Zero Matter 9 12

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    Chapter 9

    Half a dozen flashlights turned on, blinding me from as many directions. Soldiers in

    black stepped out from behind landscaping bushes and cars lining the street. All had rifles aimed

    at my chest. Several large black vehicles raced from behind the building and screeched to a stop

    next to us.

    After I entered the vehicle that looked like a rolling fortress combined with an R.V., a

    soldier frisked me and unceremoniously cut off my coat with his dagger like knife. He was

    ready to remove the shield suit sleeve as well to check for weapons.

    Dont you idiot! Tanner barked at the over-eager soldier while pushing Laura into thevan.

    The soldier sheathed his knife and looked ravenously at Laura, no doubt imagining the

    curves hidden by her coat.

    What about her, sir?

    I whipped around and grabbed the soldier by the throat. He fought against me at first but

    the strength of my left hand was unrelenting as I crushed his windpipe closed.

    Let him go, Adam, Tanner ordered coldly.

    Let her go first, I snarled.

    Cant do that. We heard your heart to heart. Shes part of our little club now.

    I could feel the soldier growing weaker and his eyes were starting to bulge in his sockets.

    If Tanner was concerned at all, he didnt show it.

    Move out, he said and the truck started to roll.

    Im not kidding, Tanner! Let her go!

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    Or what? Youll kill Jacobs? You dont have the stones for it, and even if you did, it

    wouldnt make a difference.

    Adam, please, let him go. Im okay, I promise, Laura said and placed a cool hand on

    my cheek.

    Her touch calmed the fire in my chest and I released my hold on the soldier. He fell to

    the floor coughing and grabbed his throat. Another soldier helped him to a seat in the back of the

    command vehicle. It was only then that I noticed the soldiers had their weapons aimed, not at

    me but at Laura.

    I turned around to face Tanner.Tell them to put their guns away.

    Why would I do that? Tanner asked. Youve already assaulted one of my men. I

    cant be too careful.

    Then aim the guns at me. Shes no threat.

    Youre right about that but since you and I both know that killing you is the last thing

    Uncle Sam wants, shes the better choice for target practice. Her continued well being is

    completely dependent on your cooperation.

    Fine, youve got it but put the guns away. You have my word that I wont do anything.

    Tanner furrowed his forehead and cocked an eyebrow.

    All fight but know if you even blink the wrong way, every man in this transport will

    have a bullet in the air before you open your eyes.

    Fair enough, I said and sat down next to Laura.

    She looked brave and strong at first glance but when I put my arm around her shoulders, I

    could feel her trembling.

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    Are you okay? Did they hurt you?

    Im fine, she answered coldly but did not shrug off my arm.

    Tanner twisted a pedestal mounted seat around to face us and sat.

    How sweet, you found a special someone on your little vacation. Shes from that little

    town you were hiding in, right? Dirty Water or something like that.

    Go to hell.

    Easy, Adam. Language like that doesnt really work for you.

    I stiffened and saw rifle barrels lift.

    Howd you find me?We actually werent looking for you. Thought you bought it during the last raid but we

    started getting suspicious after your library search. Not too many people remember Dr. Marcus

    anymore. We did a good job of making him look like a lunatic after we took him underground.

    We didnt get on it fast enough though and you were gone by the time we got feet on the ground

    here but once your energy signal popped up in that little town, it was easy enough to connect

    some dots. Weve had people covering your girlfriend here since breakfast.

    Where are you taking us? Laura asked, her eyes darting to the tense soldiers.

    Someplace safe, thats all you need to know.

    What about Red Water? What about my parents? she asked, her voice growing

    stronger with each word.

    Theyre fine. They dont know enough, unlike you, to be a liability.

    Thats not what I meant. What about the Guardians? What are you doing about them?

    Tanner shrugged and puckered his lips lazily. He smacked them audibly before


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    Not much we can do about them right now. They wont be able to make the jump for a

    few more days but when things line up, there will be hell to pay. You picked a good time to get

    stupid, Adam. A couple more days and you wouldve had Source Guardians coming out of your


    Yeah, lucky me, I grunted.

    Damn straight, lucky you. At least now we have time to lay a trail away from that little

    speed bump of a town so no civilians get hurt. We found your phone by the way but just to let

    you know, your residual energy trail will be completely gone by tomorrow so those sons of

    bitches would go back to the initial location and wipe everyone off the map. The energysignature from when you dropped your arm registered all the way in the Pentagon. You can bet

    the Source Guardians pegged it too.

    But youre going to lead them away, right? Laura asked before I could.

    As long as Adam doesnt give us any headaches, Im sure General Brayton will stick

    with that plan. It doesnt do us any good to have an inhabited town wiped off the map. Piss us

    off and who knows what will happen.

    He shrugged and held up his hands dismissively. It took every ounce of control I had to

    not knock his face around to the back of his head.

    They are innocent people. You cant treat them like their lives mean nothing.

    Laughing and shaking his head, Tanner pointed a finger at me.

    Youve really changed, kid. Almost year out of the nest and you think youre all grown

    up, know all the answers. Heres the thing though, everything comes down to dollars and cents

    and compared to the price tag on you, there arent too many things not worth sacrificing.

    Why? I asked, my voice angry and gravelly.

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    I stood slowly so my actions wouldnt be misunderstood. I turned around and crouched

    to look Laura in her eyes.

    Im so sorry I pulled you into this.

    I know, she said. Dont worry about me. Ill be alright.

    Hurry up, kid.

    I pivoted to face Tanner.

    Her face better be the first think I see when you let me out or I swear

    I know, I know. Ill pay for it or something like that. Youve got my word, as soon as

    were in a secure location, well let you out for a cozy little reunion.He stood and pushed me towards the back of the vehicle. One soldier opened the heavy

    lid like a door. I stepped into it backwards. Tanner leaned in close and whispered just loud

    enough for me to hear.

    Her only value to us is in controlling you. Think about that while youre in there.

    The door slammed shut, cutting off all light and sound.


    Countless bumps, jostles and an insanity inducing long time later, Tanner made good on

    our deal. Laura was right there when the box was opened. She barely had time to tell me she

    was okay before being escorted away and I was left alone in a room very much like the cell Dr.

    Marcus had helped me escape.

    I sat on the edge of the cot, the only furniture in the bare room and waited. I had no idea

    for what. I hoped it would be General Brayton, hoped I would have the chance to plant my fist

    on his jaw for allowing Tanner to bring Laura into this. I wanted to scream at the observation

    window, rage against the guards inside the booth but knew it would do no good, for me or for

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    Laura. There were so many things I wanted, so much I wished I could do but I was trapped,

    hopelessly stuck in a bunker I was certain was buried under tons of rock and dirt and in the

    middle of nowhere. So I sat and waited, pretended to be docile and compliant until the door to

    my cell opened.

    Adam! I am so glad you are safe!

    Dr. Swanson stepped gingerly into the room, leaning so heavily on a cane that her

    bulbous white knuckles were shining. I was so overjoyed at seeing her that I didnt notice at first

    how curved her back was, how the gray had taken over her hair or the many heavy lines creasing

    her face. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her from the ground. A pained grunt stoppedmy enthusiasm.

    Are you okay? I said and stepped back, finally recognizing the incredible age shed

    gained since Id last seen her.

    Thats a relative term these days, she said with a crinkled smile.

    Where do you want your equipment, maam? the soldier behind her asked.

    He was young, barely old enough to shave. His expression was stern but not as

    convincing as an older soldiers might have been

    Dr. Swanson pointed with her cane towards the cot. Just at the head of the bed should be

    fine and then you can go.

    Sorry, maam but my orders are to stay here with you until the exam is over.

    She smiled sweetly when she turned to face him.

    Did your orders tell you about the radiation that will make your testicles shrivel and

    sterilize you in less than a minute? Because thats what youll experience if youre in here when

    I take this sleeve off his arm. Were you warned about that?

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    No, maam. I was not, the soldier answered stiffly and glanced at my left arm. But if

    that is a risk, why arent you in protective gear?

    Do I look like I have any need of a functioning reproductive system? Dr. Swanson said

    sweetly. If I do, Im free on Friday if you are.

    The soldiers face turned scarlet at being propositioned by a woman old enough to be his

    grandmother or perhaps even his grandmothers mother.

    General Braytons orders said

    Im sure he said a lot of things but Ill tell you this. I am a doctor and Ive worked with

    this young man all of his life. I am accustomed to the radiation he generates and close enough todeath that even if I wasnt, I dont really care. But you have a long life and potentially many

    children waiting for you so let me ask you this: Does General Brayton pay you enough to

    sacrifice all that? Or does you paycheck entitle you to leave, lock the door behind you and watch

    the exam from the safety of the observation booth?

    She turned her back on the divided looking soldier. Her swollen knuckled hands reached

    up to the tape around the top of my rubber sleeve.

    Lets get this off of you so I can have a good look.

    I tried to stifle the smile I felt creeping up as I watched the soldier back towards the door.

    Just raise a hand when youre ready to come out, maam, he said before sealing it shut.

    I thought hed never leave, Dr. Swanson said softly as she continued to pluck at the

    fraying duct tape around my shoulder.

    I can take care of that, I said and put a hand on her back to guide her to sit on the cot.

    Thank you. Lately, my fingers have stopped obeying orders.

    Do you think theyre listening to us? I said once she was seated.

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    Undoubtedly but we wont let that stop us. What are they going to do? Lock us up for

    talking? She laughed at her own joke. The soft chuckles turned into racking coughs.

    What happened? How did you get so I paused on the last word.

    Old? She smiled wisely. This is just nature, no gimmicks or special tricks. Still, Id

    say I look pretty good for ninety-seven.

    I pulled the last of the tape from the sleeve leaving a grid of sticky residue behind.

    Ninety-seven? I said, struggling to keep my voice down. I never guessed. I always

    thought you were in your late forties, maybe early fifties.

    You are very sweet, always were she said and sighed. I was seventy-nine years oldwhen I was recruited and had incurable cancer in both lungs. By the time you were three months

    old, the cancer was gone and my vitals were better than theyd been in ten years.

    I stopped fiddling with my sleeve and sat next to her.

    Wait, are you saying that I did this? Did that?

    Of course you did. They had to put us on a one-in-five day rotation so we wouldnt de-

    age so rapidly that youd notice, she said, sounding quite surprised. Didnt Keith tell you? I

    thought that you escaped together.

    Her eyes were hazy behind a layer of tears, as if she had already guessed what I was

    going to tell her.

    Dr. Marcus didnt make it. There were Source Guardians waiting for us.

    The dam broke and she buried her tear covered face in her hands.

    Im sorry, she sobbed. I knewHe knew that it was dangerous but I still hoped for

    you both. He always knew that someday he would need to break you out, need to help you get

    free and this would be the probably be the price but knowing hes actually

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    She choked up, unable to continue.

    Suspecting we probably did not have much time before our conversation would be

    stopped, I shamefully interrupted her sorrow. He wasnt able to tell me much before it

    happened. Dr. Swanson, I need to know who I am and why Im so important to the Army and

    the Source Guardians.

    She wiped her eyes clear and took a deep breath that I could hear rattling in her chest.

    Of course you do. Im sorry I didnt start with that, she said and pulled a small pair of

    scissors from a front pocket of her white lab coat. She started cutting at the twine around the

    thick sleeve. Probably better to talk while I work. Tell me what you know.Not much. Just that Im not radioactive and Im guessing there was probably never an

    accident in a nuclear plant. I know the Army wants me under lock and key, the Source

    Guardians want me dead and that Im not the only one like me.

    You really dont know anything then, do you? she said with grave sadness and started

    pulling the sleeve off my arm.

    Are you sure this wont hurt you? I said before it went below my elbow.

    Oh, dear boy, who do you think held you when you were a baby?

    She pulled the sleeve free and dropped it to the floor. Her hand, placed directly in mine,

    changed the moment she touched me. Dark spots covering the fragile skin on the back of her

    hand paled. The bulbous knuckles shrank and her yellowed fingernails turned a healthy shade of

    rose. Wrinkles smoothed themselves and the constant shaking of age stopped.

    This is part of why you had to wear that horrible suit, she said, running both hands

    around my forearm, probing her fingers gently into my flesh. You are perfection and whatever

    you touch realigns to match you. Every person has a zero-matter superstructure but it ages and

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    I let her imagine what questions her statement generated and waited for her to deliver the

    answers in whatever way made sense to her.

    Dr. Marcus discovered zero-matter almost fifty years ago. When his family died, people

    thought hed gone crazy because of the dramatic change in his work. He became obsessed with

    proving the existence of the anti-universe as an explanation for the unequal ratio of matter to

    anti-matter in ours. The more he obsessed over the natural discrepancy, he began to theorize that

    if there were two forms of matter exactly equal in mass but opposite in charge occupying

    different dimensions of existence, why couldnt there be more subtle layers, where instead of a

    proton having a positive charge of one hundred sixty zepto-coulombs and an electron being thenegative of that, those particles could have a charge of more or less magnitude. He broke away

    from the quantum physics based idea of multiple dimensions and focused on what he called

    charged physics to explain it all.

    She finished taking recordings of my arm with her myriad of instruments and put all the

    devices back into their case.

    I read almost of his publications and Ill admit that I didnt understand a lot of them but

    I dont remember anything about an anti-universe or multiple dimensions, I said.

    You wouldnt have, dear, Dr. Swanson said kindly. All that work was done after he

    left the public eye and then it was hidden. While many scientists have theorized about the

    existence of multiple dimensions, Keith was the first to prove it but before he could publish the

    existence of an infinite number of realities based on different elementary charges, the United

    States government stepped in and put the whole project under a heavy blanket of secrecy. With

    no family ties and only his work to keep him going, Keith accepted the new restraints on his

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    work as long as he was allowed to continue. Proving a new truth of matter and parallel

    dimensions was only the beginning to what he was actually looking for.

    And what was that? I asked.

    It was the zero point, the exact middle of the spectrum. His proof of varying elementary

    charges inferred a place in the center where instead of protons and electrons having equal but

    opposite charges, they would have no charge and be held together in atoms not by

    electromagnetic force but another, previously undefined force. His work led him deeper and

    deeper into the subatomic particles, sub-electron, sub-proton, sub-quark and beyond. Eventually,

    he developed a method to remove the charge from particles and when all the switches wereflipped, the focused electromagnets fired, he was left with a single zero-charged electron circling

    a single zero-charged proton. His mystery force, holding the hydrogen atom together, was

    named the Marcus force and the atom was called zero-matter.

    That was when we heard from them, heard from the other side of the veil.

    The Source Guardians?

    A slow nod.

    Dr. Swanson, you have overstepped your boundaries. Complete the procedure and exit

    the chamber immediately.

    I jumped like Id been hit by lightning and looked to the observation room. Tanner was

    leaning over the microphone with General Brayton standing behind him.

    No! Im not ready for her to leave.

    Temper, Adam, Tanner said softly. Remember what were keeping safe for you.

    I stared at the observation room, loathing the two men inside. Even more than the Source

    Guardians, these two were the bane of my life, ruining everything each time they appeared.

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    Dont worry, Adam. Ill be back to check on you soon, said Dr. Swanson. For now

    though, I need you to absorb matter to your arm.

    Thats right, kid. Do what the doctor says and well send your girlfriend in for a visit.

    Why? I asked her and then turned to the observation window for the answer. What

    does it matter? You guys always kept me in zero-matter state before. Why cover me up now?

    Dr. Swanson answered before Tanner could.

    We never experimented with this before. It was always all or nothing and Im

    concerned that having just a part of your superstructure exposed might be damaging to your

    ability to assume matter.She looked concerned but I wasnt sure it was for the reason shed just given. Still, I

    didnt see any harm in absorbing matter and covering my arm. I addressed the control room.

    Youll send Laura in as soon as its done, right?

    General Brayton nodded once. Tanner grinned like I was a weakling for wanting to see


    Fine, I said, the only thing more important than hearing what Dr. Swanson had to tell

    me was knowing Laura was safe. What do I need to do?

    Dr. Swanson patted the top of the bottom most piece of equipment on her cart. It was a

    box, two feet long by one foot square. One end had a circle in the center that shimmered like a

    suspended pool of black water.

    Ive loaded this with all the elements youll need. Place your arm inside and you should

    be able to rebuild it.

    I pulled the sleeve of my shirt higher up on my arm, knelt on the floor and pushed my

    fingers against the glistening circle. The material made room for my hand but kept pressure

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    against it, keeping the boxs seal intact. I hesitated briefly before slipping my arm through the

    gelatinous barrier. I pushed until my entire forearm was in the box and felt the swirling elements

    inside. It took less than two seconds to replace what Id shed. I moved to pull my arm out. Dr.

    Swanson coughed softly.

    Take your time, Adam. Make sure you have a complete rebuild. Be certain youve

    picked up everything you need. Dr. Marcus was always concerned that you were not thorough

    enough, that you rushed and didnt take the time to make sure you picked up everything you

    were supposed to.

    She should have known how easy it wouldve been for me to absorb the matter and fixmy arm. What she was saying didnt make sense unless there was something else for me inside

    the box. I hoped Tanner and General Brayton were unaware of how unnecessary her words

    were. I tried to act naturally and took my time, probing the inside of the box to find whatever

    she was hinting at. My fingers rubbed over something different in texture from the smooth inner

    surfaces of the box walls. It felt like a piece of paper, taped to the bottom. I plucked it loose and

    palmed it. I twisted slightly to hide my arm as I pulled it out of the box. As soon as my hand

    was out, I dropped the inch by half inch piece of paper on the floor and stepped on it as I stood

    up. I held out my arm for Dr. Swanson to inspect.

    She opened her cases again and pulled out the same scanners shed used just a few

    minutes earlier.

    Does everything feel right? Any problems with picking everything up?

    I tried not to cringe at the obvious nature of her question. As much as I wanted to believe

    otherwise, General Brayton was not a complete idiot.

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    Everythings fine. Good bonding, I said before pivoting, making sure to keep my right

    foot planted on the note.

    I held up my hand to the observation window and wriggled my fingers.

    Send Laura in now.

    Help Dr. Swanson with her equipment. Once shes out, well send Ms. Dawson right


    I tried to remember if the note had fallen with the sticky side of the tape up or down but

    drew a blank. All Id thought to look for was whether or not I could sit down after Dr. Swanson

    left without lifting my foot. Now there was a fifty-fifty chance that I would never see whatinformation Dr. Swanson had tried to smuggle in to me on the tiny scrap. The white paper would

    stand out noticeably against the dark tiles of the floor the moment I moved my feet.

    Is there a problem, Adam? Tanner asked laboriously.

    No, no problem.

    I was stuck and hoping for the best, offered Dr. Swanson a hand up before grabbing the

    handle of the small cart. I had to tell myself not to look back just in case the scrap of paper was

    there but would go unnoticed unless I acted improperly. It was difficult to stay facing forward.

    Dr. Swanson leaned heavily on my arm, using her cane sparingly with her other hand. She

    patted the inside of my elbow for the short walk.

    I wish I had more time and could tell you everything, she whispered.

    I wish you did too.

    The door opened, revealing the young soldier she had tricked into leaving us alone,

    standing with his rifle ready. His jaw was sternly set, no doubt held there by residual anger at

    the tongue lashing Tanner or General Brayton must have given him.

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    Push the cart into the airlock but make no attempt to enter yourself, he ordered.

    The end of his rifle barrel was shaking and I had no desire to test how much control he

    had. I pushed the cart over the threshold with my arms extended fully. My feet stayed well clear

    of the doorway.

    Dr. Swanson had tears trickling out of the corner of her eyes.

    I am so sorry, Adam, she said as she hugged me, her wet face buried in my shirt.

    Dont worry, I said. Im sure theyll send you in here for another check-up soon.

    Well talk more then.

    She nodded and tried to smile. I could see on her face that she believed what I said aboutas much as I did. Fat chance Id be seeing anybody knowing anything important for a long, long

    time. She stepped over the threshold and the door slid closed.

    I had to concentrate on not looking too excited to turn around and head back to my

    solitary cot. Nothing exciting about that at all. My control turned to relief when I saw there was

    nothing on the floor. The slip of paper must have stuck to the bottom of my boot. I went far

    enough into the cell to get a good look at the observation window. General Brayton and Tanner

    were already gone.

    Hey! What about Laura? I shouted, knowing that even if I couldnt see anybody, there

    had to be somebody listening and watching somewhere else.

    There was no answer. I shuffled to the cot, keeping my steps low to avoid any camera

    getting a glimpse of the bottom of my shoes. I sat down heavily, wondering if they would make

    good on their promise of sending Laura in to see me and then thought of how many different

    ways I could make them pay for not following through. I bent over and untied the laces to my

    boots and slipped my feet out of them. After pushing them under the cot, I laid back, stretched

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    out and put my hands behind my head. If Id learned anything before Dr. Marcus broke me out,

    it was waiting was a big part of life and I might as well be comfortable.

    Ten minutes later, with no warning, the inner door slid open and Laura came stumbling

    into the room.

    Laura! I jumped to my feet, almost falling when my socks hit the smooth floor, Are

    you okay?

    She ran to me, right into my outstretched arms like we were in a movie. She said nothing

    for a long time, just held me and gently cried. I wanted to ask what theyd done to her, if she

    was hurt, if theyd given her anything to eat, but realized the questions needed to wait for a littlewhile.

    I checked the observation window. Again, nobody there.

    After a few minutes, Lauras hold on me became less desperate and her breathing became

    more regular.

    I thought I might not see you again, she said.

    What happened? Did they hurt you?

    No, they just asked me a lot of questions about what youd told me and who Id told.

    They were definitely not nice about it but no, they didnt hurt me.

    I am so sorry I dragged you into this mess. I wish I never came to find you. I shouldve

    found another way.

    I pushed some loose hairs off of her face. Her eyes were red and puffy, her nose was

    pinkish and her upper lip looked dry and chapped. There were mascara laced tear trails running

    down her cheeks and her bottom lip was still quivering gently.

    What are you looking at?

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    What? she snapped and moved away from me. Im here because of you, buddy and

    dont you think for a second that you wont tell me everything you found out.

    I immediately thought about the slip of paper clinging to the bottom of my boot. There

    was no way I could tell her about that without risking losing it.

    I saw that look! What are you thinking?

    Laura, Im sorry but I cant tell you anything. The more I tell you the more youll get

    tangled up in all this. If you ever want out of this, youd better get used to not knowing anything

    more than you already do.

    Dr. Swansons words rang in my head, sacrificed the rest of our lives to theproject It was a one way ticket to get in and I prayed Laura hadnt bought hers yet.

    Thats not fair. Im only here because of you. Dont you think I deserve to know as

    much as you do?

    Not if it means youll be locked up forever with me, I said and stood, towering over


    They cant do that. People will notice were missing, theyll look for us. I dont care

    how deep this runs, Dad wont stop until he finds me.

    I wish you were right, but youre not. They kept me locked up for eighteen years and

    nobody outside of a few army jerks and the scientists that took care of me ever knew. They can

    keep you just as isolated and cut off as I was.

    But you didnt know they were doing it to keep you in. You thought it was to keep

    other people safe so you let them. Plus, nobody knew about you or knew to look for you. Well

    get out of this. Well get out of here and put this behind us. Your arm is covered now and the

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    Source Guardians wont be able to find you. If you refuse to help the army, eventually they

    wont have any use for you and theyll let us go.

    Her face was so sweet and hopeful that I didnt have it in me to argue with her. Even

    though I knew I wasnt directly a danger to anybody, I wasnt going to scramble any brains with

    personal radiation, there were still people that would get hurt if I didnt play by the armys rules.

    And it wasnt just Laura. It was her parents, the Bakers, and everybody else in Red Water that

    were at risk. The only thing I could hope for was Laura someday getting out of here and never

    looking back. I needed to find a way to get her released and then figure out how to read the

    message stuck to the bottom of my boot. At the moment, I had nothing for either problem.Maybe, I said, pretending to give in to her faulty logic. I really hope youre right.

    I sat down next to her and leaned back against the wall. She leaned back with me,

    snuggling into my chest. After a few minutes of silence, she was asleep while I worked

    feverishly to find a way out for us.

    Chapter 10

    Two hours later, Tanners voice woke us up.

    Wakey, wakey little love birds.

    I felt like something had crawled in my mouth and died. I rolled my tongue over my lips

    and tried to remember what Id been thinking before I feel asleep.

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    Oh, yeah, hopelessly stuck. Thats what I was thinking. There was no plan for getting

    Laura out of this mess and definitely no chance of me disappearing again without putting her

    parents or the Bakers in further danger.

    Time to go, lover boy, Tanner said.

    Where are you taking him? Laura demanded.

    Hes gotta pass a few more tests before we give him a clean bill of health. Dont worry,

    well bring him back to you soon.

    Ill be fine, Laura. Try to go back to sleep - you look exhausted, I said.

    Dont cooperate, Adam! If you dont play their game you wont be any use to them.I leaned in like I was going to kiss her on the cheek. She tried to pull away from me but I

    had a hand on the side of her neck and held her still.

    If I dont play their game, they might decide to let the Source Guardians level Red

    Water. I dont have much of a choice right now. We have to play along until that threat is


    I tried to keep my voice as low as possible, hoping it would escape the sensitivity

    threshold of their monitoring devices. It was a risk but I could tell I needed to give Laura

    something to hold on to while I was gone.

    She slumped back against the wall and crossed her arms. She was so convincing in her

    pout that I doubted she had heard me.

    I reached under the bed and grabbed my boots. I slipped my fingers under the sole of the

    right one and pulled the piece of paper off before pulling the boots out of hiding. Rather than go

    for a pocket, I dropped it inside the boot.

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    When I stood up, I tried to say goodbye to Laura but she ignored me completely. I saw

    Tanner stifle a laugh out of the corner of my eye.

    Try to get some rest, I said before walking to the door.

    It slid open to reveal two soldiers with weapons aimed at my chest and a third twirling a

    thick plastic zip tie. Once the tie was properly secured around my wrists, they led me down a

    short hall, through two doors that required palm and retinal scans to open and finally into a

    sterilized smelling air lock. The soldiers cut the plastic restraint and backed out of the small

    chamber. The opposite door opened, revealing a lab room like the one Id been raised in. It was

    not identical since this new one was half the size of the one I knew intimately and all the livingcomforts like a bed, a couch, a television and books were missing. This lab was all business.

    There was the crucifix like table in the center with large electromagnets hanging from the ceiling

    above it. The walls, floor and ceiling all had the faint added radiance of a permanent layer of

    zero-matter. I faced the observation windows, set at eye level in this facility instead of twenty

    feet up.

    So what now? Back to the way things were in the good old days? I said.

    Thats it, kid, Tanner answered. Take off your clothes and get on the table. Time to

    find out if youve still got it.

    And what if I dont? What if dropping a hand or a foot is the best I can do now?

    How do you get to Carnegie Hall, kid?

    I muttered, Practice, practice, practice, under my breath as I started to take off my


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    I started with my shoes, pulling them off slowly in case the note slipped out with my foot. I

    peered into the control room, hoping to see Dr. Swanson inside. Besides Tanner, the only other

    people were General Brayton and the three soldiers that had brought me here.

    Wheres Dr. Swanson?

    No answer. I stopped undressing, a symbolic gesture really since I was already down to

    my boxer shorts.

    Where is she? Shouldnt she be running this show since shes the expert?

    General Brayton tapped Tanner on the shoulder and took his seat at the microphone.

    Dr. Swanson died shortly after visiting with you. The short burst of youth you gave herwas too much for her organs to bear. There was nothing we could do to help her. Sergeant

    Tanner is fully trained to operate this laboratory and will do so in her place.

    The pain of grief was quickly swallowed in anger.

    Really? Youre saying I killed her then? I snapped and marched up to the glass. Her

    death is my fault, huh? Its got nothing to do with you?

    General Brayton looked like Id slapped him across the face for a split second. Then his

    visage went dark. He offered no response, just stood, indicated Tanner should take the seat again

    and glared at me from the back of the control room.

    Tanner barked into the microphone. Get on the table! Or have you forgotten your other

    friend here?!

    I smacked the glass with the palm of my hand.

    Drop it! I snarled. Youre not going to hurt Laura. Youre not going to touch a hair

    on her head because the moment you do, youve lost your power over me. So just drop it.

    Figure out a new trick cause thats not going to play anymore. And while youre at it, stop

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    threatening Red Water. Youll save them, not because youre decent human beings but because

    itll be easier in the long run to lead the Source Guardians away than to explain how a small

    Kansas town and all its citizens were annihilated.


    No, not until you tell me what youre doing right now about Red Water. Tell me how

    youre taking care of them and if I approve, then Ill do what you want.

    I could see veins bulging next to Tanners eyes and saw him tense, ready to shout at me

    again. General Brayton leaned forward and said something to Tanner before he could explode at

    me. Tanner shot icy looks my direction as General Brayton gave his instructions. One of thesoldiers ran out of the control room while he spoke. Tanner got back on the microphone.

    General Brayton wants me to deliver this message to you. That soldier he just sent

    sprinting out of here was Jacobs. You remember him, the one that really liked your girlfriend

    from when we picked you up? Just imagine where hes going right now and how happy he

    looked to go there. Think about that for a minute while I tell you that you are nothing but a wet-

    behind-the-ears kid who has no idea who he is dealing with. You act like we can only hurt your

    girlfriend once and then weve got nothing on you. Same with all the people in that little town.

    Youre just too dumb to realize hurting people isnt a one-time thing. Death is a one-time thing.

    Pain can be done over and over again in more ways that you can imagine. Im only going to say

    this once. Get on the table now or youll find out just how much control we do have over you.

    This time, I punched the window. Threw my whole body behind it and felt the knuckles

    and bones in my hand crack against the shatter proof glass. Pain pounded its way up my arm and

    into my head but I barely registered it. The only reason I was aware of it all was the sensation of

    my superstructure fighting to heal the broken bones.

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    Clock is ticking, Adam. Jacobs is a hard man to control and once hes set loose, I dont

    know if we can stop him.

    I looked from Tanner to General Brayton slowly and recognized differences in the two

    men I loathed. Tanner was delivering a message, I could tell, just doing his soldierly duty,

    following orders. General Brayton gave the orders and he liked it. He enjoyed seeing me angry.

    Enjoyed exercising power over me. He thought I was helpless, completely under his heel and for

    that moment he was.

    Alright, I growled and stepped back to the table that had moved to a vertical position.

    Ill do it but call Jacobs off.You dont give orders, Tanner said.

    Please, dont hurt her. Call him back.

    It wasnt hard to force fear and penitence from my voice. I hated to do it but knew it was

    what General Brayton would need to hear. His flickering half smile confirmed he was satisfied

    with my penance. He said nothing, just motioned towards the door and another soldier sprinted

    out to retrieve Jacobs. Both were back in less than ten seconds and couldnt hide their smiles. It

    wasnt hard to guess that Jacobs had run out the door and stopped immediately, waiting for me to

    crack just like General Brayton had planned. They werent as smart as they wanted to think

    though. If they wanted me to stay scared, the second soldier shouldve waited with Jacobs in the

    hall for a few minutes to make me suffer. I didnt say a word, simply glared at them as I leaned

    back against the table and put my hands and feet under the thick fabric restraints that tightened

    automatically as the table tilted back to the horizontal.

    Going for seventy-five percent shed, said Tanner. On my mark, three, two,


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    I smiled. Dr. Marcus had never given me a goal less than one hundred percent. Id never

    tried for less, not matter what level of success Id achieved. The goal was always to shed it all. I

    closed my eyes and tried to shut down my other senses. The low hum of the electromagnets

    faded, the chafing of the rough fabric of the restraints went away, even the drumming of my own

    heart disappeared as I pushed my focus deeper and deeper. Dr. Marcus had never given advice

    on how to shed since he was wise enough to know he would never experience the process the

    way I did but as I drew inward, I remembered everything hed tried to teach me about the nature

    of matter and combined it with the fear Id felt seeing the power line sparking on the road and

    the desperation of one minute earlier. All things connected and at once, I knew I was ready tomake Dr. Marcus proud.

    For a moment I considered holding back, doing an incomplete shed like they were

    expecting and then letting the electro-magnets finish the job but once I started the process, I

    knew it was beyond my control.

    I wish Id seen what Tanner saw, what General Brayton and the other soldiers saw

    through the windows. I like to think it must have looked like a human supernova, particles

    exploding out from a central source, turned to plasma by pure energy and then cooling into

    atoms and molecules. I felt the room shake as two hundred pounds of matter was instantly

    expanded from solid and liquid form to plasma and gas. There was no pain, no time for nerves

    to start sending signals of failure. It was done between beats of my heart.

    I took just a moment to enjoy the feelings of freedom and power as I flexed my muscles and

    enjoyed the sensations of my natural state. I thought quickly of Dr. Marcus and Dr. Swanson

    and how hard they had worked to get me to this point and then my mind inevitably went to

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    Laura, picturing her small and alone in my cell. Waiting for me. Scared for me, terrified for

    everyone she loved and lastly, scared for herself. The time for celebration was over.

    The restraints around my wrists and ankles broke like they were made of tissue paper and

    I was on my feet, charging the control room. Tanner was the only one to react before I hit. He

    managed to get his hands halfway to his face before I dove through the window and crashed into

    him. His head slammed into the floor, knocking him out and then I was on the rest of them like

    lightning, snatching guns from hands and cracking heads against the walls faster than they could

    move. They stood no chance against my zero-matter body. They thought they were so smart,

    tricking me with Jacobs but all they accomplished was delaying what I was planning on doingalready. As long as I was covered in coarse matter, I was weak, I was susceptible. But now,

    they were at my mercy. The only thing their act had accomplished was making me angrier.

    I pulled the unconscious bodies together quickly, frisked them all and crushed whatever I found

    except for one handgun and one assault rifle. I piled the deformed and destroyed guns, knives

    and radios in a corner. Jacobs turned out to be the closest to me in size. I stripped his black

    combat uniform, all except the army issued underwear. I found several dozen two foot long, half

    inch thick plastic zip ties in their pockets which I put to good use. When I was done, Tanner and

    the three soldiers were tied together wrist to wrist, ankle to ankle and ankle to wrist in so many

    ways that they would never be able to move unless somebody else cut them free.

    I bound General Brayton separately, tying his hands and feet together behind his back. If

    he were conscious, Im sure he wouldve protested loudly as I pulled his feet up to meet his

    hands and connected them with another plastic tie.

    After they were all secured, I went back into the lab through the broken window and

    pulled Dr. Swansons final gift to me out of my boot. All that was written on the slip was a ten

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    digit number. I memorized it quickly, repeating it in my head until I was sure it was locked

    away and then, for lack of any better way to dispose of the paper, put it in my mouth, chewed it

    into a ball and swallowed it.

    I slipped on my underwear and then Jacobs uniform. His boots and gloves were a tight

    fit but I could make them work for the time frame I needed them. I pulled his black, short

    brimmed hat down low on my forehead and flipped up the collar of the jacket. I would never

    pass close scrutiny but this way, only a small section of my glowing skin was not covered. The

    monitoring cameras in the corridors would probably not pick it up. I rolled my pants and shirt

    together, stuffed my socks into my boots and cinched the bundle together with a zip tie.I went back into the control room and put the packet of clothes on the counter. General Brayton

    was still out cold. After breaking the plastic bands around his wrists and ankles, I crouched in

    front of him and slapped his cheeks a little harder than I needed to wake him up. He came out of

    his stupor slowly but once he was aware enough to see I was right in front of him, he reached for

    the holster at his waist. I slapped his hand away.

    Its not there anyway, I said.

    He eyed me coolly and then started to laugh softly but there was no humor in his face.

    Whats so funny?

    Pretty soon this room is going to be full of soldiers and youre going to be right back

    where you started except Ill be pissed off. Ill put you in a hole so deep even the devil wont be

    able to reach you.

    It was my turn to laugh.

    That might be the case if Tanner had been able to trigger the alarm.

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    General Braytons eyes darted to the control desk and saw the truth of what I said. No

    lights were flashing and the large red alarm button was not depressed.

    You screwed up when you built this place, General. You left the control room on a

    level I could get in. But everything else seems about the same. This room is at the end of a long

    hall and extremely heavily shielded by whatever you think will keep my energy signature

    hidden. Nobody, unless they were right outside the door, could have heard me break that

    window and since you brought your three soldiers in here, you made it easy for me. The cameras

    in this room arent wired to the regular security network because you dont want all your men to

    know the full details of what goes on back here. Nobody knows except you, me and the humanpretzel I made that anything unusual is happening. And now, you and I are going to walk out of

    this little room, get Laura and get out of your buried playground.

    You wont get far without somebody noticing youre a little different and that only

    becomes a problem if you can get past the hundred men I have guarding this facility. And then,

    even if you manage to get around these first two problems, what about your precious Red Water?

    You and your girl might be safe for a little while but it will be at the expense of that whole

    town, General Brayton said as calmly as if he was lying on a hammock enjoying a cool


    I could tell he had more to say, more fear he wanted to instill in me but even if I had any

    desire to hear it, there wasnt time. And, anything I might say to him to argue, to prove that I

    knew better would not be heard. I jerked him up by his collar, lifting him from the ground with

    one hand until his feet were a six inches off the floor. I stuck a finger in his face, right between

    his eye brows.

    You will do what I tell you or I will kill you.

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    To emphasize my point, I pushed my finger into the bridge of his nose. I was gambling

    on something I had thought might happen but had never dared tried. It simply wasnt in me to

    hurt anyone or anything to satisfy curiosity. Up until now at least.

    My finger tip touched his skin and I took a moment to feel all I could. Then I pushed

    forward, inserting my finger into his flesh and then his skull but stopped short of breaching the

    final layer before going into his brain. His eyes crossed at first, trying to see what I was doing

    but the expression quickly changed to panic and then tortuous pain. I could see the fight, the

    determination on his face preventing him from screaming but the grinding set of his jaw showed

    his body was suffering. I tried to keep my expression passive to not reveal how revolted I wasby what I was doing. As much as he disgusted me, I didnt want to hurt him but it was a

    necessary evil. I could feel him growing weaker so I slowly extracted my finger. The particles

    of his flesh and skull realigned naturally as my presence exited. I dropped him unceremoniously.

    Now, General, with that memory fresh in your mind and the knowledge that even if I couldnt

    do that, I could still crush your skull like a peanut, where are you hiding the shield suits?

    Go to hell!

    Ill save you a seat.


    The shield suits were in a small room next to the lab. A small, clear plastic box on a table

    in the middle of the room caught my attention. I popped the lid and was pleasantly surprised to

    find Lauras purse, both our I.D.s and my roll of saved money inside. Tanner must have put the

    box in here assuming nobody without proper security clearance would find it in this restricted

    part of the facility. I stuffed the contents of the box into the many cargo pockets of Jacobs

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    realized what she was seeing. As her expression changed, my worst fear was that it would be to

    fear when she saw me in my natural state, aversion to seeing a face she knew, changed and alien

    in nature. Sheriff Dawson had been awestruck at seeing my glowing hand. How would he have

    reacted to a glowing face with eyes shining like light bulbs? How would Laura process what she

    was seeing? She, at least, was somewhat prepared since Id told her everything but hearing a

    truth is very different from seeing it.

    She swept away my fears when she walked slowly into the cell entry chamber,

    completely ignoring General Brayton. She planted her feet directly in front of me and looked

    into my eyes.Angel. Definitely angel, she said and reached up towards my face hesitantly.

    Go ahead. It wont hurt you, I said when she stopped an inch away from touching me.

    Its not that, she said. Youre just so beautiful that Im not sure I should touch you.

    For a moment, I almost forgot that General Brayton was there, my hand tightly gripping

    his neck. All I could see was Lauras face and the fact painted clearly on it that she was not

    afraid of me. She meant what she said and that was all that mattered at that pin point in time.

    The moment was gone too quickly. General Brayton made a gravely sighing noise in his throat

    bursting the bubble I was in with Laura. I shouldve been grateful that he lacked the discipline to

    take advantage of my distraction but the reminder of his presence made me angry and put me

    back on task.

    Do you remember the way out? Im afraid if I leave it to General Brayton, hell march

    us into the barracks.

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    She snatched it from my hand and smiled.

    Youd probably prefer that to what Im thinking.

    She pulled out a small bottle and shook it several times before opening it and pouring a

    small amount of flesh colored liquid on her finger tips.

    Hold still, she said and started smearing the make-up on my cheek.

    She was right. I would have preferred cutting eye holes and wearing the purse to the

    foundation she spread all over my face. She even smeared a little just inside the rim of my


    Much better, she said when finished.Fighting the urge to scratch my nose and wondering how girls wore this stuff all the time,

    I said, Is it a good shade for me cause I dont want to look silly with a dark foundation line

    around my jaw.

    Ha-ha. Very funny. I dont think it will stand a close inspection but as long as you keep

    your mouth closed, you should be passable.

    Keep my mouth closed? Is that your way of telling me to shut up?

    No, I mean it. Unless you want me to apply foundation to the inside of your mouth,

    keep it closed. Every time you talk, its like theres a flash light shining in the back of your


    Good point. What would I do without you?

    Get caught pretty quick, Id say, she said and grabbed a pair of sunglasses dangling

    from my left breast pocket. She slipped them on my face. Lets get out of here.

    Move an inch and Ill put my whole hand inside your head, I threatened General

    Brayton before letting go of him. He rubbed his neck while I tied Lauras hands.

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    Too tight?

    Ill survive.

    Lets go then. General, you take the lead. Act just like you would if she was a just a

    regular illegal prisoner and I was a dutiful lapdog soldier instead of the man that will scramble

    your brains inside your skull if you sneeze.

    I had General Brayton pull the case containing the shield suit and walked behind him

    with a hand on Lauras elbow. Laura whispered at each passage that we seemed to be going the

    right way. I wanted to ask her how close seemed to be was to actually being certain but kept my

    mouth closed.We went through several locked guard-free doors before the even office like halls opened

    to a more expansive smooth floored cave. I didnt look behind me but imagined what I would

    see was a very plain looking building set inside an enormous cavern. The tunnel we were

    walking in was thirty feet in diameter and our march was brought to a halt by an imposing steel

    door that completely sealed off the exit. There was a small shack set to the side of the door,

    barely visible behind a barrier of stacked sand bags. There were two or three men inside the

    guard shack, paying no attention to us since any threat would obviously come from the opposite

    side of the thick metal slab.

    A soldier closest to the gigantic portal turned slowly as we approached. At seeing

    General Brayton, he snapped to attention and performed a whip like salute. General Brayton

    returned the gesture wanly. The soldier dropped his hand and moved to the palm scanner on the

    right side of the door. He hesitated before scanning his palm and I feared he was waiting for a

    verbal confirmation or code to allow us to exit the base. This would be a perfect opportunity for

    General Brayton to give the wrong information, wrong alpha-numeric sequence that would mean

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    military vehicles, transports and tanks. At the front of them all, parked parallel to the perfectly

    spaced rows of rolling weapons, was a black sedan with darkly tinted windows.

    I didnt find your keys when I frisked you, I whispered out of the corner of my mouth

    when we reached the car.

    Generals dont carry keys, he said.

    In the ignition then?

    He glared at me with contempt that Id even need to ask. After all, who would steal a

    generals car in the middle of a cave housing a hidden army base.

    I opened the back drivers side door and guided Laura into it. I stepped into the openspace as she sat down, blocking the view of the ever present security cameras. I snapped the zip

    tie around her wrists and pressed the pistol Id kept into her hands. She took it without surprise

    and moved across the bench seat to the far side with the pistol raised. I stepped back for General

    Brayton to get in. It took no coercion or warning.

    Arent we being cooperative, I said mockingly.

    The odds are in your favor right now but as soon as that changes, you will pay for this.

    Im sure I will.

    He looked in the open door to see Laura pointing the gun at him and stiffened abruptly.

    The fact that he hadnt noticed me giving her the gun reassured me that it had been missed by the

    cameras as well.

    I wouldnt try anything. She grew up hunting with her dad.

    I closed the door hard after he got in. I opened the drivers door, glad to see the keys

    dangling from their slot and that Laura kept the gun trained on General Braytons head. I popped

    the trunk and loaded the rolling case into it before getting in the drivers seat and starting the car.

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    Are you doing okay back there?

    Just fine as long as he doesnt move, Laura answered brightly.

    I grinned at the sing-song tone of her voice as she implied she would shoot and caught a

    glimpse of it in the mirror. She was right about it looking like there was a flashlight in the back

    of my mouth. I sealed my lips closed.

    We drove through two more thick metal doors. At each one, the soldiers on duty

    recognized General Braytons car and opened the barriers the instant I rolled down the back

    window. None questioned why he was travelling with a young woman in the back seat or

    seemed to notice she kept her hands hidden behind her back. Only the general, Laura and I knewthere was a gun there, pointed unwaveringly at him. After the second door, we drove almost two

    miles in a broad tunnel before reaching the exit. Two guards sat in an exposed shack with only a

    red and white striped bar blocking entrance to the cave. They behaved just like the others before

    them. Four miles down the road, we passed several barriers with signs warning people to stay

    out of the private property the signs protected. I went another ten miles and made several turns

    before stopping the car.

    Get out, I said to General Brayton.

    He stepped out of the car onto the shoulder of the snow banked stretch of back road. The

    only visible light came from the car, the stars, and my eyes and mouth. He looked at me warily

    and I knew what he was thinking. This couldnt be where I would abandon him. We were too

    close to the base, only a few hours walk away at best. It made no sense to leave him here on the

    road back so this had to be where I was going to kill him.

    Laura slid out of the car and stood next to me. She left the gun in the car.

    So what now? she asked.

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    The generals going to get in the trunk.

    Youre not serious, he said gruffly.

    I grabbed the trunk and lifted the lid. I pulled out the rolling case.

    He said nothing else but his scowl conveyed the message. Someday, I would pay dearly

    for this. The look was so intense that for a moment, I considered changing plans but quickly

    banished the thought. No matter what, whether I did this to him or not, I would pay a high price

    for escaping so I might as well enjoy what I was doing.

    I reached inside the trunk and tore out the release mechanisms on the inside and tested the

    strength of the back seat. It seemed solid enough that he shouldnt be able to break it.Hop in, General.

    One final glare and then he was lying on his side in the trunk. I put ties around his hands

    and ankles before slamming the lid.

    I emptied my pockets before peeling off the borrowed uniform. Laura stuffed everything

    into her purse, both of our identification cylinders, her phone, the thick roll of cash Id started

    carrying around Red Water in case I needed a quick escape, and her various bits of womanly

    paraphernalia. I opened the rolling case. The suit looked about as appealing as a wrestling

    match with a giant squid. I handed Laura my rolled clothes, stepped into the legs of the shield

    suit, and started slipping on the arms.

    Do you have to wear that thing? You look so pretty without it, Laura teased as I did

    the latches across the chest.

    I wish I didnt but past this point, I dont want anyone to be able to track us.

    I know, she said, but how long will you have to wear it?

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    Until we can find a way for me to absorb regular matter but up to then, I can stay like

    this indefinitely. I dont have any physical functions that I have to deal with while Im like this.

    Lets talk about it after were moving. I dont know how sound proof the trunk is from here.

    I picked up the mask but before I could set it in the hood opening and seal the suit, Laura

    was pushing down my hands and stepping into my body. She pushed back my hood and ran her

    hands through my hair and then kissed me hard. It was forceful and passionate and completely

    unexpected. I was so surprised by it I almost pushed her away out of shock. It ended with her

    pulling away abruptly and stepping out of reach.

    What was that? I asked, my heart thumping in my throat.I couldnt stand the thought of you being locked in that suit without doing that first.

    Who knows how long it would be before I had another chance, she said, looking at her feet and

    tucking hair behind her ear.

    I didnt know what to say. I was glad she did it, thrilled by it but was more than a little

    confused. Id put her parents and the Bakers lives at risk, gotten her locked up by the army and

    two weeks ago, ran out on her when all she wanted was to get closer to me. I could not

    understand why she had kissed me at all, let alone so passionately. I thought the closeness in the

    base, in my cell, had been a combination of being scared and me being the only person she knew

    but now that I thought about it, shed never actually seemed scared. She had been angry. She

    had been demanding. She had been upset but never terrified, never quivering and never weak.

    She held on to me, not as a result of having no other options, but because she wanted to. It had

    to be the same reason why she kissed me.

    So you forgive me? I asked hesitantly.

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    For what? Endangering everyone I love and screwing up my life? Or for running out

    on me two weeks ago? she said and paused long enough to make me fidget before continuing,

    Not yet but Im working on it.

    What was that then?

    That was because I know its not your fault. You exposed your arm to save my parents

    lives and no matter what happens, theyre alive and Ruth and her babies are alive. Its all a big

    mess but you didnt make it. Youre just doing the best you can with the cards you were dealt.

    Thanks, I guess, but thats not all there is. Is it?

    I stepped towards her and she looked down again. I got so close that I could feel thesteam of her breath in the freezing night air.

    No, its not, she said and raised her head to stare into my eyes. I could see the light

    coming from mine reflected in hers. Are you going to make me say it out loud?

    Yeah, I think so, I said with a flippant smile.

    You are a jerk.

    I know.

    And I think I love you.

    I know that too.

    I dropped the mask, grabber her around the waist and lifted her until our lips met. This

    time, I delivered the passion. I pulled her into me and gave her all the feelings of love and

    adoration I could and she accepted it all. There was no sense of time and I completely forgot

    where I was and how Id arrived there. She was the only thing that mattered, the only thing that

    existed for several wonderful minutes.

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    The rapture was shattered by a cracking branch behind us. Whether it snapped under the

    weight of thick mountain snow or the movements of soldiers looking for us, it didnt matter. It

    was enough to snap us back to reality and get moving. I set Laura down, grabbed the mask,

    slipped it into place and sealed the suit.

    Youd better drive, I said after stuffing the uniform in the rolling case and throwing is

    as far into the trees as I could.

    Once we were on our way, I turned the stereo on and shifted the balance to come out the

    rear speakers thinking the noise would hide our conversation from General Brayton.

    Call your parents. Tell them to get out of Red Water and evacuate the whole town if they can.

    All of the migrant workers had left after the harvest so contacting the permanent families

    shouldnt be too difficult for Sheriff and Mrs. Dawson. Laura immediately pulled her phone

    from her purse and turned it on. She had her parents on the line almost immediately.

    Mom! Dad! Are you okay?...No, Im fine but you need to get out of Red Water.No, I

    cant explain right now and need to get off the phoneYes, this is because of Adam but its not

    his fault Blame the army, blame the government, blame whoever you want but its not his

    faultGo to Aunt Christies. Ill call you as soon as I can. Dont take your phones. Leave

    them at homeI knowI knowI willI love you too.

    She ended the call and turned off the phone immediately.

    Where are we going? Laura asked once she was done.

    A couple of turns back, I saw the lights of a town. If we keep heading this direction, we

    should find it.

    What about him?

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    That will depend on how soon we can get into a different car. Im pretty sure they can

    track this one once they realize they need to. We need to ditch it as soon as we find a good spot

    for General Brayton.

    The snow packed roads wed been following gave way to salt covered pavement. We

    saw the occasional light from houses and cabins nestled in the thick trees. A large illuminate

    sign came into view. We had to drive past it to read what it said since we were obviously

    coming from the wrong side of the mountain. It was a ski resort, hotel and restaurant.

    Ive been here before, Laura said, a couple years ago with some friends.

    Really? What friends? Richard perhaps?No, pre-Richard, jerk, she said and slapped my arm. Besides, this place wouldnt

    have been up to his standards anyway.

    Not four star accommodations then?

    Probably not, she said and laughed. The skiing was good but when it was time to go

    to bed, we all slept in our clothes on top of the covers. But the good news is, I know where we

    are. This place is about an hour east of Denver and on the east side of the Eisenhower Tunnel.

    Great, that would be too easy a place for the army to shut down and Denvers a good big

    city to disappear into, I said. Back up and pull into the parking lot. Lets check this place


    I looked at the clock on the radio. It was almost eleven. Late enough that there should be

    few if any people in the parking lot. If we were lucky, we might find something we could use

    here and be rid of General Brayton.

    We circled the lot slowly, surprised to see a higher class of car than what Lauras trip had

    indicated should be there.

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    They must have updated the place, she said as we passed rows of silver and black

    luxury vehicles.

    All of these probably have security systems like a bank, I said and then had an idea.

    Pull around back to where the staff parks. I bet we can find something there.

    My hunch proved good. The back lot was full of cars quite a bit less expensive than

    those of the hotel guests. One in particular was promising. It wasnt the exact year of my truck,

    but had a similar body style and I was sure, similar workings. The only problem was its

    proximity to the building and the large light glaring from a pole in the center of the lot. There

    was an open spot next to the truck. Laura seemed to read my mind and pulled into it. I reachedto the door handle, ready to pop out and take a look.

    Hold on, Adam. Youre not exactly inconspicuous, she said, grabbing my wrist and

    stopping me. Ill check it out.

    Good point. Just see if its unlocked. Whoever owns it might not be too concerned with

    a break-in with all the high-dollar jobs out front.

    She hoped out of the car, took a look through the truck window and got back in the sedan.

    She rubbed her arms and turned up the heat.

    You were right. Doors are unlocked.

    Good, saves me from breaking a window. Lets back up to the trees and take care of

    General Brayton.

    Safe against a row of evergreens and out of range of the lot light, we got out of the car. I

    turned off the internal lights and snapped off the headlight switch before opening all the doors

    and tearing out the door release handles. I depressed all the locks and ripped the electronic

    controls out of all the doors before opening the hood and tearing out the horn. When I was sure

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    any way General Brayton could signal for help had been disabled and getting out of the car was

    near impossible, I opened the trunk.

    General Brayton was curled in fetal position and pressed against the back of the rear seat

    trying to absorb and maintain as much heat as he could. The dim light set into the trunk lid

    showed him shivering for a split second before he got control of his body. I grabbed him and

    threw him into the back seat of the car.

    It would be so much easier to leave you in the trunk to die, I said. But I wont out of

    respect for the people I love and admire. You have about six or seven hours before sunrise. Im

    betting nobody will notice the car until then but who knows. The base might have figured outwhat I did by now and there are already helicopters on the way here. Either way, Im leaving the

    engine running and the heat on so you wont freeze to death.

    Dont try to find me. Dont ever go near Red Water or Lauras family. Dont do

    anything that might make me regret leaving you alive. If I ever see you again, I will kill you.

    His look was pure poison. Id taken him prisoner, forced him to obey my orders and now

    I was leaving him with a death threat. I was supposed to be his property. He was the one that

    gave orders. He was the one that decided who did what and when. And now Id taken that away

    from him. Id reduced and humiliated him. He would never forget or forgive me.

    A chill ran down my spine.

    I slammed the door and walked to where Laura was waiting. I heard several thumps

    behind me and I imagined the look on his face as he tried to kick open the doors or break the

    bulletproof windows with no success. He might get out eventually, but it wouldnt be easy with

    his hands and feet still tied. The gas tank was three quarters full and should last until morning

    when the black sedan backed up to the woods should be noticed. That was the best case

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    scenario. Worst case was rescue was already on the way. Since it had been less than two hours

    since Id tied up Tanner and the others, I felt fairly certain we still had a window of opportunity.

    We had about fifty feet before we reached the perimeter of light radiating from the pole in the

    center of the lot. Nobody had come out of the building since wed come to the back lot and I

    think we both had the same thought that it was about time somebody did. We hesitated before

    stepping out of the shadows. The wide receiving door stayed closed. I pulled Lauras hand

    softly and we started running carefully across the icy parking lot. We were halfway to the truck

    when the door flew open, throwing a bright rectangle of light across the lot.

    A dark haired man dressed in a white tee-shirt, dirty white apron, dark pants and a hairnet stepped out. He rubbed his upper arms against the cold, pulled a small packet out of his back

    pocket and lit a cigarette before looking our direction. He straightened up when he saw us.

    I thought about charging him and knocking him out just like Id done to Tanner but didnt get the

    chance to act on it. Laura was already on her way.

    Hola! Como esta? she called out, walking boldly up to the stranger.

    He returned her greeting a little apprehensively but soon, he seemed to relax as Laura

    started talking to him in rhythmic Spanish. I had no clue what they were saying but I could tell

    from how he moved and shifted his feet nervously that he was caught under the magic spell of

    her smile. After a minute or two of conversation, he motioned for her to wait, went to the open

    door and yelled something inside. Another man, this one slightly taller but dressed similarly

    came out. Laura and her new friend walked with him to a small car that had been yellow at one

    point but now looked like more rust than solid metal. The second man pulled keys out of his

    pocket and started the car. From where I was, the engine sounded a little rough and I could hear

    a belt squeaking but it did start on the first try in the cold. Laura was nodding approvingly and

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    pulled my roll of money out of her purse. She peeled off eight bills from the outside and gave

    them to the taller man who smiled like hed just one the lottery. He pointed at me and said

    something that made all three of them laugh before running back into the kitchen with his friend.

    Both were talking excitedly and seemed pretty pleased with what happened. Laura motioned for

    me to come over and got in the car.

    After squeezing in through the small door, I asked, What was that? I didnt know you

    spoke Spanish.

    She put the car in drive and turned the wheel to pull out of the lot before answering.

    Kind of hard not to when more than half the people in Red Water dont speak Englishduring the growing season. Im not fluent but I can hold my own.

    So you bought this car then, for eight hundred?

    Yep, I hope you dont mind but seemed like a better alternative to stealing. This way

    we dont have to worry about being chased by the police too.

    Good thinking. That leaves us with about four thousand dollars then. That should take

    care of us for a little while.

    Four thousand dollars? Are you kidding me? she said. That would take care of me

    for at least six months in school. I think we can make it last at least that long if we need to.

    Youre amazing, I said and wished I could slip my mask off for just long enough to

    kiss her.

    Yes I am, she said and squeezed my knee.

    I leaned over and took a look at the dashboard. We had a full tank of gas, the

    speedometer seemed to be working, the heat was blowing strong and if nothing else, we had a

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    a random ten-digit number, he wouldve given you a clue since there would be several billion

    possible combinations. You would never be able to guess it.

    Her argument made sense but it still chafed a little that I hadnt already considered it.

    Youre probably right but Id still like to try until we think of anything better.

    I agree. It would be stupid not too. We should be to hitting the outskirts of Denver in a

    little while. We should be able to find a truck stop with internet stations that we can use.

    She yawned at the end of her last sentence, stretching her mouth wide closing her eyes.

    She stayed that way for so long I almost grabbed the steering wheel to keep us on the road.

    Are you okay? Do you need me to drive?No. Im fine, just a little worn out but Ive got this. Why dont you go to sleep?

    I dont need to.

    Ever? she asked and turned to look at me. I expected a skeptically cocked eyebrow but

    just saw genuine question on her face.

    No, not ever. But less often. When Im like this, I only need a few hours every week or

    so. That was actually one of the hardest things to get used to at the Bakers. Getting tired after a

    days work or halfway through a days work was frustrating.

    I paused and smiled, remembering those first few exhausting days with Gary. At first Id

    thought he had a vendetta against me and was working me to death but after a couple weeks, I

    realized he was having me do what he wouldve done if his leg had let him.

    Whats it like? she asked.

    Whats what like?

    Being like you are, you know, versus being normal?

    This is normal for me, I said. From my point of view, youre the freak.

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    You know thats not what I meant. She slapped my leg and then held my hand. I

    want to know what its like to be you.

    I understand. I just dont know how to put it in words really. I guess the simplest

    explanation is Im more efficient. The way the zero-matter bonds is better than regular matter so

    from an atomic level up, less energy is wasted. My body right now is like a supercar ready to go

    over two hundred miles an hour but when I absorb matter, I feel more like this fine automobile

    you way overpaid for.

    My senses are different, enhanced to a point that I sometimes cant tell exactly which one

    Im using because they all work so powerfully. I remember one of Dr. Marcus tests when I waseight years old. He put a blindfold on me, plugged my nose, covered my mouth so I couldnt

    taste the air and had me keep my hands behind my back. We spent about two or three hours that

    day identifying food by sound.

    Like is that soy or regular bacon sizzling? she said with a small laugh.

    No, just the sound of the food. The last one was probably the hardest. He put

    something on a table on the other side of the room and told me we would be done once I figured

    out what it was. It sounded a lot like an orange but I knew it wasnt. Eventually, he let me off

    the hook when he realized I couldnt identify it because I didnt know what a tangerine was.

    Are you kidding me? You can actually hear an orange sitting on a table?

    Not while Im wearing a shield suit. Being in this cuts me off from just about

    everything. Shielding works both ways.

    So which is worse then: Being in the suit or absorbing matter?

    Suit, no question. I loved how I was in Red Water. It took a little while to get used to

    but it was fantastic. I didnt care that I got tired because I was okay after a good nights sleep. If

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    I cut my hand, it hurt for a little while but it healed. Maybe I couldnt hear the food I was eating

    but I could still smell it, touch it and taste it. I would take that over being in a shield suit any


    But you would still prefer to be natural, to be just zero-matter to having a regular body?

    She sounded uncharacteristically sad as she asked the question, like she expected me to say yes,

    to say that there was nothing in the world better than having enhanced senses, superhero strength

    and needing almost no rest. Thinking about it made me realize something I had meant to say but

    had never actually vocalized.

    If it was the price I had to pay to be with you, I would take on a regular body and nevermiss how I am now.

    I bet you say that to all the girls, she teased but I could see in her eyes that she wanted

    more, needed to hear more.

    Im serious, I said. When you told me you thought you loved me

    Me? That doesnt sound like something I would say.

    I didnt have the chance to tell you that I know I love you.

    That did it. That was what she was looking for. The coy smile on her face morphed into

    one of pure joy and I immediately regretted saying it. I meant it completely but it wasnt fair,

    wasnt right for me to tell her that when she wanted to hear it. I couldnt offer her anything

    beyond a miserable life of running and hiding. I couldnt even touch her without half an inch of

    shield material between us. I was impulsive and stupid. I shouldve kept that to myself.

    Its about time you said it, she said and pecked a small kiss on my face mask. It took

    you long enough though. I guess you just needed to get your brain back to zero-matter so you

    could think more efficiently.

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    were enough to make one forget it was after midnight. The building looked clean and well

    staffed, allaying fears I had of Laura going in by herself.

    I recited Dr. Swansons number for her. She gave me a quizzical look before slipping out

    the door.

    Be right back.

    I slumped down in my seat, as much as the tiny car would let me. The overbearing lights

    ruined any chance of someone mistaking the shield suit for an over the top ski outfit but Laura

    had parked far enough back from the miniature mall like store that people would have to go

    pretty far out of their way to get a look but still close enough that I could watch her through thewindow.

    She went to the counter to buy some time on one of the internet station computers but

    stopped halfway there. She bent over to look at something out of my view and when she stood

    up again, she was smiling brightly. At the clerk counter, she waited until the heavy set middle

    aged woman was busy helping a teamster before advancing to be helped by a male clerk with

    stringy hair hanging to his shoulders, large loop earrings that deformed his earlobes and a tattoo

    taking up half of his face. I couldnt see Lauras face but had a good feeling by the way she

    moved and flipped her hair around that she was probably biting her bottom lip and asking for a

    favor. The rough looking clerk seemed to like what he saw and motioned Laura to another part

    of the counter and twisted a phone around for her use. She patted his arm when he handed her a

    pen and small pad of paper. He went back to his cashiers station smiling.

    She punched a number into the phone and scribbled down a short message before

    hanging up. For a moment, Id been afraid she was calling her parents to make sure they were

    out of Red Water and immediately felt terrible for thinking she would risk exposing our location.

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    But the call was too short for it to be that anyway. She thanked the clerk for his help and

    returned his pen. She pulled out some money but he waved her off and pointed to a row of

    computers along the back wall. It was easy to imagine him saying, On the house or something

    cheesy like No charge for a pretty little thing like you. I would guess it was more along the

    lines of the latter based on the dirty look from his female coworker.

    Laura patted his arm again and went to the computers. She was out of sight for what felt

    like a lot longer than the clock actually showed. She popped up again, almost running towards

    the door before stopping, grabbing a bottle of water and a several bags of snacks. Her friend was

    ringing up a different sale so she bought her supplies from the surly woman clerk. There wereno friendly smiles.

    She scuffed her feet across the pavement as she ran back to the car. She opened the door

    and dropped her cargo inside.

    I got so excited I forgot to use the restroom, she said before throwing me a sheet of

    paper, slamming the door and running back inside.

    When she got back, she was out of breath and beaming. She twisted the lid off her water

    and started drinking like a parched camel.

    Bathroom nothing, I said. You just wanted one more goodbye with your new


    She almost spit her water on the steering wheel.

    Oh, him. That was just a fling, but I couldnt help myself. Hes just got this animal

    magnetism that I couldnt resist.

    I could see that, I said and held up the paper. What is this?

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    Thats where were going. Its just on the other side of town in an industrial park, she

    said and started the car. That number Dr. Swanson gave you wasnt a password or a code. It

    was a phone number. I didnt realize it at first when you gave it to me but when I got inside,

    there was an ad for a storage company and their number had the same first four digits. I thought

    it was worth a try.

    So thats the call you made.

    You got it. I got an automated message telling me to call back during normal business

    hours and the company name Custom Covers. It was easy enough to find them on the internet

    and print directions.She tore out of the parking lot and punched the gas to the floor. The little car groaned

    and acted like it was going to die until she eased off the pedal.

    This is going to sound like a stupid question but did you try the number as a password

    on my I.D. cylinder? How do you know it wasnt just a coincidence that it was an actual phone

    number? We could be racing across Denver for no good reason.

    Arent you a downer? She grabbed a bag of pretzels and tried to open it with one hand

    and her teeth. It split down the middle, spilling its contents all over her lap.

    You drive. Ill take care of the snacks, I said and took the bag out of her hand and

    started picking pretzels off her lap.

    Easy, cowboy, Im not that kind of girl, she said as my cleaning moved up her thigh.

    She laughed as I pulled my hand back like her leg was suddenly caustic to the shield suit.

    Sorry, I wasnt paying attention, I said and then got back on subject. So did you try it

    as a password?

    No, I didnt. But dont worry, Im sure its not a fluke that it was a phone number.

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    Oh really? How do you know that?

    When I looked up the website, I clicked on the company info link. Under the address, in

    very small print, it said Custom Covers was a subsidiary of Source Zero Incorporated. Still think

    its a coincidence?

    She gave me a triumphant look that begged me to challenge her and grabbed a fistful of

    pretzels out of my hand.

    Sounds like youve got it nailed down, I said, but I still wish youd tried the cylinder

    with the number.

    She flicked a pretzel against my mask.I knew you wouldnt be satisfied if I didnt but thought if Dr. Swanson went to the

    trouble of getting you that phone number and if she and Dr. Marcus went to the effort of setting

    up a dummy business for you to find, they would probably have made plans to get you the

    information you need. Plus, whatever is on that cylinder is meant for you and I didnt feel like it

    would be right to open it with you hiding in the car. Im one hundred percent sure that when we

    get to this place, well get all the answers we need.

    As she continued to chow down on pretzels and glance periodically at the directions

    shed printed, I tried to find problems with her reasoning. It wasnt because I wanted to argue

    about it or prove to her that she shouldve checked the cylinder. I was pretty certain no matter

    what kind of defense I could raise on my behalf, her enthusiasm and excitement would destroy it.

    I liked seeing her like this.