Download - , . Cadiz - Memorial University of 301 int.lrncled b1 the sell by Public: Ancllon. oo mi~t-. at dbOn, on \VI

Page 1: , . Cadiz - Memorial University of 301 int.lrncled b1 the sell by Public: Ancllon. oo mi~t-. at dbOn, on \VI

r 301 int.lrncled b1 the sell by Public: Ancllon. oo mi~t-. at dbOn, on \VI<;DN 3ht inNl .. tltat nluable freehold properL.r. known as

II TAYLOR'S TANNERY " , .. wjtb tbe new 3-!.tory building ud otht'r buildan;,"'l a tLacbed. ,

The 'l'aonery ill 6tled with 18 pita and :! wh"eh•. 1 alnffin~ wbeel. 1 splitter, 1 pebblinv jack, 1 bnaah wheel. and othe r amplementa ;and tools bo:lon~in.l:' to a tannery. lt'be properly ill "ituaLcd io tl1e centre of tbe l O\VO, wilb il fronLage on Le­Maccbant St. 84 feet. and depth 105 feet on Barues .. Lane. · Term• caab. For further particulartlapply tow, B. F'ranklin, T ruetee. St. Jobn'a, 01'

0: V. TRAVERS. -Auctioneer.

Harbor Gr.1ce. Jan. 3, 1906. =



LL B. J Notice to Mariners I

'-:JIIIUllractarer or and Dealer iu

WJnware Sheetiron and Galvanized Iron Ware.

STOVES of aU kind• now in stock.

Funnellb2a.._ Stove Fit­tings, Fir~Bcreene

-4upplled prompUy and cbeaply.-

Stoves, Grates and Linings in stock. Outport trade ordera given prompt


NEWFOUNDLAND No. 11 of 1905.

NOTICE i• bereb1 gitea that tbe andermcatio.,ed Aida to Nariptloa wilt not be in operation from Ole tat .d&J of .January aatll tbe ht day of April. 1906. aDd with011t fartbet DO­lice thne Aida will be dt.coatla..,. dariag the .... period Ia each~· ..... ....... , ...... ., filii••• te

...... ......u.a.r. Latitude 4V002' 40" North. Long-itude 55006' 50" Weat. .... p-, .......... u-. fa. trancetoloNMI~.

Latitude 49036' oo·• North. Longitude 54009• 00'' Weat.

SQuataY .--. (lied Ujllt). • U. Port.._. .,....._ ..,

H ..... Latitude ..So 39' 00" North. Longitude S3 o 07' 40' ' Weat.

ELI DAWE, J/(rtUfer of NorlM otld FUMriu.

D.ptl!tmea&ot _.farifte aDd "Piahel1-. ~ St. Jobn'a, Naw~

NOT. jS, liOI5. •

Harbor Grace.



Cream, Black; and Colored Straw,


Obift'on Crim handtom~­

ly Trimmed with

MaraboutFeather, Flolf•

en ancfRibbona. •

Sent to any addre• in Newfoundland, poet paid, tor M.oo.


· . ..l'rlu LUC.UAUfota lGU Uut";tuppllcot~ota. - ST. JOHN'S,

that is put up at our store.

THOS. M'MURDO 8c CO~, Cl'NrrtW and Drug~. Waur &., &.

~ ' Boob for Prises and Present& ChQap Novele-

by the beat authors.


CRON WATER STREET, . , -Harbor Crac~

LUMB:Q]R I PROVISIONS I · Prime Match'w BoiU'd, ' Pine and Spruce Plank. 'Pine and Spruce Board, Pine OlapboaTd~

Just reoeived from Hall's Bay Mills. · Other shipment. clail7 expected by train and eobooner. 'See the prices

Full stooks of Dry GoodS, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Picture Framin~, Furniture, Books, Statiunery, &o.

-New Feathers, Mat~s, Stoqk Condensed Milk jua in.-

THOMA'S ROSS, - Water Street


Provisions, Groceries,· , . Cadiz Salt. Tar, Pitch,

Fishery Supplies, &c.-Beach Premises, : H=irbor Grace . , ~Branch Business at Grady, Labrador. (

Scissor's Cove Saw MILL, NOTRE DAME BAY.

Na~haniel Turner. - - Proprietor: I am booking orders now for delivery early in the spring

of Two hundred thousand feet mixed Lumber, pine and spruce ; one inch boards, framing and joisting, scant· ling ~nd plank. . ·

I am also prepared to quote prices on any specification, for delivery next season.

Send me yQur specification now so that I can get the logs to suit and give you ROCK·BO'ITOM n ayRES.

Send a list of w~at you want, and I believe I can meet you"

NATHANIEL. TURNER, • P. 0. Box 57. St. John•s. Lewisporte, N. D. Bay.


Page 2: , . Cadiz - Memorial University of 301 int.lrncled b1 the sell by Public: Ancllon. oo mi~t-. at dbOn, on \VI


Monuments, Headstones, Tablets and subh ·like Work,

~ oao be aolkd by addrNiing the Proprietor or the abon·Dam~ Worb.

WOutport letters of enquiry promptly &D8l'ered, ee.i· lnatee ot poll&" and stylea furnished, and satisfaction Uearea

· to cuetomere · t7 · ~ . ~ J . MMN'fYRE, Proprietor.


Insist on Having the Best. If you app~t.e a ~ally firet-cl&~~ Biacuit; at ' -moderatf ~ aa:t your Grocer for·---. ~


~ • '.an tbe D., ~tiona .....S ~ ~ &lid Telecrap~ OompuU..· WaYIID&YOUNOXB.l'f Ul4 LA.DIBS of lood Jaablte to


w. fUrDJib 71 p. o. of tbe oHratoN lllld. StaUoa Apn• Ja Amenca. Oar e1s eohoola are tba • .,..., u:olatlYc -r.JesraDb $ob00l1 Uf 1'11:8 WO&La..­&il&lblla"'bed 3) yeaN edcS endol'M4 by all leaclblr RaUway Olllo1ata. · We u:eouta • 8:'1150 BoDd to enrr. eklden' 10 tum lab blm or bar a ~ • tton pa;rlor hom $4010 • montl11 In Sa& tee can of the RockY or from t75 to 1100 a moa{he WCIIt of tbc RoeJliCII, IIUIIIDIA<rlCLY UPOII OILU>UATJOII,

Stodeac. c:ao eowr lime. No ~acatfou. "For tall partlcol•r• rc­riU'dlnJ any of oor &boolt WTIIe dl· reoll9 oaT ueenJYe olllce at Olacln­nllU. o. C&taiOJI:la tree.

ruiBRSESCHOOLotfrLEORAPHY Clnolnaau,o. 8aftalo, N.Y. .Alluta,GL LaCrotu, WI .. Tu:arkaoa. 'l'ex. San Pranclaeo,O.


... ru. 8\yle aDd aDd Worklll&D· thlp IO&no&eed.~­

Ou&om Yorlr or all klDdl ezeou \eel atlcweel prioee aod with d• patch ••

lleuure Oarde eupplled OD ·~ pllcatloo.


Dr. LEHR, t>entlst.

D~t&rlor• '"'" ~ Owl)>! tf' M'*urdo & 0o'e shop

IV~ TER REET, &. JOHNS. ~E·~rue•~e right to nee the

ll'amowo B&l~ ~etbod of Painl­Denuury ln St. Jobn'e aod Harbor Gracre.-..


JAMES D. MUNN, Dealer in .&al .&IQU, Oommif.

IUm Ag•, ()qnwgancer, A~,~.

8f1'1''>nr (JrqM, • NmDtoundJand

Printing of all Ki.nds. done at this Olloe.

A·BTJill OJ' . -

Lord, 'bT mo. alP' &Ja• B .. Y ... •&aDd, { •

. TJa• 8Dane from WboiD ...., ...... W1ao JaoWi6t QUoulll '1'll7 baDd,

AD4..U'II.$Ae1Un b7 aame. '1'ti1De ..... to.-do DOt OMM ~ 'l'o~uuot,._

.,... ~i oe &Ja• ana of peaoe, 'fta• aaYil~ oC war.

'1'11• blW our rM1ma Ill bNUivbood, ...,.. ...... eq1ial rtallW,

Let ........... U..Bmplrftpod Ia ~ tlaa$1lDI._I .

AD4 IDalqli &aa.a.,..ob YboM Uuuaclen IOU •

Dowa tfae broldatnaiD ot ...... 'l'laelaartiiNw floa poa. to pole Of~ acl,.... Abllale.

' JaeG1Hf oowuda •bo

Why i.e a dratna &ooth llkeaome­thiog fol'l~ Aoewer~bee it J'oet out of

yodr bead. If the poker, tonga and feDder

cot\ £1 91. 6d, whal will a toD or coal come &o T

AnaYer-Aahee. Why le • ooro8eld the wom

place io •blob to tell.,MOre&l? Anawef.-Becauee there are ao

mi.JlJ e&JI abooL WhJ' need a pertpo oner perleb

from lllaoser In Uae deeert? Anawer-Becauee of the UDd·

wlobee there (UDd which ll there). Why ie a girl oo\ a DODD f Aoewer-.!:Sec4ue (alu I) a lua

ia an JoterjecUoo. What color doee flogglog make a

boyf Aoewer-Yell-ob. Wba' le tba' which enry oDe

wlabee for, aDdye& Uiee &o ge' rid of? ~.

Aonrer-A g •ppeU&.. _

f • .., lene Disorders

TWITCHING of·tbe oe"es and muscles, seositl•eneu to light,

sound and motioo, jerking or tLe limbs, sleeplessoesa, headach.r'aod indi~restion-cucb arc some or the .ym}Stoms of e.x.bausted oerves.

Because there Is no . uute pajo ~plo do not always ~e the ><:r•o¥Snl!.!s or nervous diseases. They do not tllin.k of tho bt.lfless· 1ess of body tu~d mind, wblcb tS tho :esult of neglecting auch ailments.

Because of it4 extraordinary coo­lro4. ovi!r diseases of the ne"es Dr • l:h::ase's Nerve Food hu come to be :onsi~ered the one great ~tmeot \lr dJsorde.J;$- of this nature. Not lnly does ~ revitalize tile wasted•c 'Cells, but actually forms firm lesh llJld ti'-ue, buiJ(b up the aystem and seo(b oey vigor and -ltnlity to every organ or the body. •O ~nts a box, at all dealen, or ::dmansoo, Bates & Co.~ Toroato.

Sir Ollnr, fDdl· oa&IDI bll thu thla Ia a ·bit ot 1Da&&8r bWe ee•eD'J yean or ~pet-, ud theD ''· wlll ~olD t•la~~er Mll. I lhall lbeo llDcll ban a J~ memory . or a lUJer ~uU&J alt.osetber. I am •:r::::t· or ~one, but I am IJI8!' · • &b eome reuoo for m~ th• ... rtJooe, though It woald take too long to uplaio wba& IDJil'ODDdl are."

Sir on ... wu uked whether in bla oplulon man uleted only on &bla eutb, and whether the aun ud the.ltait and all the oolvene ezla' for thf benefit of tbie globe, as was ~oild by Dr. Wallace.

81\' Oll'fer replied tha~ Dr. Wal­lace liked to bold a minority 'fiew1 and io thla reepeot h11 certainly did bold the mlDontJ view. Wherever tclt~oUeta probed into tbie planet they found life. 11 So I ez peot," be cooUoued, "that· if we probe lDto other prt.e of the unive111e we aball a)eo lind life of some kind. U depeDdl upon What you meaD by mao. We miaht oot flod betoge wUb DOIH and wlth five fingers on our banda like ourselvea. , It i11 improbable thatin the uoiv~ue we are the hlgbeet that uiet, aod it le therefore probable that others exle& somewhere!'

He oon\loued that worlds might be unoooupled for long J)erloda like o~r owD globe. Beeidee mie· taket,.mllht ariae in other waye. Aatrooomen io Man looking at our earth wonld probably uy it ,.. too •et &o be inhabited; n was nearly all Yater. ~

All Doubts Settled; No •asae qoeeUon need now

haunt the miode of up to-ltate wo­men when home-dyeing Ia neces·

u]5y.o.LA does the thlog-a~d does il bet&er. Quick, oruy, eco· nom foal.

The only p4tokage can be uaed for eyery IOrt or cloth-wool, aUk, oott.Qn, mixed, eto.

Glvee beauUfal, enn color~-oo tun oao fade them, oo boiling waab them ouL

Try DY·O·LA. • At {,our druaglete.

On y, per p4tokage, lOo.

-"Did you ;.;;the baby a~r bia rather?"

.. No, we named hlm'after a pro­lou led eorap io which the whole ramlly eogaaed.''·-Cie•el•od Lead· er.

KlDarcl'l UAlaaeae oat• dJgbtberla.

The New Zealand Dairyman re­port. the fact or two young ladles aod a brother at Waimate who mil ked rl!gularly90 cowa night and morn log. In anolber ioetaoce two people, pne a young girl fourteen ye&ll old, and tbe other, her brotber·lo-Jay, milked 78 cowe molning and enolog lor over tw~ mootha. Theee ar& oertatolt ro: marhble recorda.

Altomeye repre$entiug \be Am· erlcao berra of Sir Francie Drake, the famoue Englieh admiral of the eixteeoth century. eay that hJe ee­tate of 120,000,000 ie a boot ready to be diltributed, and &hat the eharee ot each Amerlcall heir will be in the neighborhood of SSOO.OOO. One of tbeae beira ie Robert Corey, who reeldee north of Sioux Falla. T"o otbera are E. 0. Corey and Georfe Corey, bie brothers, who reside n Colorado, •

Klaard'• LlAlmenl oa.rea oolcSI, Ito.

W.S.Goodwih, O.D.S, Gra~uate of Philadelphia Dental Colleg:e and Hos-pital of Oral Surgery ..... .

Office in reslde.oc:e-..:.water S:r t.

next door to the Bnulr.




C. ALFRED AMES, M.D. Offi~ Hours -9 to 11 tun.

-4 to a p.m. RIDLEY HALL, Harbor Gra .t.

. ,




Page 3: , . Cadiz - Memorial University of 301 int.lrncled b1 the sell by Public: Ancllon. oo mi~t-. at dbOn, on \VI


}\1\S NEvBR BEEN BQU:t AS A UKBD'( . FGit. • . . , . .. .

Cramps, 9olic, ' Diarrh,re·a, ChJIIs, COlds. AND AS A IJNU[BNT FOJl ,.~



. In-Our Handsr:ran~--· ~ and we guarantee

to aerve them_pro-~ perly. When we tell you that we will encloae them with the celebrated ·



JOHN OASEY, Agent for Harbor Grace.


f"J,; (~/ll~rl 10ii1& prompln.t., noatneM, an(.( c'MrJptu~~t .V,, 1u•w to Hntl eueuihtr~ 11~ &an®rd Ofu;t 'U


tg!Atll to local ~ &wnpZ..1/aowA.

Aethma WHETHER. 1t i. the wbeaior

aod daperate atrurrl• for breath .0 characteristic of asthma. tbe sormeu, t;(btoesa ia the chest and bard cougbtag of brooc:hiti1, or tho barkiD&' COUJb ot croup, Or. Chase'• Syrup or Lioteed aod Tur. pentine aft'ordl almost loltaat reUet and tim,ty cure.

People •turaUy aad correctly reason that what will provo etrec­th·e in such obttioate dt.e&ses must be the best treatment for ordinary coughs and coldl, ~lob are the

atartior point of con.~umptloa and other haag

....,t.roubles. Dr. Cbue'•S,\,n,

o(IJuMd ud 'rll;..

-~-~ proclaced 71 IIA"PIIIIa toiull I~ 1e aanPUIIi ....

A ~. ~· aDd OM ... a, lboal4 UWQII ID &be boa:ior CllaaberlaiD'a ~· a.1De117. It w1U ~l tbe &UMir If ld•• M - M &be cblld beoom• hoane, or eYeD an.r &be oroapJ ooqb ap,..,., Tllere .. ao claaaer la JIYIIil U to cblldrea for It ooalaliaa ao oplam or barmtal d~.

Dr. Ca7ler I&JI, "Gin CbrlaC BFor l&le b7 w. B. Tbompeou . .t eo. the tiller, wad Uaeo pall Jour owa • arborOrMO; ~tt,OVbooear. oar." We maJ be tilack lo the fa· -Geoenl81r Reclftr'l BlllJu .. k» be tareo aaable lo ... wba' we lhall ·~e~1~Tl U~..rc'a, aDd aot to be made be; bat the MVDI&Ua o• ooa BU· · --IILU' un 11 u.n VJrDSa Ba muo­no•, Wbo pYe Bll Jlle tbat it mlab' become oara, throa1h pel' aoaal aoceptaooe ud co·operaUon. Like .Jeeaa we too aball dellllfht to withdraw from the dltqoleUng I'OeDee of earth aod BEST ALONE IN GOD"S Ltn. &. Andrew'a Manae, .Jan. 20, 1906

The ladles deiJpt to apeak of

Huu.a»a •Lattrx.•~{::~ LIMtrllll. 81~Iha.,.-..4~~ARJ)'8 LUll· KENT tor the paet 2& ,...,.. aad wbUat I ha" OOC&Iionlill.J' aHd other l!:llllllaala I eaa UJ' Ula\ I baYO DOYU ued t.IIJ' equal lo JOVe• • n raubed bitw•o the haad.l aad ID·

haled ~U.J', I& wru aner r.u 1o ooJd ID Ulo bead ln ·tweaty.tou hours.

U .. &1.10 &be beet tor bra ..... apralu, etc. \

Youn tru!r, DartmouUI. T. G. LESLIE. JUIID

DDS -81r CoDaa x:r~~ O&Ddlda&e tor !lox·

ADd Pralaa tbelr Woadroua Reo ~:.~hbr:Jo~ta. • .. amoq the d ..

newlac Powen. .....--ORIPPLED BY .IUD.NEY 1DISEA8E

AmongeL the many ueefol and merltorloua articlea manafaolored for home oee and home money­u'ring, DIAHON'D DYES are cer· taloly firatin lhe .. umaUon of citJ and cooouy women.

The, charming colon produced by ~DIAMOWD l>YE8 1adafy the moe' orltloal women. J'orthe wiD· ter aeuon women of &u~ can ael­eot the new lbadee of fubionable browu. green~, blaee and • red a wbeo It t8 DtCOIIUYlo re-oolor old (aded drNiel, akin., aoltel,bloaaee, jaoketa, capee _and other Rarment..

Tho DIAMOND DYES wo~ wonderful and dellahLfol lnoafor· maUooa lo all kinde of old ma• terlala. from the uloableatlkdreu to rat• for the making of home made carpeta and mata. The colora are alway• brlaht, full .ad never fad lug.

8Pfoial a,.. are prepared for coloring eilk and all wool1oode aDd coUon wad mlxed fabrics. • A1 eucceuful home dyeln& d• peode upon reliable and true d)ee, be sure to uk your me~bao' for the DtAMOND DYES. Nner al· low a merobanl -.n ofrer you I UCin and adulterated dyn ~they are alway• fall or ... Send. fo 'lnus 11. ·Btau.uwloll Co.. Lnnno. 200 Mooxutll Sra'D"l'. Monu.u .. P Q., r11r book. ··DIAMOND DYES AND HOW '1'0 USE THI<.M." aDd color card for dyio1umplee; freelo any .Wrea.

• I wu troobled tor yeara with kldoey di-e aad Da. Oa.uli't Kro:tar.Lnraa PtLr.a hue eaUret.y cared m.. Wbon 1 bel!ao the ue of Ui- pUla [ could ooly walk trom my 1>ed to a chair. Now Jean co to the Gela aad work lllce &aJ other maa.''-Vr. w. H. Moeu•a. Soalb Ao· pta,Grea.Ule Coaaty, Ont. Tblutet• meat .. certJJied k» hJ' lln. E. B. Emell, BapUit mlllll&er or BrookYlllo, OnL

-Tbe prloe ot whaloboae ln Loudon tJW •-.. ·~per to a.

GAINED 10 POUNDS. • I wu all rti.D down and could aot do

Jlf-1 owa work. Enrythlng I ate made ~ a loll. lo aanlag o~en J bad ,aeon Uie lood reettl t1 of Da. On.u.,11 N Cll\'11 1'0011 aad reeolyed to try IL .u a reealt ot th .. tnatmeat I tine gained ten poan.S., do m:r own work alone and t~e\ like aa eaUre1y dlf!ereat JM!reDn."-~11\S. B. A. Lonu, aurae, .Phlli,Piburg, Quo.

Qlarbrili!J Teaa., Jaa. I6.-Tho Dun· lop MUJJncvo'a. plaat wu dam13ed by Are k» the e~at ot ~· A war .. boue oonW.Oiac TT/100 buehell o( wheat "u deeuoyed.


)aow JAXU Ml;o;;;Lt. a well·known MaallJ'actnrer at Sprlogtield, VI. "~nral yura llftO I '11' U attacked

wJtb a anere luag dltftcolly, wbleb wu qal&e alarmln&. I bad HYore nla:bt aweatJ, and. alltbe promonHary aymp­k»llll ot eOIIIUmptlon. After buln~ tried eenral remOdlee and tho altUI or pbyalclant wllboot beneftt. r wu ln· aaced to UN WJetat'e BaJ11m ot Wild Obeny( the ftrat boUle of which aft'orded Immediate relief : and a ccptlnoance of lte OM IOOD ret~tored IDO \0 m1 UIUII bul&h. .For lWttDlJ· ftYO YUH l)Ul II baa ae'fer failed to atrorcf enUre eatb· facUQCI In all c.&HI ur cclde, or anr throat or lun1 ciUJieoltJea. l know of ao medl· clnoltll eqaiiL"

Zc.. ~ aad $1 per bottle. Sold hl' 4eelen •••rally, aDd by '1'. Mdlunlo • oe.,-. ,..., ...


I New Poatal Telegraph Ollca

have been open~ at lArk Harbor, Bay of Jalaoda,.aod Benaltap, Ber· mitage Ba,.

B: '1. B. WOODS. P.M.G.

e07'.LI ANTHR~CITE C 0 A L (all sues), in stock. Orders left at Mr. John G. Munn'e ebop wt11 lie giteD prompt attention and ddivery.


' Dr.lerse'alndlan Ro~t Pilh

' . ~ THEY "' the 'RemeJJ that th•

I bounteoua h1.nd of n•tun hu t-:orldld (or 11/ dlu1.111 •rial~ (I'Otl 1UPURE BLOOD. • ..... ~ . Morse's .... __ .. "' ..... • .ftlr-.. •aaDAC'11fll; 4


P'\11 C'e•JO>UIIrT, PW.f'Jift

I S ...... r:.c.. ltle.

,., &tU, IU lf/UU.


Page 4: , . Cadiz - Memorial University of 301 int.lrncled b1 the sell by Public: Ancllon. oo mi~t-. at dbOn, on \VI

Jtlatbnr fi~ Standard . 4JID ...






, 19M brla. 11 Britiah-reglatered veuela 11,353 67 American , " " 85,088


The oiled Sta baa ¥t_ a. a· easy ro playas ga~ian

Value. $157,853. 190S.

39 Britiab-regiatered vend• 38.861 11 American •• •· •3. 910

to the smaller caa republica. The Muuroe octriae. &I it&~· ingo out ia p ctic:e.teema to )fi~ fait to imposes on ber the taali of me­

'dlat:iug ia :diapatea tb,at any Euro­pean or oUaer power may tba"e &gaiaat theM small fr7. She ~ have to pla.y the part ot jadte, jllf1. and even jolnu co-executloaerwitb the oae abe adjad~ to be "the io· jured.

She baa thoa got dra,n In with respect to the quarrel between France and Vene&uela.

~alue, $130.~ nm h will be noticed tbat the ' IUIID•

of U nhed StaU. 'featell ernpiOJ­hia year in the ~y of ltlaacla og 6aherr waa one-third lea

the number empi~W laa year. and that their catch wu OIIJJ a~ut one-hal( or what it ~ laat y~r. While. aa 'regards Bntiah· registered vesaela. the number atul the catch were both over three timea

Thia diapute the action of the Venesuelall Sapreme .Court

• and Preaideat Castro towards a Freacb Cable Compauy tbat llad se­cured cooceuioaa from tbe Veaeaae­lan Goverameat. Tbe ~ble com­pany was accuaed aaa roundAruilt, of not lulildlag tbe line accordTat to contract. . of transmitting Inform&· tioo to the rebels ia the Matos re­bellion and of otherwise aiding them. '

So far aa we caa judge. tbere,.waa little truth in these accueatlon._ At all e'fenb Fnance reaented *be ad· yerae judgment. or at leut demur· red against the peaaltiea impoeed. Her actiag charge d' Atlaire.a. M. Ta.lgny. protuted. Preaideat Caa­tro took olfence at the language he need. and would'bold no intercourse with France through him. The French refuaed to recall him. 'l'be quarrel weat.oa till diplomatic relatioaa were auapended. Castro Jtft the capital for l:;a Gulara oa the 17th ; ba.t -,aa refuaed permiaaion to go on board the Frencb atel!.~Jler, Martinique. Be dtd t10 without pec­mluioa aa had beea hl6 ciaatom. Be waa , ordered by a

-< policeman· to leave the ahlp. which he refuaed to do. The authorities ordered the Captain to pat out '20 mile.rrom the ahore. which be did. )II, Taigay a.aked tile Custom• l.o laad biar but was refused leave. Be t:{ied to leave the ship. bat was forcibly keptoa boa9i aad ~oti~ed that if be landed be would be 1m· ptiaooed.

The French Vice-Coaaul who bad accompaaied him to La GuiarL l>ad meaawbile gone to Canaecaa .and inlormeCl Mr. tbe tf. S. Minister. Mr. Ruuel meana ia bia power to get ... " .. '''"" Caatro to atop tbia oatra~a con· duct, but Ia ,ma. M. Titpy was at ~ brouJtbt by tbe-Martfaiqu.e to Caracoa. Danish West lndfea. an.etllanded.

· Fiuce ia of coane farloaa at thia outrap to her repcaentati'l't', aafl bu re~lated by formally expelling from Jllfrance.the Veneaaela Char~ d'Atfaira. M. Mauboa~gueat. a FreocbiDaa. The aotificatloa was coached ia coarteoua laa~p but coataiaed a claaee atlirminr France's determ.iaatioa to uact reparation. - ·

- To accomJ)Uah this wlll aot be ao " e&aJ taak. The Uoltlld SQ~tea GoY·

emmiellt will of ba...e a Yoice Ia IJie fonD to qact

J'raace CIOIISDlted die

aa strlat. Tttia r~t of exclualoo to out·

eiders and of " prefereace" to tbe colpnla ia of course dae »~ a.ew policy of the Go~ Jf It aac.ceect u well ia Jatare ~ Mlt did this year. the New Barlaad fiahiar. iaten:ata will Jaye to ipUe choice betwefll l0t1iq' macb of tbelr bold ia this importaat brahcb of tl:eir fishery or to &i.e ap their or# position to. the Bond-.Bay Treaty.

-OatT.-Capt. James R Jewer, died at St. loha'a oa Wedaad.!J. morning at tbe a~ of 80 yean. ~ bad been ill for .orne moatha pu£ He leavea a wife. oae IOD aacr oae daughter aad ai-t grandcbildreL Tbe deceaaed was a nati.e of Spud. ard'a Bay. and lived in this tod for many years. ap to the time U..t Mr. W. J. S. DonaellJ .went oatof buaineU. In the 60'a Capt. Je,...-

in charge or DonneDy'a .... aabellil, and- other veatda ill ftlli

~e employ. the Jut cbarn tben

og the John R. Caapbell. Tboee o remember the deceaaed, tbiak

of him u a man of atertlag c:barac­.r. or a kindly nature. and a frieocl· r, diapoaition. Bia oaly aunhiar 110n r~aidea ia Montreat


AGRICUL- · By Telegraph.

- .... ---NOTIC -The Harald Ja•rt of a youaJ mao

~ lllne ciOMII troolout of Renal ... PoDcL,. ONB MO~Ti'f:T···· .;nt.:.. ~r

appUcatloa will be l'll"dc t t1 UiA ·x. cdleac:y the GoYcrnnr in Council r the ~bt to use tl•c .. oC Jodi n B~. Balla BIIJ. :md lht: po d:-o aad ti.era dnainmtr i . , ., f'!\nte for the parpoaeor driorin,_ m. •


-A O&NleN o.n..nter accldeatally onl two laolt• otr Ule cap of a Hr. A. w. SQatne wbo Wll near blm u be wtelcSecl hl8 au aUbe RaUway tbop &he o&beJ clq. I

. I -A ebmpaay of youag men pYe 1 A~ 4aooe al the Ac.dera7 ~ Jut a!lltt. daaolna belntt kept ap dll ao earl;,liOat. Ualll ~IDa.

-The Herald 1171 that akMias -lDVodooecl Into 81. lobo'• lut winter ..,...,.,ral of lte yocaaa raea, It lhhalce b&Dk-olerlr,l. The aa .. ractD& wW UJreO 17 beoome popnlar lor a &IIDL

-Th•~,r-a "beo ere abaol' II ODe Ia IRl ArobblldaopBnlebeel aad bill ~~~lil ~·~ ~··~' &be ~ Jaabt .. or .oolelJ. ---

New Joeepb Wbeeler died this 111orbiD&'.


leJT A Lt'ITLK EtroLAifD&a Vraw?-8Deak1Da latell qafnet the Cbambfr. lata projioealt. Wlilfton CburohUI Aid .. be CllcJ aot iblnk bardena ebould be Jafcl oca poor ~.910 a& homo Ia the In· terMl of coloia.lllll, who were betC.r oll.11

UNIOIII LUMBU COMPA~~y LTD. St. John'a. Jaa. J81!1 • .L':t':6.

General Post Office.

daJ 15tli day of tbe

dirideacl will be oal7 to such proved on or

day of ~bruary.


Estate o( the late H. 'D. Ta)lor, Tanner, of HarborGracc.

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. .

• ~