Yin & Yang: The Essential Elements for an Unstoppable Marketing Campaign

A Publication of Yin & Yang The Essential Elements for an Unstoppable Marketing Campaign

Transcript of Yin & Yang: The Essential Elements for an Unstoppable Marketing Campaign

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Yin & YangThe Essential Elements for an Unstoppable Marketing



1.Yin And Yang: When Opposite

Forces Collide

2.Yin: The Power Of Art

3.Yang: The Power Of Science

4.How To Strike The Perfect


CHAPTER ONEWhen Opposing Forces Collide

The People’s Republic of China: The ancient philosophy of Ying and Yang was developed in 2nd Century BC from the teachings of Dong Zhongshu.

“ The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.- Carl Jung, World-Renowned Psychologist

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Yin & YangThe Power of Duality

Arising from ancient times, Yin and Yang has become a powerful symbol of opposite attraction. Light and dark. Hard and soft. Slow and fast. All things, alike and different, are connected, even if their relationship is not quite understood. The principal of opposing forces, being more similar than different, is not only in the natural world, but in the business world as well. Such is the dynamic relationship between art and science. While they may seem far apart, they rely on one another in critical ways. This is why Toltec Global Services focuses on marketing services that perfect the blend art and science. It is the only way to see the bigger picture.

Yin and Yang, or the Power of Duality, is a powerful concept that can excel your marketing tactics. The trend in today’s marketing world is customized content.

Content Marketing: •27,000,000 pieces of content are shared each day. •78% of CMOs think custom content is the future of marketing.•54% of brands don’t have an on-site, dedicated content curator.

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Source: Newscred


Captivate & Create Using the Senses to Provoke Feeling

See. Hear. Smell. Touch. Taste. All of these senses help bring meaning to the world and helps humans relate to each other, provoking emotions and thought in beautiful ways. Without the ability to display emotion and greater depths of thought visually, so many great idea would get lost. That is why Toltec Global Services couples impressive imagery with data. We know how to interpret data so that others can understand. And without the ability to display data a stunning way, how good is data? Humans are visual creatures; marketing must adapt to this part of our DNA.

Visual Content:•90% of the information that comes to the brain is visual.•94% of articles with images get more views than those without.•46.1% of people say a website’s design is the number one criterion for discerning the credibility of the company.

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Source: Newscred

Ingredient #1-ArtA Case Study

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General Electric uses Instagram to showcases the power of imagination and where their products take consumers. They drive awareness and entice customer through art. Their photos are both inspirational and educational.

CHAPTER THREEThe Power Of Science

Analyze & ArticulateGenerating Data While Deciphering it

Big data means big changes. Business have to deal with more technology and more deciphering of complicated transactions. Everything in business must be thought out strategically and methodically.

There are many tools that exist to help people sort through data and make sense of it. However, without the proper guidance of these tools, many science-based efforts fall apart.

As technology becomes more readily available to everyone on the planet, the more complicated data becomes. Data is more relevant than ever before. Without the ability to organize this data and create

visual representation of it, it becomes useless. Toltec Global Services can help you analyze and interpret your company’s data with finesse. A prospective lead is a ticking time bomb. Find a way to

reach them before time is up.

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Ingredient #2-ScienceA Case Study

McKinsey and Co. has analyzed over 250 engagements and revealed just how companies using Big Data to maximize their sales and marketing teams. They have discovered the following.

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• Those that use Big Data and analytics effectively show productivity rates and profitability that are 5 – 6 percent higher than those of their peers.

• Companies that put data at the center of the marketing and sales decisions improve their marketing return on investment (MROI) by 15 – 20 percent.

• Utilizing Big Data to enhance the customer journey leads to a 20% increase in improved customer satisfaction.

Source: McKinsey & Co.

CHAPTER THREEMaintain Proper Balance

Art & Science: Which is More Important?Both.

Customers are receiving marketing messages from every corner. No person with a phone can escape the flood of businesses swimming upstream trying to get noticed. But what if there was a way to make your voice heard without getting lost in the digital white water? By optimizing the best of art and science, Toltec Global Services can move your business closer to your goals.

Utilizing the two essential ingredients, Art and Science, you can create a marketing campaign so powerful, nothing can stand in its way. Art and Science working side-by-side is key to creating meaningful content an inspirational call to actions. The essential blend of art and science is the perfect balance of creative and analytical to ensure your success.

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Visit our website today and see what services are best for you. With our unique service offerings, the critical elements of art and science

will always be in balance.

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Interested in how we blend art and science for marketing? Contact us today!

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