XODUS (3 Chapter Sample)

P PROLOGUE TWO MONTHS EARLIER 1 S HE HESITATED IN THE DOORWAY, GLANCING over her shoulder one last time. The soft blue-green glow of the moon made the room look ethereal, almost dreamlike, as if any minute she might wake to find she didn’t have to leave. Hints of silver shimmered along the bed, high- lighting the rhythmic rise and fall of her husband’s chest. For once, his snoring was a welcome sound. She knew she would miss it. Her grip tightened around the duffel bag’s rough handle. You have to go, she reminded herself. It’s the only way to keep them safe. Clutching at the ache in her womb, she pictured her five children sleeping peacefully in their rooms. The ripped paper on the desk said what she’d never get to say to them: I love you all. I’m so sorry.


The first time it happened, Lali Yavari told herself it was just a dream. But when she starts flashing between realities during the day and seeing people disappear before her very eyes, she can't deny that something is happening to her—something she's sure is linked to her mother's disappearance.Then the unsettling Kai Awana shows up at school, and Lali discovers she has inherited her mother's ability to astral project—with a surprising twist. Not only that, but Kai needs her help to get to a world she never knew existed. In exchange, Kai promises to help Lali find her mom using his own unique ability.Now Lali must learn to control her budding power if she ever hopes to see her mother again. She's not sure she can trust Kai, but with her mother's life hanging in the balance, will she have a choice?

Transcript of XODUS (3 Chapter Sample)

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SHE HESITATED IN THE DOORWAY, GLANCING over her shoulder one last time. The soft blue-green glow of the moon made the room look ethereal, almost

dreamlike, as if any minute she might wake to find she didn’t have to leave. Hints of silver shimmered along the bed, high-lighting the rhythmic rise and fall of her husband’s chest. For once, his snoring was a welcome sound. She knew she would miss it.

Her grip tightened around the duffel bag’s rough handle. You have to go, she reminded herself. It’s the only way to keep them safe. Clutching at the ache in her womb, she pictured her five children sleeping peacefully in their rooms. The ripped paper on the desk said what she’d never get to say to them: I love you all. I’m so sorry.

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“Forgive me,” she whispered, letting the tears fall as she stepped through the door.

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I STARED AT THE NEON NUMBERS ON MY ALARM clock until my eyes went blurry. Two minutes. She still has two minutes. The glowing digits taunted me through the

darkness, callous reminders that the odds of Mom showing up were dwindling by the second. Not that they were all that great in the first place; I hadn’t heard from her in two months.

A gust of frosty air blew into the room, and I pulled my comforter tighter around my shoulders. Even in my thick flan-nel pajamas, I was shivering. Like a crazy person, I’d cracked open the window on a freezing February night. All the cars had stopped passing by hours ago, but I still listened for the crunch of gravel in our driveway, the jingle of Mom’s keys in the door.

Just in case.My sheer curtains fluttered in the breeze, revealing tangled

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silhouettes of trees outside the window. Their leafless branch-es formed a tattered black net across the inky sky. Clusters of stars poked through the gaps like the stubborn bits of hope fighting through my doubt. She’s coming, they insisted. She wouldn’t break tradition.

I wanted to believe it. Even though part of me still hated my mother for leaving without so much as a good-bye—because that lame two-sentence note she left did not count as a good-bye—a bigger, more pathetic part of me longed to see her burst through my door the moment the clock struck twelve. It was our birthday-eve tradition. Ever since I could remember, she’d popped in at exactly midnight to throw her crappy homemade confetti at me and shimmy around the room with her annoy-ing little paper roll-up horn.

The scene was so familiar I could play it in my mind like a movie. I could see her espresso-colored bob swaying along her chin, hear the deep belly laugh she let out whenever she caught me rolling my eyes at her ridiculous dance moves. She’d always been here for this moment. Yet here I was, seconds away from officially turning sixteen, and she was nowhere to be found.

I tucked a dark drape of hair behind my ear and glanced at the clock again. 11:59. This is it. If she didn’t show up tonight, she wasn’t coming back. Ever.

The thought was like a fist in my gut. I bit down on my tongue and held back the moisture building behind my eyes. I’d nearly mastered that skill over the last couple months. I’d had to. Dad was hanging on by a thread, and my younger sib-lings didn’t need an emotional wreck of a big sister on top of everything else.

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They also don’t need a delusional big sister. Common sense told me Mom wasn’t coming. I knew holding on like this was stu-pid, but I couldn’t help it. It was all I had.

The floor creaked on the other side of my door, and my heart jumped into my throat. Flinging the blanket aside, I leapt off the bed. The wood floor was like ice against my thin socks as I raced to the door and yanked it open. “Mom! You—”

My voice cut off when I saw the enormous figure in the hall. A man at least seven feet tall with shoulders twice the size of mine stood inches away, dressed all in black. The moon cast a silver glow along the left side of his face, illuminating a jagged scar running down his cheek and half of a murderous glare.

All the air rushed out of my lungs. I stumbled backward, trying to force out a scream. Fear choked off the sound and kept me bolted in place. I couldn’t help but imagine the man robbing us at gunpoint. I dared a glance at his hands.

No weapon. Maybe I had a chance.The man lurched to the side. His movement set my brain in

motion, and I whirled around to yank the lamp off my night-stand. The cord popped as it snapped out of the socket and slapped against the doorframe. Snatching it with my free hand, I charged forward, wielding the lamp like a battle axe.

I stopped short just outside my room. He was gone. The dark hall was empty. All the doors were closed. Everything was eerily quiet, except for the sound of my own heavy breathing.

I rushed over to the railing in front of me and scanned our moonlit living room from above. The man wasn’t there, either. Everything was in place.

My mouth fell open as I stepped back. I’d only turned for

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a second. There was no way he could have gotten down the stairs that fast, and I would have heard him open and close one of the doors upstairs.

So where was he?I started to call for Dad but thought better of it. The room

closest to mine belonged to my youngest sister, Salaxia. I couldn’t risk her coming out here with some intruder waiting to pounce. My eyes fell on her bedroom door. Could that man have slipped inside her room without my noticing? What if he was in there now?

Terror closed around me like a giant fist. I dashed toward Salaxia’s room, tightening my grip on the lamp as I moved. The man’s horrifying face flashed into my mind, and my stomach clenched. If he hurt my sister…

A jolt of electricity stopped me dead in my tracks. The sound of a thousand hornets exploded into the air. My body went rigid, and my eyes clenched shut against my will. I felt myself shaking violently, every part of me suddenly out of my control.

The buzzing grew louder, drowning out the jumbled thoughts colliding in my mind. I tried to cover my ears, but I couldn’t move my hands—I couldn’t move anything. The deaf-ening roar zapped all my strength, swallowed all my senses, consumed everything. It vibrated inside my skull until it felt like my head might explode.

Then, all at once, it stopped.I cried out in relief. Everything was still black, and my body

felt numb as I strained to see.“I don’t know anything else!” a woman’s voice shouted.

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I jumped back in surprise. Where did she come from? She sounded like she was right in front of me.

“Who’s there?” I wheezed, looking blindly toward the voice.A bright light flooded my eyes, and I instinctively raised my

arm to shield them. Blurry outlines shifted into view. Though I couldn’t see the details of the room, I could tell I wasn’t in my hallway anymore. A fresh wave of panic surged through me. Where was I?

Blinking furiously, I fought to make out my surroundings. The haze over my eyes lifted, and the scene slowly came into focus. Just in front of me was a massive man towering over a woman with long red hair.

I staggered back, nearly falling. It was him—the man I’d seen outside my room. His scar was clearly visible now, a warped white earthworm shape running from his flared nostril to the sharp point of his cheekbone. He wore the same dark clothes and lethal expression, except this time it was directed at the woman he had pinned against a glass table.

My eyes shot around the unfamiliar space. It was an expen-sive-looking home, with bright white walls and an L-shaped granite counter between the living room and where we stood. I grasped for some memory, but I was sure I’d never seen it be-fore, and I had no idea how I’d gotten here. The man with the scar must’ve knocked me out somehow and brought me to this place. But why? What did he want with me?

He slammed his fist on the table, making the silverware clatter, and the woman and I both jumped.

“Don’t lie to me!” he bellowed. He lowered his head until his hooked nose almost touched the freckles on hers. “Don’t make

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me hurt you.”She clung to the edge of the table and cowered away from

him, her hair spilling over her shoulders and pooling along the bamboo place mat between her hands. She wasn’t short, but she looked tiny and helpless compared to him, especially in her baby blue sundress. I had to do something.

“Leave her alone!” I yelled. I immediately regretted my out-burst. The man was built like a linebacker and could probably crush me like a bug. Still, I couldn’t just let him assault her. Maybe the two of us could take him down together.

I stepped back, waiting for him to lumber after me, but he didn’t even flinch in my direction. Neither did she. They stayed locked in their stare down as if they had no idea I was here.

They hadn’t responded to me before, either. Was it possible they couldn’t see me? I looked down at my body. It was just as visible as theirs. Why weren’t they aware of me?

“None of us have spoken in nearly fifteen years,” the woman gasped. “I can’t—”

“Do you think I’m a fool?” The man’s hand flew up and yanked down her bottom lip, revealing a strange black X-like tattoo. “I know this symbol links all of you.”

I gaped at the mark. The shape was like a crooked plus sign with curves where the inner right angles should have been. It was haunting, almost cult-like. Who were these people?

She pulled away, and her lip snapped back into place. Her pale skin showed a pink mark where his thumb had been.

“It doesn’t work like that,” she said.The man’s pea-colored eyes bored into her pale blue ones.

In a quick burst of motion, he snatched her arm with one hand

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and grabbed something at his hip with the other. There was a flash of black, and I watched in horror as he pressed a gun to her temple. “I’ve waited too long for this,” he growled. “You will tell me where they are.”

A visible gulp moved down her throat, and it took all my strength not to run. Everything in me screamed that I should get out of here, but I couldn’t leave her.

“Five seconds,” he said. He moved his thumb and the gun clicked. I’d seen enough movies to know it meant he’d taken off the safety. The wild expression on his face told me he was crazy enough to kill her.

I spun in a frantic circle. There was a wooden bar stool un-der the kitchen counter.

“Four!” I lunged for it. The instant my hands reached the cushion,

they bounced back as if the seat were surrounded by some kind of force field. I caught my balance and frowned at my palms. What was going on?

“Three!”I didn’t have time to think. I tried to grab the chair again,

but my hands shot into my chest, repelled like magnets with matching poles. Black started to cloud my vision.

“Two!”I whipped around. “Say something!” I screamed. But the

woman just stared at him, her chest heaving. Without thinking, I squeezed my eyes shut and threw myself forward to tackle the man.

I was too late. The whole room reverberated with the ex-plosion of the gun.

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A scream died in my throat. I was falling, and then some-how, I was standing again. Hands closed around my shoulders. I heard a dog howl, and Dad’s voice came out of nowhere.

“Lali, wake up!”My eyes snapped open. Dad’s face was inches from mine,

his bushy brows bunched in concern. I teetered, jerking my head left and right. I was back in my hallway. The strange man and woman were gone. No gun. No buzzing. Nothing.

The scene I’d just witnessed rushed through my mind. I’d been too late. That woman was dead. “He killed her,” I choked out. “He killed her!”

Something rubbed against my leg, and I screamed. I sprang backward as our beagle Gottfried circled my feet. He barked, and I screamed again.

“Shoo!” Dad moved the stumpy dog aside with his foot. “Lali, it was just a dream. No one killed anyone.” He ran a hand through his thinning hair and reached over to tug the lamp out of my grasp. I’d forgotten I was holding it.

I gasped, suddenly remembering the man in the hall. “Dad! Someone was in the house!” I pushed past my father and raced to Salaxia’s room. Her door creaked as I shoved it open, and Gottfried scampered inside behind me.

“Lali,” Dad whisper-yelled. “Get out here.”Ignoring him, I studied Salaxia’s tiny form wrapped up in

her leopard-print comforter. She was snoring softly, her night-light glowing just enough for me to see she was okay. I let out a relieved breath.

“Lali!” Dad hissed again. I twisted around to see him jab a finger toward the floor in a silent order to come back out to

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the hallway.I scanned Salaxia’s room. The man wasn’t in here, but

I wouldn’t be able to rest until I checked the whole house. I rushed past Dad and hurried down the staircase, stumbling over Gottfried as he wove between my feet.

Dad called my name again, but I didn’t respond. I was al-ready thudding down the steps. Clawing my bangs out of my eyes, I ran to the kitchen and checked the front door. The deadbolt was in place.

Panting, I examined the windows. They were all locked, too. I started in the direction of the living room, but Dad blocked my path.

“Xitlali Marie Yavari! No one is down here!” His volume shattered my resolve. I looked around the kitchen. Everything was in place. Nothing had been moved in the living room, or upstairs either, apart from the lamp I’d nearly destroyed.

Had all of that really been a dream? It seemed so real, so vivid. But what other explanation was there for the man dis-appearing? Not to mention, I’d suddenly appeared in a strange home next to two people I’d never met, and neither had even noticed my presence. It couldn’t have been real. I must’ve fall-en asleep waiting for Mom and had a crazy nightmare.

Dad exhaled loudly and kneaded his eyelids with his thumb and index finger. Guilt tugged at me. I was only adding more stress to his life. It was bad enough he was dealing with five kids on his own. Now here I was, chasing down phantom tres-passers in the wee hours of the morning.

After a moment, Dad dropped his hand and looked at me with the checked-out expression he wore more and more these

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days. Stubble lined his face, and his dark eyes were swollen. The usual deep olive of his skin looked as pale and worn out as his raggedy plaid pajamas.

“I’m sorry, honey.” He sounded like he’d just mustered up the last of his strength. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. I’m just—”

“I know,” I said, feeling worse by the second. He pulled me into a rigid hug, and I stiffened. His sporadic

displays of affection still weirded me out. Mom was the queen of all things touchy-feely, but Dad hadn’t been into hugs until after she left. I didn’t know if I’d ever get used to it.

His chest moved against my cheek, vibrating as he spoke. “I know you’re the oldest, and things have been even tougher on you since…” He let his voice trail off, and I pulled away.

“Since Mom left,” I finished for him.He winced.“Dad, it’s been two months. We can say it without keeling

over.” The words came out bitter as the blackest coffee, and resentment bubbled in my chest. This was all her fault. If she hadn’t blown off our birthday tradition, I wouldn’t have had such a disturbing dream. It was probably a manifestation of repressed anger—the counselor Dad forced me to see had warned about that.

Thanks a lot, Mom.I noticed the pain on Dad’s face and regretted being so

blunt. “Sorry,” I mumbled. I hated dancing around the reality of the situation, but Dad still had a hard time talking about it.

He stayed silent, staring into space and stroking his wed-ding ring.

“I really am sorry, Dad. I didn’t mean to upset you. I didn’t

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mean to wake you up, either.”“I was already awake.” My heart constricted. Dad hardly slept anymore. Every

night, I heard him in the halls, opening doors and peeking into all of our rooms. It was as if he worried my siblings and I might pack up and leave in the middle of the night, too. I cringed at the thought of him finding me standing outside my bedroom, crazed and armed with a desk lamp.

“Come on.” He turned out the light with a half-hearted flick of his hand. “Back to bed. You have school tomorrow.”

I followed him upstairs without a word. I couldn’t believe what a scene I’d made. This was not how I had envisioned starting out what was supposed to be my sweet sixteen. I hoped this wasn’t a sign of what was to come in the year ahead.

We made it to the top of the steps and found Gottfried snorting into the floor just in front of my room—right where I’d seen the man with the scar standing. The back of my neck prickled. That couldn’t be a coincidence—could it?

Dad cleared his throat, making me jump. He gestured to my door. “Get to bed.”

I forced my wayward thoughts to the back of my mind. That man hadn’t really been in the house. He was part of a twisted dream or a stress-induced hallucination. I wasn’t sure if the latter was a thing, but I made a mental note to look it up.

“Let’s try to get through the rest of the night without wak-ing up your brothers and sisters,” Dad added.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah right. They sleep like the dead.” The corner of his mouth twitched like he wanted to smile

but didn’t have the strength. “Sweet dreams.” He scooped up

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Gottfried and trudged down the hall with the dog squirming in his arms.

I watched them disappear into my parents’ room—Dad’s room, now—and heaved a sigh. Another stunt like this and Dad might call it quits on us. I needed to get it together.

Stepping into my own room, I closed the door behind me. The Lamp of Doom mocked me from the nightstand. I pursed my lips. Dad must have set it there before he’d followed me into the kitchen. The light from my alarm clock reflected off its metal surface, reminding me that Mom was to blame for that whole fiasco. If she’d just shown up like she was supposed to, none of this would have happened.

I plopped onto the edge of my bed and leaned over to plug in the light. Surprisingly, it still worked, even after I’d recruited it for battle. The soft yellow glow washed over the familiar lines of my room. A wooden easel stood in the corner, displaying my half-finished landscape painting. On the opposite wall, papers covered the top of my desk like a white patchwork quilt. My dresser sat tucked in the nook where the closet wall jutted out, sweater sleeves and ripped jeans dangling from a few partially open drawers. This was my sanctuary.

Wind whistled outside, and I remembered my open window. I hurried over to close it, angry with myself for being naïve enough to listen for Mom in the first place. As if she would suddenly show up after all this time to celebrate my birthday. How stupid could I be?

I climbed back onto my bed and rested my head against the pillows. The collection of Salvador Dalí prints covering my ceiling comforted me. At least Dalí would’ve understood how

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I felt. Most of my favorite paintings of his were based on his own weird dreams. I wondered if turning the nightmare I’d just had into art would make it less troubling somehow. Maybe it was worth a shot.

A snort came from outside my door, and I started. I let out a long breath, tempted to slap myself silly. This was the third time in less than fifteen minutes that my own dog had scared the bejeezus out of me.

Another snort made my fists clench. Why was Gottfried so determined to make sure I couldn’t relax? I stormed to the door and wrenched it open. The little dog barely looked at me, his long ears swaying as he sniffed furiously at that same spot—right where I’d seen the man.

I fought back a shudder. “Stop it, Gotty! You’re freaking me out!” He ignored me, his nose pressed into the floor so hard the tip jutted out from the edge of his snout. Scowling, I grabbed him up before he wore his way through the laminate. “Why aren’t you in Dad’s room anyway?”

Dad had adopted Gottfried right after Mom left, and the two hardly ever slept separately. But I was far too creeped out to sleep now—especially with Gottfried’s obsession with that spot on the floor—and having the dog nearby would make me feel better. They were going to have to manage without each other tonight.

The little beagle tried to wriggle free as I carried him into my room, but I held him firmly against my chest. If I let him go, he’d just spend all night snorting in the hallway, and I’d never get any sleep. I turned to shut the door with my hip. Before I could stop them, my eyes found the place on the floor where

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Gottfried had been sniffing. It really was the exact spot where I’d seen the man standing.

It’s just a coincidence. Ignoring the twinge of doubt in my gut, I dropped my gaze and forced myself to close the door.

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WAKING UP THE NEXT MORNING WAS TOR-ture. I dragged myself to the bathroom feeling like I’d been thrown against a brick wall. Repeatedly.

By the Hulk. One glance in the mirror told me I looked like it, too. My

usually bright crystal-gray eyes seemed dull and droopy, the purple half-moons beneath them like weights dragging down my entire face. The tangled mess of black hair on my head looked like an animal had nested among the blue lowlights. Even my lips were pale and shriveled.

Good grief. A few hours of missed sleep and I could make small children cry with just a look. But it wasn’t like I could drift back into peaceful dreams last night with all the horrible images from my nightmare still seared into my mind. I’d been

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too freaked out to even think about closing my eyes. It didn’t help that Gottfried had spent almost half an hour sniffing along my door before settling down.

Even the dog knows it wasn’t a dream. The thought showed up uninvited. In the light of the morning, it should’ve been easier to relax and forget the whole thing. It wasn’t real—it couldn’t have been. So why wouldn’t the nagging feeling go away?

My younger sister Oxanna bounded into the bathroom, pulling me out of my speculation. I recoiled at the sight of her shimmery pink blouse and matching tiara-shaped earrings. All the glitter was painful to look at so early in the morning.

She took her place in front of the right-hand sink and checked her reflection before casting her gaze at mine. “Happy birth…” Her voice trailed off as we made eye contact through the mirror. She quirked a nostril. “Dang, Lali. Rough night?”

I shot her a dirty look. She had no idea.“Just saying.” She readjusted the bobby pins holding her

dark wavy hair away from her face and started applying more unnecessary powder to her nose.

We were only a year and a half apart, but we looked much more alike when she wasn’t wearing so much makeup. Both of us had raven hair, slender frames, our father’s deep olive skin, and our mother’s crystal gray eyes—all features we shared with our other three siblings. Oxanna and I were both tall, and we had heart-shaped faces, though my nose was bigger and more pronounced than her dainty one. Mom always joked that I’d have an easier time sniffing out the truth. After last night, I kind of wished that were true.

Oxanna snapped her makeup compact shut, and I chewed

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the inside of my lip. I was tempted to ask her if I could borrow it, just to avoid more harsh reactions to my haggard appear-ance. But I’d never used foundation before, and I was too tired to figure out how to apply it now. Everyone would just have to deal with zombie-Lali today, compliments of The Nightmare from Hell.

It was more than a nightmare. My jaw tensed. What was wrong with me? I couldn’t let my-

self get carried away with this crazy idea. Quickly turning on the faucet, I splashed my face with cold water. The shock of the icy liquid made me gasp and snapped me back to reality.

That was more like it.I silently scolded myself as I finished washing my face. This

silly hang-up over last night had to stop. I pulled a towel off the rack and exhaled my frustration into the plush fabric.

“Happy birthday, Lali!”I peeked around the towel. Salaxia stood in the doorway,

beaming. Our baby sister always looked like a kid in a can-dy store at any mention of birthdays. Her pint-sized body and Dora the Explorer haircut made her look like she belonged in the second grade instead of the fourth. The oversized hand-me-down blouse she wore wasn’t helping her case.

“Thanks, Sal.” I forced a smile.“Are you guys almost done?” she asked.“Almost.” I hung up the towel and reached for my plastic

cup of eyeliner pencils—the only makeup I bothered with. I chose my favorite aqua liner and traced along my lashes in thick strokes.

“What do you need, Sal?” Oxanna asked, keeping her eyes

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forward as she fluffed her hair. “To straighten your bib?”“I’m not a baby,” Salaxia whined. “I’m almost double digits.” Oxanna and I shared a look. Salaxia’s newest claim to near-

adulthood was that she was going to be ten in a few months. Then her age would have two digits just like the rest of ours.

“Just use the boys’ bathroom,” Oxanna said.“No way! It’s gross in there.”Oxanna shrugged. “Then you’re going to have to wait.”“That’s not fair.”“Okay,” I jumped in. “I’m done. Sheesh, you two.” I grabbed

my brush and stepped away from the sink. “It’s all yours, Sal.”Salaxia muttered her thanks as I moved past her and padded

to my room, fighting through the tangles in my hair as I went. It only took me a minute to throw on a black sweater, jeans, and my black and white checkered Converse shoes. With one last look in the mirror above my dresser, I decided I was pre-sentable and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

My twelve-year-old twin brothers, Dixon and Ulyxses, were already sitting at the wooden table in the corner. Their thin, identical faces were dominated by the dark bushy brows they’d inherited from Dad, and they would have been nearly impossi-ble to tell apart if Dixon hadn’t grown out his hair to look like he was in a boy band. Only friends and family knew the easy tell: Dixon was left-handed, while Ulyxses was right-handed. Apparently, it was a mirror twin thing.

Gottfried poked his head out from under the table when I walked in, but neither of my brothers noticed. Dixon was busy racing to finish his homework, and Ulyxses sat frowning at an anagram puzzle on Dad’s iPad between bites of cereal. Dad al-

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most never used the tablet. He was old-school, and he probably wouldn’t even have known what a tablet was if he hadn’t won it in some work raffle. He was James Madison University’s Stratigraphy and Paleontology Professor, which was especially fitting considering his behind-the-times stance on technology. All of us were stuck with ancient flip phones because our fa-ther insisted smartphones were making everyone dumber.

“Happy birthday, Lalisaurus,” Dad said. He leaned against the counter and smiled weakly over his coffee mug.

An ache of longing swelled inside me. For years, I’d groaned in response to his cheesy dinosaur nicknames. He’d dubbed the five of us Lalisaurus, Oxydactyl, D-Rex, Ulyxa Raptor, and Salceratops. The names were still embarrassingly corny, but I missed his silly side now. Seeing him work so hard to look cheery was like a knife in the heart. His square-framed glasses took up a good part of his face, but they couldn’t hide the sad-ness in his red-rimmed eyes.

I returned his smile as convincingly as I could. “Thanks.”My brothers’ heads popped up at the same time. “Happy

birthday,” they said in unison.I snorted. “Thanks, guys.”“What are you gonna do, Dad?” Dixon asked with a grin.

“Lali’s gonna be behind the wheel soon.” He slapped his cheeks in mock horror, and the loose black sleeves of his Hollywood Undead shirt slid down his forearms.

“Don’t remind me.” Dad took another sip of coffee as if it would ease the pain. “That thought will keep me up at night.”

I suppressed a grimace. I still felt bad about what I’d put him through last night, but I did my best to play along. “Har har,”

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I said, heading to the walk-in pantry. I mussed Dixon’s hair along the way.

He shoved my hand aside and ducked out of reach. “Hey, don’t touch the ’do.”

“Just be glad I don’t cut the ’do,” I shot back. We all knew he needed it. The waves along his jaw flipped up as if his baseball helmet had left a permanent indentation. Mom never would’ve allowed it to get so long, but Dad didn’t press the issue. I took it upon myself to do it for him.

I heard Ulyxses snicker as I rounded the corner and pushed on the pantry door. Before it swung open, a thud came from the other side. I jumped back, and Gottfried was at my feet in seconds, barking like a maniac. My mind flew to the man with the scar. Was he hiding in the pantry? Had he been in there all night? I held my breath to listen, but all I could hear was the thump of my heart blending with Gottfried’s growls.

“Give it a rest, Gott,” Dad said. “Did you drop something, Lalisaurus?”

“No,” I croaked. “S-someone—” I swallowed, realizing the absurdity of what I was about to say. No one was hiding in our pantry. No one had been in the hallway last night. It was just my imagination. I couldn’t keep getting myself worked up over it. I looked down at our beagle trying to shove his nose into the gap between the bottom of the door and the tile floor. He certainly wasn’t helping my sanity. “You’re going to make me crazy, dog,” I muttered.

“What was that?” Dad called.I straightened up. “Never mind.” Flexing my fingers twice, I

forced myself to push open the pantry just to prove there was

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no one in there. Gottfried wormed his way past me as I gripped at the air in search of the pull string to turn on the light. I found it and tugged, ready to figure out what had fallen and put my mind at ease.

A small bag of flour lay on the floor, white powder spilling from its ripped corner. I let my hand drop to my side. There’s your big scary intruder. Shaking my head at myself, I scanned the rest of the pantry and found the empty space on the second shelf where the flour must’ve been.

Wait. I frowned and looked at the bag again. It was halfway across

the room, as if it had been knocked off the shelf with force. My shoulders drew back. Someone had been in here. But I’d opened the door right after hearing the noise. No one could get away that fast.

The man with the scar got away that fast last night. I pressed my hand onto the wall to steady myself. What was going on?

“Are there any more Frosted Mini-Wheats?” Oxanna’s voice came from behind me, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I whirled around as she stepped into the pantry. “Oxie, you have to see this!”

She held up her palms. “Whoa. Easy, killer.” Killer. The word set my mind ablaze. The scene I’d witnessed

last night raged behind my eyes like wildfire. Was there a killer creeping around our house?

“What’s wrong with you?” Oxanna asked.I jabbed a finger toward where Gottfried was investigating

the mess on the floor. “That.”“Flour?”

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“Flour that flew all the way over there!”“Okay…” The look on her face added, you’re totally nuts.Ulyxses poked his head into the doorway. “Oxie, I told you,

you can have the rest of my Mini-Wheats. I’m full.”“Ew. I don’t want your soggy leftover cereal. That’s gross.”“It’s either that or you don’t get any. Besides, I don’t want to

waste it. Studies show you can’t digest—”“Guys!” I shouted. “Shut up for a minute. Lyx, look at this.”“What’s going on back here?” Dad appeared in the doorway

behind my brother and sister. “I can hear you arguing.”Oxanna rolled her eyes. “Lali’s lost it.”“You can’t tell me that’s not weird.” I threw my hand toward

the flour again. “Look how far that bag is from the shelf. Some-one must’ve hit it, right?”

The three of them exchanged skeptical glances.“Someone like who?” Oxanna challenged. “You were the

only one in here. Unless Gottfried has magical powers.”Ulyxses grinned. “The Bewitching Beagle.”“This isn’t funny!”“Okay, just calm down,” said Dad. “Obviously, someone

didn’t put the flour all the way back on the shelf. The dog probably pushed the bag across the floor when he was sniffing around in here.”

Oxanna clapped twice. “Mystery solved. Thanks, Sher-lock.” She patted Dad on the back and reached around me to get a box of granola bars. “Way to start off your birthday with a bang, Patty Paranoia.” She trotted out to the kitchen, and I scowled after her.

I knew I wasn’t really mad at my sister; I was annoyed with

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myself for being so on edge that I hadn’t even considered the most obvious explanation. Gottfried could’ve easily pushed the flour away from where it landed while I fumbled with the light string.

Dad put a hand on Ulyxses’ shoulder. “Why don’t you go make sure D-Rex finishes up that homework?”

“Oh. Uh, sure.” My brother winked so conspicuously he might as well have announced it with a megaphone. Then he ducked out of the pantry and left me to be interrogated.

Traitor.“Lali.” Dad stepped toward me and let the door swing closed

behind him. “You’re starting to worry me. I know—”Gottfried’s piercing howl cut him off. The next second, a

familiar beep beckoned to me from the driveway. Just in time. It was Nelson, our neighbor and one of my best friends. He’d been kind enough to drive me to school ever since he got his license last year, and today, he was the perfect excuse to dodge this conversation.

“Sorry, Dad. I have to go. Can we talk later?”He sighed and hit the pantry door so the dog could scamper

out into the kitchen. “Fine. But don’t think I’ll forget.” “I know.” I hesitated, glancing at the pile of flour.“I’ll clean it up. You just get to school.”“Thanks.” I slipped past him and rushed upstairs to my room.

Grabbing my white puffy coat and doodle-covered backpack off the bed, I started toward the hallway.

Something made me stop. I had the distinct feeling some-one was watching me. Looking over my shoulder, I searched the room until my gaze landed on the closet. For a second, I

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was sure someone was in there.Nelson beeped the horn again, startling me out of yet an-

other bout of paranoia. Ugh. I needed to get a grip. At this rate, I was going to have gray hair before I hit seventeen.

I stepped out of my room at the same time Salaxia bound-ed out of hers, and we both headed to the kitchen. She joined everyone else at the table as I made my way to the front door.

“Bye. Love you guys,” I said.“Wait,” Salaxia cried. “Are we doing cake tonight?”Everyone seemed to tense at once. Mom had worked from

home as a pastry chef, and she’d always insisted on making our cakes from scratch. This was the first birthday she wouldn’t be here to do it.

“Sal!” Oxanna snapped. “You promised not to talk about Mom today.”

“I didn’t. I just asked if we’re having cake.”“That’s the same thing.”“Nuh-uh!”“That’s enough, you two.” Dad pinched the bridge of his

nose. “I’ll stop at the store on my way home and pick up a cake.”Salaxia’s face lit up. “Sweet!”“Literally.” Ulyxses waggled his unruly brows and stretched

his mouth into a flat, toothless smile. “And speaking of cake, betcha didn’t know the ancient Greeks made birthday cakes as an offering to the moon goddess Artemis, huh?”

Oxanna dropped her forehead into her palm. “Seriously, Lyx? Where do you even get these stupid random facts from?”

“I actually read.”“Okay,” I said. “I’m leaving. Bye, you guys.” I ducked outside

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and closed the door without waiting for their responses. Chilly air stung my nostrils and blew my hair across my

face. Most of the remnants of last week’s snowstorm had melt-ed, but there were still a few patches of white lingering under some of the bigger trees in our yard. The sky was a soft blue-gray, gentle but not quite promising a pleasant day.

Nelson sat in his Chevy pickup truck across the driveway, his cowlick-ridden brown hair bobbing as he played the air drums. The corner of my mouth turned up at the sight. His cheerful energy was exactly what I needed. Gravel crunched under my feet as I hurried over and grabbed the passenger door’s icy handle.

A grin stretched across Nelson’s face, and he reached to turn down the heavy metal on the radio. “Happy birthday, Lol-lipop.” Despite the cold, he wore khaki shorts and one of his trademark tie-dye t-shirts. Typical. In all the years I’d known him, I’d only seen him wear pants twice: once for his cous-in’s wedding and once when his mom threatened his life if he didn’t put on jeans and long johns during the blizzard of 2011.

“Thanks.” Tossing my bag into the middle seat, I climbed into the truck. I’d barely gotten my seatbelt fastened when I heard Nelson’s sharp inhale.

“Hey,” he said softly. “You okay?”“I’m fine.” I wish. “Just tired.” And trying to convince myself

there isn’t a murderer sneaking around my house.“You look…worried.” That was Nelson-speak for you look

like crap. Maybe I should’ve borrowed Oxanna’s makeup after all. Not that it would’ve mattered in this case. Nelson and I had known each other since preschool. He could read me like

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a book. Still, I didn’t want to get into last night’s trauma. I deferred

to another issue instead. “I just have that test in biology today.” Technically that was true.

“And you’re worried?”I nodded. It felt less like lying if I didn’t speak.Nelson laughed. “Come on. You’ve never gotten less than an

A on anything in your life. Why would this be any different?”“Forget it. I’ll try to pep it up, okay?” I pulled my face into an

exaggerated toothy smile.“Yikes! Go back to the first one.” “Shut up.” I gave him a playful shove.Chuckling, he put the truck in reverse. “Let’s just get outta

here before you traumatize anybody else with that demented donkey grin.”

In no time, we were on the highway, passing pasture after pasture. I couldn’t help but wonder for the billionth time why my parents chose to move to Browshire—or as I liked to call it, Cowshire. It had to be the smallest town in Virginia, maybe even the world. Mom and Dad had met in San Francisco, and though I didn’t remember it, I’d lived there until I was two. Then for some unfathomable reason, they chose to move here, a town that boasted a whopping population of seven hundred and fifty-one and celebrated an official Drive Your Tractor To School Day.

I would never understand.I leaned my head against the cool glass of the window and

closed my eyes. It was only a matter of seconds before my thoughts drifted to the man with the scar. I wanted to believe

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he was just a figment of my imagination, but I could still see every detail of his face perfectly.

Nelson slammed on the brakes, and my stomach bottomed out. I felt myself fly forward, but my eyes refused to open. A loud buzz broke through the sound of screeching tires.

No! My body stiffened against the pressure of the seatbelt. No! Not this again! I willed the sound away, but it only increased in volume until it drowned out my silent pleas.

It stopped abruptly. I heard a woman’s voice yell, “Don’t trap me here!”

I didn’t have time to react. My back hit something soft but solid, and my eyes shot open. I stared wide-eyed out the wind-shield of Nelson’s truck, my lungs spasming with each breath. We were at a stop in the middle of the road. Where did that voice come from? It sounded just like the red-haired woman from my dream.

“It’s okay,” Nelson said. “I didn’t hit that cat.”Cat? I felt my lip quiver. I had no idea what he was talking

about. What was happening to me?“The dang cat’s fine, Lollipop. If you’re worried about any-

thing, it should be my brake pads. They’ll never be the same.” He paused. “Hey, what’s the matter?”

“I-I—” Swallowing hard, I forced out the only thing I knew to be true. “I don’t know.”

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NELSON DROPPED HIS HAND FROM THE STEER-ing wheel, his round cinnamon-colored eyes laden with concern. “What d’you mean you don’t know?”

“I mean something weird is going on!” I said, panting. But what? Was I hallucinating? Hearing voices? All I knew for sure was I definitely hadn’t been dreaming that time.

“You’re kinda scaring me, Lollipop.”I didn’t answer. I was scaring myself. I knew the woman’s

voice couldn’t have been real, but I was certain I’d heard it.Someone honked a horn behind us, and Nelson and I both

jumped in our seats. Nelson huffed and floored the gas pedal, but he kept looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “Okay, what gives? You’re white as a sheet.”

How was I supposed to respond when I didn’t even know

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what to think myself? There had to be a logical explanation for what I’d just heard, but I was completely at a loss. Was it possi-ble to have post-traumatic stress from a nightmare?

We came to a stop sign with flashing red lights, and Nelson twisted in his seat to face me. “Out with it.”

“I just…” I let my voice trail off. Nelson was looking at me as if I were a fragile glass doll—the same way he’d looked at me right after Mom left. I couldn’t tell him about the man with the scar or the woman’s voice in my head. He’d already spent enough time worrying about my stability. “I had this weird…dream.” The word felt funny in my mouth. It felt like a lie.

Nelson glanced between the road and me as he eased the truck forward. “Well, what was this dream about?”

“Never mind.” I let my head fall back onto the seat. I shouldn’t have said anything. This was confusing enough without Nel-son demanding answers.

He smashed his lips together, and I knew what he was thinking. He always made that face before he brought up my mother. “Did it have anything to do with—”

“Not everything is about my mom,” I snapped before he could get the words out. “Geez, you took one psychology class, and you think you’re frickin’ Freud.”

“I’m just saying I can see how it would hit you harder around your birthday, you know? And stress can make you have night-mares, so it stands to reason.”

“Whatever. Forget I said anything.” I glared out my window, but I didn’t focus on any details as we zipped past the jumble of fields and trees. I just wanted to avoid looking at my an-noying let’s-analyze-your-feelings-about-your-mother-every-

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five-minutes friend. I was going to have to keep whatever was going on with me to myself. Nelson wasn’t helping, and Dad had already been through enough. I would just have to sort this out on my own.

Maybe Nelson was right. Maybe Mom’s absence had some-thing to do with it. If stress caused nightmares, maybe it caused hallucinations and imagined voices, too. I’d have to do some research later to figure it all out.

Neither of us spoke for the rest of the ride. We turned into the school parking lot, and I pulled my bag into my lap as soon as Nelson cut the engine.

He caught my arm before I could open the door. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I sighed. I could tell he meant it, and fighting with him wasn’t going to help anything. “It’s okay. Sorry I bit your head off about it.”

“Don’t sweat it.” He gave my arm a squeeze before letting go. “But before we head inside, I want to give you something.” Reaching across me to open the glove compartment, he pulled out a small black box with a red bow on top.

“Nelson! We said no presents until we both have jobs.”“Yeah, I know.” He handed me the box anyway. “But I made

an exception. Sixteen is special.”I stared at the gift in awe. I was sure Nelson made the excep-

tion because he knew I’d have a hard time without Mom today. I felt like an even bigger jerk for blowing up at him. “Thank you,” I whispered.

“You didn’t even open it.”“Oh, right.” I lifted the lid. Inside were two silver clock-

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shaped earrings warped to look like they were melting. “They’re like the clocks in that painting you love,” he said.“The Persistence of Memory.” I smiled my first real smile all

morning. “I love them. Thank you so much.” I leaned over to give him a hug with the box still in my hand.

“You’re welcome.” He moved his hand up and down my back once and pulled away. “You don’t have to put them in right now or anything; I just wanted you to have them.”

“I’m totally putting them in now,” I said, already pulling down the passenger mirror. It was the least I could do after I’d yelled at him. I slipped the hooks into my ears and turned to face my friend. “How’s that?”

“Beauteous maximus.” The tips of his ears turned pink. “Okay, let’s get going. I know how you get when you’re late.”

I feigned offense as I flipped the mirror back up. “There’s nothing wrong with punctuality.”

We climbed out of the truck and walked side by side toward the one-story brick building with the statue of a plow horse in front. Though it was called Browshire High, technically the student body was a combination of residents from Browshire and the four neighboring towns. Even with that boost, my graduating class wouldn’t break a hundred.

The wind picked up, and I shivered into my coat. Powerful gusts of bitter air tore through my hair and chilled my face. It felt like the wind was fighting to keep me from the school. For some reason, it made me think of the way the stool repelled my hands. That time my shiver wasn’t from the cold.

It was a dream! I wanted to shout at myself. I had to stop letting it get to me.

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After a quick stop at our lockers, Nelson and I parted ways. I barreled up the stairs and down the hall, as if by speed-walking I could outrun the images from my nightmare and the nagging voice in my mind that insisted it was real. Stress could have been the explanation for everything, but deep down I wasn’t buying it. I just couldn’t figure out why.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I ran right into Dr. Jones, my five-foot-nothing history teacher.

“Ack!” He stumbled backward, and I mentally chided myself for not paying attention to where I was going. Dr. Jones was the one teacher at this school who hated me—all because I’d accidentally called him Mr. Jones on the first day of class.

“Sorry!” I gasped.He grimaced and readjusted the collar of his pressed shirt

around his skinny neck. “Anxious to get to class today, Miss Yavari? Or do you just want me dead?”

“Sorry,” I muttered again, shifting my weight. I stepped out of the way so he could continue out the door.

“Oh, after you. I don’t want to get flattened on my way to the bathroom. Again.”

I mumbled yet another apology and scuttled past him. Mak-ing my way to the last row of desks, I dropped my bag onto the floor and half-sat, half-fell into my assigned seat. I couldn’t wait for this day to be over. So far, sweet sixteen sucked.

“Happy birthday, Lali!” My bubbly best friend, Paisley, stood in the doorway with her hands in the air like someone had scored a touchdown. Her hair fell in golden spirals that danced along her shoulders as she sashayed toward me with outstretched arms.

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A handful of our classmates—the ones who didn’t have in headphones—perked up and shouted happy birthdays my way. I quickly thanked everyone and turned back to Paisley just in time to brace myself for her full-force hug. A fog of perfume smacked me in the face, all flowers and artificial vanilla. I held my breath until she pulled away and grinned at me.

One glimpse of my face up close wiped away her smile. “Oh, hon, what happened?” Her southern drawl exaggerated each word. “Is everythin’ okay?”

“Everything is fine,” I grumbled. How many people were going to ask me that stupid question? Apparently I needed a sign that read Please Don’t Comment On My Crappy Appearance Today. “It was just a late night.” A late night that I was not going into detail about again.

“Studyin’?” She giggled. “Such a nerd. But listen, durin’ lunch I can help you cover up the bags under your eyes.”

“No thanks.” I’d made the mistake of being Paisley’s person-al Barbie doll once. I’d since sworn I would never let her near my face with makeup or an eyelash curler ever again.

“I’m bein’ serious! I read an article ’bout usin’ red concealer instead of skin-toned. Red cancels out the purple. See how the skin under my eyes looks bright and healthy?” She put on her best toothpaste-commercial smile. “Yours can, too.”

Mercifully, the bell rang and saved me from more makeup tips. Paisley and I took our seats as Dr. Jones walked back into the classroom.

The day’s lecture was on revolutionary farming tools. With-in minutes, most of my classmates were fiddling with their phones under their desks. Given that I was the only one with-

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out a smartphone, I resorted to doodling in the margins of my notebook. Mindless scribbles became dripping clocks like the ones hanging in my ears. Like the ones Dalí had dreamt about and put into The Persistence of Memory. Why couldn’t my dreams involve innocent things like clocks? Why was I stuck with homicidal maniacs and weird symbols?

Remembering my speculation from the previous night, I de-cided to try creating my own dream-inspired art. Maybe once I had the images from my nightmare down on paper, my brain would let them go. I started with the strange curved X. Even in doodle form it was creepy. I added a mouth and a finger pulling down the bottom lip. Even creepier.

A ball of paper landed in the middle of my desk, and I in-stinctively turned to Paisley. Her eyebrows formed a hard line as she jutted her chin toward my notebook. Her expression asked, what the heck are you drawing?

I flipped the page over and shrugged dismissively. There was no way I was going to tell her the story behind it. I busied myself with taking down the notes Dr. Jones was scribbling across the blackboard. His tiny handwriting didn’t quite reach the top of the board, and I had to squint to read it.

A minute later, Paisley snickered beside me, and I gave her a questioning look of my own. She glanced up from her phone, her hazel eyes flitting to Dr. Jones to make sure he still had his back turned. Then she quickly shoved the phone into my hand. On the screen was an image of a rabbit with a stunned expres-sion. The caption read, When she looks nothing like her profile picture.

I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t in the mood for memes. I started

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to pass the phone back to my friend, but I stopped mid-reach. Maybe I could do a little research while I had it. Positioning the phone under my desk, I pulled up a web browser.

Paisley tapped me, but I held up my index finger. Her bunny memes could wait. I made sure Dr. Jones was still distracted before typing causes of hallucinations into the search bar. A par-tial blurb appeared at the top of the screen.

Mental illness is the most common cause of hallucinations,

apart from drug abuse. Schizophrenia and dementia are most

frequently reported as causes.

I couldn’t resist touching the link and scanning the page. My heart rate sped up when I got to the section on schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a serious psychological disorder that makes

it difficult for the sufferer to distinguish between what is real

and what is not. The most common symptoms include hallu-

cinations, delusions, and paranoia.

That sounds familiar. All of a sudden it was hard to breathe. I slid down in my seat and read on.

Schizophrenia affects men and women equally in all ethnic

groups. Teens can also develop schizophrenia. In rare cases,

children have the illness, too. Symptoms usually start between

the ages of 16 and 30.

Sweat beaded along my upper lip. I just made the age range.

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Studies suggest that genetics can create a predisposition to

the disorder, with environmental factors triggering its onset.

More and more research points to high levels of stress from

several factors, including prenatal exposure to a viral infec-

tion, physical or sexual abuse in childhood, and early parental

loss or separation.

Parental loss or separation. The words seemed to jump off the screen and wrap around my throat.

“Miss Yavari!”My knees bumped the bottom of my desk. I looked up to see

Dr. Jones’ angry Chihuahua face glowering at me from across the room. “Yes?” I squeaked.

“Care to answer the question?”“Um…” What had he just been saying? I squinted at the

scribbles across the board. Cyrus McCormick’s Reaper was the last thing he’d written, but it didn’t ring any bells.

“We’re waiting.” Dr. Jones narrowed his beady eyes, and I heard my classmates shifting in their seats.

“Uh, could you rephrase the question?” I hedged.A few of my classmates snickered, and Dr. Jones’ scowl

deepened. “I thought ‘What was the name of his competitor?’ was a straightforward thing to ask.” He turned up his nose and pointed to the biggest suck-up of all time, Krista Dean. “Miss Dean? Did the question make sense to you?”

“Of course.” She gave me a condescending look over her designer glasses. “McCormick’s main competitor was Hussey.”

“You’re a hussy,” Paisley said under her breath.The whole class erupted into laughter.

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Dr. Jones puffed out his miniature chest. “Was that sup-posed to be funny, Miss Yavari?”

My mouth hung open. “I didn’t—”“Why don’t you go laugh about it in Principal Rockbridge’s

office?”A collective ooh went around the room. I had to bite down

on my lip to stop myself from saying anything that would make it worse. Shoving Paisley’s phone into my backpack, I snatched my notebook off my desk and stormed out of the classroom. I didn’t even look at Paisley on my way out. She’d have to get her phone back later. I had bigger things to worry about, like how I probably had schizophrenia. Not to mention, Dad was going to pop a blood vessel when he found out I’d been sent to the principal’s office.

So much for not stressing him out.The rubber soles of my shoes squeaked along the linoleum

in the hall. I tried to tell myself I was overreacting. The website I’d read was just the first result that popped up in my search. It wasn’t an actual diagnosis. I’d do more research later and find a better explanation. Right now I had to figure out how to get out of a detention slip.

I plodded into the stairwell straining to think of an excuse for what had just happened in class. Even though it was Paisley who’d offended Dr. Jones, I couldn’t throw her under the bus. Especially not after all the times she’d been there to cover for me when I needed her. It was embarrassing to admit how often she’d raced to my house during her study hall to get assign-ments I’d forgotten in the first few weeks after Mom left. I’d bite the bullet this time, detention or no.

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When I stopped outside the door to the office, I was still at a loss for what I was going to tell Principal Rockbridge. If she gave me detention, at least Dad would be upset about some-thing normal instead of worrying about my psychosis. I tried to take comfort in that thought as I heaved the office door open.

It bounced back at me with a thud, making me drop my notebook.

“Whoa,” a voice called from the other side.“Sorry!” I said. Geez, how many people was I going to plow

into today? I needed a padded cell. For more reasons than one.A boy poked his head around the edge of the door, and my

breath caught in my throat. Ruffled black hair and heavy brows framed a chiseled face that clearly wasn’t from around here. His eyes stood out against his tawny skin and made me think of emeralds in the sand.

“Um, hi,” I managed. “Sorry about that. I didn’t see you.”“Yeah, sure.” He stepped into the hallway and crossed his

arms over his chest. “Just admit you don’t like newcomers.” My brain went blank as I blinked up at him. He was at least

six-foot-four, with wide shoulders and a muscular build—defi-nitely not someone I wanted to make angry.

“Kidding.” He laughed, a deep sound, but light somehow. “I’m Kai.”

I reached out to shake his hand, doing my best to look un-fazed. “Lali.”

“Pretty name. Suits you.” The side of his mouth curled up, and I let my eyes linger on the hint of stubble above his sculpt-ed lips.

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I pulled my hand away and ran it along the sleeve of my sweater. “Um, thanks.” I noticed Kai’s fitted charcoal t-shirt was paired with what appeared to be board shorts. Another summer-clothes-in-the-middle-of-winter guy. Nelson would be thrilled.

“I believe this”—Kai bent down to grab my notebook off the floor—“is yours.” His eyes doubled in size, and I followed them to my drawing of the mouth with the symbol inside the lip.

Crap. My hand shot out to grab the notebook from him. “Yeah. Thanks.” I hugged the questionable doodle against my chest. I shuddered to think how disturbing it must’ve looked to a normal person whose brain didn’t invent murderers and women with creepy tattoos.

“Do you draw much?” he asked.I leaned back on my heels. Something in his expression had

shifted. It was unsettling, like he was trying to figure out my darkest secret. He’s probably trying to figure out why you have such a freakish drawing in the margin of your notebook.

Before I could respond, Principal Rockbridge cleared her throat behind Kai. Her silver-streaked bun wobbled as she tilt-ed her head and gave me the evil eye over his shoulder. “Good morning, Lali,” she said. Her eyebrows were raised so high it seemed like they might make it all the way up to her widow’s peak. “Were you planning to come in?”

“Um, yeah.” I couldn’t stop myself from looking up at Kai. Was it just me, or did he have an I-know-something-you-don’t look on his face?

“I’ll get out of your way,” he said. “It was nice to meet you.”I nodded, uneasy. “You, too.”

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“See ya.” He walked backward a few paces and spun around to head down the hall.

I stared after him, unsure what to make of our brief interac-tion. There was something strange about him.

Well, he could say the same about you.Principal Rockbridge cleared her throat again, the shoulder

pads in her suit jacket shifting as she put her hands on her hips. “I’ll be right in,” I said quickly. “I just need a drink of water.”“Make it fast.”I moved toward the water fountain with my eyes still on

Kai. He pushed through the main doors, and through the long windows on either side of the entrance, I saw him stop next to the benches outside. A man in a long navy peacoat stood up next to him. Surprisingly, the man was even taller than Kai.

The two spoke, and the man glanced over his shoulder in my direction. Though wide sunglasses covered the top half of his face, I caught a glimpse of his left cheek. It was marred with a terrifyingly familiar scar.

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end oF 3 ChaPter PreVieW

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aBout the author

K.J. MCPIKE is an infant teacher turned author who may or may not live in Seattle right now. She has a habit of moving across (and out of) the country and can pack more into a suitcase than you ever thought possible. XODUS is her first novel. Visit her online at www.kjmcpike.com.