Youmeatsix Research

Youmeatsix This is a still image taken from the Youmeatsix music video ‘Save It For The Bedroom’. Youmeatsix is classed as a pop/punk band. The band originally released this song as their debut and created their own music video before being signed and having the video being professionally directed. In the original video, viewers witness the band in their comfort zones being themselves and also on stage at a small gig. All filming in the first production of this video was done by friends of the band with simple hand held camera. However, the new music video for this song is very different.



Transcript of Youmeatsix Research

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This is a still image taken from the Youmeatsix music video ‘Save It For The Bedroom’. Youmeatsix is classed as a pop/punk band. The band originally released this song as their debut and created their own music video before being signed and having the video being professionally directed. In the original video, viewers witness the band in their comfort zones being themselves and also on stage at a small gig. All filming in the first production of this video was done by friends of the band with simple hand held camera. However, the new music video for this song is very different.

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Similarly to the Blink 182 video that I have analysed, the song and the video by Youmeatsix do not seem to be linked in any way. For example, the song is about how the singers girlfriend has been going behind his back and being unfaithful and this can be seen by the lyric ‘Well I sussed you good, you knew I would.’ Whereas, the video is based on reality TV shows and features many problems that all surround the idea of fame hungry families; for example, ‘I think my husband is having an affair... With the dog’. The video also tackles the idea of challenging conventions and rules, for example, the lead singer can be seen in an express yourself t-shirt and underneath him on screen is the line; Our son refuses to be an intolerant bigot and brings shame on our family with his liberal thinking!

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Also similarly to the Blink video, this video represents the unconventional nature of this band as it shows the band completely destroying the set of the TV programme as the video comes to a close. Again, similarly to the Blink video, there are many different costumes used throughout this video. For example, the band play all the characters featured in the video so there is a constant costume change and a lot of cross dressing. This again shows how the band do not want to be conventional, but would rather just be teenage boys who have fun with their friends.

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I also believe that this video would again be a good idea to look in to as it really emphasises the idea that the band is unconventional and completely individual from other bands in the same genre; it will cause the band to stand out from the rest.

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Youmeatsix – Save It For The Bedroom Radial AnalysisCostume

The costume featured in this video, similarly to the Blink 182 video, also changes frequently. During the video the band members can be seen to be dressed as parents, stereotypical teenagers and women. However, on the live shots the band are shown wearing their own clothes. Again the idea of frequent costume changes has been used to represent both the band’s serious and childish sides. On the other hand, it has also been used again to make fun of a certain group of people. For example the video mainly makes fun of people who take their problems to television chat shows. The costumes used in this still are not what is conventionally expected for a band of this genre to wear. Again this anchors the idea that they are not classed as alternative because they are stereotypical of that genre but rather because they are individual and unique. This Is also emphasised by the fact that the costumes they are wearing in this still do not match. For example the lead singer can frequently be seen wearing an ‘express yourself’ or ‘real’ t-shirt. This costume connotes the idea that we should all be individual and have our own opinions instead of following what others say and do.

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Youmeatsix – Save It For The Bedroom Radial AnalysisSetting

The location in this video does not change at all throughout this video. From beginning to end the video is shot in what appears to be a television studio, where they are trying to film a chat show. The way the set has been constructed emphasises the idea that the band are making fun of people who enjoy or appear on these shows as It is very similar to that of the’ Jeremy Kyle Show’ in a layout and design sense. Near the end of the video, just before this still, the band can be seen destroying the set. For example, one member can be seen jumping through one of the walls. This has been done to represent the idea that not everything in life as serious as it may seem at first glance. However, the destruction of a main part of the video also show how the band’s music is just as important as the point they are trying to make.

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Youmeatsix – Save It For The Bedroom Radial AnalysisColours

The colours used in this video are consistently quite vibrant. This can be seen in the still due to the bright red and pink background colour. However the costume the band is wearing is generally dark or neutral colours, as seen in the still. By using this huge contrast in colours the video begins to contradict the song and the rest of the video. This is because both the song and the rest of the video portray the idea of being individual, not following others and not following rules such as political correctness. On the other hand, the band is now shown to be as a whole not individuals and the background colours are a lot more individual and unique than the colours the band are wearing.

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Youmeatsix – Save It For The Bedroom Radial Analysis

Camera Angles

The camera angles used within this video are generally very similar; all seem to be at about eye level with the audience and also seem to show most of the characters with in the shot. This may have been done as it represents the idea that the band don’t feel that they are better than anyone else, but rather they feel that they are individual from others. In this still, the camera also appears to be slightly tilted up. This may have been done as this still was taken just after the band demolished the surrounding studio and therefore, this still would anchor the idea that the band have overcome or destroyed stereotypes and conventions and are instead being their own people; this makes them superior.