WRT NJ Inspection 08012017.

Ted Adams From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Flag Status: Hi Ted, Power, Joseph <[email protected]> Tuesday, June 20, 2017 11 :00 AM Ted Adams 'Kent Stovall' Moo restown Inspection Flagged I want ed to let you know that the inspection at Moorestown went fine th is morning. The only thing I still wanted to fo llow up wit h you on is the annua l audit s. We believe you should include some calculat ions of pub lic dose fo r each site, given t he doses at area badges and from surveys along t he fenceline . Please make t his correction moving forwar d. Moorestown's license will also need to be amended to update the administrator. Scott Carew is no longer wit h the town ship. Included in th e amendm ent should also be a clarific ation that the current treatment system is only treating Well 9. We have it listed as both Wells 7 and 9. You can submit this request via email, as no fee will be required. Let me know if you have any question s. Take care, Joe Joe Power Radiati on Ph ys icist 1 I Bureau of Environmental Radiation New Jersey Dep artment of Environmental Protection Mail Code 25-0 1 I PO Box 420 I Trenton , N.J 08625-0420 p: (609) 777-42 52 I f: (609) 633-2210 I m: (609) 508- 0334 I 6.Q.IiS I Eace DooJi 1

Transcript of WRT NJ Inspection 08012017.

Ted Adams


Flag Stat us:

Hi Ted,

Power, Joseph <[email protected]>Tuesday, June 20, 2017 11 :00 AMTed Adams'Kent Stovall'Moo restown Inspection


I wanted to let you know that the inspection at Moorestown went fine th is morning. The only thing I still wanted tofo llow up wit h you on is the annua l audit s. We believe you should include some calculat ions of pub lic dose fo r each site,given t he doses at area badges and from surveys along t he fenceline . Please make this correction moving forwar d.

Moorestown's license will also need to be amended to update the administrator. Scott Carew is no longer wit h t hetownship. Included in th e amendm ent should also be a clarific ation that the current treatment system is only treatingWell 9. We have it listed as both Wells 7 and 9. You can submit this request via email, as no fee will be required . Let meknow if you have any question s.

Take care,Joe

Joe PowerRadiation Ph ysicist 1 IBureau of Environmental RadiationNew Jersey Department of Environmental ProtectionMail Code 25-0 1 IPO Box 420 ITrenton, N.J 08625-0420p: (609) 777-4252 I f: (609) 633-2210 I m: (609) 508-0334Bill1 ioa~tiy\; i\liJt~rilll1iJ'n2.~mm I 6.Q.IiS IEaceDooJi


Ted Adams


Ted and Kent,

Power, Joseph <[email protected] .gov>Thursday, June 15, 2017 1:40 PMTed Adams'; 'Kent Stovall'McCullough , James; 'Toby Peacock'; 'Mike Hubler'Pemberton Summary

Just wanted to give a quick summary of the inspecti on tod ay. Overall, everyt hing went well. All posti ngs and badgeswere in approp riate locations. Access to th e facility was well-maintained . Mike was knowl edgeable about spillprocedures. He had a calibrated survey instrument with whi ch he observed about a 25 ~R/h reading towards the top ofone of th e tanks. Dosimetry results were as to be expecte d, given th e amount of ti me th e site has been operat ing(cromrern per quarter on th e tanks). Training records were on-f ile and looked good.

Kent, as discussed over t he phone, you will be forwar ding the baseline radiation survey for Well 11, and a copy of themost recent dosimetry results. Please note t hat certain result s/no t ificati ons must be made to our Bureau with in 15 daysof occurre nce, per the conditions of each license:

• Quarterly dosimetry results.• Laboratory analysis results of media maintenance backwash prior to discharge• Laboratory analysis results of spent resin prior to disposal• Any significant water usage changes, backwash frequency, or system replacement/redesign

You can mail them to :NJDEP Bureau of Environmental RadiationMail Code 25-01, PO Box 420Trenton, NJ 08625-0420

Ted, I understand t hat this system has not been on-line for a year yet, but can you please describe your plans to auditt he facility?

As a fin al note, be on th e lookout fo r an amended license from us in t he coming weeks. This is to correct an int ernalerror in Sect ion B of th e license. We accidenta lly list ed th e site as t he offi ce locat ion, and not t he well location .

Thanks to everyone for your assistance with t he inspecti on. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Take care,Joe

.Ioe PowerRadiation Physicist 1 IBureau ofEnvironmental RadiationNew J ersey Depart ment of Environmental Protect ionMail Code 25-01 IPO Box 420 ITrenton, NJ 08625-0420p: (609) 777-4252 I f: (609) 633-2210 I m: (609) 508-0334R;t~UQ:j~li~.J~\!!gi;,tllil)rugra lT\ IAQES. I E'll;~h()llk

Ted Adams

From:Sent :To:Subject:

Ted Adams <[email protected]>Monday, August 18,20141 :11 PM'[email protected]'FW: Stillwater Water District-Compliance Inspection on 4/16/14

From : Staab, Sarah [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 12:47 PMTo: Ted AdamsSubject: Stillwater Water District -Compliance Inspection on 4/16/14

Dear Ted,

I inspected Stillwater Water District (SWD) wells #5 & #5A on 4/16/14. Everything looked great; however, I detectedsome significant measurements from the resin tanks indicating the need fo r a media change. Please let me know whenthis is scheduled .

When I was reviewing th e license, I noticed that WRT committed to radiat ion safety training of SWD employees uponinitia l hire and on an annual basis. Mr. Sean Casey did not recall any training after the initia l hire. Does WRT provideannual training for employees working around the treatment tanks?

Lastly, I noticed that the license condit ions have our old PO BOX address listed. I will be amending the license, at no cost,and mailing it out soon.

Thank you in advance for your response and have a wonderful day!

Best Regards,

Sarah Staab, Environmental Specialist TraineeNJDEP- Bureau of Environmental RadiationPO BOX 420 (Mai l Code 25-01)Trenton, NJ 08625 -0420Physical Locat ion:25 Arctic ParkwayEwing, NJ 08638Work Phone: (609) 984-5362Cell Phone: (609) 508-0348Fax : (609) 633-22 10http://www.state.nj .us/dep/rpp/rms/rmsagree-I .htm




Lt. Governor

July 14, 201 5

tab of ~eiD 3Jenu~u


Division of Environmental Safety and HealthBureau of Environmental Radiation

Radioactive Materials ProgramMail Code 25-01

P.O.80x420Trenton, NJ 08625-0420Phone (609) 984-5462Fax (609) 633-2210





Dear Mr. Shields :


On June 24, 20 15, Sarah Engeholm of the Department of Environmental Protection'sBureau of Environmental Radiation conducted an inspection at your facility/site located at VermontAve., Lakewood Twp., NJ 08701 . The inspection was an examination of activities conducted underyour New Jersey State Radioactive Materials License 650282 - RAD140001 as they relate toradiation safety and compliance with NJSA Tit le 26:20 the Radiation Protection Act, NJAC 7:28the Radiation Protection Code and specific conditions of your license. It consisted of selectiveexaminations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel andmeasurements and observations made by the inspector. The inspection findings were discussedwith Ken Seelig, Senior Planning Engineer; Leslie Stevens, Engineer and Rick Zahnow, SalesManager at the conclusion of the inspection.

Within the scope of this inspection, no items of noncompliance were detected. However, itis recommended that the area dosimetry badge be relocated from the well house to inside thetreatment tent in an area most frequented by employees. .

No reply to this report is required. If you should have any questions concerning thisinspection or any related matter, please contact this office at (609) 984-5663.

Sincerely, .

~e _1~Catherine L. Biel, ~ting SupervisorRadioactive Materials Program




August 24, 2011

Roy SpoltoreUPPER DEERFIELD TWPPO Box 5098, 1325 Rt 77Seabrook, NJ 08302

DEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONDivision of Environmental Safety and Health

Bureau of Environmcntal RadiationRadioactive Materials Program

Mail Code 25-0 IP.O. Box 420

Trenton, NJ 08625-0420Phone (609) 984-5557

Fax (609) 633-2210

BOil M ARTINC0 /1/11/issioner


Dear Mr. Spoltore:


On August 23, 2011, Karen Flanigan of the Department of Environmental Protection'sBureau of Environmental Radiation conducted an inspection of your facilities at Love Lane, UpperDeerfield Twp, NJ 08302 and Route 77 & Parsonage Road, Upper Deerfield T",'P, NJ 08302. Theinspection was an examination of activities conducted under your New Jersey State RadioactiveMaterials License RAD11 0001-528965 as they relate to radiation safety and compliance withNJSA Title 26:20, the Radiation Protection Act; NJAC 7:28, the Radiation Protection Code; andspecific conditions of your license. It consisted of selective examinations of procedures andrepresentative records, interviews with personnel, and measurements and observations made bythe inspector. The inspection findings were discussed with John Hoogendorn at the conclusion of .the inspection.

Within the scope of this inspection, no items of noncompliance were detected.

No reply to this report is required. If you should have any questions concerning thisinspection or any related matter, please contact this office at (609) 984-5557.


C~ ~.' ()~_.A:/~

Catherine BielRadioactive Materials Program

c: Ted Adams, WRT

This letter will be placed in your license files and applies only to license numbersRAD09000 I-50 1756 and RAD090001·459470. Any attempt to transport sock filters betweenother licensed locations will be subject to enforcement action.

No reply to this report is required. If you should have any questions concerning thisinspection or any related matter, please contact this office at (609) 984-5557 .


t~t:~=:-Radioactive Materials Section

William B. DavisAQUA NEW JERSEY10 Black Forest RdHamilton, NJ 08691



November 17, 2009


Dear Mr. Davis:

~tttte of ~efn Werz.euDEPARTMENT OP ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONDivision of Environmental Safetyand Health

. Bureau ofEnvironmental RadiationRadioactive Materials Section

POBox415Trenton, NJ 08625·0415Phone(609)984-5557Fax(609)633-2210


MARK N. MAURIELLOAct/ng Commissioner

On October 30, 2009, an inspecti on was conducted at your Hami lton facility by KarenFlanigan and Jenny Goodman of the Department of Environmental Protection's Bureau ofEnvironmental Radiation. The inspection was an examination of activities conducted under yourNew Jersey State Radioactive Materials License, RAD090001-501756, as they relate to radiationsafety and compliance with NJSA Title 26:20 the Radiation Protection Act, NJAC 7:28.theRadiation Protection Code and specific conditions of your .license. It cons isted of selectiveexaminations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel andmeasurements and observations made by the inspector. The inspection findings were discussedwith Carol Storms and Theodore Adams at the conclusion ofthe inspection.

"Within the scope of this inspection, no items of noncompliance were detected.

During the inspection, WRT representative, Theodore Adams, asked about the storage,transportation, and disposal of the sock filters . The Department will allow transportation of sockfilters between licensed locations (wells) at the Aqua Hamilton and Aqua Sicklerville locationsfor storage and ultimate disposal provided all applicable regulations are adhered to, includingNJ.A.C. 7:28-61.1 (10 CFR 71 adopted by reference) . As specified in the regulation (10 CFR71.S), the licensee shall particularly note applicable US Department of Transportation (DOT)regulations in the following areas: packaging, marking and labeling, placarding, 'accidentreporting, shipping papers, employee training, security plans, and registration (10 CFR 71.S).

Before such transfer takes place, the Department requests a lette r from you, the licenseadministrator, one week prior to any transportation of sock filters indicating the date and locationthat such transfers will take place, and a timeframe and method of disposal of the sock filters.

New Jersey 13 on Equal OpportunityEmployer I Printedon Recycled Paper and Recyclable