© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Welcome to the EYE 2014 European Parliament...

13 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Welcome to the EYE 2014 European Parliament Strasbourg

Transcript of © 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Welcome to the EYE 2014 European Parliament...

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Welcome to the EYE 2014

European Parliament Strasbourg

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

The motto

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Ideas for a better Europe

Re-invent EuropeEngage in discussionShowcase diversityDevelop identityConnect with decision-makers

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

Sunday 11 May Youth UnemploymentDigital RevolutionFuture of the EUSustainabilityEuropean Values

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

Youth UnemploymentPerspectives for a blocked generation

Life on hold – state of play in EuropeInitiatives from Brussels

The “Youth Guarantee”

Skills gap: from education to the first job

Entrepreneurship – real life stories

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

Digital RevolutionFuture of the Internet

The end of politics behind closed doors?

Big data under control?

“Smart cities”

Internet Crime Scene

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

The Future of the European Union Europe in Transition

From crisis managementto shaping the future

Which Europe do we want in the future?

The European Citizens’ Initiative

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

SustainabilityNew European lifestyle

Stable money in the long run?

My car, my house, my music collection... new forms of sustainable consumption

Europe as a pioneer in climate protection and energy?

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

5 main themes

European ValuesGlobal Player – Fair Player?

Europe – a fair partner in the world?

Courage in Human Rights

Hunger for energy vs. world hunger?

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Core formats

Q&A sessionsDebatesHearingsVideo ConferencesIdea Labs WorkshopsRole Play GamesEuroscola

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit


• Political debates with EU decision-makers, and dialogue with high profile speakers with scientific and cultural backgrounds

• Q&A session with Heads of State or Government • European street festival & concert / City of Strasbourg• Yo!Fest and Youth Village / European Youth Forum

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit


European Youth ForumEuropean Youth PressCity of Strasbourg ARTEEuropean Young Innovators ForumCharlemagne Youth Prize Council of EuropeEuropean Commission (tbc)ENA / Université de StrasbourgJeunes Agriculteurs du Bas-Rhin

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Who can apply?

Who can apply?…young Europeans…aged between 16 and 30 years…in groups of 10 or more participants

© 2013 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

Register now!

Do you have an idea for a better Europe? Register now on www.eye2014.eu to take part in the EYE in May 2014!

See you in Strasbourg!