Year 4 Spelling

Year 4 Spelling

Transcript of Year 4 Spelling

Year 4 Spelling

Week 4 Spelling Grid

Book Review – Monday Week 4

Book Review by (Your name here)

Title: (Name of book here)

Author: (Name of Author here)

What It Was About (Summary here – Don’t give too much away!)

Pros: (What you liked goes here)

Cons: (What you disliked goes here)

My Final Rating Draw stars to rate your book our

of 5.

Monday Week 4 - Book Cover Activity

New Book Cover

Task: Create a new front cover for the book you read.

Writing – Monday Week 4

A Sizzling Start needs to make the reader curious and interested so that they

want to keep reading.

A great way to do this in informative writing is to look for a fascinating fact,

then team up that fact with one of the Sizzling Start techniques as shown in

the following exemplars.

Writing – Monday Week 4

Write your Sizzling Start below:

Week 4 Number Talks

Stage 2 Monday 2nd August

Learning Intention: We are learning to identify number patterns and explain their rules.

Success Criteria: I can:

● Identify number patterns

● Use mathematical language to explain patterns

What do you notice about this pattern?

Some questions to help you get started:

Is this pattern increasing or decreasing?

What are some number patterns you could write to go with this image?

What might come next in the pattern?

How do you know this, what is the rule?

Record your responses below:

Year 4 Maths

Monday 2nd August

Hint: Is your pattern increasing or decreasing? What is the difference between the


Task: Create two of your own number patterns. You may choose to use numbers or images like the number talk to create

your number patterns. Make sure you explain what the rule is for each


Pattern 1:


Pattern 2:


Personal DevelopmentHealth & Physical Education

We are learning to perform

sequences using locomotor

and non-locomotor skills

What are locomotor movements and non-

locomotor movements?

Locomotor movements: The act or power of moving from

place to place

Non-locomotor movements: Movements of the body

where one or more parts maintain in contact with the ground

Try these movements below and then in the box next to them label whether they are

locomotor or non-locomotor movements.

Time to practice some locomotor and non-locomotor movements

Walk around the room in a circle

Balance on the spot on one foot

Leap across the room from side to side

Bend and touch your toes and reach for the sky

(x 3 times)

Think of an animal and move like it would. What animal did you choose?

Think about animals that have locomotor and non-locomotor skills. Fill in

the table below.

Locomotor Animals Non- Locomotor Animals

Task: Create a dance sequence to the music in the video that includes

both locomotor and non-locomotor movements.

PDH – Monday Week 4

People Reason

How would you feel about trusting someone you didn’t know? Why?

PDH – Monday Week 4

Task: Complete the ‘My Support Network of Adults’ sheet, hand template.

Worksheet: My support network of adults

Hand template