Workaholism - Research Report

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Transcript of Workaholism - Research Report

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Research Paper





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Table of Contents

List of Graphs, Figures & Charts: ................................................................................................ 3

Acknowledgment: .............................................................................................................................. 4

Special Thanks: .................................................................................................................................. 5

Abstract: .............................................................................................................................................. 6

Introduction: ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Literature Review: ............................................................................................................................ 9

Procedures: ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Significance of The Study: ............................................................................................................. 14

Limitations:....................................................................................................................................... 15

Data Analysis: .................................................................................................................................. 16

Results / Findings: ........................................................................................................................... 20

Implications for Future Research: .............................................................................................. 22

....................................................................................................................................... 23

Department Approval Letter: ........................................................................................................... 24

Questionnaire: .................................................................................................................................... 25

Evaluation Table: .............................................................................................................................. 29

References: ......................................................................................................................................... 30

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List of Graphs, Figures & Charts:

Figure 1 …………… Table Showing the Results of Questionnaires

Figure 2 …………… Number of Respondents

Figure 3 …………… Workaholics’ frequency chart

Figure 4 …………… Gender Graph

Figure 5 …………... Mean Age Graph

Figure 6 …………… Education Graph

Figure 7 ..…………. Marital Status Graph

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In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, Beneficent and the Only One to be Praised. Indeed He

has given man the ability to think, to learn and to understand the universe and to explore what is

in it for humans, so that they would come to know how blessed they are.

This is a group research report conducted by the students of Institute of Management Studies,

University of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It is submitted as a final assignment to

the course in charge.

The following are the names of Researchers:

Miss. Saman Rahman

Mr. M. Aamer Waqas Idrees

Mr. Junaid Khan

Miss. Asiya Mehmood

Miss. Saba Aftab

Indeed it was a difficult job to carry this research with regular classes in progress, but by the grace

of Allah we tried our best to accomplish this task efficiently. We would like to thank our

supervisor Mr. Malik Shakeel for his kind directions and supervision. We would thank him also

for entrusting us with a widely debatable topic that is very unfamiliar to a country like Pakistan

where work addiction is not been taken into much consideration.

We would also thank all those organizations in general, and the respondents in particular who

gave us their time in spite of their busy schedule and provided us with the data that we required

from them. Without their participation it would never have been conducted.

Besides, we would like to thank all of our colleagues, friends, family members and all those who

have directly or indirectly, morally or physically supported us and guided us whenever we had to

face certain difficulties.

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Special Thanks:

We would like to pay our special regards to the following personalities for their kind appreciation

and consideration:

Mr. Sayed Ishfaq-ur-Rehman CESSD

Miss. Anikah Khan CESSD

Mr. Irfan Ullah Marwat Sabawon

Mr. Zulqarnain Haider Sabawon

Mr. Noushad Delaas Gul Welfare

Mr. Ghulam Muhammad Delaas Gul Welfare

MR. Ishfaq Khattak IMPACT

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the reasons and factors that influence a person to

become workaholic and find the impacts of workaholism upon one's personal and professional

life. It focused on the managerial level staff of non-government organizations taking into account

Pakistan’s cultural aspect. In Pakistani culture there are many factors that lead a person to work

longer hours, an important factor being the number of dependents. It was assumed that gender,

marital status, financial dependents and nature of job would be the factors that will differentiate a

workaholic or non-workaholic. But the study revealed that a workaholic is a workaholic by

nature. The above factors just become excuses for long working hours. This was later on verified

through interviewing the directors / supervisors / head of departments of the particular

organizations. It was assumed that workaholics would be more contributing to the organization as

compared to non-workaholic but the study revealed that it is not necessary that a workaholic is


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The increasing trend of workaholic behaviour in Japan, China, Europe, and many other parts of

the world is a topic of great concern. This is due to the many adverse effects that work addiction

has on the workaholic and all those in his life. Due to increase in economic instability,

multinational investments, competition etc., in Pakistan, the trend of workaholism is growing, and

the worst part is that it is going unnoticed. Little work has been done on this topic and needs to be

addressed, and awareness developed about its negative consequences.

Surprisingly, the concept of workaholism is practically non-existent in the country. Workaholics

are regarded as hard workers and viewed positively. However, they are far from being hard

workers. They work hard but not smart. They are work addicts – unhappy and obsessive people

who do not perform their jobs well and also create difficulties for others. Cherrington (1980)

defined workaholism as “an irrational commitment to excessive work. Workaholics are unable to

take time off or to comfortably divert their interests.” Machlowitz (1980, p.11) sees them as

people who spend more time working and thinking about work, than normally required. Oates

came up with the word ‘workaholism’, and described the behaviour as an excessive need to work

continuously, that seriously affects health, relationships, and happiness.

“Workaholics are a stereotype of modern life, and they are both praised and criticized.”

Workaholics may be viewed as an asset in the corporate world and may be considered as an

acceptable way of getting promotions. However, they may be seen as people who neglect family

and leisure – necessities that helps maintain a healthy life (Keown, L.A; 2007).

The main theme of this study is to identify and analyse workaholics in non-governmental

organizations in Peshawar. Mostly qualitative data was collected, but the mixed method was also

used to arrive at more accurate results. The main focus is on employees at managerial levels, who

have served at least a year in the organizations concerned. The time spent in the present position

is also considered. After identifying them, the impacts of this addiction on their personal lives,

health, and performance have been recognized.

The research objectives formulated for the research paper are:

Define workaholism. State the quantity of workaholics in each department.

A workaholic doesn’t rely on team members / subordinates / colleagues? If this is not the

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case then what are other reasons.

Do workaholics work for late hours because they want to or they are slow and steady


How do family background and relations influence workaholic / non-workaholic?

How workaholism impacts the personal life, health and performance of an individual?

The general idea is that workaholics tend to be over efficient and work more than normally

required. This tends to negatively affect their family relations and health. Workaholics face stress

induced illnesses, chronic fatigue, increased anxiety, among other health issues. They are

perfectionists and this creates problems in the workplace that affects organizational performance.

The study focuses on these dimensions and tries to identify the reasons behind being a workaholic

and what influences family background has on this kind of behavior.

The study comprises of close ended questionnaires and face to face interviews. A few managers

of an organization were asked to fill out a questionnaire. This way the workaholics were

identified and their family, health, and performance conditions assessed. The distribution of this

set of questionnaire was dependent upon accessibility to the particular organizations and the

response rate. Interviews were also arranged with the head/ supervisor of the respondents who

were asked different questions about the workaholics that helped obtain information regarding

various difficulties faced by the people working with the workaholics. The validity of the

response obtained from respondents of the questionnaires was also be ensured.

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Literature Review:

To date the term workaholism has not been given a specific definition yet. The existing literature

is rich with countless definitions, with researchers taking into account different aspects of a

workaholic. So far the opinions, observations, and definitions are vague and there is no consensus

among researchers through which we can have a clear idea of the term. Generally workaholism

means the over commitment of work. Spence and Robbins (1992) stated that “the common

element in the discussion of workaholism is that the affected individual is highly committed to

work and devoting a good deal of time to it”. Mosier (1983) says “workaholics are those who

work atleast 50 hours a week”. However, workaholism should not be assessed only according to

the time dimensions (Harpaz & Snir, 2003; Snir & Harpaz, 2004), as this assessment would be

simplistic. It does not take into account the behaviour of the person while working. According to

(Jacobs & Gerson, 2004), the intensity of work is also important. So the other dimension that

should be used to asses if a person is a workaholic is effort. This is the amount of physical or

mental energy allocated to work (Becker, 1985). The time dimension alone does not take into

account the addictive nature of this phenomenon. A work addict is strongly influenced by an

internal drive which cannot be resisted. External factors such as marriage, family etc. do not have

any influence on the workaholic. Porter (1996); Robinson (1996) define workaholism as

“voluntarily spending so much time on work related activities that it produces negative

consequences for social, family, and other activities.

Opinions and conclusions about workaholism are conflicting and multiple. Some writers view it

positively (Korn et al 1987; Machlowitz, 1980), while others view workaholism negatively

(Killinger, 1991; Oates 1971). “Workaholics are a stereotype of modern life, and they are both

praised and criticized”. On one hand, workaholics may be seen as an asset in the corporate world,

and may be considered as an accepted way of getting promotions in some professions. On the

other hand, workaholics may be viewed as people who neglect family and leisure, things that are

important for maintaining a healthy life (Keown, L.A; 2007). According to Scott et al (1997) the

time spent on work related activities is not necessarily negative for a person or the organization

for which the person works. Some people work long hours because it is their only source of

satisfaction. Some people gain happiness by working harder and longer. Machlowitz (1980:16)

found that “as a group workaholics are surprisingly happy. They are doing exactly what they love

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– work – and they can’t seem to get enough of it”. But there are other researchers who view

workaholism in a negative way. For example, Naughton; (1987), Oates; (1971), Porter, (1996)

take workaholism as addictive behaviour and depicts these people as unhappy and obsessed

individuals, who poorly perform their jobs and also create difficulties for their colleagues.

Workaholism occurs because of the tolerance an individual develops regarding work. Another

cause may be that people become workaholics because they develop addictions to consumer

goods, and can get more of them if they work harder (Daniel, S.H; Joel, S., 2005). According to

Snir, R.; Harpaz, I, (2006) the reasons for long working hours in Japan are economic,

organizational demand for overtime, and sociocultural. Work centrality is defined as the degree of

general importance that working has in one’s life at any given time. The dictum that work is a

virtue and play is a sin pervades several industrial societies. People with a high level of work

centrality will work more hours per week than those with a low level of work centrality. Married

women will work fewer hours per week because they will have to give time to their house and

children, while married men will work more hours because when the number of dependents will

increase, the responsibility on them will also increase. Furthermore, private sector employees will

work more hours per week then public sector employees. This is because of higher job security in

the public sector. Asghar, M., (2007), in her study indicates that workaholism was a consequence

of disturbed family experiences during early years of life. Organizational culture also plays a

major role in encouraging workaholic behaviour. Organizations often reward workaholics, and

those who work long hours are thought of as dedicated employees. These people are also in a

better position to compete for recognition, career development opportunities etc. The use of

technology (e.g. fax machines, email, teleconferencing etc.), also reinforces workaholic

behaviours. Downsizing has also created more work for fewer staff. Some organizations take

pride in developing a culture that encourages long hours and sacrifice to achieve success and

development (Hochschild, 1997).

The 2005 General Social Survey in Canada revealed that one third of employed Canadians aged

19 to 64 identified themselves as workaholics. They admitted to not being satisfied with their

balance between work and life and also wished they could spend more time with family and

friends. Workaholics devote more time to work, but derive no more satisfaction from it than do

non workaholics. Perceived lack of time leaves them feeling rushed, trapped in their routines and

unable to finish the work they think needs to be done (Keown, L.A, 2007). Very few studies have

shown positive effects of workaholism. Machlowitz (1980) views workaholics as satisfied,

productive, and healthy individuals. On the other hand workaholism has numerous negative

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impacts. It is correlated with workstress. Workaholics face stress induced illnesses, chronic

fatigue, and increased anxiety levels, psychological and psychosomatic symptoms. High stress

can lead to high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart disease. Stress also weakens the

immune system, which makes workaholics vulnerable to other illnesses. Workaholics find it

difficult to detach themselves from work, and they keep on frequently and overly thinking about

their work. As a result they become emotionally and cognitively exhausted over time (Taris,

Schaufeli, & Veroeven, 2005). Spence and Robbins (1992) particularly mentioned a variety of

health problems ranging from exhaustion to high blood pressure, created due to workaholism.

They face burnout in their job due to excessive work hours and job demands (Schaufeli, Taris, &

Van Rhenen 2008). Workaholism on the extreme has such serious implications that the Japanese

came up with the word Karoshi – death from over work – to describe this addiction. Japanese

actually die due to over work. Work addiction leads to an imbalance in personal and professional

life. Hence, they experience higher divorce rates, fewer positive feelings about their marriage, and

feel less in control of their life and marriage (Robinson, Flowers, & Carols 2001). Due to

disturbances in their personal lives, resulting from lack of attention, their professional life also

gets affected.

Schaufeli et al (2006) found that workaholics work hard rather than smart. “They create

difficulties for their co-workers, and suffer from perfectionism” (Tabassum et al 2012). They find

it difficult to work in teams, because they would demand that the tasks should be completed

according to their specific guidelines and standards (Robinson, 2000; Harpaz & Snir; 2009

p.299). Other people would also find it difficult to work with these work addicts who demand

nothing less than perfection. Mudrack (2004; see also Mudrack & Naughton, 2001) defined

workaholics as people who engaged in non-required work activites, and who intruded actively on

the work of others. Mudrack & Naughton (2001) combined these two traits mentioned above with

obsessive-compulsive personality traits. So a workaholic is a rigid, controlling individual who

works more than required by the organization (Porter, G., 2006). Some types of workaholic

behaviour can limit job performance (Fassel, 1990). An employee constantly involved and

obsessed with work will not be productive. Undertaking high volume of work will affect the

quality of work (Burke, R.J., 2001). Increased work hours do not necessarily lead to higher

productivity (Baird & Beccia, 1980; Ben-David, 2003). For example, Hanna et al (2005) indicated

a decrease in construction labour productivity as the number of hours increased beyond the 40

hour standard per week.

A theory based model was tested among 757 employees of a Japanese construction machinery

company. The study took into account active coping and emotional discharge. The results of the

study indicated that workaholism was positively related to active coping, which was negatively

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associated with ill health and positively with job performance. Workaholism was also positively

related to emotional discharge, which caused ill health. The study also indicated that workaholism

was positively and directly related to ill health, but not significantly related to job performance.

The researchers concluded that workaholism is associated with active coping and emotional

discharge. Active coping leads to better health and job performance, but emotional discharge

leads to a deterioration of health. Workaholism coincides with poor health, and as the costs of ill

health are high for workaholics, workaholism has on average, adverse effects on health and

performance (Shimazu, A.; Schaufeli, W.B.; Taris, T.W., 2010).

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The study was conducted by using a mix method strategy. This approach is a hybrid of both

qualitative and quantitative strategies. The data was collected through sampling. For the study a

number of national and international NGOs operating in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,

Pakistan, were contacted for data collection purposes. The questionnaires were filled by the

managerial level staff of the responding organizations. They were visited personally by the team

members in groups and the questionnaires were filled on the spot by the respondents.

The questionnaire consisted of five parts, every part supporting a particular research objective.

Every part had a number of questions supporting one another. The data collected was analyzed to

find if each part supported the particular hypothesis.

The directors / Heads were interviewed to know about the particular organizations and also cross

verify a few answers of the managers who were identified as workaholics after the initial

screening of the questionnaires. The director(s) were also asked about their views on workaholism

and workaholics and how they dealt with the problem. It would be discussed in results / findings

later on.

To support or reject each hypothesis, data is analyzed by comparing it with the set standards. The

analysis is shown clearly with the help of graphs and charts. The findings are then compared to

the views of the directors recorded through interviews. Certain mathematical and statistical tools

would also be applied for further validation.

Since, it is a group research; each group member has played a role in certain phases of the study.

The decision for dividing the group into sub-groups for data collection was on the basis of

schedule of appointments and availability of the individuals. Also each member was given a role

in the study voluntarily on the basis of his/her excellence and interest in the task.

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Significance of the Study:

Every human being has certain unfulfilled needs and desires, which can be satisfied only if effort

towards work is exercised. Work is a central part of a person’s life without which survival is very

difficult, and humans depend on each other to get their work done. Workaholism, is not a new

terminology if taken in the global perspective. It is extensively recognized in the developed

countries such as the USA, Japan, and European countries. An upward trend in workaholism has

led to increased concern as the negative effects of this addiction are becoming clearer and more

pronounced. Work is being done to understand this work behaviour and find ways to decrease the

harmful effects.

However, in Pakistan this trend has not been noticed nor the concept of workaholism understood.

Work addicts are regarded as hard workers. The main objective of this study is to add to the

already limited literature of workaholism, in view of the Pakistani culture and work environment.

This study will help managers of Pakistan understand workaholism, and learn to distinguish

between hard workers and workaholics. It will also assist in introducing the concept of the

unnoticed phenomenon of work behaviour in the Human Resource field and work can be started

to recognize the negative effects of workaholism in organizations and develop ways of dealing

with work addicts.

This study tries to find out certain factors that influence an individual to become a workaholic.

Factors such as financial dependence of family, family background, organizational environment,

nature of the job, consciousness of work etc. the study further tries to reveal the impacts

workaholism has on one’s relationships. The opinion of the director regarding these addicts is also

referred to.

This study is one of the research papers that would open the doors to a whole new concept in

Pakistan. The reasons, impacts etc. of workaholism in this country are very different from that of

the developed countries due to deviations in culture and traditions. This would mean that ways of

dealing with this problem in Pakistan will also be very different from the ways devised by the

western countries. In other words, this paper may give the Human Resource Management, and

business institutes an important job of researching and developing extensively the concept in our

own country’s perspective.

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Time was one of the biggest constraints faced by us in data collection, due to which we could

neither increase the area of our study nor its depth. Large amounts of data could not be collected

due to limited time and resources. As it was an academic project, other activities and lectures

were going side by side therefore conflicts occurred.

Access to different non-governmental organizations was also a problem. Some of them could not

be contacted, and some of them were unwilling to help. Lack of managerial staff in a few

organizations also limited the number of respondents. Most of the international organizations

refused due to security issues pertaining to the region of Peshawar.

No financial assistance was given which limited us to the most accessible regions of Peshawar.

Security issues stopped us from visiting organizations operating in high risk areas of the city.

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Data Analysis:

Following are the tables, graphs and charts showing the results after analysis / interpretation of

the questionnaires: Figure 1


Q. No

1. 22 % 17 % 61 % - - C

2. 33 % 28 % 39 % - - C

3. 33 % 67 % - - - B

4. 61 % - 39 % - - A

5. 50 % 39 % 11 % - - A

6. 89 % 11 % - - - A

7. `39 % 22 % 39 % - - A & C

8. 17 % 50 % 33 % - - B

9. 39 % 28 % 33 % - - A

10. 22 % 28 % 22 % 33 % - D

11. 56 % 22 % 22 % - - A

12. 17 % 11 % 72 % - - C

13. 82 % 6 % 6 % - 6 % A

14. 33 % 45 % - - 22 % B

15. 28 % 61 % 11 % - - B

16. 6 % 72 % - - 22 % B

17. 22 % 39 % 44 % - - B

18. - 89 % 17 % - - B

19. 22 % 56 % 17 % - 5 % B

20. 17 % 56 % 17 % - 10 % B

21. 89 % 6 % - - 5 % A

22. 17 % 66 % 17 % -- - B

23. 22 % 56 % 27 % - - B

24. 33 % 67 % - - - B

25. 45 % 22 % 33 % - - A

26. 22 % 17 % 67 % - 5 % C

27. 22 % 11 % 56 % - 17 % C

28. 17 % 11 % 45 % - 27 % C

29. 22 % 56 % 27 % - - B

The questionnaire framed consisted of a total of twenty nine questions divided into five different

parts. The basic information of the respondents including name, age, marital status, gender,

financial dependents, organization and designation etc. were also asked to aid in the analysis.

The above table shows the frequency of various options chosen by the respondents, which are

represented by percentages to make the analysis easier. The last column represents the option

chosen most frequently for each question by the respondents. This shows the point of similarity

between the subjects.

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Few of the respondents chose more than one option because they were of the view that multiple

options suited their work life. Therefore, such answers are also taken into account.

Figure 2 Figure 3

The pie chart above shows the percentage of audience who attempted the questionnaire. In

accordance with the hypothesis the questionnaires were analyzed taking into account each

department and also considered the number of workaholics in each unit. Finance and

Administration are taken as separate departments because these are the backbone of every

organization. While all the other departments including mobilizers, trainers etc. are placed in the

heading of Human Resource departments.

While conducting the study, we came across organizations where one person was supervising

various departments at the same time. This is common in Pakistan where high inflation and lack

of appropriate education prevents organizations to recruit the right quantity of qualified workers.

Such people were counted in the department for which they were initially hired, or according to

their education.

Figure 3 shows the in percentages the ratio of workaholics to non-workaholics in each

department. It shows that most of the employees in the finance department are workaholics.

Detailed findings are discussed later on.




Number of Respondents



Human Resource& Others 0%











Finance Administration


e &Others

Non-Wrokaholics 0% 56% 16%

Workaholic 100% 44% 84%







Workaholics Frequency Chart

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Figure 4 Figure 5

The above figures represent data in three different demographical perspectives. Figure 4 reveals

workaholics on gender basis. According to this figure it is clear from the graph that female

workers are more workaholic as compared to male members of the organizations. These figures

are obtained by classifying the male and female population separately and then the number of

workaholics found in that particular population is found in percentages.

Figure 5 is throwing light upon the mean age(s) of workaholics and non-workaholics again

gender vise. There is a slight difference in the mean ages of workaholic men and women. Same is

the case in non-workaholics. The mean ages of workaholic men and women are separately

calculated and plotted. The same process is applied while calculating mean ages of non-

workaholic men and women.

Figure 6







Male Female

Non-Workaholics 60% 25%

Workaholic 40% 75%

Gender Graph

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%



Workaholics Non-Workaholics

Bachelors 10% 50%

Masters 20% 50%

Diploma 0% 0%

Others (Lower than Bachelors) 0% 0%

Others (Higher than Masters) 10% 0%

Education Graph









Male Female

Non-Workaholics 32.25 31.23

Workaholic 31.57 32.66

Mean Age Graph

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Married Un-married

Non-Workaholics 50% 50%

Workaholic 58% 42%

Figure 7

Marital Status Graph

Figure 6 is showing the percentage of workaholics and non-workaholics with different

qualifications. All the bachelors i.e. Honors. Level graduates regardless of their major(s) are

placed under one single category. Same procedure is done with Master level graduates. Those

respondents who haven't acquired any bachelor's degree but are equivalent to bachelor are placed

in diploma category. Similarly, those who have not yet taken graduate level degree, either in

process or are directly appointed in organization from intermediate level are placed in Others

(lower than bachelor) category.

Those who have acquired post-graduate education are placed under Others (Higher than Masters)

category. This category includes all researchers, scholars and those who are having certification

of an upper category than the masters.

Figure 7 shows the relationship graph of

workaholics and non-workaholics based upon

marital status. According to this graph it is

clear that mostly married persons are

workaholics as compared to non-workaholics.

But this is very slight difference. During the

analysis, no specific factors were found

eminent that would contribute towards

workaholism of a married or single person.

But considering financial dependents upon

one, it can be interpreted that since in our

society, a married person has to support his /

her spouse mostly, therefore this is an

important reason behind high percentage of

married workaholics.

These figures are analyzed and interpreted in this section of the study, while its outcomes and

results would be discussed later on in the study.

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Results / Findings:

Certain results are being deduced in the light of questionnaires as well as in accordance with the

view and interviews of certain directors / supervisors and project head(s).

The most eminent and unexpected finding is that the number of workaholic managers in

administration section is the lowest in all three categories of departments. Figure 3 is clarifying

this aspect graphically. Finance department holds most of the workaholics while Human Resource

is stands second.

The findings of this study reveals that as most of the workaholics exist in the finance department,

and this might be the reason behind slow operations as compared to other departments.

Workaholics are perfectionists and they work hard rather than smart. Inefficiency leads to slow

operations or low quality of outcome. This may help managers deal with workaholics and avoid


Further it has been found that most of the workaholics are not being affected by their financial

dependents. During the analysis it was found that all have dependents like parents, spouse,

children, grand-parents etc. Financial needs may force a person to work late hours. Single parents

may have to work extra hard to earn so that they can afford to support their children. Unlike

abroad, no laws exist in Pakistan, which makes it binding on the separated partners to contribute

financially in the upbringing of their children. Women with married children also have spare time

which leads them to work extra hours, as in our culture and especially in Peshawar, women prefer

staying at home rather than going out on weekends to enjoy. Peshawar doesn’t have much

recreational facilities either.

Workaholic first adopts work as a hobby and it turns into need and addiction. The questionnaire

was set in a technical way. While interpreting them, we found that workaholics have stated work

as their priority, and they have not realized how it is affecting their relationships. Some are

willing to cooperate and compromise while the others do not even accept that their addiction to

work is hurting the relationships they are in. Some have mentioned that they prioritize work over

family but at the end they think their relationships are just normal. This is common, as

workaholics do not admit that they are addicted.

It is been concluded that workaholic's contribution towards the organization is either normal or

non-satisfactory. At times they take too much time in completing a task. They go for such details

which are not desirable at the moment or are not required for that task. The sake of perfection in

their work mostly turns into delay.

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An interesting factor that came up during the study is that most of those employees who

continuously turn their hobbies into money making ventures are more likely to be workaholics.

Also those people whose profession is their hobby, are mostly been found workaholics. These

people are willing to work longer regardless of other factors. They always find pleasure and

satisfaction in work. It was mostly found in employees of organizations that had a proper

hierarchy and most importantly in international non-government organizations.

A misconception that exists about workaholics is that all those who are mostly sitting late or more

appropriately whose working hours often exceeds official working hours, are said to be

workaholics. This study completely disapproves of this fact. There are certain employees who

work in the official time slot but still they are said to be workaholics based upon other factors. It

is the future worries, professional career consciousness and performance that motivate one to take

lead from his / her colleagues, be on an eminent designation, and show some kind of excellence to

the boss for continuous promotions. This case is mostly found in local non-government

institutions because hiring and firing is very usual in such organizations.

How the person is being brought up? As far as this question was concerned, in this study we

haven't found any indication that would prove it to be a motivating or influencing factor turning

one into workaholic.

Gender as a matter of fact is also not contributing much to workaholism. A slight difference is

being identified in the graphs mentioned above in the study. It is also been observed that most of

the married persons are workaholics. This difference again isn’t very significant but at least we

can conclude that in our society, since one single person supports not only his / her own family,

but in most of the cases the dependents include some step relations, grandparents or parents of

spouse, financial dependents influences a person to increase working hours to earn more or get


Further, moving towards the impacts of workaholism upon one's personal life, behavior, health

and performance, fatigue is found a prominent result of workaholism. Most of workaholics find it

difficult to relax due to overwork. Due this they experience sleeplessness. They are of the view

that due to addiction and extreme exposure to work, they now find themselves guilty when they

aren’t working.

Familial gap was an issue which we focused on more because of the fact that in our society and

culture, family is more important than any other relations. Most of the workaholics said that they

try to manage their relationships and compensate for the lack of time as and when possible. It is a

distinguishing factor of workaholics of the Pakistani culture as compared to global workaholics.

Page 23: Workaholism - Research Report


Implications for Future Research:

This study has been conducted on a small scale with very limited resources and limited access to

certain organizations and personnel. The conclusions thus simplified can be used for further study

investigating the reasons, impacts and behaviors of workaholics in Pakistan's perspective. This is

a very wide concept which encompasses various factors which if studied in detail can not only

help organizations for managing its human resource but it can also help multi-nationals and

corporations know the characteristics of workaholics in Pakistan and the different ways of dealing

with them. A detailed research with enough resources and expertise can use this concept, further

adding to the literature about workaholism in Pakistan's perspective and help Human Resource

Management develop and understand a very important concept that is increasing in today’s work


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Department Approval Letter:

Page 26: Workaholism - Research Report



NOTE: The questionnaire consists of five different parts. Please select the most appropriate choice

among the given options. If you think there is a need for further elaboration of choice, kindly fill in the

space given with that particular choice.

Name: _____________________________ Age: ____________________________

Gender: ____________________________ Marital Status:____________________

Department: ________________________ Qualification:_______________________

Organization: _______________________


Spouse Y / N

Children (un-married / married / divorced / adopted ) Y / N

Family of brother / sister Y / N

Grand-children Y / N

Parents (Own) Y / N

Parents (Spouse) Y / N

Grand-parents Y / N

Other. Specify please: (add in sequence if more than 3)

1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

Page 27: Workaholism - Research Report


Part I:

1. When did you join this organization for the first time?

a. 1-1.5 years ago b. 1.5 – 2 years ago c. More than 2 years ago

2. Since how long are working on your on your current position?

a. for less than 1 year b. for 1 – 1.5 years c. for more than 2 years

3. How do you feel working on this position?

a. Satisfactory b. Comfortable c. Disturbed

4. Having you in this organization is?

a. Right man for right place c. As good as others are

b. Could have a better one besides you

5. How do you reach office?

a. Always on time b. Mostly on time c. Tries but seldom on time.

6. How many times have you been late to office in last 10 working days?

a. Less than 3 times b. Between 3 & 5 times c. More than 5 times

7. How many days have you been late sitting in your office in last 10 working days?

a. Less than 3days b. Between 3 & 5 days c. More than 5 days

Part II:

8. It is important for me to work hard even despite I am not enjoying work.

a. Never b. Sometimes c. Often

9. Do you turn your hobbies into money making ventures?

a. Preferably b. Yes because my hobby is my profession

c. Not at all

10. How do you react towards people that have other priorities besides work?

a. No effect c. Do not cooperate with such people

b. Influences them d. Manages to work with them

11. Do you worry about future even if things are going well?

a. Yes b. No c. Sometimes

12. I feel guilty when I am not working?

a. Never b. Sometimes c. Mostly

13. Do you feel pleasure while working?

a. Always b. Sometimes c. Never

d. Depends. (Specify __________________________________________)

Page 28: Workaholism - Research Report


14. Do you take pending office work with you on weekend despite of having few more working days

in its submission?

a. Yes b. No

C. Depends. (Specify __________________________________________)

15. I am usually under pressure with self-imposed deadlines when I work.

a. Never b. Often c. Always

16. Do you trust your sub-ordinates with the work you give them?

a. No, I prefer to do things myself c. No, I doubt their capabilities

b. Yes, I do trust them d. Depends (Specify________________)

Part III:

17. Working after pack-up is yours?

a. Habit b. Need c. Gives you satisfaction

18. You work after pack-up time because:

a. You mostly reach office late. b. You want to have work done before time

c. You want to excel other co-workers

19. Does your work time exceed more than the standard working time of your organization?

a. Monthly b. Weekly c. Daily

20. You prefer to work after time because:

a. You are a slow starter but good finisher

b. Work matters to you regardless of timing

c. You feel better being at work rather than at home

Part IV:

21. You are being brought up by?

a. Own parents b. Adopted (both / either mother or parents)

C. Relatives (Maternal / Paternal) Specify ___________________________

22. I spend more time working than socializing with friends or on leisure activities:

a. Never b. Sometimes c. Most of the time

23. Does your family or friends complain about the lack of time which you have for them?

a. Mostly b. Sometimes c. Never

24. Were you given freedom of speech and decisions by parents?

a. Only speech was allowed, decisions were made by parents

b. Both were given c. None was given, you were being dictated

25. Do you prefer work over family (regardless of emergency situation)?

a. Mostly b. Sometimes c. Never

Page 29: Workaholism - Research Report


26. For you late sitting is?

a. Hard work b. Addiction c. Need

27. If you take pending office work home on weekend, why do you do so?

a. You fear of left behind from other colleagues

b. You can work more comfortably at home

c. It do not matter whether you work at home or office.

Part V:

28. What type of effect does overworking has on your health?

a. Sleeplessness / insomnia b. Short temper c. Fatigue

29. Your increased amount of work has created a distance between you and your family?

a. Yes, it has c. I don't think so

b. Maybe but whenever I get time I try to compensate for it

Page 30: Workaholism - Research Report


Evaluation Table:


1 b or c

2 b or c

3 a or b

4 a or c

5 a or b

6 a

7 b or c

8 b

9 a or b

10 b or c

11 a

12 c

13 a

14 a or depends

15 c

16 a, c or depends

17 a or c

18 b or c

19 b or c

20 b or c

21 any

22 c

23 a

24 a or c

25 a

26 b

27 any

28 any

29 a or c

Page 31: Workaholism - Research Report



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