Year 8 Progress Booklet

Key Stage 3 Year 8 SUCCESS FOR ALL The Jo Richardson Community School My Progress in MUSIC Name Class Group


Year 8 Progress Booklet

Transcript of Year 8 Progress Booklet

Page 1: Year 8 Progress Booklet

Key Stage 3 – Year 8


The Jo Richardson Community School

My Progress in


Name Class Group

Page 2: Year 8 Progress Booklet

Contents Page

User Guide 1

Assessment Tracker 2

Scheme of Work Overview 3

Unit 6 Band Work Self Assessment 4

Unit 6 Band Work Listening Activity 5

Unit 7 Pitch & Scales Self Assessment 6

Unit 7 Pitch & Scales Listening Task 7

Autumn Term Target Setting 8

Unit 8 Indian Music Self Assessment 9

Unit 8 Indian Music Listening Task 10

Unit 9 Minimalist Music Self Assessment 11

Unit 9 Minimalist Music Listening Task 12

Spring Term Target Setting 13

Unit 10 Film Music Self Assessment 14

Unit 10 Film Music Listening Task 15

Summer Term Target Setting 16

Targets & PLTS 17

National Curriculum Levels 18

Page 3: Year 8 Progress Booklet

User Guide

1. Use this booklet to monitor and evaluate your progress in Music this year.

2. Be honest with your EFFORT.

3. Think carefully about the TARGETS you set yourself.

4. Your Music teacher will record your ATTAINMENT levels and EFFORT in this booklet.

5. At the back of the booklet there is an explanation of the levels

6. Do not deface this booklet in any way.

Your ATTAINMENT made easy…

1 Well above expectation / Exceptional work

2 Working beyond the expected level

3 Working at the expected level with confidence

4 Working at the expected level with support

5 Working towards the expected level


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Tracking my progress in music…

AF1 - Understanding the nature

of music AF2 - Communicating through

creative music making AF3 - Evaluating and informing


Through performing, composing and listening to their own and other’ music, Pupils:

Demonstrating musicality through performing, composing and listening, Pupils:

Through performing, composing and listening to music, Pupils:

L6 Identify how and why music is created and realised in different ways in a range of styles, genres and traditions

Identify and explore how music reflects different cultural contexts

Make subtle adjustments to fit your own part in a group performance to improve the overall quality

Develop and sustain musical ideas when improvising and creating music to achieve intended outcomes

Choose appropriate ways of creating and realising music in different styles, genres and traditions

Evaluate the impacts of different styles, genres and traditions in your own and others’ work

Analyze and explain how pieces of music reflect their contexts and origins

Improve your own and others’ work in relation to its intended purpose and functions

L5 Identify and explore how and why musical devices are used in arrange of music

Identify and explore how venue, occasion and purpose affect the way music is created, performed and heard

Make a significant contribution when improvising and performing in a group

Take different roles within performing and composing activities

Compose music for a specific purpose making use of appropriate musical devices

Justify the musical devices selected to convey ideas in your own and others’ work

Identify and evaluate the use of musical devices in context

Refine and improve your work, taking account of venue, occasion and purpose

L4 Show how musical ideas relate to each other within musical structures and how different parts fit together

Show how music reflects intentions

Sing and play music in parts with a sense of ensemble

Develop melodic and rhythmic ideas within musical structures

Combine musical elements to achieve intentions

Perform by ear and from simple notations

Explain how different elements have been combined to achieve intentions

Evaluate how well your composing and performing intentions have been achieved and suggest improvements

L3 Show how sounds are combined and used expressively

Show how to use sound to create an intended effect

Sing in tune with expression

Perform simple parts with awareness of the combined effect

Structure and layer sounds to create intended effects

Identify the effects achieved when musical elements are combined

Improve your work, taking account of intended effects

Band Work end of unit assessment

Pitch & Scales end of unit assessment

Indian Music end of unit assessment

Minimalist Music end of unit assessment

Film Music end of unit assessment

Extended Homework Mark

Music Exam Mark


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What you will learn in Music In Year 8 you will be covering the following topics in your music lessons:

Topic Length Content

Band Work 6 weeks In this module you will have the opportunity to work in a whole class band to further develop your ensemble skills. Explore the role of different members in a band performing different parts of a popular song as well as learn about popular song structure, chords patterns, rhythms sections, melodies and bass line.

Pitch & Scales 6 weeks Explore pitch and scales in music and learn how composers use particular groups of notes to create a particular mood or intended effect. You will have the opportunity to work in small groups to create your own compositions based on a choice of four scales including, minor and whole tone scales.

Indian Music 6 weeks An introduction to the classical music of North India. Learn how the music is made up and how it plays an important role in a spiritual, social, historical and cultural context. Compose and perform original pieces based on Indian musical ideas on a variety of instruments.

Minimalist Music 6 weeks Study the work of leading composers of today, including Philip Glass and Steve Reich. Explore in whole class workshops key features of minimalist music, such as phase-shifting, transformation and interlocking patterns. Apply your knowledge, skills and understanding of minimalist music to compose your own pieces using music technology.

Film Music 6 weeks Develop an understanding of the importance of music in a film. Learn how to compose music for a particular scene or film genre using music technology, demonstrating an awareness of how music elements and devices are used to create a particular mood or intended effect. Learn to write about music heard; appraising your own and others work.

End of Year Review

1) Which topic did you enjoy the most?


2) What other topics would you like to explore?



Page 6: Year 8 Progress Booklet

Unit 8 Indian Music – Self Assessment

Circle the number which best describes the following skills: Remember 1 is high, 5 is low Evidence

Understand the social and spiritual importance of Classical Indian Music

1 2 3 4 5

Playing an independent part within an ensemble

1 2 3 4 5

Improvise and explore notes from a particular scale or raga

1 2 3 4 5

Make decisions that affect the success of your contribution

1 2 3 4 5

Work well with others making positive contribution

1 2 3 4 5

Our class performance…

1) Did our class performance contain An alap and gat YES NO

An improvisation YES NO

2) Describe how the performance started:

3) What was good about the class performance? (give reasons)

4) How could the class performance be improved?


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Unit 8 Indian Music – Listening Task Structure in Indian Classical Music: 1) You will hear 3 different sections of a piece of Indian Classical music. Match each

section to the description (draw a line connecting the two):

section description


Introduction of the raga through improvisation


An exciting conclusion, fast driving tempo


The tala is introduced on the tabla

2) Listen to the sections again, but this time in the order you would expect to hear them in a piece of Indian Classical music. Write out the correct order below:

Influences of Indian Classical Music: 3) Describe the two pieces of music you hear. How have they been influenced by the

music of India?











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Unit 6 Band Work – Self Assessment

Stand by Me by Ben E King Circle the number which best describes the following skills: (Remember 1 is high, 5 is low)

1) Work well with others making positive contribution

1 2 3 4 5

2) Playing an independent part within an ensemble

1 2 3 4 5

3) Perform showing an awareness of others, balance and tempo

1 2 3 4 5

4) Make decisions that affect the success of the ensemble performance

1 2 3 4 5

5) Perform different parts from simple music notation

1 2 3 4 5

Our group performance…

6) I played/sung the (instrument/voice)

I played/sung the (part)

7) What was good about your personal performance:

8) Give your own performance a level (circle) 1 2 3 4 5

8) The best things about our class performance were:





Page 9: Year 8 Progress Booklet

Unit 6 Band Work – Listening Task

You will hear 2 versions of the same piece of music. In the table below describe the two pieces and show anything that is the same: Think about the following...

1. Can you identify the instruments used? 2. How are the musical ideas organised? 3. Describe the tempo of each piece? Does it change? 4. Describe the dynamics (volume) of each piece. 5. Can you describe the voices and use of voices? 6. What are the styles of each piece?

Piece No.1 Piece No.2

Description Description


Which version do you prefer? Give 3 musical reasons…





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Target Setting – Autumn Term

Circle the number which best describes the following. Remember 1 is high, 5 is low.

How good has my behaviour been 1 2 3 4 5

My participation has been 1 2 3 4 5

How well have I worked with others 1 2 3 4 5

How well have I worked on my own 1 2 3 4 5

How well have I used my time 1 2 3 4 5

I listened to the teacher 1 2 3 4 5

Tick the sentence which best describes your effort for the

Autumn Term.

1 I have been hardworking and enthusiastic

2 I have made good effort most of the time

3 I have usually made satisfactory effort

4 I have occasionally made some effort

5 I need to make more effort

Write a target that you would like to achieve in your music lessons.

How will you achieve this target?

Teacher Awarded Effort Grade


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Unit 7 Pitch & Scales – Self Assessment

Our group composition…

What scale or scales did your group chose?

What instruments did your group use?

Name of group member Instrument Role

Describe the part that you played. You may choose to use some of the following words:



Bass line

Improvised solo



What was good about your personal performance?

What was good about your groups’ composition?

How could your groups’ composition have been improved?


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Unit 7 Pitch & Scales – Listening Task Study the following score outline.

1) What scale is this piece based on? Dorian Pentatonic Whole Tone

2) Name the melodic instruments at A B and C (write your answer in the boxes)

3) Name the other instrument you can hear in this piece:

4) Describe the tempo at C:

5) Give the meaning of the term rit at D:








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Unit 9 Minimalist Music – Self Assessment

Whole class minimalist workshops…

1) Describe each whole class workshop; your contribution and personal performance. How successful was the intended effect?

Phase Shifting


1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5

Describe how you worked when composing your own minimalist piece of music. You can use words from the box at the bottom to help.

2) The task was to

3) This is how we used the following elements and techniques:





4) What was the most successful part of your composition and why?

5) What would you do to improve your minimalist composition?

Pitch Repetition Melodic Motif Phase Shift Looping Layers

Transformation Polyrhythms Dynamics Timbre Interlocking


Page 14: Year 8 Progress Booklet

Unit 9 Minimalist Music – Listening Task

Lemon Jelly Elements Lemon Jelly, Fred Deakin and Nick Franglen are a British electronic music duo from London, formed in 1998. Their album Lost Horizons was nominated for the 2003 Mercury Prize as well as “Best Dance Act” in the BRIT Awards. In 2008 the duo split and have not worked together since. Listen carefully to this piece, and answer the questions below:

1) What is the correct shape of the repeated pattern heard at the beginning? (circle your answer)

1 2 3

2) How many times is this pattern heard before the voice enters?

(circle your answer)

3 times 4 times 5 times 6 times 3) Describe the new layers that are added to the texture as the piece goes

on. (write your answers in the spaces below)

1. Instrument / sound

Description of the music it plays

2. Instrument / sound

Description of the music it plays

3. Instrument / sound

Description of the music it plays

4. Instrument / sound

Description of the music it plays


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Target Setting – Spring Term

Circle the number which best describes the following. Remember 1 is high, 5 is low.

How good has my behaviour been 1 2 3 4 5

My participation has been 1 2 3 4 5

How well have I worked with others 1 2 3 4 5

How well have I worked on my own 1 2 3 4 5

How well have I used my time 1 2 3 4 5

I listened to the teacher 1 2 3 4 5

Tick the sentence which best describes your effort for the

Autumn Term.

1 I have been hardworking and enthusiastic

2 I have made good effort most of the time

3 I have usually made satisfactory effort

4 I have occasionally made some effort

5 I need to make more effort

Write a target that you would like to achieve in your music lessons.

How will you achieve this target?

Teacher Awarded effort Grade



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Unit 10 Film Music – Self Assessment

Circle the number which best describes the following skills: Remember 1 is high, 5 is low Evidence

To understand how music in a film supports and enhances the story line

1 2 3 4 5

Compose music for a film using music technology

1 2 3 4 5

Combine musical elements to create an intended effect or mood

1 2 3 4 5

Make decisions that affect the success of the composition

1 2 3 4 5

Work well with others making positive contribution

1 2 3 4 5

My Film Music composition… 1. What was the most successful part of your composition and why?

2. What would you do to improve your film music composition?

3. Describe how you used the following musical elements in your piece: -






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Unit 10 Film Music – Listening Task

Doc Ock Suite by Danny Robert “Danny” Elfman Danny Elfam is a very successful American film composer. He is famous for creating the main title theme for The Simpsons. He has worked closely with the Director Tim Burton on movies such as Batman, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland.

1) Describe the mood the composer is trying to create in this piece.

2) Describe how the composer has used the following musical elements:






3) Describe the ending of this extract

Main Doc Ock Theme / Motif


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Target Setting – Summer Term

Circle the number which best describes the following. Remember 1 is high, 5 is low.

How good has my behaviour been 1 2 3 4 5

My participation has been 1 2 3 4 5

How well have I worked with others 1 2 3 4 5

How well have I worked on my own 1 2 3 4 5

How well have I used my time 1 2 3 4 5

I listened to the teacher 1 2 3 4 5

Tick the sentence which best describes your effort for the

Autumn Term.

1 I have been hardworking and enthusiastic

2 I have made good effort most of the time

3 I have usually made satisfactory effort

4 I have occasionally made some effort

5 I need to make more effort

Write a target that you would like to achieve in your music lessons.

How will you achieve this target?

Teacher Awarded Effort Grade


Page 19: Year 8 Progress Booklet


Personal Learning & Thinking Skills

Independent enquirers

Creative thinkers

Reflective learners

Team workers


Effective participators

1. Generate and explore

ideas / possibilities 2. Try out alternatives 3. Adapt ideas as

circumstances change 4. Connect own and

others’ ideas in inventive ways

1. Collaborate with others

to achieve common goals and targets

2. Reach agreement and manage discussion

3. Show fairness and consideration to others

4. Contribute positively and constructively

1. Discuss and share

ideas / possibilities 2. Propose practical ways

forward 3. Identify improvements 4. Perform and present

ideas justify outcomes

A Concentrate and listen to teachers instructions

B Listen to the contributions of others in the group

C Be involved in all musical activities

D Work with a variety of people

E Take a lead when working and performing with others

F Be confident when sharing work

G Support other performers by remaining quiet

H Improve concentration during rehearsal time

I Make the most of practice time, be organised and focused

J Develop good performance skills on a variety of instruments

K Perform from different types of written music and from memory

L Listen to and talk about lots of different types of music

M Develop and use a wide range of music words

N React positively to other peoples suggestions and ideas

O Explore musical ideas and try them out in your own work

P Make positive comments about the work of others

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National Curriculum Levels

Your National Curriculum Targets

My End of Year National Curriculum Target Grade

My Actual End of Year National Curriculum Grade

Level 7

identify and explore music from different styles, genres and traditions recognising musical conventions and influences

perform in different styles making positive and significant contribution to ensemble and use of relevant notations.

compose pieces in different styles, genres and traditions developing and extending musical ideas within given or chosen structures

Level 6

perform confidently, with expression

make adjustments to their own part within a group performance

improvise/compose in different styles and for different purposes

use relevant notations to plan, revise and refine material

analyse, compare and evaluate music, with an awareness of context & occasion

make improvements to their own and others' work in the light of the chosen style.

Level 5

perform significant parts, with an awareness of how they fit with others

improvise freely (within given structures)

compose music to a given brief

make use of various notations

analyse and compare musical features in a variety of music’s

understand how venue, occasion and purpose affects music refine and improve their own work.

Level 4

perform with others, keeping to their own part

improvise phrases within a group performance

compose by developing ideas (within a given framework)

understand various notations and their uses

analyse and compare music, using musical language

suggest improvements to their own and others' work.

Level 3

identify and explore music from different styles, genres and traditions recognising musical conventions and influences

perform in different styles making positive and significant contribution to ensemble and use of relevant notations.

compose pieces in different styles, genres and traditions developing and extending musical ideas within given or chosen structures