YFC Camp Manual.doc

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  • 8/9/2019 YFC Camp Manual.doc


    CFC Youth for ChristCFC Youth for ChristYouth Camp ManualYouth Camp Manual

    (2002 Edition)

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    Table of Contents

    I. OR!"I#I" ! CFC YO$T% FOR C%RI&T YO$T% C!M'......................................2

    The Youth Camp ..............................................................................................3Challenges ...........................................................................................................3Youth Camp Objectives ..............................................................................................4Important Conditions ..............................................................................................5Practical Considerations ..........................................................................................

    II. T%E TE!M E!ER*& $IE...................................................................................+

    Youth Camp !eneral "chedule #ctivities ..........................................................$!oals o% the Youth Camp ................................................................................&'

    #ttitudes o% a Team (eader ................................................................................&')oles and )esponsibilities o% the Team (eaders ......................................................&&Practical *atters to #ttend to ................................................................................&3

    Practical Tips ..........................................................................................................&5Team (eader+s Orientation Outline ....................................................................&

    III. T%E YO$T% C!M' T!,&.....................................................................................-

    The !ospel *essage ..............................................................................................&,"haring this message in the Youth Camp .................................................................&,The !ospel and Youth Camp tal-s ....................................................................&,inal Tips ........................................................................................................../'Tal- &0 !od+s (ove and 1is Plan %or 2s ....................................................................//Tal- /0 ho is esus Christ to *e ..................................................................../5Tal- 30 )epentance6 aith6 1ealing and orgiveness .........................................../$Tal- 40 )eceiving !od+s !i%t0 The Po7er o% the 1ol8 "pirit.........................................3/

    9aptism Ceremon8:Pra8 over "ession ....................................................................35Commitment to Christ ..............................................................................................3Closing ;

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    Chapter -3Chapter -3

    Or4ani5in4 aOr4ani5in4 a

    CFC Youth for ChristCFC Youth for Christ

    Youth CampYouth Camp


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    T%E YO$T% C!M'T%E YO$T% C!M'

    The entr8 point to Youth for Christ (YFC),the Young #dults Program o% theCouples for Christ (CFC), is the Youth Camp. It is a three?da8 live?in campusuall8 conducted during the summer or semestral brea- to o%%iciall8 bring

    teenagers and:or 8oung adults intoYFC.

    To %ull8 appreciate the value o% the Youth Camp and to ma-e the most outo% it6 it must be seen not just as a three?da8 e

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    7hen the participants start coming in 7ill help ma-e them %eel at easeand 7elcome.

    3. &ome of the 6oun4 adults 7ill be diffi8ult. "ome o% them ma8 evenhave serious addictions to drugs and alcohol. Others 7ill come 7ith a

    rebellious spirit6 7hile others ma8 be harboring serious resentmentsto7ards their parents and other people. or this reason6 a responsibleCouple Coordinator should al7a6s be present durin4 the Camp .

    4. &ome teena4ers find it diffi8ult to 8ommit to the ord< to YFC< andto the 7hole ne7 7a6 of life that is bein4 offered to them. There 7illbe a real %ear o% giving up a lot o% their attachments6 their established seto% %riends and the regular activities that the8 are accustomed to. Thisposes a real challenge %or the team not onl8 to ma-e the Youth Camp%un and eECTI/E&

    To plan e%%ectivel86 it is important %or the team to understand both the short?term and the long?term objectives o% the Youth Camp.


    &. To help the 6oun4 adults under4o a @8onAersion to Christ@eBperien8e.

    /. To help the 6oun4 adult eBperien8e healin4 and re8on8iliation 7iththe immediate members of their famil6< espe8iall6 their parents .

    3. To ma;e the Youth Camp a fun< eB8itin4 and life?4iAin4 eBperien8etothe 8oung adult.

    4. To 4iAe the 6oun4 adults the opportunit6 to ma;e ne7 friends in a7holesome environment.

    5. To eBpose the parti8ipants to 6oun4 people of their a4e 7ho find o6and fulfillment in serAin4 the ord< and in serAin4 them.


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    O"?TERM O=>ECTI/E&

    &. To ma;e the Youth Camp the start of a life?lon4 pro8ess of8onAersion and transformation in the life of the 6oun4 adult .

    a. 98 joining YC6 the 6oun4 adults are pla8ed in a supportenAironment 7here the6 8an be sustained in their Christian liAes .

    b. 98 joining YC6 the8 can sustain and deAelop the friendships that7ere established durin4 the 8amp.

    c. The 6oun4 adults 8an also be supported in the rene7edrelationships that the6 haAe 7ith their parents and the othermembers of their famil6.

    /. To 8reate a desire< as 7ell as a real opportunit6 to deAelop the 4ifts

    and talents of these 6oun4 adults in serAin4 the ord and other8oung adults in %uture Youth Camps.

    3. 1ope%ull86 the positive eBperien8e of the Youth Camp 7ill remain aspe8ial memor6 that the 6oun4 adult ma6 loo; ba8; to and dra7stren4th from throughout his or her li%e.


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    !iven the above objectives6 both short and long?term6 it is important toma-e the %ollo7ing conditions in planning and conducting YC Youth Camps.

    &. The Youth Camp is the entr6 point to the CFC Youth for ChristMinistr6. It should notbe conducted i% there is no intention to invite theparticipants into YFC@although6 it is possible %or some o% them to decidenot toA. This is just to preclude the possibilit8 o% ma-ing the Youth Campan end in itsel%. This is the same condition that is true %or the CLP(Christian Life Program)o% Couple for Christ. The CLP< or Youth Campfor that matter< is not 8ondu8ted unless there is a real intent toestablish CFC< or YFCor to inte4rate those 7ho 4raduate to eBistin4CFC4roups.

    /. It is possible to inAite 8hildren of non?CFC members to the Youth

    Campand %or them to eventuall8 join YFCprovided0

    a. a real effort is made to inAite 8hildren of CFC members to theYouth Camp

    b. 'riorit6 ma6 be 4iAen to non?CFCmembers if the team is able todetermine that there is a real need for the indiAidual to oin thepro4ramas deliberated b8 the team leader responsible and the YCCouple coordinator 7ith the guidance o% the CFC#rea 1ead.

    (NOTE: An example of giving priority to individuals hose parents are

    not in CFC are the !amps ithin the !ampus "ased program of YFC).

    3. The ideal site of a Youth Camp is a retreat area or a 8amp site 7herethe 6oun4 adults 8an sta6 in 7ithout disturban8es%rom the outside or7here the8 can also be prevented %rom snea-ing out. The team shouldbe sensitive to the %inancial means o% the participants 7ho 7ill beattending the camp.

    a. It is possible to use s8hool fa8ilitiesduring semestral and summer

    brea-s6 and %or the %ood to be catered b8 CFCmembers i% this 7illsigni%icantl8 reduce the cost o% the Youth Camp.

    b. It is possible to raise funds 7ithin the 8hapter or area 6 to helpde%ra8 the cost o% those 7ho do not have the means to pa8 the %ullamount in the Youth Camp.

    c. The usual rule in CFC applies that no one should be deprived ofexperiencing the Lord in any official activity because he or shedoes not have the means to pay


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    4. Ma;e sure that the 6oun4 adults haAe their parents* 8onsent andthat their parents are 7illin4 to support the a8tiAities of the 8amp(li;e 7ritin4 letters to their 8hildren). I% the camp is in a site 7herethere is an opportunit8 %or the 8oung adults to go s7imming @e.g. beach6

    la-e6 or poolA or mountain climbing6 a special 7ritten consent %rom theparents should be presented be%ore the team should allo7 the 8oungadults to engage in these activities.

    I% possible6 a parents* forum should be 8ondu8ted before the YouthCamp6 7here the team ma8 be able to e

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    facilitators stay in "ith the participants because they have to buildstrong relationships "ith them. Other members o% the team ma8 sta8in6 i% the8 o%%er to pa8 %or their accommodations or i% there are enough%unds to pa8 %or them.

    4. >uring the #aptism of the $oly %pirit6 the team ma6 as; support fromother YFC members.

    Note # The use of couples or parents in the praying$over for baptismis discouraged

    5. 'arents6 one or both6 are eBpe8ted to send letters to their 6oun4adults and to 8ome durin4 the Parent$Youth %ialogue and%edication ceremonyon the last da8 o% the camp.

    . # no$smo&ing and no$drin&ing rule 7ill be obserAed b6 the

    parti8ipants< the Couple Coordinator and the other members of theteam6 %or the duration o% the camp.

    =. "o parti8ipant 7ill be allo7ed to leaAe the 8amp 7ithout theeBpressed 8onsent of the parents. In the event o% a snea-?out b8 an8o% the participants6 the parents shall be in%ormed immediatel8.


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    Chapter 23Chapter 23Youth CampYouth Camp

    Team eaders uideTeam eaders uide


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    !Y -

    'M50'' ? 503' 0 "ervice team meeting503' ? 03' 0 #rrival: )egistration03' ? 045 0 !ather: Teaching o% songs045 ? =0'' 0 Orientation o% participants @b8 team leaderA

    0 Orientation o% parents @b8 Couple CoordinatorA=0'' ? $0'' 0 >inner $0'' ? $03' 0 !athering o% participants: Teaching o% songs$03' ? $035 0 Opening Pra8er $035 ? $045 0 ;nergiBer: !ames

    $045 ? ,0/5 0 T'L( )# *O%+, LO-E 'N% .!,PL'N FO/ 0,

    ,0/5 ? ,055 0 >iscussion !roups,055 ? &'0'' 0 #nnouncements: Closing song @i% desiredA&'0''? &&0'' 0 In%ormal ello7ship&&0'' 0 (ights out

    !Y 2

    !M0/' ? =0'' 0 a-e up call=0'' ? $0'' 0 9rea-%ast$0'' ? $03' 0 Common Pra8er Time @include re%lectionA$03' ? $05' 0 !athering participants :

    Opening "ong and Pra8er$05' ? ,03' 0 T'L( 1# 2.O !, 3E,0, C./!,T TO 4E5,03' ? &'0'' 0 >iscussion !roups&'0'' ? &'03' 0 9rea-&'03' ? &'045 0 !athering o% participants:

    Opening "ong and Pra8er&'045 ? &&0/5 0 T'L( 6# /EPENT'NCE7 F'!T.7 .E'L!N*

    'N% FO/*!-ENE,,&&0/5 ? &/0'' 0 #ctivit8 @to be done together in session areaA

    &/0'' ? &0'' 0 (2C1


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    'M&0'' ? 503' 0 One?to?ones:Con%ession:)est503' ? 03' 0 Team *eeting 7ith 7orship

    03' ? =03' 0 >inner

    =03' ? $0'' 0 !athering o% Participants : Opening Pra8ers$0'' ? $045 0 T'L( 8# /ECE!-!N* *O%+, *!FT#T.E PO2E/ OF T.E .OLY ,P!/!T

    $045 ? ,0'' 0 Commitment to Christ Ceremon8,0'' ? &'0'' 0 Pra8 over session&'0'' ? &'0&5 0 !roup orship&'0&5 ? &'03' 0 Closing ;edication/0&5 ? /045 0 >ialogue 7ith Parents/045 ? 30'' 0 "haring %rom Participants30'' ? 30&' 0 Closing )emar-s: "ongs30&' ? 303' 0 Preparation %or *ass

    303' ? 403' 0 4',,403' ? 50'' 0 Pac-?up50'' 0 1O*; ";;T 1O*;

    !Y D !lternate &8hedule

    =0'' ? $0'' 0 9rea-%ast


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    $0'' ? ,0'' 0 Common Pra8er Time: (etter toParents

    ,0'' ? ,0&5 0 !ather: Teach "ongs,0&5 ? ,03' 0 orship,03' ? &'0&' 0 T'L( 9$ */O2T. !N T.E ,P!/!T : L!FE

    'N% 4!,,!ON OF YFC&'0&' ? &'04' 0 >ialogue 7ith Parents&'04' ? &'05' 0 "haring o% Participants&'05' ? &'055 0 inal "ong&'055 ? &&0'' 0 Preparation %or *ass&&0'' ? &/0'' 0 4',,&/0'' ? &0'' 0 (unch @i% availableA

    &ote : 'he s!hedules ritten in this manual are guides for the Youth Camp%ervi!e 'eam. f !ir!umstan!es !all for a different s!hedule, the teamshould "e flexi"le enough to follo as the %pirit leads


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    O!& OF T%E YO$T% C!M'

    The Youth camp should0

    &. Introduce esus to the participants

    /. ;ncourage the participants to invite esus into their lives3. Invite the participants into the support environment o% YFC

    %O TO !C%IE/E T%E&E O!&

    These goals should be achieved through the %our principle o% the YC programas implemented in the camp activitiesD

    &. unThe camp contains activities that 8oung people enjo8 @e.g. games6 songs6sports6 entertainment6 bon%ire etc.A

    /. riendshipThe camp provides opportunities to strengthen old %riendships and ma-ene7 ones. @The team leader initiates these b8 encouraging the team to get to-no7 one another and mingle 7ith the participantsA.

    &ote : any times, people *oin YFC (pla!ing themselves in an environmenthere they !an gro in their faith) initially "e!ause of friendships they ma+ein the !amps, or "e!ause of the faith of a friend in YFC.

    3. reedom

    othing is ever imposed on the participants. This principle springs %rom thebasic belie% that Christianit8 can onl8 be lived out i% it begins 7ith anindividuals personal decision to %ollo7 Christ @e.g. during 9aptism6 7e don+t%orce the participants to commit to ChristA

    4. aithThe camp provides the participants a lot o% opportunities to learn more aboutesus and gro7 in their aith @e.g. pra8ers6 7orship6 tal-s6 and discussiongroupsA

    !TTIT$E& OF ! TE!M E!ER

    &. The Team (eader should strive to be a person o% vision

    a. 1e sees that the Youth Camp is not an end in itsel% but rather thebeginning o% a process o% gro7th.


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    /. The Team (eader should strive %or clarit8

    a. 1e ma-es sure that others see 7hat he sees

    b. #s the one 7ho 7ill actuall8 be spea-ing to the participants6 he clari%ies

    and ma-es sure that his co ? team leader6 the Couple Coordinator andthe team have the same understanding that he has aboutcircumstances in the camp.

    c. 1e %inds 7a8s to ma-e the participants relate to the tal-s and sharings.These are done through jo-es6 anecdotes6 e

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    &ote: n the same ay, there are also to !amp servants one for the"rothers and the other for the sisters,

    $ave one !amp servant sit near the team leaders for more effe!tive

    !oordination. 'he other !amp servant should "e at the "a!+, readyto "ring input from the Couple Coordinator.

    c. 9oth team leaders 7or- in consultation 7ith each other %or unit8 andprovide %ocus %or the team.

    d. =oth team leaders should be prepared to 4iAe an6 of the fiAetal;s.

    e. *a-es sure that the Camp "chedule is %ollo7ed.

    ? "tart and end the sessions on time? (et the spea-er -no7 7hen the time is up.

    /. The team leaders give input regarding practical and pastoral matters tothe Couple Coordinator.

    3. The team leaders lead the team

    a. acilitate the 8outh team meetings

    ? (istens to input %rom the team? !ives instructions to the team : receives instructions %rom the CoupleCoordinator? (eads 7orship @in cases 7here the group is mi

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    &ote: n situations that are highly personal, !orre!tion is done one to one,"rother to "rother, sister to sister.

    'he Couple Coordinator should !ourse his !orre!tions toards theyouth through the team leaders.

    d. ;ncourages the team

    ? ;

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    're Camp 3

    &. Conduct initial meetings bet7een Youth (eaders and Couple


    a. "et eecide on team assignments @%acilitators6 spea-ers6 sharers etc.A

    5. "et the ne

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    !athering:Teaching o% songsPra8er @7orshipAIntroduction: Connection o% Tal-sTal-

    "haringrap up: summar8>iscussion !roups:#ctivit8

    /. The "essions and their purpose

    a. Orientation "ession

    ? "ets the tone %or the camp? Clari%ies e

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    #ctivit80Team (eader leads the participants to ma-e / lists @a list o%people 7ho hurt them E a list o% people 7hom the8 hurtA the8 arethen led to %orgive those in the %irst list and as- %orgiveness %rom

    those in the second list. #%ter6 the participants ma8 be encouragedto 7rite a letter to their parents %or the same purpose. The teamleader can ma-e sure that this letter is completed during the thirdda8+s pra8er time.

    %. The Team *eeting

    The Team (eader? leads the team in 7orship and intercession? gives %eedbac-? gives inputs %or the 9aptism session

    ? leads pra8er %or empo7erment

    g. Tal- 40 )eceiving the Po7er o% the 1ol8 "pirit? Impresses the need %or the 1ol8 "pirit to strengthen and guide

    our lives and clari%ies ho7 7e can eedication to the (i%e and *ission o%CC Youth %or Christ.? ;Fuips the participants 7ith the -no7ledge o% ho7 to gro7 in their

    relationship 7ith !od.? The session should be conducted in a pra8er meeting %ormat

    @there should be %ull 7orship be%ore the sessionA. This %urtherimparts the YC culture to the participants in sho7ing 7hat an


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    assembl8 is li-e. It is in this session that the participants areas-ed to join YC.

    'ost Camp 3

    &. The Team (eader should conduct leaders training especiall8 %or ne7 areas7here structures are not in place @)e%er to ast trac- (eaders TrainingA

    /. *a-e sure there are scheduled activities immediatel8 a%ter the camp theparticipants can loo- %or7ard to @e.g. %ello7ships6 assemblies etc.A

    3. Prepare the %acilitators to become 1ousehold 1eads @)e%er to 1ousehold1eads Training ProgramA

    4. "et evaluation meeting 7ith the team and Couple Coordinators

    5. *a-e sure Completion )eport is %illed out b8 the Couple Coordinators.

    'R!CTIC! TI'&

    'urpose of Min4lin4

    &. 9ecomes basis %or determining discussion groups/. #llo7s 8ou to relate to the participants: team and ma-es 8ou moree%%ective3. 1elps 8ou spot leaders @among the participants and the teamA4. ;vangelistic

    5. 9uilds %riendships

    'urpose of &eatin4 !rran4ement (the ideal arran4ement is $ shape)

    &. It is easier to spea- to the audience because distance is cut/. )emoves the %ormalit8 o% a classroom setting3. Participants end up encouraging one another to be more participative4. The one spea-ing in %ront becomes part o% the group.

    'urpose of &on4s

    &. Teaches us to pra86 and helps ma-e pra8er more enjo8able/. 9ecause songs are enjo8able6 !od+s message is received 7ith the least

    resistance %rom the participants3. *a-es each activit8 participative4. ;nergiBes the sessions @7a-es people upA5. Can be used to emphasiBe a point in an8 o% the tal-s: sharings. 2sed to gather people


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    &ote : 'he usi! ministry should alays stay in front.

    2 'o esta"lish rapport ith the parti!ipants. 'his ma+es it easier totea!h songs and get the parti!ipants to sing.2 Allos "etter !oordination "eteen the musi! ministry and the

    team leader

    'urpose of %umor

    &. *a-es participants listen: enjo8 the sessions/. ;stablishes support: interaction bet7een the team leader: spea-er and the

    participants3. *a-es a point eas8 to remember

    'urpose of ames

    &. *a-es sessions enjo8able/. *a-es activities participative3. ;nergiBes the camp

    TE!M E!ER& ORIE"T!TIO"O$TI"E@To be given b8 Team (eader be%orethe %irst sessionA

    I. elcome the participants

    #. *a-e the atmosphere light and jo8%ul. @!ive a jo-e as an


    9. *a-e it 8our goal to help ever8one build %riendships b8 the endo% the camp. You ma8 as- the participants to mingle %or aminute or t7o %or them to get to

    -no7 one another.

    C. elcoming )emar-s0

    &. Introduce 8oursel% as the Team (eader6/. Introduce the team63. ;

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    /. 1ave %un3. Gno7 more about !od and gro7 close to 1im4. !ive a general picture o% 7hat the camp 7ill be li-e @e.g.

    %un6 %riends6 tal-...etc.A

    &ote : A lot of people have different expe!tations a"out this Camp.%ome may +no that it3s something li+e a Life in the %pirit %eminar.%ome expe!t to !ry or have an emotional experien!e. 4hile somemay have no expe!tations. /thers may expe!t to !ome to greatrevelations or may expe!t to "e helped in ma+ing "ig de!isions.

    Although, these may happen, these are not the goals that e areaiming for. 5ather, if they !ome out of this Camp "eing a"le to saythat they +no 6od a little "it more, that they are !loser to $imeven more...then, e have rea!hed the goal of the Camp.

    9. #ttitudes to ta-e. @hat 7e eonHt anticipate.>onHt -eep thin-ing o% 7hat might happen ne

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    9. hom to approach6 i% the participants need an8thing

    &. Practicalities @e.g. bed sheets6 phones6 toothpasteA

    /. ;mergencies @irst #idA

    C. It 7ould be help%ul to al7a8s have a pen6 paper:noteboo-6 and a9ible 7ith 8ou during the sessions.

    I. #s- ever8one to move into the dining hall %or dinner.


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    Chapter D3The Youth Camp Tal;s


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    T%E O&'E ME&&!E

    In this da8 and age 7hen so man8 ideas abound and so man8 di%%erent philosophies aretaught6 the 8outh are o%ten placed in con%using situations. "o man8 di%%erent in%luences aroundsa8 7hat to run a%ter and 7hat to live %or. "till in the budding idealism o% their 8oung minds6 the8outh search %or the truth that the8 can believe and live b8. "o o%ten6 ho7ever6 8oung people %allinto 7hatever 7him their peers invite them into. hether it be drugs or drin-ing6 being popular6being JinJ or just simpl8 living %or the moment. "till the thirst is there %or the truth ?? their heartsrestless %or !od

    It is in this situation that the !ospel message should be brought to the 8outh. # messagethat spea-s o% !odHs love and merc8 ?? That in our sin%ulness6 1e is al7a8s 7illing to %orgive us.

    #nd6 i% 7e come be%ore 1im and place our lives at 1is %eet6 our restlessness ends6 and 7e beginto e

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    order so as to help bring the participants through a process 7here the8 can ma-e a real andsincere decision to live a li%e pleasing to !od through a personal relationship 7ith esus Christ b8the po7er o% 1is 1ol8 "pirit.

    The spea-er should be able to realiBe that each tal-6 especiall8 the one that he or she 7ill begiving6 is part o% one message -6od7s love rea!hing out to man and man7s !hoi!e to respond tothis love.; @)e%er to LThe sessions and their PurposeM in Chapter / ?Team leaders !uide6 to seeho7 each tal- %lo7s to the ne

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    spea-er+s o7n 7ords. )eading scripture verses 7ord?%or?7ord ta-es a7a8 e8e contactbet7een 8ou and the participants.

    . Listen to 0 study other spea+ers

    This ma8 help give 8ou ideas in giving 8our tal-

    =. 8ndergo the %pea+er3s 4or+shop @This can be %ound in the Youth Camp TrainingProgram o% YCA.


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    CFC Youth for ChristYouth Camp

    Tal; - 3 od*s oAe and %is 'lan for $sExpanded Outline

    I. I"TRO$CTIO"

    #. The CraB8 >ream

    (&/'=: 'he !ra>y dream exer!ise is done so that the spea+er may have an amusing ay ofma+ing the parti!ipants reali>e 6od7s tremendous love for them. 1ust as the parti!ipants mayhave their on ;!ra>y dreams; their on nearly impossi"le hopes of things that are "etter,6od has $is on seemingly impossi"le dream for us, ;a plan for a future and a hope; in unionith $im. t is this plan for us that may "e used to introdu!e 6od7s love to the parti!ipants.)

    &. #s- the participants to 7rite do7n in a piece o% paper their greatest ambition orcraBiest dream. !ive them one to t7o minutes to 7rite do this.

    Once 8ouHve collected these6 read as man8 to the participants as much as time 7illallo7. You donHt have to read all.

    /. ;ven !od has a craB8 dream.

    (5eferring to the ;!ra>y dreams; of the parti!ipants.) #ll o% us have our o7n craB8dreams6 but even !od has his o7n JcraB8 dreamJ. I sa8 this6 because li-e man8 others6our dreams ma8 seem %ar out6 hard to believe. 9ut then again6 1e is !od6 and nothing isimpossible 7ith 1im. (etHs see 7hat !odHs craB8 dream is. (5ead saiah ?

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    &. (6en. :@2B@)hen our %irst parents chose to disobe86 and rebel against !odHs commands6 the8 choseto turn a7a8 %orm !od the source o% all li%e. In doing so6 the8 chose death6 and su%%ering.rom the moment this happened6 our 7orld that 7as %ull o% li%e and blessing began toe

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    III. CO"C$&IO"

    - 6od loves everyone of us as if there as "ut one of us to love.@"t. #ugustineA

    !od has a seemingl8 insane love %or us. # love that 7ould su%%er even death on a cross. ;ven i%8ou 7ere the onl8 one 7ho needed saving6 !od 7ould do it all %or 8ou. (et+s respond to this love.(et+s decide to love !od bac-.

    ( &ote: /ne ay to !hallenge the parti!ipants to respond is to see+ 6od during the !amp, toparti!ipate, "ut all the more, to re!eive 6od3s love and try to respond "y desiring to +no a"out6od and to live for $im.)

    I&C$&&IO" &T!RTER&3

    &. "hare an e

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    CFC Youth for ChristYouth Camp

    Tal; 2 3 ho is >esus Christ to MeExpanded Outline

    I. I"TRO$CTIO"

    hen 7e hear o% ho7 great !odHs love is %or us6 man8 o% us genuinel8 7ant to respond to 1imb8 loving 1im bac- and living a li%e thatHs pleasing to 1im.

    1o7ever6 it is di%%icult to live a li%e pleasing to !od6 i% it lac-s the most basic %actor6 a personalrelationship 7ith esus Christ.

    (iving the Christian li%e b8 our o7n strength is impossible. Onl8 the strength 7e have in esuscan ma-e this happen.

    II. %O I& >E&$&G

    !. Impa8t in %istor6

    K 9orn some /6''' 8ears ago in 9ethlehem6 udea in the poor countr8 o% Palestine.

    K !re7 up in a poor %amil8 o% carpenters.

    K >uring his 3 8ears o% public li%e6 1e challenged the authorities and a%ter a %ormal trialon charges o% rebellion and blasphem86 7as put to death at age 33.

    (i-e most religious leaders in 1is time6 esus should have %aded into oblivion6 %orgottenin the pages o% histor8. Yet no other person has a%%ected histor8 as much as esus.

    1e split 1istor8 in t7o @9.C. ? 9e%ore Christ6 and #.>. #nno >omini or Year o% our (ordA.

    o other person has had as man8 boo-s and stories 7ritten about him. The boo- thattells 1is stor86 the 9ible6 has been the o. & bestseller6 o% all time.

    2ntil toda86 esus o% aBareth is the most controversial6 most popular6 most revered andmost respected person that ever lived.

    There are so man8 things said about this man. hat 7as 1e reall8 li-e

    =. Mis8on8eptions

    &. esus as a 7eirdo

    a. "ome sa8 he 7as some %rea- 7ith ne7 ideas. 1e said things li-e6 JThe %irst 7illbest...J and J(ove 8our enemiesJ.

    b. 1e 7asnHt a %rea-6 because so man8 7ere attracted to 1is personalit8 that the8le%t ever8thing to %ollo7 1im. (ar+ @:@?2BD)


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    /. esus as a 7ea-ling

    a. Others perceive him as a 7ea-ling6 a 7imp 7ho gave into all his persecutions.

    b. I 7ouldnHt call 1im a 7ea-ling or 7imp since 1e 7as bold and courageous enoughto stand up against he -no7n authorities o% 1is time. @atthe B:@2B).

    3. esus as con%used: unsure

    a. "ome see him as con%used6 getting caught up in the turn o% events.

    b. 1e 7asnHt con%used because 1e -ne7 eidnHt heJ

    b. (astl86 I 7ould not consider 1im unsuccess%ul6 because /6''' 8ears a%ter 1e %irstpreached 1is message6 the Christian aith remains to be the most 7idel8 preachedand received %aith in the 7orld toda8.

    C. The best 7a6 to ;no7 >esus is to ;no7 7hat or 7ho %e 8laimed to be.

    1e too- upon 1imsel% Fualities that belonged onl8 to the person o% !od.

    &. 1e claimed to possess all authorit8 in 1eaven and on ;artha characteristic that onl8 one person can claim to have??!od. (refer to atthe BE:@E)

    ature seemed to believe 1im and recogniBe this authorit8.( refer to Lu+e E:BB2B?)

    /. 1e %orgave sins.The people during esus+ time strongl8 believed6 that onl8 !od had the authorit8 to%orgive sins. In Lu+e

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    #. I% 7e begin to realiBe that the claims that esus made are %alse6 then 7e should %orgetChristianit8 altogether and even correct the great hoa< that has deceived men %or /'''8ears.

    9. 9ut i% deep do7n 7e believe that esus+ claims are true. . . then 7e cannot just leave 1imin one corner o% our lives li-e most people do.

    In %act6 7e 7ill have to begin to %ind a 7a8 to relate to esus as the *ight8 !od6 as therisen "avior that 1e reall8 is. e 7ill have to %ollo7 1im as (ord6 and accept thatpersonal relationship 1e o%%ers us toda8.

    I/. %O I& >E&$& TO MEG

    Personal Testimon8 @3?5 minutesA 0 The spea-er should give a brie% sharing on his:herpersonal relationship 7ith esus Christ.

    /. CO"C$&IO".


    1esus and Alexander died at thirty2three,/n!e lived and died for self one died for you and me,'he 6ree+ died on a throne the 1e died on a !ross/ne7s life a triumph seemed the other "ut a loss./ne led vast armies forth the other al+ed alone./ne shed the hole orld7s "lood the other gave his on/ne on the orld in life and lost it all in death'he other lost his life to in the hole orld7s faith.1esus and Alexander died at thirty2three.'he 6ree+ made all men slaves the 1e made all men free/ne "uilt a throne on "lood the other "uilt on love'he one as "orn of earth the other from a"ove'he one on all this earth to lose all earth and heaven

    'he other gave up all that all to him "e given.'he 6ree+ forever died the 1e forever lives.

    !od loves 8ou. ThatHs prett8 good ne7s6 but it gets even better. ot onl8 does 1e love 8ou6 but1e 7ants to have a %riendship 7ith 8ou. (1ohn @

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    CFC Youth for ChristYouth Camp

    Tal; D 3 Repentan8e< Faith< %ealin4 and For4iAenessExpanded outline

    I. I"TRO$CTIO"

    e have just heard o% !odHs love %or us6 and ho7 it brings us to the point 7here 7e just haveto decide %or ourselves ho7 7e should respond to 1im.

    e have heard ho7 1e himsel% invites us into a personal relationship 7ith 1im. In this tal-6 7e7ill learn ho7 7e can begin to do this.

    II. RE'E"T!"CE !" F!IT%

    Christ began 1is preaching ministr8 7ith these 7ords ;'he right time has !ome, the +ingdomof 6od is near, turn aay from your sins and "elieve in the 6ospel...; (ar+ @:@

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    /. hat is )epentance

    a. The !ree- 7ord %or repentance is JmetanoiaJ 7hich literall8 means change o%mind.

    b. It is an act o% the 7ill6 a decision.

    c. In this case6 it is deciding and to turn a7a8 %rom sin and loo- to7ards !od.

    3. "ome sins to repent %rom0

    a. )ebelliousness0 to parents6 authorities and societ8. @e.g. ans7ering bac-6vandalismA

    b. Cheating6 l8ing6 stealing6 cursing6 green jo-es6 slander and gossip.

    c. #buse o% alcohol6 illegal drugs.

    d. "e

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    CFC Youth for ChristYouth Camp

    Tal; 1 3 Re8eiAin4 od*s ift3 The 'o7er of the %ol6 &piritExpanded outline

    I. I"TRO$CTIO" 0 Christians Toda8 and 9e%ore

    #.. Christians toda80

    Christians toda8 canHt seem to live as the8 shouldD The8 seem 7ea-6 lac-ing po7er.@!ive e

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    3. !od+s "pirit brings about

    a. 2nion 7ith !od

    hen 7e receive the po7er o% the 1ol8 "pirit6 7e begin a personal and intimaterelationship 7ith !od. !od+s 7ord becomes alive in us as 7e read scripture. ehear 1im spea-ing to us in our hearts and 7e e

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    b. ;

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    /. =!'TI&M CEREMO"Y H 'R!Y O/ER &E&&IO" E'!"!TIO"

    Our purpose tonight is to as- the (ord %or the po7er o% 1is 1ol8 spirit that enables us to live astrue Christians. To do this6 7e 7ill %irst have to come be%ore our (ord6 believe and accept 1imas our personal (ord and "avior and commit our lives to 1im. #%ter this6 7e 7ill pra8 7ith oneanother %or the #aptism of the $oly %pirit.

    #. ;

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    3. Hon7t analy>e the sounds you ma+e.

    In spea-ing or pra8ing in tongues6 just %ocus on the (ord and praise 1im. hatcomes out o% 8our mouth6 and ho7 8ou praise !od is up to 1im.

    4. nitiate.

    !od respects 8ou6 and 7onHt %orce 8ou to praise 1im in tongues. You have to initiatepra8ing in a language 8ou donHt -no76 and then !od 7ill inspire 8ou and give 8ou the7ords to sa8.

    (e.g. =ven if 6od has already inspired you to rite a song, the song ill never "eheard unless you a!tually pi!+2up a guitar, play the tune and rite the ords. n thesame ay, you have to "egin praying in tongues "y first initiating it.)

    K ocus on !od. orship 1im in 8our o7n 7ords.

    K Once 8ouHve run out o% 7ords to 7orship !od6 utter the %irst s8llables thatcomes into 8our mind and use this %or 7orship.

    K ocus on 7orshipping !od and not the 7ords 8ou use to 7orship6 then let!od ta-e control.

    C. CO**IT*;T C;);*OY

    &. #%ter the e

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    'R!YER OF COMMITME"T(As+ parti!ipants to repeat after you.)

    Lord 1esus Christ,0 ant to "elong to you from no on.0 ant to "e free 0 from the dominion ofdar+ness0 and the rule of %atan,0 and ant to enter into your +ingdom0 and "e part of your

    people.0 ill turn aay from all rong doing,0 and ill avoid everything0 that leads me torongdoing.0 as+ you to forgive0 all the sins that have !ommitted0 offer my life to You,0 and

    promise to o"ey you as my Lord.

    4. ;ver8one is then as-ed to be seated6 and 7ait %or their turn to be pra8ed over.

    ('R!Y O/ER &E&&IO")

    /I. CO&I" E%ORT!TIO" @#%ter the 7orshipA#. >i%%erent people di%%erent e

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    Youth Camp

    Tal; 3 ro7in4 in the &piritExpanded outline

    I. I"TRO$CTIO"

    e have heard a lot o% good things in this camp6 !odHs love6 1is salvation6 and received 1is1ol8 "pirit. #ll o% us in one 7a8 or another have e

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    K Young adults are endo7ed 7ith a lot o% talents and energies that o%tentimes arenot tapped %or productive use6 speciall8 in serving !od.

    K e -no7 that given the right motivation and challenges6 7e can be responsibleand productive.

    b. YFC6 just li-e CFC6 is an evangelistic group %or 8oung adults.

    K Our mission is to bring !od to other teenagers.

    K In doing this6 7e develop a sense o% mission. e develop our gi%ts and 7e startto ma-e a real e%%ort to be e%%ective 7itnesses %or the (ord as 7e serve.

    4. "acraments0 Ta-ing #ctive Part in the Church

    In addition to all these tools that 7e could use in our Christian gro7th6 7e should bea7are that another important tool to %urther enhance this gro7th is to participate in thesacraments o% the Church. @attending *ass on "unda8s6 having a regular Con%essionA.

    III. CO"C$&IO"

    !od calls us to live a li%e that is pleasing to 1im. 1e loved us %irst6 1e has alread8 died %or us61e has given us 1is 1ol8 "pirit6 but even more6 1e gives us tools that 7e can use to gro7 inour relationship 7ith 1im. The challenge is le%t to us. . .J7ill 7e respond to that callJ

    eHre not sa8ing that a%ter giving through this 8outh camp6 7eHll be living per%ect Christianlives. eHll be probabl8 %all but itHs standing up that matters most. #%ter all6 itHs %aith%ulness6 notsuccess that !od 7ants.

    !od died %or us. . .o7 itHs time 7e live %or 1im.


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    &/'=: =ither the team leader, or spea+er may !ondu!t the dedi!ation !eremony. 'his portion isdone immediately after the ;6roth 'al+; is given.

    #. J(iving out the Christian li%e is not eas8. e need an environment that can support us inthis. It is in to this that YC 7ould li-e to help.J

    9. J*an8 o% us through !odHs grace6 and 7ith the help o% the brothers and sisters havebeen helped in our commitment to Christ because o% the environment 7e have in YC.e 7ould li-e to invite 8ou to join us 7here 7e can continue support one another.J

    &. irst6 read to the participants the YC "tatement o% Commitment.@Inside the YC I>A

    / #%ter reading the entire Commitment once6 as- the participants to recite theCommitment @8ou ma8 do this b8 reading a line at a time and as-ing them to repeata%ter 8ouA.

    C. "ome participants ma8 %eel discouraged to join YC upon hearing the di%%icult demandso% the "tatement o% Commitment. This happens 7hen living out this commitmentper%ectl8 is perceived to be a prereFuisite in becoming a member. It should be madeclear that the "tatement o% Commitment is simpl8 a goal. To agree 7ith this Commitmentmeans supporting one another as 7e tr8 to achieve this goal.

    The Covenant of a Youth for Christ 4ember

    ) ! believe that ! am special because ! am a son : daughter of *od

    I ill spend time in prayer here !an gro in loving, honoring and serving $im.I ill learn and gro in living out these ideals and prin!iples of my Lord 1esus.I "elieve that my "ody is the temple of the $oly %pirit. ill not dishonor the Lord

    through drun+enness, drugs or immorality.I ill parti!ipate a!tively in the life of my Chur!h.

    1 ! believe that my family is *od+s gift to me

    I ill love, honor and respe!t my parents in spite of hatever state or !ir!umstan!es they are in,I "elieve that my "lood "rothers and sisters are 6od7s gift to me. ill strive to gro

    in unity and understanding toards them.I ill "e a sour!e of healing to hatever "ro+eness, or hurt, my family experien!e.


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    6 ! believe that it is my privilege to be studying ! my school

    I ill sho love and loyalty to the Lord and to my s!hool "y "eing a good student.I ill ta+e responsi"ility in my studies.I ill respe!t s!hool authorities.I ill serve my !lassmates and "uild good relationships in s!hool.

    8 ! believe that ! belong to the bigger family of Youth for Christ

    I ill relate in love and loyalty to the "rothers and sisters from other s!hools, !ities, provin!es, states and !ountries.

    I ill serve the Lord in YFC in hatever ay !an, henever 0 herever the Lord!hooses to !all me.

    I ill follo the dire!tions of my elders and leaders in YFC.

    9 ! believe that *od has a special purpose in allo"ing me to be born : live in this country

    I t is my privilege love, honor and serve my !ountry.I t is my duty to o"ey and respe!t the las and authorities that 6od has pla!ed over me.I t is my responsi"ility to preserve and prote!t the environment.

    >. Presentation o% Participants to Parents and Pra8 Over

    &. #%ter the dedication ceremon8 the spea-er or the team leader presents participants toParents e

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    c. #s- participants to pra8 over their parents. @ollo7 the same %ormat that 7as done7hen the parents pra8ed over their childrenA.

    'R!YER FOR '!RE"T&

    6od has given you to me,0 (Papa and ama or Had and om) 0 as my guides in $ispla!e0 here on earth.0 +no that you love me 0 and in your love 0 you may have !ommittedmista+es 0 that hurt me. 0 forgive you for these.0 ant you to +no0 that love you0 and as+ forforgiveness0 for all the hurts0 have given you.0 ay 6od "less you in everything you do.0 'his

    pray 0 in the name of 1esus Christ0 my Lord and %avior.0 Amen.

    &ote: $ave an appropriate song played at this time. (e.g. 4el!ome to the Family, et!.)

    >. >ialogue 7ith Parents

    &. #s- parents to spend 3' minutes alone 7ith their children.

    a. #s- them to begin the dialogue b8 giving : reading to each other the letters thatthe8 prepared.

    b. #s- them to return %or the 1ol8 *ass.

    /. The 8outh camp ends 7ith the celebration o% the 1ol8 *ass.

    &ote : t is advisa"le to insert a time here the parti!ipants ill "e a"le to share their experien!esin the !amp


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    RE'Y &%EET

    !. FOR YO$" !$T '!RTICI'!TIO" I" C!M' @Please chec- oneA

    I:e grant permission %or our child@renA to attend

    ame o% child@renA #ge

    I:e regret that our 8oung adults cannot attend %or the %ollo7ingreasons0

    =. FOR '!RE"T& ORIE"T!TIO" @Please chec- oneA

    *other and ather 7ill attend

    ather onl8 7ill attend

    *other onl8 7ill attend

    !uardian 7ill attend

    #T1;)H" "I!#T2); *OT1;)H" "I!#T2);

    @over printed nameA @over printed nameA

    !2#)>I#+" "I!#T2);@Over printed name. "tate relationship to participantA

    #ddress0 Tel. 0


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    Cluster H Chapter H !rea 3Youth Camp ate 3

    ame0ic-name0@"urnameA @!iven nameA @m.iA

    #ddress0Telephone 0 9irthda8 0 "chool : !rade or Year level : Course 0

    Other "eminars : )etreats #ttended 0 @e

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    CFC YO$T% FOR C%RI&TYO$T% C!M' C%EC,I&T (1 pa4es)

    Cluster H Chapter H !rea 3Youth Camp ate 3

    #. ;2;0Tel.

    #ddress0@Include map i% neededA 0

    &. Camp ee 0 /. umber o% Participants 03. ood Provisions 0 4. Contact Person 0 Tel.

    9. *#T;)I#("

    &. "ongboo-s:"ongsheets

    =. "ound "8stem

    /. hiteboard 7: mar-er or microphone

    blac-board 7: chal- blan- tapes

    3. )egistration materials0 $. YC Covenant Ids

    In%ormation sheets ,. Youth Camp *anual

    o%%icial receipt and cash bo< &'. 1ol8 9ible

    pentel pens6 ballpens6 paper &&. Cruci%i+s %or participants

    4. irst #id and medicine

    5. 9ell

    . ;mergenc8 (ights

    C. "ervice Team

    Team (eaders 0 Camp "ervants 0 Couple oordinator@sA 0

    "pea-ers0 "harers0Tal- &0 Tal- /0 Tal- 30


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    Tal- 40 Tal- 50

    )egistration Table

    9rothers "isters

    acilitators0 @ratio to participants is &05A

    9o8s0 #ge0 !irls0 #ge0&. &. /. /. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. . . =. =.

    $. $. ,. ,. &'. &'.

    *usic *inistr80

    o% guitars0 "ingers0!uitarist@sA0

    Ge8board 0 OtherInstruments0


    Priest@sA0 ho 7ill pic- up priest0#ddress0Phone 0

    1ol8 *ass0

    Priest@sA0 ho 7ill pic- uppriest0


    Phone 0

    Commentator0 O%%erors0Ist )eading0 /nd )eading0 Collection 9as-et @/A0


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    >. OT1;)"

    &. earest >octor0 Phone 0 #ddress0

    /. urse in Camp0 Phone 0

    /. Program : ;ntertainment ight0


    9on%ire set?up0

    Person in Charge 0 %ire7ood %ood matches

    ;. O) *I""IO T)IP" O(Y

    &. >eparture Cost0 >estination0 Time0 >eparture date0 Terminal0 *eeting place and time0

    /. #rrival to destination >ate0 Time0 Terminal0

    )eceiving : 7elcoming committee0 #ddress E tel.

    3. Itinerar8

    >a8 & >a8 / >a8 3 >a8 4 >a8 5

    >a8 >a8 = >a8 $ >a8 , >a8 &'