Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation...Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption...


Transcript of Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation...Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption...


01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation



INTRODUCTION FROM THE DIRECTOR OF BABUSHKA ADOPTION _______________________________________ 3

GOAL 1: SOCIAL-FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE ELDERLY _______________________________________________5

Financial support ............................................................................................................................................. 5 .......................................................................................................................................................................... Diagram №1. Amount of the paid money to beneficiaries of BA in 2016 ........................................................ .4 Diagram №2. Number of “adopted” babushkas by 31st December each year ................................................ .8 Diagram №3. Number of sponsors by 31st December 2016 ............................................................................. .8 .......................................................................................................................................................................... Social aid ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Humanitarian aid ........................................................................................................................................... 10




Fundraising ................................................................................................................................................... 19 Partner Organizations .................................................................................................................................... 19 Public relations ............................................................................................................................................. 22

THE SUPERVISORY BOARD _______________________________________________________________ _22

FINANCIAL REPORTING ___________________________________________________________________ 22

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation


In 2015, the Ukrainian crisis and worsening of the relationships between Russia and the European Commission very much impacted not only the Kyrgyz economy but Babushka Adoption Foundation. Due to diminished economic opportunity in Russia, Kyrgyzstan saw a large decrease in remittances coming from abroad, resulting in the devaluation of the Kyrgyz Som, and to price increases for staple goods and services. Financial volatility puts increased financial strain of the aged citizens of Kyrgyzstan. The financial crunch makes the support Babushka Adoption (BA) provides to the aged citizens of Kyrgyzstan even more vital to their economic survival and well-being.

As a result of the crises, due to decreasing of donor organizations, supporting the Foundation and due to quitting of sponsors the Foundation found itself in an extreme condition. The number of “adopted babushkas” decreased. Due to the decreased number of adoptions, the amount of the sponsorship money to cover activities of BA, also decreased by 37%-40%. Not to allow increasing deficit in our Foundation, the Board of Babushka Adoption took a decision to cut some positions in the Foundation by the end of the year. In November-December we had to reduce positions of 2 social workers, our Administrator and a driver.

In 2015, BA continued providing its financial and social services for the beneficiaries of BA as well as supporting the Self Help Groups. The details are below in the report. Also BA implemented a couple of project. A more detailed information can be found below.

I would like to cordially thank sponsors, donors, volunteers, and friends of BA for supporting the beneficiaries of BA and BA’s activities, and for sponsors’ commitments and kindness, which helps to save the lives of many needy, lonely, vulnerable seniors in Kyrgyzstan. Your commitment and support is very essential, considering the hardest times in Kyrgyzstan and BA.

May God give you all the best in return for your generosity and for thinking of those who are so vulnerable.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

Babushka Adoption continues to change and improve the lives of the elderly and help them live more dignified and happy lives.

The Babushka Adoption Foundation’s mission is to help improve the lives of the elderly through provision of both social and financial support as well as the promotion of their interests. The following goals and activities were designed and implemented to achieve the ultimate objectives of the organisation.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation



Babushka Adoption Foundation operates a sponsor programme, providing monthly welfare cash transfers from sponsors around the world (Switzerland, Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany, Malta, Kyrgyz Republic and others) to the most vulnerable older people in Bishkek and the rural areas of Batken Oblast. The financial support provided through Babushka Adoption Foundation makes a significant difference to the lives of older people. The majority of older people supported by Babushka Adoption Foundation have no family network to support them financially or socially. Our beneficiaries received between 10-20 Euros per month from their individual sponsors in 2015. There are a number of sponsors at BA who sponsor the babushkas with 10 EUROs a month. However, there are some sponsors who pay 20 EUROs per month per a babushka. The sponsors’ funds were delivered to the beneficiaries on a bimonthly basis.

Below is a diagram with indication of cash payments to babushkas during 2015. The amounts are in Kyrgyz Som. Average exchange rate for 1 EURO was 71.59 Soms, according to the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan.

Diagram №1. Amount of the paid money to beneficiaries of BA in 2016


200 000

400 000

600 000

800 000

1 000 000

1 200 000

1 400 000

1 600 000

1 800 000 23 446 € 1 678 545

17 885 € 1 280 398

18 869 € 1 350 859

19 118 € 1 368 683

19 185 € 1 373 529

20 086 € 1 438 065

8 490 079 Som 118 589 Euro Average exchange rate - 71,5922

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

In order to organize the sponsorship support scheme to beneficiaries and retain or increase the number of sponsors and their beneficiaries, the staff of BA implemented a number of activities.

During the reporting period Babushka Adoption received 174 applications (incl. Batken and Bishkek head office) for financial support from needy older people and assessed the living conditions and needs of 161 candidates for adoption (incl. Batken and Bishkek). 124 elderly people became beneficiaries, 121 beneficiaries left our sponsorship programme due to death or moving in or out of the country. 24 people became new sponsors, 53 sponsors left our sponsorship programme and were substituted by new sponsors. At the end of 2015 BA supported 929 beneficiaries. The staff of Babushka Adoption delivered the money (cash payments) to the recipients personally. Housebound elderly received the sponsors’ money at home. Others, able to walk, came to special meeting points, the so called money distribution places. BA distributed money at 22 such points (In Bishkek there are 11 meeting points, in Batken region 12).

In order to maintain a strong relationship with our sponsors, we communicated news about their adopted babushka(s) and their wellbeing, provided financial reports, and other matters throughout the year. At the end of 2015 we sent all our 521 sponsors New Years letters with their individual financial sponsorship report.

As an important part of the sponsorship program, Babushka Adoption Foundation also works to establish close personal relationships between sponsors and their adopted babushkas, to ease the feelings of loneliness and social isolation among the elderly. The Babushka Adoption team translates letters, helps the beneficiaries to send letters to their sponsors, delivers gifts and additional money from sponsors, and organizes meetings between sponsors and their adopted babushkas. It is truly wonderful when our elderly people have an opportunity to meet their sponsors and speak with them about their life stories. In 2015 we organized 1 meeting between sponsors and their beneficiaries. Summary of Sponsorship Scheme Activity

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

Diagram of sponsors (529) by country, December 31, 2015




Applied for support from Babushka Adoption 174




Social Workers assessed living conditions of 161

Inserted into database, translated profiles of 161

Newly "adopted" 124

Left the sponsorship programme 121

Translated letters for sponsors from 135

Received & delivered parcels from the sponsors 37 Received and passed over additional monetary gifts for Christmas, birthdays, etc. 97

Total number of supported babushkas as of 31.12.2012 929

Attracted new sponsors 24




Left the sponsorship programme/scheme 53

Informed about change of beneficiaries 121

Sent confirmation about receipt of money to 409

Sent request for renewal of sponsorship to 425

Translated letters for babushkas from 68

Arranged meetings with babushkas 1

Exchanged e-mails with sponsors 2460

Total number of sponsors, supporting the babushkas 521

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

Diagram №2. Number of “adopted” babushkas by 31st December each year

Diagram №3. Number of sponsors by 31st December 2016








8 67

179 212

639 695 669

920 1019

924 914 945 963 958 954 977 926

Switzerland; 206; 40%

Danmark; 120; 23%

Kyrgyzstan; 48; 9%

The Netherlands; 28; 6%

Germany; 11; 2%

USA; 6; 1%

Australia; 9; 2%

Others; 86; 17%

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation


In addition to financial support, Babushka Adoption Foundation provides homecare help. Our social workers assist the most vulnerable elderly people through practical services such as grocery shopping, paying bills, assisting with personal hygiene, cleaning their house, etc.

During the year our social workers have regularly provided social support and services to 40 of our beneficiaries in Bishkek. If a beneficiary does not need help of the social worker any more, we rotate our social workers, offering the services to other elderly in need.

Some of our babushkas are also involved in our social care activities. We have 10 babushkas out of our beneficiaries that assist us in distributing money to beneficiaries, who are unable to come to the money collection points. This activity also promotes social interaction among the elderly.

In Sulukta town BA has a center for Older People, run by a social worker. The social worker of Babushka Adoption from the Batken branch office organized the work of the Sulukta Day Center of Babushka Adoption so that all elderly of the city could visit the center daily, plan and implement their activities there and also implement some projects or income generation activities.

Photo of the Center made in autumn 2015, the Board Member of BA Mr. Anders Lundgren visited it

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

BA distributed these donations to its elderly as well as to other needy beneficiaries of our partners.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation



Self Help Groups (SHGs) are a group of pre-pension and pension age people, who work together to implement income generation activities, and participate in advocacy and social activities. Groups consist of 10-15 seniors. SHGs help the elderly take part in tasks that keep them active as well as socializing with other elderly to ward off feelings of loneliness common amongst the elderly.

Babushka Adoption established the first Self Help Groups in 2007. It continues to support the most active Self Help Groups from various rural areas: 4 SHGs in Belovodskoe village of Chui Oblast and 6 SHGs in the Leilek district of Batken Oblast. The groups in Belovodskoe are engaged in flower growing, bee keeping, souvenirs making and sewing. The groups from the Batken region are engaged in sewing. We have 2 groups in Golbo village, 1 group in Toguz Bulak village, 2 groups in Tailan village, 1 group in Ming-Jygach village. The sewing “business” of our groups became successful. Implementing the sewing business, the SHGs from Batken have an established source of income, which allows them to make their contribution to support local initiatives on establishing some infrastructure and take care of the immobile elderly from their communities, following the idea of the social patronage. The Belovodskoe and Batken group members meet regularly to discuss old people’s needs, address the problems of social re-integration, implement income generation activities and participate in community development activities at local level. BA mentors development of the groups and contributes to strengthening of the marketing capacities of the SHGs.

- Participation of the Self Help Groups of BA in fairs exhibitions

Our babushkas from Belovodskoe took part in fairs exhibition(s) organized by Babushka Adoption Foundation with its parnters. One fair took place on the 20th of May during the Action from “Heart to Heart”, held by partners of Babushka Adoption, united to a network, called “Agenet Without Borders”. 4 groups from Belovodskoe sold the handicrafts, souvenirs, flowers made by the elderly. The income received from such sales gives a source of income and a motivation to do more self help/joint activities, producing crafts by their hands. Also at the exhibition fairs our elderly sell indoor flowers, grown by babushkas. Babushka Adoption, while taking part in organizing the action “From Heart to Heart” on the 20th of May and the celebration of the “International Day of Older People” on the 1st October organizes chess tournament for the seniors and provides prizes for the tournament winners. Also BA takes part in organizing the logistics of the events, concerts and etc.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

On December 5th, there was a German Christmas Market, organized by Mr. Anders Lundgren, working in the German Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic and his spouse Mrs. Svetlana Lundgren. It was a charitable event, where some social institutions, located in Bishkek, also presented the handicrafts made by their vulnerable target groups. Our babushkas sold their handicrafts by themselves. The babushkas could earn some money, that helped them to buy some things that they would not be able to buy on their pensions.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

BA always encourages participation of its SHGs in different charitable fairs and exhibitions, as the participation gives our Self Help Group members an opportunity to socialize with other people, show their handicrafts to others and receive an additional source of income.

- Establishing a day center for older people in Batken town

Background for establishing the center. The elderly in Kyrgyzstan are one of the most vulnerable groups of population, as indicated in the Strategy of Social Protection of Population 2015-2017. 52% of the Kyrgyz pensioners receive pensions (retirement allowances) less than 58 EUROs a month. Poverty hits the aged in the first place. As a rule the pensions (retirement allowances) are not enough to cover basic needs, have adequate nutrition, purchase necessary medicines and pay bills for utilities. However, very often the older people are hit by one more acute problem which is social isolation. Due to the small pensions, the Kyrgyz pensioners cannot afford themselves to visit theatres, cinema theatres, museums or other sites. Being pensioned off, the Kyrgyz pensioners usually look after their grandchildren, working full time as nannies if their state of health allows. The only entertainment or activity that they can afford themselves is sitting outside when it is warm, socializing or visiting each other. However, most of the pensioners from the rural areas cannot afford even this. In the rural areas, often there are no benches outside, not to mention any special facilities or infrastructure for the elders. So, the elderly have to sit outside on their feet, when they meet. In some regions of Kyrgyzstan, for example in the Batken region, due to shortage of irrigation and drinking water and low pensions the elderly have no capacities to maintain hygiene. Such minor social problems worsen the situation of poverty among old people.

Taking into account the above mentioned facts, interest from our target group and the local authorities it was decided to establish a day center for older people.

Establishment of the center, renovation and building construction works in the tea house, building a bath house and the toilets consisted of the following steps:

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

1. Preparation stage for the project. It started 2 years earlier with making needs assessment of

the elderly in the Batken town. The assessment made by BA revealed the need of the elderly to have a comfortable, warm place, where they could socialize with each other, organize some community events, implement some community development events, aimed to improve the living of the elderly. As a result of the assessment, negotiations and consultations with the local authorities, it was decided to establish a day center for elderly in an old tea house, in which before two rooms had been used as a place of meeting for veterans, the seniors. The premise was in bad condition. The walls were dirty. In some rooms of the premise instead of the walls there were stones with mud. No floors, no sitting places and not working electricity, not to mention heating. The Dutch Foundation “Elnura” (partner of Babushka Adoption) helped to draft a winning project proposal and found a donor in the Netherlands, the Dutch Foundation “Wild Geese”, which showed interest in supporting the project on establishing a day center for the aged, building toilets and a bath house. When the project started, a Steering Group was established in the town of Batken. It consisted of the local civil society members, the local administration, the local management representatives and BA. The Steering Group was overseeing the process of building construction works and guaranteed that the local authority made its co-financing for the project by providing builders for the building construction works and covering little logistics of the project.

2. Information campaign on the project start. The Director of the Batken Branch office, Mr. Almaz Rakhmanov and the Vice Major of Batken town held an information campaign of the project, explaining the project aims for the elderly.

3. Preparation for building constructions works. An individual company was selected for building construction works as a result of the tender. An engineer was chosen to head the building construction works.

4. The building construction works. The selected company, working together with an engineer, did the internal renovation of the premise, built a house and toilets in time.

5. Furnishing of the center. The necessary equipment and facilities were purchased for the center by Babushka Adoption to make the center a comfortable place to be visited by the elderly daily to enjoy communication and socialization.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

6. Preparation for opening of the center. BA prepared a press release about the event and sent

it to regional and national Mass Media. Regional authorities and the Mayor of Batken town received an invitation from BA to take part in the event. Partners of Babushka Adoption from “Elnura” foundation and a Dutch Honorary Consul showed interest in attending the event. So, due actions were taken to organize participation of the representatives from “Elnura Foundation” and the Dutch Consul in the event. All necessary preparations for opening were also made by the Department of Social Protection of Population of Batken town. It was a partner of BA to establish the center and build the toilet and a bath house.

7. Opening ceremony of the center. Opening ceremony was held with participation of the Dutch Honorary Consul in the Kyrgyz Republic, partners of BA “Elnura” Foundation the Netherlands, who attracted the donor “Wild Geese”, Major of Batken town Mr. Janybek Jalalov.

- Eco bags, produced by babushkas

Babushkas from Belovodskoe village started making ecobags from autumn 2015. BA invited a special trainer, Mr. Dzogoev specializing in training on sewing clothes and bags. Mr. Dzogoev taught the babushkas how to sew ecobags. Babushkas produced 41 bags which were sold by BA. The income from selling bags was split among babushkas. Some part of the income from was used to help develop income generation activities.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

Promotion of the idea of the social patronage

Our shelf-help group members kept on supporting the most needy elderly from their community through the social responsibility concept and took care of the immobile elderly in their communities. Members of the groups from Belovodskoe and the Batken region are taking care of several babushkas. Our SHG members visit the immobile babushkas, helping the housebound babushkas at home and bring foodstuffs. Members of the group “Pushok”-rabbit keepers regularly organize trips to a Belovodskoe elderly hostel to make performances for the elderly.


Babushka Adoption is a member of AgeNet Central Asia without Borders. Together with partner organizations, BA organized the annual charity activity “From Heart to Heart” on May 20th, as well as activities for Elderly People’s Day on 1st of October. As a member of Age Net Central Asia Without Borders, Babushka Adoption took part in the events, round table meetings, conferences organized by the Age Net to protect the rights and interests of older people. BA took part in advocacy events of its partner organizations to protect and promote the rights of the older people on the national level. Also BA took part in the meetings of the Ministry of Social Protection, related to the seniors’ social protection.


Project 50+ implemented by Babushka Adoption and financed by the US Embassy In the Kyrgyz Republic In November 2014 BA won financing from the US Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic to implement an income generation project. The elderly issues: poverty impact on elderly, social isolation, infringement of the elderly rights by age, financial crisis in Kyrgyzstan, weak financial sustainability of BA, have created the prerequisites for developing the given income generation project. BA planned to diversify sources of income by developing social entrepreneurship (SE) at BA. The project was implemented in Bishkek city within one year with the financing of the US Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic. Under current project BA started social entrepreneurship through provision of the paid social services and recruiting. The recruiting service is to help people over 50 years to get employed, by matching at Babushka Adoption interested employers and seniors over 50. Also under the project BA prepared for and started provision of the paid social services to the interested citizens. For the both services BA was supposed to charge a corresponding fee. In the project framework, a database of those, who were looking for jobs, was partially developed. It should contain applicants for jobs, which can be implemented by seniors and which were usually sought among aged citizens, such as: nannies, guards, tutors, teachers, repairmen. The achieved financial benefits will help BA to lay the foundation for financial security, stop “racing” for donors funding, decrease dependence on them and be more focused on lobbying for elderly rights, impacting improvement of the elderly lives on the national level.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

On the other hand the project will fulfill the need of the population in social services. There is a great need in social workers services in Kyrgyzstan. Today 1.000.000 of the Kyrgyz citizens (approximately ¼ of the population) are in Russia, working as guest workers. Their aged parents are left in Kyrgyzstan along with their senile diseases and underage grandchildren. Also there are many elderly of the Slavic nationalities, whose relatives immigrated abroad, having left their elderly relatives due to their age/health conditions. The guest workers and immigrants, whose elderly are in Kyrgystan, could pay for the social workers services, provided that a corresponding social care is provided for their aged relatives. In fact there is a lack of the social workers in Kyrgyzstan and their qualification is rather low. The state social workers receive minimum salaries, therefore, not so many people are willing to do such jobs. Since no agencies, offering such social services exist in Kyrgyzstan, it is hard to find well qualified social workers through advertisements. Those sitters or nurses, who are available through advertisements as a rule do not have the corresponding education/knowledge of peculiarities of work with older people and lack corresponding experience. Besides not so many people will entrust their older parents to the social workers from newspapers. Under this project it is planned to extend a group of the social workers of Babushka Adoption. The social workers of BA, who have been working for BA more than 8 years, can train and consult the newly hired social workers. The social workers will be motivated in the following way. They are supposed to receive the corresponding training, their social fees are to be paid by the Foundation, they will have permanent engagement, permanent jobs. Being included into the database of Babushka Adoption they will be recommended and further motivation methods will be detailed. Finally the project would lay the bases for establishing social entrepreneurship, income generation at Babushka Adoption. The project will be self-sustaining because BA, providing services of matching old age citizens with the employers is going to charge a corresponding fee. The fees will be used towards making the project self supporting. Mechanisms, costs, legal base of the income generation activities of BA were studied and the corresponding papers and procedures were developed to implement the project. Price list for the services was created. A website, promoting our paid services was developed. The website is

FUNDRAISING ACTIVITY Last year BA having developed some project concepts, submitted project proposals to the Dutch Embassy, German Embassy, British Embassy and Swiss Embassy. Out of the 4 different proposals, submitted to four different Embassies, BA got financing from the Swiss Embassy, which kindly financed the project of BA on provision of the socials services for its beneficiaries. We applied to Kumtor, asking to support our activities or adopt babushkas. Kumtor “adopted” 5 babushkas. As a result of the fundraising activities held by Babushka Adoption staff members and the Board of Babushka Adoption, some Kyrgyz credit agencies also adopted babushkas. Website updating and on-line payment system installment. The former website of BA got old, some information was not up to date and the design looked old fashioned. As BA planned to introduce some new functions, making the site more selling, BA developed TORs and announced a competition among local web designing companies. Announcement was held and negotiations with some companies were held. As a result of the tender, a local company “Green Flip Flop” was selected. It was decided that on the new website there should be a system of on-line payments installed. The Director of BA held negotiations with

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

Demir Kyrgyz International Bank. As a result of negotiations the Demir Kyrgyz International Bank gave its permission to connect BA to the on-line payment system free of charge.

Staff reduction

Due to the biggest crisis BA faced last year, the Board had to take a decision to cut the staff of BA, in order to avoid closing of the organization. The Board decided to cut working hours of some staff members and reduce positions of 3 employees. This measure was very painful for the Foundation, its employees and the beneficiaries. However it was a right decision which helped BA to survive.


Babushka Adoption Foundation has sister organizations in Europe that assist in attracting sponsors and facilitate fundraising activities for BA in Europe. Babushka Adoption Association Switzerland and Babushka Adoption Verein Deutschland enable BA to operate local bank accounts for the convenience of Swiss/German sponsors, to consult the sponsors on sponsorship questions and to raise funds for babushkas and Babushka Adoption Foundation.

Association Babushka Adoption in Switzerland In Switzerland there exists an officially registered Association ‘Babushka Adoption Switzerland’. The Association was founded in 2002 to help promote its sister organization ‘Babushka Adoption Foundation Kyrgyzstan’. However, the main reason of establishment of BA Association in Switzerland was to open and operate a bank account in Switzerland, which would guarantee safekeeping of the donations and minimizing transfer fee expenses that would occur while sending money from the European bank to the Kyrgyz bank. Members of BA Association in Switzerland assisted BA Kyrgyzstan to operate a bank account at UBS. They received necessary bank information from the UBS bank and sent it to Kyrgyzstan. When necessary, the members of BAVD transferred the sponsors’ funds to the Kyrgyz Bank account of BA. Subsequently this money was distributed to the beneficiaries of BA. The members of BAV Switzerland helped BA to work with the Swiss sponsors, answering their questions or helping to organize transfer. Members of BA Switzerland promoted our Foundation in Switzerland. Association Babushka Adoption Germany BA Germany was officially registered in 2008. This organization was opened to pursue the same goals as in case with BA Association in Switzerland; to help promote its sister organization from Kyrgyzstan and to open and operate a bank account in Germany, and to credibility to Babushka Adoption Association Germany. The existence of a German Association Babushka Adoption gives more chances for success while we are looking for donors and sponsors. After establishing an Association we opened a bank account. Members of the Board of BA Association Germany opened a bank account in Germany. We opened the bank account to avoid paying high charges for transferring money from a German/European Bank to a Kyrgyz bank as transfers are very expensive. Lowering costs saves BA money as well as making donating more attractive for prospective donors.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

In 2015 we elected a new Head of Babushka Adooption Verein Duetschland. Ms. Eliza Mandieva, a Kyrgyz citizen, living and working in Germany showed interest in running the German Association, being in charge of the activities prescribed by the Statute of the German Association. Eliza was recommended by a member of Babushka Adoption Association Germany, Professor Vera de Hessele. Ms. Eliza Mandieva showed interest in volunteering for BA in order to be connected with her Motherland. Eliza implemented a number of activities during the reporting year as well. In 2015, the head of BA had to reopen a bank account at another bank due to reelection of the Head of Babushka Adoption. She operated our bank account, organized transfer of the funds to Kyrgyzstan, kept accounting of our funds, and kept constant contact with the Babushka Adoption Foundation. In addition to operating our German bank account, Mrs. Eliza Mandieva promoted BA in Germany. During the year she worked as a contact point/person for the German sponsors of Babushka Adoption, clarifying information about how to become a sponsor, how to arrange a transfer, etc. She provided tax exemption papers to all German sponsors throughout the year.

It should be noted that all the work implemented by our partner organizations is done voluntarily to help improve the lives of the elderly people from Kyrgyzstan.

Babushka Adoption Foundation partners with Elnura Foundation ( in the Netherlands. Elnura Foundation helps to attract new BA sponsors from the Netherlands and draws attention to the plight of the elderly in Kyrgyzstan. Also “Elnura” Foundation is an information point for all its Dutch sponsors. “Elnura” Foundation organizes transfer of the Dutch sponsorship money to Bishkek. In 2015 Babushka Adoption together with Elnura Foundation implemented a project on establishing a day center, including building of a toilet and a bath. Earlier Members of Elnura submitted a winning project Proposal to Wild Geese. Members of Elnura Foundation were in Kyrgyzstan in September 2015 to open our center.

We are very thankful to friends of BA and our partners for their great contribution in favor of all elderly in Kyrgyzstan.

Partnership with AgeNet-Central Asia without Borders.

Babushka Adoption is a member of AgeNet - Central Asia without Borders. This regional network consists of 35 social protection organizations from CIS countries, such as Resource Centre for the Elderly, HelpAge International, Public Association of Social Protection of the Population, Adventist Development and Reelief Agency Kyrgyzstan. BA keeps partnership with the above mentioned organizations.


We had a volunteer by name Doris Bielser from Switzerland. She helped to design some information stuffs of BA. She made design of some papers and documents.

We worked with volunteers from the Peace Corps, Ryan McCarthy and Kelly Oberlin who showed interest in helping BA with editing texts, doing translations, suggesting on fundraising. They did a

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

great job to develop BA Foundation. The American volunteers suggested how to organize fundraising both in Kyrgyzstan and the USA.

Exploring income generation activities, making different assessments, diversification of the sources of income

BA was influenced by many external and internal factors, which resulted in a lack of donor financing for BA. 2015 saw BA making different assessments and investigations, receiving consultations for exploring new business ideas for long-term revenue. Following the investigation and consultation results it was decided by the management of BA that from 2015 BA would provide paid social-psychological for the population we serve. It was also decided that BA could generate income through creating and offering a database of all people over 50 years old, looking, but having difficulties securing a job. The elderly often have trouble finding work due to their lack of Internet skills. BA will create and promote a database, containing tutors, gardeners, and nannies. BA hopes the database will help employ people 50 years or older. BA will charge a small fee to employers when a match is made. This will be another source of income for the Foundation. One more source of income for BA foundation could be through promotion sales of the Self Help Group items and getting 1 USD from sale of each item, which will be spent for sponsorship of the beneficiaries of BA.


Babushka Adoption continued working on promotion of PR of the Foundation. We aim to promote the group in order to involve new sponsors for support of the needy elderly. We promoted the work of BA via social networks (via the local forum Diesel and Facebook).

There were several media reports during the year about Babushka Adoption Foundation and its beneficiaries in local media.

There were some publications on:

Newspaper in Hammelburg town “Saale Zeitung” 15th July 2015 23.09.2015

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation 23.09.2015Вечерний Бишкек 28.09.2015 он лайн версия 2.10.2015 в газетной версии 2.10.2015 on 25.09.2015


BA submitted 3 project proposals to different organizations. 1 project was supported one by the Swiss Embassy.


The Supervisory Board is the managing and supervising body of Babushka Adoption Foundation established in order to carry out internal supervision of BA activities. The Supervisory Board, consisting of the respected members of the international development community and Kyrgyz citizens, continued to oversee Babushka Adoption Foundation’s activities and bolster the credibility of the organization. In 2015 the Board met quarterly.

In addition to Board meetings the Chairman held regular monthly management meetings with Babushka Adoption Foundation Director, Mrs. Aidai Kadyrova, to exchange information and provide advice and consultations. In 2015 the Board was joined by Mr. Anders Lundgren, the Deputy Ambassador of the German Embassy. Members: Mr Jonathon Hornbrook (Chair) Mr Markus Müller Mrs. Elena Yun Mr. Anders Lundgren

Mrs Djamilya Tchukurova Mr. Maksat Abdykaparovr Mrs. Elizabeth Katz


The Babushka Adoption accounts and keeps its financial management according to the International Standards of Accounting, in accounting programme I S. Babushka Adoption and its employees regularly report to and make payments to the social fund and tax inspection. In the beginning of each year BA holds an annual financial audit which is available in the office of BA.

Yearly report 2015 – Babushka Adoption Foundation

The Board of Babushka Adoption approves the annual budget and tracks budget execution. Babushka Adoption Foundation makes information about its financial activity available to our donors and sponsors, and for those who are interested in BA activities