy sao? Và

khi đã tìm thấy, bà mời các chị em bạn và những người láng giềng đến mà rằng: 'Chị em hãy vui mừng với tôi, vì tôi đã tìm được đồng bạc tôi

đã mất'. Cũng vậy, Tôi bảo các ông: Các Thiên Thần của Thiên Chúa sẽ vui mừng vì một người tội lỗi hối cải". {Người lại phán rằng: "Người

kia có hai con trai. Đứa em đến thưa cha rằng: 'Thưa cha, xin cha cho con phần gia tài thuộc về con'. Người cha liền chia gia tài cho các con. Ít

ngày sau, người em thu nhặt tất cả tiền của mình, trẩy đi miền xa và ở đó ăn chơi xa xỉ, phung phí hết tiền của. Khi nó tiêu hết tiền của, thì vừa

gặp nạn đói lớn trong miền đó và nó bắt đầu cảm thấy túng thiếu. Nó vào giúp việc cho một người trong miền, người này sai nó ra đồng chăn

heo. Nó muốn ăn những đồ heo ăn cho đầy bụng, nhưng cũng không ai cho. Bấy giờ nó muốn hồi tâm lại và tự nhủ: "Biết bao người làm công ở

nhà cha tôi được ăn dư dật, còn tôi, tôi ở đây phải chết đói! Tôi muốn ra đi, trở về với cha tôi và thưa người rằng: 'Lạy cha, con đã lỗi phạm đến

Trời và đến cha; con không đáng được gọi là con cha nữa, xin cha đối xử với con như một người làm công của cha'. Vậy nó ra đi và trở về với

cha nó. Khi nó còn ở đàng xa, cha nó chợt trông thấy, liền động lòng thương; ông chạy lại ôm choàng lấy cổ nó hồi lâu. Người con trai lúc đó

thưa rằng: 'Lạy cha, con đã lỗi phạm đến Trời và đến cha; con không đáng được gọi là con cha nữa'. Nhưng người cha bảo các đầy tớ: 'Mau

mang áo đẹp nhất ra đây và mặc cho cậu, hãy đeo nhẫn vào ngón tay cậu và xỏ giầy vào chân cậu. Hãy bắt con bê béo làm thịt để chúng ta ăn

mừng, vì con ta đây đã chết, nay sống lại, đã mất nay lại tìm thấy'. Và người ta bắt đầu ăn uống linh đình. "Người con cả đang ở ngoài đồng. Khi

về gần đến nhà, nghe tiếng đàn hát và nhảy múa, anh gọi một tên đầy tớ để hỏi xem có chuyện gì. Tên đầy tớ nói: 'Đó là em cậu đã trở về và cha

cậu đã giết con bê béo, vì thấy cậu ấy trở về mạnh khoẻ'. Anh liền nổi giận và quyết định không vào nhà. Cha anh ra xin anh vào. Nhưng anh trả

lời: 'Cha coi, đã bao năm con hầu hạ cha, không hề trái lệnh cha một điều nào, mà không bao giờ cha cho riêng con một con bê nhỏ để ăn mừng

với chúng bạn, còn thằng con của cha kia, sau khi phung phí hết tài sản của cha với bọn điếm, nay trở về, thì cha lại sai làm thịt con bê béo ăn

mừng nó'. "Nhưng người cha bảo: 'Hỡi con, con luôn ở với cha, và mọi sự của cha đều là của con. Nhưng phải ăn tiệc mừng, vì em con đã chết

nay sống lại, đã mất nay lại tìm thấy'".} Đó là lời Chúa.

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Faith Formation Beth Shank:

[email protected]






6th-12th Gr.

Front Lawn of Church!

WED. SEPT .14th

7:30-9:00 pm


Youth and adults joined to-gether to celebrate St. Teresa of Calcutta’s Canonization September 4th and served at Food for Friends at Mankato’s Salvation Army! Placemats were decorated, food was prepped, dishes were washed and lots of blessings were had!

YOUTH: Our next Secret Service Mission will be held October 2nd from 12 pm-4pm! Simply register at least one week in advance! You’ll be given the location and what to bring with upon registration! This is an easy and fun way to fulfill school or Con-firmation service hours...or just because you have it in your heart to serve others! Check out pictures from September 4ths Mission at Food for Friends!

In recent years there has been a great increase in the number of adults who are joining the Catholic Church. RCIA is a program designed to help non-Catholics and non-practicing Catholics learn more about Catholicism through a series of classes, discussions, prayer times, and

ceremonies. This program helps people grow in faith and knowledge of God as they consider becoming Catholic; although there is no obligation to join the Catholic Church. Ss Peter and Paul Catholic Church RCIA program is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith. If you are not yet sure whether you want to become Catholic, that’s ok! Join us and participate in the sessions as you prayerfully seek Our Lord in faith. Contact Fr. Mariano Varela, IVE at 388-2995 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The RCIA sessions begin Wed, Sept. 21st at 6:00pm in Xavier Hall Room 203.

Faith Formation Opening Session: Wednesday, September 14th beginning with Mass in the Church at 5:15pm. Parents and students should attend.

Reconciliation/First Holy Communion Orienta-tion: Wednesday, October 5th at 6:00 pm in DeSmet Hall. Parents and students should attend.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Open House: Sun, Sept. 11th; 10:30 - 11:30am. Come and see both Atriums for children ages 3years - 3rd grade! Xavier Hall Room 305 & the Upper Room.

Orientations: Mon, September 26th ; contact the Faith Formation office to register.

Confirmation Year I Orientation: Sunday, September 25th at 10:45am in the Upper Room. Parents and candidates should attend.

Confirmation Year II Orientation: Sunday, September 25th at 12:45pm in the Upper Room. Parents, candidates, and sponsors should attend.

Jesus & the Little Ones Sunday School

Sessions will begin next Sunday, September 18th as catechists share the Sun-day Gospel readings with 3-7 year old children on their level. The program is held during the Liturgy of the Word during the 9:30 am Sunday Mass. Cate-chists lead the children out of Mass after a blessing from the priest and return at offertory.


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Rosary Society Rosaries prayed for the weekend of September 10 and 11, for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, may the Father’s tender em-brace comfort them in their sor-

row, Sundays: 7:05 & 9:05 in the main Church & Wednesdays, 3:30 pm in Xavier Hall Chapel.

SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 6

. Sept 4, 2016 Budget

Adult Env. $ 8,626.00 $8,625.00

Plate Coll. $ 918.46 1,058.00

E Transfer $ 2,928.00 3,000.00



$ 12,683.00

In Our Generosity We Imitate God

Respect Life For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these ~Thessalonians 4:16-18

Baptisms We welcome into the

Family of God: Otto George Hillesheim

Shane Michael Jones who were baptized recently.


VIRTUS® training will be held on Tuesday, September 13 at 6:00pm in the Upper Room of Xavier Hall. Please contact Mark Frederick at 507 - 388 2995 with any questions. Please pre-register online at Childcare is not provided and children may not attend the sessions.

Sick Call Visiting If you know of any parishioner of SSPP who is sick, in the hospital or nursing home, that need to be anointed or re-ceive the sacrament of confession, or see a priest, please do not hesitate to call the parish office at 388-2995. Any

of the priests will be happy to go to visit. Thanks

Coming Together

Once again, all who have experienced loss of a loved one through death-spouse, parent, sibling, friend, child; through divorce or miscarriage are invited to share in a time of prayer, readings, companionship and food. See how the Lord moves us through the seasons of our lives with Father Mariano, Susan and Judy. Bring something for potluck to the Upper Room of Xavier Hall, Saturday, September 24 from 11 am to 2 pm. RSVP to Susan Funfsinn at 387-4577 or Judy Kraft at 388-6042.

Sympathy With Faith in the Resurrection We Recommend to the Lord:

Gary Zimwalde

No Blood Pressure during the Month of Septem-ber

Memorial Mass for GARY ZUMWALDE

Saturday, September 17, 2016 8:00 AM

Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Breakfast to follow in Jesuit Hall

Healing Mass Save the date for the Healing Mass on Friday, October 14 at 1205 . Lunch to follow.

Baby Bottle Campaign

Baby Bottle Campaign beginning October More infor-mation to follow.

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RECONCILIACIÓN La verdadera reconciliación es emocional, dramática y purificadora. Cuando dos personas se encuentran de corazón a corazón para reparar viejas heridas, malenten-didos y palabras descuidadas, lágrimas purificadoras fluyen con frecuencia y el encuentro termina con un abrazo que llena a ambas con el calor de un amor dema-siado fuerte para apagarse. Las lecturas esta semana nos aseguran que una salu-dable liberación acompaña la reconciliación. Ellas nos dan el valor de acercarnos a alguien con quien necesite-mos reconciliarnos, y también nos dan valor para pedir perdón a Dios. En la lectura del Éxodo, vemos cómo Dios se niega una y otra vez a abandonar a los israelitas. Aunque ellos se impacientan con Dios y adoran falsos dioses, Dios todavía vuelve a llamarlos. El Evangelio de san Lucas nos asegura que Dios se regocija cuando nos apartamos del pecado. La carta de Pablo a Timoteo nos anima, co-mo Pablo, a revisar nuestra vida y a reconocer las oca-siones en que Dios ha sido paciente y misericordioso con nosotros. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Sal 40 (39):7-10, 17; Lc 7:1-10 Martes: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Sal 100 (99):1-5; Lc 7:11-17 Miércoles: Nm 21:4b-9; Sal 78 (77):1bc-2, 34-38; Fil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Jueves: 1 Cor 15:1-11; Sal 118 (117):1b-2, 16ab-17, 28; Jn 19:25-27 o Lc 7:36-50 Viernes: 1 Cor 15:12-20; Sal 17 (16):1bcd, 6-8b, 15; Lc 8:1-3 Sábado: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Sal 56 (55):10c-14; Lc 8:4-15 Domingo: Am 8:4-7; Sal 113 (112):1-2, 4-8; 1 Tim 2:1-8; Lc 16:1-13 [10-13]

Quarter Miles (Millas de Monedas)

El 24 y 25 de Septiembre antes y después de cada Misa, estaremos realizando el tradicional millas de las

monedas para recaudar fondos para los festejos de la Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Todos están invitados a participar. Gracias.

Gran Encuentro Hispano para clausurar el

Jubileo de la Misericordia Cuando: Sábado 30 de Octubre 2016 Hora: 9 am hasta las 5 pm Lugar: Verizon Center en Mankato

Comienzo de la Doctrina

Miércoles 14 de Septiembre, el horario es el siguiente: 5:15 pm Santa Misa 6:00 pm Clase en las distintas aulas. Pre-K Aula # 305 Grados 1-8 En la escuela del frente Confirmación: 4 piso de la parro-quia. Los esperamos

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Lic. #20272178

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Usual & Unusual Plants • Gift Certificates

Open Daily April 1st - Oct. 31st 8am-8pm

Sun. Noon-5

19244 St. Hwy. 22 So. - Mankato, MN 56001

(507) 387-6761Quality and Service Jim and Betty Koberoski

Personalized Photos, Awards, Trophies and Giftson Granite, Acrylic, Glass, Wood and More

Mark & Mary Frederick507-257-3642

See us at:


507-387-55551207 Caledonia

Mankato, MN

Horizon Homes, Inc.

Mental Health Services

Administration PH: (507) 344-3360South Central Crisis Center

PH: (877)

................... ...................



$19.95*/Mo. +


➢➢ No Long-Term Contracts➢➢ Price Guarantee➢➢ American Made

TOLL FREE:1-877-801-8608

*First Three Months

Madison & North 5th625-6412

Lic No. 6219

For Auto GlassCall Kato Glass

345-7415• Free Mobile Service

• We Bill Your InsuranceLARRY & ELLEN WILD 2nd & Plum, Mankato

Brian or Sally, coordinators

an Official TravelAgency of

Apostleship ofthe Sea-USACST 2117990-70

Eagle Ridge Properties,

L.L.C.Jim Augustin •


(507) 345-2049

Cell: (507) 420-7057

“I buy and rent real estate” • “Can close in 7 days”

• Single Family

• Duplexes 16 Cougar Trail

• Apartment Buildings N. Mankato, MN 56003

Parishioner Owned