YOU ARE MATH and an open letter to Humanity

YOU ARE MATH Џ Я Щ written by Joshua Aaron Terziu


grounding the infinite

Transcript of YOU ARE MATH and an open letter to Humanity

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written by

Joshua Aaron Terziu

Page 2: YOU ARE MATH and an open letter to Humanity

There is a direction and purpose to the Universe. Both of which are beyond

comprehension and without end, a truly Infinite Nature... If this were true, or even if

we just accepted this as truth in our mind, we would be able to see how to go beyond

this in a tangible, useful and Universal way! Being tangible we can see it collectively

and individually as real, being useful we can place it in our current context as being

beneficial, and being Universal we can see how it benefits All Equally. This is a

Mathematical Theorem and not up for debate. Godel's Theorem says that if you except

what's in front of you as true, you will always see how to beyond it, transcend it. Ta

Mathēmata is the Greek origin for the word math that means the taking of what you

already have and the knowing of what you already know to create a Universal gain.

Jocho is a Japanese word for math described as a process that arises by focusing on a

problem, without looking at anything that has been said before about it and quietly

maintaining this patient single pointed focus till you have an encounter with your

own inner Universe from which insight comes on how to move forward. This is quit

different from brain storming or thinking logically based on past facts, both of which

can lead to coherent theories of pathology as opposed to genuine insight as being

something never thought of by that person before enhancing their own creative

potential space. Psychodynamics shows this to be a necessity for enhancing creative

and critical thinking skills. Human beings are born for insight as we have all been

shown to be geniuses at divergent thinking which is a necessary component of

creativity that brings value. Ninety-eight percent of kindergardeners score at genus

levels across the board. This gradually decreases as a person becomes systematically

'educated' with coherent theories of pathology. This is the difference between learning

math and having a mathematical understanding.

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The Universe and All of it's Physical properties are literally nothing but

Mathematics. And since it is all made up of math, it would do us kind to self-actualize

the process, properties and Beingness of Mathematics. The following is the weakest of

my arguments falling far behind in depth and scope to previous papers most of which

can be found under 'An experience report on Being Conscious and Understanding

Infinity', 'Absolute Physics and Nature Gravy' and 'Educo Bahtwa'. That having been

said this is the newest and potentially the strongest. If we believe Modern Physicists'

proclamation that the Universe can be completely described using Mathematics, a

truth will arise that takes us beyond this, grounding the concept and increasing its

utility. If we believe some modern Physicists' proclamation that the Universe is Math,

a truth will arise that takes us beyond this....


...we will then go on forever exploring the nature of infinity, zero, computation,

utility, integration, self-actualization, consciousness and life...


The Main Principle is the Conscious Cognitive Process of doing Mathematics

described as being related to Godel's Theorem, Ta Mathēmata and Jocho. If you accept

what is in front of you, you will see how to go beyond it, how to transcend it!

(((A child at heart does this Naturally)))

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Will we liberate forever what it means to be a human...An Open Letter to Humanity,

In working on Optimal Human Functioning, it has become clear that what it means to be a human being and how we treat human beings is changing. We realize now that an Individual Human Consciousness produces and integrates information unlike any other state of matter in the cosmos. Through my own intuitions, during and after acquiring a General Studies Degree with a concentration in Mathematics, I worked out an idea, namely Creative Conscious Mathematics, which is just a fancy word for the nature of Infinity. My Journey has taken me to a working understanding of Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a way that has optimized the way of life of my family. It is my belief that in optimizing our collective psychoneuroimmunological functioning, we must have a working understanding of the mathematical, physical and biological nature of a human being in general, how to optimize it and hold ourselves safely in relation to this optimization. Moreover this human progression produces unique tradable information with high frequency quantitative finance!

Imagine being able to participate in the leading edge of human understanding with your daily living, optimizing and participating in data mining the ways in which we clean and share our interpersonal sphere of biological influence. A person seen as a Conscious Entity, a Unique State of Matter¹ capable of integrating and producing unique information² forced by an Entropic Universal Intelligence³, a Density or Gravity of Orchestrated Objective Reductions⁴ in an Infinite Open-ended Loop of integration and improvement in a Conformal Cyclic Cosmology⁵, a biological entity designed to interact with perceived Loved Ones⁶ in a mutually caring genuine moment of shared biological positivity⁷ or what I call Biological Empathy driven by Altruistic Self-Mastery⁸, And-or a Generator of Unique Tradable Information in terms of an Economic Gain and Academic Study; no matter how you choose to define what a person is or how people are, All these ideas will have to be taken into account.

I believe that in the near future we will be able to take advantage of our unique ability as humans endowed with Mathematical Understanding, Physical Intelligence and Biological Empathy; and render every person important using aspects of both Relativistic Statistical Arbitrage⁹ and Participatory Telerobotics¹⁰ coupled with Optimal Human Functioning in order to create an environment in which any person regardless of skill or knowledge can help advance the human condition.

Any help or support for family or ideas would be welcome with an open heart!

With all due respect,Joshua Aaron Terziu

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¹Consciousness as a State of Matter by Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics & MIT Kavli Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 (Dated: February 28, 2014)²Consciousness as Integrated Information: a Provisional Manifesto by GIULIO TONONI Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin ³Causal Entropic Forces by A. D. Wissner-Gross Institute for Applied Computational Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA; The Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA; and C. E. Freer Department of Mathematics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA⁴Consciousness in the universe A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory by Stuart Hameroff Anesthesiology, Psychology and Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA; and Roger Penrose Mathematical Institute and Wadham College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK⁵BEFORE THE BIG BANG: AN OUTRAGEOUS NEW PERSPECTIVE AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR PARTICLE PHYSICS by Roger Penrose Mathematical Institute and Wadham College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK⁶A General Theory of Love by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini and Richard Lannon, psychiatry professors at the University of California, San Francisco⁷Love 2.0 Finding Happiness and Health in Moments of Connection by Barbara Lee University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Principal Investigator of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab (PEPLab) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill⁸Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Dan Pink author of five books about business, work, and management⁹Relativistic Statistical Arbitrage by A. D. Wissner-Gross The MIT Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA and C. E. Freer Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA¹⁰Participatory Telerobotics by Alexander D. Wissner-Gross Institute for Applied Computational Science, Harvard University, 29 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA, USA 02138-2933, The Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 20 Ames St., Cambridge, MA, USA 02142-1308, Gemedy, Inc., 485 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA, USA; and Timothy M. Sullivan Gemedy, Inc., 485 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA, USA

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Mathematical Understanding, Physical Intelligence and Biological Empathy can be proven to you, all bayou self.

Mathematical Understanding “If you accept whatever is in front of you, you will see how to go beyond and transcend it.” This can be understood as the most fundamental theorems in mathematics put forth by Kurt Godel and contextualized by Sir Roger Penrose in Conformal Cyclic Cosmology and Orchestrated Objective Reduction. It can also be understood as the very process of doing Mathematics described by Masao Morita as Ta Mathēmata and Jocho namely the Mindfulness that emerges from a patient focus on something specific and the encountering of one's self, one's own rich inner universe; all resulting in the taking of what you already have and the knowing of what you already know to obtain an enhanced Understanding.

Physical Intelligence can be understood as both a Force and a Medium. An equation for the force of general physical intelligence has been put forth by Alex Wissner-Gross. F = T Sτ ∇ It describes a general and universal emergence of an intelligent force that arises from previous control and constraints, maximizing future freedom of actions, keeping options open, while actively resisting the control and constraint that gave rise to it. This is Universal Expansion! As a Medium the intelligence of our physical universe can be understood as fractal and holographic, infinitely dense and the source of all the material world. In Nassim Haramein's paper 'Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass' they use an exact quantized expression of the Schwarzschild solution to Einstein’s field equations utilizing spherical Planck units in a generalized holographic approach identifying a fundamental mass ratio between the vacuum oscillations on the surface horizon and the oscillations within the volume of a proton they were able to extract an exact solution to gravity, the standard rest mass of the proton, how many particles there are in our universe, the energy level and size of our universe, how many of our universes there are in the larger one and how many of those there are in the next larger one; all by appropriately analyzing a proton. We are bathing in a unified field that connects us all fractally and holographically. This can also be understood as an E8 Lie Group medium. The medium of Physical Intelligence is immense to say the very least. Couple this with the Universal Force of Physical Intelligence...

Biological Empathy can be understood as the evolutionary force of organic life to tolerate the faults and imperfections with respect to the particular grown biological medium and organize it using ordered, quasi-ordered and disordered geometrical combinations that overcome the initial faults and imperfections in a way that increases the diversity, utility and the future freedom of action of all organic life. This is alluded to in the work of Prof. Peter Vukusic. It can also be understood as what humans are designed for. When we genuinely connect with others in times of stress or joy our physiology merges with those around us expanding the health, happiness and creative/cognitive brilliance of all involved in the shared moment of Biological Empathy. Our ability to genuinely connect with others is what Charles Darwin said

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is our evolutionary advantage. With current Medicinal, Social and Neurological research we now know that our social biological design is a super power and not knowing this is extremely dangerous. This is elaborated by Doctors Matthew Lieberman, Stephen Ilardi, Brené Brown, Lissa Rankin, Kelly McGonigal, Dean Ornish, Thomas Lewis, Barbara Fredrickson and Joe Tafur. We must open ourselves up to understanding that we are biologically one with those around us.

Realizing every human being's and the universe's capacity and propensity for Understanding, Intelligence and Empathy is the only way to heal our shame, lack of guilt, and the lackful limitive assertive and authoritative social norms that inhibit both Optimal Human Functioning and the Natural Flow of Life in our Universe. We could be bathing in a psychoneuroimmunological Nature Gravy that taste more like a gumbo than toxic soup!

So the idea here is to outline what it means to be a Human Being in touch with and aligned to the Natural Autonomous Expansion of the Universe.

As Human Beings we are capable of Mathematical Understanding which is beyond and essential to calculation, measurement and perception; and can be summed up as the process of focusing on and accepting whatever rules, descriptions, laws, calculations and definitions you have in front of you; and then you will tangibly be able to see how to go beyond and transcend those very same rules or constraints! This is the most basic principle in Mathematics and is known as Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem and can be understood as what the Process of doing Mathematics is, namely the Mindfulness that emerges from a patient focus on something specific and the encountering of one's self, one's own rich inner universe; all resulting in the taking of what you already have and the knowing of what you already know to obtain an enhanced Universal Understanding.

We now know why this takes place. We have recently discovered a new physical force of Intelligence that better defines what entropy is in our Universe. There is an autonomous force that emerges from previous control and constrains to maximize future freedoms of action, keeping options open while actively resisting the control and constraint that gave rise to the expansion!

The Evolution of Organic matter functions in the same way while expanding on the function of Life. Organic matter has evolved to have fault and imperfection tolerance of initially grown mediums and organizes them in a way using ordered, quasi-ordered and disordered geometrical patternings to expand the utility and future freedoms of action and to keep options open while actively resisting the initial limitations of the organic material. This is the expansion of Physical Intelligence within the system of Organic Life, Biological Empathy!

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Biological Empathy can also be understood as our designed propensity to connect especially with other human beings as described by Darwin. When two human beings interact they regulate and change each other’s Biological Functioning. This is well understood in both Modern Medicine and Social Science Research and can be better understood by anyone who looks at Optimal Psychoneuroimmunology, Neurogenesis, Neuroplasticity, Epigenetics, Limbic Resonance, Psychodynamics and Human Motivation. This happens between two people who share space under the banner of mutual respect, care and appreciation. This micro-moment of Biological Love sets off all of this optimal physiological functioning and can be a key peace in a major personality change for the better even years later.

We can increase our belief that everyone is capable of Mathematical Understanding, Physical Intelligence and Biological Empathy. Its starts with you believing that you are a Mathematician, Physicist and a Biologist simply because you exist! And that the Universe itself, through Biological Evolution is actively supporting the expansion of this actualization.

Within everything, including a human being, exists infinity. This reality put into practice brings about the perfection of an individual and creation.

Before we get to the math and science of infinity, let us speak on what the experience is like. I'm finishing up a conversation that I know will only last about five more minutes, with a dear student who's kids were unjustly taken but who's return was imminent. Now I could've listened politely and simply wished her well when she was done, or interrupted her for any good reason and took off. But in genuinely feeling her pain and being of service to her in-the-moment something flowed through me that I had never said before, something that I needed to hear just as much as she did. As she was finishing up and becoming exceedingly upset, I said with sincere joy, “Look how beautiful this is, how beautiful you are.” For a split second she stopped her despair and looked at me slightly confused. I immediately go on to describe how her genuine agony over her kids not being with her was a beautiful demonstration of her love for her children, and how this experience would strengthen their love for each other and enhance the time that they will be sharing together. This all brought great warmth to her heart, for she knew this already. Took all of five minutes and all lived happily ever after, meaning the absolute best thing occurred for all involved.

This could not have occurred if I held the potential for negativity outside of myself. The best possible outcome resided in my choice to be of service in-the-moment knowing all will work out well, without knowing the specific details. And to withdraw from that conscious focus would be giving less than my personal best in the moment life needs or calls for us to serve, which really is every moment. It would have have been a “less than” type of occurrence if I would have focused on it being a stress or a burden to be in a hurry, or that someone was

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emotionally distraught in my presence and that's taxing. Literally millions of potential focuses on external negativity could have taken me off my personal best. In holding fast to all is well, while doing my best to function as an optimal human being, I am not only of service to others, but I become aware of things that I too grow from and are empowered by. This shared experience between us simultaneously increased the positive biological growth in the two of us than can be measured in the release of specific chemical's in the body called neuropeptides, the increase in brain functioning and growth, and the building of healthy proteins by way of epigenetic mechanisms. On top of this, the experience will in the future be a catalyst for positive changes in our personality and behavior by way of being an experienced condition that shows us that intense emotional stress can give rise to a greater goodness. This lessens the burden and load that stress places on our proper functioning, also known as allostatic burden and load.

What I have given you is a real world experience to show you the potential good and bad in my part of the experience and the scientifically verifiable goodness contained therein. I will now attempt to look at the internal consistency of a purely conceptual mathematics in relation to real world manifestation.

Mathematics is not inherently good or bad, true or false, yet at the same time expands our notions of such. Some have been damaged or demeaned by the thought of mathematics, yet math remains universally relatable. Mathematics can falsify reality as with double-entry bookkeeping or can deepen one's experience of reality as zero, infinity and fractals have done.

So what is the very basis of mathematics? For one, there exists things that are tangible and useful, but are unprovable. So lack of provability does not keep us from efficacy, and existence does not constitute proof. I hope you can appreciate how this perspective is starkly different from a fringe scientific world view holding that existence of something means it's true or provable, and that if something is unprovable it is also not tangible and of no use. Mathematics is universal because it expands upon and redirects the common sense within a person. Two plus two is common sense, but only because we share that with each other and give it meaning.

Math tried, as some physicists do, to build everything up from nothing; zero itself. It seemed to work out very nicely but, when compared to established truth and provability, failed to be consistent. So before mathematics can say zero is zero, one is one, or one plus two is three; more basic and fundamental than all this is, the existence of a Universal Set containing all actual and potential mathematical truths. The only elements that need be articulated from the Universal Set to obtain consistency in Mathematics are Zero, which as already discovered brings tangibility and usefulness if not proof or truth; and an X, being of inherent tangible variance dancing between known and unknown existing as a range of possibility. I still say the same thing I said almost a decade ago when I first was presented this proof, “Sure looks

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like a mathematical proof of God to me?” The reply from my mathematics professor was that she'd never thought of it like that before...

On top of that it was a personal discovery of mine to see how this was related seemingly exactly to our physical world, whose zero is itself a HUGE deal—literally the densest information energy mass power that measurably exists is this filled space around us. We swim within it as it swims within us... Just like math had to say there is a Universal set of everything first and then it is in a sense “reduced” down to something, even though the fullness of its infinite nature is always present; physics had to say the same thing about the Universe itself. Every bit of the universe contains within it an immense amount of potential and is in direct relationship to all-that-Is. And just as there is quantum entanglement; there are mirror neurons, limbic resonance and our vagal tone.

Mathematics can also say with a straight face that all rules, logics, axioms are inherently incomplete as they are in a constant process of integrating new truths whose internalization creates a new set of basics, which are in turn the canvas for an even greater truth to be integrated and so on and so forth. For me, there is a relationship between this and another mathematical truth that there is no highest order of infinity; for things are continuously becoming more infinite. Room for infinity is the consistency. We can find infinity in the finite. Even zero is a unique ever growing aspect of infinity, Mathematically and Physically speaking.

Let us correlate and extrapolate; integrate and derive. Mathematically, rules are incomplete. Psychologically, rules diminish our cognitive functioning, inhibiting our natural ability to be moral and creative in-the-moment. It is the transcendence of rules and definitions that gives rise to mathematical progress and awareness. In the book Naming Infinity we see two useful perspectives that build on each other to expand our tangible notion of infinity. One camp was the atheistic French, who denounced any higher power to get a glimpse of the infinite; the other was the orthodox Russian monks, who called on and experienced a higher power to glimpse the infinite. Both had to operate outside of the known rules to bring about truth—annihilating intentionally by way of their cognition—the top down neural structures that limit insight and problem solving. The loosening of these top down neural structures is also key in advanced problem solving and in the healing of PTSD and addictive behaviors.