Yifan planets

By: Yifan Shen


another planet ppt

Transcript of Yifan planets

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By:Yifan Shen

Page 2: Yifan planets

• Revolve- The spinning around the sun.• Rotate- Spinning around itself, not around another thing.• Orbit- Going around an object.• 8 planets found (excluding dwarf planets.)

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• Mercury has a thin atmosphere which consists of helium and sodium.

• It has no substantial atmosphere

• Three things that shape Mercury are Impact Cratering, Volcanism, and Tectonic activity.

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• The reflection is the brightest planet viewed from earth, so it is called the Evening Star.

• The atmosphere consists of Carbon dioxide and Sulfuric acid.

• Venus’s rotation is called retrograde rotation because is rotates clockwise, different from other planets.

• 1 full orbit around the sun will be 225 days, but one rotation would take 243 days.

• Why would the sun rise on the west and set at east? It is because Venus spins clockwise, not counter- clockwise.

• Venus is considered hot because it has constant volcano eruptions.

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• Elements that make up our atmosphere are oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and water vapor.

• The atmosphere protects us from sun’s radiation and meteors.

• The rotation of Earth causes days and nights. The tilt creates seasons, so if there were too little tilt or no tilt, the season would be the same.

• The rapid spin of the Earth along with the liquid, hot metallic core causes the magnetic field.

• The satellite of Earth, which only has one, is the moon.

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• Mars has sign of life because if it had ice, then there would be a supply of water.

• The element of the atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide.• Mars is covered with iron-laden clay, so Mars would

seem reddish.• The tallest mountain in the solar system is Olympus

Mon, it stretches 600 km wide and 26 km tall!• The two satellites are Phobos and Deimos.

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• The rotation causes the poles to flatten and the equator to bulge.

• Jupiter’s atmosphere consists of hydrogen, helium, sulfur, and nitrogen.

• The most crazy storms is the Great Red Spot, a hurricane-like storm that has been seen in Jupiter's southern hemisphere since Jupiter was first discovered.

• 50 have been given names while 13 more were found but not given names. (satellites)

• One of the satellites called Io is volcanically active, having a very high temperature.

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• The atmosphere consists of hydrogen and helium.• Astronomers believe the rings developed from particles

that resulted from the break-up of naturally occurring satellites.

• The things contained in the rings are ice and dust.• Saturn could float in water because the density is very

low.• Seasons would last long because 1 revolution would

take 29.46 years.

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• Uranus’s rotation is rotating on its side when viewed on Earth!

• The atmosphere contains hydrogen, methane helium.

• Uranus has 27 known satellites.

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• The atmosphere consists of ammonia, helium, and methane.

• There are 13 known satellites.• The biggest satellite of Neptune, Triton, was

theorized that it wasn’t the satellite of Neptune, but was pulled toward Neptune by its strong gravitational pull.

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• The name of the 3 moons of Pluto is Nix, Charon, Hydra.

• Using a spectroscope, scientists have seen methane and water vapor on Charon.

• Charon appears to be more blue in color than Pluto.

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• It takes 4.6 Earth Years for 1 revolution.

• It was considered an asteroid because it was in the asteroid belt.

• Its surface is probably covered with a mixture of water ice, carbonates, and clays.

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• It was originally named Xena.

• It takes 557 Earth years for 1 revolution.

• The name of Eris’s moon is Dysnomia.

• It didn’t have the rights to be a planet.

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