Download - 10 things executives need to know about agile


#1 Agile Is Mainstream

Source: VersionOne 2012 Annual State of Agile Development Survey

#2 Many Benefits from Agile

Source: VersionOne 2012 Annual State of Agile Development Survey

Manage Changing Priorities⬆ Productivity⬆Visibility⬆Team Morale⬆Quality⬇Risk

#3 Agile is not a Silver Bullet

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#4 Agile Fails Due to Culture

Sources: Multiple Workshops with 100’s of participants; Version One Survey


#6 Most Value Comes from Mindset/Culture, not Practices

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#7 Adopt Agile Practices that fit Culture(Option 1)

Example: Introducing automated testing to reduce regression test

costs and time.

Find the practice (puzzle piece) that fits your problem.

#8 Change Culture through Organizational Transformation (Option 2)

“75% of a company’s management is honestly convinced that business

as usual is totally unacceptable.” - John Kotter

#9 Culture Mismatch will Slow and Ultimately Fail Your Agile Initiative

Avoid seductive fantasy that Agile practices will change your Culture.

They won’t.

#10 Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

What Next? Two Conversations

1. What does break-through organizational culture look like?

2. What does organizational transformation look like?