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• Constantine’s Toleration to State religion• French revolution• Industrial revolution• Karl Marx• Catholic Social Teachings

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Christianity was a persecuted religion under the Roman empire

Some time later, Constantine would challenge Maxentius for control of the empire

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After emerging victorious in the battle at Milvian Bridge, Constantine showed preference towards the Christians

As emperor of the Roman Empire, he issued the edict of Milan in 313, tolerating Christianity

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Constantine gave palaces to become churches (e.g. Lateran Cathedral)

Theodosius I made Christianity the official state religion

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Christianity usurped every political and social office which had been in the hands of the pagan priestly and State administration

Church became identified with the State and vice versa

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Liberty, Fraternity, Equality

♖ a revolt against the abuses of the state and church

♖ led to a radical secularization of both the Church and society

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"Men are born and remain free

and equal in rights. Social

distinctions may be based only on common utility."

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

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The rise of the machines

Brought about rapid developments

Efficiency is the name of the game

Industrial Revolution

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reduced man to a cog in the machine

displaced by the machines


Industrial Revolution

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•Reacted against the dehumanization of the person-worker

“from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”

•Saw a victory of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie

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“Religion is the opium of the people.”

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Dignity of the human person and his inalienable rights

Making the Gospel responsive to the challenges of the time


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Stage One:Problem posed by the Industrial


Rerum Novarum (1891)

Quadragesimo Anno (1931)

Issues: role of government in society and in the economy

right of laborers to organize

principle of just wage

Christian critique of both socialism and capitalism

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Stage Two:Problem posed

by the World War II

MM (1961); PT (1963); PP (1967); GS (1965);

JW (1971)

Issues: political and juridical organization of the international community

demands of international social justice in international economic policy

warfare in a nuclear age

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Stage Three:Challenges of the changes brought

by technology

OA (1971); EN (1975); RH (1979); LE (1981);

SRS (1988); CA (1991)

Issues: how postindustrial societies have been transformed by technology and its effects, especially in the area of communications and mobility

how postindustrial and developing societies are related internationally

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1891 Rerum Novarum Leo XIII

1931 Quadragesimo Anno Pius XI

1961 Mater et Magistra John XXIII

1963 Pacem in Terris John XXIII

1965 Gaudium et Spes Vatican II

1967 Populorum Progressio Paul VI

1971 Octogesima Adveniens Paul VI

1971 Justice in the World Synod of Bishops

1975 Evangelii Nuntiandi Paul VI

1979 Redemptor Hominis John Paul II

1981 Laborem Exercens John Paul II

1988 Sollicitudo Rei Socialis John Paul II

1991 Centessimus Annus John Paul II

1995 Evangelium Vitae John Paul II

2009 Caritas in veritate Benedict XVI

Some Modern Catholic Social Teaching

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References:Images taken from: