Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.):...

Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Norman: Battles, Books and Buildings Exkursion: Skipton – Hastings – Bayeux 22. 3. – 4. 4. 2006 1. Tag (22. 3.): Tübingen – Rotterdam – Hull 1

Transcript of Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.):...

Page 1: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar

Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Norman: Battles, Books and


Exkursion: Skipton – Hastings – Bayeux

22. 3. – 4. 4. 2006

1. Tag (22. 3.): Tübingen – Rotterdam – Hull


Page 2: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

2. Tag (23. 3.): Stamford Bridge, York, Skipton

Stamford Bridge

Date: 25th September 1066 Duration: several hours

Armies: English under King Harold; Vikings under King HardradaLosses: uncertain but heavy Viking loss


Clifford’s Tower York Minster

13-th century, built by William the Conqueror in 1069 to strengthen his mili-tary presence in the north.


Craven Heifer Inn: 23. 3. – 26. 3.


Page 3: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham


The historic Ripon Cathedral was founded in the 7th century and is one of the finest in the country, the crypt of St Wilfred which dates back to AD 672 is one of the oldest in Europe.

Fountains Abbey

Located on the banks of the River Shell, the 12th century abbey's English Gothic architecture reflects the lovely simplicity of the Cistercian way of life.


St Paul's, a monastic church founded by Benedict Biscop in the 7th Century, produced one of the finest of early-medieval historians in the Venerable Bede.

Housesteads Roman Fort

Housesteads Fort stands on Hadrian's Wall - a defensive frontier that runs from Wallsend-on-Tyne to Bowness-on-Solway. Construction on the wall started around AD 122


Page 4: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Hexham Abbey

Founded by St Wilfrid in the 7th century, this splendidly imposing building has survived being burnt by the Vikings although it was re-founded in 1113 as an Augustinian priory.

4. Tag (25. 3.): Furness Abbey, Gosforth, Kirkby Stephen Furness Abbey

Founded in 1123, originally as a Savignac house, the monastery was sited here in 1127. Absorbed by the Cistercians in 1147, Furness became one of the richest Cistercian houses in Europe (over 55,000 acres).

Gosforth THE GOSFORTH STONE [10th century]

Kirkby Stephen The Parish Church of Kirkby Stephen, known locally as the Cathedral of the Dales is built on the site on an old Saxon church and contains many relics including the eighth century Loki Stone, which is one of the only two such stones in Europe.


Page 5: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

5. Tag (26. 3.): Skipton – Worcester – Hastings Worcester

Worcester Cathedral has been a place of prayer and worship since 680 AD. The present building was begun in 1084.

Hastings Sea Spray Guesthouse und Hotel Europa (26. 3. – 1. 4.)


Page 6: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

6. Tag (27. 3.): Waltham Abbey, Greensted, Maldon

Waltham Abbey

The church containing the cross was rebuilt by Harold Godwinsson, later King Harold II, in the 1050's as a college of secular canons. After his demise at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, Harold's body was taken to Waltham Abbey and buried.

Greensted Church

St Andrew's Log Church, Greensted, Essex. Built in about 1013 on 6th century foundations, considered to be the oldest surviving timber building in Britain.


Town and Northey Island The ancient causeway linking Northey Island to the south bank of the Blackwater estuary just east of Maldon is considered to be the most likely site of the Battle of Maldon. This was fought on Aug. 10th or 11th 991 between an English army led by Byrhtnoð and a ship-borne army of Danes.


Page 7: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

7. Tag (28. 3.): Hastings Castle Hastings Castle

Britain’s first Norman Castle, built by William the Conqueror. And the medieval siege tent with an exciting 20 minute audio-visual programme which covers the conquest and the rich history of the castle.

8. Tag (29. 3.): Dover und Canterbury

Dover Dover Castle is a magnificent stone ringwork and bailey fortress. No castle in England is larger or has a longer history.

Canterbury The Canterbury Cathedral Church was founded in 597 by St Augustine whose original cathedral lies beneath the floor of the nave. The original Saxon church was destroyed by fire in 1067 and rebuilt again by the Normans in 1070.


Page 8: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

9. Tag (30. 3.): Stonehenge und Salisbury

Stonehenge Britain’s greatest prehistoric monument and a World Heritage Site. What visitors see today are the substantial remnants of the last in a series of such monuments erected between circa 3000 BC and 1600 BC.

Salisbury Old Sarum The site of the original city of Salisbury. The massive Iron Age hilfort, reused by the Romans, Saxons and Normans, became one of the most flourishing settlements in medieval England.

10. Tag (31. 3.): Pevensey, Battle und Chaldon


Whilst Harold was celebrating his victory over the Danes at Stamford Bridge, William landed at Pevensey with no opposition from the English.

Battle News of of the landing reached Harold on Oct. 1st, and with all available speed he mustered his somewhat disorganised army and marched south. By Oct.13th, he had taken up his position con-fronting William's army. On Oct.14th.1066, occurred that great clash of arms, the"Battle of Hastings"


Page 9: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Chaldon Chaldon Church

The Parish Church of Chaldon, St. Peter and St. Paul. This church was listed in the Domesday Book and has a sign nearby indicating that it was built in 1086.

11. Tag (1. 4.): Hastings – Dover – Calais – Rouen – Bayeux

Bayeux: Relais des 3 Pommes

(1. 4. – 4. 4.)

Rouen - Um 100 n. Chr. Gründung der Stadt Rotomagus durch die Römer.

- 841: die erste Wikingerüberfall - 911: wird zur Hauptstadt des Herzogtums Normandie, nachdem Rollo, der Anführer der Wikinger sie von Karl dem Dritten erhalten hat.

Relais des 3 Pommes, Bayeux


Page 10: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

12. Tag (2. 4.): Mont-Saint-Michel, Coutances


Mont-Saint-Michel ist eine felsige Insel im Wattenmeer. Die Insel ist berühmt für das auf ihr erbaute Benediktinerkloster (11. Jh.). Es ist eines der schönsten Beispiele für fr. mittelalterliche Architektur und eine befestigte Abtei. Der Mont-Saint-Michel kommt auch in der Arthursage vor: Hier soll ein Riese gelebt haben, den Arthur erschlug.

Coutances The name of Coutances and much of its importance is derived from Imperial Rome. Its original name was Cosedia, but in 59 BC it was changed to Constantia in honour of the Emperor Constantius Chlorus. The city suffered terribly first at the hands of the Danes and then of Northmen. After a great damage to the city in 9th century, the Bishop of Coutances and his Chapter had to fly to Rouen and the Cathedral city had to stay desolate for 160 years.


Page 11: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

13. Tag (3. 4.): Bayeux und Caen Bayeux

The Bayeux Tapestry is the epic embroidered textile detailing the Battle of Hastings. In 1070 a wall tapestry was commissioned by Bishop Odo Of Bayeux, William the Conqueror’s half-brother. Designed and manufactured in Kent the Tapestry is 230ft long and 20 inches high. The second picture shows the church in Bosham. Caen Der Name der Stadt ist altkeltisch und bedeutet soviel wie Schlachtfeld. Obwohl hier schon zur Römerzeit ein kleines Dorf existierte, machte erst Wilhelm Caen zu einer Stadt mit Bedeutung. Sie begann, sich um die trutzige Burg herum und die beiden Abteien, die er errichten ließ, auszudehnen. In den Abteien findet man noch heute die Grabsteine von Wilhelm und seiner Frau, Matilda.


Page 12: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

14. Tag (4. 4.): Rückfahrt Bayeux – Tübingen


Page 13: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Es geht los!


Page 14: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Auf dem Weg nach York . . .


Page 15: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 16: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

und weiter zum Clifford’s Tower

The Craven Heifer Inn, Skipton


Page 17: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Hadrian’s Wall und Hexham


Page 18: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 19: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 20: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 21: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Furness Abbey, Gosforth, Kirkby Stephen


Page 22: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 23: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 24: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Skipton, Worcester, Hastings


Page 25: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral



Page 26: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Waltham Abbey, Greensted, Maldon


Page 27: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 28: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Hastings Castle

Dover und Canterbury


Page 29: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 30: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral



Page 31: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Pevensey, Battle, Chaldon


Page 32: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 33: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Hastings, Dover, Calais, Rouen, Bayeux


Page 34: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 35: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral


Page 36: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Mont Saint Michel, Coutances


Page 37: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral



Page 38: Wintersemester 2005/2006 Interdisziplinäres Seminar Anglo … · 2010-04-07 · 3. Tag (24. 3.): Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Jarrow, Housesteads, Hexham Ripon The historic Ripon Cathedral

Der laaaaaaaaange Rückweg . . .