Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting and Agenda Friday … Agendas and... · 2019. 4....

Telephone: (08) 9792 7000 ◌ Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 TTY: 133 677 ◌ www.bunbury.wa.gov.au City of Bunbury 4 Stephen Street Bunbury WA 6230 Western Australia Correspondence to: Post Office Box 21 Bunbury WA 6231 Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting and Agenda Friday 19 August 2016 Committee Terms of Reference 1. To review and progress the Withers Action Plan. 2. Endorse or amend recommendations subject to conditions as per Council Decisions 34/14. 3. Receive information from Council and the Withers Community to assist decision making. 4. To provide stronger community relations in Withers. 5. Oversees projects implemented from the Withers Reserve

Transcript of Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting and Agenda Friday … Agendas and... · 2019. 4....

Page 1: Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting and Agenda Friday … Agendas and... · 2019. 4. 30. · Telephone: (08) 9792 7000 Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 TTY: 133 677 City of Bunbury

Telephone: (08) 9792 7000 ◌ Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 ◌ TTY: 133 677 ◌ www.bunbury.wa.gov.au

City of Bunbury 4 Stephen Street

Bunbury WA 6230 Western Australia

Correspondence to:

Post Office Box 21 Bunbury WA 6231

Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting and Agenda Friday 19 August 2016 Committee Terms of Reference 1. To review and progress the Withers Action Plan. 2. Endorse or amend recommendations subject to conditions as per Council Decisions 34/14. 3. Receive information from Council and the Withers Community to assist decision making. 4. To provide stronger community relations in Withers. 5. Oversees projects implemented from the Withers Reserve

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Table of Contents

Item No Subject Page

1. Declaration of Opening / Announcements of Visitors ...............................................................................2

2. Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................................................2

3. Announcements from the Presiding Member ............................................................................................2

4. Attendance .................................................................................................................................................2

4.1 Apologies ............................................................................................................................................2

4.2 Approved Leave of Absence ...............................................................................................................2

5. Declaration of Interest ................................................................................................................................2

6.1 Public Question Time ..........................................................................................................................3

6.2 Responses to Public Questions Taken ‘On Notice’ .............................................................................3

7. Confirmation of Minutes ............................................................................................................................4

8. Petitions, Presentations and Deputations ..................................................................................................4

8.1 Petitions ..............................................................................................................................................4

8.2 Presentations ......................................................................................................................................4

8.3 Deputations ........................................................................................................................................4

9. Reports .......................................................................................................................................................5

9.1 Financial Report ..................................................................................................................................5

9.2 Withers Action Plan Projects Status ...................................................................................................9

9.3 Withers Action Plan Projects 2016/2017 ........................................................................................ 10

10. Questions on Notice ............................................................................................................................ 20

10.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice ............................................. 20

10.2 Questions from Members ........................................................................................................... 20

11. New Business of an Urgent Nature Introduced by Decision of the Meeting ...................................... 20

12. Date of Next Meeting .......................................................................................................................... 20

13. Close of Meeting .................................................................................................................................. 20

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Withers Advisory Committee

Notice of Meeting Dear Committee Members The next Ordinary Meeting of the Withers Advisory Committee will be held in the Withers Community Room at the Withers Library, Hudson Road, Bunbury on 19 August 2016 at 1:00pm. Signed: Gavin Harris Director Works and Services

(Issued on 04 August 2016)

Agenda Friday 19 August 2016

Note: The recommendations contained in this document are not final and subject to adoption, amendment (or otherwise) at the meeting.

Committee Members:

Member Name Representing

Cr James Hayward City of Bunbury Council

Cr Jaysen Miguel City of Bunbury Council

Cr Karen Steele City of Bunbury Council

Cr Joel McGuinness City of Bunbury Council (Proxy)

Barbara Watkins Withers Community Member

Joanna Hugues-Dit-Ciles Withers Community Member

Doug Fimister Withers Community Member

Ken Warnes Withers Community Member

Mary Dunlop Withers Community Member

Ex-officio Members:

Member Name Representing

Gavin Harris Director Works and Services

Support Staff:

Name Title

Alison Baker Executive Assistant Works and Services

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1. Declaration of Opening / Announcements of Visitors

2. Disclaimer

All persons present are advised that the proceedings of this meeting will be recorded for record keeping purposes and to ensure accuracy in the minute taking process.

3. Announcements from the Presiding Member

4. Attendance

4.1 Apologies

4.2 Approved Leave of Absence

5. Declaration of Interest

Members should fill in Disclosure of Interest forms for items in which they have a financial, proximity or impartiality interest and forward these to the Presiding Member before the meeting commences.

Section 5.60A: “a person has a financial interest in a matter if it is reasonable to expect that the matter will, if dealt with by the local government, or an employee or committee of the local government or member of the council of the local government, in a particular way, result in a financial gain, loss, benefit or detriment for the person.”

Section 5.60B: “a person has a proximity interest in a matter if the matter concerns –

(a) a proposed change to a planning scheme affecting land that adjoins the person’s land; or

(b) a proposed change to the zoning or use of land that adjoins the person’s land; or

(c) a proposed development (as defined in section 5.63(5)) of land that adjoins the person’s land.”

Regulation 34C (Impartiality): “interest means an interest that could, or could reasonably be perceived to, adversely affect the impartiality of the person having the interest and includes an interest arising from kinship, friendship or membership of an association.”

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6. Public Question Time

In accordance with Reg. 7(4)(a) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, members of the public in attendance at the meeting may stand, state aloud their name and address, and ask a question in relation to any matter over which the municipality of Bunbury has jurisdiction or involvement. In accordance with Standing Order 6.7(3)(a) a person wishing to ask a question, must complete a question form which is provided in the trays at the back of the public gallery and on the City’s website. The completed form must include your name and address and contain no more than three (3) questions. If your question requires research or cannot be answered at the meeting, it will be taken on notice and you will receive a written response and a summary of your question (and any responses provided) will be printed in the minutes of the meeting.

6.1 Public Question Time

6.2 Responses to Public Questions Taken ‘On Notice’

At the Withers Advisory Committee Meeting held 10 August 2016, a question was asked during Public Question Time that could not be answered during the meeting. A copy of the question and the written response forwarded to the questioner following the meeting is provided below for public information:

Ms Lorene Kemps 34 Wilkerson Way, Withers

Question 1: Will the minutes (08 April 2016) be amended to state whilst the Withers Action Group provided the list to Council, that the list provided was from community consultation organised by the City?

Answer: As per WAC Decision 14/16 the minutes will not be amended. Upon further investigation of Council records, a list of all the projects still to be

implemented was provided to Council by Mr Glen Willets at Council Special Meeting on 24 July 2013, included in this list was the 10 laneways. In Mr Willetts’s address to the meeting, he was stated that the Withers Action Group (WAG) held eight community meetings to lock in the WAP. The report to Council for the Withers Action Plan in 2011 only identified six laneways for closure of which only 3 are on the list provided by the WAG. Therefore the statement in the Officers Comment is correct and has been the stated in Council Minutes on 6 August 2013 and 27 August 2013 when Council dealt with the Closure of Laneways – Withers.

Question 2: Withers Advisory Committee minutes 13 February 2014 stated sign (Welcome Park)

is due for installation by mid February 2014. How much longer before the sign will be installed? It is now 16 months past Feb 2015.

Answer: The sign is scheduled for installation on Friday 17 June 2016.

Question 3: There are concrete barriers between Davenport Way and Rand Court. How much is

this costing the rate payer? Answer: The concrete barriers were installed in December 2015 at a cost of $6,500. The

concrete barriers were installed to prevent vehicles using the reserve between Davenport Way and Rand Court. Prior to the installation of the barriers, access was

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prevented by pine bollards. The pine bollards were being vandalised and removed by persons unknown. This resulted in ongoing maintenance costs. Since the barriers were installed Council has not had a report of vandalism or removal of barriers. Which has reduced Council’s maintenance costs.

7. Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes for the Withers Advisory Committee meeting held on 10 June 2016 have been circulated. Recommendation The minutes of the Withers Advisory Committee held on 10 June 2016 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.

8. Petitions, Presentations and Deputations

8.1 Petitions

8.2 Presentations

8.3 Deputations

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9. Reports

9.1 Financial Report

File Ref: A06599

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Responsible Officer Alison Baker, Exec. Assistant Works and Services

Executive: Gavin Harris Director Works and Services

Attachments: DWS 1 Expenditure Report as at 05.08.16

Summary The purpose of this item is to present the Committee with a current financial report. Executive Recommendation That the monthly financial report be received.

Background Council Decision 128/11 provided a $300,000 annual allocation for a period of five years to a total of $1,500,000 for Withers Action Projects. As of 1 January 2014 expenditure against the Withers Action Plan was recorded as $214,187 with $385,813 in the Withers Reserve and accounts for expenditure in years one and two of the five year period. Effectively when the Withers Advisory Committee was formed the remaining funding available was $1,285,813. $300,000 was available for 2013/14 Withers Action Plan projects with a further $385,813 held in the Withers Reserve. Council Decision 99/14 approved the transfer of $129,000 from the Withers Reserve to Withers Projects. Council Decision 144/14 approved the transfer of $135,000 from the Withers Reserve to Withers Projects. Council Decision 274/14 approved the transfer of $30,804 into the Withers Reserve which represented savings from completed 13/14 Projects and the transfer of $42,000 from the Withers Reserve for the CCTV project. Council Decision 370/14 approved the transfer of $8,650 from the Withers Reserve which represented the over budget expenditure in the 2013/14 Devonshire Street Path project. The audited 2013/14 Financial Statement showed that adjustment of $122 to the Withers Reserve was required due to end of financial year processing. Council Decision 76/15 approved transfer of $29,400 from the Withers Reserve to fund an additional $35,000 to construct a pedestrian crossing on Ocean Drive.

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Net savings for 2014/2015 completed projects as at May 2015 was $32,198, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Council Decision 239/15 approved transfer of $37,320 from the Withers Reserve for the following projects:

- $4,320 PR-2851 Design and Upgrade Ashrose Reserve - $20,000 PR-3888 Closure of Laneways – survey and legal costs - $3,000 increase to PR-3740 Construct pedestrian crossing on Ocean Drive. - $10,000 increase to PR-3618 Install CCTV to cover maintenance/replacement costs.

Net savings for 2014/2015 for completed projects as at 30 June 2015 was $36,090, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Net savings for 2015/2016 completed projects as at 31 October 2015 was $11,172, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Net savings for 2015/2016 completed projects as at 31 January 2016 was $886, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Council Decision 388/15 approved $8,000 was transferred to PR-3729 Prepare Withers Local Area Plan / General Structure Plan to allow for the completion of the plan as part of Council’s October Budget Review. Withers Advisory Committee Decision 6/16 was referred to the Bunbury City Council as there was not unanimous support of the Elected Members for the decision. At the 8 March 2017 Council Meeting Council Decision 68/16, resolved to endorse the WAC 6/16 including Point 3

3. Approve $67,000 Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue from Costello Street to Ocean Drive.

Council further resolved Point 2 a and b (a) Advise the Withers Advisory Committee that the City of Bunbury is unable to fund the

footpath in Naturaliste Avenue from Costello Street to Lefroy Place within the current budget as the current focus of Council’s footpath programme is on upgrade and renewal of poor condition paths.

(b) Approve the construction of the footpath Naturaliste Avenue from Costello Street to Lefroy Place at a cost $52,500 from within the Withers Reserve

Net savings for 2015/2016 completed projects as at 31 March 2016 was $10,665, which has been transferred into the Withers Reserve. Withers Advisory Committee Decision 18/16 recommended Council approve the allocation of $115,000 for the implementation of a Withers Youth Strategy. Council will consider this project at 23 August 2016 Council meeting. This report is based on Council approving the project. Withers Advisory Committee Decision 19/16 approved the transfer of the remaining funds from PR-3435 Closure of Laneways to PR-3888 Closure of Laneways in Withers Survey and Legal costs. The total funds available for Withers Action Plan Projects for 16/17 is $148,636 subject to Council endorsing the implementation of a Withers Youth Strategy. This figure is represented by the balance of the Withers Reserve ($126,136) and the annual 2015/16 allocation ($300,000), less those projects already approved for 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 ($277,500).

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Officer Comments This report only covers expenditure and income from the City of Bunbury Withers Action Plan funded projects. A detailed report is attached which includes expenditure, remaining balance and status of projects (see DWS 1 - Expenditure Report as at 05.08.16). Table 1 – Source of Funds The following figures are based on Council endorsing the $115,000 project for the Implementation of the Withers Youth Strategy.

Withers Reserve $ 1,500,000

Less 2011/2012 Projects $ 169,460

Less 2012/2013 Projects $ 44,727

Less 2013/2014 Projects $ 350,092

Less 2014/2015 Approved and Carried over Projects $ 563,276

Withers Reserve $ 372,445

Add 2014/2015 Net Project savings as at May 2015 $ 32,198

Withers Reserve $ 404,643

Less 2014/2015 Approved Projects (12.06.15 meeting) $ 37,320

Add 2014/2015 Net Project savings as at June 2015 $ 36,090

Balance of Withers Reserve including 2015/2016 Allocation $ 403,413

Less 2015/2016 Approved Projects $ 162,500

Add 2014/2015 Net project savings as at October 2015 $ 11,172

Add 2015/2016 Net Project savings as at January 2016 $ 886

Add 2015/2016 Net Project savings as at March 2016 $ 10,665

Less 2016/2017 Approved Project (subject to Council’s endorsement 23.08.16)

$ 115,000

Balance of Withers Reserve $ 148,636

2016/2017 Withers Action Plan Funding The following figures are based on Council endorsing the $115,000 project for the Implementation of the Withers Youth Strategy.

Balance of Withers Reserve 10.06.16 $ 263,636

Less PR-XXXX Implementation of Withers Youth Strategy $ 115,000

2016/2017 Available Funds including Withers Reserve $ 148,636

Project Description Budget Expenditure

PR-3435 Close Laneways $80,000 $70,100 $9,900

Transferred to PR-3888 Closure of Laneways – Survey and Legal Costs $9,900

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Table 2 – Summary of DWS 1 – Expenditure Report as at 05.08.16

Project Description Budget Expenditure Committed

Total Expenditure

Remaining WAC


PR-3888 Closure of Laneways – Survey and Legal Costs

$ 29,900 $ 489 $ 489 $ 29,411 WAC 12/15 WAC 19/16


Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue (Ocean Drive to Lefroy Place)

$119,500 $97,929 $9,495 $107,424 $ 12,076 WAC 6/16 Council 68/16

PR-XXXX Implementation of Withers Youth Strategy

$115,000 $115,000 WAC 18/16

TOTALS $164,400 $98,418 $9,495 $107,912 $156,488

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

This report provides a financial report for the Withers Advisory Committee. Council Policy Compliance The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14.

Legislative Compliance The provisions of Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 34 (1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 are applicable for Council reporting.

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9.2 Withers Action Plan Projects Status

File Ref A06599

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Responsible Officer Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services

Executive: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services


Summary The purpose of this report is to update the Withers Advisory Committee on the status of the Withers Action Plan Projects. Executive Recommendation That the status of the endorsed Withers Action Plan projects be noted. Background At the Committee’s meeting held on 14 November 2014, it was advised that the Financial Report and status of projects will be separated into two reports. Council Policy Compliance N/A Legislative Compliance N/A

Officer Comments Individual Withers Action Plan Project status is as follows:

PR-3888 Closure of Laneways – survey and legal costs Following Council’s endorsement to close D, E, G, H, J and Slee Place, the Department of Lands has commenced the investigations into the formal closure of the laneways. They have advised that the process will take a minimum of 6 months and they will provide updates at significant milestones. PR-4132 Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue (Ocean Drive to Lefroy Place) Footpath completed. Western Power to relocate light pole. PR-XXXX Implementation of Withers Youth Strategy Subject to decision at Council Meeting to be held on 23.08.16 Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications There are no financial or budgetary implications impacting from the recommendations of this report.

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9.3 Withers Action Plan Projects 2016/2017

File Ref A06599

Applicant/Proponent: Internal

Responsible Officer: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services

Executive: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services

Attachments: DWS 2 Status of Withers Action Plan Projects – May / June Consultation DWS 3 Withers Action Plan Projects DWS 4 Proposed Upgrade of Ashrose Reserve DWS 5 Ashrose Reserve preliminary Costings for Landscape Works. DWS 6 Pages 96 and 97 Sub Precinct 3A – Ashrose Reserve DWS 7 Formal Closure of Withers Public Access Ways DWS 8 Map of Withers Pathways DWS 9 Roads with paths by suburb DWS 10 Traffic Calming examples DWS 11 Figure 35 Withers Community Hub - Structure Plan Concept DWS 12 Proposed location for external toilet at Withers Library

Summary This report details the progress of the Withers Advisory Committee implementing the Withers Action Plan and details the outstanding projects for the Committee to consider funding. WAC 20/16 Pursuant to clause 11.1(b) of the City of Bunbury Standing Orders the debate on Part 2 of the Executive Recommendation - Approve all remaining Withers Reserve Funds to be allocated to PR-4140 Implement Withers Local Area Plan Strategies be adjourned until the next Withers Advisory Committee Meeting to be held 12 August 2016. Recommendation A Pursuant to clause 11.63 of the City of Bunbury Standing Orders 2012, the debate be resumed in order for further discussion to be undertaken. Executive Recommendation The Withers Advisory Committee

1. Approve $53,910 for Installation of CCTV (Jacaranda – Davenport and Rendell – Westwood Laneways)

2. Approve $55,000 for External Toilet Facilities at Withers Library 3. Recommend to Council that all remaining Withers Reserve Funds to be allocated to PR-

4140 Implement Withers Local Area Plan Strategies.

Background The Withes Advisory Committee was established to progress the Withers Action Plan. The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14. The Withers Action Plan consists of 33 priorities. The Committee with the assistance of the City of Bunbury conducted public consultation in May / June

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2014 to further prioritise the 33 priorities. The status of the Withers Action Plan priorities at the time of the consultation is attached DWS 2 Status of Withers Action Plan Projects – May / June Consultation. As a result of the public consultation at the 08 August 2014 Meeting the Committee endorsed the following projects as priority:- WAC 42/14 Note the priority projects identified through May – June consultation process.

1. Develop parks, reticulate include beatifying bushland 2. Closure of Laneways 3. More pathways / repairs to pathways 4. Security – lighting and CCTV

5. Traffic calming devices installed on Jacaranda Crescent adjacent to Moriarty Park. 6. Pedestrian crossing on Hudson Road near shops 7. More after school stuff for kids 8. Remove Rubbish 9. Underground Power

Council Policy Compliance The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14. Legislative Compliance Nil Officer Comments A list of projects funded by the Withers Reserves is attached DWS 3 Withers Action Plan Projects. Below is the status of the 9 prioritised projects as per WAC Decision 42/14 and decisions made by the Committee since 08 August 2014. 1. Develop parks, reticulate include beatifying bushland

The Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following projects Install water supply next to BBQ in Welcome Park Design and Upgrade Ashrose Reserve

In addition the South West Development Commission has provided grants to upgrade Des Ugle and Moriarty Park. A number of submissions have been received for the upgrade of the Ashrose Reserve since

2012 including options to construct a junior soccer field, playground and more recently a

nature play area incorporating water sensitive urban design and nature play equipment. At the

Withers Advisory Committee Meeting on 12 June 2015 a report was presented to the

Committee to upgrade the reserve at a cost of $653,345. The Committee’s decision was:-

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WAC 11/15

The Withers Advisory Committee;

1. Notes the concept plans and preliminary estimates to upgrade Ashrose Reserve

2. Defers any works on the site until the Local Area Plan have been completed

The Withers Local Area Plan (LAP) was endorsed at Council’s Meeting on 8 March 2016.

Council Officers have reviewed the plan presented to the meeting on 12 June 2015 in

conjunction the LAP and produced the attached plan DWS 4 Proposed Upgrade of Ashrose

Reserve and DWS 5 Ashrose Reserve preliminary Costings for Landscape Works. The revised

plan features Shade Structure, Nature Play area, pathways and improvements to the drainage

swale. The LAP recommends Ashrose Reserve be developed with Mixed Use Development and

High Amenity Active Park DWS 6 Pages 96 and 97 Sub Precinct 3A – Ashrose Reserve.

Priority 5 in the LAP – Upgrade open space and park amenity recommends an audit of public open space and associated amenity within Withers. The Upgrade of Ashrose Reserve is one of the recommendations of the LAP and would not be affected by the audit.

2. Closure of Laneways The Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following projects Close Laneways

Closure of Laneways in Withers –Survey and Legal Costs

The list of Public Access Ways that were endorsed by Council as per Council Decision 271/13 were provided by the Withers Action Group. Council Decision 117/14 prioritised the laneways that had been identified for closure, with the remaining four laneways being subject to further investigation, being A B F and I. The following Laneways have been closed by fencing and Council Officers have commenced the formal closure of the laneways:- (D) Jacaranda Crescent to Wilkerson Way (E) Whitley Place to Hudson Road (G) Davenport Way to Open Space (H) Littlefair Drive to Crews Court (J) Whatman Way to Littlefair Drive Slee Place At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting the following laneways were recommenced to remain open, the recommendation was endorsed at the 03 May 2016 Council Meeting. A– Jacaranda – Davenport Lot 624; B – Plowers Place – Jacaranda via Moriarty Playground Lot 605; F - Whitley Place – Withers Library Lot55; I – Lockwood Crescent – Craven Court Lot 55 Laneway C – Jacaranda Court to Whitley Place remain closed with temporary fencing until the area is developed as per the Withers Local Area Plan It is estimated that the cost to complete the closure of the laneways is $24,835. WAC 19/16 endorsed the transfer of the remaining funds from PR-3435 to PR-3888. The estimated cost does not include the value that the Department of Lands will place on the sale of the land to the adjoining owners.

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3. More pathways / repairs to pathways

The Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following projects Construct Rendell Elbow Footpath

Construct Footpath in Lockwood Crescent (Littlefair Dr to Washington Ave)

Construct Footpath in Sweeting Way (Rendell Elbow to Lockwood Cres)

Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue (Ocean Drive to Lefroy Place)

Attached is DWS 8 Map of Withers Pathways which shows the roads with paths (pre and post

2012) and roads without paths. The percentage of roads for all of Bunbury that have paths is

67%, 63% of Withers roads have paths. Refer to attached DWS 9 Roads with paths by suburb

which shows how Withers compares to other Bunbury suburbs.

4. Security – lighting and CCTV

The Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following projects

Install lighting to Maidens Reserve

Withers CCTV Extension

Install Solar Lighting in Rendell Elbow Laneway

The Withers CCTV Network was funded with the assistance of the South West Development

Commission. The network consists of 19 cameras. The Withers CCTV Extension project

enabled the footage to be streamed to the Administration Building, linking it with all CCTV the

City operates.

At the Withers Advisory Committee meeting is was requested to obtain indicative costs to

install CCTV in Rendell Elbow to Westwood Street laneway due to anti-social behaviour and

reports of motorbikes using the laneway as a shortcut and Jacaranda Crescent to Davenport

Way laneway due to anti-social behaviour. Solar lighting has been installed in these laneways.

The following indicative cost has been provided:-

Rendell Elbow to Westwood Street laneway:

1 x PTZ camera = $3200

1 x pole (installed) = $2500

1 x installation of conduits to new pole (560m @ $33pm 2 horizontal bore @ $3,000) $24,000

1 x supply of power and fibre t pole to pole (low voltage) $560

1 x fibre splice and media converters $1500

1 x camera licence = $300

1 x integration to system $1000

Total $33,060

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Jacaranda Crescent to Davenport Way laneway:

1 x PTZ camera = $3200

1 x pole (installed) = $2500

1 x installation of conduits to new pole (3000m @ $33pm 2 horizontal bore @ $3,000) $12,000

1 x supply of power and fibre t pole to pole (low voltage) $350

1 x fibre splice and media converters $1500

1 x camera licence = $300

1 x integration to system $1000

Total $20,850

Total for both locations $53,910

5. Traffic calming devices installed on Jacaranda Crescent adjacent to Moriarty Park.

Council officers presented options to the WAC 12 September 2014 meeting based on recommendation from workshops attended by the committee to review the May / June Public Consultation. The following projects were presented for the Committees consideration:- Investigate and cost options of a splitter Island at the intersection of Westwood and Jacaranda

Cost Estimate $60,000

Investigate and cost options of traffic calming near Moriarty Park on Jacaranda

Cost Estimate $32,000

Investigate and cost option to install pedestrian refuge on Ocean Drive near Westwood (route

to schools, library and community centre)

Review street lighting on Washington Ave immediately east of Ocean Drive

Review speed zoning on Ocean Drive (Washington Ave to Hudson Road)

The WAC endorsed the following projects Review of Street Lighting on Washington Avenue Review of Speed zoning on Ocean Drive Construct pedestrian crossing on Ocean Drive Council officers have reviewed the splitter island at the intersection of Westwood and Jacaranda Crescent and traffic calming near Moriarty Park on Jacaranda Crescent and advise the following:- A slow point on Jacaranda Crescent (Moriarty Park) previous cost estimate of $32,000 is considered valid. The splitter island at the intersection of Westwood Street and Jacaranda Crescent cost estimate of $60,000 is considered valid. It will be a minimum of 1.5m wide and 12m long. The western side of the intersection is constrained by a Western Power pole thus the eastern side of the intersection will be widened and the drainage relocated to accommodate the suggested treatment. An example of the treatments are attached in DWS 10 Traffic Calming examples. In addition Council Officers provided the following advice:- The CoB makes an assessment on the need for traffic calming (LATM) and an Intersection upgrade based on the warrants in accordance with Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 8 as follows:

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Warrants versus Jacaranda Crescent data shown in red:

Street Hierarchy; Access Road with a desirable maximum of 3,000 vpd (Liveable Neighbourhoods)

Traffic volumes; Current Traffic Volumes 516 vpd

Through traffic volumes; N/A

Commercial vehicle activity; N/A

Activity connections for Pedestrian/Cycle links/connections; Connection to Moriarty Park

Traffic Speed (85th percentile speed); 85 percentile speed is 48.6 km/hr

Crash data; No recorded Crashes

Based on the above Jacaranda Crescent meets the warrants in only one instance “Activity Connections” and is not therefore considered a high risk area for pedestrians and cyclists.

Warrants versus the intersection of Jacaranda Crescent and Westwood Street:

Street Hierarchy; Access Road with a desirable maximum of 3,000 vpd (Liveable Neighbourhoods)

Traffic volumes; Current Traffic Volumes Jacaranda Crescent 516 vpd, Westwood Street 1,415 vpd

Through traffic volumes; N/A

Commercial vehicle activity; N/A

Activity connections for Pedestrian/Cycle links/connections; footpath connection at intersection

Traffic Speed (85th percentile speed); 85 percentile speed is Jacaranda Crescent 48.6 km/hr, Westwood 51.8 km/hr

Crash data; No recorded Crashes

Based on the above the intersection of Jacaranda Crescent and Westwood Street meets the warrants in only one instance “Activity Connections” and is not therefore considered a high risk area for pedestrians and cyclists. Additionally peak traffic has been estimated using 10% of the daily traffic volumes, peaks of 51 vph and 141 vph for Jacaranda Crescent and Westwood Street respectively, thus the level of service at the intersection is assessed at the highest level as a LoS A. Jacaranda Crescent features within the LAP including a low speed road connection from Minninup Road, a potential link between Hester Place and Jacaranda Crescent, with a narrow pedestrian and vehicle link to Davenport Way, a future road connection between Jacaranda Crescent and Whitely Place. Any traffic calming installed on Jacaranda Crescent should consider the implications on the LAP recommendations.

6. Pedestrian crossing on Hudson Road near shops The crossing point as it stands is close the intersection where traffic will slow to use the roundabout, thus there is no requirement to reduce the posted speed limit. A recent Traffic Count showed that of the 22,570 vehicles recorded in a seven day period only 1.2% (270 vehicles) were above the posted 50 km/h speed limit. The average speed was 34.7 km/h. Any traffic calming would see a further reduction of vehicles speed and it will be likely that a 20km/h advisory sign will be installed to indicate the speed of the raised area.

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The LAP recommends improving pedestrian connection at major roads and connection to Minninup Forum as per DWS 11 Figure 35 Withers Community Hub - Structure Plan Concept. Council Officers have reviewed the concept plan and advise the following The extract of the plan showing the improvements at Hudson Road for the LAP connection is based on a concept that includes the wider area (Park and adjoining roads). Hudson Road is shown as a shared area for pedestrian and cars and traffic management measures include high end traffic calming that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Officers advise that it would be premature to undertake these works without further detail relating to the treatment of the overall site as any works now may be out of context with future works. Where it is decided to proceed without this detail it is estimated that the cost would be in the order of $200,000 which would require a concept drawing before the final estimated cost could be ascertained.

7. More after school stuff for kids To be considered at Council’s 23 August 2016 meeting.

8. Remove Rubbish This is an ongoing priority for Council which existing Council programs (Hard and Green waste pick-ups) are funded separately from the Withers Reserve.

9. Underground Power In March 2006 the nominal cost of Underground Power for Withers was $16million. The project required contributions for ratepayers and public consultation was conducted. The proposal received 37% support, however the Department of Housing & Works (DHW) did not support the proposal. The Office of Energy advised Council in February 2009, based on the non-support of DHW and supplementary information supplied that the Office of Energy Underground Power Steering Committee (in a letter dated 4 February 2009) has decided not to proceed with the Withers Underground Power Programme as it believes there is no substantial community support for the project. Due to the funding available in the Withers Reserve Underground Power has not been pursued. The Withers LAP lists Underground Power as Priority 10 in the Ten Strategies to Improve Withers. The LAP notes that although underground power was highlighted as a top ten action it was agreed that this is low priority in comparison to other key actions and that this infrastructure would be an expensive exercise to roll out.

Additional Toilet Facilities at Withers Library Following a request from a Committee member, Council has investigated the option of additional toilet facilities at Withers Library. With the growth of the Community Garden it has been suggested that the library requires additional facilities as users of the garden are required to use the library facilities. The location of the toilet facilities is shown on DWS 12 Proposed location for external toilet at Withers Library. This location would eliminate the need for users of the garden to enter the library to use the facilities. The proposal was referred to the Library Manager who has supported the project and the need for external toilet facilities to service the Community Garden. The Manager has advised that access to the facility from within the library is not a priority and if internal access to the facility would result in loss of floor area for the library this would not be supported.

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Implementation of Withers Local Area Plan At the 08 August 2014 meeting the Withers Advisory Committee endorsed the following

WAC Decision 43/14 The Withers Advisory Committee 1 Formally request that the City of Bunbury and the South West Development Commission facilitate the development of a Local Area Plan for entire suburb of Withers. 2 That the Local Area Plan is to look at such issues such as proposed structure plans for the area, proposed road linkages, proposed new development sites across the suburb 3 That the Local Area Plan be expedited and completed as soon as practicable.

The Withers Local Area Plan was adopted at Council’s meeting on the 8 March 2016. The City of Bunbury has included $150,000 over 2016/17 and 2017/18 for the Implementation of the Withers Local Area Plan (subject to endorsement at Budget meeting). It is anticipated that further State Government funds will be contributed to the implementation of the Withers LAP. A Project Group has been formed with representatives from City of Bunbury and various State Government Departments to progress the LAP. The Withers Advisory Committee could recommend any unspent Withers Reserve funds be rolled into PR-4140 Implement Withers Local Area Plan Strategies. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications The balance of the Withers Reserve is $148,636. Projects to be considered for endorsement by the Withers Advisory Committee 1. Develop parks, reticulate include beatifying bushland

Upgrade Ashrose Reserve $260,000

4. Security – lighting and CCTV Installation of CCTV (Jacaranda – Davenport and Rendell – Westwood Laneways) $53,910

5. Traffic calming devices installed on Jacaranda Crescent adjacent to Moriarty Park. Traffic calming near Moriarty Park on Jacaranda Crescent $32,000 Splitter Island at the intersection of Westwood and Jacaranda Crescent $60,000

6. Pedestrian crossing on Hudson Road near shops Pedestrian crossing on Hudson Road $200,000

External Toilet Facilities at Withers Library $55,000 PR-4140 Implement Withers Local Area Plan Strategies Remaining Balance Community Consultation The Withers Advisory Committee and City of Bunbury conducted public consultation in May / June 2014. Councillor/Officer Consultation Council officers from Community Development and Engineering and Civil Operations Departments have been consulted on these projects.

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9.4 Future of Withers Advisory Committee and Community Information Session

File Ref: A06599

Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report

Responsible Officer: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services

Executive: Gavin Harris, Director Works and Services


Summary Subject to the Committee’s endorsement of Item 9.3 Withers Action Plan Projects 2016/2017 all the funds from the Withers Reserve have been allocated and the future for the Withers Advisory Committee requires decision. Executive Recommendation The Withers Advisory Committee recommend to Council

1. Due to the Withers Reserve Funding has been allocated in full that the Withers Advisory Committee be disbanded

2. Community members of the Withers Advisory Committee be considered as members of any Community Reference Groups established to progress the Withers Local Area Plan

3. A Community Information Session be held on Friday 14 October 2016 at the Withers Library a. The Community Information Session be held jointly with South West Development

Commission b. The Community Information Session celebrate the achievements of the Withers

Advisory Committee and South West Development Commission Urban Renewal Project

c. The Community Information Session inform the community of the status of the Withers Local Area Plan

Background Council included in 2011/2012 budget Council funding of $300,000 per year over 5 years for Withers Action Plan Projects. The Withers Advisory Committee was established in 2013 to review and progress the Withers Action Plan. At the time the Withers Advisory Committee was established there was $385,813 in the Withers Reserve and 3 years remaining on the $300,000 per year funding. The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14. The final allocation of $300,000 was in 2015/2016 and the Committee has endorsed the expenditure of all funds subject to Item 9.3 Withers Action Plan Projects 2016/2017. Council Policy Compliance The Withers Advisory Committee has delegated authority to prioritise and commence relevant works subject to conditions as per Council Decision 34/14. Legislative Compliance Nil

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Officer Comments In addition to the decision on the future of the Withers Advisory Committee it is considered appropriate to hold a Community Information Session to celebrate the achievements of the Withers Advisory Committee and inform the community regarding the Withers Local Area Plan. Council Officers will prepare a newsletter to be delivered to all residents of Withers. The newsletter will detail the achievements made by the Withers Advisory Committee and include an invitation to attend the Community Information Session proposed to be held in place of the next scheduled Withers Advisory Committee meeting date, Friday 14 October 2016 at the Withers Library. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications Subject to Item 9.3, the Withers Advisory Committee has endorsed projects to the value of $1,285,813 being the balance of the Withers Reserve at the time of the Committees was formed. Community Consultation

Nil Councillor/Officer Consultation Councillors Hayward and Steele attended an out of session Withers Advisory Committee meeting where this was discussed informally. Community members Mary Dunlop and Ken Warnes also attended the meeting. The Community Information Session was discussed briefly at the last Withers Advisory Committee meeting.

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10. Questions on Notice 10.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice

10.2 Questions from Members

11. New Business of an Urgent Nature Introduced by Decision of the Meeting

12. Date of Next Meeting

Subject to Item 9.4

13. Close of Meeting

Actions Required after Meeting 1. Minutes of meeting to be sent to Council for noting. 2. Items to be raised for Council following requests/recommendations/motions by committee 3. Any other actions required

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Project Description2014/15 Approved

Projects2015/16 Approved

Projects2016/17 Approved

ProjectsTotal Budget

2013/14 & 2014/15 Expenditure

2015/16 Expenditure


Total Expenditure Committed Expenditure Balance Remaining Status WAC Decision Source

PR-3888 Closure of Laneways in Withers - Survey and legal costs $20,000 $9,900 $29,900 $489 $0 $489 $29,411

Following Council’s endorsement to close D, E, G, H, J and Slee Place, the Department of Lands has commenced the investigations into the formal closure of the laneways. They have advised that the process will take a minimum of 6 months and they will provide updates at significant milestones.

WAC 12/15$20,000 - Withers Reserve$9,900 PR-3435

PR-4132Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue (Ocean Drive to Lefroy Place)

$119,500 $119,500 $97,168 $761 $97,929 $9,495 $12,076 Footpath completed. Western Power to relocate light pole.WAC 6/16Council 68/16

$119,500 15/16 Allocation

PR-xxxx Implementation of Withers Youth Strategy $115,000 $115,000 $0 $0 $115,000 Subject to decision at Council Meeting 23.08.16 WAC 18/16 $115,000 15/16 AllocationTOTALS $20,000 $129,400 $115,000 $264,400 $0 $97,657 $761 $98,418 $9,495 $156,488

PR-3435 Close Laneways $80,000 $67,575 $2,525 $0 $70,100 $9,900 Transferred to PR-3888 (WAC 19/16)

WAC 3/14WAC 22/14WAC 47/14WAC 52/14

$20,000 - 13/14 Allocation$20,000 - Withers Reserve$20,000 - 14/15 Allocation$20,000 - 14/15 Allocation

$0 $0 $80,000 $67,575 $2,525 $0 $70,100 $0 $9,900

Expenditure for Withers Action Plan Projects as at 05.08.16

Expenditure for Completed Withers Action Plan Projects Endorsed by the Withers Advisory Committee

DWS 1 WAC Expenditure report as at 05.08.16

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Priority Details Status

1 Closure of laneways COMMENCED*: In May 2014 a number of laneways were closed being: Davenport Way to open reserve; Jacaranda Crescent to Wilkerson Way; Littlefair Drive to Crews Court; Jacaranda Crescent to Whitley Place; Whitley Place to open reserve.

2 More pathways/repairs to pathways COMPLETED: The top five paths are now complete. Additional paths have been completed or are underway on Devonshire Street, and Whitley Place to Hudson/Minninup Road Reserve

3 Des Ugle Park Upgrade lockable toilets, BBQs, shade sail over playground, COMPLETED: The Des Ugle Park upgrade has been funded by SWDC as part of the Withers Urban

Renewal Strategy which excluded funding for the construction of a toilet block. The estimated cost of the toilet block is $120,000. accessible power for community groups, lighting, bollards and rail fencing

4 Connectivity & Ease of Access NOT STARTED*: The Withers Action Group revised these in 2013 advising that the priorities are Jacaranda Crescent to Minninup Road; Whitley Place to Hudson Road; and Davenport Way to Jacaranda Crescent.

5 Whole area needs improvement, currently run down. COMPLETED: Des Ugle, Moriarty and DC Foster Parks have been upgraded.

6 Lighting required in and near Des Ugle Park COMPLETED: The lighting in Des Ugle has been upgraded. 7 Redesign Hester Place Reserve NOT STARTED

8 Skate Park Ideas include: develop Lion's Park Near rear Lion's Park, Playground, BBQ, lighting, CCTV, functions, skate park at the PCYC, a maze, youth skate parks

NOT STARTED: Skate park construction cost estimated at $550,000

9 Traffic calming devices Installed on Jacaranda Crescent opposite Moriarty Park NOT STARTED: This work may require some land acquisition at Moriarty Park or private property

10 Mow and tidy Verges and Parks ONGOING: Activ were engaged in 2011/12 to undertake additional works in several areas. Mowing frequency has increased.

11 More attention to maintenance – eg. reticulation NOT STARTED: Reticulating all Withers parks would be from mains water supply and will cost approximately $322,000 for reticulation equipment and meter supply/install

12 Improve Big Swamp e.g. CCTV and lighting COMMENCED: The Withers Advisory Committee has approved CCTV coverage in Withers which will be installed in 2014. Grant funding has also been approved

13 Place crossings at Hudson Road to shops and Knight Street to the high school NOT STARTED: Crossing points with pram ramps are in place at several locations near the Hudson/ Minninup Road intersection. Crossing points associated with the school are controlled by the Department of Education and Police. A design to upgrade the intersection of Knight and Parade Road has been prepared incorporating crossing points to Hay Park, and is subject to funding

14 Speed design , assessment and signage NOT STARTED: Speed humps on Parade Road, Ocean Drive, and Minninup Road would not be supported in an engineering or road safety audit. Residents are encouraged to report bad drivers to the Police and City of Bunbury so monitoring devices can be placed.

15 Appearance – underground power, develop parks, new housing to change culture NOT STARTED

16 Senior Citizens Centre near library or new Seniors Citizens Club COMMENCED: The library was extended and renovated in 2013 at a cost of approximately $370,000 to provide community space. Other community facilities in the area include Hudson Road Community Centre, Withers Action Group office (former Adam Road Primary School), and various buildings within Hay Park

17 No stop signs and white Lines on roads on side roads off Parade Road (bad at night) NOT STARTED: Regulatory signage has priority over line marking. Not all intersections have signage as the Road Traffic Act requires drivers to give way to the right.

18 Beautify bush land and Prevent homeless from sleeping there (Knight St– Hudson Rd) ONGOING: This area forms part of Lions Park (priority 8). Instances of people living in bushland or on Council managed land should be reported to the City of Bunbury on 9792 7000. Under- pruning of some of these areas occurred in 2011 & 2013

19 Have more community/Council consultation COMMENCED: Withers Advisory Committee has been formed to address this issue

20 More after school “stuff” for kids ONGOING: The City has kids programs running during the school holidays, including at the Withers Library. The PCYC and SWSC also have a range of activities available

21 Do not put traffic lights at the intersection of Parade Rd and Washington Ave COMPLETED: Intersection upgrade based on traffic safety and growth south of Washington Ave

22 Councillors –support Outcomes of workshops COMMENCED: Council Decision 128/11 allocated $300,000 per year for 5 years to improvements 23 Remove rubbish COMMENCED: Programs are in place for regular dry and green waste kerb side collections throughout the year. 24 Council requires ideas from the community ONGOING

25 Public Art on Parade Rd are dangerous and obstruct view COMPLETED: Landscaping and other upgrades on Parade Road have addressed these concerns

26 Fire breaks on reserves with houses near by ONGOING: City of Bunbury reserves are inspected prior to the fire season with appropriate work undertaken 27 Name change from Withers e.g.to Maidens Reserve NOT STARTED: This suggestion was not supported during the Withers Urban Renewal Strategy consultation process. 28 Community garden to be Developed within a park. COMMENCED: A joint City of Bunbury/ SWDC project has commenced for a waterwise kitchen garden.

29 Replace culturally inappropriate art in the park with new indigenous art works NOT STARTED: No specific details have been provided to the City regarding this project

30 Another meeting to be held to fully address ideas bought up in the workshops ONGOING: The formation of the Withers Advisory Committee is working to achieve this.

31 Accident black spot on Ocean Drive-Ashmore. Make Minninup Rd cut Right through (2 houses), extend onto Ashmore Dr, traffic control measures

NOT STARTED: Accident statistics do not support changes to this intersection. Accident statistics are reviewed annually and where necessary programming for road improvements are included in funding submissions.

32 Maze installed (Graffiti program) NOT STARTED: Clear scope is required from Withers Advisory Committee.

33 Too many trees cut down ONGOING: Trees have only been removed from open space if they have been assessed as being a risk to the public. Additional trees have also been planted in Withers

DWS 2 Status of Withers Action Plan Projects - May_ June Consultation

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Project Description Expenditure New Path Hooper Place $ 35,773 New Path Davenport Way $ 89,684 New Path Wilkerson Way $ 44,004 New Path Hewison Street $ 44,467 Extend Davenport Way $ 259 Total $214,187


Completed Projects Project Description Expenditure New Path Devonshire Street $178,650 New Path Littlefair Drive $ 65,426 New Path Hudson Road Reserve $ 12,846 Install CCTV $166,114 (Total project $266,114 - $100,000 funded SWDC) Install PAW lighting $ 25,646 Upgrade Moriarty Park and DC Foster Park $ 76,194 Install Bus Shelters $ 28,206 Total Projects endorsed prior to WAC Decision 42/14 $553,082 Install water supply next to BBQ in Welcome Park $ 1,903 Install lighting to Maidens Reserve $ 20,000 Construct Rendell Elbow Footpath $ 20,177 Construct Footpath in Lockwood Crescent $ 26,850 (Littlefair Dr to Washington Ave) Construct Footpath in Sweeting Way $ 46,928 (Rendell Elbow to Lockwood Cres) Review of Street Lighting on Washington Avenue $Nil Review of Speed zoning on Ocean Drive $ 4,472 Install Solar Lighting in Rendell Elbow Laneway $ 5,782 Construct pedestrian crossing on Ocean Drive $ 86,828 Design and Upgrade Ashrose Reserve $ 4,320 Withers CCTV Extension $ 24,335 Total Projects endorsed after WAC Decision 42/14 $241,595 Council Decision 388/15 Prepare Withers Local Area Plan / General Structure Plan $ 8,000 Total Completed Projects $802,677 Ongoing Projects Project Description Budget Close Laneways $ 80,000 Closure of Laneways in Withers –Survey and Legal Costs $ 20,000 Construction of footpath on Naturaliste Avenue $119,500 (Ocean Drive to Lefroy Place) Total Ongoing Projects $219,500

DWS 3 Withers Action Plan Projects

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WITHERS RESERVE FUNDING 11/12 Allocation $ 300,000 12/13 Allocation $ 300,000 Less Completed WAP projects prior to the establishment of WAC $ 214,187 Establishment of Withers Reserve $ 385,813 13/14 Allocation $ 300,000 14/15 Allocation $ 300,000 15/16 Allocation $ 300,000 Total Available $1,285,813 Less Total Completed Projects $ 802,677 Less Ongoing Projects $ 219,500 Total Available Funds $ 263,636

DWS 3 Withers Action Plan Projects

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DWS 4 Proposed Upgrade of Ashrose Reserve

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Preliminary Costings for Landscape Works

Concrete Footpaths 46,000Concrete Hardstand 40,000Drain & Earthworks 40,000Organics 5,000Limestone 5,000Mulch 10,000Plants 10,000Trees 10,000Concrete Kerbing 7,000Irrigation 20,000Shade Structure 21,000Playground Equipment 35,000Drink Fountain & Connection 5,000Seating 6,000Total 260,000


DWS 5 Ashrose Reserve preliminary Costings for Landscape Works

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Justifi cation:

Ashrose Reserve has been seen as underutilised open space, however having the potential, with the appropriate improvements to provide protected open space amenity to the South West Withers neighbourhood. The Reserve currently addresses two busy roads; Ocean Drive and Washington Avenue. The open reserve also grades unevenly towards these roads making active play, including ball play precarious.


Redevelop Ashrose Reserve including the following propositions:

1. Mixed Use Development

• Investigate the feasibility of a mixed use development to take advantage of the busy road frontage and sleeve the western edge of the reserve;

• Provide mix-use development which addresses Ocean Drive and the Parkland with pedestrian access encouraged from Ocean Drive;

• Provide business opportunities within the ground fl oor of the mixed-use development which support the local community including health services/practices such as: Doctors, Dentist, Chemist, etc; and,

• Support residential uses on the fl oors above including high standard residential units/apartments to provide passive surveillance over the park. Alternatively encourage other commercial opportunities such as offi ces etc.

2. High Amenity Active Park

• Utilise offsets from development contribution towards developing an active amenity park that focuses on nature play and informal ball play being contained within the eastern half of the park;

• Broaden the existing fenced off steep-sided water retention basin to provide a Washington Avenue buffer and topographical interest to the southern boundary of the reserve; and,

Sub Precinct 3A – Ashrose Reserve

• Develop the high amenity active park by progressing the preliminary plans developed by a local community interest group and subsequently the City of Bunbury. The preliminary plans set out the opportunity for a landscaped southern gateway to Withers, which can be situated on the South West corner of Ashrose Reserve.

3. Connectivity

• Provide vehicle access to the mixed use development by developing a four way intersection or roundabout from Washington Ave connecting the southern end of Ashrose Drive. This could connect into a carpark situated centrally within the Reserve that separates the park and mixed use development however is used by both future proponents.

4. Rationalising Public Open Space

• Review the prospective role of Ashrose Reserve in relation to Whiteman Park. Although Whiteman Park is a very popular park for families on the weekend it was anecdotally suggested that the park is in need of a makeover and amenity upgrade; and,

• Investigate the opportunity to rationalise Whiteman Park and provide a higher amenity park at Ashrose Reserve that caters for a wider range of people and activities.

5. Local Development Plan

A Local Development Plan is recommended to provide better design control measures for aspects of urban design and the overall aesthetic of the built area. Local Development Plans are recommended to ensure that development of the Ashrose Reserve has a consistent and coordinated approach, an acceptable design standard is achieved and Ashrose Reserve appropriately retains the suburb’s character.

Mixed Use Development

Proposed Street TreesFigure 45. Section D-D

DWS 6 Pages 96 and 97 Sub Precinct 3A – Ashrose Reserve

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Roads Activation


Figure 46. Sub Precinct 3A - Ashrose Reserve

High amenity park

Proposed four way intersection

Mixed use development

Existing residential





Whatman WayDD

Washington Ave

Crews Court

Geographe Way

Slee Place


an D

rRetained Tuart Trees

Nature Play / Ball Play

Public Open SpaceCarpark

Image 50. Mixed use addressing street with carparking to the rear, Harvest Lakes

Image 51. High amenity public open space, Coolbellup Primary School Site

DWS 6 Pages 96 and 97 Sub Precinct 3A – Ashrose Reserve

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Formal Closure of Withers Public Access Ways

Update as of May 24, 2016.

Following Council Decision 26/16 endorsing the closure of public access ways D, E, G, H & J, the City submitted the application for formal closure to the Department of Lands on January 28, 2016. The Department of Lands is processing the application internally and liaising with Service Providers regarding required easements prior to referring to the Minister of Lands for consideration and to request nominal fees. The City has been advised that the estimated timeframe is six months from the time that the Minister receives the application. The associated survey and amalgamation fees are estimated as follows;

1A. Jacaranda Crescent to Wilkerson Way - Lot 55 – PAW D

Landgate document creation $107 Landgate lodgement $160 Licensed surveyor $1,400 Removal & disposal of existing footpath $1,904 Removal of existing temporary fencing $660 Easement – Telstra $500 $4,731

1B. Jacaranda Crescent to Wilkerson Way - Lot 56 – PAW D

Landgate document creation $107 Landgate lodgement $160 Licensed surveyor $1,400 Removal & disposal of existing footpath $1,413 Removal of existing temporary fencing $660 Easement – Telstra $500 $4,240

2. Whitley Place to Hudson Road – Lot 55 – PAW E

Landgate document creation $107 Landgate lodgement $160 Licensed surveyor $1,400 Survey remaining access way land for dedication $465 Easement - Aqwest $500 Easement - City of Bunbury $500 Easement – Telstra $500 $3,632

DWS 7 Formal Closure of Withers Public Access Ways

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3. Davenport Way to Open Space – Lot 623 – PAW G

Landgate document creation $107 Landgate Lodgement $160 Licensed surveyor $1,400 Easement – City of Bunbury $500 $2,167

4. Littlefair Drive to Crews Court – Lot 157 – PAW H

Landgate document creation $107 Landgate lodgement $160 Licensed surveyor $1,400 Easement - Aqwest $500 $2,167

5. Whatman Way to Littlefair Drive – Lot 156 – PAW J

Landgate document creation $107 Landgate lodgement $160 Licensed surveyor $1,400 Easement – City of Bunbury $500 $2,167

Grand Total for Access Ways D, E, G, H & J $19,104

The Minister of Lands may request a Market Added Value Appraisal from Landgate at a cost of $208/hour, approximately $600 + GST per access way, however The City has been advised by the DoL and Landgate that this would be highly unlikely. Costs are estimated, may vary and are subject to change without notice to the City.

Once the Minister of Lands makes a ruling on the formal closures the Department of Lands will liaise directly with the adjoining property owners to discuss the outcome and potential offer of sale and amalgamation.

Public Access Way E – Lot 55 Whitely Place This laneway is proposed to be sold and amalgamated into 41 Hudson Road, however due to the existing fencing arrangement a small portion of the access way land cannot be incorporated so it is proposed that the remaining portion be dedicated into the Whitely Place road reserve in accordance with the Land Administration Act 1997. The City is currently in the process of advertising the proposed dedication for public comment and consultation.

DWS 7 Formal Closure of Withers Public Access Ways

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Slee Place to Ocean Drive – Lot 55 Slee Place

Following Council Decision 68/16 endorsing the closure of Lot 55 Slee Place public access way, the application for formal closure was sent to the Department of Lands on April 11, 2016. The Department of Lands is processing the application internally and liaising with Service Providers regarding required easements prior to referring to the Minister of Lands for consideration and to request nominal fees. The City has been advised that the estimated timeframe is six months from the time that the Minister receives the application.

The footpath for Naturaliste Avenue has commenced and works are estimated for completion by mid June 2016. The temporary fencing and gating for Slee Place public access way has been fabricated and awaiting installation on the completion of the new footpath.

Should the Withers Advisory Committee deem to allocate funds from the Withers Reserve for the associated survey and amalgamation fees, estimated costs are as follows;

Landgate document creation $107 Landgate lodgement $160 Cost of licensed surveyor $1,400 Removal & disposal of existing footpath $1,904 Removal of existing temporary fencing $660 Easement – Telstra $500 Easement - Aqwest $500 Easement - City of Bunbury $500 $5,731

Grand Total for Access Ways D, E, G, H, J & Slee Place $24,835

DWS 7 Formal Closure of Withers Public Access Ways

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DWS 8 Map of Withers Pathways

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Roads with Paths Roads with Paths Total % with paths % without pathsCarey Park 22232.3 19770.03 42002.33 53% 47%East Bunbury 20442.87 16292.5 36735.37 56% 44%Usher 11723.38 8848.34 20571.72 57% 43%Glen Iris 14065.36 10415.07 24480.43 57% 43%Withers 20436.08 12076.26 32512.34 63% 37%South Bunbury 47435.38 27860.45 75295.83 63% 37%College Grove 9329.9 3962.81 13292.71 70% 30%Pelican Point 11259.75 3690 14949.75 75% 25%Bunbury 50051.76 5365.48 55417.24 90% 10%CBD 13662.756 330.78 13993.536 98% 2%Total 220639.536 108611.72 329251.256 67% 33%

DWS 9 Roads with paths by suburb

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Example of slow point on Jacaranda Crescent (Moriarty Park).

Example of splitter island for intersection Westwood Street and Jacaranda Crescent.

DWS 10 Traffic Calming examples

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Figure 35 illustrates the Withers Community Hub Structure Plan Concept which is an expression of the LAP in detail to inform the ultimate Structure Plan to be produced.

Key design principles include:

Figure 35. WithersCommunityHub-StructurePlanConcept

Improved connection and pedestrian legibility between the Withers Community Hub and Minninup Forum

Proposed road connection between Whitley Place and Minninup Road utilising existing pedestrian access way

Scale 1 : 1000 @ A3


Proposed low speed road connection to Jacaranda Crescent with on street parking

Builtform typology to create ‘gateway’ entrance into Withers Community Hub

Opportunity for mixed use to co-locate parking behind the builtform to be a shared amenity with the public open space



p Ro


Hudson Road

Civic Square

Mixed Use / Group Housing

‘Higher Density’ ResidentialInfill

Community Hub

Existing CarparkExisting

Withers Library

Community Garden

Opportunity for further carparking

Opportunity for further carparking


Mixed use

Community Purpose



Civic square

Public Open Space


Proposed road connection

DWS 11 Figure 35 Withers Community Hub - Structure Plan Concept

Page 38: Withers Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting and Agenda Friday … Agendas and... · 2019. 4. 30. · Telephone: (08) 9792 7000 Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 TTY: 133 677 City of Bunbury

DWS 12 Proposed location for external toilet at Withers Library