Download - 100 Facts About Mad Max Fury Road


100 Facts about Mad Max Fury Road:

1.The invasion (yes invasion) and subsequent war in which country, that stopped filming? Filming was delayed due to the attacks in Iraq war in September the 11th .

2.What two formats was the film originally going to be in to only then NOT be in? The film was going to be filmed in 3D.

3.How many times was filming delayed? Due to the Iraq war, filming of Happy Feet and rain in the Australian desert.

4.In which year did filming first conclude? It finally finished inn December 2012.

5.In what year did they have to back and film additional scenes? For the additional scenes it took place in November 2013.

6.What point did Warner Bros panic and insist someone write a script? Warner Bros. insisted on getting a script because there wasn't one inpreparationfor shooting- only storyboards by Mark Sexton.

7.When did the stars sign up to be in the film? Year of 2010.

8.Where was the film originally going to be produced only for it to rain? New South Wales but was shot in Australia for the desert like location

9.How much was spent on TV adverts? $41.9 million spent as a whole.The lowest estimated $7.5 million spent on 957 national airings across 42 networks like MTV and Comedy Central. Some was spent targeting the NBA Basketball playoffs on placing ads in the games.

10.How long did the crew spend in Namibia? 10 months altogether

11.What was the budget of the film? $150,000,000

12.What did they make as a total grossing? $153,629,485

13.What rating is the film? 15

14.The film had its world premiere on 7 May 2015 at the TCL Chinese Theatre.

15.It began a worldwide theatrical release on 14 May 2015, including an out-of-competition screening at the,68th Cannes Film Festival2D,3D, IMAZ 3Dand 4DX.

16.It began a worldwide theatrical release on 14 May 2015, including an out-of-competition screening at the 68th Cannes Film Festival, in 2D, 3D. IMAX 3Dand 4DX.

17.The film has grossed over $374 million worldwide, making it the highest grossing film in theMad Maxfranchise.

18.Won a Hollywood Music in Media Awards for BestOriginalSore - Si-Fi/Fantasy Film and also won International Federation of FilmCritics for Best Film in 2015.

19.Over 80% of the effects seen in the film are real practical effects, stunts, make-up and sets. CGI was used sparingly mainly toenhancethe Namibian landscape, remove stunt rigging and for Charlize Theron's left hand which in thefilm is aprostheticarm.

20.The flame shooting guitarist is anAustralianartist/musician Sean Hape. In an interview on Vice (2013) he aid that the guitar weighed 132 pounds, and shot out real gas-powered flames, which he controlled using the whammy bar.

21.The jacket worn by Tom Hardy is a replica of the one worn by Mel Gibson in the second two movies of theoriginaltrilogy. The Gibson jacket was found in storage at Kennedy-Miller and copied heavily.

22. According to the director George Miller the film's storyboard was made even before the screenplay. The reason behind that was because Miller envisioned the film as a continuous chase, with little dialogue and focusing on the visuals. The storyboard was made with the collaboration of five artists and had about 3,500 panels.

23. To prepare themselves to go into battle, ready to sacrifice their lives for Immortan Joe, the War Boys spray their lips and teeth with a silver substance, very much like common spray paint. Both the War Boys and Immortan Joe often speak about this as though it is a religious ritual, saying that it will allow them to enter "the gates of Valhalla, shiny and chrome". In May 2015 interview with CraveOnline, actor Hugh Keays-Byrne who plays Immortan Joe, said that this practice, which the War Boys think is purely ritualistic, actually involves the inhalation of "...a very euphoric drug" that keeps the War Boys high and suicidally devoted to Immortan Joe. Another clue to the spray's narcotic properties is the fact that "chrome" and "chroming" are Australian slang terms for inhalant abuse. Writer/director George Miller said that he got the idea for this from Australian filmmaker David Bradburys.

24. This is the second Mad Max featuring Hugh Keays-Byrne. He played the villain Toecutter in Mad Max (1979).

25. Maragret Sixel had 480 hours of footage to edit; watching it took three months.

26. Writer and feminist Eve Ensler (The Vagina Monologues) was consulted to enhance the portrayal of female characters. 27. George Miller directed the entire Mad Max action franchise, noted for its violence. Ironically, he is also director of three family friendly movies: the second of the Babe movies, Babe: Pig in the City( 1998), and both Happy Feet movies, Happy Feet (2006) and Happy Feet 2( 2011).

28. Night scenes were filmed in bright daylight, deliberately overexposed, and colour-manipulated. In many shots, the sky was digitally replaced with more detailed or interesting skies.

29. Director George Miller has written a background story for The Doof Warrior, the heavy metal musician, played by Australian singer/songwriter Sean Hape (AKA lota), playing the flame-shooting electric guitar on The Doof Wagon.

30. Rosie Huntington-Whitleley remarked that the cast and crew fraternized a lot after work during the shoot since they were all residing in a small Namibia town (the nearest to the desert) without any tourist attractions or fine dining.

31. Near the end of the credits there is a memorial dedication that reads "Lance Allen Moore II, May 24, 1987 - March 10, 2015." Moore was a Mad Max fan killed in a motorcycle accident near Silverton, New South Wales, Australia, where Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) was filmed.

32. Several vehicles, including The War Rig, Immortan Joe's double-decker 1959 Cadillac DeVille Gigahorse, The People Eater's Mercedes-Benz Limousine, and The Bullet Farmer's Valiant Charger Peacemaker, as well as The Doof Warrior's Doof Wagon and many of the vehicles driven by the War Boys, are left-hand drive. The appearance of left-hand drive vehicles is a first in the Mad Max movies. The previous films featured only Australian vehicles, which are right-hand drive, such as the rigs seen in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) and Max's famous 1973 Ford Falcon XB GT V8 Pursuit Special (aka The Interceptor), seen in Mad Max (1979) and Mad Max 2 (and this film).

33. The first Mad Max film where Max is credited by his full name Max Rockatansky.

34. The budget for this film is estimated to be between US$100 million and $150 million, while the converted budget for the original Mad Max (1979) is placed at around $316,620. That means that without inflation, the budget between the two films increased by well over three hundred times. (With inflation, the difference is 100 - 150x.)

35. With a runtime of two hours, this is the longest film in the Mad Max series.

36. The character Toast the Knowing is named after visual effects crew member Shyam V.Yadav, who is known for serving free French toast (and hugs) to thousands of people all over the world.

37. In a July 2014 interview at San Diego Comic-Con International, George Miller said he designed the film in storyboard form before writing the screenplay, working with five storyboard artists. It came out as about 3,500 panels, almost the same number of shots as in the finished film. He wanted the film to be almost a continuous chase, with relatively little dialogue, and to have the visuals come first. Paraphrasin Alfred Hithcock , Miller said that he wanted the film to be understood in Japan without the use of subtitles.

40. Actors were digitally duplicated in post production to expand the crowd scenes so in reality only a few actors were actually needed on set during filming.

41. During the flashback sequence after going through the crows, you can see eyes popping out briefly. This is an homage to Mad Max(1979) when a rider crashes into the front of a semi.

42. An R-rated version and a PG-13 version had been made. After test screenings, Warner Bros had decided to release the R-rated version.

43. Tom Hardy had been considered for the role of John Connor in another reboot, Terminator Genisys(2015). James Cameron, the director and creator of the "Terminator" franchise had cited Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) as one of his influences behind The Terminator(1984).

44. Tom Hardy had a dog named Max that was given to him when he was a teenager, he passed away in 2011. The dog's name was an honor to Mad Max (1979). Years later, Hardy played the title character in Mad Max: Fury Road.

45. Second unit director and supervising stunt coordinator Guy Norris was in charge of over 150 stunt performers, which included Cirque du Soleil performers and Olympic athletes.

46. George Miller is proud that the film's chase scenes were done practically. He said the toughest, most complex shot was of the War Rig flipping, blocking off a chasm, and freeing Max and Furiosa to head to Joe's Citadel. Initially, he felt there was no way he could ask a stuntman to flip the vehicle, so he looked into other options, including CGI and model work, before brave soul Lee Adamsom volunteered. He did it in one take.

47. Megan Gale, who plays The Valkyrie, was previously cast as Wonder Woman in George Millers film Justice League: Mortal before it was canceled. This is her first Hollywood film.

48. When Max awakes abruptly from his dream right after the blue sequence, the last image of his dream is a close view of eyes popping out of a face. This footage is from Mad Max (1979), when Toecutter is killed.

49. Although the character Mad Max is an Australian, he has yet to be played by an Australian actor. Mel Gibson, the first Mad Max, although raised in Australia, was born in the USA. and Tom Hardy , the second Mad Max, was born in England.

50. The crossed belts that the Valkyrie, played by Megan Gale, wears are the same belts Max wore in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985). The brass belt buckle has been covered or replaced.

51. Certain screenings have shown the film in black & white. There was a rumour that this print would appear on the home video release, and that George Miller tried to press Warner Bros to include it, but it doesn't appear that's going to happen.

52. The girl who Max sees in his visions, commonly believed to be his daughter, is in fact Glory the Child, who can be seen in the comic series. It can also be noted that she is seen being run down in a desert by a selection of vehicles, while Max's child was killed by a biker gang prior to the war.

53. George Miller cited Akira (1988) as an inspiration for what he wanted to do with the franchise.

54. The idea for a fourth instalment occurred to George Miller in August 1998 when he was walking in an intersection in Los Angeles. About a year later, while travelling from Los Angeles to Australia, the idea coalesced. Miller conceived a story where "violent marauders were fighting, not for oil or for material goods, but for human beings." The film was set to shoot in 2001 through 20th Century Fox, but was postponed because of the September 11 attacks that same year. "The American dollar collapsed against the Australian dollar, and our budget ballooned", Miller said, adding that he "had to move on to Happy Feet (2006) because there was a small window when that was ready". Mel Gibson was also set to reprise his role as the lead character. Miller ended up re-casting the role because of controversies surrounding Gibson and because he wanted Max to remain at a younger age, as the "same contemporary warrior".

55. George Miller invited playwright Eve Ensler to act as an on-set adviser. Impressed with the script's depth and what she saw as feminist themes, she spent a week in Namibia, where she spoke to the actors about issues of violence against women.

56. In February 2013, a leaked draft from the Namibian Coast Conservation and Management group accused the producers of damaging parts of the Namib Desert, endangering a number of plant and animal species. However, the Namibia Film Commission said it had "no reservations" after visiting the set during production. It disputed claims reported in the media, calling the accusations "unjust rhetoric".

57. George Miller described the film as "a very simple allegory, almost a western on wheels".

58. The music cue "Claw Trucks", composed by Dutch musician Tom Holkenborg (AKA Junkie XL) for the film's score, is a revamp of his earlier composition "Dauntless Attack", written for the film Divergent (2014).

59. The long range rifle used by Charlize Theron is a Russian SKS. Originally designed in 1945. Making its design 70 years old at the time of the films release.

60. Teresa Palmer was originally cast but due to delays of the production, she dropped out and was replaced by Abbey Lee.

61. Production was originally set to film around 2011 in the traditional setting of Broken Hill, Australia, but due to heavy rainfall transforming the desert landscape into a lush meadow of flowers, the production was moved to Namibia.

62. Australian showbiz legend Bert Newton was one of the first character actors cast by director George Miller when the movie was to be filmed in Broken Hill, NSW, the original location for Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) also known as The Road Warrior. Unfortunately rainfall had completely changed the desert landscape and years later the decision was made to move the production to Namibia. It was then, in mid 2012, that Bert Newton decided to drop out of the production, going on to appear as FDR in the Australian stage revival of "Annie".

63. According to Visual Effects supervisor Andrew Jackson, there was over 2000 VFX shots used throughout the movie.

64. In the original film, the character Valkyrie is first introduced trapped in a cage and nude. In the international version, the scene was change where she is shown wearing underwear. This was possibly done to avoid the film getting a higher age rating in some countries.

65. Dane Grant and Dayna Porter, the respective stunt doubles for Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, later got married after meeting on the set of the film.

66. This film continues the pattern of each Mad Max film, in that each one has an actor returning in a different role (Hugh Keays-Byrne ). Bruce Spenceappeared as Gyro Captain in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) and Jebediah in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdrome (1985), whilst Max Fairchild appeared in Mad Max(1979) as Benno and as a hostage in Mad Max 2 (1981).

67. This film is considered an Ozploitation movie, an Australian genre and/or Australian exploitation movie.

68. According to George Miller, 90% of the effects were practical.

69. At the beginning of the film, Max has long hair which is cut short by the War Boys. A plausible nod to the previous film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdrome (1985) in which Max had long hair, which is later cut short by Savannah Nix, when she rescues him from the desert.

70. Cinematographer John Seale, who came out of retirement to shoot the film, outfitted his camera crew with six Arri Alexa Pluses and four Alexa Ms, as well as a number of Canon EOS 5Ds and Olympus PEN E-P5s that were used as crash cams for the action sequences.

71. The 2010 post-apocalyptic Denzel Washington film The Book of Eli(2010) is considered an major influence behind the reboot, due to it's visual style and the look of Tom Hardys Max Rockatansky.

72. In the new Max Rockatansky's back-story: Max lost his family when they were killed in the midst of the chaos of the nuclear attack.

73. Australian crows or ravens are used in the Mad Max films, including Fury Road, as symbols of death and destruction.

74. Despite having custom logos starting the film, Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures (and RatPac-Dune Entertainment) aren't credited until the very end of the film, after all other credits have rolled.

75. When Nux head-butts Slit, there is a flash of white, which echoes a shot in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981): Wez head-butts a compound defender and there is a similar flash of white to show the impact.

76. The lead visual effects company for the film was Iloura, who delivered more than 1,500 effects shots. Additional visual effects studios that worked on the film include Method Studios, Stereo D, 4DMax, BlackGinger, The Third Floor, and Dr. D Studios.

77. Charlize Theron and Nicholas Hoult also co-star in Dark Places (2015).

78. On Blu-Ray or DvD. If you slow motion the film at the beginning where, before Max gets in his car. You can see he grabs a short fur vest/coat and throws it in the car. This is a nod to the theory that this version of Max is based on The Feral Kid from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior(1981). (Remember, the kid still had it after he left Max.)

79. This is Rosie Huntington-Whiteleys second major acting role after Trnsformers: Dark of the Moon (2011).

80. Amid claims of the film going over-budget and behind schedule, Warner Bros. then sent a producer to oversee production in Namibia.

81. George Miller is the first creator of a film franchise to reboot his own franchise. In 2005, 007 producers Micheal G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli decided to reboot the James Bond film franchise. However, Michael Wilson and Broccoli succeeded Albert R. Broccoli, who died in 1997 and had been a producer of the franchise since 1962 and the character of James Bond was created by Ian Fleming.

82.At least four members of the cast have been involved in comic book films. Tom Hardy starred as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises (2012), Nicholas Hoult starred as Hank/Beast in X-Men: First Class(2011), Zo Kravitz who starred as Angel in X-Men: First Class (2011), and Josh Helman who starred as William Stryker in X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014). Hoult also starred X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) and will star in the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)(Cheedo the Fragile) replaced Adelaide Clemens due to scheduling conflicts. This is her first film. She did not know anything about the films until her dad told her, who was a big fan of the films.

83. During the project's hiatus between 2003 and 2009, George Miller considered making the film as a 3D animated feature. In addition to that, George Miller was developing an action-adventure tie-in video game based on it, along with God of War II(2007) video game designerCory Barlog. Both projects were expected to take two to two-and-a-half years, according to Miller, with a release date of either 2011 or 2012. Fury Road was going to be produced at Dr. D Studios, a digital art studios founded in 2008 by Miller and Doug Mitchell.

84. Although Max never gives his exact nickname to the audience, he refers to himself with similar words like "insane" or "crazy".

85.Co-writer Brendan McCarthy designed many of the new characters and vehicles.

86. Marco Beltrami was considered to score the film.

87. Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy reportedly did not get along during filming, with Hardy's Method acting reportedly bothering Theron Jeremy Renner campaigned for the role of Mad Max.

88. At one point the film's long development, Micheal Biehn was considered for the role of Max Rockatansky, as were Channing Tatum and Heath Ledger, before his untimely death in 2008. Sam Worthington stated that, like Eric Bana, he has never been approached for the role of Mad Max, despite widespread rumors that circulated the web following the film's announcement. James Frecheville auditioned for a part.

89. At the final vehicle battle, one of the Immortan Joe's henchmen scares Furiosa, before attacking her, with the exact same hiss as the Toecutter in Mad Max(1979).

90. This is director George Millers first R-rated movie since The Witches of Eastwick(1987).

91.Quentin Kenihan, the actor playing Corpus Colossus, is disabled in real life (he has osteogenesis imperfecta). No prosthetics, puppets or special effects were used, the only alterations to Mr. Kenihan were makeup.

92. First 'Mad Max' movie since Mad Max Beyond Thunderdrome (1985), a gap of thirty years.

93. The paracord bracelet that Max wears belongs to Tom Hardy himself.

94. Nicholas Hunt learned how to knit from a makeup artist during the seven-month shoot in Namibia.

95. After the War Rig is driven off the platform and the platform begins to rise as it is drawn back up into The Citadel, a lone woman can be seen standing in the center. In the previous wide-angle shot of the crowd, The Wretched were shown begging for a place in Immortan Joe's coterie. This woman, played byDebra Ades, was likely brought aboard to be used as a milker or breeder.

96. A deleted scene shows Miss Giddy's fate; she is left with Angharad's body, and attacked by crows (the crows were never added).

97.The music box Toast the Knowing is playing is similar to the one seen inMad Max 2: The Road Warrior(1981), which Max pulls off a body in a wrecked truck and later gives to the Feral Kid.

98. Charlize Theronwill not return as Imperator Furiosa forMad Max: The Wasteland. The "Mad Max" films are influenced by the western genre and like the mysterious gunfighter, Max leaves and moves on to an entirely new adventure.

99. In one of the scenes the War Rig has a collision with a black Mack tractor unit. The same style of Mack tractor unit was featured inMad Max 2: The Road Warrior(1981) to pull the fuel tanker trailer.;100. In a likely reference, Nux crashes the War Rig in the same way the tanker crashes at the end ofMad Max 2: The Road Warrior(1981).