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  • The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women, click here: Supernatural Seduction System

    10 Field Tested Routines

    That Work!

  • The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women, click here: Supernatural Seduction System

    Hi there!

    This is Maurice Jackson from Supernatural Seduction System.

    Heres a compilation of 10 quick and easy seduction routines you

    can use to improve your game.

    I know that sometimes you will run out of things to say, or dont

    know how to act in certain situations, so what I have done is gone

    online and compiled some of the best and most useful routines for

    you to use at almost any time to help you out.

    I am not the creator of them, but I found them to be effective and

    thought you might like it as well. I have also kept the author name

    and compiled the works to retain the original intent of the creator

    wherever I could.

    Now the routines are SHORT and TO THE POINT, but they work.

    I spent some time only looking for short and easy routines,

    because lets be honest, we dont want to stand there reciting a

    10,000 word essay.

    So make sure you use it at the right time.

  • The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women, click here: Supernatural Seduction System

    They should only be used to increase your attractiveness and not

    serve as a total replacement to your actual personality.

    So make sure you know how to actually, meet, attract and

    SEDUCE the women AFTER you have gotten their attention,

    otherwise its just a really big waste of time.

    If you want a step by step instructional manual that will teach you

    how to seduce women thats been field tested and proven, click

    here to check out the Supernatural Seduction System. Its the only

    guide tested and designed to teach you HOW to seduce women

    step by step instead of just theory. Click here to check it out $1

    (seriously, it's a buck!)... but I can only offer this at this price for a

    limited time, so click here:

    Good luck gaming and enjoy the routines!

    You can reach me at my blog:

    PS. Please feel free to share this special report with as many guys

    as you want and also your closest friends (and wingman). I want to

  • The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women, click here: Supernatural Seduction System

    help as many guys out there as possible, because I know exactly

    where they are coming from.

    Talk soon and enjoy!

    Maurice Jackson

    I didn't make up these routines and they can all be found on:

  • The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women, click here: Supernatural Seduction System

    Routine 1 Date Test

    You: Pretend you have just come back from a date with the guy

    of your dreams, you dont know him well, but you really like

    him. He has just walked you up to the door and you are on the

    front porch kissing ear other good bye, when suddenly a power

    car pulls up.

    He then looks at you in a horrified way and then says QUICK

    HIDE ME.

    So you quickly hid this guy. 5 minutes later, the police walk up

    to you and say Maam, did you see a man here before, where

    did he go?.

    What would you do?

    a. Tell the police you didnt know b. Tell the police that he left

    already and lie to the authorities c. Give the man up.

    Now depending on her answer, you can start turning the

    conversation into a flirting situation for you to tease and make

    fun of the girl so that youll be able to start making you stand

  • The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women, click here: Supernatural Seduction System

    out from the other guys.

    If she chooses a.

    This means that the girl is loyal to her friends and protective of

    herself. This is great, so you can tell the girl that she has passed

    your test and then you can continue being friends. She has got

    10 points!

    If she chooses b.

    Tell her that shes very loyal to her friends so much so that shell

    even lie to the authorities and take the heat! Thats fantastic

    because shes really cool and has passed the test and you two

    can still be friends and hang out!

    If she chooses c.

    Tell her that shes untrustworthy and sorry, you cant be friends

    no more.

    As you can see, this sets the scene for a funny and playful

    interaction and in no time youll be able to get a girl to like you!

    What you need to do after you get an answer is to be able to put

    her in a position where it seems as if youre just testing her out,

  • The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women, click here: Supernatural Seduction System

    and qualifying her, as opposed to her being the one thats

    deciding if the relationship between you two can continue.

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    Routine 2 Talk About Sex ANYTIME

    You: Did you hear about my friend John? He was in the club the

    other day and met his ex gf that he hasnt seen in 3 years and

    the funniest thing was that he didnt know! Then he took her

    home and after they had sex he realized that he was having sex

    with his ex, when she started screaming the way she used to I

    cant believe how perverted women are. I hope youre not as

    perverted as her.

    Then after that say this:

    Ok, I know how perverted women are, and since youre looking

    at me in that way I need you to stop right now, I can see the

    corrupted look in your eyes. Stop it! Im a virgin ok!? As you

    can see you have just set up a playful, funny and flirty situation

    where you can talk about sex and use sexual innuendo! NICE!

  • The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women, click here: Supernatural Seduction System

    Routine 3 Questions To Build Rapport

    1. If money wasnt a problem, what would you do for a living?

    2. Lets pretend you had super powers, what powers would you

    have and what would you use your powers for? 3. When you

    were a kid, what were you really scared of? 4. What did you

    want to be when you were young? What made you change your


    As you can see, these questions allow you think talk about

    things that make her give you an emotional response. It will be

    about something that she cares about! Its not about facts and

    statistics, but rather about what she FEELS. Thats the point.

    Men like talking about facts and non fiction, but women are

    interested in feelings and emotions. Therefore in you really want

    to know how to talk to a woman, you want to ask for her

    OPINION and her ADVICE.

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    Routine 4 - The mystery kiss test

    You: blah blah blah... so would you like to kiss me?

    Response A: Yes (if so, then you move in to kiss her - this

    rarely happens!)

    Response B: maybe (if so, then you say: "let's find out" then

    you move in to kiss her)

    Response C: No (if so, then you say: "I didn't say you could, it

    just looked like you wanted me to")

    As you can see that line requires confidence and balls to pull it

    off. It is actually very useful however, because confidence and

    charisma is what attracts women.

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    Routine 5 Accidental Kiss

    You: blah blah blah... hey I have got to tell you a secret, but I

    can only tell you if you close your eyes

    Her: Ok... *closes her eyes*

    You: *kiss her*

    Response A: she kisses back, then just keep on kissing her in

    the way described about how to physically kiss a girl above

    Response B: what was that for? I thought you were going to

    tell me a secret! (if so you say: "yeah, I was going to tell you

    that you shouldn't of closed your eyes" then you kiss her


    In the event that she gets all worked up and angry at you. Then

    you know that she doesn't like you and you did not build enough

    attraction and rapport to kiss her. But don't be too phased.

    Kissing her does not blow attraction to you if there was

    attraction there to begin with. This weeds out the girls who are

    not into you!

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    Routine 7 Number Close 1

    The trick roll off - What I found to be really effective is to

    either just tell her casually that it was great talking to her, and

    you need to catch up with your friends.

    Then you turn your back and walk away (roll off), as if you were

    not interested in her at all, then you sort of turn around to her

    and say "oh yeah, I forgot to ask for your number! How am I

    going to contact you again?". If you did that, chances are she

    would have thought you were not interested, thus lowering her

    defense, then you happen to turn around when she is not

    expecting it. Most of the time this works.

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    Routine 8 Email Escalator

    The email escalator - This is also another technique that

    works well to get a girls or a women's number. What you do is,

    instead of asking for her phone number you get her to give

    you her email address or facebook or myspace contact.

    Something that would not really affect her. Then you say "I

    have this compulsive texting habit, can you draw a picture of

    yourself beside your facebook or email address and add your

    number also. That way I know who I am texting". If you do it

    right, since she's given you her email or facebook already,

    then it would be weird if she refused the phone number.

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    Routine 9 Style's Card Close

    Style's card close - I don't really know if this is what he calls

    it, but the renowned picked up artist Neil Strauss (Style)

    describes a technique where he pulls out a business card. He

    then writes his number on one end of the card, then tears the

    card in half in front of the girl then hands her the side that has

    his number. He then looks at the women or girl in an expecting

    way so that she will in turn write down her number of the

    other half of the card he is holding.

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    Routine 10 - First Date Conversation Topics

    Her family - How warm is she with her family and

    whether or not they are close.

    Happy childhood - Ask her if she thinks her childhood is

    happier than most other people.

    Defend a friend - Imagine you are at a dinner and you

    hear someone making fun of your friend. What would you


    Tonight's dream - If she could write a script of her

    dream for tonight, what would it be?

    Meeting people - If she was invited to a party where

    she would meet really interesting people, but did not

    know anyone there, would she go by herself?

    Growth - When was the 5 years that she found she grew

    the most?

    Time travel - If she could go into the past to her

    favorite period, but could not return, would she do it.

    History changer - If she could change history, what

    would she have done?

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    Honesty test - If your family and friends were willing to

    honestly tell you their opinion of you, would you honestly

    want them to or would you rather keep them under the


    Upbringing - If you could go back in time and change

    anything about your upbringing, what would you want to

    have changed and why?

    Satisfaction - If you could choose 50 people that were

    brought up from the same background from you, do you

    think they would lead a more satisfying life? If so how

    many do you think so and why?

    Daring - How daring are you? If she were at a beach and

    it turned out everyone was swimming naked, would she

    also join in the fray or would she leave?

    The Future? - Would you want to know the exact time

    of your death and how you would die?

    Vengeance - If you were hopelessly and deeply in love,

    but then suddenly your lover was murdered brutally, and

    the murderer got away, but you knew the identity of the

    murderer, would you seek personal vengeance? If so

    what would you do?

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    Judging - Do you give yourself higher or lower

    standards when you judge yourself compared to others?

    Stealing - The last time you stole something. What was

    it and why haven't you stolen anything since?

    Phone calls - Some people rehearse what they are

    going to say before a phone call, are you the type to do


    Patience - If you saw a movie with a friend and it turned

    out to be a really really crap movie, would you finish the

    movie or would you leave?

    Compliments - Do you like compliments when you get

    them? Do you usually accept it or do you think you didn't

    really deserve it.

    Money - If someone how you came across with one

    million dollars, how would you go about spending it?

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    I hope you enjoyed this quick and short report.

    If you are serious about dating and really want to know how to

    improve your game so you can meet, pickup and then seduce the

    women that you TRULY desire, then you need to check out the

    Supernatural Seduction System. Its the ONLY guide tested and

    designed to teach you HOW to seduce women step by step

    instead of just theory. You can also try it for less than a packet of

    condoms (that you will NEED after applying it)... It's $1 (for a

    limited time):


    You can reach me at my blog:

    Speak soon!

    Maurice Jackson

    Routine 1 Date TestRoutine 2 Talk About Sex ANYTIMERoutine 3 Questions To Build RapportRoutine 4 - The mystery kiss testRoutine 5 Accidental KissRoutine 7 Number Close 1