Workshop PBL Unand

PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MENGAPA BERUBAH ? Rahmatina B. Herman Rahmatina B. Herman MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT ( MEU ) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas Workshop Pengembangan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Tenaga Akademik Berbasis Kompetensi Padang, 22 – 25 Desember 2005



Transcript of Workshop PBL Unand

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Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas

Workshop Pengembangan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia

Tenaga Akademik Berbasis Kompetensi Padang, 22 – 25 Desember 2005

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Sejarah PBL

Bukanlah hal yang baru

1. 1889, T.C. Chamberlin: ‘The methode of multiple working hypotheses’ ~ ‘problem-solving’

2. 1916, Dewey: Perkenalkan mahasiswa dengan situasi kehidupan

nyata (real-life) dan fasilitasi agar mendapatkan informasi untuk memecahkan masalah

3. 1930, Miller dan 1940, Katona: Ketidak efektifan metode pemberian

solusi (ready-made solution) pada mahasiswa

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Sejarah PBL

Di dunia kedokteran:

1. 1961, Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio: hybrid PBL

2. 1966, Mc Master University Medical School, Canada: ‘double track’ Mahasiswa PBL lebih baik: - motivasi

- solving problems- self-study

3. 1973, University of Newcastle, Australia 1975, University of Limburg, Maastricht

PBL berkembang ke seluruh dunia (pendidikan kedokteran)

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Apa itu PBL?

Suatu strategi pembelajaran: menggunakan masalah sebagai stimulus untuk menemukan atau mendapatkan

informasi yang diperlukan untuk memahami dan mencari solusinya

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Apa itu PBL?

PBL is a learning method on principle of using problems as a starting point for the acquisition and integration of new knowledge (Barrows, 1982).

In PBL students work on the problem which is explicitly used to get students themselves to identify and search for the knowledge that they need to obtain in order to approach the problem (Ross, 1991).

PBL is considered as an educational strategy aiming at various educational goals and employing various formats. The common denominator in the various approaches is the emphasis on active learning using a problem as the stimulus and starting point for the learning process (Bouhuijs, 1993).

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Apa itu PBL? Instructional method in PBL is characterized by the use of patient

problems as a context for students to learn problem-solving skills and acquire knowledge about the basic and clinical sciences (Albanese & Mitchell, 1993).

PBL is a pedagogical strategy for posing significant, contextualized, real world situations, and providing resources, guidance, and instruction to learners as they develop content knowledge and problem-solving skills (Mayo & Schwartz, 1993).

Faculty objectives are translated into problems, usually consisting of a set of phenomena in need of some kind of explanation. Students analyze these problems, attempting to understand the underlying principles or processes through small-group discussion. During discussion, questions which remain unanswered are identified. These questions or learning issues serve as a guide for independent and self-directed learning (Dolman, 1994).

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Apa itu PBL? PBL is an active learning stimulated by, and focused round

a clinical, community or scientific problem (Davis and Harden, 1999).

PBL is an education format that is centered on the discussion and learning that emanates from a clinically-based problem. It is a method that encourages independent learning and gives students practice in tackling puzzling situations and defining their own gaps in understanding in the context of relevant clinical problems, hopefully making it more likely that they will be able to recall the material later in the clinical setting (Pross, 2000).

PBL is a method of learning in which students first encounter a problem, followed by a student-centered inquiry process (Neufeld & Barrows, 1974; Schmidt, 1993; Boud & Feletti, 1997; Barrows, 2000).

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Karakteristik PBL

• Pembelajaran bersifat student-centered yang aktif;• Pembelajaran dilaksanakan melalui diskusi kelompok kecil dan

semua anggota kelompok memberikan kontribusinya secara aktif;

• Diskusi dipicu oleh masalah yang bersifat integrasi interdisiplin yang didasarkan pada pengalaman/kehidupan nyata;

• Diskusi secara aktif merangsang mahasiswa untuk menggunakan prior knowledgenya

• Mahasiswa terlatih untuk belajar mandiri dan diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar bagi pembelajaran seumur hidup;

• Pembelajaran berjalan secara efisien, karena informasi yang dikumpulkan melalui belajar mandiri sesuai dengan apa yang dibutuhkannya (need to know basis);

• Feedback dapat diberikan sewaktu tutorial, sehingga dapat memacu mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan usaha pembelajarannya;

• Latihan keterampilan diberikan secara paralel.

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Karakteristik PBL PBL emphasizes active student-centered learning in which

students are challenged to examine, inquire, reflect, make meaning, and understand the sciences basic to medicine as they develop approaches toward the solution of defined problems in a context relevant to their future professional careers (Neufeld & Barrows,1974)

PBL occurs in small groups where each student must participate actively in the learning process of each member of the group. There is no place to hide passively. They begin to recognize the unique contributions that each individual can make to the performance of team (Tosteson,1994)

Some contents which are not relevant and are not appropriate for inclusion in the curriculum; these can be discarded. Some contents which are not appropriate for students while they are undergraduates but may be appropriate and welcomed as part of postgraduate education; these recognize the continuum of medical education – from undergraduate through postgraduate to continuing medical education (Harden,1994)

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Karakteristik PBL The problem-based approach reaches the context of learning

as it will be experienced in practice. Problems when properly constructed reveal the interdependence and simultaneous relevance of many issues, each one of which may be the basis of a specialty, department or discipline (Tosteson, 1994).

The response to the problem of content overload is to make the education process more efficient so that the student can accept an increased content load. Strategies such as problem-based or task-based learning may lead to more efficient education. New technologies, such as computer-assisted learning, may also contribute to increased efficiency in education (Harden, 1994).

Students can be encouraged to work harder – through incentives or by other forms of inducements such as examinations. (Harden, 1994).

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Karakteristik PBL

The exploration of prior knowledge, the formulation of inquiries derived from and defined by the learners’ need to know, and the active construction of meaning through dialogue and reflection promote long-term retention of newly acquired information (Schmidt, 1983; Regehr & Norman, 1996).

Active participation in learning is more satisfying than passive transfer of information from the teacher to the student & active learning leads to enhance retention and recall (Bransford., 2000).

The discussion of problems in small groups (elaboration) may promote a connectedness of ideas and concepts, and fosters cooperation rather than competition among students (Schmidt, 1983 & Moust, 2000).

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Tujuan PBLMembangun dan mengembangkan pembelajaran mahasiswa yang memenuhi kriteria ketiga ranah pembelajaran (taxonomy of learning domains).

- Di bidang kognitif (knowledges): berupa ilmu dasar dan ilmu terapan secara terintegrasi;

- Di bidang psikomotor (skills): berupa scientific reasoning, critical appraisal, information literacy, self- directed learning, life-long learning;

- Di bidang affektif (attitudes): berupa value of framework, hubungan antar-manusia, yang berkaitan masalah psikososial (psychosocial issues)

Teori Konstruktivis

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Tujuan PBL

Problem-based learning (PBL) is grounded in the belief that learning is most effective when students are actively involved and learn in the context in which the knowledge is to be used. Problems act as stimulus and focus for student activity. Problem-based learning is not simply the addition of problem solving activities to otherwise discipline-centered curricula, but a way of shaping the learning programme of professional practice (Boud and Feletti, 1997).

Even if knowledge acquisition and clinical skills are not improved by PBL, the enhanced work environment for students and faculty that has been consistently found with PBL is a worthwhile goal (Albanese, 2000).

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• Student-centered• Problem-based• Integrated teaching• Community-oriented/-based• Elective / Early clinical exposure • Systematic / Self-directed learning

Strategi Pembelajaran PBL

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Alasan Berubah

General Reasons

Cognitive Psychology

Educational Background

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Curriculum:learning objectives

(competencies),L&T approach, assessment &

learning environmentshould be evaluated

& revised

Science & technology

Information & Communication

Changes in communityperception & knowledge

to health issues


High competitiveness

High quality graduates: scientist-professional, lifelong learner,

sensitive, creative, independent,innovative, critical thinking,


General ReasonsAlasan


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Educational Background

• Constructivism theory• Adult Learning• Shifting paradigm from teaching to

learning• Research on learning formats

Alasan Berubah

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Constructivism of learning:

• Knowledge is constructed from experience• Learning is a personal interpretation of the world• Learning is an active process in which meaning is

developed on the basis of experience• Conceptual growths comes from the negotiation

of meaning, the sharing of multiple perspectives and the changing of our internal representations through collaborative learning

• Learning should be situated in realistic settings; testing should be integrated with the task and not a separate activity

Educational BackgroundAlasan Berubah

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Tidak terikat orang lainMandiri

BertanggungjawabDapat mengambil

keputusan sendiri

?BiologisTanda kelamin sekunder

Definition Adult

Educational BackgroundAlasan Berubah

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Adult learningCharacteristics (Malcolm Knowles)

1. Adults are autonomous and self-directed

2. Adults have accumulated a foundation of life experiences and knowledge

4. Adults are relevancy-oriented

3. Adults are practical

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AndragogyCharacteristics (Malcolm Knowles)

5. Adults are goal-oriented

6. Adults need to be shown respect

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Adult learning theory

Tasks should be relevant for the learner, motivation

Learner is involved in setting educational goals

Practice of all the skills

Laidley & Braddock, 2000

Learning is within capacity of the learner

Regular feedback is provided

The learner can reflect on experiences

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Reasons for ChangesEducational Background

Shifting paradigm from teaching to learning

Alasan Berubah

Teaching vs learning

Teacher centered

Knowledge transfer

Reinforces passiveness

Teachers provide


Teachers direct students

Student centered

Knowledge acquisition

Reinforces activeness

Teachers ask questions

Teachers guide students

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The Learning Pyramid

Teach others


Discussion group




Practice by doing








AverageRetention Rate

National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine, USA

Alasan Berubah Educational Background

Research on learning formats

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• Expertise research


Alasan Berubah Cognitive Psychology

• Problem solving: - General skill - Content specific

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Tell me and I will forgetShow me and I will remember

Involve me and I will understandStep back and I will act

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Implementasi PBL di

Fakultas KedokteranUniversitas Andalas

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Tim Kurikulum FK-UNAND

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1994 BBM (Modul Demam, Ikterus) 1994 Kunjungan ke USM 1996 TA Prof. A. Rahman dari USM (3 bln) 2000 Kunjungan ke NUS & USM 2001 Workshop 2003 TA, Workshop, pelatihan tutor 2004 Kunjungan ke UGM, Unpad, UI 2004 Prof. Mathew Gwee ke FK – Unand 2004/2005 Implementasi Modifikasi Full PBL

Sejarah PBL di FK – Unand

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Menjalankan sistem pembelajaran “Problem Based Learning “ secara full

Mulai TA. 2004 /2005

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Research Seminar

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1981 : KIPDI I

1993 : KIPDI II


- 7 Area Kompetensi

- Dokter Layanan Primer

- Dokter Keluarga

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Tahap Pendidikan Kedokteran(KIPDI III)

Tahap 1. Semester I: Pendidikan Dasar Umum

Tahap 2. Semester II-VII:Pendidikan Kedokteran


Tahap 3. Semester VIII-X:Pengalaman Klinik (Clerkship)

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1. Tutorial (small group discussion) 2. Kuliah pakar (mini lecture)3. Belajar mandiri (self-learning)4. Praktikum ilmu kedokteran dasar5. Skills lab 6. Diskusi pleno 7. Clerkship 8. Internship

Strategi Pembelajaran: PBL (SPICES)

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student student

Tutorial tutor

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Small Group Discussion

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Encourage Teamwork

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Self (Directed) Learning

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EVALUASI• Evaluasi terhadap mahasiswa

- tutorial: formulir terstruktur- skills lab: OSCE (di akhir blok)- written assessment: MCQ (di akhir blok)

• Evaluasi terhadap tutor (di akhir semester)- oleh mahasiswa dengan formulir terstruktur

• Evaluasi terhadap program (di akhir blok)- oleh Komisi Monitoring dan Evaluasi MEU FK-

UNAND- input dari pengelola Blok, penulis skenario,

tutor, instruktur praktikum, mahasiswa.

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