Download - © 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Welcome to the EYE 2014 European Parliament Strasbourg.


© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Welcome to the EYE 2014

European Parliament Strasbourg

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

The motto

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Ideas for a better Europe

Re-invent EuropeEngage in discussionShowcase diversityDevelop identityConnect with decision-makers

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

Sunday 11 May Youth UnemploymentDigital RevolutionFuture of the EUSustainabilityEuropean Values

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

Youth UnemploymentPerspectives for a blocked generation

Life on hold – state of play in EuropeInitiatives from Brussels

The “Youth Guarantee”

Skills gap: from education to the first job

Entrepreneurship – real life stories

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

Digital RevolutionFuture of the Internet

The end of politics behind closed doors?

Big data under control?

“Smart cities”

Internet Crime Scene

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

The Future of the European Union Europe in Transition

From crisis managementto shaping the future

Which Europe do we want in the future?

The European Citizens’ Initiative

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

SustainabilityNew European lifestyle

Stable money in the long run?

My car, my house, my music collection... new forms of sustainable consumption

Europe as a pioneer in climate protection and energy?

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

European ValuesGlobal Player – Fair Player?

Europe – a fair partner in the world?

Courage in Human Rights

Hunger for energy vs. world hunger?

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Core formats

Q&A sessionsDebatesHearingsVideo ConferencesIdea Labs WorkshopsRole Play GamesEuroscola

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit


• Political debates with EU decision-makers, and dialogue with high profile speakers with scientific and cultural backgrounds

• Q&A session with Heads of State or Government • European street festival & concert / City of Strasbourg• Yo!Fest and Youth Village / European Youth Forum

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit


European Youth ForumEuropean Youth PressCity of Strasbourg ARTEEuropean Young Innovators ForumCharlemagne Youth Prize Council of EuropeEuropean Commission (tbc)ENA / Université de StrasbourgJeunes Agriculteurs du Bas-Rhin

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Who can apply?

Who can apply?…young Europeans…aged between 16 and 30 years…in groups of 10 or more participants

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Register now!

Do you have an idea for a better Europe? Register now on to take part in the EYE in May 2014!

See you in Strasbourg!