Wobe - Jan 2015 - Team & Culture Doc

Team & Culture Doc January 2015 v0.1

Transcript of Wobe - Jan 2015 - Team & Culture Doc

Team & Culture DocJanuary 2015 v0.1

Customer call to WoBe agent

Agent process transactions using

WoBe in her smartphone

Agent find the market for cash out/in process

Agent get the money from cashier

–Steve Jobs

You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So

you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

The Answer is 42

• Constantly ask "what is the purpose of this?"

• In your lives, in our work and the impact you have

• Always read Douglas Adams

• Ship first, un-productive perfectionist never


• Put others before ourselves

• At work, ask what your colleagues would feel (if you excluded them from lunch, or valuable information. In that order.)

• In your craft, ask how your users see the world

Constant Contact

• Showing up is half the battle

• Keeping each other updated is essential

• Stay low, but stay close

• Never forget anyone's birthday and never let a new team member go to lunch alone

Always Be Learning

• If you're not in awe of or slightly jealous of someone maybe you're not curious enough! Turn that into a learning journey

• Everyone can learn anything even the things you're told you're not good at

• There are avenues to pursue this learning. Books, conferences, courses. Ask for them.


• Once a year, the team will go on a one week paid trip to an Indonesian location to work with a community

• The work we do must reflect our main values at work: we add to the ecosystem rather than subtract, we have measurable impact and we create things of value we can be proud of

• Everyone must play a role in planning and executing this and in articulating its values


• The glass is half full and will get fuller

• When in doubt, speak openly and publicly rather than spread fear

• Openness and integrity -- particularly applies to management and leadership

Personal Growth

• Everyone who comes here gets a shot at personal growth, which precedes career development

• Ask questions and speak up

• Ask for things ("can I go to this conference?")

• We say yes, a lot

Everyone Wins

• The day you leave to start your own company is when we say we've all won. We will do whatever we can to help.

• While you are here, do your best work with the best people. Be the best version of yourself.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me.

[email protected]